Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

God I hate her so much. I only came with her because I wanted the free tickets is it even worth it

She better not send me a facebook friend request

I'll just let the request hang there forever. I'll tell her my facebook is broken

Yeah, stuff broken is always the go-to

ooohhhh No, I didn't get you text my phone must be broken

For more infomation >> How I Get Free Tickets To Disneyland (Funny) - Duration: 0:42.


Do This For 20 Minutes Before Going to Bed, will Change Your Skin Complexion Overnight - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Do This For 20 Minutes Before Going to Bed, will Change Your Skin Complexion Overnight - Duration: 1:55.


angry - Duration: 0:07.

I know what men can do when they're angry.

For more infomation >> angry - Duration: 0:07.


👽 ▶ THE BEST VIEWS OVNIS, December 2017, REAL OVNIS CATCHED BY CAMARA 2018, Ufo 2018 - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> 👽 ▶ THE BEST VIEWS OVNIS, December 2017, REAL OVNIS CATCHED BY CAMARA 2018, Ufo 2018 - Duration: 5:20.


14 - Estocolmo - Mais Um Dia - As Viagens do Gerson - Duration: 1:58.

I just wanna say that life is so fast.

and if we won't work hard to make our dreams come true,

everybody will die frustrated.

Little by little I'm becoming swedish.

My first week in Stockholm,

and I'm using T-shirt.

Well, things are getting better.

After one week herer I can say:

Today it's hot!

It's a hot day!

Today I can go out using a T-shirt and don't feel cold.

And don't forget!!!

Subscribe at this channel!!

Like the video!

Share it!!

And activate the notifications,

at the little bell!

It's 19:05 and there's this wonderful sun!

But it doesn't mean that it's hot!

When it's close to 18:00, 19:00

temperatures starts to fall down, ever with the sun in the sky.

Do, don't come over here fantasizing a hot weatheruntil 10 PM,

because it doesn't exist.

But it's beautiful!!

My last moments in this room,

in Acco hostel,

Now I'm going to another hostel,

at downtown,

it's half of the price,

I'll stay there one day and one night,

and then,

go to another couchsurfer who will host me for two days.

For more infomation >> 14 - Estocolmo - Mais Um Dia - As Viagens do Gerson - Duration: 1:58.


Ocarina Harmony Performance of a Gentle Tree Sound ♫ No. 36 "Ninja Sasuke" Animation Song - Duration: 2:08.

Ocalina harmony playing of a gentle tree tone ♫ № 36 "Ninja Sasuke" Showa's animation song

For more infomation >> Ocarina Harmony Performance of a Gentle Tree Sound ♫ No. 36 "Ninja Sasuke" Animation Song - Duration: 2:08.


THREE IDIOTS PLAY CoD: WW II - Duration: 10:15.

Hi fellers.


For more infomation >> THREE IDIOTS PLAY CoD: WW II - Duration: 10:15.


Motivational Video: EVERYBODY FAILS (2017) - Duration: 6:14.

you're obsessed you know what you want you take a massive action maybe you

modeled somebody figure out the right action so you get there quicker and

you're executing you still need a little grace some people call it luck they

call God but I really believe that there's the part we do and then there's

the part that comes to us but I do know grace shows up a lot more when you do

the first two steps on your own and grace shows up a lot more when you

acknowledge grace in your life we acknowledge them I was born in a world

where I didn't have to build this Internet that I can pull out of my

pocket the answer anything on earth I'm driving on streets

I didn't pay if I'm reading books I didn't have to write that's the gift of

our lives and I think when we experience that grace we don't just experienced

more achievement but we start to diminish what for fun it really

determines the quality of your life because unless you live in a state of

gratitude yeah I did an interview with Sir John Templeton unless we know is one

of the first billionaire investors and just a brilliant man he came from

nothing and he dontated 750 they still do it the Templeton fund I

think it's seven or fifty million dollars a year it's bigger than a Nobel

Fund but he donates and one day asked him I said what is the secret to wealth

they love to be paused this big smile his eyes got really bright like they

always did and he said Tony it's what you teach I said well I teach a lot of

things you know it's thing he said gratitude he said because you and I

know billionaires that are miserable that's because they're not grateful for

what they have and we hope no people have no money seemingly but they're so

grateful for their health for their husbands their wife their children

they're so grateful to god they're so grateful for their life that they're rich

you know so I think I think it starts with that gratitude it starts with that

connection to grace is simplistic if that sounds and so it's not enough just

to have your financial plan you have all the money and be miserable

let's have the money and be really rich emotionally psychologically exposure

I break it down so I'm like look what makes you didn't from that person

standing beside you it's exciting insane it was like so I

give it vice as they come to me so I'm like put it on records cuz that's how

the world's gonna hear the world not gonna beat you pop appellate like are

you at a but they think it's you though that you don't sound like you but you're

the connection that gets them to where they're going is level right right right

right do you know that right right and I just tell people that I don't gotta tell

you what the levels off there's that holes Ryan you know what it is it took

us a long time to get we didn't come here overnight we had to go through

levels of agony know what did he hit me boy we had to go then people don't

realize that is he letting cut the line out is that we're not exactly what you

have to day at today's market right I know and it's crazy I'm like no you have

to crawl before you want I do is that everything you see is what I'm living

you know my wife always says if you want to achieve something you have to believe

it you need to believe it to achieve and Steve would believe something so

passionate that and it was how could I

say was educated it was educated it wasn't just this you

know just throw caution to the wind but he was educated that we could do

something and that ability to get people convinced that

this was the right way to go that was yes scary and and it's so unconventional

but this is the right thing that's what made these discoveries happen these

inventions happen because we all work together he didn't come up with all the

interviews but he pushed us all to come together with the best ideas possible

and sort and sift and put them together to make the best point and you do have

to distort reality if you want to change the reality we're living it and people

are like they're so locked into the everyday that they forget there could be

a whole nother thing that they're not seeing over here and his job was to push

him to see these other things he saw before we did and he would push us to

those those unknown areas and go yes it's scary

yes it's risky but we're gonna go out and we're gonna make it happen and that

is as much of the skill and as important to Steve as any of his other traits maybe

the most for the past 33 years I've looked in the mirror every morning and

asked myself if today were the last day of my life what I want to do what I am

about to do today and whenever the answer has been no for

too many days in a row I know I need to change something remembering that all be

dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make

the big choices in life because almost everything all external expectations all

pride all fear of embarrassment or failure these things just fall away in

the face of death leaving only what is truly important remembering that you are

going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have

something to lose you are already naked there is no reason not to follow your

heart about a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer

I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas

I didn't even know what a pancreas was the doctors told me this was almost

certainly a type of cancer that is incurable and that I should expect to

live no longer than three to six months my doctor advised me to go home and get

my affairs in order which is doctors code for prepare to die

it means to try and tell your kids everything you thought you'd have the

next 10 years to tell them in just a few months it means to make sure everything

is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your baby it means

to say your goodbyes


For more infomation >> Motivational Video: EVERYBODY FAILS (2017) - Duration: 6:14.


👑👑 [Tarraxinha] - Vany-Fox Beat'z - Cúmplices [Instrumental Beat] - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> 👑👑 [Tarraxinha] - Vany-Fox Beat'z - Cúmplices [Instrumental Beat] - Duration: 2:48.


Wrong Vehicles crash in the Mud | Toys Street Racer vs Police Cars | Funny Video For Kids - Duration: 2:45.

Hi, kids! Watch Funny Video For Kids! New video with Wrong Vehicles and police cars.

For more infomation >> Wrong Vehicles crash in the Mud | Toys Street Racer vs Police Cars | Funny Video For Kids - Duration: 2:45.


SPNSF 2017 Jared/Jensen (sub.español) - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> SPNSF 2017 Jared/Jensen (sub.español) - Duration: 5:05.


Meteor yağmurlarının kralı geliyor Geminid İkizler meteor yağmuru saat kaçta - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Meteor yağmurlarının kralı geliyor Geminid İkizler meteor yağmuru saat kaçta - Duration: 4:28.


Abraham Hicks 😃 - Cinco passos para conseguir aquilo que você quer - Duration: 15:37.

ABRAHAM: - A desire that you are not contradicting with belief feels really good at doesn't it?

But a desire that you don't believe, a desire that you doubt, not so much fun isn't it?

So the key is for you to figure out some way to believe in your own desire

And what trips you up is that sometimes if the desire has not manifested if

It's not a desire that you are accustomed to seeing turn into actualization manifestation

Then you get used to seeing it like it is. Seeing the absence of your desire

Or the presence of something that you do not want

And most do not realize that as they focus upon what is

They continue to practice the vibration of what is which makes it difficult for what is to change

When you want something different than what is but you hold what is steadily in your consciousness

Then you continue to practice the vibration of what is

So what is continues to present itself to you in different ways but the same vibrational essence

Different faces, different places but essentially the same thing continues to happen

So, the key to being a deliberate creator is to find some way to distract yourself from what is

While you focus upon what you prefer

It's like telling a new story or even telling no story

Just do not continue to tell the same story if what the story is about is not pleasing to you

Seems logical, doesn't it?

So, you live in a Universe that is vibrationally based you are - you are too.

You are pure vibration. You are vibration above all other things.

But you are vibration that has manifested into some physicality

And you've become so accustomed to the physicality that has occurred

That you forget that you are vibration

So, most of you, human blessed beings, you don't deal with your life vibrationally

Instead, you deal with it in terms of action

Actualization. Manifestation.

And that's what slows you down so much

If you could realize that you are visualizing things into being

That you are imagining things into being

If you could get your imagination into a larger part of your life experience

And your observation into a lesser part of your experience

Your experience would begin to slip more into things that you do want

We're not trying to get you to stop living what you're living

Because most of it is really nice, isn't it?

But you can be a better selective sifter than your being

You can focus yourself more deliberately

And that really is what deliberate creation is all about

It's about deliberate focus

But in order to be effective at deliberately focusing you have to understand what it is you're reaching for

And the thing that is interesting is that when we ask you to focus

We're not asking for your visual focus

We're asking for your vibrational focus

Which means we're asking you to find a way to emotionally focus

Focus yourself emotionally meaning care about how you feel

And if what you are thinking about or focused upon whether it's past, present or future

Whatever it is that has your attention

If you would remember that that focus carries with it a feeling

And if you would care about the feeling more than anything else

And you would focus your feeling focus, your feeling into what feels better

In other words, let's say something has happened and it's not the way you wanted it to happen

And someone else is involved and you feel that they are wrong in their part in this

And you focus upon what happened, and you focus upon the injustice

And you focus upon what you think they should have done differently

You've got yourself all out of focus!

And the way you know that you're out of focus is because you don't feel good.

And not feeling good is your evidence that you're out of focus

Because when you are in focus, when you are flowing with the Source that is you

When you're allowing that non-physical energy to flow to you and through you

In the clear focus that it always flows with

You feel wonderful!

In many ways you feel wonderful because you're happy!

Esther is happy.

You feel wonderful because you're clear. You feel wonderful because you have clarity.

You feel wonderful because you feel vitality. You feel wonderful because you are witty and wise.

You feel wonderful because your timing is good. You feel wonderful because you're tuned in tapped in turned on.

You feel elation. You feel exhilaration. You feel joy.

And things around you are reflecting that alignment.

That alignment, that focus, that clarity, that alignment with your source

So that's what we like to talk about

For a while we've been calling this gathering the art, because it is

You practice yourself into this artful deliberate creation

The art of allowing. Allowing what?

The art of allowing me and my physical body right here, right now

To be in vibrational sync with Source Energy perspective of same things in same moment

That's what true alignment is

You see, you're not here on your own

Out here on the ragged edge. Leading-edge, we mean leading-edge.

Out here on the leading edge

You're not here alone

You are here with all of this non-physical energy flowing with you

Flowing with you, to you and through you

Aware of everything that you are focused upon in moment

Not just knowing who you were when you were born

Not just knowing what your reason for being here is

Knowing who you are and why you're here and what you are about in this moment

What you're about in terms of your vibrational alignment or not

Your vibrational allowing or not

So, focusing.... Really, if you will think about focusing being in terms of focusing your feeling

Focusing yourself into feeling good. Finding a way to feel good

And sometimes that means don't think about that.

That's a little tricky!

"I'm not gonna think about that thing that I'm thinking about."

"I'm not gonna think about that thing anymore. I'm gonna think about that thing that I keep thinking about."

"I don't want to think about that thing."

"I'm not gonna think about that thing anymore because thinking about .."

"I don't want to think about that thing. I'm not gonna think about ."

"...this thing I can't stop thinking about this thing."

Because when you give your attention to it, Law of Attraction causes a relationship to begin between you and it

That's what Law of Attraction is all about

In other words, when you get focused upon something, you begin to reverberate the same vibration that it is

And once you begin to do that, momentum ensues

And once momentum gets going, it's time to take a nap really.

It's time to meditate.

It's time for some major distraction effort

Which usually means sleep or meditate

Sometimes you have the power to focus

Esther, we thought she was rather remarkable just now

She was having so much fun with you

She really did not want to leave

And yet because of the thousands of times that she has stood in that place

And listened and felt for us, it was easy for her to just adjust her vibration to the frequency that is us

But it takes some practice to be able to distract yourself from whatever's going on in that way, doesn't it?

It takes some practice and that's what this gathering is all about

So, you were Source energy before you came into this physical body

And most of you still is Source Energy

And you in this physical body have a relationship

We want you to know that, we want you to feel it, we want you to sense it, we want you to tend

To the relationship between you in this physical body and the Source who is really you

The source who is you, present with you, aware of you and thinking about what you're thinking about

So, when Source thinks about what you're thinking about and you feel negative emotion about it

That means you're thinking about it in an opposing way to the way source is thinking about it

Source is looking for the advantage. Source is seen the well-being

Source is knowing the value of the contrast that you're living

But when you are pushing against the contrast, then you are not in vibrational sync with who you really are.

So, the creative process is really three simple steps that have morphed to four and now to five

We'll talk about all of them.

But it basically says that life will cause you to ask for more continually

And when you are in that phase where you are aware that something that you want is missing

So you're asking for the improvement in your life by wanting this amendment to your desires

That's what we are calling step one

And when you were in step one that's usually when you're seeing a problem

Is usually when you are seeing contrast

Is usually when you're asking a strong question to which you do not know the answer

That's step one. Step one is an important step but step one will trip you up

Because it's easy for you to take your humaneness, your actualness, your actionness

And give your all to step one

You're looking around

"I don't like that. I don't like that. And these are the reasons that I don't like this."

"I don't like it. I want it to be like that but I don't like this."

That's what step one is like

Step two is Sources answering what you want

Now if you're in step one, strongly in step one, asking, asking, asking, asking, asking for the improvement

Asking, asking, asking, focused on the problem. Focused on the question

Then your remaining in step one, even though step two has already taken place

And what you have asked for has already come to be in a vibrational reality

That we've been referring to as your vortex, it's a vibrational reality

(We wrote a whole book about it)

A vibrational reality where everything that you're asking for is already resolved and gathered

And completed and done vibrationally

But then you say, you're wise, you're smartely do

You're wise, you say: "alright, Abraham. I'll play your silly game."

"I've asked the question and I accept that it has been answered..."

"But how do I get my money out of the vortex and into the bank?"

"How do I get my lover to come home with me now?"

In other words, it's very fine just vibrational reality that you have conjured

Cooked up or maybe even imagined, Abraham!

"But I want the reality! I'm not asking for the vibrational version."

"I'm asking for the real life: see it, smell it, hear it, taste it, touch it, look at space version."

"I want the reality of it. I want it to manifest for me."

And we say: "that's step three". That's where you are so aware that step two has taken place

And you are proud of yourself for living step one and asking with such clarity

That now you are in a place of relaxed expectation. You're in the receptive mode

You're in the mode where you are not tense and not worried

You're not struggling. You're not justifying and defending. You're not saying: "I need it!"

You're not yearning for it you've asked and you accept that it's given

And while you cannot see it yet, you know that it is coming

Step 3 is an attitude of faith, it's an attitude of expectation, it's an attitude of "I know I'll know it when I see it!"

It's an attitude of I" know it's coming!" It's really a pleasant place to be

And it really is the place that you will reside most often because

Life will never cause you to stop asking and because you're going to continue to ask

You're gonna continue to be in that place where you've asked for more than has manifest

So, it is very good for you to get comfortable being in that mode

Of having asked for something that has not fully manifested

Because that's the way life will eternally be for you

We love you so much, deal with it!

[audience laughs]

When you get to that place where you just know that it's coming

And you don't have to know all of the details

You'll let the Universe yield it to you a little bit at a time

You'll allow yourself to be in the receptive mode where you're receiving, receiving, receiving, receiving, receiving

Life is so rich and delicious when you're living like that

Because there is something new for you coming into your awareness

moment by moment by moment

The receptive mode, that step 3 receiving mode, that allowing mode

That is the feeling of most blessedness

When you get into that mode, you can just feel the Universe wrapping arms around you

And providing avenues for each and every detail that is important to you to be fulfilled

It is such a delicious state of being.

Step four is: you're so accustomed to hanging around in that step 3 mode that you've mastered it

You're no longer upset with contrast

Contrast doesn't upset you anymore. You know how to manage your vibration

Step four is really managing your vibration. It's living in this world of steps

Understanding that all of the steps are necessary

And feeling happy. It's mastering. It's the mastery of the creative process.

Now we're talking about step five.

Step five is where you not only accept contrast as important to the equation

But you revel in the contrasting experience that causes you to focus

And now you've come full circle. Now you are on top of life. Now nothing bothers you because you know it's all for you

Nothing bothers you because you know you've attracted every bit of it

Nothing bothers you because you know it's the clarity that you've been seeking

Nothing bothers you because you know you have mastery of your own ability to focus

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