Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

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For more infomation >> Skin Whitening Formula Day & Night Cream|Get Younger Looking, Fair & Glowing Skin By Rani G - Duration: 7:00.


How to hack the game "Diamond Digger Saga" - Duration: 1:31.

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For more infomation >> How to hack the game "Diamond Digger Saga" - Duration: 1:31.


Details Revealed: John Mccain Tried To Sabotage Trump With Fake Dossier! - Duration: 3:40.

Details Revealed: John Mccain Tried To Sabotage Trump With Fake Dossier!

It's no secret that Sen. John McCain is not a fan of President Trump.

McCain has frequently been opposed to the President's agenda, voting against most

of the legislation backed or proposed by the White House.

It would appear that the animus McCain holds against President Trump is deeper than anyone


On Monday Sir Andrew Wood, who claims to have been the "go-between" last year, informing

Sen. McCain of the controversial 'Trump Dossier' described the circumstances that

helped coordinate its release to the FBI, the media, and Capitol Hill.

The information provided by Sir Andrew Wood sheds light on the role McCain and his aide

played with regard to the Trump Dossier.

Unclean Hands

Sir Andrew Wood is reportedly good friends with former British spy Christopher Steele,

the author of the Trump dossier.

Wood claimed that Steele approached him in August of 2016 and informed him about the


[Steele] came to me to tell me what was in it, and why it … was important.

He made it very clear … yes, it was raw intelligence, but it needed putting into proper

context before you could judge it fully.

Just after the 2016 presidential election, Wood and McCain spoke at the same security

conference in Canada.

It was there that Wood was approached once again by Steele and asked if he would approach

the senior Republican, McCain.

Wood agreed and elaborated on his assistance to Steele: "My mission was essentially to

be a go-between and a messenger, to tell the senator and assistants that such a dossier


Wood insisted that he never read the unverified dossier that was composed by his good friend

and colleague, Christopher Steele.

According to Wood, Steele informed him that in August of 2016, he had "already been

in contact with the FBI."

Wood continued: "He [Steele] said there was corroborating evidence in the United States,

from which I assumed he was working with an American company."

It was at the security conference that McCain Institute for International Leadership staffer

David J. Kramer was told by the senator directly to get a personal briefing from Steele in

Surrey, an English town near London, regarding the dossier and return to Washington D.C.

At that time, Fusion GPS would then provided Senator McCain with hard copies of the dossier

against the president.

In January, Sen. McCain handed over the dossier composed by Christopher Steele to the FBI.

Unbeknownst to McCain, the FBI had already obtained a hard copy from Steele.

Senator McCain has commented on his involvement regarding the dossier:

Late last year, I received sensitive information that has since been made public.

Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I

delivered the information to the Director of the FBI.

That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding

this issue.

Government Corruption?

The month of August in 2016 is a critical period in the dossier timeline.

To recap, during that month, the FBI ramped up the Russia probe and former-FBI director

James Comey had made the recommendation against prosecuting Hillary Clinton.

According to the New York Times, before the election, the FBI had reached an agreement

to pay Steele to continue his research, though the plan was scrapped once the dossier became


Fusion GPS was hired by the Clinton campaign and the DNC through their law firm, Perkins

Coie, to compile opposition research on Trump.

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Details Revealed: John Mccain Tried To Sabotage Trump With Fake Dossier! - Duration: 3:40.


OMG Blind?!? Vlogmas Christmas Birthday Party Story - Duration: 4:59.

Vlogmas Christmas Birthday Party Recap and Story

For more infomation >> OMG Blind?!? Vlogmas Christmas Birthday Party Story - Duration: 4:59.


Boulet Brothers DRAGULA Season Two: Episode Seven - Duration: 42:53.

(spooky music)

(spooky music, hooting, howling)

- [Narrator] Previously, on Dragula.

- You've gotten lucky.

I think you've gotten lucky that you're still here.

You're not gonna win Dragula.

- We've challenged our killer queens

to prepare a lipsynch performance.

(hard rock music)

This has been the most difficult deliberation to date.

Abhora, you are the winner of our gothic wedding challenge,

but you are also up for extermination tonight.

- We're going to rip off your heels

and submerge you in tubs of ice.





(spooky music)


(spooky music)

- (eerie, deep voice) It's all going exactly as planned.

- (eerie, deep voice) Our four horsewomen remain,

and just in time for the apocalypse.

- (eerie, deep voice) Although,

in the end, there can only be three.

- (eerie, deep voice) Are you ready, darling?

- (eerie, deep voice) Let's finish this.

(dramatic music)

- [Voiceover] Drag. Filth. Horror. Glamour.

(energetic pop music)

- [Voiceover] Dragula. She's a killer queen.

Dragula. She'll make you scream.

Drag, drag, drag, drag, Dragula.

- [Narrator] The winner of Dragula receives a cash prize

of $10,000 courtesy of, and the title

of Dragula, the world's next Drag Supermonster.

- [Voiceover] Drag, drag, drag, drag, Dragula.


(foreboding music)

- Do you believe you're here right now?

- (sighing) Girl, this has been an intense competition.

- It has been the most crazy thing I could imagine.

- Craziest, but still the best thing in my life.

- Oh, totally.

- Oh my god.

- My best experience. I wouldn't give it back for anything.

(sinister music)

- It's so weird how one person not being in the room

makes this feel so much more elevated.

(sinister music)

- Oh god.

- Fucking surreal.

- It is surreal. It's amazing.

- Good morning, uglies!


Israel, get them some coffee. Chop chop.

- If you're waiting for Disasterina,

you're gonna be waiting a long time, because she's dead.

- Oh! (laughing)

- This place is a fucking dump.

You bitches have really trashed this.

- (laughing)

- No one is getting their security deposit back,

I'm sorry to say.

- Well, enough about that.

Listen, we have some exciting news for you all.


We're going on a little field trip.

- [Drag Queens] Oh!

- That's right. We're all going to Wasteland Weekend.

(applause, cheering)

- Yes!

- If you don't know what it is,

it's a giant festival in the middle of the desert.

It's all post-apocalypse.

It's a little dangerous, it's a lot

of fun, and it's very hot.

I want you to picture a couple

of thousand people rolling around

in giant tanks, there's flamethrowers and turret guns.

It's very Mad Max.

It's about heavy metal, big guns, loud music, spikes.

There's no cops. It's perfect.

- Ooh, bitch.

- It's time for us to decide our final three (mumbles).

You're gonna have to come up

with your most creative, epic post-apocalyptic look.

Then you guys are gonna get together and come up

with a group show that you're gonna

perform live on the Wasteland stage.

- What the--

- Oh my god!

- So we've told you our next Drag Supermonster

needs to be able to entertain a crowd.

And this is gonna be a tough one.

It's a tough group of people, it's a tough location.

You need to figure out how to make them love you.

- Abhora, that means no more

falling onstage or fucking up your prop.

- (laughing)

- And Miss Victoria, no more snooze fest from you.

You're a lot better than that.

- Thank you.

- Biqtch, you're gonna have to try

a little harder than that.

- And James, that little fucked-up attitude has gotten you

about as far as it's going to in this competition.

- (laughing)

- You're a trigger-happy alcoholic.

That's what I said, bitch.

You gotta pop a Xanax every 10 fucking minutes, okay!

- Okay.

- We want to see T-A-L-E-N-T, talent.

- Listen girls, this is it.

This is the last challenge that decides

which of the four of you is gonna go on and compete

for the title and the crown of Dragula.

Everything that you've worked for all season, the pain,

the struggle, all the bullshit, it all culminates to this.

And honestly, it's anybody's game.

- So you guys work on your outfits, get packed, get ready.

We're gonna send some cars to pick you up,

and they're gonna take you out

to the desert and drop you off.

- We wanna wish you all bad luck. Get to packing.

(applause, cheering)

- Bye!

- Luck, ladies!

- Congratulations, ladies.

- Well, cheers, bitches.

- [All] Cheers!

- Top four, motherfuckers.

- No turning back! (laughing)


(heavy metal music)

- (laughter)

- When the Boulets said we were going

to Wasteland, I was fucking floored.

- Right? So freaky.

- They're gonna put us through it.

- I know. It's gonna be intense, girl.

- There's no police, no laws.

It's gonna be fucking dangerous.

- People walking around with guns, flamethrowers.

- I'm excited for the danger part. Like, I could get hurt.

- Yeah, I've always wanted to blow a guy in a tank.

- You will get hurt, I promise.

- I'll stay away from you.


- Today is Wasteland Weekend.

I feel like the brothers have finally

put us through the test.

This is gonna be the make or break it challenge.

This is the danger, this is the pain

that they're putting on us.

This is the challenge that proves

that you're meant to be in top three or not.

It's a big deal. It's a really big deal.

- I don't know what Wasteland Weekend is,

but from what the Boulets said, it's like Mad Max

on steroids, cause it's real life

and not like TV, so I'm kind of excited.

I'm really excited for Wasteland Weekend, honestly.

It's gonna be fucking awesome.

- It could be rough, or could be kind

of a cool experience, if we own our look

and just be like, "Yeah, we're fucking here."

They can respect that.

- They're probably gonna fucking live, just--

- They're gonna love what we're doing.

- We're not there to trash the party,

we're there to raise hell.

- Crash the party.

- Trash the party!


- We're gonna crash the party. It's gonna be a blast.

Even if they hate us, we'll make them love us.

- Whatever. I'm into it.

- I am not worried at all that we're gonna

be in drag at a straight event.

I introduce drag into my straight workplaces,

into straight culture all the time,

and if you just put your foot down and say,

"This is who I am," and you're cool, then they'll be cool.

- Victoria does really well in punk settings,

so she's gonna kill it.

It's gonna be a good time.

I'm gonna really flourish in the middle

of all these weirdos.

- Damn, you guys. Disasterina went home.

- Yeah.

- I cannot believe that.

- She was so talented.

It sucks that Disasterina's gone.

I loved her. We had a really good connection.

We became really good friends in the last few weeks, too.

I really bonded with her.

But you gotta have the excitement and the energy.

When we were in those ice buckets,

she was over it, and you could tell her time was done.

I mean, you have to expect somebody to go home.

- Right.

- I thought it was gonna be you, but--

- I thought it was gonna be you, too, but--

- And then you win, and were in the bottom, so--

- Oh!

- That was crazy shit.

So the whole week, I was like,

"I have to win this in order to stay in the game."

"I have to win it."

And then they're like, "You won."

- And then they're like, "But you suck."

- "But you also lose."


I was like, "I can't even be safe when I win?" (laughter)

- I can't imagine what extermination is gonna be for us.

- (laughter)

- I'm sure it'll be very hot.

- Fucking crazy.

- It has to be.

- It'll be fun. I can't wait.

- (laughter)

- But I'm excited to see what they have for us today.

They always put us through crazy shit,

so I'm sure there's gonna be some plot twist or something.

- I think everyone's finally come to the conclusion

that this is the end, and we're all rooting

for each other at this point, and we're just wanting

everything to look as best as it can.

So I don't think there's any more drama, really.

It's really, at this point,

just getting to that finish line.

- Last week, I laid it out to Abhora in the boudoir,

and she's really been receiving it.

She's come full circle, I feel like. She's here to win now.

(techno music)

- And I love it! I mean, I do drag to start shit.

If I wanted to play safe and have fun,

I'd be a lawyer or something, where it's you follow

the rule book and do what you have to.

But drag, for me, is changing a social thing.

It's changing social structures

of the world, the way that we live.

And we're told to live a certain way,

and base our lives on this structure of,

you go to school, you get a job,

you get married, you live out that job,

you retire, and that's the "American dream."

But where's the actual dream in that?

It's just a balance.

- And it's going away. People are having to hustle now.

It's time for people to get

more creative, and figure out ways--

- Other ways.

- To help each other make a new commerce.

- If you wanna be big, if you wanna do big things,

you gotta put out, and you have to sacrifice a lot.

You have to give up a lot.

It's all about the power of one, the power

of the law of attraction, how you feel about who you are,

and what you wanna do, and what you wanna accomplish.

If you believe it, if you can

conceive it, you can achieve it.

- Don't let anyone tell you that you can't

fucking do it, cause it's not true, ever.

Cause they're just, more than likely, not as smart as you.

- And they don't believe in themselves.

- You gotta hustle. You gotta make your own opportunities.

You have to. It's that kind of industry.

No one's gonna hand it to you.

If someone likes you, that's great,

but they're not gonna give you a job.

- You have to take risks to make big imprints on the world.

- Yeah.

- Yeah. You have to. I mean, absolutely have to.

It's drag. It's your own self expression.

When Biqtch is on stage, it's 100% this creature

that comes out in me is just like, "Fuck you, fuck you."

It's just that whole middle finger mentality

you have to have in order to be good.

- I'm all about, fuck society.

That's my biggest thing, is fuck society,

fuck society's standards that were put on us.

And I think you really wrote into that so well.

Your character, you're that.

- You have taken so many punches, and still standing here.

- It's crazy how people's reputations

can get totally misconstrued here.

Like with Biqtch, you the first week girl.

We really came for you because of reasons

that were really not fair, and it was bullshit.

And I'm really happy that we actually are friends now.

- I love you so much.

- I could not be a part of Dragula without you being here.

- I'm happy to be your friend, too--

- (growly) Shut up.

- And speaking of friends, even though

you're a little shit most of the time,

and you do leech a little bit from all of us,

a little bit, I've realized this past few weeks,

while we've been working on our outfits

and getting ready for this challenge,

we've come together as a sisterhood.

And even though you're petty, and you're attacky,

and your makeup's always fucking horrible--

- Put it on a T-shirt.

- She's less petty than when she started.

- I'm gonna put it on a T-shirt.

You're much less than you originally were. Vicky was right.

You've come full circle, and I'm really proud

to call you my Dragula family.

- I'm really proud of everyone

I'm in the car with right now.

- Please don't touch me. (laughter) I'm kidding!

- Wish granted.

But no, we're gonna storm into this place,

and we're gonna fucking take their heads off.

I'm really glad that I've made it this far.

I can't hope to make it to top three,

but I'm just gonna make the most out of this trip.

I did everything that I could this week,

so whatever happens, happens.

But it could be me going home.

I don't know, I just feel totally separated

from the other girls, and I don't think I can fix it.

Honestly, it would be between...

(sighing) It would be between Victoria and James.

Biqtch has surprised me a lot, but I think

that we all have limitations, and I'm finding mine out.

I don't know what my limit is, so I'm pushing to it.

(hard rock music)


- This is so fucking fun.

- Whoo! Yes! You guys look sick!

(hard rock music)

- How you doing? I was told to come talk to you.

They told me to come do some ass contest.

I wanna suck a dick. I would love to suck a dick here.

A nice, dirty, sweaty, dirty dick.

Everyone wants to fuck me here, what's up with that?


- You got the goods.

- I guess I am (mumbles) delish.


Let's do it, come on.

Yes! This is bomb.


(hard rock music)


This is fucking crazy!


- Did you see Monikkie back there?


(hard rock music)

- Look at that warrior queen! Look!

That's a fucking harpoon. That shit killed Jaws.

- Can we just keep her in there, please?

- (growling)

- Okay, girl.

(hard rock music)


- Let's fucking go!

(hard rock music)

- Oh my god, you guys, this is so cool.

- Fucking intense.

- There's so much awesome shit here. All the cars...

Have you seen these?

- That guy was driving with his feet the other way.

- It would take days to see everything here.

- I really wish we could've gotten

the full experience, but it's just so inspiring.

- We'll come back for this, for sure. Oh my god.

- Oh, look.

- There she is!

- Hey.

- Hey, where are we going?

(hard rock music)

- I think he wants us to follow him.

- You don't need to say anything else, I'll follow you.

- (mumbles) the house down.

- Right? He has such a warm heart.

- And tush.

- Mm.

- Keep looking at things, guys.

It's so cool to be here.

- It's fucking awesome to be here, but I'm over this wind.

- Yeah, it's fucking everything up right now.

- It's so cool here. The people are amazing.

- Everyone's so nice, even though they look crazy and scary.

Honestly, they're just here to have

a good time and enjoy themselves.

- Yeah, everyone here wants to fuck. I'm down.

- I felt like I was part of a tribe, you know?

- I know, right?

- This is!

- Dragula is a tribe.

- No one else has been through

what we have been through right now.

What we're doing, season one did,

but not with us, not in the way that we're doing it.

It's a whole new world.

- And nobody in the competition has been through

as much as us, cause everyone's been exterminated.

We've made it past.

- (laughter) We've had to kill all of our sisters!

- It had to be done.

- I'm really sad that Disasterina's gone.

- It was Disasterina's time.

She's just such good competition.

I'm really glad she's gone.

- I miss Erika the most.

- I obviously miss my best friend Dahli,

cause we always hung out.

- Best friends.

- Erika had the best energy.

She always brought the party with her.

Even in a bad mood, she was like, "Stick to our senses.

"We got this, we can do this."

I'm like, "Girl, yes." She embraced Dragula really well.

- Yeah, she was something.

- But on the other side of that, Abhora,

you've been really negative a lot in this competition,

and I think last week we finally got it to you.

We got in your head, and you finally listened to us.

I saw you come around this week.

I feel like you're really coming to.

- I hope we weren't too mean to you,

but we were really saying it

from the heart of what we actually felt.

Cause we have the better interest for you.

I'm so happy that we have all become sisters.

It has been such an incredible ride.

- We weren't trying to be assholes.

It came off really (snapping), but it's cause we love you.

- I was just worried that you guys didn't,

and you were finally done with me.

- No.

- No, honey--

- We just saw you were taking a turn that was not right.

We knew that it was not you,

and we just wanted to guide you away from that.

- Remember, I told you I didn't think, until last week,

you were yourself at all in this competition, yet.

You didn't have time to be you, and last week

you finally got that opportunity, and you fucking won it!

Good job! I should have, but you did. Good job!


She could've, too, and (mumbles)

but you still got it somehow!

- Somehow.

- I felt pretty alone, even though I did push myself

further than I thought I could go,

and I was really trying to win just so I could be safe.

It didn't work out that way.

I won, and then I was on the chopping block anyway. It was--

- Crazy shit, right there.

- Yeah, that was the twist of all twists.

I did not expect that.

That's insane, for them to be like, "You won! And also--"

- "And you're in the bottom!"

- "And you're in the bottom."

- This is new.

- No other game is like that.


- Oh my god, I just got--

I washed my face and everything,

and then, full coat of dirt again.

- Don't moisturize your face.

- Don't you ever tell me not to moisturize my face!

- It's just gonna stick.

These are definitely the craziest conditions

I've ever gotten ready in.

- I love this, though! It's such a fun challenge, but crazy.

Who ever would have thought we'd be getting ready

in the middle of a desert?

What are you most nervous for today?

- My hair.

- Your hair? Your hair is sick. I'm excited to--

- It's so windy, though!

- Girl, that's why you need a nice little glue-on.


- I know. I should've done that.

That, and a little bit of the performance,

just because of the past critiques

I've had, of not being alive enough.

- Yeah.

- So I can't stop thinking about that.

- Well, don't get in your head about it.

- No, no, no.

I'm just really trying to break it down

in my head, what I wanna do.

- Well, I'm glad you're here, because in the car...

I don't know.

I knew you were scared about the bride challenge,

but I knew that you would be good at it, cause you can sew.

- My sewing came in only a little handy. I think--

- It was weird, cause that challenge was so much

about look, but also about the performance.

- I really focused all of my energy on that performance.

I felt like that's what they

were lacking seeing from me, and--

- Well, you showed them.

- I was really happy with that.

- I'm really excited about this concept we came up with

for our performance, of the four horsemen.

I think it's gonna be really good.

- It totally fits this fucking vibe.

- Yeah, yeah. People are gonna eat it up, I think.

And it fits with all of our characters, each one we did.

I'm Death.

- I'm War.


- And then, Pestilence.

- And I'm Famine, cause I'm so skinny.

- It's perfect.


- We preemptively tried to think like the Boulets

and came up with the four horsewomen of the apocalypse.

- So we're doing the four horsemen

of the apocalypse, and I'm Death.

Imagine that. The dead queen of the season.

- I chose to be War, because I felt like

I'd like to be a little more aggressive.

I've been really safe and quiet so far in this competition,

and I wanted to show them my fierce, wild monstrosity.

- I can take on any crowd, so bring them on, bitch.

- When I think of Famine, I think

of rotting crops and dying children,

so combining them in one cannonball is perfect.

- I'm so excited.

- I hope they really appreciate it.

- Yeah, I hope they enjoy it.

- We worked hard on this.

- I hope they don't see it as a waste of our time.

- A waste of land. Get it? Get it? Wasteland?

- You're funny.

- (laughter)

I'm so stupid.

- Wow.

- That's my humor for you.

- That's when I stop you, right there.

- I'm gonna call my attorney.

- What are you guys most nervous for today?

- I think they're gonna put us all up for extermination.

- For sure!

- No shit, of course.

- They haven't done it yet.

- It's top four!

- I mean, episode two was cute, with the fucking paintballs,

but I feel shit's about to hit the fan.

- That was a game!

- We're all gonna fucking do something hot, I'm sure.

Something to do with fire, coals, getting burned.

- Something torturous, cause it's--

- Walking on something hot. Complimenting Monikkie.

- (laughter)

Oh, bitch!

- Sorry.

- I need healing after that one.

- Savage. I think Dragula is a really positive thing.


- What it has in store for the kids

just coming into being drag queens,

or being into drag queens in general,

they're gonna fucking shit themselves.

Just bringing out the weirder side of kids, instead of...

- Like, you don't have to have a sequin dress to be a queen.

- Exactly.

- You don't have to wear a Beyonce outfit

just to be a drag queen.

- Or a simple black dress with a fucking lace--

- You wanna go? No, I'm kidding.


- Bring it, bitch!


- Hey, I wore a simple black dress

because I knew I'd have kicked your ass later

to bring out my good stuff, okay?

- Honey.

- I expect to be the bitch, cause I'm a very--

- You might be a bitch, but you're not the bitch.

- No, I'm not--

Trust me, I'm not Biqtch, but I'm gonna be the bitch.

I know I'm gonna be that girl this season,

and that's only because I'm so...

I have no boundaries. I don't have any limits.

I will confront things like that.

It's all for fun. It's all a joke.

My character is a cunt, but I'm really nice.

- I know you're a cunt, but do you ever worry about actually

hurting people's feelings when you go at them?

- Yeah, like somebody might take you

seriously when you say stuff.

- You know what? They do, they should let me know.

I'm not limiting or silencing my art, what I do,

to not hurt someone else's feelings.

But I'll never intentionally hurt

someone's feelings with my art.

- A lot of times, you won't get the chance for somebody

to say, "Oh, well, that hurt my feelings."

- I don't know. You're going too deep, girl. We don't know.

Shit, I'm offensive all the time. That's what I do.

I'm not trying to save people's feelings anymore.

- Okay.

- Because of the girls here, I feel

like I've been very humbled in this competition.

I came into this thing wanting to be a hardcore bitch,

be a cunt all the way to the top.

But they hit me at the knees.

They brought me down to a level

where I feel really comfortable to be vulnerable now.

I feel like this is my family.

If I hurt someone's feelings, I'm sorry, and I'll apologize,

and we'll talk about it, and I'll move on.

But it's never an intentional thing,

and it's never going to be an intentional thing.

- I've just never been a confrontational person.

- You've never been a confrontational person?

You took that moment from me!

- Dragula awokened a part of me

that I didn't know was there.

- I didn't know it was there, and I got

a rude-ass awakening that first day.

- Honey.

- Honey.

- This is really frustrating, cause nothing's going on

the way it's supposed to right now,

so if I get bitchy, I'm sorry guys.

It's not on purpose. These brows are fucked.

- (gasping) Hi! What's up?

- Always so quiet.

(industrial music)

(dramatic music)


- All right, shut up, shut up.


Welcome to Wasteland Weekend, uglies.


We've brought you to this hellish location

to test you to your core, and find out which one of you

is going to move on and compete

as the final three in the Dragula grand finale.

- (clapping)

- Do you smell that, ladies?

Breathe it in, cause it smells like carnage

and cadavers and death here, and soon,

you're gonna find out exactly why.

Because this entire festival celebrates

what life would be like after the end of the world,

and there's only a few poor unfortunate souls

scuttling around, trying to survive.


- It's a celebration of death, guns, metal, and fire,

so I thought you guys might like it.

- If you're going to be crowned the next Drag Supermonster,

you guys are going to be doing photo shoots

in much shittier places than this, and you have

to be able to rise to the occasion.

So for the first segment of your challenge,

we've arranged a photo shoot in a really

red-hot spot out in the desert.

In fact, it's gonna reach close to 100 degrees out there.

So while you're modeling for the cameraman,

your challenge is to try to keep your cool,

and deliver the hottest photo of the day.

And whoever does, scores the highest

for that portion of the challenge.

- So as we told you earlier, the second part

of your challenge is the main event.

You're gonna be performing live

on the Wasteland Weekend stage.

So we asked you to put together a group number,

so you need to bring it 100%.

And this crowd is really rough,

so they're very hard to impress.

If you guys become our next Drag Supermonster,

you're gonna be performing everywhere,

for all sorts of people, in all sorts of weird situations,

so you need to be able to kill it and adapt,

no matter what kind of stage we put you on.

- We'll consider how well you do

in your main stage floorshow performance

here at Wasteland Weekend, as well

as your best photo from the afternoon,

to determine who scored the highest for the day.

And we won't be judging you alone.

In fact, we have the perfect judge, even way out here,

who has seen everything you guys have done all season long.

She's literally been in the background

watching every challenge you guys have faced,

and seeing how well you've been doing in the competition.

- She's the only person we feel is truly qualified

to help us choose the top three this season,

because she is already the world's first Drag Supermonster.


Please welcome your queen, Vander Von Odd.

(applause, cheering)

(dramatic music)

- Oh my god! Vander is our judge this week.

I'm so excited to see that ghoul,

and I'm curious what she thinks of us.

- When I saw Vander arrive as our guest judge, I died.

It's the queen of queens of monsters right now.

How insane is this?

- All right, bitches, your challenges

have been issued, and now it's do or die time.

You'll be moving onto your photo shoot very shortly,

and then we're moving right onto the main stage.

You have an hour or two, so you can do whatever you want.

But do be careful, because if you take

a wrong turn out there, you might just

end up one of these bikers' bitches.


(foreboding music)

(dramatic music)


(foreboding music)

- [Boulet Brothers] Well, well, well.

- James went ballistic.

- What the literal fuck?

(foreboding music)


- I don't know who's going home.

(foreboding music)

- You can't really get through Dragula

without throwing at least one punch, right?


For more infomation >> Boulet Brothers DRAGULA Season Two: Episode Seven - Duration: 42:53.


10 Gifts for Mountain Bikers! - Duration: 7:15.

I think it was my dad who once told me that the worst gift you could get a violinist,

is something violin related.

And he's right.

Try to buy a gift for a hobbyist of any activity and you're bound to get it wrong.

This includes mountain bikers, who could be engaging in cross country, trail, downhill,

fat biking, or a whole host of other disciplines, each with their own respective gear.

It sound intimidating, but I'm going to make it easy for you today.

Here are 10 great gifts, and how to get them right without knowing anything about mountain


Let's start with the f15 multitool from Crankbrothers.

At around $40 this is not a cheap multi tool, and that's exactly what makes it such a

great gift.

The quality is tops, and it has more features than almost anything else out there.

The cover has a bottle opener on it, and can also be used for leverage to crack pedals


The f15 also includes a chain tool with built in spoke wrenches.

It's attractive, useful, and actually very safe since the cover prevents tools from sticking

out in your pocket or bag.

The f15 would make a great gift for virtually any mountain biker.

And why stop with the f15?

Get a pair of mountain biking socks, and your gift wrap is taken care of as well.

Mountain biking socks, or any cycling socks are great gifts.

Not only can you put something else inside them, they're also important to have a lot


We ruin these socks on a daily basis, through creek crossings, pedal strikes, and other


I find that you can't go wrong with a brand called Sock Guy, so I've linked to a bunch

of really fun options that will work for literally ANY mountain biker.

Recently, strapless gloves have become all the rage.

These are ridiculously comfortable and just pull on without any velcro or fasteners.

They're great gifts, and I recommend you get them from Tasco, or Handup.

Some riders prefer Tasco because of their sturdier feel and cleaner design.

They're also available in "double digit" packs with socks.

Tasco is out of Cali, so I saw a lot of riders wearing them out West.

Here on the East Coast, Handup is almost ubiquitous.

They all have crazy designs, and when you put your "Hands Up" they spell out messages.

I'll leave some notes in the video description to help you choose the right glove for that

special mountain biker.

This next gift may be a bit confusing to a non rider, but trust me: The tubeless tackle

box from Genuine Innovations is a great gift for any serious mountain biker.

The Tackle box comes with a valve wrench built into the bottom.

Inside are spare valve cores and bacon strips which are used to plug holes in mountain bike


The cap is an applicator for these bacon strips.

What I like most about the tubeless tackle box is that it resembles a miniature version

of a car tire repair kit, making it familiar and easy to use.

This kit can be a life saver out on the trails, but it's not a good gift for a beginner

since it only works on tubeless tires.

After repairing your tire you need to re-inflate it.

CO2 is good—when you have it, but most mountain bikers I know carry a hand pump.

Hand pumps are absolutely torturous to use which is why a good pump is such a great gift.

This Crankbrothers Klic HV Gauge is what I use, since it works fast, has a removable

tube to relieve stress on the valve, and a pressure gauge which is a rarity in portable


The tube even stows away to make it compact—something a mountain biker will appreciate.

Since the tube attaches with a magnetic "click", it's easy to get up and running.

The next few gifts are for action cameras.

Anyone posting videos of themselves mountain biking is using an action camera to capture


An inexpensive gift they will love are these aluminum thumbscrews.

Almost every action camera comes with these cheapo plastic screws which are difficult

to tighten down securely.

These aluminum ones not only look and feel better, but they're also way easier to tighten


I linked to a multicolor pack that you can get on Amazon Prime.

Anyone who likes to film themselves out on the trails may want to switch things up with

a third person shot.

For that, they'll need a compact tripod.

These two are really good quality.

This bendy tripod can adapt to any surface, and even be wrapped around something to get

the shot.

But my personal favorite tripod is this very simple one from Manfrotto.

It works great as a handle, has a locking head, comes with a smartphone adapter, and

feels really refined.

Both of these are lightweight and easy to carry around, which makes them fantastic tools

for use on the trails.

But mountain bikers aren't the only ones on the trails, they often bring a trail dog.

Although my trail dog only rides park, he loves his camera harness.

It adjusts to fit most dogs comfortably, and works with any action camera.

This harness provides a hilarious perspective, and has two mounting options for either their

chest or back.

This is a great gift, and it doesn't cost much.

If your mountain biker friend is a fan of my channel, they may have seen my video on

building a workshop.

In fact, they may have even expressed interest in building one and never seem to get around

to it.

Well, you can actually buy them a workshop.

Just go to a home supply store and get a bench vice.

This is a key component to any workshop.

Gift wrap the vice, and attach a gift card for $150.

This will more than pay for the lumber and the pegboard.

If you're handy, you can even offer to help them build it.

I linked to my video below which has plenty of other goodies you can use to increase that

gift card amount.

In fact, I have the perfect gift for doing just that—a repair stand.

Anyone who works on their own bike should have a repair stand, and it's really easy

to see whether someone already does because it'll be standing their in the middle of

their garage.

This is how professional bike mechanics work on bikes, and for good reason.

It keeps the bike off the ground where you can pedal it, operate all the parts, and stand

upright while working on it.

The vast majority of bike shops use Park Tool, which makes a Park stand recognizable and

a great gift.

It'll make them feel like a real bike mechanic.

So that's it.

10 gifts for mountain bikers.

Of course every mountain biker is in the market for pedals or a new set of handlebars, but

those are the types of gifts that are easy to get wrong.

So, don't forget about Amazon and Visa gift cards which can just be placed inside of a

cycling sock.

You can't go wrong with that.

Also, peer into the comments below.

I have an audience of half a million mountain bikers that will be happy to give you advice

on what to buy them.

Check the description for more info on everything in this video.

Thanks for riding with me today and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> 10 Gifts for Mountain Bikers! - Duration: 7:15.


BREAKING News From The CIA – President Trump Is In Serious Danger - Duration: 10:42.

BREAKING News From The CIA – President Trump Is In Serious Danger.

A CIA ex-spy chief who has spoken out publicly against Trump, while at the same time inspiring

other career intelligence hacks to do the same, has now actually admitted his leading

role within the American intelligence community to wage political war against our president.

During a candid interview, the CIA's Michael Morell who was Deputy Director and former

Acting Director of the world's most powerful intelligence agency said that it wasn't

a great idea to leak against and bash a new president.

You think?

Morell was Former President George W. Bush's personal daily briefer for the agency before

and after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

And he later went on to serve under Barack Hussein Obama until his recent retirement

from the agency.

But during the Summer of 2016, he took the step intelligence officers usually avoid.

He openly endorsed Crooked Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in a Carlos Slim owned New

York Times op-ed piece.

The endorsement read as follows, "I Ran the C.I.A.

Now I'm Endorsing Hillary Clinton."

After endorsing Killary he continued to be both an outspoken critic of Donald Trump,

and an early CIA voice promoting the Russian collusion and election meddling fake narrative

conjured up by the Clinton Machine to justify her loss.

This is the official confirmation we have been waiting for that the Deep State is indeed

at war with President Donald Trump and will stop at nothing to beat him.

ZeroHedge Reports:

Ex-Spy Chief Admits Role In 'Deep State' Intelligence War On Trump

An ex-spy chief who spoke out publicly against Trump while inspiring other career intelligence

figures to follow suit has admitted his leading role in the intelligence community waging

political war against the president, describing his actions as something he didn't "fully

think through".

In a surprisingly frank interview, the CIA's Michael Morell – who was longtime Deputy

Director and former Acting Director of the nation's most powerful intelligence agency

– said that it wasn't a great idea to leak against and bash a new president.

Morell had the dubious distinction of being George W. Bush's personal daily briefer

for the agency before and after 9/11, and also served under Obama until his retirement.

In the summer of 2016 he took the unusual step (for a former intelligence chief) of

openly endorsing Hillary Clinton in a New York Times op-ed entitled, I Ran the C.I.A.

Now I'm Endorsing Hillary Clinton, after which he continued to be both an outspoken

critic of Trump and an early CIA voice promoting the Russian collusion and election meddling


As Politico's Susan Glasser put in a newly published interview, Morell "has emerged

out of the shadows of the deep state" to become one of Trump's foremost critics speaking

within the intel community.

However, Politico summarizes the interview as follows:

But in a revealingly self-critical and at times surprising interview for this week's

Global POLITICO, Morell acknowledges that he and other spy-world critics of the president

failed to fully "think through" the negative backlash generated by their going political.

"There was a significant downside," Morell said in the interview.

Not only had Morell during his previous NYT op-ed stated that he was committed to doing

"everything I can to ensure that she is elected as our 45th president" but he went

so far as to call then candidate Trump "a threat to our national security" – while

making the extraordinary claim that "in the intelligence business, we would say that

Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation."

Curiously, Morell in his latest Politico interview indicates when asked about his "public profile"

and activism so soon after leaving the agency (something that was relatively unusual prior

to Trump taking office) that his post-retirement media appearances have been approved and/or

received some level of oversight by the CIA.

In the interview Morell states, "I did a 60 Minutes interview about my life inside

CIA, and it's something the agency thought that was a good thing to do, and I taped most

of it before I left the agency."

While such CIA review of former employees' publications and media interaction is nothing

new, in Morell's case was an unprecedented example of a very high profile intelligence

figure explicitly campaigning for a presidential candidate and against another while specifically

invoking his role at the CIA (he began his NYT column with, "During a 33-year career

at the Central Intelligence Agency, I served presidents of both parties — three Republicans

and three Democrats…" followed by a litany of key national security events he was central


The other important confirmation to come out of the discussion is the clear guiding assumption

of the interview – that the intelligence "deep state" did in fact go to war with

Trump – which has now been confirmed by Morell himself, which is essentially to hear

it straight from the horse's mouth.

Glasser: Okay, so, flash-forward a year.

Was that a mistake?

Morell: So, I don't think it was a mistake.

I think there were downsides to it that I didn't think about at the time.

I was concerned about what is the impact it would have on the agency, right?

Very concerned about that, thought that through.

But I don't think I fully thought through the implications.

And one of the ways I've thought about that, Susan, is—okay, how did Donald Trump see



And from—it's very important—one of the things we do as intelligence analysts

is make sure that our guy—the president—understands the other guy.


So, let's put ourselves here in Donald Trump's shoes.

So, what does he see?


He sees a former director of CIA and a former director of NSA, Mike Hayden, who I have the

greatest respect for, criticizing him and his policies.


And he could rightfully have said, "Huh, what's going on with these intelligence



Morell here seems to confirm Trump's narrative of events concerning Russiagate "fake news"

and willful intelligence leaks intended to damage the president, despite his opening

obfuscation of "I don't think it was a mistake" (so he's essentially admitting

the negative consequences but with no regrets).

Surprisingly, Morell even implicates himself with the words, "And then he sees a former

acting director and deputy director of CIA criticizing him and endorsing his opponent."

The interview continues:

Glasser: It embroiders his narrative.

Morell: Exactly.

And then he sees a former acting director and deputy director of CIA criticizing him

and endorsing his opponent.

And then he gets his first intelligence briefing, after becoming the Republican nominee, and

within 24 to 48 hours, there are leaks out of that that are critical of him and his then-national

security advisor, Mike Flynn.

And so, this stuff starts to build, right?

And he must have said to himself, "What is it with these intelligence guys?

Are they political?"

The current director at the time, John Brennan, during the campaign occasionally would push

back on things that Donald Trump had said.

So, when Trump talked about the Iran nuclear deal being the worst deal in the history of

American diplomacy, and he was going to tear it up on the first day—John Brennan came

out publicly and said, "That would be an act of folly."

So, he sees current sitting director pushing back on him.


Then he becomes president, and he's supposed to be getting a daily brief from the moment

he becomes the president-elect.


And he doesn't.

And within a few days, there's leaks about how he's not taking his briefing.

So, he must have thought—right?—that, "Who are these guys?

Are these guys out to get me?

Is this a political organization?

Can I think about them as a political organization when I become president?"

So, I think there was a significant downside to those of us who became political in that


So, if I could have thought of that, would I have ended up in a different place?

I don't know.

But it's something I didn't think about.

Despite Morell's attempts to mitigate his own significant contributions toward creating

a climate of distrust between the White House and the intelligence bureaucracy, it seems

clear to the interviewee that Morell's admissions lend credence to Trump's side.

Indeed, Susan Glasser reasons, based on Morell's unexpected confessions, that "you or others

who spoke out and have continued to speak out actually tend to underscore his feeling

that there's a political divide."

Glasser: Well, it's very interesting, because of course, there are so many things you don't

know at that moment in time, including, of course, I'm sure you assumed, along with

everybody else, that Hillary Clinton was likely to be elected, and you saw this as contributing

to that in some way.

But it's certainly relevant in the context of the situation we find ourselves in a year


And, if it tends to embolden Trump in his critique of your former colleagues who are

still serving in the intelligence agencies, and not only has this been a theme that he

has struck repeatedly to criticize—but also to politicize this.

And inadvertently, perhaps, you or others who spoke out and have continued to speak

out actually tend to underscore his feeling that there's a political divide, and now

you and others are on one side of it, and potentially all your former colleagues, and

then he's on the other side of it…

Morell: Yeah, and you can't pick and choose like that.

And when people in the intelligence community—particularly people in CIA, because for every other part

of the intelligence community except CIA, you're working for a cabinet member.

At CIA, you are working for the president of the United States.

That is your customer.


So, when you see your customer questioning what it is that you are providing to him or

her, and that person seems to be cherry-picking what they accept and what they don't accept,

it's demoralizing.

And when it's demoralizing, people take actions, right?

So, I live pretty close to the agency, and there's a coffee shop between me and the

agency, and I've met a number of agency officers in that coffee shop who have said

to me, "I'm thinking about leaving."

Yet Morell in a round about way previously admitted that he is personally one of the

chief authors of precisely this "demoralizing" scenario in which the president doesn't

fully trust his intelligence briefers.

But we should all remember that this is a man who on the one hand described "Russia's

hacking is the political equivalent of 9/11" and constantly hyped "Russian propaganda",

while on the other he went on a lengthy RT News segment in order to promote his newly

published book.

The Deep State, which is something I would have personally called anyone a nutty conspiracy

theorist just for even mentioning it two short years ago, is real and it's livid at the

fact that an outsider like Donald Trump, who actually cares about us peons, is taking them

apart at the seams.

As of now, no one knows how this will end, but one thing is for certain, our President

is in extreme danger and the Secret Service better be on top of their game.

what do you think about this?

Please share in support of President Donald Trump and Scroll down to comment below, and

don't forget to subscribe Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News From The CIA – President Trump Is In Serious Danger - Duration: 10:42.


Asking for help with the Mayor of Montreal - Duration: 2:59.

I would like to ask a question

Regarding the new school

I am in the third grade

I was born in England and am now a proud Quebecois and Montrealer

I like politics and I ran a poll at my school recently, during the elections

I wish I could have voted for you, Mrs. Plante!

I hope to be the Mayor of Montreal one day!

My school is really great

but it's not downtown and we really have too many people there

by the time my little brother enters kindergarten, there will be a shortage of more than 37 classrooms in our area

along with my friends, we have done some drawings

in order to ask for help from "Father Christmas Proulx" [the Minister of Education]

I Know that it's not really Father Christmas

Mrs. Plante, would you be willing to send our drawings to the North Pole?

Hector I would like to know if there are blank pages here as I would like to fill one out myself

I would like to put my own sheet for the Father Christmas ... Proulx!

So he knows that everyone - small ones and big ones - are for this endeavor

I will be my pleasure to carry your voice to Quebec [City]

(Thank you Mme. Plante)

Congratulations Hector, you are a great little guy - very articulate, bright and it has-been a pleasure to listen to you this evening - Congratulations!

For more infomation >> Asking for help with the Mayor of Montreal - Duration: 2:59.




For more infomation >> GIEO HẠT -BEAT COVER - NHAC THIẾU NHI - Duration: 2:19.


Parents push to stop new Boston school times - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Parents push to stop new Boston school times - Duration: 1:45.


How to unlock a protected file [2 min solution] [without cmd] [Subtitles Recommended] - Duration: 1:56.

Just see a file named locker.bat as it is the file that holds the password of the folder and do same as I am doing

The code might be different in your file but password will be in that file only

For more infomation >> How to unlock a protected file [2 min solution] [without cmd] [Subtitles Recommended] - Duration: 1:56.


My eSports experience (American Sign Language with English CC) - Duration: 12:39.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome to my vlog

I need to take a break from video games

I want to talk to the audience. Hi!

Let's talk about my eSports experience

eSports is a form of competition using video games

There are many eSports leagues including ELeague,

World Cyber Game, ESL, Dreamhack

There are more leagues.. Oh, Overwatch League

There are more than ten different leagues

The popular games are CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive), LoL (League of Legends)

Hearthstone, Overwatch, Rocket League, SSBM (Super Smash Bros Melee)

Call of Duty, Halo, and more games

There are many professional teams... Cloud9, Team Liquid, TSM, SK Gaming, Immortals

Astralis, FaZe, Optic, etc.

My favorite teams are Cloud9, team USA and NYXL, Excelsior, an Overwatch team in New York

That's for Overwatch League

There are many eSports Leagues and teams. They play video games and win money

Now, you know what eSports are

I attended to RIT, an university in Rochester, New York

When I was a first-year student, I had no desktop computer, just an Apple laptop

My friends were talking about PC games and #pcmasterrace

I wanted to learn more about PC games because I took the major, Information and Computing Studies

I got the desktop computer and monitor for Christmas

I downloaded my first game was Team Fortress 2. It was fun

I added my friends on Steam, PC games

I played with my friends together.. Played Grand Theft Auto V and Rocket League. It was so fun

I saw the trailer, commercial and announcement about Overwatch

That game looked interesting. I want to try - - I want to play that game

I played Overwatch beta for a week

It was really fun. I had to wait until Overwatch release day

I play that game for a long time. It's really fun and it's like Team Fortress 2

When I was a third-year student. That was my last year of college

I was surfing Facebook on my phone

I saw RIT EG - - Oh wait... ESG? Oh, I mean EGS. I'm sorry. I was trying to remember

EGS stands for Electronic Gaming Society club

It's all about video games

They posted... something on Facebook. They said RIT eSports tryout for Overwatch team

I was like...

I wanted to sign up

I joined RIT eSports Discord. Discord is a chat software. I mean a chat app

They started to form the teams. Well, let's go back. The guy who responsible for Overwatch team

said the players to form the teams. I think there were four teams and many players

Six players each team, four teams

I was waiting and they said I had to wait because the teams were full

I didn't have a chance to show my skill

Then the tryout was over... I was like.. Will we have another tryout? They said no.. sorry..

There was nothing that I can do...

Somehow, my name was on the team list

I was just a sub player

There were six starter players and 24 sub players

RIT OW team played well

Our team reached the quarterfinals and played against Rutger University from New Jersey

They eliminated us. It was really close... Our team got 10th place.. There were around 60 teams

That was a lot of teams

That eSports tournament was for colleges/universities

RIT OW team had 9 wins and 2 losses. Not bad..

We got an email from them and asked us for our t-shirt sizes

TESPA, the college eSports tournament

It's nice. Of course, It's not available in the store

This shirt is like... special to me

I went to home for winter break

I got an email from someone who responsible for Overwatch team

I saw my name on the team list for division two winter - -Yeah, winter off-league

I was like... oh wow

I mean... They didn't know my skill. I didn't show my skill

Ok fine

I was the first deaf player on Overwatch college team

I showed up our practice, division 1 vs division 2 scrimmage

It was really hard... I mean it was really hard for me because I'm deaf

All of the players are hearing

They heavily relied on the headphones with the mic

I don't wear it because I can't hear them

They communicated through the headphones with the mic. I had to use the text messages in the game

They had the plans, we used the key commands like press "X" to ask for healing

Press "Z" to say the status and press "F" to say "Understood"

They said I played well... I did amazingly

They decided to keep me - - I was a sub player... I believe there were six sub players including me. It was great

Six players for divison one team, six plauers for divison two team, and six sub players

There were 18 players

I was practicing with them and it was really hard but worth it

I learned a lot from them

I tried...

They asked me to practice with them and played scrimmage with other college

It was really hard af

It wasn't easy... It wasn't easy...

I was a sub player for a year because Overwatch came out in 2016.. It was like a new game

I was a third-year student and that was my last year of college

2016 to 2017 then I graduated on May 2017

I want to say thank you to RIT Overwatch team for giving me the opportunity to play with them

I learned a lot and improved my skill

I mean... I'm deaf and I can do it

Last summer...

I played the game on my phone. It called, "Power Rangers Legacy War"

It was fun and I got the announcement message about PRLW eSports tournament

Oh why not.. I signed up

I played and reached the 5th round then I got eliminated

There were eight rounds and I only needed three more rounds so I can enter the grand finals

but... Oh well...

I got 20th place out of 90 places

There were around 90 players including me

I won one match and won by default twice because the players didn't show up on time

One win, two wins by default, and two losses so 3 W - 2 L

Also, I'm a mentor of Cloud9 Power Rangers Legacy War

The C9 mentor is responsible for that team

Yep, eSports are not easy

You're more than welcome to underestimate eSports

You can watch South Korea Overwatch team



They will squish us like a bug

It was a lot of fun to involve the eSports tournaments

That's all, folks. It's all about my eSports experience

Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share

or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> My eSports experience (American Sign Language with English CC) - Duration: 12:39.


ネイティブがよく使う5イディオム#23 - Duration: 8:28.

Everyone can talk. Everyone can talk big

No, no, no. Actions speak louder than words.

Show it to me!

Hi guys this is Himi.

How's everybody doing?

Hope you guys are smiling over there.

Well today, it's raining.

I mean it's ok it's raining. It makes it a little bit

colder here.

Well let's stop talking about the weather.

Let' get started.

Today I picked 5 idioms.

Actions speak louder than words. 行動は言葉よりも雄弁だ。

I'm gonna get better grades, mom.

I'm gonna get this and that.

I'm gonna get As in Science. I'm gonna get

Bs in Math. They're just talking.

Right. Then I say, "Ok, that sounds good. ,

But boys remember, actions speak louder than words."

That's how I say it.

Be glad to see the back of.~がいなくなってせいせいする。

For an example, ok

I have a boss right.

He is always mean.

too bossy.

No one likes him. If

Ok. If I have a boss like that.

Last night, we had a farewell party

for John, but to tell you the truth

I was happy to see the back of him

Or I was glad to see the back of him.

Sorry sounds mean but it happens.

#3, Beat around the bush 遠回しにいう

My father used to said that to me a lot

Beat around the bush

Ok so when you want something

or if you wanna break some negative news

aah but you can't really

talk to the person directly

so you just keep on talking about something else

like beating around the bush

and then, you should go to the point

but you just keep on beating around the bush.

Stop beating around the bush

stop beating around the bush

Tou mawashini hanasanaide!

Tou mawashini hanasanaide!

For an example,

Ok I'm Elan now (supposedly)

He's gonna be saying to me


you know I'm getting good grades

you know I'm getting good reviews

from my teachers

and I also

I've been such a good boy. You know, helping you out a lot

and I really think....

Then I'm gonna say

Ok come'on stop beating around the bush.

Ok #4

Can't judge a book by it's cover

You don't know what someone

or something is like

by their appearance. You can't really tell


I'm gonna give you an example

The hotel looked very attractive ホテルの外見はとても素敵だったけど

from outside,

but the room that I stayed 私が泊まった

in was really damped部屋はジメジメしてて

and not well maintainedきれいに維持されてなかったわ。

Last one, #5

Feel a bit under the weather 具合や気分が少し悪い

Feel a bit under the weather

Slightly you're feeling sick

Hey Michelle I'm feeling a bit under the weather

Do you mind if I go home early today?

Hey Michelle

I' m feeling a bit under the weather

Do you mind if I go home early today?

Ok those are 5 idioms

that I wanted to share with you guys.

Hopefully you memorized them

and use them very often.

Alright. Ok. Well

Ahh if you enjoyed my video

or if you think you leaned something from my video

don't forget to like it

and don't forget to subscribe it. Thank you for watching.

See you next time

Thank you for watching. Bye

For more infomation >> ネイティブがよく使う5イディオム#23 - Duration: 8:28.


Create Neon Stripe Glowing Effect In Photoshop - Duration: 5:01.

In This Photoshop video Tutorial shows how to create easyly Neon Lines.

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Wine of the Week: Tamburlaine Organic Cabernet Sauvignon (Episode 37) - Duration: 14:34.

Hi titas!

Hello titas!

Welcome to another episode if Wines & Titas!

And here, we have one of my childhood friends.


My best friend.


And she is a modern Filipino hero.

A modern Filipino hero.

And you can see it in her outfit.

It says Filipina.


The only thing missing here is gold.

Yes! Where is the gold?

I've hidden it somewhere.

Oh no! Sorry, the gold is right here.

The gold is neatly tucked here.

The gold is on the ears.

Yes, I've hidden it, and it can't be shown to anyone.

We might get caught.

I went home for you. Just kidding!

Welcome back to the Philippines!

But she's leaving soon though.

Why is it organic?

Let's defer to Tita Che.

To know more about Tamburlaine Organic Cabernet Sauvignon,

just check out the link there.

Check out Tita Che's wine facts.

She's going to explain it for us, but we'll drink it for her.

Yes, she's going to talk about the origin of the wine,

and why it's considered organic.

But if something is organic, it is usually assumed as a healthier variant.


Yes. It is said that they don't use anything chemical.

Like pesticides.

Does this make the wine more expensive?

Actually, there's not much price difference.

Because, there seems to be a premium factor in organic products.

Yes, you're right.

It is said that when a product is organic, it's pricier.

But in this case, not really.

Yeah, I think so too.

Actually, I don't remember how much it is.


It's not expensive.

It's affordable for a bottle of wine.

Isn't it?

I don't know what your typical price range is.

This is our Tamburlaine Organic Cabernet Sauvignon.

That's pretty high.

Yes, it is.

For wine?

Yes, compared to other wines.

I don't know much about things like ABV.

I just drink.

It says here: ripe red berries, blackcurrant, and forest floor aroma.

So this tastes like earth then!

Tita Che is going to confirm this for us.

Forest floor! So an earthy taste.

We'll see if it smells and tastes like the earth.

Yes, let's try it.

Cheers, titas!


It's sour. Berries.

Yes, it's sour.

But I think it's pretty smooth.

So are you okay with the wine?

Yes. It may be sour, but at least it's not bitter.

It's my first time to try a wine like this.

Because what I usually drink is on the bitter side.

So you're not into bitter drinks?


You don't like bitterness?

There's an excess of bitterness!

How about sourness? Is that okay?

Sourness is acceptable.

But of course, I would really go for sweet.

My best friend, right here, works in Qatar.

She's that far since she works in Qatar.

My cousins are also based there.

A lot of my cousins work there too.

What do you usually drink in Qatar?

What do you mean? Alcohol?

No, water.

Yes, because water is expensive there.


Because when you're in the Middle East,

alcohol is prohibited.

Right, because it's a Muslim country.


So what are the requirements to get your own alcohol?

Are there requirements?

Yes, there are.

It depends on your work, your sponsor, and how much your salary is.

Because it is expensive.

But there are also cheaper options.

So you really need a license of sorts?

Do you have one?

You apply for it.

So you have liquor license?

No, I don't.

So how do you drink?

You ask someone with a license to buy it for you.


But it's not advisable for them to sell it,

because it's for personal use.

And it's up to the person with the license on how they will share the alcohol.

Yes. And photography is not allowed too.

Of alcohol?

Inside the shops.

So they just have to tell you what they've seen inside.

And that's also applicable to pork.

Ahhh, right. Because it's a Muslim country.

Wow, alcohol and pork.


When did you start drinking wine?

Are you trying to get her in trouble?

We don't really drink whenever we hang out. That's why I asked.

Even in Doha, you don't regularly drink wine?

Not really.

Just lately.

So Tita Rye, what's a good pairing for this wine?

Since our guest is very special, an OFW who just came from Doha,

we'll go with something that feels like a homecoming celebration.

Our food pairing for her is this.

Jolly Spaghetti for us.

Here's your fork.

Go, try it!

Get some spaghetti, then take a sip of the wine.

Your food has gotten cold though.

Did you really have to say that it's cold?

Well, I didn't want you to be surprised.

Swallow your food first though.

How pesky!

I'll eat the hotdog slice.

The Jolly Spaghetti is still good, even if it's cold.

Yeah, it is.

It tastes more alcoholic now.

It became more sour.

For some reason, I still like it as a pairing.

Maybe it's because the spaghetti slightly sweet.

And I'm not even into Jollibee.

Yeah, you're not.

I prefer McDonald's.

When you're an OFW, you would learn to love it.

You would appreciate it more.

You'd start craving for it?


You would appreciate it more.

What is it that you look for the moment you get back here in the Philippines?

My mom's cooking.

Since you live abroad, you have to cook for yourself.

You have no choice but to eat it.

What is your favorite Filipino food?

Stewed ox tail in savory peanut sauce.

We should have brought some with us.

With wine?

I think we can do that next time. Just to try it.

I've read that this wine suits well with rich sauces.

Rich? Gold!


Our next pairing is this.

I heard that this cheese is a good pairing for the wine.

How strong is this cheese?

We'll see how strong that cheese is.

Is it strong enough to fight for you?

Can this cheddar cheese fight for me?

This cheese is delicious.

Yes, it's tasty, but is it strong enough?

For you?

For me.

The cuts are huge.

You're right, the cuts are enormous. But it's really good.

There's a struggle before you can swallow it.

Because it's too big.

I'm used to that.

Wow, with huge things?

It tastes really good.

The wine tasted better after pairing it with strong cheddar cheese.

That are huge.



But cheese is usually paired with wine, right?

Yes, that's right.

But the taste is dependent on the type of wine and the type of cheese you pair it with.


Since Christmas season is fast-approaching,

what do you usually miss here in the Philippines?

Things like this, where I just lounge around.

Because when I'm working abroad, all I do is hustle.

Her shift at work is kind of stressful.

Our standard shift is 8 hours.

But there are times where you work longer than that.

Yeah, if the hospital is understaffed.

It's because you don't have anything else to do there but work.

Like me, my family isn't based there.

And that's the main purpose of living there: to work.

What made you decide to be an OFW?

My family.

Your family.

In my profession--I'm a nurse.

Here in the Philippines,

a nurse's salary isn't enough to provide for your family,

even for yourself.

So most nurses would try their luck abroad.

Actually, before, I didn't have plans working abroad.

Because I come from a family of OFWs,

so I know the struggles of being away from a family member.

It is said that if you have a relative who is an OFW,

it is less likely for you to becoming an OFW as well.

Like me.

Your father.

I really have no plans of becoming an OFW.

But then, there are certain exceptions.

Yeah, because when I started working here in the Philippines,

that's when I realized: how can I live with just minimum wage?

Then we have deductions like tax.

And most nurses go abroad, so it encourages you as well.

Because you get to see how much they get paid

compared to how much we're getting here

when you're exerting the same effort.

Is the pay gap that huge?


So do you plan to stay there for the rest of your life?

Or do you plan come back here?

I still want to come back home.

The good thing about working there is the compensation.

And since I'm in the Middle East, it's tax free for now.

But security-wise, since it's a different country,

not one's place of origin,

And here--well, such is life.

Here. Because you look like you need a drink.

That's okay.

I don't think it's good for me to stay there.

How do they treat women in Qatar?

It's an open country.

Yeah, they're open.

They're not that strict with women.

Not that strict compared to other countries.

Are you allowed to have romantic relations of some sort?

Of course.

I think we're allowed to have that anywhere.

Because what if we get questioned in the future.

It's not an issue. Because I've also been to Saudi Arabia.

So which one is stricter: Saudi Arabia or Doha?

Saudi Arabia.

You can't wear shorts.

What you're wearing is prohibited.

So you wore an Abaya when you were still in Saudi?


How would you describe the heat there compared the one we have here?

It feels like you're in an oven.

Now, that is hot!

Yeah, that's how it feels.

I wouldn't know because I haven't been inside an oven.

But it's dry.

Like when you open your heated oven, you'd feel the heat too.

But the heat here, it's different due to humidity.

It feels sticky here.

Yeah, it's sticky.

But in fairness, they have winter there.


I didn't know that.

Yes, they have.

Last year, when I was there, it went as low as 12° C.

That's neat!

It's colder there, but they restrict your alcohol purchase.

They get both extremes though.

During summer, it gets really hot.

What are the benefits of working abroad?

Working in a foreign country--aside from their own culture,

there are also other foreigners who work there,

so you get to interact with them as well.

You also learn a new language.

How long have you been working abroad?

All in all, around 7 years.

Wow, that's a long time. 7 years.

But it's okay. It brings joy too.

But at first, it would take a while to get used to the change.

Because it's a different culture. Especially the language. It's very different from ours.

As for our profession, the technology used there is vastly different from what we have here.

So even if I was trained here, and had enough experience,

when I got there, I had to be retrained.

I didn't know much about their equipment.

I didn't know the functions of their tools.

Is it more advanced there?

Yes, definitely more advanced, because they have the money to buy it with.

And they're very rich.

They can afford it.

Here in the Philippines, if you're not from the big hospitals,

you wouldn't be exposed to that kind of technology.

In Doha, even if you're an expatriate, whatever your nationality is,

whatever your social status is,

if you're brought to the hospital,

you will automatically receive the same amount and kind of treatment that the citizens get.

Here, on the other hand, you will initially be asked for money.

And will then be informed of the possible medical costs.

I don't think anyone would prepare a huge amount of cash in their pockets

just in case they need to go to the hospital, right?

But for you to discuss the financial aspect on an emergency situation,

detailing on how much the procedures cost,

it feels very unethical.

Best friend.


Thank you for the service.

Thank you for the service? Wow!

What kind of service have I provided?

Thank you for the wine.

You're welcome.

This is precious.

For the modern heroes, our OFWs, cheers!


For everyone who's working hard.



So while we're enjoying the remaining wine and cheese,

if you guys have any comments, suggestions,

just proceed to our comment section below.

And comment! Or like our page. Subscribe!

Other than that, we're going to continue drinking and eating.

If you're from Qatar, from Doha, cheers to you guys!

Hi, hello!

Cheers to her friends!

You can say hi to your friends.

Do you want to greet anyone?

An avenue to greet.

Hello, Heart Hospital!

We'll see you soon, titas!

See you!


For more infomation >> Wine of the Week: Tamburlaine Organic Cabernet Sauvignon (Episode 37) - Duration: 14:34.


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