Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

The U.S. Secretary of Commerce has spoken out on the upcoming renegotiation of the Korea-U.S.

free trade deal.

In a keynote speech at a forum in Washington on Tuesday, Wilbur Ross said the automobile

sector would be one of the key issues under discussion.

Cha Sang-mi reports.

The U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, delivered a keynote address on Tuesday on

the opportunities and challenges in promoting free and fair trade between South Korea and

the U.S.

The address was part of a forum on Korea-U.S. partnership in the Trans-Pacific Century,

co-hosted in Washington by the Atlantic Council and the Korea Foundation.

Ross expressed his wish for a satisfying result from a successful renegotiation of the five-year-old

KORUS Free Trade Agreement between the two countries.

He said the renegotiation schedule depends on South Korea, but it is still too early

to discuss as it hasn't taken off yet.

He said Washington sees the "automotive deficit" as the most crucial part of the U.S. trade

deficit with South Korea, and a priority during the trade negotiations, as South Korea imposes

(quote) "very different standards" on American cars and allows a small quota for car imports

that don't have to meet those standards.

He claimed that Korean requirements for American car imports aren't "reasonable in the overall

scheme of things".

Ross also mentioned the security alliance between the two nations, saying that trade

and security are two distinct issues, and called on the U.S. to be fully devoted in

tackling North Korean provocations.

In terms of trade policies, Ross said the Trump administration aims to reduce the U.S.

trade deficit and underscored the wish for a "free, fair, and reciprocal trade."

He added that this is a warning for any country involved in unfair trade, bringing up the

recent U.S. safeguard measures taken toward Samsung and LG's Korean-made washers.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. Secretary of Commerce hopes for a gratifying result of the KORUS FTA renegotiation - Duration: 2:00.


Battling bone-chilling temperatures _ 121317 - Duration: 2:31.

Good afternoon, icy conditions continue to grip most of the peninsula with cold wave

alerts in place in most regions,... including here in Seoul.

Daily lows this morning were nearly minus 20 degrees in Seoul and other northern areas.

It's not only the cold air, but dry air is getting worse... with a dry weather advisory

in place in Seoul... and daily highs will only get up to minus 2 degrees Celsius.

We'll get some brief relief from the cold snap on Friday and Saturday with a mix of

rain and snow then freezing conditions will return.

With the prolonged icy cold temperatures, many are coming down with colds and the flu.

As mentioned, flu season came early and is looking tougher this year.

Some of ways to prevent and fight the flu are drinking these flavored teas Grab one

to stay warm as well

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

While many of us in South Korea are shivering under the cold with more snowfall expected

for the easternmost islands of Dokdo and Ullengdo... many regions in North Korea are having even

colder readings under mostly sunny skies.

As for the rest of Asia, morning clouds in New Delhi will give way to afternoon sunshine

but expect to see patchy fog.

Meanwhile, Melbourne will have its hottest day since January as the mercury reaches 36C.

Heading to North America, those in Montreal will need to brace for freezing morning lows

of minus 16 degrees on Wednesday morning along with lingering snowfall.

As for South America, Bogota will have a rainy but mild day with a high of 19 degrees.

Taking you to Europe,... temperatures in Moscow will be a lot higher than Seoul, in fact,

there shouldn't be any major cold snap for the time being.

Lastly to Africa, Cape Town will have a rainy Wednesday with the high reaching 18 degrees.

That's all the weather update for now.

For more infomation >> Battling bone-chilling temperatures _ 121317 - Duration: 2:31.


Korea's youth unemployment rate hits record high in November - Duration: 1:49.

The depressing news mounts up for jobseekers here in Korea,... particularly those fresh

out of school or university.

It's hard to put too much of a shine on last month's employment figures... as the number

of newly employed took a nosedive... and the youth unemployment rate hit its highest level

on record.

Kim Ji-yeon reports.

Korea's employment market remains sluggish... despite the government's execution of its

nine-point-eight billion U.S. dollar supplementary budget bill for job creation.

Statistics Korea says the country added 253-thousand new jobs last month from a year ago,... bringing

the total number of people in work to nearly 26-point-nine million.

The number of new jobs remained trapped in the 200-thousand range for the second consecutive

month... far below the government's target of creating an extra 300-thousand new jobs

a month.

The ministry says the mild pick-up on-year came on the back of increased employment in

the manufacturing and public administration sectors.

The number of people employed in the construction, food and lodging sectors dropped.

An official from the statistics agency identifed the main reasons behind the gloomy figures

to the decreasing number of self-employed, the cold weather and Korea's rapidly aging


The youth jobless rate in November edged up from a year earlier to nine-point-two-percent,...

the highest level since data was first compiled in 1999.

The overall unemployment rate stood at three-point-two-percent.

The perceived youth unemployment rate, as felt by regular people, ticked up zero-point-one-percentage

points on-year, recording 21-point-four percent... the highest level since 2015 when compared

to previous figures in November.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korea's youth unemployment rate hits record high in November - Duration: 1:49.


Ya Samiu-Get Whatever you want-Body & Soul Health Tips-2017-English/Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Ya Samiu-Get Whatever you want-Body & Soul Health Tips-2017-English/Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 3:10.


N. Korea devises diverse overseas networks to illicitly secure foreign currency - Duration: 1:56.

Despite almost complete diplomatic isolation and crushing international sanctions,... North

Korea is still managing to secure foreign currency and military equipment.

A new study has peeled the lid back on how this is possible,... showing a complex web

of falsely-registered companies the regime uses to get around sanctions.

Park Ji-won has more.

A joint study by U.S. research organization, the Center for Advanced Defense Studies,...

and South Korea's leading think-tank, the Sejong Institute,... shows that North Korea

is relying on diverse, secretive, overseas networks,... to secure foreign currency and

necessary military equipment.

The paper said, for an example,...

Hong Kong-based company Shengang Trade & Investment made a purchase of military equipment back

in 2013.

The total payment of 15-thousand dollars was paid by Glucom,... through the Bank of America.

Yet Glucom turned out to be operated by North Korea's intelligence agency,... and the purchased

equipment went into the North.

The seller did not realize that Shengang Trade & Investment was a North Korean company in


The paper says creating and operating these falsely-identified trading companies in third

countries is how the North Korean regime gets around increasing international sanctions

and restrictions,... and obtains vital foreign exchange earnings.

While more information about such companies and overseas networks set up for such illicit

transactions by North Korea are becoming known in international financial areas,... the paper

suggests the international community needs to pressure the North,... by effectively cutting

off these illicit financial activities.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korea devises diverse overseas networks to illicitly secure foreign currency - Duration: 1:56.


U.S. and China discussed possible scenarios involving conflict or collapse of N. Korea - Duration: 0:40.

But despite the talk of diplomacy, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has also revealed that

Washington has been talking to China about a possible conflict or regime collapse in

North Korea.

He said the Trump administration has given Beijing assurances that if American troops

had to enter North Korea, they would pull back to the 38th parallel, adding that the

only U.S. objective is to secure the regime's nuclear weapons.

China has been building refugee camps along the North Korea border in preparation for

a potential exodus of refugees during a conflict or collapse of North Korea.

For more infomation >> U.S. and China discussed possible scenarios involving conflict or collapse of N. Korea - Duration: 0:40.


New York City bombing suspect warned Trump on Facebook - Duration: 2:09.

We now turn to the latest on the attempted terror attack in New York City.

Authorities say the suspect mocked President Trump on social media before his attack.

He's now facing a slew of terrorism-related charges.

Ro Aram has the details.

Akayed Ullah posted a status update on his Facebook page saying, "Trump you failed to

protect your nation."

The Bangladeshi immigrant also told law enforcement officers at the hospital where he was taken

with burn injuries: "I did it for the Islamic State."

The 27-year-old is accused of blowing up what officials have called a homemade pipe bomb

strapped to his body in an underpass at Manhattan's Port Authority Bus Terminal during morning

rush hour.

During a search of his Brooklyn apartment, investigators recovered some disturbing material.

(English) - Reuters Edit No. 2225 "….A search yesterday of his apartment in

Brooklyn, revealed metal pipes, pieces of wires and metal screws consistent with the

bomb materials recovered at the scene.

Officers also found a passport there in Ullah's name with handwriting that included one particularly

chilling note, and I quote, 'Oh America, die in your rage'."

Prosecutors on Tuesday brought federal charges against Ullah, including providing material

support to a terrorist group, use of a weapon of mass destruction and three bomb-related


Police believe he acted alone and that Monday's attack was an isolated incident and not part

of a bigger IS plan.

Over in Bangladesh, counterterrorism officers were questioning Ullah's wife and other relatives

to dig deeper into why and how he was radicalized.

Ullah is said to have last visited his home country in September to see his wife and newborn

son before leaving them behind to return the U.S.

Hours after Monday's attack, President Trump said the explosion highlighted the need to

change immigration policies,... including the type of family-based visa Ullah obtained

to come to the U.S. in 2011.

Ro Aram, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> New York City bombing suspect warned Trump on Facebook - Duration: 2:09.


Hyundai Motor to boost electric car lineup - Duration: 0:46.

Korea's top automaker, Hyundai Motor Group, has unveiled plans to increase its electric

car lineup, aiming to be one of the world's top three electric carmakers within the next

eight years.

A senior Hyundai executive announced on Wednesday that

Hyundai Motor and its affiliate Kia Motors are planning to increase their number of all-electric

models from two to 14 by 2025.

Hyundai Motor will launch an electric version of the Kona subcompact sport utility vehicle

next year, while Kia Motors will launch the all-electric Genesis luxury sedan in 2021.

The move comes as global rivals such as Volkswagen and the Renault Nissan also gear up for large-scale

production of electric cars.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Motor to boost electric car lineup - Duration: 0:46.


U.S. willing to begin direct talks with North Korea without preconditions: Tillerson - Duration: 2:11.

There's a fresh sense of optimism that the simmering tension between North Korea and

the U.S. might cool in the coming weeks.

In what appears to be a major shift in policy,...

America's top diplomat says the United States is willing to begin direct talks with Pyongyang

without preconditions.

Park Soyun reports.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says Washington is "ready to talk" to Pyongyang

at any time without preconditions.

It marks a big shift in the Trump administration's previous stance as it's the first time the

United States has suggested opening a dialogue channel without any caveats.

Speaking at the Atlantic Council Korea Foundation Forum in Washington on Tuesday,... Tillerson

said it's unrealistic to say the U.S. would only engage in dialogue with Pyongyang on

the condition the regime abandons its nuclear development program.

"We have said, from the diplomatic side, we are ready to talking anytime North Korea would

like to talk, and we are ready to have the first meeting without preconditions...

*****... So we need the DPRK to come to the table for talks.

We are ready to talk any time they are ready to talk.

But they have to come to the table, and they have to come to the table with a view that

they do want to make a different choice."

Tillerson said he hoped Pyongyang would "make the right choice" and "sit down to talk about


But he warned North Korea if keeps pushing the boundaries, it may end up exhausting its

diplomatic options.

His comments come as North Korea hinted at the possibility of engaging in dialogue with

the United States.

A key North Korean official at the UN, Ja Song-nam, told reporters in Beijing on Tuesday

that talks are possible if the "right conditions" are met.

Pressed on what those conditions might be,... Ja said "the conditions North Korea requires."

With both the United States and North Korea pushing for dialogue, watchers say the two

sides might finally have an opportunity to quell tensions through diplomatic channels.

Park Soyun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. willing to begin direct talks with North Korea without preconditions: Tillerson - Duration: 2:11.


龙珠超:未来全王为什么一开始不认识孙悟空呢?还要毁灭他 - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 龙珠超:未来全王为什么一开始不认识孙悟空呢?还要毁灭他 - Duration: 3:48.


Thailand has no trade relationship with North Korea: Thai PM - Duration: 0:39.

And ahead of that visit by Washington's top nuclear envoy,... Thailand's leader says...

his country has no trade relationship with North Korea.

Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha ( )... told reporters on Tuesday that Bangkok has fully

abided by UN Security Council resolutions on Pyongyang.

Back in August,... the U.S. suspected there were North Korean companies operating in Thailand,...

and urged the country to shut them down.

Washington has also been pressuring other countries across Southeast Asia,... to step

up efforts in cutting off all business ties with North Korea.

For more infomation >> Thailand has no trade relationship with North Korea: Thai PM - Duration: 0:39.


Korean banks to close accounts linked to virtual currency trading - Duration: 1:50.

Now to news that might worry local Bitcoin traders.

The Korean government has taken its first steps... to regulate the local cryptocurrency


Financial authorities are considering new regulations,... that could ban most virtual

currency transactions... save for a select few... operating under strict guidelines.

Yu Joonhee reports.

For the first time,... the Korean government has applied new restrictions... on virtual

accounts used for cryptocurrency trading... in the country's major commercial banks.

Woori Bank and Korea Development Bank... announced they will be closing all virtual accounts...

used for the trading of Bitcoin and other virtual currencies... by the end of this year.

It remains to be seen if other major lenders,... including Shinhan Bank and Nonghyup Bank will

follow suit with similar steps.

Such measures will effectively freeze most traders... out of the cryptocurrency market...

as the country's leading virtual currency exchanges... such as Bithumb and Coin One...

require users to create a virtual account... before they can conduct any transactions.

The banks will also introduce new screening measures,... to block overseas remittances

that have suspected links... to virtual currency trading.

Korea's financial authorities and the Justice Ministry,... are set to hold a joint meeting

this week... to discuss new regulations on cryptocurrencies.

Some of the options on the table... include a ban on local virtual currency exchanges

in *principle,... only allowing exceptions for those operating under strict requirements.

Bitcoin prices in Korea have seen wild fluctuations... skyrocketing to 24-point-9 million won at

its peak on December 8th,... a near 25-fold jump compared to the beginning of this year.

Amid concerns of speculation and overheating,... the police discovered a fraud ring back in

August... that stole over 140 million U.S. dollars worth of virtual currencies from 35-thousand


Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korean banks to close accounts linked to virtual currency trading - Duration: 1:50.


5 reasons why Steve Jobs Chose Spirituality - Duration: 4:01.

Steve Jobs is one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our generation. He is the one who initiated

personal computer revolution. He did things that other considered impossible. He started

Apple from his parents garage and with his intuition, vision and hard work made it the

world's most valuable company. Steve Jobs life was like a roller-coaster.

He had a lot of ups and downs. Being adopted at birth, to discarding formal education,

to be fired from his company shows how hard it was. Despite all these, he did what he

wanted because he once dipped himself in the spiritual world. Let's know why Steve

Jobs chose spirituality when he was young.

Steve Jobs knew from his early age that he was adopted. The fact that he was adopted

was like a hole in his life, and he wanted to fill that up. Being adopted gave him a

sense of rejection at birth, and it hurt him. He wanted to meet his biological parents,

not because his he didn't like his adopted ones, but it's just because

he wanted to know them to know more about himself and his characteristics. He had therapies

on few occasions to get over such emotions but finally chose the path of spirituality

to get over, and he did.

There was the beginning of counter-culture revolution when Steve was in his teens. He

was very much influenced by its lifestyle. He always wanted to be like a free bird.

He didn't like telling much about his parents in his school days, letting

people assume that he came from somewhere with no family and no background.

In the quest to be more and more free, he finally had to dip himself to spirituality

and its higher consciousness. Kobun Chino, the spiritual guru of Steve Jobs, says that

Steve Jobs always insisted to be monk.

Steve in his late teen was known for his

weird lifestyle habits. He always walked barefoot. He rarely took the shower and ate only fruits.

He read a book that eating starch less food makes your soul pure by stop making harmful

mucus in our body. Though it is a flawed theory but this had a tremendous impact on Steve

Jobs diet. Steve always wanted to reach into the higher

consciousness. All his weird habits were a quest to arrive at a stable state of human

and finally he got by choosing spirituality and zen meditation.

Since young Steve Jobs wanted to be one

of the important person in the history who pushes the world forward,

who changes it for better. He always wanted to achieve his full potential.

He even travelled to India in search of enlightenment. Upon return from India, Steve found

his spiritual guru and Started practising Zen. It is his guru who insisted Steve to

continue business along with spirituality. Business with spiritual touch has

helped Steve in making great products. Every Apple products are so fine and advanced and

yet simple. We all know how beautiful apple products look, and its

all because of the touch of spirituality

Steve knew if one need to go beyond imagination

and impossible he needs to be focused on his work. And to meet the sharp focus one need

to get over the concept of reality and attachments. So Steve had to choose spirituality

because all these are possible through meditation. Steve Jobs was famous for his reality

distortion. He could convince someone to do something even if they thought was impossible.

His extreme love of making great products and intense focus towards Apple had

some ill effects in his relationship with lot of people closed to him

For more infomation >> 5 reasons why Steve Jobs Chose Spirituality - Duration: 4:01.


Top U.S. nuclear envoy and North Korean officials to attend regional security forum - Duration: 0:40.

A top U.S. nuclear envoy and North Korean officials... are expected to attend a two-day

security forum... scheduled for later this week in Thailand.

The Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific... will be held in Chiang Mai

on Thursday and Friday,... where regional security issues will be discussed.

Joseph Yun,... the U.S. special representative on North Korea policy,... will be in attendance,...

as well as a number of high-level diplomats from Pyongyang.

Although there are no official plans for the two sides to meet,... anticipation is building

that a back-channel dialogue *could take place... to diffuse ongoing tensions between the U.S.

and North Korea.

For more infomation >> Top U.S. nuclear envoy and North Korean officials to attend regional security forum - Duration: 0:40.


Macron steps up fight against climate change at 'One Planet' summit - Duration: 0:46.

French President Emmanuel Macron has warned that the world is losing the battle against

climate change.

He told world leaders and business chiefs at the 'One Planet' summit in Paris on Tuesday

that action against global warming was not being taken fast enough.

Macron hosted the event seeking to take the lead on climate change after the U.S. pulled

out of the Paris Climate Accord and also stepped back on measures to prevent carbon emissions.

President Trump was not invited to the summit.

The gathering is also aimed at financing efforts to tackle climate change, with a number of

attendees pledging to provide funds, support and technological backing for the effort.

For more infomation >> Macron steps up fight against climate change at 'One Planet' summit - Duration: 0:46.


Korean startups say they are not well prepared for 4th industrial revolution - Duration: 0:44.

A report shows Korean startups believe they are not well prepared for the fourth industrial


In a survey of around 22 hundred startups, investors, and universities by the Korea Institute

of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development,... startups had the lowest score in their preparedness

for upcoming technological changes.

Out of a top score of one hundred, startups said their preparedness is 58,... lower than

the self-evaluations by investors and universities, who scored above 60.

Respondents said government support for startups and ventures has improved in the last twenty

years, and are looking forward to the Moon Administration's fourth industrial revolution


For more infomation >> Korean startups say they are not well prepared for 4th industrial revolution - Duration: 0:44.


Blue House releases President Moon's itinerary of his state visit to China - Duration: 2:45.

Our starting point this afternoon...

President Moon Jae-in's four-day state trip to China.

The South Korean leader is now in Beijing,... arriving within the past half-an-hour or so.

President Moon has plenty on plate -- from North Korea, bilateral trade and smoothing

out diplomatic ties frayed over the deployment of a U.S. missile defense system in South


Hwang Hojun reports.

President Moon has repeatedly called the trip a monumental undertaking to mend the bilateral

relationship between Seoul and Beijing.

He will kick off his four-day state visit Wednesday meeting with Korean residents in

China to communicate with and encourage them.

That will be followed by a business roundtable and forum in which he will take part and deliver

a speech.

Top officials from dozens of leading South Korean companies, accompanying the President

will also be there.

Thursday will be the long-awaited day of the bilateral summit between President Moon and

his Chinese counterpart President Xi Jinping.

An official welcoming ceremony will be held at the Great Hall of the People, which will

be followed by an expanded summit and then a small-scale bilateral summit, where the

two heads of state will share their thoughts on regional and international issues,... including

the North Korea nuclear issue as well as economic cooperation between Seoul and Bejing.

Presidents Moon and Xi will then ink key agreements and MOUs before the Chinese President will

host a state dinner in honor of his South Korean guest.

There will also be a special ceremony for cultural exchange, signifying 25 years of

bilateral relations between the two countries.

President Moon will deliver a speech at Peking University on Friday and then meet with key

politicians including Chinese Premier Li Keqiang as well as Zhang Dejiang,.. the chairman of

the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, roughly the equivalent of the Seoul's

National Assembly speaker.

He will then move to the southwestern city of Chongqing, which is about 18-hundred kilometers

away from the capital city.

According to the Blue House Chongqing not only holds historical significance for Korea

as the site of the nation's Provisional Government during the Japanese occupation, which he will

visit on Saturday... but is also the linchpin of President Xi's policies focused on China's

economic cooperation and development.

As a matter of fact, President Moon will attend another business forum focused on the joint

advancement of Korean and Chinese industries into third countries.

He is then scheduled to meet with Chen Min'er, the local secretary of the Communist Party

of China before returning home on the same day.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Blue House releases President Moon's itinerary of his state visit to China - Duration: 2:45.


Kim Jong-un vows to make North Korea 'world's strongest nuclear power' - Duration: 1:31.

North Korea is giving itself a pat on the back for its latest ballistic missile launch.

Proudly touting its defense-related achievements on state-run TV for the first time,... Kim

Jong-un vowed to make North Korea the strongest nuclear power in the world.

Park Hee-jun with more.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has vowed to make North Korea "the world's strongest

nuclear power."

The state-run Korean Central News Agency reported on Wednesday that his remarks came during

the 8th Conference of Munitions Industry in Pyongyang,...which was held to celebrate and

review the regime's experiences and accomplishments.

According to the report, Kim told officials that the successful development of weapons,

including the recently launched Hwasong-15 ICBM,... marks a historic victory for the

North Korean people, but one that came at a great cost.

He added that great things are expected of the country's defense-related scientists and

technicians who are tasked with strengthening the regime's nuclear weapons program and making

North Korea the most powerful nuclear power in the world.

And on the last day of the special military conference,... Kim gave awards to the developers

of the Hwasong-15 --the regime's most powerful ballistic missile to date, which was launched

in late November.

It marks the first time that North Korean state media has publically reported on the


Experts say the unprecedented coverage was intended to show off the North's nuclear accomplishments.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Kim Jong-un vows to make North Korea 'world's strongest nuclear power' - Duration: 1:31.


Chinese tourists visiting Korea expected to reach just 4 million for 2017 - Duration: 0:44.

The number of Chinese tourists visiting South Korea this year is expected to reach around

four million,... just half that of last year's figure of eight million.

The Bank of Korea said Chinese tourists spend an average of 13-hundred U.S. dollars a person,

meaning the drop in Chinese tourists could lead to a shortfall of around four-point-six

billion U.S dollars compared to the previous year.

The number of Chinese tourists visiting South Korea dropped sharply after Beijing enacted

a travel ban in March amid the THAAD row.

But with the normalization of Seoul-Beijing ties in October, the number of Chinese tourists

is expected to pick up.

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