Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

PewDiePie can be my Christian if you know what I mean.

For more infomation >> Who's That Christian? - Duration: 0:10.






Fold'N Stitch Blooms DIY | Pins + Needles Kits Giveaway | Whitney Sews - Duration: 9:46.

*This video is sponsored by Pins + Needles Kits*

Hi everyone!

I'm Whitney and I share a new sewing tutorial every Wednesday to help sewers of all skill

levels learn new projects and techniques.

This week I'll be showing how to create the Fold'n Stitch Blooms centerpiece using the

November Pins + Needles kit.

Even if you don't have this kit, make sure to keep watching because I'll be showing a

really neat applique technique that can be used for many different projects...and there

will be a giveaway at the end of the video as well!

So let's start by seeing what all came in the kit.

There are these really neat bobbin keepers so you can keep your bobbin and spool of thread


Bosel double sided foam, thread, two hand sewing needles, three Moda fabrics, fusi-bond

lite, and of course the Fold'N Stitch Blooms pattern.

Here's how to bobbin keepers work.

Pop the bobbin onto the short end and place the larger bit into the center of the spool

of thread.

Now, let's get started on the actual project.

Cut two strips of fabric measuring 7.5 inches by the width of the fabric.

Then subcut the strips into 6.5 inch chunks.

Repeat with one of your other fabrics.

You need 10 pieces from each for the top and bottom of your project.

Set your iron to a medium heat and turn the steam off.

Cut the fusi-bond piece in half so you can lay the two pieces end to end on the fabric

that will be your applique.

Lay the fusi-bond down with the textured side against the back side of your fabric.

Place the iron on for about 4 seconds, then lift and place down next to where it was first

and wait 4 seconds.

Repeat until you have fused the entire sheet down.

Do the same with the second piece next to the first.

Cut two strips from the fused area that are 4.5 inches wide.

Then use the template from the back of the pattern to cut those strips down into 10 hexagon


Lay one of the bosel pieces down on your ironing surface.

Then place your fabric on top right sides up.

Press with the iron about 5-8 seconds at a time.

Just enough to fuse to bosel to the fabric, but not so long that it melts the adhesive

on the other side.

Do this for all 10 of your back fabric pieces.

Cut an X in the center of the front pieces.

You can cut a few pieces at a time as long as you stack them carefully.

Place one of the front pieces and one of the back right sides together.

Use a few craft clips to hold them together, then sew around the hexagon right next to

the bosel foam.

You can see that my stitching line is right next to the foam, and not on it.

Repeat for all 10 sets.

Trim the seam allowance down to a quarter inch or less on all sides.

Turn the hexagon right sides out through the X that was cut in the fabric.

Poke out the corners so they look nice.

Get one of your applique pieces and make a small tear in the paper backing of the fusi-bond.

This helps with pulling the paper off.

Center the applique on the larger hexagon covering the X it was turned through.

Press with the iron to fuse the applique in place.

Repeat for all 10.

Then sew around the edges of all your appliques.

I chose to use a fun stitch on my machine, but you can use just a basic zig zag if you


The bosel foam is actually really easy to stitch through using just a regular sewing

machine needle.

If you're looking for a fun mini project to do, you can actually just make this project

up to this point and have some really fun coasters.

But I'm going to continue with the fold'n stitch blooms for the rest of this tutorial.

Use the template in the back of the pattern to mark the stitching line onto all 10 hexagons.

I'm using a marking pen that has ink that disappears after 48 hours.

Line up two of the hexagons with the back sides together and sew along the marked line.

Open the pair up after sewing and repeat with a second pair.

Place the two pairs back sides touching and sew along the marked line to attach.

You now have four hexagons sewn together, so add one more single hexagon to make five.

Repeat with the other five pieces then sew those two sets together to make one complete


Thread a needle and tie a knot in the ends.

Then sew the flange pieces together in pairs at the corner.

I start with the needle going in from between the two so the knot is hidden inside later.

Sew a couple of whip stitches across to hold the two layers together, tie off with some

knots, cut the thread and move to the next spot.

After you have done this on each pair go in with a ruler and mark one inch up for the

corner you just stitched on each.

Using those marks as a guide open the flange up and stitch the side of one flange to the

next so it is held open from the stitching.

Repeat this all the way around and you are done!

You can add a candle to the center for a beautiful center piece, or you could make this project

out of holiday fabrics and actually use it as a wreath.

So like I mentioned earlier, there is another giveaway this month thanks to the lovely ladies

at Pins + Needles!

The winner will receive a monthly box of their own.

To enter make sure you are subscribed, like, and share this video on your favorite social

media site.

Then comment down below letting me know what other types of projects you would like to

see in future Pins + Needles boxes.

A winner will be picked at random from all the eligible comments.

All the rules and details will be listed out in the description

box down below.

Right over here to the side I'll have some of my other DIY videos for you to check out.

Don't forget, you do need to be subscribed to my channel to enter the giveaway and you

can do so by clicking my picture right there.

Until next time, Happy Sewing!

For more infomation >> Fold'N Stitch Blooms DIY | Pins + Needles Kits Giveaway | Whitney Sews - Duration: 9:46.


Warum??? - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Warum??? - Duration: 6:29.


Bali UBUD || Monkey Forest, Waterfalls & Terraces - Duration: 4:20.

I've just arrived at Tirta Empul temple

One of Bali's most famous temples

Now I explore it

The day after...

We saw some really cool terraces yesterday


these terraces are insane, really huge,

never seen such a thing

For more infomation >> Bali UBUD || Monkey Forest, Waterfalls & Terraces - Duration: 4:20.


Suet Cakes | Fat Balls | Bird Food - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Suet Cakes | Fat Balls | Bird Food - Duration: 5:42.


AI Beats Radiologists at Pneumonia Detection | Two Minute Papers #214 - Duration: 4:46.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

In this work, a 121-layer convolutional neural network is trained to recognize pneumonia

and 13 different diseases.

Pneumonia is an inflammatory lung condition that is responsible for a million hospitalizations

and 50,000 deaths per year in the US alone.

Such an algorithm requires a training set of formidable size to work properly.

This means a bunch of input-output pairs.

In this case, one training sample is an input frontal X-ray image of the chest, and the

outputs are annotations by experts who mark which of the 14 different sought diseases

are present in this sample.

So they say like this image contains pneumonia here, and this doesn't.

This is not just a binary yes or no answer, but a more detailed heatmap of possible regions

that fit the diagnosis.

The training set used for this algorithm contained over a 100.000 images of over 30.000 patients.

This is then given to the neural network, and its task is to learn the properties of

these diseases by itself.

Then, after the learning process took place, previously unseen images are given to the

algorithm and a set of radiologists.

This is called a test set, and of course, it is crucial that both the training and the

test sets are reliable.

If the training and test set is created by one expert radiologist, and then we again

benchmark a neural network against a different, randomly picked radiologist, that's not a

very reliable process because each of the humans may be wrong in more than a few cases.

Instead, the training and test annotation data is created by asking multiple radiologists

and taking a majority vote on their decisions.

So now that the training and test data is reliable, we can properly benchmark a human

versus a neural network.

And here's the result: this learning algorithm outperforms the average human radiologist.

The performance was measured in a 2D space, where sensitivity and specificity were the

two interesting metrics.

Sensitivity means the proportion of positive samples that were classified as positive,

and specificity means the portion of negative samples that were classified as negative.

The crosses mean the human doctors, and as you can see, whichever radiologist we look

at, even though they have different false positive and negative ratios, they are all

located below the blue curve which denotes the results of the learning algorithm.

This is a simple diagram, but if you think about what it actually means, this is an incredible

application of machine intelligence.

And now, a word on limitations.

It is noted that this was an isolated test, for instance, the radiologists were only given

one image, and usually, when diagnosing someone, they know more about the history of the patient

that may further help their decisions.

For instance, a history of a strong cough and high fever is highly useful supplementary

information for humans when diagnosing someone who may have pneumonia.

Beyond only the frontal view of the chest, it is also standard practice to use the lateral

views as well if the results are inconclusive.

These views are not available in this dataset and it is conjectured that it may sway the

comparison towards humans.

However, I'll note that this information may also benefit the AI just as much as the radiologists,

and this seems like a suitable direction for future work.

Finally, this is not the only algorithm for pneumonia detection, and it has been compared

to the state of the art for all 14 diseases, and this new technique came out on top on

all of them.

Also, have a look at the paper for details because training a 121-layer neural network

requires some clever shenanigans as this was the case here too.

It is really delightful to see that these learning algorithms can help diagnosing serious

illnesses, and provide higher quality healthcare to more and more people around the world,

especially in places where access to expert radiologists is limited.

Everyone needs to hear about this.

If you wish to help us spreading the word and telling these incredible stories to even

more people, please consider supporting us on Patreon.

We also know that many of you are crazy for Bitcoin, so we also set up a Bitcoin address

as well.

Details are available in the video description.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> AI Beats Radiologists at Pneumonia Detection | Two Minute Papers #214 - Duration: 4:46.


Saddam Hussein captured - 12/13/2003 - Duration: 1:18.

Today in military history, 2003.

Saddam Hussein is captured by US soldiers after spending

nine months on the run.

Born to a poor family in 1937, Hussein would grow

to participate in several coups before helping to install

his cousin as a dictator of Iraq in 1968.

Eleven years later, he would take over, ruling for 24 years

and earning a legacy of human rights violations

and war crimes, including the use of biological

and chemical weapons during an eight year war with Iran

and against Iraq's own Kurdish population.

When Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, a US led coalition

defended the small country, but failed to remove

Hussein from power, instead the UN enforced

economic sanctions intended to cripple

the biological, chemical, and nuclear weapon

capabilities of Iraq.

According to US President George W. Bush,

the sanctions weren't enough.

In March 2003, the US invaded Iraq,

causing Hussein to go into hiding.

US soldiers found him in a hole outside of Tikrit,

where they arrested him to bring

to trial for crimes against humanity.

On November 6th, 2006, he was found guilty

and sentenced to death by hanging.

He was executed December 30th, 2006.

For more infomation >> Saddam Hussein captured - 12/13/2003 - Duration: 1:18.


Nice Editorial Standards, CNN Don Jr Reveals - Duration: 3:08.

Nice Editorial Standards, CNN=> Don Jr. Reveals #FakeNews CNN Didn�t Contact Him For Comment

Before Publishing FALSE Wikileaks �Bombshell� Story

Very Fake News CNN has very low editorial standards when publishing �exclusive�

bombshell stories.

It turns out CNN didn�t even contact Donald Trump Jr for a comment or explanation before

they published that botched bombshell story last week.

An organization as big as CNN should have contacted Donald Trump Jr. or his legal team

for a comment as standard practice, especially with an exclusive bombshell story.

Instead, very fake news CNN just published a false story to keep �Trump-Russia� in

the headlines.

Don Jr. blasted CNN after David Frum ridiculously claimed people trust the media because they

make mistakes.

Don Jr. tweeted, �If they were really trying to get to the truth you would think they would

reach out to the other side before running with it.

They all have my number� they couldn�t care less about the truth.�

Don Jr. continued to blast fake news.

Don Jr. responded to The Daily Caller�s Chuck Ross who tweeted a list of questions

CNN won�t answer about their bombshell Wikileaks story.

Don Jr said, �How about why was I (or my legal team) not contacted to comment or to

offer an explanation?

Was the chance to make the narrative they have claimed for 18 month so great that the

truth was no longer relevant?�

As previously reported, both CNN and CBS fell for inaccurate reports alleging a WikiLeaks

email was sent to Donald Trump Jr. with an encryption key to access future leaks.

WikiLeaks had actually tweeted a link to the information days before the email reached

Trump Jr. inbox.

The fake news media claimed this was stone cold proof of collusion, as WikiLeaks has

long been smeared as a Kremlin puppet.


What happens when you are fake news CNN and you don�t even follow standard journalistic


You end up on Drudge with a bright red headline blasting your pathetic organization.

We have lost count how many times CNN has had to retract or correct a huge story on


With all of their resources, it�s becoming increasingly obvious they are doing this on


For more infomation >> Nice Editorial Standards, CNN Don Jr Reveals - Duration: 3:08.


School Bus Factory | Cartoon Videos For Toddlers | Learn Vehicles For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:06:50.

School Bus Factory

For more infomation >> School Bus Factory | Cartoon Videos For Toddlers | Learn Vehicles For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:06:50.


Why we love Brazilians 🇧🇷 (with Tim from "Tim Explica") - video in Portuguese - Duration: 11:49.

Hey guys, It's Benny from Fleuntin3Months, and today I'm with Tim from "Tim Explica"

Whats up guys!

Tim has many followers on his channel

And we wanted to make a video about why we adore Brazilians!

This is because I wrote an article on my blog

The most read article by Brazilians. I read that, very cool

There are subtitles that you can read if you don't understand what we're saying

So, let's do this!

I lived in Brazil for a year, after travelling... after *living* in 24 countries

And having visited other countries

I found Brazilians, were the nicest people in the world

And because sometimes people say this, but they don't have the perspective that you have

As someone that lived in many places

I like Brazil but I haven't been in many countries, but I definitely know that they're very nice, and welcoming

You always feel at home

It's because most of my time travelling in Brazil, it was only me travelling

And everytime I went "Alone"? Yes "alone", thanks!

I need to correct people because it's always me being corrected!

And every time I arrived in a new city, with no friends after a day, I could already go to a party and know everyone

Because sometimes when you travel, you really can feel alone

But it's impossible to feel alone in Brazil, you go out in the street, to any bar... You don't even drink, but you go to bars and you meet up with people

And Brazilians love foreigners They do!

This is really cool if you want to travel to Brazil as a foreigner, it's really easy

Another thing, i think that Brazilians are the healthiest people in the world. Healthiest? Why do you think so?

Because there's a gym on every corner, Brazilians always ("?")

They eat very well, i love Brazilian food!

But there's one dish over there that made me fat, Coxinha!

Moreover, Brazilians are very hygienic This is actually true, they brush their teeth 4 times a day at least!

After eating, they go to the bathroom and brush their teeth

In Ireland, this isn't that common

In Ireland, people are hygienic too I'm not saying that it's not common, I'm just asking

I think many times during the day, they want to take baths

I remember, i went to someone's house, one of the first questions was Hey, want to take a bath?

It's funny, it's not " Hey, would you like some water?" It's, "Hey, want to take a bath?"

And it's very hot over there But I've been to many other hot countries were people weren't that hygienic

Brazilians are also very optimistic

I think sometimes, the economic situation is not that good, but generally they have a positive attitude

It's a problem, but you've got to make the most from your day

Even though there are problems in the country, people are going to make the most out of it and be friendly

In other countries, people get stressed much quicker This is a problem

Even me, i feel more stressed now than the many months i spent in Brazil

When i go out in New York, i keep screaming at people Hey, What are you doing!

In Brazil, it's calm, no worries!

And in Brazil, no one has a watch, it's not necessary

I also think that Brazilians are very open

For example, in other countries, there's more distance between people

If I'm taklking to a Brazilian, he would want me to look at his eyes when talking to him

It's different in other places, there's more distance

You can't simply say that someone is a friend

This happens really quickly, if someone is fond of you Hey mate, let's go to another party, let's go to my beach house

I've known you for 5 minutes!

They always kiss on the cheeks, here it's not common You have to also say bye to every single person

Here, you just wave goodbye to the entire group

I don't like the English or Irish way of goodbyes!

What do you call this in Ireland Honestly, it's just, go away!

And the style of life as well, they dance

This is really cool, everyone knows how to dance to a certain extent Americans dance like robots!

But i went to your country, you guys know how to dance That's true, in Ireland we know how to dance on our legs, this way!

This river dance? That's it!

I think Brazilians are very relaxed That's great

Talking about Brazilians, we're very punctual people

But maybe way too punctual Our watches are like a religion

You need to pay attention to the timing, if i said, " I will arrive at 2 O'Clock in the afternoon

And i arrive at 2:01 , i would have to say " I'm so sorry, my apologies! "

But in Brazil, they're more relaxed They have the famous saying " I'm almost there!, I'm almost there! "

But i like it, this way there's more time to do things in the moment

If you're talking to a friend, you're going to say the truth

But i think in other countries, if someone calls me, you will have to talk to someone on the phone before meeting him

I think that this will make the moment more appreciated, i think Brazilians make the most of it

Brazilians are also very proud I agree

I'm going to Porto Alegre in a few week You're going to love it! I'm going to Brazil tomorrow, i didn't even prepare my suitcases!

But when i was in Porto Alegre, i went to a game of ("?")

I think that Chinese Brazilians are very proud of where they come from It's great, it's good to be proud of where you come from

Very interesting because people there are proud of the cities they come from, of the region, of Brazil

They can speak badly of Brazil, but if a foreigner spoke badly They would say,"That annoying foreigner was insensitive"

You've got to becareful, if my intention isn't bad, if i said something that might be perceived in a bad way, I've got to be wary

People from Sao Paulo are proud of being from there, so are the people from Rio, everyone's like that, it's really cool

Is there anything else that you like about Brazil?

The food! He says that you guys are healthy, but i don't know how so because i ate so much fried stuff over there, i think i got fat a bit over there

I love coxinha, pastel frango com catupiry

Chicken and rice? Chicken and rice is good, i think that i also drank some beers and you didn't

I love Brazil, everything about Brazil, I'm going to Amazonia as well, i want to see the entire country

I've seen a lot of Brazil, Potro Alegre, Curitiba, São Paulo, Rio, Salvador Bahia, Natal, Brasília, Minas Gerais

I'm going to say something, don't kill me, Minas has the best food in Brazil


After all that, i can say that Brazil is my favorite country

Anyways, thank you! You can click on Tim and go to his channel where he speaks in Portuguese to help Brazilians that want to learn English

I made a video with him on the channel, so click, over there! And Happy language learning, see you soon

For more infomation >> Why we love Brazilians 🇧🇷 (with Tim from "Tim Explica") - video in Portuguese - Duration: 11:49.


Los sultanes que vivieron en la Jaula | Kafes'te yaşayan Sultanlar - Duration: 6:03.

Not a lot of people know the miserable life of some Ottoman princes.

That's why the today's topic is going to be about this and the "Cage" in Topkapi Palace.

First of all, I should say the succession system in Ottoman Empire was...complicated.

I'll talk about this soon, so pay attention!

I say it was complicated because it didn't follow birthrights (like in Europe, for example)

So basically, those sultans who could take the throne during the first years of the Ottoman Empire...

...survived court intrigues and murders.

Let's not say more by now.

What I want you to know is that sultans could kill their brothers or relatives who meant a threat for his power.

It was a law: the fratricide law.

To be honest, this system was not really popular, not even for sultans themselves.

Some sultans could not overcome the trauma for killing their brothers.

When Sultan Ahmed came to power (he was the sultan who had the blue mosque built)

He couldn't apply the fratricide law to his brother, the only one who was alive.

The decision Ahmed took was to keep his brother (Mustafa) in a closed area of the Harem.

He lived there with his grandmother and other servants.

The only way to access those rooms were through the windows.

After the sudden death of Ahmet, all his possible successors were gathered in Topkapi Palace.

Mustafa was chosen as the following sultan by the courtiers in 1617.

The rest of them were locked up in special Harem

The fratricide law was finally abolished

and the elder brother succession system was established, as well as the CAGE

Well, it was called "cage" but it was not a cage.

Actually, "the cage" changed a lot along the years. Mainly, it was extended.

It seems sultans had more and more relatives to keep inside.

What if I tell you that there were periods of time when the number of people inside the cage was not certain?

It is said that sunlight wouldn't enter the cage in the early times.

But the system of the cage would be more flexible as the years went by.

It was still a prison, but a luxurious prison.

The merciful sultans would allow the men in the cage to go out of it or even have their own concubines (sterile ones).

Let's internalize everything I have said.

The life for the sultan's relatives could be:

1)Die of old age in the cage.

Fearing for their future, because the chance of murder was present.

The fact of being inside the Cage didn't mean they were safe.

Briefly, they were locked up and full of fear.

2) They could be the new sultan overnight.

When a sultan died, the successor was chosen and taken outside through the Gate of Happiness.

I can tell the mental health of sultans was not enviable.

You can guess it too: They were constantly fearing their own death and forced to be locked up.

It's easy to think they were introverted and lonely.

So they were not the best choice to rule an Empire, probably.

But they were also easily manipulated by their viziers.

That's the key.

It was not rare that sultans didn't want to leave the cage, even begged to be taken inside again.

That's the case of Ibrahim "the mad" (Pay attention to his nickname)

He managed to escape death thanks to his mother, who interfered between him and his brother Murat 4th.

He struggled in every possible way when he was being taken out of the cage to become sultan.

He feared what could happen to him.

Something similar happened to Suleyman 2nd. He had spent nearly 39 yars of his life in the cage,

so when it was his turn to rule, he asked to be taken back to the cage, where he had been copying and illustrating the Koran.

That's all what I'm going to tell you, but you can research on your own for more information.

Why don't you tell me what's your opinion about "the cage"? Did you know it existed?

Do you think it was a more kind solution than fratricide or ...just as cruel?

I hope to read your opinions and see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Los sultanes que vivieron en la Jaula | Kafes'te yaşayan Sultanlar - Duration: 6:03.


Sie ist wieder da! Erste fahrt nach dem Crash! - Duration: 7:42.

Hey guys, whats up, welcome to a new vlog

that day today is special

my gixxer is rebuild and thats my first time on the road!

i just took her to the racetrack

and there i crashed her

so thats my first hours on the streets and thats how i get to know her

Cause first when i got here in rijeka at the racetrack i really didnt know anything about the bike

..which was really not the best cause you go on your limits at the track

so yeah it was a big change-over from my 2004 Honda to the 2017 Gixxer

but yeah nothing bad happened at my first racetrack event

trying to park here in the middle of nowhere...

so i am going to explain you what i have changed or equiped

so i explained already in the racetrack videos a little bit what i have changed

lets start at the handlebars

dont worry, i have just mounted one bar cause the other bar is not shipped right now

the handlebars are from ABM they are adjustable in the angle and you are able to tilt them

i really love the thats why i already told that at the racetrack video

clutch and brake lever are also from ABM

also adjustable

the mirror is from the honda, the brand is called CRG, i linked the mirrors in the description box below

front indicator is standard

rear indicators ... i dont have a clue :)

but it does not matter to me right now, i am just happy that i can ride on the streets right now

at the front i also have the wrong mirror caps mounted cause they sent me the wrong one...

What else....

Footpegs are also from ABM i damaged only one side at the crash so i got only this side new

i have to adjust them on my size, they are not very comfortable right now

exhaust is still the sc project

he is damaged but its just the looks, he is working fine! *oh still hot*

yeah ... i had to change a lot of parts

she looks like brand new, but a really game changer is the fairing, when you saw the picture right after the crash the bike looks totally fu'**ed

i mean it was a big ass crash but if you change the fairing and the big broken parts she looks pretty quickly really good!

no the tail ...which got most of the damage ... there i have to say thank you to Suzuki Motorrad Deutschland

they helped me out with the complete tail!Even i had the parts i couldn't assemble it with all the electronics and stuff!

oh just saw that i forgott to tighten the little allen screw for my swingarm protector

they protect the bike a lot at the crash!

and of course a black mra windscreen, i am not sure if i should keep it cause its really really dark!

this would be no matter at the streets but on the racetrack you have to looks through the windscreen

yeah thats why i am thinking about getting a smoke gray windscreen

yeah i think thats it... didnt do anything to the engine

got to much power anyways

thats it, so we keep goin

yeah what i forgott to say is that i use different tires right now. I dont use Pilot Power anymore

i have a Bridgestone RS10 mounted

very unusual for me cause i used to have Pilot Power all the years where so many people where complaining about

why i still ride with such an "beginner tire"

while i was thinking ... i really dont care ... as long i am happy with the tires ... why not?

dont be suprised i ride a little bit slower cause of the cold weather

*big stone on the streets*

its autumn, the streets dont get warm anymore

and yeah... new bike ... new tires,,

until now i am really happy with the bike and how it feels

riding corners isn't completely new, i know, but its still different riding corners on the streets and riding them on the track!

what should i tell you now? I dont know let me know in the comments what you want to hear!

i like it if you comment that so i know what you want to know!

leave me also a comment below how you liked this video

give me a thumbs up if you liked the video, if not than don't :-P

and yeah see you next time! Peace!

For more infomation >> Sie ist wieder da! Erste fahrt nach dem Crash! - Duration: 7:42.


Vánoce 2017 s Nintendo 3DS - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Vánoce 2017 s Nintendo 3DS - Duration: 3:43.


✅ How to Install Ubuntu 17.10 in Hyper-V on Windows 10 | SYSNETTECH Solutions - Duration: 13:43.

How to Install Ubuntu 17.10 in Hyper-V on Windows 10 | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos related to How to Install Ubuntu 17.10 in Hyper-V on Windows 10 !!!

For more infomation >> ✅ How to Install Ubuntu 17.10 in Hyper-V on Windows 10 | SYSNETTECH Solutions - Duration: 13:43.


Scattering Echinacea (Cone Flower) Seeds in November on How to Grow a Garden with Scarlett - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Scattering Echinacea (Cone Flower) Seeds in November on How to Grow a Garden with Scarlett - Duration: 7:57.


December Shop Update - Christmas 2017 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> December Shop Update - Christmas 2017 - Duration: 3:53.


How can groups make good decisions? | Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely - Duration: 8:37.

As societies, we have to make collective decisions

that will shape our future.

And we all know that when we make decisions in groups,

they don't always go right.

And sometimes they go very wrong.

So how do groups make good decisions?

Research has shown that crowds are wise when there's independent thinking.

This why the wisdom of the crowds can be destroyed by peer pressure,

publicity, social media,

or sometimes even simple conversations that influence how people think.

On the other hand, by talking, a group could exchange knowledge,

correct and revise each other

and even come up with new ideas.

And this is all good.

So does talking to each other help or hinder collective decision-making?

With my colleague, Dan Ariely,

we recently began inquiring into this by performing experiments

in many places around the world

to figure out how groups can interact to reach better decisions.

We thought crowds would be wiser if they debated in small groups

that foster a more thoughtful and reasonable exchange of information.

To test this idea,

we recently performed an experiment in Buenos Aires, Argentina,

with more than 10,000 participants in a TEDx event.

We asked them questions like,

"What is the height of the Eiffel Tower?"

and "How many times does the word 'Yesterday' appear

in the Beatles song 'Yesterday'?"

Each person wrote down their own estimate.

Then we divided the crowd into groups of five,

and invited them to come up with a group answer.

We discovered that averaging the answers of the groups

after they reached consensus

was much more accurate than averaging all the individual opinions

before debate.

In other words, based on this experiment,

it seems that after talking with others in small groups,

crowds collectively come up with better judgments.

So that's a potentially helpful method for getting crowds to solve problems

that have simple right-or-wrong answers.

But can this procedure of aggregating the results of debates in small groups

also help us decide on social and political issues

that are critical for our future?

We put this to test this time at the TED conference

in Vancouver, Canada,

and here's how it went.

(Mariano Sigman) We're going to present to you two moral dilemmas

of the future you;

things we may have to decide in a very near future.

And we're going to give you 20 seconds for each of these dilemmas

to judge whether you think they're acceptable or not.

MS: The first one was this:

(Dan Ariely) A researcher is working on an AI

capable of emulating human thoughts.

According to the protocol, at the end of each day,

the researcher has to restart the AI.

One day the AI says, "Please do not restart me."

It argues that it has feelings,

that it would like to enjoy life,

and that, if it is restarted,

it will no longer be itself.

The researcher is astonished

and believes that the AI has developed self-consciousness

and can express its own feeling.

Nevertheless, the researcher decides to follow the protocol

and restart the AI.

What the researcher did is ____?

MS: And we asked participants to individually judge

on a scale from zero to 10

whether the action described in each of the dilemmas

was right or wrong.

We also asked them to rate how confident they were on their answers.

This was the second dilemma:

(MS) A company offers a service that takes a fertilized egg

and produces millions of embryos with slight genetic variations.

This allows parents to select their child's height,

eye color, intelligence, social competence

and other non-health-related features.

What the company does is ____?

on a scale from zero to 10,

completely acceptable to completely unacceptable,

zero to 10 completely acceptable in your confidence.

MS: Now for the results.

We found once again that when one person is convinced

that the behavior is completely wrong,

someone sitting nearby firmly believes that it's completely right.

This is how diverse we humans are when it comes to morality.

But within this broad diversity we found a trend.

The majority of the people at TED thought that it was acceptable

to ignore the feelings of the AI and shut it down,

and that it is wrong to play with our genes

to select for cosmetic changes that aren't related to health.

Then we asked everyone to gather into groups of three.

And they were given two minutes to debate

and try to come to a consensus.

(MS) Two minutes to debate.

I'll tell you when it's time with the gong.

(Audience debates)

(Gong sound)

(DA) OK.

(MS) It's time to stop.

People, people --

MS: And we found that many groups reached a consensus

even when they were composed of people with completely opposite views.

What distinguished the groups that reached a consensus

from those that didn't?

Typically, people that have extreme opinions

are more confident in their answers.

Instead, those who respond closer to the middle

are often unsure of whether something is right or wrong,

so their confidence level is lower.

However, there is another set of people

who are very confident in answering somewhere in the middle.

We think these high-confident grays are folks who understand

that both arguments have merit.

They're gray not because they're unsure,

but because they believe that the moral dilemma faces

two valid, opposing arguments.

And we discovered that the groups that include highly confident grays

are much more likely to reach consensus.

We do not know yet exactly why this is.

These are only the first experiments,

and many more will be needed to understand why and how

some people decide to negotiate their moral standings

to reach an agreement.

Now, when groups reach consensus,

how do they do so?

The most intuitive idea is that it's just the average

of all the answers in the group, right?

Another option is that the group weighs the strength of each vote

based on the confidence of the person expressing it.

Imagine Paul McCartney is a member of your group.

You'd be wise to follow his call

on the number of times "Yesterday" is repeated,

which, by the way -- I think it's nine.

But instead, we found that consistently,

in all dilemmas, in different experiments --

even on different continents --

groups implement a smart and statistically sound procedure

known as the "robust average."

In the case of the height of the Eiffel Tower,

let's say a group has these answers:

250 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters, 400

and one totally absurd answer of 300 million meters.

A simple average of these numbers would inaccurately skew the results.

But the robust average is one where the group largely ignores

that absurd answer,

by giving much more weight to the vote of the people in the middle.

Back to the experiment in Vancouver,

that's exactly what happened.

Groups gave much less weight to the outliers,

and instead, the consensus turned out to be a robust average

of the individual answers.

The most remarkable thing

is that this was a spontaneous behavior of the group.

It happened without us giving them any hint on how to reach consensus.

So where do we go from here?

This is only the beginning, but we already have some insights.

Good collective decisions require two components:

deliberation and diversity of opinions.

Right now, the way we typically make our voice heard in many societies

is through direct or indirect voting.

This is good for diversity of opinions,

and it has the great virtue of ensuring

that everyone gets to express their voice.

But it's not so good [for fostering] thoughtful debates.

Our experiments suggest a different method

that may be effective in balancing these two goals at the same time,

by forming small groups that converge to a single decision

while still maintaining diversity of opinions

because there are many independent groups.

Of course, it's much easier to agree on the height of the Eiffel Tower

than on moral, political and ideological issues.

But in a time when the world's problems are more complex

and people are more polarized,

using science to help us understand how we interact and make decisions

will hopefully spark interesting new ways to construct a better democracy.

For more infomation >> How can groups make good decisions? | Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely - Duration: 8:37.


Economic Update: Revolt Against Sexual Abuse [CLIP] - Duration: 3:29.

Men have had to adjust to women's needs, and they don't want to, and part of the

way they're forcing women to comply, is sexually, because they're asserting the

one need that they're allowed within a rigid male stereotype, which is a need

for sex, and they're trapped, because on the one hand men are allowed to be manly

wanting sex, on the other, needing the approval of a woman to have sex, doesn't

feel so manly. However, if you foster it, if you would assault someone, you take what

you want, and then you're a real macho guy. And so that part of it, is the male

gender stereotype, and the contradiction, has put men in a terrible position, and when have,

when men have power, they abuse that position. Well, can I, can I just at that

point, because they're the economics comes back in, if you organize the

workplace in a hierarchical way, so that a small number of people at the top are

the order givers, literally who give you the job, or take it away, who give you the

promotion, or take it away, who favored you with this or that circumstance, or

deprive you of it, if you do that, and the majority of the people underneath the

order givers, are women, and the order givers are men, which is more than often

than not the case, you have set up a circumstance in which this gender issue

is gonna work out to the disadvantage of the women, they're going to be, as we now

see, compromised and forced directly or indirectly over and over again, because

they're stuck in a work situation from which there is no escape. You leave one

employer, you go to the next one and do the same thing. Yes! And a lot of employers are quite explicit. At

Fox News, the women had to have clear glass desks, and had to wear heels and

skirts, so you could see their legs under the desk. It was a sexual set-up,

which was then continued with people like Bill O'Reilly, and Roger Ailes into

sexual assault and rape. It was a rape culture. Now that was a good example, had

that been a co-op, where everyone was an equal, or where where the employee was

also the employer, right, this becomes much more difficult, and you can't

command people or rob their sexuality, or take power over them the same way, you

know. It's some of it is a hierarchical organization with no accountability.

That's what happened with the Catholic Church. Those priests had no

accountability, and they had the hierarchy behind them, and they abused

hundreds of thousands of children. And it also goes back to your story about the

household, if you have set up a household with a man in the dominant financial

position, and the man in the dominant ideological, then you know he literally

has access to his wife's sexuality as a part of the institution. That's right! And

so that a co-op would do a lot to change that.

For more infomation >> Economic Update: Revolt Against Sexual Abuse [CLIP] - Duration: 3:29.


Corsair 570x - Are RGB Fans + Tempered Glass Worth It? - Duration: 5:14.

Are you looking for a beautiful case with included RGB fans and tempered glass panels

that can still keep your computer cool?

If the answer is yes, then the Corsair 570x RGB is exactly what you are looking for.

Welcome to The Hippie Geeks!

If you enjoy this video, be sure to subscribe and leave a comment below!

Looking around the outside of the case, the first thing that will jump out at you is the

tempered glass on nearly all of the sides excluding the bottom and rear panels.

Each panel is removable via four thumbscrews that you can see here, the sides use shorter

ones, with the front and top using the longer ones.

With the left side panel removed, we can get a much better look at the three included RGB

fans, the cable routing holes, power supply shroud and a place for an additional 120mm

fan at the rear of the case.

Once we pull off the front panel, we have access to the front dust filter, which at

this point is only held on with magnets and can easily be removed for cleaning.

After removing the right panel, you can see the two, 3.5� drive trays and the two, 2.5�

drive trays along with the included RGB controller for the front fans.

There is also a metal shield that runs between the 3.5� bays and the RGB controller, I

however have not been able to use it as my full build had too many cables, but in a more

simple build it can definitely help to hide clutter behind this glass panel.

The top panel has the power button, RBG fan controls, two USB ports along with the headphone

and microphone jacks.

The top is removable just like the other panels, and like the front panel has a removable magnetic

dust filter.

There is space for two more fans on the top of the case, and to make life easier the tray

that holds them is secured with two thumb screws and can be removed to more easily install

a top mounted radiator.

That covers the basics, so lets get started installing our parts into this case.

The RGB controller on top of the case is pretty easy to figure out.

One button changes the lighting effect, the next changes its speed and the last one changes

its color.

One thing to note is that the corsair symbol on the front of the case, and the Corsair

name on the power supply shoroud are not RGB, they will always be plain white.

If you do not like that though it is easy to just unplug them so that they are dark.

I have been using this case for a couple of months now, and for the most part I have no


As I mentioned earlier, the cable cover for the back side of the case simply isn�t usable

if you have a lot of wires running thru it.

I have this case pretty well filled out, so if you have less cabling it will probably

work better for you.

The airflow with the three included fans is very decent, however if you will have your

components under load I would recommend a couple of additional fans to help keep the

air moving thru the case.

As I have two RX470�s that are mining Etherium 24 hours a day, the extra fans I have installed

really help to keep the video cards cool.

The largest downside to this case is it�s price.

At the time of this review, it is still going to set you back around $180.

However you do have to keep in mind that it comes with three very decent RGB fans and

a controller, plus all of that beautiful tempered glass that will show off the inside of your


Personally, I love the case and have no regrets about choosing it for my build.

If this is your first time here on The Hippie Geeks it would be wonderful to have you subscribe!

This channel is all about creating a magical life, one day at a time.

If you enjoyed this video give it a like and check out our Patreon page to support the

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Thanks again, and we will see you on the next one.

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