Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017



Lockheed Martin is a military contractor that manufactures advanced aircraft and propulsion


They�re known for building some of the most advanced technologies known to man, and for

years, all of the engineering, science, and technology, for the most part, has been locked

up in Black Budget programs that have absolutely no oversight from Congress.

This is according to a 1997 U.S Senate report.

This means that nobody, not even those who have �high level� positions within the

military, political, and intelligence communities, knows exactly what�s going on.

Many of these programs are completely unacknowledged, and the United States has had a history of

government agencies existing in secret for years.

While the National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden

until the mid 1960s.

Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained

completely secret for 30 years, along with all of the technology it was using.

You can read a more in-depth article on the Black Budget here.

The same type of secrecy surrounds our space program, and what�s now known as The Secret

Space program.

Who knows what�s really going on up there.

�It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of

weapons of mass destruction, when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring

in your own backyard.

It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,

allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called

a democracy, when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on

projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately

in the dark.�

� Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer

This is why when Steve Justice, the recently retired Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed

Skunkworks, signed on board with To The Stars Academy, it raised some eyebrows.

To The Stars is an initiative to let the public know that Unidentified Flying Objects are

real, and they commonly perform maneuvers that defy our known laws of physics.

It�s goal, one out of many, is to bring forth these technologies that have been locked

up in the black budget world in order to help humanity thrive.

They will be working directly with the U.S. government to release video footage, documents,

and more.

Now, what does this all mean?

What are the intentions?

Who is providing these people with information, and who is providing the U.S. government with


Those are completely different topics, but it would be sensible to exercise caution,

as it�s not uncommon for Western governments, corporations, and media to deceive us, to

twist stories for their own personal gain.

This is also a possibility with regards to the UFO phenomenon.

So, what did Mr. Justice have to say?

Well, a lot of things.

One of the first statements he made using the To The Stars platform is that, when it

comes to the technologies he�s been around, worked with, and seen, it would be an understatement

to call them revolutionary.

He also stated, while discussing the concept for the craft that To The Stars plans to build,

the following:

This is a concept for an international point-to-point transportation craft that will erase the current

travel limits of distance and time.

It mimics the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a driver system

that alters space-time metric.

We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies

from the Science Division to �realize� the capability.

By making this statement, he is telling the world that Unidentified Flying Objects (which

are commonly tracked on military radar) utilize a device that somehow combats the problem

of distance and time, making it easy for them to travel what we humans perceive as great

and impossible distances in a short period of time.

�There is another way, whether it�s wormholes, or warping space, there�s got to be a way

to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they�re

[extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.� (source) � Jack Kasher,

Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska.

Another representative, Chris Mellon (CIA), commented: �To the Stars represents an opportunity

to reach beyond the normal boundaries of Aerospace to create products that we can call them revolutionary

and that�s too mild of a word.�

Louis Elizondo, who recently retired from the Pentagon, �ran a sensitive aerospace

threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies� where

he learned that, as he mentions in the video below at approximately the 20 minute 50 second

mark, �the phenomenon is indeed real.�

You can watch the livestream of all these individuals speaking here.

These are the latest public disclosures dealing with the topic, but for the past few years,

hundreds of such people have come forward to speak publicly about the phenomenon.

What makes the comments of Steve Justice so interesting is that one of his predecessors,

Ben Rich, has also been rumoured to make the following remark:

We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked

up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit


Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.

. . . We now have technology to take ET home.

No it won�t take someone�s lifetime to do it.

there is an error in the equations.

When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, �Let me ask you.

How does ESP work?� The questioner responded with, �All points in time and space are

connected?� Rich then said, �That�s how it works!� (This seems to be related

to quantum entanglement, which you can read more about here.)

What�s the source for these quotes?

There are multiple sources; to access them and read more about Ben Rich, you can read

this story we put out on him a couple of years ago.



All I Want For Christmas... (13 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 24:19.

For more infomation >> All I Want For Christmas... (13 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 24:19.



For more infomation >> BAĞCILARDA DOLANDIRICI ŞAKASI - BAŞIM BELADA - Duration: 7:10.


Dreams - Erschaffen einer Umgebung in 5 Minuten [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Dreams - Erschaffen einer Umgebung in 5 Minuten [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 5:07.


Was ist Dreams? [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Was ist Dreams? [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 2:28.


Media Hyped Global Hate at Trump's Jerusalem Call, but Here's Ho - Duration: 3:28.

Media Hyped Global Hate at Trump�s Jerusalem Call, but Here�s How Israel Reacted

While the mainstream media spent the weekend obsessing over Arab violence stemming from

President Donald Trump�s historic announcement on Jerusalem last week, a viral video shows

how Israelis reacted to Trump�s huge decision.

On Wednesday, Trump declared that the United States recognized Jerusalem as the capital

of Israel � the first president to do so � and said the U.S. would be moving its

embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The move upended the status quo of Middle East politics, which drew criticism from many

world capitals.

But with the United States leading the way, other countries are certainly to follow � and

some already have appeared headed that way.

In the immediate aftermath, many in the mainstream media began accusing Trump of escalating tensions

in the Middle East and only broadcast videos of riots and protesters who disagreed with

the move.

However, a social media user named Robert Tiso uploaded a video to his Facebook page

on Friday that showed a massive crowd in Jerusalem celebrating Trump�s historic announcement.

The video has gone viral across the internet, with more than 3.7 million views, 18,000 likes,

and 110,000 shares.

It�s also very telling that many in Tiso�s video were seen peacefully celebrating the

historic move, and not burning buildings and destroying property like the terrorist-supporting


Indeed, instead of showing how happy this move made many, liberals have decided to only

show riots and uprisings from cold-blooded terrorists.

Israel has been a punching bag by globalists and many in the media for years, but this

video is exactly what liberals won�t show people because it proves that many support

Trump�s decision.

But Trump isn�t afraid of hurting liberals� feelings in the course of honoring his commitment

to the American people that he would recognize Jerusalem as Israel�s capital, and move

the American Embassy there if he were elected.

Israel has learned that it now has a true friend in the White House, and Trump has made

it clear that the U.S. stands with Israel.

Despite the media�s leftist narrative of bashing Israel, this video perfectly encapsulates

how happy many Israelis were with Trump�s bold decision.

Please like and share this story if you agree with President Trump�s decision to recognize

Jerusalem as Israel�s capital.

What do you think about this viral video?

Scroll down to comment below!

See the video of the real reaction.

The video link is in the article source below in our description

For more infomation >> Media Hyped Global Hate at Trump's Jerusalem Call, but Here's Ho - Duration: 3:28.


Pussel Babblarna för små barn. - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Pussel Babblarna för små barn. - Duration: 2:16.


⭐ Electric Angel ⭐ | ANIMATION MEME - Duration: 0:41.

"Electric Angel"

As long as i can be ***with*** you even my digital heart will start to throb. Almost like a quantum wind, my heart will start to sway (x2)


For more infomation >> ⭐ Electric Angel ⭐ | ANIMATION MEME - Duration: 0:41.


5 Holiday Drinks From Around the World - Travel Channel - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> 5 Holiday Drinks From Around the World - Travel Channel - Duration: 0:48.


Титановые сверла Milwaukee (субтитры) - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Титановые сверла Milwaukee (субтитры) - Duration: 1:14.


Lex Dreamie Addict - Duration: 1:36.

Do you want some Dreamies Lex?

Happy Music Playing

Purrrr Purrrrrr

Purrrr Purrrrrr

Purrrr Purrrrrr

For more infomation >> Lex Dreamie Addict - Duration: 1:36.


انمي قصير روعة - أجمل فيلم أنمي قصير لهذه السنة - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> انمي قصير روعة - أجمل فيلم أنمي قصير لهذه السنة - Duration: 6:16.


The Stroll in Schoorl | Greetings from the Netherlands - Duration: 12:59.

Good morning! So... Baking eggs in a bigger pan because I couldn't find a smaller pan. Um... Where's

the egg you may ask? Well this might not have been the best idea ever.

Oh well. It's time for breakfast. My cats are outdoor cats. Gimli!

Gimli! I'm putting on my running

shoes. In nine days I want to do a 10k, and I don't think I'm ready for it. So...

Yeah. That'll be interesting; however, I'm not gonna be discouraged. Cause so I'm

gonna do this. You're gonna see a little bit of the Netherlands from running

perspective. I'm sorry for the shaky footage - footage.

Seriously, it's freezing.

I'm wearing running clothes that I wear in Florida.

Farming stuff in Holland.

That run was nice. I've

no idea how much I ran, or how long I took, cause I don't have anything else on

me besides my camera to talk to you, and to show you some dutch views. Oh it's

cold - colder. Next time, though, I'm definitely gonna wear at least long

sleeves cause shorts are okay, but my arms are cold. It's fun walking around here

again. Like, it's weird, because I haven't stepped foot into the Netherlands two

years and a half. Nicky and I are at Deen. - Do I have to speak English? - Trying to figure out a drink, and we're

soon going to the beach or the dunes. - You don't have to speak English if you don't want too. - OK.

I'll speak Dutch. I'll just talk as though I don't know you're filming, and I'm just talking to you nonchalantly.

So, Radler, there's lemon - the one we got. There also is lime mint flavor which tastes good. There's also grapefruit - very deliciously.

And there's also Jills, and that's 5%. I'm not sure if that's light in the US.

And there's also a lot of 0.0.

Nice. - Well, that's the beer in Holland. - Thanks for explaining.

I'm used to the light beers in the US. - I want a bottle of water. - Oh, OK.

You know what? This grocery store is so small.

Really so small... - This is one of the biggest Deen's that I ever go to.

Look at all those windmills guys. Isn't that awesome?

That's how people in the Netherlands collect their energy, because it's a better thing

for the environment. Right Nicky? - Yes. - So what are we gonna do today? - We're going

to the beach. - Yes. - And the dunes. - Yes, and at what little city?

Schoorl. - Schoorl. That's

how you pronounce it guys. Schoorl. This is how you spell it:

Techniques of editing: it's awesome I can do stuff like that.

Phy, something else, I think we're lost.

We're lost!

Open roof means that the Sun came out! It's time to put our sunshades... sunshades?

It's time to put our sunglasses on. I wanted to say shades and glasses. And

hopefully soon we'll get to Schoorl and we'll get to enjoy the sand and the

dunes. - The Dunes. - Are you excited? - Yes. - Cool. - Very much.

Yeah, I don't know what Dunes is in English to be honest with you.

Look at that, guys!

That's the Klimduin. Cheers! - Cheers!

To the Netherlands. - Yes, to the Netherlands. - Really fun! - Dutch weather.

Do you see this, guys? This right there? That right there?

You see that? To you it might be just a dot, but to me it's a huge spider. So

Nicky's like: Oh hey, you got a bug in your hair, and she's messing with it. She

takes off my sunglasses. This spider was sitting right here - just chillin'. Just

enjoying the Sun like we are.

Nicky and I are walking up the dune or Klimduin.

Almost there!

Wow! That was a workout. Look how

pretty it is, though. That was totally worth it. Look at this guy's.

Interesting roots.

I wish I was a deer, so I could run around here....

... with my deer friends.

Can you say that again in English please? - Deer is deer, right? - Yes.

Alright. I wish I was a deer, so I can run around with my deer friends...

Aw! - ... to play.

In this beautiful scenery that we're walking through.

So Nicky and I are making a decision. Now, which way are we going? Left or right?

For you right or left? - I'm doing the background. - Oh, okay, background extra content.

Let's see. Let's go left. I'm feeling

left. For the viewer, that was right.

Look how beautiful!

Nicky just came to a conclusion. She rather

actually not become a deer. - But a unicorn. - A unicorn! - Wow!

What color would your eh...

Pink. - ...horn be. Pink? - Like this. - Yeah.

Wow, that view! - With glitters. - With glitter?

Yeah. - That would be cute.

I think if I were to be an animal I would probably be a cat.

Some type of cat. Probably a big cat, though. -Mies. - Mies, ha ha.

I want to see her. She's

like a little ball. - Not a little ball - a big ball. - OK, a big ball.

That's so cool.

That's really pretty.

It's so hot... - It is pretty warm. - for me...

Yeah, I'm used to Florida temperatures. Oh! This is pretty though. Wow! Look at all

that. That's great. OK. We can do this.

We're almost there!

I mentioned, I believe, that the Netherlands is flat. I forgot to mention it's not always flat.

The cool thing about accessories is that you can turn them into really convenient things, like for example, we forgot to bring a blanket to sit on,

but now we can use this scarf that says... - Yay. - What does it say?

Oh, wind!

Let's see. What does it say? A smooth sea doesn't make a skillful sailor.

That's what we're gonna sit on as a blanket.

We are going to eat salad.

Yup. Yes.

Here we go. Time to shake it up. - Good introduction.

It really works.

I hope...

Yay! - Wow! See, that's pretty good, right? - Hmmm...

So in our salad we have avocado, tomato, cucumber, spinach... - Hmm... - ..and like this mix..

...and Ranch dressing.

There's another T-splitsing - Splitsing?

That's half English half Dutch. There's another choice that we have to

make, and I'm guessing we are choosing left if that's where we're going. - Right is...

...upstairs, so that way. - Yeah sounds good. Left it is. - Upstairs, does that mean going up?

Upstairs is like... - Like stairs, right? - Yeah. Like... I would say that the other route is leveled upwards. Or something?

Leveled? Another one. - So okay, now what are we doing this time? That one's going upwards as well.

There. Then right. - Down? Okay. Going down! Are you down to go down? - Yes. - Sounds good.

I'm down to go down too.

So these are some tracks of mountain bikes, Nicky pointed out. Pretty smart. I

didn't really think about that. Oh, maybe we could bike here some time.

On what bikes? Opoe-bikes? - That's true... - Maybe you could rent mountain bikes.

While Nicky's paying attention to taking us to civilization and safety, I'm focused

on capturing pretty images for you. It's so pretty.

Oh my goodness! Alright, serious business and fun. Look at this.

Maybe the leaves are warning us like: no, don't go that way. There are the cannibals.

Did you guys ever do this guys? I used to

call these "little noses". I've no idea what they actually called, though. Oh and there's

something gross on... What the heck do I have with bugs on me today?

This is a dead one, I think. - Oh, a dead one... - Ew. - Nice. Anyhow, did you ever do that?

For more infomation >> The Stroll in Schoorl | Greetings from the Netherlands - Duration: 12:59.


TF2電影 狂暴的紅隊 [HDCC字幕] - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> TF2電影 狂暴的紅隊 [HDCC字幕] - Duration: 4:51.


ЧТО БЫЛО ДО ДИНОЗАВРОВ - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> ЧТО БЫЛО ДО ДИНОЗАВРОВ - Duration: 5:50.


ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 25 по 31 ДЕКАБРЯ 2017 года по ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 13:20.

For more infomation >> ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 25 по 31 ДЕКАБРЯ 2017 года по ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 13:20.


Every 2017 Superhero Movie Ranked Worst To Best - Duration: 7:14.

The 2017 crop of superhero movies is pretty impressive and it's safe to say that more

than one wildly exceeded expectations.

If you're looking for the best, we're running down the seven superhero movies released by

the major studios in 2017, ranked from worst to best.

Minor spoilers follow.

Justice League While audiences have been somewhat forgiving

of the DC Extended Universe's growing pains, critics have been merciless.

Unfortunately, Justice League proved no exception.

On the bright side, fans were finally treated to the visceral thrill of seeing Batman, Superman,

Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and the Flash together on the big screen.

But the film's uneven plotting and forgettable villain are hard to overlook.

Those weaknesses were mitigated to an extent by a couple of rousing action sequences, and

the winning presences of Jason Momoa's Aquaman and Ezra Miller's scene-stealing Flash.

So, it may not have been the Justice League all fans wanted, but it was ultimately an

enjoyable, if flawed, vehicle for some of the most beloved comics characters ever to

grace the page.

The Lego Batman Movie Fans were delighted when The Lego Batman Movie,

a spinoff of 2014's surprisingly excellent animated feature The Lego Movie, was announced.

The film continued the emphasis on clever, quirky, layered humor, and rewarded fans of

the Dark Knight with a steady stream of references to his past cinematic incarnations.

As good as it was, however, The Lego Batman Movie is still largely inessential.

It broke no new ground in terms of superhero films or Batman stories, failing to hit the

creative highs that the year's superior superhero movies all reached in one way or another.

It's squarely in the middle of the pack—but as an animated Lego outing, it's still a heck

of a lot better than the disappointing Lego Ninjago Movie.


Hugh Jackman's stunning 17-year run as Wolverine

in the X-Men series may never be surpassed, and he could hardly have gone out on a higher

note than Logan.

The film hit the right notes for the character in a way that no previous X-Men movie truly

had, thanks to its grim storyline and hard R rating, which finally allowed for an appropriately

Wolverine-esque level of violence.

If there was one consistent complaint about the film, it's that it may have taken its

grim and melancholy tone a bit too far.

The bleak and unforgiving world is consistently rendered in stark, dusty tones, and the fates

of our major characters aren't pretty.

Logan is a great Wolverine movie at long last, but this year's best superhero movies were

able to tell stories every bit as compelling—and not quite as bleak.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

2014's Guardians of the Galaxy certainly overperformed.

Nobody expected a team of virtually unknown characters featuring a tree and a

gun-toting raccoon to capture the hearts of moviegoers, but writer/director James Gunn

brought passion and vision—not to mention a stellar cast—to the project.

Guardians overcame low expectations to become one of Marvel's most-loved films, meaning

that its sequel faced expectations that were anything but low.

Fortunately, Gunn and his ragtag team of space heroes largely delivered with Guardians of

the Galaxy Vol. 2.

The action sequences are even crazier this time around, but the family-oriented story

also serves as a framework for Gunn to explore some of the more unlikely family dynamics

of his characters, and to delve into some of the more complex aspects of their personalities.


You just told everyone your deepest darkest secret."

"No, come on, I think you're overreacting a little bit."

"You must be so embarrassed!"

Vol. 2 may not quite have lived up to its predecessor, but it benefited from not trying

too hard to achieve that lofty goal.

Plus: any film that features Kurt Russell as a quasi-immortal living planet in human

form earns points for sheer awesomeness.

Wonder Woman

The DC Extended Universe has largely failed

to live up to expectations, but there's been one brilliant exception.

Director Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman, starring Gal Gadot as the legendary Amazonian, blew

away audiences, single-handedly resurrecting hope for the DCEU as a whole.

Jenkins knocked all kinds of holes in the well-worn theory that audiences wouldn't respond

to a female-centric superhero movie by turning in a spectacularly shot and choreographed,

well-paced, and flat-out entertaining feature, anchored by Gadot's alternately graceful and

badass performance.

Wonder Woman suffers from only minor imperfections: plot-wise, it bears more than a passing resemblance

to Marvel's Captain America: The First Avenger, and some critics felt Chris Pine's Steve Trevor

could have been de-emphasized in terms of the title character's motivation.

But overall, Wonder Woman is a spectacular big-screen solo debut for a character Hollywood

has famously struggled to adapt.

Jenkins' deft directorial touch and refusal to objectify her lead only served to make

the character's subsequent appearance in Justice League function as a reminder of this far

superior film.

Spider-Man: Homecoming

Until 2015, Sony Pictures held the sole film

rights to Spider-Man.

The first appearance of Spidey in the MCU—in 2016's Captain America: Civil War—proved

what audiences have long known: Spider-Man belongs in a larger universe with the rest

of Marvel's heroes.


"Hey everyone!"

It doesn't hurt that Tom Holland is terrific in the role of Peter Parker, or Michael Keaton—in

a casting masterstroke—creates one of the more compelling villains in the MCU as Adrian


But the true genius of Homecoming is in the decision to give us the bumbling, insecure,

15-year old Peter that previous cinematic incarnations never showed, and to let interactions

with classmates and other heroes inform and develop the character as they've always done

in the comics.

This Spider-Man has plenty of room to grow, and his first solo vehicle is an outstanding



Thor: Ragnarok The best superhero film of 2017 had the lowest

expectations of them all.

Thor: Ragnarok seemed like almost an afterthought—except to fans who'd been paying attention.

The signing of indie director Taika Waititi piqued the interest of those familiar with

his unique comic voice.

"When you're a vampire, you become very sexy"

And the news that the plot would incorporate

elements of the Planet Hulk storyline from the comics—as well as intriguing cast additions

including Cate Blanchett and Jeff Goldblum—clued them in that they might be in for something


Thor: Ragnarok destroyed critical and box office expectations by finding the innate

silliness in the MCU's God of Thunder.



"We don't have to have a name, we can have no name."

The movie's nonstop humor is liberally balanced with plenty of stunning action, a brilliant

soundtrack, and a truly threatening villain in Blanchett's Hela.

The welcome returns of Tom Hiddleston's Loki and Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner/Hulk—not

to mention some strongly drawn new characters and one well-placed Doctor Strange cameo—connect

the film to the larger MCU, but Thor: Ragnarok is its own singularly insane flick—and one

of Marvel's best.

Here's hoping we get a Waititi-directed Thor 4 as soon as possible.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Every 2017 Superhero Movie Ranked Worst To Best - Duration: 7:14.



For more infomation >> I SEGRETI DI MICHAEL ROSEN SECONDO GOOGLE - RESUX - Duration: 5:49.


The Hottest Dog Names Of 2017 - Duration: 3:46.

Picking a name for your precious pooch can be a tricky business.

If you want a trendy name for your beloved pet, but you're not sure what names are popular

for dogs these days, look no further!

Here are some of the hottest dog names of 2017 to help you find the perfect one for

your pup.


Pop culture plays a big role in which dog names are trending.

Rover, a network of pet sitters and dog walkers, released the most popular names in their database.

Thor made the site's list of Top 100 male dog names, no doubt influenced by the massive

popularity of Marvel's Thor movies.

The latest installment, Thor: Ragnarok holds a 92 percent approval rating from Rotten Tomatoes,

so it's no surprise that people want to name their pets after the Norse god of thunder.


According to Rover, names from Harry Potter and other pop culture nostalgia properties

are becoming increasingly popular with dog owners.

Names from the Potter franchise have increased significantly in 2017.

If your dog is as loyal as a house elf, Dobby might be a good choice for him.

It's a testament to the popularity of the Harry Potter books and movies that these names

are becoming more and more popular, even a decade after The Deathly Hallows was published.


If Harry Potter isn't your thing, you could try giving Khaleesi a spin.

Thanks to the wild success of the Game of Thrones book series and hit HBO show, names

inspired by the franchise are up in popularity as well.

Khaleesi is not just growing in popularity with dogs but also with humans.

The name, which was invented for the series, has been given to hundreds of baby girls since



Human names are huge right now for dogs.

In fact, all of the top ten names for dogs according to Nextdoor are names that are also

popular for human babies.

Bella tops the list as the most popular dog name in communities registered with the site,

making the name even more popular for dogs than it is for babies.

Whether this continues the book theme, or maybe even the influence of celebrities, is

unclear — but Bella is clearly on the rise for pups.


The human name trend also holds true for male dogs.

According to Nextdoor, Max is the third most popular name for dogs.

This name is also popular as a baby name all over the world.

An abbreviated form of Maximilian, variations of this name have been around for centuries

so it makes sense that such an enduring name would also become popular for man's best friend.


If the name Ace is good enough for Batman's dog, it's certainly a good choice for yours!

It's one of the most popular names on Pet MD with thousands of people voting in favor

of it.

While the name was traditionally used as a nickname for human babies, it's recently gained

popularity as a given name over the last few years, so don't be surprised if you get a

few heads turning when you call your pet over to you at the dog park.


While cats and dogs have different personalities, many names work just as well for a cat as

they do for a dog.

There's a lot of overlap between the top cat names and the top dog names, and Coco proved

to be one of the most popular names for both female cats and dogs.

It seems that Coco Chanel has influenced both the world of fashion and the world of pet


Either that, or people just really like chocolate.


Healthy Paws Pet Insurance also releases an annual list of the top pet names compiled

from their enrolled pets.

According to their data, Bentley is a hot name for male dogs right now.

It's safe to say that people are naming their dogs after the luxury car, and why not?

Like a motorized Bentley, a dog named Bentley also requires special love and attention.


According to the website My Dog's Name, Milo tops the list of male dog names.

The funny thing is, one of the most famous Milos of all is actually a cat — the feline

with the title role in the classic children's film The Adventures of Milo and Otis.

Farrah Pawcett

If you're determined to stay away from the trending names, you could always go with a

clever play on a famous name.

Nationwide Pet Insurance released a list of some of the wackiest names that people have

given their beloved pooches.

Have a dog that's always ready for her close-up?

Try calling her Farrah Pawcett.

Other clever names in 2017 include Ozzy Pawsborn, Doc Howliday, and Dog Marley.

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