Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

A couple days ago our new friends, Fly Me 2 Disney did a tag video and we got tagged.

You guys need to go check them out, they're awesome go see their video, I'm going to link

it down below.

1st question, what is our favourite movie, what is our favourite Christmas movie?

I don't know, we always have to watch Love Actually, yep, that's one of my favourites.

I love Scrooged.

Bill Murray in scrooged is awesome.

Yep it is, that is a good movie.

I don't now, I feel like we're missing one though, ya, that we watch every year which

seems ridiculous.

Yeah, let me think, not sure.

It will come to me.

Oh wait.

No, no it's gone.

It's gone.

Question #2, are you on the naughty or nice list?

I'm way too nice.

I'm like on the double nice list.

Yeah, that's pretty true.

If anything, we're just goofy ah yeah and don't have a filter.

well hey, okay.

Number 3.

Show us an embarrassing Christmas photo.

Question #4 have you ever had a white Christmas?

That's actually another good movie, White Christmas.

Um, yes we've had a few, yeah.

We live in Canada so they do definitely exist up here.

And believe it or not, they don't exist every day of the year.


So you know.

We don't live in igloos just in case you're wondering.

Question five, is that question five, yep. question five have we started our Christmas


Do we start on Black Friday or do we wait till the last minute?

Well the answer to both of those is yes.

The answer to both questions is yes.

Cause we're pretty good at getting stuff done yeah but we a lot of times I think there's

always one or two that are right at the last minute.

Question number six, If you could be in any Christmas movie, what would it be?

What's the one where Tom Hanks narrates?

With the train and the kid.

Oh the Polar Express!

The polar express.


I think that would be epic.

Mm hm.

I'd say the Santa Clause just because it's actually in the North Pole for a part of it.

I think that's a pretty cool movie.

Yeah, it's fun, yeah.

Number seven.

Name all of Santa's reindeer.

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donder and Blitzen,

but do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all?

I win!

Rudolf the red nosed reindeer.

Had a very yeah I get it you win.

Like a light bulb.

Number eight, when does the tree go up and who decorates it?

It was up yesterday because we wanted to film this video.

And we both decorate it.

Well hold on now the tree was up oh yeah you're right a week ago with lights and then life

took over and the annual tradition of us putting the ornaments on the tree together didn't

happen till yesterday.

Thank you for us being tagged in it because it was great motivation to complete that task.

It was.

And we normally get a real tree but this year my grandparents gave us their hand me down

fake tree which is beautiful and we're stoked to have it so thank you very much!

Thank you grandma and grandpa!

Question number nine Fake or Real?

We already answered it.

by accident, sorry we went out of order.

Number ten, do we have a cat and if so does said cat climb over the tree.


I don't think that was a real question, it was a question that was asked, specifically,

I didn't know that it was a tag question.

Maybe it wasn't but it was in there.

Although, my parent's cat she does definitely eat the tree every year.

Question number 11.

Gifts, do you like to peek or do you like it to be a surprise?

Surprise, all day long surprise surprise.

Number 12, show us your ugly Christmas Sweater.

Ours were home made.

There's no such thing as an ugly Christmas sweater there awesome Christmas sweaters.

If Icould be under the mistletoe with anybody who would lit be, well it would be my Ju!

That's the only person I'd ever want to be under the mistletoe with.

That's me.

Love you.

Fake mistletoe!


Number 14 do you have any family Christmas recipes?

One of my favourite things at Christmas time is my grandma makes her Christmas pudding

and we light it on fire.

Number 15, question is are you a pro Christmas wrapper?


Ben is a way better Christmas wrapper than I am like when it comes to wrapping presents,

he's your guy, but when it comes to Christmas rapping.

I'm the one.

uh hun.

She busts a rhyme any time, just like that and a matter of fact shut your mouth, you

don't know, just like Santa say ho ho ho.

Yeah, that was it.

Number 16 have you ever gone Christmas carolling?

Well I have, as have I.

When I was young with my cousins we used to annoy our neighbours going up and down the

street singing to them and I think we requested tips.

What tops our tree?

A Santy Clause.

Father Christmas.

Do you make New Years resolutions?

We don't like New Years resolutions, No, Idon't want to disappoint anybody, including myself.

Number 19, you have one Christmas wish, what would it be?

Well, kind of downer wish, but I wish Julia and I were kind of more healthy, we have been

battling with some health stuff and yeah we both have auto immune diseases that have shown

up in the past year for both of us yeah nothin life threatening but definitely life enjoyment

reducing significantly so we wish for our health yeah and on top of that I wish for

everyone else's health absolutely.

What is your favourite Christmas song?

Apart from the classics, I love the Eagles um oh geez, Bells will be ringing.

That's the one, is that what it's called?

I'll be home for Christmas.

I don't know where that went.

I have always loved blue Christmas by Elvis Presley, I'll have a blue Christmas without


You're too good at that.

Um that's one of my faves, also I love Dolly Parton.

So we're a little bit of vinyl heads, so we have a few favourite records we're going to

show you with the question you're getting some extras.

Kenny & Dolly!

The Irish Rovers.

Grandma got run over by a reindeer, walking home from our place Christmas Eve.

This one is just pure Christmas ridiculousness, we bought this because it was just the most

silly record, how could you not?

how could you not buy this?

I have to get the glare off of his face.

There is fake snow in his beard and his eyebrows.

Okay so, If you have this record at home, if you've seen this records, if your parents

have this record, Roger Whittaker, you need to go side A track 5 Darcy the Dragon.

Is the most amazing ridiculous Christmas song you've never heard of.

Yep it's true.

Boney M, also this one.

This is a very good one.

Mmm hmm.

This is a mix of a lot of people you've heard recently singing great songs.

Everyone from Madonna, to run dmc, bon Jovi, yep.

And of course, Madonna Santa Baby.

Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree for me.

And of course we can't forget one of our all time favourite Christmas songs well probably

the best Christmas song ever written.

I wish it was Christmas today written by jimmy Fallon and Heratio Sanz Idon't know if I got

his last name right.

Pretty sure but if Iwas sure I'm probably wrong.

But it's the one where there's the four of them and Tracy Morgan is just sitting there

going like this the whole time and there just sitting and it's like.

So now we've got to tag someone alright, who is going to be lucky enough to be tagged?

Number one, we are going to go with the Magic Geekdom.

And they are awesome, they love vintage stuff just like us and they've got some magical

vacations you should go check them out.

They're killer, check em out.

And number two we have, Disney Vacation Family check them out they are tons of fun.

They have been amazing and supportive of us and they've got some amazing videos like if

you ever are curious about how the disney vacation club works they have this one video

that just explains it all for you and it's awesome.

check it out.

Last but not least we've got Steph! from Steph's day off!

Steph and Steve have lots of fun and adventures in Disney World and I have never seen someone

like who is so much fun to watch on Dumbo the flying elephant ride.

Like, she is so hilarious.

Well, yeah guys, thanks for the support, hi to everyone who is watching, merry Christmas

very merry Christmas absolutely, happy new year, and even if you weren't tagged, we'd

love to see your video if you do this tag video.

So let us know, okay?

Yeah, thanks so much merry Christmas!



Oh there's a another one, and if you're new to the channel, give us a like, we're shameless.

Or smash the subscribe button.


Smash it!

In the words of Stephen Colbert, it'll feel as good as pressing skip ad, but don't!

For more infomation >> Christmas Tag Vlog & Egg Nog - We Answer 20 Christmas Questions - Duration: 11:23.


Warum benutze ich Hitfilm 4 ? // Hitfilm 4 Tutorial - Duration: 4:53.

Hello and welcome to my Hitfim tutorial series, in particular Hitfilm 4 Express

Hitfilm 4 Express is a video editing software and I'm going to start this tutorial series,

how to come along with Hifilm, how to use effects, why I am using Hitfilm and some cool intro or fonts effects

Let's get started.

This is the first video of the series.

First of all: Why Hitfilm 4 Express?

An important aspect is that the program is free.

There are many softwares where you have to pay an not unimportant amount of money.

You get a lot of great features and tools for free.

It has a very nice design, it guarantees a good overview.

You can personalize it however you want.

I think its intuitive , so you don't have to "learn" this software for just editing normal stuff.

So it's easy to use and has a great potential.

You can just edit videos, but you can also use nice effects and masks, tracking, 3D-Modelling.

Even if you are advanced, this software has something to offer.

It is a software for everyone I think.

There are many tutorials in the internet (youtube), you are never alone with problems and you can le arn a lot.

Additionally the effects are nice and useful , there are many possibilities to do nice editing stuff.

I show you some editing stuff I did with Hitfilm right now.

Last but not least, I use this software for image editing too.

Yes this is working, u don't got any loses in the quality of a picture.

You can edit an image with your known effects, this is no problem.

You just have to choose the "png sequence" option in the export menu, and then you got every frame in an image.

So just have to export a tiny sequence.

This were my reasons why I use Hitfilm.

In the following videos I'm going to talk about some tips and tricks or which effects I use.

I hope you enjoyed this video, I wish you great day , good bye

For more infomation >> Warum benutze ich Hitfilm 4 ? // Hitfilm 4 Tutorial - Duration: 4:53.


WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOUTUBE ELIMINATES MY CHANNEL !? [Questions and Answers] # 1 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOUTUBE ELIMINATES MY CHANNEL !? [Questions and Answers] # 1 - Duration: 4:12.


Muvik #5 - Mừng ChanMy 1 tháng tuổi (13/11 - 13/12) - Duration: 1:02.



Copyright © 2017 ChanMy | Sanoito Netwwork

For more infomation >> Muvik #5 - Mừng ChanMy 1 tháng tuổi (13/11 - 13/12) - Duration: 1:02.


Highmountain Tauren | Customization + Tattoos, Racials, Druid Forms & Much More! | Horde Allied Race - Duration: 18:29.

Hello and welcome to everything Highmountain.

where we will be looking at their Customization options and some great news that a lot of

you guys have been waiting for..

Tattoos! yes we finally got tattoos in this build.

We will also be looking at their Racial abilities, druid forms, totems and much more.

If you enjoy this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up!

As a Highmountain Tauren you can play as a warrior, hunter, shaman, mond and a druid

now lets take a look at their customization options.

After you have customized your strong strong cow you will start at level 20 to get your

heritage armor set you need to level from 20 to 110 while your looking at this amazing

heritage armor set you will be able to see their 5 racial abilities.

Even big and strong taurens needs a class mount and their new class mount is the highmountain


If you decide to play as a druid you will be excited for their new druid forms so lets


a look.

Now if you play as a shaman you will get brand new totems as well.

now its time to look at their silly jokes and flirts let me


down in the comments which one is your favorite.

Thank you for watching if you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe to keep up with

my latest videos.

For more infomation >> Highmountain Tauren | Customization + Tattoos, Racials, Druid Forms & Much More! | Horde Allied Race - Duration: 18:29.


My First Out Of Body Experience And How It Drastically Changed M - Duration: 17:29.

My First Out-Of-Body Experience And How It Drastically Changed My Life

By consciousreminder

Since we�re on the subject of Astral Projection lately, I figured I would share the event

that changed my life.. My first Astral Projection. During the experience, I was able to speak

with two of my soul guides. The things they told me and showed me, helped me understand

why the world is the way it is, and it has helped to guide my research ever since.

The reason I am awake and aware enough to make such awesome posts on this page, is because

they woke me up and reminded me who I really am. Hopefully I can help do the same for you.

I realize some people will laugh this off and assume it was �just a dream�, but

for those who are open minded about things like Astral Projection and the existence of

ETs, hopefully reading a little bit about what I experienced will entice you to try

Astral Projection for yourself.

I can promise you right now, nothing shakes the foundations of our reality and our core

beliefs like seeing your soul separated from your physical body. Especially when you realize

you�re able to control where it goes..

Just after midnight on Feb 21st 2012, I remember I was sleeping and I heard the voice of a

woman say my name. Immediately, it felt like someone had grabbed my shoulders and pulled

me upward. It made me open my eyes. When I opened them, I didn�t see anyone around

me. But, everything around me looked very strange. It was bright enough to see the whole

room even though the light was off. Everything looked like it had a bit of a glow to it.

I heard my name again. It seemed like the voice was coming from outside my window. I

stood up and walked over to the window. When I went to move the curtain to look out, my

hand went through the curtain and through the window. I pulled my hand back for a moment

because it startled me, but then I just assumed it was a dream and I gathered the courage

to walk through it.

For a moment I was actually sort of �levitating� outside my window. I remember looking up at

the stars and they seemed more bright than usual. Then, I noticed what I thought was

a star above me that was glowing much brighter than the other stars. I stared at it for a

moment and the light grew bigger. All of a sudden, everything around me starting getting

brighter and brighter until I literally couldn�t see anything. I was surrounded by intense

white light. Then, I heard my name again.

After I heard my name that time, everything started coming better into focus. I could

see that I was no longer outside my house, but in a room somewhere with pure white walls.

Then, I noticed someone walking over to me. She had short hair, light skin and a huge

smile on her face. I asked who she was and she told me �the name I would know her by

was Jacqueline�. I remember asking if I was in a dream and she told me it wasn�t.

She said she �called my soul forward because there were things I needed to hear�.

She told me we had been friends in a past life. In that life, my name was Katherine.

She told me about her past life and a little bit more about how we knew each other. We

spoke for quite a while. She explained many things to me, including how we helped each

other through past traumas in our last incarnation.

She told me I could ask her anything, so I did. I asked about everything I could think

of. I asked about Reincarnation, Earth History, the Illuminati, etc. I even asked her about

the existence of God. Then, after we discussed pretty much everything I could think of, I

asked why she was telling me all this and why she had brought me to her. She explained

to me that she was one of my �Soul Guides�. She explained that Soul Guides are almost

like the concept of soul mates or �guardian angels�, but you have more than one. Guides

are basically souls you�ve intermingled with through past experiences, that are not

currently incarnated in physical form. Sometimes they protect people, offer guidance in dreams,


Jacqueline is one of my guides. She told me that my soul is far more ancient than I could

fathom. She then told me I�d lived on other planets before, but I had chosen to come to

Earth for an important reason. She said that �if I hadn�t remembered who I was and

why I had chosen to come here by a certain point, then I was to get a reminder.� Apparently,

that�s what the purpose of my involuntary Astral Projection was.. To remind me of who

really I am.

Then, she said someone else wanted to speak to me. She told me I also knew him in a past

life, and that he was �different� than she was because he was still living.

That�s when I first saw Aeron. He just sort of appeared in front of me. He had such a

beautiful face and a really kind smile. His eyes were so bright and beautiful. He had

long brown hair that had a bit of a wave to it. His ears seemed to have a little bit of

a point to them too. I wasn�t quite sure what to say when I first saw him. I was a

bit caught off guard by his appearance. First thing I remember thinking was, �Wow! He�s


All of a sudden I heard a soft laugh in my head. But, the laughing was in a male voice.

It startled me at first because I didn�t like the whole �in my head� thing. (Hearing

someone elses voice in your head definitely takes some getting used to) Then I heard his

actual voice, but again it was in my head. He said �Don�t be alarmed. I�m sorry

if I shocked you. This is just how Pleiadians usually communicate.. By Telepathy.� I looked

over at Jacqueline and she had a big grin on her face again. She giggled and said, �I

told you he�s different! Now don�t you worry, you have nothing to fear from him.

You two go way back.� I looked at him again and said �What�s a Pleiadian?� He replied,

�We are known by many names, but that is our most common name on Earth. We are a race

of humans that come from the Pleiades. We are very much like you in certain ways, but

unlike you, our DNA was never altered. So, for the moment, we�re more advanced than

you are in some ways.� Then, I asked him how we knew each other. He said �By Earth

name, you are known as a Starseed. Your soul, like most souls, have lived past lives on

other planets.�

He then explained that I chose to be incarnated on Earth and before that, I lived on the planet

he had most recently come from. He said we were friends on that planet and he asked me

if Id like him to show me a glimpse of it. Of course, I said yes. All of a sudden images

started popping up in my head. It was a really strange sensation. It was almost like he was

uploading his thoughts into my consciousness, but they were appearing in picture form. It�s

like I was seeing them myself, but it wasn�t through my eyes. I guess that�s the best

way I can describe it.

What I saw, was a beautiful planet from above. It was almost like I was looking out a window

of a spacecraft. The planet looked a lot like Earth, but the land was shaped different,

the planet seemed much larger and it appeared to have less water around it. Then, I saw

a flash of light and he showed me a city from above. It was stunningly beautiful. The sky

was bright and the buildings all seemed to be a shiny pearl color. Some were very tall,

and many of them came to a point, almost like a pyramid or an obelisk.

I remember being flooded with emotion when I saw it. When the images stopped coming,

Aeron was again visible in front of me. I remember feeling like I wanted to cry but

I couldn�t. He told me the feelings I was experiencing were natural. He then told me

that I made a big sacrifice to come to Earth, but that I never regretted it for a moment

because I knew it was the right thing to do. He said that �I had chosen to be reincarnated

on Earth many times, to expand my consciousness and to help others do the same.. Among other


Then, I asked, �Why, if they were so much more advanced than we are on Earth, why weren�t

they helping people on Earth fight the Elite who have enslaved the rest of us?� He told

me it�s far more complicated than he could express in a short amount of time. He said

they abide by cosmic laws and have to respect Free Will. They are allowed to interfere with

malevolent plans occasionally, but they aren�t allowed to directly intervene by making mass

contact. To do so could make things even worse than they already are.

I was curious what he meant by �Malevolent plans� and asked him to explain what makes

a plan �malevolent or benevolent�. He smiled, and said �Lara, what do you think

most people on Earth are? Malevolent or Benevolent?� I pondered a moment and replied, �Well aren�t

we all a mix of both?� He nodded. �This is true. In fact, you will never find an incarnated

being that isn�t a mix of both. This all falls in line with Free Will and the lessons

you learn while incarnated.�

That�s when I asked who was behind the �malevolent plans� and he explained the situation on

Earth. He told me about the war between Reptilians and benevolent races like the Pleiadians..

He told me how most of the benevolent races were kicked off the planet right before Atlantis

was destroyed. He then told me about how ancient ETs modified the DNA of captured and enslaved

humans from around our Galaxy and turned them into a slave race. He gave me the short version

of the history between humans, the Reptilians and the Gray Collective.. As well as a couple

others like the Andromedans and Sirians.

At this point, I was having a little trouble digesting what he was telling me. Especially

the Reptilian part. (Before this experience I often argued with people about ETs and remained

highly skeptical of their existence. Needless to say, I was having a tough time with the

new info) So, I asked Aeron to describe what Reptilians looked like. He said, �I can

do better than that. I will show you. This is what one of the Reptilian Leadership looks


Instantly, an image of a Reptilian appeared in my mind. It was clearly very tall and muscular.

It had 5 huge claws at the end of its long, muscular arms and 5 huge claws on its feet.

It had a long tail and a very strong looking body that was covered in scales. It�s head

looked like a cross between that of a human and a raptor. It had no real nose, just a

bump with two slits. It had a huge mouth and A LOT of very sharp looking teeth. It was

by far the scariest thing I could never imagine. When I saw it, I instantly made a little shriek

and the image disappeared from sight. I completely panicked because of the sheer shock of what

I saw. Aeron quickly apologized. He said �Im sorry if I scared you.. I just wanted to remind

you what we�re dealing with. They aren�t the only malevolent races here, but they are

the worst. I hope you know my intention wasn�t to scare you, but to remind you of how dire

our situation is.� After I calmed down, I then remember asking him how we could beat

them if we�ve already lost a war with them in the past.

He said.. �Something big is about to happen on Earth over the next coming years. Something

that will effect all life on Earth, and it will even effect life on other planets throughout

the Galaxy.� I asked what he meant by that, and he said �it all depends on how things

play out. The concept of Time is more of a marker than anything else. You can go backwards,

forwards or even sideways in time. If we look at the future we�re not really seeing the

future. We�re only seeing a potential future that may come to pass. The future is never

set in stone because things change all the time. Every decision you make, has the potential

to change something.�

That�s when I asked him about the starseed thing again, and why so many had come here

to Earth. He said, �You are far from the only starseed on Earth. In fact, there are

millions of them on Earth at this point. They aren�t all Pleiadians either. They come

from all over this Galaxy and some from even further away. Some of them know who they are

and why they are here, but many of them do not. So far we know, only about 5-10% of the

Starseeds that came here are actually aware of who and what they are. That is one of the

reasons why we made sure you and other starseeds were on the right path. You have an important

role to play, as do so many others.�

At that point, I then asked him if he could tell me what the �role I had to play�

would be, but he didn�t tell me. He said, �Now you know all you need to know in order

to accomplish what needs to be accomplished�. He told me to trust my intuition and to research

what I have been told. He said, �There are many other beings who remembered who they

were before you did. Some of which we and other benevolent, are in frequent contact

with. Your intuition will tell you which ones to trust. They will guide you further. When

the time is right, all will make sense to you.� His last words to me were �Dig deeper,

expand your consciousness and help others do the same. Do not have fear. Love is the


The next thing I know, I see another bright flash of light and I�m waking up in my bed..

Looking back, as I read about this event in my journal, I realized the event changed my

life in more ways than I could ever express. To be honest, when I first woke up, I thought

it was the craziest dream that I had ever had. Even though I could remember the entire

event with no problem like I had experienced it in real life, I still wasn�t sure it

was real.. Before that night, I was a highly skeptical Atheist. I had never heard of Pleiadians

or Starseeds.. I had never even heard of Astral Projection before. The only thing I was told

during my Astral Projection that I had heard before my experience, were the stories about

the existence of Reptilians via David Icke, and the claims about the Illuminati. Ironic

part was, for the longest time, I thought David Icke was a liar, a shill and a disinfo

agent put in place to undermine the Truth Movement and make 911 Truthers like myself,

�sound crazy�.

I was very stubborn for years and too skeptical for my own good. I refused to listen to people

discuss Reptilians and ETs. Later that day, when I researched Pleiadians and Starseeds,

I no longer had any doubts whatsoever that it was in fact a real event. Everything I

was told about our history has already been documented by other Pleiadian contactees!

My experiences over the past 5 years have even further convinced me it was real. I realize

this is hard to believe for some people and to be honest, I don�t care. I KNOW what

I experienced was real. I KNOW what Aeron and Jacqueline told me is the truth. I have

to be open and honest about my experience because I could never deny the most amazing

event I�ve had in this lifetime so far. They reminded me of who I am, they woke me

up from the illusion I was trapped in and they enabled me to help others the right way.

I am forever grateful to them.

Thanks for reading about my experience. Namaste to you all

� Lara Starr

Oh! And one last thing before I forget..

I found this video a few days after my experience. Figured I�d share it with you. It is SPOT

ON what Aeron told me about our history. It was channeled through another Pleiadian Contactee

named Barbara Marciniak back in 1992. Finding it made me feel a lot less crazy about what

I experienced when I learned I wasn�t the only one. Hopefully you will understand a

little better when you watch it.

I found this video a few days after my experience. Figured I�d share it with you. It is SPOT

ON what Aeron told me about our history. It was channeled through another Pleiadian Contactee

named Barbara Marciniak back in 1992. Finding it made me feel a lot less crazy about what

I experienced when I learned I wasn�t the only one. Hopefully you will understand a

little better when you watch it.

If you like the video above, here are two more (much longer) videos by Barbara. They

are actually audio tapes from two of her books. Bringers of the Dawn (which is where words

in the video above are taken from) and Earth- Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library.

For more infomation >> My First Out Of Body Experience And How It Drastically Changed M - Duration: 17:29.


Stranger in the Night Part 3 | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:19.

A Stranger in the Night Part 3

He said "Hold on a minute" mouth wide and eyes ablaze

He seemed amazed That it had come to this

But he knew he would be remiss If he didn't start talking

He told me that his ex had been stalking Him, she wanted him and him alone

I pointed out he said it was a stranger he claimed invited him home

He cringed but kept on going Eyes overflowing

With tears He had been with her for 7 years

And she tried to take his life He spent years afraid to take a wife

For fear of her safety He

Fled the state And hoped he could date

In peace But every time couldn't release

The fear of someone watching He didn't want someone spotting

Him out So reluctantly and full of doubt

He stayed in So when

He went to the store A random needed chore

He was glad to have met the beautiful woman who's body he adored

He had no idea she had been sent To make him repent

For leaving his ex Here he was thinking he was going to have

sex But he was caught off guard

Yet before he could explain how hard It was to escape

We had to investigate The human sounding bird calls outside the


…To Be Continued…

For more infomation >> Stranger in the Night Part 3 | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:19.


Its been a while... Here. - Duration: 0:24.

Hey Vsauce, MISTERMAT (ear rape) here.

Black lives (exaggeration on the s) matter

or do they?

(Usual Vsauce Music)

Hey Vsauce, Michael here (Face zoom intensifies)

(Concentration on awkward hands) (Trying to make the video more "funny")

(New views on awkward hands)

*Breathing gasm* (Mouth zoom)

(A lot of clips of Michael breathing)

(Hi there, I don't know what to write so kys)

(You know... This channel used to make Roblox videos.)

(Please laugh so I can sleep at night D:)

This appears blue, this appears yellow and this appears... (Wow... Michael has a charming beard)

(Alright sooooooooo... Prepare your ears)


(Btw, hi It's me C:)

For more infomation >> Its been a while... Here. - Duration: 0:24.


Ironman ROM For galaxy S7 & S7 edge|Note 8 Port - Duration: 8:35.

Hey what's up guys , Shark jungle is here , in this video I proudly present the first

Note 8 port for galaxy S7 and S7 edge , this ROM called Ironman ROM and it is running android

nougat 7.1.1, This ROM from the same developer who made superman ROM and batman ROM which

are incredible ROMs , my review will be 7 parts to give you a complete picture about

this ROM , this ROM still has some bugs so make sure to watch bugs part , you can reach

to any part easily using the timeline in the video description, I'm working on top 10 ROMs

for galaxy S7 and S7 edge and I'm gonna choose the best ROM according to the poll results

on my channel so plz share your best ROM and vote for it , just go to my channel then hit

community tab and vote ,and don't forget to like and subscribe


-Boot into recovery , Make sure to do a backup . if you don't know how then follow my tutorial

on how to make a nandroid backup with TWRP , link is in the video description

-After making the backup , hit wipe then swipe for factory reset

-hit install and choose the ROM zip file then swipe to flash

-Agree with the installation terms then hit installation

-choose full wipe and don't worry it won't affect any data in your internal or external

storage -choose iron kernel and update your recovery

if you didn't do before -choose build prop tweaks

-choose the root method you want , busy box and if you want Xposed make sure to choose

magisk module 88.2 which is compatible with Xposed

-choose sound and camera mods -choose your favorite emojis

-If you want to do any customization to the System UI then make sure to select modded

UI , If not then stick with Stock UI -This is a good chance to update your modem

and bootloader to the latest , thanks to the ROM developer for adding this option

-Enable or disable ad blocker -choose Apps to remove from this list and

keep in mind that some Apps may affect ROM features , So choose carefully

-Choose Google assistant and modded youtube to get youtube red features so you can play

youtube in the background or with your phone locked

-Choose the proper CSC for your device then hit install

-Your device will reboot automatically if you choose to update bootloader

-the animation logo will show up , just give it 5 minutes to be ready

Performance Device performance is good everything responding

very fast , Multi tasking has no issues , according to my experience the performance is not a

problem for every day use on this ROM , the only downside is the antutu benchmarking score,

which is quite below average , but I think this is a kernel problem and it should be

fixed on the upcoming releases

Sensors all sensors has no issues and responding nicely

, no bugged sensors so far

GPS antenna cached a 3D fix while indoor in less than 30 seconds and accuracy reached

20 ft which is great for navigation

Battery Life The first full charge , I've used the device

for 12 hours most of the time connected to wifi , playing games and browsing , 3 hours

and half for a 1 year old device is a very good SOT , Battery life is subjective and

times will differ from user to another so you may get higher or lower values according

to your usage and keep in mind that this usage on wqhd resolution so you should get more

SOT on lower resolutions

Gaming performance Gaming performance is good , All games running

without any problem , you may notice some lag on heavy graphic games , it barely happens

and I think this is also a kernel problem and I hope to be fixed very soon

Features -Lock Screen with camera and phone icons

-Finger print is very responsive - Latest TW home screen settings , swiping

down on home screen to show notifications -This is your power menu and you can add more

options from Iron control App , in framework tab turn on any option you need

-Status par can fully customized from system ui settings as you see a lot of options to

choose from , I'm not gonna waste your time showing you all these options , just flash

the ROM , choose modded UI and enjoy the customization -Call recording is enabled by default and

you can do it automatically from Iron control App

-Notification panel can also customized (you can change colors , background , show device

info , etcetera ) -Those all the buttons you have in the notification

panel -Latest magisk is preinstalled from aroma

, unfortunately safety net check is failed , you can reinstall it using my method , tutorial

link is in the video description -Settings menu is quite the same as S8 but

you have some extra features like dual messenger which is great features for users who used

to have multiple accounts for what App ,Facebook messenger etcetera

-Modded Camera gives you great quality so make sure to select it in the Aroma options

,Those are some pictures I took it today, Looks very sharp with minimal noise . face

Stickers working very nice as you see Iron man face is pretty awesome

Bugs -due to the fact, that the Note 8 and Galaxy

S8 don't have hardware buttons anymore.back and recent keys light is not working , both

are completely functioning but without light, I hope to be fixed soon

- Resolution changer not working, only supported resolution is WQHD, changing resolution via

the settings or via power saving may lead into bootloop.

We also need another device to get android 7.1.1, since the galaxy S8 and note 8 have

different screen resolutions (due to infinity display)

- Knox related features such as secure folder, Samsung pay or Samsung pass may not work any

longer after rooting your phone -I hope all these bugs to be fixed very soon

and I'm gonna keep an eye on this ROM until it became completely bugs free

This was my review on Ironman ROM I hope I covered everything you want to know about

this ROM , if you like my video plz don't forget the like button and subscribe for more

video , stay tuned for top 10 ROMs video and don't forget to vote , thank you for watching

, Peace

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