Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

We can't look at the state of the world without looking at Canada's place in it.

Now every year US News and World Report evaluates countries around the world and

ranks them and every year Canada comes in second. So to put it in terms everyone

can relate to, we didn't get the rose but next year we get to be the Bachelorette!

And who won? Switzerland. So what does Switzerland have that we don't? First of

all, they're neutral. They've always been neutral - who doesn't

love someone who always tells you what you want to hear? If there was Facebook

during the Second World War, Switzerland will be writing on America's

wall, "Oh America you totally should go fight Germany, they're way out of line."

Then it'd friend Germany and write, "Oh Germany I can't believe what those

Yankees are saying about you, here if you need me!" Switzerland is a two-faced

little bitch. Okay? We win silver every year - we are the Brian Orser of countries.

They say you don't win silver you lose gold, but coming in second - it's not so

bad! For instance coming second proves you're amazing but it doesn't single you

out - nobody hates you for coming in second! Tonya Harding had Nancy

Kerrigan's leg whacked with a pipe - nobody ever broke Brian Orser's leg! Coming

in second is good for you. The United States came in seventh - when Donald Trump

sees that Switzerland beat the States he is going to ban Toblerone! Nobody

remembers who came in second except the guy who came in second and believe me we

will remember! Because the only thing that Canadians really care about is that

we beat the States, right?!

Let the Swiss have the top spot and the dirty looks that come with it. They

can have their beautiful Swiss chalets - we're fine with a Swiss Chalet sauce.

For more infomation >> Is second place a gift? | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:05.


24 Reasons Jumanji & Goosebumps Are The Same Movie - Duration: 2:53.

A new family moves into a small town.

The house is humungous, but it's bitter sweet because some of the family members are

dead so they have to change the dead people's rooms into guest rooms now.

Other than that, everything seems fine, but almost like too fine (da da dun sound effect).

Two kids hear a noise and investigate where the sound is coming from.

The boy finds out where it's coming from and It seems perfectly normal at first, but

little did he know that when you unlock the thingy all this supernatural crazy crap happens.

For example, crazy creatures escape out of the thingy and set loose on the city and their

kitchen is totally destroyed.

If this were real life, the first thing you would probably do is call the cops out of

reflex maybe, but the policeman in this movie suck and when you call 911 they end up pressing

charges on you actually.

Aware that he needs special assistance, the main dude has to recruit the main chick he

had a crush on at the beginning of the movie.

You judge him automatically and think he's just trying to get some or something, but

that's not the case because everytime she tries to kiss him in the movie, he changes

the subject so it's more business than pleasure if anything.

3 heads are 50% better than two so the old guy comes to their rescue and takes them for

a spin then it gets all suspenseful and stuff when a bug breaks their windshield.

Afterwards, we meet the main villain.

I thought it was cool how the studio saved 15% or more on production costs by having

the mean dad character play double roles and gave him a Buy one get one free salary.

The villain voiced by the mean dad steals the thingy or thingys from the good guys and

the whole city turns upside down.

You get a POV shot of how crazy the streets look when the good guys are watching everything

unfold by the ATM machine.

At the part where their at the shopping center, they're getting chased by a bad guy and

he's closing in on them, but after a slapstick action scene, they're able to get away.

That's only round 1 though.

He later comes back for more and the little boy bites the hell out of 'em so the good

guys are in the lead if you're keeping track.

It's moments like these you realize how great these guys work as a team even though

they barely know each other.

They have chemistry and even do the handshake that the offense does in football games right

after the huddle.

In the cemetary scene, the main character realizes that everything he cares about always


This helps him mature quicker and at the end he realizes he's been running away from

his problems, but has to finally face them like a man (audio).

This revelation couldn't have come at a better time because the Feed me Seymour plant

attacks one of the his teammates and the entire place is filled with liquid and everybody's

about to drown.

In the end, the good guys win and all the bad guys get sucked up by the thingy in a

nonsexual way.

Everything goes back to normal and the two love birds finally kiss.

Those are 24 reasons these movies are the same.

You agree?

Yes, no, maybe so?

If not, politely share your thoughts in the comment section below and click the subscribe

button former 24 reason videos.

For more infomation >> 24 Reasons Jumanji & Goosebumps Are The Same Movie - Duration: 2:53.


World Of Tanks - Melhores Jogadas da Semana #71 - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> World Of Tanks - Melhores Jogadas da Semana #71 - Duration: 11:10.


花のモチーフA-6 【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Flower Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 9:36.

For more infomation >> 花のモチーフA-6 【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Flower Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 9:36.


Embrace Reiki To Tap Into The Universal Energy - Duration: 2:52.

Embrace Reiki To Tap Into The Universal Energy

By consciousreminder

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese word made from �Rei� meaning universe, abundant or boundless and

�Ki� meaning life force or vital energy.

Hence, meaning, universal life force.

Reiki is a healing method that can be used to heal ourselves as well as others.

It is considered to be another form of meditation.

Therefore, the more it is practised, the more we can benefit from it.

How does it work?

The healing power of Reiki is gained from the universe.

As we know, universe is full of power traveling in the form of waves.

Since, energy can neither be created nor be destroyed; we can use this energy to our benefit,

in this case, to heal.

Main principle of Reiki is the fact that we possess the power of healing within us.

This can be explained by the feeling of relief we get when a loved one touches us while we

are sad or in pain.

To perfect the art of Reiki, a person has to learn it from a Reiki master.

Firstly, he heals us and releases the energy blocked in our body.

After this, our body connects to the source energy and learns to gain the universal energy.

We utilize this energy as positive thoughts and intentions.

Since, cosmic energy is abundant; we can gain as much energy as we need.

Once, the first of Reiki is completed, the student is made to perform a 21 days self-healing


It is relative to the theory that in an airplane emergency, we must put on our own oxygen masks

before helping others.

Also, to heal others using Reiki, we have to make sure that we ourselves are full of

the energy we are going to use.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Reiki can only be used on a person who is willing

to receive it.

The healing power of Reiki Reiki helps in relieving us from acute pains

and fastens the healing of wounds.

It can also treat psychological conditions like stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression,


Other than this, it also promotes positive feelings and helps us connect to our real-self.

For more infomation >> Embrace Reiki To Tap Into The Universal Energy - Duration: 2:52.



It refers to the total value of everything produced by the people and the companies within the same country.

Yes, say hello to the gross domestic product, also known as the GDP.

It doesn't matter if they are citizens or foreign-owned companies.

If they are located within the country's borders, the government counts their production into their GDP.

However, there are so many reasons why the GDP is the wrong measurement for prosperity and well-being.

Who cares about the well-being?

We are only here to make freaking money, man!

Just money!

Oh, please understand that economic growth is not synonymous to prosperity and well being.

Here are five reasons why the GDP is the wrong measurement for prosperity and well-being.


Destroying tropical forests in order to grow some

transgenic soja or even oil palm trees that will actually destroy your human health...

This is actually "good" for the GDP!


Because the GDP does not take into consideration what humanity is losing

in terms of non-monetary resources during this destruction.

War, natural disasters, incarcerations all add to the positive GDP growth.

Profits from casinos, cigarette sales, junk food all add to the economic growth.

If I borrow some money and get myself into debt

and then I go out and buy some stuff, this actually adds to the GDP.

The more the fossil fuel industry fracks, extracts and even sells gas to gas guzzling cars, the more the

GDP peaks and as well the more the destruction of the planet is hastened by climate change.

So basically, the measurement of GDP encourages the depletion of natural resources

faster than they can renew themselves.

Welcome to the apocalypse!

Now, let's take a small-scale example of a car accident.

This is one of the most tragical things that could freaking happen to you, right?

Oh yes, it already happened to me!

Actually, I was driving, but you know what?

Okay, okay, sorry!

Between health insurance, car insurance and other stuff, the amount of money being

spent because of this accident is around several tens of thousands of dollars.

Got it?

Yes, yes.

But, what if I told you that most of this money is included in the GDP?

Oh god, really?

How is that even possible?

Medical care, any car repair work, or even new cars purchased

and other legal fees are all included in the GDP.

What is terrible is that the more destructive the car accident, the greater the increase in GDP.


Yes, the GDP does not count everything that is happening in the economy

because it does not take into consideration the caring economy.

It is an economic system that treats the genuine caring for people and nature as their top priority.

It is actually the economic system that fully reflects what it is to be human.

Okay, but an economy is actually supposed to generate a lot of money.

I actually do not care about the caring economy.

So if I understood correctly, what you are saying basically, is that the work of a mother in the household

economy is useless, that preschool teachers who nurture and teach the children is useless, the work of

teen volunteers who actually take care of a community garden that feeds an entire neighbourhood is useless.

No, of course, I care about that kind of stuff.

So, this means that you care about the caring economy.

What I mean by these examples is that none of these people who actually sacrifice their time for the welfare

of the community matter to the GDP because they do not produce monetary wealth.

So, maybe it is time that we value the real wealth of nations.


Basically, everything is in the title.

The GDP does not measure half of the equation.

Half of the equation?

Basically, when the iPhone X is produced in China, its fiscal revenues will

contribute to China's GDP as the industry is located within the country's borders.

Are you with me?

Yes, yes.

However, actually when Apple decides to throw this iPhone X into one of the e-waste dumping sites

in Ghana, this does not contribute to the GDP.

And you perhaps know that what is going on in these e-waste dumping sites is not rainbows and butterflies.

What is going on over there?

You know, when these phones are actually being burned, these toxins are released and they actually interfere

with the sexual reproduction, the nervous system and the brain of Ghanaian children who are actually

trying to separate the plastic from the metals.

These toxins as well, such as arsenic, mercury and lead, are actually destroying the environment, too.

And all of these unsustainable and destructive consequences are not being included in the GDP and

they should be included in the GDP because it would actually be a GDP that is

representative of our self-destructive society.

When this destruction is not sustainable, basically this should cause the GDP to freaking decrease.


So basically, the GDP growth does not take into account the evolution of income and wealth in a given society.

What do you mean by that?

So basically, for example, a beautiful GDP could only benefit the most wealthy of the society.

When the GDP per capita rises by 5%, for example, this would mean that actually the GDP of some groups has

declined, while the GDP of, for example, wealthy people, has actually increased.

This is why the GDP does not actually measure a fair wealth distribution in Canada.

Oh okay, so it does not represent the Canadian society!

Yes, exactly!


I have a question for you.

Are the living standards better in countries where the GDP per capita is greater?

Yes, yes, yes!

How can you answer this question without justification?

First of all, in order to answer this question, we need to take into consideration other variables, such as life

expectancy, access to education, gender inequalities or even income inequalities.

Many experts have shown, with various studies, that the greater the GDP per capita is,

the better the living standards are, and these living standards are actually

expressed by the different variables that I was talking about.

But, that is what I freaking told you!

However, this positive correlation is only happening in low economically developed countries.


Indeed, this is not true beyond a certain threshold, that we have already exceeded in

Canada in the 1970s, marking the end of an era when the GDP increase was

synonymous to social and human progress.

Human and social progress need to take into consideration other variables,

rather than wealth and actually the economic growth of a country.

And there will be a video released concerning the alternatives in terms of measurement for the GDP.

And you know what, my friend?

What now?

I want to sleep, man!

Even when the GDP was first developed in the late 1930s, Simon Kuznets, the man behind it,

actually warned humanity that it was not a suitable way to measure the economic development of a country.

And actually, if we have poor measures, what we strive to do, for example, an increase in GDP,

could actually contribute to a worsening of living standards.

Joseph Stiglitz said that what we measure actually informs us of what we do

and if we are measuring the wrong thing, we are going to do the wrong thing again.

And now, let's end with a quote from Bobby.

Yes, thank you Bobby!

Hey you there, don't forget to share this video!

This was Blabla Canada, the alternative media by and for the common mortals.

For more infomation >> 5 REASONS WHY THE GDP HAS FAILED! #CANADA - Duration: 8:11.


Holiday CANDY Or DARE TAPE BALL GAME / JustJordan33 - Duration: 15:10.

For more infomation >> Holiday CANDY Or DARE TAPE BALL GAME / JustJordan33 - Duration: 15:10.


HOLIDAY CANDY SMOOTHIE CHALLENGE / AllAroundAudrey - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> HOLIDAY CANDY SMOOTHIE CHALLENGE / AllAroundAudrey - Duration: 11:23.


O TELESCOPIO DE 900 ANOS - Arqueologia Proibida #2 - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> O TELESCOPIO DE 900 ANOS - Arqueologia Proibida #2 - Duration: 6:46.


EL INGRESO DE SATURNO A CAPRICORNIO, con Juan Carlos Pons López - Duration: 1:00:00.

For more infomation >> EL INGRESO DE SATURNO A CAPRICORNIO, con Juan Carlos Pons López - Duration: 1:00:00.


BREAKING: Voter Fraud Uncovered in Alabama Senate Race! - Duration: 2:26.

Voter Fraud Uncovered in Alabama Senate Race!

Judge Roy Moore is calling for all the votes to be counted in the Alabama Senate election,

refusing to concede the race to Doug Jones even as the mainstream media declares a premature


Moore is down 1.7 points and only needs to come within a half-point to spark a statewide


Absentee ballots from military service members have still not been counted.

Mobile County, a heavily pro-Jones county, tabulated its votes later than the pro-Moore

counties, and eventually gave Jones the lead.

The Alabama Supreme Court shot down a lower court ruling Tuesday requiring counties to

preserve their digital voting records.

Thus, the Supreme Court is allowing counties to destroy their voter records.

The Moore legal team will need to jump on this development fast to protect those records.

Evidence of voter fraud exists in the election.

Democratic activists made a last-minute push to get out the vote against Roy Moore in Alabama

by encouraging "African-Americans in Mississippi" to vote in the wrong state.

Sources on the ground in Alabama confirm that these tactics are real, and they have been

used by supporters of Democrat Doug Jones.

Big League Politics received evidence of a Reddit call for "African-Americans in Mississippi"

to "make a short trip to Alabama on December 12."

That Reddit thread is still active.

Similar calls have been made on Reddit for African-Americans in other nearby states,

including Georgia and Tennessee.

There was also a concerted effort underway to register felons to vote in the Alabama

special election. reports:

"Thousands of felons across Alabama have registered to vote in recent weeks, according

to Pastor Kenneth Glasgow, who is heading up a statewide effort to get felons to the

voting booth.

Glasgow's goal is to get as many felons as possible signed up to vote before the end

of the day Monday, the deadline to be able to cast a ballot in Alabama's Dec. 12 U.S.

Senate special election…

For generations, most Alabamians convicted of a felony were barred from ever voting in

the state again, but the Definition of Moral Turpitude Act, a new law passed by the state

Legislature and signed by Gov. Kay Ivey in May, cleared the way for thousands of felons

to restore their voting rights."

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment bellow and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Voter Fraud Uncovered in Alabama Senate Race! - Duration: 2:26.


Truth About Alabama Senate Seat, Zero Hour On Net Neutrality - Duration: 12:21.

Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings to the ...

we are change new show m.

You ever feel like things are quickening moving too fast for ...

you to even catch up on as the government is spying on ...

you trying to control you while the corporation's Rob and loot ...

you blind with the big Banks and were facing the oncoming ...

of civilization and Humanity with the latest technological ...

advancements and artificial intelligence well don't worry ...

it's all going to be okay that's why we do these news ...

broadcast so you can be kept up-to-date with the latest ...

breaking important news that actually affects you going to ...

be open for 5 more days and if you want to give someone a ...

gift for Christmas and support rail Independent Media check ...

out the link in the description below sorry I had to okay not ...

moving forward with the latest news the first thing I wanted ...

to talk about today is a major decision by the Trump ...

Administration that is stating that they will quote let Bashar ...

al-assad of the president of Syria stay in power well of ...

course until the next election in Syria which will be in 2021 ...

this news as well as Putin running for reelection will give ...

us a buzz. Use to cover on this YouTube ...

channel so definitely stay tuned.

Of course this news is not a surprise to everyone because ...

the United States was really left without many options on ...

this major decision and even with the Secretary of State ...

Rex Tillerson still saying that there is no future peace ...

process with Bashar Assad as President we do have to admit ...

that the United States has been outmaneuvered ...

especially by Russia and that key geopolitical strategic ...

region of Syria now with the Syrian government aligned ...

with Iran has blood in the Russian government expect ...

more turbulence in the region especially with the latest ...

controversy that's happening right now in Israel which of ...

course we have been following very closely and only ...

expect the situation to get worse and even though ...

Vladimir Putin just days ago inside of Syria declared ...

Victory against Isis and Western back Rebels United ...

States along with Saudi Arabia and Israel are still ...

poised at deterring the influence of their enemies in ...

that region so.

Yeah that's happening I know of course the most ...

talked-about new story in the United States is about how a ...

Democrat has won a special election in Alabama yesterday ...

against a scandal-ridden accused pedophile Roy Moore ...

both had the support of Steve Bannon and Donald Trump ...

himself seeing record high turnout for the Democrats we ...

saw a huge turnout for African Americans that has turned a ...

primarily Republican senate seat to a Democrat to be ...

honest I don't give a damn.

Of course A lot of people are talking about how the ...

Republicans are having less of a majority in the Senate ...

and that's a big deal but and I may be wrong but I don't see ...

what the big deal about all this huffing and puffing is all about ...

because even with Donald Trump having the majority in ...

the House and Senate being Republicans he has still failed ...

at Major legislative issues and he really hasn't kept his ...

campaign promises I mean he promised to repeal ...

Obamacare he provided Obamacare light which the ...

Republicans even throughout him and Steve Bannon ...

actually promised real tax reform that would benefit the ...

people against the 1% promise tax reform that would ...

help the average American Stick it to the hedge fund ...

managers cutting the corporate tax rate for ...

freelance tax cut tax cut for the middle class and.

Atlas are really happening now if you look at its foreign ...

policy it's worse than Obama's he's increasing the drone ...

strikes increasing us operations in Africa and ...

entangling the United States with Israel and Saudi Arabia is ...

interest more than ever and I'm sorry but it's hard not to ...

see Trump for the actual actions that he is committing ...

not just what he is saying and yes he has some deep State ...

opponents which we will get into later in this video and yes ...

there's some internal drama that is usually based on ego ...

but unless someone could convince me otherwise I still ...

believe that the left and right are here to manly divide us ...

and to distract us from the real issues that actually affect ...

us so that's why I really don't care about this selection in ...

this guy Doug Jones who will actually have to act like a ...

republican if he expects to actually win re-election in a ...

very right-wing State like Alabama so.

How many levels I just don't see any difference here plus I ...

think running an accused pedofile wasn't a great idea ...

and it was very interesting seeing major figures on the ...

right call out sexual abuse and harassment when it happened ...

on the left what would have happened on the right there.

Let's investigate this and in reality seen these allegations ...

of pedophilia and sexual harassment being politicized ...

was really upsetting because in reality if we truly do care ...

about the issue of pedophilia and sexual harassment we ...

would treat every case seriously investigating it not ...

jumping to conclusions listening to both sides and ...

trying to get to the bottom of things and you do have to ...

admit Roy Moore had a horrible defense against all ...

the allegations against him and him and the Republicans ...

definitely did not do themselves a favor by picking ...

him as the person to take over Jeff sessions senate seat but ...

hey if you think I'm totally wrong let me know in the ...

comments section below I have an open mind I could be ...

convinced otherwise with your comments and feedback so ...

moving forward and other pedophilia news we of course ...

have the latest developments from the dentist Hazard Case ...

by the way he was the former Speaker of the House in the ...

United States who was charged and convicted.

Trying to cover up and buy out five boys that he molested ...

when he was a high school teacher in Illinois and very ...

interesting Lee he was never convicted of pedophilia but ...

only trying to cover up the pedophilia and now in a recent ...

court decision he has been banned from being alone with ...

minors and are not permitted to be in the presence of any ...

child at least the court got that right moving forward and ...

other politically-connected underage sex scandals we ...

are now finding out that opposition research on Donald ...

Trump the Fusion GPS dossier that was built on ...

Donald Trump tried to connect him with the Lolita Express ...

and accuse pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and they failed to ...

make any connections to Donald Trump or even any ...

evidence of a close relationship between the two ...

which hey we call it fairly here is good on Trump especially ...

since Jeffrey Epstein was connected with very high ...

political figures like Bill Clinton and also actors like Kevin.

What is the saying hear birds of a feather flock together or ...

something like that I don't know I got that wrong but you ...

know what I'm trying to say and in other news that ...

indicates that Donald Trump we are finding out that FBI ...

officials actually discussed an insurance policy against ...

Donald Trump's presidency and actually insulted him and ...

made fun of them when that FBI agent was part of the ...

Russian investigation on Donald Trump and Hillary ...

Clinton's emails investigation so yeah they're definitely is a ...

lot of clear bias against Donald Trump in this whole ...

Russian probe investigation which by the way we've been ...

calling before and after the selection completely fake ...

news and irrelevant I mean you can just take a look at ...

Donald Trump's foreign policy and see that there actually ...

isn't any collusion with Russia even though he promised to ...

work with them to defeat Isis and then didn't there's ...

definitely a lot of collusion with Israel which no one wants to ...

talk about all the Democratic establishment and mainstream ...

media distract us with this we're not paying attention to ...

the real issues that are actually happening in this ...

world so yeah on this issue Donald Trump is.

Vindicate now the second most talked-about news story ...

today is of course net neutrality as we are facing ...

zero hour for net neutrality rules to repeal it this Thursday ...

as the FCC is expected to approve their Chairman's ...

proposal of course there's a lot to know about this issue ...

I'm going to leave this article save the in our ...

sources on our steemit post so you can fax everything ...

yourself but in short what these at CC changes would ...

do would allow it is peace to have the power to have a fast ...

lane for some websites if they pay and a not so fast lane for ...

other websites this course has many people on the internet ...

up in arms as the hashtag net neutrality is trending number ...

one on Twitter right now as we speaking and even what ...

massive backlash we are still seeing cable and Broadcast ...

News networks largely ignore the outcry that we are seeing ...

on the internet that would that factor and the fact that the ...

United States has paid 400. $10 in taxpayer money to ...

provide Fiber Optic internet to the United States with that ...

infrastructure not being utilized along with the factor ...

that more than 100 million Americans could only get ...

internet service from companies that have violated ...

net neutrality twitch violates the free market and what all ...

these factors clearly will the FCC is proposing is not a ...

good thing people of course are recommending people ...

download the Tor Browser in order to make the internet a ...

More Level Playing Field so you can hide your internet ...

traffic from ISP stand even with the demand of the people ...

being very clear this is still a toss-up issue especially with ...

the influence of large corporations when it comes to ...

our government like we've seen a couple months ago ...

where are government gave isps the right to sell our ...

internet history to private companies an issue that the ...

majority of Americans were against but yet it was still ...

approved by the government so yeah whatever happens we ...

will of course be following it very closely.

Personal life kind of stories let's talk about drugs and no ...

not the fun ones the pharmaceutical runs as for ...

finding out in the United States are drunk company ...

has hike the price of everyday vitamin Pill by 800%

and a second drug by 2500 % price gouging is usually ...

normal in our medical industrial complex society that ...

we live in in order to finance R&D research and ...

development I think the story points out to a bigger problem ...

of how our whole medical system is entirely broken that ...

this even needs to happen as a recent Harvard study finally ...

admitted that drug prices are so high mainly because of ...

government grants and big Pharma Monopoly with the ...

state eliminating competition stifling Innovation and helping ...

create the current corrupt system that we have right now ...

in the United States and appendectomy is 10 times ...

more expensive than it is in Mexico.

The government has the big problem to Big Pharma that ...

were all face it was that just high prices that were facing ...

but also a horrible side effects of even commonly known A ...

drugs like Tylenol which Studies have shown actually ...

affects your empathy suggesting that it leads to a ...

decline of your empathy just by taking this common ...

over-the-counter painkiller and I literally made a video about ...

this just a few days ago talking about how we're ...

having the lowest amount of empathy than ever before in ...

the west so would have broken corrupt a medical ...

system and adverse side effects to many commonly ...

known drugs if you get a chance to take care of ...

yourself work out and get some sun get some exercise ...

learn to be happy make yourself mentally right and ...

emotionally stable because honestly the cost adversities ...

and side effects of not taking care of yourself right now are ...

far too great trust me on this one as I just had a medical ...

scare myself so yeah I just don't be a dumbass because ...

the medical system is just the ones.

Stem of a control grid that siphons off wealth from the ...

people and gives it to the very few seriously just like to start working out.

It makes you feel good.

Got one life make sure you live it well and yeah that ...

concludes today's news broadcast I hope you guys ...

enjoyed it if you did share it with your friends and family ...

members if you're missing a shirt for some reason check ...

out our t-shirt store on which of course ...

also supports this Independent Media broadcast ...

and makes videos like this possible and that's why I love ...

you thank you again so much watching.

For more infomation >> Truth About Alabama Senate Seat, Zero Hour On Net Neutrality - Duration: 12:21.


Suspect appears in court after shooting ISP trooper - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Suspect appears in court after shooting ISP trooper - Duration: 1:54.


Educational Technology: Crash Course Computer Science #39 - Duration: 11:52.

Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!

One of the most dramatic changes enabled by computing technology has been the creation

and widespread availability of information.

There are currently 1.3 billion websites on the internet.

Wikipedia alone has five million English language articles, spanning everything from the Dancing

Plague of 1518 to proper toilet paper roll orientation.

Every day, Google serves up four billion searches to access this information.

And every minute, 3.5 million videos are viewed on Youtube, and 400 hours of NEW video get

uploaded by users.

Lots of these views are people watching Gangnam Style and Despacito.

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To be clear, we here at Crash Course we are big fans of interactive in-class learning,

directed conversations, and hands-on experiences as powerful tools for learning.

But we also believe in the additive power of educational technology both inside and

outside the classroom.

So today we're going to go a little meta, and talk specifically about how computer science

can support learning with educational technology.


Technology, from paper and pencil to recent machine-learning-based intelligent systems,

has been supporting education for millennia - even as early as humans drawing cave paintings

to record hunting scenes for posterity.

Teaching people at a distance has long been a driver of educational technology.

For example, around 50 CE, St. Paul was sending epistles that offered lessons on religious

teachings for new churches being set up in Asia.

Since then, several major waves of technological advances have each promised to revolutionize

education, from radio and television, to DVDs and laserdiscs.

In fact, as far back as 1913, Thomas Edison predicted,

"Books will soon be obsolete in the schools…

It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture.

Our school system will be completely changed in the next ten years."

Of course, you know that didn't happen.

But distributing educational materials in formats like video has become more and more popular.

Before we discuss what educational technology research can do for you, there are some simple

things research has shown you can do, while watching an educational video like this one,

to significantly increase what you learn and retain.

First, video is naturally adjustable, so make sure the pacing is right for you, by using

the video speed controls.

On YouTube, you can do that in the right hand corner of the screen.

You should be able to understand the video and have enough time to reflect on the content.

Second, pause!

You learn more if you stop the video at the difficult parts.

When you do, ask yourself questions about what you've watched, and see if you can answer.

Or ask yourself questions about what might be coming up next, and then play the video

to see if you're right.

Third, try any examples or exercises that are presented in the video on your own.

Even if you aren't a programmer, write pseudocode on paper, and maybe even give coding a try.

Active learning techniques like these have been shown to increase learning by a factor

of ten.

And if you want more information like this - we've got a whole course on it here.

The idea of video as a way to spread quality education has appealed to a lot of people

over the last century.

What's just the latest incarnation of this idea came in the form of Massive Open Online

Courses, or MOOCs.

In fact, the New York Times declared 2012 the Year of the MOOC!

A lot of the early forms were just videos of lectures from famous professors.

But for a while, some people thought this might mean the end of universities as we know them.

Whether you were worried about this idea or excited by it, that future also hasn't really

come to pass and most of the hype has dissipated.

This is probably mostly because when you try to scale up learning using technology to include

millions of students simultaneously with small numbers of instructional staff - or even none

- you run into a lot of problems.

Fortunately, these problems have intrigued computer scientists and more specifically,

educational technologists, who are finding ways to solve them.

For example, effective learning involves getting timely and relevant feedback – but how do

you give good feedback when you have millions of learners and only one teacher?

For that matter, how does a teacher grade a million assignments?

Solving many of these problems means creating hybrid, human-technology systems.

A useful, but controversial insight, was that students could be a great resource to give

each other feedback.

Unfortunately, they're often pretty bad at doing so – they're neither experts

in the subject matter, nor teachers.

However, we can support their efforts with technology.

Like, by using algorithms, we can match perfect learning partners together, out of potentially

millions of groupings.

Also, parts of the grading can be done with automated systems while humans do the rest.

For instance, computer algorithms that grade the writing portions of the SATs have been

found to be just as accurate as humans hired to grade them by hand.

Other algorithms are being developed that provide personalized learning experiences,

much like Netflix's personalized movie recommendations or Google's personalized search results.

To achieve this, the software needs to understand what a learner knows and doesn't know.

With that understanding, the software can present the right material, at the right time,

to give each particular learner practice on the things that are hardest for them, rather

than what they're already good at.

Such systems – most often powered by Artificial Intelligence – are broadly called

Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

Let's break down a hypothetical system that follows common conventions.

So, imagine a student is working on this algebra problem in our hypothetical tutoring software.

The correct next step to solve it, is to subtract both sides by 7.

The knowledge required to do this step can be represented by something called a production rule.

These describe procedures as IF-THEN statements.

The pseudo code of a production rule for this step would say if there is a constant on the

same side as the variable, then subtract that constant from both sides.

The cool thing about production rules is that they can also be used to represent common

mistakes a student might make.

These production rules are called "buggy rules".

For example, instead of subtracting the constant, the student might mistakenly try to subtract

the coefficient.

No can do!

It's totally possible that multiple competing production rules are triggered after a student

completes a step – it may not be entirely clear what misconception has led to a student's answer.

So, production rules are combined with an algorithm that selects the most likely one.

That way, the student can be given a helpful piece of feedback.

These production rules, and the selection algorithm, combine to form what's called

a Domain Model, which is a formal representation of the knowledge, procedures and skills of

a particular discipline - like algebra.

Domain models can be used to assist learners on any individual problem, but they're insufficient

for helping learners move through a whole curriculum because they don't track any

progress over time.

For that, intelligent tutoring systems build and maintain a student model – one that

tracks, among other things, what production rules a student has mastered, and where they

still need practice.

This is exactly what we need to properly personalize the tutor.

That doesn't sound so hard, but it's actually a big challenge to figure out what a student

knows and doesn't know based only on their answers to problems.

A common technique for figuring this out is Bayesian knowledge tracing.

The algorithm treats student knowledge as a set of latent variables, which are variables

whose true value is hidden from an outside observer, like our software.

This is also true in the physical world, where a teacher would not know for certain whether

a student knows something completely.

Instead, they might probe that knowledge using a test to see if the student gets the right answer.

Similarly, Bayesian knowledge tracing updates its estimate of the students' knowledge

by observing the correctness of each interaction using that skill.

To do this, the software maintains four probabilities..

First is the probability that a student has learned how to do a particular skill.

For example, the skill of subtracting constants from both sides of an algebraic equation.

Let's say our student correctly subtracts both sides by 7.

Because she got the problem correct, we might assume she knows how to do this step.

But there's also the possibility that the student got it correct by accident, and doesn't

actually understand how to solve the problem.

This is the probability of guess.

Similarly, if the student gets it wrong, you might assume that she doesn't know how to

do the step.

But, there's also the possibility that she knows it, but made a careless error or other slip-up.

This is called the probability of slip.

The last probability that Bayesian knowledge tracing calculates is the probability that

the student started off the problem not knowing how to do the step, but learned how to do

it as a result of working through the problem.

This is called the probability of transit.

These four probabilities are used in a set of equations that update the student model,

keeping a running assessment for each skill the student is supposed to know.

The first equation asks: what's the probability that the student has learned a particular

skill which takes into account the probability that it was already learned previously and

the probability of transit.

Like a teacher, our estimate of this probability that it was already learned previously

depends on whether we observe a student getting a question correct or incorrect,

and so we have these two equations to pick from.

After we compute the right value, we plug it into our first equation, updating the probability

that a student has learned a particular skill, which then gets stored in their student model.

Although there are other approaches, intelligent tutoring systems often use Bayesian knowledge

tracing to support what's called mastery learning, where students practice skills,

until they're deeply understood.

To do this most efficiently, the software selects the best problems to present to the

student to achieve mastery, what's called adaptive sequencing, which is one form of


But, our example is still just dealing with data from one student.

Internet-connected educational apps or sites now allow teachers and researchers the ability

to collect data from millions of learners.

From that data, we can discover things like common pitfalls and where students get frustrated.

Beyond student responses to questions, this can be done by looking at how long they pause

before entering an answer, where they speed up a video, and how they interact with other

students on discussion forums.

This field is called Educational Data Mining, and it has the ability to use all those facepalms

and "ah ha" moments to help improve personalized learning in the future.

Speaking of the future, educational technologists have often drawn inspiration for their innovations

from science fiction.

In particular, many researchers were inspired by the future envisioned in the book

"The Diamond Age" by Neal Stephenson.

It describes a young girl who learns from a book that has a set of virtual agents who

interact with her in natural language acting as coaches, teachers, and mentors who grow

and change with her as she grows up.

They can detect what she knows and how's she's feeling, and give just the right feedback

and support to help her learn.

Today, there are non-science-fiction researchers, such as Justine Cassell, crafting pedagogical

virtual agents that can "exhibit the verbal and bodily behaviors found in conversation

among humans, and in doing so, build trust, rapport and even friendship with their human students."

Maybe Crash Course in 2040 will have a little John Green A.I. that lives on your iPhone 30.

Educational technology and devices are now moving off of laptop and desktop computers,

and onto huge tabletop surfaces, where students can collaborate in groups, and also tiny mobile

devices, where students can learn on the go.

Virtual reality and augmented reality are also getting people excited and enabling new

educational experiences for learners – diving deep under the oceans, exploring outer space,

traveling through the human body, or interacting with cultures they might never encounter in

their real lives.

If we look far into the future, educational interfaces might disappear entirely, and instead

happen through direct brain learning, where people can be uploaded with new skills, directly

into their brains.

This might seem really far fetched, but scientists are making inroads already - such as detecting

whether someone knows something just from their brain signals.

That leads to an interesting question: if we can download things INTO our brains, could

we also upload the contents of our brains?

We'll explore that in our series finale next week about the far future of computing.

I'll see you then.

For more infomation >> Educational Technology: Crash Course Computer Science #39 - Duration: 11:52.


Kevko Rear End Remote Filler Tank - Featured Product - - Duration: 0:58.

What's up everybody? Have you ever had the problem where you over flow your rear end filler tank?

Kevko Rear End Remote Filler Tank (K9090)

The oil fill cap has an o-ring seal which prevents any dirt or dust getting in to your tank

The cap is vented which acts as a breather for your rear end

Low profile design is going to catch minimal dirt and mud from the track.

Easily mounts to your decking.

Choose a #10AN or #12AN fitting

Tank is sloped toward the fitting allowing oil to flow quickly with free shipping

For more infomation >> Kevko Rear End Remote Filler Tank - Featured Product - - Duration: 0:58.



Hey YouTube family. It's ya girl Lia back again with another video and today's

video as you can see is another wig review video. Now if you're new to my

channel you don't know I start my videos off with a wig cap on. I'm not out here

you know coming on with a wig taking a wig off doing all that because I know

a lot of my audience out there are beginners. They are beginners into

wigs. They're beginners at the protective styles if you follow me for

crochet. You're just trying to get hairs or styles that are easy and

beginner friendly. And I'm then that girl I'm showing you how much effort it takes

to take a wig out of a pack and how much work you're gonna have to put into

getting the wig to look right on your head. Some wigs are low maintenance

some wigs are high maintenance we'll see today what this wig is. And this wig of

course is the Bobbi Boss Lace Front premium synthetic wig in the style I'm

gonna call it Tabia. Now my name is Talia if you guys don't know. And I

pronounced spell T-A-L-I-A, This wig is spelled T-A-B-I A. So I'm gonna assume

it's Tabia. It's almost my name but with a B. And was so

amazing to send mt this wig for me to review today. Now this wig runs you on

$39.99. This wig I have it in the color TT6/2724.

It's a lot of letters I know. And I thought once again that I was

being very original with my colors and then I realized that's the color the model

was wearing. So I wasn't that original at all. It was like oh she looked bad.

That's the color Imma get. There we go. So this is how the wig looks and you can

definitely see that 27 color popping through. But let's put this thing on my

head. First of all it has two combs in the front. Has one comb in the back. Has

the adjustable straps. I of course I'm going to put it on the tightest one

because I have a small head. I say that every single video. If you've been following

me forever you're tired of me saying it. But I never know if somebody this is

your first video. If it is your first video click that subscribe button what

are you waiting for. So it has this lace going from ear to

ear and it has a five inch part. I love me a part. Now I show you guys how it

looks with the lace still on it at first so you guys can see how much

manipulation I think you're gonna have to put into this wig. The part is amazing

already. No tweezing required I can already tell. But what I will do is

course it put my power in their if you guys saw my recent video I just learned

that powder works amazingly. I love the fullness of it but let me not get too

deep into it. Let me go ahead and cut this lace and tell you guys when I come

back how much shedding? How much manipulation all that is required with

this wig. So stay tuned. So I have gone ahead and played around with this wig

and by playing around with it all I did was cut the lace. The lace is Swiss lace

soft lace. So you guys I'm already I think Bobbi Boss of all the wigs that

I've tried they've all been soft lace. Don't quote me on that could be

completely lying. But they for a majority a lot of the wigs that I've tried from

Bobbi Boss are soft lace wigs. Like I said it's a five-inch parting space this

is how far it goes back. I think this is gonna be weird for you me I I have so

many emotions about parting spaces on wigs.

I think for me perfect parting space 4 inches or less. Just because my head is a

smaller head the part tends to kind of go back a little bit further. So this is

where the part if it's showing up right now

kind of ends. For me I think four inches would have been perfect for this wig but

five inches isn't bad. I like a realistic part no matter what. So that's just

something to be aware of this is what the color looks like. I think the color

is an amazing color. Definitely unique for me. This is a left side part wig.

This is how it looks on me. I say inch wise it's pretty long.

I might go down and say it might be like 28 inches. This is 28 you know.

Definitely pass 26. I'd say almost 30 inches in terms of wig. So you getting a

lot of wig and then the back. This is how it looks.

So definitely yes a lot of a wig. Didn't take a lot of manipulation at all. I did

not tweeze the parting space just put powder in it. That's all I did. So very

low maintenance in terms of the parting space. In terms of the styling of it all

I did was I put a little bit of mousse on it to make it lay a little bit

flatter. I just thought of course I could have put heat to it and I just didn't

want to at this point but I wanted to show you guys what it looks like.

I used my lot of body mousse II as no I loved that for micro stay here I works

in comes in handy in terms of laying this down a little bit flatter so that's

all I did I like a flatter top I don't like a lot

of volume up here I like volume down more so at the bottom

and this is what this way gives me I think I do have a little bit of snags at

the bottom but that's who kind of be expected with a wig that long or longer

wig always kind of had snacks snacks at the bottom but in this way there's no

different minimal shedding bobby boss great about controlling that shit factor

so that's something to keep in mind it's so yes it gets a yes for me there aren't

really any cons with me in this wig is something I like I love the left side

part in my normal life right side is a good way to switch it up left side is my

baby middle part is definitely when I'm stepping out into the realm but this

side part amazing on me I love the color I definitely can see me getting a lot of

wear about that with this realistic looking hair line blends a lot brings

really well with my edges these are my own edges I always like to leave some of

my own edges outs to the ball so it doesn't look too stark when it goes from

way to scalp type of a thing I like my real hair to kind of act as a buffer

between the wig and my head so yes this is the wig let me know what you guys

think down below you guys always let me know maybe I'm even pronouncing the

right name wrong is it tubby oh is it I named it that because my name is Talia

so this week gonna be to be a but maybe it's tabia alright I don't know correct

me now melosa just pronouncing get all the way crazy thank you so much diva

trance for sinning this wig make sure you check out diva try so I'll leave the

link down below if not to just in this hair I'll leave the link down below to

this hair but as well as diva tress calm so you can check out all their Styles

they have a lot of great crochet hair options too if you guys are part of my

crochet here family make sure you're following me on instagram at lilo

9 make sure you're following me on snapchat and miss Thalia 89 and I will

see you in my next video thank you so much for watching bye

For more infomation >> WIG REVIEW| BOBBI BOSS TABIA LACE FRONT WIG| DIVATRESS.COM - Duration: 6:49.


Lucie Vagenheim porte la robe que j'ai sponsorisé! - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Lucie Vagenheim porte la robe que j'ai sponsorisé! - Duration: 3:25.



OMG! Are you okay??

Must be slippery right there

NOO, The other guy fell in the baby area!!

For more infomation >> EVER YOUTUBER IN MONTGOMERY!! (VLOG) - Duration: 9:42.


Dragon Ball FighterZ :Goku Black, Hit y Bills Confirmados!! // Y como van a Pelear estos Personajes? - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball FighterZ :Goku Black, Hit y Bills Confirmados!! // Y como van a Pelear estos Personajes? - Duration: 4:47.


Monash Motorsport - Dr Alan Finkel AO - Duration: 2:03.

- Project to build an electric car sort of

started at the end of 2015 where we took

on a few university students to run their

final year projects into researching

what it requires and what it takes

to actually design and build an electric race car.

- So I just completed quite a thrilling experience.

I started off slowly, I didn't end up terribly fast.

But boy the acceleration through the little

straight on the figure of eight.

The really tight steering controls,

the very powerful brakes.

So overall, it was an extraordinary experience.

- Now it's set for competition in December, two weeks time.

SAA is one of the biggest engineering

competitions in the world.

There's over 600 different universities

that actually compete.

Yeah, so it's sort of broken down into

several different events.

Not just competition of the design of a race car

but it also looks at the engineering practises

and everything that goes into it

and the management of the teams and instructors.

- Best way to do a project very very well

is to do something you're enjoying

and that is meaningful.

And obviously, these students, look at their faces,

look at the work that they're producing.

They are loving what they're doing.

And I've been speaking to them.

There's 65 in the team.

They're spending a huge number of hours,

above and beyond the normal study hours, to do this.

- The skills that you get from the project

are unparalleled to anything else

I've done in my time at university.

- And you can't do it properly

unless you understand power systems engineering

or Troll Systems engineering,

mechanical engineering on steroids.

You have to be good engineers to do this.

So you've got a classic case now of

young people, students, being motivated

to learn because they know what they're going

to apply that learning towards.

Nothing could be better.

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