Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

Islamic Whatsapp Status 2018 Falak ke Nazaro Huzur Aa Gaye Hai with Lyrics New Milad Tittle - YouTube

For more infomation >> Islamic Whatsapp Status 2018 with Lyrics New Milad Tittle - Duration: 0:31.


Part-5 | শিক্ষক VS ছাত্র | Funny dubbing | Bangla Cartoon Funny Videos | The Bindas Polapan 6 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Part-5 | শিক্ষক VS ছাত্র | Funny dubbing | Bangla Cartoon Funny Videos | The Bindas Polapan 6 - Duration: 2:37.


Islamic Whatsapp Status Video Thank you Allah Maher Zain - Duration: 0:31.

Islamic Whatsapp Status Video Thank you Allah Maher Zain - YouTube

For more infomation >> Islamic Whatsapp Status Video Thank you Allah Maher Zain - Duration: 0:31.


Muslim nations declare East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital - Duration: 2:19.

Muslim nations are reacting to President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital

of Israel.

Dozens of countries are urging the world to reject that decision and to recognize East

Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

Ro Aram reports.

The leaders of 57 Muslim nations, otherwise known as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation,

have declared East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital, calling on the international community

to follow in its footsteps.

Wednesday's summit was hosted by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, who has criticized the U.S.

for its stance on Jerusalem.

(Turkish)AP - 4130606 / 1 "… In our view, Jerusalem is the capital

of the state of Palestine and will remain as such.

I invite other countries to recognize Jerusalem as the occupied capital of the state of Palestine."

The OIC added that Trump's "dangerous declaration" to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital

was "null and void and lacks any legitimacy."

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused the U.S. of being biased in favor of Israel,

saying it no longer had any role to play in the peace process.

(Arabic) AP - 4130589 / 1 "The United States is not an unbiased mediator.

And we don't accept, as Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims, we are no longer able to accept

the role of America as mediator for which the basic necessary condition is unbiased


We will go to the United Nations Security Council to decide this resolution, according

to the United Nations."

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was "not impressed" by the OIC's statement.

He added that the Palestinians would do better by recognising reality and acting in favour

of peace and not extremism.

He also went on to say that other countries will follow the U.S. and move their embassies

to Jerusalem.

The city is home to key religious sites sacred to Judaism, Islam and Christianity, especially

in East Jerusalem.

Israel regards the entire city as its capital, a stance not taken by the international community,

until recently.

But Palestine claims East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state, and that its final

status should be discussed in the latter stages of peace talks.

Ro Aram, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Muslim nations declare East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital - Duration: 2:19.


'Not time for talks': White House backtracks from Tillerson's comments - Duration: 2:15.

The White House says NO dialogue can take place between the United States and North

Korea... until the regime changes its behavior.

This completely contradicts an earlier remark by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson,... who

said Washington was ready to hold talks... at any time... and without preconditions.

Kwon Jang-ho tells us more.

A spokesperson for the White House National Security Council told Reuters on Wednesday,...

that "now is not the time" for negotiations with North Korea... given its recent ballistic

missile test.

The official said that any negotiations with North Korea "must wait until the regime improves

its behavior", which must include no further nuclear or missile tests.

This comes in stark contrast to remarks made by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday,

who seemed to go against the Trump administration's hardline policy by saying the U.S. was ready

to hold talks with Pyongyang at any time without preconditions.

(English) Reuters 2238 "Let's just meet, and we can talk about the

weather if you want...

But can we at least sit down and see each other face to face.

And then we can begin to lay out a map, a roadmap of what we might be willing to work


The State Department was quick to try and clarify its position on Wednesday as well,

with spokesperson Heather Nauert stressing there was no change in the North Korea policy,

and that the administration would be ready to talk to Pyongyang if they showed signs

they were serious, but so far there have not been any such signs.

These contradictory statements fuel further speculation that Tillerson's relationship

with the president is becoming increasingly strained.

Reports emerged last month,... that Trump was considering a plan to remove him from

his administration.

But regardless of Tillerson's offer of dialogue,... Pyongyang may not be willing to sit down for

talks just yet anyway.

Bloomberg reported on Wednesday that the UN official, Jeffrey Feltman, who recently returned

from a trip to North Korea, told Security Council members in a closed door briefing

that the regime plans to continue developing its nuclear program until it achieves a deterrent

capability... and until then it is not likely to engage

in talks.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> 'Not time for talks': White House backtracks from Tillerson's comments - Duration: 2:15.


Sarah Paulson Dishes on Her Friendship with Rihanna - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Sarah Paulson Dishes on Her Friendship with Rihanna - Duration: 6:34.


S. Korea to shift toward renewable energy, natural gas - Duration: 1:44.

Just in time for the new year ahead, the South Korean government has come up with a new blueprint

for future energy policies.

The main idea is to gradually phase out the country's reliance on traditional energy sources

such as nuclear or coal, and slowly turn to renewable ones.

Lee Jeong-yeon has the details.

Korea's energy ministry announced on Thursday its new energy roadmap for the next 12 years,

in line with the worldwide trend of turning to renewable energy.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced its eighth basic plan for long-term

electricity supply and demand, which will run from this year until 2031.

It stated in a press release that the ministry is shifting focus from prioritizing stable

power supply and economic efficiency to focusing on environmental and safety issues.

The nation will reduce its heavy reliance on nuclear and coal power plants and increase

its proportion of plants that use renewable energy and liquefied natural gas.

The goal by 2030 is to raise the ratio of renewable energy to 20-percent by increasing

the use of solar and wind power plants.

Currently, there are 24 active nuclear power plants producing 30-percent of the nation's

electricity, but according to the nuclear phase-out plan, this number will be reduced

to 18.

According to the plan, greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by 26-percent from the current

average, and fine dust levels will also be cut by 62-percent.

This new energy policy reflects safety concerns following the Fukushima incident in Japan

in 2011 and the two major earthquakes over the last two years in the southeast of Korea.

The ministry will finalize its plans at a public hearing on December 26th.

Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News

For more infomation >> S. Korea to shift toward renewable energy, natural gas - Duration: 1:44.


Korean language test hits record number of test-takers - Duration: 0:37.

As of this year, the number of people taking the Korean language proficiency test TOPIK

has surpassed two million,... thanks to the popularity of Hallyu, or the Korean wave.

According to the Seoul-based National Institute for International Education, about 290-thousand

people took the test at the end of November.

This is around 140 times the number of test-takers back in 1997 when the test was first created.

Over the past two decades, the number has increased rapidly with more foreigners taking

an interest in Korean content, such as dramas and music, especially people in Southeast


For more infomation >> Korean language test hits record number of test-takers - Duration: 0:37.


ADB raises South Korea's 2018 growth forecast to 3% from 2.8% - Duration: 0:55.

The Asian Development Bank has raised South Korea's growth forecast for next year to three

percent,... up two tenths of a percent from its last projection made in September.

In its December Asian development outlook supplement,... the ADB said improved diplomatic

relations with China will boost Korea's exports and revive tourism in the coming months.

For this year, the ADB forecast three-point-one percent growth - up from two-point-eight percent.

That's thanks to exports, which soared 17 percent on-year from January to October - reversing

a near decline of close to 8 percent in 2016.

The ADB kept China's growth forecast at six-point-four percent for 2018,... and raised the outlook

for ASEAN member nations to five-point-two percent.

For those developing economies, it cited a stronger-than-expected recovery in exports...

and robust domestic demand.

For more infomation >> ADB raises South Korea's 2018 growth forecast to 3% from 2.8% - Duration: 0:55.


Korean gov't to promote software industry and tackle growing gambling industry - Duration: 2:29.

As part of the government's goal of building a creative economy, it plans to improve training

for young people to go into the software industry,... a key sector for the so-called Fourth Industrial


Another issue addressed by Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon today was gambling.

He stressed the importance of the government getting a hold on betting in sports and other

areas... which he thinks is becoming a serious social problem.

Our Ji Myung-kil has more.

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon on Thursday... said it was necessary to provide the right

job training and education to foster job creation in the software sector.

(Korean) "It is important for the government to create

an environment for the younger generation where they can experiment using their imagination

and creativity, which is key to the success of the software industry."

He also said jobs like industrial software programmers, games programmers, and data analysts

will serve as new career opportunities for younger people.

According to Korea's Software Policy and Research Institute,... the country's software industry

reached nearly 4-billion U.S. dollars this year and is growing by 1-hundred-million dollars

every year.

Therefore, the government also plans to construct models to predict how the Fourth Industrial

Revolution would affect software jobs in the future.

Prime Minister Lee also noted the alarming growth rate of gambling and other adult entertainment


(Korean) "Korea's gambling industry is showing signs

of overheating.

The industry is expanding 6-point-3 percent every year."

He said it was important to eradicate corruption, especially in sports gambling,... referring

to match-fixing scandals which have struck professional sports players in recent years,...

and called for greater attention from law enforcement authorities.

(Stand-up) "According to the prime minister's office,...

Korea's gambling and lottery industry has grown by more than 18-billion dollars for

two consecutive years,... with gambling addiction reaching over 5-percent, which is over two

times higher than the OECD average of around 2-percent."

Therefore, the government plans to strengthen monitoring of casinos, horse racing, traditional

bull fighting, and lotteries, and promote socially responsible practices.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korean gov't to promote software industry and tackle growing gambling industry - Duration: 2:29.


Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut Tập 7 - Tán Gái Thành Cmn Công,Lại Một Em Nữa Vào Harem !!!! - Duration: 24:01.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut Tập 7 - Tán Gái Thành Cmn Công,Lại Một Em Nữa Vào Harem !!!! - Duration: 24:01.


S. Korea's annual trade volume for 2017 surpasses $1 trillion - Duration: 0:51.

Korea's annual trade volume has surpassed the 1-trillion-dollar mark for the first time

since 2014.

According to the trade ministry, Korea's combined imports and exports surpassed a trillion dollars

at around 2 p.m. Thursday.

Exports for the first 11 months jumped 16.5 percent on-year to reach almost 525 billion

dollars, driven by memory chips and petrochemicals.

The value of Korean goods traded through September accounted for 3.3 percent of the world's entire

trade, up from last year's 2.8 percent.

Korea's trade stayed above the trillion dollar mark for between 2010 and 2014, but in the

last 2 years, it's fallen short.

Korea is one of just 9 countries, including the U.S., China, and Germany, to have ever

achieved 1 trillion dollars of annual trade.

For more infomation >> S. Korea's annual trade volume for 2017 surpasses $1 trillion - Duration: 0:51.


How to make Paneer at home||Ghar par 5 min mein banaiye Perfect Paneer / Chena - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> How to make Paneer at home||Ghar par 5 min mein banaiye Perfect Paneer / Chena - Duration: 4:46.


Minecraft in Real Life: Skeleton Kid (Realistic Minecraft) - Duration: 8:45.

Skeleton is waking up.

For more infomation >> Minecraft in Real Life: Skeleton Kid (Realistic Minecraft) - Duration: 8:45.


ЛЕТАЮ на ДРАКОНЕ [Hypixel Bed Wars Mini-Game Minecraft] - Duration: 11:42.

For more infomation >> ЛЕТАЮ на ДРАКОНЕ [Hypixel Bed Wars Mini-Game Minecraft] - Duration: 11:42.


Prosecution demands 25 years jail time for disgraced fmr. President Park's confidante Choi Soon-sil - Duration: 1:49.

Prosecutors are demanding 25 years in prison for Choi Soon-sil, the friend of former President

Park Geun-hye whose influence peddling involving the presidential office led to the downfall

of the previous government.

A Seoul court today held the final hearing in Choi's sentencing.

Cha Sang-mi has more.

The independent counsel Park Young-soo and state prosecutors demanded a sentence of 25

years for former president Park Geun-hye's confidante Choi Soon-sil for her alleged role

in the massive influence-peddling scandal that ended Park's presidency.

They also asked the court to order Choi to pay a fine of nearly a hundred-and-9 million

U.S. dollars and forfeit more than 7 million dollars.

The maximum prison sentence, according to the law, is 30 years.

But for especially heinous crimes, 50 years is also possible.

Choi's final hearing was held Thursday at the Seoul Central District Court.

The 61-year-old was arrested and indicted last November on 18 charges including bribery

and abuse of power.

They center on alleged collusion with former president Park to extort money from the country's

largest conglomerates like Samsung and to interfere in state affairs.

Choi already faces three years behind bars for getting special treatment for her daughter

at a prestigious university.

The prosecutors also demanded six years jail time for Ahn Jong-beom , a former senior presidential

secretary,... and four years for Lotte Group chief Shin Dong-bin.

Sentences are usually announced after two or three weeks, so it's expected Choi's fate

will be known by mid-January at the latest.

The court's decision is likely to affect Park's case as well.

The former leader is also on trial for numerous charges.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Prosecution demands 25 years jail time for disgraced fmr. President Park's confidante Choi Soon-sil - Duration: 1:49.


Trump downplays Republican loss in Alabama Senate seat race - Duration: 1:33.

U.S. President Donald Trump is looking to save a little face after the Republicans'

shock defeat in a key Senate election in the deep-red state of Alabama.

Trump says he knew Roy Moore would lose... and stressed the loss will not affect his


Park Se-young has more.

"I was right " President Trump said in a predawn tweet Wednesday, …a day after Democrat Doug

Jones's victory over the Republican Roy Moore.

Trump defended his decision to initially back Luther Strange against Moore, ...saying he

was right in thinking that Moore would not have been able to win the General Election.

Despite warnings from senior GOP officials, the president endorsed the ultra-conservative

Moore, who has been mired in numerous sexual misconduct allegations, including those against

under-age girls.

Jones became the first Democrat in 25 years to take the Alabama Senate seat, narrowing

the Republican majority in the Senate to 51 to 49, …and putting a potential dent into

Trump's legislative plans.

President Trump told reporters at the White House that although he would have liked Moore

to win, he doesn't think the loss will affect his administration's agenda.

(English) "I don't think it's going to affect it.

I think we're doing a lot.

This is the biggest thing that we've worked on.

This also has to do with other subjects."

Jones will not likely be seated until January, which means the Republican Party still has

time to pass its tax-cut bill and vote on any year-end budget deals.

Park Se-young, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump downplays Republican loss in Alabama Senate seat race - Duration: 1:33.


Alabama Election Results, Trump's Approval Rating - Monologue - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Alabama Election Results, Trump's Approval Rating - Monologue - Duration: 2:42.


Как выложить видео в ютуб с телефона? Как загрузить видео на ютуб с телефона? - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Как выложить видео в ютуб с телефона? Как загрузить видео на ютуб с телефона? - Duration: 4:07.


Weather gets comfortable tomorrow with snow at night _ 121417 - Duration: 1:39.

Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the weather update.

We have passed the worst of the cold spell with lots of areas, including the capital,

relieved from the cold wave advisory.

Although some regions, such as northern Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheong-do provinces, are still under

cold weather advisories,... by tomorrow morning they should all be lifted, with temperatures

about five degrees warmer than today.

Tomorrow morning, Seoul will wake up to minus 6 degrees Celsius, while Daegu and Busan begin

at minus 4 degrees and 3 degrees.

During the day, the temperatures are expected to recover, with Seoul rising up to 3 degrees,

while Gwangju and Busan reach 6 and 10 degrees.

However, it will get cloudier as the day goes on, bringing snow in the evening.

There won't be much snow,... with between 1 and 3 centimeters expected.

Tomorrow's snow will continue through Saturday,... and on Sunday, freezing temperatures will

visit us once again.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

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