Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

Let's delve further into how the rate hike decision by the Federal Reserve might impact

the South Korean economy.

We have our Kim Ji-yeon, who is at the Bank of Korea, on the phone.

Ji-yeon, the consensus is that the impact of the Fed's decision on the Korean economy

will be limited.

That's right.

BOK Governor Lee Ju-yeol told reporters earlier this morning that he does not interpret the

move by the Fed as a sign of preferring aggressive fiscal measures despite the Fed's decision

to raise its growth trajectory for the U.S. economy.

Authorities at the BOK say there were no immediate signs of capital flight from the country...

since the move by the U.S. Fed has been widely expected.

It also pointed to Korea's strong fundamentals, with the economy forecast to grow 3-percent

this year on booming exports.

But the BOK says further tapering of U.S. assets could impact Korea's interest rates

in the long-term.

To counter such risks the BOK has already raised its benchmark interest rate by a quarter-percent

to one-point-five-percent last month,... its first rate hike in nearly seven years.

Although the move has been widely expected,... it has raised concerns that the rate hike

would increase the burden of the one-point-three-trillion U.S.

dollar household debt... since it would severely affect homeowners' ability to repay their

debts and raise the risk of people defaulting on their housing loans.

The BOK played down the possibility of the worsening household debt issue, saying the

government is laying out countermeasures.

This refers to a series of measures earlier this year to curb housing speculation... by

making it harder for people with multiple houses to borrow money to buy real estate.

While the BOK dismissed the possibility that a rate gap is the sole reason for capital

flight, it says such a decision will be made only after taking into account various factors

including the recovery pace of the local economy, inflation prices, financial stability and

risks... shaking off market expectations that it'll raise rates in February or in July next

year... when the new BOK Governor is announced.

The BOK has previously projected that the Fed would raise rates up to three times next

year... and vowed to take pre-emptive measures to manage external risks... by strengthening

its monitoring of the nation's financial markets and coming up with countermeasures.

Back to you.

For more infomation >> Impact of U.S. rate hike decision on Korean economy - Duration: 2:29.


Aloo Tikki || Crispy Aloo Tikki Recipe - Duration: 3:44.

Aloo Tikki

Aloo Tikki

Aloo Tikki

For more infomation >> Aloo Tikki || Crispy Aloo Tikki Recipe - Duration: 3:44.


রক্ত দেয়ার আগে যা অবশ্যই করনীয়||do you know before blood donate?|| health tips - Duration: 2:44.

donate blood plasma, donate blood save lives, do you know before blood donate?,

For more infomation >> রক্ত দেয়ার আগে যা অবশ্যই করনীয়||do you know before blood donate?|| health tips - Duration: 2:44.


НЬЮ-ЙОРК: Как выразить эмоции на английском || Живой урок Веня Пак для Skyeng - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> НЬЮ-ЙОРК: Как выразить эмоции на английском || Живой урок Веня Пак для Skyeng - Duration: 7:41.


[ENG] Cartier Christmas greetings from LuHan - Duration: 0:13.

Merry Christmas

For more infomation >> [ENG] Cartier Christmas greetings from LuHan - Duration: 0:13.


Gọi Điện JANE The Killer Kẻ Thù Của JEFF The Killer | 360hot REN Ghost - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> Gọi Điện JANE The Killer Kẻ Thù Của JEFF The Killer | 360hot REN Ghost - Duration: 8:00.


Palestinians: Do you see Israelis as human beings? - Duration: 6:37.

Ahmad Hebron

They are human beings

but they are like



do a lot of bad things to

Palestinian people

that makes them monsters not so much human beings

everywhere you go you will meet an Israeli

if you go to the Ibrahim mosque (Cave of the Patriarches)

you will see an Israeli

and the Israeli army

I have gotten my ass kicked by them

by Israeli soldiers

Yes, they did beat him up

Repeat the question

In a workshop

they came here (Hebron)

with Arab people to buy stuff

and they sell it in Israel

When they come like normal people, they look nice

but when you meet them in the street

and they notice that you are an Arab man

that will not be good for you

maybe you will get killed

get beat up

maybe they give you a knife (plant a knife)

and they say you want to stab someone

maybe you will get shot by guns

All of us are human beings they are equal human beings

Reda Ramallah

Under one condition

to be seen as a human being as a Palestinian

Do you see Israelis as human beings?

Yes of course

Fathi (50 something year old man) Hebron

Are Israelis equal to you as human beings?

What do you mean?

Ashraf Hebron

Some of them, not all of them

The extremist Jews I do not see them as human beings

I see them as terrorists

Those who come from abroad

like the settlers

are not (human beings)

Who comes from abroad?

Some Jews are good

but other Jews go into the lands of other people

ruin them and destroy them are not good

Do you see Israelis as equal to you?

As human beings

of course, all of us are human beings

but when it comes to principles and comes to demands

when it comes to demands and principles

we differ on this

We deserve these demands from long ago

What are his demands? Are we talking about Palestine?

For example, first the land

The land of 1967 or the land of 1948?

Everything, all of it

This land was ours and we own it

and we deserve it from long ago

I have been told this ever since I was a child

and I have seen history and read history

and they told us that the Jews came later on

and took our lands from us

Monzer Hebron

According to how they treat us

and their behaviour with us

they are not human beings

and we are speaking from reality

You can see this in reality

how they treat the children how they treat the Palestinians

For more infomation >> Palestinians: Do you see Israelis as human beings? - Duration: 6:37.


Global market for OLED screens rise 30 percent in 3rd quarter - Duration: 0:39.

The global market for OLED screens used in smartphones soared 30 percent in the third

quarter from the same period last year.

According to market researcher IHS Markit on Thursday,... the market reached four-point-seven

billion U.S. dollars in the July to September period--up 29 percent from three-point-six

billion the previous year.

It attributes the jump to a swell in demand for OLED panels used by Samsung, which dominates

98 percent of the market.

The trend is expected to continue due to the possibility of Chinese firms using OLED screens

in their upcoming smartphones.

For more infomation >> Global market for OLED screens rise 30 percent in 3rd quarter - Duration: 0:39.


White House says now is not right time for talks with North Korea - Duration: 1:57.

The White House says NO dialogue can take place between the United States and North

Korea... until the regime changes its behavior.

This completely contradicts an earlier remark by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson,... who

said Washington was ready to hold talks... at any time... and without preconditions.

Yu Joonhee reports.

A spokesperson for the White House National Security Council told Reuters on Wednesday,...

that "now is not the time" for negotiations with North Korea... given its recent ballistic

missile test.

On the same day,...

State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert also said...

there would have to be a "period of calm"... in which the regime suspends all weapons testing...

before any dialogue can resume.

This is raising questions... over Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's earlier comments...

where he said the U.S. was ready to hold talks with Pyongyang at any time without preconditions.

Tillerson's offer appeared to signal... a shift away from Washington's demand that no

dialogue with North Korea can take place... without including discussions over its denuclearization.

The White House declined to comment... whether President Trump, who's taken a more hardline

stance regarding the issue,... had approved Tillerson's overture.

Tillerson's relationship with the president has been strained recently,... with the pair

sending conflicting messages... regarding the administration's North Korea policy.

Tillerson's influence within the cabinet has diminished as a result,... with reports emerging

last month,... that Trump was considering a plan to remove him from his administration.

There has been constant speculation of a growing rift between the pair... ever since President

Trump tweeted in October... that Tillerson was "wasting his time" pursuing diplomacy

with North Korea.

But regardless of Tillerson's offer of dialogue,... Pyongyang may not be willing to sit down for

talks just yet,... according to a UN envoy to North Korea.

Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman... who returned from a trip

to the reclusive nation in late-November... said the regime isn't likely to engage in

discussions... before it has a full nuclear deterrent.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> White House says now is not right time for talks with North Korea - Duration: 1:57.


KARAOKE | Em Vẫn Mong Chờ Anh | Như Phượng - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Em Vẫn Mong Chờ Anh | Như Phượng - Duration: 4:35.


「もう一歩前、お進み下さい!」男女平等ポップソング - Duration: 3:52.

Please would you take...

a little step forward!

Gender inequality...

holds back our society!

Girls should follow their dreams!

They can be better than males it seems!

Why not sushi chefs?

Sumo wrestlers!


The President?!?!?

Give up your seat!

Open doors!

Feeling a tiny little thristy?

How about pouring your own goddamn tea!

Please would you take...

a little step forward!

Leave our society...

... unsoiled please!

To all men with a family!

They should your priority!

If your boss asks you to stay late at work!

Say: in your dreams, you XXXing jerk!

Play with your kids!

Split the housework!

Yes, we know you have a penis!

But share the housework, don't resist!

Let's all take...

.... a little step forward!

Don't flush away women's rights!

Women around the world are struggling every day…

Pass them the mic...

Let's pass them the mic, and listen to what they have to say—



Let's all take a little step forward!

Don't block women's dreams!

When it comes to democracy…

maybe we shouldn't give men the keys

In every corner of society,

Women deserve equal opportunity.

Let's all take a little step forward!

Gender inequality is bad for our society!


It's time to flush away...



SUBS: for our future!

SUBS: for our families!

SUBS: it can all start with your first small step forward.


SUBS: thank you for always taking care when using our facilities.

SUBS: and don't forget to wash your hands!

For more infomation >> 「もう一歩前、お進み下さい!」男女平等ポップソング - Duration: 3:52.


Learn Colors for Children with Funny Cartoon Fruits Grape Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 4:22.

Suti Channel

Suti Channel

Suti Channel

For more infomation >> Learn Colors for Children with Funny Cartoon Fruits Grape Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 4:22.


Poll shows vast majority of Russians plan to vote for Putin - Duration: 0:40.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to sail to victory in elections next year

for a fourth term in office.

According to a poll conducted by a Moscow-based independent pollster, around 75-percent of

respondents said they would vote for Putin in the elections on March 18th.

During a visit to a car factory in (Nis-knee Nov-go-rod) Nizhny Novgorod last week, Putin

made the widely-expected announcement that he would run again.

If Putin extends his rule to 20-24, it will make him the longest serving leader since

Stalin, who ruled the Soviet Union for more than 30 years.

For more infomation >> Poll shows vast majority of Russians plan to vote for Putin - Duration: 0:40.


Chơi Lee Sin Đạt Tới Cảnh Giới Này Bạn Sẽ Không Ngán Bất Kỳ Ai Trong Liên Minh Huyền Thoại - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Chơi Lee Sin Đạt Tới Cảnh Giới Này Bạn Sẽ Không Ngán Bất Kỳ Ai Trong Liên Minh Huyền Thoại - Duration: 10:10.


Cold snap eases slightly this afternoon _ 171214 - Duration: 2:02.

Bitterly cold conditions have caused the nation to shiver for the past few days.

It's been cold enough to freeze parts of Seoul's Han Gang River as you can see behind me.

The last time the river froze in the month of December was nearly 70 years ago Some welcome

news, temperatures will start to ease a bit starting this afternoon under mostly sunny

skies... we will see 1 degree Celsius in Seoul, Daegu will make it to 4 degrees.

Light snow is in store for Seoul on Friday night....and we are unlikely to see temperatures

above the norm for a while,...and this weekend is forecast to be a freezing one as well.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

While many of us in South Korea are dealing with harsh winter days, many regions in North

Korea will have colder readings under bright skies all day.

As for the rest of Asia, Beijing, where President Moon Jae-in is on a state visit, will have

similar weather conditions to Seoul under mostly sunny skies

Meanwhile, the first heatwave of the summer has hit Sydney with highs in the mid to upper

thirties across the city.

Heading to North America, the coldest air of the season brought wind chills to New York

while snow will make driving difficult.

As for South America, major cities will be under bright skies with scorching highs in

some parts.

Taking you to Europe,... UK will have up and down temperatures for the rest of the week

while Thursday is looking mainly cloudy with some sunny spells.

Lastly to Africa, Cape Town will see winds picking up in the evening.

That's all the weather update for now.

For more infomation >> Cold snap eases slightly this afternoon _ 171214 - Duration: 2:02.


President Moon's state visit to China: Focus on shared history and future together - Duration: 2:35.

Staying with President Moon's China trip.

The spotlight on day-one of his state visit,... was the shared history between the two countries

and working toward a better future together.

Our Moon Connyoung,... who is traveling with the president,.. files this report from Beijing.


It's a communist country to the north for South Korea with whom it's enjoyed 25 years

of friendly ties particularly highlighted by extensive economic linkages and rich cultural

and people-to-people exchange.

That relations went frosty in the past year and South Korean President Moon Jae-in has

set out to warm it back up."

Moon Jae-in's first state visit as president of the Republic of Korea... and it is to China...

a reflection of how important the two countries are to one another... or what they risk should

their ties remain at subpar levels.

The South Korean leader's four-day China trip comes at a time of heightened tensions in

Northeast Asia due to North Korea's advancing nuclear and missile programs... in the wake

of its latest and most powerful-to-date missile test...

AND on the heels of a Seoul, Beijing agreement to move past a year-long dispute over South

Korea's deployment of U.S. missile defense system and normalize exchanges.

As the South Korean leader set out determined to restore the soured bilateral ties back

to pre-THAAD row levels, Mr. Moon pointed to centuries-old shared history.

(Korean) "The two countries together faced hardship

under imperialism and together pulled through difficult times fighting against the Japanese

colonial rule."

, .

Accompanied by a huge business entourage, President Moon proposed a new paradigm of

bilateral cooperation based on common priorities of the two countries in the face of a new,

unprecedented global economic order.

(Korean) "As responsible nations in Northeast Asia,

I hope China and South Korea can together work to cope with new changes and challenges."


The rest of the South Korean president's four-day state visit to China will be dotted with significant

meetings and symbolic moves, but the highlight will be the third bilateral summit between

President Moon and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

(STAND-UP) "Tensions over North Korea's nuclear ambitions

will have to top the agenda but it's also possible that discord over the THAAD issue

will be revisited during the leaders' talks.

How Mr. Moon treads that tightrope will be the first real test of the new administration's

diplomacy... one that the entire world keep a close eye on.

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, Beijing."

For more infomation >> President Moon's state visit to China: Focus on shared history and future together - Duration: 2:35.


ADB raises South Korea's 2018 growth forecast to 3% from 2.8% - Duration: 0:51.

The Asian Development Bank has raised South Korea's growth forecast for next year to three

percent,... up zero-point-two percentage point from its previous projection made in September.

In its December Asian development outlook supplement,... the ADB said improved diplomatic

relations with China will further fuel exports and revive tourism in the coming months.

For 2017, the ADB forecast three-point-one percent growth - up from two-point-eight percent,

as exports soared 17 percent on-year from January to October - reversing a near eight

percent decline in 2016.

Maintaining China's growth forecast at six-point-four percent for 2018,... the ADB raised ASEAN

member nations' outlook to five-point-two percent.

It cited a stronger-than-expected recovery in exports... and robust domestic demand in

Asia's developing economies.

For more infomation >> ADB raises South Korea's 2018 growth forecast to 3% from 2.8% - Duration: 0:51.


《晚吹 - 書到用時》第45集 – 荒淫皇帝(主持: 王貽興, 劉翁, 譚凱倫) - Duration: 22:39.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 書到用時》第45集 – 荒淫皇帝(主持: 王貽興, 劉翁, 譚凱倫) - Duration: 22:39.


Prison sentence demanded for disgraced fmr. President Park's confidante Choi Soon-sil - Duration: 0:52.

A 14-month-long legal battle is entering its final stages.

The Independent Counsel and state prosecutors are demanding former President Park Geun-hye's

confidante Choi Soon-sil be jailed for her role in the massive influence-peddling scandal

that brought down Park's presidency.

The final hearing for Choi and former presidential office senior secretary Ahn Jong-beom that

began this morning,... will resume after a brief lunch recess at the Seoul Central District


Choi could face life behind bars if she's found guilty of all 18 charges against her.

They center on her alleged collusion with the ousted president to extort money from

the country's largest conglomerates and to interfere in state affairs.

The court's decision is likely to affect Park's case as well.

The former leader is also undergoing a criminal trial on numerous charges.

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