Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

Top Republican Senator Expands Investigation Into Clinton-Uranium One Deal

On Monday, Barrasso sent the following letter to the Department of Energy:

On March 21, 2011, former NRC Chairman Greg Jaczko responded to my letter on behalf of

then-President Obama stating: �At this time, neither Uranium One Inc. nor ARMZ holds a

specific NRC export license.

In order to export uranium from the United States, Uranium One, Inc. or ARMZ would need

to apply for and obtain a specific NRC license authorizing the export of uranium for use

in reactor fuel� � Recent reporting by The Hill uncovered that Uranium One was able

to export uranium without obtaining a specific export license.

Beginning in 2012, Uranium One exported U.S. uranium by �piggy-backing� as a supplier

on an export license held by the shipping company, RSB Logistic Services Inc.


Reporting by the Casper Star Tribune shows that, upon receipt of my letter to President

Obama, the White House forwarded the letter to the DOE which then referred this matter

to the NRC stating: �Because the subject of the letter does not fall within the purview

of the Department of Energy, we are forwarding the letter to your agency.�

The Wyoming GOP lawmaker kicked off his probe into the Clinton-Uranium One deal in October.

The Hill�s John Solomon reported last week that the Obama Justice Department failed to

call on the deal�s secret informant, William D. Campbell, when it came time to charging

former Russian uranium industry executive Vadim Mikerinn.

�While he was Maryland�s chief federal prosecutor, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein�s

office failed to interview the undercover informant in the FBI�s Russian nuclear bribery

case before it filed criminal charges in the case in 2014, officials told The Hill,�

reports Solomon.

�I�ve never heard of such a case unless the victim is dead.

I�ve never heard of prosecutors making a major case and not talking to the victim before

you made it, especially when he was available to them through the FBI,� Alan Dershowitz

told The Hill.

For more infomation >> Top Republican Senator Expands Investigation Into Clinton - Duration: 3:00.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 13:50.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 13:50.


TOP 8 Major Theories Answered BY The Last Jedi (SPOILERS) - Duration: 4:11.

Hey everybody and welcome to Leia's Lair.

In this episode I will be going over theories that are answered in The Last Jedi.

If you are enjoying the videos please give them a like and subscribe to the channel so

I can continue making them for you!

Now before I begin, I will be discussing all of the events in The Last Jedi, so this is

a warning that spoilers are ahead.

If you haven't seen the movie yet, I suggest you stop watching this and go to your nearest theatre.

Ok here we go.

Theory 1: Does Leia have Force Training?


We find this out after an epic moment when Kylo fails to bring himself to fire upon his

mother's ship.

However, two other First Order star fighters fire upon the ship instead and Leia is sucked

out into the vacuum of space.

Normally this would be the end for anybody, but not Leia!

She awakens and uses the Force to pull herself to a nearby Resistance ship, confirming that

Leia does indeed have the ability to wield the Force.

Theory 2: Why does Ben Solo become Kylo Ren?

While Luke is training Ben Solo and a group of Jedi, he senses the dark side within Ben.

Foreseeing the destruction that Ben will cause, Luke momentarily contemplates murdering him

in his sleep.

However Ben awakens to see Luke standing over him with a lightsaber in hand.

Ben quickly grabs his own lightsaber and collapses the building with the Force.

This is the event that pushes Ben towards becoming Kylo Ren.

Assuming Luke dead in the rubble, he destroys the Jedi temple and joins Snoke and the First Order.

Theory 3: Who are Rey's Parents?

Although Rey deep down already knows the answer, she gets confirmation from Kylo Ren that her

parents were nobodies.

They were just gambling junk dealers, who seemingly sold her off on Jakku, with no intention

of coming back for her.

Theory 4: Does Rey turn to the dark side?


Although Rey appears to fail the test of falling to the dark side on Ahch-To, when given the

chance to join Kylo Ren, she successfully declines.

She sticks with the Resistance and the light side.

Theory 5: Does Leia die in The Last Jedi?

Simply put no, Leia does not die in The Last Jedi.

That being said there were many times where it seemed like it would be the end of her

and the Resistance.

She instead makes it onto the Millennium Falcon at the end.

Theory 6: Is Luke the Last Jedi?

No, it is proposed that Rey becomes the Last Jedi after Luke's death.

His death is not at the hands of Snoke or Kylo Ren as many have theorized.

Instead he uses his connection to the Force to fool Kylo Ren and announces to Kylo that

Rey is the last Jedi.

After seemingly expending his energy, he becomes one with the Force, just as Obi-wan and Yoda

have before him.

Leaving Rey as the last Jedi.

Theory 7: Who is Snoke?

Who is Snoke is not actually answered in The Last Jedi.

Although it looks like that question may not need to be answered, as Kylo Ren ends up killing

him, making Snoke a less significant character than we all imagined him to be.

That being said, during his brief time on screen, he does show great skill with the force.

Theory 8: Does Kylo Ren turn back to the light?


It is set up to look like he is redeeming himself, by killing Snoke instead of Rey,

and then teaming up with her.

He then assumes position of Supreme Leader and asks for Rey to join him instead.

To end this video on a fun fact, we also get to see an appearance of force ghost Yoda in

The Last Jedi.

This answers any theories as to whether any old characters would be making an appearance

in this episode.

And there you have it!

The summary of the major theories answered by The Last Jedi.

What did you think of The Last Jedi?

Let me know down below in the comment section.

And remember to like and subscribe to the channel for more great videos to come.

I hope to see you all again in Leia's Lair.

For more infomation >> TOP 8 Major Theories Answered BY The Last Jedi (SPOILERS) - Duration: 4:11.


Plow truck driver accused of driving drunk hits car head-on - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Plow truck driver accused of driving drunk hits car head-on - Duration: 1:01.


Korean government holds meeting to regulate cryptocurrency - Duration: 1:42.

Things are looking up for investors in virtual currencies this year.

Still, there are lingering concerns of a bubble... with more than a million Koreans believed

to hold at least some Bitcoin.

Top officials met to formulate ways to regulate that market.

Kim Hyesung gets us up to speed with the developments.

The Korean government has announced a series of measures to curb speculation on cryptocurrencies

amid what appears to be a speculative frenzy.

During an emergency meeting Wednesday, senior officials from various ministries, including

justice, finance, and others agreed to crack down on cryptocurrency-related crimes such

as hacking and illegal foreign exchange transactions.

The government is concerned that a cryptocurrency market bubble could cost people significant

amount of money, so it said banks will have to thoroughly verify users' identities and

make sure they conduct cryptocurrency transactions only with their own accounts.

Minors and foreigners will be banned from opening investment accounts.

On top of individuals, financial institutions will also be banned from buying and selling

virtual currencies.

They are also banned from raising money through bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, making

Korea the second country after China to do so.

Such measures come amid the growing craze over bitcoin.

The virtual currency has been trading in Korea at a significant premium over prevailing international


As for taxing cryptocurrency capital gains, government officials said they will announce

details after discussing with experts through a taskforce team and refer to other countries'

polices so as not to hinder the development of technologies like blockchain.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korean government holds meeting to regulate cryptocurrency - Duration: 1:42.


Cold wave lingers over Korea _ 121417 - Duration: 2:10.

Good morning, the cold wave continues to have Korea in its grip.

We have another freezing morning with a cold wave advisory widened to more regions... and

Seoul remains under it as well.

Seoul is waking up to a low of minus 11 degrees Celsius,... but the wind chill is making it

feel even colder.

Temperatures will start to ease a bit starting this afternoon, but it will still remain far

below the seasonal averages.

Checking on the lows for other major cities, Daegu saw minus 9 degrees under clear skies

in most parts.

Highs will be 1 to 3 degrees higher than yesterday, getting up to 1 degree Celsius in Seoul.

Daegu will make it to 4 degrees, Busan will get up to 9 degrees... also these three cities

are also under a dry weather advisory.

Light snow is in store for Seoul on Friday night....and we are unlikely to see temperatures

above the norm for a while,... but it won't be as cold as recent days.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.

For more infomation >> Cold wave lingers over Korea _ 121417 - Duration: 2:10.


Beautiful Parnell - Auckland, New Zealand - Duration: 6:03.

Hi Everyone

Kubic here


We're going to...


Let's go!


... one of the oldest Auckland suburbs

The earliest days of the European settlement...

... since 1841

Let's take a look

St Mary's Church

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Let's go further

There are different styles of buildings

... both historical...

... and modern

Parnell consistently ranked within...

... the top three wealthiest suburbs of Auckland

Btw prior to European settlement...

... this area was occupied...

... by Maori tribe...

Ngāti Whātua

Tribe agreed on a 3,000-acre land deal...

... with Goverment...

... in 1840

So there was...

... no land annexation


This is Ewelme Cottage

It was built in 1864...

... mostly of kauri

Let's go inside

For more than 100 years...

Lush family lived here

... up to 1968

Since 1969 it has been preserved...

... as a house museum

Lush family...

... had left for museum...



... and a vast array of everyday objects

A rail bridge over there...

Parnell Rail Bridge

It was built...

... from metal...

... and volcanic basalt rock...

... in around 1865

Until 2017...

Parnell never had a rail station

... but on 12 March 2017...

... station was opened

... to the public serving the Western and Southern Lines

Parnell Railway Station



... and of course one of the best Parnell's places...

... is Parnell Rose Gardens

The park is named after...

Dove-Myer Robinson

... he was mayor of Auckland

... who served for 18 years

Thanks for watching

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... and see you soon


For more infomation >> Beautiful Parnell - Auckland, New Zealand - Duration: 6:03.


[EVENT REVIEW] Christmas and Masters Match event! - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> [EVENT REVIEW] Christmas and Masters Match event! - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 6:32.


Crash survivor looking for an angel - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Crash survivor looking for an angel - Duration: 1:44.


Ad-Lib Sound Card for the Parallel Port - Duration: 21:32.

Hello, welcome back to the 8-Bit Guy. So, in a previous episode, I covered this little

guy here, which is a clone of the Covox Speech Thing. And I was pretty excited about this

because it finally allowed me to be able to use my 486 laptop, which is my favorite DOS

gaming laptop, and actually get some kind of sound other than the PC speaker sound.

Now, you know, it doesn't work with all games. But it works with quite a few, whether

I'm using the covox or the Tandy emulator. But, shortly after I did the episode on this,

the same guy that created this, sent me an email and asked me, says "Hey David, what

would you think if I could put an Adlib on a similar type parallel card?" And I said,

"Well, you know, that's pretty cool. Actually, I have no doubt you could put the Yamaha YM3812

chip on a card like this." But, I had serious doubts whether or not you'd be able to get

it to work with existing DOS games. Well, I recently received this in the mail. Now,

he claims he's done it and so what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to assemble

this card and I'm going to hook it up to my favorite 486 here and we're going to

find out "does it work?" Let's get started! All right, so let's see what's in the

kit. There's quite a few little parts, but it doesn't look too daunting. Here's the

actual circuit board. And this, of course, is the main component, the Yamaha YM3812.

It's hard to believe you can still buy these chips brand new. I'm not sure what they

are used for these days. But this is identical to the one made back in the 1980s. You could

put this chip in an original ad-lib card, or one of these old Yamaha keyboards and it

would work just fine. I'm going to go ahead and assemble this, if you don't want to

watch the assembly, just skip forward to about 8 minutes 30 seconds. He sent me these documents.

He said he was working on some better assembly instructions for future customers, but I actually

received one of the first prototypes, so this is what I get to work with. However, it isn't

that hard to figure out. These are all capacitors because they start with C. J usually means

some kind of jumper, and R is for resistor, and so on. So the way we do this is look at

this diagram and pick a part. This one, for example, shows to be C3, and we can see over

here on the bill of materials that C3 is this part here. I'm going to start with this

socket. I like to start with the shortest components first, for various reasons. What

you need to make sure on these sockets is that you find the little notch and line it

up with the notch that is etched onto the board. Another thing I do is solder two opposite

pins of the socket in place first. That way I can turn it around and double check that

it is completely flush with the board and also double check the notch is lined up one

more time before soldering the rest of the pins. I guess I can take this opportunity

to mention something. Every time I do a soldering episode, I get a a few criticisms from people

on my soldering technique. Everything from the temperature of my soldering iron, to the

fact that I let the solder touch the tip of the iron, and even people complain of the

way us Texans actually pronounce the word solder, because we leave the L silent. So

I can just say right now that I've never claimed to be an expert at this. I never had

anyone teach me to solder. I had to learn how to do all of this when I was about 12

years old, and so much like my programming techniques and my musical skills, they're

all self-taught. I do what works best for me. I make no claim in my videos that it's

the right version or the best way to do stuff, so that's my disclaimer. Apparently my camera

wasn't running when I soldered this USB power port, but it was probably the toughest

piece on the board because the little pins are so small. Moving along, I'm going to

do this crystal next. There is no specific orientation for this. It fits in there nice

and flush. I'll bend the pins out a little to hold it in place while I solder. And there

we have it. All that is left is to cut the excess leads off with some wire cutters. The

next part I will install is this little 14 pin IC. There's no socket for this one.

But you still need to be sure to line up the notch on the chip so you know it is in the

correct direction. One other problem you might notice is that the legs are just a bit too

wide to get it to fit down in the board. So, one trick I usually do is press the chip up

against the workbench surface until they bend inwards just slightly. I do this on both sides.

Now it will be much easier to fit it in there. There we go, just need to solder all of those

legs. So if you are wondering why I do the shorter components first, the main reason

has to do with making it easier to solder. Because, when I turn the board upside down

I want the part to stay in place, but if there were taller objects on there already, then

parts would fall out unless you held them in place somehow. Next up is the reset switch.

It apparently needs this because the synthesizer chip is powered externally. So if you turn

off the computer in the middle of game, the notes will just hang rather than shut off.

So you can just press this button to reset the chip. Now, you might be thinking the orientation

of this button would be confusing because the pins look like a square arrangement. However,

they are just slightly rectangular, so there is no way to put this in the wrong direction.

However. It does require some force to snap it down in there. Next, I'm going to do

these little resistor packs. These do have a specific direction they go in, so you have

to pay attention to this little dot that represents pin 1. Then, on the board pin one is the one

that has the square etched around it. So the first one goes here, and the other resistor

pack goes over here. And next up, I'll be putting in the headphone or line output jack.

My understanding is it is amplified enough to work for either one. And it goes right

here on the board. OK, I'll solder that in now. All right, I'm going to do the resistors

next. Now, fortunately, he has labelled these with their values, which is really nice for

me since I have problems reading the color codes on these. So fortunately I don't have

to get the meter out to read these. However, these do mount in a very unusual way. They're

meant to be vertically mounted. Let me pull these end pieces off here and I'll show

you what I mean by that. OK, so you need to bend these things all the way around 180 degrees.

Like this. Then you need to slide it down in the holes like so. This is done to help

make the board more compact. It solders in just like any other resistor, though. And

that's what a vertical resistor looks like, and that's pretty much how all of the resistors

are going to be mounted on this board. In fact, here you can see where I have finished

mounting all of the resistors. Next up are these disc capacitors. The print is too small

for my eyes, so I have to use a magnifying glass to see which values they are. These

just slide in, like so. They are not polarity sensitive so they can go in either direction.

There is one jumper on the board. I think this is for a bass boost option or something.

Anyway, it mounts right here like so. There are quite a few electrolytic capacitors, and

these do have a very specific polarity. You see the little white stripe there. That indicates

the negative side. That needs to line up with the thicker part of the circle. Also you might

notice that the shorter lead is also the negative. And when you're done with all of the capacitors,

it should look like this. Next I'll put in this LED. Now, you might be asking how

you can tell which direction it goes? Well, one of the leads is longer than the other.

That is the positive lead, and the shorter is the negative. Much like the capacitors

we just did. OK, so this is the last big component that I need to solder. It's just a matter

of lining it up popping it down in there. I should mention that these larger end pieces

don't actually conduct any signal, but they are used to carry the physical stress of the

connector, specifically when pushing in or pulling out a parallel cable. So you need

a big ole' blob of solder on these for structural purposes. And there you have it. Next I'm

going to insert these two chips, starting with the small one, paying close attention

to the orientation. And, of course, here comes the YM3812, the main attraction in this build.

And there you go. You might think we're done, but there's actually one more part.

And this is the only part I'm not fond of. And the reason I'm not fond of it is due

to how it goes on here. You can see right here, that's where it goes. What you have

to do is bend these pins out 90 degrees, like so. And then it goes in like this, and yeah,

it just hangs off the side like that. OK, time to test this thing out. I'll use my

favorite 486 laptop, who's only downside is a lack of a sound card. For power, I'll

use this standard USB cable and an iPhone charger. Rather than plugging in speakers,

I'm going to connect it to this USB audio recorder so we can a clear recording of what

comes out of this thing. All right, let's see what happens. A test program is included

that makes it really simple to tell if the board is working or not, it's called OPL2TEST.

Woo Hoo! So it looks like my board is working. Before we go any further, I need to explain

a few things about the design, and let's start with some terminology. This product

is called the OPL2LPT, and I should probably explain why. The OPL2 refers to the type of

sound chip, and the LPT is an old MS-DOS term and it refers to Local Print Terminal, or

basically a parallel port. Now, let's demystify the terminology on the sound chip. The Yamaha

YM3812 is an FM synthesizer chip, but it was also nicknamed the OPL2, which stands for

FM Operator Type L, version 2. It was used in famous sound cards starting with the Ad-Lib

and eventually in other cards like the Sound Blaster and Pro Audio Spectrum. Later on,

Yamaha came out with the YMF262 which is a backwards compatible chip, but offering more

voices and waveforms than the earlier design. This was nicknamed the OPL3 and it was used

in cards like the Sound Blaster 16, Pro Audio Spectrum 16, and clones such as the ESS audio

drive or Crystal Audio. And even though both chips are technically Ad-Lib compatible, the

vast majority of DOS games only made use of the original OPL2 chip. And this is the chip

that is featured in the product I'm about to demonstrate. First of all, there are literally

zero MS-DOS games that will work with this natively. The Ad-lib card was always expected

to be found on the computer's main bus at port 388. But the parallel port is expected

to be found at port 378. So how do we correct for this? Well, there are a few different

ways to make this work. At the moment, the most practical way is by using the driver

that is included. You'll need to start up before you play your game. What it will do

is intercept all of the attempted writes to port 388 and redirect them to port 378 instead.

So, that's what I'm going to try first. The first thing I'll need to do is start

up the driver. You can add this to your autoexec if you don't want type it in every time.

OK, that's started. Now, I'm going to load one of my favorite DOS games that has

really good music. All right! This is freakin' amazing! I've never heard music like this

come out of my 486 laptop. And this sounds absolutely perfect. This is not an emulation,

rather it's the real thing. You know, I might sound a bit like a heretic when I say

this, but I actually prefer the Ad-Lib music on Lemmings over the Amiga version. I've

spent plenty of my life playing both versions, and both are absolutely great. . But I think

the Ad-Lib with it's extra voices really makes this musical score shine. With the Amiga

having only 4 voices, one of them being needed for sound effects, left this music being essentially

3 voices. The Ad-Lib really pulls this off well! Although, admittedly the sound effects

on the Amiga were much better. I really loved the sound of the lemmings when they fell to

their death on the Amiga version. Here on the Ad-lib version they just make a little

splatting sound. OK, so onto another game. Atomino is one of those games that I absolutely

love and I've spent a lot of time playing the Amiga, DOS, and Commodore 64 versions.

Yet, when I ask other people about the game most people have never heard of it. But one

thing all 3 versions have in common is they have excellent musical scores that are really

well tailored to the hardware. Anyway, let's try one more people will be familiar with.

Oh man. I love the music in this game. And this is another where I think the Ad-lib version

actually sounds really nice, possibly better than all of the other sound cards. I'll

have to duck the tomatoes when I say I actually prefer it over the MT-32 version. Now, one

thing I should mention is that Ultima 6 only plays music through the Ad-Lib. The sound

effects always come from the PC-Speaker, which I've dubbed in here. Let's try another

game. This one is not heavy on music, but does use the Ad-Lib for sound effects. And

it seems to sound fine as well. Let me try shooting something so we can hear some more

sounds. OK, let's move along to something with more music in it. Sierra was one of the

first companies to really help push the Ad-Lib card into popularity by vowing to support

it on all of their games. And they did a pretty good job of utilizing it too. OK, so far just

about every 1980s game I have thrown at this thing works fine. So here's a thought. It's

not very well known, but the Ad-Lib card is actually capable of doing digital samples,

it just wasn't used very much because it doesn't have any sort of DMA so the CPU

has to do all of the work, much like doing samples on the PC Speaker. So, I thought maybe

we should try a few games that actually do use digital samples on the Ad-Lib. I'll

start with this one! And, to my surprise, it works perfectly. This game has no music

in it to my knowledge. Only sound effects. Let's try another game that uses both digital

music and sound effects, Pinball Fantasies. And, it also seems to be working perfectly.

It sounds a heck of a lot better than the PC-Speaker version.

Ok, so this little guy, along with the driver, worked with practically every game from the

1980s that I tried to throw at it. There were a few problems, though. There were a few games,

such as Tetris Classic that behaved strangely. Technically, the sound worked, but for some

reason it plays slowly. I mean, the tempo is just dragging here for some reason. The

music should be playing about 50% faster than this. However, all of the sound effects are

timed perfectly, so I have no idea what's causing this. So now let me give you the really

bad news. So, the driver does require a 386 processor. So, you can't use it with a 286

or an XT of any sort. And, this is due to some special features of the 386 processor

which allows it to essentially do some virtualization where it can intercept all of the calls being

made to port 388 and redirect them. Also, as a result of this, any games that require

386 enhanced mode to operate will not work with this driver. So, many of the games that

were made during the 1990s that require a more high-end DOS machine flat out aren't

going to work with this thing. However, not all hope is lost. There are still some possible

ways to make it work. And that's by patching the game. If you were to find the parts of

the machine code that actually write to port 388 and actually change it to 378 instead,

the game would not need a driver and would just natively write to port 378 on its own.

Let me demonstrate this with the game Heretic. So, you just run this ADPATCH program. So,

it looks like I need to add in a -I and the name of the executable. So let's try that.

OK, it says it is patching the game. Well let's see if it works. Keep in mind this

game would not work with the driver, and there is no driver currently loaded. And it does

appear to be working! Now, unfortunately, this game does not support sound effects on

the Ad-Lib, it requires a sound-blaster for that. But you can at least get the music,

which is more than I was able to get before. The patch program is in an experimental stage

right now and they're still working on improving it, so I imagine as time goes on it will support

more and more games. In fact, Heretic wasn't even on the list of games that they had confirmed

that it works with, but it still worked. I suspect they just hadn't tried that game

yet. Of course, there is another way to get this to work with more games, and that would

be to encourage developers who are still making DOS games today to actually add native support

for the device right into the code on purpose. One example is a CGA game that's in development

right now that supports it. It's called Castle Viana and it's in an early stage

of development but the author has pledged to support this device. And myself, I'm

planning on doing a port of my Planet X2 to MS-DOS, I'm actually already working on

that right now, and I plan to support this device natively in my code as well. One other

thing I wanted to mention about this board is you can actually run it off of any 5 volt

power source you want. In fact, he's even put these two little special solder pads right

here on the board so you could solder it up any kind of power source you have in mind.

You could even theoretically use the PS/2 port on your laptop computer for example,

if you didn't want to use an external power supply. All right, so you may be wondering

where you can get one of these magical devices. Well, if you happen to live in Europe, then

you probably should buy from and I'll put a link down in the description

field for you. If you live in North America, then good news, I have them available in my

web store. I bought 40 of these from Serge and they are for sale right now both in kit

form and I've been soldering together some pre-assembled units for those people who don't

feel like soldering their own kits together. So you can buy it either as a kit or fully

assembled. Anyway, I don't know if 40 will be enough, I might sell out tonight, but if

I do, don't worry I'll get more. This is a product that I'm going to be carrying

from now on in my web store, at least until the new version comes out. Speaking of the

new version, Serge has been working on a newer version of this that uses the OPL3 chip. And

while not many games actually benefit from this version of the chip, the main advantage

is that it is surface mount and these can be assembled by machine, which would reduce

the cost and and time of manufacture. All of the OPL2 versions were either assembled

by hand or sold as kits like the one I got. No word yet on when that one will be available,

other than probably the first half of 2018. So if you really want one of these right now,

you might as well get the OPL2 version. Well, I guess that about wraps it up for this episode.

So, thanks for watching and stick around until the next one, and I'll see you then!

For more infomation >> Ad-Lib Sound Card for the Parallel Port - Duration: 21:32.


আপনার জীবনের সব থেকে বড় শত্রু || how to success in life || motivational video in bangla - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> আপনার জীবনের সব থেকে বড় শত্রু || how to success in life || motivational video in bangla - Duration: 4:59.


Lol! See Photos As Stick Man Proposes To His Long Time Girlfriend|NVS News - Duration: 0:56.

Lol! See Photos As Stick Man Proposes To His Long Time Girlfriend

Lmao! When you've been extremely single.

stick man in engaged and some of us here are still benching on a friend zone.

For more infomation >> Lol! See Photos As Stick Man Proposes To His Long Time Girlfriend|NVS News - Duration: 0:56.


Peer Support Groups - Duration: 3:20.

Hi, everyone. Welcome back. Last week, I talked about the power of coaching as a

resource to help us grow through periods of change. Today, I want to talk about

another resource that I've personally benefited from and that is a peer

support group. So, a peer support group is different from a group of friends. The

problem with friends or family is that they tend to be very prescriptive, "Aiya, just

do that lah or just do that lah", without really understanding the context that

we're in and the issues that we face and the meaning it is for us. A peer

support group are people who are facing similar goals, similar challenges but

have a common understanding in terms of the principles or protocols in terms of

how we communicate and share. So, I want to share four principles of how a peer

support group can really come together and become a very effective support

resources. The first, is to LISTEN. The power of listening carefully,

understanding where that person who is sharing is coming from and especially

focusing on the emotions of feelings that that person is facing. The second is

to ACCEPT. This is where it's important for the group to suspend judgment to

hold that cynicism or that critique and allow that person to feel comfortable,

opening up and sharing his or her personal deepest challenges or fears

that they're trying to overcome. And the third is to QUESTION. And here, it's

important that we ask thought-provoking or clarifying questions to really

understand what is the meaning behind the specific context that that person is

sharing with us. So, really taking the time to you know probe and understand

the meaning where that person is coming from. And lastly is to SHARE. So, this is

where it's not about giving a prescribed suggestion or an answer but sharing our

personal experiences when we have gone through similar situations and focusing

on the word "I", so "I went through this" rather than "you

should do that" because it is much less threatening. Humans, we don't like to be

told what to do but when we have the opportunity to hear from others what

they went through, we're able to take from ourselves what we want to take from that

experience. And so, the power of listening accepting questioning and sharing in a

group context has been very powerful to help me go through and navigate the

different goals and challenges that I faced. And I hope it works for you too.

For more infomation >> Peer Support Groups - Duration: 3:20.


BREAKING: President Trump Could Be Removed From Office Without Impeachment – This MUST Be Stopped! - Duration: 4:39.

BREAKING: Trump Could Be Removed From Office Without Impeachment – This MUST Be Stopped!

Since Donald Trump was elected as president, the left has been doing whatever they can

to remove him from office.

These spiteful liberals cannot accept the fact that Trump is in fact, the president

and beat Hillary Clinton, so instead, they will continue to fan the flames of division.

The first tactic the left focused on was the bogus Russian collusion story, and as time

passed the entire narrative began to blow up in their faces.

Every time the left thought they had a piece of so-called "evidence" to tie Trump to

the Russians it turned out to be a Clinton operative which has only frustrated the Democrats

to no end.

Now, these hateful individuals are focusing on a new tactic to remove President Trump

from office, and if we are not careful, they may get their wish.

Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed an influx of sexual assault allegations coming

out against politicians on either side of the aisle.

Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for Alabama Senate, was hit with sexual assault allegations

stemming from 40 years ago.

Even though the claims were hardly corroborated and the chief accuser conceded that she did

lie the damage was already done, and Moore lost to the ultra-liberal Doug Jones last


Soon after Moore was accused of sexual impropriety, the #METOO campaign took hold as women logged

onto social media recounting their stories of sexual assault at the hands of high powered


Then allegations against Democrat Senator Al Franken and Congressman John Conyers emerged,

and the two resigned from office.

Now, you may be asking yourself how does this tie into pressuring President Trump to step

down from office?

Well, the answer is quite simple.

If the left can get enough women to come forward accusing President Trump of sexual assault

they can do their best to force him to resign from office.

And, that is the entire purpose of the sudden influx of sexual assault allegations against

politicians rearing its head at this time.

Here is more from Great American Politics:

Due to the decaying culture and values of America and Donald Trump's agenda to restore

many of those values, Donald Trump is hated and despised by a large sector of the population.

They have been trying to find ways to prevent Trump from taking office and then ways to

get him out of office now that he has been inaugurated.

Democrats had put their hopes in the Russian election interference investigations, but

so far, that seems to be backfiring on them as there has been more evidence linking the

Clinton campaign with the Russians than the Trump campaign.

One House Democrat believed he could lead an effort to impeach President Trump and remove

him from office, but that effort was soundly defeated with the majority of Democrats voting

to table the resolution.

So, how can they possibly get rid of Trump?

'Me too'!

Several women tried to prevent Trump from winning the election by making sexual allegations

against him, but Trump denied the allegations and believed they were handled since no hard

evidence was ever presented.

Now that the 'me too' craze is causing several members of Congress to resign suddenly,

over a dozen women have banded together to make sexual allegations against Trump and

immediately, some Democrats in Congress began calling for Trump to resign.

Trump has responded by saying that the allegations are not true, they're fake news and he denies

all of the allegations.

So, who will Congress believe – Trump or his accusers?

If Trump is guilty, then Democrats need to be reminded how they vehemently defended Bill

Clinton and refused to vote him out of office during his impeachment hearing.

I'm not condoning the behavior, but right now, Trump is the best thing that could happen

to America and we need him in the Oval Office.

Now, no one is saying that politicians that are found guilty of sexual assault should

remain in office, but just an allegation should not ruin a man's career.

There is a reason that there are a statue of limitations and if these women were genuinely

assaulted by a politician or a person in power, there is no reason that there should not be

a paper trail to corroborate it their story of abuse.

After years of silence, these women should not be given a platform to destroy someone

based on what political office these men are for now, and that goes across the board.

If these are the tactics that the left are going to use to silence their opposition you

can bet they will use them harder in 2018 and of course, in 2020 with the next presidential


Make no mistake folks, this is a war we are in and it is now the time to fight back against

these tactics or we can say goodbye to the United States.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: President Trump Could Be Removed From Office Without Impeachment – This MUST Be Stopped! - Duration: 4:39.


David Cross Hammock Hero Audition #7: The Hammock Model - Duration: 1:40.

After a worldwide call to find Trek Light Gear's biggest fan, videos poured in from

around the globe and one unexpected fan stepped forward.

Does David Cross have what it takes to survive these grueling audition challenges?

His performance will determine if he'll be crowned Trek Light Gear's

Ultimate Hammock Hero.

(whisper) This could be his lucky break


By Trek Light Gear.

(whisper) Get Your Ass Off The Ground.

For more infomation >> David Cross Hammock Hero Audition #7: The Hammock Model - Duration: 1:40.


Some People Know What Is In The Lootbox - Random Overwatch Highlights - Ep. 76 - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Some People Know What Is In The Lootbox - Random Overwatch Highlights - Ep. 76 - Duration: 10:03.


Precious C. Price | Don't Rush Me, I HAVE TIME - Duration: 1:56.

I HAVE TIME. Now come on, say it with me.

I have time.

Everything in life is not meant to be a rat race or a competition. Growing up, I

would try to rush so many things in life in hopes that the next phase would be

better than what I have right now. In an effort to graduate high school early, I

pushed myself and my process and graduated in three years. In an effort to

complete college on time, I killed myself taking 18 to 21 credit hours just so

that I can graduate with all of my peers, and that was on top of work and

leadership involvement. Then it dawned on me: I am only 21 years old. I have time.

See we grow up and we see so many different things so that we compare

ourselves to other people. You see 15 year olds making the Forbes

30 under 30 list and even more so, you see your peers and friends from high

school and college living in their success. But what you don't see is the

failures that they've encountered. Take Serena Williams, for instance. It wasn't

until she was 35 years old that she got married and had her first child and that

was after she set her career up to where she wanted it to be. You can even take

instances such as Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, and even Walt Disney. You see all of

these people's success, but what you don't see is their failures. We have to

stop the comparison and understand that we have time to do any and everything

that we set our minds to do.

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