Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017


Has Americans Cheering With Epic Statement About the National Anthem

President Donald Trump has been a fierce advocate for respecting the national anthem, and he

reiterated his stance on the subject and other conservative positions at a rally last week

in Pensacola, Florida.

�We believe that every American should stand for the national anthem,� Trump said to

a roar of cheers at the rally Friday.

The president also made a strong show of support for the country�s Christian founding, saying

that �we proudly pledge allegiance to one nation under God.�

�Our rights come from our Creator,� Trump continued.

�And no earthly force can ever take those rights away, and they never will.�

That�s why, the president explained, his administration was �taking power back from

global bureaucrats and returning that power back to the American people.�

�We don�t sing a global anthem, our troops don�t wear a foreign uniform, and we will

never surrender our rights to international tribunals,� he said.

Trump also used the rally � just 30 miles from the Alabama border � as an opportunity

to plug for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

The president has endorsed the Republican contender, saying that Moore�s opponent,

Democrat Doug Jones, would be bad for the �Make America Great Again� agenda.

�The future of this country cannot afford to lose a seat in the very, very close United

States Senate,� Trump said at the rally, according to The New York Times.

�We can�t afford to have a liberal Democrat who is completely controlled by Nancy Pelosi

and Chuck Schumer.

His name is Jones and he�s their total puppet.�

Moore, on the other hand, would be a vote for the president�s agenda, Trump argued,

telling the Alabamians in the crowd to �get out and vote for Roy Moore.�

Trump�s dedication to the national anthem, Christian values and patriotism have been

keystones of that agenda and his administration�s approach to issues.

In a time where liberals come out of the woodwork to disrespect our flag, degrade Christian

values and mock the idea of American exceptionalism, it�s great to see our president standing

up for us and the issues that matter.

The media might not know it, but the American people do.

Like and share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you�re also cheering on the president�s

comments regarding the national anthem.

What do you think about Trump's Pensacola rally speech?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Trump Has Americans Cheering With Epic Statement About the Nation - Duration: 3:15.


Riverdale 2x10 Promo "The Blackboard Jungle" (HD) Season 2 Episode 10 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

Effective immediately, South Side High School is shut down.

Welcome to your new school.

Take off that jacket right now or you're suspended.

You traitors picked the wrong side.

Riverdale returns with an all-new episode Wednesday January 17th

only on The CW and The CW app.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 2x10 Promo "The Blackboard Jungle" (HD) Season 2 Episode 10 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


Celebrities Who Allegedly Gave Their Co-Stars the Creeps - Duration: 3:56.

Hollywood can be a truly hostile work environment.

Sometimes even with the fat paychecks and cushy accommodations, things can get really

uncomfortable on movie and television show sets…and often that's because a star exhibits

less-than-stellar behavior.

These celebrities all allegedly gave their co-stars and crews the creeps.

Jamie Dornan

He may not have necessarily been a weirdo on the set of BBC's The Fall, but Jamie Dornan

sure was creepy getting into character for it.

Dornan told the Los Angeles Times, "I, like, followed a woman off the train one day to

see what it felt like to pursue someone like that.

I really kept my distance… she got off a few stops earlier than I was planning so I

said, 'Right, I have to commit to this.'

I followed her around a couple of street corners and then was like: 'What are you doing?'"

While the point of Dornan's odd method acting exercise may have been lost to him at the

time, the approach ultimately worked.

He added, "It felt kind of exciting, in a really sort of dirty way.

I'm sort of not proud of myself.

But I do honestly think I learned something from it, because I've obviously never done

any of that.

It was intriguing and interesting to enter that process of 'What are you following her

for?' and 'What are you trying to find out?'"

​Shia LaBeouf

Oddball actor Shia LaBeouf was allegedly a nightmare on the set of 2014's World War II

drama Fury.

A source told the Daily Mail, "Shia drove everyone mad on set trying to prove that he

was the most dedicated star."

Allegedly, he pulled his own tooth while they were filming, and he didn't shower for weeks

during the shoot, all so he could "better understand how his character would have felt

living in the trenches."

The insider continued to say, "Shia was warned about his behavior by several people on set,

including Brad Pitt and director David Ayer.

He didn't heed any of their warnings and found himself staying in a small bed-and-breakfast

hotel away from the rest of the cast."

"Yeah boy."

Nicolas Cage

The legendarily over-the-top Nicolas Cage reportedly went to such ridiculous lengths

to get into character for Ghost Rider: The Spirit of Vengeance that he seriously creeped

his co-stars out.

Cage told The Showbiz 411 that despite much of his character being computer-generated,

he decided to go all out with his costume.

"And then I would sew in bits of Egyptian artifacts that were thousands of years old

into my costume."

He also told Empire, "I would put black contact lenses in my eyes so that you could see no

white and no pupil, so I would look more like a skull or a white shark on attack.

I would walk on the set looking like this, loaded with all these magical trinkets, and

I wouldn't say a word to my co-stars or crew or directors.

I saw the fear in their eyes, and it was like oxygen to a forest fire.

I believed I was the Ghost Rider."

"Today you're called psychotic if you do that.

But it's all, uh, semantics."

Jared Leto

Apparently, Jared Leto was so desperate to embody The Joker in 2016's Suicide Squad that

he drove all of his co-stars almost as crazy as his own character.

Adam Beach, who played Slipknot in the film, told E! News that Leto "gifted" co-star Will

Smith with bullets and a letter.

Other cast members got similar gifts from Leto.

"And there was a live rat in the box."

"He gave me a couple of used condoms."

"He sent me a dead pig with the tongue pulled out.


Colombian necktie."

Here's hoping everyone got gift receipts.

Bill Skarsgard

Swedish actor Bill Skarsgard was so convincing as Pennywise in It that he was worried he'd

traumatized the kids in the movie.

Jaeden Lieberher , who plays Bill in the movie, talked about Skarsgard with The Hollywood


"It is kind of frightening when you're around him in his makeup and wardrobe, and he's so


[…] He was kind of secluded from us for awhile, so we didn't get to know him that

well, which makes sense for the character.

When he did get into the scene it was terrifying."

That makes sense for a creepy clown, but Skarsgard wondered if he was going too far:

"And we're doing this scene and he's crying and gagging and doing this whole thing, and

I'm like, in the back of my head as we're shooting, I'm like 'Oh my god, I'm traumatizing

this child.'"

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For more infomation >> Celebrities Who Allegedly Gave Their Co-Stars the Creeps - Duration: 3:56.


President Moon's state visit to China: Focus on shared history and future together - Duration: 2:42.

And we turn our focus to China,... where President Moon Jae-in is on his first trip to the country

since taking office.

The spotlight on day-one of his state visit,... was the shared history between the two countries

and working toward a better future together.

Our Moon Connyoung,... who is traveling with the president,.. files this report from Beijing.


It's a communist country to the north for South Korea with whom it's enjoyed 25 years

of friendly ties particularly highlighted by extensive economic linkages and rich cultural

and people-to-people exchange.

That relations went frosty in the past year and South Korean President Moon Jae-in has

set out to warm it back up."

Moon Jae-in's first state visit as president of the Republic of Korea... and it is to China...

a reflection of how important the two countries are to one another... or what they risk should

their ties remain at subpar levels.

The South Korean leader's four-day China trip comes at a time of heightened tensions in

Northeast Asia due to North Korea's advancing nuclear and missile programs... in the wake

of its latest and most powerful-to-date missile test...

AND on the heels of a Seoul, Beijing agreement to move past a year-long dispute over South

Korea's deployment of U.S. missile defense system and normalize exchanges.

As the South Korean leader set out determined to restore the soured bilateral ties back

to pre-THAAD row levels, Mr. Moon pointed to centuries-old shared history.

(Korean) "The two countries together faced hardship

under imperialism and together pulled through difficult times fighting against the Japanese

colonial rule."

, .

Accompanied by a huge business entourage, President Moon proposed a new paradigm of

bilateral cooperation based on common priorities of the two countries in the face of a new,

unprecedented global economic order.

(Korean) "As responsible nations in Northeast Asia,

I hope China and South Korea can together work to cope with new changes and challenges."


The rest of the South Korean president's four-day state visit to China will be dotted with significant

meetings and symbolic moves, but the highlight will be the third bilateral summit between

President Moon and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

(STAND-UP) "Tensions over North Korea's nuclear ambitions

will have to top the agenda but it's also possible that discord over the THAAD issue

will be revisited during the leaders' talks.

How Mr. Moon treads that tightrope will be the first real test of the new administration's

diplomacy... one that the entire world keep a close eye on.

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, Beijing."

For more infomation >> President Moon's state visit to China: Focus on shared history and future together - Duration: 2:42.


White House says now is not right time for talks with North Korea - Duration: 1:38.

The White House says NO dialogue can take place between the United States and North

Korea... until the regime changes its behavior.

This completely contradicts an earlier remark by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson,... who

said Washington was ready to hold talks... at any time... and without preconditions.

Yu Joonhee reports.

A spokesperson for the White House National Security Council told Reuters on Wednesday,...

that "now is not the time" for negotiations with North Korea... given its recent ballistic

missile test.

On the same day,...

State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert also said...

there would have to be a "period of calm"... in which the regime suspends all weapons testing...

before any dialogue can resume.

This is raising questions... over Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's earlier comments...

where he said the U.S. was ready to hold talks with Pyongyang at any time without preconditions.

Tillerson's offer appeared to signal... a shift away from Washington's demand that no

dialogue with North Korea can take place... without including discussions over its denuclearization.

The White House declined to comment... whether President Trump, who's taken a more hardline

stance regarding the issue,... had approved Tillerson's overture.

Tillerson's relationship with the president has been strained recently,... with the pair

sending conflicting messages... regarding the administration's North Korea policy.

Tillerson's influence within the cabinet has diminished as a result,... with reports emerging

last month,... that Trump was considering a plan to remove him from his administration.

There has been constant speculation of a growing rift between the pair... ever since President

Trump tweeted in October... that Tillerson was "wasting his time" pursuing diplomacy

with North Korea.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> White House says now is not right time for talks with North Korea - Duration: 1:38.


Korean government holds meeting to regulate cryptocurrency - Duration: 1:45.

Things are looking up for investors in virtual currencies this year.

Still, there are lingering concerns of a bubble... with more than a million Koreans believed

to hold at least some Bitcoin.

Top officials met to formulate ways to regulate that market.

Kim Hyesung gets us up to speed with the developments.

The Korean government has announced a series of measures to curb speculation on cryptocurrencies

amid what appears to be a speculative frenzy.

During an emergency meeting Wednesday, senior officials from various ministries, including

justice, finance, and others agreed to crack down on cryptocurrency-related crimes such

as hacking and illegal foreign exchange transactions.

The government is concerned that a cryptocurrency market bubble could cost people significant

amount of money, so it said banks will have to thoroughly verify users' identities and

make sure they conduct cryptocurrency transactions only with their own accounts.

Minors and foreigners will be banned from opening investment accounts.

On top of individuals, financial institutions will also be banned from buying and selling

virtual currencies.

They are also banned from raising money through bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, making

Korea the second country after China to do so.

Such measures come amid the growing craze over bitcoin.

The virtual currency has been trading in Korea at a significant premium over prevailing international


As for taxing cryptocurrency capital gains, government officials said they will announce

details after discussing with experts through a taskforce team and refer to other countries'

polices so as not to hinder the development of technologies like blockchain.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korean government holds meeting to regulate cryptocurrency - Duration: 1:45.


President Moon calls for future-oriented economic cooperation with China - Duration: 2:22.

President Moon has labeled his trip to China as a monumental undertaking that's key to

repairing the two countries' soured economic relations.

Sharing a table with business bigwigs from Seoul and Beijing on Wednesday,.. the South

Korean leader called for future-oriented economic cooperation that looks beyond just two-way


Oh Jung-hee reports.

The Korea-China business forum held on Wednesday... was the largest of its kind in history,...

involving roughly 500 business leaders from both countries.

Stressing the two countries' common goal of establishing a people-focused economy... and

expanded trade and people-to-people exchanges over the past decades,...

President Moon laid out three principles for future-oriented economic cooperation.

(Korean) "First, the institutional foundation of bilateral

economic cooperation has to be strengthened.

Second, our cooperation needs to be future-oriented and based on the two countries' economic strategies.

Finally, we should have people-focused cooperation on the basis of friendliness between our citizens."

[ , . , . .]

President Moon stressed... that non-tariff barriers in the two countries' two-year-old

free trade agreement need to be lowered.

He said that Korea and China will soon begin a new round of FTA negotiations for the services

and investment sectors... after he and President Xi Jinping sign an MOU on Thursday.

He added... that the two countries will expand their cooperation into new industries... like

those related to the fourth industrial revolution,... energy and the environment.

And not only will the two countries deepen and expand their existing economic ties,...

they will also look ahead together to new markets.

(Korean) "I suggest a joint overseas expansion by combining

our two countries' strengths.

We already have a few success cases like the building of a new airport in Sudan, the Palm

Gateway apartment complex in Dubai and an oil refinery in Ecuador.

Korea will provide full support for this through the Korea-China joint investment fund."

[ - 3 . , , - . - 3 ]

President Moon also highlighted that people-to-people exchange programs will be stepped up... to

create new interactions... and to share cultures and cultural content.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon calls for future-oriented economic cooperation with China - Duration: 2:22.


U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates by quarter of point to 1.5 pct - third rise this year - Duration: 2:11.

Our top story this morning...

The U.S. central bank -- the Federal Reserve -- is raising its main interest rate by zero-point-two-five

percent... in a further step toward reversing policies put in place after the global financial


The Fed said the U.S. was posting solid economic growth and has a labor market that continues

to strengthen.

Park Soyun reports.

In a widely expected move,... the U.S. Federal Reserve has hiked interest rates by a quarter-of-a-percentage

point to one-and-a-half percent - the third rise this year.

Wrapping up their two-day meeting in Washington on Wednesday,...

Fed policymakers cited the "strong" U.S. jobs market and a sharp pick up in household and

business spending for its decision,... despite inflation remaining below its two percent


(ENGLISH) "The U.S. economy is performing well.

The growth, that we're seeing, it's not based on, for example, an unsustainable buildup

of debt, as we had in the run up to the financial crisis.

I think, the risks are balanced, and there's less to lose sleep about now than has been

true for quite some time."

Sticking with its previous forecast,... the Fed also said it still expects to raise rates

three more times in 2018.

The majority of policymakers also agreed that U.S. rates will likely top two percent within

the next twelve months.

In addition,...

Fed policymakers hiked their economic growth forecasts for this year and the next... to

two-and-a-half percent.

The 2018 forecast far exceeds the Fed's previous forecast of two-point-one percent estimate

published just three months ago.

President Trump, who is close to pushing through his one-and-a-half trillion dollar tax package,

says it will be paid for by economic growth of around four percent,... a forecast Fed

chair Janet Yellen said would be "challenging."

The rate hike is Yellen's final major act as Fed chair as she will be replaced by Jerome

Powell in February.

The Fed's rate increase means U.S. rates are now level with the benchmark rate in South


Park Soyun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates by quarter of point to 1.5 pct - third rise this year - Duration: 2:11.


CNC ROUTER MACHINE YL-12242R+B - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> CNC ROUTER MACHINE YL-12242R+B - Duration: 2:52.


Trump tries to save face after Republican loss in Alabama Senate seat race - Duration: 0:54.

After Republicans lost a key Senate seat in Alabama on Tuesday, U.S. President Donald

Trump has started to try and save face.

In a predawn tweet on Wednesday, Trump defended his decision to initially back Junior Senator

Luther Strange against Roy Moore, who lost to Democrat Doug Jones.

Trump said he was right in thinking that Moore would not have been able to win the General


Despite warnings from senior GOP officials, the president endorsed the ultra-conservative

Moore, who has been mired in sexual misconduct allegations.

Jones became the first Democrat in 25 years to take the Alabama Senate seat, narrowing

the Republican majority in the Senate to 51 to 49, and putting a potential dent into Trump's

legislative plans.

Trump told reporters at the White House that although he would have liked Moore to win,

he doesn't think the loss will affect the White House agenda.

For more infomation >> Trump tries to save face after Republican loss in Alabama Senate seat race - Duration: 0:54.


Thae Jong-su chosen to spearhead North Korea's weapons programs - Duration: 0:51.

North Korea has named the man who will spearhead the regime's weapons development.

Pyongyang's state-run news agency says that man is Thae Jong-su ,... who currently serves

as the vice chair of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party.

He was named to the key position following a two-day conference on North Korea's defense


Previously,... Ri Man-gon served as the head of the North's munitions department... but

his absence from key party events recently... indicates he may have been removed.

Attended by leader Kim Jong-un himself among other top military development and procurement

officials,... the two-day meeting reviewed the regime's defense industry achievements,...

including North Korea's launch of its Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile last month.

For more infomation >> Thae Jong-su chosen to spearhead North Korea's weapons programs - Duration: 0:51.


YouTube Reveals K-Pop's Most Viewed MVs And Subscribed Channels Outside Of Korea In 2017 - Duration: 2:31.

YouTube Reveals K-Pop's Most Viewed MVs And Subscribed Channels Outside Of Korea In 2017

After releasing statistics last week for the most popular videos in Korea, YouTube has now unveiled international statistics!.

The ranking of most viewed K-pop music videos worldwide lists official music videos that were most viewed in locations outside of Korea from November 24, 2016 through November 23, 2017.

BLACKPINKs As If Its Your Last, which placed No. 8 in Korea, was the most viewed K-pop music video outside of Korea. BTS took second with DNA, third with Not Today, and fifth with Spring Day..

4 with Knock Knock and No. 6 with Signal, which took first and second, respectively, in Korea. BIGBANGs FXXK IT came in at No.

EXOs Chanyeol and Punchs Stay with Me took No. 8, and EXOs Ko Ko Bop took No. PSY rounds up the list with New Face at No. 10. YouTube also revealed the K-pop channels with the most increase in subscriptions outside of Korea.

ibighit, the official channel of BTSs agency Big Hit Entertainment, topped the list.  66 percent of ibighits subscriptions were gained this year, and 96 percent of these were outside of Korea.

For individual artist channels, YG Entertainment artists BLACKPINK placed No. 2, BIGBANG placed No. 6, and PSY placed No. 9 with more than 98 percent of their total subscriptions being from 2017. 10.

SM Entertainments channel placed No. 4, and JYP Entertainments channel placed No. 1theK and CJ E&M Musics channels took No.

For more infomation >> YouTube Reveals K-Pop's Most Viewed MVs And Subscribed Channels Outside Of Korea In 2017 - Duration: 2:31.


Timothy Dalton Movies List - Duration: 1:46.

Timothy Dalton Movies List

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