Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

Hi guys, I'm MFPMATIAS from youtube

This will be a quick review of some items from smartmotoeletronics

They are, the O2 sensor eliminator kit

and the servo/EXUP eliminator

Here we have o2 sensor eliminator kit, that I'm not installing in this video because I'm waiting for the new exhaust

And the servo/EXUP eliminator, so I can remove the servo motor without having any error from the ECU

They are super light and awesome quality

As you can see

Will install it and show you guys

To get access the exhaust valve cable

We just need to unbolt 3 plastic bolts and remove the plastic cover

here we have the servo motor

just rotate a bit and release the cable

To remove the servo motor you just need a 8mm socket

Unplug this

Quick ziptie to the cable, until I switch the exhaust

Let's put the cover back

so much room that we have now

Now the exhaust valve is always open

Just check out the difference of the exhaust valve open and closed

For more infomation >> Honda CBR 1000RR 08-16 | Servo/EXUP Eliminator - Duration: 5:01.


Creators for Change | The Interethnic School | Rosianna - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Creators for Change | The Interethnic School | Rosianna - Duration: 2:17.


Know How To Secure Your Soul From Impure Things - Duration: 4:59.

Know How To Secure Your Soul From Impure Things

by Arina

Undoubtedly, often many of us remain discouraged in our lives because of some shoddy and impure

habits of ours.

And, the most unfortunate part of the story is that in spite of knowing the high extent

of deteriorating effects of such practices, we usually find it hard to avoid them!!

Well, no doubt, such degrading habits, and wrongful thoughts sometimes take us to an

extreme level of immorality and atrocity.

But, you should take every possible stride to let the Satan turn out to be unsuccessful

in making you think that you can�t gain victory over your negative thoughts and habits.

However, you can�t even ignore the fact that we all are being overtaken by various

common temptations over the time.

But, in Christ, it is genuinely possible to win over the destructive power of sin.

Just practice these wonderful approaches in your life, follow God, keep faith on him.

Replace the Secret Pictures in Your Mind There remains a certain mass of impure thoughts

in everyone�s mind irrespective of their inherent attributes.

And, when your mind gets tempted then you are more likely to revive these pictures and

finally start focusing on them.

So, you ought to make appropriate attempts to superimpose God�s image over them and

thus you would definitely attain freedom over the influence of such evil pictures.

You should gracefully rejoice that he died for freeing you from impurity!

Sign a Pact with Your Eyes One of the foremost approaches to protect

your mind from any kind of impulsive or negative feeling is nothing but having a complete control

over your eyes.

If you become successful in yielding a control of your eyes towards God then he would definitely

teach you the way how you should see others like the way he believes in seeing them.

So, whenever you get influenced by any temptation to sin against someone whom you don�t like

then ask God to let you get rid of all such wicked feelings and grace you to see the person

as he does.

Try to Win the Battle A battle against the delusive powers to protect

your soul is far more complicated and dreary than any physical or psychological struggle.

It�s because this battle is a spiritual one against the hazardous forms of evils!!

In such a scenario, most of the time our natural inclinations betray us.

So, when God wants you to motivate yourself in terms of grace and knowledge while allowing

you to face the pressure in your mind then do follow him.

On doing this you�ll definitely be able to avoid the clash.

Expel the Hidden Ways to Defeat In the scripture it is stated that �Put

ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts


If there is any sort of provision for the flesh then it proves your likeliness to fail

and actually invites you towards temptation.

It would provide a wide array of tempting possibilities for your mind, excite your emotions

and thus it will defeat the will.

Moreover, Bible suggests us not to walk in the way of evil to completely avoid it.

So, you need to remove the things from your life that Satan usually uses for defeating


If you choose to expel these sources of impure temptations from your life then you can easily

avoid entering into the path of evil.

Know How to Live in the Fear of God This saying in the Bible which states that

�by the fear of LORD men depart from evil� (Proverb 16:6) makes a huge sense.

One of the foremost approaches to have a fear of God always is nothing but a continuous

awareness that God is watching everything and evaluating our every word, action, thoughts,

and attitude.

So, if you bear such a thought in your mind all the time then it would finally let you

get rid of all kinds of impure thoughts.

Realize that Victory Over Impurity is Possible So, by now, you must have understood that

to remain away from all kinds of negativity in life requires huge determination and an

unending believe in GOD.

So, in future, if you ever think that a devil in you is more likely to take the toll then

just start following these aforementioned holy routes of living.

And, I am sure you would definitely end up leading a positive and happy life ahead!

For more infomation >> Know How To Secure Your Soul From Impure Things - Duration: 4:59.


Top 3 BEST Forge Weapons: Destiny 2 Lost Prophecy Weapons | Curse of Osiris Expansion - Duration: 6:39.

Hi Guardians we welcome back for another destiny in-depth review where I review exotics and

legendaries in order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the gear so you can play

this game as efficient and effective as possible.

With the introduction of the Curse of Osiris DLC we have a new set of weapons that can

be earned in the lighthouse by completing so called verses, which will be unlocked when

you complete the campaign story missions.

These weapons can be earned by forging them in the corner of the lighthouse when you complete

the verses by doing activities in the game.

I will not go into detail on how to earn these weapons it is pretty straightforward you can

earn certain consumables just by playing the game.

It is kind a tedious at the moment since the materials are pretty rare, you will for example

get on average one dropped every other public event that you complete.

So that comes down to playing on average 20 public events before you have the necessary

items to forge a weapon, which is not the most fun thing to do.

Especially when you consider there are 12 weapons so that is roughly 240 public events

in total, which is rough grind to do.

So having all things considered is it even worth the grind to get these forged weapons.

To help you all out I have analysed all the weapons that you can get and created my personal

top 3 weapons that I think you should get.

In my analysis I will only look at the weapon's stats and perks since I don't have those weapons

yet, without the hands-on experience the gun's stats and perks can already tell us a lot

about the weapon whether this is worth considering or not.

But I will adjust the top 3 if anything is way off, after I have acquired the guns.

So without further ado in the number 3 spot we have the Infinite Paths 8 Pulse rifle,

this sits in the mid fire rate archetype like the vanguard Nightshade pulse rifle.

It has everything you want in a pulse rifle decent range and above average stability , reload

speed, handling and aim assistance.

So this gun will perform decent in the crucible but it is lacking great perks that can take

this gun to the next level.

I would like to see something like tactical mag, steady rounds or ricochet rounds to further

improve the base stats of this gun and a good final perk like kill clip, rampage or headseeker

in order to make this gun stand out from the rest.

What we now have is just a pulse rifle with above average stats but without any interesting


If it wasn't for the fact that all the other guns are much worse this gun would not have

made it to the top 3.

In number 2 spot we have the conqueror 2 submachine gun that sits in the 900 RPM archetype, it

has decent range and above average stability and reload speed, and these strengths can

be further improved with Tactical mag which increases the stability and reload speed even

more and also gives you extra bullets in the mag.

The main perk of this gun is kill clip which grants you 33% extra damage boost when you

reload after a kill, this is one of the top tier perk to have on any gun.

This is what make the antiope-d so deadly, and having this on a fast firing SMG archetype

will definitely make this gun more interesting and will make the conqueror 2 one of the best

900 rpm SMG in the game.

in the number 1 spot we have the traveler's judgment 5 sidearm, this is the same sidearm

as the last hope.

This is also a 3 burst weapon and it has roughly the same stats as the last hope.

As you can see the range, stability, reload speed and handling are very similar.

This gun even has the same perk steady rounds in the middle perk to max out that stability.

The Traveler's judgement main perk is different than the last hope, whereas the last hope

has zen moment the traveler's judgment comes with in my opinion the better perk headseeker

which increases precision damage for a short time when you land a bodyshot.

The recoil of Burst weapons like these typically move up, so when you aim for the body it naturally

pulls your aim to the head, so a perk like headseeker pairs up very well with burst weapons

like these.

So that extra precision damage won't help you too much with improving your time to kill,

you will still kill in 2.6 bursts but it will be much more forgiving when you miss a shot

from your burst since that extra damage can compensate for that.

So this is basically a Last Hope but then with Headseeker instead of Zen moment.

If you dont have a Last Hope yet then this will be something that you will be looking

for, if you already have a last hope you probably won't miss out on anything realistically,

as mentioned before they both have essentially the same stats.

Unless you really value the headseeker perk you will be just fine with the last hope.

So that is my top 3 of the forged weapons, in my opinion none of these weapons really

stand out and none of them is really a must have weapon.

They do look pretty cool though, props to the design team which really managed to make

these guns look great, but unfortunately a majority of these guns do not have any great

perks to make them interesting.

I will still grind for these guns because I am a collector.

But unless you are a collector I can not suggest you to grind for these guns, especially in

the current state where the necessary materials for forging these weapons are so hard to get.

So if you don't have the DLC you are definitely not missing out on anything.

The current meta weapons will still be the same, you will still see a lot of use of the

mida and uriels gift, I dont see that changing anytime soon with the addition of these forged


Probably you will see a bit more use of the Positive outlook, which I made a separate

video about so check that out if you want to know more about that gun.

Thanks for watching, like I said before once I get my hands on these guns and it behaves

totally different than I thought I will update this top 3 but for now these are my thoughts.

If you want me to review a specific gun let me know in the comments below.

Subscribe to stay up to date on my future videos.

And have a look at my recommended or latest video in the end screen if you want to see

more of my content.

As always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Top 3 BEST Forge Weapons: Destiny 2 Lost Prophecy Weapons | Curse of Osiris Expansion - Duration: 6:39.


Bloodborne ► TRUE Human Vicar Amelia Face REVEALED! - Duration: 1:55.

Hello everyone this is Sanadsk and today I wanted to do a small video regarding the human

version of Vicar Amelia.

Now I am talking about base game Vicar Amelia and not the White Robed Hunter we see in the


Now many people were wondering what Vicar Amelia looked like since we only see her hands

and her hair in the cutscene but we don't exactly see what she looks like.

But now because we have the tools created by id-daemon to extract the models of Bloodborne,

we can finaly see it and I was quite surprised with what it was.

So first of all this is Vicar Amelia's model which you see from far away when entering

the room.

It is an object and it is really hard to see her looks in this, so I researched the cutscene

data to see which models point to Vicar Amelia and I finally found a normal T-Posed model

and I was a bit shocked.

Vicar Amelia actually reuses an existing enemy model in Bloodborne, and that is the Bell

Maidens and this is the face of Vicar Amelia.

Now the only difference is obviously the textures are changed to white colored and they removed

a couple of the accessories on the robe.

So basically, Vicar Amelia doesn't have a human face sadly and I know alot of people

believe that the White Robed Hunter in the DLC is actually Amelia but the theory does

have flaws so i think until we get access to the DLC files and see what her codename

is, it is just a theory.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this little video

and make sure to watch my previous video which are Brand New never-seen-before weapons and

armor sets and there are TONS of unused armors and weapons.

So I'll be seeing you in the next video.

Bye Bye

For more infomation >> Bloodborne ► TRUE Human Vicar Amelia Face REVEALED! - Duration: 1:55.


Farma 9 - 83 díl 14.12.2017 HD!!!!!!!! pred duelom!!! - Duration: 45:16.


For more infomation >> Farma 9 - 83 díl 14.12.2017 HD!!!!!!!! pred duelom!!! - Duration: 45:16.


De ce scad castigurile youtube - studiu de caz - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> De ce scad castigurile youtube - studiu de caz - Duration: 4:00.


YOUTUBE (speedraw!) - Duration: 9:18.

Hey guys, it's Katie, Welcome back to the channel!

So, today... is my first video doing... the change to the channel.

Well... the first speedraw.

This is...

Right now I'm speedrawing a thing for my binder.

(where I'm going to keep all the drawings)

Just a little section... it's labeled YouTube.


Maybe if I actually end up doing this for a reasonable period of time

I could look back on all my... drawings


No... not all my videos!

But all the pictures

And we can see how good they are

or how bad they are

I... honestly didn't really like this picture, though.

I felt that it was kind of...


I don't know.

But anyway...

So... I wanted to make

some mini anouncements

In this video.

Here are the mini announcements (yaaay!)


As I said before, art is now going to be the main thing on the channel.

main thing.


That's what you should expect

on the daily upload front.


That's not obviously what's going to be the only thing on the channel.

So... here are some of the other things I might do.

The first thing I wanna do besides art is gaming.

Like I said


The only thing that's gunna be different is instead of


uploads on gaming

60 videos in one year. Daily it is 🤣


I'm going to be doing

maybe weekly or biweekly

Don't expect... don't get mad if you're like...



But... I mean...

So just don't *ramble muttering*

gaming anymore.


I'm not gunna put gaming on a schedule.

AT LEAST not yet.

The second thing I wanna talk about


You know when the school tries to make you read a book?

And then you're too lazy to read the book?

And you really don't wanna read it?



You find out... you're watching YouTube and procrastinating?

and then...

they have ads for


and... you go "Oh! I'm gunna try and get that!"

But then... you realize...

that there's only 30 free days and after that you won't be able to use it anymore

and you don't actually

sign up?


For more infomation >> YOUTUBE (speedraw!) - Duration: 9:18.


🎄ADORNO ARBOL de ÙLTIMA HORA modelo nº1/ ORNAMENT TREE of LAST DAYS model nº1/**Irradia Color**. - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> 🎄ADORNO ARBOL de ÙLTIMA HORA modelo nº1/ ORNAMENT TREE of LAST DAYS model nº1/**Irradia Color**. - Duration: 8:19.







For more infomation >> LLEGAMOS A 5000 SUSCRIPTORES Y ME LESIONO - Duration: 0:51.


Douglas Sladen | A Christmas Letter from Australia - Duration: 3:51.

'Tis Christmas, and the North wind blows; 'twas two years yesterday

Since from the Lusitania's bows I looked o'er Table Bay,

A tripper round the narrow world, a pilgrim of the main,

Expecting when her sails unfurled to start for home again.

'Tis Christmas, and the North wind blows; to-day our hearts are one,

Though you are 'mid the English snows and I in Austral sun;

You, when you hear the Northern blast, pile high a mightier fire,

Our ladies cower until it's past in lawn and lace attire.

I fancy I can picture you upon this Christmas night,

Just sitting as you used to do, the laughter at its height;

And then a sudden, silent pause intruding on your glee,

And kind eyes glistening because you chanced to think of me.

This morning when I woke and knew 'twas Christmas come again,

I almost fancied I could view white rime upon the pane,

And hear the ringing of the wheels upon the frosty ground,

And see the drip that downward steals in icy casket bound.

I daresay you'll be on the lake, or sliding on the snow,

And breathing on your hands to make the circulation flow,

Nestling your nose among the furs of which your boa's made,—

The Fahrenheit here registers a hundred in the shade.

It is not quite a Christmas here with this unclouded sky,

This pure transparent atmosphere, this sun mid-heaven-high;

To see the rose upon the bush, young leaves upon the trees,

And hear the forest's summer hush or the low hum of bees.

But cold winds bring not Christmastide, nor budding roses June,

And when it's night upon your side we're basking in the noon.

Kind hearts make Christmas—June can bring blue sky or clouds above;

The only universal spring is that which comes of love.

And so it's Christmas in the South as on the North-sea coasts,

Though we are staved with summer-drouth and you with winter frosts.

And we shall have our roast beef here, and think of you the while,

Though all the watery hemisphere cuts off the mother isle.

Feel sure that we shall think of you, we who have wandered forth,

And many a million thoughts will go to-day from south to north;

Old heads will muse on churches old, where bells will ring to-day—

The very bells, perchance, which tolled their fathers to the clay.

And now, good-night! and I shall dream that I am with you all,

Watching the ruddy embers gleam athwart the panelled hall;

Nor care I if I dream or not, though severed by the foam,

My heart is always in the spot which was my childhood's home.

For more infomation >> Douglas Sladen | A Christmas Letter from Australia - Duration: 3:51.


Why the Alt-Right Is Wrong | ContraPoints - Duration: 15:23.

[Accordian music]

Hey everyone!

Since Alt-Right identitarians value free speech and debate so much, I think it's really

important that we keep an open dialo—


So Nazis flagged my video, "Why White Nationalism Is Wrong," and it's now in restricted

mode and unwatchable in a lot of countries.

Now it's a year-old video, I'm the wrong gender in it, and I would have been perfectly happy

to let it just fade into obscurity, but they had to go and flag it, and anything they want

to silence I want to amplify.

So I've reedited the video and removed all hate symbols, and hopefully that will appease

the censor.

Otherwise, I've left the video unchanged.

My name has always been Natalie, don't you remember?



Proud sons of the north!

My training is complete.

So you may remember, in my video about alpha males, I responded to a guy called The Golden One.

Surprise flex!

I'm ready to begin the training.

[Heart, "Alone"] I want to discuss the Jewish question...

You're a goddamn fascist!

In that video I said that I wasn't going to argue against White Nationalism.

I just assumed that it was wrong.

And of course that's pretty irritating to White Nationalists, who want to bait me into

arguing with them.

[reading onscreen text]

So in this video I want to go through the exercise of explaining exactly what's wrong with White

Nationalism, both to clear myself of the accusation of relying only on "insults" and, possibly,

to persuade some people who may sympathize with white nationalist views.

Now, the conventional leftist wisdom is that you shouldn't argue with white nationalists

because it grants them a kind of legitimacy when you give them a seat at the discussion


But at this point I think a lot of people privately or publicly hold white nationalist

views already, and the public may never hear strong arguments against them.

Also, speaking as a [bleep], alcoholic transsexual with less than a third the YouTube subscribers

of the second largest channel about the lives of ants, I think the danger of my being the

one to catapult white nationalism into mainstream acceptability is pretty remote.

So, in this video I'm not going to use the words "racist" and "Nazi" (even though those

are completely fair and accurate descriptions).

I don't need to insult these fascist fucks because I believe that reason will prevail.

So, in this video I'm going to remain at all times rational, calm, relaxing, soothing.

[whispering] Why d on't you just lie back and relax and I'm going to crinkle this

page I tore out of Mein Kampf, and we can just have a nice, soothing conversation about

the wave of far-right extremism sweeping through Europe.

Sk sk sk sk sk.

Sk sk sk sk sk.


Part 1: White Nationalism with a Friendly Face

The Golden One's recent videos are all about how to be a good representative for the nationalist

cause, that is, how to tone down the, uh—can't say Nazi—the sinister, crackpot aspects

of the program.

And apparently that means wearing a suit, not jacking off, and, protecting the racial

purity of Skyrim.

[The Golden One] "Skyrim belongs to the Nords!"

It also means trying to distance the movement from idea that it's based on racial hate,

something White Nationalists have been doing for a long time.

Here's the website of a group called the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which

seems to have been designed around the same time as the promotional website for the 1996

movie Space Jam.

The website promises to "dispel some of the lies told about us by the liberal news


Let me start by addressing the repeated falsehood that we are a HATE GROUP.

Let me assure you that nothing could be further from the truth.

We do not hate any group of people!

We hate drugs, homosexuality, abortion and race-mixing, because these things go against

God's law and they are destroying all white nations."

So this sounds pretty similar to the The Golden One's bizarre cocktail of not drinking,

not coming, not having sex with brown people, and generally shunning everything worth doing.

Minus the Christianity, plus a little light High Fantasy Odinism.

My Nordic masculinity has grown as firm and robust as the hammer of Thor.


Has it?

Stormfront admin Jack Boot, who's definitely not a Nazi, posts a White Nationalism FAQ

from the 90s where it's explained that "The desire of White Nationalists to form their

own nation has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority….

In fact, formation of a White nation removes any possibility of White dominance of other

races, as well as the plausibility of the accusation that Whites wish to dominate others."

So this is the standard White Nationalist PR move.

You say: "What?

Hate group?"

"That's not us, that's not what we're about!"

"We're just just a bunch of God-loving folks who take pride in our own people, and

where's the harm in that?

Part 2: Where's the Harm in That

So we've got the KKK pretending to stand

up for diversity, Stormfront users with Nazi—I mean, uh, traditional right-wing extremist?—symbology

claiming not to be white supremacists, and the Golden One saying that poor maligned Hitler

didn't actually hate the Jews.

[The Golden One] "Now a lot of mere mortals with a pleb-tier understanding of the world

say, like, 'Hitler hated Jews.'

No, he actually didn't.

If you think he did ask yourself, why did he have a Jewish chauffeur and bodyguard?

Why were there so many Jews fighting in the Wehrmacht?

Hitler's battle was against international Jewry, international finance."

I hope none of you are buying any of this.

Still, I think perhaps the Golden One raises an important point.

Namely, is the main problem with Hitler really that he hated the Jews?

I mean, I think just about everyone harbors racial animosity of some kind.

In my case I happen to hate the Belgians.

Fuck this waffle.

But the point is not what your private emotions are so much as what you do with them.

So it's not hate per se that's the problem, so much as the politics it produces.

It's what Hitler did and said that distinguishes him.

And what he did is kill all the European Jews.

And why'd he do that?

Well, in the name of purging Europe of all non-Aryan peoples, which is precisely the

goal of white nationalism.

Now I know people are going to say, see, you're just resorting to talking about Nazis and

the holocaust!

Argument ad Hitlerum!

To which I respond that when the subject at had is ethnic cleansing inspired by anti-Semitic

conspiracy theories, Nazis and the Holocaust are pretty goddamn relevant, wouldn't you


And of course I realize that isn't going to be very convincing to White Nationalists,

since most of these fucking people are holocaust deniers, and if the overwhelming evidence

described by pretty much every academic historian who looks at the issue isn't enough to convince

them that it happened, I doubt that anything I can say will be.

When you're so deep in a conspiracy theory that all opposing evidence is immediately

dismissed as some kind of Jewish hoax, well, there's not much arguing with you.

Though I have to wonder why people whose explicit goal is the ethnic cleansing of so-called

white nations find it so impossible to believe that other people with that exact same goal

actually took a swing at it.

Now, White Nationalists will tell you that ethnic cleansing can actually be non-violent.

After all, couldn't non-whites simply be peacefully banished from so-called white nations?

Well, no.

There are around 39 million African Americans and 57 million Hispanic people in the United

States alone.

Where are they going to go?

What will the people in the new places think about welcoming oh, a hundred million refugees?

I mean, even Nazi—uh I mean, Alt-Right Germany?—began with non-violent methods of coercing Jewish


It was only later that it escalated to attacks on their property, ghettoization, mass incarceration,

and finally extermination.

So excuse me for not feeling very reassured.

That Stormfront FAQ proposes that white Americans could simply cede lost territory and move

to uninhabited lands.

And you know guys, I think that is a great idea.

Why don't you all move to your little colony in Wyoming, and leave everyone else alone.

Don't take your computers with you, and delete your social media accounts.

Because that is a Jewish invention.

Part 3: Whiteness Traditionally, Nationalism is a political

ideology that places the communal identification with a nation or people at the center of politics.

National identity usually involves a shared language, history and geographical locus.

So, while, say, German nationalism or Japanese nationalism are both terrible political philosophies,

they at least kind of make sense, insofar as there's sort of such a thing as the German

people or the Japanese people.

White Nationalism on the other hand, is way less coherent, because Whiteness is an amorphous

and fairly recent social construct.

At the time of the Roman Empire, different ethnic groups living in Europe would never

have recognized themselves as belonging to the same race.

To Ancient Romans, Gauls, Saxons and Celts, the idea that all Europeans belong to one

people would have been about as palatable then as the idea that Africans and Europeans

belong to the same race is to contemporary, uh, meme-based alternative ethnocentrists?

But the Golden One mixes Nordic, Celtic and Greco-Roman imagery together as if all historical

European ethnicities are interchangeable.

But this is a fictional unification that only makes sense under the relatively modern concept

of "whiteness."

And if you unweave that fictional unity, it becomes pretty hard to take seriously the

utopian vision of a unified white nation.

As recently as the 20th century, Irish people were treated as a kind of racial underclass

in England and the US.

And Nazi race theory divided the European race into at least five sub-races, of which

only the Nordic were considered the master race.

So what makes white nationalists think that these kinds of race conflicts won't reemerge

in a new white ethnostate obsessed with racial purity?

And all this is to say nothing of the fact that having even the purest European ancestry

is still not enough to guarantee your membership in the category of whiteness.

If you're Jewish, you're out.

[Curb Your Enthusiasm theme]

If you're a race traitor, you're out.

If you're a degenerate beta-leftist pleb-tier subhuman dog, you're out.

Because being a good white person also apparently involves doing squats and not taking drugs

or masturbating, which is all part of what the Golden One calls Race of Spirit.

[The Golden One] "The Race of Spirit, as it were.

So all whites obviously aren't equal, and I don't want anyone to think I love all

whites so much just because the way they're born.

There are subhumans of all races, to quote Joseph Goebbels.

This is all so convoluted and abstract.

It seems like what White Nationalists really care about is the idea of whiteness, not actual

white people, most of whom they seem not to regard very highly.

[The Golden One] "There are plenty of subhuman, degenerate, pleb-tier whites, such as this

guy right here.

You can see, oh, this is a white guy, but you can also see on him that he is inferior when

it comes to the spirit."

I fucked an Argonian.

And this brings us nicely to our next topic.

Part 4: How to fuck an Argonian... a trans woman

[orgasm moan]

Part 4: White Genocide

So the central of idea of modern White Nationalist theory is that white people need their own

ethnostates in order to prevent something called White Genocide.

So what the fuck is white genocide?

Well, genocide is usually defined as the attempt to exterminate an entire ethnic or religious


But white nationalists use the term to refer to the immigration of non-white people into

majority white nations.

So you can see how that's not really genocide, because instead of people being killed it's just like, there's more of

a different group of people being…

man this is so fucking stupid I don't even know how to start arguing with it.

Well look, one way we could think of this is in terms of historical genocides that began

with new migrants.

So for instance the Europeans who settled North America took over native land, they

killed and enslaved native populations, they forcibly imposed their own government and religion.

And that's what a genocide looks like.

So the question to ask is, are Muslim or Hispanic immigrants killing and enslaving millions

of whites, are they forcing whites to convert to their religions and speak their language

at gunpoint?


They're not.

Basically the fear of white genocide is the unfounded fear that non-white people are going

to treat whites as badly as they've historically treated others.

Now I want to reiterate that it seems like what white nationalists are really worried

about defending isn't actual white people, but the idea of whiteness.

And things like race-mixing threaten that idea.

Miscegenation doesn't muddy anyone's blood; that's just not an actual thing.

What it muddies is the already pretty sketchy concept of whiteness.

And I should say that if I really thought that American or Swedish culture was dying

out, I actually would be kind of sad about it.

If the English language, for instance, was in decline, I'd say, yeah, we should do

something to save it.

But what's happening is exactly the opposite.

I mean, European, and especially Anglophone culture is the most dominant in the entire world.

English is spoken all over India and Africa, it's taught in Chinese schools, it's the

lingua franca of the Internet.

So this whole thing is preposterous.

You're taking the most dominant, the most imperialistic culture in the world, and you're

saying this is the one we really need to be worried about.

And that, I mean… goddamn.

I'm 28 years old. I have a master's degree in philosophy.

Why am I arguing on the Internet with this golden man?

My cousin is out fighting dragons.

And what do I get?


Part 5: Concluding Remarks

White Nationalism is an affront to everything

good about Western civilization.

Ideas like individual freedom and religious tolerance are the best products of European

political thought.

Though white supremacists in practice, the founders of the United States designed a society

capable of tolerating a diversity of thought, speech, and custom, and a franchise that includes

people of different origins and religions.

White nationalism wants to tear it all down for the sake of some communitarian ethnostate in which

skin color is citizenship and dissent is treason.

White Nationalism is therefore incompatible with the values of liberal democracy, to an

extent perhaps only rivaled by Political Islam.

At least in theory.

In practice, White Nationalist ideas are much more dangerous to liberal values in Western

countries, since they have way more influence here over governments and institutions than

Islamism does.

So I don't care whether you wear a suit, if you insist you don't hate other races, or

if you veil your ideas in irony and memes.

White Nationalism is wrong, immoral and nonsensical, and it has no place in liberal societies except

in the way that, say, Islamism does, as a kind of fringe test of the limits of toleration.

And, The Golden One, if you're watching this, we can't really be friends as long

as a you're like this.

And I don't expect you to ever change your mind, but I want to say that if you do,

well, I'll be waiting for you, in some faraway tavern of degeneracy with a horn of mead.

[Skyrim theme remix]

I actually love the Belgians I'm so sorry.

For more infomation >> Why the Alt-Right Is Wrong | ContraPoints - Duration: 15:23.


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