Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

Hi guys, I'm MFPMATIAS from youtube

This will be a quick review of some items from smartmotoeletronics

They are, the O2 sensor eliminator kit

and the servo/EXUP eliminator

Here we have o2 sensor eliminator kit, that I'm not installing in this video because I'm waiting for the new exhaust

And the servo/EXUP eliminator, so I can remove the servo motor without having any error from the ECU

They are super light and awesome quality

As you can see

Will install it and show you guys

To get access the exhaust valve cable

We just need to unbolt 3 plastic bolts and remove the plastic cover

here we have the servo motor

just rotate a bit and release the cable

To remove the servo motor you just need a 8mm socket

Unplug this

Quick ziptie to the cable, until I switch the exhaust

Let's put the cover back

so much room that we have now

Now the exhaust valve is always open

Just check out the difference of the exhaust valve open and closed

For more infomation >> Honda CBR 1000RR 08-16 | Servo/EXUP Eliminator - Duration: 5:01.


New Music Video Cookie Celebration - Duration: 0:21.

hey guys i put out a video today

you should go check it out on the youtube

the song is called Don't Go Through My Phone benji: don't go thru my phone

thru my photos or my texts yes

ash: we're celebrating with cookies

spin it up


For more infomation >> New Music Video Cookie Celebration - Duration: 0:21.


Tecnología y creatividad, la mezcla detrás del éxito de HBO - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Tecnología y creatividad, la mezcla detrás del éxito de HBO - Duration: 4:48.


Playstation 5, being a Journalist - Pijama Rant - Duration: 9:39.

Greetings earthlings!

Welcome to the MadQueen Show!

I am your host the MadQueen.

On today's menu, we have a pyjama rant, today without the sofa,

but we'll get back there,

and with new and improved sound!

That I suppose you're hearing and I'm totally in love with my new microphone, it's


First of all, almost a thousand new people in the channel in the past month, not bad,

well, welcome to the new people, I hope you don't only watch the news about Cyberpunk

2077, that you're going to have lots, but the pajama rants as well.

And the Great Sagas.

Honestly, I believe that the Wolfenstein video is the best I ever did on this channel.

Lots of bad humor

In other sorts of news, I just uploaded an exclusive video for patrons,

my first reaction video!

And Disclaimer, it can be really bad, i believe at this point

you already know the bad level of my jokes.

And also this gives me a great moment to send a great "thank you" to all the people supporting this

humble channel on Patreon, especially considering that YouTube demonetizes every single video

I upload about Cyberpunk 2077, but every single video,

and the worst part is that it even waits

for the video to have some visits to demonetize it, then I request a review and they don't

monetize it again until everybody watched it.

I don't really know what YouTube has against Cyberpunk 2077, I know I talk about politics

in there, but they are fake politics of a dystopian universe.

Maybe Google thinks that I mean them when I talk about megacorporations.

But, back to the building, new exclusive video with a horrible sense of humor, but, well,

that's my thing.

I started the channel to do some comedy to relax from the pressure of my everyday job,

and now people are calling me a journalist, I suppose that this is because I'm a curious

person and I can't leave a thing alone until I learn as much as I can about this thing,

it's great, but I won't forget about comedy.

Even if it's bad comedy.

I have some experience with this, and I mean journalism, all my life I had at least two

or three jobs, and not for the money, but because I'm a restless person, so one of

them for some years was a journalist for music and cinema, I was the chief editor of a now

inexistent online cinema magazine, and also worked with several music magazines and later

with a printed cinema magazine, so, well, I may know something about that but still

learning, as usual.

My intention is to have a balance in the channel and explain a lot about how the industry works

but also have some stupidity because taking the life too seriously is just boring.

And talking about the industry, I didn't make a news video specifically about this

because I didn't choose one of the options YET but, as you may already know, according

to Damian Thong, the technology analyst that has a very good track record so far in everything

that revolves around Sony Hardware, well he predicted that the PlayStation 5 or whatever

is going to be called, will be out Christmas next year.

This caused different reactions: some said it's too soon for a new console from Sony

considering the short age of the PlayStation 4 Pro, and also that it's selling really

well, according to Sony they sold 15 million units this year and we didn't reach Christmas yet.

But others think that this would be a great strategy, considering how the Scorpio is eating

a good portion of the PlayStation Pro market and that Sony should give a proper response

to that with a new console, so it seems there's no consensus with what to believe about that,

As usual. Welcome to the Internet

We should consider for this that the PlayStation 4 has been on the market for a good 4 years,

and the life cycle of Sony's consoles usually is larger: a little less than 6 years for

the first, a little more than 6 years for the second, and 7 years for the third, so

So releasing the next PlayStation 5 years after the release of the PlayStation 4 would be

a little unusual for Sony, not insane, but unusual.

On the other hand, the upgrade of the Play 3 was on the market for 3 years before the

Play 4 came out, and next Christmas the Pro will make 2 years in the market, so I don't

really see how this analyst thought that next Christmas would be the launch date of the

PlayStation 5 considering that the usual strategy of Sony would put the more obvious forecast

on November 2019.

And not only for their usual strategy, they also need enough time to develop something

that is better than the Scorpio, and Scorpio being a 40% more powerful than the Pro is

a significant jump, they need time to develop something that really makes a difference.

But then again, he's a technology analyst and I'm just a nerd, and it's true that

Scorpio's sales are kicking Sony's ass even with no games.

So, imagine how crazy sales would be if they had more than Madden.

Remember the E3?

Oh, here's this lovely console with native 4k, and this is the awesome list of games

for this console that don't need 4k at all.

Yeah, well.

(clap) And to be completely honest I believe that's

the only reason why Sony should hurry, because if you want to play VR with the Pro you need


It's like the Flintmobile, with its incredible not native 4k and frame drop, frame merging,

like "Are we sure that we're investing in VR, Sony".

It's quite a surprise that they sold a lot, I mean, the forecast was 4 million headsets

in one year and they already did that numbers in less than 6 months, and they announced

60 new VR games for next year, Sony VR is really calling the shots in the VR world,

but almost every VR player that doesn't have a paycheck by Sony agrees that the Play Pro

doesn't live up VR expectations, they're going to make a second version of the Pro,

like they did with the Slim: in the new version you have the console and the pedals, to make

it go faster.

So, yes, VR is the only reason why I believe that Sony may break their 6 years norm with

consoles, however, Shawn Layden, President of Sony Entertainment America, said in an

interview with Golem, well, more than say he suggested, that we may need to wait more

for the PlayStation 5, but I wouldn't be the first time that Sony said "yes", and

then "no", and then "yes" again so go figure.

So, when is the PlayStation 5 coming out?

No fucking idea at all.

That's why I didn't make a news video about it.

Well, folks, thanks for watching, don't forget to leave a comment and let me know

what do you think about all this PlayStation 5 mess and if you play VR I'm especially

interested in your thoughts, so please leave a comment.

See you in next videos and stay being amazing.

For more infomation >> Playstation 5, being a Journalist - Pijama Rant - Duration: 9:39.


Doctors Make Big Money Selling You Pills: Corporations Pay The Bonuses - Duration: 10:52.

Every day, patients in the United States put their lives in the hands of doctors, but sometimes

that prescription that you take to the pharmacy after visiting your doctor wasn't written

because the doctor really believes it's the best treatment for you.

Sometimes, it was given to you because the doctor is getting incentives from the drugmaker

to write you that prescription.

In recent years, the problem of big pharma kickbacks has finally received the level of

attention that it deserves.

News stories have emerged showing that doctors are being given financial compensation, luxury

vacations, and expensive meals all paid for by drug companies in exchange for medical

professionals writing prescriptions for their medications instead of competitive medicine.

The federal anti kickback statute is a criminal statute that prohibits the exchange or even

the offer to exchange anything of value to reward the referral of federal healthcare

program business.

This applies to both drug companies and to doctors who accept these rewards, but for

too long this statute has been completely ignored by medical professionals putting patients

in danger by being given medications that may not be the best course of treatment just

because the doctors are hoping for a few more bonuses from big pharma.

Joining me now to talk about this is attorney Dan Soloway.

Dan, tell us how bad the problem of big pharma's kickbacks have become in the United States.

Every day, every week, if you're really paying attention to this, somebody is being fined.

What's your take?

My take, Mike, is that the problem is big and the problem is getting worse.

The statistics show that 65% of all doctors are now accepting kickbacks and the kickbacks

amount to 8.18 million in a yearly time period.

What we're finding through the analyses is the impact that big pharma is having on the

actual writing of the prescriptions is something that can be measured, it's significant, and

it's benefiting their bottom line.

Dan, what do the numbers tell us about how effective these kickbacks are becoming where

it comes to prescriptions being written because some doctor has gotten something special from

a drug company?

We used to see this and all of a sudden the government got involved and said no we're

going to stop it.

It seemed like they put the skids down on it.

Now, this seems to be reemerging in a really big way.

What's your take?

Well, I think the numbers are showing that when the doctors are receiving these kickbacks,

there's a clear relationship between those doctors and the amount of brand name prescriptions

they are putting out there for their patients.

What they did is they compared those doctors who were getting the kickbacks with those

doctors who were receiving no kickbacks and there's a measurable increase in not only

the actual prescription of brand name drugs but how much of the brand names they were


You're talking about billions of dollars going into the pockets of these doctors and it having

an immediate and measurable impact compared to doctors who take no kickbacks at all.

We've learned in recent months that opioid makers, for example, were using this same

kind of scheme to push their pills on to Americans.

Tell us about their roles in all of this.

We know the disaster.

We know that as you and I speaking today 150 people will die of a drug overdose and it's

all, if you follow the story, most of the time it's related to opioids where they go

from opioids to heroin or sometimes they simply overdose on the opioids.

What is your take on that issue?

How big was the push by the drug industry?

I think the push by the opioid manufacturer is the worst of anyone.

It's been coupled with, I know a recent arrest of that doctor Kapoor who was with Insys,

he was pushing that Fentanyl spray, which is 100 times more powerful than morphine,

but he coupled his kickbacks together with fraud and other illegal conduct in a nationwide

conspiracy to push these drugs on non-cancer patients.

They were pushing, these doctors were writing prescriptions for this Fentanyl for people

who had car accidents.

Now, is it any surprise that people are dying as a result of the opioid manufacturers pushing

their drugs?

It's coming down to the worse common denominator, which is not just medications that shouldn't

prescribed to particular patients, but those medications are killing those patients.

The opioid manufacturers are the worst culprits.


What we saw as a matter of fact to add to that, we actually saw the industry go out

and hire doctors, maybe doctors and scientists that worked for universities, they might've

worked for Harvard, Yale, Princeton, some of the big universities, to create literature

that was all a fraud.

It was literature that said doc, you know what, if you prescribe this, you're going

to fine because people don't really become addicted to opioids.

We have the literature.

We've read it.

We've seen it where you would have the sales people showing up in a doctor's office and

saying all these things that you're worried with addiction and all, don't worry about

it because here is this article and it was written by a fraud.

The fraud was paid a lot of money.

He's a doctor.

He's a scientist and all of a sudden, you look credible so there's a lot of parts to

that opioid story.

A lot of times, that same thing takes place, as you know, with all pharmaceuticals where

you'll have some university create some document that's nothing but fraud.

They phony up the real clinical information and all of a sudden, doctors are told basically

a lie and the person that suffers there is the patient.

Tell us about the anti kickback statute.

What does it say and what kind of punishments does it call for, Dan, when these kickbacks

are proven?

It seems to be proven ... Every week, I'm seeing a story in one of the journals about

how bad this has gotten.

What's your take?

Well, remember, the anti kickback statute only criminalizes that conduct where it's

done for the purpose of giving a federally paid for benefit to big pharma.

In other words, there's 65% of all doctors taking these kickbacks, these trips, these

gifts, sometimes even stock in the company of the big pharmaceutical company.

They have to give something in return for that.

What we're seeing, the statute itself says you can go to prison for five years, you can

have a $25,000 fine, and you can be thrown out of the Medicare program such that your

bills are not going to get paid by Medicare.

Remember, one out of every four prescriptions is paid for in this country by Medicare, so

it's got some teeth in it.

What we're seeing is the prosecutions are not seeking the convictions.

They're stopping.

They're settling the cases with big pharma for billions in fines, but they're not throwing

them out of Medicare.

The doctors aren't getting any penalties or sanctions that I'm seeing.

Big pharmaceuticals are, but it's limited to billions of dollars, which they make every


Well, Dan, isn't there another part to this?

Every night, if you turn on the television and you go to the corporate media, NBC, CBS,

ABC, these media corporations are making billions of dollars by selling pharmaceuticals.

If you turn on the nightly news, you will see between seven and nine pharmaceutical

advertisements just in the nightly news.

The first thing that happens is the patient is bombarded by the pharmaceutical company

about you need this drug if you have restless leg.

You need this drug if you've been sad lately.

You need this drug if you can't sleep at night.

Then add onto that these programs that they do for doctors.

Yeah, doc, we're going to take you to Hawaii.

We're going to give you dinner every Thursday night where we're going to give and put a

show on for you and we're going to tell you how important our drug is, all kinds of scams

they got going.

The point is this the doctor is overwhelmed with that and I'm wondering what types of

... In order to change it, I think you'd agree.

You've been in the criminal business as a defense lawyer and a prosecutor, I believe,

over the years and you have seen that if you don't punish criminals, you're going to have

the same thing happen again.

I'm wondering what kind of punishments have been handed down to drug companies and doctors

that have been found guilty of kickbacks.

You mentioned that usually there are none.

Can you cite any where a doctor or pharmaceutical companies really had to spend time in prison

because of this?

That's an excellent question and the answer is no.

I can't cite criminals or a big pharmaceutical company CEO going to prison.

Even worse than that, when they pay for instance.

I've got a list right here.

It's got GlaxoSmithKline, three billion, Pfizer, 2.3 billion, Johnson & Johnson, two billion.

These are settlements of criminal and sometimes false claims act prosecutions as well as civil

prosecutions and they are settling.

They're settling where the end pusher, which could be a pharmaceutical.

It could be a place that is simply distributing the drugs like a pharmacy or the doctor who

is pushing it.

I am finding no punishment for those individuals, even though the anti kickback statute punishes

both sides supposedly.

What we're seeing is a prosecution resulting only in civil and criminal penalties in the

dollars and cents and nothing more that I can see.

I'm just not seeing it being very effective because all these big pharma companies are

continuing to spend the money.

They're seeing an impact on their bottom line, so they have no reason to stop.

If they have to pay a billion dollar fine, so be it.

It's a heck of a thing, Dan, where we've all come to self help when you don't even feel

comfortable taking a drug unless it's been on the market for 10 years, but I tell everybody


No reason to take it, unless it's going to save your life.

Unless you're out of options, do not take a drug that has not been on the market for

10 years.

Dan Soloway, thank you for joining me.

Keep up the great work out there.


For more infomation >> Doctors Make Big Money Selling You Pills: Corporations Pay The Bonuses - Duration: 10:52.


Is Net Neutrality A Threat For The Future of Crypto? - Duration: 13:37.

Net Neutrality and Bitcoin

For more infomation >> Is Net Neutrality A Threat For The Future of Crypto? - Duration: 13:37.


Creators for Change | The Interethnic School | Rosianna - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Creators for Change | The Interethnic School | Rosianna - Duration: 2:17.


December Holidays around the World: A Special English Vocabulary Lesson - Duration: 11:56.

Hello everyone! it's Jennifer here with a very special lesson.

I love the December holidays. I always feel like there's a bit of magic in the air.

Something that makes the holiday special is tradition.

Each culture has its own way of celebrating holidays like Christmas and New Year's Eve.

Personally, I enjoy learning about traditions around the world. I bet you do too.

That's why I got a couple of friends together to talk about different holiday traditions.

I think you'll recognize my friends.

Emma of mmmEnglish is from Australia, and Vicki of Simple English Videos is from the UK.

The three of us would like to share different traditions that make the December holidays special for us.

Christmas just wouldn't feel the same without a Christmas tree.

I live in Massachusetts, and here in New England it's easy to find a Christmas tree farm.

Many people buy a real evergreen tree every year.

Other families like mine have an artificial tree.

My children and I start decorating for the holidays in early December.

We put on music, we put up the tree, and then we decorate it with ornaments, lights, and candy canes.

The days are short, so we get to enjoy the Christmas tree lights in the evening.

The really magical moment is Christmas morning, when we find gifts from Santa Claus under the tree

and in our stockings that are hanging from the mantle of our fireplace.

Let's go over some key vocabulary

Real and artificial are opposites when we're talking about Christmas trees.

A real tree grows in the forest or on a tree farm.

An artificial tree comes in a box, so you have to assemble it.

"Put on" is a phrasal verb. If you put on music, you cause it to be heard.

Let's put some music on.

Let's put on some holiday music.

"Put up" is another phrasal verb. When you put up a tree, you erect or build it.

When are we going to put the tree up?

Did you put your tree up already?

Stockings at one point were regular old socks, but today they've become much larger and decorative.

Kids like big Christmas stockings because they can hold more treats from Santa.

When are we going to hang the stockings? Did you hang up your stockings already?

This is the mantle. As you can see it's like a shelf above the fireplace.

People often place photos, clocks, and knickknacks on the mantel.

At Christmas time, it's where the stockings are hung.

Oh, that's interesting!

In England we usually hang our stockings on the end of our beds,

so we can start opening our presents the moment we wake up.

But let me tell you about my Christmas day.

I get up early on Christmas morning to make some stuffing.

I mix up sage - that's a herb,

breadcrumbs, and onions.

And that sticky stuff I'm adding is peanut butter.

Our dog loves it!

This mixture is called stuffing because we stuff the turkey with it - put it inside.

Turkey is a very traditional English Christmas dish, and it takes a long time to cook.

But that's good because I have a lot of other stuff to do.

There's more food to prepare, and the family are coming, so I need to get everything ready for the meal.

When the turkey is cooked, Jay takes it out of the oven and it looks great,

so everyone congratulates him.

Great job, Jay!

And Vicky, of course.

Do you remember what I put inside the turkey?

It was stuffing. If you stuff something, then you fill it.

So you saw me stuffing the turkey with stuffing.

Filling it with the mixture.

But "stuff" has other meanings, too.

It's an informal word that we use a lot in spoken English.

Sometimes it means substance.

So for example that peanut butter was sticky stuff.

"Stuff" is a very vague a nonspecific word.

We use it if the name of something isn't important, or if we don't know the name.

So if you want to know what a substance is called, you can ask, "What's that stuff?"

We also use stuff to talk about actions and jobs. And again, it's nonspecific.

So when I said I had stuff to do, I meant jobs.

But I didn't say what jobs exactly. It was just a group of different things.

One more "stuff" word?

After we've eaten a big British Christmas dinner, we feel stuffed.

"I'm stuffed" is an informal expression, and it means full of food.

Okay, that's enough stuff about Christmas.

Let's go to Emma and find out about New Year in Australia.

While Christmas time is about family and food,

New Year's Eve is about letting your hair down and celebrating with friends.

We reflect on the year that's finished, and we wish each other luck and good fortune for the year to come.

Here in Australia it's summertime,

so our New Year celebrations are usually outside...

at the park,

at the beach, on a boat, or at someone's house.

We're usually drinking champagne or other alcoholic drinks,

and everyone is excited and in a festive mood.

Around New Year's Eve you'll hear this question a lot:

What are your New Year's resolutions?

At the start of a new year, we make promises about

how we're going to do better for ourselves in the following year.

we promised ourselves that we'll

exercise more or lose weight or learn a new language or any other skill.

But to be completely honest, most of these resolutions...

they get broken within the first month of the year.

Of course, the highlight of New Year's Eve is the countdown to midnight, when the year officially changes.

During the final 10 seconds of the year, we count down from 10 to 1 out loud

at the top of our lungs, and then we call out,

"Happy New Year!"

and hug everyone around us whether you know them or not.

And of course, that's when the fireworks begin.

Okay, let's take a closer look at the vocabulary that I used.

I said "to let your hair down."

Now this expression is used when you want to relax and enjoy yourself

and behave much more freely than usual.

I also said "a festive mood."

And we use this word "festive" to describe someone's feelings when they're happy and excited because they're

celebrating something special

like Christmas or

New Year's Eve or Thanksgiving or even a birthday.

Oh, what about a New Year's resolution?

Aresolution is a promise to do or not to do something to try and improve yourself

There are a few collocations that you need to remember when you're using

"resolutions." Verbs that are usually used with this noun,

like make, have, keep, and break.

Do you have any New Year's resolutions?

If you do, share them in the comments.

Do you usually make New Year's resolutions?

I don't keep any of my New Year's resolutions.

I usually break all of my resolutions by the end of January. I'm a hopeless.

I also use the noun "highlight,"

which means the best part. The highlight of the night is the best part of the night.

I mentioned the countdown.

But I also used the phrasal verb "to countdown" and that means to wait for something to happen.

When you're watching the clock and you're waiting, waiting, waiting for something to happen, you're counting down the minutes

until something exciting happens.

The countdown is a compound noun and it looks different. The two words are together.

And finally, "at the top of our lungs." And this just means, well, this is an idiom,

and it just means as loudly as you can possibly say something: at the top of your lungs.

Happy holidays and happy studies, everyone

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Happy New Year!

Make sure you subscribe to all our channels, so you don't miss any of our videos.

For more infomation >> December Holidays around the World: A Special English Vocabulary Lesson - Duration: 11:56.


Know How To Secure Your Soul From Impure Things - Duration: 4:59.

Know How To Secure Your Soul From Impure Things

by Arina

Undoubtedly, often many of us remain discouraged in our lives because of some shoddy and impure

habits of ours.

And, the most unfortunate part of the story is that in spite of knowing the high extent

of deteriorating effects of such practices, we usually find it hard to avoid them!!

Well, no doubt, such degrading habits, and wrongful thoughts sometimes take us to an

extreme level of immorality and atrocity.

But, you should take every possible stride to let the Satan turn out to be unsuccessful

in making you think that you can�t gain victory over your negative thoughts and habits.

However, you can�t even ignore the fact that we all are being overtaken by various

common temptations over the time.

But, in Christ, it is genuinely possible to win over the destructive power of sin.

Just practice these wonderful approaches in your life, follow God, keep faith on him.

Replace the Secret Pictures in Your Mind There remains a certain mass of impure thoughts

in everyone�s mind irrespective of their inherent attributes.

And, when your mind gets tempted then you are more likely to revive these pictures and

finally start focusing on them.

So, you ought to make appropriate attempts to superimpose God�s image over them and

thus you would definitely attain freedom over the influence of such evil pictures.

You should gracefully rejoice that he died for freeing you from impurity!

Sign a Pact with Your Eyes One of the foremost approaches to protect

your mind from any kind of impulsive or negative feeling is nothing but having a complete control

over your eyes.

If you become successful in yielding a control of your eyes towards God then he would definitely

teach you the way how you should see others like the way he believes in seeing them.

So, whenever you get influenced by any temptation to sin against someone whom you don�t like

then ask God to let you get rid of all such wicked feelings and grace you to see the person

as he does.

Try to Win the Battle A battle against the delusive powers to protect

your soul is far more complicated and dreary than any physical or psychological struggle.

It�s because this battle is a spiritual one against the hazardous forms of evils!!

In such a scenario, most of the time our natural inclinations betray us.

So, when God wants you to motivate yourself in terms of grace and knowledge while allowing

you to face the pressure in your mind then do follow him.

On doing this you�ll definitely be able to avoid the clash.

Expel the Hidden Ways to Defeat In the scripture it is stated that �Put

ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts


If there is any sort of provision for the flesh then it proves your likeliness to fail

and actually invites you towards temptation.

It would provide a wide array of tempting possibilities for your mind, excite your emotions

and thus it will defeat the will.

Moreover, Bible suggests us not to walk in the way of evil to completely avoid it.

So, you need to remove the things from your life that Satan usually uses for defeating


If you choose to expel these sources of impure temptations from your life then you can easily

avoid entering into the path of evil.

Know How to Live in the Fear of God This saying in the Bible which states that

�by the fear of LORD men depart from evil� (Proverb 16:6) makes a huge sense.

One of the foremost approaches to have a fear of God always is nothing but a continuous

awareness that God is watching everything and evaluating our every word, action, thoughts,

and attitude.

So, if you bear such a thought in your mind all the time then it would finally let you

get rid of all kinds of impure thoughts.

Realize that Victory Over Impurity is Possible So, by now, you must have understood that

to remain away from all kinds of negativity in life requires huge determination and an

unending believe in GOD.

So, in future, if you ever think that a devil in you is more likely to take the toll then

just start following these aforementioned holy routes of living.

And, I am sure you would definitely end up leading a positive and happy life ahead!

For more infomation >> Know How To Secure Your Soul From Impure Things - Duration: 4:59.


HOLY HELL: Jones Campaign Worker Admits To MASSIVE FRAUD ON LIVE TV… RECOUNT NOW!! [Video] - Duration: 4:00.

HOLY HELL: Jones Campaign Worker Admits To MASSIVE FRAUD ON LIVE TV…


Doug Jones pulled off an upset victory in Alabama on Tuesday, but things may not be

quite what they seem.

For one, Roy Moore faced an unprecedented amount of negative coverage from the leftstream

media, who made it their personal mission to ensure he wasn't elected.

If that wasn't bad enough, multiple women waited over 40 years for their moment to accuse

Moore of indecencies from years ago, which happened pretty much as soon as he won the

primary and was set to take on Democrat Jones, not so coincidentally.

But while those were already massive hurdles for the Moore campaign to overcome, now we're

learning of fraud that may have been committed to get Jones over the finish line.

In fact, one of his campaign workers admitted to committing fraud on live television in

the hours after the election.


Watch the shocking video:

"Why are you excited to see this victory," the unidentified campaign worker was asked.

That's when he makes an admission that should trigger a full investigation into this election.

"Because we came here all the way from different parts of the country as part of our fellowship,

and all of us pitched in to vote and canvass together, and we got our boy elected!"

It's that line right there that poses a serious problem.

It's highly, highly illegal for people to vote in a state not their own, and if it's

discovered that Jones pulled off a win due to out-of-state voters flooding Alabama, then

election would be overturned and Moore would take the victory.

It's worth noting that Jones won the black vote by an overwhelming majority.

Interestingly enough, blacks from Mississippi and other neighboring states were being encouraged

by Democrat operatives to go to Alabama and vote in their election, we previously reported.

From Big League Politics:

Democratic activists are making a last-minute push to get out the vote against Roy Moore

in Alabama by encouraging "African-Americans in Mississippi" to vote in the wrong state.

Sources on the ground in Alabama confirm that these tactics are real, and they are being

used by supporters of Democrat Doug Jones.

Big League Politics received evidence of a Reddit call for "African-Americans in Mississippi"

to "make a short trip to Alabama on December 12."

That Reddit thread is still active.

Similar calls have been made on Reddit for African-Americans in other nearby states,

including Georgia and Tennessee.

That's not to mention, Democrats were abusing a new law that allows felons to vote by sending

out operatives to register them and naturally tell them to vote for the Democrat.

Worse yet, another form of election tampering was reported by

A woman by the name of Perman Hardy was using her SUV to round up black people and compel

them to vote for Jones.

Coercing people to vote and offering them free things to do so a certain way (the ride

down there) are also against election laws in this country.

The worst part is that you know Hardy wasn't the only one subverting the election process

in Alabama.

Meanwhile, the vote tally in Jefferson County, which only went to Obama by around 50 percent,

is also raising serious questions after Jones received nearly 70 percent of the vote.

Following the election, Moore told his supporters that his campaign isn't going to concede,

and they want to possibly pursue a recount.

That doesn't seem like a bad idea after seeing what actually happened in the state.

what do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> HOLY HELL: Jones Campaign Worker Admits To MASSIVE FRAUD ON LIVE TV… RECOUNT NOW!! [Video] - Duration: 4:00.


Why Don't Haircuts Hurt? - Duration: 3:38.

[ ♪ Intro ♪ ]

It's that time again!

I'm getting a haircut later today.

lots of people get them

Sometimes people decide to cut their hair much shorter, and sometimes they just get

a trim, like I am.

Even Squeaks had a little trim when he got a piece of gum stuck his fur, remember, Squeaks?

[Squeaks squeaks]

But there's something that all haircuts have in common:

They don't hurt!

When you think about it, it might seem kind of weird that they don't.

I mean, if you get a cut on almost any other part of your body, like your finger, it definitely


But when someone cuts your hair, as long as you hold very still, it doesn't hurt at


There's also another place on our bodies that it doesn't hurt to cut, and we do it

all the time.

Can you guess what it is, Squeaks?

[Squeaks guesses]

That's right — our nails!

The reason it doesn't hurt to cut your hair, toenails, or fingernails is that they don't

have nerves inside them.

A nerve is a type of body part you have all over the inside of your body, kind of like

how you have muscles all over.

These nerves have a special job to do: they carry messages between different places in

your body.

Now, you have lots of body parts.

So nerves have lots of jobs.

But one of the biggest jobs nerves have is to help you sense the world around you.

Nerves are the reason you can see, hear, smell, taste … and yes, feel things!

Nerves are a big part of the sense of touch.

Squeaks, can I touch your nose to show how this works?

[Squeaks squeaks]

When you touch something [taps Squeaks on the nose], it brushes up against your skin.

And, like most parts of your body, your skin has nerves in it.

When something touches your skin, it activates, or kind of 'turns on' the nerves.

These nerves can feel all kinds of different things.

Some of them feel whether something is warm or cold.

Others can help us tell if something is smooth or rough.

And there are also some that are in charge of sensing pain.

When I tap Squeaks' nose, some of the nerves in my finger get switched on, and each one

sends a message.

Those messages travel through my hands … up my arm … through a big bundle of nerves

that's in my back … and all the way to my brain!

Then, my brain decodes the messages.

It checks if I've ever touched anything like this before, and combines that with any

other information it can get, like if I can see the thing I'm feeling.

This all happens really fast, which is how I can figure out what I'm touching right

away — Squeaks' nose!

[Squeaks sneezes]

Oh, I'm sorry ! I guess your nose is kinda ticklish, Squeaks!

So, our sense of touch takes more than just our hands.

It also takes our nerves, and our brains, too!

But what about our hair?

Well, try this.

Pat the top of your head.

Just like the skin that's on your fingers, the skin that's under your hair has nerves.

So your fingers can feel the top of your head, and your head can feel your fingers touching


Just like how Squeaks felt my finger with his nose.

Now find the very end of a piece of hair and try squeezing it, without pulling on it at


Your fingers can feel your hair, but your hair can't feel your fingers!

That's because there are no nerves inside your hair.

And as long as you're not pulling on your hair, or moving it around too much, you're

not going to feel a thing.

The same goes for the very ends of your fingernails and toenails.

They don't have nerves in them either.

No nerves means no sense of touch, so they don't feel anything.

And if there's no sense of touch, there's no pain.

So the next time you get a haircut, now you'll know why it doesn't hurt!

[Squeaks squeaks]

Yikes, you're right Squeaks — I should go if I don't want to be late for my haircut!

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

[♪ Outro ♪ ]

For more infomation >> Why Don't Haircuts Hurt? - Duration: 3:38.


American Dream Instrumental Type Beat | Jeezy x Kendrick Lamar x J. Cole | New Hip Hop Beat - Duration: 3:36.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to Beat Flame's new hip hop Instrumental inspired by the American Dream Instrumental with Young Jeezy featuring Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole. Jeezy's American Dream is a song off the new album "Pressure". Jeezy made a power play by bringing together two of the best lyricist in the game. With this type of collaboration, the record is definitely a surefire. Lyrically, Jeezy has a different style from J. Cole and Kendrick but he never fails to hold his own and deliver an A-Class performance. Jeezy always holds his own. The American Dream beat takes me back to the hit track "Seen It All" which features Jeezy and Jay Z. The soulful combination between drums and synth is definitely present and the composition allows plenty of space for a captivating and powerful message to be delivered. Jeezy flows mainly on Trap type beats but he has proven through his career that he is very versatile. The American Dream beat has definitely been owned, we now proclaim it a Jeezy Type Beat. In my honest opening, this is more of a J. Cole Type Beat. J. Cole is the more soulful/cerebral type of producer. He's more of the up north, smooth swing type. So, new rap beat is something that J. Cole could call home. Thanks again for taking the time to listen, please subscribe, like and let us know what you guys think in the comment section.

For more infomation >> American Dream Instrumental Type Beat | Jeezy x Kendrick Lamar x J. Cole | New Hip Hop Beat - Duration: 3:36.


Bloodborne ► TRUE Human Vicar Amelia Face REVEALED! - Duration: 1:55.

Hello everyone this is Sanadsk and today I wanted to do a small video regarding the human

version of Vicar Amelia.

Now I am talking about base game Vicar Amelia and not the White Robed Hunter we see in the


Now many people were wondering what Vicar Amelia looked like since we only see her hands

and her hair in the cutscene but we don't exactly see what she looks like.

But now because we have the tools created by id-daemon to extract the models of Bloodborne,

we can finaly see it and I was quite surprised with what it was.

So first of all this is Vicar Amelia's model which you see from far away when entering

the room.

It is an object and it is really hard to see her looks in this, so I researched the cutscene

data to see which models point to Vicar Amelia and I finally found a normal T-Posed model

and I was a bit shocked.

Vicar Amelia actually reuses an existing enemy model in Bloodborne, and that is the Bell

Maidens and this is the face of Vicar Amelia.

Now the only difference is obviously the textures are changed to white colored and they removed

a couple of the accessories on the robe.

So basically, Vicar Amelia doesn't have a human face sadly and I know alot of people

believe that the White Robed Hunter in the DLC is actually Amelia but the theory does

have flaws so i think until we get access to the DLC files and see what her codename

is, it is just a theory.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this little video

and make sure to watch my previous video which are Brand New never-seen-before weapons and

armor sets and there are TONS of unused armors and weapons.

So I'll be seeing you in the next video.

Bye Bye

For more infomation >> Bloodborne ► TRUE Human Vicar Amelia Face REVEALED! - Duration: 1:55.


Can Vitamin C and Zinc Help Cure Colds? - Duration: 4:27.

Nobody enjoys the aches, cough, and stuffy nose that comes with a cold, so it's no

surprise that we spend a ton of money on over-the-counter symptom relief — $3 billion a year in the

US alone.

And you've probably heard all sorts of tips and tricks to keep from getting sick: Drink

some OJ for the vitamin C. Or spray some zinc into your nose.

But it turns out that none of those popular cure-alls actually work.

Take vitamin C, for example.

It rose to fame as a cold-busting immuno-booster in 1970 when Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus

Pauling published a book promoting what he called "megadoses" of vitamin C.

Since he was so famous, the idea that vitamin C could cure colds spread quickly, even though

it wasn't backed by solid science or the medical community.

It's not hard to see why he was so enamored with vitamin C — it's involved in a ton

of biological processes, including regulating how your genes are expressed.

It's so important that most animals synthesize it on their own; we humans are in the minority,

because we don't have that ability and have to get it from our diet.

Now a vitamin C deficiency does decrease your ability to fight off some infections, and

the most severe form, scurvy, can be fatal.

But if you don't have a deficiency, the evidence for boosting your immunity with extra

vitamin C is pretty shaky.

A 2013 review pooled data from 29 studies with more than 10,000 participants and found

that taking extra vitamin C had no effect on the number of colds a person got.

Some studies found that taking extra vitamin C during a cold could shorten it slightly,

but when other studies tested that, the effect wasn't replicated.

Overall, the reviewers didn't recommend taking vitamin C unless you're undergoing

extreme physical stress — like if you're a marathon runner or doing military training

in the subarctic.

So, if you're planning on exploring the frigid tundra Hoth-style, it might be helpful.

But otherwise, don't bother.

The evidence isn't much better for zinc, although there's a lot more controversy about it.

Like with vitamin C, the idea of taking zinc is based on what happens to people with severe deficiencies.

Zinc is an essential component of all kinds of cellular processes, like DNA replication

and cell division.

People with zinc deficiencies have severe immune dysfunction, and many die from infections.

Since too little zinc is so devastating, the idea that more zinc equals more immunity might

seem like a sensible leap.

But a review of the available research, also published in 2013, was lukewarm.

There was no evidence that zinc prevented colds, and the only thing it seemed to do

was make colds shorter, as long as you took it within 24 hours of the first symptoms.

But there are a bunch of reasons to be cautious about that finding.

For one thing, it's really hard to compare the studies on zinc in a scientific way, because

there's no standard formula or dosage.

The earlier version of the review, published in 2007, was withdrawn, and so was the 2015 update.

That's how hard it is to draw conclusions from the research that's been done so far.

And even if it does work, the side effects can be pretty awful.

Many studies suggest taking more than 75 milligrams of zinc every day for effective treatment,

but the Institute of Medicine says the tolerable upper limit is only 40 milligrams a day.

Even at that dose, a lot of people notice a bad taste and get nauseous.

And the nasal sprays have been linked to more than 100 cases of anosmia — the loss of

the ability to smell.

As for the almost unlimited number of herbal supplements, tonics, and teas that promise

to help you dodge or cure colds ... very few of them have been studied extensively.

Not even echinacea, a long-time favorite in the herbal cold and flu arsenal, has science

on its side: a 2014 review found no benefit from anything with echinacea in it.

And that's assuming these supplements actually contain the advertised ingredients.

An investigation of herbal supplements by the New York State Attorney General's office

found that four out of five products didn't contain any of what they listed on the box.

At this point, you're probably wondering if there's anything you can do to prevent

colds or get rid of them more quickly once you have them.

Unfortunately … no.

Not really.

Nasal decongestants, over-the-counter cough medicine, and antihistamines all show little

to no benefit when it comes to decreasing cold duration or severity.

That said, they can still make you feel better by helping with the symptoms.

It's also probably good advice to rest, stay hydrated, and try not to spread your

germs to all your friends and coworkers.

And while you're resting, take comfort in the knowledge that there are researchers out

there working on antiviral drugs and vaccines for the common cold.

They haven't found much yet, but they are trying.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which was brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

If you want to help support this show, you can go to

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Can Vitamin C and Zinc Help Cure Colds? - Duration: 4:27.


STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI - Movie Review - Nerd Rabugento - Duration: 17:09.

For more infomation >> STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI - Movie Review - Nerd Rabugento - Duration: 17:09.


Crochet Teddy Bear Tutorial - Duration: 45:47.

Hello everyone, thank you for joining me. I'm going to show you how to make a

teddy bear. I'll be making it in these colors today.

Now I'll be using light pink and dark pink, black, and cream crochet cotton. I

use four ply cotton, but you could use whatever you'd like,

wool, if you'd prefer. I've got a crochet hook, scissors. I use a darning needle to

weave in my ends and a sewing needle and thread to stitch my teddy bear together,

and I'll be using the white to embroider a little dot in the eye. You could use

embroidery cotton. I'm starting with the head and using my light pink. I start

with a magic loop, and two chain, and work two half double crochet, three treble,

six half double crochet,

three treble,

and three half double crochet into my circle.

I pull the circle tight

and slip stitch into the second chain.

For row two I start with two chain and work one half double crochet into the

next stitch, and then two half double crochet into the following stitch. Now I

work two treble into each of the next three stitches.

Two half double crochet into the next stitch,

and one half double crochet into each of the next four stitches.

Next two half double crochet into the next stitch, and now two treble into each

of the next three stitches.

Two half double crochet into the next stitch, and one half double crochet into

each of the remaining stitches, and slip stitch into the second chain. For row

three we start with three chain, and work one double crochet into each of the next

four stitches.

Next two double crochet into each of

the next five stitches.

One double crochet into each of the next eight stitches.

Now we work two double crochet into each of the next five stitches,

and one double crochet into each stitch to the end,

and slip stitch into the third chain. For row four we start with three chain and work one

double crochet into the same place as the chain, and then one double crochet

into each of the next two stitches. Two double crochet into the next stitch.

Now we're going to work one double crochet into the next stitch and then

two double crochet into the following stitch. We're going to do that six times.

So one double crochet into the next stitch and two into the following stitch,

six times.

Now we work one double crochet into each of the next two stitches and

two double crochet into the following stitch two times. So one double crochet

into each of the next two stitches and two double crochet into the following

stitch two times.

Now we work one double crochet into the next stitch and two into the following

stitch, six times. So one double crochet into the next stitch and then two into

the following stitch, six times.

Now we work one double crochet into each of the next two stitches, two double

crochet into the following stitch, and

then a double crochet into any remaining stitches, and slip stitch into the third

chain. For row five we start with three chain and work

one double crochet into the same place as the chain, and then we work one double

crochet into each of the next two stitches,

and two double crochet into the following stitch. We're going to repeat

that all the way around. So one double crochet into each of the next two

stitches and two double crochet into the following stitch. So I'll complete this

row and I'll be back. At the end of the row you slip stitch into the third chain

and fasten off,

and that's the head. Now I'm not very good at judging where ears should go, so I

measure on a picture of a teddy bear and I'm going to start this ear here. So I

start with two chain, and work a joined half double crochet into the same place as

the chain and the next stitch, and then I work one half double crochet into

each of the next two stitches,

and then a joined half double crochet into the same place as the last half

double crochet and the next stitch, and

then work two chain, and turn and you work a half double crochet cluster over all

the stitches,

and fasten off.

The second ear is worked the same. So you miss fourteen or fifteen stitches.

I'll just half it and see if that's in the right place. Yes that looks about

right. I join my cotton and work the second ear the same. So two chain, a

joined half double crochet into the same place as the chain and the next stitch.

One half double crochet into each of the next two stitches, and a joined half

double crochet into the same place as the last half double crochet and the

next one, and then two chain and a joined half double crochet over all your


and fasten off.

I'll just weave in my ends to make it a bit easier to go around the ears and

I'll be back. For around the ear, we miss the stitch before the ear, and join our

cotton to the stitch before that, so two stitches before the first ear. And

then we work two double crochet into each stitch around the ear,

and then slip stitch into the head. If you wanted a flat head you'd fasten off

there and join for your second ear and work it the same, or you could slip

stitch across. And for these you slip stitch across to the center of the head,

that looks like the center, and then work three chain and work a slip stitch into

the second chain from the hook, and a single crochet into the next stitch, and

then slip stitch into the same place in the head and then work four chain, slip

stitch into the second chain from the hook, and work one single crochet into

each of the next two chain, slip stitch into the same place in the head, work

three chain, slip stitch into the second chain from the hook, and work a single

crochet into the chain and then slip stitch into the same place in the head,

and then slip stitch across the rest of the stitches of the head until the

second last.

Now we work two double crochet into each stitch around the head,

and then slip stitch into the head, and fasten off,

and that's the head and ears done. For the the muzzle I've got cream, and I start

with a magic loop and three chain, and work fourteen double crochet into my circle.

I pull the circle tight and join with a slip stitch in the third chain. For row

two I start with three chain, and work a double crochet in to the same place as

the chain, and then two double crochet into each stitch around. So I'll continue

around this row and meet you at the end.

At the end of the row we slip stitch into the third chain and fasten off, and

that's the muzzle. For the nose we start with the magic loop and three chain, and

work four double crochet into the circle.

Pull the circle tight and fasten off, we don't join. For the eyes, we make two,

we start with a magic loop, and two chain, and work six half double crochet into

our circle.

Pull the circle tight, and slip stitch into the chain, into the second chain, and

fasten off, and that's the eye. For the body I'm using the light pink. I start

with a magic loop, and three chain, and work fourteen double crochet into my circle.

Pull the circle tight, and join with a slip stitch in the third chain. For row two we

start with three chain, and work one double crochet into the same place as

the chain and then work two double crochet into each stitch around. So I'll

continue around the row and I'll meet you at the end. At the end of the row we

join with a slip stitch in the third chain. Now rows three, four, and five are

worked the same. So we start with three chain, work a double crochet in the same

place as the chain, and then one double crochet in each of the next two stitches,

and two double crochet in the following stitch. We do that all the way around, so

one double crochet into each of the next two stitches, and two double crochet into

the following stitch, all the way around. Then we join with a slip stitch into the

third chain and then repeat row three twice more. So I'll work row three,

four, and five, and I'll be back. And that's the body finished. I'll start on

the arms now. They're both worked the same. I've got my light pink and I make a

magic loop and work three chain, and

three double crochet into the circle.

I pull the circle tight but I don't join. For row two I start with three

chain, and turn, and work one double crochet into each stitch,

and a double crochet into the top of the three chain. For row three I start with

three chain, and turn, and work one double crochet into each stitch, and a double

crochet into the top of the three chain.

For row four I start with three chain, and it's worked the same, one double

crochet into each stitch and a double crochet into the top of the three chain,

and we work one more row the same, three chain and turn, a double crochet into

each stitch, and a double crochet into the top of the chain.

For row six we start with three chain, and we work a double crochet cluster over

all stitches,

and fasten off.

And we would need another arm the same. For the feet, they're worked the same as well.

I've got my light pink and I start with eight chain. I work four treble in the fifth

chain from the hook.

Then one half double crochet into each of the next two chain,

and three half double crochet into the last chain.

Now we work one half double crochet into the back of our two chain, and also into

this part here, the next loop after the two chain,

and then slip stitch into the top of the chain. For row two we start with three

chain, and work a double crochet in the same place, and then we work two double

crochet into each stitch around. So I'll work this row and I'll be back. At the end

of the row we slip stitch into the third chain. For row three we work one

chain and work a single crochet in the same place as the chain, and then one

single crochet into each stitch around, and then we slip stitch into the chain.

So I'll finish the foot and I'll be back and we'll work the tummy piece. And

that's the completed foot. For the tummy part I've got my cream, and I start with

a magic loop, and three chain, and work fourteen double crochet into my circle.

Pull the circle tight, and slip stitch into the third chain. For row two we

start with three chain and work a double crochet in the same place as the chain,

and then two double crochet into each stitch around. So I'll work around this

row and I'll meet you at the end. At the end of the row we slip stitch into the

third chain. Now rows three and four are worked the same. We

start with three chain, work one double crochet in the same place as the chain,

and then one double crochet into each of the next two stitches, and two double

crochet in the following stitch. So we work one double crochet into each of the

next two stitches and two double crochet into the following stitch, all the way

around. Then we join with a slip stitch in the third chain, and then work row four

the same, three chain, work a double crochet in the same place as the chain,

one double crochet into each of the next two stitches and then two into the

following stitch, all the way around, and then join with a slip stitch. So I'll

finish the tummy part and I'll be back and we'll do the spots for the feet. And

there's the tummy bit finished. I'll start on the largest spots first. You start

with a magic circle, and black, and work two chain, and

eight half double crochet into the circle.

Pull the circle tight

and slip stitch into the second chain, and fasten off. We need two of those. For

the small circles we start with a magic loop, work one chain, and four single

crochet into our circle, pull the circle tight

and slip stitch into the chain, and fasten off. We need six of those. I'll

make some more spots, another foot, arm, and eye, and I'll be back and we'll put it

together. Next I'm going to stitch the nose to the muzzle, the pointy part just

goes into the center circle and then I'll stitch a mouth down from the

center circle. For the eyes I'm just going to put a tiny bit of white, a

little white spot on each of those, and I'll stitch the spots on to the foot. On

the narrower end I'll put the big spot and then I attach the small spots. I

start with the middle one and then attach the other two to the side. So I'll

do that and I'll be back. Now there's the eyes, feet and muzzle

done. I'm now going to attach the muzzle to the face, to the head, it goes on there.

And I'll attach the tummy piece to the body, it goes along the bottom and evenly.

So I'll do those and we'll come back and put some more together. Now those are

done, next I'm going to stitch the eyes onto the head, and I'm going to put

little eyelashes on as well, and I'll attach the feet. They'll just go either side

as evenly as I can get them. I'm not very good at getting things even, and the arms

will just go in like that. Once I've got the feet on I'll just put the arms on

and they'll just go slightly on to the feet.

Lastly I stitch the head to the body, just in there. So I'll do that and I'll

show you the finished teddy bear. And there's the finished bear. If you liked my

video please like, subscribe, and share. I'm also on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook,

and Twitter. The details are in the description below.

Thank you for watching, see you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> Crochet Teddy Bear Tutorial - Duration: 45:47.


My Favorite Christmas Traditions | SewBrenna - Duration: 7:40.

[Bells jingling]

Merry Christmas! I'm so glad that you've joined me for another Christmas Crafts

and Chats. We're gonna have a little chat today. I wanted to tell you about some of

my favorite traditions from Christmases long past and some traditions that my

husband and I still keep doing. The tradition that usually happens first is

putting up our artificial tree. Ever since I was little my parents would

encourage my brother and I to color on the box to keep us busy so that we

weren't super impatient and waiting for the tree to be up so we could help with

the ornaments. This is something that Jake and I did this year and we also did

last year. I'll include that link in the video description. It's always fun to

color even when you're older. I'm sure that this is a tradition that we will

continue once Jake and I start having kids. I think that would be really fun to

sit them down with the box of crayons so they could color next to the drawings

that me and their uncle drew when we were little. Every year on Christmas Eve my

family and I would attend a candlelight service and that was always so much fun

hearing a sermon geared more towards Christmas.

I mean, leading up to Christmas we also heard those too. It seemed like every

year I would learn a little bit more about the Christmas story that I didn't

fully understand the year before. I'm even now still learning. It's so great to

learn more context about Jesus's birth and why we celebrate Christmas. At the

end of the sermon the entire congregation would light up a candle and

then we would sing a couple of Christmas carols and the light in the church is

just so warm, so cozy and comforting and I'm so glad that my husband and I go to

a church now that still does a candlelight service. It's kind of

nostalgic even though we haven't been at that church for very long.

This next tradition is one that my parents started before my brother and I

were around. They would always have pizza on Christmas Eve and this is probably

one of my favorite traditions because it's so easy. I mean, you get out of

church, you call in your pizza, drive around for a little bit and voila

Christmas dinner! Jake and I have actually continued this tradition

because who doesn't want pizza on Christmas Eve!? While we waited for our

pizza to be ready after we'd called it in from church.

We would drive around all kinds of lit up neighborhoods and one year we even

found a drive through Nativity. They had their own cassette tape that would

tell the Nativity story and play some Christmas music. Patrick and I always

liked to eat candy canes at that point, almost like appetizers, my favorite one

was the blue raspberry flavor. I would always come home to eat pizza with a

blue mouth. I don't know why I remember that but that's just a fond memory. Once

we returned home with our warm tasty pizza we would sit around the table and

eat and laugh and talk about other Christmases. What we're hoping Santa

would bring us, what would be under the tree, trying to give some hints as to

what we got our other family members for Christmas. All the while we would be

drinking what we called "goodness" it's Welch's sparkling grape juice but for

some reason my family started calling it goodness. It's just one of those things I

guess. Of course we had cookies for dessert and we would set out milk and

cookies for Santa before we would go "sleep" in my brother's room since his was

larger and we liked to stay the night together so that we could talk and stay

up late and be kind of mischievious. So obviously since we were staying in the

same room we would get up to all kinds of shenanigans.

My brother is quite the instigator and he always liked to peek at gifts or

sneak around and pretend to be a secret-agent man. That kind of stuff.

Which was always fun until I thought we would get in trouble. Anyway he'd always

convinced me that we needed to go look at the tree and see what Santa brought

us. Not to open any gifts before my parents were awake, but just to see all

the splendor and the lit up tree. And there was always one or two lights on so

we could see what was in the room and so Santa could find his way in also. My dad

always had this rule- because we were so loud and stayed up so late on Christmas

Eve that we had to wait until there was at least a five in front of the clock to

come out of the room. He liked to sleep in and we were just too excited. We would

want to get out of the room and start opening gifts early early early. So he

finally said "Do not come out of this room until there is a five in front of

the numbers on the clock." So every Christmas morning we would go out and

peek at the tree and we "got away" with it for several several years until my

parents decided to prank us. The house that we were

living and had a great big open doorway kind of a thing and my parents would

hang a big blanket over it just to keep the heat in that part of the house.

Well Patrick always liked to push through the blanket walking through the

middle and I would always just kind of creep around the side. I didn't really

enjoy having my hair all staticky and stuck to my face and all that. One year

we discovered a huge pile of cans behind the blanket when we charged through. My

parents had set a trap for us! So they came storming out of their bedroom I was

terrified. I was convinced that Santa was gonna take all of our toys away since

we'd been naughty and were gonna peek. They're laughing because we were

terrified! We probably yelled or screamed or both. They scooped us up probably had

to calm me down and convince me that it was okay, they knew that we did this and

it was just being silly. So they scooped us up and then we went

and sat by the tree and I'm thinking my dad probably made at least one pit stop

by the coffee maker. One of my absolute favorite traditions is to make a

treasure hunt for someone in the family. Usually my dad made it for me and my

brother but last year I made one for my husband and a couple years before that I

made one for my dad. Just as kind of payback for all of the tricky clues that

he'd leave us. Usually after we'd finish opening gifts there would be another

gift suddenly under the tree mysteriously appeared there. And then we

would open it up and it would say there's one more gift that you have to

find. That clue inside of the first box would lead to another clue and another

clue and another clue and these clues would take us all over the house!

Sometimes into the backyard, sometimes into the front yard, sometimes into the

cars, the attic. Every room in the house was fair game. We kind of had to piece

together logic puzzles in a way, and find kind of puns hidden in the clues and

sometimes a clue could help you find a clue, but anyway it was always really fun

to get to the end and feel like you had really earned your present. The first

treasure hunt that I really remember ended up being an N64. Yes, I'm old kids.

It was an N64 hidden in our TV case display stand thing and it was

so much fun. The rest of that Christmas we ended up playing Mario Kart 64. It

came with two controllers, so we played lots of rounds of this winnner plays the

next person in line. So then we would rotate through. I was never very good. I

think I was in about kindergarten when it came out, but it was fun just playing

with my parents. This year I've made a treasure hunt for

my husband and he's made one for me. I'm kind of curious to see what it is but

I'm just trying to be very patient and not spoil any clues for either of us.

It's so hard to not talk about. Well those are my favorite traditions that I

wanted to share with you guys. I was wondering do we have any of the same

traditions? Do you go to a candlelight service? What are your favorite

traditions? I'd love to hear about them in the comments section. Thanks so much

for spending some time with me today. I hope I get to see you tomorrow. Merry Christmas!


For more infomation >> My Favorite Christmas Traditions | SewBrenna - Duration: 7:40.


A Musician's Life in JAPAN / Meet my band members!! | Vlogmas #15 - Duration: 12:27.

this is houji tea, it's warm

boobies hehe lol

I'm not late!

good morning

good morning!

aren't you the girl from youtube?

you always say that!


no no, this is not for youtube!

no no no

you're from youtube, aren't you?

I think I've seen you on youtube before


the girl who always go 'hey guys'

welcome back to Japan!

this room is so spacious

I'm just going to do my thing so just ignore me






This is Kie~

She's a keyboardist

yes I am!


so we've just finished rehearsals

did we take everything?

yes we did!

rehearsal's done

just like that


oh that was cool, do it again

we can't see your face Koji

I'm a transparent man

no you're not...

This is Koji

key.. oh no not keyboard

guitar, he's a guitarist


that's all





so now I'm walking to the station with Mr Eikoh

he's walking me to the station

what was that song again?

♫ you walked me to my usual train platform, but really I just wanna stay with you like this ♫

what song's that?

what!? that's my song!

you were playing the drums for that!!


is that so?

you were playing the song!

I was focussing too hard on the drums

For more infomation >> A Musician's Life in JAPAN / Meet my band members!! | Vlogmas #15 - Duration: 12:27.


🎄ADORNO ARBOL de ÙLTIMA HORA modelo nº1/ ORNAMENT TREE of LAST DAYS model nº1/**Irradia Color**. - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> 🎄ADORNO ARBOL de ÙLTIMA HORA modelo nº1/ ORNAMENT TREE of LAST DAYS model nº1/**Irradia Color**. - Duration: 8:19.


Altered Bag Tutorial and the NEW Designs by Shellie Easy Read Ruler - Duration: 7:30.

Altered Paper Bags. Altered Paper Gift Bags.

Altered Paper Bag tutorial using Designs by Shellie Tranquil Gardens Scrapbook Paper Collection.

Paper Crafting ideas using lunch bags.

Loaded envelope ideas. Loaded bag ideas.

Loaded envelope tutorial and ideas.

Loaded bag tutorial and ideas

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