Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017



The teachings of many of history�s religious and philosophical figures are timeless, but

are often mistakenly taken at face value.

It�s easy to slap a quote on an image or a t-shirt and pass it around, but it takes

deliberate thought to actually internalize the true meaning behind the words, and often

these quick philosophical �bytes� are passed over too quickly for this to happen.

It�s easy for us in this day and age to be �spiritual� by identity and pass it

off well without ever truly living spiritually � without recognizing and benefitting from

what we can learn from having a spiritual relationship with ourselves and this world.

Because of that, it�s common to come across a great deal of logical spiritualists and

fake �new-agey� type personalities that don�t truly live the core of what these

great teachers have shared.

So I wanted to share my own perspective on the true meaning behind some of these quotes.

�Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best


To be in good health allows us to experience this world to its fullest, the way the body,

mind, and soul were meant to experience it.

It�s common to view wealth in a monetary sense, but having a state of peace within

oneself is a much more powerful and useful tool than simple material wealth.

Trusting in oneself and one�s path is an important part of our relationship with the


�Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.�

We create our own outcomes with many things.

There are many interesting strands of research these days showing us how certain long-term

emotions and traumas can have a huge impact on disease.

Obviously this may not apply to the health of a newborn, but this wisdom is intended,

it seems to me, to remind us to look at our long-term thoughts and actions in our lives

and consider how they may be affecting our physical well-being.

�Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the

present moment.�

The moment is all we have.

We can learn from our past and project goals onto our �future moment,� but to spend

all our time in either is to miss out on what�s happening in front of us.

This refers to the times we walk through the park thinking about what�s coming next or

what happened before, without seeing or really experiencing the amazing beauty and nature

around us in that moment.

�No one saves us but ourselves.

No one can and no one may.

We ourselves must walk the path.�

You can try to help someone else and you can wait forever for someone to come save you,

but until a person decides to make a change themselves and commits to it, there�s little

that can be done.

Change must be desired before it can be effected.

Throw both feet in and go for it.

Otherwise you�re always going to spin your tires.

�In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions

out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.�

Everyone has their own perception of a situation or what might have been said.

This does not mean that perception is universally true; rather, it is simply true for them in

their current state.

Don�t take other people�s perceptions of certain situations as ultimate truth, and

in the same way, don�t take to heart what they think or believe about you.

With yourself, understand that you too have your own perceptions, and allow yourself to

be open to what others think and feel just as you would hope others would do for you.

�Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.�

Like many things which continue to reveal themselves in our world, the truth cannot

be hidden forever.

It will eventually come out.

This is one of the most exciting parts about what I do here with CE.

�It is easy to see the faults of others, but difficult to see one�s own faults.

One shows the faults of others like chaff winnowed in the wind, but one conceals one�s

own faults as a cunning gambler conceals his dice.�

Be humble and be open to seeing your own �faults� in the same way you are open to seeing them

in others.

It takes true strength, honesty, and love to be open to your own flaws and to tackle

the challenge of moving beyond them.

�To keep the body in good health is a duty� otherwise we shall not be able to keep our

mind strong and clear.�

Our health is so crucial to living well, and contributes to everything we do in this experience

we call life.

It�s interesting to view the sheer disconnect in our society between our emotions, spirituality,

and overall health.

The more disconnected we are, the more unhealthy we are.

The greater connection we gain to ourselves and our health, the more in balance all other

areas of our lives become.

�We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.

When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.�

What you think has a big impact on your overall state of being.

This has been proven time and time again and I believe is becoming a pretty mainstream

idea these days.

�Work out your own salvation.

Do not depend on others.�

Take control of your own life, destiny, and growth.

Don�t wait for others or seek their approval; recognize that your life is in your own hands.

We have a tendency to put things off all the time, hoping it may magically come or that

one day we will get to it.

Only you can make it happen.

Get moving.

For more infomation >> 11 QUOTES FROM BUDDHA THAT RESONATE & HELP ALMOST EVERYBODY WHO - Duration: 6:16.


Color Therapist Mark Wentworth - We all have a Life Path Color - Duration: 17:59.

For more infomation >> Color Therapist Mark Wentworth - We all have a Life Path Color - Duration: 17:59.


Seven: The Days Long Gone - godzina quaza - Duration: 11:04.

For more infomation >> Seven: The Days Long Gone - godzina quaza - Duration: 11:04.


How 4Kids Changed Ash & Gary's Names Outside Japan - Duration: 4:11.

The Pokémon anime follows the adventures of Ash Ketchum, a Pokémon trainer from Pallet

town who travels the world engaging in Pokémon battles.

The franchise is undoubtedly a huge cultural icon and is something pretty much everybody

in the Western world has heard of.

However, did you know that Ash is not the trainer's original name?

The story behind Ash's original name is a rather interesting one and revolves around

what the famous trainer is called over in show's country of origin Japan.

In the Japanese versions of Pokémon media, Ash is instead called "Satoshi" and the reasoning

behind choosing this name was far from random! Satoshi is in fact named after Satoshi Tajiri,

Pokémon's creator and CEO of Game Freak, the developers of most of the Pokémon video


Way before the anime, the whole Pokémon franchise originated as two video games for Nintendo's

Game Boy system - the Japanese-only Pokémon Red and Green.

Satoshi spent 6 years working on the games and was inspired by his childhood hobby of

collecting insects.

He thought it would be cool if children could collect creatures like he did but in an all

new, modern way, and this motivation then saw the creation of the Pokémon games and

everything that followed.

To commemorate Satoshi's hard work, Satoshi was selected as one of the default names for

the main character in the original Japanese games.

Then, when the games were turned into an anime the following year, the name Satoshi was then

made the trainer's official name and it's been that way ever since.

That's not all though!

There's also a similar story behind the name for Ash's rival Gary Oak.

Shigeru Miyamoto, the famous creator behind classic Nintendo titles like Mario, The Legend

Of Zelda and Donkey Kong, assisted Satoshi with the original games' development.

During this time, Satoshi and Miyamoto became close and comparable to Ash's Japanese name

being named after Satoshi, Gary's Japanese name is named after Shigeru.

Over in Japan, Gary Oak is instead called "Shigeru Okido", with this being one of the

default names in the games and then going on to be Gary's official name in the anime.

As for the story behind the English names for Ash's and Gary's, things are more open

to debate.

One thing that's known for sure though, is that Ash's surname was created by localisers

4Kids to be a pun on the phrase "Catch 'em", with this mirroring the show's popular English

catchphrase "Gotta catch 'em all".

4kid's created this catchphrase due to wanting to include a tagline for marketing purposes

into the theme song.

They went through various different phrases before settling on "Gotta catch 'em all",

with one of these instead being "Catch 'em if you can".

As for Ash's first name, it speculated that this could be a subtle reference to Satoshi,

as the letters in Ash's name can be found in the name Satoshi.

Another explanation is that the localisers decided to name Ash after a type of tree called

"ash tree" and then continued with this theme for his rival's name Gary "Oak".

Oak, of course, being another tree reference.

As for what Ash and Gary are named in other languages, according to the Pokémon Wiki

Bulbapedia, most territories decided to pick the English names.

Some regions though, particularly in Asia such China and Korea, used the Japanese ones.

It's not just Ash and Gary though, Pokémon has changed many of the names in the anime

and games to sound less Japanese.

Additionally, whilst 4Kids was in charge of the English version of the show, from 1998

to 2005, many other Japanese themes would be changed for Western audiences.

For example, most Japanese foods such were changed to foods more recognizable to western


These led to scenes like this having Brock call the food things like "jelly filled donuts"

instead of "rice balls".

4Kids would also edit the food out and replace them with more Western food, such as sandwiches.

Other name changes include the Cerulean city gym leader Kasumi, who became Misty, the Pewter

city gym leader Takeshi, who became Brock, and Team Rocket members Musashi and Kojiro,

who became Jesse and James.

In fact, localizers have adjusted the names of many of the major characters in the franchise,

including the names of many of the Pokémon themselves.

Censored Gaming has many, many other topics like this to cover in the world of Pokémon,

so if this is something that interests you, please make to subscribe and leave a comment

below and, until next time, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> How 4Kids Changed Ash & Gary's Names Outside Japan - Duration: 4:11.


Official Book Trailer - From Anxiety to Love by Corinne Zupko - Duration: 2:05.

My first anxiety disorder diagnosis came at the age of two.

By age 12 I had an ulcer from worry.

And by college, I started having uncontrollable out-of-the-blue panic attacks.

I'd fixate on physical symptoms, totally convinced that I was dying of the latest disease.

Anxiety was like a leech, sucking any semblance of inner peace out of me.

My convincing smile covered up a lot of pain.

I became determined to find my way out of inner hell.

I knew the answer had to come from deep within me.

I went on a quest for relief.

In my search to find peace, I learned that we have two voices in our mind - the voice

of fear, and the Voice of Love.

The voice of fear maintains fear.

It tells us that we're alone, vulnerable and separate from everything.

The Voice for Love leads us out of fear and into peace.

It helps us remember our true identity, which is eternal Love.

Anxiety simply falls away as you begin to remember your True Self.

This book describes the process I used to work myself out of terror and into an anxiety-free life.

I'm now doing things I never thought I would be capable of.

My smile now reflects the peace I feel inside.

Miracles happen through learning how to see differently, they are changes of mind that

restore our awareness of who we really are.

The Light in you is too bright to fail.

If I can experience such radical changes in my life, so can you.

For more infomation >> Official Book Trailer - From Anxiety to Love by Corinne Zupko - Duration: 2:05.


MitiS - Moments (Feat. Adara) [LYRICS] - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> MitiS - Moments (Feat. Adara) [LYRICS] - Duration: 4:30.


Star Wars: The Last Jedi special med Gex og Max Marius! - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: The Last Jedi special med Gex og Max Marius! - Duration: 7:28.


Lethal Weapon Season 2 Trailer "80's Retro" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Lethal Weapon Season 2 Trailer "80's Retro" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:25.


France vs. Oman | Group F | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 24:14.

For more infomation >> France vs. Oman | Group F | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 24:14.


NASA Evaluates New Threats to Earth's Ozone Layer - Duration: 2:50.

Narrator: There's a new class of chemical compounds

impacting the Earth's ozone layer and raising concerns among some scientists,

but a new NASA analysis indicates

stratospheric ozone could actually be impacted more by

climate change and the continued release of already-banned chemicals.

The Earth's ozone hole is showing signs of recovery,

decades after the landmark agreement called the Montreal Protocol

that banned many chemical compounds harmful to the ozone layer.

Liang: So we know the Montreal Protocol was a huge success.

This was signed in the late 1980s when scientists and policy makers

from around the world gathered together to try to save the ozone layer.

Strahan: The chemicals they regulated persist in the atmosphere

for many decades, they thinned the ozone layer and created a seasonal hole over Antarctica.

They basically take away part of our planet's natural sunscreen,

and that increases the risk of skin cancer and damage to plants.

Narrator:Scientists have projected the ozone hole could disappear almost completely

by about 2075, but several factors could delay that recovery.

Liang: There are some industrial compounds that were not banned

by the Montreal Protocol, but as they enter the atmosphere, they will also

hurt the ozone layer.

Strahan: But the unregulated compounds have a short lifespan in the atmosphere

than the chlorofluorocarbons that were originally banned, so they have a short-lived impact on ozone,

and we don't think they'll delay recovery by more than a few years.

Liang: We projected by 2050 more than

half of ozone-destroying compounds in the atmosphere will come from

long-lived substances banned by the Protocol.

Narrator:Because these compounds stay in the air for such a long time compared to the

unregulated short-lived compounds, they will have a disproportionate and lingering

impact on ozone, so any non-compliance with the Protocol

can have significant consequences.

Strahan: And the really big uncertainty in ozone-layer recovery is climate change.

There are many naturally produced ozone-depleting substances that are emitted by the oceans,

and as the oceans continue to warm due to climate change,

those emissions will increase, and that will further delay ozone recovery.

Narrator:Scientists want to better understand how climate change will affect ozone recovery.

Liang: This is a hard problem.

As a scientific community we need to work on this major issue.

We now have a powerful new tool to simulate atmosphere and its interaction

with land and ocean, to study this issue. And that's what we're going to do.

[beep beep, beep beep, beep beep]

For more infomation >> NASA Evaluates New Threats to Earth's Ozone Layer - Duration: 2:50.


Breaking News Disney Buys FOX Welcome X-Men, Deadpool And Fantastic Four To The MCU CONFIRMED - Duration: 3:46.

what is good Youtube Warstu here with a video on something very special so

four months weeks people have been speculating that Disney would in fact

buying out 21st Century Fox and today it has been finite that the Walt Disney

Company will be paying reportedly fifty two point four billion dollars to

acquire most key assets from 21st Century Fox in killed including its film

and television studios which is pretty crazy when you think about it because if

you were to imagine at the start of year would Disney get the rights back to

x-men Fantastic Four with Marvel you would say no so this is something that's

absolutely massive accordant this morning the agreement provides Disney

with the opportunity of TUI night x-men Fantastic Four and Deadpool with many

with the Marvel family under one roof and pray and create richer more complex

world of inner related characters and story that audiences have loved which is

very interest so what does it mean it now means that in The Avengers movie we

could have any of the x-men Deadpool although it does say fantastic

Fox there's it's not cut and dry when it comes comes to Fantastic Four because

another company owns it but I'm pretty sure that's been ironed out already so

it is pretty interesting and also the now on the TV rights to Batman on TV

Lucifer as well which is pretty interesting which is very interesting

and now they also own I guess you could say avatar Deadpool I do have some

concerns when it comes to Deadpool because Deadpool is x-rated it's not

your typical kind of pg-13 I guess you can say it's not your family family

character so I really hope Marvel buying the the Fox entities doesn't ruin

Deadpool x-men and everything because in theory now we can see Wolverine in the

car Avengers Avengers for we can see let's

see any x-men characters inside the MCU no which is fantastic news we're gonna

know more details and next coming weeks what Marvel's plan is going forward it's

pretty epic they've done it on the day that Star Wars is actually being

released their latest kind of massive movie with Lucas Films Disney is

releasing Star Wars this week the last Jedi return last Jedi believe it's

called so it's gonna be a pretty massive week for Disney but also in this kind of

dealership it says here subject to the approval of federal regulators the cell

would also give Disney ownership of Fox Cable including FX networks National

Geographic international television business 30% interest in Hulu Disney

which already owns 30 owns a 30 stake in streaming so they will now have

controlling interest the acquisition is suspected to be completed within the 12

to 18 months so although they do own and they cant theoretically use them

straight away so it's a very interesting story and something that will shit will

probably be the biggest story of the year because it is that big it's such a

massive thing that's happened anyway guys please like subscribe and comment

I catch you in that notification squad button down below just hit that Bell

button and we will see you in another video very soon guys catch ya later

For more infomation >> Breaking News Disney Buys FOX Welcome X-Men, Deadpool And Fantastic Four To The MCU CONFIRMED - Duration: 3:46.


Minecraft über alte Zeiten-Jack Freescape - Duration: 1:55:22.

For more infomation >> Minecraft über alte Zeiten-Jack Freescape - Duration: 1:55:22.


Star Wars: Sith Order - Canon (Part 1 of 5) - Duration: 6:18.

Thousands of years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, the force was revered and

studied across many worlds with various religions and sects emerging to devote themselves to

understanding this primal cosmic force.

The most famed and influential of these groups, came to be known as the Jedi, a monastic order

of force-sensitive individuals that dedicated themselves the light side, practicing humility,

patients, empathy and compassion.

Over many years of training some of these Jedi grew to become immensely powerful in

the force, able to move objects with their mind, detect other force users and manipulate

the weak minded.

It also enhanced their physical abilities, making them faster, stronger and more resistant

to distress and pain.

Given their extraordinary abilities, they became masters of lightsaber combat, wielding

weapons powered by Kyber crystals, many of which were found on the planet of Ilum.

In order to prevent abuses of power, or the corruption of their community, a council of

Jedi masters was chosen to oversee their affairs, and ensure all Jedi adhered to the principles

of the Jedi Code.

Yet not all were content to obey the rigid rules and slow training process of the order,

desiring to expand their knowledge and increase their abilities without restraint.

One such individual, came to believe that there was a power in their base, primal emotions,

channelling fear, anger and pain to harness the energy of the darkside.

The Darkside, offered force-sensitives a faster more intense training regimen that led them

to great power far more quickly than traditional jedi teachings.

It also presented a whole new understanding of the force to be studied and explored, which

eventually allowed them to wield exciting new abilities like force lightening.

However when the rogue Jedi explained his new philosophy to the Jedi Council, they were

outraged, exiling him from the order.

Yet many other Jedi were fascinated by this new approach to the force, and so followed

the rogue and learning the ways of the darkside.

The Sith as they became known, inevitably came into conflict with their former brothers

in the force during a time known as the Hundred year darkness.

Yet the Sith were not able to overcome the well established Jedi order, and so retreated

into unexplored space, settling on the planet of Moraband, where they built a new darkside

civilization that would expand to conquer many other planets and systems.

Upon Moraband, they built great temples one of which housed an execution chamber where

they sacrificed jedi prisoners.

Many of the Sith were buried in the Valley of the Dark Lords and it was from Moraband

that they planned their wars against the Jedi order and the alliance of planets known as

the Republic, which they protected.

For many years the Sith battled their ancient enemy in conflicts that grew so deadly, superweapons

powered by enormous kyber crystals were built to inflict mass devastation.

When the fighting reached the planet of Malachor, a superweapon within a Sith temple was activated,

destroying the world in what came to be known as the Great Scourge of Malachor.

During the chaos of these years, the Sith invaded and held Coruscant, capital of the

republic, and there built a shrine to the darkside.

Eventually, the republic would take back this world, and so the Jedi attempted to seal off

the darkside influence by building a great lightside temple over the shrine but this

was only partially successful, and the sith would one day come to make great use of this

ancient source of darkside power.

During the Dark Age, they fought a final great conflict known as the Jedi-Sith War, where

once again the Sith captured Coruscant, only for the planet to be liberated in the year

1032 BBY.

Despite the great advances and unending aggression of the mighty Sith, years of infighting weakened

them to such an extent they were ultimately defeated by the Jedi Order, with the legendary

dark side master Darth Bane emerging from the conflict as the sole surviving Sith Lord.

Recognizing the self-destructive nature of the Sith, and wanting to avoid future infighting,

Darth Bane created the Rule of 2, declaring that only 2 Sith could ever exist at any one


A Master to embrace the power of the Darkside, and an Apprentice to desire that power.

In this way they would work in the shadows, secretly manipulating events to destroy the

Jedi order and return the Sith to dominance throughout the Galaxy.

Darth Bane was eventually defeated by the Jedi, and after his death was buried in the

Valley of the Dark Lords on Moraband, but his teachings and philosophy lived on through

his secret apprentice who escaped Jedi notice.

The years of chaos and war took a heavy toll on the galaxy and ultimately led to the fall

of the Old Republic.

Yet with Sith seemingly defeated, a new galactic republic emerged and for a thousand years

flourished under the protection of the Jedi Order.

Slowly and without need for violence or war, the Republic expanded across the galaxy, spreading

their values of democracy, equality and justice to all member worlds.

Those outside their borders however, were often left to their own devices, making the

Outer rim of the galaxy a refuge for pirates and criminals, which then led to a culture

of animosity between republic and non-republic worlds.

Meanwhile the legacy of Darth Bane, continued on in the shadows, with his apprentice becoming

Master of the Sith, and in keeping with the Rule of Two, took on a single apprentice.

With only 2 Sith ever alive at one time, the only method of Advancement would be for the

apprentice to kill and take the place of their master.

And so the relationship was maintained on a balance of loyalty and strength.

As long as the Master was Strong, the Apprentice owed absolute obedience, yet if either one

ever wavered in their strength or loyalty, the other would be justified to attack.

Leaving only a single Sith alive, to find a new apprentice and begin the process again.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Sith Order - Canon (Part 1 of 5) - Duration: 6:18.


Сомнения неофита. Говорить ли родителям о воцерковлении? - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Сомнения неофита. Говорить ли родителям о воцерковлении? - Duration: 2:30.


Outward Bound: Colonizing the Oort Cloud - Duration: 25:31.

It's cold out there in the Oort Cloud but someday it could be the place

where we keep the home fires burning for humanity.

Today we'll be talking about how to colonize our solar system's Oort Cloud and Kuiper

Belt, two fairly distinct regions of space but with a good deal of overlap into how they

would be colonized.

However we should start by talking briefly about how planets form and what a planet is


The basics are simple enough, some region of space is thick with gas and something,

like the shockwave of a supernova, comes by and causes it to start being less evenly distributed.

Bits will emerge that compact into objects and have enough mass to suck in more material

but this often results in a protoplanetary disc.

Momentum, angular or regular, has to be conserved so you end up with a disc of material all

spinning in one direction and a star forms at its center and other clumps become planets.

Clumps of matter on the same orbit of this disc tend to combine.

There are accepted rules for what qualifies as a planet.

The first rule is that the object must orbit a star, otherwise it's not a planet, it's

a moon.

The second is that it needs to have enough mass to be basically a sphere-shape, otherwise

a soda can orbiting the Sun would qualify as a planet.

And the third is that it should have cleared the region it orbits through.

This third rule for what makes a planet is the one that demoted Pluto to dwarf planet


Pluto is a bit more massive than the entire Asteroid Belt that orbits the Sun between

Mars and Jupiter, but the Kuiper Belt, out past Neptune, is a lot more massive than the

Asteroid Belt.

Any solar system might have an Asteroid Belt, or even multiple ones, but odds are most have

a Kuiper Belt, some region on the edge of the main protoplanetary disc that was too

spread out to form a planet, it's like the foam at the edge of a whirlpool.

Pluto is a Kuiper Belt object itself, part of why it was demoted from full planet status.

The region out past Neptune is full of icy bodies, many of which would make respectable

moons, that we variously call Trans-Neptunian Objects, Plutinoids, Kuiper Belt Objects,

or Scattered Disc Objects.

We don't know their combined mass with accuracy, but this region from 30 to 50 AU is estimated

to be 20 to 200 times more massive than the Asteroid Belt.

We often talk about how handy the Belt will be for space colonization, and this second

belt is as well.

Out past that is a more hypothetical region called the Oort Cloud, which probably has

two segments.

One inner one that is somewhat disc-like, sometimes called the Hills Cloud, and the

outer region is spherical.

Now we often call the Oort Cloud theoretical but there's no doubt that region of space

exists and has lots of tiny icy bodies, just the exact extent and nature of it is in doubt.

It's very hard to see a Kuiper Belt Object, and they are far closer to Earth and the Sun

than Oort objects.

Two identical objects, one ten times further from Earth and the Sun, are vastly different

in their detectability.

Being ten times further from us, we see only ten-squared or one-hundredth the light it's

closer twin gives off, at the same time it's ten times further from the sun, and only gets

ten-squared or one hundredth the light its closer twin gets.

So on Earth the closer one appears ten thousand time brighter, and only our best equipment

can see all but the largest Kuiper Belt objects.

The Oort Cloud is not ten times further away than the Kuiper Belt, it's more like a thousand,

so objects out there appear about a trillion times dimmer than their twins in the Kuiper


For that reason we don't have much data on objects out there by direct imaging, so

we know there's plenty but can't speak with much certainty and have to limit it to

theory and models for now.

As an example, a clone of Earth and the Sun off at 1 million AU, about 16 light years,

would be a trillionth as bright too, because it's just far away from us, not its Sun.

Needless to say we have a lot of difficulties seeing such an object, but we know where to

look, the volume of space near a sun where you'd find planets is about a billionth

the volume an Oort Cloud would occupy.

On top of that, while we theorize the mass of the Oort Cloud to be several times that

of Earth, albeit with huge margins of error, the objects in it will tend to be a lot smaller

than a planet.

Of course you can have planets out in the Oort Cloud too, wandering ejected ones or

ones in such a loose orbit they barely know the Sun is there, and we call these Rogue

Planets, Nomad Planets, or Steppenwolf Planets.

We discussed the possibility of life developing on these way back in the Rogue Planets episode

and we briefly touched on settling them there too.

The basic upshot though is that Kuiper Belt, Oort Disc, and Oort Cloud probably are swimming

in tiny icy bodies of potential value to us, many of which might have some rocky material

in them too.

To colonize any of these objects one has to abandon solar or fission power as classic

options, in favor of fusion, the fuel for which they have plenty of.

There's two caveats on that.

You might find some fissile materials out there and you can export them, and so too,

while a solar panel won't work for direct sunlight, lasers on solar satellites nearer

the Sun can beam energy out to panels.

I'd always rather have my power plant on-hand, not so far off it might take a month just

for a message to reach them, but orbits are predictable things and keeping a laser on

a station out in the Oort wouldn't be that hard.

Lasers do spread out over distance, so it would arrive less as a tight beam and more

like a diffuse flashlight, and of course we might prefer microwaves over visible light,

a maser, but there's nothing too sophisticated or complex about supplying power this way.

I always like to stress the importance of fusion to humanity's future in space, but

I also always like to make I it clear that with a bit more hassle we can do most of the

same things by using the natural fusion reactor that is our Sun.

Normally when we start discussing these icy bodies for colonization it's in the context

of dragging them inwards to terraform Mars or Venus, but as we've seen in this series,

that classic image of colonizing the solar system by terraforming the planets in it is

seriously under-utilizing those resources.

We call those objects far out past Neptune icy bodies, but ice in this case is not just

water but methane, carbon and ammonia as well, and such objects often will have rocky material

in their centers or spread out in an ice and gravel fashion, like on the side of a road

that just got plowed for snow.

These other ices along with regular water ice are known as volatiles, and they contain

a lot of the materials we need for life, particularly ones that are not very abundant in the warmer

inner solar system.

That's why folks want to bring them in.

The thing is, while the Kuiper Belt Objects are perfect for that, the Oort Cloud really

is not.

It could take centuries to move such an object inwards in a fashion that wouldn't burn

up far more energy than its worth.

The Kuiper Belt also contains more than enough ices for terraforming all the planets and

making a lot of habitats.

Now if you want to go full on Dyson Swarm, you need a lot more, and the Oort Cloud probably

has a lot more, but even if it has dozens of times the entire mass of Earth in these,

it's still a lot less than the Sun has.

We talked about extracting resources from the Sun via Starlifting in the Starliftng

and Dyson Swarm episodes, and we'll discuss it a bit more in the next episode of the series,

Colonizing the Sun.

We can't be sure we can ever get such a process working, but it requires no new physics

and again is our topic for next time.

Assume for the moment you do get that working, and you do have fusion, and that you started

mining the Sun because you've already run low on materials in the inner system out to

and including the Kuiper Belt.

At that point the Oort Cloud no longer looks like a great place to bring material in from.

That's why this episode is titled Colonizing the Oort Cloud rather than the Kuiper Belt,

I'm sure we will colonize bits of the Kuiper Belt, sometimes just temporarily, and again

the colonization method is almost identical to the Oort Cloud.

However it's close enough to us, and easy enough to mine from the lack of gravity, that

I'd tend to expect us to bring the material in to use in settlements more often than settling

way out there.

However the Oort Cloud is even more way out there and while it probably contains far more

resources, it's nothing compared to what the Sun itself has.

So leaving those out there, especially if you can use them for something out there,

seems like a probable scenario for the future of our solar system.

Now settling one is actually trivially easy, if you can get out there and have a power

supply sufficient to live without the Sun, which you do if you can get out there and

slow down to land on one.

If you can get people out to the icy bodies you can colonize them.

The easiest method parallels how we do asteroids, you 'land', which due to low gravity is

more like parking at a space station, find a low spot or crater, and dig or melt your

way in, using the material you extracted to fill over the top, like an anthill.

Inside that you build a rotating habitat, or more likely just insert the one you and

the colonists came in, which can later be expanded.

Indeed, as with asteroids, since there is so little gravity in the way, you can always

expand your habitat, or chain of habitats, to be far larger than the original object

since you can pile all the material you are not using around you in a shell.

Thus you could start with an irregular shaped comet a dozen kilometers wide and end with

a nice polished icy shell the size of a decent moon full of habitats.

Such shells give nice protection from cosmic radiation and meteorite strikes too.

Of course the big question is why you would do this?

There are a lot of these icy bodies but they are spread far apart, your nearest neighbor

might be further from you than Earth is from Pluto and signals back and forth with Earth

could take many weeks or even months.

The edge of the Oort Cloud is about a light year away after all.

What would a colony out there be doing?

Why did they go there?

What do they trade in, if anything?

What purpose does such a colony serve?

At first it would seem like none.

If the material they had was particularly valuable back in the solar system we wouldn't

colonize these objects, at most we'd set up a small and minimally manned outpost to

do maintenance on the engine moving it back into the solar system.

That's a point to stress too, one shouldn't think of the Oort Cloud as part of a solar

system, anymore than a farm a fifty miles from Chicago is part of Chicago, city or suburbs,

just because it happens to be closer to Chicago than Milwaukee.

If it is even nominally involved with the city it will be because it has roads and highways

there and is inside its economic sphere.

Remember that bit about highways as it will come up again in a bit.

Again though, it wouldn't seem like a colony in the Oort Cloud could serve a purpose.

Stations out there can't serve as waypoints to other solar systems for instance, as odds

are very few of the objects are on a roughly straight line to another neighboring star,

and more importantly, interstellar ships do not stop en route to refuel or let the passengers

off to stretch their legs.

A ship gets up to speed and coasts in interstellar space, it doesn't burn any fuel while coasting

except for life support.

And that life support doesn't cost much energy, for a ship or a habitat.

Oh, it's a lot of power compared to your electric bill, especially if you're providing

artificial sunlight for farms or parks, but it's tiny compared to the energy needed to

move a ship at any reasonable interstellar speed.

It takes a lot more energy to get a ship up to 10% of light speed than a simple calculation

of its kinetic energy would imply, but at a minimum you'd expect to need at least

10^18 joules of energy per ton of vessel, and even if we assumed each person only needed

3 tons of ship, cargo for the destination, and material for hydroponics, living room,

and so on, and the trip would take a century, or about 3 billion seconds, that's still

an average power supply of a gigawatt per person.

That's about a million times what a household tends to use and still a very low estimate

for total energy usage to move that ship.

It's also enough power to light up an entire square kilometer of land at perpetual noontime

lighting, which is way more space than anything but a hunter-gatherer civilization would need

per person.

10 to 100 kilowatts per person for all life support, even with onboard parks and gardens,

is more likely, and even using the high end figure there and the low end for energy to

move that ship, you still have a life support system using just 1% of 1% of the ship's

energy budget.

Go faster and you need more energy for speed and less for life support, shorter trip.

The only reason an interstellar ship can't have everybody living in their own cabin in

the woods is all the mass needed for that dirt and forest.

The power needs are a non-issue.

A space station or rotating habitat way out in the Oort Cloud doesn't have that issue,

it isn't moving things.

Now neither does a habitat in the inner solar system, but the point is in a fusion economy

living space is only an issue because you have to build it and invest the mass to make


One kilogram of fusion fuel, even with fairly extravagant individual power usage and inefficient

equipment, can support a person's life support needs for a century.

So even if you can only use deuterium for fusion, the easiest fusion option, as opposed

to regular hydrogen, your typical comet-like body a few kilometers in radius is going to

have a megaton or more of it, enough to support one person for a hundred billion years or

a hundred thousand people for a million years, and you can boost that to 10 billion years,

the lifetime of the Sun, if you can use regular hydrogen.

Even longer if you have higher fusion that can step hydrogen up to heavier elements than

helium or have feedable kugelblitz black holes.

And we are talking about Colonizing the Oort Cloud, something that should be at least many

centuries off for anything but a few prototypes, so assuming some higher tech is probably okay.

So again living out there is no problem, any random comet could become a major metropolis

that mostly needed no imports or exports.

Again though the question is why?

On the one hand it is a lot closer than any stars, so if you just want a place to send

people who want their own private nation or people who want to get away from whatever

power or group of powers control the solar system, the Oort Cloud is a good place.

But even then, it's not too much harder or time consuming to get to another solar

system than an Oort object, and then you've got an entire solar system, not just one comet.

Of course those solar systems are probably claimed by someone, and if you just want a

small country of maybe a few million, arguing claims with some group that plans to colonize

another solar system to eventually support quadrillions of people is probably not worth

the effort.

A few of the potential drivers for colonizing the Oort cloud could be instability in the

solar system, be it from a war or a disaster.

These disasters could be artificial or natural.

Natural ones include a close encounter with a rogue Jupiter, star or star remnant disrupting

the planets and flinging them out of the system.

Another natural one could ultimately be the Sun getting hotter and brighter as it ages

causing the inner Solar system to become inhospitable.

As to artificial disasters, the Oort cloud might also be used in an attempt to hide from

an aggressive domestic or alien civilization.

That is their one really valuable and unique feature, isolation and safety.

Even in an emerging interstellar empire, our topic for next week, where every large rock

in a solar system and every solar system for hundreds of light years around might be colonized

and the rights to it fiercely contested if it is not, it's very unlikely anyone is

dispatching armadas to go claim a single mountain-sized chunk of ice and gravel trillions of kilometers

from the nearest sun and many billions of kilometers from even its nearest neighboring

icebergs in space.

In many ways you're more isolated out there than some colony ten thousand light years

away would be because over time those places would all develop and grow in population.

There's always folks for whom being far away from civilization is a plus, not a minus,

and if you want to stay that way, picking prime real estate isn't the best option.

If your goal is to have a civilization far from anybody else, claiming a distant fertile

valley hundreds of miles from that civilization out in the wilderness just ensures maybe a

few generations before new neighbors arrive near you, and a distant solar system is likely

to be the same.

Worse too because if you leave on some arkship for a several thousand year journey to build

your own distant Utopia, there's a good chance faster and better ships will have arrived

in the meantime, constructed centuries later by folks who probably don't know or care

you claimed that system already, and certainly won't care if they settle the one next to

it and you complain you didn't want neighbors.

In an expanding and growing civilization, if you want lots of space to yourself for

generations worth of time, you either need to be willing to pack up every so often or

pick a place people don't really want.

A random Oort object probably qualifies.

Of course that other option is viable too, any such colony is basically a spaceship sitting

inside a mountain of spaceship fuel, so if the neighborhood gets crowded or uncomfortable,

you just build an engine, or turn it on if you still have the one you used to get there,

and head off on a nomadic journey.

It's an interesting dynamic we'll talk about more next week, on the one hand interplanetary

and stellar empires are likely to be far more immense and populous than science fiction

tends to portray them, because people don't just colonize planets, and should be hard

to manage as a homogenous unit.

On the other hand what allows such populations is that independence of actual planets because

people are living in habitats that can be easily turned into spaceships.

So it's more like an RV than a house or farm, you can just pick up and leave if you

don't like the neighborhood.

Which could have the strange byproduct of having space-city habitats just pack up and

leave whatever empire they belong to or move into another.

But surely we can do better than just isolation as a motive for living there though?

It's probably enough, isolated farmsteads typically are more about the isolation than

the farming, which is just about getting enough revenue to buy what you need and can't make,

and these are fairly self-sufficient colonies; still, what other purposes do they have?

They can make some money just serving as radar stations and relays, making sure interstellar

space is clear of dangerous debris or accurately marked where not, and picking up and retransmitting


They could maybe charge a tax or tariff for passing through their space which they keep

clear and safe, and those three things might be more than enough to pay for information

and entertainment from the inner solar system.

They could sell some bulk raw materials, ammonia, nitrogen, and so on, particularly if starlifting

never got going.

Nitrogen is likely to always be in demand when you're building living space, people

don't need it but plants do.

Not much but we do have one other option.

I said interstellar starships don't slow down, so they don't need fuel and rest stops,

but about a year ago we did an episode called Interstellar Highways where we discussed how

to do ships that travel far faster and more efficiently than even a fusion drive would

permit by being pushed by powerful lasers.

Lasers have range limits, as they do expand, and what's more you can get more mileage

out of them by bouncing the beam between places.

You can see that episode for details but the basic notion is to string out a long chain

of beaming stations between two stars and use them to push a ship up to speed or reverse

that, push back against them to slow them down.

So these Oort Colonies could serve that function, and since they are innately mobile they can

move themselves to be part of such a chain too.

One of millions of such stations spread over hundreds of such laser highways to all our

neighboring systems though still very isolated, no closer to their neighbors than Pluto is

to us.

Such systems, as discussed in that episode, allow travel between stars far faster and

cheaper than not only fusion, but even systems like antimatter or black hole powered ships,

which still suffer from the limitations of the rocket equation as they have to carry

their own fuel.

On the other hand fuel can be moved down these highways quite cheaply, in tankers or even

beamed, and since you can accelerate particles quite quickly, you could actually send raw

material to or from the Oort station and a ship, just a particle beam carrying oxygen

to a ship, or metals from a ship to a station needing them, or even fusion fuel from the

station to a ship that would need it to slow down if it went past the highway's end or

somehow drifted off it.

And now suddenly these Oort Cloud colonies aren't sparse poor villages in the distant

reaches of space but big truck stops or even fortresses, considering those giant pushing

laser cannons are, well, giant laser cannons with a clear field of view over empty space

light hours across.

Needless to say, as many solar systems are colonized, it might be advantageous to have

a ton of defense stations light-months out from your system proper, if your interstellar

neighbors aren't the friendliest bunch.

So you've got signal relays, pushing lasers for interstellar ships, defense screens, and

radars for hazards or debris or sneaky neighbor ships.

Between all of those, you not only have the ability to make such Oort Colonies but a clear

motivation to assist or subsidize making them.

We don't have a great guess on mass total or distribution in the Oort Cloud, but it's

guessed there may be trillions of icy bodies a kilometer or more across, and any one of

those has more than enough water and organic-critical materials for an entire O'neill cylinder

for few hundred thousand people, and certainly more than enough for a decent sized community

of a few thousand.

Of course there are probably far more even smaller bodies sufficient for such smaller

communities too.

Any Oort Cloud civilization would be a very spread out thing, likely with at most loose

alliances of neighboring ones if not totally independent, and utterly eclipsed by the far

more massive civilizations that could exist in the inner solar system.

But with trillions of such objects, each potentially supporting hundreds of thousands of people,

you could easily have the Oort Cloud home to hundreds of quadrillions of people, small

compared to a Dyson Swarm but still more than a million times Earth's current population

and huge compared to your typical fictional interstellar empire.

Next week we will be heading out beyond the solar system to examine the concept of Interstellar

Empires, where we'll be discussing the flaws in commons assumptions on this topic and some

realistic approaches.

Our sponsor,, has an excellent course, "Worlds Beyond Earth", that explains

concepts of interstellar travel, locating exoplanets, and how we determine which ones

might be habitable.

Worlds Beyond Earth is an excellent primer for that topic and let's you transition

from viewing interstellar colonization from a science fiction perspective to viewing it

the way a physicist does.

To support the channel and learn more about Brilliant, go to

and sign up for free.

As a bonus, the first 200 subscribers will get 20% off the annual Premium membership.

After next Week's Interstellar Empires we will head out of the galaxy and out of 2017

to discuss Intergalactic Colonization.

We will then return to Outward Bound series at the beginning of the year, but rather than

heading further out from Earth and the Solar System, we will visit the center of our solar

system to discuss Colonizing the Sun itself.

For alerts when those and other episodes come out, make sure to subscribe to the channel,

and if you enjoyed this episode, hit the like button and share it with others.

Until next time, thanks for watching, and have a great week!

For more infomation >> Outward Bound: Colonizing the Oort Cloud - Duration: 25:31.


HOLIDAY KOMBUCHA 🎅 DIY recipe how to... - Duration: 4:49.

oh yeah that's magic free like some holiday kombucha today we don't love

kombucha right Brooklyn yeah we kind of sit we're going to make a candy cane

kombucha and a pomegranate kombucha so if you want to learn how to make your

own kombucha it's so simple I have a whole blog post for you so check out the

link below makes the snow come alive with all kombucha is is fermented credo

be this is a snow beef and all you need is green tea sugar and a stoie sugar

feeds the scoby so after its fermented for a couple weeks there's hardly any

sugar left because it must go because you beat all the sugar so removes the

scoby and you save two cups save just two cups for your next batch so set this

aside so your next batch and find the instructions on my blog on how to make

it it's super simple I got these cute bottles from Ikea all you need is funnel

and a little strainer making a big mess

walk real close hold look at that nice and carbonated gonna use is the Sevilla

root beer and I'm gonna add I'm gonna add the root beer to fill up the rest of

so you don't need a lot to flavor your kombucha

and I will let sit on my counter for another two days to continue to ferment

it's gonna taste like a root beer flavored now all I need is a mine a

little one it's fine what spice in are you gonna turn this

little spice now I'm just gonna break up the candy cane a little bit no that

one's good put the candy canes in and close it up and let it dissolve and let

it dissolve and ferment again for just about two or three days pomegranate

flavor yeah sparkling is a sparkling pomegranate

yeah you can even just use regular sour I regret it juice but I wanted to try

the easy one what I love so much about making your own kombucha is it can be so

creative and make all kinds of different flavors


the city sing come on take your Christmas stroll with

me that's the current can make these lies that's really delicious

you want to taste the kimchi one sour yeah it's our that one fermented for a

long time oh you like it though you kind of like it's our not get out with me get

live with me I'm song quiqui like hey mr. William Jay I'm videoing Sean can

you go change your pants they smell like pee go change your pants okay oh because

you're talking too much in my video you know every time I talk then you don't

hit me all right I'm gonna get you your own okay

For more infomation >> HOLIDAY KOMBUCHA 🎅 DIY recipe how to... - Duration: 4:49.


My Outsourcing Formula - Duration: 3:10.

this is my outsourcing formula there's four steps to it the first is to start

getting organized once you get organized and you know what's on your plate it's

easier to do the second step which is to eliminate then you can say okay these

things are tedious and I either don't need to do them at all or I can figure

out a way to have somebody else complete these tasks for me the third step is to

automate look for systems even if it's just your email or somebody helping you

with your taxes receipts it doesn't matter

you've got to figure out systems to automate so have a checklist and say

okay I know that I can put this on autopilot and I can put this on

autopilot and then this I have to actually take care of manually then the

fourth step is to outsource so you can't really outsource if you haven't done all

these other tasks and for me if I can automate it in some system then I don't

have to actually pay a person to do it then I want to use the automation

software because it's gonna be cheaper for me it's less of my time I don't have

to sit there and train somebody I know whether it's working or not so for me I

go for systems first if there's some type of automation and then I reach out

to outsource get organized start to eliminate automate and then you can

outsource now you know how to outsource and hire in order to get your business

booming and OnPoint and save you tons more time in your day in your business

in your life so you can go hang out with your friends your family or just focus

on sales and growth let's be real the time that you spend it has to be

prioritized for them prioritize and you want to make sure that you're spending

your time on the important things right I'm brandi of where

you can find tons of free resources to help you

brand your business I'm putting that below as well as my start up check list so if you

have questions and want to get your business started

check out the checklist below I have a start up checklist that walk you through

in six easy steps for getting your business started in the right direction

and then you can work on outsourcing those tasks once you've gotten this

system in place and know that you have all of the right things set up so check

that out in the description and as always thanks for watching I'll see you

in the next video

For more infomation >> My Outsourcing Formula - Duration: 3:10.


2018: o Ano dos Ciclos e Potenciais - (Ashtar) - Duration: 15:40.

For more infomation >> 2018: o Ano dos Ciclos e Potenciais - (Ashtar) - Duration: 15:40.


Democrat Accused of Masturbating in Front of Lobbyist Resigns, D - Duration: 1:48.

Democrat Accused of Masturbating in Front of Lobbyist Resigns, Denies Allegations

Democrat California Assemblyman Matt Dababneh (D-Woodland Hills), 36, announced his resignation

on Friday, just days after he was accused of masturbating in front of a lobbyist at

a party in Las Vegas.

Dababneh, who represents the 45th Assembly District, which located in the western San

Fernando Valley, will official leave office on January 1, according to the East Bay Times.

�To be absolutely clear, the allegations against me are not true,� Dababneh reportedly

wrote in a letter to Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon.

�However, due to the current environment, I, unfortunately, do not believe I can serve

my district effectively.�

California lobbyist Pamela Lopez said Dababneh allegedly followed her into a restroom and

masturbated in front of her at a friend�s wedding party is Las Vegas in January 2016.

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