Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

TeZATalks - STFD (O R I O N Remix)

For more infomation >> TeZATalks - STFD (O R I O N Remix) - Duration: 3:25.


N'offrez pas un chat en cadeau sauf si ... - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> N'offrez pas un chat en cadeau sauf si ... - Duration: 6:51.


Borgeous - Sweeter Without You (Surya Addix Remix) // Lyrics - Duration: 4:30.

11:32, rolling up with my crew I ain't thinking bout you

Whiskey on the rocks We about to set it off No, not worried about you

I'm so glad I came Can't let this party go to waste

All these champagne kisses taste Sweeter without you

Sweeter without you Sweeter without, sweeter without you

Sweeter without you Sweeter without, sweeter without you Sweeter without you

One on one, speeding just for fun We like riding the edge

Feeling the rush, gonna tear up the club Go on, get out of my head

I'm so glad I came Can't let this party go to waste

All these champagne kisses taste Sweeter without you

Sweeter without you Sweeter without, sweeter without you

Sweeter without you Sweeter without, sweeter without you Sweeter without you

Sweeter without you

For more infomation >> Borgeous - Sweeter Without You (Surya Addix Remix) // Lyrics - Duration: 4:30.


Настоящее и будущее Искусственного Интеллекта [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Настоящее и будущее Искусственного Интеллекта [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:13.


Heroes & Generals. 1.10 Colmar Hamlet update review. Обзор обновления 1.10 - Duration: 5:33.

Hello everyone. Today Im gonna tell you about main features in the 1.10 update

The main change, for which the update is named, is the new map for Encounter gamemode - Colmar Hamlet.

Like the Depot map, this one is just one capture point with wide capture zone and 2 spawnpoints on its opposite sides

Five new weather presets are added:

Judjement Day

Silent Hill

Typical London

Martian sandstorm

and Sky of Chelyabinsk (Russian industrial city)

New helmets in addition to useless helmets in the previous update.

this time really useful and matched to in-game uniforms.

Cost from 35k to 107k credits

And as a tradition, another batch of vehicles got well known paint jobs

'Underdog bonus' is renamed to 'Underpopulation bonus' and Warfund bonus is disabled from it.

For overpopulated faction there is an information about queue length

Currency rewards from battles are displayed in the notification dropdown now

Aligned Tiger2 repair cost with the other Tier-2 Heavy tanks.

Yes, previously its repair cost was less than others

Well, thats all!

Of course the new map is a great news,

but as an Encounter map it will lose its tactical potential after a few matches.

But anyway, the 2nd encounter map will make RTS battles on supply lines much interesting.

All the rest changes are just cosmetic

the wrapping of the game becomes brighter, but the content stays unchanged.

The update desires the rating of...

6 redBjarnes out of 10!

And thats all! See you!

Well, as you have watched till this point do not be too lazy to leave a like and subscribe

I worked really hard. Honestly! =D

For more infomation >> Heroes & Generals. 1.10 Colmar Hamlet update review. Обзор обновления 1.10 - Duration: 5:33.


Foodsionadas | Tres recetas para bocadillos | episodio 1 - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Foodsionadas | Tres recetas para bocadillos | episodio 1 - Duration: 10:25.


Class 12 History Chapter 2 Kings Farmers and Towns Important Question Chapter Notes, Important point - Duration: 17:39.

Class 12 History Chapter 2 Kings Farmers and Towns Important Question Chapter Notes, Important point

For more infomation >> Class 12 History Chapter 2 Kings Farmers and Towns Important Question Chapter Notes, Important point - Duration: 17:39.


Super Dica: Como fazer um Arranjo de Copo de Leite Artificial by Eleny Inoue da Nature Flores - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Super Dica: Como fazer um Arranjo de Copo de Leite Artificial by Eleny Inoue da Nature Flores - Duration: 4:51.


How to Pronounce Latin (Final -M) / De Latine Pronuntiando (-M Finalis) - Duration: 6:47.

Omnibus salutem! / Hi everyone!

ego sum Lucius, agnomine / I'm Luke, a.k.a.


hodie apud Citrum aurantifoliam / today by the sweet lime tree

vobis loquens / talking to you

hac pellicula / in this video

de littera -M finali loqui velim / I would like to talk about final letter -M

et qua de causa / and how come

ego semper nasaliter hunc sonum dicam / I always pronounce this sound nasally

scimus -M finalem elidi / we know final -M gets elided

sicut pars vocalis esset / as if it's part of the vowel

ecce 3us versus Aeneidis primi libri / here is the 3rd line of the 1st book of the Aeneid

sic semper / thus always

nisi caesuram imponimus / unless we add a pause

-M finalis eliditur / the final -M gets elided

ergo concludere possumus / so we can conclude

-M finalem non consonantem esse / final -M is not a consonant

sed partem vocalis esse / but part of the vowel

qualis vocalis sit? / what kind of vowel is it?

nasalis, profecto! / nasal, of course!

nonnullae linguae hodiernae / some modern languages

vocales nasales habent / have nasal vowels

praeclarissime / most famously

Gallice / French

seu, Francice?


quomodo dicam nescio; dicite mi / I don't know how to say it; you tell me

sed meliora exempla habemus / but we have better examples

Japonica / Japanese

ea quoque linguae /that language is also

syllabarum vocaliumque / of long and short

longarum breviumque / vowels and syllables

et Lusitanica /and Portuguese

seu, Portugallica?

qui oporteat dicere nescio / I don't know what's right to say

dicite vos mihi / you guys tell me

Japonica littera sonusque est / the Japanese letter and sound is

Japoni dicunt / the Japanese say

Portugallice seu Lusitanice dicunt / in Portuegese they say

am, em, im, om, um

etiam Romani ipsi / ever the ancient Romans wrote

hunc sonum esse "mugientem" scripserunt / that this was a "mooing" sound

etiam ante saeculum 2um a.C.n. / and before the 2nd century B.C.

Romani non scripserut -M finalem / the Romans didint write final -M

qua de causa? / how come?

non erat consonans fortis / it wasn't a strong consonant

sed modo vocalis nasaliter dicta / but only a vowel pronounced nasally

exempli gratia / for example

etiam Cato Major scripsit / even Cato the Elder wrote

pro vocabulo accusativi casus / for the word in the accusative case

mea sententia / in my opinion

semper erat [ẽ:]. [diẽ:] / it was always [ẽ:]. [diẽ:]

semper erat sonus debilis / it was always a weak sound

sicut H littera / just like letter H

quam nonnumquam / which sometimes

Romani non scripserunt / the Romans didn't write

etiamsi sonum habebat / even though it had a sound


eliditur / it gets elided

si vultis / if you like

H litterae pelliculam inspiciatis / take a look at the video about letter H

scire licet / we know that

N littera ante fricativas litteras / the letter N before fricatives

F et S

non fortis / wasn't pronounced strong

sed nasalis dici / but nasal

sicut Italico sermone hodierno / just like modern Italian

exempli gratia / for example

obiter haec est ratio / by the way this is the reason

longitudinis hujus vocalis / for the length of this vowel

quia nasalis est / because it's nasal

littera -M finalis / final letter -M

etiam hoc phaenomenon adhibet ante F et S / also shows this phenomenon before F and F

exempli gratia / for example

inter vocabula / between words

nasalis est / it's nasal

velut ん id est littera -n / just like ん that is

finalis Japonica / final Japanese -n

sonus -M litterae finalis assimilatur / the sound of final letter -M is assimilated

in consonantem qui sequatur / into the consonant that follows

e.g. Aeneidis primi libri / for example from the first book of the Aeneid

hic -M finalis auditur quia M- sequitur / here the final -M is heard because M- follows

bene auditur / it's heard well

item / likewise

M et B labris creantur / M and B are made with the lips

itaque bene assimilari possunt / thus they can be assimilated well

nasaliter dicitur / it's said nasally

palato dicitur / it's said in the palate

velaris est / it's velar

haec phaenomena / these phenomena

naturaliter accidunt / happen naturally

gratia nasalis vocalis / thanks to the nasal vowel

sed si sententia terminat / but if the phrase ends

littera -M finali / in final -M

ego semper nasaliter dicam / I will always pronounce it nasally

sic! / like that!

hoc consilium meum est / this is my advice

si -M finalis / if the final (nasal) -M

non facile produci potest vobis / can't easy be said for you

nolite eam minime dicere / don't pronounce it at all

ejus loco / in its place

vocalem longam dicite / say a long vowel

hac consuetudine saltem / with this habit at least

sine labore carminum versus / without any effort you'll be able

elidere potestis / to elide lines of poetry

pronuntiatione omnino naturali vestro / entirely in your own natural pronunciation

haec vero est modo mea sententia / that's just my opinion though

bene, hic finem facio / all right, I'll end here

gratias quod spectavistis, sodales / thanks for watching, friends

ego sum Lucius / I'm Luke


valete! / take care!

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce Latin (Final -M) / De Latine Pronuntiando (-M Finalis) - Duration: 6:47.


How to Change Chords on Time While Strumming Guitar - Duration: 19:11.

How to Change Chords on Time While Strumming Guitar

Being able to change chords in time and strum smoothly, its one of the cornerstones of playing


I�m Tomas Michaud from Real Guitar Success. If you can play a few open chords and can

strum a little bit but youre still having a hard time getting from one chord to the

other in time and smoothly, this video is gonna be great for you.

I remember when I first started learning, it was fairly easy for me to play some basic

chords but I had a very difficult time getting from one chord to the other in time so that

it sounded like a real song. I was playing at a campfire one day with a bunch of friends

and I remember looking down and being pleasantly surprised that I was strumming and changing

chords with no problem without even thinking about it. It took me about a year to get to

that point. And if I had known the information that I�m gonna share with you in this video,

I gotta got to that place in a fraction of time.

In this video, were gonna start off by going through some of the basic foundation of how

to make a chord cleanly and clearly. This is just to make sure we are in the same place

but also a lot of the problem with transitioning I�ve noticed with chords it has to do with

not really being clear on how to make chords clean from the very beginning. Then were gonna

going to some trying two tips on how to transition chords properly. And I have a very important

tip that I�m gonna save towards the end. Once we have the basic structure and some

exercise to practice then I will show you four great exercises progressive exercises

that we can use and finally I�ll share with you a Jam Track that you can use to practice

along with it, that makes it a lot more fun than just playing by yourself with a metronome.

This is something a lot of beginners and even some people who have been playing for quite

a while have problems with. If this is you, if you�re having a hard time switching cleanly

between chords and on time, you are not alone. Don�t feel bad.

Okay let�s go on to some basic principles of creating chords . Now I know this will

be review for some of you, please bear with me. And sometimes its good to review the basics,

you might get reminded of some tips that you forgot. Were gonna use three chords actually

in this lesson and I�ll show you the chords right now. We�re gonna use a D chord, were

gonna use a Cadd9. A lot of times students used the regular C chord but I found the Cadd9

and its just a little cooler chord and it fits with modern progressions. So If you don�t

know this chord, I encourage you to learn it. And then the G chord and I am using my

forefinger version of the G. It fits well with the transitioning of these three chords.

So here some basic tips of making chords. Were gonna use the G chord for this tip. And

if you don�t know this chord, let me explain it to you the fingering. It looks like this.

Now put your third finger and your pinky next to each other on the third fret and I got

my pinky on the first string, the high E and then the second string the B string is my

third finger third fret. Im gonna stretch my second finger all the way over to the sixth

string and Im gonna put on the third fret, and then my first finger is on fifth string

second fret. Some nice full sounding G chord.

Now take your hand and pretend like youre holding a ball in your hand maybe a baseball

or something bigger a soft ball. This is the basic, good, relaxed hand position for your

chords. And what you do is you just put this around the neck. Put your thumb behind the

neck of the chord, at the guitar fret board and then make your chord. Now you noticed

I have my fingers. Theyre angled up and then down. This is a good position where you can

get a lot of leverage. Your fingers are too flattened out. You wont get much leverage.

You have to press, you have to use a lot of muscles basically and get very little effect.

So my hands is relaxed and my arms are relaxed hanging down. Don�t crook your hand up too

high like this. It will make it really hard to stretch or cross and if youre having a

hard time that might be the issue. But also don�t push your hand up too much this way,

this will hurt your wrist after a while. Its not fun having pain in your wrist. So let

your arm kinda hang. I kinda think of it is just enough pressure to hold my hand there

and if I let go of my arm it just fall off. So my arms not holding up really hard. I got

my fingers just on the strings hard enough to keep my hand there. If your finding that

your having a hard time stretching sometimes its because your elbow might be out too far

so check your elbow. Make sure its kinda hanging down or a little closer to your body. My fingers

are angled in such a way that their tips are hitting the fretboard. So you don�t want

to angle your fingers too much on the flat part of the fingertips just go for the fingertips.

I�m also keeping my fingertips close to the frets. You get the easier sound that way.

Easier to make a good sound that way when your fingers stay close to the frets. Remember

to stay relaxed.

Now good way to practice this is to just make the chord and feel what it feels like. Look

at your chord, try to memorize what it looks like but even close your eyes and then just

memorize the feeling of the chord. Give it about 10 seconds and take it off and then

put it back on.

Now try that same thing with the C chord. Lets go through the fingering of the C chord

for those who are new to the Cadd9. It looks a lot like the G only we remove the first

and second fingers over one string to the fifth string and fourth string so that�s

one way to think about it. Im gonna finger it, one finger at a time. Pinky on the third

fret first string, the third finger right next to it on the second string third fret.

My second finger stretching over the fifth string now third fret, and the first finger

on the fourth string second fret, Cadd9. Some people call it Cadd2, same chord. Same thing,

Im relaxing my hand. Use just enough pressure to make the sound good but no more. Be careful

youre not clenching too hard that will tire you out and make pain in your hand over time,

your finger and the middle of your hand so just enough to make the chord. If I loosen

up too much it starts deadening out. Okay and Ill give a little pressure, a little more,

there we are. Loosen up, okay. That gives me an idea of where I need to press in terms

of how much pressure. Release the fingers and your hand drops. My elbow is relaxed.

Now lets talk about transitioning from one chord to the other and were gonna start with

just the G chord and the Cadd9 chord. The only thing youre transitioning are these two

fingers. One way to get started with is to .. once youre clear on where the chord is

practice just moving your fingers with no timing or rhythm from one chord to the other.

Hold your fingers from there for a few seconds and then move your fingers over. First you

might just want to do one finger at a time. But try little at a time to move them both

at the same time. Hold them there for a few minutes. If the fingers got sore, stop, take

them out and start over. Start with the G chord. Try this with me. Play the G chord

and I move to the C chord. Just get used to the feeling of the movement from one chord

to the other. In a way your memorizing inside your mind what it feels and looks like. Back

to the G. Lets move to that Cadd9 again. Fingers sore? Shake them out. Start again, G. So do

that for a while before we do the exercises.

So now after you practice that basic moving from chord to chord for a few minutes and

you might wanna do this a little bit each day, just get used to the chord that way.

Im gonna give you the 4 exercises that you can practice and the progressives. So you

wanna get comfortable with the first one before you go on to the second and so on. Get comfortable

with the second one before you go on to the third.

First exercise, #1 is gives you the most time to transiton from one chord to the other.

We will start with the G chord. Were gonna do two sets of counting of 4 � 1, 2, 3,

4 and then 1, 2, 3, 4 and you�ll gonna hit. Strike the G chord on the one of each sets

of 4. It sounds like this 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1, 2, 3, 4 then change chords to the Cadd9 and

start again 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1, 2, 3, 4. Now here is an important trick, when your playing the

G chord the second time, you don�t wait until 4 to start changing to the Cadd9. You

start ahead of time so Im just gonna show you the second set of four 1, 2, 3, 4. See

I�ve already taken my fingers off and get ready to put them down and be ready on one

of Cadd9 - 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1, 2, 3, 4. You see on 3 I take my fingers off and get them right

there and ready on the G chord. So that will save you a lot of trouble.

You know when I started I tried to quickly make the change right when its time and you

cant do it even when your experienced, that�s hard to do and nobody will noticed that little

part. Believe me on this, everybody does it. I can tell it�s a little breathing in the

guitar when your strumming and playing chords. Nobody knows those little gaps where your

moving your fingers so that�s the first exercise.

Exercise #2, now it�s the same two sets of four beats but were gonna change more often.

Were gonna change on 1 and 3 so it sounds like this, G chord 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1, 2, 3 change

1, 2, 3, 4 - 1, 2, 3 change � 1 I actually see that in my head 4 � 1 and so on. So

you have more chords going on but you still have plenty of time to change on that last

beat of 4. That�s the second exercise. So you wanna make sure you can do that first

exercise fairly well and try it with the metronome. This will keep you honest with timing so youre

not slowing down and speeding up with the transition. What you wanna do is keep the

pulse steady and go as slow as you have to, to make the change. So rather than slowing

down in the middle, make the total pulse slow and then pick it up little by little until

you can change to the faster tempo. Get to where you can change to at least 60 beats

per minute before moving on to the next exercise.

Number 3, were gonna add and up stroke. To do that, were gonna add a concept called an

AND so instead of 1, 2, 3, 4 now were gonna go 1, 2 and � and the end is on the upbeat

so it can count like this 1, 2 and 3, 4 - 1, 2 and 3, 4. The end accounts for the second

half of one beat. Were dividing the beat in half. With the chord, it gonna sound like

this, were gonna strum up on the end. So its 1, 2 and (thats the Up) 3 and then nothing

on 4 and that gives you a space to change chords - 1, 2 and 3, 4. Here we go then change

to Cadd9 - 1, 2 and 3 and then 4. Nothing there, no strumming. Again, two time each.

With the tempo, Im playing with the metronome. I wouldn�t stop between chords. It sounds

like this 1 and 2 and 3, 4 - 1 and 2 and 3, 4 - 1 , 2 and 3, 4 - 1 and 2 and 3, 4 and

then back - 1 and 2 and 3, 4 - 1 and 2 and 3 and Im taking my fingers off 1 and 2 and

3, 4 - 1 and 2 and 3 fingers off 4. Exercise #3.

Now lets go on to Exercise #4. Of course this is the most strenous and don�t go here until

you can do exercise #3 at least its 60 beast per minute when you test it with the metronome.

By the way, don�t always practice with the metronome. Just use it once in a while to

kinda test your rhythmn and then go back playing without. You don�t wanna be stuck to the

metronome constantly. Heres the fourth exercise. Were just adding a down strum on beat four

so 1 ,2 and 3, 4 � 1, 2 and 3, 4 and take my fingers off. Now Im taking my fingers off

on the end of fourth so to speak. Im not strumming the end. Im taking my fingers off. So you

have less time to transition - 1 ,2 and 3, 4 - 1 ,2 and 3, 4, fingers off - 1 ,2 and

3, 4 - 1, 2 and 3, 4, fingers off and so on.

One of the most important tips I can give you, is when your transitioning chords don�t

wait to switch the next chord before you start thinking about it. Visualize where youre going

before you jump there. Think about it. If you waited too long to think about where you�re

going, youre gonna be caught off guard. What you wanna do is visualize the next chord in

your mind while you are still on the chord youre at. This is something that can make

a big difference in your transitioning. I did give you a practical example from on the

G chord your gonna go to the Cadd9. Im already thinking about the Cadd9 and what my fingers

look like. And then I actually jump the gun before Im on the one move my fingers right

there. Im thinking of the G chord before I actually have to be there. This is something

that gets better with practice so that�s why I give you this exercises. Practice thinking

about the next chord before you actually have to change. Visualizing your mind what it looks

like but even what it feels like. A way to practice that is to just make the chord and

close your eyes and just visualize what that feeling is like. Take your fingers off. Make

it again. Try making it without looking. It will be harder first but it just practice.

And use these exercises to practice that concept as well. Practice visualizing where youre


Now for the fun part, were gonna play along or Im gonna show you how to play along with

the jam track. This jam track is three chords. Im using the D chord, the Cadd9 and the G

chord. Each of them has two sets of four beats. So when your playing with the jam track, youll

start with the D chord, and if your new to the D chord just to make sure, let me show

you how I finger it. I got my first finger on the third string second fret. My second

finger is over here on the first string, the high E second fret and then my third finger

is on second string on the third fret in between these two fingers. Its the basic D chord.

Again keep your hand relaxed. Your elbow just slightly holding up the chord. Then were gonna

go two sets of four on the Cadd9, and then two sets of four on the G. If this is still

hard for you playing along with the jam track don�t worry practice the exercises and try

it with the metronome sometimes and without until you can get to playing with the jam

track. And when you start with the jam track, just start with the simplest exercise. Don�t

try the more complicated one until you can do the simple one with the jam track. But

will help you to play in time and it�s a lot more fun just playing with the metronome

so lets do this.

Exercise # 1 - 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1, 2, 3, 4

back to the D 4 - 1, 2, 3, 4. Exercise # 2 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1, 2, 3, 4 to the G 1, 2, 3,

4 fingers off 1, 2, 3, 4 Exercise # 3 1, 2 and 3, 4 - 3 1, 2 and 3, 4 - 3 1, 2 and 3,

4 and change 1, 2 and 3, 4 - 3 1, 2 and 3, 4

and change 3 1, 2 and 3, 4. Lets do exercise #4 1, 2 and 3, 4 - 3 1, 2 and 3, 4 and change

1, 2 and 3, 4 - 1, 2 and 3, 4 - 1, 2 and 3, 4 - 1, 2 and 3, 4 - 1, 2 and 3, 4. Make up

your own exercise.

Thanks for spending this time with me. I hope you�ve got incredible value out of it and

even better. I hope you use these ideas and exercises to prove your guitar playing and

have more fun. That�s what really count. If you enjoyed this video, please give me

a like and if your new here, subscribe to my YouTube channel. That way, I can make sure

you get you some new lessons and tips. I also want to mention that I created a service called

The Guitar Players checklist that I wanna share with you. It�s a simple 5-minute exercise

and a PDF download at the end that can save you literally months of your guitar training.

Its completely free and you can get it by clicking on the link. I put the link on the

description down below.

Take care. See you soon.

For more infomation >> How to Change Chords on Time While Strumming Guitar - Duration: 19:11.


Pastor Sees Poisonous Spider Crawling on Trump in Oval Office, I - Duration: 2:38.

Pastor Sees Poisonous Spider Crawling on Trump in Oval Office, Immediately Springs into Action

Pastor Mark Burns helped Secret Service catch a small threat to President Donald Trump while

in the Oval Office.

During his visit to the White House, Burns supported the president in more than one way

A venomous Yellow Sac spider was reportedly crawling on Trump, when Burns sprang into


According to Right Wing News, the pastor smacked the president on the back to save him from

the creature.

�It was pure instinct,� he recounted in a text message to Right Wing News� Tiffany


As it is the Secret Service�s job to protect the president from such violent actions, Burns

was afraid he would be shot for hitting Trump on the back.

�I was screaming PLEASE Secret Service don�t shoot me, there was a HUGE Spider running

towards his Head,� Burns� text read.

Luckily for him, the Secret Service knew the pastor was not a threat.

According to Burns� texts, Trump �turned around and said �Did you Kill it????'�

�Everyone started laughing,� Burns concluded.

�I don�t think anyone has ever hit the President in the Oval Office before.�

Mark Burns was visiting Trump after his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

According to Orkin, �As the weather begins to cool during the fall months and with the

yellow sac spider population increasing, they are apt to move inside homes and thus lead

to an interior infestation.�

Orkin also states that �yellow sac spider bites may be initially painful but rarely

result in any serious medical conditions.�

Although the spider�s poison was not lethal, Trump might have gotten sick had he been bitten.

Luckily for him, Pastor Burns had his back, literally.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Pastor Sees Poisonous Spider Crawling on Trump in Oval Office, I - Duration: 2:38.


Mamiya Six foldable review - Duration: 12:23.

For more infomation >> Mamiya Six foldable review - Duration: 12:23.



In today's video, you will see some tricks which will help you to see through the smokes.

Hey guys, NadeKing here.

In today's video you will see that, at that time I am making this video, it is possible

and easy to see through the smokes.

I will be explaining how it exactly works and showing you some examples.

By the way this video was requested on Twitter, so if you have any ideas what should I do

next, feel free to tell it on Twitter/Steam group or in the comment section.

I will be producing more cool and unique videos for sure.

Also, please make sure to visit for some free skins.

Let's go!

So, I have been exploring this phenomenon for last 2 days.. and I found out that right

now you can basically see through the smokes in 3 main ways.

First if smoke is between you and any kind of light source.

Secondly, if smoke is between you and bugged map model.

And thirdly, when some sort of particles are floating in the smoke or behind it.

So let me demonstrate you the first method.

If you look around on different maps you will see a lot of light sources.

If smoke stays between you and the light source you can still see the light.

If you hold the angle and light somehow disappears you know someone has to be there and you can

get an easy kill.

If light disappears only for a moment you know that someone walked by.

There are many great spots to use this technique.

For example on De_Train next to connector.. on Inferno library, really easy to spot anyone

and Mirage A ramp for example.. but there are more and more spots,

just find your own spots and if you find something cool do not be afraid to share it with us.

You can always send me your greatest ideas to my e-mail -

Okay, let me show you really quickly more light source spots like this..

And there are more and more..

Next up let's talk about the second method.

If smoke is between you and a bugged map model you can see the bugged model through the smoke

and everything which is between you and the bugged model.

Although even those bugged models are only visible

from some certain angles and distances.

Still, I have plenty examples for you.

For example on De_Inferno this fountain may give you this advantage.

Mirage and underpass, really easy to spot anyone here.

Overpass next to T spawn you can see people coming through the smoke.

Also, De_Cache has a lot of these models.. which can give you advantage, in my opinion,

one of the best ones is between mid main and B lobby.

You can see if they want to push through.

Even our new Nuke has these kind of bugs, so watch out.. if smoke is down close to these

bugged models, I won't recommend you to sneak through the smoke, because the enemy

may see you through the smoke.

Again if you find something crazy yourself and want to share it with our community, feel

free to e-mail me and I can quickly share your picture even on Twitter to give our supergeneral

crew advantage in-game.

Alright, now let me show you the third method as well.

This is the one, which uses any kind of particles.

You can produce this bug in couple of different ways, but in the certain spots.

A great example is B bombsite on new De_Dust2.

If you shoot these crates right here, it produces those particles.

Now if smoke is down and you shoot these creates.. you can see anyone who is in the smoke.

Easy as that.

Real legal smoke hack.

You can do this on certain spots and another cool place to do it is on De_Cache B bombsite

for example.

It may be useful if someone throws the smoke and starts defusing.

You can see with one or two bullets did he fake

or not.

Try it out.

By the way, we can reproduce the same vision hack with double smoke in whatever position

we want to.

You just need to double smoke and make sure you do not throw these two smokes at the same

time, throw one smoke couple of seconds earlier than other one and when the first

smoke starts to fade you can actually see through it.

So if anyone is in the smoke at that time you can see him and get an easy kill.

This works literally everywhere does not matter which map you are playing.

Pretty insane stuff.

So hit the like button if you enjoyed and definitely follow my Twitter if you do not

want to miss more drop parties and other upcoming cool events.

And as always, I hope you learned something new and thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> HOW TO SEE THROUGH SMOKES IN CS:GO?! - Duration: 5:02.


Как засолить красную рыбу. Самый простой и вкусный рецепт. - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Как засолить красную рыбу. Самый простой и вкусный рецепт. - Duration: 1:53.


Wailing Trees - Into The Book [Official Video 2017] - Duration: 4:40.

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Teach a man to read books he'll feed his mind for a lifetime

On this quest fe the roots culture will help him to find

The best way to feed the youth

they deserve the truth

Food for thoughts to guide them on the way to the inner fruit

The more a man learn

the more a man earn

Me don't speak about money on the spiritual journey

empty head will run

use violence and guns

But a fed soul will always be ready

What is a man able to understand

When he thinks knowledge is nowhere to be found

He is on the mercy of a brainwashed education

Culture is the key of healthy population

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Not only your belly you've got to feed

Inside your soul there is a seed

This is the water of knowledge

preventing you from illness and rage

You gwanna find your mind strenght Into your own spirituality

Following the guidance of your own curiosity

Showing you the way to escape world inequity

Each man deserves the best, the highest quality

A book is a travel through time and space

a good link for the members of the human race

Don't waste your brain ,oh no no no

Open your book and let your spirit grow.

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

You'll get stronger by

feeding your heart

Only the fool cries

cause he doesn't dance with the stars

You can embellish yourlife

with wisdom colors

Imagination will make your inner seed grow

inner seed grow !

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Into the book

I really wanna look

Into the book

I really wanna look

Into the book

I really really really wanna look

Into the book

For more infomation >> Wailing Trees - Into The Book [Official Video 2017] - Duration: 4:40.


¿Está la INNOVACIÓN en PELIGRO? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 16:59.

For more infomation >> ¿Está la INNOVACIÓN en PELIGRO? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 16:59.


5 Mass Building Exercises You're Not Doing | The Science Of Getting Bigger Part 2 - Duration: 9:43.

Yo, what is going on guys?

Welcome to episode number two of The Science of Getting Bigger.

Now, today is all about actionable advice because I don't want to overload you guys.

I want you guys to leave these videos with stuff that you can do immediately and see

results from.

So today's video, I'm going to give you five exercises that I think most of you guys probably

are not doing.

And these exercises are not only going to help you look bigger and build up major muscle

groups, but they're going to help you with different weak points that I think we all

suffer from such as lower back, hamstrings, abdominals, shoulders, all that good stuff.

So what I want you to do is I want you guys to do ten total sets of these five exercises

over the next week before the next video and I guarantee you, if you stick with this routine

and you incorporate these exercises into your regimen, you're not only going to bring up

weak points, but you guys are going to look much bigger, so let's get into the workout.

The first exercise and I know this probably has a different name, but I'd like to invent

my own name on this, so we're going to call it the Komodo Row.

Now it is a combination of a barbell deadlift and a barbell row all in the same exercise.

And this one works so many major muscle groups.

And I really like the fact that you kind of get momentum into the rowing portion of the

lift, which allows you to put more overload on those large, middle back muscles.

So the first part of the movement you're starting off as a traditional deadlift.

So I want you guys to do an overhand group.

You're going to start off as a traditional deadlift form.

Now, as you come up I want you to start rowing the bar into your belly button, right into

your lower abdominal area.

So the first part of the movement, obviously you're putting a lot of overload on your glutes

and your hamstrings.

And as you bring the bar up, I want you to explode and row it right into the lower portion

of your core and then come back down.

So it's an awesome movement because you're incorporating a deadlift and a rowing motion

in the same exercise.

And what I really like is it's really hard for me to like row a lot of weight from an

upright position, like I wouldn't be able to do 250 to 260 pounds as easy as I do it

on the Komodo Row.

So you're going to have a little bit of momentum going into the row.

You're really going to be able to overload, a ton of overload right on those middle back


So go heavy on this.

I want you guys to go four to five sets of this.

Stay within the five to eight repetition range and track these lifts, really focus on progressive


The second exercise is nothing crazy unique or outside the box, but it's something that

I almost bet most of you guys aren't doing because I go to the gym and I think off the

top of my head I've seen maybe one or two people do this at the gym the right way over

the last couple of months.

So heavy barbell overhead press.

Starting, you know, from right here, kind of resting right above your chest and going

straight up overhead, this is my favorite mass builder for the interior and lateral


If you get really strong on this, if you're pressing over head, you know, 150 to 200 pounds,

there's no doubt that your lateral deltoid and interior deltoids are going to grow.

So I know a lot of you guys want that wider, thicker look, kind of that boulder shoulder

look and this is the go-to exercise for you guys.

So really challenge yourself because not only do I want you guys to do the overhead press,

but I want you guys to go heavy on it.

So this is going to really challenge your weak points.

If you're weak through your core, if you're weak through your lower back, it's going to

expose that immediately.

So have fun with this.

It's an exercise that if you haven't done it a lot, you should be able to improve really

quick on.

So my goal is to get up to 200 pounds on the over press and just on the video I'm kind

of around 100 - 155 - 160 pounds right now.

I'm really getting into it.

And if you guys do get any lower back pain, I would say just wear like kind of a like

a squat belt or a belt to protect your lower back.

But like I said, it will bring out the weak points.

So I want you guys to do five sets of five of this twice over the next seven days.

The third exercise is once again something that isn't really outside the box but at the

same token I've - actually no, I have not seen anybody do this exercise in the last

couple months at the gym and it is the weighted underhand grip pull up.

Now this exercise is phenomenal for bicep activation.

They actually did a study of the eight most common arm exercises and they studied the

activation in the bicep muscle and it was actually shown that the underhand grip pull

up has more bicep activation than dumbbell hammer curls and many other traditional bicep


So getting bigger biceps could be - sorry, there was just a rat that just - that was

like a frigging huge ass rat.

Alright, a rat just came by.

We're in downtown Los Angeles, so things get a little crazy around here.

So as I was saying, the underhand grip pull up is an incredible way to activate the biceps

and also really hit those lats, so if you guys want that V-tapered look with bigger

biceps, add the underhand grip weighted pull up into your regimen.

Now, if you guys don't have the weight belt like myself where you can hang a plate, just,

you know, put a 10, put a 25, whatever you guys can do between your feet and kind of

grasp it together with your feet and challenge yourself.

Go five sets in the five to eight repetition range.

And really focus on contracting those biceps and those lats as you come up on the movement

and going down nice and slow and controlled.

So if you guys can go heavy on this, squeeze the bicep and the lats as you come up and

then go down to a count of three, you guys are going to get bigger arms and a wider back.

Next up is something that I know almost none of you guys are during bulking season.

I know a lot of guys are working their abdominals, but this is the best time to actually build

the abdominal muscles.

Now nothing's going to help you look bigger and more impressive than having those thick,

chiseled, blocky abdominal muscles because being a naturally skinny guy, once you're

able to put on some size, you're physique is really going to pop and this is something

I'm actually working on a ton because I haven't done a lot of training like this in the past

because I'm really trying to actually build the abdominal muscles more.

And I'm in a choleric surplus for the next three months, so I'm going to focus on this

specific superset a ton.

Now this superset is savage for working the core.

You're going to start off with the rope crunch.

So kind of scoot back maybe like a foot and a half from the machine and you're going to

focus on contracting the abs, coming back up nice and slow and controlled.

You guys are going to have a crazy ab pump if you do 10 to 15 reps of this at a moderately

heavy weight.

And then you're going to transition right into the medicine ball weighted crunch.

You're going to pick a spot on the ceiling, you're going to stare at that same spot and

you're going to crunch up and really focus on that mind-muscle connection right in the

middle rectus abdominis muscles.

So this superset - I've yet to find a better superset as far as weighted abdominal work


It just blasts every single section of your core, so you build up those abdominal muscles

as you're lean bulking and then you start to cut in the summertime and you guys are

going to have that crazy kind of Hollywood 3D ab look.

All right, so this next exercise is probably the one you guys almost for sure haven't done,

so kind of a combination of a stiff leg deadlift, a Romanian deadlift with a little more lower

back and hamstring activation.

So you're going to start off with I would say a weight that you could do about 80 to

85 percent of - 80 to 85 percent of your one rep max on the regular deadlift.

Now what you're going to do is you're going to hold the bar with an overhand grip right

around shoulder, shoulder width apart and you're going to go down nice and slow and


You're going to have a slight bend at the knees.

You're going to try and keep your chest up so you kind of have that nice even plane on

your back and then what you're going to do is as you come up, you're going to focus on

contracting the hamstring and the glutes, so this one is really, it's really good because

it puts a lot more overload right on your lower back and your hamstrings and your glutes,

which are three main weak points I know so many of you guys have.

So as you're coming up - as you're forcing your chest to stay up throughout the movement,

you're going to notice that a lot of the tension and overload is going right on the lower back

and I find that I mean, almost nobody is directly training their lower back.

Once you get these muscles strong on your lower back, I notice a huge difference.

Like when I go heavy on squats now or heavy on deadlifts, I'm not dipping my chest and

I just feel stronger on every single compound movement and not to mention like right here,

this section of your back, that is one of the larger muscle groups, so you build thickness

and mass in that area, it's obviously going to help every single compound lift and every

single exercise across the board and every single great athlete and everyone really strong,

they all have that strong and well-developed lower back.

So I want you guys to really challenge yourself on this exercise, go heavy and then if you're

going down, you're putting a lot of tension overload on your lower back because as you

go down with a slight bend in the knees, you're going to keep your chest up, which you're

going to put more tension right here in the lower back.

And then as you come up, I want you to focus on squeezing the glutes and squeezing the

hamstrings, kind of retracting the shoulders back, so full movement, back and then you're

going to go right back into it.

So do five sets and go definitely heavy on this, four to six rep range, about 80 percent

of your one rep max on the deadlift.

All right guys, thank you for watching episode number two of the science of getting bigger.

Next episode what I'm going to do is probably take you through a full day of eating.

And also let me know I'm going to definitely walk you through my complete workout at the

gym, so let me know if you guys want me to do push, pull or legs on the next episode.

And once again, take action on this.

I want you to implement all of this because getting big in a really short period of time,

it's all these things added on together.

So it's not doing one thing right, it's doing four or five things right.

So the workouts, the training, the nutrition, the rest, the recovery, the supplementation,

everything has to come together and have this perfect storm where you guys can put on 20

to 30 pounds in about 10 weeks, which should be the goal for many of you.

So thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> 5 Mass Building Exercises You're Not Doing | The Science Of Getting Bigger Part 2 - Duration: 9:43.


Exploring Microsoft Windows Neptune Build 5111 - Duration: 4:27.

welcome back to the adventure this is Adam and today we're looking at

Microsoft Neptune this operating system was intended to replace the windows 9x

series for home users until it was cancelled in favor of what would become

Windows XP we will get started right after this Neptune is the code name for

a version of Windows under development in 1999 based on Windows 2000 it was

scheduled to be the first consumer version of Windows using NT code the

only build for Neptune was released December 27th 1999 a link to the CD

image for this build known as Phi of 1 1 1 will be in the description Neptune has

an internal version of 5.50 this means it shares the same major version as

Windows XP and is actually treated as an upgrade because the minor version is

technically higher as well however the only available alpha build for Neptune

is based on a Windows 2000 release candidate since Neptune isn't the NT

family of Microsoft operating systems we should be able to install the guest

additions in VirtualBox let's give it a shot


that proved to be correct now we have access to some higher screen resolutions

let's take a look at some of the features included in Neptune starting

with the integrated firewall this iteration is simply a check box for each

connection that turns the firewall on and off we won't see this feature again

until windows XP and of course with more control over how the firewall behaves we

also have a welcome screen we can look at since I only have one user account we

have to access it by logging off albeit rather plain the concept is still there

Neptune includes some parental controls that can be applied to different types

of users some of which can prevent a user from logging in at specified hours

under the power options we have an early implementation of hibernate by default

the option for save application States on power off is enabled when shutting

the computer down while this option is selected you will see a message that

says hibernating then we have what may be the most interesting feature of

Windows Neptune the activity center here we have some early concepts for things

like recent applications that we will see later in the Windows XP Start menu

and user folders like documents pictures etc we also have the option to customize

the activity center including pinning some recently used apps now let's see

what we can do for a web browser let's start with opera 12.0 - as it was the

last version of opera to support Windows 2000 and it may be slightly more secure

than firefox 12 now we have some web browsing capabilities the next order of

business should be antivirus installer packages treat Neptune like Windows 2000

with no service packs due to this our best option may be AVG version 7.5

version 8 and above will not install on Neptune


now that we have AVG we will need a definitions update as luck would have it

the version 8.5 definitions that are still available on a VG's website will

work we have to point to the disk image I have created and with a little

patience we will have the most up-to-date AVG possible as we continue

to Explorer windows Neptune you may wonder what software works on other end

of life were never released operating systems follow the card above to see

what still works in Windows Vista subscribe for more videos on retro tech

and legacy software every Thursday thanks for stopping by see you next


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