Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

(Brewery, clear)

(Best ribs of your life)

(20 minutes from the brewery)

- Best ribs? / - What are these ribs?

Everyone, it begins now.

- I'm hungry. / - This is just the start.

(The sun goes down in Cairns)

- Now... / - Let's eat something good.

The sun is almost gone,

but the scenery is just fantastic.

- Can't we take a picture? / - Okay.



Turn around.

(Photo time)

This one is amazing.

This one came out so well.


Looks good.

I ordered some ribs that's the size of my body.

It's coming.

I can't forget them.

- You have to go there. / - For sure.

You have to go there every night.

(What is the story behind these ribs?)

(It is glazed over with a mouthwatering sauce)

I shouldn't have looked.

(It is made with fire alone)

(The sheer size is just incredible)

- What is that? / - It's the best I've ever had.

- It's just the best. / - What is that?

(Flame-licked Portuguese-style skewers)

(Espetada, about $35.50)

(A full rack of ribs, about $52.80)


This is amazing.

I must take a photo.

Let's eat. How do we do this?

Wait, this...

It's so tender.

- Is that beef? / - Yes.

That looks good.

I'm really looking forward to this.

It's Portuguese-style beef.

Take a look.

The grain of the meat is clear.

That's sauce below, right?

It's mashed potatoes.

Looks so good.

- What is that? / - Wow.

It was so good.

You have to eat that with mashed potatoes.

- Wow. / - That's the stuff.

(It's amazing)

When something is that good, you become speechless.

There's no way to express it.

So fragrant.

This is what it's like.

It's like dripping paint in water.

Each drop spreads out like this.

This feels like various colors have gathered

to create a work of art.

The juice from the meat keeps dropping into the mash.

- That's right. / - Oh...

Let's try this.

Now is the beginning.

(Forget the ribs you've ever had)

(How will this gigantic rack taste?)

Sam, have you never had that at Cairns?

- What should I do? / - I never have.

I'm full of regret right now.

I'll start here. You start from there.

- Let's meet at the middle. / - Okay.

(What is the reason behind Hyeoksoo's grin?)

(The ribs on his side are bigger)

These visuals are just overwhelming.

This is amazing.

I'll try a little first.

(Isn't this amazing, Hyeoksoo?)

The ribs I've tried in Korea were

a bit tough and dry.

But this isn't dry at all.

This is it for me.

- Me too. / - What should I do?

Jinwoon must be reminded of that time.

I want to eat it but I can't anymore.

You have to go there.

- This is it for me. / - Me too.

This is amazing.

This place is the best.

The marinade seems slightly soy sauce based.

But more than anything, the marinade has to sink in.

They cooked it so well with the marinade.

It's good enough for me to say this.

These are the best ribs of my life.

I've never had anything so good before.

This doesn't make sense.

They're going to start translating their menu into Korean.

Please don't do that.

I didn't know that ribs can have so much meat.

Hyeoksoo, you know that?

If something tastes so good...

- You become speechless. / - Yeah, so don't talk.

(They begin to eat without a word)

It must be hard to eat after all that beer.

No, you can still fit it all in.

(??Rib my bell, rib my bell ??


(They keep eating without a break)

There's just one left.

You really ate them all?

Yes, we ate them all.

It's actually two.

- On both ends? / - I'll divide it.

Consider it an honor. I don't share good food.


It's hard to carve this. Here.

It'd be good with kimchi.

- He gave him the bone. / - He did.

You're funny, Hyeoksoo.

Hyeoksoo's inclination for violence has risen.

I'm sorry.

But this is too good.

Let's eat more. This can't be helped.

- This is... / - One rack per person.

- A rack per person. / - Per person.

- The whole rack? / - Per person.

You will all end up ordering that way.

We're not the only ones.

Thank you.

Shall we eat?

(They devour the second set like it's their first)

We can't help but think about what was

the best over the past 3 days.

Personally, it's so hard to choose.

We did way too many memorable activities.

What if we can only choose one?

For me...

It's skydiving.

- Skydiving? / - Yes. It's unforgettable.

At first, it was scary enough to regret going up.

But the exhilaration blew all my fears away.


Well, all the experiences were first for me.

- True. / - But I feel the same way...

About scuba diving.

It taught me to overcome

that arresting sense of fear.

It was scary but I felt at ease.

Scary but at ease.

It's so hard to express...

That it needs a new word.

Since it doesn't exist...

- How about we coin a new term? / - Okay.

It felt really "aucair" for me.

Yeah, I felt really aucair then.

You felt that way up in the sky

and I felt the same underwater.

We overcame our fears.

Let's trust our aucair expression.

- Go. / - 2, 3.

AuCair, AuCair, AuCair, hoo!

You drank wine too?

Wine signifies the end.

These guys...

- Acknowledged. / - Acknowledged.

- Acknowledged. / - Must acknowledge this.


- The beer for us... / - Please express the ribs.

It's like having the back of your head smashed.

It tasted so good...

That's how much it hurt?

- Like being smashed with a hammer? / - Yes.

- They were my first ribs. / - But the funniest thing...

The Australian is the most envious right now.

Sam, haven't you tried those ribs before?

Not in Australia. I've had it in Itaewon.


But in comparison...

- It's completely different. / - It's different.

Itaewon ribs are nothing compared to that.

- No regrets at all. / - They're so good because...

That I think I'd go to Cairns just to have those ribs.

- We must go. / - I'd go too.

- For just that. / - You must go.

- For me, the beer. / - Beer?

Brewery beer is the best.

- The quality is different. / - It's such a leisurely scene.

I can confidently tell you to go just for that.

I feel like this is going to set a record score.

- I saw a Ulysses butterfly 3 times. / - The butterfly.

Luck must've brought us to the pork ribs.

I think that could give us the win.

- Okay, let's go. / - Everyone...

AuCair, AuCair, AuCair, hoo!

Would you like to go on their trip to Cairns?

Please vote.

(AuCair AuCair Tour planned a trip to Cairns)

(What will the judges choose?)

If Brisbane comes on top after all that...

So far, Brisbane is leading by 6 at 78:72 votes.

Today reveals the total score.

So, we still don't know which team will win.

AuCair AuCair Tour enjoyed every activity.

Will you go to Cairns?

Or a place of rest in the city?

Will you go to Brisbane, a paradise of food?

What will the judges choose?

Now, let's turn this around.

- We're leading by 6 votes. / - Yes, we are.

The greatest joy in life comes from a comeback, right?

Well, of course, the ribs did look good.

- What is the 1st digit? / - The 1st digit...

- It's a 1. / - Goodness.

Let's do this.

- The last digit is? / - 6?

- Please. / - We did it.

That's 4 votes difference.

(Who will be the winner of the Australia special?)

Here we go...

(Cairns wins with total votes of 152 )

(They lost by a close 6 votes)

Just 6 votes.

- Come on. / - Thank you.


Final words.

I used to travel just to eat.

But my objectives have changed.

I definitely want to do more activities.

And I have more of an interest in sports.

My thoughts have changed.

How was it, Sam?

- You want to go to Australia? / - How was Australia?

It felt totally new to me.

It was fun.

Don't we have another special?

- Don't we? / - Is it another special?

- Another special? / - The weather is great now...

It's so good.

It's perfect to head there now.

An domestic trip in autumn.

That's what we'll see.

Thank you all again.

We'll return with another special next week.

The world is a school. Life is a journey.

Battle Trip.

For more infomation >> Once you get a taste, it's unforgettable! Jinwoon eats the best Ribs. [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 11:07.


Jinwoon vs. Hyuksoo, Boomerang Battle at Kuranda National Park [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 14:54.

- Hyeoksoo. / - Yes?

Do you feel confident?

I feel very confident now.

- Really? / - What we have left...

Thing is...

Sunny and Hyoyeon ate a lot of small things.

- Small things? / - Yes.

You'll see. I've never eaten so much of one thing.

Is that you ate a lot because it was good?

Exactly. There was no need for dessert.

It was so good, it was like we ate it for dessert too.

Jinwoon, what's the point we should focus on?

The thing is we've shown you a lot of activities.

But we still have a lot of things to do.

- In Cairns? / - Yes, in Cairns.

- Still. / - Things just never end.

I'm tired of it though.

That's why we didn't put on weight.

Not a single kilo.

That's because we kept moving around.

- This is true burning. / - Yes.

It's the best.

- Shall we begin immediately? / - Yes.

Everyone, this is the hidden round of the Cairns Tour.

Let's watch it together.

(Late at night in Cairns)

Late at night?

Is that him?

Is he coming to the hotel?

- They're dressed up. / - Are they wearing suits?

The guide was coming to meet us.

The local guide.

Is he here?

Is that him?

Park Taesun?

Yes. Hello.

- It's Park Taesun! / - He's finally here.

Park Taesun?

Yes. Hello.

- It's Park Taesun! / - He's finally here.

- Hello. / - It's nice to meet you.

Hello, nice to meet you.

It's good to see you.

- How have you been? / - Very good.

- Not at all. / - Thank you for coming so far.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.

Thank you so much.

(Park Taesun, 29 years old)

- He's lived there for 10 years. / - Yes.

- He moved there. / - Yes.

Thank you and sorry.

Not at all.

When did you come to Australia?

I came to Australia in July 2007.

It's been long.

What do you think is the charm of Cairns?

I'd say it's how laid back it is.

You kept talking about it.

- Exactly. / - Things are so laid back here.

Wherever you go, it feels so relaxing.

You don't even need to walk so fast.

It feels just comfortable.

That's why I've lived here the whole time...

For 10 years.

- This is our 3rd night. / - 3rd night.

- Before we leave... / - For about a day...

We have tomorrow free.

We were wondering if we missed anything.

Well, you've done quite a lot of things. But I guess...

- You could try bungee jumping. / - Bungee jumping?

Let's just forget that.

We heard it's famous.

We didn't know if there's a place around here.

There's a close place where you can bungee jump.

Or you can go to Kuranda National Park.

- Kuranda National Park? / - What is it like?

- Kuranda? / - Kuranda.

It's the oldest tropical rain forest in Australia.

- Tropical rain forest? / - With enormous trees.

- Kuranda? / - Really?

Is it older than the Amazon?

- What's that? / - It's really cool.

- Sam, do you know this place? / - I've been there.


I took this train.

- You took that train? / - Yes.

- That was so good. / - That was really amazing.

It feels like "Snowpiercer."

It feels like dinosaurs will appear.

So beautiful.

- It's like the Amazon. / - It's an amphibious vehicle.

(Piercing screams split the air)


I don't think I can jump.

- Okay, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. / - That's scary.

(Their trip in Cairns is not over yet)

(AuCair AuCair Tour's hidden itinerary)


(Kuranda Scenic Railway)

- It's not far, right? / - It's close.

It won't take longer than 20 minutes to get there.

No more than 20 minutes.

The air is so nice already.

It feels very fresh.

I know.

- This feels really good. / - I'm so excited.

Is that because we're here in the morning?

(The train to Kuranda arrives)

(Kuranda Scenic Railway)

(Cairns tropical rainforest is a World Heritage)

(It's 75km from Cairns to Kuranda)

- There are rest stops... / - It's like "Harry Potter."

On the way.

On the way?

- The chairs... / - It's really fancy.

(They head to Kuranda in the classic train)

It's so classic and beautiful.

It was the train that transported miners in the past.

- It was renovated? / - No, it's been preserved.

- It's about 100 years old. / - It's still the same?

As it was.

You can travel in that classic train.

The air is so nice. It makes me crazy.

- It smells different now. / - I know.

The phytoncide.

The air smells different.

- I think it turns 360 degrees. / - You're right.

The windows are open so tourists can look out.

The windows are all open?

Yes, they are.

This is uptown.

The train is moving slowly. It feels quite good.

I agree.

(It looks like a beautiful scene on a postcard)

- It's not a very fast train. / - It's not.

It travels slowly.

It's a tourist train.

Even the train is laid back.

You're right.

- It moves very slowly. / - It's laid back.

Are you there already?

We're here.

This place is fascinating.

(The place is full of exotic plants)

It does feel...

Like this place has a very long history.

We're walking into a place that's 140 million years old.

What kind of creatures were there

140 million years ago?

This place has a tropical climate.

The forest is not something you can see in other areas.


This is the background to "Avatar."

- This is the background to "Avatar?" / - Yes.

- He was inspired by this place. / - Really?

- It's amazing. / - It looks like the movie.

They worked hard to find this place.

I'm anxious because this place looks so nice.

- It makes us anxious. / - Yes.

(Tropical rain forest with 150 million years of history)

It is truly off the road.

Amphibious vehicles are famous here.

We saw all those animals.

- Aren't they dangerous? / - No, they're not.

(They start the tour in Kuranda with pristine nature)

(How to enjoy Kuranda thoroughly)

- Who's Mr. Army Duck? / - Army Duck is...

He is a Taiwanese man named Army Duck.

- It's so cool as soon as you enter. / - It's nice.

You know the Army Duck?

Apparently, it was used during World War 2.

During World War 2?

- Is that the Army Duck? / - Yes, it's a military vehicle.

- It's amphibious, right? / - That's why it's Army Duck.

- Army Duck. / - It's different to a duck.

Army Duck?

Let's ride the Army Duck first.

- Let's see what it's like. / - Let's ride it.

I think this is the one.

- Is this it? / - Yes.

I'm impressed that it still works.

- Let's see how good it is. / - Okay.

Good morning, everyone.

My name's Chris and I'll be your "captain" today.

- Everybody ready? / - It looks like "Jurassic Park."

It looks a little bit like that.

(They start to explore the forest of 150 million years)

It is 100% pure nature.

I can't forget the smell.

- It feels like dinosaurs live here. / - It really does.

It's really amazing.

(Staghorn fern, a foliage plant that looks like antlers)

(Stinging tree)

(Plant covered in tiny poisonous thorns)

(Causes 6 months of pain just by brushing against it)

Aren't they perilla leaves?

Aren't they perilla leaves?

- Tree fern. / - Tree fern?

It looks like a fern but it is actually a tree.

It would be amazing if you made bibimbap with that.

You could make so much.

- Dinosaurs actually fed on them. / - They did.

That makes sense.

(The tour guide suddenly gets off the vehicle)

(The trees are hanging like vines)


That's a Wait-a-while Palm.

The natives used it when they hunted.

It's more fun when someone explains things.

It is.

Even if you don't understand,

he explains it with his body.

This is fascinating.

It's awesome.

We're going into the water.

We're going in. We're in.

- It's so dynamic. / - It's truly off road.

- I think there'd be crocodiles here. / - We go past that?

The deeper we get...

- Yeah, "Avatar." / - That's right, it's like "Avatar."

It does feel like "Avatar."

Everything is so big.

- It's a lizard! / - Where?

Lizard, lizard.

(Everyone pays attention)

- There it is. / - It's so blue.

There are blue butterflies that look so amazing.

- The butterflies in "Avatar." / - Yes. Blue butterflies.

- Blue butterflies. / - There's a huge variety.

If you see 3 Ulysses butterflies in a day,

it'll bring you great fortune.

- So it's hard to see them. / - Right.

- A Ulysses butterfly. / - Here it is.

- I see it, I see it. / - So blue.

It's so blue.

- That's right. / - I saw the Ulysses butterfly.


Wait. There's another in the tree.

It's coming down.

It's coming down now.

- That's my second one. / - I missed it.

It was among the trees.

It's in the leaves now. You can't find it.

I found two.

I can't confirm that you saw two.

I need to see one more.

I'll also let you know if I see another.

Oh, my goodness.

It's just an ordinary butterfly.

Here, here.

- Ulysses? / - Is it?

It is, it is.

Then did you see three of them?

I saw all three of them. I did.

It's gone.

- The motor scared it off. / - He looks so sad.

You must be right.

(He feels sorry for Jinwoon but he's so happy)

I think I am such a lucky guy.

(How to enjoy Kuranda thoroughly)

Boomerang experience.

- The natives... / - Really?


(Traditional hunting weapon for Aborigines)

(The light ones that return are for hunting)

(The heavy ones are for battle)

It's so fascinating that it comes back.

- It was fun to throw it. / - It feels good to throw it.

- I'll try it. / - I never imagined I'd learn this.

(It flew up in the sky)

- It won't come back automatically? / - No, it doesn't.

- It comes back. / - It's gone.


It's gone?

I don't think I'd be good at this.

It's a little scary, Hyeoksoo.

(It flies in a perfect arc)

(It lands behind the ladder)

It did come back.

Very good.

- Let's have a battle now. / - A battle?

Let's bet on something.

What do you want to bet?

Battle for what?

What about bungee jumping?

We have to do it anyway.

But I really don't want to.

Then let the loser buy beer today.

- Buy beer? / - Yes.

(Jinwoon must do bungee jumping)

I call for double on bungee jumping and beer.

Bungee jumping twice is too much.

(Their pride is on the line in this boomerang battle)

(Who will be the winner?)

I'll go first.

Jinwoon, you'll lose after all.

Let's wait and see.

- The desperate one will lose. / - Just try it.

There is no such thing as a great twist in the world.

There is no such thing.

Jinwoon, beer will come back for sure.

What do you mean beer comes back?

- How did it go? / - Did it go out?

No, it comes back.

- It went out. / - Huh?

- It didn't come back. / - Looks like you'll lose.

- I thought I did well. / - Hyeoksoo.

- What happened. It felt good. / - Hyeoksoo...

- I've got the feel for it. / - You have?


Don't be so picky.

Don't try to cheat.

I feel nervous.

Let's play fair and square.

1, 2, 3. Bungee.

It was Kwon Hyeoksoo who did the bungee jump.

- Moon Seyoon is good at that. / - I just threw it.

He was really good.

- Just like earlier... / - It's going drop.

Drop like your heart.

There is no great twist in the world.

I really don't want to bungee jump.

Bungee jumping is scary.

1, 2, 3. Bungee.

It will just drop. You feel weird, don't you?

He is so annoying.

(He throws it with all his heart)

I did it.

It's coming back.


He almost caught it.

- Great job. / - It was perfect.

But I was better when we practiced.

- This is... / - Twice, twice.

- Twice, bungee jump twice. / - Wait a minute.

- I could just send it flying. / - Bungee jump twice.


- Isn't the result manipulated? / - No.

We don't manipulate the game results anymore.

A false victory will not be applauded.

I cut you some slack.

- I love you, Hyeoksoo. / - This is...

For more infomation >> Jinwoon vs. Hyuksoo, Boomerang Battle at Kuranda National Park [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 14:54.


Feel Mother Nature! Hyuksoo's bungee jump...'Can Jinwoon do it, too?' [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 13:20.

(Bungee jumping)

- This is bad. / - You're going to bungee jump now?

Oh, dear.

(16 minutes from Kuranda to bungee jumping)

This is A. J. Hackett Cairns.

It's the name of the founder.

- Mr. Hackett built it. / - He's the father of bungee?

A. J. Hackett is not only in New Zealand

but also in many other places all over the world.

- So he's the originator. / - The most famous.

Why did he make such a thing?

Why did he have to?

Look at the Titanic posture.

Titanic. I'll do that.

There is a diving posture too.

- Touch the water. / - You can choose your posture.

Rope jump. Dropping after hanging on.

You can jump while riding a bicycle too.

Although I lost, I think you should jump too.

Alright. I will.

(First time to bungee jump on Battle Trip)

(Will the two be okay?)

Let's watch it first before we go up.

It looks fun.

(But I'm a little scared)

From there you don't feel like you're falling.

You feel good then.

And in addition, it's just 40m high.

That would be scarier.

- 50m? / - I've jumped from 212m before.

- How was it? / - Since I had experienced that...

- I thought this would be easy. / - No way.

- I think I'd be fine with this height. / - You're experienced.

(But this guy was)


(He was like this at 13m)

Let's do it. I'm looking forward to it.

Okay. Go, go, go.

Let's try it. Go.

- Let's go. / - Go.

It'll be fun.

I think climbing up the stairs will be hard.

Did the other team do something like this?

I think our activities will come on top.

- Ours? / - We did everything.

You're right.

I'm tired.

How can we do this?

It's so high.

- You can't. / - This...

(Now speechless, they receive the safety harnesses)

The anxiety sets in while putting these on.

(Shrieks from a distance add to the building fear)

That scared me.

- Jinwoon? / - Yes?

Spin around. Sit down.

- That's when your legs start to feel wobbly, right? / - Yes.

Are you ready, Jinwoon?

I'm not mentally prepared.

- No one comes ready. / - That's true.

That's life.

- That's within the park, right? / - I can't do it.

Just imagining it scares me.

Will you touch the water?


Why not take a dip? You like the water.

Just wear snorkeling gear and transition to diving.

- My gosh. He's so annoying. / - You can handle it.

Sorry for being out of line. But give me a break

because I think I'm going to swear at you.

He's telling you to come.

My mind went blank then.


Go, Jinwoon!

(He looked down)



(This is scary)

You can't look down.

I want to jump backwards.

I think I can handle everything with this height.

(He turns his back to keep his word)

- Okay. / - Just a moment please.

- Okay, now stand up. / - Okay, just a moment.

Sorry, I'm scared. I'm scared.

You can do it.

(Why did I agree to this?)

Let go here.

(Bursts into laughter)

- Just a moment. / - Let go.

- Yeah, we've had a moment. / - I need a second.

(That is how Jinwoon dragged on)

- You took 30 minutes? / - Really?

Then, I came back in.

- What can I do? / - Why? You can't do it?

I don't think I can.

- Should I go first? / - Do you want to?

- Jinwoon didn't go? / - He didn't.

Thank you, Hyeoksoo.

(He's scared too)

- Hold on. / - Let go.

- Wait a minute. / - Yeah, let go, man.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

- Go. / - Okay.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Hyeoksoo did it.

- You're awesome, Hyeoksoo. / - My feet are tingling.

Okay. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

(Feeling anxious)

3, 2, 1...

You're awesome, Hyeoksoo.

(You're awesome, Hyeoksoo)

You did so well.

It's scary when you bounce up, right?

I was so scared.


- You want to do it? / - Yeah.

Okay, let's go.


Jinwoon, it's okay.

(The encouragement helps him let go)

Go back. Back, back, back.

- Are you ready? / - Yep!

- 5, 4, 3... / - He's doing it, he's doing it.

You get a nice return for all your fear.

- 5, 4, 3... / - He let go.



As scared as you were...

- It's exhilarating, right? / - That exhilaration.


You did it.

(He overcomes his fear and jumps impressively)

Why did I agree to doing this? Just why?

Should we go again together?

- No thanks. / - Let's go again.

You think I'm saying this because I'm scared?

Let's just get some beer.

(Bungee jumping, clear)

(A trip to the brewery)

- Isn't that cheating? / - It is.

Breweries are cheating.

It's a huge advantage.

Go. Let's get it.

(It's a different thrill from the bungee jump)

The weather is clear and the sky is blue.

It's a perfect day for a beer.

- This place was recommended. / - It's the hot place.

- Do you enjoy beer? / - Of course, we're...

Well, there's a small brewery there.

The place isn't just a distillery.

It's a place where you can enjoy beer

while gazing out towards a wheat field.

He really knows his stuff.

- He sure does. / - He knows a lot.

(This brewery is located north of Cairns)

You drink while looking out.

The owner is a teacher.

- Really? / - He's a chemistry teacher.

He applied his knowledge very productively.

He developed unique recipes using his own methods.

He developed all the flavor profiles.

(The panoramic view with the mountain backdrop)

(It's where beer-lovers congregate to enjoy beer)

There is a variety of sizes.

- What should we order? / - I know.

Can we do a tasting?

- He says we can. / - Really?

(There are four choices of beer here)

They all taste different.

They were all so crisp.

All of them.

- Then, I'll get all four. / - Good.

Taste them all first then settle on your favorite.

That's right.

So skilled.

And the head...

The color gradually gets darker.

(Start with the lightest to darkest beer)

- Let's try them in order. / - Yes, in order.

- This here is Cairns ale. / - Cairns ale.


- Looks so refreshing. / - It's so tasty.

(The refreshing beer goes down his throat)

(The memories of the day flash before his eyes)

(In order to have this glass, they had a blast today)

I do I keep thinking of pumpkin sweet potato?

(Bottoms up)

They drink so well.

Hey, Hyeoksoo.

The Cairns ale is so crisp.

It has a clean taste

with a slight aroma.

It's a feel-good flavor.

It has all the properties that a crisp beer should have.

They say that you can learn about a country

through its alcoholic beverages.

- There's such a saying? / - Of course.

Depending on the climate...

- The alcohol tastes different. / - That makes sense.

- Cairns has really crisp beer. / - What a picture.

- Isn't that the wallpaper? / - They can't rest.

The second one is the school day.

School day?

(What is this taste?)

You have to pause between sips for this.

(He doesn't know what that is and finishes at once)

The aroma is important.

That looks so good.

That's an ale.

IPA usually contains a lot more hops.

- It tastes hoppy. / - Right.

- It's a bit bitter. / - But among IPA beers...

I've never had such a crisp IPA.

Usually, the alcohol content is higher

but this one isn't that high.

It's weaker at 3.5%.

Normally, this should be the order.

But I think the order was flipped due to the aroma.

- You're right. / - The aroma gets stronger.

This is so tasty.

So they can make IPA like this.

I wish I could be there to drink with them.

- I've never had such a clean IPA. / - Me too.

The red ale now. Now, this is the Valentina.

- This is really unique. / - That one is really...

It kind of looks like juice.

- True. / - It's a unique color for beer.

It smells of coffee.

- A coffee aroma? / - Yes.

Did he drink it in one go again?

- He knows how to drink. / - How refreshing.

Beer is meant for washing down your throat.

This is very unique.

It's very unique.

I love this aroma.

It's a bit like Dutch coffee.

It would be convincing just to call it Dutch beer.

The taste of coffee follows all the way through.

The beers are like the ocean we went snorkeling in,

they're transparent.

This one's a complete black beer.

Shall we taste it?

- Will it taste a bit smoky? / - I like black beer.

Isn't that one a bit stronger?


It tastes savory.

From what I see,

they added smoked BBQ and boiled it.

- There's BBQ in here. / - Like a broth?

It's like smoked turkey or smoked duck.

It's almost like that.

- The beer tasted like BBQ. / - It's really like that.

You don't need food with it.

- It had a smoky aroma. / - Really?

It's like there's smoked cheese in it.

That'd be so good.

Which one did you like the best?

The first one for me.

It was crisp and fresh.

It really went well with our holiday.

Cairns ale. Me too.

It's crisp and refreshing.

- I love this feeling. / - It's so good.

Hyeoksoo, let's gulp this down

then let's get a large glass of our favorites.

- Okay. / - Good.


That'd be so good.

- It was so good. / - That'd be so refreshing.

(Are you watching, beer companies?)

He wants a beer commercial deal.

I get to pour it myself.

A delicious glass of Cairns ale.

This is for you.

Thank you.

This is nice.

- That's so... / - That's incredible.

- All your worries just dissipate there. / - Yeah.

The perfection of bromance.

- They're drunk. / - The view...

You must drink here.

It's so good here.

- The wind... / - It's so nice.

I wanted to bring that wind back with me.

- You can take away. / - Yes.

Take out.

- In glass bottles. / - We took some back.

And drink again.

For more infomation >> Feel Mother Nature! Hyuksoo's bungee jump...'Can Jinwoon do it, too?' [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 13:20.


A Day in life of a SHW : Youtube and I Ten years of Tears pain and HOPE - Duration: 26:22.

Hello and welcome to the channel and a new video

todays video is going to be a bit different than the usual videos I put up on my channel

I hope my video helps out people who are going through difficult times in their lives

but before let me say that this video is going to be my youtube story

and of course in parallel I am going to tell you about my life during this period

I am not going to go into details because its pointless

but i am going to give you a general idea

how youtube has helped me pass difficult times in my life

Youtube filled up my time and give me an outlet to escape from everyday stress and problems

I am so grateful to youtube for this and I am always going to be grateful it it for that

Youtube is not only an job or an income

in my opinion it was a divine mercy that came in a time where I really needed it

let me tell you the beginning of my youtube story

I first started youtube when I was living in Austin, Texas

at the time i didnt have any friends at all

I didnt know anyone at all i was on my own a 100%

I lived there for a year and half and I never had any friends at all

not a single person entered my home during the whole year and a half

the bizzar thing thing that I see now as divine intervention

is that I got hold of a nice digital camera at the time

and with the camera I started taking pictures of my everyday meals

at the time there were no smart phones yet

at first i didnt have a reason or a plan for the photos I used to take

after a while of taking random food pictures the idea came to why not put the pictures together and make a youtube video

youtube at the time was a new thing

I believe I was the first Moroccan youtuber to post Videos about Moroccan cuisine and Moroccan food

I might be wrong but I believe there were noone else Moroccan on Youtube at the time

the video you see here was my first videos on youtube EVER

the video was pictures with English subtitles

the first video was posted on july 2007

at the time I was living under a lots of stress and endless problems

but I found an escape in youtube from all these life problems

at the time i shared a lots of my food picture on the internet in cooking forums

Forums were very popular at the time

i was one of the many people who loved sharing recipes on these forums

I am glad I did share these photos because otherwise I would have lost them

these photos weer taken between 2007 and 2009

in 2009 a big event took place in my life that changed everything

unfortunately in 2009 I quit youtube

even before I quit youtube I posted video just for the fun and the joy it brought me

youtube was an oasis where I could be happy and at peace

however in 2009 I stopped posting on youtube

whatever strength I had to find joy somewhere else other than my real life was lost

it was like an earthquake that paralyzed everything

I stopped posting on youtube for two years

during these two years I lived on my own in the states

after the two years I felt exhausted and tired emotionally and physically

I saw my life going in a direction that I wasnt happy with

so I decided to go back to Morocco

so at the end of 2012 I went back to my parents house in Morocco

imagine I had my own house job car etc and had to leave all that behind

and go back to the starting point of your life

it was a very difficult thing to do

the most difficult thing was to trying to get used to living in Morocco

dealing with peoples endless questions to why I did go back to Morocco

here comes the youtube again

I decided to go back to posting videos on youtube

at the beginning I was filming with my old phone

I started posting regularly on youtube again on 2013

for two years almost I filmed with my phone with no voiceover

even though I didnt have any equipement to film I continued to use my phone to film

because I knew that was my ticket to getting away from the reality of my life back then

the questions that people keep asking repeatedly

the thing is I decided on my own to come go back to Morocco none forced me to

I was trying to find inner peace and redirect my life path

during that time I struggled between dealing with society and my inner personal issues

even though almost none watched my videos on youtube

the views were very low

but I didnt want to let go of my youtube channel

I kept filming and uploading videos many times a week

I had opened a second channel for Bread recipes

even though like I said my videos were not very interesting to viewers at the time

I did enjoy every single video I filmed

I spent hours filming moving the camera to different places to get different shot angels

that was such a big source of joy and happiness for me

I will always be grateful for the opportunity that youtube gave me

my brain was so focused on filming I forgot completely about the reality I was living in at the time

i was to tell you guys that for many many year I didnt earn anything from youtube

but starting from 2013 I started getting paid for my videos

it wasnt a lot but it was enough

it was nice getting paid with money but the most important thing was the happiness and the peace I was getting from the whole thing

I spent three years in Morocco doing youtube filming and posting video on youtube

I always went to the farmers market in here in Morocco

it was such a joy to go the market and get the fresh produce and take pictures and videos of the beauty of it

I was learning so much more about everything than I was teaching

after a while of filming only food recipe and bread recipes

I had this idea of getting into crafts and

I had always loved crafts sewing and DIYs since I was little kid

but I never had the opportunity to learn any on it

none in my mediate family likes or enjoys crafting so it was an unusual thing to get into

I started from a big zero because I literally didnt know anything about crafting

I learnt most of what I knew from youtube and of course with time I added my own ideas and creations

example here I used hanging wire and old clothing items to make 3D words

along the crafting I continued with the food and cooking videos on my main channel

not many people watched my videos

because my videos were more about the filming than about the recipes

I totally understand because most people who watch cooking videos they are looking for recipes and not videos of the ingredients

so a lots of my subscribers did leave the channel after a while because they didnt find what they were looking for it in it

here I am sharing with you some of the videos I used to film at the time

from where I stand now I see it as a mercy that I had that outlet

I absolutely loved and enjoyed going to the farmers market

moroccan farmers markets are full of an abundance of vegetables and fruits

I didnt even know what i was going to the market for before I leave the house

I love to go and see whats there fresh and be inspired by that to make my meals

I continued posting videos of my crafts channel for almost a year

I posted videos almost every day

I cant describe how happy and content I was during this period

I finally found what i really loved to do

I used to go a fabric market not too far from my parents house

I used to go one or twice during the week and walk around and see whats new

Everyday I made something different and I enjoyed that so enormously

it was such a happy time for me

at that point even in my cooking channel I filmed things that were more innovative rather than the traditional recipes and videos

because i needed an outlet to express myself and to create and try new things

now that I watching this clips many memories come back

I would like to tell anyone who is going through tough time

try to find something that makes you truly happy

try not to be fully consumed by the problems you have

if you are dealing with illness or death or even a divorce

dont allow the negative part of your life to take over the positive side of it

even if it is very difficult to do so

I myself went through similar situation

where I could see no light or hope anywhere in my life

I was in a situation where I wanted to find anything that would bring me joy and I couldnt find any

I lived through some very difficult times

I was so sad and broken that I didnt find words to express them even in my prayers

I couldnt find words that would describe the loss I was feeling other than the name of calling the name God

but I can tell you now that all wounds heal

everyone of us in life has to go through tests thats what life is about

if you are going through something similar be patient it will pass and fade away

you will get through it for sure

as I am watching these videos a lots of sad memories come to my mind

I was in the worst situation you could imagine but I am grateful that I found a way to escape to

thats why youtube has a special place in my heart for giving me that happy place where i did find peace at the time

with very simple things you can make beautiful things from nothing you can create your own happiness and peace

I am forever grateful for that

please dont think I went through some horrible things in my life

because compared to other people around the world my tests are almost nothing

they are people who are going through endless wars and endless loss and pain

I am accepting my tests and grateful that I didnt have to go through bigger miseries other people around the world are going through everyday

please that if God put you in a difficult situation it is because He knows you have enough strenght to go through it otherwise He wouldnt have put you throught it

that was story during the years 2013-2015

I was fully concentrated on making youtube videos

bitter sweet memories at the same time

I concentrated on the few happy positive things that were in my life

I am grateful too that youtube became a job for me at the time

I had enough money to support myself and get the things that brought me joy

little by little I found happiness with the filming or food and recipes and the crafting

I avoided completely people that might have had a negative impact on me

sometimes society forces you into a small space where you dont necessarily feel good

a lots of people expected me to go find a "real job" outside the house

in my heart I knew a job outside was not for me at that point in my life

I could find a job as a teacher or may be other jobs

but I was sure if Ii took that road I would be miserable

so add misery to misery was not a good thing to ad at all

so i took the road of youtube instead

it was one of the best decision i made in my life

even though none really watched my videos but for me it definitely therapeutic

I always will be grateful to God for making this possible

here I am sharing with you some of the videos I shared in my craft channel year ago

unfortunately I had to stop filming videos for the Craft channel for reasons above me

although I posted over a hundred videos on the craft channel I never earned a dime from it

because none was interested in my craft videos a the time

I wanted to continue posting videos in the craft channel even if i didnt make any money from it but I had to stop unfortunately

the reason was because I didnt have the space to film and store my craft supplies anymore

but its ok because i continued and refocused on filming for my main cooking channel

the food videos took the back burner while I was filming for my craft channel

the thing that i found so beautiful in this story is most of my videos I filmed them in the smallest space you could imagine

it is small space between the stairs and the door to the roof that was about a one meter long

there was a room there but it wasnt mine to use

I enjoyed decorating the small space and making it look pretty for the camera

here are some of the struggle of filming in an open roof

it wasnt easy at time for sure

but we have to think and be content with the positive things that are in our lives

trust in the DIvine wisdom and that God is watching over you and will not let you fall in you do the right thing

each person has a unique different story

we are not copies of each other so our lives should not be copies of one an other

we have to go through tests in life its the way it is

even you see people that look happy and have everything in life to be happy

they might have a house kids jobs everything but be sure that none in this life is happy 100% all the time

appearances are very deceiving

everyone has his or her own struggle and set of tests that she has or he has to go through

the thing is even if during the years that I was going through some difficult times there were moments of pure joy in my life

when i first came back to Morocco my sister had just had her first baby girl

because my sister had to work she left her daughter often at my parents house

so i got to spent so much time with my sisters baby

I always took care of her and went out with her

when I came to Morocco she was one month and when i left she was five years old

of course she spent time in her home with her parents but I got to see her pretty often

I have so many happy memories with her

she was in many of my old videos for those of you who have been watching me for a long time would remember that I think

God always puts things in your life that would help you find peace and happiness in the most difficult times

after the so many years of being truly tested I got a second chance and a new fresh start

I moved to a whole new country a new culture and new adventures and experiences

even though I never though in a million year that i would live one day in france

I was convinced that I was made to live in the states as I was so used to the life over there

but I believe God has chosen for me to live here

I am fully in love with the life here and I could be happier

I have peace tranquility and content finally

I am in love with the French countryside

I feel like my life was a race car running in all sorts of crazy directions that finally dropped me off here

I am so grateful that my life journey had lead me here

ten years full of pain tears heartbreak and struggles but did come to peaceful end

life is very unpredictable

that was my life story and my youtube story

I truly hope that the video was not too incoherent

before making the video I decided to not take notes and take straight from my heart

I hope that the video is going to help those who are going through hard times

be sure that whatever test you are going through its going to end at a certain point

trust in God mercy and Gods plan for you in this life

do whats right always and keep your faith high and you will get through it

you dont have to follow what society expects of you do what you think is right for you

I have to stop here otherwise this video is going to go on forever

I am hoping to go back to my home soon so i can get back to my routine and my daily series A Day in life of a Stay at Home Woman

I miss you all very very much

thank you for all the lovely comments you guys leave me

May God always be with you and may he always ease your pain and struggles

For more infomation >> A Day in life of a SHW : Youtube and I Ten years of Tears pain and HOPE - Duration: 26:22.


Sunny & Hyoyeon pick a tour guide of their age!... He's so charming♥[Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 9:41.

How relaxing.

Check out the fish.

The sea is filled with half fish and half people.

(Skydiving, the most thrilling experience)

It was short but intense.

- It's so much better in person. / - So much better.


I don't think I've ever seen such a view before.

Wow, koala.

- Completely recommended. / - For sure.

So nice.

Come to Australia, everyone.

(Which team will win?)

(Numerous great tips on trips)

(Lee Hwijae, special host, Sam Hammington)

(Kim Sook, Sung Sikyung)

Travel is war.

Battle Trip!

For 3 weeks, we've been checking out

unique cities in Australia.

Here are our four trip designers.

Welcome back.

We're really enjoying your trips.

They introduced Cairns and Brisbane, Australia.

- The score was 78 to 72 votes. / - We won.

- By 6 votes. / - We have the upper hand.

- Actually, no one knows the result. / - Six votes...

You'll find out the result today.

We have fair 100 judges in the audience with us.

- Welcome. / - Welcome.


The hidden special will be revealed today at last.

It's a special episode because...

- Many Koreans live in Australia. / - That's right.

Through working holiday, they learn English

and work there.

- That's true. / - Besides...

Many international students go to Australia.

- That's right. / - So...

We have some local Koreans as guides.

- We asked for their help. / - That's so good.

When I went to Ireland to travel,

I didn't have much information about Ireland.

A Korean international student in Ireland led...

- The trip acting as the guide. / - That's awesome.

So I joined that trip and I got to experience...

- Things others couldn't. / - I bet.

You can get all the best tips if you have a local friend.

- That's so true. / - Books are slow at catching trends.

Is there a famous spot in Sydney?

- I don't know Sydney well. / - What about Melbourne?

Why do you sweat whenever we talk about Australia?

I get nervous.

- When you get to Melbourne... / - What is this?

And drive about an hour and a half out...

- There's an area called Daylesford. / - Dayle City?

It's Daylesford. It's the countryside.

It's really small and cute.

Right now, it got modernized.

But there are wineries and good restaurants around.

- If so... / - So if we go with a local like him...

- We'll get these tips right away. / - So it's like...

Getting recommendations from overseas students

who have been living there for years.

- Doesn't it sound fun? / - We'll get great tips.

When they decided to go to Australia,

the staff posted this announcement on SNS.

So many of the viewers showed interest.

- They helped. / - Thank you once again.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Alright. Which team should go first?

How about ladies first?

- Should our team go first? / - Yes, ladies first.

We're about to watch the trip but from what we hear...

You had great chemistry with your guide.

As soon as you met...

- Was it a guy or a girl? / - Was it that good?

It was chemistry between friends of the same age.

He was the same age as us.

We went to a place...

With so much great food.

It was a place where you could pick and choose.

You could call it an Australian eatery.

But you could also say we traveled the world.

What's a good dish in Australia?

There isn't any traditional food in Australia.

- It's a country of immigrants... / - Australia...

- So it's diverse. / - Wants you to stop talking.

Let's watch the tour in Brisbane.

I hear that Brisbane is a paradise of cuisines.

I can't wait for this hidden trip. The trip begins now.

First time in Australia, right?


What are you doing up there?

They look so funny.

Come to Australia.

It's so high you lose a sense of how high you are.

- Let's go. / - Go.

- Go, go. / - Let's go.

- I want to go skydiving again. / - That was so cool.

You have to jump from space.

It was so breathtaking last week.

(There are 108,000 Koreans that live in Australia)

- 108,000 people live there? / - 108,000 Koreans?

You'll see a Korean every 10m.

(Sunny and Hyoyeon chose the planner themselves)

- Out of these people? / - I already chose one.

- It's a guy. / - Isn't that Siwan?

- He's handsome. / - He's really handsome.

- Isn't he an idol? / - Did they choose by looks?

- Isn't he great? / - He's so handsome.

It says that this applicant is living in luxury.

- Should we travel in luxury? / - I know.

- No. / - No?

But that guy says...

- Brisbane... / - You keep going back to him.

It says he's been studying there only for 6 months.

But he assured the crew

that he knows Brisbane inside out.

- He did? / - Yes, he assured them.

He said he knows good restaurants and hip places.

Alright. The first applicant

that caught my eye was this guy.

He caught your eye or captured your heart?

He caught my attention. What are you talking about?

If he's caught your eye, he's captured your heart.

Take good care of us, my friend.

How do you want him to take care of us?

I don't know.

(It's sunny again in Brisbane)

A lot of Koreans reside in Brisbane too, right?


We're going to meet that... What was his name again?

Sanghun. Sanghun.

We're here to meet Sanghun.

This is the cafe Sanghun recommended.

(A relaxing cafe in Brisbane)

- It's so pretty. / - The cafe's pretty too.

I understood why he wanted to meet us there.

- The tour begins here. / - Yes, right.

It's fun to make friends

when you're overseas.

Really? I'm a bit worried.

- Why? / - He may be disappointed to see us.

Why would he be?

He might have expected another celebrity.

It looks like you're on a date.

No, it's just that he didn't know it was us.

- Oh. / - It was so much fun.

- The applicant didn't know? / - Seriously?

Let me explain about the show.

You don't know who will be coming, do you?

No, I don't. It's driving me crazy.

- He's really handsome. / - Who would you like?

- He's like an idol. / - For real.

- Isn't this cheating? / - I missed Korean songs.

I listen to TWICE songs a lot.


- That's what he said? / - He made a mistake.

- That's fine. / - He did.

The fact that he wanted to see us at this cafe...

- He's trendy. / - Tells me he's sophisticated.

- When is he coming? / - It's hot.

I think he's here.

He has a small face.

- Hello. / - Hi.

He likes us. Thank goodness.

If it were TWICE, he would've passed out.

He's dressed in the old Seotaiji style...

- Back in the days. / - It's making me so sad.

- It's nice to meet you. / - I never imagined...

- Who did you think we were? / - What?

Or which celebrities did you expect?

I thought it could be an idol

but I never imagined it'd be Girls' Generation.

We are idol singers too.

I watched you while growing up.

- Really? / - This is fun.

- Thank you. This is fun. / - Thank you.

- Your name is Sanghun? / - Yes. Shin Sanghun.

- Your last name is Shin? / - Yes.

It's great that he's the same age.

- Yes, it was comfortable. / - Just by the photo...

- 6 months? / - 6 months?

- 6 months is too short. / - That's too short.

- 6 months is a bit... / - Since he's young...

- He'd know hip places. / - Right.

Which part of the outskirts of the city did you go?

What I remember the most is that on our first day...

- We went to the Sky Point. / - Right. Sky Point.

We went there and it was just amazing.

I know what you're talking about.

After that, I felt like we saw everything in Brisbane.

Right, but you haven't seen everything yet.


- Show us the rest of the city. / - He was so confident.

He was passionate too.

- Leave it to me. / - Really?

Yes, I've prepared the best places for you.

It's so awkward.

Here it is.

- Hi. / - Hi.

Cold brew?

They don't have ice coffee there.

You have to make the ice coffee yourself?

- There's no ice coffee... / - Cold brew comes with ice.

In Europe, Australia is very similar to Europe.

- You can have ice coffee with it. / - Right.

This is cold pressed coffee.

People who don't like cold brew coffee

say it's not as good.

You can mix the milk if you want.

It smells great.

- Doesn't it? / - It's like ice coffee.

It could taste different.

Try it.

It's bitter.

It's bitter.

Bitter, bitter.

- Australian coffee is strong. / - Really?

- It's quite strong. / - Cafe mocha.

- Like a cafe mocha? / - More, please.

- Thank you. / - You're funny. "More, please."

I guess it's strong.

- It tastes like milk. / - Like coffee flavored milk?

It'd be good without the milk.

For more infomation >> Sunny & Hyoyeon pick a tour guide of their age!... He's so charming♥[Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 9:41.


Манипуляции. Разбор видео. Переговоры прием 'высмеивание'. - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Манипуляции. Разбор видео. Переговоры прием 'высмеивание'. - Duration: 2:46.


Sunny & Hyoyeon go to Eat Street, the one-stop place for world's cuisine! [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 13:23.

(Eat Street)

(1 hour from the jet boat ride to Eat Street)

??Where we are right now... ??

??It's known as a hot place, Eat Street ??

What does Eat Street mean?

- Eat Street... / - Eat and die.


We really recommend this place.

- This was Hyoyeon's favorite. / - You must.

This is it.

This is the street for young people that you wanted.

- This is it. / - This place is hot.

(Market that only runs on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays)

(The biggest food market in Brisbane)

(Where you can enjoy global cuisine)

Food and people from all around the world.

Japanese, Chinese, Thai,


They have everything.

There must be shows too.

- The decorations are so pretty. / - Watch and drink...

That's an ice cream truck. Isn't that cute?

It's a really big market.

It's similar to Korea's food truck places.

If you go to Yeouido or Banpo...

- It's like this on the weekends. / - Yeah.

- This is so interesting. / - Everyone waits in line.

- It's cotton candy. / - I really like cotton candy.

If kids eat it, their teeth will rot.

- My gosh. / - Can we buy it later?

Okay, let's eat it.

- It's so pretty. / - It's really cute.

This is Asia Street.

It's Thai food.

- It's Asia Street. / - Isn't there a similar place?

- There must be Korean. / - Doesn't it say Seoul?

- Fusion. / - Where?

S.E.O.U.L. You're right.

Isn't it Korean food?

This place will be good for people who are homesick.

- They can come and eat. / - Yes.

Where should we eat?

Where should we eat?


- We need to choose a country. / - A country?

I want to eat Mexican, Thai...

And Chinese.

It doesn't really matter...

- What we eat for the main dish. / - It's not important?

I'm going to eat cotton candy.

- And ice cream. / - And ice cream?

- Look at Hyoyeon. / - Everyone will be satisfied here.

- That's really good. / - What is this?

- I like noodles. / - Noodles? What about Thai noodles?

Thai noodles sound good.

Wait a minute.


Aren't you following your instinct too much?

You're showing your back to the camera.

- This one. / - What do you want to eat?

It's like tom yum goong.

- That's really good. / - Excuse me. Wonton laksa.

- One burrito. / - A burrito?

Burritos are delicious.

- Beer? / - You can't leave beer out.

- One of each. / - Yeah.

- Here we go. / - There's the beer.

We have beer.

- Australian beer is really good. / - Yes, it is.

(This is Australian beer)

- Should we drink some here? / - Just take a sip.

I really want to drink beer.

It's really good.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

I'm so excited here.

I think I'll come here every week if I live here.

I'll gain 10kg easily.

2 weeks is enough for 10kg.

- That looks so good. / - This was after the burger.

- We ate again. / - You did.

The beer is cheaper than I expected.

Than you expected?

Australian beer is quite expensive.

(Pale ale draft beer, $7.20)

(The total cost is $38.80)

I think this is the biggest festival I've ever been to.

- Isn't it so fun? / - Yes.

This place is so nice for our first trip.

- We're going to become picky. / - You're right.

I'm so happy.

That place would be so nice to go with friends.

It looks delicious. Let's eat.

What is that?

- It's that laksa. / - Laksa.

It's so good!

- It tastes like tom yum goong. / - She's excited.

It feels there's curry mixed in it.

- It's weaker than tom yum goong. / - That looks good.

It's good.

The food is good but...

- The atmosphere is important. / - It's really good.

- It makes people excited. / - That noisy atmosphere.

It's really good.

This is really good too.

It tastes weaker than authentic Mexican.

But the tastes are still harmonious.

Didn't you say that you weren't hungry?

Ignore that and just eat.

- You're actually hungry. / - You just think you're not.

- You have to eat on a trip. / - Of course.

I really ate a lot.

Burrito makes you keep eating.

- Don't diet when you're traveling. / - That's right.

I regret not eating a lot.

- Never eating too much. / - That's right.

You're on a trip.

- Is it good? / - What should I do?

I'm worried but I'm so happy.

- Isn't this when you gained 2kg? / - Yes.

You can see that my cheeks are becoming chubby.

What should we eat next? Let's think about that.

First, let's go eat those little donuts

we tried earlier.

We really need to eat that.

- They had samples. / - Donuts from Korea?

- No, in one place. / - Oh, one place.

As you try the samples...

- It's really good. / - What?

- You can't help but buy it. / - Why?

- Is it that good? / - Donuts are just donuts.

No, the chocolate made a huge difference.

- I want that as my meal. / - It's that good?

What should we eat?

Where are the donuts we dipped in chocolate?

(The girls end up buying the donuts)

That's a big one.

That must be about 20,000 calories.

I think I'll crave this in Korea.

- Oh, my face... / - Look at her eyes.

I like that girl groups eat well these days.

I agree.

- Thank you. / - Thank you. Let's go.

- Let's not worry. / - So good.

Let's just enjoy it.

Look. What am I going to do?

How is it?

It's really good.

Heaven in my mouth.

- I remember that taste. / - Is that all donuts?


If that doesn't taste good, you need to report it.

They had every delicious food there.

I'm going to crave this.

That's cheating.

Let's just roll back to Seoul.

No need to walk.

I think my stomach will burst.

(Hyoyeon is in pain because her stomach is full)

Female food fighters that have Sunny's figure are...

- Really good at eating. / - You're right.

The sweetness doesn't go well with beer.

Should we buy something that goes with the beer?

Start eating again?

Do you mean it?

- I'm worried about our future. / - Wow!

- They have cronuts! / - What's a cronut?

It's a mix between croissants and donuts.

- I never tried it before. / - Cronuts?

- They're really popular. / - Let's go sample it.

It's so pretty.

- Eating again? / - This is insane.

This might cost as much as skydiving.

You need to try at least one.

They're so pretty and really good.

Cronut, I can't bear this.

You need to try at least one.

They're so pretty.

- That one at the end is real good. / - One for each finger.

You really like your sweets.

Women can eat a lot.

- Hyeoksoo, do you like sweets too? / - Of course.

They ate a lot of sweets.

My gosh. Let's eat.

How is it?

- It's really good. / - Is it really good?

The oil tastes quite sweet.

- You can taste it in between. / - They're beautiful.

Aren't they?

You can't hate these.

That's a crime.

This is my first time eating

sweets and whatever I want.


Is it coming to an end?


- What happened? / - The cotton candy.

Are they going to buy something to eat again?

I think it got bigger.

It's a cloud. There are clouds here.

I need to take a photo of that.

- My gosh. It's cotton candy. / - Cotton candy.

Cotton candy reminds you of your childhood.

(Excited Sunny orders glow stick as well)

They're going to use glow sticks for our cotton candy.

- They make it like that. / - That's amazing.

They're virtually...

They're like UFOs, right?

We ordered the biggest size.

- It looks like a UFO. / - It was the best.

(Sunny and Hyoyeon's UFO cotton candy is revealed)

It's huge.

Sure it's not a UFO?

We should hide.

- I love it. / - I guess you were ashamed.

- They're excited. / - It'd be funny...

If Seo Janghoon was holding it.

- Everyone kept looking. / - I asked for cotton candy...

Not a cloud.

- It's really big. / - It's like a cloud.

We know what it tastes like but still it'd feel good.

- Exactly. It makes you feel good. / - It tasted even better.

It's exciting.

What happened?

It's so good. Sunny, can you reach?

It's really big.

You could eat it with your hand.

But it was fun to eat that way.

They look like fish eating seaweed.

- It's like... / - We were a little sugar high.

- They ate a lot of sugar. / - Right.

- I'm glad we came to Australia. / - I agree.

I'm glad we're in Brisbane.

Everything about our trip to Brisbane was so nice.

I'm grateful to Sanghun. If it weren't for him...

- We wouldn't have come here. / - I forgot about him.

- Thank you. / - Thank you, Sanghun.

Have a bite.

- All I can see is the cotton candy. / - I know.

In this big place.

It's over.

That was fun.

You enjoyed a lot of foreign foods.

From the burger...

- Right. / - Good foods.

You had a great time in Brisbane, thanks to a friend.

Right. It was great to have a friend there.

When someone explains things as you're sightseeing...

- It's easier to understand. / - Right.

It was better with him explaining things to us.

Hyoyeon, you said your favorite place was

Eat Street?

Eat Street was my favorite.

You ate a lot.

What did you like about it?

I liked the clean and fancy ambience.

The place has three big zones.

There were many live bands performing.

So you can enjoy the music

and foods from all over the world.

You can enjoy various foods with people from

all over the world.

I really liked the atmosphere there.

When does it open?

Eat Street opens on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays.

From 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays,

and from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sundays.

- They close early. / - Not opened till late.

It took a long time as we went there from Gold Coast.

It actually takes about 20 minutes from the city.

- It's not far. / - It's very close.

They're not open until late night.

Everything is not open until late night.

- That's Australia. / - In Australia?

They close up later than other restaurants.

It's open until 11 p.m.

There's no ice Americano in Australia?

If you want ice Americano,

you should order a long black.

- Long black? / - Long black.

- That's what I heard. / - It's called...

It's called Americano in the U.S.

It's long black in Australia.

Espresso is short black.

That's good to know.

This is his first time to give us some real information.

Give him a big hand.

(Thank you!)

It was the hidden round. They had a lot of fun.

Shall we take a vote keeping that in mind?

- Shall we? / - Okay.

If you'd like to follow Brisburning Tour's itinerary,

please cast your votes.

(Brisburning Tour designed a trip to Brisbane)

(What will the judges choose?)

For more infomation >> Sunny & Hyoyeon go to Eat Street, the one-stop place for world's cuisine! [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 13:23.


Hyoyeon tries the local delicacy, Challenge Burger [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 13:53.

I planned to go to a burger restaurant

after we have coffee.

In Australia, people eat a lot of burgers.

- You can only find it in Brisbane. / - What's that?

Only locals go there.

- That was truly delicious. / - I strongly recommend it.

- Sam, have you had that? / - Look at the patties.

- That burger. / - I've had it in Korea.

- In Korea? / - In Korea?

- Not in Australia. / - You can only get it in Brisbane.

Only the locals go there.

It's a place like that.

A jet boat? It's like a rollercoaster on the sea.

- It's rough but fun. / - It's rough?

I want to ride it. Let's try it.

Eat Street Markets.

- That's the Eat Street Markets. / - That looks so good.

I think I've looked it up.

- I saw it in the book. / - It's the best of the best.

- Eat Street. / - Was it in Denmark?

- Where K.will went. / - Food from all over the world.

Eat, boat ride then eat.

Look at the weather.

We have to cross to that street.

- You know you drive on the other side here, right? / - Yes.

The driver's seat is on the opposite side?

- Yes, in the cars. / - Yes.

It's hard to drive in countries like that.

The cars come from the right direction.

And you have to press this button.

- That's right. / - Right, you have to press this.

Who was that?

I heard a chicken crowing. Did you hear it?

Wasn't it a gun?

Like a machine gun.

- That's so intriguing. / - What do you think that is?


- Museum. / - Musical? Museum?

- It's a museum? / - That's a casino.

How can a casino look so pretty?

- That's really fascinating. / - You can drink 24 hours a day.

It looks like a museum.

People drink beer there.

That's so pretty.

It's better with a local after traveling alone, right?

- Yes, he explained everything. / - Sunny's POV.

- It's bothersome / - You end up just filming the head.

Let's slow down a bit.

- The weather is great. / - And I'm feeling great.

Anyway, it was great.

(Hyoyeon's just as excited)

This is the burger restaurant.

- It smells great here. / - Shall we go in?

It smells good.

It says, "Burger lovers."

- It's crowded here. / - There's a queue.

- What's your recommendation? / - What's popular?

Double cheese burger, M. K. special burger,

and the Big Kay's Challenge Burger are famous.

- Challenge? / - What kind of a challenge is it?

They give you a time limit...

- If you finish in time, is it free? / - But the thing is...

You'll see a burger beyond your imaginations.

- There are 5 patties. / - Yes, there are 5.

There are 5 patties?

Look how juicy the patties are.

Are those the photos of the ones who succeeded?

Yes, it's the hall of fame.

- Challenge. / - There were so many photos...

- So I thought it'd be easy. / - I mean...

- Doesn't it look easy? / - I shouldn't have taken it lightly.

- Sunny, you should try. / - I think 4 people could eat one.

- It'd be more than enough for 4. / - You eat that alone?

Let's order this one.

Their milkshake is popular.

Burgers are a bit greasy by nature.

- So... / - I don't think I can drink that.

A lot of Australians have milkshakes with burgers.

It's like how we have spicy kimchi with spicy noodles.

A number of people dip fries into the milkshake.

There's bacon too.

I want to drink Australian beer I haven't tried before.

I want this one. This cameral milkshake.

- Let's sit out. It's sunny today. / - Sure.

(The beer is served first)


- Cheers. / - Cheers.

- How is it? / - It's good.

- It's really smooth. / - It's refreshing.

Is it refreshing?

- I'm sorry. / - Did you see her curse just now?

(The kitchen is busy)

- It's coming. / - It's coming.

- It's really coming. / - A pillar is coming.

The burger is coming.

- This is the real burger. / - The moment we ordered...

- All attention was focused. / - I can eat that in 15 minutes.

- There are 5 patties. / - It's possible to finish it.

- That's possible in 15. / - I don't think so.

- All of that? / - Yes.

- All of the burger and fries. / - That looks delicious.

(Big Kay's Burger Challenge, $31.60)

(If you succeed the challenge, $4.50)

15 minutes.

- You're not allowed to have any drinks. / - Okay.

- No drinks. / - You try it.

Why me? Let's do rock, paper, scissors.

If you lose, you have to eat. Rock, paper, scissors.

You can do it.

Yes, you can do it.

- 15 minutes isn't easy. / - But...

It's going to be greasy...

- I love hamburgers. / - If you can't drink any soda.

I seriously love burgers.

Let's go eat some burgers.

- She likes burgers. / - She always liked burgers.

- I really like them. / - Can you do it if there's kimchi?

- 15 minutes is short. / - I wanted to enjoy my burger.

- But that's a lot of pressure. / - First off...


- It started. / - Don't look at me.

What do you mean by don't look?

- Why would we look? / - Cutting takes so much time.

People usually take it off and eat it with their hands.

- With your hands? / - This?

Grab it like this and eat it.

- It's really good. / - So they eat it layer by layer.

- I think we can do it, right? / - Yes, I think it's possible.

I think I can eat it in 10 minutes.

- It's really filled. / - The patties weigh 1kg.

- How many patties are there? / - Five.

The patties weigh 1kg.

- And double cheeseburger. / - Thank you.

What is this?

- Bacon and onion fries. / - That looks so good.

Are those bacon onion rings?

- I really want to eat that again. / - That's unbelievable.

With a milkshake?

- Look at the cheese. / - That's why you gained 3kg.


- You only gained 3kg. / - Even the bun looks good.

- It was really good. / - The bun looks delicious.

- Is it good? / - Yes.

They have onion rings in the middle.

- That looks good. / - Look at that bacon.

(Milkshake, $7.70)

- It's really sweet. / - Is it really good?

- Can't I drink that beer? / - No.

You'll fail then.

Won't you feel bad to fail after eating all of that?

I'll have to get a burger after this.

I think the greasiness goes well...

I don't mind feeling thirsty though.

You don't have time to eat pretty like that.

There's no time.

- Look at her. / - But there's a guy in front of her.

I thought you'd get it all over your face.

You have to eat all the fries too.

- Because of the guy. / - There's a stack of fries.

- She can't. / - You can't do it in 15 minutes...

- If you have to eat the fries too. / - Of course not.

- It's hard for women. / - Just enjoy your food.

- It's hard for women. / - She's still here.

Eat up.

She's getting slower.

How much time? You don't even have a minute left.

(I only have 1 minute left?)

(I still have this much left)

30 seconds.

It's okay. I still support your failure.

I feel like she's making fun of me.

- She failed. / - Too much fries.

You still did a good job.

The people in the photos are really amazing.

This is a lot of food.

Even Lee Gookju can't finish this.

- Call anyone to do this. / - I'm so sad right now.

Even if I failed the challenge, this place is really good.

- The meat tastes so good. / - I want to bring the leftovers.

- You have to eat it later. / - I kept thinking about it.

There are jet boats on the Gold Coast.

- The Gold Coast? / - You need to try it out.

There's a place called Eat Street Markets.

You need to go there if you're in Brisbane.

It's open on the weekends.

- Let's hurry and go to both places. / - Okay.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

That's sad.

It's just a burger.

(Brief but a fun meet up in Brisbane)

- Okay... / - Jet boat.

Jet boats are more exciting than you think they are.

- While we were eating burgers... / - Yes.

Sanghun strongly recommended this.

"Ride the jet boat when you go to the Gold Coast."

- Look at that. / - They're close to the beach.

- It's similar to Busan. / - That looks fun.

It isn't.

Hold on.

- Look at her. / - Were you working in the field?

- Ma'am. / - Ma'am.

That happens when you ride that.

I had a quick glance of videos.

The water doesn't splash in huge amounts.

- It splashes in huge amounts. / - Really?

- It really splashes everywhere. / - I'm worried.

Let's go.

- Okay. / - Thank you.

(Jet boat ride, $63)

Remember, every spin is different.

Some of them might be really easy to hold on.

- Look at him smiling / - We might hit bumps out there...

Really important you hold on,

push back for all of the spins.

- Okay? / - Okay.

It's really pretty.

The water is really calm.

You're right. It's not even windy.

They used to have that at Hangang.

- Did they? / - Yes, but it was smaller.

I'm starting to feel something.

- It all depends on the driver, right? / - Yes, of course.

It depends on the skill of the driver.

It feels like flying.

I'm so excited.

I think a lot of splashing would make it fun.

We were almost dipped in water.

- That much? / - Yes.

It's spinning.

They're starting to spin.

Hyoyeon probably hasn't digested all her food.

It was really fast.

(The jet boat spins abruptly)

(The jet boat spins abruptly)


It's fun.

- Faster? / - Yeah, faster.

- Let's go. / - Let's go.

It's exciting. It's fun.

His pride is hurt.

His pride got hurt because they said faster.

(The rough waves are threatening the girls)

- Thank you. / - She said thank you.

- She's loving it. / - The person behind us...

- She was so scared. / - I couldn't recognize...

- Thought she was a ghost. / - She's like a ghost.

Did you know there was actually no one behind you?

(The driver turns the steering wheel again)

(The water is splashing due to the driver's steering)

(The driver is signaling continuously)

(Lethal drift with a grudge)

That looks scary.

That was a lot of water.

- The girl behind you. / - Goodness.

- She got smacked. / - Is that our writer?

- No. / - Look at her.

- The person behind you is scary. / - I feel bad for her.

The person behind them is making this entertaining.

She was enjoying it so much.

- She's making it entertaining. / - This is fun.

My butt's all wet.

That's right.

It looks so pretty from the top.

(The girls enjoyed a unique activity in Gold Coast)

(After enjoying it, they went in a daze)

You can't tell if we're wet or not from there.

We went on the jet boat since Sanghun recommended it.

- It was really fun. / - Show them your back.

- What are you going to do? / - I'm completely wet.

- Only your behind is wet. / - She wet her pants.

- You're a bed wetter. / - All wet.

- They're still happy. / - It was really fun.

- I'm hungry now. / - Me too.

We eat then ride, eat then ride.

If you're still happy after being wet, you're still young.

- You're right. / - Old people get upset.

"What is this?"

For more infomation >> Hyoyeon tries the local delicacy, Challenge Burger [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 13:53.


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[MV] Lee Juck(이적) _ Compass(나침반) - Duration: 4:02.

My exhausting day hasn't ended

It's already a late night

With your laughter over the phone

I can stand up again

Because I still have

a present that's you

Because in this deserted world

you still stand by me

When I'm overwhelmed by

the morning sunlight

you come to me and sleep next to me

I can stand up again

Because I still have

a present that's you

Because in this deserted world

you still stand by me

Even if the hectic days

block my way like the dark clouds

Your eyes

as if they're a compass

are telling me the way I should go

Because I still have

a present that's you

Because in this deserted world

you still stand by me

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