Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

A Strange Encounter with Angels.

In Space.

BY Brent Swancer

Space is often touted as the last frontier, the final wilderness that we have yet to tame

or understand, and in many ways this is very true.

We have only within the last century really begun to comprehend some of its secrets to

any appreciable degree, and there are certainly wonders beyond our imagination for us yet

to behold.

Yet some mysteries that have been encountered out there in the cold dark of space go well

beyond conventional understanding, to propel out into the world of the paranormal and the

universe of the truly bizarre.

Certainly ranking among these mysteries is a curious close encounter between some of

the first people in space and, well, something else.

In April of 1982, the Soviet Union launched its ambitious Salyut 7 space station as part

of the Soviet Salyut Programme, which started in 1971 and had the aim of eventually sending

up a total of four crewed scientific research space stations and two crewed military reconnaissance

space stations.

The last to be launched in the program and a precursor to the Mir space station, the

Salyut 7 was the 10th space station ever put into orbit by mankind, and was designed to

serve as a sort of test of a new system of modular space stations, which entailed the

ability to attach new modules to expand the station or adapt it to whatever functions

were required, as well as an outpost for various off-planet experiments.

The Salyut 7 would end up staying in orbit for a total of 8 years and 10 months, which

up until that time was the longest such a station had ever remained in continuous orbit.

It is also known for a very bizarre series of bizarre, unexplained events witnessed by

the crew.

The Salyut 7 space station

In July of 1984, the Salyut 7 was on the 155th day of its mission and things were going in

a routine fashion until there was a sudden transmission from cosmonauts Commander Oleg

Atkov, Vladmir Solovyov, and Leonid Kizim in which they claimed that the space station

had suddenly been surrounded by an oppressive, blinding orange light.

The crew of three aboard the Salyut 7 all then allegedly looked out of the portals to

try and see what was causing this inexplicable brilliant glow.

At this point they would witness probably the last thing they had expected to see out


There hovering in space in front of the space station were what the crew would describe

as seven enormous winged humanoid beings estimated as being around 90 feet in height and with

calm, smiling faces, and it was from these bizarre entities that the ethereal light was

apparently emanating.

They were also claimed to exude a feeling of calm and peacefulness, and oddly the cosmonauts

felt no fear during the encounter, merely wonderment.

According to the witnesses, the colossal apparitions, which they described as �angels,� matched

the speed of the space station, remaining in the same position for around 10 minutes

before fading away.

Baffled by what they had all just seen, the three cosmonauts had a heated discussion on

what the beings were and what rational explanation could account for it, but they could come

up with nothing.

In the end, although they had all seen exactly the same thing, they chalked it up to the

stresses and rigors of being in space for so long, resigning themselves to the explanation

that their minds had simply been playing tricks on them.

They may have gone on forever convinced that this was some sort of mass hallucination and

a bout of temporary insanity, but it would not be their last encounter with these otherworldly


On Day 167 of the mission, the Salyut gained an additional three cosmonauts in the form

of Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov.

Not long after these new crew members boarded, the station was once again bathed in that

potent, bedazzling light, and this time all six of the crew looked out of the portholes

to see several of the massive angelic beings swimming through the blackness of space outside,

again with their benevolent smiling faces.

Considering that this time they had again all seen the same thing, it appeared that

there was perhaps something more going on beyond simple hallucinations.

When the Salyut mission was concluded and the cosmonauts returned to Earth, their strange

experiences were allegedly covered up and swept under the carpet by the Soviet government,

and the witnesses told in no uncertain terms that they were never to discuss what they

had seen up there.

Interestingly, intensive rounds of physical and psychological tests performed on the space

station crew supposedly showed nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever.

They were perfectly sound of body and mind.

Considering the thick secrecy surrounding the odd events, the story did not really get

any wider coverage until after the Cold War, but when it did get out it immediately ignited

a firestorm of debate and speculation as to what the cosmonauts had really seen.

The most rational and scientific answer is that these cosmonauts experienced what they

had suspected in the beginning, which is some sort of mass hallucination or madness brought

on by the demanding stresses, fatigue, and the harsh conditions of space.

After all, no one had ever really spent this much time continuously in space before, and

so it should be only natural that they should have such visions.

Indeed, such surreal visual phenomena have been reported by other astronauts and cosmonauts

who have been in space for long periods of time, and even earthbound pilots on long,

demanding flights.

The problem with this explanation is that six seasoned, experienced cosmonauts all saw

the same thing at the same time, and all of them were given clean bills of mental and

physical health afterward, making it seem rather unlikely that this could all be in

their heads.

It also seems rather implausible that a group of six highly trained, well-respected cosmonauts

would get together and make up such a story as a hoax.

Another fairly rational explanation is that they witnessed some strange, unexplained natural

phenomenon and simply misidentified what they were seeing, but even if this were true, why

would they all give the exact same description of winged, angelic entities with smiling faces?

Getting into more fringe ideas is that these were actual, literal angels, and that their

appearance heralded some sort of prophetic information, or that it was even a portent

of the Biblical end of the world.

There have also been all sorts of claims that everyone from NASA to world governments, to

the Illuminati and even the Vatican itself know the truth about the existence of these

�space angels,� and that it is all being covered up and kept from the public, with

conspiracy theorists routinely producing photographs from space stations and the Hubble Telescope

that purportedly show photographic evidence of such entities.

Alleged NASA photo of �Space Angels�

So what in the world did the cosmonauts of the Salyut 7 see?

Unbelievably, there have been other accounts of being visited by similar apparitions in

space, with some cases coming even before the Salyut 7 sightings.

Supposedly the very first human to go into space, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, had his own

encounter with such a creature in April of 1961.

At two points during his spaceflight aboard the Vostok-1, Gagarin inexplicably went silent

and lost contact, and when he was asked about it later he was not sure what had happened,

thinking he may have just briefly lost consciousness.

During hypnotic regression, Gagarin claimed that he could remember seeing an enormous,

mysterious figure floating in space in front of him, and that he had heard a voice in his

head saying, �Do not worry, everything will be fine.

You�ll come back to Earth,� before the apparition vanished into thin air right before

his eyes.

Hallucination or not?

More recently, in 2008 a former member of the Space Shuttle Fleet named Clark C. McClelland

came forward to claim that he had years earlier observed a similar being while looking over

some monitors of a space shuttle mission at the Kennedy Space Center while on duty at

the Launch Control Center (LCC).

He claims that over one of the 27-inch monitors he not only observed an enormous entity between

8 to 9 feet tall in the space shuttle�s payload bay, but also that it was actually

interacting with the astronauts.

He would say of what he saw thus:

The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered

US NASA Astronauts.

I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe

orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods.

I observed this incident for about one minute and seven seconds.

Plenty of time to memorize all that I was observing.

McClelland claimed that others had seen the incident too, and that they had been told

to keep quiet about what they had seen, meaning that he had sat on this hauntingly bizarre

experience until after he retired.

He also claims that the government has regular dealings with these creatures and that it

is all kept top secret.

In this case the entity mentioned is certainly described as an alien of some type, but its

sheer size makes it interesting in relation to the space angel phenomenon, and makes one

wonder just what it really was this man saw, if anything.

Does this story have any credibility at all or is he just a loon?

So there you have it.


In space.

This last frontier has a lot of strange stuff in it, but perhaps not much that is as strange

as this.

Just what is going on here?

Was this hallucinations seen by all of these crew members?

Was it something else?

Who knows?

Considering the original news reports of the phenomenon have been quietly relegated to

the background and are only really discussed on Internet forums by people who have noticed

just how outlandish the story is, we may never know for sure.

It remains just one more anomaly on perhaps a whole road of anomalies just waiting fir

us as we delve ever deeper into the reaches of our universe.

For more infomation >> A Strange Encounter with Angels In Space - Duration: 10:55.


Farma 9 - 84 díl 14.12.2017 HD DUEL - Duration: 36:56.

dik za sledovani

For more infomation >> Farma 9 - 84 díl 14.12.2017 HD DUEL - Duration: 36:56.


Top 3 BEST Forge Weapons: Destiny 2 Lost Prophecy Weapons | Curse of Osiris Expansion - Duration: 6:39.

Hi Guardians we welcome back for another destiny in-depth review where I review exotics and

legendaries in order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the gear so you can play

this game as efficient and effective as possible.

With the introduction of the Curse of Osiris DLC we have a new set of weapons that can

be earned in the lighthouse by completing so called verses, which will be unlocked when

you complete the campaign story missions.

These weapons can be earned by forging them in the corner of the lighthouse when you complete

the verses by doing activities in the game.

I will not go into detail on how to earn these weapons it is pretty straightforward you can

earn certain consumables just by playing the game.

It is kind a tedious at the moment since the materials are pretty rare, you will for example

get on average one dropped every other public event that you complete.

So that comes down to playing on average 20 public events before you have the necessary

items to forge a weapon, which is not the most fun thing to do.

Especially when you consider there are 12 weapons so that is roughly 240 public events

in total, which is rough grind to do.

So having all things considered is it even worth the grind to get these forged weapons.

To help you all out I have analysed all the weapons that you can get and created my personal

top 3 weapons that I think you should get.

In my analysis I will only look at the weapon's stats and perks since I don't have those weapons

yet, without the hands-on experience the gun's stats and perks can already tell us a lot

about the weapon whether this is worth considering or not.

But I will adjust the top 3 if anything is way off, after I have acquired the guns.

So without further ado in the number 3 spot we have the Infinite Paths 8 Pulse rifle,

this sits in the mid fire rate archetype like the vanguard Nightshade pulse rifle.

It has everything you want in a pulse rifle decent range and above average stability , reload

speed, handling and aim assistance.

So this gun will perform decent in the crucible but it is lacking great perks that can take

this gun to the next level.

I would like to see something like tactical mag, steady rounds or ricochet rounds to further

improve the base stats of this gun and a good final perk like kill clip, rampage or headseeker

in order to make this gun stand out from the rest.

What we now have is just a pulse rifle with above average stats but without any interesting


If it wasn't for the fact that all the other guns are much worse this gun would not have

made it to the top 3.

In number 2 spot we have the conqueror 2 submachine gun that sits in the 900 RPM archetype, it

has decent range and above average stability and reload speed, and these strengths can

be further improved with Tactical mag which increases the stability and reload speed even

more and also gives you extra bullets in the mag.

The main perk of this gun is kill clip which grants you 33% extra damage boost when you

reload after a kill, this is one of the top tier perk to have on any gun.

This is what make the antiope-d so deadly, and having this on a fast firing SMG archetype

will definitely make this gun more interesting and will make the conqueror 2 one of the best

900 rpm SMG in the game.

in the number 1 spot we have the traveler's judgment 5 sidearm, this is the same sidearm

as the last hope.

This is also a 3 burst weapon and it has roughly the same stats as the last hope.

As you can see the range, stability, reload speed and handling are very similar.

This gun even has the same perk steady rounds in the middle perk to max out that stability.

The Traveler's judgement main perk is different than the last hope, whereas the last hope

has zen moment the traveler's judgment comes with in my opinion the better perk headseeker

which increases precision damage for a short time when you land a bodyshot.

The recoil of Burst weapons like these typically move up, so when you aim for the body it naturally

pulls your aim to the head, so a perk like headseeker pairs up very well with burst weapons

like these.

So that extra precision damage won't help you too much with improving your time to kill,

you will still kill in 2.6 bursts but it will be much more forgiving when you miss a shot

from your burst since that extra damage can compensate for that.

So this is basically a Last Hope but then with Headseeker instead of Zen moment.

If you dont have a Last Hope yet then this will be something that you will be looking

for, if you already have a last hope you probably won't miss out on anything realistically,

as mentioned before they both have essentially the same stats.

Unless you really value the headseeker perk you will be just fine with the last hope.

So that is my top 3 of the forged weapons, in my opinion none of these weapons really

stand out and none of them is really a must have weapon.

They do look pretty cool though, props to the design team which really managed to make

these guns look great, but unfortunately a majority of these guns do not have any great

perks to make them interesting.

I will still grind for these guns because I am a collector.

But unless you are a collector I can not suggest you to grind for these guns, especially in

the current state where the necessary materials for forging these weapons are so hard to get.

So if you don't have the DLC you are definitely not missing out on anything.

The current meta weapons will still be the same, you will still see a lot of use of the

mida and uriels gift, I dont see that changing anytime soon with the addition of these forged


Probably you will see a bit more use of the Positive outlook, which I made a separate

video about so check that out if you want to know more about that gun.

Thanks for watching, like I said before once I get my hands on these guns and it behaves

totally different than I thought I will update this top 3 but for now these are my thoughts.

If you want me to review a specific gun let me know in the comments below.

Subscribe to stay up to date on my future videos.

And have a look at my recommended or latest video in the end screen if you want to see

more of my content.

As always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Top 3 BEST Forge Weapons: Destiny 2 Lost Prophecy Weapons | Curse of Osiris Expansion - Duration: 6:39.



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For more infomation >> ► Reto de las Preguntas Mojadas con Modelos Hermosas - Duration: 13:48.





the jerusalem prize - Duration: 5:19.

The Jerusalem Prize

Last week, President Donald Trump did what three other presidents (Bill Clinton, George

W. Bush and Barack Obama) have done before him and declared Jerusalem the capital of


Predictably, the lunatics who inhabit the Middle East � as well as our homegrown,

congressional lunatics who had already voted in favor of the move several times � promptly

lost their minds.

Those running the rest of the world wrung their collective hands and begged Trump to


Otherwise, the peaceful Muslims in the peaceful Middle East were going to go to war over the

embassy move.

You mean the Middle East (much of which is inhabited by seventh-century barbarians who

force their women to cover themselves with black felt beekeeper costumes) is throwing

a fit?

Color me shocked.

Jerusalem has been the titular seat of the Israeli government for as long as the state

of Israel has been in existence, not to mention the ancestral homeland of the Jews.

However, angry Muslims being angry Muslims decided to tantrum and threaten violence over

a simple statement of fact.

Instead of capitulating to the blubbering hypocrites, Trump declared unequivocally that

the United States Embassy would shortly be moving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The equally badass Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately sent public

praise and thanks to Trump for following through with a promise that three other presidents

� both Republican and Democrat � had failed to keep.

This is what leadership looks like.

These are what boundaries look like.

This is what following through with promises looks like.

The left�s predictable meltdown over Trump keeping his Jerusalem promise continues the

vein of their tantrum on every other promise the President keeps.

Trump has promised a border wall.

We now see that prototypes are being built to discern which type of barrier will work

best to severely curtail illegal alien border crossings.

Trump promised a massive restructuring of immigration.

The RAISE Act, sponsored by Sens. Tom Cotton and Sonny Perdue, is making its way slowly

but surely through the Congress.

Of course, as is usually the case, the biggest holdups to progress come from congressional

swamp dwellers who are soft on immigration.

Trump�s travel ban against six majority-Muslim countries which have no ties at all established

ties to Muslim terror has been upheld in the Supreme Court.

With the latest terrorist attack in New York City by a peaceful Bangladeshi Muslim, who

came into this country by chain migration and was targeting Christmas, Trump has been

proven right again.

Trump has steadfastly denied any collusion between his campaign and the Russian government.

There has been literally zero connection between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

Not so much when talking about the Hillary Clinton campaign!

(Cough Fusion GPS cough Uranium One cough cough)

The leftists in the media and the swamp continue to stomp their feet and fall for every single

piece of #FakeNews they are spoon-fed by their eager Democrat accomplices.

Just in the last week there have been approximately five �bombshell� stories the liberal media

has had to backtrack � always with a whimper, and with the excuse of �Whoopsie!

My bad!� instead of admitting the obvious: They are peddling anti-Trump phony stories

on purpose.

The silver lining in all of this?

Eventually the lemmings who lap up every lie will start to demand action.

They will start to question why nothing has happened with the Trump/Russia investigation.

Why is Trump not impeached?

Why is most of his agenda going gangbusters?

And the boundaries the president has set will corral them with the truth.

Trump has provided boundaries on the disgusting swamp of Washington and its environs like

a good parent provides boundaries to a child.

He has laid down the law, and like it or not, the agenda he is implementing is the agenda

upon which he was elected.

I love every second of it.

Angela Box is a former teacher, devoted to the Constitution and conservatism and proud

to live in Texas.

A version of this article originally appeared on her blog,

The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not

necessarily either shared or endorsed by the owners of this website.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> the jerusalem prize - Duration: 5:19.


Bayonetta 2 Game Awards előzetes - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Bayonetta 2 Game Awards előzetes - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 0:47.


Emotionaler Tag: YouTube-Star Jolina ist offiziell eine Frau - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Emotionaler Tag: YouTube-Star Jolina ist offiziell eine Frau - Duration: 1:29.


COOL NEW YOUTUBE FEATURE: Community Posts!! - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> COOL NEW YOUTUBE FEATURE: Community Posts!! - Duration: 5:44.


Learn Colors with Christmas Cars | Christmas Songs | Learning Colors for Kids - Duration: 5:37.

Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh.

O 'er the fields we go, laughing all the way.

Bells on bob-tails ring, making spirits bright.

What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight, oh!

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, hey!

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!

A day or two ago, I thought I'd take a ride,

And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side;

The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot

We got into a drifted bank, And then we got upsot.

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride, In a one horse open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride, In a one horse open sleigh

A day or two ago, I thought I'd take a ride,

And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side;

The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot

We got into a drifted bank, And then we got upsot.

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh

Now the ground is white Go it while you're young

Take the girls tonight And sing this sleighing song

Just get a bob tailed bay two-forty as his speed

Hitch him to an open sleigh And crack! you'll take the lead

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way!

Oh, What fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh.

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way!

Oh, What fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Christmas Cars | Christmas Songs | Learning Colors for Kids - Duration: 5:37.


Epic Hearthstone Plays #198 (reuploaded) - Duration: 10:58.

can play any spell

so we go like that

play elemental

play pyromancer

heal face

don't wanna play dragon now

If I played the dragon he could ez kill it with deadly shot

taunt pls. Taunt


well. I don't know. I can't lose here. It's unreal, right?

I mean

5 drop here

bow here

I have no idea what he will do with it

now he attack by his face

and get dmg from some minion

some good minion will survive and will remain on the board, maybe

not bow, not bow, not bow, not bow, not bow!!

fuck this shit. serious?

C'thun again. R u kidding?

what the cheat

summoning old gods. not bad!

ah screw you

there is no other 10 drops, or what? I don't get it

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