Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017


We got yesterday in this another Fascination Street studio.

The production of the new album.

Today Fabio starts to record the voices. He's recording the first track now.

We've just ajusted the voices programs.

I'm very happy and anxious. It's gonna be very beautiful.

Rafa, the second time we can do like this...

A variation. Of course!

- It's cool. - Really?

Yes, yes.

This a moment of the production that demands attention of my part.

I am coordenating the keys arrangements, orchestras

together with some professionals.

I am also finishing up the lyrics. As Fabio records I ajust them.

Some parts of the lyrics.

And I am also coordanating the percussions.

It will probably happen in different places.

In Sweden, in Bahia, in São Paulo.

And Fabio is recording right now. Let's check it out!

As you can see, Fabio is working a lot. Poor boy.

The producer is very demanding.

Many times I think it's perfect and he keeps on demanding, demanding on and on.

But, this is it. I think that it's an album...

I don't feel tired of speaking.

Very important, it's a watershed in ANGRA's carrer.

And, obviously, the audience is going to say if it is good or not.

But we have a standard that we try to reach and I know that

we did the possible to reach it in what we imagine to be this standard.

I think we could do it. And now I'm anxious to see the audience

agree with that.

So, guys. We are in the final stretch.

We've recorded the most of the voices. I'm really happy and excited with the result.

Fabio have been a hero.

We start at 8 a.m. Jens asks us to get up at 7 to be woken at 8.

And it goes up to midnight, recording.

And Fabio doesn't stop. He asks to repeat and on and on.

Fabio keeps on singing.

It's astounding that sometimes his voices gets even better.

I want to talk to him during this break.

Let's see. I think he's in this room.

Hey, Fabio. Are you alive?

- Hey. I am good. - Good?

We are here in a moment to relax.

I finished the song we started yesterday.

And today we'll start another one.

I think it's a very interesting song as the whole new ANGRA's album.

Because it's a varied album.

There are progressive songs, heavy, Power Metal... Many elements.

So, I think that the level of the songs are bigger than the expectations.

Oh... that's good.

So, I am very happy to be here with Rafa and it's a priceless moment.

Because you listen the final ideas of the songs, and then now I can state that

the level of the songs are bigger than the band expectations and

probably the fans' as well.

The thing I most like is that the album is very varied in compositions.

There are varied songs. Heavy songs, progressive, Power Metal, many elements.

This is a good thing.

And soon the band will talk about many things that will happen in the future.

And I send a hug to my dudes, Felipe, Bruno, Marcelo, they're in Brazil.

Paulo, as well.

And all ANGRA's fans.

- That's good. - Kiss.

How many songs have you recorded, Fabio?

Today we finished five or six songs.

I was finishing the seventh.

- The seventh? - Yes.

And I think we'll record ten, at least.

We are talking about eleven, but it can be a bonus track to Japan.


How is it to record with Jens Bogren?

Actually, it's not easy.

It's really not easy because he is, I like him a lot, but the guy is very specific,

he asks a real performance.

Sometimes you sing and he says 'It's good, but it's clean, normal'.

So, he wants different things.

It's a good job. An interesting job.

He is a singular producer, he's a a very good one. A funny guy.

It's not easy to work with him.

I like him. He a little heavier.

He is not a specific producer to do Power Metal, but that's good.

Because the band has its own ideas and music style.

What the band needs is not a Power Metal producer.

It certainly needs a producer with another music style to gather things.

The result gets better.

You do many different things in career.

What's ANGRA's importance im your career?

Well, I think that ANGRA is one of the most important things I have.

After five years the vibe is very good.

We're friends. This new album will be very important to the band.

It's an album that will give people things to talk about.

For sure, the fans will talk a lot about this album.

As it happened, I can say that, every time in ANGRA's history

that the second album of a new formation

- as Holy Land. As... - Temple of Shadows.

They were CDs that people liked a lot, people spoke of them a lot.

I think that the same thing will happen

with this new album.

Because, I don't want to say that this is the better than Secret Garden,

but it's an evolution.

It's a very varied album that for sure, people will talk a lot about it.

There are three or four songs that have very melodic elements.

The guitars are heavy, very heavy.

But, there are great melodies.

I liked a lot the job I listened.

Bruno's job was amazing.

The friends that are helping the band. The keyboard player.

Laécio e Francisco.

All the team is working in a very good way.

It's not only a Power Metal band.


It's a band that makes Power Metal in a good way.

With progressive elements, with new elements.

Because this CD has many things.

And this percussion, this rhythms, this Brazilian soul.

- So, it makes the difference. - It makes the difference.

And do you have a favourite?

Actually, no.

No. Because...

- You are not sure. - Yes.

Ok... Don't tell the real title, tell the fake one.

What are they?

- Piano Prog. - Piano Prog.

Was it hard to record it?


Yes... there are three different voice styles.


What are they?

A little blues on the verse, and prog on the chorus,

the bridge is like Power.

- So many different styles... - Different ways to sing, as well.

I think it's one of the most hard songs in this album.

There are many elements and phases different.


The fans that like 'Upper Levels'.

You think they will like Piano Prog.

A lot. It's an evolution of this song.

Ah yeah?

I think.

I also agree.

Tell me other you like. Tell the fake title.

It can be the song I recorded yesterday.

The title was 'Tell Me Why'.

It's a good song. But now that is finished it's for sure one the best.

It has grown.

The chorus tops.

The solo. I've heard your solo and Barbosa's.

Hey, Barbosa!!!

Fabio has just left the studio.

Fascination Street.

Now I am alone. I am the last in the boat, I can say.

Many memories of this production.

We have many things recorded.

I think that was hard to portrait, to record

everyday because it was really intense. I got very busy.

While Fabio was recording, I was writing the lyrics to another song.

And talking to the keys arrangers, talking to the guys from the percussion.

Many other things.

The cover of the album.

So... it was a lot of work.

And now that I am alone in the studio. Fabio just left.

He's the last, not counting me, to leave the studio.

It gets empty. Longing.

This album really... the process that has not yet finished.

Next week I still have to record things from Brazil.

I will never forget.

It has been a process of transformation.

Indeed. It was a team work.

Everybody involved.

But, it's 2 a.m.

He had to take the train to go back home.

We were here recording, recording and recording.

His train leaves in 15 min. So, he left in a hurry.

Taking risk to miss the train.

Everybody tired.

But, the process was really cool.

It was exalting. A special moment in our lives.

It was a moment of full concentration.


The emotion on fire.

Many things happening around us.

The CD will show it, probably.

A moment of overcoming.

Not only an individual moment of each member.

Because everybody overcame the limits.

The got to their maximum of preparation as professionals.

But we also got in mature way.


Maturity as a group.

Many years I couldn't see happening in ANGRA.

So, I will never forget everything we lived in Sweden.

Thank you for everybody that is following us.

It's out of tuning, but it will be good.


For more infomation >> Fabio Lione destruindo nos Vocais [Making of the New Album Pt. 26] - Duration: 20:43.


Comment NETTOYER votre FOIE facilement - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Comment NETTOYER votre FOIE facilement - Duration: 5:10.


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Animales para niños en español - (Parte 3) Video de animales herbívoros - Bonbi Channel

For more infomation >> Animales para niños en español - (Parte 3) Video de animales herbívoros - Bonbi Channel - Duration: 5:04.


(FREE) Hard Trap Beat "CARTEL" | Trap Rap Beat Instrumental - Duration: 4:17.

(FREE) Hard Trap Beat "CARTEL" | Trap Rap Beat Instrumental

For more infomation >> (FREE) Hard Trap Beat "CARTEL" | Trap Rap Beat Instrumental - Duration: 4:17.


Why I created a Youtube Channel & Course!! (Amazon "Guru" Explains) - Duration: 12:32.

what is going on Amazon sellers or hopefully soon-to-be Amazon sellers my

name is beau crabill with a founder of Amazon FBA University and in this video

I'll be explaining exactly why I created a YouTube channel this is actually a

pretty commonly asked question so this is why I'm making this video is because

people ask me like well if you're so good at this you're having such such a

successful business why are you gonna just give away these secrets because if

you haven't noticed yet my youtube channel is not selling on Amazon however

I have the only channel on YouTube that talks about online retail and if you

watch maybe two or three my videos are gonna find out very shortly that my

youtube channel on how I teach people about Amazon is completely different

everyone else and this is actually going to lead directly into the reason why I

started YouTube channel because we're gonna first go over my background

information and then the steps leading to me opening up a YouTube channel and

then also the steps of where I'm at today okay and because you don't notice

actually of course to however and a lot of you asked me that she was like oh why

did you create a course so we're gonna answer all of those questions and

actually if you stay until then this video actually shown you exactly how you

can start selling brand name products on Amazon because that's what I teach about

do you found online retail but you're not sure or what online retail is is the

process of selling brand name products working with authorized suppliers and

selling what sells it is the same exact business model that huge retailers like

Walmart Target Best Buy and GameStop all do I do the same exact thing actually

work with the same exact suppliers that Walmart Best Buy Target and Game Stop

uses okay and my store is simply an Amazon warehouse and my products are on okay so there's a little background and finish on what I do and

I've actually been selling online for 10 years now I haven't been doing this

model for 10 years I've been doing this model for about four years but I've been

very grateful to be like coach by several people and been mentored by

people who have done this business for example my father has been in the eBay

for a very long time has been internet marketer for very long time and he

actually wrote an ebay book in the early 2000s okay but I've done basically

everything you can think of with selling online I've been dropped ripping

arbitrage a private label white label and I've actually had success with every

single one of them however the business model

today is much easier it is where most the sales come from in Amazon that's

what people don't really understand that most people are showing arbitrage and

private label but people don't understand that online retail working

with authorized suppliers is where most of the sales come from Amazon and when I

say most it's a ridiculous amount the SKU and there's the amount of sellers

doing that is way way less compared to arbitrage sellers and doing private

label service and the reason why is because most people don't know where to

start and because you can see I'm the only YouTube channel a 19 year old kid

who talked about this okay because most people are much order who in this

business I'm definitely one of the youngest people you'll ever meet in this

business I remember when I go to trade shows meet with suppliers and actually

after this video I'm actually gonna be meeting up with one of my suppliers

right now I'm actually in Santa Monica and like I'm not very fancy person if

you do not know this like this apartment that I'm in right here is 3000 bucks a

month and it's not very fancy I am really close to Santa Monica beach you

can see right there but like this place is not fancy at all

my kids I don't really care about that stuff at all let's get more into the

background information on me so yeah it's something online for 10 years and

the reason why I started YouTube channels because a lot of misleading

information because through my experience right I've actually learned a

lot of it made a lot of mistakes and if you don't kind of realize most people

who I would say start have a YouTube channel who have a course with selling

online or Amazon or something like that they haven't really they probably most

likely haven't been selling online for more than two years now I'm not saying

they don't know what they're talking about I'm just saying that they might

not have enough experience to understand the trends and changes of what works

over time okay fidgit spinners sold really good a year

from now okay they were someone really really good about a year ago now they're

not okay now a lot of people who have proper level course they had success

with someone pick two spinners okay but it's the trends the drug time now now

we're going to the point of why I create YouTube channel so about six months ago

in spring of 2017 and for watching this video years from now I created YouTube

channel and the reason why it was the tipping point that's all a lot of

misleading information about arbitrage and about private label and actually the

tipping tipping point was when I saw a video

from somebody who made a video about Amazon FBA

all right social media market or something like that and he was just

explaining what Amazon FBA is and he said Amazon eally release other words

Amazon FBA equals by-product from Alibaba put your brand label on it put

your logo on it and sell it on Amazon okay that's a way you can sell on Amazon

but that's not what Amazon FBA equals okay and this person was teaching people

how to sell on Amazon's like that's just like and he was getting tens of

thousands of views I was like okay this like if I can get 10,000 views and

people show people the right way that's to be awesome which I don't at this

point I don't really get tens of thousands abuse most my most important

my videos get like three hundred four and five uses and what you should do to

get this video more views you should definitely like this video comment down

below and possibly share but yeah those kind of the tipping point where ii

started making a lot of content and actually where i first started to go out

because I saw the dumbest of the dumbest on YouTube was about arbitrage and

that's where the beginning of my channel I started talking a lot about arbitrage

and actually got a lot of negative comments at the very start people like

oh you don't know if you're talking about blah blah blah blah you're just a

kid and but then slowly people started like oh wow that works and that actually

leads to the point how I created the course okay so I actually my first rate

created my youtube channel I had zero zero zero intentions to coach anybody to

make a course or anything like that I was actually planning to simply like go

down the route of being professional Runner I was going to be a division 1

athlete at Pepperdine University which actually I'm about 30 minutes away from

Pepperdine right now and I had absolutely no time I had time to run my

Amazon business because that takes like 20 or 30 minutes a day sometimes even

less but I had no intention to coach anyway because I know my time is

valuable I know I didn't have any time to do that I was running over a hundred

miles a week I know that seems crazy but I was consistently doing 80 to 100 miles

a week and yeah but then I got to the point keep people kept asking me to work

with them one on one so what I did is I said okay for when I know when I'm worth

and I know what the value I'm worth and the time I'm gonna be giving you I'll

put together you a plan and to be honest the first person I sent a proposal to I

made a proposal over fifteen thousand dollars not in the process of scamming

them or on the process to simply rip them off or anything like that

as prosecutor I had no idea what coaching cost I had no I had no idea

what course has cost or anything like that I just said I know what I'm worth I

know what the value I'm gonna give to you and I know the client I want to get

and but then I realized they're like no no you're crazy blah blah blahs I

understand that you're busy but you're that's crazy amount of money and then

people a few more people kept asking and asking ask him to the point I said okay

fine I have people that wants my help and everything like that let me do

something that's affordable for people in separate time and work with him and

that's what I did for quite a bit until I got to the point where I had too many

people I was working with okay like it was I was literally working from 8:00

a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and I was fitting my runs between and it was absolutely crazy

so then what I did was like okay let me create something that's online what I

just basically did through all of these people and let's just put in an online

forum where people can go log in and watch that and that's why I didn't

that's why I created a course and that's really where I'm at today

I've had the course and the really great thing about my course too is I've had

people have huge amounts of success I knew people were going to have success

with my like program everything like that because I understand that it works

I understand what works and what doesn't work alright if you got to the point

where I talked about earlier where most people who have a YouTube channel most

people have a course they haven't been selling online for more than two years

and when I mean like I've been impressed by the success of people have I knew

people are gonna have success but like I've been impressed by the amount of

people have because I know there's always gonna be a small percentage of

people who just simply like quit or simply don't take action okay if you

ever hear me talk about this a lot I tell people like if I go into a room of

a hundred people if I tell them the absolute secret on call it how to make

money on Amazon okay and if they go apply that they're gonna do it okay

there's no questions asked however if I go tell room 100 people five people

probably listen maybe one or two will take action maybe and then maybe one

person will have success with that that's just kind of how things work and

most people really don't take action most people quit but I've been really

impressed with amount of people who have had success with the program we have

people who literally on the high end or doing over two or thousand dollars this

month as we're talking it is the fourth quarter so this person can do really

well I have another person doing over $1000 but I'm more impressed with the

people who simply dislike I don't have a lot of skills at all or

have never been in this business and are doing 500 hours a month who are doing

$1,500 a month people doing $3,500 a month people doing $5,000 a month

we actually just made a proper support inside the program and everything like

that and that people filled it out we had people making $2,500 a month $500 a

month 700 hours a month $2,500 a month but then you do have on the high scale

we have a two people actually and right now if you don't understand there's 250

people inside the program has I'm making this video will you do have two people

who were over the hundred K mark okay one person 200 K one person's hundred K

however it's all scaleable with this business but also to be very honest

there's been people who haven't had success and what I've noticed from those

people is that it's the small percentage of people like when I was talking about

that don't take the action okay they what people don't understand is like I'm

not the one directly will be making you money I'm giving you information giving

you tools giving you resources to go make the money but you're the one that

has to go take the action for example out of the two and fifty people that we

have actually have gotten members I'm not trying to refund one person but kind

of with that said that one person was looking to get a refund on literally day

one actually on the third day they got on the program before they watch the

entire course anything like that they asked her a refund I was like well we

have a 30 day action based guarantee policy for this reason because we want

you to take action but like I remember they actually watched a video inside my

course and they said we just don't think the products you're showing us are going

to be doing enough like volume or something like they did enough sales

volume I was like what approx talk now because I inside the program I go over

like product examples and I like to use like Dramastic like contrast you could

like just to show people the mistakes that could make if they don't follow

these few things or the benefits that there's how I kind of use products as

examples which those are not the actual property to be selling so but again

there just must have been miscommunication there but how to refund

that one person then took my warranty because then what they did after the

three days I was like okay we have an action-based guarantee policy so you

have to fill out all you have to do all these things first before you can get a

refund and then they simply what ended those but again they were just looking

to get refund from day one yeah but with that said with people having success and

with some people who have kind of just quit a little bit over some people are

still setting the business I do think this course is leery for everybody

okay however not every single person is going to take acting because some things

can get in the way but as long as you do not quit and you take action and go

through it's a simple business model I mean we have people who literally are

over 50 over 60 years old zero computer skills and never made a dollar online

and have taken every single program before and are making $1,000 a month

okay and they're happy with that then we also have people who are pretty savvy

and everything like that and they're doing a lot more okay but I really do

think of this course it really is for everybody because it's a very simple

business model it's really scalable and it's as simple as buy low sell higher

and sell what sells now there can be a few complications a little bit like

knowing how certain information works but the general sense of the business

model is very simple and as long as you don't quit and take action it's very

simple now I can't guarantee everything however but I do think that course isn't

really for everybody that's a small majority people however kind of just

gonna recap the video right create a YouTube channel because I saw a lot of

misleading information and create a course it's because people were asking

me to okay so now I create a course that's going to help people

and I've been able to help a lot of people that's what I'm really grateful

of so kinda just want to give a video about that so that's all it for this

video guys and also if you want to learn how to sell brand-name parts just like

this I'll actually be having a free live webinar on Thursday which you can feel

free to join to be the first link in the description all you have to do is click

the link in the description ohtake dude registration page and you go sign for

the webinar and that's really a but make sure to LIKE and subscribe and have a

great day and thank you for watching if you watched all this

For more infomation >> Why I created a Youtube Channel & Course!! (Amazon "Guru" Explains) - Duration: 12:32.


Internet 5 : Network Layer, partie 2 - Duration: 10:20.

Hi everyone!

As you all probably know, your data sent over the Internet is transmitted through a sequence of routers

But how can we compute the best paths between these different routers?

It's one of the functionalities of the network layer that we will see in this video : routing.

Since this is already the 5th video of this module there are a lot of prerequisite to be able to understand,

you need to have some basics in networking, to know what are the different layers

you also need to know what is an algorithm.

If that's not the case you can watch the first 4 videos of this module as well as the first 2 videos of the module about algorithms.

In the last video we have seen how the IP protocol uses forwarding tables to send datagrams.

now we will see how we can fill these forwarding tables, each router

must know by looking at the destination IP address where to send this datagram.

we could imagine a single huge protocol where each router knows the shortest path to each other router in the Internet.

as you can imagine, this is not scalable. There must be millions of routers in the Internet

moreover, you know from the first video that Internet belongs to no one.

Internet is divided in subsets owned by ISPs so we would have to make every ISP

agree on this single common protocol.

So Internet is divided in subsets of routers. A set of routers controlled by an ISP is called an autonomous system (AS)

within this AS, the ISP will decide how the shortest paths between routers will be computed.

this is what we call intra-AS routing.

so when you are connected to the Internet, you are in an AS controlled by an ISP.

if the destination to which you want to send a datagram is in the same AS,

the routers in the AS will know the shortest path between you and the destination.

But if the destination is in another AS, the routers

will not know the path to the destination.

so we need a protocol to compute the shortest path between 2 different ASs

this is what we call inter-AS routing.

we will start by seeing 2 different protocols to do intra-AS routing,

then we will see how to do inter-AS routing.

there are a lot of different protocols to do intra-AS routing, this is what was intended since

every ISP must be able to choose how it wants to do intra-AS routing.

however we can still divide the protocols in 2 categories : link-state and distance vector

Link-state protocols compute shortest paths only once we have all the information needed in one place.

the routers need to know all the other routers in the AS, all the links and all the time taken on each link.

once we have all that information at our disposal, we can perform the computation.

on the other hand, distance vector protocols do the computation in a decentralized way.

so each router knows its neighbors, the time it takes to go to each neighbor,

but no router knows the whole network, each router will participate to the computation and bring its information

we will now talk about a widely used link state protocol : OSPF

in this protocol, each router will sends its information to the other routers

until at some point all routers in the AS know the whole network.

each router will have a map of the network with all the routers, links and times.

we call this map a graph. Once all routers have this graph, they can do the computation.

they will compute all shortest paths between all routers in the AS.

how to do this computation? We use Dijkstra's algorithm. I will not detail it here,

but if you want to know more about it you can watch the second video of the module about algorithms.

we will now see a widely used distance-vector protocol : RIP.

it uses the bellman-ford algorithm. We will now see with an example how it works.

each router has a list of distances to all other routers that we call distance vector.

in this example you can see 4 routers A,B,C and D and each one has a distance vector.

for each of these vectors, the first component represents the distance until node A,

the second represents the distance until node B and so on.

for example if you look at vector A you can see the first component is 0 since the distance from A to A is 0.

then the second component is 2, since the distance between A and B is 2.

at the last position you can see a question mark for D, because the distance to D is not known yet since D is not a neighbor of A.

each router will then send its vector to its neighbor. Upon reception of a vector from a neighbor,

the router will update its vector and for each of the component will take the minimum of the number

plus the distance to that neighbor.

A receives the vectors from B and C, and for example for the 3rd component of the vectors :

B sent a 1 and C a 0.

A will now compute 2 new components : for B it takes 1 plus the distance to B which is 2

and for C, A takes 0 plus the distance to C which is 7.

A has now 2 distances : cf screen

A takes the minimum (3) and updates its vector's component with this value.

By the same procedure, all 4 routers will update their vectors.

then they will again send their vectors to their neighbors, they will again update their vectors,

and a third time, they will send their vectors and update them.

this time we notice that the vectors haven't changed

according to the algorithm, if the routers haven't modified their vectors, they don't do anything.

we now have a stable system. Nothing will happen until one of the travel time changes.

we can now have the following configuration : one autonomous system AS1 using OSPF

to compute shortest paths between routers. U1 and U2 are 2 users in the AS1 and can communicate

since the routers know the shortest path between them.

and we have next to it another autonomous system AS2 that uses RIP to compute shortest paths.

and 2 users U3 and U4 inside AS2 can communicate thanks to RIP.

the 2 ASs are connected by 2 links but they are managed by different ISPs.

U1 will not be able to communicate with U3 because routers in AS1 don't know paths to routers in AS2.

So we need a global protocol to compute shortest paths between the 2 ASs.

that's what we call inter-AS routing.

for that we use a single protocol in all the Internet : BGP

it is a very complex protocol, probably the most complicated in the Internet, so I will present it very briefly

so each AS in the Internet has a unique identifier.

it contains a lot of routers and most of them are 'inside' which means they have no connection with

another AS. But we have some routers on the 'borders' that have links to routers in other ASs.

these routers only will implement BGP. They are called BGP speakers.

more precisely, they will use external BGP to advertise which ASs can be reached through them.

in this example we have 3 ASs. The speaker S1 will use eBGP to tell the speaker S2 :

"I'm a speaker of AS1 so I can transmit datagrams to anyone in AS1"

S2 now knows he can send datagrams to destinations inside AS1 through S1.

He will now use internal BGP to tell the news to other speakers in the AS, here only S3.

S3 now knows it can send datagrams to destinations inside AS1 through S2.

S3 can tell the speaker S4 inside AS3 : "I'm the speaker for AS2 and I also know how to get to AS1"

S4 now knows that if it wants to send a datagram to a destination either in AS1 or AS2, it can send it to S3.

Here I have simplified a lot. Normally we don't use AS numbers but IP addresses prefixes.

Then the routes learned by BGP must be redistributed in the routing protocol of the AS (RIP or OSPF)

You must also know that these route advertisements contain a lot of attributes and metrics to determine

how good the route is. Depending on that, speakers can accept or refuse new routes.

They can also choose if they want to send the routes they know to other speakers.

In our case, maybe the company controlling AS2 has no interest of routing the traffic coming from AS3.

So maybe S3 will not transmit the information to S4.

This is called 'policy routing' and doesn't really concern engineering anymore.

it has more to do with economics and politics between different powerful companies.

That's the end of this video! You now know a little how routing works in the Internet.

I had to simplify a lot, even more than usual. So don't hesitate to say in the comments section if you want more details.

Thanks to the network layer, we now know how to send a datagram between any 2 points of the network.

but we assumed that we knew how to communicate on each link between 2 routers.

But it's not a trivial thing. Does communication work differently if it's a cable or electro-magnetic waves?

if it is a WiFi modem, a 3G antenna, or even a satellite?

Moreover, if 2 users try to connect to the same WiFi station, won't their waves collision with each other?

All these questions will be answered by the underlying layer : the link layer.

This will be the subject of our next video. See you soon!

For more infomation >> Internet 5 : Network Layer, partie 2 - Duration: 10:20.


GUESS HER AGE CHALLENGE (WTF) | feat. Σάρα | WE FAILED | Manuella - Duration: 4:15.

Hello, welcome back to another video with Sara

Today we're gonna play the guess her age challenge

So I have found a couple of girl and guy celebrities

And we are going to guess their age

Are there any water polo players as well?

No unfortunately

Let's start with the first girl

Meredith Mickelson, do you know her?

No I don't know her but she is gorgeous

She is beautiful, I follow her on Instagram

She is beautiful

So you know her age?

I don't

I'll say she is 19 years old

I think she is 20

She's 17

17 years old?


What only a year older than me?


Let me see more pictures

She doesn't look 17


Would you pose like that?


I can't believe it

How about Scarlett

I've seen her before

How old is she?



She must be around 19-20

I say 20

I hope she is not 16

Scarlett is 20

We guessed it correctly!

She does look 20

Yeah thankfully she looks her age

She is beautiful and she has a natural beauty

Do you know Loren?

Yes of course

I know her too

She is 16 right?


She is 14

She doesn't look like 14. When I first saw her on Instagram I thought she was 20

She looks like she's 19

She has a full face of makeup on

She doesn't look 14

She is gorgeous though

Do you know who is he?

Jake Paul

Do you know how old is he?

I don't but I will guess

How old do you think he could be?


I would guess he is 23 for sure

Me too but I will say he is 21

He is 20

He is young

I would say he is older

He looks older

And with all of those things he has achieved I'd say he's older

How about her?

Do you know her?

I don't know her but from her picture she looks 26


I'd guess she is 25


I will say 25

Let me find her age

She is 21


She has a great body though, she is really fit

She is pretty and she has a great body

But she looks older

And her pictures are too sexy

Cameron Dallas?

Cameron Dallas is so handsome

Yeah he is

He is 20 right?

Yeah maybe 19?

I think he is around 19-20

I say 19

Okay I say 20

Cameron Dallas is 23, he's my age

He is your age and he is so hot

He is

But I would say he is 19, not 23


Look how hot he is though


We will find someone like him for Sara

How about Dove Cameron?


She looks young

I would say she is 14

I say 16


I am 16

Okay then I will say 15

She is 21

Really? Really?


That's great

That's amazing

I'm gonna wear Sara's tiara from her ballet performance

Sara do you want to close the video?

Yes, that was the video

We hope you liked it

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel

And follow us on Instagram

And turn the post notifications on

And we will see you very soon, bye!

For more infomation >> GUESS HER AGE CHALLENGE (WTF) | feat. Σάρα | WE FAILED | Manuella - Duration: 4:15.


Coyote Peterson Spotlight - Last Call with Carson Daly (Interview) - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Coyote Peterson Spotlight - Last Call with Carson Daly (Interview) - Duration: 5:10.


PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS SQUAD Tips and Tricks - Battlegrounds Squad Tips - PUBG Squad Tips - Duration: 11:00.

Hey, guys!

Fog of Gaming here, and welcome to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Today I will share a lot of tips and tricks with you for when you are playing Squads with

your buddies.

I will first explain each tip, and then I will demonstrate it with the actual gameplay

so that you can see how it actually happened.

It's always a good idea to wait and see if your target is being followed by his squadmates,

especially if you are the only member of your squad who can actually fight them at this

very moment.

Once you know how many members of an enemy squad you have in your sights, you'll have

a good idea of how many more people you will have to deal with when the first firefight


Having more people in your line of sight will also allow you to quickly re-adjust your aim.

Your enemies will be startled because of the fact that their buddies are getting killed

in a very quick and unexpected way.

They will be confused and they will have very little time to react to your attack.

I could have decided to shoot the guy that showed up first but killing him then and there

would have alerted the other two guys behind the house.

He had cover behind the wall, so it's more difficult for me to hit him because he had

some cover that could protect him.

I was waiting for him to expose himself a little bit more when the rest of his buddies

showed up.

The third guy never stood a chance, he saw both of his buddies dying right in front of

this eyes and he was never able to react, I don't think that he figured out where

I was shooting from because he didn't have much time to do something.

When you knock a guy down, then don't immediately finish him off.

Check the surrounding area for his squadmates and then prioritize shooting at the guys who

are still standing.

That way, your focus stays on the actual threats instead of trying to kill someone who can't

fight back anyway.

The last thing you want is to have tunnel vision, and you will only expose yourself

by trying to secure a kill.

His teammates will be looking for you, so focus on them instead.

It wasn't a good time for me to finish that guy off, not even when his buddy decided to

hide, and I learned that the hard way when another member of their squad shot me down.

I would have been able to fight longer if I relocated to a different building.

That would have given me the chance to get a few more kills and possibly taking out this

entire squad, instead of having to find another game.

While it is important to prioritize your targets, it's still a good idea to kill downed targets

at the right time and thus prevent them from crawling towards cover so that they can be


The right timing will depend on the situation, so it can vary a lot, but it's always a

good idea to finish a guy off from behind cover when he is crawling towards his buddy

and soon he will be out of your sight.

That way, you can minimize your exposure when you fire and then you can quickly hide when

your enemies start firing back.

It's also a good idea to finish a guy off when his buddies aren't able to shoot you.

In most cases, players will run towards cover when they have no idea where they are being

shot from.

They will momentarily look away from the fight, they will lose their situational awareness

and that will give you the opportunity to take your shots without risking too much.

The driver knowingly drove his car on top of the rooftop, but he overshot and he crashed

against the next house.

He got stuck in between the buildings for a short period of time, and that allowed me

to fight them.

I focused on knocking down the guys that sitting in the back since they were the biggest threats

at that time.

When their buddies began to run away towards cover, I saw the chance to finish off the

guys who I knocked down earlier.

This is a situation when you should divide your attention between knocking the remaining

players and killing the knocked guys.

Always try to do that from cover and only do that when you don't have another target.

When your buddies go down, it's a good idea to revive the ones behind safe cover first.

That way, you'll reinforce your squad without the risk of dying in the process.

Even if your buddies who are further away are closer to death, it's likely that the

enemy is waiting nearby to kill anyone who tries to help them.

This is especially true if your buddy gets caught out in the open and fails to find cover.

You don't want to waste your effort by reviving a squadmate who is out in the open, only to

get yourself killed.

That is exactly what your enemy wants and he will be waiting for that.

I chose to flank the enemy because fighting uphill is fighting with a disadvantage, managed

to get behind him and ultimately we got ourselves another chicken dinner.

It is always good to share your resources with your buddies when they need them.

That will make them appreciate you more, and that will make them more willing to cooperate

with you.

Your squad will have a better chance of winning if you and your buddies are supporting each

other with resources.

Always keep in mind that PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is a very competitive game,

we are all looking for the advantage, that is why some guys prefer to keep some resources

for themselves, this isn't a good thing if you are playing squads or duos.

Share your stuff, and keep an eye out for guys who need some of your resources so that

they can continue fighting.

My buddy shared his medkit with me when I needed it the most, I was low on health and

I couldn't find anything else to heal.

You can call it karma, but right after picking up the med kit, I was already able to return

the favor by saving my new found friend from being killed by the guy hiding in the next


It might be tempting to immediately shoot at a guy you just spotted, but always remember

that you're playing against a squad.

If you attack too soon, you will not only risk giving away your position, but you might

miss the chance to know where the rest of your enemies are.

Take the time to wait, and then inform your buddies about the location of the enemy.

Your squad will appreciate that so that they can prepare before you force them into a firefight.

Your squad will have the advantage because you will have more guys who ready to shoot

down the targets.

You will not get this benefit by immediately shooting your enemy, as this will alert the

rest of his squad and give them the chance to take cover before your buddies even know


is going on.

It was very difficult to spot the enemies because of the dense fog.

When my buddy saw the two of them in the distance, he took the time to tell me where they were.

We waited until we both had a clear shot at each target, and we made sure we were both

ready before attacking.

That way, we were able to grab the two winning kills.

Teamwork, patience and coordination earned us the victory.

When playing squads, it's a good idea to have your buddies focus their fire on the

vehicle itself.

You will be surprised at how quickly a car will explode when there are four guys shooting

it at the same time.

It is much easier for a squad to shoot at a car until it explodes than aiming at the

passengers through the windows.

The guys sitting inside won't have a chance, stopping and getting out take way too long,

shooting from inside a fast moving vehicle is inaccurate, so what other options do you


You're not going to run over 4 guys of an enemy squad, one or two maybe, but that's


Most of the time you will be long dead before you even get close.

Do not be scared of vehicles because they are way more fragile than you think.

As long as you stay away from the vehicle's path and you have everyone shooting it at

the same time, then your squad will always have the advantage.

Use the massive amount firepower you have at your disposal to your advantage.

.These were some of the best tips and tricks for squads to give you the competitive advantage.

Please let me know what you liked about this video and also what you didn't like.

I read all of them so all your comments can help me to make a better video for you.

This was Fog of Gaming, thanks for watching, and I will see you in Battlegrounds.

For more infomation >> PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS SQUAD Tips and Tricks - Battlegrounds Squad Tips - PUBG Squad Tips - Duration: 11:00.


Hanging out in Hoorn and Schellinkhout | Greetings from the Netherlands - Duration: 6:29.

Good morning. Good morning. How are you lovely people doing?

So today I got an early start. Biking already because I'm gonna have breakfast at my mom's place with my grandmother, my mother and I.

It's gonna be good morning. Vomar! We're gonna go do some grocery shopping because we

need fruit for smoothies. This is banana, spinach and strawberry, so we're gonna

throw it into this Magic Bullet.

This is what a begging kitty cat looks like

because of our breakfast. So we have our croissants and a staring kitty.

Hello Shadow. Oh thank you for doing some winks to the camera.

Right now I'm at Hema, and I am having lunch with my friend Marlie who I

haven't seen it forever. Hey Marlie! How are you? - Good. - Good! Are you

enjoying yourself? - Yes. - Good. Okay, look at this view guys.

This is the 'stad'(=city), or this is basically like the inner city of Hoorn. It's really

really cute. I love it. I'm so excited, and this is my tomato

mozzarella sandwich with pesto, and Marlie has salmon with arugula with

cucumber. We are walking or strolling the streets of the city in Hoorn. It's

been so long, Marlie. Like seriously it's been so long. It's ridiculous. This is the

street though it's really cute. The buildings, by the way, it's - they're really really old,

because Hoorn has a lot of history in there, and it's really awesome.

You should definitely visit when you get the chance. You'll love it.

So right now, Hoorn is showing how the cheese market happened back in the day. They're all dressed like how they used to dress.

That's so cool. And today is the day that we're in the city.

Those people over there are actually swimming. I'm wearing a jacket guys.

Right now we're on the dike or the dam which was man made... A bug just flew into my nose.

And look at this view.

Those are some typical Dutch sites for ya. I hope you are enjoying all this Dutch footage I

have for you, because the Netherlands has so many beautiful spots for you to see - to enjoy.

For example, this windmill. Unfortunately it's not spinning, but it's still some

pretty cool typical Dutch architecture.

As you may or may not know, or notice, there's a lot of water in the Netherlands.

Lots of it. Funny little fact, as a kid, you are required to take swimming lessons. There are certain certificates

you get. You are restricted to get up to your A and your B. Now before that there's like

little kid ones.

It goes up to C in case you're interested.

We are at a horse farm or "riding school" is what you call in Dutch. The

only thing is, I wish that we're walking around freely. I don't really know that

much about horses though, so I'm not sure if they're OK with this. There's also

cows here. Hello.

We are now on our way back home. Just so you know, in the Netherlands, since we bike

everywhere, we have little technical ideas or inventions that we use. Like for

example this for moms. Here we have a kid seat. It's really convenient.

So to respect the fact that Marlie doesn't really want her son on the

Internet. I can show you right now real quick

since he's not sitting in the seat, so this is what kids sit on. You have this

little screen and it's perfect. Oh yeah, we just had some swing action

going. Marlie's little son and I just enjoyed the swing, and it was so much fun.

Didn't it look like we have fun? - Yes. - We got so much fun.

OK, where is he going? What is he exploring? - Grandma.

Yes? - Hey! - Hey.

Hmmm... It looks good!

Grandpa. - Yes.



Oh my goodness.

Hmm... YUM!

For more infomation >> Hanging out in Hoorn and Schellinkhout | Greetings from the Netherlands - Duration: 6:29.


11 Feng Shui Tips To Attract Love - Duration: 4:14.

11 Feng Shui Tips To Attract Love

Feng Shui is the Eastern practice of working with chi or the cosmic life force energy along

with your desired intention to create a specific environment in your home and or work environment.

One of the most popular reasons people use Feng Shui is to either bring in love or spice

up their romantic relationships.



Burn pink, red and or white candles along with your intention.

It is best to work with 2 candles at a time because we are working with relationships

and traditionally a relationship is between 2 people.


Place rose quartz in your bedroom and or relationship corner.

The relationship corner of your home/space is in the far right-hand corner of the dwelling.

Rose quartz is pure love and vibrates at a high frequency.

It is best to work with 2 rose quartzes instead of 1 because we are working with pairs ~ you

and a partner.


Create room for your partner in your bedroom and make sure there is enough closet space

for them to make themselves cosy in the same home.


If at all possible, decorate your bedroom and relationship corner with pairs of objects.

An example of this would be lamps, photos, end tables etc.


Make sure the photos in your bedroom are a representation of your vision of what a loving

and balanced romantic relationship would look for you.

Move the family photos that have children and parents into another part of your home.

This one makes sense, doesn�t it?

We wouldn�t want them in this private area of our space, would we?


De-clutter both the bedroom and relationship corner in your home so that the chi flows

freely and effectively.

Ideally we would not want to have clutter in any area of our home, however, the bedroom

tends to collect clutter with clothes etc.


Decorate your bedroom with inviting and warm colours with accents of reds, whites, greens

and pinks and be sure to keep the bedding clean and crisp.


Get rid of extra pillows and or stuffed animals on the bed.

These objects are taking up space physically and energetically in your bed.

Make room for your companion!


Aromatherapy is a very effective approach to creating the ambience of your choice.

To bring romance and balance into your love life use oils such as; ylang-ylang, jasmine,

clary sage, geranium, rose, and cardamom.

To keep your room smelling fantastic I suggest either using an oil diffuser or spraying a

mist that has been blended for love.


Limit the number of mirrors that you have in your bedroom and if at all possible, get

rid of all mirrors.

Mirrors deflect energy and will cancel out all of the Feng Shui cures you have been implementing

into your bedroom.


Take all work and fitness activities out of the bedroom and into another place in your


These activities are energetically a romance blocker.

The goal is to have your bedroom feel calm and relaxing, not busy.

All of these Feng Shui tips will help you to create the energetic foundation that is

welcoming a healthy, harmonic, and loving relationship into your life.

Don�t forget to do your part by tending to what is going on within you so that you

are emotional, mentally, physically, and spiritually ready for your ideal relationship.

It is important that we are the partner that we desire for ourselves.

For more infomation >> 11 Feng Shui Tips To Attract Love - Duration: 4:14.


THE END? - Duration: 4:16.

Hey guys, welcome to another video, my name is Arthur

And I'm here to talk about something...

A bit serious, that is going on

and the only way

for now that I can fix what's going on

I got one copyright strike for 3 videos...


it was from Ubisoft.

And I need to protect myself from that while I don't have a solution

for this problem.

I already spoke to someone from Ubisoft

and we didn't get to a good conclusion

We didn't fix anything

And I believe they applied the strike

because of their video policy

Basically, they think that what I'm doing is illegal

That it's "bootlegging"

their content

And that it violates their policy

I don't have much to do or somewhere to run because

it's their game

and I use their game here

They think it's bootlegging and

And I don't have somewhere to run

Basically I can only accept this and move on

I sent a few emails to Ubisoft

So now the solution is opening a new channel

And I really really hope that you'd subscribe there

I still don't know what I'll be able to do there

I don't know if they're planning on blocking Just Dance gameplays on YouTube

I really don't know their intention

My channel was the only one to get this strike

And I don't what to do, I can only wait

their answer and see what's going to happen

I don't know if they're going to hit me with more strikes

I can't predict anything, I did my part sending those emails

I really hope this is getting fixed


I never did anything to harm them here, instead all my videos helps spread the game

And I've been planning some huuge projects

That you guys would get to watch

if all this wasn't happening

And if the strike does get removed

and I can keep a good relation with them I will be able to make it come true

Because for now I'm feeling really down

to actually produce it

It would be no use for me to do it

Because if I make that effort to make it

and just keep getting hit from Ubisoft

is no use, it's really sad

So for now the solution is this other channel

I ask you all to subscribe to it, please

I'm really counting on you guys right now

The link for it is on the description, first line

It's on the cards

And I think that I'm putting here on the video as well (nope)

For now it's the only thing I can do

to keep the channel safe

The only viable option I have

I know it's disappointing, it's a dumb decision

if they are planning to end all the Just Dance gameplays on YouTube

Even though I think they're only pursuing me

because only I got this

None other did

I don't know what can happen with this channel

It's possible that I can upload today and tomorrow it's already down

I don't know if they're hitting me with more strikes

And that's that

Now it's to continue and do some new things

Maybe taking some new paths

I don't know what I'm going to do yet

I'd really like your opinion on what do do next

If I do some different content

I'd like to know if you'd watch it

ArthurVideoSong will live

I will keep doing videos

It's possible that it's not on this channel

That's why I'm asking you to subscribe on the other channel, link on the description

But don't unsubscribe from this one

No need for that because I don't know what going to happen

I'll keep you all informed

And I hope it all works out

I hope we don't even need to use the other channel


Just in case I hope you go there if we need to use it

That's all, not much I can do really

We'll have to wait.

For more infomation >> THE END? - Duration: 4:16.


The youtube community has flagged one or more of your playlists as inappropriate! - Duration: 5:43.

I am a huge fan of youtube.

I guess I use it everyday but the system lately has been kind off buggy.

And I have to comment on that.

So not so long ago I logged into Youtube and I get this Attention, where I can read.

That I was flagged for one of my playlists as inappropriate.

I said; what the...!!!

Luckely appealing against such flag is very easy.

You just click: I Acknowledge, the left button there.

Then you be taken to this status and futures in there see the Community Guidelines Status.

And if you click on see details, you will get this more info and underneath you have

this link "Appeal this decision".

You just click on there.

And by the way, you can see that my smily face has become this seriouse face.

Which is not good!

From there you be taken to a page where you can trigger the appeal.

And also from there, you can click to see the community guidlines.

In there you can read all about the rules schmules.

For a sec there, I thought maybe the discovered something about my Vintage Bollywood Movies

collection but I guess not.

So I went back.

And continued with the appeal.

And once back on the appeal page, you just click on yes.

And you can fille out the appeal. The pinkish collor in the back ground.

Is a very thoughtful thing of Google I think it calms people down.

I noticed a calming effect on myself.

In fact I became so calm, I almost did not want to file the appeal.

But on the other hand I did want to get my smily back.

And so I did appeal.

And one you have filled out the form.

You click on "appeal", it will be then send to Youtube.

And all you need to do, is just wait.

And at the end if they agree with your appeal.

Your flag is going to be cancelled.

3 daz's later, be hold, my flag was cancelled, my smily was back.

So at least one thing is sure.

Appealing against such flags is quite fast at Youtube.

Oddly enought Youtube will not send you any message that they agree with your appeal.

They will just restore your Community Guidlines Status, you get you smily back and that's it!

And so in a way I can go back to sleep now.

But I actually wondered if there are other users with the same problem like mine.

And I googled for it and sure enough.

Planty of stuff there on Youtube with people beeing flagged for video's that are not uploaded

by them.

And I actually wonddered is this the future for Youtube.

That you are going to be flagged or banned for watching, lets say, forbidden video's.

I even chacked up the title of my playlist "myh"if this some kind of maybe reason for

beeing flagged.

But I could not find anything on Wikipedia or Google.

That could give you a reason for banning.

So it is most likely, you are banned for video.

That is first approved and lator on banned.

And your playlist is banned with it.

So I really hope, it will go away.

And I hope alos there are not many other bugs like this comming our way.

Otherwise it will be really annoying.

So that was it for me, for today.

Have a very good day.

Leave a comment, give a thumbs up or even subscribe.

Thank you ver much, bye bye!

For more infomation >> The youtube community has flagged one or more of your playlists as inappropriate! - Duration: 5:43.



Follow me on Instagram @DJ_WOLF237

type in comments what you want me to do


SORRY editing went wrong watch next vid for rest of vid

For more infomation >> WELCOME TO MY MUSIC CHANNEL - Duration: 0:39.


Shattered Dimensions - Ep. 18: Rafa Contra o Mundo - Parte 2. - Duration: 1:19:53.

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - It takes only a few minutes to complete the reform of the armor, sir.

Rafa: - Thank you, J.A.R.V.I.S., and just call me Rafa.

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - As you wish.

Victor: - Will it work?

Rafa: - What do you mean?

Lucas: - Everyone went to the battlefield, but they are behind you.

Lucas: - If you are the one chosen like Rafa said, they will want to kill you.

Rafa: - Well, I have Claire's powers, there's no way they'll discover my secret-

Rafa: - In case my weakness.

Rafa: - And besides, the heroes will not be defeated that easy, and neither will I.

Victor: - I hope everything is fine, and Lucas, how are you there?

Lucas: - I'm trying to hack the system but it's difficult.

Lucas: - Every time I can decode a password, another one appears.

Lucas: - They were already prepared for that.

Rafa: - Damn, he's moving around the house all the time, let's help him.

Victor: - Did they all come from the same dimension?

Rafa: - Well, really?

Victor: - Think well, everyone has gathered to kill you, they have advanced security-

Victor: They were ready for everything.

Victor: - Did not they come from a dimension that already tried to kill you?

Victor: - Or... have they already killed you?

Lucas: - Maybe this is, because this...

Lucas: - Ahhh finally.

Rafa: - Got it?

Lucas: - No, but I have decoded the passwords.

Lucas: - We have to wait until 100% of the data falls on our computer.

Lucas: - So we can know what they are up to.

Victor: - When will time take?

Lucas: - About 30 minutes to reach 100%.

Rafa: - Great, we have time to stand.

Rafa: - Hi, Dan.

Rafa: - How long.

Dan: - Hey, Rafa.

Dan: - Sorry for I suddenly disappearing.

Rafa: - You do not have to apologize, I know how you feel.

Dan: - You really know?

Rafa: - Well, it depends... How do you feel?

Dan: - Well, after all that happened ..

Dan: - And my father's gone ..

Dan: - Yeah, I think so well.

Rafa: - So, I know how it is ..

Rafa: - Do not worry, I...

Rafa: - I was already abandoned too.

Dan: - By your father?

Rafa: - No ..

Rafa: - It is...

Rafa: - It is another person ..

Dan: - Ahh yes .. Speaking of it.

Dan: - We can talk ..

Dan: - Alone ??

Rafa: - Ahh... Alright.

Lucas: - Victor, we go to the room, we wait there.

Victor: - Alright ..

Victor (whispering): - If you need anything, we're out there.

Rafa (whispering): - I'll be fine, do not worry.

Dan: - It seems they do not trust me too much.

Rafa: - After so much, they still blame him for having connected the machine.

Dan: - And you blame me?

Rafa: - No ..

Rafa: - Everyone has a choice to do whatever you want, you had your choice.

Dan: - But we had consequences.

Rafa: Which ones?

Dan: - You were attacked by Jeff, lost your arm ..

Dan: - And now Amanda has become a vampire who has a desire to kill you.

Rafa: - Well, not everyone has a perfect life.

Dan: - Do not you feel intimidated by all this?

Rafa: - At first, yes.

Rafa: - But ..

Rafa: - I was in a worse world than it is now ..

Rafa: - Still they did not lose hope, they continued fighting.

Rafa: - So I will continue fighting for my world too.

Dan: - Like Claire?

Rafa: - It is ..

Rafa: - Yeah, I... I miss her.

Dan: - Man, forget about Amanda. Stay with Claire.

Rafa: - Aah is because-

Rafa: - Wait. What did you mean by that?

Dan: - What?

Rafa: - You ..

Rafa: - You're liking Amanda.

Dan: - No, no, you're crazy, why would I want to stay with a madwoman like Amanda?

Rafa: - I do not know, tell me you, what happened?

Dan: - Are you sure you want to know more about this?

Rafa: - You can tell me.

Rafa: - I do not see her as my girlfriend anymore.

Dan: - It happened 4 days ago after she became a vampire.

Dan: - I was trying to modify the machine, trying to find a way to reverse the process and such ..

Dan: - Trying to take me to the other dimension you were instead of bringing people here.

Rafa: - Wait, that's why those villains and the Vampires left the portal.

Rafa: - You have tried to do this before and it did not work.

Dan: - Yes, I was trying to modify it a second time to be able to find you.

Dan: - And then I went to my room, and she was there ..

Rafa: - Ahh .. Tried to find out where I was seducing you.

Dan: - Yeah, it was bad, Rafa, I could not help it.

Dan: - She dominated me.

Rafa: - Do not worry, it's okay.

Rafa: As I said, I do not see her as my girlfriend anymore.

Dan: - Then why are you helping her, man?

Rafa: - She is another victim that I put in this trouble.

Rafa: - I'm trying to fix things, but I can not do it myself.

Dan: - You know you can count on me, right? After all, we're friends.

Rafa (In the mind): - It seems that I am obtaining the confidence of it.

Dan (In the mind): - I do not know if I should trust him, at the first chance he has, he'll ruin everything.

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - Sir. The armor is complete.

Rafa: - Great.

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - But she is not ready for armaments.

Rafa: - Disable all that are not working so the armor is in operation.

Rafa: - Leave the jets and thrusters ready.

Dan: - Rafa ..

Rafa: - Tell ..

Dan: - Remember, Frieza, Bane, Rhino and Rake left of the portal.

Dan: - I think there were others who left, but I do not know who they are.

Rafa: Thank you, I'll remember that. It's time to get ready now.

Bane: - You really think that kid is going to show up?

Bane: - I want to kill Batman at once ..

Lex Luthor: - You will do this once we return to our world.

Lex Luthor: - What interests me is that kid, and Superman, now I can kill him.

Bane: - You have tried several times and failed.

Bane: - How do you guarantee this now?

Lex: - Because this time I'm going to kill that boy, and then the Super-Man.

Metallo: - Know that I will kill the Kryptonian.

Metallo: Do not mind that, Lex.

Lex: - You'll have to get over me to have to kill him.

Metallo: Are you asking for a fight? You will have.

Amanda: - Stop both ..

Amanda: - We have an agreement to eliminate Rafa.

Amanda: - After that, you can kill yourself at will.

Amanda: - At the moment, focus on the plan.

Lex: - She's right, let's put that aside, and focus on ending those bastards.

Bane: - This will only end when I kill Batman.

Bane: - But I'm going to break that boy's back myself.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Is everyone ready?

Goku: - Let's finish them, Frieza is on me.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - We will not be deciding who we will fight.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Ahh, okay, okay, I'll keep the Vampires.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Fuck !! Where's Rafa? It was already here for him.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - They will attack us already.

Bruce: - We do not have time.

Bruce: - I need to transform now.

Green Lantern: - You will not escape!

Rhino: - Now I'll kill you once and for all, insect !!

Spiderman: - I know you?

Rhino: - Nice try, Spiderman.

Spiderman: - Apparently he knows me.

Frieza: - DIE, DAMN SAIYAN !!

Goku: - Damn, I cannot move.

Superman: - Hey, I think .. You should not rest at the time of the fight.

Superman: - Come here, be more careful.

Goku: - Frieza stays with me, you take care of your brother.

Superman: - Perai .. He is not my broth-

Captain America: - You know, we do not have to fight.

Magneto: Soon when this is all over.

Magneto: I'll kill those worms and start a mutant revolution.

Captain: - As you wish.

Bane: - I did not expect an enemy like you.

Bane: - But it is what it has.

Thor: - You're lucky that I do not control all my power, mortal.

Metallo: - Now the thing will be serious. But I do not give up.

Bane: - So this hammer is the source of your power.

Bane: - Now I will take possession of it !!

Superman (In the mind): - He is causing more problems.

Superman (In the mind): - I need to end this once and for all.

Superman: - BIZARRO !!

Superman: - COME GET ME !!

Goku: - Do not be convinced, Frieza, you will not defeat me so easily.

Frieza: - If you think that I used all my power, you are mistaken.

Goku: - Then come.

Goku: - Ka-

Goku: - Ka-me-

Goku: - Ka-me-ha-

Goku: - Ka-me-ha-me-

Goku: - Ka-me-ha-me-ha.

Spiderman: - Then you could imagine, he is Rhino, but he looks like armor.

Spiderman: What I faced was a robot.

Spiderman: So I need a new strategy.

Rafa: - J.A.R.V.I.S., how long to get there?

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - In 10 minutes.

Rafa: - And how much time do I have for the armor?

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - It has 1 hour and half minutes, this armor is not very ready for combat.

Rafa: - Alright, keep me informed.

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - As you wish, sir.

Green Lantern (In the mind): - Damn! He's still standing.

Lex: - It's your end.

Lex: - Get ready, little hero.

Green Lantern: - I'm still warming up.

Magneto: And now, do you think you can fight me? Captain, I advise you to surrender.

Captain: - Never ..

Captain: - I promised a great friend ..

Captain: - I would never give up!

Magneto: - Funny to hear this from someone who let a friend die during the war.

Rhino: - What do you have to say now?

Rhino: - Your insect?

Spiderman: - Right .. It's Arachnid.

Rhino: - Now I'm going to finish you off once and for all !!

Spiderman: - Sorry to tell you this ..

Spiderman: But not today!

Goku: - Stop hide, Frieza, has not yet demonstrated all its power.

Frieza: - I did not think you would notice.

Frieza: - But if you want to rush your death then I'll do it.

Metallo: - Ready. It will paralyze him, it is with you.

Thor: - Do you think I need it to manifest my power?

Thor: - It turns out that it helps to contain my powers.

Bane: - What ??

Lucas: - Rafa, how are you there?

Rafa: - I'm almost there, 5 minutes left.

Rafa: - And what did you get in the security system?

Lucas: - Victor is trying to find other information, and Dan is helping us.

Rafa: - Is this on the speakerphone?

Lucas: - No, why?

Rafa: - Great, I activated a security system of my house.

Rafa: - Where only I can disable.

Rafa: - If Daniel tries something, press the green bortão that I left underneath the pc.

Rafa: - Where are you now.

Rafa: - If you do, an alarm will ring my armor, and I'll know what happened, okay?

Lucas: - Okay, you can leave it, mind the fight at the moment.

Dan: - Did you get anything?

Victor: - I did not find anything, always the same things.

Victor: - If I can unlock, I can find out all the data.

Lucas: - Leave it to me, I try to unlock.

Lucas: - Check the things on TV.

Victor: - Alright.

Dan: - I'll go with you.

Victor: - So, Dan, do you want a drink?

Dan: - I do not drink yet.

Victor: - Well, I was referring to soda.

Dan: - Ha Ha yes, I accept yes.

Victor: - What do you think will happen?

Dan: - I do not know, I hope they can win.

Victor: - Villains or Heroes?

Dan: - Herois of course, the problem is that they are at disadvantage.

Victor: Well, that does not matter.

Victor: - What matters is that they are well and can win.

Dan: - Relax, just believe them.

Victor: - I know.

Dan: - I'm going to the bathroom.

Victor: - Alright.

Lucas: - Fast.

Rafa: - Lucas? What's it?

Lucas: - You have to get out of there, I'll give you the coordinates where you should go.

Rafa: But why?

Rafa: - Did you find out what the villains are up to?

Rafa: - Lucas?

Rafa: - LUCAS ??

Rafa: - Damn .. I'll go back ..

Dan: - Rafa! Stop that and go to the battlefield.

Rafa: - Daniel?

Rafa: - Where's Lucas?

Dan: - He is finel ..

Dan: - I said I'll take care of it from here.

Dan: - Let's leave this for later, go to the battlefield, if you are late for another minute.

Dan: - They go after you and will make you cease to exist.

Rafa: - It's good ..

Rafa: - Okay, you're right.

Rafa: - Let's end this.

Dan: - Sorry about that, bro, but you were right, you should not trust me.

Lucas: - Why are you doing this?

Lucas: - You know what you have in those files.

Dan: - Yes, I know.

Lucas: - Then you know that this bomb is going to kill everyone.

Dan: - Not everyone, Amanda will be able to escape just like the villains.

Lucas: - What do you get out of it?

Dan: - Simple ..

Dan: - I'll kill all the villains myself.

Dan: - And I will be known as a hero by all.

Lucas: - A hero? You're going to kill the real heroes, and so is Rafa.

Dan: - Some things need sacrifices.

Lucas: - You're not a hero, you're just a fake.

Dan: - A fake?

Lucas: - You attack Victor and me.

Lucas: - And still throw a bomb on our friends.

Dan: - I need to reach my goals.

Dan: - I want to create a better world.

Dan: - But I can not do that with Rafa on my way.

Lucas (In the mind): - The brightness of his look is different ..

Lucas (In the mind): - And the way he acts is also.

Lucas (In the mind): - He is being manipulated by Amanda ..

Dan: - And I'm going to start killing you .. And then I'm going to blow this fucking whole.

Dan: - No one to raise suspicion about me.

Lucas: - That will not help.

Dan: - What do you mean?

Lucas: - No matter what you do, Goku has a relationship with us.

Lucas: - And remember, the spheres of the Dragon are with him.

Lucas: - As soon as we die, it can bring us back to life.

Dan: - I'll do what it takes to keep them away from me.

Dan: - Not that I have to kill Dende.

Lucas: - You're not going to run away from this, I'm still going to take one of your eye.

Dan: - I think we've talked too much.

Dan: - Hunf .. Idiot.

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - How disappointing ..

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - I have not had a good fight since I fought with Daniel.

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - Yeah, I'll end this.

Rafa 4: - Now it's over, you guys are at a much lower speed than mine, there's no way to beat me.

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - Yeah, now there's no way ..

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - I will end this at once if not-

Rafa 4: - What ?!

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - Strange how did she get it?

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - Aaah I understood.

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - She managed to adapt to my speed.

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - It achieved in such a short time, incredible.

Rafa 4 (In the mind): - This will get even more interesting.

Spiderman (In the mind): - Damn, I need to end this at once.

Spiderman (In the mind): - Wait .. What ?!

Spiderman (In the mind): - Is he tired ?!

Spiderman (In the mind): - I understood, because this is an armor linked to the skin.

Spiderman (In the mind): - Spends a heavier load.

Spiderman: - Aah no, you do not go away !!

Frieza: - What did you think, Saiyan?

Goku: - I think you need to improve your punches.

Goku: - Now it's over, Friezaaaa !!!

Abominable: - What are your last words?

Hulk: - Hulk ..

Hulk: - ..SMASH !!!

Lex: - Now you're vulnerable, Lantern, I'll rip your other arm off.

Captain: -... You just won a one-way ticket to Hell.

Captain (In the mind): - Finally .. It's over ..

Captain (In Mind): - I hope you're watching this, Steve ..

Captain (In the mind): - I will still honor your legacy.

Dan: - Do you think you can stop this?

Dan: - You will never win!

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Ha. Motherfucker.

Rafa: - It seems that I arrived on time.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Another minute and you were going to miss the party.

Rafa: - Get up, we're still going to play a lot, it's not time to sleep.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Aah, look who's talking, you were in your seventh sleep.

Rafa: - Aah, I needed to sleep.

Amanda: - I thought it was too fearful to appear.

Rafa: - No, I was just preparing to humiliate you in front of everyone here.

Amanda: - That's what we'll see.

Lex (In the mind): - No! How did he get that much power?

Superman: - It's time to end it all.

Goku: - I'm glad it's over, I did not need to become Super Saiyan 2.

Superman: - Hey, do you have more transformations?

Goku: - Still missing the Super Saiyan 3.

Superman: - Jesus, what's missing now? Transformations with blue hair? Anyway ..

Superman: - I'll finish this soon ..

Abominable: - You think .. What will stop us?

Abominable: - You think that kid wearing stupid armor will make a difference?

Hulk: - Hulk ..

Hulk: - ARE SURE !!

Hulk: - Stay on the ground!

Bruce: - I think I exaggerated a bit.

Green Lantern: - You're lucky I'm not a killer like you.

Green Lantern: - But today you have abused my pity.

Lex: - You... You could not kill me.

Green Lantern: - Kill you? No. But the next time you dare threaten these people ..

Green Lantern: - .. And the world, there will be no power.

Green Lantern: - Not even any desire that could save me.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - This is not ..

Rafa: - Not that .. Rafa is in danger.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Okay, we're safe here.

Rafa: - Dude, why did you do it so suddenly?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Wait calm...

Rafa: - What is it, Rafa?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Okay, now we are alone.

Rafa: - What happened?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - We need to end this war soon.

Rafa: - What? Why are you saying this? We'll make it.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - At some point ..

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Did you feel that they have managed to overcome our powers?

RIP (4th Dimension): - Rafa ..

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Please, I need you to tell me.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - You felt that some time ..

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Amanda overcame your power?

Rafa: - While you went to fight with Yasmin .. Amanda ended up beating me.

Rafa: - And then we fight again.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - And what did you do?

Rafa: - Then I punched her, but ..

Rafa: - She resisted my punch as if it were nothing.

Rafa: - I had to increase the percentage of my strength.

Rafa: - But I fear that if we do not do anything ..

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Yes I know ..

Rafa (4th Dimension): - That girl, Yasmin.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - She was able to overcome my speed.

Rafa: - What? But how did she get it?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - I believe that each of them exist skills ..

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Different off the power of ice or telekinesis.

Rafa: - What do you mean? It means that they can adapt to our powers ..

Rafa: - And even surpass them?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - I believe it's just a specific characteristic ..

Rafa (4th Dimension): - For example, Yasmin adapted to my speed, but her strength did not increase.

Rafa: - Does it increase only speed, just as Amanda increases only physical strength?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - It is quite possible, but we still have to end it at once.

Rafa: We need to use all our powers now.

Rafa: - I can use up to 200% strength.

Rafa: - But if I get more energy ..

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Can you use up to how much?

Rafa: - As far as I know, I get up to 400%.

Rafa: - You can use The Infinite Mass Punch.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - I have never used with anyone, are you crazy?

Rafa: - Well, it's time to use it.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Just like you its 400%.

Rafa: - Ta.

Rafa: - Let's do this, so be careful now.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - What do we do now?

Rafa: - No, they are here .. They turned off the energy of the place.

Rafa: - RAFAAA !!

Rafa: - Where is he?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - That's it, if they continue at this level, can exceed me in 10 years.

Yasmin: - But this time I will not restrain myself, was it clear?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - They can come with everything.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - But I guarantee you will not get it.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - You are still at a level well below me.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - It's over!

Yasmin: - Looks like it's just the two of us.

Rafa: - I'm happy now. I'll be able to fight on an equal footing.

Rafa: - After a long time, you were the only one that could keep up with my speed.

Yasmin: - Alright, let's fight then!

Rafa: - I have not yet shown my maximum powers.

Yasmin: - So let's go!

Rafa: - What is that?

Rafa: - Damn ..

Rafa: - J.A.R.V.I.S., how is the state of the armor?

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - We still have 40 minutes to use the armor, but would not advise to abuse too much, sir.

Rafa: - Let's show you how much we can, let's go there.

Rafa: Where is she?

Rafa: - I found you!

Rafa: - This is already over, I'm going to end this now!

Rafa: - How is it there?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - It's complicated here, but I can tell.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - And you ??

Rafa: - It's complicated too, but it will work.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Well, come on then, we have to end it at once.

Rafa: - You ..

Amanda: - Not to be able to fight at a disadvantage.

Rafa: - I had night vision, but it could be too.

Amanda: - As you wish, I'll kill you anyway.

Rafa (In the mind): - What is that?

Rafa: - It's over!

Rafa: - What ?! But how???

Yasmin: - Let's kill you once and for all!

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Come on.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Now it's over, I will not fight you anymore.

Rafa: - Aaah ..

Rafa: - Aah .. Finally.

Rafa: - Let's enjoy it while she's unconscious.

Rafa: - J.A.R.V.I.S, can you deduce what was that brightness in the store?

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - It is something never known in this world.

Rafa: How do you know that?

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - After the alien invasion I began to study portals and dimension with Mr. Stark.

Rafa: And what did you find out?

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - Several universes with their respective histories ..

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - And one of these stories there is a group of warriors that can dominate rings.

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - That it contains immense power.

Rafa: - So you mean there are these warriors here?

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - No, some of them must have come long before the Dimensional Machine was linked ..

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - I already have the radiation of the ring tracked in the store.

Rafa: - A ring of power... interesting.

Rafa: And what does this thing she do?

Amanda: - Let's find out!

Rafa: - I have to end this at once!

Amanda: - Looks like it ended up here, until it was a good battle.

Rafa: - I also think, but do not worry, this ends now.

Amanda: - Of course, I'm going to kill you and I'm going to dominate all these people and I can feed them.

Rafa: - Not if I prevent you.

Amanda: - You're still persistent .. Do not accept reality .. I'll kill you, accept this.

Rafa: - No, I do not accept the fact that you will kill all innocent lives on this earth ..

Amanda: - And what can you do?

Rafa: - Simply killing both of us.

Amanda: - You're an idiot.

Rafa: - No ..

Rafa: - I am only a protector of this world.

Rafa: - J.A.R.V.I.S., use the transmission mechanism to be able to go back home.

Rafa: - It was an honor to serve with you.

J.A.R.V.I.S .: - It was a pleasure, Rafa... [Activating self-destruction]

Amanda: - Let me go, we'll solve it another way!

Rafa: - That will not do, Amanda, you've ruined my life several times .. You tried to kill me!

Rafa: - And you used other people just to fulfill your goals.

Amanda: - I did it to try to find you.

Rafa: - Rafael and everyone told you that I had to help him.

Rafa: - And I told you still .. That I had to do this.

Rafa: And yet you tried everything to kill me.

Amanda: - Please do not do this.

Rafa: - Armor, eject.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Are you okay?

Yasmin: - Why did you hold me?

Rafael (4th Dimension): - You would fall.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - I was not going to let him die.

Yasmin: - You know I do not die.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - I did not want to take any chances.

Yasmin: - But I am your enemy.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - And still I will continue trying so that I can bring hope again.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - When I fought with you, I felt like I ..

Rafael (4th Dimension): - I was fighting with someone in a long time ..

Rafael (4th Dimension): - I remember how bad he was ..

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Of how he became so.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - I... I could not save him.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - I hope I can save you too.

Lucas: - Rafa, Rafa, are you there?

Rafa: - Yes, I'm here ..

Rafa: Where were you while I called you?

Lucas: - Daniel, he attacked us, he went crazy.

Lucas: - I think he's still being dominated by Amanda.

Rafa: - Maybe she has left him bewitched, so it must have attacked you, where is he?

Lucas: - Do not worry, I managed to let go and attacked him unprepared, and Victor arrested him.

Victor: - Lucas! Lucas! Put the phone on speakerphone.

Rafa: - Victor? What happened?

Victor: - Lucas was able to unlock the security code of the villains.

Victor: - And they were going to send a bomb in the Shopping Center where you are ..

Victor: - But... Dan has already activated the bomb, and she is already going there.

Rafa: - And how much time do I have?

Lucas: - By the coordinates, 20 minutes.

Rafa: - 20 minutes?!?

Rafa: Why would it take so long?

Lucas: - The bomb is on the other side of the world, it will take until you get there.

Rafa: - Alright, I'll try to stop in time, my armor was destroyed.

Lucas: - Hurry up, you have little time.

Rafa: - You can leave, I'll stop this.

Amanda: - But I'm going to break up with you sooner.

Rafa: - What?

Amanda: Now I can kill you once and for all, Rafael.

Rafa (In the mind): - Aaah .. No ..

Rafa: - For, please, you need to listen.

Rafa: - A bomb is coming here, if you want you can kill me at will, but please, stop this bomb.

Amanda: - I can go away at will and let you all die.

Amanda: But I will gladly kill you.

Rafa: - I will not let you ..

Rafa: - I will not let you kill billions of people.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Rafaaaa, take that ring now !!

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Rafaaa ..

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Rafaa ..

Claire: - No need to fight, Rafa.

Rafa: - Claire?

Claire: - I'm here, everyone is here.

Rafa: - But ..

Rafa: - What will happen to everyone?

Claire: - You do not owe them anything else, you've done enough.

Claire: - No need to fight anymore, it's time for you to rest ..

Rafa: No, no, it's not over yet.

Rafa: - I have things to do yet.

Rafa: - I do not .. I can not stop fighting now.

Rafa: - I have to continue.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - You need to take that ring off!

Amanda: - No use, that ring is destroying it, it will die soon.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Shut up, you caused all this.

Amanda: - It's not my fault.

Rafael (4th Dimension / in the mind): - You are trying to fight this thing.

Rafael (4th Dimension / in the mind): - In this state he will not be able to dominate.

Rafael (4th Dimension / in the mind): - He will die.

Rafa (in the mind): - You are not sure of that, Rafa ..

Rafael (4th Dimension / in mind): - How do you...?!?

Rafa (in the mind): - You still have hope.

Rafa (in the mind): - I know how you feel.

Rafa (in the mind): - Not because you are a part of me, but ..

Rafa (in the mind): - I know you will not give up on me now ..

Rafael (4th Dimension / in the mind): - Rafa.

Rafael (4th Dimension / in the mind): - Do not give up now ..

Rafa (in the mind): - I'm going to change it, I'm going to change everything now, I'm going to change things.

Rafa (in the mind): - I have never felt so good.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Ready to end it?

Rafa: - Hold on .. It will hurt more in you than in me.

Rafa: - Look .. It's over, okay? No more because we fight.

Rafa: - This fight is over, we all win, only you are left ..

Rafa: - And you are at a disadvantage.

Rafa: - If I were you, I would fly away from here.

Rafa: - I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself ..

Rafa: You'd better go.

Amanda: - Why do not you die at once?

Amanda: - So that's it? You're not coming to fight with me?

Amanda: - Then I'll give you a warning, or you'll fight me ..

Amanda: - Or you will see everyone you love die.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Rafa...

Rafa (4th Dimension): - But how are you ..?!

Amanda: - I'll kill you at once!

Rafa (4th Dimension): - No, Rafa! Do not do that.

Amanda: Rafa? What are you going to do?

Rafa: - You do not know how to use these powers correctly.

Rafa: - I need to do this.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Do not do that, by taking her powers, she can-

Rafa: - I know very well what will happen, but it is necessary.

Amanda: - Rafa.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Rafael.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Let her go.

Rafa (4th Dimension): - Do not lower yourself to her .. Let her live.

Rafa (In the mind): - If she is alive ..

Rafa (In the mind): - She goes after me the same way.

Rafa (In the mind): - No ..

Rafa (In the mind): - What did I do?

Rafa (In the mind): - No .. No ..

Rafa (In the mind): - What did I do?

Rafa (In the mind): - No!

Rafa (In the mind): - What did I do ?!

Yasmin: - Why did you do it?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - You'd better get away, okay?

Rafa (4th Dimension): - You can not do anything else, you lost.

Yasmin: - After so much .. After her so much begging for life, you killed her.

Spider: - All the villains have been defeated, you no longer have as you fight.

George: - Looks like you did it.

George: - But now it's time for you to surrender.

Rafa: - You said that would let us take care of that.

George: - I said I'd leave, and you guys took care of it.

George: - But I did not say that I would not leave you free.

Rafa: - You can not do that!

George: - Handcuff them.

Spider: You do not have to do that, George.

Spider: - There's a bomb coming here, we need to stop it.

George: - I will not let it go that easy.

Rafa: - People ..

Rafael (4th Dimension): - What is it, Rafa?

Rafa: - It seems that ..

Rafa: - Somehow, I can feel that the bomb is coming.

Goku: - What are we going to do now?

Goku: - I will not attack innocent people.

George: - They think they are above others, but we are the law ..

George: - And you are too dangerous to be on the streets.

Rafa: - Sorry, George ..

Rafa: - You can arrest me later, but I can not let this bomb hit us.

George: - Shoot them!

Rafa: - Okay, that solves everything ..

Rafa: - Yasmin, go away ..

Rafa: - Go with Maisa and Amanda, tell her that I apologize.

Rafa: I did not want any of this to happen to you all.

Yasmin: - Thank you.

Rafael (4th Dimension / In the mind): - Rafa, don't do this, you can die.

Rafa (In the mind): - Do not worry.

Rafa (In the mind): - This is my duty.

Rafa (In the mind): - I was in charge of saving these people and I will do it.

Rafa: - Not that!

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Finally.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - It worked out, you did it

Gaby: - Are you surprised to see me?

Gaby: - Rafael?

Rafa: - Why do I have the impression that you are not the same person?

Gaby: You ruined my life.

Gaby: - I'm not a girl you wear and then throw away.

Rafa: - And since when did I throw you out?

Gaby: - Since your little super hero.

Gaby: - You left me.

Gaby: - Even when you slept with me, you threw me out.

Rafa: - Wait .. What?

Gaby: - Yeah .. That's exactly what you heard.

Rafa: - I have not spoken to you since the end of 2013.

Rafa: - You are not the same person, you are of another dimension.

Gaby: - Uaaau ..

Gaby: - How did you find out so fast?

Rafa: - I feel you two are different ..

Rafa: - Even more, you seem to be much older.

Gaby: - Anyway, it does not matter.

Gaby: - I'm going to kill you now.

Rafa: - Novelty, how many people are trying to kill me besides you?

Jeff: - How could you forget me, Rafa ?!

Jeff: - Remember I'm going to kill you when it's all over.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - No .. This is not ..

Lucas: - Rafael? Are you okay?

Rafa: - I'm dying.

Rafa: - I think I will not take it.

Lucas: - Do not worry, I sent you something before.

Rafa: - What?

Lucas: - Do not you remember the box that someone left for you?

Rafa: - O .. The Rafa .. of the 5th Dimension.

Lucas: - I thought I would need it.

Lucas: - I told you before this girl attacked you.

Lucas: - The box is already coming.

Rafa: - I think I will not take it, Lucas.

Lucas: - Do not say that, you will survive and save them all.

Rafa: - If I end up dying, you promise me something.

Lucas: - What?

Rafa: - Promise that you will take care of everyone?

Rafa: - You and Victor ..

Rafa: - I'll let you take care of it ..

Rafa: - To take care of things.

Lucas: - I... I do not know if I have the capacity for this.

Rafa: - Enjoy.

Rafa: - And try to look for the machine and destroy it as soon as possible.

Lucas: - All right, I'll do it.

Lucas: - Hey... Come on, wake up, wake up, Dan!

Dan: - Ahhh... What happened? Why am I tied?

Lucas: - You attacked us, and activated the bomb to explode the Center.

Dan: - I was at home ..

Dan: - And I was watching everything on TV.

Lucas: - It seems that you do not remember ..

Lucas: - You came here to talk to Rafael about what happened between you and Amanda.

Lucas: - It seems she dominated her mind.

Lucas: - When she was defeated the spell power must have been annulled.

Dan: - And how is Rafa?

Lucas: - See the TV .. He is now without powers and Jeff the stabbed.

Dan: - Damn .. That was my fault.

Dan: - I should never have connected that machine.

Lucas: - Do not worry, you did not know what you were doing.

Lucas: - Besides, Amanda was manipulating you.

Dan: - Let me go, see.

Lucas: - But if you try something, I'll attack you right now.

Dan: - Beauty.

Dan: - And there? What is going to happen now?

Rafael (4th Dimension / In the mind): - This is not ..

Spider: - I think I've seen this scene from somewhere.

Rafael (4th Dimension): - Rafa?

Rafael (4th Dimension): - How did you do it?

Rafa: - Worse than I do not know how ..

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