Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

Paid promotion for Google.

Google Home is an audio-only product.

Should we race with Lightning McQueen?


Hey, Google, play Cars Adventure.

All right, getting Cars Adventure.


Hey there, name's Lightning McQueen

and this is my buddy, Mater.

Well, hey there.

Hey, my friends and I are playing a game of Drive and Seek

all around Radiator Springs.

Should we investigate Sarge's Surplus Hut or Flo's V8 Cafe?



Flo's V8 Cafe, finest fuel on the mother road.



Here we are.

Let's check inside.


We just found Cruz Ramirez.


Come on, let's race through Radiator Springs.


Should we turn left or right?


Hey, we're driving through the tractor field.

Keep an eye out for Frank.

[engine running]

Tractors is so dumb.

Do we take the canyon or the cave?

The cave.

Okay, let's head into the cave.


Wait, where are we?

Oh, no, we ended up in Tailpipe Caverns.



It's going to be a photo finish.

Dag-gum, I wish I had a camera.

I guess I'll just blink my eyes real fast.

The winner is...

Lightning McQueen.

Thanks for the race, Cruz.

And thank you for helping me win the race.

Later Mater.


For more infomation >> Google Home l Cars Adventure | Disney - Duration: 1:41.


El cambio de genero en pareja + ¿Cómo nos conocimos? | Ang Alferez - Duration: 9:10.

Hi! My name is Angel Alferez

Welcome to my Youtube channel! Every thursday at 8 p.m (Spain)

New Video!


Tell me

What are you doing?

Recording a video channel?!

Today as you can see i'm in good company

Some of you already know her. She is Jennifer, she is my girlfriend

And today we are going to share the story of how we met!

So the first question is very obvious. How we met?

We met for the first time the 21st of December of 2012

A date that if you remember, was established by the Mayans like the end of the world

But, as you can see, nothing has happened!

We've met in a LGTB club here in Barcelona, named Arena

Yeah, a place that some of you know for sure!

So there Angel...Wanna tell them a little bit, what did you did?


At that moment, I was a very shy person

That night i went out to that club with some friends

And i saw her from the other side of the dacefloor

And thought "Wow, i have to talk to her or something!"

But i was so so shy, that for me was a really big deal even the thought of going to talk to a stranger!

So at that time i told my friend to go dancing closer to her an her friends

I tried to make eye contact, but i didn't work

Then I thought "maybe she's going to come to talk to me in the first place"

But none of this happened, then when i saw that she was going to the bathroom

I said to myself now it's the moment to do something...

And i know it's not a cool thing to do when your are trying to flirt, the first thing i did to make contact with her was to give her a High- fives

I give her a high-fives and said ok, maybe we can start that way...

The worst thing is that i did that high-fives

Yes. And at that moment the only thing i was able to think, was that i looked very dummy

But, yeah we made the high-fives

Yes. And at that moment the only thing i was able to think, was that i looked very dummy And at then said to myself "ok we made contact" a very superficial and insignificant contact but it was something!

And then i tried to introduce you to one of my friends

Yes, i wanted to flirt with her and she says to me that her friend was interested in me!

So at that moment when we were talking and her was trying to introduce me her friend i decided to be clear with her

So what did i told you

You told me...

What i like is you, not your friend! (or something like that) isn't it?

Yeah i told her because why not? And then will be have time to see what happens!

Exactly, and here we are 5 years later and still together!

As you can see something turned out well that night!

Do you remember when was the first time i told you i wanted to do the transition?

Yes, it was after i came home from a travel work

It was just about 1 month since we met

yes, it was just about 1 month since we met, And before started a more serious relationship

The day i came back form this trip we've met and went out for a drink. Also that night was the first time i slept at your place and when we came back, you told me!

Yeah, the next morning we were talking

And because i wanted her to know more about myself and also myself wanted to know more about her

Decided that it was the moment be really honest before the relationship became 100% formal

So I said to her (don't remember the exact words) i think i said...

What would you think if in the future instead of being a girl, ended up being a guy?

I think that was the words i said to you..

yes, exactly

At first time i was very shocked

Then i started to feel afraid because i didn't know nothing about transgender community or about the transitioning process

So for me when he told me for the fist time it was like...

Ignorare, afraid, or...

Of not knowing what was going to happen or how will be my appearance after HRT...

For more infomation >> El cambio de genero en pareja + ¿Cómo nos conocimos? | Ang Alferez - Duration: 9:10.


Family Estrangement - Duration: 7:28.

Family estrangement is a pretty sensitive topic and although most people

believe it only happens to dysfunctional families, it's actually more common than

we think. But why does estrangement happen, and what can we do about it?

That's exactly what we're gonna discuss in today's video.

Welcome back to TLC Thursday, where a weekly video can make your life a little easier.

My name is Christal Fuentes, the Founder

of The Ladies Coach, and your Host and Coach for today.

One of the most painful feelings, is to know you've been estranged from someone you love.

Wheter you're estranged from Mom, Dad or both. Sister, Brother, Auntie, Uncle, Cousin,

estrangement from family members can feel like a gaping hole in your soul.

I mean our first experience of relationships is with our family. Take

that away and it's no wonder why we feel lost, and may grieve the same as we would

the passing of someone. The difference is, these people are still alive so the

sadness never goes away because we continue to feel abandoned. Some of the

most common reasons that have been reported for family estrangement are: a

breakdown in trust, conflicting values, physical emotional or sexual abuse,

perceptions of favoritism, especially within sibling estrangement, family

secrets that have left people feeling scarred, and perceptions of betrayal. I

mean the list goes on. Now before I move on, I want to tell you real quick why I

say "perception of favoritism" or "perception of betrayal." I promise it's

not to belittle anyone's experience, but at the end of the day if we're talking

about relationships there's always several sides to a story, and although

our experiences may feel real and at times are real our experience is not

everyone's experience, and it's important we understand this so we don't take it

personally if what we believe to be true is different from what our loved ones

believe. Before we get into how we can deal with or heal from a family

estrangement, I want you to understand that not all family estrangement is bad.

We're always taught that blood is thicker than water and family is

everything, but that's just not true. It's these types of beliefs that keep us

loyal to people, who may not have our best interests at heart.

If you followed me for awhile, you've heard me discuss the importance of trust,

values, and respect in relationships, but why do we believe just because you're

family, you get a pass? As hurtful as it is to be disconnected from people you

love, it would be even more damaging to allow yourself around people who would

create toxicity in your life. So whether it is your choice to distance, or you're

the one suffering from the distance of someone you love, ask yourself would you

and this person even get along if you had a relationship?

Would you guys respect, value, and care for each other?

Or would your relationship consist of an unnecessary back-and-forth of life

choices, past stories, and past hurts? Trust me,

I'm not saying we shouldn't value family. I am certainly grateful for my family.

But I think we need to change the narrative of what family means, and what

it feels like. Once we do that, we will be able to release the struggle we are

feeling within a certain relationship. With that said, let's get into some ways

we can start accepting the state of our estrangement instead of resisting it so

we don't stay in suffering. "The source of all pain is the inability to accept

reality." Accepting reality doesn't mean we should do nothing it just means that

you're letting go of the story and the perception of loss. So here we go. If

you're looking to heal from family estrangement, here are some things you

could do that might help. Number One: Own up to your part of the estrangement.

This doesn't mean confessing to

something you didn't do, but own up to the actions you participated in that

made someone feel they needed to disconnect. Maybe you weren't as open as

you could have been. Maybe you could have listened to them more. Maybe you said

something that could have been hurtful, that you now apologize for.

Owning up to your part of it no matter the outcome, puts you back in the

driver's seat instead of feeling like someone took something from you.

Number Two: Respect their space. At the end of the day, a relationship is the

choice two people make to participate in. With that, we also have to respect the

choice someone makes to not have a relationship. This is tricky for most

people because we get so wrapped up and what we want, that we overlook the wishes of another.

Number Three: and this is really important and I suggest anyone

who is not just going through a family estrangement, but anyone who has

something they want to release. It's a Hawaiian prayer called the Ho'opono Pono Prayer.

I actually wrote about how this practice helped me and my

mom's relationship in my book. This prayer comes in four parts: I'm sorry.

Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Again, even if you felt someone betrayed

you this is the ultimate practice of release. You hear people talking about

how forgiveness is less about the person that hurt you, and more about setting

yourself free right? Well this prayer is a forgiveness practice. It's also a way

to send love to the person you were apologizing for. Writing a letter in the

form of this prayer, will allow you to express yourself in the most loving way.

You can either send it or do it for yourself, but this very practice alone

will help you to release the story, the struggle, and the hurt.

I truly believe in energy and when you are able to let go and let love, I have

no doubt your loved ones will feel it. it's important to note that just because

you do all of this doesn't mean it's going to rekindle your relationship. I

mean it could, but this is mostly for you. It's just a way for you to let go of the

story, the past hurts, and to forgive yourself and your loved one for the way

things are. Does that make sense? Let me know if it does, and if this video has

helped you. Also if you have any tips you know would help someone going through a

family estrangement, comment them below, we love learning from each other.

Alright beautiful people, if you liked this video please share it, and

remember we come out with videos every Thursday that could help you with your

life and relationships. Also, make sure you head to for more

resources that can make your life a little easier. Til next time...

For more infomation >> Family Estrangement - Duration: 7:28.


Real Reason Behind WWE's New Mixed Match Challenge Show! | WrestleTalk News Dec. 2017 - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Real Reason Behind WWE's New Mixed Match Challenge Show! | WrestleTalk News Dec. 2017 - Duration: 5:06.


The Best Cheap Tequeños in New York City || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:39.

- My name is Prez, and I work at Thrillist.

Around these parts, I'm known as the 5-Dollar Lunch Guy.

Every episode, I'm gonna put you guys onto

the very finest New York lunch for $5 or less.

(playful music)

(laughs) No, I'm good.

I'm not hungry.

Maybe later or something.

It's kinda early. (sighs)


My guy, really?

We're doing this again?

Oh, tequeños.

Why didn't you say that before?

Now a few years ago, I was introduced to Patacon Pisao.

It's a sick little Venezuelan mom-and-pop joint,

but their $2 tequeños are bangers.

Now I know they have two locations in the city.

One uptown and one in the LES.

So you know I'm hitting up the LES.

It's closer, and there's more stuff to do.

So these are the rules of "Operation 5 Buck Lunch."

It's got to be good, 'cause nobody

wants bad food for lunch.

No big chains, 'cause that's just too easy.

It's got to be $5 or less.

And whatever I don't use today,

rolls over into the next episode.

OK so what is your favorite food?

- Wine! Oh, yo.

- No, no it works, it works.

If I gave you five bucks, what would you eat?

- Oysters? Where from?

- You know what?

In this entire show, this is the first time

we've heard oysters but that's, actually, pretty solid,

'cause oysters are cheap.

- Bye-bye.

- Thank you so much, appreciate it.

If I gave you five bucks,

where would you go and eat?

- You could be creative.

You could go out, you could cook.

- You would cook, OK.

What would you make?

You'd pick a few things up?

- That's solid, that is solid advice guys.

- Absolutely, we're always going out,

we're always buying stuff.

But you know what?

You can always hit up a stall on

the side of the street,

where they're selling fruits and veg,

and get a little something, you know?

(playful music)

Aye, you guys didn't know,

the Lower East Side is home to many

of the communities that make New York food great.

Honestly, you have the Italians,

the Chinese, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans,

Eastern Europeans all living here,

in the same neighborhood and all making amazing food.

Wait -- shout out to all of the immigrants

that make New York food great.

I should put that on a T-shirt.

Immigrants make New York food great -- yeah.

(whip noise)

(lively music)

(camera clicks)

Have you ever had tequeños before?


- Do you know any really good places to get

tequeños around the city?

- This is your first time here?

- And you're from Venezuela?

- And this is a Venezuelan joint.

What would you get if I gave you five bucks

and you were here.

What would you get for five bucks here?


- You can get tequeños.

- Yeah, they have tequeños here.

They're like two bucks, so that's cheap.

Will you just tell me a little bit about tequeños?

- All right so tequeños, basically,

is a Venezuelan appetizer.

They can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, after-hours.

It's, basically, think of cheesy bread.

Cheese wrapped in dough and fried

until it's nice and moist inside.

And cheesy inside and crunchy outside.

When you dip it into our sauces,

it's just out of this world.

- Guys, you're welcome, you're welcome.

How many tequeños can I get for five bucks?

- You can get three of them for $5.

- That's amazing.

Can I please have that?

- Of course man.

There you go, thank you.


- Yes please.

Actually guys, I'm starving.

Look at that.

We are sorted, $5, eating, let's go.

(whip sound)

(lively music)

(bell dings)

Look, look, look, look, look.

These are long.

I don't think I've ever seen tequeños this long.

That's why I keep coming back.

Guys, come here and look at this.

Look at this beautiful piece of art.

You know what this reminds me of?

This reminds me of a croissant with cheese.

Look how it comes apart.

This is the bread,

this is a bread-cheese fusion.

This reminds me of a pig in a blanket.

I don't care where you are,

what time of the night it is,

you have four or five beers in you,

this is gonna hold you over.

Oh my God.

It's amazing by itself.

The bread is crispy,

the cheese is cheesy and savory, can't complain.

I have some decent experiences with rosada,

but verde is my god.

If I could put this on everything in the world.

If I could put this on fries

or cereal or waffles,

I would do that.

This is happening to us.

(background chattering)

Verde sauce is my president.

Now by itself, this is good

but with the verde sauce,

It's like an aioli, close to.

Mild, it kinda oniony.

Let's see what the rosada's about.

Oh yeah, this is sweater.

This is a savory, this is your sweat.

You can't mess it up.

Let's put them together, hold on.

I was told about putting them together.

(lively music)

That was sexy right?

Oh yeah.

(sexy music)

Oh yeah.

The best of both worlds.

Guys I am stuffed.

I apologize for the mess.

I've always been a messy eater since I was a kid.

Shout out to Jonathan.

Shout out to Patacon Pisao.

Hit up all their locations.

Here, LES, uptown, Coney Island,

Queens -- Elmhurst, shout out.

I'm stuffed, let's get out of here.

What we got, what, three tequeños for five bucks?

That means we did every single one of our rules.

It's within budget, not a big chain,

and most importantly, it's delicious.

No complaints guys.

Definitely check this out.

I'll see you guys next time, peace.

(lively music)

(camera clicks)

Yo what's going on guys?

It is Prez, your 5-Dollar Lunch Guy.

If you have a suggestion of where

we should go next time,

leave it in the comments below.

Other than that, follow, like, share, subscribe.


For more infomation >> The Best Cheap Tequeños in New York City || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:39.


Чего можно достичь, фокусируясь на мечтах - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> Чего можно достичь, фокусируясь на мечтах - Duration: 8:59.


How To Turn Any Gloves Into Touchscreen Gloves - Duration: 2:34.

As the weather cools down, layers of clothing start to build up.

But this poses a problem—whether you're texting, swiping, or taking a photo,

gloves can force you to choose between freezing your communications or freezing your fingers off.

Come to think of it, why don't most gloves work with touchscreen devices?

Capacitive screens, like the ones found on smartphones and tablets,

use electricity to sense your touch.

When your skin—which can conduct electricity—touches the screen,

it completes a circuit and the device detects your finger.

Think of your phone like a plasma globe.

Electricity is constantly flowing inside, and when your finger makes contact with the glass,

a connection is formed.

In the case of your phone, insulating cloth doesn't conduct electricity nearly as well,

which is why it seems like your warm, covered digit is being ignored.

It's like putting an object between your hand and the plasma ball—quite literally, blocking the connection.

But, what if there was a life hack—one that let you wear any gloves you want and be able to use your phone?

You're in luck! It exists, and it's surprisingly easy to do at home.

All you'll need is a pair of gloves, a marker, a pin, a sewing needle, and some conductive thread.

Conductive thread is exactly what it sounds like—thread which can carry an electrical current.

It can be found at many major crafts and hardware stores.

The first step is to figure out which parts of your fingers you actually use on your phone.

It's most likely the side of your thumb and tip of your index finger.

Once you've taken note, put on the gloves, and mark these areas with a small dot on the fabric.

Stick a pin through the dot and then turn the gloves inside out.

Using the pin as a guide, thread the needle and start placing stitches on one of these spots

until you've covered about ¼-inch of space outside the glove.

Make sure to leave longer pieces of thread on the inside of the glove,

since that's what will complete the circuit between your hand and the screen.

The best way to test the gloves is the flip them back and try them out.

If they don't work, try adding more stitches. But if they do, you're all set!

Enjoy using your phone without freezing your fingers off!

Or, wrap the gloves up, and give them as a homemade gift.

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