Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

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For more infomation >> Imaginary Future - Up We Go - Duration: 3:28.


Moto Veikals - Shop - магазин KVADRIK.LV - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Moto Veikals - Shop - магазин KVADRIK.LV - Duration: 0:39.


Living In A Car: Anxiety, Depression, and not giving a 💩 | Hobo Ahle - Duration: 29:17.

Hey y'all welcome to my couch! Just kidding it's not really a couch. It's

just a crash pad and this is not permanent. Although, it is really comfortable.

So today I want to discuss the topic of, in regards to living in a

car, like what it was like in the beginning. Because for me it was

something that was really really hard. So I kind of just want to talk about like

why it was hard, some stuff that I learned during the process, and then just

touch on maybe some things that I would do differently. So pretty much when you

hear about people living in cars or vans, there's gonna be two common routes that

they kind of took to get there. And the first one is gonna be more of a negative

experience. It's gonna be people who were forced into this position because they

didn't have an alternative and it's typically, like I said, it's very negative.

They're not happy about it, they weren't willing to do it, they're very upset, they

may even hate it. Like it's- it's very- just not what they wanted at all. And

then the second would be people who choose to do it. Maybe they saw someone

else doing it whether it's in person or a video whatever, but they're

more willing, they are willing ,it is a positive experience. And don't get me

wrong they might still be apprehensive about some things, but they took the time

to alter their life prior to moving into a vehicle, they were prepared for it, they

budgeted for it, or at least have put some thought into it and realized

"hey like I want to live this life I'm going to do this" it was very much a choice.

But here's the thing, like neither of those two categories is where I really fit in.

I was kind of like on this fine line of being right in the middle of the two of

them. And I think there's a lot of other people that you know- I very

much believe that me as a human I am NOT the first person to ever feel what I

have felt or to go through what I have gone through you know, just variables duh!

Like someone else has been in my position, has felt my feelings, and so because of that

I have to believe that there have been other people walking this fine line or

that are currently in this weird limbo of just not knowing how to really handle

it because you're in the middle of like absolutely hating your position, but also

somewhat enjoying it and you kind of go back and forth like it's this roller coaster ride

and so for that reason very much is why I kind of just wanted

to talk about it for anybody else who is like in that in that weird place.

And just keep in mind that my mentality has since totally changed all of these are

just the facts I mean my feelings and thoughts have evolved so much since then

but in 2014 this is who I was, this is what I thought, how I felt, what was

happening, and just how it went down. So towards the end of 2013 I had been in

San Diego for like two years I think at that point and I was lost. Lost in the

same way that most people are when they're trying to figure out adulting

you know, like their life path and their career choice and things like that.

But as lost as I was I kind of felt like there were certain things that

regardless of how I felt or whatever path I was going to go down there were

just certain things like that I needed to do. Like I needed to finish school, I

needed to work, and make money so that I could 1) pay for rent and like my car

but also because 2) this is how people progress in life: school and money.

So I was just kind of like going through the motions and I felt like the more that I

worked or the faster that I finished school like then the sooner I would get

to a place in my life where I was content where I was happy. So I kind of

just buried myself in these two things and honestly, I kept myself so busy that I

ended up losing touch with myself. Okay so while this was going on, I had- this is

gonna sound really gross, because it is really gross, but whatever truth.

I had developed like a sweating problem and like this weird thing was happening

with my heart and I was just kind of confused I wasn't really sure what was

going on. So what would happen is that I would- I was sweating and not just like

"oh dang, I'm sweating" it was like "whoa, bro, what the heck" like it was my hands,

my armpits, the back of my legs, like my feet, like literally I was just- I was like a

walking puddle. I could lift up my hand like this and I would have drops fall

down from my hand like what what even is that?!

And then the heart thing like I knew it had to be related, but like my heart

would just- it would beat like a million miles a minute

like 24/7, other than when I was sleeping. So I would literally like lay down to go

to sleep and I would just- I would be so uncomfortable because I would be

sweating like in my bed, it was so annoying! And I would finally

like fall asleep and the second, like THE second that I woke up I would be like

"Hey. Hello world." Open my eyes and BAM I would start sweating. It was like "what?" like this is

ridiculous and literally my heart was just like ba boom ba boom ba boom like all of

the time and then since like my hands were constantly wet I started to get

like these weird like right here and right here even like on my fingers like

especially like on the sides- I don't know why i'm showing you my finger, I

mean if i just say it you can picture it right? But anyways, I started to get these

like weird little bumps because my hands were like wet all of the time and-

I mean naturally you can see how that would be really really annoying. Like not

only is like my heart rate going crazy, that's annoying, but it's causing me to

sweat like uncontrollably all of the time. Gross! like no, just so much no.

So I had planned on going back home for- this was in December so it's like christmas

break, so i had planned on going back home for christmas and I called up my

mom and I was like "Yo please like go with me to the doctor cuz like I don't

know what's happening but it's gross, it's weird, I'm not down, like this needs to be handled"

and of course she's like "yeah yeah okay".

So I get back, I'm visiting my family, I go to the doctor and they do

like all these tests on me and the doctor basically tells me she's like

"Honestly, I think you're suffering from like severe anxiety and depression".

And at first I'm just like "What? like no. I'm fine. You know, like I'm good."

But then she kind of sat down with me and just was asking me all these

questions and talking to me having like a deep real conversation and I remember

at one point she like reached over and touched my hand like towards the end of

all this and I just like burst into tears because it felt like I had just

been hit in the face with this realization of like: I was miserable.

I and- I didn't even- this is what I mean when I say that like I lost touch with myself

because I hadn't even bothered to check in with me to see like

"Hey like, how are you doing dude? like how are you feeling?"

Like I knew that I wasn't exactly like happy, but I thought that I was going in

a direction where I was doing all that I could- where I was taking the right steps

in order to be happy. And then to just kind of have this talk

with her and like I said really just absorb the idea that like whatever I'm

doing, it's not working because it's only getting worse

and I can't I can't run away from it any longer,

I can't bury myself in work and school any longer, and just think like

eventually everything will be okay, because if I keep doing the same thing

and expect different results like that's just silly. You know what I'm saying like

something had to change. Had I not gone to the doctor and had

that conversation with her and all of that like I never would have indulged in

the idea that like maybe THAT is what was wrong with me. Like I very much went

to the doctor for the fact that I thought like I don't know there was some

irregularity with my heart or something less serious. I really thought it wasn't

gonna be that big of a deal. I thought they were gonna give me like some

antibiotics or something and all would be good. But then- oh gosh

And honestly I was mad

like at myself because I was like "How did I let this happen?" you know, and

I mean then she just started listing different treatment options and like

medicines that she could prescribe me or whatever and I just- what really hit me

was one of the medications that she was talking about giving me or whatever was

to slow my heart rate. And I was just kind of like "I don't know. I don't want

to take medicine that's gonna slow my heart rate down just so it can mask the

fact that I'm so unhappy with my life." you know? I mean I don't think if you're-

if you have anxiety or depression or something PTSD like whatever falls into

that category like there are some people who need medication, who want medication,

who it works for them, and I'm not saying that I'm not that person because frankly

I didn't even try because I wanted to try something else first. I just really

wanted an organic way to do it and like I said I just felt like I really wanted

to do this for myself. So, in an effort to just get better I started thinking about

my life in San Diego and you know, this is where my perspective "at the

time" very much comes in because as I said earlier like I very

much felt like the way to move up in the world or to progress was through like

having money. And now, in retrospect, I realize that bettering yourself and

having money are two different things. But I think those two things were just

so blended at the time that they almost seemed the same to me. That's just, like I

said, that's just what I thought. So I had, I kind of took a step back and I was

analyzing my life and what I had been doing in San Diego was exactly that. So I

had really cracked down on trying to make as much money as I could, but also spend

as little as I could. And so by trying to do that I had created this lifestyle for

myself where I barely had a social life because I was so busy just working every

possible hour that like if I wasn't in school I was working and then on top of

that I had been doing a lot of stuff that was just like unconventional ways

of making money because you know you're only making a certain amount of money at

your job I was being paid hourly and so I was like there's only so many hours in

the day but I can work so there's only so much money that I can earn and so

there's got to be like alternatives so I had been taking online surveys for

money, I had been donating plasma for a while, I you know skimped on groceries

because I started dumpster diving, like and then like just going through my head

like I said, analyzing and being like objective about my life I was kind of

like "what is going on? like my life has turned into some crazy I don't even know

like I don't even know what's happening anymore."

And so like looking at it that way I was just like "yo I can't do this anymore.

like that life, peace-out. Can't do it". And so this is where like with all of that

combined, this is where the idea of "home" really comes into play for me and it's-

it's why I call the channel Homeward Bound, like this idea of home is really

what has fueled almost every decision that I've made ever since that point

ever since I realized that there was a problem and I needed to change something

it's been relevant. And I'm very well aware that this kind of took shape in

very psychological form, but that doesn't- it just because I know why I'm feeling

something or why I was feeling something it doesn't change the fact that I still

felt it. And again this is one of those things that like my idea home has

definitely evolved, it's totally different now, but at the time it was

kind of like in times of crisis what do you want? You want a safe

place and so that is what I recognized as home. Like a safe, secure, stable

environment that I could go to when I was most desperate like just when I

really really needed to. And because of my mental state like at the time I

really felt like life was just drowning me dude like I felt like I really did

feel like I couldn't breathe and if I could just have just a minute

not even a minute, just like a second, just a second to relax I felt like it

would all be okay. But in real life like you don't get you don't get to just put

life on pause. And so that was kind of this problem that I was feeling

inside and I was being faced with. I really just felt like I needed a break

and what I identified with as a break was this superficial idea of having a

home where people get to go to their parents house and you know stay there

for an indefinite amount of time. That's what I saw as the average person being

able to take a break. And I'm not gonna lie like for a good portion of my life

like I was jealous of that, you know because I didn't have that. And so

because- the reason I'm explaining all this is because it's very relevant to

the decision that I made- because you take that and then you combine it with

all those other feelings and thoughts and whatever and that's kind of where

I'm at right? Also at the time, like when I went back to San Diego after Christmas

break my roommates and I were very close to just parting ways. Like everybody

was gonna live in different places so I was- it's just timing you know, I was in a

position where I needed to figure out like where I was gonna live next. And so

I'm kind of going down the list of my options of what I thought I had and it

was like "Okay renting? Like no I'm so over renting."

"I can't do this anymore. Living with family? Not an option. And so where does"

"that leave me? That leaves me with buying a house." And the only notion of a home

that my brain could register back then was like a traditional house. You know

the ones that cost like hundreds of thousands of dollars or at least like a

substantial down payment, which of course I did not have. So I remember meeting up

a friend for coffee and I was kind of just like in my own head like

brainstorming like "Okay like how am I gonna do this? How am I gonna buy a house?"

Because that is what I have landed on as the answer to my problems and it was

this: how can I save as much money as possible and do it quickly? And that's

kind of when I just verbally announced like "Yeah you know what? I think-"

"I think when I get back to San Diego I'm just gonna move into my car." And luckily

like my friend was pretty supportive, he was just like "Sure yeah"

"like you should do it and if it doesn't work out like you can always find a"

"place to rent." And even to this day like it doesn't sound rational, doesn't sound

logical, like "Oh I have severe anxiety and depression. How am I gonna fix this? I

know, I'm gonna move into my car." like bro, what? what? But like yeah, that's what I'm

gonna go with because it was just like this act of desperation. So like I wasn't

forced into my car in the way that I was like laid off or disabled and just like

this domino effect of horrible events to where it happened, but in my

state of mind and with everything that I knew to be true at that point in my life

I definitely felt like it was my only option. And so like when I decided to do

this it was not not an easy decision. I mean I had never heard of someone living

in a car by choice, I'd never seen a converted van, I didn't even know people

lived in RVs full time, like yeah there was no #vanlife on Instagram yet.

And I mean that doesn't mean that there weren't people doing it because

people have lived in vehicles, or RVs, or airstreams, whatever for the longest

time, but I was completely naive to it. And it wasn't as like in your face as it

is now. I mean and even now like there's still so many people that are unaware of

this lifestyle or just alternative living in general

and maybe I only think it's more knowledgeable or widely known now

because I'm more immersed in the culture. But so like because of this, like I was

not prepared to move into my car at all and so a lot of those times I get the

question like "Oh like weren't you scared?" and like yeah, I was terrified, but

it was the only thing that I could think of that I could do without compromising

some part of myself in the process. The decision was made from a different point

of view it wasn't like "okay I'm gonna move into my car and how am I gonna cook?"

"where am I gonna sleep?" it was like "that stuff like I said, just like- that's all

just problem-solving. The bigger problem, the biggest problem in my life right now

is the fact that I'm unhappy so I'm willing to try anything to fix it."

Then I went back to SD and it was real quick you know, I just kind of packed up

my stuff, put it all in my car, and it was December 31st 2013 and then I went

hiking at Cowles Mountain, once I was done I got back in my car and I sat there and

I was kind of like "Alright. I have nowhere to drive to, so where am I gonna

sleep?" So I ended up driving to a movie theater, just kind of parked in the back

like by this tree, and I laid my seat back, and it was just- I was like "Wow am I

really gonna do this? like is this really happening?" and I was kind of like

"yeah I guess, sure. Like first night hardest night

right? Like once it's over... should be okay." and I was- I was really excited, but I was

also really sad you know so it was a weird, it was a weird feeling.

And so you know I just went to sleep because I didn't I

really didn't know what to think about it. And so for the first few months of me

living in a car it was just... man, it was rough okay like I lived on those cheap

jack-in-the-box tacos for a while. At one point I had gone a full 10 days without

showering and I only mean like I didn't shower like kind of like a traditional

shower like I had baby wipes, and I brushed my teeth, and you know I cleaned

up, I changed clothes- I was wearing fresh clothes every day so

stuff like that. But I um yeah, ten days without a shower man it was- it was

pretty brutal. So basically like out of necessity I gradually learned just how

to go about daily tasks, but it definitely wasn't something that was

common sense. I mean I had never even been camping before okay? So I was at a

loss. You know you go from living in a house where things like hot water and

charging your phone are just second nature to when you're living in a car

every little thing has to be thought out to some degree. And it was literally, like

I said, it was just it was the hardest thing that I have ever done- it's just

being in that position of not knowing anything and just having to figure it out.

And not to mention that like my mental state was still really fragile

you know my anxiety and stuff didn't just magically go away. So like little

things that were- like looking back on it, it's so silly, but just little things

like when people would ask me like what area I lived in or something or if I

wanted to meet up and hang out or if they offered to like pick me up at my

house or something like those things would make me cry, they would make me

really sad because I don't know I was, I was embarrassed about living in my car.

And I mean because it would make me think of the fact that like I don't have

a home technically I mean because at that point I hadn't really you know felt

like my vehicle was my home because it was just supposed to be like a temporary

thing and again I had never heard of anyone like embracing that type of thing.

So I very much felt like I just didn't have a home and I felt very lost,

I wasn't sure if it made it better or worse at that point. And I didn't want to

tell anybody that I was living in my car because they were either gonna worry

about me, which is justifiable ,or they were just gonna have all of these

questions that I did not have answers to, or they're gonna judge me and have pity

on me and think that what I'm doing is wrong or crazy. And I was just in such a

fragile state mentally that I felt like you know them

asking like "Oh like how do you do this? How do you do that?" And me being like "oh

I don't know." like it was just- I felt like it was gonna break me. Because if I

didn't provide the answers then they were gonna start with the whole like

"Well what are you even doing? How is this even feasible? Like this isn't even sustainable."

And I was just gonna be like "oh my gosh" like I just was in no

position to handle that. So in an effort to avoid all of that, I just I didn't

want to tell anyone. And you know I was embarrassed, I was not confident at all, I

didn't know if this was gonna work, I didn't even know if this was gonna be

worth it, this was really just all part of a temporary solution as to like how

to buy a house. And so like I didn't even know how I was gonna present this

to somebody even if I did want to tell them. And like the thing is too is that

yeah I was embarrassed for people to see me in a certain light, but that judgment

of how people see me is gonna reflect on my family in a certain way and I just

like I didn't want to do that to them. So there's this one day that I remember

very very clearly: I had gone to Barnes & Noble to charge

my phone. So I'm kind of sitting in basically like the center of the store

in this conglomerate of chairs and outlets and everything. And I sit

down, and I'm the only person there, I'm charging my phone for a while and then

these two other people walk up and they proceed to do the same thing. And it

just so happened that they were homeless I mean you could tell by the way that

they looked, but they struck up conversation with me and you know I'll

talk to just about anybody. So we ended up just discussing like different places

that we each showered and they gave me tips for like cooking and that was a big

eye-opener for me because I was just like "whoa my life is at the point where

I'm comparing notes with like 'these' people." And for a minute there, while I

was wrapped up in my emotions, I was like "I don't like this. Like I don't like

that we have so much in common." And that's when I realized that like

THAT right there, THAT'S the reason that I'm not confident in this decision, that

I don't feel like I can tell people about it, is because I feel like that

right there that image- the way that- I just felt like I was in such a weird

position because I was not only the judge but

also the judged. Because I was judging these people, but yet I had so much in

common with them and it was just like I don't know that like contrast or lack

thereof I suppose is really what helped me to see that the real issue I had with

telling people was, yeah it was that I was embarrassed, but when you break it

down- it was that I didn't want people to see me the way that I was judging those

people in that very moment. Like okay so for instance if my mom's at work and

someone asks her like "oh you know how is your daughter doing?" She's gonna be like

"oh yeah like she lives in her car ..." Then that right there, that person who asks

her, her co-worker, is going to have this image burned in their brain of me as

like this degenerate that just- I don't know yeah and I was just like not about

it. I was not about it at all. But at the same time it was like I had talked to

these people you know and I talked to them for at least 45 minutes and there

was nothing wrong with them. They were nice, they were polite, the conversation

was mentally stimulating, they actually like helped me, I learned something

coming away from that, and so I was just like "What is so bad about being them?"

"Like why do I have this feeling like if someone puts me in the same category as"

"them that- why should I feel self-conscious about that?" because here I

was talking to these people and I thought they were regular, respectable,

human beings they were just a little grimy and I mean if that's their choice

that's their choice. And I know that it's it's a cliche, it's an age-old lesson, that

no matter who you are and no matter what you do people are going to judge you.

And there's nothing, like not a thing that you can do about it. And it's

not like I hadn't heard that before or I had this crazy epiphany, but it really

was just like in that moment it was jarring. It put things in perspective to

me and like I feel like that was the very

moment that I was just able, I was just able to let go. I could let go of all of

these expectations that I had put on myself and honestly for like what? like

why? just because that's the way you're "supposed" to live your life, that's the

way you're "supposed" to do things. Like what does that even mean?! And I just

thought about it and I was like I don't know, I don't know what that means. So why

do I even care?? I don't know, it was- it was just so freeing to finally be like

you know what? Nothing really matters anymore... like if people thought that I

was not successful, or I was a loser, or that I was gonna amount to nothing, like

bro honestly... cool okay whatever don't care. And I feel forever indebted

to those two people because I mean, I'm sure it would have happened at some

point, but just by mystery of the universe it just so happened to be like

that conversation is what truly sparked my understanding of this idea that I am

NOT other people's thoughts. I am not even my own thoughts. I'm just I'm the

awareness of my thoughts. Like even the stuff that I think about me that doesn't

mean that it's me so definitely the stuff that other people think or say

about me like that has no reflection as to who I actually am. And I realized that

I needed to let myself choose to love life, to live life, because up until that

point I had not even given myself that option. I had told myself that there was

a certain way things needed to be done and a certain timeframe in which I

needed to do them. I was going through the motions and I was so unhappy and I

never let myself stray from from those confines of that plan and that wasn't

even my plan, it was some plan that came from who knows where made up by who

knows who and people are just told to believe it and act it out so we do. And

like the reason, the reason that I had been so depressed and anxious I mean it

was all my own fault really it's because I had grown up thinking that there was

one way to live. Society says like this is what you need to do to be successful

this is what a successful life is and since that was all I had ever known

that's what I was trying to do, but I was doing those things- I was taking those

steps and I was not happy, but I didn't even think to

question it because I didn't even know that I could. At that point I needed to

restructure everything that I had ever thought about success. Everything that I

had ever seen or heard or known about being successful because being

successful isn't just about money and having a lot of things. It could be if

that's how you want to view it, but that's the point, that is the point.... is

that it could be a lot of other things too. And like now, present day, I get a lot

of people that are like "oh wow like you live in a van, like you're so brave

that's so cool, you're so happy, you're so positive, I wish I could be like you whatever"

and it's like I had to overcome a lot of stuff in order to get to this

place. And a lot of what has to do with like why I'm so happy now and how

I'm so positive now has to do with the fact that like I feel like I hit rock

bottom if not like very very close. So coming from that, like I can only go up

so yeah I'm happy now, I'm positive now, I'm confident now, like because that was

the worst place that I have ever been in my own head, it was the worst place that

I have ever felt, and it was the most lost that I have ever been,

and the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. And so now that that is not

where I am anymore and I don't care what people think and I'm totally comfortable

in my own skin it's not hard to be happy it's not hard to be positive. So if

there's anything that I could have done differently it would have just been to

stop caring about not only other people's judgements, but my own as well a

lot sooner. And to just keep in mind that things are not always easy. They don't

always make sense even, but you just have to stick it out and be brave and that

takes a lot of guts, it takes a lot of trial and error, it takes a lot of effort,

it takes a lot of failing, but I mean I really think it's worth it. And also

something that wasn't exactly possible in my case because I decided to move

into a car in such a limited amount of time, I think I literally decided in like

a two week maybe two and a half week time span, but what I always recommend to

others is to just be prepared, as prepared as you possibly can

you know use your resources, do some research, and kind of figure out as much

as you possibly can. Like how you're gonna cook, where you're gonna shower,

maybe some places you could park to sleep, that way you won't just be

clueless like I was because I think that was a huge

contributing factor to as to why it took a long time for me to kind of adjust is

because I had no idea what I was doing. But yeah sorry this was so long. I'm

going to stop it here and I will see you guys next time

For more infomation >> Living In A Car: Anxiety, Depression, and not giving a 💩 | Hobo Ahle - Duration: 29:17.


Yarn at Walmart - Is it cheaper to buy your yarn at Walmart instead of a local craft store. Loomahat - Duration: 3:12.

One thing I know for sure, you love yarn. And, like most of us, we think our best

deal is to go get that yarn at Walmart. Is that the truth, when we walk through

the aisles do we think that's really the best price? Alright well,

thought I'd take some time and figure that out for you. Hey guys, it's Denise

from the and in this video I'm going to take a look at Walmart and

Joann's, so Walt versus Jo and one of my

favorite yarns, which is Lion Brand Hometown yarns and we're gonna figure

out who's gonna give us the best deal. Before we go too far, I want to say

thanks to Promise Learning for covering the cost of closed captioning. Of course,

we're gonna start with the original price in both stores, of the same yarn.

So, can you guess whose price is whose? And, as you can see there's a big difference

between one store and the other. And, for some of y'all this is a given,

you know who's who, yeah. And, it looks like game over doesn't it? You figure,

that's a big difference, that's $2.02. Well, don't step

off yet, give me a chance, let me give you one more piece of information.

Walmart doesn't take coupons.

Some of you might be asking about the price match policy.

Price match works differently. Most craft stores, their coupons are a percentage off

not an actual price and so if you have a competitor coupon you're not going to be

able to use it. Not to mention, in many places the price match has been

discontinued so, even if you had a competitor with a price on their ad you

couldn't use it at Walmart. Unlike them, Joann's will accept, not just their own

coupons but the coupons of other craft stores.

Same is true for Michael's, AC Moore and probably your local craft store. With

that in mind, what happens to these prices when I use my coupon. if I use the

60 percent off coupon from Joann's, my yarn is only two dollars and, like

yeah, I'll take $2.00 over $2.97 any day.

So, the original question was, is it cheaper to buy your yarn at Walmart and

the answer is that sometimes it is cheaper to get it at Walmart, if you

don't have a coupon. But sometimes that's not what it's all about, some of us, we

just like to hang out at Walmart. Alright guys hope you liked the video and it

helped let me know what you think, I might be wrong.

For more infomation >> Yarn at Walmart - Is it cheaper to buy your yarn at Walmart instead of a local craft store. Loomahat - Duration: 3:12.


Singapore Haul [Buying Things Useless, But Cute] (ENG CC) - Duration: 12:26.

Hi guys~

It's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna

Today, since I've uploaded all of my Singapore Vlog clips

I finally start my Singapore Haul clip

I didn't do shopping at Sephora like everybody does for cosmetics

I bought accessories and food

Shall we take a look on my Haul?

First, Ta da~

I didn't even take of the tag

This is.. about $6.1

Well, it's a very cheap ring

I bought this from the street stores in the Arab Street

I'll try it on

Since I just opened it, it's the first time

Ta da~

Guys, it's awesome

Isn't it so pretty?

The fanciness and size is just my style LOL


It's really pretty than I expected

And the joints are comfortable

It's amazing

If you like fancy stuff, and you're going to Singapore

I really recommend buying this

Well, it does smell LOL

It smells like metal

(keeps praising it LOL) I think it's really pretty

(keeps praising it LOL) It's really pretty than I thought

There was about 3~4 other designs there

I should've bought more, if I had known

It's really nice

It would have been perfect if the chain was a bit more longer

Well, it's pretty now, though

Really my style, I love It

Well, to the next

Next is, Ta da~

It's earrings that I bought at the same store of the ring

They were selling many souvenirs there


Why isn't it coming out


Really fancy

Isn't it pretty?

This earring had the exact feeling of the Arab Street's colors, so I bought it

And, I really like fanciness.. and this is the best

You realize why I bought it? LOL

It's really pretty

This was also cheap, about $4.

It smells less than the ring ago

I think I'll do this often, since I like fancy and unique styles

Next is


What's this?

It's an M&Ms bracelet.

It would've been better if it was a choker

But, since it's cute, I just bought it


Folks, look at my bracelet!

Isn't it so cute?

Really cute!

It seems like I'm keeping chocolate on my arm

I bought this at a chocolate store in front of the Universal Studios

It was colorful than I expected, and makes cute sounds


Next is


Yes, what everyone buys from Singapore!

A Charles&Keith product

The product I bought from there is!

The receipt came out first LOL

This is $74.67!

What I bought at $74.67 is!!


These boots have long length

But if you see the front part, it looks like sneakers

It's a sneaker shaped thigh-high boots

Isn't the shape so cute?

I only have thigh-high boots that are velvet

Is it velvet?

Ah, suede!

I only have an item that's black suede, so I bought this unique one

And since my thigh-high boots are all black,

I wanted a navy one, so I bought it

It's really cost-effective

And next is


I didn't buy this, but I picked this out from the claw machine game

You'll know if you've seen my first Singapore Vlog

I showed the process of picking it out, do you remember?

Well, it's the Pokemon doll from there

I'll put this over my head

And know finally!


It's the long-waited food Haul, but there's only two

Actually, other people usually buy Kaya jam or

Other things like milk tea

But I don't like milk tea

Kaya jam was tasty, but I don't eat bread much, at home

So, even if I bring it home, it might just rotten

I personally love chocolate, so I bought two of them

This is Kinder Chocolate, that's hippo shaped

The reason that this is famous from Singapore

Is that it's shape doesn't exist in Korea


Honestly, I don't know why it's famous

I bought it at $5.5

Shall I taste it now?

I heard that many people in Korea buy Kinder chocolate for the toys

But, you might not like this because it hasn't toys

I'll taste it

It's just a hippo shape

Here's the eyes and nostrils, really cute

I didn't know it would have crunches

It was surprisingly surrounded by crunches, not just chocolate

I'll try it

Oh~ it's tasty

And crunchy!

Do you know the Kinder joy?

It's really different than that

It's like two round crunkies parted into three and stuffed inside

It's really tasty than I thought

Really crunchy

It's really tasty

And the last but not least!


This is egg shaped like Kinder joy or Eggmong

And there's a toy in it

Something special is, that it has Toystory toys in it

And when I bought it there were many

Frozen and also

Well many kinds

Among them, I like Toystory the most, so I bought it

The one I wanted among them is this

This is the right one, is it?

I like Alien

Please, the alien.. I will open it with faith

Well, the first egg!

Well, the egg looks like this

Really like the Eggmong

I don't know if it's on sale, but it's just like Eggmong

It's a bit cracked LOL

I'll open it

Shall I try the chocolate?

It's just so so

It's just

Tastes like Eggmong

It's normal, but after eating the Kinder chocolate makes this nasty

So, I'll just put this in the fridge

Now, I'll open the toys



First one is

Not the one I wanted

I even have this one's doll

The doll's twin came out

Did you want your twin to come out? TT

Sadly, the first one wasn't alien

I'll open the second one

The second egg looks the same

I'll open it right away

I'll open this one real quick

Crushed too much..

I crushed it too much, guys


It's shattered..


I should put it in a box

Well, Now the next figure is..or

The next doll is!


This wasn't the one also..

Not the one I wanted

It's Buzz

It looks similar to the movie

I didn't expect the quality

But it really looks similar

And the real final egg!

Please, Alien for the last!

Alien please!

I'll open it right awy

It opened really smoothly, so I think I feel lucky

Well.. the Alien?


It's the last.. please!


Failure, guys..

What is this?

A mantis?

I don't know who it is

I only don't know three of the list

And this is one of them

A weird..

Weird.. bug warrior?

Well, this came out TT

I hoped much since the green popped out

But, Alien wasn't here

I should've bought more

Too sad now TT


I got three Toystory figures

But, the Buzz and the bear looks like Toystory right away

But the last mantis, isn't that famous…isn't it?


I opened the Toystory chocolate eggs

And finished my Singapore Haul

Not much, that I bought

I am regretting for not buying more chocolate and accessories

But, I usually don't spend many on trips

I just buy things that I need, or if it's tasty

Some more regrets for me

There was a cherry chocolate that I ate all before the flight

It was fantastic

It had real cherries in it, and some alcohol

It was really good

I should've bought another box of it

And anotherr Kinder hippo chocolate

And some more Toystory chocolates (all of them are food)

I regret saving my money

So regretful

Well, this is the end of my Singapore Haul

If it was fun or useful

♥♥Likes and subscribes please~♥♥

See ya in the next clip~


For more infomation >> Singapore Haul [Buying Things Useless, But Cute] (ENG CC) - Duration: 12:26.


Slinger Squad Car Crash - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Slinger Squad Car Crash - Duration: 1:02.


Tuyển Tập Những Bài Hát Nhật Bản Kawaii Nhất #1 - Best of Kawaii Japanese Songs Ever ♫ - Duration: 36:09.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Tuyển Tập Những Bài Hát Nhật Bản Kawaii Nhất #1 - Best of Kawaii Japanese Songs Ever ♫ - Duration: 36:09.


日越国際結婚夫婦!ベトナムでママの誕生日を祝う♪【第568話】 - Duration: 14:10.

For more infomation >> 日越国際結婚夫婦!ベトナムでママの誕生日を祝う♪【第568話】 - Duration: 14:10.


TÔI LÀ AI? – TẬP 1 | SITCOM HỌC ĐƯỜNG 2017 - Duration: 19:00.

<i>I miss it when you and me together on a bike...</i>

Go honey

But I am going to school?!

Oh, yeah

Thought you were going to the market, I'm about to go with you

Oh god how white is the hand, just as gorgeous as mine



That's all you know

For you baby

I have it prepared already

Get me some snack when you return home from school

That's enough!

You come here

Let me give her some tips

There you go

Today is her first day at school

Therefore, you gotta stay calm and live through it

If there is someone who wants to bully you

Just stay calm

Hold its hand, and have a talk while sitting down

Oh god!

Why are you telling her such odd stuff

I tell you, if someone bullies her, she just beat them right away

Slap right into its face

What were you thinking?

'Oh friend, sit down so that I can hit you'

God, how come?

You teach her like that

To use hands and legs right away, violence!

How can you educate her if you behave like that?

Not using hands and legs

But clearly, who touches us, we gotta beat them up

See? If you teach her like that

She'll be weak compared to her friends

It's her first day, not second or third

I must be blind that I married you!

What blind?

The old days huh

Eh eh?


She didn't even greet us well!

She's naughty because of you!

'Because of you' She's naughty because of you!

'Because of you'

No, the child becomes naughty because of the father

Of you!

You say 'the child is naughty because of the mother' is just a folk saying

For our home, 'the child is naughty because of the father', because of you

Hey, give me a bit of snack

This is not snack

Then what?



I was just kidding

Like Imma give you

I'm telling you this

My nails thesedays are so long

Oh right, it looks so dirty

Why don't you cut it off?

I have to study lately, can't go though

So gross I die!

I tell you

My face now has less acne right?

Yeah, your skin looks nice

I go to spa, that's why

Take me with you too

Yeah sure, I'll bring you

The class is so noisy!

Let me tell you this

Our homeroom teacher quitted

But why?

From what I heard is because of a stroke

Then is the teacher okay?

I hope that the teacher is okay

There's more


Do you know that Lollipop music group?

Yeah, what?

All the members left

Why they all quitted?

What are they talking behind us?

I have no idea who can tolerate this girl

So hot, so hot

Hotgirl, you get burned if you touch her

So for good, everyone ignores her


Triggered triggered

There's nothing I can do though

As a star, I gotta shine

I have to shine bright

That's right

If you're not a sunshine, then don't shine

Oy, stop following after her words

Yeah, who are you mocking?

You too were following after me

New student incoming!

Our class will have a new student

She's very pretty!


Male or female?

A girl

Then why so pumped?


She'll join our class?

That's true, Tien

She'll join our class

But I heard she's a overseas Vietnamese

I really hate those overseas Vietnamese

They show off and are so bitchy

They look down on Vietnam too

Yea I also don't like them

Warning, I don't like them

Oy but Tien

Guess she doesn't speak English

If she is prettier than you, Imma laugh my ass out

Shut up!

Oh, hello sir

Oh today is not parent-teacher meeting sir

The whole class stand up!

What an odd

What's wrong with that parent?

Stop saying nonsense

What kind of students are you?

Seeing a teacher in class but still don't mind greeting?

Class monitor?

Ya.. me

You're the class monitor?


I think you should resign!

Why don't you update the information?


If I knew, I wouldn't have stood here to be scolded


At last, you know I am a teacher

I want to introduce myself

I, am Teacher To

This school's new supervisor

Oh my...

No wonder I was warned about this class

An unbeatable class!

Remember this, behave well before I do something!

Remember that!

All sit down!

Oops I forgot

Ah, my main job here today is

To introduce

New member of your class

Is she an overseas Vietnamese?

I saw a new person

Very cute!

This is An

You are now a new member of this class

She even looks prettier than Tien

She's an overseas Vietnamese

She's beautiful huh?

Seems like she's really rich


There's nothing to be noisy about!

Yes, hello teacher!

Hello students!

Oh, I am the new teacher

Also your homeroom teacher

Sorry, I am late

Very clever huh

The introducing job, is my job

Not yours

Erm, sorry sir

Since I was late, I gotta do things fast

Hmm but who are you by the way?

Oh gosh, what is happening to this class?

Why all new people though? Oh gosh, what is happening to this class?

Why all new people though?

Hey, is there any chance that we will be dismissed to a new school?

Stop saying nonsense things


I'm introducing once again

This is An

Class's new member

And this is Ms. Thu

Your homeroom teacher

And me

Mr. To

This school's supervisor


I am the one who dismiss!

Not you guys

Back to your seat

Think about this, is she tired of making her face up like that to go to work?

I don't think that is make up

Then what?

She synced her face with the ao dai

Oh is that so?

Her face and ao dai is alike


Hello students!

My name is Thu

From now on, I am your homeroom teacher

I hope that we will support each other well so that our class will go up, go up, go up day by day

Give me a bigger clap and you guys can have a break

I heard you're an overseas Vietnamese?

I don't think so

She looks so pure Vietnamese

I just came back from the US but I'm still a Vietnamese

Let's be friends!


My name is Minh, call me Mimi because it sounds cute

How is it cute when it sounds like a dog's name?

Go Google searching it, Mimi is for dogs or cats?

Gogo names cat Mimi

But I named my dog Mimi dude

What is Gogo?

That Gogo searching engine!


Google is another one though

You shut!

Just say you don't know


Anh he is Long

What Long?

That's very nice of you introducing my name

Not Long

People usually call me

<i>Oh hey Lona</i>

You p<i>romised to love me, to not part from me, you still remember?</i>

<i>But where are you now honey?</i>

<i>My tears are streaming down every night waiting</i>

Your name is 'Wait'?



You always introduce that long and complex

I'm An

Soccer = da banh/bong (kick ball); but 'bong' can also be understood as 'gay', therefore, soccer = kick gay Hey An, wanna join us in a soccer game after school?

Soccer = da banh/bong (kick ball); but 'bong' can also be understood as 'gay', therefore, soccer = kick gay

Soccer? Soccer = da banh/bong (kick ball); but 'bong' can also be understood as 'gay', therefore, soccer = kick gay

Soccer = da banh/bong (kick ball); but 'bong' can also be understood as 'gay', therefore, soccer = kick gay

What is wrong about gay that got it kicked? Soccer = da banh/bong (kick ball); but 'bong' can also be understood as 'gay', therefore, soccer = kick gay


Hey, I have to admit you're just as cute as me

What were you thinking Ms. Thu?

The first day of work

And you have already done some business within the campus?

You sell those lipsticks

Those false eyelashes?

For the students?

You are supporting

The fake, chemical-involved beauty?

Hold on a sec sir

W-what are you talking about? I don't get it

You're using academic terms

To be honest, I just want to sell those to get to know the students better

I sell those to them with a lot of promotions

It's like, I'm selling but actually giving them away

Not that I'm selling things

They also like that a lot

If you don't believe then buy and have a try

Have a try and you'll know why

My face looks like I'm playing around with you?

This school prohibits

Doing business within the campus

Anh then there's Ms. Thu

Selling stuff to the students

Then how can you educate them?

Sir, maybe you don't know

Thesedays kids are selling things on Facebook a lot

Sir, sometimes I think that I am even behind them

But by selling things, I figured this out

In class, they are all my loyal customers

I bring the packages to deliver to them

Not that I'm selling

I'm not selling my stuff in the school

I only do it online

Please trust me

So you're doing business online?

I also want to try new things sir

Stop stop stop

I am so done with you Ms. Thu

Do whatever you want

But never

Use class hours to do your own job

If I ever hear of that again

You'd better watch out

Yea, I get it now sir

Oooh, done

Poor our teacher

Why do business online?

Mr. To hates this a lot!

How did you know?

He just moved in our school this morning?

Why do you know so much about him?

That's why

You're such an useless girl

Like a fragile stuff

You know nothing!

Like a hibiscus, so red yet odorless

Thuy sister talks like that about you

What is your purpose of using Facebook?

You just need to go and write a status

'How is Mr. To, girlsssss?'

Many will see and comment

That's how I know!

Wow, that's so cool Lona!

I really don't use much Facebook!

For real?

What planet are you from?

An will be the only rare creature left on this Earth

You don't use Facebook in this era?

Oy oy, let's go somewhere else

If we stay here, maybe later on we'd be sitting in that room

Cute eh?

They don't use much Facebook in the US

They often use Twitter, Instagram or Youtube

That's why I don't use Facebook much

God, if I'm not on Facebook for a day, people might think I've been dead

You ridiculous, keep saying die and dead stuff

Having your Facebook deactivated is even worse than death

Hey, I recall this

Take pictures with An to brag about our new friend

Oh right, we haven't taken pictures

Pose, pose a lot okay?

Good lighting here!




Why are you so uncreative, why only one pose?

I know one pose, I pose one pose?!

So tired of you



Why is it so weird?

Oh I've been recording LOL

Put it aside

Oh oh there she is

That girl is called Tien

This school's hotgirl

She's in that Lollipop music group

Pretty famous though


Rich kid

All the boys in this school all fall for her

But I don't know why everyone is afraid of her?

I so not like her

Hmm, ya think I like her?

If you want peace then stay away from her

Tien is a hotgirl

Everyone knows that she's a snob

The girl next to Tien is her servant

To sum up, they are like picture and shape (stick together all the time)

Picture and shadow! shadow = bong (sounds like 'gay')

I hate that word!


See, as if Tien is 10 parts hot, she then has 3-4 parts

They call that the 'follow effect'

Hmm, it is that easy to be famous in Vietnam?


Just look at them and you'll see



Clear yet?

Not yet

Ugh, then pass it

Later on you'll know

In general, don't greed that fame

You can't eat fame by the way?!

Ey, don't tell me you want to be famous?!

I don't even know..

But if you're famous, it is nice somehow right?

Yeah right

Everyone likes to be famous

Even I like too



I forbid you, don't do anything to make yourself famous

It'll follow you for a lifetime

Why become manly all of a sudden?

Only that scares you

I am not scared

Then pass it



Where are you guys going?


I'm having a show here tomorrow

I invite you guys

Come, okay?

These tickets are not easy to get

Keep it well!

Oy, Tien touched me

I thought you like it?

Not very much


See anything weird?

Tien usually doesn't like us?!

But today she gave us concert tickets?

Did she take the wrong medicine?

Nah she didn't

But she didn't even take the meds

I can sense the danger

No idea about what she'll come up with

Guys, don't go

Tien is cute though?!

And I wanna go too

I have never gone to concert in Vietnam

Why don't go when it's a free ticket?

Free to die, you also want that?



Okay okay

I'll take you there once

But where is your house?

At district 7

Then go by yourself

Just kidding

Go by yourself hun

What do you mean?


For more infomation >> TÔI LÀ AI? – TẬP 1 | SITCOM HỌC ĐƯỜNG 2017 - Duration: 19:00.


BEST NARA HOTEL by Sebastiano Serafini with Lilletta Ely in Japan - Duration: 4:22.

The Nara Hotel that seems that just popped out from a Ghibli studio featured film

it's todays destination of our Sebastiano

this fabulous place, that he is not sponsoring

it's a must for the people that want to live a unforgettable experience in Nara

famous people like, Einstein, Charlie Chaplin and the Dalai Lama stayed here,

and from today also Sebastiano Serafini!

ok, he told me to say this sentence, is it too obvious? -whatever

Hello guys and welcome to a knew video of Sebastiano Serafini in Japan!

if you're new to this channel don't forget to subscribe, like and leave a comment.

Today I'm going to tell you about one of my favourite hotels in Japan

it's a extemely historic and fantastic

where I spent some nights, during my stay in Nara,

it's a five star hotel and it's all worth it!

You have the feeling of being inside a ghibli movie

all of the rooms have a fireplace,

all people that work there are super kind and well - dressed

the breakfast is so rich, like in a super luxury hotel,

you can basically choose from a japanese breakfast or a more western breakfast,

I recommend to choose the japanese breakfast, because it's very high level.

You will see everything in this video, I don't want to anticipate anymore,

Whatever, this hotel exists since the year 1909

and a lot of people slept there,

like a little bit of all japanese emperors, when they visited Nara,

and then different princes from other nations slept there,

among the most popular or funny persons

there slept, Charlie Chaplin, the Dalai Lama

and above of that Einstein!

There was a room where in a corner Einstein played the piano, can you imagine it?

I wanted to play on it just as I saw it,

I was super excited, but they told me I couldn't play, so ok...

This hotel is situated on a hill

you will be surrounded by nature and parks,

it seems to be like on a mountain in a super luxury cottage

and while you eat you can see these deers, it's so beautiful!

sorry, the birds are too noisy

but I will hope that above that, you apreciate the video.

See you tomorrow always at 2pm (GMT+1), I hope you enjoy this video of the hotel Nara,

if you happen to go there, I recommend you this hotel! Ciao

let's go eat breakfast!

well, breakfast here cost about 30€

it's not that cheap, but it's really good!

this one is the Japan style, most tipical one in Nara,

I took the traditional Japan style breakfast.

beautiful sight!

here we have the Umeboshi, the Daikon, some vegetables, Tofu, Nori seaweed

the Nara zuke, the rice,

this one is the Miso soup,

here we have a type of fish with some eggs,

my friend took the Nara style breakfast,

he took the rice with chaga tea

it's a high level cuisine

it's really good!

the "tori" above the fire is too nice

I need to do a video about them!

this is when the emperor came,

oh, I wanted to play the piano, but it's forbidden!

This piano was used by Einstein,

well, did you know that our Einstein could play the piano?

so, Einstein yes and me no?!

This one every 15 minutes rings,

they putted it here when the emperor was elected, very nice!

For more infomation >> BEST NARA HOTEL by Sebastiano Serafini with Lilletta Ely in Japan - Duration: 4:22.


Questo VENTILATORE proietta OLOGRAMMI! È il FUTURO?! 3D Holographic / Hologram Display LED Fan - ITA - Duration: 2:05.

3D Holographic / Hologram Display LED Fan

For more infomation >> Questo VENTILATORE proietta OLOGRAMMI! È il FUTURO?! 3D Holographic / Hologram Display LED Fan - ITA - Duration: 2:05.


Riverdale 2x10 Extended Promo "The Blackboard Jungle" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 2x10 Extended Promo "The Blackboard Jungle" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:43.


#MeninasdoBrasil - "Livre" - Mishka Adams feat. Luiza & Pedro - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> #MeninasdoBrasil - "Livre" - Mishka Adams feat. Luiza & Pedro - Duration: 7:15.


VI HAR INGEN STRØM ⎮Venture Vlog #19 - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> VI HAR INGEN STRØM ⎮Venture Vlog #19 - Duration: 10:02.


Toán học bá đạo đến Giáo Sư cũng ngơ ngác ( maths fun ) - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Toán học bá đạo đến Giáo Sư cũng ngơ ngác ( maths fun ) - Duration: 3:29.



For more infomation >> SAYKO LİSELİLER SONUNDA SAKAT BIRAKTI! - Duration: 3:11.


Talking Tom and Friends - Space Conflicts VIII | Season 2 Episode 20 - Duration: 11:09.

[voice distorted] If you refuse to join me...

you and Chip Trailblazer will be banished to a galaxy

that's super-far away.

Lord Evil, I shall never join you.

Your ship blew up and you're all alone. You don't have a choice.

-Give it up, Lord Evil. -[beeps and whistles]

-Chip Trailblazer and Roll-Bot? -That's right, Lord Evil!

You're outnumbered.

[evil laugh]

Oh no! He's forcing me to fight on his side with his space magic.

I'm sorry, Chip!

-[beeping] -Oh! Take that!

Ooh, fun astronaut costumes, everyone!

[all laugh]

[Hank] "Astronauts"! Awesome joke, Angela!

-Uh... -Wait, do you not know who we are?

It looks like you're a spaceship captain and Ben is your little robot helper.

No, we are clearly dressed as the iconic characters

from the Space Conflicts film franchise.

-Yah! -[beeps and whistles]

The premiere of the eighth movie is this weekend and I'm hosting it!

That's nice. I've never seen Space Conflicts.


I mean, I started the first one once, but I got tired and fell asleep.


[lullaby playing]

It didn't seem that great.

Space Conflicts are my favorite movies of all time. How do you not know that?

Oh, um...

I thought you were taking this relationship seriously.

Wait, Tom. Don't fly away from me!

-Waoooo! -Tom!

♪ Wa-oah ♪

[Tom humming]

Hey, Tom.

Cool toys!


I just wanted to say I shouldn't have said your movies weren't good.

No, it's okay. You're entitled to your opinion.

Oh, good. I was worried you were still mad at me.

Ha! Totally over it!

Don't worry about coming to the premiere with us.

Wait, no. I can still go with you!

No, Angela. It's fine.

You don't like the movies, so I guess you just won't be a part of this.

Guys! Guys! These are all of my Lord Evil collectors' cups.

-One for each Space Conflicts movie! -Ooh!

When I use these to drink my milk, it's like I'm Lord Evil

drinking milk.

Woah! You can really see how the character has grown throughout the series.

Oh, what a ride it's been!

Yeah, and tomorrow night

I'll finally get an episode eight Lord Evil collector's cup!

Maybe I'll get one too and share it with...

other people who like Space Conflicts.

You know what, maybe I'm wrong about these movies.

What if I watch the whole series tonight and get totally caught up?

Then I can go to the premiere with you!

All right! Aherm.

Now, most people watch them in this order.

Four, five, six, then one, two, three, and then seven.

-Okay, got it. -No, you don't.

For the full experience, you want to watch them in what I call "Tom's Order",

which is one, two, four, five, seven,

one again, three, then skip six until after the premiere.

Mm-hm. Totally. That makes perfect sense.

I'm so jealous you get to watch these for the first time.

[upbeat rock music]


[epic theme music playing] A long time ago, on a planet far away,

a rebel space squad fights against the Galactic Council.

Meanwhile, Chip Trailblazer, a young scrap wrangler from the dunes of Honcrocko,

dreams of a life of adventure

with his hover-classmate, the fur-beast Grimdor Wargor.




Oh, no! No, no, no!

This is bad.

-Hey, Tom. -So what did you think?

Was your favorite part when Chip Trailblazer

had to fight Lord Evil with his eyes closed?

Well, the thing is, I actually didn't--

Think it was going to end like that? I know, right?

Um, yes! I absolutely did not expect that!

With the fighting... and the eyes...

I knew it! You're the greatest girlfriend in the world.

Tom, they're only giving collectors' cups to the first 100 people!

-We have to get in line now! -Okay. Gotta go, Angela.

See you tonight! We'll save you a spot!

Yeah. See you tonight.


Hey, Angela. What's going on?

I told Tom I watched the Space Conflicts movies and I tried to and I fell asleep.

I have to be an expert on Space Conflicts in an hour or he'll know I lied to him!

-What do I do? -Wow!

Please help me, Xenon. You're my only hope!

Just because of my nerdy appearance and my love for science,

you assume I'm some sort of expert on Space Conflicts?

-No, I... I didn't mean. -Ha ha. Just kidding!

Of course I love Space Conflicts!

It's only the best science fiction franchise ever!

-Ah! -You have come to the right person.

I will train you.

-Soon you'll climb the Cliffs of Reason. -Y-yay?

Er... That's a Space Conflicts reference. We better get started.

Any real Space Conflicts fan knows the famous speech

Chip gives to his clone father. Repeat after me.

[echoing] By the light of the stars, by the glow of the moons...

By the light of the stars, by the glow of the--

-There's more than one moon? -Oh!

[Xenon] Gravity defense!

- Asteroid attack! -Ha!

Quasar pinch!


[Xenon] Well, the bows aren't exactly right, but you'll pass.

You never really memorized the big speech, though. Do you feel ready?

Oh, I am ready.

I am as ready as the psychic residents of Mentaloon were

for the surprise attack in episode six!

-Ooh! How did you remember that? -I made myself a little cheat sheet.

-To be on the safe side. -That should help.

Yeah, I'm going to fit right in.

Hello there, Lord Evil, Old Elf, Roll-Bot.

-And who could forget, Chip Trailblazer? -Wow!

Lady Nebula. You look great!

Well, it looks like somebody finally discovered the joy of Space Conflicts.

-[beeps and whistles] -Oh, yes. I was so wrong before.

Oh! Not so fast!

Well, if you're really such a fan, you'll have a fan theory.

What are your episode eight predictions based on small clues

from the first seven movies, hm?

Well, I definitely think the good guys will win in the end.

I just hope the Space Squad can get past Lord Evil's...

asteroid cannon.

-Hm. All right. I'm satisfied... for now. -[Tom] Ha!

This is going to be great! You are the best, Angela.

It's finally time! That collectors' cup is mine!

Everyone out of my way!

I got one! This evening is everything I hoped it would be.

Nice Lord Evil cup.

Okay! Does it glow in the dark, like he does when his magic is at full power?

Nope! I filled it with popcorn, though. Want some?

[fizzing] Ew, what is this?

I like to add soda to my popcorn. It gives it that fizz that most popcorn is missing.




[microphone feedback]

As your mayor, I have one very serious question.

Who is ready for Space Conflicts: Episode Eight: "The Magnetic Threat"?!

[all cheering]

[Angela] I'm ready!

In this town, we kick off Space Conflicts premieres the right way,

with the famous speech that Chip gave his clone father

in Space Conflicts: Episode Four: "The First One".


Now, I want to call up someone very special to do this.

She's a new fan, and I couldn't be more happy

to welcome her to the space-a-verse.

My girlfriend, who has never let me down, and never will, Angela!

[all cheer]

Ben, this is too much pressure.

If I mess this up, I'll humiliate Tom in front of the whole town.

But you won't mess it up! You're part of the space family now.

Yeah, and not a fake fan, right?

Eugh! My stomach hurts!

Angela, you got this. You know the words.

[she laughs nervously]


Oh no! Ginger's soda-corn!

Okay, no need to panic.

[heartbeat racing]

The words are in your heart.

Use the space magic.

[echo] Space magic...

[clears throat]

By the light of the stars,

by the glow of the moons,

I'll fight for freedom and victory.

The hour is dark,

[fans join in] but with our robot helpers from Glaxon Eight by our side,

we will bring back the power of space magic!

[Wookie roar]

Yeah, the accent was a little off, but she did it! Let the adventure begin!


[epic theme tune begins]

Xenon, I did it! It worked! Everyone is so proud of me.

Yeah, the movie's starting now.

...a giant magnet capable of trapping all metallic robots with its magnetic pull.

It is up to Chip Trailblazer and the Space Squad

to rescue the cyborg residents of the great city of New Starrington.



I wasn't sleeping! Did the movie start yet?

I loved it!

Uh, did the good guys win?

For more infomation >> Talking Tom and Friends - Space Conflicts VIII | Season 2 Episode 20 - Duration: 11:09.


Star Wars – "Die letzten Jedi"-Special mit Jonas Himmel & Gong Bao #CokeTVStarWars - Duration: 7:58.



What's up? We are in Dubrovnik, because of an special CokeTV Special Episode.

Exactly. Star Wars - The Last Jedi!

We visit the places where Star Wars The Last Jedi was shot and have there some challenges.

And not only that: We are not alone here. We are here with 5 nations. The full CokeTV-Team is here.

That's super cool, that we get the opportunity to see the locations because we're real Star Wars fans.

Let's start and get it on. Let's go!


Welcome to Dubrovnik!

That's our hood!

Are you looking forward? What's going on?

I'm curious what locations we will see today and then: When I see the movie, will I recognize them?

We are not alone. There are the other nations.


We are from Holland. - Neighbours!


You're from? - Denmark!

Our other neighbours are here.

What's up? Where you from? Germany!


Wie gehts du? - Ah, gut!

"Moin" is hello in finland - Yes!

Moin, Moin

That means, we could talk in finland.


Hey, where are you from? - Germany!

You are from? Sweden!

Hello Vlog!

We met the others. There are nice, or?

They where really motivated. And that at 8 o'clock in the morning.

We're also motivated. One, two, three....


OK, that's enough.


We are at the beach, at the first challenge, which have to do with these balls.

We have to slip in. There are many lightsabers. That's a slalom parcour.

But still we have to answer the most important question: Are you at the light or the dark side?

Light side! Because I have blue and a green lightsaber at home. I'am loyal!

Okay. You know your side, I know my side. We can start. OK!


Out of my way you looser!


Oh no that's wrong. Ich have to go around there.


Challenge number two!

We have a TIE Fighter and an X-Wing here.

Both are drones and we are racing!


Here we have three beautiful gates. By gate one, down by two and straight through gate three and than landing safety.

The winner have to complete all. You mean the TIE Fighter? - No, the X-Wing.

We will see...


Here comes the... ups.

I'am on the right way.

No. Turn right and back. Back!


It comes back with reverse gear.

Parking mode activated.


Thank you!

Friends, we finished the first two challenges.

The first was exhausting. - Really exhausting.

You have tackled me with no mercy. - That was really funny to tackle you.

But you was better at challenge two. I couldn't control the drone.

Next challenge, next location of Star Wars The Last Jedi.

They said it looks like a real film set.

Check it out! Sightseeing-Tour!


I'm curious, what they shoot here. It looks really like a film set.

We have to watch the new movie, to know what we have seen here.

We will recognize a lot.

So cool!


Challenges number three: We have to build up a Droid. The fastet one wins.

The light side is ready!

OK, that was not cool.


I have the lid, now I can turn it on.

I know how to drive it. No!

Come on Bro. What's wrong with you.


I win!


Challenge number four!

We have a Droid parcour here.

We have to drive the Droid through the Coke Zero Bottles and touch the Porg.

The faster one wins the battle.


At this point I would like to thank BB-9E and the Porg


Challenge number five. The final battle.

The fifth challenge is tug of War.

We do it together with the other nations. - The light against the dark side.

The dark side will pull the light to the dark. - They will not win.

Wait for it: I will "pull you" off.

What a hoot!


I'll wreck you!

No way!

I'll wreck you!


May the force be with you!


It's a wrap! We hope you had a lot fun with these CokeTV special.

There are now the Coke Zero can with the different main characters of Star Wars The Last Jedi .

And: Star Wars The Last Jedi is now in the cinemas. Check it out!

We will stay here and enjoy the campfire.

That was a nice day. - Goodbye!

May the force be with you!

This is the endcard. If you want to see more, you find here the last CokeTV Bucketlist episode.

Or here the last AskCokeTV episode!

Perfect. Have a nice time. Goodbye!

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