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For more infomation >> How to hack the game "DoubleDown Casino" - Duration: 1:06.


Cosmic Girls teach 'I Wish' choreo! [The Swan Club /2017.12.13] - Duration: 9:08.

(After the exhausting class)

To be honest,

my worries deepen with every class.

I used the first two classes

- to get back into shape after giving birth. / - Right.

The moves get harder every class,

and I'm also worried about the show we have to put on.

What do I do?

- We have to practice daily. / - The show...

- What about the show? / - I brought you these...

to give you a boost of confidence.

- What is it? / - What's that?

It's not much, but I hope you like it.

- My gosh. / - You shouldn't have.


I wanted to buy you a leotard,

but I didn't know what you'd like.

So I bought these instead.

(I hope they like them.)

(Necklace and earrings)

- I feel like I should cry. / - My gosh.

- Should I buy something too? / - Goodness.

I'm glad that they all suit you well.

- They're pretty. / - Actually,

I have something for you all as well.

- Really? / - Hello.

- Hi. / - Hold on.

They are the gifts I'm giving you.

- Hello. / - Oh my.

- Hi. / - Hello.

(Cheng Xiao's most precious gift)

(Eunseo, Seonui, and Dayeong of WJSN)

- Would you like? / - Would you like?

- Hi, we're WJSN. / - Hi, we're WJSN.

- Would you like? / - Oh, I get it.

- They're dressed in dancing gear. / - That's right.

We dressed appropriately since we were coming here.

Dayeong has something for you all.

- Really? / - Is that so?

- Should I... / - Go ahead.

It's not much but...

- Please have a seat. / - Yes, please sit.

It's not the most comfortable situation though.

Of course. It's because we just met.

Of our group, she's known

to take staying healthy very seriously.

- My gosh. / - What's that?

She made us all a healthy smoothie.


Sungeun, this is for you.

People should be taken care of like families.

(She begins to cook.)


(1. Add fresh ingredients in mixer.)

The apples are to die for.

(That's what you get for being silly.)

I'll eat the slices I dropped.

♪ Honey, honey, we'll meet baby ♪

The entire blender is full.

(She turns the blender on.)

(Dayeong's vegetable smoothie)


I also added Chinese yams.

- That's why... / - Gosh.

- You might not like it. / - No, it's good.

- I think it's delicious. / - Me too.

We absolutely love Chinese yams.

(It's all right.)

There's one more thing I have for you.

What is it?

- Dayeong is good with her hands. / - That's right.

- I can tell. / - Isn't she the youngest though?

So everything she brought is handmade.

That's like her magic bag.

It's my go-to bag for everything.

This is something you use to massage the ears.

Does it hurt?

(Dayeong wants the swans to always be healthy.)

- That hurts. / - Really?

Just bear with me for five seconds.

- In one, two, three. / - It really hurts.


(The calm after the storm)

So did you see Cheng Xiao perform to "Gashina"?

- Yes. / - We did.

Wasn't she mesmerizing?

They all seem to know how to do this move.

- I know. / - You have to move your neck like so.

Just the neck.

You're doing it!


Now move to the side more.

- You should practice it. / - I think I should.

(Yoonah finds an unexpected talent.)

These days, I've been dying to learn

- K-pop choreography. / - Me too.

Could you teach us some moves?

(Could you be our mentors?)

What about our choreography?

It's quite easy to pick up.

("I Wish" by WJSN)

This is our song.

I like it.

(The intro is light and refreshing.)

All right.

(WJSN's lovely performance)

(The choreography may be easy,)

(but could we ever look that adorable?)

(They're not sure.)

- Gosh. / - I don't think

- I can be that cute. / - Me neither.

- It's like this. / - Right.

- My gosh. / - This is the highlight.

Our version won't be appropriate for TV.

No, you can do it too.

- Come on. / - It looks tricky though.

- Now... / - Hold on.

We find it hard to even stand up.

(She's worried.)

You can each stand between one of us.

No, that's not necessary.

It'll be easier that way.

This is a terrible idea.

- We'll help you. / - Come on over.

You can each stand between one of us.

- How does it go? / - I've never been so intimidated.

One, two, and three.

One, two, and three.

Do this twice. Yes, just like that.

One, two, and three.

One, two, and three.


(In the mirror,)

(she sees her pitiful moves.)

(She's deeply embarrassed.)

It's not that difficult.

(One-on-one lessons)

- Like this. One, two, / - One, two,

- three, and four. / - three, and four.

Try to be adorable.

Next, you go like this.

- We should try it together. / - Sure.

Oh no.

In one, two, three, four. / - Three, four.

♪ I only want to walk ♪

- ♪ beautiful paths with you ♪ / - Is this correct?

♪ Tell me why, I'm a girl ♪

- ♪ who wants to be loved ♪ / - I hate myself.

I hate myself.

You're doing great though.

(The embarrassment is too much.)


(the swans still do their best.)

All right.

(They managed to dance the whole sequence.)

- Good job. / - You did well.

I think we were able to bring you

a nice replenishment of energy.

- That's true. / - Good energy.

- Please look out for Cheng Xiao for us. / - Sure.

- Watch out for injuries too. / - Good luck.

- We'd love you back anytime. / - Thanks.

(And so they wrap up today's class.)

(A few days later)

Why is Manager Seo late when he called this meeting?

(At that moment, Manager Seo arrives.)

- He's here. / - Hello.

I thought you had quit.

I was actually going to.

- What? / - Please take your seats.

I want to thank you for all your hard work

and make an announcement.

- An announcement? / - What?

(What could it be?)

The Swan Club has welcomed

a new member.

(A new swan?)

Someone new?

- That's right. / - Really?

She found out that I was

the team's manager

and reached out to me herself.

- I'm curious of her age. / - Me too.

- The four of us... / - I'm the oldest.

It's then me, Jiwon, and Cheng Xiao.

Is she younger than Cheng Xiao?

- Or... / - Or she could be older than Yoonah.


Sungeun, being a wife

of a professional athlete

has made you care

about the age and rank of each member.

That's something of the past now.

Give us a hint of who she can be.

She used to be a queen.

- A queen? / - Yes, a queen.

A queen of ballet?

She was the nation's first icon of first love.

She was Kang Hodong's first love.

(The clues only confuse them more.)

Who on earth is it?

She was the face of a noted Korean airline.

Is it Han Gain?

(Han Gain?)

She was the star of many TV commercials.

(Even the tips of her fingers exude elegance.)

(Who is this gracious new swan?)

Who on earth is it?

Here she is. Please,

- come on in. / - I think it's Han Gain.

(She's older than him.)

(Where is she?)

- Where is she? / - Is she already here?

I'm so nervous!

- My gosh. / - Oh my.

(Someone walks in through the door.)

Who can it be?

(Who has them all surprised?)

(The new swan is the elegant actress Park Jumi.)

- It's nice to meet you. / - Likewise.

- Hello. / - My goodness.

I didn't expect you at all.

- Hi. / - Hello.

(Next week, the queen will flap her wings elegantly.)

For more infomation >> Cosmic Girls teach 'I Wish' choreo! [The Swan Club /2017.12.13] - Duration: 9:08.


Alabama: BEERLAND (Full Episode) - Duration: 22:54.

They gave me a hillbilly name when I was little kid.

That's where Willy Bob came from, so.

So, Willy Bob stands for what? Willy Bob...

What's your full name?

Willy Bob is short for Willy Joe Jim Bob Black Jed Slee.

No. Say that again. Yeah.

Willy Joe Jim Bob Black Jed Slee.

Willy Bob Bat Black. Will Bob Black.

Fuck. Say it again. Say it again.

Say it fast. Willy Joe Jim Bob Black Jed Slee.

Willy Joe Jim Bob Black Jed Slee.

You got it. That was it. Up top.

Boom! Whoo! All right.

My name is Meg Gill, and I love beer.

Oh, that's a great beer. Yeah.

Oh. Wow.

So I'm heading on an epic beer adventure...

Woo! find out how beer is bringing people together...

Beer itself, if it's good, people are going to come. meet amazing homebrewers and to give one of them a chance

to brew their beer at my brewery, Golden Road.

You're the winners of "Beerland."

This is "Beerland."


Until 4 years ago, homebrewing was illegal in Alabama.

I have come here to see how the recent change in beer laws

has influenced a whole new generation of brewers

to push things forward and to select one homebrewer

to represent the state

in our competition's finale back in L.A.

My first stop is Band of Brothers Brewing Company

in Tuscaloosa

to meet founders Jeremy and Jeremiah

and find out what's going on in the Alabama brew scene.

Hey, how is it going? Nice to meet you.

Thanks for having me.

Oh, no problem at all. Thanks for coming. Cheers.

Cheers. What am I about to drink here?

Uh, it's a Belgian blonde, 8 percent.

Oh, 8 percent? Eight percent.

In the heat. Mm, that's good beer.

So what are we doing out here, guys?

This is Band of Brothers Brewing Company.

We got a little food on the grill here.

Craft beer in Alabama hasn't been around for long, right?

Probably 7 years, but we have a lot of people that are doing

a lot of extraordinary things

that are actually breaking the mold as far as craft beer

or designing beers, trying to push the envelope.

And, you know, this is Alabama,

and we have a sense of pride about ourselves,

and I think that just permeates even through craft beer.

What kind of flavor should I be on the hunt for?

What are people doing around here?

I don't know if we can just, like,

nail it down to one category.

I mean, people are starting to actually expand out

and do ales and IPAs... More traditional.

...but, yeah, Belgians and dubbels and triples and, yeah.

They diverse styles pretty quickly here? Yeah.

Beer itself, if it's good, people are going to come.


Mmm. Yummy.

Bring a tear to a glass eye, man.


Yeah, so how do you guys know each other?

Band of Brothers is a sister brewery of ours.

Like, I have a tiny little brewery here in town called

Druid City Brewing.

I'm really proud of where they've come and their beers.

So I'm here to find some great Alabama homebrewers.

I've been really impressed with my friend, Willy Bob.

Willy Bob, you're brewing beer, huh?

Brewing beer. At home?

We're brewing beer on the lake this weekend

if you want to come out too.

Probably a little shenaniganry.

I'm pretty sure shenaniganry will happen.

And -- and -- and... Oh.

That sounds like a lot of fun.


We've been driving for a while in the backroads of Alabama,

going to a lake house to see Willy Bob

and try some of his homebrews,

and hear there's some water, some music

and some beer coming right up.




[ Crowd cheering ]

Welcome to the party. Good to see you.

Good to see you. Thanks for having me.

Woo! Yeah, yeah.

So this is the Tuscaloosa beer scene...

That's right. That comes and hangs out here.

These are -- These are all the guys that do beer in Tuscaloosa,

and, you know, it's like a family.

This is -- This is my family, you know.

These -- These are the... Yeah.

Well, speaking of family, what's your history?

So... I mean, you're from around

here, I assume. Yeah, I'm -- I'm from here.

My family is kind of like "out in the woods" type people.

They're hillbillies in the truest sense.

Don't come into town much.

I mean, yeah, what does hillbilly mean in...

Well... ...nowadays terms?

Hillbilly nowadays term... They have college degrees.

They're educated people.

That's not what you think of when you think

of Alabama hillbilly...

Right. You know?

Well, hillbilly doesn't exactly mean dumb.

Yeah. Those guys

live off the land and live by theirself.

If you come around and you smile right, they'll invite you in,

cook you the best meal you've ever had.

What's the right kind of smile?

Well, smile with a gun preferably,

especially around here.

So Alabama is pretty new to the craft beer laws.

Yeah. 2008 on, it's...

I mean, it's only been about 6, 7 years, and it has just boomed.

Yeah. One of the fastest-growing businesses.

Did it change the town? It definitely changed the town.

Yeah, we're coming out here tomorrow

if you want to come try out some beer here.

What kind of beer?

Well, we have a Peach Hefeweizen lined up, 5.5 percent ABV,

delicious, peachy aroma, peachy flavor.

It is what they call a crushable boat beer.

Awesome. Woo!

Yee-haw! Yee-haw!

Sounds like it gettin' pretty Alabama wild over here.

[ Whooping, cheering ]


Here comes the big boy.

Woo! Yeah!

This is some fun shit.

-Woo! -Yeah!



♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

I'm headed back to the lake to try Willy Bob's Peachy Hef,

and I love fruit beers,

especially in the summertime, so excited to try them.


Hillbilly is a culture.

It's a different way of life.

I might be a hillbilly, but I think I'm more of, like,

a renaissance hillbilly.

I've read all the works of Shakespeare before 10th grade,

and I can solve the Rubik's cube

without looking up the YouTube videos.

I'm from a long line of bootleggers, moonshiners,

people who made alcohol when it was illegal.

We were all just scientists,

mad scientists in our garage making beer.

The beer seems to be like a catalyst.

Once the beer started showing up in Alabama,

it made a new culture.

Like, the whole new frontier of it that...

It was already there,

but now we can talk about it because it's legal.

Hey, Willy Bob.

Hey. Want a bite?

Oh, it looks yummy.

Late start, late finish last night?

Uh, late enough to write a song we'll never remember again.

[ Laughs ] Well, a lot of fun. What are you brewing here?

We are making the base for the Peach Hefeweizen.

Is this a Bavarian Hef?

It is, so the malt base for it has got more Munich

than most Hefeweizens do to make it a little dryer

because we're adding in so much sweet later on in secondary.

It's tasty by itself, but once you add them peaches,

it's, like, lake drinkable.

It tastes way better on a boat.

We got to go Alabama surfing.

All right.

We got lifeguards on duty.

Yeah, right. Swim at your own risk.

And the beer comes after, right?

The beer is earned.

It's not given.

All right.

What's up, guys?

Hey. Howdy.


Are we Alabama surfing, or what?

Well, who's going to go first?

Willy Bob is going to show me how it's done.

♪ Fat guy in a little coat ♪

Are we ready now?

I got it, Chad. Yeah.

Oh, shit.

I thought you were the next Alabama surf Olympian, man.

All right, Willy Bob.

There you go.

Now you can get up.

Easy does it. Oh.

One more try, Willy Bob.

I look like a fucking jackass on television.

I think Willy Bob talked a big game,

but I might have to get out there

and show him how to Alabama surf.

There you go.

Yeah! Yeah!

Woo! Hey! Hey! Good job!


Think she's probably about...


There we go.


Woo! Yeah!

Woo! Yeah!


Surfing wear you out? Oh, yeah.

I'm ready for this for sure.

Time for refreshments.

So it looks like a true cloudy Bavarian Hef.

Not much filter to this.

Wow. That is a ton of peach.

Smells like Alabama. Cheers, Willy Bob.

All right.

Oh, man.

It's awesome, man. Summertime Hef.

The peach is... The peach is killer on that.

We want peach flavor. We want peach smell.


Whew, and then the Hef comes later.

The peach comes first.

I think the mouth feels good.

The flavor is awesome.

I got a ton of peach up front,

and then I start to get the bread,

the banana of the Hef.

That doesn't look like a good face,

Willy Bob, for how good the beer tastes.

It's my science face.

It's not always pretty.

Cheers, man. Way to go. Cheers.


Willy Bob's beer was delicious,

and it's crazy to think that up until a few years ago,

he could've been arrested for brewing it.


Before 2013, owning and operating a craft beer shop

in town with homebrew supplies was a risky venture.

Local businessman Craig even faced a police raid

while trying to get his store, Hop City, off the ground.

That door right there, van backed up,

two agents, hands on guns, badges and a warrant.

Badges out. They took one of everything.

It was very clear that they were out to get us.

The agents were aggressive and threatening.

The person who answered the door had two choices,

let them in or be arrested.

Safe to say that you could open a gun store in Alabama

easier than a homebrew shop at that time?

I'm pretty sure that's true. Yes.

We had a bunch of crazy beer laws.

The most vocal opposition came from very religious,

conservative people who were opposed to all alcohol.

What is it about beer culture that's attracted you

to want to change the laws?

It was just about doing the right thing.

We couldn't have done it without the thousands of people

who got kind of woken up to the craziness of it all,

and they called their senators and legislators.

And that was one of the pillars that needed to fall,

so that beer culture in this area could rise up.

Since the laws have changed in Alabama,

interest in craft beer has exploded,

and over 30 breweries have opened their doors.



It is an exciting time for craft beer here in Alabama.

People have been thirsty here for a while.

Man: Homebrewing was illegal in Alabama about 5 years ago.

You could not do it.

To see it finally trickling down here really makes me proud.

The growing beer culture here in Alabama

has really provided a lot of job opportunities

for people like me,

and it's been an incredible journey.

Man: We brought Alabama beer and homebrewing to the forefront,

and we're really proud of that.



For my next stop in Alabama,

I'm heading to meet a woman named Miki,

who's infusing Japanese culture into her craft beer.

So I grew up in Osaka, Japan.

When I moved to Alabama, I don't know anybody here.

Really, I feel isolated.

Then I start using this homebrew kit.

Brewing beer and drinking together,

that really opened and then broke that wall

between us and create great relationship.

And then I'm very happy about it.

Miki? Hey, how are you?

Nice to meet you. I'm Meg. Nice to meet you.

Thank you for having me. Oh, you're welcome.

So today I'm brewing this matcha...

Well, I name -- I name it Ma-Cha-Cha Beer.

Ma-Cha-Cha? Mm-hmm.

What does that mean?

So matcha means green tea. Okay.

And then, you know, after, uh, brewing, you're so happy,

and then you want to cha cha.

[ Both laughing ]

So green tea and beer? Yeah.

How caffeinated is this beer?

Um, probably less than 1%.

Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Yeah.

So it's not that you stay awake all night.

Yeah. Cool.

Well, take me through what you're doing here...

Yeah. With the tea.

So this is called sencha, you know.

Mix together, brew tea, then after you brew beer,

and then after you ferment the beer, then to this...

So post fermentation, you're adding already-brewed tea

to the beer? Yeah. After fermentation.


Adding tea to a beer is an interesting experiment

that can produce widely varying flavors.

Miki is using different two different varieties

of green tea into her fermentation process:

matcha and sencha.

This requires some finesse

since the aroma and flavor of her finished beer

can be overwhelmed by the tea, if the proportions are off.

Long steeping times can also add unwanted bitterness.

How has the Alabama beer scene been for you?

Beginning, it's kind of hard because when I homebrew,

and then nobody think I can brew here

because I don't look like it.

Who are people who are supposed to brew beer?

It's more bigger guys.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know, it's really a guy thing.

Yeah. It is a guy thing. Yeah.

Yeah. They get kind of know how to handle Japanese...

Yeah. Or maybe they get used to my accent...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So understanding more.

So you've gotten to know your peers and folks

who are drinking your beer. Mm-hmm.

Well, it sounds like you have quite a crowd behind us.

Yeah. Is this a homebrew gathering?

Yeah. Homebrew gathering,

and then some of friends.

Am I going to get to try your green tea beer?


There's the beer. Yes.

There you go.

Pretty cloudy.

Unfiltered... Mm-hmm.

So it's a Belgian-blonde base.

Matcha tea.

Thank you for having me over. Cheers.

No, kanpai!


Both: Kanpai!

I wasn't expecting that.

The tea keeps going.

A lot of bitterness from the tea,

especially in the finish.

I don't get as much, uh, sweetness

as I would expect from a Belgian blonde.

Yeah. Green tea really makes very refreshing...

Yeah. Especially sencha.

Matcha give you this aroma.

I'd like to get a little bit more of the Belgium

beer characters balanced with the tea.

I'm getting all the tea flavors,

but I'd like to taste more from the yeast, but uh...

Okay. Thank you.

Very drinkable... Thank you.

Tasty. Mm-hmm. I'm happy.

Cheers. No.

Kanpai! Kanpai!


Miki has really established herself.

She has found creativity over here through homebrewing.

Everybody loves the culture that she brings to the table,

but also her attitude, so it's awesome to see,

and Alabamans love it.

So this is Gip's place, out in the middle of nowhere.

Awesome blues joint.

It's BYOB, so I got my Solo Cup.


Mr. Gip has been doing this since 1952.

He has opened his backyard up for us

to come together as one.


I'm here to meet a brewing team of childhood friends,

Clay and Brett, who have been bringing their beer

to Gip's place on a regular basis.

There's a lot more going on in Alabama

than people actually realize.

People here love craft beer.

They wanted it to be here.

The only thing stopping it was a law.

But as soon as the laws changed as far as brewing went,

it was unbelievable. We had a few breweries pop up,

and the changes that have come with it have been unreal.

Getting that repealed completely changed everything.

Hey, guys, how you doin'? Hey, how's it going?

Good. How are you? This place is awesome.

No, absolutely. Like, you take --

you take a look around.

And everybody is bringing their own beer here.

Homebrewers sharing beer here. Like a minibar.

I saw a little moonshine by the way.

It's Alabama. Hell, yeah. No, we, uh...

There's some moonshine everywhere.

How has the law changing impact

what you're doing now versus kind of, you know,

where you were?

It's kind of crazy, uh, around 2008 when all the --

all the brewing laws passed.

You know, everything started opening up.

Breweries started opening and then when this...

Yeah. Opportunity happened, right?

Absolutely. Yeah.

I've really wanted to be in brewing, you know,

ever since I figured out

I could brew some decent beer and...

Yeah. awesome the process was.

And it made me kind of reconsider and want to...

Yeah. Want to stick around from there.

Well, I'd love to try your beer. Yeah. Absolutely.

Cup here, got to use Solo Cups here at Gip's.

Love the Solo Cups. Here, I'll pour it for you.

You can't be a beer snob at Gip's.

This is like our, I think,

seventh New England IPA we've done, about?

Yeah, yeah. You know, keep tweaking.

You have this take on the New England style,

all about low bitterness, very juicy, um...

Yeah. You know, unfiltered, hazy --

So it's just a bit of a Southern take

on the the New England style IPA?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Yeah, that's a juicy beer.

Right on. Right on. Yeah. That's good.

I get a little lingering bitterness.

I'd like it to finish a little bit faster, but it's good.

Cool. It's really good.

Thank you, guys, for sharing your beer.

Hey, thank you so much for coming down.

And thanks for bringing me here.

This is Brett. Hi, Brett Porter, this is Meg.

Hi, Meg. So I'm kind of...

Where are you?

I'm in the backwoods of Alabama, having a phenomenal time.

What have you got for me this week?

Yeah, I've got three great homebrewers.

A guy named Willy Bob. -Willy Bob?

He's got about 10 names.

He tasted me on a delightful Peach Hefeweizen.

What is that? An American wheat beer,

or was that a Bavarian wheat beer?

Bavarian. That's sounds very interesting.

So it sort of has a clove banana flavor

and then peach flavor? Yeah.

You wouldn't be super happy with the clove,

but the banana was nice.

The next, a Japanese woman named Miki.

She did two different type of teas infused into her beer.

Uh-huh. It was a Belgian blonde.

I liked the idea, but the execution can use some work.

You don't think the teas go with the saison...

The blonde, yeah. Or not for a Western palate.

The last guy's name is Clay,

and he presented me with a New England IPA.

Why is he making a New England IPA in Alabama?

He was doing somewhat of a Southern version on it.

So what -- where are you leaning here?

It's just super hard with these guys

because you fall in love with all of them.

Absolutely. You got your work cut out for you this time.

I'm on the way to the airport, but wanted to swing by

and tell one of the homebrewers

that they're coming to the finale in L.A.

I didn't tell them that I was coming,

so it's a bit of an ambush.

Oh, he's out front.

All right. Let's just do it.

Let's go.

Hell of a day.

Get in here. I thought -- hey.

How you doing? Good.

Um, I came to tell you

that you are the winner of the Alabama...

What? scene here.

Yeah! That's awesome. Yeah.

So congratulations.

That is awesome.

I tried a lot of great beer out here.

I'll tell you why I chose you.

Um, the peach on the front and on the flavor was awesome,

and I think that you have shown me

and you can show so many people what the notion of "hillbilly,"

or a hillbilly type of term

or a hillbilly type of name really can mean.

Your lifestyle, uh, where you're from

is more than the beer, what lead me to choosing you.

That's awesome. Thank you so much for the opportunity.


I can already tell you right now

there's going to be celebrating going on because it --

it kind of seems like everybody is looking for an excuse

to celebrating this town anyway.

For more infomation >> Alabama: BEERLAND (Full Episode) - Duration: 22:54.


Wang Jiwon shows off 'quadruple spin' in front of Cheng Xiao [The Swan Club /2017.12.13] - Duration: 5:57.

One and two.


Two, three, and four.



And pirouette.

(Just then...)

(Someone is at the studio.)

The door is on your left.

- Hello. / - Hi.

Hi, Cheng Xiao.

- Hello. / - Hi.

The others have all been working hard

which had me worried.

That's why I called Jiwon for some help.

- You're here. / - It's me!

- Hello. / - Hi.

(They hop towards each other.)

(As always, you're too much for me.)

Since I'm an actor,

I've never introduced anyone as my teammate.

- She... / - Hello.

I'm sure you recognize her. She's Cheng Xiao of WJSN.

Yes, of course.

We practice together, have fun,

and share all various emotions

with one another.

That's why we have this connection.

(They keep growing closer.)

- We used to dance together. / - I see.

- Over there... / - They're adorable.

(Hi, Cheng Xiao.)

I'm sure you already know,

- but Cheng Xiao's very busy. / - Right.

She's been wanting to practice more,

but she doesn't know how to do so.

Since it's the end of the year,

our group's been booking many events.

I've been so worried

that I thought I should practice too

whenever and wherever I can.

(She's been practicing in her spare time.)

How long have they been dancing?

She's been studying ballet

for about three to four years now.

Meanwhile, she's been at it for nearly five years.

I thought you looked great as Kitri.

She's actually practicing the Kitri variation as well.

- Really? / - It's for a show.

I'd love to see it.

(Kitri is the female lead in the "Don Quixote" ballet.)

(She's ready.)

- You can do it. / - Good luck.


("The Kitri Variation")

And jump.

- Wow. / - That's great.

(She's good.)

(She's adorable.)

She reminded me of when I first started dancing.

She was so adorable, and I was grateful for the dance.

(The little swans bring back)

(many memories for those watching.)

Is there a move that you want to learn?

Anything that I can do without the barre.

- I see. / - I'd really like that.

There's a move we actually covered earlier.

Would you like to try that too?

- Could I see it first? / - Of course.

Jiwon, you'll be joining us.

(The former ballerina can't be an exception.)

Come on, Jiwon.

Of course you'll be joining us.

Smile, everyone.


(She seems to be nervous.)

Hold it up there and lower it down slowly.

Come on, Jiwon. Why aren't you lifting your leg?

(You over there.)

Now to the front.

(I have muscle cramps.)

- To the side. / - I have muscle cramps.

Now to the back.

All right.

(Why did Cheng Xiao have to come by today?)

Get ready.

And in first position.

All right.


And back.

Now hold.

Pas de bourree. One and turn.

That's it. Now elevate.


(Jiwon's worst nightmare is about to happen.)

(Cheng Xiao isn't even looking at her.)

Now elevate.

Good, now hold.

Now turn.



Jiwon, my gosh.

Didn't you just do four pirouettes?

(She managed to do four pirouettes!)

That was amazing.


Jiwon, my gosh.

(Jiwon lives up to her name!)

That was amazing.

(She's the best.)

Now kick up.

- Isn't she good? / - Point your toes.

(Thanks, Jiwon.)

That's it. You're doing great.


You're looking good. All right.

That was amazing. You did well.

She's really good.

Let's try the pirouette.

One, two, forward, and three.

Four, pick it up.

Double pirouette and again.

Two and three.

(Cheng Xiao gives it a try.)

And go. One, and two. Keep your gaze.

Keep going.

You're doing great. Good job.

I was surprised.

Even though that she's not trained in ballet,

she dances as if she has been in for years.

She has the ability to follow directions

and can translate that in her moves.

When we take the stage,

I bet she will surprise us all.

For more infomation >> Wang Jiwon shows off 'quadruple spin' in front of Cheng Xiao [The Swan Club /2017.12.13] - Duration: 5:57.


BREAKING NEWS: Bernie Sanders' Wife On Her Way To Prison. - Duration: 5:06.

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders' Wife On Her Way To Prison.

While liberals continue to make as many laughable waves as possible in their ignorant and useless

attempts to bring down President Trump, they seem to be succeeding only in exposing the

corruption within their own preferred democratic party.

The irony alone is a beautiful victory for the right, but to give us just a bit more

reason to celebrate, many that the left accidentally exposes are being charged with the crimes

they have tried to hide for many years.

The King of Socialism, Bernie Sanders, has recently found himself in a rather compromising

situation brought on by the financial fraud that his wife , Jane, was found guilty of

during an FBI investigation into her receiving a loan to the tune of TEN MILLION DOLLARS

while she was running the Burlington College.

The FBI investigation turned up documents that showed Jane Sanders to have falsified

paperwork to obtain money fraudulently for the now defunct liberal arts college.

The icing on the cake is that a Grand Jury has taken the evidence and accusations seriously

enough to move in and slam the Sanders couple hard for their crimes.

This is going to probably end any hope for Bernie to ever run for President again, let

alone against Trump in 2020 as he has expressed he would like to do.

According to Prissy Holly :

Nothing kills a political aspiration boner quicker than a federal investigation, and

for Bernie Sanders, that's exactly what's happening.

Over the past six weeks FBI agents have launched a full-scale investigation into the couple's

illegal antics over the years, and the information they've found was so damning that it's

evoked a response from a Grand Jury that's now making their move to make the couple pay

dearly for their crimes.

According to Judicial Watch:

Amid a deepening federal investigation of Jane Sanders, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders'

wife, Judicial Watch has obtained records that paint a rather disturbing personal portrait

of a heartless spouse—and longtime political advisor—of the Democratic Socialist candidate

for president of the United States.

During the Obama administration, the FBI began investigating Jane for falsifying documents

to obtain a $10 million loan to expand a now-defunct liberal arts college in a town where her husband

once served as mayor while she was the school's president.

Fox News reports that any political future Sanders had for 2020 is rapidly deteriorating,

as these FBI agents have unearthed massive evidence of Sanders' involvement with bank


And unfortunately for Sanders and his shady wife, Trump's Justice Department isn't

playing around.

The Justice Department official spearheading the investigation is being handled at the

discretion of Christina E. Nolan, who was sworn into office last week after being appointed

by President Trump.

According to Fox News, this is not only a huge blow to Bernie's political aspirations,

but could affect his daughter's race as the mayor of Burlington, Vermont.

They reported: The ongoing probe and the potential for a

grand jury review might be enough to impede Bernie Sanders' and Driscoll's political


Politico reported last month that Sanders was angling toward a more mainstream candidacy

heading into the 2020 presidential election and reaching out to key Democrats to solidify

his support among the party machine.

Driscoll, the stepdaughter of the senator, announced Monday her plans to run for her

stepfather's first political job: mayor of Burlington, Vt.

A spokesperson for Bernie Sanders did not respond to Fox News' request for a comment.

Driscoll declined to comment.

Now the question is, what did Bernie and his wife do with this $10 million dollar loan

if the school is defunct?

Frank Lea from Freedom Daily had a pretty good hypothesis on where the cash went.

He reported:

What a liberal sack of potatoes she is.

Where did the money go if the school is defunct?

I know they don't pay teachers that much money, so where did Jane and Bernie squalor

the money?

Did they buy any new homes or expensive cars during this time?

Is it in their bank account?

Can we file a right to know information on their purchases after the time they received

the bully loan?

It looks like this time the D.C. circle jerk isn't going to protect Bernie and his crooked

wife since it's Trump's Justice Department leading the investigation.

How epic would it be for these crooked morons to spend the rest of their lives behind bars

for fraud?

What's even more hilarious is that liberals are already hurting for viable candidates

to run against Trump in 2020, and having Bernie out of the race would be a massive blow to

their plans of unseating Trump in the next election.

When those pointing fingers are the ones found to be truly guilty of crimes like this, it

is a good day for America.

Let's hope the FBI and the DOJ follow through with what appears to be a cut and dry case,

and they provide the proper punishment to Sanders as the law dictates.

It is time to stick to the old adage that no one is above the law.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS: Bernie Sanders' Wife On Her Way To Prison. - Duration: 5:06.


Fortnite: Battle Royale NEW FREE GLIDER - Fortnite NEW SNOWFLAKE GLIDER - Duration: 2:43.

Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I'm bringing you

guys another fortnight video today now before I even start this video this

is not gonna be like yesterday's video so I'm sorry if it's not I know a lot of

people did like it and I'm gonna make more videos like that in the future and

for those of you that do like all three with general most of you guys are don't

worry I'm not gonna become a liaison to stop political there you know as a

matter of fact I'm actually uploading tomorrow a best class setup so stay

tuned for that as well but today I just wanted to talk about some new things

that you can unlock in fortnight so the new update and four night battle royale

is called like a holiday or something like that basically obviously because

like you know Christmas and the holidays are coming around so they basically put

out an update for that you know snowy stuff the usual you know then they also

added in a season two so I believe how this game works is like each season you

have different levels and you see how high of a level you can go because when

I was playing today while I was streaming I realized I was back down to

level one I was like what the hell and I realized it said season 2 on there so

each season is really really different each season actually gives you different

rewards as well so today while I was playing me and my friend we got a dub

right our first dub on the new update and last season when you got a dub you

unlock the umbrella right you start off with the glider and you got the umbrella

well now it's kind of the same thing but this time you unlock the snowflake

umbrella so I know wow it's not that big of a difference but it is something new

that they added in and there's probably more stuff that you can unlock that we

do not know of yet I'm pretty sure like they added in more unlockables because

obviously the umbrella was from the first time they ever made for Knight

which meant like you know they didn't have that much resources to make a lot

of things easier they didn't have cosmetics none of that when they first

put out the game but now they have advanced the game a lot so there it most

likely is a lot of fun that unlocks too but this is the one that I know of so

far in the game sorry guys if you guys want the snowflake umbrella just go out

there when a dumb an either solo squad or duo and yeah you'll easily unlock

this glider thing yeah I really don't know what to call them

show video to dad saying you can't unlock this and that is how you unlock

you gotta win a match and you won't lock the snowflake glider

hey guys anyways you know yeah remember tomorrow's a call better video so yeah

Dori I'll see you guys on the next one

For more infomation >> Fortnite: Battle Royale NEW FREE GLIDER - Fortnite NEW SNOWFLAKE GLIDER - Duration: 2:43.


bạn cần tránh xa mướp đắng nếu mắc 5 loại bệnh sau nếu không muốn bện nặng thêm - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> bạn cần tránh xa mướp đắng nếu mắc 5 loại bệnh sau nếu không muốn bện nặng thêm - Duration: 3:36.


Enji Night Cosplay - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Enji Night Cosplay - Duration: 3:35.


Christmas Fruit Cake Recipe–PART 2–Kolkata Christmas Plum Cake at Home–Calcutta Anglo-Indian Recipe - Duration: 8:39.

Calcutta Christmas Cake Part 2: Baking the cake

what makes a good fruitcake?

rich brown colour (inside + outside)

closely packed dense structure

evenly distributed fruits & nuts

First of all a BIG thank you to all of you who shared your cake mixing photos with us

As promised here we are back with the second part of the Christmas cake recipe

In case you have missed the first part of this recipe, go watch it right now!

Before we begin we wanted to tell you that this video is a collaboration with our friend Karen Ahmad over at Kravings.

Karen has also baked a Christmas cake on her channel this year.

Go see her version after you watch this one

Besides the cake recipe itself she also has some great frosting and cake decoration ideas

Karen has over 400 amazing recipes on her channel

Her videos are light-hearted, fun and superbly entertaining

Go check her out, and tell her we said hi!

Enjoy this video, and good luck to all of you who will be baking your own Christmas cakes.

Let's get started.

plain all-purpose flour 275g (for a 4 pound cake)

softened butter 275g salted; at room temperature

brown sugar 275g

almond 75g, pistachio 40g blanched and peeled cashew 40g

5 eggs

allspice 15 pcs; optional cloves 8 pcs, cinnamon 1 pc, nutmeg ¼ tsp

(link in description) soaked dried-fruits watch part 1

zest of an orange; be careful not to grate the white, bitter pith

nutmeg shavings

allspice, cinnamon, cloves




ground almonds keep the cake moist and give it texture

chop cashew and pistachio in 5mm pieces

butter a 9 × 4 inch loaf tin

don't miss the corners!

line with baking paper;

leave extra overhanging paper for easier cake removal

repeat for the shorter side

tie a 'cake strip' around your tin for an even rise and to prevent the cake from drying in the oven full details on our website (linked in description)

all set! let's bake now preheat your oven to 150°C

softened butter

cream butter until airy and pale

brown sugar

cream again until light

beat in eggs, one at a time

ground almonds spice mix

orange zest


good bye, whisk!

sift flour so no lumps remain

fold in using a spatula; no whisk after this point don't overmix, or the cake will become chewy (because, gluten)

cashew and pistachio

soaked dried-fruits

Our fruits have absorbed all the alcohol. If yours have excess liquid, strain and add just the fruits.

notice how dense the batter is

fill the baking tin

push to corners; level the top

clean up the sides

bake in a preheated 150°C oven

but check after the first 2 hours

bake low and slow this cake bakes at a low temperature for a long time

if you try to bake it faster, at a higher temperature, the outside will brown while the inside remains pale and undercooked

if using thermometer, insert it after 2 hours

cake is done when the internal temperature reads 95°C

clean skewer!

cool completely in the tin

optional; feed the cake for an even richer, deeper cake

poke holes

'feed' the cake a spoon of rum, brandy, or whisky once a week

this keeps the cake moist and deepens flavour

you can bake this months in advance and keep feeding it

store at room temperature wrapped in baking paper and aluminium foil

it's finally time to cut!

this is a rich cake, ideal for sharing with friends and family

Merry Christmas from Bong Eats

For more infomation >> Christmas Fruit Cake Recipe–PART 2–Kolkata Christmas Plum Cake at Home–Calcutta Anglo-Indian Recipe - Duration: 8:39.


We Need Our Military Trump Signs New Budget Into Law - Duration: 4:00.

�We Need Our Military�: Trump Signs New Budget Into Law

President Donald Trump signed into law Tuesday the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act,

which authorizes a $700 billion military budget.

�This historic legislation demonstrates our unwavering commitment to our men and women

in uniform � the greatest fighting force in the history of the world,� Trump said

at the signing ceremony.

�This legislation represents a momentous step in rebuilding our military and securing

our future for our children.�

However, this new budget won�t be put in play until lawmakers roll back the 2011 legislation

that restricts federal spending.

With this law still currently in place, defense spending is capped at $549 billion, The Associated

Press reported.

�Now Congress must finish the job by eliminating the defense sequester and passing a clean

appropriations bill,� Trump stated.

�I think it�s going to happen.

We need our military.�

Congress has until Dec. 22 to come up with a broader government funding bill or risk

a partial government shutdown.

For the budget bill, Republicans want an increase in military funding and Democrats want equal

increases in both Pentagon and domestic non-defense programs, according to CBS News.

In his speech, Trump asked the Democrats in Congress to �drop their shutdown threats

and descend clean funding and a clean funding bill to my desk that fully funds our great


Protecting our country should always be a bipartisan issue, just like today�s legislation,�

he said.

The NDAA also gives troops a 2.4 percent pay raise.

At the signing ceremony, Trump took the time to address the two terror attacks that have

hit New York City this year, pointing out that the first attacker came to America through

the visa lottery and the other through chain migration.

�The lottery system and chain migration � we�re going to end them fast,� he


The 2018 defense bill allots $634 billion for basic defense funding, and the remaining

$66 billion for overseas operations.

The legislation authorizes the military to purchase 90 Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets

and 14 Navy ships, according to the Washington Examiner.

The Missile Defense Agency has been allocated $12.3 billion, as America continues the �campaign

to create maximum pressure on the vile dictatorship in North Korea,� Trump said.

As well as an increased budget for the training of U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria, the new

bill also blocks any attempt to move anyone held at the military prison at Guantanamo

Bay, Cuba, to the U.S.

�This legislation will enhance our readiness, expand our modernized � and modernize our

forces, and help provide our service members with the tools that they need to fight and

to win.

We will fight and win,� Trump said.

�But hopefully, with this, we won�t have to fight because people will not be wanting

to fight with us.�

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> We Need Our Military Trump Signs New Budget Into Law - Duration: 4:00.


flee the facility with gamerobotjimmy-Roblox - Duration: 23:45.

TYPE IN THE CODE: I wILL HI and win a shout out and sorry if your deaf because this is the only thing you will see for the whole video

For more infomation >> flee the facility with gamerobotjimmy-Roblox - Duration: 23:45.


Make the Future Singapore returns in 2018 - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Make the Future Singapore returns in 2018 - Duration: 0:39.


Getting Mentored by Tony Robbins in Fiji! Does It Get Better Than This? - Duration: 5:45.

- Good morning guys.

We just had an awesome morning session

with Lauren from Shopify.

And had breakfast.

Catherine and I collaborated.

Now we're waiting for Tony to show up,

have the mentoring session with him.

We have one-on-one sessions with him later this morning.

And I'll let you guys know how that goes.

Now, this has been an unreal experience.

Just the location, looking out over everything,

as we're being mentored by people like Lauren,

from Shopify, and Marie, just amazing people.

(upbeat music)

Tony just finished up his session with Ben from Gymshark.

We're already mic'd up,

so now it's just waiting for everyone on set

to get ready.

(upbeat music)

Tony is right below us, so I have to whisper.

I can hear him giving advice,

and helping the Gymshark's guy with some challenges

that he's having in his business.

And, not gonna lie, a little bit intimidated

because they made us prep for this,

as far as know all these answers to your company

and to your business.

Know the numbers, know customer data, know all this stuff.

So I hope that we're able to present our business

and what we want to do in a way where Tony can help us.

So, it's going to be interesting for sure,

and I'll let you guys know how it goes.

(upbeat music)

Hey guys, so we just wrapped up the mentoring session

with Tony,

and Catherine...

- That was intense.

- It was intense indeed.

Catherine, what was your favorite part,

or what was your big takeaway?

- Just trying to figure out what business we need to be in.

Which is something Allen and I have talked about,

but I really think that Tony asked the important questions.

It made us think differently about what we need to do next,

and a couple of steps to get there.

- Yeah, and I also liked how he forced us,

on the spot, to think of solutions for our business

in real time.

And then we worked it out, which I thought was great.

Rather than just asking a question and having us think

about it later.

He had us sit there and think about it.

- Right in front of him.

- Right in front of him, and then we worked through

those answers with him.

So now we have an interview with Business Insider.

- Hello.

- Now we're doing it over the Pacific Ocean.

(upbeat music)

Hey guys, it's Catherine and my last day in Fiji,

along with the other winners of the Shopify,

Build a Bigger Business competition.

Can't believe we're about to leave.

So, I just packed up all my stuff,

we have about a half day mentoring with

all the other mentors

and it's in a panel form.

So Tim Ferriss, Joe from Airbnb, Marie Forleo,

but this whole experience has been just a beautiful,

wonderful trip.

I feel really appreciative of being here,

and I appreciate all the other winners.

Thank you to Shopify

for putting on these wonderful events.

Thank you for...

Harley, no shirt,

I mean I got a shirt, sorry man.

I wanted to say thank you to Tony Robbins

for hosting us here at his wonderful resort.

It has been spectacular.

The hospitality has been 10 star.

It's unreal.

I want to thank the Best Self's team.

So Best Self Co., the team, thank you for everything

that you do on a daily basis

to strive to hit higher standards,

to give our customers an experience that goes

above and beyond.

We have such incredible ideas to take away

from this event,

and ingest into our business, it's going to revolutionize

the way that we've been conducting business so far

for the past 18 months.

It's going to just change the way we approach,

how we interact with our customers,

how we build our team.

And it's invaluable.

It's been an incredible experience

celebrating this with all of you,

and I'm extremely happy to have new friends

who are trying to do something great in the world,

and push themselves outside of their comfort zone

on a daily basis.

Thank you Catherine for the support.

Thank you for Lauren, for just being a

wonderful and supporting wife,

and holding down the fort while I'm here.

I hate to say good bye.

Look, I woke up to this every freakin' morning.

And now I have to leave.

But, you know what?

Life isn't too bad.

I just appreciate the fact that I'm able to

experience this.

Can't wait to bring the teachings of what we learned here,

and help all of you

in your endeavors,

and help elevate your lives.

So, I'm Allen, thanks for watching guys.

(calm music)

For more infomation >> Getting Mentored by Tony Robbins in Fiji! Does It Get Better Than This? - Duration: 5:45.


Ballet is fashion! Yoon Ah & Sungeun shop for ballet dresses [The Swan Club /2017.12.13] - Duration: 6:05.

- You know, right? / - We need good equipment.

That's why this is important.

(Yoonah and Sungeun are shopping for equipment.)

It's so nice to be a girl, right?

- I know. / - Look at this.

- Can you believe it? / - It's adorable.

Is this called a leotard?

Yes, a leotard.

(A skin-tight one-piece garment)

(It looks like a swimsuit.)

- To wear this... / - It's embarrassing.

- Of course. /- But,

- ballerinas... / - They all say that at first.

- Isn't this worn without any underwear? / - Yes.

What about panties? Do you wear those?

- What? / - Normally, you don't.

- Is that so? / - However,

amateur dancers or students still wear them.

- Don't they wear them during shows? / - No.

- I didn't know that. / - Me neither.

Many of my friends who have

watched the show want to try ballet too.

They're all terrified about wearing this though.

As you know, most of them are moms,

so they're scared of dancing only in these.

As for beginners,

it's best to wear a sleeveless leotard.

It's easier to check your posture

and the way your muscles move.

- To do it right, we need one too. / - That's right.

There's a reason why Jiwon wears what she does.

- She... / - She doesn't need to check anything.

- We do though. / - So we need a leotard.

- We shouldn't even wear skirts. / - No.

We should just wear the leotard.

We still need to look appropriate on TV though.

What about the skirts? What are they called again?

- Tutu? / - It's called a tutu.

(Sungeun wore a ballet skirt at her last performance.)

- What is the exact pronunciation? / - Tutu.

Keep in mind that it's French.

- Did you hear that? / - I did.

- It's hard to pronounce. / - I thought it was tutu.

- That's right. / - I guess we were wrong.

The classical tutu is one that's short and spread out.

- Is that the classical tutu? / - This one

- is the romantic tutu. / - It comes down to the shins.

- I see. / - It's also bell-shaped.

Aren't these skirts usually worn by ballet instructors?

These rehearsal skirts are mostly worn

- during rehearsals. / - I get it now.

- I see. / - Beginners should stick

to skirts that are short though.

- That's right. / - We need to see our legs.

Of course.

- We want to look pretty though. / - I know.

You should wear outfits that show off your lines.

In terms of shoes, can we just wear anything?

These are what you wear in practice.

- What's this? / - Is this leather?

- Practice shoes... / - These are what we wear.

These or these.

It can either be fabric or leather.

The best shoes for beginners are these

with one long leather sole.

I heard that these aren't worn anymore.

I've never seen shoes like these before.

Really? Come to think of it, I think I wore

shoes like these when I started to dance.

Since we're not completely beginners,

we should wear these.

These aren't flexible enough.

- These are for absolute beginners. / - Right.

Jiwon even has those. What's that?

That's right. I'm curious too.

(Jiwon wears them before every practice session.)

We all just want to be like her.

Do these keep our feet warm?

That's why she wears them while stretching.

We need these to warm up as well.

Hold on. Let's wait until it's much colder.

We'll be broke at this rate.

(We'll be broke at this rate.)

Can you help me choose what I should wear?

(Yoonah and Sungeun now look for their outfits.)

(They're both busy shopping.)

We'll try these on.

Can you step out first?

You come out first. Mine's more revealing.

Come on out.


Doesn't she look amazing?

- You look amazing. / - You do too.

- Do I? / - I love the lace detail in the back.

Also, pink is a good color for you.

Do you see how my shoulders are slightly caved in?

My lines used to be prettier,

but now they're not so nice to look at.

That's why I need to do ballet.

It's the same for all women.

- Women need to do ballet. / - That's right.

Seeing the barre makes me want to do splits.

Then go ahead.

You should know that she's the least flexible member.

- Do the shrimp bend. / - I don't want to.

- Why not? / - It's the move I'm worst at.

- It is. / - Then show me your best move.

I could lift my leg in the air.

Yes, go ahead. Show me.

I practiced yesterday and the day before that.

My gosh.


- Oh my. / - See?

No way. That's unbelievable.

I practiced a lot since

- my nerves get the best of me on TV. / - Let me.

(Stiff Sungeun tries the split too.)

- You already look hilarious. / - Really?

You're doing it!

(How can this be?)


I can't hold it.

I couldn't help myself from falling.

My body just kept leaning over.

- Did I do it though? / - If you think about it,

there aren't much you can't do.

- Why do I look funny though? / - Exactly.

(Everything she does is hilarious.)

- You can do it though. / - You looked incredible.

Meanwhile, I kept on leaning to the side.

Why can't I look elegant?

-You're doing it. / - I can't hold it.

(I can't hold it.)

(She needs to work harder.)

- Just hold it. / - It needs more practice.

I know.

Now that I have a pretty frock on,

I'm dying to do some ballet.

- Me too. / - Let's promise to look pretty

- at the next practice. / - Sure.

(New outfits have them motivated.)

For more infomation >> Ballet is fashion! Yoon Ah & Sungeun shop for ballet dresses [The Swan Club /2017.12.13] - Duration: 6:05.


Monero Mining With Genesis Mining Is It Worth It - Duration: 10:18.

why what's up - hello and welcome my name is Anthony Darvill and today I want

to talk about is manera mining on Genesis actually worth it

so yesterday John McVie has done tweet I am inundated by people asking me for

recommendations on crypto currencies if you would if you would use your head you

would figure out that the privacy coins and honest transactions will have the

greatest future coins like Manero verge or zeg cash so Jesus morning does have

Manero and used to have that cash but they've run out like to run out of

Bitcoin litecoin - erm okay so what you could do now this is if it was the

Bitcoin in the theorem policy mining you've missed the boat at the moment so

if you're starting new what you could do is jump into monaro keep your feet wet

and build from there at least get a daily passive income coming in so what

you can do is go as towards you can do this the only problem is the only thing

I see is the compounding issue but let me give you an example why I think you

should get in and then at Minero anyway Manero never it didn't used to be

profitable or as profitable but now it's done pretty good so obviously the

privacy coins I got up so this is a good time to get any feel new to mining you

know even any money but if you are in Bitcoin mining and obviously you want

more mining or something else okay so what we could do we could jump you could

jump into the s'mores packet now these look high and Davey roll they are high

but if you're first coming in I mean yeah I mean the higher the better

in my eyes trust me when you know say you always wish you had more much but

when you start saying these the daily person becomes coming you always be

shared more you also might pick on why I wish I bought you know a desert air hash

you know by the you're doing to get that there's a terrorist trust me anymore

that now any become one I as much as you could sell your house to

get any Gatson any worth it so swish out the last year so what we do

834 the smallest so we'll cut Suze this is Krypto compares the mining calculator

sometimes Bitcoin at the moment we want Monero so narrow just down to three

hundred dollars it was about 300 to 1000 usually let's come down a little bit so

don't worry Kryptos always up and down very volatile not can be there's no

power consumption no cost there's no maintenance okay yeah getting a two-year

contract got a bear that in mind no maintenance fee so today's the 15th of

December so you can check we've run from today all the way up to 2019 okay and

then it run out that's it if you can pound obviously in

your op you've got a new contract and that yeah your first original one will

still run out on the 15th but your next one would run out from wherever the two

years from the day you bought that exactly so for the other hash SI units

830 hits yeah there's a hash so you put in a thousand hash make sure that's on

the H so you get 382 a day 2673 a week 114 per month and 1393 a year now you

get your initial return or your initial investment back in say seven to eight

months and then the rest of it is profit the next 17 months okay or whatever it

whatever is left out at two years okay so whoops from one calculator okay

so yeah your 1393 57 drawings run amok me today times 32 years so your initial

eight hundred thirty dollars roughly so there's only a guide to you remember

that destroys the amounts are always changing okay ensign rough estimate to

783 all right so we defy that by 800 initial 830

you'd be looking at 335 percent okay that's times up times up by

a hundred percent of us by 100 right so it's three hundred thirty five percent

and you cannot get that in a bank definitely over two years of you know so

y'all get one percent okay so that's a way you can do this if you don't spare

money sit in your account a bank account this is one way to do it

now I'm not appliance or Plaza if you enter this is up to you as risking

everything obviously okay just cuz it's been good for a lost - for last whatever

doesn't mean it's you know it's you know it's still risk for us to obviously

we've met a lot of us about our money back initial it's money back and compare

my life and panning as well so ok now compounding the only thing with this is

you would have to wait because the smallest one is now eight hundred thirty

dollars you would have to wait seven or eight months to get that money back and

then compared to so and so then you go mm you 2000 hash so you'd be doubling

everything consummate so then if the next yeah so you know twelve months you

really yeah see something you don't really seven months you can do that I

eat up so many months up double oh dal-su there's a hash that's what Lane

took or what we can do we can go coming to the big and coming with the middle

one so the two four six arms runs down just so let's come back to this so three

thousand hash right you start with three thousand hash now you change into eleven

forty five a day 80 a month 343 I mean 80 a week 343 a month and then 4180 69 a

year now the way you could watch girls work here so 4100

let's forget what you're dropping their atomically so I have two years right so

that's eight thousand three hundred sixty-one - I'm sorry /

not starting in two four six are so it's 339 so it's about three hundred forty

percent okay now the what you can do with this one buck you could wait two

and a half months because that'd be you can wait is how you do it then you take

your six to seven months you initial return back obviously right the tooth

for let's see there's a full hundred sixty but what you can do so and a half

months in you could then use that earnings to compare a smaller one okay

and then that would give you four thousand hash now do you see what I'm

saying so then to be another month and a half

I'm sorry there and it'd be five thousand she said I'm trying to get out

here so you can pounding and you're keeping your contracts gone gentlemen

like Sully so your first contract obviously choose for them from when you

buy your next one so you'd still always be gone and then you get to stage where

you just keep going as long as man Jazz's money has the Monaro you know the

facilities from you don't mind you just keep going

bear in mind to this price could either go down or go up okay so now going on

john mcafee policy coins are the best to get into so narrow and precancerous then

the only one left this excuse me this could be the gate

the day to go other way to go okay now I talked to I mean it clearly comes

out to you if you've definitely missed the boat that the other other mining

this is a way to get jumpin deputizing get a daily passive income a day every

day I mean and build from there okay thirty-two I tell I'll do it if I it's

starting in I would just be straight into that middle one and then go there

if you can't afford obviously start from the smallest one but it's gonna take a

lot longer to get up there you know I mean like to build this is really go

this would be the guy for me that's how I've done it and now I can

pound it so one compounded after two months of jumping and get another one of

these or if you put it finally it's up to you I mean everyone's different there

was a different goals strategies sorry all my ones these full times they can

leave it job you know I ain't get this up

weighs something would swap maybe it's next your cash so it doesn't you know

it's up to you everyone is different okay guys I was going to leave it at

that at our door to spare in mind what I said

to your contract yeah if you knew definitely keeps hosing starting your

passive daily income and build it I mean what you can do you could get them an

arrow after the you know you could grab them an arrow so that 3001 so after a

year you have my four thousand one hundred eighty dollars with a bit error

then you can turn into bitcoin litecoin - you know a diri wherever you want talk

to you to you or you hold it wait for the when I wait for Manero and again

going up I'm not like it probably shouldn't so alright so that's how I'll

ever you today you've got my video give it a thumbs up

smash that like button if you want subscribe for more videos hit subscribe

button hit the bell if you want email alerts for when I upload more videos and

if you have questions my measures me on Facebook my links in the description

below for that and definitely answer any questions just bear in mind I'm in

Australia so I've gone the other side of world and your you know run the round of

the day and spirit I could be sleeping but I will get back to your question and

on that leave a comment to you what do you think about Manero

do you still think it's worth it and I'll leave it there so have a good day

and I'll see you in my next video bye

For more infomation >> Monero Mining With Genesis Mining Is It Worth It - Duration: 10:18.


Ser | Original Composition - Duration: 3:03.


Performed by the BYOB* Quartet (*Bari)


For more infomation >> Ser | Original Composition - Duration: 3:03.


MUT - Abismos: Fin y principio (Parte II) - Duration: 5:50.

A taste of rainwater

drenched in your memories,

drops that dampen my skin

possessed by chiaroscuro...

The dark sky unfolds

the beauty hidden in the clouds,

Drops of blurry shadows

painted by the sunlight

The day drenched me with memories,

the night allows me to breath...

drops that dampen my skin

Possessed by chiaroscuro...

A taste of rainwater

drenched in your memories,

drops that dampen my skin

possessed by chiaroscuro...


For more infomation >> MUT - Abismos: Fin y principio (Parte II) - Duration: 5:50.


MUT - Abismos: Fin y principio (Parte I) - Duration: 2:50.

A long winter

freeze my tears

like slivers..


waiting for the sun

to become water....

Water that'll drink

the flowers

that I sow,

for you...


carry your voice...

riding angels...

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