Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 15 2017

I am Jairo Nauzet Navarro.

I'm from Spain

and I currently live in Santa Cruz De Tenerife on the Canary Islands.

In my spare time I play Top Eleven, of course.

I'm already a veteran in the game.

My day would be unusual without playing Top Eleven.

In Spain, Top Eleven is quite successful.

Actually, there is a large number of players that grows every year.

I don't know how many players are currently playing here,

but I am very proud of being one of the people that plays every day.

I play football simulation games besides Top Eleven,

but for me, Top Eleven is definitely the best.

Last year I started as a Manager in a club for children.

Now I'm on my way to becoming a coach.

I'm a singer in a band.

I'm pretty busy, I don't have much free time,

but I have enough time to play Top Eleven.

My favorite moment from Top Eleven was the one when I began playing it.

In two consecutive seasons, I won a Triple Crown.

I follow various Top Eleven social media pages.

My favorite moment was when they created a section

on the YouTube channel: Top Eleven – Meet the Managers.

It is very interesting for managers to be known all over the world.

I like the new version: Top Eleven 2018.

The new Formation feature in Top Eleven impressed me a lot.

The way that we create new formations is special;

it allows new managers,

as much for beginners as for the more experienced ones,

the opportunity to have their own formations.

They can create them, to counter the formations of rivals.

My favorite club is Tottenham Hotspur, from England.

It's a team that, just like me,

is focused on containment of the ball,

and waits for the most well-timed moment

to attack the zone where the rival is weak

and they feel that they are strengthened

so that they can after respond to the opponent.

My favorite club from my island is, of course,

CD Laguna.

I am very satisfied because it obviously represents my town.

I love Top Eleven more than watching a real game

because it gives you the feeling

that you are the head in a given moment,

and that you can achieve all the goals.

Undoubtedly it's a wonderful feeling.

For more infomation >> Meet The Managers #11 | Jairo from Spain | Top Eleven - Duration: 3:02.


How To Get Subscribers On YouTube Fast And Free - Duration: 11:35.

you want to know how to get more like subscribers and views on your YouTube

channel and reach your first 100, 1000, 100,000 subscribers super fast I'm

teaching you what's important in this video YouTube wants people to actually

watch the videos on the platform one of the biggest things that they watch for

right now is if people are watching your video so if people are liking and

subscribing that's one thing but if they're not watching the video and it's

not a good video then YouTube isn't necessarily going to rank it so your

watch time how long people are staying on the video as well as where they're

starting and ending the video are all really important for how YouTube is

ranking your video. Now vloggers like myself I like to keep their videos to about 10

minutes or longer because it keeps people on their channel and watching and

if people are watching your video and staying engaged then YouTube is going to

say wow this is a really good video people are watching it and they're going

to present it to other people just like the people that are watching your video

and so when you see their related videos and you see like your video pop up you

have to remember people are searching that they see related videos they see

you pop up and then they're gonna start watching your content well YouTube

doesn't know that if your video isn't ranking and people aren't watching it as

well as what you're putting into the tags the titles the descriptions those

all do play a role but the most important point is if they're actually

watching your videos. That is why these vloggers like to keep their videos to a longer

time frame because if you can keep them watching and engaged then it's going to

help your video rank. Another thing that people don't realize is that your

playlists actually rank just like your videos so you can add your video to a

playlist maybe one that you already have existing and that will help keep people

watching more of your videos if you have a bunch of them put into a playlist or

one of the other things that you can do is it doesn't have to be your videos

that go into a playlist so if it's a day off that maybe you aren't uploading it's

a really good idea to add your video to a playlist say 24 hours after you've

launched your video because it starts over the YouTube algorithm which is like

a 24 hour 48 hour type time set so you want to be uploading and if it's not

uploading a video then you're at least uploading a playlist just throws like

five videos in it they all need to be related put yours on top and your

playlist can actually rank and work for you to help rank the video since the

cycle of YouTube resets every 24 hours it is really really important that when

you launch your video you are doing everything you can sharing it on social

with your email list getting active on YouTube whatever it is to drive traffic

to the video within the first 24 to 48 hours of launch it is so important the

YouTube sees those signals the likes the shares the comments watch time and says

wow people really like this video they're watching it they're commenting

on it they're sharing it even negative believe it or not even negative comments

still tells YouTube it's a good video because people are staying tuned and

watching it so hug your haters cuz they're actually helping what exactly

does YouTube look at whenever they're starting to rank your videos and the

analytics here's what I've learned they first look at your videos whenever

you're uploading them daily weekly which is why I said you should use the

playlist then they start to look back after those 24 hour 48 hour cycles a

week then a month and then YouTube really looks back a hundred day so after

a week in a month they look back a hundred days and see how your channel is

done so I kind of came up with this thing and I said hey I'm gonna start

vlogging every day and sharing my experiences to try to get people to join

my channel and subscribe and keep them watching so that YouTube can rank my

videos so this is a little thing but I've been trying we're gonna see how it

goes and you know we're about a week two

weeks into this so make sure that you subscribe and we can see where this

takes us but I figured hey it's worth trying because if you go to a job and

you show up at your job everyday then why can't you take 10 or 15 minutes to

just throw a video together and have that prepared for other people to watch

and learn from you so you can upload every day or every other day it really

is how you prioritize your time even if it's just sharing a quick thought or quote

or a moment at least you're showing up and even if people aren't watching

you're resetting the algorithm and keep in mind that not every one of your

videos is gonna get millions of views or even a thousand views some of them may

only get a hundred views and it takes time so even though you may not get the

views now they will come later if you're doing all the steps to make your videos

rank within the first 24 to 48 hours that may not be your ideal audience it

just may be your friends your family that are helping you rank the video but

eventually YouTube will start putting that content in front of the people that

are searching for it and help rank the video for you if you're doing all the

things that you can do to make sure that they understand what your video is about

the content and see that people are actually watching it. How many times

should you upload this is gonna be different for everybody I said every day

if not then put a playlist up but at minimum you should be doing once a week

which I actually don't think that's even enough for YouTube anymore you should be

uploading 2 to 3 times a week like I said if it's just a quote or something

quick you can at least just throw it up there I've shared where my iPhone will

make a little vlog for me with some of my clips that I've created throughout

the day or week there's all kinds of options for how you can upload and if

it's a week where maybe you can't upload there is a little trick that I figured

out and that is to livestream so key word your video exactly how you would

like it or maybe you do a Q&A and just engage with your audience but at least

getting active on the platform is going to help you rank so if you don't have

time maybe doing a live stream I'll help rank your channel at least and

get you on there and warm you up to be in front of your audience you can ask

questions they can answer you back just make sure that you're prepared before

you go live and have some questions and things prepared whether somebody shows

up or not because it'll stay on your channel and people will be able to still

engage with the video after it has in what type of content do you want to

upload to YouTube now if you want to have a successful channel you need to

have more than one type of content not going to say that that works for

everybody but I'm just going to say that it does help to give your audience a

variety especially if you're showing up more than one time a week if you're just

showing up one time a week you're saying here's how to do something that might be

one thing but your audience wants to know who you are they want to know

behind the scenes they want to know maybe inspiration they want to be

entertained and they want to be educated so for me I say to share several things

on your channel if you are gonna launch say three videos a week I would launch

one that it's inspirational and maybe motivates people give them some positive

advice like motivation Monday or you know tip Tuesday whatever it is then you

can also share a educational piece of content I would share that earlier in

the week that way you have a longer time for it to rank because people are gonna

be more active during the week when they're at work and they have nothing

else to do which is what I find people's been the most time when they are bored

on YouTube or searching for something but inspirational educational and then

you can add in the third category which is entertainment so people come to

YouTube to be entertained as well you can entertain them and teach them or

just entertain them in some of your videos maybe it's just behind the scenes

and they want to see like how you put your product together or how you

schedule something or just maybe you and the team going out

and talking about some business ideas it could be an event that you've done so

don't limit yourself to the type of content that you can put on your channel

there are tons of options for the type of content that you can share and your

audience is gonna appreciate it more if they can relate to you and you're not

this polished perfect human being when you can share with them hey we did this

event or here's what I would say to inspire you because they start to grow

with you you're like their mentor they see you every day so opening up to them

sharing with them about your life is ultimately going to grow your channel

faster some of your videos may be really polished and pretty and then you might

have other ones that are just kind of like thrown together and at the last

minute or you do a live stream not to say that you should be sloppy but it's

you're never gonna know until you start putting content out there so I suggest

putting tons of content out there getting feedback and then learning what

works for your audience I've tested different videos on my channel some get

a more positive response so it really depends what type of audience that

you're trying to drive and traffic but you're never gonna know like I said

until you start sharing I'm Brandi of where

you can find tons of free resources to help you brand your business and I am

sharing with you a YouTube checklist that can help you get your channel on

point because no matter if people find you and show up they're not gonna know

what you do and want to stick around if they can't figure out what your channel

is about or know the next steps this was something I struggled with when I

started my channel and I still see so many of you not doing it so I've put a

checklist together which you can get all the goodies in the description below

and see my new book that I have coming out I'm so excited to share it with you

and all these tips and tricks that I have learned of doing all these things

from the ground up so I'm trying to show you the easier fastest cheapest ways to

do this entrepreneur journey and get your YouTube channel poppin

so make sure and check that out and subscribe for good vibes thanks for

watching I'm Brandi and I will see you in the next video tomorrow

For more infomation >> How To Get Subscribers On YouTube Fast And Free - Duration: 11:35.


Как сделать тесто фило легко. Урок 31. Filo dough - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Как сделать тесто фило легко. Урок 31. Filo dough - Duration: 11:13.


Best way to mount Action camera on helmet | Chinmount - Duration: 11:26.

I am telling you

you can't have Cheaper & Durable DIY than this

and the method which i have opted

nothing is better than that

no 3M tape

No adhesive on sides

Just Drill a hole and you are good to go

and throw camera like anything

I have seen many people Whose camera falls off

because sticky gets weeak due to dirt

Please appreciate the effort by Hitting like or SUBSCRIBE

do watch

just watch, i am sure you have not seen like this

this is 3m sticky

dont use

you'll also change

i dont know the technical and commercial name of parts

it comes with plastic screw

Nut would be size of screw

the most important thing :P

mic is already there but ill tell everything

an the most important part


you can use the plastic naked housing

but that is not at all recommended

when you use helmet

it attracts lots of dust and foreign particles

it is covered from all four side but other one i not

people use Sticky

i have not used any sticky, i have drilled hole

and i have passed wire from ventilation

i have ordered short wire mic

but i have received long one

now i will stick mic inside but that would be told later

i have arranged wires bet padding and outer skull

now lets talk about mounting

i have drilled hole and will fasten it here

people use sticky and use adhesive to make it rigid

then use bigger sticky to fix

so no need of that much effort

just fasten this screw into hole

i have not drilled i have melted

and i was fortunate enought that hole was same size of screw

if you are not able to screw

then you can

use a nut inside

to tighten it enough

place camera into housing

sj cam comes with 2-3 size o screw

so use the longer one with housing

else smaller one will create situation

now see the magic

cmon man fasten fast, dont want to get insulted infrot of people

so my camera is mounted

it can move forward with both screws adjusted all together

it will work when the helmet is inclined

the best thing is

its damn tight and rigid

because its screwed

for safety i'll use nut behind to provide extra strength

wire can be crossed easily for mic

there is 3M tape of black colour

which will be used to adhere mic inside

this is flexible enough

and its done

hope you have liked it

there is no sticky no dust

and best thing its rigid

any action cam can be mounted in helmet like this

there are some chances of camera falling off in case of sticky

so in this case there is total freedom

just move forward your camera and operate windshield

so guys i hope you have liked it

you must be very happy

so tell me how did you like it

i dont know how that came into my mind

i was fortunate of melting same size of hole as screw

it helped in creating threads automatically

try to keep hole a lil smaller than screw

that will help

a lot in maintaining and creating threads

so i was damn happy creating that

and it was damn strong

ill still use nut inside between padding and skull to fasten screw and keep it more secure

also the hole in housing will be done later and patiently

please adjust because that will take time

you have to wait then

what you will wait ????

please do that on your own

ill do that calmly

ill not melt that ,

whereas cut it by blade for proper cutting

slowly and steadily

for proper finishing

may must have done but as soon as it came

ingto my mind i have immediately applied

rest everyone

was relying in sticky

we know how to use sticky

that's why new concept for rigidness

3M tapes starts coming out after some time

but this as tuff as you are

so i am back with my cliché line

hit like

comment down you views

suggest me down in comment box

please subscribe to my channel

for those who haven't subscribed yet

please help the POOR

EAT , DRINK & PARTY Friends but never HURT anyone

For more infomation >> Best way to mount Action camera on helmet | Chinmount - Duration: 11:26.


Silence - Court-métrage / Short film - Duration: 1:42.

You can still change your mind

I cannot


My sister and my brother have killed my father to get the family will.

For Pete's sake, help me.

For more infomation >> Silence - Court-métrage / Short film - Duration: 1:42.


【ポケモンカード/PTCGO】ポケカオンライン杯 Winter Battle参加募集はじまるゾ~ - Duration: 2:00:28.

For more infomation >> 【ポケモンカード/PTCGO】ポケカオンライン杯 Winter Battle参加募集はじまるゾ~ - Duration: 2:00:28.


Controversial Issues To Think About Before Starting A Family - Duration: 5:12.

These days parents have to decide on a myriad of controversial issues regarding their kids,

including what type of parenting style to adopt, how to feed your baby, and whether

or not to post your kids' faces online.

And don't think for one second there won't be someone who will say you should be doing


Here are some of the most hotly debated topics.

Attachment parenting

It all started with that Time article from May 2012, detailing the controversy surrounding

attachment parenting.

Attachment parenting focuses intensely on a child's needs, with techniques such as feeding

on-demand and co-sleeping.

"Oh, oh, like when they have bad dreams and stuff?"

"No like, all the time, every night."


Why would you do that?"

Critics of attachment parenting worry that it keeps children from becoming independent,

because they appear to always be "attached" to their parents.

Clinical Director of Darien Wellness, David Ezell, says,

"Letting go is the primary objective of parenting and not doing so makes the parent-child relationship

about you as opposed to them…

We teach children to walk, and then to walk away; the latter is much harder to do."

Your kid's BFF

Everyone wants to be the parent our child can come to with anything.

But Ezell says kids depend on parents for limits — and while they may have lots of

friends, you and your partner are likely the only parents they'll ever have.

Ezell shares,

"Although it does not always feel good to enforce rules or solve your child's problem,

in the long run it's best for everyone in the family."


Today more than ever, parents need to think about how to address the topic of sexual harassment

with their children.

Emotional resilience expert, Julia Simens, knows that when it comes to talking about

sexual harassment, early education means kids are more likely to talk about it later.

She says,

"It seems all elementary children know about bullying, so why not expand that concept to

include sexual harassment as words to use to define this type of bullying."

Simens also recommends not limiting this to just "stranger danger" and, instead, broadening

the circle to include relatives, and same-age children — both boys and girls.

Screen time

It's never too early to start teaching your children about safely using technology.

Decide early on how much screen time you're willing to allow and how to keep it safe.

"How long ago do you think this was used?"

"Oh, one hundred."

"A hundred years ago?"

"Yeah, doesn't even have no FaceTime."

Media and Developmental Psychologist, Dr. Rob Reiher, recommends being very clear with

your children about what is and isn't okay online.

He says,

"Children between the ages of 3 to 7 need definitive black and white descriptions of

safe technology that is good for them and unsafe technology that is bad for them."

"Now that I've gotten on the internet, I'd rather be on my computer than doing just about


"It's really cool."

He says kids 8-12 will be more interested in pursuing technology, like their friends,

so take the time to help them decide for themselves what's good, and what's bad.

Bottle vs breast

Choosing breast milk or formula has long been a controversial issue for parents.

But, in a recent study in Pediatrics, researchers found breastfed children don't necessarily

have an edge over bottle-fed babes.

Turns out, a 5-year-old's problem-solving skills might have more to do with his mom's

education level, than her milk.

Study author Lisa-Christine Girard told U.S. News & World Report,

"The belief that babies who are breast-fed have advantages in their cognitive development...has

been a topic of debate for over a century now."

So when it comes to feeding your baby, work with your pediatrician to find the best fit

for your family.

Girls in Boy Scouts

Gender-specific scouting clubs totally transformed in 2017 when the Boy Scouts of America announced

that girls were welcome to join and ascend the ranks to become Eagle Scouts.

Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh announced that the Boy Scouts would no longer qualify

gender based solely on birth certificates, saying,

"I hope you will join with me in embracing the opportunity to bring scouting to more

families and children who can benefit from what our program has to offer."

But some believe the Boy Scouts are stepping on the Girl Scouts' toes.

Susan Miller, Assistant Professor of Childhood Studies at Rutgers, told The Atlantic,

"I find it interesting that now it seems to be cast as a progressive move on the part

of the Boy Scouts…"

"It's hard for me to believe it's a philosophical change.

It's kind of an attempt at a hostile takeover."

Core standards

One phrase sends chills down the backs of parents of school age children: "common core"

— the standardization for math and English, or, what kids should know by the time they

finish each grade.

Many schools have adopted these standards — and educators' opinions are mixed.

The main concern is that these standards encourage testing young children very early.

Maybe too early.

Dr. Alvin Rosenfeld, author of The Over-Scheduled Child, told Forbes that kids' skill levels

vary greatly and may not reflect their later successes.

He says,

"Some kids who were reading Harry Potter at 4 end up as career baristas.

Others can't read till they're much older, and they turn out to be highly successful

as adults."

Before choosing a school, research their teaching philosophy.

So that your child will be learning the best they can, and you'll both be feeling great

about it.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Controversial Issues To Think About Before Starting A Family - Duration: 5:12.


BTS 방탄소년단 DNA 커버한 외국인 여자 - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> BTS 방탄소년단 DNA 커버한 외국인 여자 - Duration: 4:25.


AYICIK KURABİYE - HOW TO MAKE BEAR COOKİE - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 3:32.

MATERIALS 1 cup of powdered sugar 125 gr butter 4 glasses of flour 1 tea spoon ginger 1 packet of vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 egg Candy dough / Molds

MATERIALS 1 cup of powdered sugar 125 gr butter 4 glasses of flour 1 tea spoon ginger 1 packet of vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 egg Candy dough / Molds

MATERIALS 1 cup of powdered sugar 125 gr butter 4 glasses of flour 1 tea spoon ginger 1 packet of vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 egg Candy dough / Molds

MATERIALS 1 cup of powdered sugar 125 gr butter 4 glasses of flour 1 tea spoon ginger 1 packet of vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 egg Candy dough / Molds

MATERIALS 1 cup of powdered sugar 125 gr butter 4 glasses of flour 1 tea spoon ginger 1 packet of vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 egg Candy dough / Molds

MATERIALS 1 cup of powdered sugar 125 gr butter 4 glasses of flour 1 tea spoon ginger 1 packet of vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 egg Candy dough / Molds

125 gr butter

125 gr butter

125 gr butter

1 cup of powdered sugar

1 cup of powdered sugar

1 egg

1 egg

1 egg

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 tea spoon ginger

1 packet of vanilla

4 cup flour

4 cup flour

4 cup flour

4 cup flour

Keep in the refrigerator for an hour

Keep in the refrigerator for an hour

Bake for 13 minutes in a pre-heated 180-degree oven

Bake for 13 minutes in a pre-heated 180-degree oven

Bake for 13 minutes in a pre-heated 180-degree oven

For more infomation >> AYICIK KURABİYE - HOW TO MAKE BEAR COOKİE - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 3:32.


🎬 Walkthrough 😈 The Evil Within 2 😈 [№ 24] 📺 PC°1440/⁶⁰Ultraᴴᴰ 📺 Deutsch🅾German🅾 - Duration: 28:27.

For more infomation >> 🎬 Walkthrough 😈 The Evil Within 2 😈 [№ 24] 📺 PC°1440/⁶⁰Ultraᴴᴰ 📺 Deutsch🅾German🅾 - Duration: 28:27.


Vape DRAG 157W VOOPOO Review ❤ Đánh Giá Vape Shop ✯2018 - Duration: 11:19.

For more infomation >> Vape DRAG 157W VOOPOO Review ❤ Đánh Giá Vape Shop ✯2018 - Duration: 11:19.


Врачебная ошибка. Как жить врачу с этим? - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Врачебная ошибка. Как жить врачу с этим? - Duration: 3:04.


Aristotrap (Alexander, $eth) - N-am frica 2 (Videoclip) - Duration: 5:04.

Follow @aristotrap on Instagram and SUBSCRIBE!

Like Aristotrap on Facebook, link below!


Royal Zett on the track

Ain't afraid of you only of my God!

Way too reasons to believe tha way I am!

Lord have mercy on these fools who tries me

Have mercy on them cuz they can't compete me!

They can't stop me!

They haven't my rhymes, the haven't talent, feel them fucking me up!

They can't understant this isn't RAP!

I'm ridding of you, ridding of divas!

I know I will never come back in that infected place where I became blind

I can not, I will not stand it anymore I will not see again where to go to the light

And what if it did not come out of my way?

I always look for them, it was hard on my way

I stayed away from those stinky snitches

With words and above words

I've always targeted this to happen!

That the money will change and it will not help you

This is ultimately.. God with mercy

The pill does nothing but growing your pupil

These kids are trying Kendama's, Spinners and still hope for ladies

You have to raise the stakes token chips As in this game you can not worship the icons

Can't run like on marathons, listen that message fuck them dramas!

Get ready cuz you don't know what it's coming and how it hurts!

Even Deliric sighs I don't know if it is, but he says he's to blame

For every one to come I'm not afraid of you already is a routine!

Ain't afraid, your mouth get me upper, you hate complicates you!

I did not find my place how can I know where I was from

However they were not worthy of my presence, I did not judge

It's been 4 years since I do not mind that they do not want me

I'm beginning to see everything clearer that's why my words hurt

I do not care what's next, don't see what defiant am I watching?

I have learned that I have to stop if I have nothing to tell

I've been educated to tell them no! To apologize when I'm wrong

Let me say thank you, when I wake up in the morning

It doesn't really matter where I come from it matters where I want to go

I'm proud of why I became cuz I worked on my elbows I didn't put my ass in the game!

And believe me it's a bad mood for every minute

I will see myself smiling in pictures after everything has passed

Let them brother talk even if it's not true, expect yourself to be blamed if you do something important

I'm tired of excusing myself that I might have been someone else

I've put all my hope in the game, it will also earn my life too!

Ain't afraid, your mouth get me upper, you hate complicates you!

The radio is full of bitches! So many sequences paint paintings and about

them don't talk anyone is too risky Cuz you don't get into the TOPs and it's not thrilling boy!

I didn't believe the shit as the gentlemen do and I didn't dare to throw you bazacons

That's just all on you understand that nobody comes to move your pawns

Everyone will want to make you give up Brothers will turn you down believe me you'll see

How water turns into ice, hyenas will hunt you

Cuz their role beside you is to pull you into the net

BANG BANG! Ambiguous all over

You don't see in the fog it's like you're turning around constantly

Issa big industry out there and beyond all

It's a chess board, but a special one!

You won't be able to understand a piece If you believe the unreal and think through the bill

The numbers lie to you , that's from ever whatever you may do, the cash counts!

I'd like an vacation in the Maldives ar from these bad airs I don't need tips got thousands of reasons

I'm ridding of you, ridding of divas!

Ain't afraid, your mouth get me upper, you hate complicates you!

For more infomation >> Aristotrap (Alexander, $eth) - N-am frica 2 (Videoclip) - Duration: 5:04.


WHAM SUXXX (15 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> WHAM SUXXX (15 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:17.


Babbo natale esiste? Parodia della parodia di Scienziati MAI - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Babbo natale esiste? Parodia della parodia di Scienziati MAI - Duration: 2:28.


Holiday🎄 Tongue👅 Twisters🌪️ w/ JoJo Siwa, Breanna Yde, Jade Pettyjohn & More! | Nick - Duration: 2:56.

It's time for some Holiday Tongue Twisters.

That's terrible 'cause I can't say my R's.

Rudolph ran around rocking a red ribbon.

Rudolph ran around rocking a red ribbon.

Rudolph rocking around rocking a red ribbon.

Rudolph ran around rocking a red ribbon.

Rudolph ran around rocking a red ribbon.

Rudolph ran around rocking a red ribbon.

Rudolph ran around rocking a red nose, what?

OK, Rudolph ran around rocking a red rose ribbon.

Say what now?

Lincoln Loud's eleven sisters linked...

Not linked, licked!

Lincoln Loud's eleven sisters licked eleven little...

OK, wait, let me try one more time.

Lincoln Loud's eleven sisters licked

eleven little, little, tiny, little things...

Called licorice lollipops.


I don't even know where to start on that one.

Lincoln Loud...

Lincoln Loud's eleven sisters licked something...

Lincoln... Lincoln... Loud's...

Lincoln Loud's eleven sisters licked eleven little lollipops.

It's done, I can't do it, I can't do it.

Tony trims the tall tree with tinsel.

Tony trims the...

That's hard!

Tony trims the tall tree with tinsel.

Tony trims the tall tree with tinsel.

Tony trims the tall...

Tony trims the tall tree with twinsel.

Ahh, I can't say it, I keep saying twinsel.

Tony trims the tall tree with tinsel.

Tony trims the tall... Tony... Tony trims...

Tony trims the tall trees with tinsel.

Tony trims the tall tree with tinsel.

Tony trims the tall tree with tinsel.

Tony trims the tall tree with tinsel.

Got it, yeah!

SpongeBob spilled spoiled spaghetti on Santa.

SpongeBob spilled spoiled spaghetti on Santa.

SpongeBob spilled spoiled spaghetti on Santa.


SpongeBob spilled spaghetti on Santa.

SpongeBob spilled spoiled spaghetti on Santa

Spoiled spaghetti.

SpongeBob spilled spoiled spagana.


My mouth is not working!

You get the point.


Bre brings bright bells, Bre brings bright bells.

Woo, got that one.

Bre brings bright brell...

OK, OK, part 2, part 2.

Bre brings bright bells, Bre bings bright bells.

Bre brings bright bells, woo, that's a hard one.

Bre brings bright bells, bring...

Yeah, right.

Bre brings bright bells, Bre brings bright bells,

Bre brings bright bells.

Bre brings bright bells, Bre brings bright...

Bre brings bright bells.

Bre brings bright bells, Bre brings bright...

That was just, that was just a warm up, you know.

Bre brings bright bells, Bre brings bright bells,

Bre brings bright bells.

Brell, hmm, what's a brell?

Those were some Holiday Tongue Twisters and I think I Jingle Bell rocked it.

For more infomation >> Holiday🎄 Tongue👅 Twisters🌪️ w/ JoJo Siwa, Breanna Yde, Jade Pettyjohn & More! | Nick - Duration: 2:56.


Ersan ER - Yaşamam Artık ( Dj Erkan KILIÇ Remix ) 2017 - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Ersan ER - Yaşamam Artık ( Dj Erkan KILIÇ Remix ) 2017 - Duration: 4:25.


Dünyanın İlk Şehri Eridu Ve Anunnakiler - Duration: 11:09.

Merhaba Kült TV'nin araştıran insanları!

Günümüz dünyasında binlerce şehir var.

Ancak bu şehirlerin kökeni ilk şehir olan esrarengiz eridu şehrine dayandığı düşünülmektedir.

Bu videomuzda Eridu hakkında kapsamlı bilgiler paylaşacağız.

Eridu, Tell Abu Şahrein'in bugünkü arkeolojik alanında bulunan Ur bölgesinin 24 kilometre

güneyindeki güney Mezopotamya antik kentidir.

Eridu, Eridug olarak da çevrildi, bu arkeolojik alanın büyük önem taşıdığını söyleyen

akademisyenlere göre Eridu ismi "güçlü yer" veya "rehberlik yeri" anlamın da kullanılmaktadır.

Kuruluşunda, büyük olasılıkla Basra Körfezi'ne yürüme mesafesinde idi; Ancak, günümüzde,

Eridu kalıntıları binlerce yıl boyunca kıyı şeridinde biriken birikinti nedeniyle,

şimdi Irak'taki Ebu Şahrein'deki körfezden biraz uzakta konumlanmıştır.

Şehrin günümüze kadar ulaşan kitabesinde "Gökteki krallık indirildiğinde, krallık



Bazı bilim adamları, erken Sümer döneminde Eridu'nun kanallar vasıtasıyla haliç ile

bağlantılı olduğunu ve Babil efsanelerine göre, dünyada yaratılmış ilk şehir olduğunu

iddia etmektedir.

Sümer mitolojisinde belirtildiği gibi, antik Eridu şehri, Büyük Deluge'den önce Dünya'da

kurulmuş BEŞ antik kentten ilkidir.

Öte yandan arkeologlar tarafından şu ana kadar Eridu'dan daha eski bir şehir bulunamamıştır.

Eridu, Mezopotamya havzasının en güneydeki kenti ve tanrı Enki'nin oturduğu kentti.

Etrafında köy ve kasabalar olmasına rağmen sivil halktan pek az kişi özel izinle Eridu'ya

işçi statüsünde girebilmekteydi.

Yıllar içerisinde yaşlanan işçiler çalışamayacak hale geldiklerinde kentte gördüklerini başkalarına

anlatmamaları için idam edilirdi.

Temmuz 2016'da UNESCO, Eridu'nun İnsanlığın Karma Bir Mirası "Alt Mezopotamya'daki

Sümer yerleşimlerinde yer alan arkeolojik kalıntılarının bir parçası olarak, M.Ö.


ve 4.

Yüz yıllarda kurulmuş Fırat ve Dicle nehri havzalarının kesiştiği yerde bulunan dünyanın

ilk antik şehri ilan etti.

Eski Sümer geleneği ve Sümer Kralları listesinin de belirttiği gibi, Eridu, Marduk'un

dünyayı yarattığı yer olan Mezopotamya'nın en eski kentiydi.

Kent ilk keşfedildiğinde Arkeologlar yirminci yüzyılın araştırma tekniğiyle bile tarihinin

M.Ö. en az 4900 yılına dayandığını kanıtlamışlardır.

Günümüzde bazı arkeologlarsa kentin M.Ö. 1.

yüzyılda kurulduğunu öne sürüyor.

Mısır bilimci David Rohl, Eridu'nun, yakın dönem Babil kentlerinden ziyade orijinal

Babil ve efsanevi Babil Kulesi olabileceğini söylemektedir.

Kentte M.Ö. 380 yıllarından kalma 1000 tane mezar keşfedilmiş.

Ceset kalıntılarındaysa ilginç şekilde radyasyona rastlanmıştır.

Ayrıca cesetlerin beraberinde gömülen eşyalardan yola çıkarak bu kişilerin rahipler ve soylular

olduklarına kanaat getirilmiştir.

Kentte bulunan kitabelere göre M.Ö. 2500 yılına doğru, Arkaik hanedan döneminde,

Ur'un ilk hanedanlığından bir hükümdar, Eridu'da Tanrı Enki için M.Ö. 300lerin

sonunda, Amar-Sin zamanında, büyük bir saray inşa etti.

Ve Ziggurat, Ur'daki üçüncü hanedan döneminde dünyanın en önemli merkezi konumundaydı.

Yine yazıtlara göre Kent kurulmadan önce dünyaya uçan atlarla 3 Tanrı indi.

Dönemin önde gelenlerine Eriduyu inşa etmelerini söyleyerek inşa tekniklerini öğretti.

Diğer 2 tanrı uçan atlarıyla tekrar göklere dönerken Tanrı Enki insanlığa bir lütuf

olarak Eridu'da kaldı.

Eridunun inşaası esnasında bazı işçiler aylaklık edince Tanrı Enki çok kızdı

ve aylaklık eden işçileri yıldırım çarpıp öldürdü.

Sümer Kralları listesine göre, cennetin saltanatının halefleri olan ilk mitolojik

krallar Eridu'nun krallarıdır.

Çünkü Tanrı Enki büyük tapınakta sadece krallarla görüşürdü.

Krallar Tanrı enkinin buyrukları doğrultusunda ülkeyi yönetir, savaşlar yapar, kanunlar


Bu itaatlerine karşılıkta Tanrı Enki onlara uzun ömür bahşederdi.

Bahse konu anlatımlar keşfedilmiş pek çok başkaca Sümer kitabelerinde de aynen geçmektedir.

Eridu'da, sırasıyla Alulim kral oldu; 288 yıl hükmetti.

Yerine gelen Alalngar 360 yıl hükmetti.

Ardından isimleri henüz bilinmeyen 2 kral; 648 yıl daha hükmetti.

Tabletlerin son kısmıysa Eridu'nun düşünü anlatmaktadır.

Bir gece ortalığı büyük bir çığlık ve ışık kapladı.

Gece güne döndü soylular sokaklarda korku içerisinde koşuşturuyordu.

Büyük bir gürültüyle Tanrı Enki'nin uçan atı tüm şehrin üzerini kapladı

ve yıldızlara doğru yükselerek Eridudan ayrıldı.

Ardından geçen günlerdeyse Eridu düştü ve krallık Bad-Tibira'ya götürüldü.

Günümüzde Eridu'da arkeologlarca keşfedilen büyük tapınağın sütunları muazzam şekilde

samanyolu galaksisinin küçük ölçekli bir maketi şeklinde konumlandırılmıştır.

Ayrıca yine tabletlerde Tanrı Enki'nin birlikte geldiği diğer Tanrıların dönmesinin

ardından günümüz telsizlerine benzer bir cihaz vasıtasıyla diğer Tanrılarla her

daim iletişim kurduğu anlatılmaktadır.

Yine Eridu'da keşfedilen 1000 kişilik mezardan çıkan eşyaların pek çoğu yıldızları

ve güneş sistemini sembolize eden minyatür broşlar şeklindedir.

Şehrin su ihtiyacını karşılayan sistemse son derece kayda değerdir.

Günümüzde bir kısmı halen ayakta duran bir yer altı künk sistemi mevcuttur.

Bu sistem Fırat'ın suyunu şehre taşımak üzere inşa edilmiştir.

Fakat dikkat çeken kısım o dönemde Eridu şehri rakım olarak Fırat'tan çok daha

yüksek bir konumda olmasıdır.

Günümüzde hidaroforlar vasıtasıyla yukarılara doğru rahatça pompalanan suyu o dönemlerde

nasıl bir teknoloji veya teknik kullanılarak 16 km boyunca pompalanıp Eridu şehrine ulaştırıldığı

halen bir muammadır.

Dünya çapında tartışılan Anunnaki söylencelerininde temeli büyük ölçüde Eridu şehrinde keşfedilen

işte bu anomalilere dayanmaktadır.

Rusya doğumlu ünlü araştırmacı Sitchin, Sümer tabletlerini, Sümerceyi akıcı olarak

öğrendikten sonra bir mit değil de anlaşılan ve algılanan haliyle yazılmış olacağı

düşüncesi ile yorumlamaya başalar ve sonrasında arkeolojik bulguların kendi teorisini desteklemesiyle

birlikte yazılı tarihin hiçte gerçekleri yansıtmadığı düşüncesine sahip olur.

Sitchin in yaptığı araştırmalarının sonucu İncilde geçen Nefilim ile Sümer

in sözünü ettiği Anunnaki aynı şeydir.Ve bu düşünce Farmasonluktan Thule derneğine

kadar tüm üst yönetimlerin bildiği ve benimsediği bir düşüncedir.

Anunnaki'nin hikayesi şudur; Bundan 450,000 yıl önce bir grup insan benzeri uzaylı

varlık, Dünya denen gezegene geldiler.

Geldikleri gezegen, Sümerlilerin adına "Nibiru" dedikleri, antik Sümer edebiyatında "12.

Gezegen" olarak tanımlanmaktadır.1981 yılında Amerikalı astronomlar, Güneş Sistemimiz'de

onuncu bir gezegen olabileceği üzerinde çalışıyorlardı.

Dünya çevresinde dönen bir uydu teleskopun kaydettiği görüntüler ve Platon'un yörüngesindeki

düzensizlikler, bilim insanlarını başka bir gezegen olacağı fikrine itmiştir.

Birleşik Devletler deniz kuvvetleri gözlem evinin kanıtları doğruysa; bu, Sümerlerin

astronomi alanında ne kadar ileri düzeyde olduklarının bir kanıtıdır.

Sümerler, Ay ve Güneşi de Güneş sistemi içine dahil ettikleri için; bu 12 rakamı,

şaşırtıcı olarak doğrudur.

Sümerlerin Uranüs, Neptün ve Plüton gibi gezegenleri son derece doğru bir şekilde

tanımlamış ve diyagramlarını hazırlamış olmaları ve bunların bir teleskop olmadan

yapılabilme olasılığının imkansızlığı, Sümerler hakkında bize bir tasarım yapmamızı


Hele bu gezegenlerden Uranüs'ün 1781, Neptün'ün 1846 , Plüto'nun 1930 yılında bulunduğu

dikkate alınırsa...

Uzun zamandır mit olarak düşünülen atik Sümer metinlerinin son yorumları, özelliklede

yaratılış destanı olarak bilinen Enuma Elish, güneş sistemimizin son durumu hakkında

inanılmaz bilgiler sunar.

Sümer metinlerinde, dört milyar yıldan uzun bir süre önce Nibura adında gezgin

bir gezegenin güneş sistemimize girdiğini, Tiamat denen denen büyük bir gezegeni kıl

payı ıskaldığı bunu sonucunda ciddi yer çekimi sorunları ortaya çıktığı açıklanır.Daha

sonra nibiru –babil dilinde Marduk , bir kez daha geldiğinde , Tiamat gerçekten vuruldu

ve Nibiru nun görevli ayları tarafından bombalandı.Tiamat ın çeşitli boylardaki

parçaları asıl yörüngesinde kalarak asteroit kuşağını oluştururken gezegenin diğer

yarısı güneşe yakın yeni bir yörüngeye fırladı , bu parça zaman içinde dünya

yı meydana getirdi.Nİbiru nun aylarından biri olan Kingu bizim şuanki ay olarak bildiğimiz

Ay haline geldi.

Genel Sümer tarihçesi, dünyayı binlerce yıldır 'Tanrılar' olarak adlandırılan

varlıklar tarafından yönetilen bir zamanı eşi benzeri görülmemiş şekilde açıklıyor.

Bilim adamları bu yüzden Sümer tarihçesini mitolojik ve hayal ürünü olduğunu olup

inanılmaz derecede uzun hüküm süreleri boyunca yaşayan hükümdarların gerçek

olmadığını yazılanların sadece eski insanları abartılı anlatımları olduğunu


Buna gerekçe olarak da bir kralın ne kadar uzun süre hüküm sürerse saygınlığının

ve prestijinin o kadar fazla olduğu realitesini öne sürüyorlar.

Ancak bu söylemleri elde ki verilerle uyuşmuyor.

Eridu Mazapotamya'nın en büyük akifer ağının üzerine konumlandırılmıştı.

Bu bir tesadüfmüydü?

Günümüzde yapılan ölçümlerde yer altından halen yüksek miktarda enerji salınımı

olduğu anlaşılmaktadır.

Sizlerde bu esrarengiz anktik kenti incelemek isterseniz koordinatlarının videonun açıklama

kısmına bırakıyorum.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi sosyal

ağlarda paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna

katılmak için Kült TV ye abone olmayı unutmayın gelecek videoda görüşünceye

kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

For more infomation >> Dünyanın İlk Şehri Eridu Ve Anunnakiler - Duration: 11:09.


We Have Upgraded To A New Cosmic Frequency! - Duration: 6:47.

We Have Upgraded To A New Cosmic Frequency!

by Diane Canfield


All of 2017 has been packed full of upgrades.

There are no certain amounts of Gateways, Downloads, Upgrades or Waves that happen at

any given year or time.

They can and do happen at any time and many times when least expected.

As the years go by since 2012 the upgrades have become increasingly stronger for longer

periods of time with less let up or rest time in between.

More and more are awakening to the LIGHT, The TRUTH and their authentic selves.

We have lots of cosmic helpers in this process, all of our passed on loves ones, our spirit

guides which are many times ascended masters, the Creator, the Angels and the ET benevolent

beings of Light that are making this shift with us.

This shift is one that is fueled by the Divine Feminine of Nature, Nurture, Love, Creation,

Compassion and Deep Connections to the other worlds, other dimensions and other timelines.

The Feminine has been called to rise for some time but it has taken years for this calling

to come into full effect.

The amount of darkness that has had to be sifted through and transformed has been a

phenomenal feat just on it�s own.

As darkness has run wild unchecked for eons now, the Creator has called, enough� it

is time to go back to the old ways of Love and Ascend beyond this Reality.

This reality has been off track, it has been our mission to now get back on the track we

should be on.

As we make this process we will be confronted with all things that do not match who we really


Who we really are is pure Love, Light and Pure Divine Spirit.

Many aspects of the underworld will come to the surface for us to process and for those

new to this process they will have to face even more.

Those of us that have been in this Ascension process for some time have found ourselves,

come clean with ourselves and have merged with our authentic selves.

Even though we have been through a tremendous amount of upgrades already we will still be

tested time and time again.

What takes place as these Light Codes come in to upgrade us is we will no longer be able

to hold any space of inauthenticity.

These are the the tests that unfold.

This aspect will not feel good if we are forced to revert back to it.

We will be forced at times because in this revealing process of accessing our true self,

others will not understand who we are becoming.

Do not blame yourself for falling backwards in this process, it will happen again and

again until we are strong enough to represent our True Light Body as the Spirit we really

are and have become through the years of transformation.

Be kind to yourself as you go through these many processes and years of transformations.

We literally are not the same person as we were the day before.

Give yourself the freedom to transform each day in any way that presents itself.

Make the most of each upgrade, download and new timeline that appears.

Give yourself permission to evolve and flow with the changes that are happening.

We must be fluid like reality and be free to transform as the changes come in for us

and make themselves known.

These changes will happen eventually for everyone.

Yet everyone is not all on the same track or timeline.

Some are further ahead and some have just begun but we will all end up together going

through the final Ascension together.

You will find the old dysfunctional ways no longer work, so don�t try and force them.

Relax into the new way of being and learn how to embrace change.

Change typically has not been easy for humans but now is the time we must embrace changes

day in and day out.

We must look forward to all of these changes as they take place as they bring us all home

ultimately to our Authenic selves.

The past few weeks intense changes for all of humanity has taken place and we have again

entered into a new timeline.

This new timeline is one of more authenticity and more connection to the Divine.

These changes in timelines always come with the some of the same symptoms and now they

come with the Mandela effect in full force.

The Mandela Effect brings in new timelines as other timelines are dropped off and relooped.

As I said in my last article I call this timeline looping.

This timeline looping brings with it skipped and missing time.

This is not the regular time of the 3D world but actual missing time when you look at your

clock at it says one time and then 5 minutes later 25 minutes may have passed.

I have noticed in all these years of tracking timeline changes these sequences often happen

in 20 minute intervals for me, so watch for this in your own life.

As these time loops take place reality resets all of us into a better timeline and the old

one is dropped away.

You may experience more psychic connections during these times, feeling more connected

to the Divine Creator and have more synchronicities taking place.

These are all things that happen to me during every timeline shift that occurs.

As these new frequencies take hold there is more left over of the new reality than of

the discarded one and each new timeline works this way.

Each time we have more of an advanced timeline to hold on to.

Look for psychic experiences to show you the way through these timelines.

We are entering the realms of Light and Transformation where anything is possible.

So look for this when noticing timeline changes.

They must have a psychic or paranormal component.

Since this is my life it is relatively easy for me to notice when a timeline change occurs.

As we move into the higher realms we experience more bliss and complete oneness with Unity

and Love.

This happens because the higher realms exist in this field of PURE Love.

To be able to feel this bliss we must work through all that does not serve us and discard

all the ways we have learned that are out of alignment with who we really are.

As we evolve we have more access to everything in every reality.

This is our future and what we are striving for.

In Service and Love

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