Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 15 2017

Um hey, can I have everyone's attention please. gather around.


When I started today

I had a brownie

I put that brownie in the fridge, and it is no longer there

And what I want to do right now

Is just figure out who took my brownie?


I think I already know who it is, but just to give everyone an equal chance. I'm gonna go through every one


We'll get to the bottom of this

and go from left to right

So I'm just gonna list everyone off. Lets just figure this out and get this out of the way.

unbelievable guys


Adam did you take my brownie?

No I've been working the counter for like three or four hours

I haven't even had lunch yet

well circumstantial, so we'll come back to that

I believe you

Well, I don't so we will come back to that


Did you eat my Brownie

No Allan I didn't take your brownie.

I believe you

she blinked so....

Don't know about that

We will be coming back to you Ellie


Did you eat my brownie


wow I can see it in his teeth it's right there,

you can see what in my teeth?

I can see my brownie in your teeth


I didn't eat your brownie.

I literally is covering I can hardly see any teeth.

I cannot believe that you would have the nerve

to actually accuse me of

Eating your brownie. I know I know you know me full well. I know how important someone's food is to them and

You've known me far longer than you've known them and let's be honest low socio-economic

low pay

Far more likely to be stealing and you have the nerve

To accuse upper management of stealing

there is so much wrong with what you just said

But I'm just gonna bring this back to the brownie. I can see it in your teeth.

There's no brownie stuck between my teeth

Let's get our priorities sorted here. quite frankly I can't believe

That you would have the nerve

The nerve to accuse me a friend

you're offended?

I can't I can't believe it

okay I am actually just gonna put the brownie to one side


I'm over it all I want from you now Rowan is to admit to me what you've done

Okay, I'm just I'm just gonna say this to you and you need to hear me

I didn't I swear to you I didn't steal your brownie

I'm gonna be the bigger man


Choose to believe you

thank you

For more infomation >> Brownie - Bored Ep 94 - VLDL - Duration: 3:03.


[LWC] 恐怖戳戳樂 聖誕節交換禮物 (feat. Tiffany) - Duration: 14:15.

For more infomation >> [LWC] 恐怖戳戳樂 聖誕節交換禮物 (feat. Tiffany) - Duration: 14:15.


10 Most Super Expensive Wedding Rings Of Bollywood Heroines | You Won't Believe - Duration: 7:10.

10 Most Super Expensive Wedding Rings Of Bollywood Heroines | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> 10 Most Super Expensive Wedding Rings Of Bollywood Heroines | You Won't Believe - Duration: 7:10.


SINGLOUD VS VAGGELIS KARZIS (Rotting christ,Full house B.C.) - Duration: 14:00.

So, now than you took a breath..

Yes, some!

You work out a lot, for a long time now.

I've always been working out.

- Always. - Exactly.

How does working out help you in your life?

It helped as far as discipline is concerned.

Off course, that was already a trait of my character.

But, when you continuously do something, again and again..

Then, it becomes part of you. This struggle of trying to improve oneself.

All this, was tranfered when playing music. It felt natural.

In the beggining, we only played some covers.

It gradually progressed.

I ended up wanting more and more.

Discipline is essential when you're trying to play a music instrument, or sing.

You have to be devoted to that purpose, each and every day.

It also helps with your physical presence when performing.

Working out helps you endure the constant travelling,

many hours of sleep deprivation,

to endure the stress of a live performance, the fatigue,

and some times, the hunger.

You begun playing an instrument and singing at the same time?

Or, did you realise later that you can sing?

Shortly after I begun playing.

When I first heard Metallica, I was very excited.

The first impression of Hetfield's voice made an impact on me.

His whole presence on the scene was more than perfect.

I liked it so much. And I wanted something similar.

I started playing guitar and singing, almost at the same time.

When I started playing the first Metallica covers...

When you first held your guitar...

Yes. I held my guitar and I thought to myself that this is what I should do.

Not that it was the best idea, because it's very difficult to play and sing at the same time.

If you want to sing and play proprerly, that is.

It was almost at the same time.

How did Full House B.C. come into your life?

Full House were formed shortly after.

When I first started playing, at the same time, I started writing songs.

It just came naturally to me.

The formation of a band was a natural consequence.

The musicians in the band rotated and changed, as time went by.

It was really simple.

There wasn't somekind of a plan.

What will we do today? We will form a band, we'll call it "this", and we'll play "that".

That comes after years of expeirience.

When someone leaves a band and wants to create something different.

Someone who knows exactly what he wants to do in music.

Tell me the story of how you became a member of Rotting Christ.

The story begins 6 years ago.

I learned via a friend that two members had left the band, George and Andreas.

The guitar player, and the bass player, for those you may not know.

I was very interested because Rotting Christ was the second band that I listened and loved.

Imagine that this was a massive opportunity for me.

When you grow up listening to a band it becomes huge in your mind.

I sent an e-mail to Sakis. His e-mail was on the page.

And he answered. I was very excited.

My mail was about the guitarist position. He told that they had already found George.

He had already entered the band but they hadn't made it publicly official yet.

He then asked me if I would be interested for the position of the bass player.

Off course, I was interested. I had already played the bass for a project.

I wasn't unfamilliar playing the bass.

I also record the bass for Full House B.C. I never had a problem playing bass.

So I happily accepted.

After some time he asked from all the candidates

two songs on video.

Songs of our choice.

I sent those two songs.

Next thing was that Sakis came and found me.

We met up.

It was Saturday when we met.

He told me that the next day would send me one or two songs.

We would practice together on Wednesday and Thursday.

I was okay with that and the conversation was very brief.

He sent the songs the next evening. And the songs were eight.

The problem was that he didn't choose the songs they usually play in concerts.

He wanted to change the setlist, as well as the band members.

Some songs, I had never heard before.

I thought to myself, "Now you have 8 songs to learn, and 3 days to do it."

It was Sunday afternoon, and I lock the door and say "That's it".

From that moment on, I played the songs all the time.

I had to transcribe the songs by ear.

Fortunatelly, I could listen to the songs at work too.

So, for eight hours I would listen to the songs and take notes.

Again and again. I wrote, I corrected.

Like you' re reading for University exams.

That went on for 8 hours. Then I would sleep for 2 hours to get some rest

and then I would continue in the afternoon for 6 or 7 hours more, and that was everyday.

The day of the audition, I took the day off from work.

I called in sick, to have the whole day at my disposal.

We auditioned for two days.

Everything was perfect from the beginning. I wasn't stressed.

I felt really good with all the guys. They were very friendly.

We were playing the songs bits by bits. We were stopping and doing it all over again.

I just had to be really concentrated.

That note, on this part. Change that, do this. I had to do it instantly.

You had to remember it.

I didn't want to make a mistake. I wanted to be the quickest.

I dont' know how many musicians they auditioned.

This is the story, in short.

One day, they call me to meet up.

To talk about the position of the bass player.

Off course, when you take a position that doesn't mean that it's yours forever.

You always have to try and fight if you want to be in the music world.

The battle is daily.

You have to stand your ground.

Yes. Nothing comes without effort.

Taking the position is the first step. The next one is to keep it.


And you have to evolve.

Nothing is stable. Either you evolve, or you fall.

So, in order to remain at a certain place, you have to progress.

You are experiencing two different worlds.

One world is that of a very big band and the other is of your band.

You mean that my band is not that big?

It will grow in the future!

The one of an upcoming band.

- Yes. An upcoming band. - Yeah, now you saved it.

What were your feelings in your first big live performance,

and your first ever performance.

I was a bit nervous.

I used to play in boxing games for many years in front of people.

In that case, when you lose it means that you got beaten up.

Playing music in front of an audience was much more fun.

You didn't have anything to lose.

It's ok to miss a note or two. It's not the end of the world.

You won't hurt anybody.

There was the stress of performing good, playing without mistakes, and all that.

The main sentiment was that of the adrenaline.

The thoughts were, "I want to do it". "I want to present something".

I wanted to share all the feelings I had all this time,

in my house, in the studio...

As far as a bigger live is concerned,

my first big live performance

was our 3rd live with Rotting Christ, in Italy at a festival.

Threre were 1000 people there. For me, that was a big number.

It's not only the number of people, it's from where you see them also.

If the stage is low, you can't see far.

That was a big and high stage, and you could see everyone.

It was a big festival, in a very beautifull place in Italy.

Strangely, I wasn't stressed.

There was some suspence before going on stage.

It was a Rotting Christ live.

There's always that feeling.

The intro was playing, and I remember Sakis telling me, "Let's go!", "Don't be stressed!".

And I was like, "What stress? Let's go and burn the place down!".

It entered my life naturally.

I never felt stressed.

Even in bigger shows with Rotting Christ.

At Graspop, Hellfest the numbers are completely different.

In Czech Republic we played in front of 22.000 people.

After some point the numbers don't matter. There are just many people watching you.

Whether there are 10 or 15 thousand, you feel the same.

Off course, it's not the same. 5.000 are a lot of people.

I am very lucky to have the opportunity to do this kind of thing.

As far as the two worlds are concerned...

The basic difference is that in one occasion I sing and play. I'm the frontman.

All the attention goes on me.

I am the one that I have to prove what you're worth, before everyone else.

You, obviously, don't know what the future beholds.

What's your ideal scenario as far as music is concerned?

The ideal scenario is to see what you create

to be aknowledged,

to be successfull, to reach and be loved by people.

To be shared by the people.

To be able to live by creating music.

Whether it's with Rotting Christ, whether it's with Full House B.C.,

you always give something. You give something from your heart.

So, you always want that connection.

It's an emotional give and take situation.

As far as Full House B.C. are concerned, I would like it to become something big.

I don't think there's anyone that would say otherwise.

I will try for the best, as i do for everything I get involved in.

I want to dedicate time, thought and love for what I do. Whatever that is.

I want my music to touch people and I'll do my best to accomplish that.

We thank you very much for talking to us.

I thank you for the invitation. It was my pleasure.

What do I say now?

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For more infomation >> SINGLOUD VS VAGGELIS KARZIS (Rotting christ,Full house B.C.) - Duration: 14:00.


Cafe Racer (BMW R80 by ROA Motorcycles) - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Cafe Racer (BMW R80 by ROA Motorcycles) - Duration: 6:50.


[HOT]Chi Tiết Bản Hyundai Accen 2018 Mới Nhất Giá Chỉ Từ 160Triệu LH 0902 483 423 - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> [HOT]Chi Tiết Bản Hyundai Accen 2018 Mới Nhất Giá Chỉ Từ 160Triệu LH 0902 483 423 - Duration: 7:19.


Stories of Gold | National Gallery - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Stories of Gold | National Gallery - Duration: 6:52.


Fare BUSINESS con il NETWORK MARKETING - DigitaLife - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Fare BUSINESS con il NETWORK MARKETING - DigitaLife - Duration: 1:22.


6 Reasons Why You Need To Appreciate The Introverts in Your Life - Duration: 4:45.

6 Reasons Why You Need To Appreciate The Introverts in Your Life

If you haven't realized the hard way, it's obvious that our society favors the extroverted


Being introverted has always been seen as something that needs to be "fixed."

Yet, whatever happened to quality over quantity in our words, Should it be about saying the

most or saying what matters?

Although introverts comprise one third of the overall population,"introverted" isn't

exactly advertised as a successful quality or one most people are willing to put on their


This often forces many to put on an extroverted personality when at work, school, or with


With the increasing buzz about introverts personality, in this video I'm going to show

you 6 reasons why you should appreciate introverts.

But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't

miss any interesting update in the future guys.

So, below are six reasons why you should appreciate introverts.


Introverts have hidden powers.

Just because we introverts don't say much, doesn't always mean we're clueless.

While others are busy chatting, introverts observe things most people are oblivious too.

Sometimes we can even read people.

While it may seem introverts are always zoned out, we're actually analyzing and thinking

of creative ideas to one day share with you.


Introverts keep the world balanced.

In a world that can't stop talking, the ability to listen to what each other has to

say is an important virtue that will assist us in building peaceful relationships of understanding.

The truth is, without introverts, extroverted people would have no one to listen to them.


Introverts can self-recharge.

Though the extrovert may gain their energy through mixing and mingling in crowds, introverts

are self-recharging powerhouses.

They don't need to constantly put themselves out there to feel energized.

Their energy is found through solitude.

In the age of social networking, introverts teach us the importance of self-awareness

and getting to know yourself before getting to know others.


Introverts make great friends.

Yes, introverts are human.

Although they tend to stick to a small friend circle, they do value having a close relationship

with the few friends they have.

Introverts may not make the list for the most fun people to hang out with, but when all

the fun is over and you just need someone to listen to you, count on introvert to be

there for you.


Introverts will one day run the world

In her famous Ted Talk, Susan Cain states that there is actually no flaw in being introverted.

Yet, our society down plays the positives of being an introvert due to how successful

many have them have turned to be.

Introverts have shown the potential to be great leaders.

Never underestimate an introvert, because someday you might end up working for them.


Introverts have something important to say

There's nothing more disappointing to an introvert than finally taking advantage of

a moment to speak , only to be interrupted by an extrovert.

Amidst the noise of chatterboxes, the voices of introverts often get drowned out.

While extroverts may speak every thought that comes to mind, an introvert will filter their

thoughts and only speak of the ones they think our best to share.

Well, that's the 6 reasons why you should appreciate introverts.

So next time you come across an introvert, let them know you appreciate them.

Remember that introverts do have something to say, all you have to do is be willing to


Really cool information isn't it.

Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Reasons Why You Need To Appreciate The Introverts in Your Life - Duration: 4:45.


Cómo diagnosticar hardware PC y tabletas en línea - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Cómo diagnosticar hardware PC y tabletas en línea - Duration: 2:13.


মন ভালো করা গজল ।। হামদে বারি তাআলা ।। একবার শুনুন মন ভালো হয়ে যাবে।। Bangla Islamic Gojol - Duration: 5:32.

Islamic Waz

New Waz

For more infomation >> মন ভালো করা গজল ।। হামদে বারি তাআলা ।। একবার শুনুন মন ভালো হয়ে যাবে।। Bangla Islamic Gojol - Duration: 5:32.


Instant Photography: Click On Wood - Duration: 1:53.

Click On Wood is one of the brands that we like to have in the store,

Soft-releases and Ht Shoe Covers produced handmade

and manufactured in Madrid.

They always work with waxes and natural oils.

In addition, all woods are of organic production.

We can use it in all types of cameras, and we also have 5 finishes.

The touch of the button is very delicate and ergonomic.

And the shoe cover, in addition, gives to our camera a distinctive attractive.

It's worth as much -as you can see-, for analog cameras

as for the digital ones too.

It fits perfectly, because they have a metallic screw,

and it's very tough.

And it does not matter what kind of camera we have, because even for the medium format

we can use them

It's a new brand that just started, and everything is very well worked,

They think a lot about the details: even the packaging is made with recycled woods

in carton...

And the truth is that, once you put it in your camera,

You don't want to shoot with anything more than a Click On Wood soft-release! :)

For more infomation >> Instant Photography: Click On Wood - Duration: 1:53.


Mera Naam Radha Hai | Manto ki Kahani, Agastya ki Zubani | Saadat Hasan Manto - Duration: 15:07.

For more infomation >> Mera Naam Radha Hai | Manto ki Kahani, Agastya ki Zubani | Saadat Hasan Manto - Duration: 15:07.


🔴 DIY MONEY PRINTING MACHINE part 2 🤑 (magic trick) - Duration: 9:26.

Hi! In previous video DIY money-making machine part 1 I showed you how to

perform a money-printing trick. In this one, as I promised, I will show you how to

draw device in free design tool FreeCAD. Coming up!

Welcome to my youtube channel GreenEyedExplorer where I explore further and beyond

about tweaks, hacks, electronics and house repairs.

Well, let's start designing! All STL files we will

create today will be available on my home page and on See

the links in the description below. Create new empty document, go to part

design section, create new sketch. XY plane. click OK.

First we have to design the pipe. We will draw two circles. Constrain each one to 0


Set inner radius. Enter 8 millimeters.

Set outer radius. Enter 10 millimeters.

We have a fully constrained sketch. Close design. We will make third dimension with

pad tool. Length will be 12 centimeters. That's it!

Save project and export the STL file. My file is named MoneyMaker1.stl.

Remember to print 2 of these tubes!

Secondly, we will create small ring that will fit our paipe. Again the same story.

Create new empty document, go to part design section, create new sketch. XY

plane. click OK. We will draw two circles.

Constrain each one to 0 coordinate.

Set inner radius. Enter 10.2 millimeters. It is a bit larger than the

outer diameter we've used for the tube. Set outer radius enter 11.2

millimeters. We have a fully constrained sketch. Close design. We will make third

dimension with pad tool. Length will be 2 millimeters. That's it.

Save the project and export the STL file. My file is named MoneyMaker2.stl.

Remember to print four of these circles. We will put two around each tube. Thirdly,

we will create the pipe enclosure. Again create new empty document, go to part

design section,

create new sketch. XY-plane. Click OK. Draw two circles and a rectangle around them.

Constrain the circles to y-axis by setting 0 millimeter offset.

Set the radius to 10.2 millimeters, so the pipes would fit nicely.

Set the x-axis offset to 12 millimeters from zero coordinate.

We will constrain the rectangle. Width will be 60 millimeters and the height 30

millimeters. We will define offsets from the zero coordinate.

We have a fully constrained sketch. Close design. We will make third dimension with

pad tool. Length will be 4 millimeters. Now click one of the

surfaces. Select create a new sketch. By going this way, we have our new sketch

aligned with the selected surface. We will draw two rectangles on each side.

Width will be 4 millimeters as before.

Height will be 30 millimeters as before.

We will define the offset. It is best to choose outer point as we already know

its position. 30 millimeters left and right and 15 millimeters up and down.

We have a fully constrained sketch. Close design. We will make third

dimension with pad tool. Length will be 85 millimeters. Now, all we have to do is

draw the same sketch with pipe holes as before or we can just copy it. Click once on

the first sketch to select it. You can toggle view by pressing space key to

check if it is the right one. Go to edit, copy or press CTRL+C and then again

add it, but now paste or CTRL+V. We've got new sketch below named Sketch002.

Now we select our last pad. Toggle view with space key. We select the surface by

clicking it once. It changes color. Now go to "map a sketch the face" and select the

sketch we have pasted before. Sketch002.

It is aligned. We only have to use pad tool again. We choose 4 millimeters.

That's it. Design is finished! Save project and export the STL file. My file

is named MoneyMaker3.stl. Print only one.

If you liked this video, don't forget to hit LIKE. COMMENT below, if you want more

tutorials. SHARE video with your friends and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

For more infomation >> 🔴 DIY MONEY PRINTING MACHINE part 2 🤑 (magic trick) - Duration: 9:26.


Сказка для малышей. СТРАШНЫЙ ЗВЕРЬ. Слушать русские аудиосказки с картинками онлайн бесплатно 1080. - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> Сказка для малышей. СТРАШНЫЙ ЗВЕРЬ. Слушать русские аудиосказки с картинками онлайн бесплатно 1080. - Duration: 11:23.


Quran bangla tafsir Wazz , এই কুরআন দিয়ে আল্লাহ মানুষকে হেদায়াত ও লাঞ্চনা করেন - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Quran bangla tafsir Wazz , এই কুরআন দিয়ে আল্লাহ মানুষকে হেদায়াত ও লাঞ্চনা করেন - Duration: 2:25.


Top 5 Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💋 DIY Makeup Tutorial & Lip Art 2017 | Part 5 - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💋 DIY Makeup Tutorial & Lip Art 2017 | Part 5 - Duration: 10:11.


TAG de la verguenza - Duration: 9:11.

Hi there! I'm Galeth and today we come with the

Shame TAG

Hi! How are you? Well here we are one more week

and two weeks ago I saw in one of the international

BJD channels

(I think it was Denali Wind's channel)

here the link for you to

visit her channel. They are doing a kind of

TAG where you say the things

that supposedly are not well looked upon

in this hobby or maybe people would be dissaprove about that

but you do it, you've done it or

you would do it in any case.

Is not a particular number of things what you have to say but

just the ones that you remember you have done

(maybe 5 or 6 things) There is not needed

an endless list of things

So, before I forget it

(because I almost always forget it)

I'm going to tag three people

so that they tag three more people

I am going to tag Yuki's World


and Chimi. OK, I tag the three of you

and you spread the rumor

Well, the first thing that springs to mind

that I have done (and still do it) to my dolls

is not that people disapprove it but

people do not usually do it.

Is blushing BJD bodies

I know they're normally dressed and blushing is not seen

but I become very obsessed when I know that hands are

obviously blushed because are always seen

and when you pose your doll with a nude hand

is not well fitted with a maked up face.


to know that hands are blushed but not the body

haunts me too much.

I am obsessed with it. I know that most of people

are not used to blush BJD bodies

because the bodies get dirty sooner with the clothes

also the blushing crashes when

you joint

the torso pieces

it use to crash a little

and blush may become damaged

But this is just the blush

you can blush the body again and voilà.

Or if you want to you can also remove it at all but

the thing is that I love how the bodies look blushed

and I do not care about washing it up when it become dirty

I am not an obsessive person with

the cleaning of my dolls. I don't know. I don't mind.

Other thing that I do and I do not normally say

because I know that people would dissaprove it

is that when I tense the strings of my dolls

Normally, when I (I shall give an example...)

When I get my dolls

and tense their strings. When I have to

put the last piece they're always too much tense and

I can't put the last

hook all by myself. So,

What I do is to use a pencil

A pencil.

And I put it across the arm strings to hold it.

So I can put the hands without help.

Finally I substract the pencil and voilà

but when I substract the pencil it

usually paint the resin with the tip of it

I use to try to remove the

pencil marks but...

sometimes works sometimes not teehee..

But this is the only way for me to tense my dolls rn

because I have not any forceps

I know I should have one but I have not...

yet. I will. Someday.

Other thing that I've done that I know is wrong

but I'm a brute

is that when I spray MSC

(I know you're going to scold me. I know it.

No worries. I assume so. Mea Culpa)

When I spray MSC

I use to do it in the glasshouse next to the kitchen

and I obviously open the windows

but I do not use any mask.

I do not use it.

Why? because.

Because. That's who I am.

I also do not wear a mask when I sand resin

and this is also wrong

because is poisonous.

I should wear a mask in this cases, right?

One day I'm going to fall ill

and you will say "What happened to Galeth? She desappeared"

Yes, because she didn't wear a face mask.

Very bad. Don't do this at home, children.

I promise that I will buy a good mask. When I remember it.

Most of all, when I remember it. Always that

I have a little money to spend

in dolls I always forget the

personal care things like masks or gloves.

I always forget it.

Finally I use the same gloves always and the only mask

that I have is this one that is...

I'm going to put it on for you to see it.

This mask.

First of all, it doesn't work with my glasses

Second, if I cover the nose

I do not cover the chin

and if I cover the chin

I do not cover the nose.

so, this is like "having an uncle in Granada..." (as we say in my town)

" have not uncle or have anything"

So one day, when I am able to, I will buy a good mask but in the meantime...

... and is very unhandy to make things with the mask putted on

Lets see, if I have my wet sandpaper

my water pot and when I'm

sanding I wet my sandpaper in water

there is no dust floating in my environment.

And the smell of sanded resin is soo nice...

... and the MSC smell too...

Yes. That's who I am. I like strong smelling things.

Normally people don't like it but I do. Why not?

I'm looking to see if I can think of something else

Oh! Other thing that I know is wrong but I do it anyways

and I can show you that I do it because

if you see this video

when I show you the dolls inside the

bjd carry case

one of the dolls

have not any protection mask

and has the glasses on into the carry case

I should remove the glasses when I'm going to carry it

But the thing is that she has the glasses taped right here

with epoxy

If I remove her glasses when I get to de meeting I have to put

the epoxy and the glasses again

and I'm pretty lazy about this. This is a very simple thing

that it's not a true effort

and avoid having to make up again the doll

if- God forbid- the make up crashes

but I am too lazy.

Buying protecting masks for dolls is other thing that I

always forget when I have a little money. And they're very cheap

Is a very cheap thing that I always forget.

So I carry the dolls with masks

if I have some at home but if I have not

rolled up in bubble wrap film

and that's all.

This video is not too long but

I am not going to say anymore

because if I do it you're going to hate me

and you're going to say "What's up with this person?"

"She doesn't care about her health and her dolls"

Yes I care, I love them very much

and everyone has their faults so lets see what you say.

So that's all. This is the video of the week

I hope you had a funny time

and if you have something to say to me

like that I have to spray or sand resin with a mask putted on

you can say it down in the comments box

And I'll read it and I will agree because I always answer back

If this is the first time you see me and you want to suscribe

right here there's a button

don't forget to click on the bell if

you want YT tell you when I have a new video

And if you're bored you can make

a lot of things in this life just like sorting

your films by color or also alphabetically

but by color is cool

is like more visual.

Sometimes I think about doing it but I know that

Ixsul would look at me like I'm crazy

But also you can follow me in my social networks

that I'm going to put down in the information box where you will find my IGs

my FB wich I use very much lately

when I use the most FB I use the less Twitter and viceversa.

And finally my blog

where I post Wednesday at 10:30

with BJD related things So...

...see ya.

For more infomation >> TAG de la verguenza - Duration: 9:11.


Un livre pour les PRÉ-ADOS #4 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Un livre pour les PRÉ-ADOS #4 - Duration: 3:53.


一年ぶりの再会が。。。Seeing Mahoto For The First Time In A Year... - Duration: 2:04.

It's been a while


Did you cut your hair?


4 or 5 times


I was wondering




Can you get me to a million subs too?

This was the first take



Why did that magazine photoshop your tattoos away?

They didn't even tell me they were going to do that

They di do a very good job though

When I saw the cover I thought you'd gotten laser removal

I was so surprised

They didn't tell me anything about it

Man, that sucks

I told them that if they do that again I'm never working with them again

Did they get rid of your tattoos on the inside as well?


They deleted all traces of my tattoos

Maybe the magazine

was afraid that they'd get demonetized

Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b

Don't forget to subscribe ^^

How did you like the video with Maho-chan? (should I do more?)

If you want to check out his channel click here

Also me and Mimei were in one of his videos

that video is over there

I'll see you tomorrow ^^


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