Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 15 2017

Now there are there daily Remedies that are done on a daily basis, every day of the 30

days of the month.

The list here says Elemental Invocation of Archetypes.

So there are 5 Elements: the Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Akash — which is the Sky Element.

And they are simply not natural forces.

There is an Archetype, an Angel, behind everything.

So the Mother Earth is not just a metaphor, but the Mother Earth is a Being, The Mother

Divine and who presides over the Earth Plane.

Similarly Water is again a Divine Mother.

So it is only through their help that we are able to live.

We are living on the earth plane.

And we need Water.

And we need Fire to cook our food, you know, and keep us alive.

And the Air keeps us alive.

So all these Beings, we need the blessings of all these Beings — to protect you, to

nourish you.

And this is the way of living of the spiritual Masters.

And they have tremendous amount of respect and gratitude towards these Elements.

For instance, if you have a perfect relationship with the Earth Plane, then She will give you

everything that is in the Earth Plane — the gold and platinum, and food.

Everything for our sustenance comes from the Earth Plane.

Shreem Brzee is also the Mantra that invokes the Goddess

of the Earth.

Similarly, the 5 Elements have their own Powers.

And then they also govern your life by nourishing you through food and water that come from

the Elements, and the Air to breathe.

For more infomation >> Dr. Pillai's Mystery School: Secrets of Mother Earth - 5 Archetypes & 5 Elements - Duration: 3:43.


Các trận đánh ĐÀO MỎ (MINER) 3 sao TH11 - Queen Walk Miners 3 stars TH11 - Clash of Clans - Duration: 22:52.


For more infomation >> Các trận đánh ĐÀO MỎ (MINER) 3 sao TH11 - Queen Walk Miners 3 stars TH11 - Clash of Clans - Duration: 22:52.


Ghost Recon Wildlands Predator PVP Class - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Ghost Recon Wildlands Predator PVP Class - Duration: 0:27.


CÙNG ANH - Ngọc Dolil (VRT Mix) | PioDs BVNA - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> CÙNG ANH - Ngọc Dolil (VRT Mix) | PioDs BVNA - Duration: 2:36.


Matra Poderoso Remove Fluidos - Duration: 20:03.

For more infomation >> Matra Poderoso Remove Fluidos - Duration: 20:03.


Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Any Mobile Number Details in Pakistan 🔥 (2018) - Duration: 6:49.

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For more infomation >> Sim Database 100% Working - How To Check Any Mobile Number Details in Pakistan 🔥 (2018) - Duration: 6:49.


Năm Mậu Tuất 2018: Người Sinh Tháng Này Tài Lộc Phất Phát, Tiền Rải Đầy Nhà Tiền Tiêu Không Hết - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> Năm Mậu Tuất 2018: Người Sinh Tháng Này Tài Lộc Phất Phát, Tiền Rải Đầy Nhà Tiền Tiêu Không Hết - Duration: 10:21.


THE Minimal Christmas Tree - It Floats! - DIY - Duration: 4:35.

We wanted a different Christmas tree

They have been revisited many times

But we wanted to get the very essence of it, Something minimal

I mean, In the end you want to hang ornaments and find your presents underneath

We really like Calder's kinetic sculptures And wanted to work with steel and balance

So we thought of a series of triangles Interlocking in space

Floating With plenty of room to hang ornaments

And a free space underneath

So it's like the whole tree is an ornament itself

For more infomation >> THE Minimal Christmas Tree - It Floats! - DIY - Duration: 4:35.


2017 December Solstice Meditation – December 21st at 4 28 PM GMT - Duration: 4:13.

2017 December Solstice Meditation � December 21st at 4 28 PM GMT

by Edward Morgan

2017 December Solstice Meditation � December 21st at 4:28 PM GMT � This is a CRITICAL

Window of Opportunity!

From Cobra�s �Situation Update� on December 7th:

�There is a full scale battle for planet Earth ongoing on the plasma plane in sublunar

space right now.

The light forces are focused on removing the wormlike plasmoid entity that has entered

our Solar system from Orion in 1996 and is now wound up around planet Earth: A multidimensional

portal to the Galactic Center will open from December 17th to December 25th with the turning

point on December 21st , that will drastically change the conditions of the plasma plane

in most of the sublunar space.

On the physical plane, the Light forces are purging all negative Secret Space Program

factions in sublunar space.

All members of those programs are given an option to unconditionally surrender and accept

the Galactic Codex or be cleared out.�

December Solstice Meditation Instructions:


Relax your body, emotions, and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works

for you.


State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to bring peace, justice, freedom, and

abundance to Planet Earth and her inhabitants.


Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through

all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the Sun and the Moon and then through

your Soul Star Chakra and through your body to the center of the Earth.


Now visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of Gaia up through your body

and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our solar system and our galaxy.


You are now standing in two pillars of light.

The light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously.

Keep these pillars of light active for a few minutes.


Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the I AM presence into the

soul star chakra of every lightworker on Earth.

Visualize the higher selves of the 144,000 activating as they awaken to their respective



Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the I AM presence into the

soul star chakra of every human being on Earth and into their energy fields and personalities,

awakening them to the reality of Light, giving them the power to finally set themselves free

from darkness.


See this collective beam of light expanding itself into the Earth�s Light Grid, and

connecting to the heart of Gaia.


See every living being on Earth connecting to their soul families and spiritual guides

as this collective beam of light spreads out along the energy grid of the Earth.


See this Light continue to expand throughout the Earth and throughout the entire solar

system, connecting to the soul star chakras of the Agarthans, the Ashtar Command, the

Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Lyrans, the Galactic Confederation,

and all beings of light who are guiding and supporting humanity through Earth�s Ascension.


See the Goddess energy spiraling down through all these layers of expanding Light, bringing

peace, harmony, and liberation to Planet Earth.

For more infomation >> 2017 December Solstice Meditation – December 21st at 4 28 PM GMT - Duration: 4:13.


Japanese react to Finnish Nightmares Part2 (FIN/ENG SUB) - Duration: 10:57.

This time I will read this book.


This japanese translation of the Finnish Nightmares 2 -book was published so I will read it this time.

The Finnish personality resembles the Japanese. So I will read this and judge as a Japanese person

wether I understand or don't understand the situations pictured in this book.

I threw away the boards I used last time.

I didn't think there would be a second part so I threw them away. But I made new ones.

These, "I understand" and another one is "I don't get it".

With these boards I will decide whether I understand or not.

So, let's go ahead and read!

"That moment during the security check when you hope you didn't accidentally pack anything dangerous"

I understand

"When you'd like to sit down and wait but "all" of the seats are taken"

I don't get it

"When your arm touches the person sitting next to you"

I understand

"When you forget to tip"

I understand

"That moment during the security check when you hope you didn't accidentally pack anything dangerous"

I understand this because

when you pass though the gate, even if you haven't done anything wrong, it feels like though you have.

So when I pass trough the gate I try to do it with confidence like: "Is there a problem here?"

But on the other hand, that's suspicious from the point of view of the person watching me.

"Why doesn't this dude just pass through normally but has to go so broadly?"

But I have a habit of doing that.

"When your arm touches the person sitting next to you" is

"I really understand"

This is the worst.

But there isn't much space for elbows of example.

Because there isn't space, if you don't take it for yourself, you can't use it.

But if you try to take it, you will surely touch the other person. It's hard.

One time, I was on a plane and a Japanese person was sitting next to me.

He was really polite.

He said for example: "If I'm sleeping and you want to go to the toilet, please wake me. I will move right away."

I wondered why he was so polite.

He was a tour conductor of a travel agency.

So he was with many customers now going home.

So he was working.

I thought: "Okey, that's why he's so polite" and thanked him, but

he ordered a lot of wine and beer and also drank it a lot.

I wondered why he drank so much.

It must be that he needed to go straight to work after returning to Japan.

So he must have wanted to sleep as much as possible on the plane.

And in order to fall asleep as quickly as possible, he drank heavily.

So in the end, even though he asked to wake him if I want to go to the toilet

and seemed to care about me,

the power of the alcohol was strong.

After drinking he was sound asleep sleeping against my shoulder. He was snuggled up in tightly.

So close I wanted to be like: "What's with you!"

So I understand not wanting to touch the person next to you.

"When you forget to tip"

I understand

There isn't a tipping culture in Japan either.

On the other hand, when Finns travel abroad, they might suffer because of this,

but when we Japanese go to Finland, we don't have to worry at all.

Once, when I went to the toilet in a nightclub during my trip to Thailand,

and there was a person in the hand washing area, who gave people soap.

Rather than giving he just put it there.

After that you'd have to pay him.

I thought: "Oh no!", took my hands away quickly and avoided paying tip.

I'm a little bit stingy but I've done things like that.

But aren't you troubled by it?

So the tipples culture of Finland is the best.

"When you run into someone you know in the shop and then you have to avoid them for the rest of the time."

I understand

"When you don't know how to bargain."

I understand

"When you have to share a table with a stranger."

I understand

"When you forgot to buy something, go back and feel like you owe an explanation."

I understand

"When you run into someone you know in the shop and then you have to avoid them for the rest of the time."

In my case, at work, I greet the people working close to me in the morning.

And sometimes when I'm going to the toilet, I pass by my coworkers in the hallway.

And ignoring them wouldn't be very nice.

So I'll say "Good morning" even though I don't really have anything to talk about.

There are people who I don't mind passing by.

But sometimes there are those people that you wouldn't want to run into, aren't there?

So when I see a person like that heading to the toilet at the same time,

I will sometimes deliberately go to a toilet on a different floor.

I wonder what it is.

I don't know what kind of an expression to show them during the second time around.

I have prepared the first "Good morning"-expression.

The second time around, we are just passing by each other without any topic or anything.

So I don't know what I should do the second time we pass by each other.

That's why not wanting to see the person again: I understand

"When you have to share a table with a stranger."

I understand

I don't like this.

There are many in Japan who don't like it, so the restaurants have taken it into consideration.

At a restaurant near me, they have taken it into consideration by

putting up a glass mosaic panel in the middle of a two person table.

So even if there are two strangers eating at the same table, they are sitting on different sides of the glass panel.

But the restaurant failed in that you can't take off the glass panel.

Once, a family of four was sitting so that two of them were sitting on the glass panel table

and two of them, a little further away because you can't move the tables.

So they were talking to each other from afar.

So when I saw this situation where they were talking to each other without seeing each other while eating,

I thought to myself: "What is this?"

But not wanting to eat with strangers is something I understand.

"When you forgot to buy something, go back and feel like you owe an explanation."

I understand

This has happened.

If I have forgotten to buy something, I sometimes wait to buy it the next time.

I don't mind going to the register once more but,

you go in and get greeted the first time,

and then you go in again and get greeted the second time,

and the person is definitely thinking that: "That dude came in the shop again!"

I doesn't really matter. They are working so I doubt they care.

But I don't want to hear the same greeting twice. It's somehow embarrassing.

They must be thinking: "Ah, he forgot to buy this."

It's not a big deal but I think it's embarrassing and that's why I understand.

"Answering seriously to small talk… again"

I don't get it

"When someone doesn't take their shoes off before coming inside"

I understand

"When someone compliments your outfit"

I don't get it

"When someone is late but you don't want to make them feel bad"

I don't get it

"When someone doesn't take their shoes off before coming inside"

This I understand.

In Japanese culture as well, we take our shoes off inside a home.

Because my girlfriend is Finnish, I've gotten to know the Finnish culture.

This was one of the reasons why I was able to get into the Finnish culture so well.

If you wore shoes inside in Finland, it would be really uncomfortable.

I can't relax if I don't take off my shoes.

I don't even want to wear socks if possible.

So I don't like this.

When cultures are really different, like when people from Europe or America come to Japan

they are thinking about wether Japan has some sort of rules when it comes to shoes, is the culture different.

I don't know how big of a part of Europe wears shoes inside but

the European culture is closer to Finnish culture,

so they might just march in wearing their shoes.

I wonder why Finns take their shoes off at home too.

In America, they wear shoes inside, don't they? It's strange.

This can be annoying so I understand.

And so, I have read the "Finnish Nightmares 2" Japanese version

"Matti travels: he is melancholic today as well"

There were parts that I understood and parts that I didn't.

But I think that fundamentally there are lots of things that both Finns and Japanese understand.

Especially seeing someone at the store and not wanting to bump into them again is like written about me.

It wasn't about Japanese or Finns anymore,

I understood it so well it felt like the part of the book was about me.

This was a video where I had fun reading the Finnish Nightmares 2 -book.

Until my next video!

Bye bye

If you liked my channel,

you can follow me on other social media platforms.

For more infomation >> Japanese react to Finnish Nightmares Part2 (FIN/ENG SUB) - Duration: 10:57.


Can Objects Have Personalities? - with Bruce Hood - Duration: 1:36.

So have a look at the clip of this video here. This is an animation but see if you

can think about it in another way.

There we go.

So given the choice which you think is the more friendly object?

Hands up for green.

Hands up for yellow square.

It's amazing really! It's just an animation yet we think of these things as having personalities.

In fact babies when they watched this were given the choice between a square and a

triangle and when they saw the square being helpful they prefer to play with

the square object. So these babies are interpreting them and giving them rich personalities.

From the very beginning we see the world as populated with others

who are acting with goals and intentions. We even apply that reasoning to

inanimate objects. I mean do you ever speak to your toys or if you have a

computer do you get frustrated and shout at it when it crashes?

You say "Don't crash! I haven't saved my homework!"

You know this is exactly what we do we give

inanimate objects these qualities to make it easier to interact with them.

It's another way that our brain is making assumptions about the world and

adding extra information. Movement provides not only a rich source of what

someone is like but a channel of communication where no words are exchanged.

For more infomation >> Can Objects Have Personalities? - with Bruce Hood - Duration: 1:36.


اكثر اطفال اغنياء يهايطون في السناب شات!!(ناس يرفعون الضغط)!! - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> اكثر اطفال اغنياء يهايطون في السناب شات!!(ناس يرفعون الضغط)!! - Duration: 4:21.


Popcorn Rice - Duration: 4:48.

Here we are.


Say hi to my uncle.

Be a good boy.

Hey, I'm back.

I got some rice.

Let's go home.

Hey guys

This time I decided to make popcorn

but with rice.

Pop rice.

Actually I believe in English it's called puffed rice.

It's pretty easy and fun to make.

It tastes like rice crackers and it goes well with chocolate.

First heat up canola oil to about 200°C (392°F).

Then, deep fry the rice until it pops.

It's so much easier if you prepare another pot and strain the rice.

That way, you don't have to make a mess.

But you can scoop rice like this if you want.

If you ever wanted to make your own crispy chocolate,

this is how you can do it.

Just melt some chocolate,

sprinkle in some puffed rice, and freeze them!

For more infomation >> Popcorn Rice - Duration: 4:48.


*UK DAILY VLOG 07* Busy days at school | หิมะที่อังกฤษ! ไปเรียน พาทัวร์แคมปัส (eng sub) / nnrnut - Duration: 35:24.

Hello~ I will go to class now, and I will try to show you guys how the class is like here!

(I came to the library to finish my homework)


I will have fried egg for lunch today

I will also cook my favorite nuggets

I bought it from Aldi and it tastes so nice!

YAY~ looks yummy

I'm so hungry!

hot chocolate tastes so soft today, nice!

I think I will take some rest and will start doing my homework so that I don't have to rush when the deadline comes

I will write something down on this notebook again

I haven't done much today..

but I finished editing my vlog and will upload it soon!

Good morning~

Today I have class at..

10 o'clock

so I have to wake up early today

I set my alarm at 8am and 8:30am and of course I woke up at 8:30am hehe

I'm so sleepyy...zzz

I like to wake up earlier to have my breakfast because I don't like to feel hungry during the class

anyways, see ya

I will drink this green tea

and it's running out.. I need to buy it soon

I will eat with these cookies..

I'm not sure if I have said this in my vlog but these cookies are amazing! it's so delicious

it looks like this.. It's so goooood

I will head out to my class now

since today is Tuesday, I have so many classes TT

it doens't focus my face..

wait.. let me wear my shoes

I'm ready. Let's goooo

nobody is awake at this time haha

(Am I awake? LOL)

I just uploaded my new vlog!

(they printed some picture and words onto the mentos haha, so cute isn't it?)

I finally got my parcel from ASOS!

let's unboxing together!

why is it so hard inside?

wait.. do they also give my the hanger?

I have to open it here.. last time I cut on this side (stupid me hehe)

oooohhh it looks like to be okay~

why is it so big? haha

I ordered S size..

they also give me the hanger~ yay

OMG! it's so pretty! I love it <3

I have been waiting for this coat...

(tried it on right away LOL)

I love it so much!

I have to cut the pocket first haha

I thought it doesn't have a pocket.. if not... TT

it's a trend to wear a belt on the coat and I think it's pretty hehe

but this belt doesn't really match.. haha

I'm happy!!

(while waiting for my group members to come to the meeting)

I'm writing down my plan of how I want my fashion haul vid to turn out

so i'm drawing each scene of how I want it to be

and I think it's fun to draw my ideas down first hahaha

it's raining today

I was gonna go to super market but I don't know when it's gonna stop...

it's just a showering rain

(and suddenly...)

guys! look at this, they forecast that it will snow on Friday, Sunday and Monday..

today's highest temperature is 13c and it's going down to 3 tomorrow ..

please snow..

I will go to super market today because I have nothing to eat now..

I'm wearing heattech turtle neck today hehehe

I will head out now. Let's go

sky after the rain..

the rain just stopped and the air is super fresh now!

it's almost 2pm and I haven't had lunch yet..

way back to my dorm

this is they way I use to go back to my dorm

my bag is so heavy..

it got twisted hahaa

I need to use the key card in order to get into the building

it's currently 3c and it's so cold... OMG

my hand is freezing cause I'm holding the camera.. TT

it's around 3 pm right now and the sun will set soon so I came out

because I hate walking when it's dark alone ..

my hands are so cold and I forgot to bring my gloves.. TT

(came to superdrug to buy my cotton pads)

finally I got to my uni and it's super cold today!

I have to bare with it cause I have to stay here for one more month right?

I just got to my room

and it was freezing outside and I can't feel anything on my face right now LOL

you know it said it's 1c but the real feeling is -7c ...

oh my god..

it's so cold that it could snow but it probably won't..

I think I will continue doing my work and will cook for dinner

my life is just so boring this week. work, study, eat, sleep .. that's it

I bought large size today hehe

(I like to turn two different things on at the same time LOL)

I will reheat my pancake that I bought yesterday

and I just have to wait for the pan to get heatten up

I will eat the pancake with strawberry jam

(heading to supermarket to buy rice)

I finished my shopping and i'm going to catch the bus going home

I bought heavy stuffs so I took the bus, but if it's not that heavy I can just walk back home

I bought oragne juice, 2 cups of yogurts, and 4 rice, so I better get on the bus haha right?

I just suddenly feel like eating fries so I'm going to mcdonald

so I got mcdonald again..

I just saw someone eating fries and it really made me wanting to have some too..

Christmas packaging is so adorable hehe

the cup is also cute!

I feel like going to the library to study today

I will bring my computer as well... I will see you in the library byeee

there is no closing button here in the lift

I'm in the library now, in the silent area

I'll be back

(checking the room haha)

I will charge my phone first

(guess what song I'm listening ..)

I'm so sleepy...


(trying so hard to keep my eyes open LOL)

I'm half way done now!

it's currently 9:48 pm

and I'm still here..

I'm so exhausted right now.. and I need to go to toilet..

since it's Saturday, it's so lively here but I have so many things to be done so.. I can't go anywhere this week TT

but that's ok cause Christmas vacation is coming soon and I will bring you guys to travel with me!!

did you guys hear that? yeah it's kinda like this during weekend haha

i'm finally in my room!!

I really missed my home haha

that's it for today guys! I will work a bit and will go to bed


omg guys! it's snowing!!!

I'm super happy!

it doesn't always snow in the uk but.. yeahhh

I'm super excited now!

it's so great...

let's go out! but let me dress up first

I will meet my friend and have a photoshoot hheehee

I feel like it's melting because it's falling from the tree

so I have to be hurry!

and suddenly it just starts to snow really heavily hahha

but I will not give up! I have to take some pictures!

wear my gloves first

I'm ready!

should I also wear my scarf?

maybe not.. since i'm wearing a turtle neck

it's snowing!

I will see my friend first

is my camera going to be broken? hahaha

the snow is just so beautiful to see..

I didn't expect to see snow in the UK at all because it doesn't snow every year

but it does a lot this year hehe

I don't feel that cold because I wear my gloves (and maybe because i'm too excited? LOL)

and my phone just died, out of battery

so I changed my hoodie because the uni's one is so much warmer

anyways, I have to be careful right now because the floor is so slippery

I have to walk on here because it's not that slippery

does it open? YES! it does

I think go through the building will be eaiser

it's weekend so nobody is on the campus

that's the way to classes

up there is a free space

and this is like a hall

over there will be library and reception

Thai flag

it usually takes 3 mins to walk there but it literally took me 20 mins today LOL

so I just went out to buy snacks.. LOL just becuase I need to snack on something while working haha


For more infomation >> *UK DAILY VLOG 07* Busy days at school | หิมะที่อังกฤษ! ไปเรียน พาทัวร์แคมปัส (eng sub) / nnrnut - Duration: 35:24.


At This Point in the Broadcast: Shoe-Free Households - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> At This Point in the Broadcast: Shoe-Free Households - Duration: 2:31.


Fergie: "A Little Work" - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Fergie: "A Little Work" - Duration: 4:07.


Games2rule G2R - Little Santa Girl Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 10:04.

Games2rule G2R - Little Santa Girl Escape

For more infomation >> Games2rule G2R - Little Santa Girl Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 10:04.


Star Wars: Os Últimos Jedi - Crítica Rápida sem Spoilers | Tela Santa S01E08 - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Os Últimos Jedi - Crítica Rápida sem Spoilers | Tela Santa S01E08 - Duration: 4:43.


5 non fat restaurant to eat outside | Fah Sarika - Duration: 7:48.

Hey guys! It's me Fah.

Today I'm going to talk about restaurants outside home that I go.

Basically I choose to go easy places or with lots of menu for us to eat.

Normally we can't choose much for food outside home in what ingredients they use, the qualities and etc.

Most of the menu are a lot of sodium, spicy food etc.

To make it taste good for everyone.

But the place that I went to

have some menu that is healthy and we feel good to eat it.

Well, let's see how I pick the menu how I order.

First place is S&P

Actually S&P now are so good.

They got a lot of healthy menu,

They develop the new menu which is really good right now.

What I always order is Quinoa fried rice with steamed salmon.

Which is quinoa mixed with rice and steamed salmon and lime chilli.

It is so good because is all steamed.

And Quinoa have a lot of nutrients Omega3 which is super food.

Taste so nice and maybe you can order like veggie soup to eat with.

You can eat the whole thing in that plate.

The soul sauce are fish sauce mixed with lim n chilli

quite salty so maybe just pore a little bit.

Better to not pore like I did just pore it with spoon and eat carefully.

in able to not get lots of sodium into your body.

There's lots of menu to pick maybe choose something that is steamed or soup

try to avoid fried and oily stuff.

Next is Chester's Grill.

A good place for Muscular player lol.

Because its a chicken grill and they cooking are fine.

They guarantee that they chicken are healthy.

For me I don't really eat much sauce.

when you order chicken grill with rice they come with brown sauce on top.

I avoid the sauce and take out the oil skin.

I think the sauce is too much I just don't like it.

Is very salty and not good for your health.

But who like it can have it but try to drink a lot of water instead.

But yeah just try to get rid of the sauce is too much.

You can finished it all but leave the skin n sauce.

This is good place too, cheap price

don't know what to eat just eat Chester's grill.

Sometimes I see Muscular player come and eat here after their training.

Good looking too hahahah

Another good choice for this but less vegetables.

For who that building muscles this is a good choice.

Next one is MK.

Mk is very simple all boiled vegetables.

Basically are Suki.

Normally I order loads of vegetables, mushroom and chicken.

Also grilled duck but its quite fat but yeah its yummy.

I just get rid of the skin so wont be eating to much fat.

But like the best part of all is SKIN right guys?

Its okay to eat because its still grilled.

The less of the meat that I ordered is chicken

tofu and lots of veggie.

What I loved is to eat mushroom

Good for excretory system.

A lot of vegetables as always.

Nothing much about MK, they are all boiled food.

But be aware of their sauce.

I don't really eat the sauce like no sauce.

It sauce can gain us weight with lots of sugar and salt.

Better to not eat it.

If you want it maybe take a sip.

To get to taste not like put everything in that sauce.

Try to avoid the sauce.

After we're done eating they will give us the slip.

that tells how much nutrition you got.

Its good to know how much you eat after but yeah still a lot of sodium in it.

I think it the overall but like yeah still too much.

However MK is okay with all boiled food.

Another easy choice to eat outside.

Next place is ZEN Japanese food.

I ordered Sushi, Salad and etc.

loads of menus to choose.

Most of them are raws fish and rice.

And the rest are miso soup easy to eat.

So basically I ordered fried Tofu salad.

A tiny fried tofu which is okay.

The main point is to not put dressing.

When you order you tell them to separate the dressing.

So we can add it later.

For me if I just eat pain salad with no dressing at all.

Also there's avocado salad come with dressing

but I like to eat avocado so its okayyyyy.

Just drink a lot of water.

But if there is something that you can avoid

just do so or its up to you.

Just try to separate the dressing if possible.

For sushi I ordered salmon.

come with rice or salmon come with vegetable inside.

Try to avoid sauce maybe just a sip for it.

Last place is Ootoya.

Which is Japanese food as well.

Loads of menu for you to pick.

For me I like to eat Tofu salad.

Come with white tofu and seaweed.

And again separate with dressing.

And also kimchi soup but come with pork.

I don't eat pork so I told them to add tofu instead.

That day I had Saba grilled set.

Come with steamed egg, rice and soup.

Which saba fish are fine and again avoid the sauce.

Actually Otoya is good! lots of menu to have.

Its all grilled and boiled food.

But yeah I avoid eating pork

So I have chicken and fish instead.

Nothing much for Otoya, easy to eat and cheap price.

Well, done with 5 places to eat outside.

Hope this is useful for you!

The main purpose that I told you guys is to avoid oily and fried food.

Or the fats on meat.

Eat a lot of vegetables and avoid sauce that cause you too much sodium.

Choose to eat well.

Very easy and you guys can do it as well.

Just try to change how you eat carefully.

Order whatever you feel right, don't need to be shy.

We are the customer we can choose what is best for us.

Some people are vegetarians.

Order whatever you want but in a healthy way.

We pay for the food lol.

Anything just leave your comment or if you guys have any places please suggest me.

Actually I have loads of healthy like clean food lover would like it if you guys want to know just shout it out.

I can make one.

Anyways bye!!!!! xx

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