Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

Hajat Puri Karne Ka Wazifa by kamran sultan | Har Khuwahish Puri Hone Ka Wazifa in urdi

For more infomation >> Hajat Puri Karne Ka Wazifa by kamran sultan | Har Khuwahish Puri Hone Ka Wazifa in urdi - Duration: 5:58.


Dimash - Unforgettable Day (REACTION) with JM | Angelita - Duration: 7:20.

























































For more infomation >> Dimash - Unforgettable Day (REACTION) with JM | Angelita - Duration: 7:20.


İblisle Anlaşma - Ruhunu Şeytana Satanlar - Duration: 10:52.

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

Bazıları içinde bulundukları hayat şartları bazen de doymak bilmeyen aç gözlülükleri

hasebiyle çağlar boyunca karanlık güçlerin yardımına sıkça başvurmuştur.

Özel ayinlerle gerçekleştirilen bu yardımın ne şekilde yapıldığını ve kimlere nasıl

fayda sağladığını inceleyeceğimiz bir Kült TV videosuyla beraberiz.

Ruhunu şeytana satmak deyimi, aslında bir deyimden fazlasını ifade eder.

Tarihin çok eski dönemlerinden beri belli bir ritüel eşliğinde gerçekleştirilen

bir anlaşmadır.

İnsanın kendi kanıyla yazdığı bir anlaşmayı, eğer şeytan kabul ederse insan şeklinde

görünür ve kişiye ruhu karşılığında istediğini verir.

Bu anlaşma süresi boyunca her iki tarafta anlaşmaya sadık kalmalıdır.

Eğer kişi anlaşmayı bozacak bir şey yaparsa süre dolmadan şeytan kişinin ruhunu alabilir.

Dünyanın pek çok bölgesinde olduğu gibi ülkemizde de büyücüler büyülerinin kuvvetli

olması için bu anlaşmaya sıkça başvurmaktadır.

Ritüelde bölgesel olarak farklılık göstermektedir.

Avrupa da ki büyücüler şeytan anlaşmasını yani orijinal adıyla autem diaboli'yi kanlarıyla

Latince veya İbranice bazende tamamen özel sembollerle yazarken ülkemizde ki büyücüler

Arapça olarak safranlı mürekkeple yazmaktadır.

Buna ek olarak insan veya hayvan kemiğine yazılarak yapılan bir uygulamada mevcuttur.

Bu anlaşmada değişmeyen tek motto ise sadece dolunayın ay başına denk geldiği zamanlarda

ayın 13 ünde gece yarısı saat 12 de yapılmasıdır.

Ülkemiz de ki büyücüler anlaşmayı yazdıktan sonra eski bir büyücünün mezarına gömerken

Avrupa da ki emsalleri ise portal kapılarına yakın olduğu düşünülen bazı özel 4

yol ağızlarına gömerler.

Anlaşmanın başarılı olmasında ki en önemli etkenlerden bir tanesi de budur.

Şeytanlar dalga beden varlıklar oldukları için Portal kapılarına yakın yerlerde

ki yüksek enerji dalgalanmalarından faydalanarak güçlerini arttırabilmektedirler.

Anlaşma ritüeli eksiksiz olarak gerçekleştirildikten sonra sonra 14ü ve 15 i geceleri tenha yerlerde

dolaşılıp şeytanın zuhur ederek anlaşmayı kabul ettiğini bildirmesi beklenir.

Güçlü şeytanlar anlaşmayı kabul ettiklerini insan kılığından görünerek bildirirken

nisbeten daha güçsüz olanlarsa rüya yolu ile anlaşmayı kabul edebilirler.

Ancak bu rüya kabulü makbul sayılmaz.

Çünkü fiziksel bir bedene bile bürünecek gücü olmayan bir şeytanın anlaşmayı

yapan kişinin isteklerini yerine getiremeyeceği düşünülür.

Nitekim çoğu büyücü anlaşmalara fiziksel bedenle kabul şartı eklemektedir.

Bu olayla ilgili en bilinen isim dünya klasikleri arasında önemli bir yer edinmiş olan Gothe'nin

Faust adlı eseridir.

Bu eserde şeytanla bahse giren insanoğlunun hikayesi anlatılır.

Faust, yeryüzünün sırlarını çözmek uğruna yaptığı araştırmalarla tüm gençliğini


Tüm bu çalışmalarının ardında elle tutulur bir sonuca ulaşamadığını gören

Faust, hayatının en güzel yıllarını da harcadığını fark eder.

Faust, huzursuzluk ve memnuniyetsizlikten kurtarılma uğruna şeytanla anlaşmaya varır.

Şeytan, onu hayata bağlayacağını, beşeri zevk ve hazlar sunacağını, gençliğini

geri vereceğini vadeder ve hikaye bu temanın etrafında şekillenir.

Bir çok ünlü kişinin ruhunu şeytana sattığıyla ilgili söylentiler vardır.

Bunlar içerisinde en popüler 5 tanesini inceleyeceğiz.

1.ROBERT JOHNSON (1911 – 1938) Efsanevi blues gitaristi Johson, 1911'de

doğup 1938'de ölmüş, efsanevi 27 yaş ölümlerinin ilkini gerçekleştirmiştir.

Yapmış olduğu: Sweet Home Chicago, Cross Road Blues gibi bir çok hit şarkısı bulunan

Johnson, blues'un babası olarak da bilinmektedir.

Kayıt altına alınmış olan 27 şarkısı bilinmesine karşın daha sonraları 42 şarkısı

daha meydana çıkmıştır.

Çoğu blues şarkıcıda olduğu gibi Robert Johnson'da yokluk içinde büyümüştür.

Çocukluğunu çiftliklerde küçük bir işçi olarak geçirir ve bu dönemlerde geçirmiş

olduğu hastalıkla bir gözü kör olur.

16 yaşında hamile kalan karısı da doğum yaparken ölür ve Johnson kendini tamamen

müziğe verir.

Bir gece tarlaya giden Johnson'ın karşısına şeytan çıkar.

Şeytan kendisine çok yetenekli ve ünlü bir blues gitaristi olmayı vadeder.

Robert Johnson, şeytanın bu teklifini kabul eder, şeytan da gitarın akorunu değiştirerek

kendisine verir.

1990 yılında, Johnson'ın gitarının üzerinde yapılan bir araştırma ise gitarın

gerçektende hiç görülmemiş ve anlamlandırılamayan bir akora sahip olduğunu gözler önüne


Olayla ilgili diğer bir ilginç husus ise hiç kimsenin Johnson'ı gitarına akort

yaparken görmemiş olması.

Bu olay film sektöründe de kendine yer bulmuş olup Supernatural isimli dizinin 2.sezon 8.bölümünde

konu olarak alınmıştır.


Yüzyılda, Adana civarlarında (klikya) yaşamış olan Theophilus, başpiskoposluğa seçilmiş

fakat bu hakkından vazgeçmiştir.

Yerine görevlendirilen piskoposça görevinden alınan Theophilus öfkelenmiştir.

Bu öfkeyle şeytanla anlaşma yapma yolunu seçmiştir.

Şeytan, piskopostan İsa ve Meryem'i inkar etmesini istemiş bunun karşılığında

ise onu tekrar başpiskopos yapmıştır.

Öfkesi geçince yaptığı hatanın farkına varan piskopos sonrasında tövbe etmiştir.

Söz konusu olay "incil"de aynen geçmektedir.

3.GENERAL JONATHAN MOULTON (1726 – 1787) Jonathan Moulton, İngiltere'de kabine üyesi

iken 1745'te görevinden ayrıldı ve Yeni İngiltere Ordusu'nda komutanlık görevine


Hint Savaşı, Fransız Savaşı ve Kral George Savaşı gibi pek çok savaşta görev aldı.

1749 yılında evlendi ve 11 çocuğu oldu.

Kısa bir süre içerisinde New Hampshire'ın en zengin adamlarından biri olmasıyla beraber

şeytanla anlaşma yaptığı dedikoduları yayılmaya başladı.

Anlatılanlara göre 1769 yılında Püriten kasabasında şeytanla anlaşır.

Şeytan, Moulton'ın ruhuna karşılık her ay bir çizme dolusu altını getirecekti.

Daha fazla altın kazanma hırsıyla gözü kararan Jonathan Moulton, bir gün çizmenin

tabanını keser ve buraya bir delik açar…

Çizmenin öncekilerden daha fazla altın almaya başladığını fark eden şeytan,

Moulton'ın hilesini keşfeder ve öfkelenerek intikam almak için generalin evini yakar.

Moulton öldükten sonra cesedi esrarengiz bir şekilde ortadan kayboldu ve bir daha


4.PEDER URBAİN GRANDİER (1590 – 1634) Peder Urbain Grandier, Ortaçağ Roma Klisesi

tarafından, cadılık suçlamasıyla yakılarak öldürülen katolik bir din adamıdır.

Peder Grandier ile birlikte aynı manastır içerisinde kalan rahibeler bu yakışıklı

papaza aşık olmuşlar ve aşkından histerik çığlıklar atarak üstünde başında ne

varsa parçalayıp bahçe içerisinde şuursuzca koşturmaya başlamışlardır.

Rahibeler her çığlığında şeytanın bedenlerinde cirit attığını ve akıllarını

pederden alamadıklarını haykırmaktadırlar.

Gün geçtikçe rahibelerin davranışları daha da tuhaflaşmış, olaylar avluda yağmur

altında çıplak dolaşmaya ve kendilerine engel olmak isteyenlere zarar vermeye kadar


Sonunda Vatikan'dan şeytan çıkarıcı papazlar geldi.

Rahibelere şeytan çıkarma ayini düzenlediklerinde, rahibelerin ağzından çıkan sözlerden

dolayı Peder Grandier'i suçlu buldular ve onu idam cezasına çarptırdılar.

Olayı geniş çaplı araştıran Vatikan, pederin evinde, şu anda ekrandaki fotoğrafta

gözüken ve altında İblis Lucifer'in isminin de bulunduğu bir anlaşma kağıdı


Bahse konu bu belgeleri Vatikan 2003 yılında internet üzerinden kamu incelemesine açmıştır.

Kilise, pederi en ağır ölüm cezasıyla yakarak idam etti.


Paganini, dünyanın gelmiş geçmiş en iyi kemancıları arasında gösterilir.

Henüz 5 yaşındayken mandolin öğrenir ve 7 yaşındayken bestelerini yapmaya başlar.

İlk turnesine çıktığında ise henüz 13 yaşındadır.

Kemanı o kadar güzel çalıyordur ki hiç bir insan bu kadar güzel keman çalamaz diyerek

onun ruhunu şeytana sattığını ve bunun sonucunda şeytanın ona bu yeteneği verdiğini


Lakabı artık"şeytanın kemancısı"dır.

Şeytanın, Paganini'ye performansları sırasında yardım ettiğini söyleyen insanlar

da oldukça fazladır.

Paganini sık sık konuşmalarında kilise karşıtı söylemler kullanmaktadır.

Yaygın söylentilere göre şeytanla yapmış olduğu anlaşma nedeniyle kilisenin sözlerini

inkar etmektedir.

Bu anlayış ölümünden sonra da devam etmiştir.

Ölümünün ardından kemanının içerisine kazınmış şifreli bir mesaj ve şeytanla

yaptığı kağıda kendi kanıyla olduğu tahmin edilen kanla yazılmış anlaşma bulunmuştur,

ayrıca yakın tarihte discovery kanalın hazırladığı bir programda kemana yapılan

testlerde özel kameralarla saptanan normal oranlardan çok fazla ısı dalgalanmaları

tespit edilmiştir.

Ölümünden bir süre sonra kemanı bir antikacı tarafından satın alınmış birkaç ay sonra

antikacı feci şekilde yanarak can vermiş daha sonra keman bir koleksiyonerin eline

geçmiş kısa bir süre sonra koleksiyonerde esrarengiz şekilde yanarak ölmüştür.

Keman toplamda 4 defa el değiştirmiş ve her defasında kemanı alan kişiler kısa

süre sonra ölmüştür.

Kemanın Paganini tarafından lanetlendiğine inanılmaktadır.

Bu keman günümüz de müze haline getirilen Paganini'nin İtalya Cenova'da bulunan

evinde sergilenmektedir.

Paganini'nin ölümünden sonra kilise karşıtı söylemleri sebebi ile mezarının üzerine

kutsal toprak dökülmemiştir.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi sosyal

ağlarda paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna

katılmak için Kült TV ye abone olmayı unutmayın gelecek videoda görüşünceye

kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

For more infomation >> İblisle Anlaşma - Ruhunu Şeytana Satanlar - Duration: 10:52.


"Услышано в Одессе" №15. Самые смешные одесские шутки! - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> "Услышано в Одессе" №15. Самые смешные одесские шутки! - Duration: 2:38.


Салат из свеклы с чесноком. Самый простой рецепт. - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Салат из свеклы с чесноком. Самый простой рецепт. - Duration: 1:53.


Pita | পিতা | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Jisshu, Rimjhim - Duration: 2:26:21.

Start the engine.

It has started, boss.

Got it, Iqbal?

Merely physical strength

There are some things

You are right. - Am I right?

What happened? How much

Madam. There is a lot


Really, brother.

It seems Shiv knows magic.

Forget about touching the car.

Even if he passes by the car..

The car starts working and follows

When I gave you the didn't tell me that there

And now, you are telling me that

Strange. I don't want

I want the car right now.

Madam. I had told you earlier.

I have to go to the hospital.

I cannot do this.

How funny! What can

I will pay you.

Did the owner of the

It is okay if you don't

..why the owner

You have come here

Instead of Sudhakar,

You saved me, Shiv Shankar.

Oh, no. You could

You have been listening.. the rude words of a spoilt

What? How dare you?

Are you insulting the daughter

I will go to the owner right away.

I will see how you retain this job.

Not just Aditya Narayan

Shiv Shankar Mukherjee

..from stating the truth

Go. Go on. Go and file the report.

Owner. If you have

..I wouldn't be able to

If you don't wish to send

But I don't say anything

..I judge the reports

Will you keep the

I will take it away.

If I can pay the money, there will



Oh, wow. You are here?

Lots of wishes to you


Open your mouth.

What is it?

It has been twenty five

Both of us have become old, right?

Look. Tell me if you like

Wait. I will see.


It is such a beautiful sari.

It will suit you a lot. - Yes, yes.

Hey. Wear this sari once.

Now? - Yes.


What has happened to you? Tell me.

I really want to

Hey! What is wrong with you?

Our sons are at home. Leave me.

Oh, no.

Since the time you have come to this

Never say that.

Not many women are lucky


In this world..

Father. Mother.

Everyone is waiting for you.

Let us go quickly. - Yes, yes.

Yes. Both of you can go ahead.

Yes. So..

Come on.

Father. - Yes.

Congratulations, father.

Here you go. - Yes.

Sit down.

On seeing all of you..

..I want to go back to the time

Father. Tell us..

Okay, I will tell you the story.

Your grandfather was

Jeevan Krishna Saha.

He had kept his only

He didn't want a poor motor

At the end, your mother

..and came to my house

Oh, no. You are talking

You are too much.

Stop talking about all this today.

"I don't have much

"I don't have much

"Whatever I have got

"Whatever I have got

"This house of ours.

"It seems like heaven to me."

"Whatever I have got

"Whatever I have got

"I don't have much

"All of us should be able

"We should win over any trouble and

"All of us should be able

"We should win over any trouble and

"We should be able to

"This is what my heart wishes for."

"We should be able to

"This is what my heart wishes for."

"This house of ours.

"It seems like heaven to me."

"Whatever I have got

"Whatever I have got

"I don't have much

"Time will show us sunshine and shadows.

"Do away with the fear of darkness and

"Time will show us sunshine and shadows.

"Do away with the fear of darkness and

"That darkness should be done away with.

"That darkness should be done away with.

"This house of ours.

"It seems like heaven to me."

"Whatever I have got

Here you go. - Yes.

What is it?

Haven't the others woken up yet?

I just called Raja.

Let it be. Let it be.

Why do you have to take

You offer prayers to

Yes. That is because

Even I take blessings from my Lord.

Mother and you are like God for me.

Oh, no, mad boy.

No, father.

I was so young when you picked me

If you wouldn't have been there..

..I guess I would have

Both of you are even

Okay. That is enough now. Enough.

Go and check if

Go on.

He is a mad boy.

Younger brother.

Younger brother.

Hey, younger brother.

Hey, mother is asking

Hey, younger brother.


Mother asked you to wake up.

Younger brother.

Hey, mother asked you to wake up..

Why did you do it?

Look, younger brother..

Mother.. - Hey! Stop.

Younger brother. Don't do it.. -

What is this?

If you ever throw

..I will make you wet

Why do you wake

Wow, mother. Wow. Right?

None of you can see

Okay, mother. What is this?

I don't like this at all. Oh, no.

Raju. - Yes?

Hold these. Get them ironed. Go.


And listen, Raju. - Yes?

Polish my shoes today as well.


Hey, Raju. Raju. Raju. Raju.

Are you going for ironing the clothes?

So I have become your

Hey! All of you are giving

I hope his system doesn't go

No, father.

The more the load on my system,

Cumin powder. Coriander powder.

And pulses.

Hot spices. And rice.

Brother, Harinath has filled your bag..

..with everything that

Really, Hari. You are great.

Why didn't you become

Oh, no, dear. Poetry cannot

If it could help earn one's livelihood,

Okay, Hari.

Write down everything

Hey. Shiv.

Wait. Wait.

Really, Hari. I cannot start the day

It seems that this betel

Hey, the magic is in the heart.

You are in every heartbeat of mine.

Your arrival at my shop.

A little bit of conversation.

And in return, I get true love.

That was nice. -Yes.

Here you are.

At night,

I will take everything.

What is it, Archana? - Rama.

Are you sewing?

Sit down. Sit down. Sit down.

Well, what else can I do?

That is why I was sewing.

So? Did you think

I do think of you, dear. I do.

So what else can I do? Tell me.

I don't get time at all.

I tell Sujit so many times. Hey,

But who would listen to me?

Will Sujit stay back in Dubai?

I don't know what he wants, dear.

Now, look. He sends me

And as soon as he does,

And even his wife is too much,

I tell her that she should learn

..the banking on her own.

So that I can have

But she doesn't listen to me.

She is just a child.

You will see that she will

Oh, no. She will not.

I feel irritated.

Throughout the day, she keeps

Would doing that help?

It seems I am her teacher.

She doesn't do anything

Why, dear?

She can ask her, right?

Don't say that. Not everyone gets

Shyamli is a really nice girl.

Yes. Well..

You are right.

Our son and son's wife

I will make some tea for you.

No, no, no. Don't bother at all.

Oh, no. Why would it be a bother?

I will make some tea. Okay, wait.

Daughter-in-law. Daughter-in-law.

Did you call me?

Yes. Rama is here.

Okay, mother. I will make it.

Tell me.

When is the last date

I have to give it by Monday.

Okay. You can tell

I can tell father.

No, Gargi. It wouldn't seem nice.

Why? Father can

He loves you like his own son.

I am grateful to

He is such a big businessman.

I am grateful. I feel blessed.

Father can give the money.

Okay. It is great if he can pay.

It is just that you have

That is the reason I offered.

Come on. Let us go for

No. The car is troubling me.

Why? Something wrong with it again?

Or else, why would I say that?

These days, the mechanics

They don't know anything.

Which garage did you go to?

Well, a garage called Diamond

Do you know?

They were making such tall claims.

Diamond auto?

Well, come on. Let us make a move.

Come on.




I have got hot snacks.

Hey, Raju. Call your brothers.

Yes, father.

What is the matter?

Right? -You are right.

I got the money for overtime today.

I see.

Daughter-in-law. Come here.

Here you are. - Look.

This is for you. - For me?

And this is for you.

Hey, take it.

Look, dear. Do you like it?

Look. This is your sari.


I have got a linen shirt for you.

Thank you, father. - Wear

You have got it.

But what was the need

There was a need.

Hey, Raju.

Yes? - I have got

I can see that you keep on wearing

You should keep on changing it

You have got clothes for everyone.

Now show me what you

What do you think?

Do you think I wouldn't

..when I have got

How could you even think of that?


Now give me something to eat.

I will show you what

The snacks and the sweet

Yes. I will get it.


Bijo. - Yes?

Give me your father's bag.

Here you go, mother.

I got it.

You have got these

Look, Archana.

I need the uniform of a mechanic.

What would I do with

If I buy shirts and trousers..

..I would have to keep

And.. - Let it be.

I have understood.

Father. Even I am going inside.


What is it?

Yes. I need twenty five

Twenty five thousand? Why?

Oh, no. I have passed

I have the final exam now.

But such a lot of money.. such a short period of time?

Don't worry about it.

I will arrange for it.

I will give whatever I can.

We will raise the sum together.

This is for you.

Come on.

It is a beautiful sari.

Yes. Even my shirt is nice.


Listen. I hope you haven't forgotten about

No, no. Why would I forget?

I cannot see any

I have gone to the jeweler's

I see. Really?

Yes. Wouldn't I have to give

Hey, do you know?

Do you know how much

Forty thousand rupees.

Please don't turn me down.


Forty thousand rupees?

Elder brother. - Yes.

Elder brother.

Okay. Go ahead.

Why did father call you now?

I will go and find out the reason.

Father. Did you call me?

Yes. Listen.

We need twenty five thousand for

Twenty five thousand, father?

Yes. What shall we do? Tell me.

I don't have anything right now.

Yes. But such a lot of money..

Okay, father.

Since you are asking me

Listen, Bijo. - Yes?

Tell us clearly.


Actually as far as are aware that Geeta's

As an elder son-in-law,

That is why I was a little worried.

And in any case,

I haven't been able

In that case,

I will handle the rest.

Okay, father. If you are saying so,

What is it? What happened?

What did father say?

No. I mean..

We have to arrange for twenty five

That is why I was thinking..

Will you give the money?

No. I mean..

Such a lot of money?

How can father

Apart from that, Sujan


And what about our future?

You are working so hard just to spend


The responsibility of your

Let his parents think about it.

Yes. But..

Look, Geeta.

And apart from that,

..for such a big sum in

Listen to me.

Don't forget about the wedding

Apart from that, if you

..what will you give

But.. - Apart from that,

..more than five thousand.

But Geeta..

I don't want to listen to anything. I

I am sure you don't want me to


Think about your own welfare.

Or else,

Here you go.


Keep this envelope.

I have given whatever

How much does it have?

Five thousand.

That wouldn't be enough.

How will I arrange for

Why? Last night, the way you spoke,

it seemed you will arrange for

But twenty thousand?

I thought we will have a

So I..


I would have been happy

Okay. Do you think I don't want

But I cannot give

I am getting late. I am leaving.

Father, may I say something?

You give me money for monthly

If I count the entire sum,

Take it for younger brother.

What do I do with this mad boy?

Tell me. Archana.

Do you think an amount


Hey! Oh, no. I am getting late.

I am leaving. - Okay.

What is the matter, Shiv?

Hasn't boss come in yet?

No. He is not here.

What do you mean he isn't here?

Actually last night,

So he has gone to Delhi

He has gone to Delhi?

I don't know.

But I think it will

That could cause trouble.

So does it mean I will lose?

All my dreams will be shattered,

If Sujan cannot answer his exams,

Don't worry so much. Pray to God.

Wait and watch.

I cannot think of anything.

If boss would have been here, I

Why are you getting worried?

Nothing will go wrong. Pray to God.

Rama. - Yes?

What is the matter, Archana?

Yes. Rama.

I need twenty five

I have to submit

Kali, my husband's garage owner,

As soon as he comes back,

Oh, no. Look.

I had thirty thousand

Yes. Daughter-in-law's

..he needs some money for

He asked me for it. So I gave it.

What? I had come here

You are unlucky, Archana.

Oh, no. If you would

Anyway, there is no point

Let me do something.

I will ask daughter-in-law to tell

No, no. That is not possible.

Hey, it is Sunday tomorrow.

The land wouldn't get

They can take loan

They have a lot of money.

No, Rama.

No, no, no, no. My daughter

Apart from that,

Daughter-in-law will

No. But yet,

Don't worry, Rama.

Your brother will arrange

I am leaving.


I am leaving.

Here you are. Mother. Don't you

Don't I give you enough to eat?

Oh, no. No, daughter-in-law.


So why are these clothes

None of them are clean.

All that you have done

But I had cleaned them.. - Stop it.

Do you think getting them from the

Don't you have to iron them?

You kept these at my room!


Are you having fun meetings

No, daughter-in-law.

That is why she was here.

Are you the Goddess

Why did she come to you?


Sitting and having a gathering of old

All you can do it

Don't you have anything else?

Daughter-in-law. Are you..

Are you taunting

Wouldn't I?

Your son is working so hard

Shyamli. - Lower your volume.

It seems you have

Who is giving this

Daughter-in-law. Don't

Do I need to learn it from you?

Get going now.

Use your strength

Just after this, you will



Lord. You..

Cannot you see my plight?

So many people die every day.

Why cannot I die?


Don't be sad.

Well, I am not hungry now.

What are you saying?

Do you think I will

Apart from that, God has


No, no. This is impossible.

Do you want to lose it for him?

Mother had given it to me so that it

Take it. Keep it as a

and get the rest

My son should be respectable.

Tell me. Isn't it?

I will get many opportunities

But when we are amidst this

That is all I want. Don't be sad.

Come on.

Here you are, Sujan.

And listen.

You are going with such

Okay, father.

Bless you.

Be victorious.


May Goddess bless you!

Archana. - Yes?

If you are by my side, I can do

What are you saying?

I am not exaggerating.

Because of you, a huge load

I spent the last two days

Only I am aware of it.

Do you know what I

Sujan should answer

I told you. It will be done.

I will handle everything.

Okay? Okay. Okay. Fine.

Father. - Yes?

Yes. Okay,

Okay. Okay. Bye.

Hello, my dear.

So? How are you? Tell me.

Do you have time

All that you have time for is work,

Don't be angry.

You know that I always

Where is Sujan?

He has gone to the

Yes. It is time for his exams.

Very brilliant boy.

Father. Father, buy me a new car.

This car is really troubling me.

I cannot drive it.

Okay. Okay.

I will call the manager.

You will get a new car. - Okay.

Look, dear.

Your happiness is

Good morning, uncle.


How are you?

Fine. - Hi, Gargi.


Very good.

You must get good results, Sujan.

After that,

You have to make it really big.

Yes, uncle. I must make it big.

Because this whole world

Money. Business status.

Bank balance.

Father. Don't talk

No, no. Why shouldn't

Hey, I have to think

Apart from that, you must dream

I am dreaming, uncle.

I have a dream of becoming

That is right.

I really liked what

But Sujan, you haven't

I want to meet them.

Well, my family..

I mean, uncle, I said that..

Yes. Your family.

By that, I mean your mother, your

I want to meet them. And know them.

Okay, Gargi. Do something.

Go to their house.

And tell them that I want to invite

Thank you, father.

Hey, Hari. Give me the things

Here you go. Take it. - Yes.

Hey, Shiv Shankar. - Are you fine?

How are you?

Give two kilos of rice.

Did you like the necklace?

Which necklace?

Hey, Bijan got a

Bijan got a necklace

Yes. He said he will give

He did have to shell

But the necklace is beautiful.

Didn't he say anything to you?

No. He didn't. Actually

He must have shown

Father. Let us go.

I am leaving.

I am leaving. - Yes, yes.

Give a kilo of pulses.

Yes. Okay. Okay.

I am hanging up. Yes.

Bumba. Father is coming.

He will get a lot of toys for you.


Is my Sujit coming?


He is coming next week.

Thank God. Finally God

How does the boy stay alone abroad?

That is what I keep

You love father a lot,

Oh, dear. What are you saying?

Wouldn't I love him?

The gem of my eyes.

Stop it. That is enough.

So your son is coming back home.

Have you seen the condition

Would your son be such a bad condition when

No, no, no. What are you saying?

The entire house has to be cleaned.

So daughter-in-law,

Cleaning man?

Do I need to spend such

Don't mind, mother.

Your son doesn't earn enough

But daughter-in-law..

If we don't call a cleaning man..

..who will clean so many

You will do it.

I? How can I do it

As soon as I said it, you have

Whenever I ask you to do something,


I don't see you falling


Why do you taunt an old woman like

Who pays for my food?

The one whom I have

Keep quiet.

Get up in the morning

I don't want to see dust anywhere.

Come, Bumba.

Sister-in-law. -Yes.

Sister-in-law. She is Gargi.

Gargi. They are my

Hey, let it be.

Yes? - Hey.

Listen. - Yes?

The girl whom Sujan is going

Come on.

Really? - Yes.

So I must go and see her.

Come on.

Go ahead.

What did mother

She said that your younger

Younger brother hasn't got

Are you lying to me?

You are angry?

Hey, dear.

Hey, she hasn't become

She will be your

Go on. Go and take a look at her.

Am I telling the truth? - Really?

So I should go and

Here he is. - He is here.

She is Gargi. - Yes..

She is the only daughter of

Take his blessings.


What is it?

I told you about an uncultured

Do you remember?

Because of her pride regarding her

Yes. You did tell me. But..

She is the same girl, Archana.

Yes. But if Sujan likes her..

Look. One cannot

a person by considering

Maybe gradually we will


Gargi wants to

Uncle. I am very sorry.

Actually I was in a hurry that day.

I said rubbish.

Please forgive me, uncle.

I really felt repentant later.

Believe me.

Father. Her father

So he has invited all

If you think I can be pacified

Then you are right.


I mean all of us will

But I have a condition.

Gargi must have food with

Yes. - Right?

Sure, uncle.

Gargi. Do you want more vegetables?

Yes, yes. Give it.

It is very tasty.

Would she say yes if you ask her?

Give it. Give it.

No, no, aunt.

I cannot eat so much.

Okay, fine. Have your food nicely.

Thank God.

My worries have

I will be done once another

Whom are you talking about, mother?

This one.

I am talking about Raju. Who else?

Sujan has liked a girl.

Now we will look for an auspicious

And then,

And get you married.

If you look for her,

I have to see as well.

Or else, how would I understand

Father said it.

What is the matter? Tell me.

What is the relation

and the ringing of a temple bell?


One day,

..I had told him that

..and he can hear

..he will come to know that God has

No, Raju. Wait.

That bell will ring

Maybe you will get old by then.

What? - So what?

Don't get married till

I am really sorry.

I hope you are not hurt.

How strange. You must watch out


"As soon as I looked

"I lost my heart."

"As soon as I looked

"I lost my heart."

"I felt that you are the one."

"I felt that you are the one."

"The one who is close

"And the one I touched

"The one who is close

"And the one I touched

"The one who is close

"And the one I touched

"As soon as I looked

"I lost my heart."

"You came out of dreams

"And met me with love."

"I know I will lose my sleep now."

"I feel very lonely.

"Whenever night approaches."

"I felt that you are the one."

"I felt you are close to me."

"The one I have

"And the one I touched

"As soon as I looked

"I lost my heart."

"You came close

"And went away as

"I used to spend the

"We met in the day today. And

"Everything seems colorful today."

"I felt that you are the one."

"I felt you are close to me."

"The one I have

"And the one I touched

"The one I have

"And the one I touched

"The one I have

"And the one I touched

"As soon as I looked

"I lost my heart."

"As soon as I looked

"I lost my heart."

What happened, brother?

Are you day dreaming?

What is the matter with you,

Why are you sitting

Are you on drugs or something? Yes?

Go, go, go. - Hey!

Go quickly. - Come on. Go.

Look. There is a problem

You have to wait


It is our lunch time right now.




Really? - Yes, yes.

So we must repair the car for sure.

Vimal. - Come on.

Let us repair this car first.

Yes. Come on, boss.

What is the problem?

I think there is dirt

If I wouldn't have got

..I would have been in trouble.

Actually I have to

The patient is not

Thanks a lot.

Please thank him.

He had asked me to repair your car.


Didn't I crash into you that time?


Did you get hurt?


But you wouldn't understand

What? - No, no, no..

Father is joking.

I see. What is your name?

My name is Raju.

And he is my father.

Greetings. I am Priyanka Sen.

Here you are. Your car is repaired.

If there is any problem

..I will come directly to you.

So you may leave now.

Look, Shiv Shankar.

You could have become a big engineer

It is my luck.

Since childhood,

After that,

And then, I didn't even

I didn't even come to know.

Yes. Amidst everything, you have

Sujan is my would be son-in-law.

There are very few

I have a wish to establish

What do you mean?

Look. Gargi is my only daughter.

And considering their future, I

..they will stay with me.

I see. Do you want Sujan

Why are you looking at it that way?

Maybe you couldn't do it on your

I want Sujan to

When he becomes a big engineer..

..he can handle the


There is a lot of difference

..Mr. Aditya Narayan Chaudhry.

If Gargi gets married to my son..

..I want Gargi to stay in

But Sujan can never be

Think about it, Shiv Shankar.

It will be for Sujan's well-being.

I will spend a lot of money

Mr. Aditya Narayan. You think you

But there is something

It is self-respect.

As long as I am alive..

..Sujan will never stay in this

His poor father can give

..just as he has

You are creating an obstacle in the

You will have to


We will see who

And listen to me.

Come on, Archana.


Really, father.

After the scene you created

..I wouldn't be able

Sujan. You think I was wrong?

And just because we are poor,

Why don't you say

Father. He gave a nice suggestion.

He said something which


You are right.

Just because the father is poor..

..he wanted to buy my

Your father is right, Sujan.

You should have raised

I agree.

But you know, mother, I have had

I was quiet thinking of that.

I will make you study MBA, Sujan.

But don't leave me and go.

Have you lost your mind, father?

Do you know the cost

Regardless of the cost, your poor will

And for that,

The future that he something

Father. Think about it once more.

We cannot lose you

Dear, don't worry.

Your mother will make


Till the time I have my hands.. one can stop it.

Wait and watch. Wait and watch!

What is the matter,

Wouldn't you go home?

Everyone has left.

I have no option but to stay,


I have given my word to Sujan.

I will make him

So these days,

Look. I am working on this car now.

Okay. Work. And let me

Yes. - I am leaving.

What happened, Raju? It is so late.

Even I was thinking about that.

Boss. What happened, boss?

What is this? What is this, boss?

What happened, boss?

Blood. Shambhu. Rana.


Here I am.


Doctor. Doctor.


Why cannot I move my hand?

I am sorry. You wouldn't

Your hand has lost its ability.

Doctor. No..

This is impossible.

Calm down, father. Don't move


Will father never


Because of excessive tissues

..he will never be able to

No. No.

Really? - Yes.

Now look at this.


Tell me. - It is so beautiful.

Here you go. - Wow.

And for me?

I have got a train for you.

You can roam around on it all day.

Hold this.

And this is a gun for you.

Have you seen a

Does your friend

Son. - Come, mother. Come.

I had made a promise to the Lord.

If you come back safely,

I went and offered veneration.

Oh, mother.

Sari for you.

Oh, no. Why would I need a sari?

You have come back.

Yes. I have tortured you so much

Your son is back, right?

You are happy, right?

What are you saying, Shyamli?

I am telling you the truth.

Hence, I didn't say

But I must tell you everything now.

Send me to my maternal house now.

What happened?

When you were not here..

..she has gone to the

..I make her do

And don't give her enough food.

And abuse her all the time.

She has said so much. I am feeling

Everyone in the colony thinks

Daughter-in-law. What..

Yes. Tell him.

I am making stories right

Mother. Is she telling the truth?

No.. - What would she say?

I would accept it on my own.

Do you think I am lucky enough for

Oh, no. - I..

I have made a decision.

I wouldn't be able to

I am going to my maternal house.


If I live here, there

Which mother-in-law doesn't

But whatever you have

Never mind.

Why are you sitting here? Come on.

Wait for some time.


If you gossip about would bring disgrace to you.

As far as I know Shyamli,

Being an elder, would be difficult



Whom do I have except all of you?

Please don't ask me to leave, son.



I beg of you, daughter-in-law.

Please stay. Don't go.

Here you go.

All of my dreams

Why are you breaking

Wait and watch.

What shall we do about Sujan's MBA?

I have got good news, Shiv Shankar.

Because of your accident..

..the insurance company has given

Here you go. Take it.

My God!

I knew it. God is there.

He will make arrangements for sure.

Yes, Lord.

Bijan. Keep the money.

And listen,

Make arrangements to buy the house.

He had told me last month that he

Okay, father.

I will get Sujan to do his

Ali sir.

It is my duty, Archana.

If I could do a favor to a person

I am leaving, Shiv Shankar.

Listen, Bijan. Don't get

Get it registered

I couldn't ever give

Talk about it later.

Hey, you?

I had come to this

I see.

But where are you going?

I am going to the market.

What is this?


This belongs to

She has asked me

I see. How is your father?

He is fine.

Are you still working

No, no. I don't work at the garage.

I used to learn

Father doesn't go there.

So what have you decided?

What will I do?

I will do whatever


You are a young man.

Going to the market.

Do you want to keep doing this?


Don't you feel bad merely being

You should be a source

But you aren't doing it.

You are waiting for


You are right.

No, no. I must arrange

Okay, fine.

Come to my chamber

Father. Father.

What is it, Bijan?

Look. Look at this. It

Sujan has topped the exams.

What? - Look.


Did you tell your mother?

No. I will go and tell her.


Lord has finally


I am proud of you, my boy.

I knew that you can do it.

Thank you, uncle.

But you cannot stay

You have to do MBA.

I have decided I will send you

Yes, my boy.

And there is something else.

You must make a decision

What decision, uncle?

The decision is that

You cannot make progress

You must circulate in high society.

And take the responsibility of Aditya

Now the choice is yours.

Think about it.

Here you go.

Where were you all day?

We have been waiting

And you have finally found


I have to discuss something

Discuss? - Yes.

I am going to Gargi's house today.

And henceforth, I will stay there.

What are you saying? Yes?

The truth, mother.

I have made this decision

What, Sujan?

You are a hope of our future.

And support.

I cannot do away with my

Everyone has a right to think

We cannot live without you, Sujan.

We cannot live without you.

So do you want me to stay here

Tell me, mother.

What have you got in your entire

Only sadness,

Apart from that,

Your hair has gone

Sujan. Keep quiet.. - Archana.

Let him go.

He is right.

I have just given him food and

Every parent does that.

Why would he ruin

Go. Go. - No, no.

Go away, Sujan. Go.. - No, no.

Don't ask him to leave.. - Go away.

Don't let him go..

He is gone..

He is gone. Ask him..

I cannot stay without him.

I cannot stay without him.


Aditya Narayan.

Hey, you?

So late at night?

Tell me. What can I do for you?

Today, a father has come

What are you saying?

Give Sujan back to me.

Or else, I wouldn't

Look, Shiv Shankar.

This is a personal matter

I don't want to


Did you call me, father?

Yes. Your father has

It is your matter. Handle it.

Why have you come

I have said everything

Don't say that, Sujan.

..has taken ill at home.

She is asking for

Please come back, son.

Don't stage a fake drama, father.

Wouldn't you let me live in peace?


Don't shout.

This is the house of a cultured man. Let

Don't come back to

Go. Go away.

From today,



"All of us should be together

"We should be able to defeat pain."

"And shine like the

"This darkness

"That is all my

"This house and family.

"It seems like heaven to me."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

Raju. Raju..


Yes, sister-in-law.

Who opened my cupboard?

I opened it, sister-in-law.

Actually on seeing mother in that

Even father isn't here.

That is why I took hundred rupees

So does it mean you

Today, he has opened the cupboard.

Father. You have

Now handle the consequences.


If one takes money from is equal to stealing.

I will give you the money

Raju. Don't cross your limits.


How dare you do this


Are you insulting me

Look, Bijan. This is the

Don't be angry with Raju,

He did everything for my sake.

Why? Couldn't he

Or else, were you about


Geeta. - Come on.


I don't want any more trouble

That is why I want both of you

Who gave you the right

Don't forget.

This house belongs to your mother.

You are making a very big mistake.

Wait for some time.

I will do away with

Geeta. Why do you want

You know that she is merely angry.

Biju! Instead of are asking your

Here you go. Hold this.

And read it to find out

Wow! Very good.

Look. Look, Archana. - Yes?

Your son hasn't registered

He has registered


At least you let me know the truth.

Father. Regardless of whoever's can stay here.

No one will say anything.

Till the time I die, I..

..Shiv Shankar Mukherjee

That is the only support I have.

Come on. Archana. Come on, Raju.

"I don't want anything

"I don't want anything

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"This house.

"Seems like heaven to me."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

What do you want?

I have heard that there is..

There is an empty

Yes. I do.

But I need an advance

Five thousand?

I am in a big trouble.

Since last night, my father and

And my mother is unwell.

At the moment, if you could give

How much is it?

Two thousand.


Two thousand?

I am in a big trouble.

Or else, my mother will die.

At the moment..

..please give us a place to stay.

Have mercy.

Okay. Okay.

Look. I will give

But remember. Pay the rent

Okay? - Yes.

Here you go.

Go. Go there.

I can never forget

Hey, Raju. - Yes?

Listen. Take these.

Go and sell them. - No, mother.

Don't ask me to sell these.

Give me some time. I..- Listen.

I will arrange for a job.

Raju. Take these.. - No.

We can go on for some

We will see what happens after that.

Hey, go on.


I said, go.

Archana. - Yes?

For how long can we

It seems that everyone in this world

Everyone thinks I am useless.

No, no. Don't say that.

I don't want you

But why did you sell

I am useless, right?

Listen. Don't break down like this.

Who will look after us if

The ones who were supposed to look

They have learnt how to

Forget all that.

You are our only support.

God has taken away a hand of mine.

But I am not dead yet.

I will fight again.

I want that. I know you can do it.

Archana. Archana.

Your words have given

I can hear it within myself.

Now only God has to


There he is. He is back.

I didn't know that

It is my luck, Ali sir.

But how are you earning

We are earning somehow.

From today,


I am not dead yet, Ali sir.

I don't have the

But experience has a value, right?

I was thinking of something,

Tell me.

My younger brother,

If you want to start something

I will give him some money now.

And later, when your

No. No, Ali sir.

I don't want to increase the load

I want to start everything

Anyway, why will Imtiaz

Don't ask me.

My nephew's kidneys

The doctor has said that

..maybe he can be saved.

We are looking for

Look. God will ensure

Many people donate

Yes. Let me see.

If God gives us blessings,

Yes. There is something.

My residence phone isn't working.

I will give a phone number.

It is the residence

If need be, call me there.

Yes. Tell me the number.




Who is this?


This is Raju here.


Your son needs a kidney, right?


He needs it desperately.

I want to donate it.

May God bless you, brother.

Raju. Can you come


It is easy to remember the address.

Number 17. Paharpur road.

Tell me something first. Will


My son is unwell.

I can give everything

Tell me. What do you want? Tell me.

Will you give me the

In exchange for my kidney, will you

That will fulfill my dream.


It will be done.

Good morning, sir.

Very good morning to you.

Priyanka. We have good news.

We have found a kidney


And not just that. His medical

We are just waiting

Where is the patient?

In cabin number three.

Go. Go and check on him.

Excuse me.

What is this? Raju? You?

I cannot even imagine in my

Are you donating your kidney?

Apart from this..

..I had no other option.

Do you know what you are doing?

Why are you doing this?

Does Shiv Shankar know?


Even you mustn't tell him.

Give me your word. - But..

No buts.

I must do this

And what is the value of the life

You had told me, right?

I am a liability for father.

But regardless of that, I cannot

Why? Why don't

..your father and mother

That is why I am giving

What is it?

If I remain alive, it is fine.

But if I die, then..

Take the agreement from

Tell him that we

And the agreement is for that.


I want father to go back

Probably I wouldn't

But I will remain in

Wouldn't I be there?

Don't worry. I will do

And can I say

I didn't have the courage

If I don't say it today..

..maybe I wouldn't get a chance

What is it?

I have fallen in love with you.


Are you angry?

I have never seen such

You will be alive.

You must remain alive for my sake.



Your operation is day after.

You must get admitted


You can go home now.

What is it? What happened

What is it? Want to say something?


I have got a job.

Who gave you a job?

An acquaintance of mine.

He stays at Burhampur.

So when will you leave?

The train is tomorrow

Even you will leave

Oh, no. I will come


The ones you gave

And you want to stop Raju?


Don't misunderstand me.

I wouldn't be at

No, no. You may leave.


Wherever you might be,

..will always be with you.

Go on.

"There are still human beings."

"There are some human beings."

"There are still human beings."

"There are some human beings."

"Ones who want to give."

"But don't want

"The ones who give a lot

"The ones who give a lot

"There are still human beings."

"There are some human beings."

"There are still human beings."

"There are some human beings."

"Ones who look at the world

"They wouldn't understand.

"Ones who have lost their direction

"They wouldn't look

"Ones who become generous

"The ones who don't

"They won't understand them."

"There are still human beings."

"There are some human beings."

"There are still human beings."

"There are some human beings."


Look, father. I have bought

Here it is.

From now on, you will work.

Where did you get the

I got it, father.

Someone gave it to me.

The one I work for


Have you started lying?

How dare you?

Tell me. Where did you

No, no. Father. I didn't steal. I..


If you want to remain alive,

Tell me.. - Father.

What are you doing? Leave him.

What are you doing?

Leave him. - Raju!

Do you know, Ali sir? He..

He has started stealing. - Raju!


Is this what you have learnt from

Before buying the garage

..why didn't you die?

What are you saying to him,

What are you saying?

Do you know where he got

Do you know? He..

He has sold a kidney of his.


And he has bought the

What are you saying, Ali sir?

I am telling the truth. He..

He has donated a


And in exchange, he has bought this

Raju kept his life just for,

Your Raju is pure gold,

He is pure gold.

Why did you do this? Yes?

For your sake, father.

Just for you.

You were dying gradually.

I couldn't see it anymore.

But what if something

..what would we live for?

I am fine just because

I knew, father.

I will come back to you for sure.

Don't say anything else, father.

Come on. Wouldn't we go

Come on, Raju.

On seeing this courage of yours,

I will start a new life


"Come on. Let us do it."

"Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun."

"Fun. Fun."

"Only fun."

"Fun. Fun."

"Only fun."

"One who want pure fun in life."

"They become friends

"Fun. Fun."

"Only fun."

"Fun. Fun."

"Only fun."

"One who want pure fun in life."

"They become friends

"Have fun now.

"Have fun now.

"I want pure fun."

"Fun. Fun."

"Fun. Fun."

"Fun. Fun."

"Only fun."

"Fun. Fun. Only fun."

"Life means only duty."

"Duty is a human being's religion."

"Life means only duty."

"Duty is a human being's religion."

"Hence, in order to

"Keep busy in work all day."

"Hence, in order to

"Keep busy in work all day."


"One who don't think about future."

"Don't know the value of time."

"One who don't think about future."

"Don't know the value of time."

"They think life

"Life is so good today."

"Have fun now.

"Have fun now.

"I want to have pure fun."

"Fun. Yes. Fun."

"Fun. Yes. Fun."

"Fun. Fun. Only fun."

"Fun. Fun. Only fun."

"Just remember that

"And the fog of the night

"Just remember that

"And the fog of the night

"In order to get

"Work hard all day."

"In order to get

"Work hard all day."

"Fun. Fun."

"Only fun."

"Fun. Fun."

"Only fun."

"Fun. Yes. Fun."

"Fun. Yes. Fun."

"Fun. Fun."

"Only fun."

"Fun. Fun."

"Only fun."


"We will be together.

"We will defeat pain.

"This darkness will be dispelled."

"That is all my heart asks for."

"This house of ours.

"It seems like heaven to me."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

I have got it. I have got it,

I have got it.

Finally, all of my

Shiv Shankar Mukherjee has

If we use the carburetor made by

If we use the carburetor, the car

..will run for fifteen kilometers.

It is a great achievement.

Shiv Shankar. Greetings to you.

Come on.

We have given approval

And we have sent

Thank you, sir.

Thank you very much.




Wish you a happy wedding

After a long time, I really feel


Today, I am very happy.

Another year of our

Take a look at this.

Look at what I have got for you.

This is the bangle of aunt.

And this is the

I am so happy.

Trust me.

I had thought this

But I hadn't even dreamt that

One day,

Today, I have taken it

Archana. - Yes.

You have always given me

But you have never

That is because I

I will ask for something

I will wait for that day.

"While walking,

"And spoke to each

"I don't know how I fell

"It was love at first sight."

"And those dreams and thoughts."

"I don't know how I fell

"While walking,

"And spoke to each

"I don't know how I fell

"There was love. And some hopes.

"I have found it today.

"There was love. And some hopes.

"I have found it today.

"When was the first time?"

"When you understood.."

"The hopes in my heart."

"I don't know how I fell

"I have come to know a little bit.

"When it is night, I keep

"I have come to know a little bit.

"When it is night, I talk

"When I fell in love with you,

"The language of this song."

"I don't know how I fell

"It was love at first sight."

"And those dreams and thoughts."

"I don't know how I fell

"I don't know how I fell

Did you call me, father?

Yes. All the orders we

What is the matter, Sujan?

We had a lot of demand for the


Actually Shiv Shankar

..carburetors in the market for

Because of which,

..aren't ready to

Okay. You may leave.

Well done, Dasgupta.

I am happy with the

Thank you, sir.

But there is something

Our product is the

So why are we selling

I mean what I am saying is that

Dasgupta. - Yes, sir.

Whatever you deem as loss

I want the names of Aditya

..and Sujan Enterprises

For this, even if I

..I don't really care.

Okay, sir.


Listen. Can you come

Why, Archana?

I want to go to our old colony.

I got it, Archana.

I will come back right away.

Hey, welcome.

When did I become sir? Since when?

And why are you talking

You haven't changed at all, Shiv.

You are just as you were earlier.

Hey, Vibhu. - Yes?

Go and get a cold drink. - No, no.

I don't want anything. - Okay.

Where is the betel leaf?

Yes. Here you go. Have betel.

All of us in the colony

Even I was missing

So I came here. - Good.

Oh, I remembered.

Keep this list. - Yes.

On my way back.. - Yes.

..I will take it.

And write down the accounts

What are you doing, Bumba?

I am washing grandmother's clothes.


Grandmother has fever.

Get up from there.

Naughty boy. You aren't studying.

And now, you are washing

Get up.

Wow. Even you make grandmother

I see.

So you are learning all this

Come here.

Naughty boy.

You are not studying..

Let father come back today.

Come inside. - Daughter-in-law.

Don't you feel ashamed to

Come here. - What?

You should be the one

You are teaching vices of

Oh, no.

What is this? Have you started

Take this. - Listen.

Considering whatever

..either your mother

This is enough.

What happened now? What happened?

Your mother made my

What? - Yes. She will

Or maybe, begging.

If she is here, my son wouldn't

I am telling you..

What is this, mother?

I don't like this ruckus every day.

Let me live in peace.

Go elsewhere and stay. - Son.

What are you saying?

I don't have anyone

In this old age,

If I die.. can perform my last rites and


Don't tell anyone about the problems

This does away with the

Mother.. - Listen.

Listen, dear. I..

If I roam on the streets, then..

Then you will lose respect, dear.

Mother.. - I cannot tolerate that.

Even I cannot

Forgive me.

No, son. Don't do this.

No, no. Leave me. Leave me.

Son. Don't ask me to leave.



I had become very lowly

Today, I lost my respect

No, Rama. Keep quiet.

Come with us. Come on.

Come on.

You must remain alive, Rama.

If you don't eat,

I don't have the wish to live,

What should I live for?

Why should I live?

You will live for your own sake.

You will live for us.

Don't we mean anything

No, no.

You. Archana.

So eat now.

Here you go. Don't hurt

Have this. Eat.

Open your mouth. Have it.

This story doesn't merely belong

It is the same story

..and thousands of old people.

When they become old, parents lose their

They become a liability.

But where will these thousands of

How will they survive? Yes.

It is the inauguration

I would just like to say

Shanti Nir is not an old age home.

It is a house for

..who live amidst their own people.

And yet, they have become alone.

Ones who have been tortured by their

There are a lot of people

They want to work.

Their own relatives render

Even if they have a spark of life,

This is the need of this hour.

Hence, I want every do something and

And live with self respect.

Only then will the establishment

Thank you.

"Let the fire of the golden

"Make this life blessed."

"Make this life blessed."

"Make this life blessed."

"Make this life blessed."

"In this donation of light."

"Let the fire of the golden

"Hold up this body of mine."

"And light it as a lamp

"Hold up this body of mine."

"And light it as a lamp

"Let the flame of this

"Let the flame of this

"Let the fire of the golden

Greetings, Shiv Shankar.

What is the matter, operator?

How can you send just anyone

Take care of these things.

I don't think you recognized me.

Do you think I wouldn't


On seeing you,

Right? Tell me.

You have ruined me, Shiv Shankar.

My business will wrapped

What shall I do? Tell me.

When one gains,

And when one loses, one gains.

This is how the world works.

You are poaching good mechanics

I have a lot of local

You lured them with

Even you had bought

Father, I will not be

I have worked very

You must think of my future.

I don't have any wish

On this day, everyone's has the

Right, Mr. Sujan.

So what is the problem

Please. Don't waste my time.

Mr. Bijan Mukherjee.

So late at night? Who are you?

CBI officer. Special branch.

We have the warrant to search

But why, sir?

Officer. Take charge.

Hey, where are you going?

Sir. Trust me.

Sir. I..

I have not done anything.

Let me see. - What is


Sir. Sir. This is my hard earned

Sir. Sir. I have earned..

I have earned it, sir.

It might be true

But how?

This is money earned by bribe.

We have a mark on every note.

You are under arrest, Mr.


But.. - Come on.

Please, sir. - Please come with us.

Please leave him, sir.

Please leave him, sir.

Please, sir. Please.

What happened, Archana? - Yes?

Why are you sitting like that?


Vigilance officers have..

They have arrested

Who informed you?

Elder daughter-in-law

She was crying a lot, you know.

I asked her to calm

I told her not to worry. His father

You have misunderstood me.

Okay. Don't go.

Since I have given my word,


You will not go to bail him out.


Okay. I will go in the morning

Is Rama Sarkar here?

What is it?

Is this Rama Sarkar's house?

Rama Sarkar's house?

Has she been saying all these

No. It isn't so. But I

What shall I do now?

What should I do with the cheque?


What cheque?

There was a case going on regarding

So the decision regarding

So like her other siblings, even

Two lakhs?

What are you saying? Hey, listen.


Come here quickly.

What is the matter?

Hey! There is a check

How much?

Two lakhs.

Where? Where? Where?

Wait, wait. Mother?

But earlier, she said that

Well.. - I didn't say that.

No. I mean..

She was in this house.

But this isn't her house. - Yes.

I mean she stays with us.

He is her only son.

Give it. Give it. Give it.

Forgive me. This is a legal matter.

I am under a compulsion

I am sorry.

Here is your cheque.

You worked so hard to find me.

You have done a huge favor to me,

May God bless you, dear!

No, no. Aunt. There is no

That is why I gave it to you.

Okay, dear.

Mother. Hey..

Come in.

What is this? What brings you here?

Are you fine?

Yes. We.. - We..

How can we be fine, mother?

Since the time you left,

Forgive me, mother.

Look, mother. There are

But does it mean you have

Let us go home, mother.

I will go there and cook again.

Wash utensils.

Wash clothes.

And get tortured

Is this why you

No, no, what are you saying?

Even she is asking for forgiveness.

Ask for forgiveness. - Look, son.

Don't act now.

Oh, no. Mother.

I said I made a mistake.

She is asking for forgiveness.

What do you think I am?

Don't I understand anything?

I have got some money today.

And because of the greed have come to me.


Don't say that, mother.

Keep quiet.

Go away from here. Never ever..

Don't ever come here again.

Never again.

Let me tell you something else.


When Bumba grows up and

..come here and give my reference.

You will get a place to stay.

Brother. Wait for some time.

Here you go. Take it.


What is going on here?

Gargi. Brother is in trouble.

How can you give them money

What are you saying?

Do you think I mustn't help

Earn your own money

You can help later on.

Don't you feel embarrassed

What are you saying, Gargi?

Forget it, Sujan.

Why are you fighting between

We came to you because we thought

I know the kind

Please don't stand here.

Right now.

Don't come to our house ever again.

Come on.


That wasn't the right thing to do.

I did the right thing.

You are going beyond limits now.

It is okay if I am

If you want to stay in must tolerate


Hey. Get lost.

How dare you?

Look, father. Gargi has

Whatever it might be,

Yes, husband.

I made just one mistake in my life.

Even if a useless person is in

..he remains useless.

I shouldn't have let a useless

You are right, father.

I got you to a palace

And yet, your father..

As soon as he got some money..

Yes, yes, your father has made a

And for this, you..

You are to be blamed for this.

But father, what is my mistake?

It is your lineage

The day your father insulted me..

..I should have thrown

But I am not illiterate

That is why I am still

Are you asking me to leave?

If you want to leave,

Come on.



Wouldn't you talk to your sons?

There was nothing left to

Forgive them.

One can forgive people

I had lost that right

Wouldn't you think for me?

How can I tolerate their pain?

Let them stay in this house.

Impossible. That..

That can never happen. - Why not?

Don't my words mean

I have listened to everything

I have stayed on with a

..that you wanted me to stay in.

I just held on to you

I didn't try to contact them ever.

I just had one consolation then.

I used to think that

..they are doing well.

But I don't have

They have lost everything today

If we don't give shelter

..then where will go they? Tell me.

Which sons are you talking about?

Which sons?

The ones who took away the smile

Before they threw

..they didn't think even once.

Where will their parents go?


There is no place for

Your house? Does this

I don't have any

You have a right on everything

But there is no place

You are saying that because

You have fame.

You have become blind because

That is why you cannot

Don't be so cruel.

Today, they have

Even if one asks for forgiveness

I am not God, Archana.

I am not God.

It is not possible

That is it.

You told me one day. Why haven't

You asked me when I am

And also that you

That day has arrived today.

Today, I beg of you to

Wouldn't you fulfill your promise?

Wouldn't you give

Wouldn't you? Tell me.

What happened, mother?

The phone is ringing.


Who is it? Archana?

Yes. I am Rama.


Why has Shiv Shankar come

I asked him.

But he didn't give

Will you come here?

I will be right there, Rama.

What happened, mother?

I will be right back.

But.. - Mother!

Why are you so restless?

Why didn't you come back


Who are you angry with?


You know, Archana.

Why not?

Why not?

It would have been better

It would have done away with

What are you doing instead?

And you are torturing

What are you saying, Archana?

I am telling the truth.

I know you more than I know myself.

Just as I got my sons back to me,

You left your home and

I am alive for you.

How could you come to Shanti Nir?

Didn't you think even once

You have a lot of reasons

You are still thinking about them?

You still have such a

Cannot you think of me even once?

I am standing in the

What shall I do? Tell me.

Okay, are you a human

Even a stone would

But why doesn't your stone melt?

How can you be so cruel?

How can you be so selfish?

Tell me.

You are so selfish. You are so..


Hello. Hello, mother. It is me..

Raju here.

Come to the nursing home quickly.

Father has got a heart attack.


Please forgive me.

I misunderstood and hurt you a lot.

This is better.. - No, no.

I worked for so long.

No, no.

Don't say that.

Don't say that.

Here you go.


After I die, open a branch of Shanti

I am giving five lakhs to

And five lakhs to Sujan Mukherjee.

I am giving this money

But if they wouldn't have been there,

I am grateful to them.

Raju served me all his life without

I am giving another

If something happens to me,

Father. Father.




"I don't want anything from life."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"This house. This happy family."

"It seems like heaven to me."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

"Whatever I have got is enough."

For more infomation >> Pita | পিতা | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Jisshu, Rimjhim - Duration: 2:26:21.


アカデミー賞を 授けたくなる?! ドラマチックな猫たち【癒される】 - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> アカデミー賞を 授けたくなる?! ドラマチックな猫たち【癒される】 - Duration: 4:28.


| Picture Lookup in Excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 6:03.

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For more infomation >> | Picture Lookup in Excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 6:03.


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Accept and Go Beyond the Little 'me' NOW - Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 29:45.

in and some of you may be in a state of relative physical discomfort as you sit

here because it's quite warm may not be very soft ways and this you're sitting

on but they are tightly squeezed together relatively and there could be a

little me complaining in the head

something in the head is complaining about this moment

and the amazing thing is that that also adds to the false sense of self the

complainer in the head is an essential aspect of the false sense of self

because if you can complain in the head about something that is here this moment

at that moment your sense of self becomes strengthened because you are

said you're suddenly antagonistic towards something or someone a situation

or a person or an arising condition you are antagonistic towards it stays a

tightening is an enhanced sense of separateness between who you are and

your surroundings or the condition the situation of the person at this moment

so your sense of separateness through complaining becomes strengthened

there's a contraction that happens and if you're extremely conscious of your

body you can notice a slide every time you complain about something in the head

which is so normal there's a slight contraction in that goes with it and an

important part of complaining is you are right and somebody else is wrong you are

right and another person or maybe it may be a situation that this situation is

wrong and I big I'm complaining about I am right and that gives an enormous Lee

strengthens that sense of self the me and everybody's sense of self has that

tendency in it some most much more pronounced than others we have all met

people who go through life almost continuously complaining but it is a

collective mindset the complainer in the head I'm not talking about accepting

everything and never speaking up again I'm talking about a more subtle

complainer not I'm not talking about going to restaurant and eating the cold

soup if it's meant to be hot and not saying this soup is cold but I ordered

hot soup there's nothing wrong with that

or to say you I just got my car you like you pick up your car from the workshop

and it's they haven't repaired it they just charged you for it

so you you go back and say it hasn't been repaired obviously because it's the

same thing happened again there's nothing wrong with that so I'm not

talking about okay from now on never speak up again no complaints

that now is not even complaining if it is a simple statement of fact this is

how it is but there too you could be seeking an enhanced sense of self by

making the other person wrong and making yourself right and then you come with

that attitude back to that car repairman they have they are they're put there by

universal intelligence to challenge you of course

so you go you go back and then you there's a reactivity behind it and you

are right and so you grow your sense of self grows and when and when after you

shout it at him you walk back and then say oh that was good that felt really

good it didn't really feel good but the the egoic sense of self can't tell

between good and bad it often it's what's good was bad it cause good your

body knows that it wasn't good because it suffered in this attack of anger the

circulation that flow of life energy through the bone everything sucked could

obstruct it and an enormous tightening in every cell and the body said what's

going on here something dreadful is happening so to see a load that is self

seeking seeking a stronger sense of self so you could be sitting here and

complain in your head of the situation it's too hot here why do I did they why

are there too many people they shouldn't have that shouldn't be so so how do we

get if these are cold this is a collective mindset a self sneaking

mindset how do we go beyond that and it's been there for so many thousands of

years everybody trapped in it everybody trapped in an illusory sense of self

that continuously seeks to enhance itself no matter what so being right

they are great so being miserable right

an essential characteristic of that sense of self is antagonism to be at

odds with what is the essential key if you look to the very root of that sense

of self what is it that lies at the root of that sense of self and you could say

to get to the very the most simple the most fundamental root of the illusion

it doesn't like what is it's running away always from the suchness of this

moment it does not honor this moment

because it's seeking more in the future so the future is so much more important

because that's where the more is that is going to make my self complete so I'm

not going to honor this moment because I don't even want to be here it's not I am

not enough now

and the simple so simple to step out of that illusionary illusory sense of self

that ultimately is suffering create suffering makes others suffer makes

yourself suffer the simplicity of awakening out of that illusory sense of

self is so incredible that the mind can't get it and it is not to fight the

present moment internally not to stand in opposition internally to the suchness

of this moment and that can start with a little thing like sitting here some

moderate physical discomfort may arise

normal tendency is the mind will step in at that moment and complain then you can

recognize that tendency the reactivity through which the self strengthens

itself and you can drop it or we could say when you recognize it and you can

recognize that it serves no purpose except to strengthen a sense of self you

can drop it and you can say it is this moment is as it is now this sounds it's

not the mind says what are you saying that it's not in

after awaken but it is the word this evening the mantra that is the teaching

of this evening goes like this it is to align yourself with what is now an

openness to what is not a reactive little me complaining trying to get to

the future to complete my self honor the isness of this moment at that moment but

the moment you honor the isness half a million years of collective mind

conditioning cease to operate the moment you honor the isness of now you are no

longer a conditioned entity an unconditioned state of consciousness

arises and that is a state of spacious openness spaciousness arises now there

may not be spaciousness where you are sitting around you but if you can allow

this moment including a certain amount perhaps of physical discomfort if you

can allow it to be okay there is the discomfort I'm a little hot and not so

comfortable aches here or too tight but it is and instead of complaining and

reacting you allow this moment to be I allow this moment to be as it is

I say yet wait

the egoic census of that moment collapses doesn't operate anymore when

you become aligned with what is that is the simplicity of awakening the

simplicity of a light and enlightenment completely welcomed the suchness of this

moment when you do that there is the condition of this moment that changes

continuously in the one eternal moment the appearance of that eternal moment in

the world of form changes continuously of course now this moment manifests in

form as the speaker the words and perhaps a certain amount of physical

discomfort as you sit there and it is allowed the condition let's just say it

is a little bit of discomfort the condition that arises at this moment

instead of being resisted and thereby strengthen me is allowed and the strange

thing that happens then is suddenly there is the condition that arises and

around it thisis and I am using a word that is not an explanation it's only a

little pointer around the condition and the condition could be an internal

condition it could be an external physical condition it could be a life

situation something happen whatever condition it arises can only arise in

the now and now it's not resisted because it is you aligned with the

isness of life the one moment there's only ever now if you're not aligned with

that you're not aligned with life because life can only appear now can

only manifest now life is not there's no life other they know any

life and now are inseparable so if you are not aligned with now there's a

little me that in his delusion says I'm against life I'm against the universe me

against the universe that is the madness of the egoic sense of self so the moment

you allow whatever condition arises at this moment to be internally there is a

spaciousness around an inner sense of space or strangest nests within which

that condition happens now to get what I'm pointing towards you cannot analyze

it mentally because that spaciousness is the very thing that is beyond the noisy

mind there is no spaciousness in the noisy mind but there is

spaciousness of vastness in around and underneath the noisy mind the noisy mind

is like a ripple little ripples in a vast sea so there is that vastness you

thought you were that ripple trying to get it become a bigger ripple and maybe

eventually a wave knowing yourself not as not looking for yourself anymore in

any condition that arises internally as thought externally as an event or

personal relationship not looking some for some confirmation that I am I am

someone by reacting against the condition that's all part of the egoic

madness instead it is allowed to be you allow it to be you allow life to

not a little me that it amounts this should be different it's allowed to

allow life to be where is life here now nowhere else so you how live to be you

become aligned with the one life that underlies all forms of life so one

formless one consciousness before it is born into form temporarily suddenly

there's a spaciousness around the arising condition the sense of inner

space around it that comes with the allowing hmm and that happens it could

be a turbulence a turbulent condition it could let's say anger arises a turbulent

condition and there it is your Valley to be suddenly there's a space around the

anger the anger is still there but it is allowed or something goes wrong if

things as the mind would call it in your life every day something little little

things go wrong all the time it's in the nature of things to go wrong but of

course there's nothing wrong but the mind calls it that and reacts against it

because it strengthens itself by even calling it wrong it's already

strengthens itself because if that is wrong I must be right so I'm bigger so

something goes wrong so to speak and it's simply it is the mantra arises it

is it's it's allowed not a little mean fighting now the little me says please

don't do that you will become powerless if you are no

longer fighting and that's the opposite of the truth

you are powerless because you're fighting what is that is the state of

powerlessness but to the egoic sense of self it looks like okay I'm going to

make it so true power is the power of the one intelligence the one life and

really you are an expression and manifestation in form a temporary

manifestation of that in form just as the flower is the only difference

between you and the flower is that the flower has no problems the flower has no

relationship with itself humans have a relationship with themselves me that's a

big problem and they go through their whole lives

carrying the problem of me trying to make it work this problematic sense of

me I have to make it work somehow it's not in the nature of it to work it's not

even meant to work it's simply there to awaken you

it takes you into suffering and frustration and out of that you begin to

awaken and then in a way you could say as a new consciousness arises from

within you that is no longer opposed to what is an unconditioned sense of simple

presence presence alert open presence or beingness

so you're awakened out of thought and being trapped in thought a thought based

sense of self mental image of me and my story which is all thought not that you

deny the form that you are temporarily that is honored also that is your

temporary form okay the name there's a little past and there's a little future

that this form has and this form interacts with other forms nothing wrong

with that there's nothing even wrong with your story your past

there's only something wrong when you're looking for yourself in it for the

essential sense of self you're looking for it in the story of me which is

ultimately mental noise and I'm looking for it to complete itself in the future

so you're looking for yourself in time where you are never can never be because

there's no ultimate reality to time it's inseparable from the human mind so when

you are looking for an identity in and through time which is the past and the

future way hopefully you will complete yourself that is the root of suffering

and illusion and that's why life is so problematic because you're looking for

yourself where you aren't and the only place where you are you're not looking

which is now and so okay so the mind says okay where where am i and then now

you become friendly with it now and that's an amazing thing and of course

that may not yet happen all the time the old condition of being hostile

antagonistic an enemy of the now will okay occasionally reassert itself and

now as this new state of consciousness arises the unconditioned consciousness

arises for the first time perhaps on a larger scale on the planet you will move

back and forth you will move back and pick it again

suddenly the now will be your enemy again and then you recognize that and

you move out and suddenly the shift happens and the very same situation is

suddenly not resisted any more but welcomed and once you see that suddenly

enormous amount of intelligence is freed that before could not operate you were

not intelligent in a true sense no matter how developed the mind was that

was only a tiny aspect of what true intelligence is the human mind is a tiny

aspect of the vastness of intelligence that expresses itself as the whole

universe in form the flower the Stars the galaxies the blade of grass the

animals the human forms or underlying it one vast intelligence expressing itself

in the world of form playing this beautiful game of form and playing the

game of pretending that it doesn't know itself anymore

that's human form and suddenly there's an awakening and you remember who you

are you are

who could you be other then the one thing that never leaves you what's the

one thing that never leaves you no matter what happens in your life no

matter what happened no matter what will happen in your life what is it that's

always there you can be sure that it'll be now it's always now it's always now

nothing can be that's not now that's the one thing that remains constant that it

everything unfolds now so that is there is that what is that now the error that

most people make when they talk about the present moment of them now they

think this is one of many many moments one moment out another moment in another

moment no you look at it deeply you will see there are not many moments in your

life it's always this field of no now what appears in it changes when you

leave here then now appears in a different form the field of now

something else arises in knowledge and then it leaves if you only know that

which arises and stand in a reactive relationship to what arises in the now

that is the basis for a personal sense of me then that's that's this delusion

all you know is the arising form and you're trying somehow to look for

yourself in the form that arises in the now external or internal as a thought or

belief or reaction and form arises externally in the now you react against

it and you strengthen your own psychological form the knee by reacting

against another form this is the nature of karma action reaction action reaction

and that's it there's no end to it unless you step out and suddenly karma

comes to an end through allowing what is to be this moment which is the only one

what happens changes continuously but it doesn't mean that there are many moments

there's only the field of now in which everything is and that feat of now is

very still a vast stillness no matter how much noise humans make the stillness

is still there and eventually the noise comes to an end and the stillness

remains untouched so s and the amazing thing is when you say yes to what is if

you are alert at that moment you will notice a sense of stillness or peace

arising from deep within


For more infomation >> Accept and Go Beyond the Little 'me' NOW - Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 29:45.


Witch vs Ocelot Life - Rusplaying Minecraft Animation - Duration: 9:09.

witch vs ocelot life minecraft animation

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original format done by Alien Being

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