Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

Today I played Nittaku Fastarc P-1

black lining on the backing of 2.0 mm

I tested it on the board Butterfly_Korbel

First sensations are good

had little history because the badly glued lining

another attempt to positively surprised me

rotations estimate at a high level

comparable to Donic Bluefire M2

the cladding do not want too much compared to other linings

I forehand because I played it very well

while the backhand a little less

So I think this lining for rotary

which suits me more to the forehand

I think that if I had this little thicker backing

I generate a little more rotation

can would be comparable to a flower pot which Bluefire grams

the speed of the cladding is not her strength

this is not the quickest lining

Of course it was facing, without tuning came as

It is a little slower than Tenergy and Bluefire

control was fairly high

I played well this lining the forehand and backhand

I was very well controlled

while at topspin strokes I had to hit the ball carefully to get her more speed

very good control

I think that this lining can play in different ways

I also tried to rearrange a lot of rotation

Laurel or topspin rotation

I think that these play very well fit into this cladding

and she passed the exam in the playing

This is slightly more tough lining of my Bluefire M2

but a large difference was not

after changing the lining of the Nittaku I not noticed a significant difference in weight

completely I missed it

the worst is exercised when the play is not played full

I performed or wrist or dynamically

because I could not give the lining its full capabilities

This was the worst play

movement had to play much longer

for offensive players

of course

I think that for people who want to have control of the large block

while also surprising and strong topspin rotation

generally for my people for my style of play is better suited for the forehand

and I am more strongly because forehand play more forward

This lining suited me more on the forehand because I play more rotation

the site had not noticed some changes compared to my pad

completely I did not notice differences

Game passive generally perform well facing this

I believe that the well block

while at the cut it was also okay

because there was no problem to play short puncture

while at play longer need to flip the movement came to the table

active in the game I am very happy

several exchanges done away from the table

the forehand and there she behaved very well

Tenergy is facing a very high quality

maybe if someone a little more this tuningował Nittaku

He may be able to answer Tenergy

certainly a large monitoring at block

because there is no problem to the defensive game

defense put the ball on the table

while the attack and counterattack, it also makes self-satisfaction

and generally I recommend it

of course, I invite everyone to look at my previous test

which you will find in the link below

under vIDEOS

cordially invite

subskrybujcie lajkujcie


and greetings to all Marcin Ściblak

For more infomation >> Nittaku Fastarc P-1 review by Marcin Ściblak, table tennis experts - Duration: 13:09.


Best Romantic Song 🔥 Love Songs 🔥 Collection Tropical Deep House - Duration: 4:31.

Lost in your mind

I wanna know

Am I losing my mind

Never let me go

If this night is not forever

At least we are together

I know I'm not alone

I know I'm not alone

Anywhere, whenever

Apart, but still together

I know I'm not alone

I know I'm not alone

I know I'm not alone

I know I'm not alone

I know I'm not alone

I know I'm not alone

I know I'm not alone

I know I'm not alone

For more infomation >> Best Romantic Song 🔥 Love Songs 🔥 Collection Tropical Deep House - Duration: 4:31.


Group Assignment | 조별 과제 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 5:46.

(Group Assignment)

Oh, come on.

Nobody showed up for the group assignment?

I think I have the most seniority.

I can't believe these guys.


- You should say hello to your senior... / - Hello.

- You should face me and... / - Hello.

- You should bow... / - Hello.


That's how it's done. Got it?

Hey, when are the others getting here?

- Unbelievable. / - Isn't the cafeteria food good?

Can you pay for once?

- I will. Geez... / - Hey!

What time is it now?

- Hello. / - Hello.

You're here early.

I'm not early. You all were late.

- Look at the time... / - Hey!

Look at the time!

- Why you... / - You were late too.

- Seungyun. / - Yeah.

I'll take care of the underclassmen.

You just sit.


Look at the time!

Seungyun might be old and a loser

but he's still your upperclassman. Got it?

Did you have to say all that?

- Get your act together. / - I will.

I really taught her a lesson.

Thanks. Thanks for that. Calm down.

We have a lot to do.

The assignment for Korean history... Hold on...

1, 2, 3...

The youngest still isn't here?

Isn't he a freshman?

The nerve of that guy.

Anyway, we have a lot to do.

First, we need a topic.

Let's just do that then.

We have to come up with a topic.

We haven't even come up with one yet.

Stop messing around.

We need a presentation...

Seungyun, I made the presentation.

- You made one? / - Yes.

Try to be more like Huiryeong, guys.

Let's all watch this.

I'll start the presentation now.

In Korean history, there's...

- The 3 kingdoms era, the Goryeo era... / - Hold on.


What's that behind you?


I know that but why is he there?

He's cute.

That's not the point.

Why is Bonobono in a college presentation?

Take Bonobono out.

- Alright. / - Good.

- The 3 kingdoms era... / - Not move him to the side.

I meant get rid of him entirely.


Like this?

- Yeah, get rid of him. Good. / - Like this?

- Like this? Like this? / - Why is he back again?

Why is that showing up again?

Get rid of Bonobono! Would you stop that?


That looks nice and tidy now.

Next, we'll learn about

the map of the Korean peninsula.

The Korean peninsula resembles animals.

A tiger.

An otter.

- If you take a look... / - Hey!



Something doesn't...

It doesn't resemble an otter at all.

Would you get rid of Bonobono already? Please?


Next is a graph of the population during...

- The 3 kingdoms era. / - Good.

- Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla... / - Hey, stop that.

Hey! Stop that! You're not doing this!


You're not doing the presentation! I'll do it.

Take Bonobono out!


No Bonobono!

Then let's use Doraemon.

That's not what I meant.

No Doraemon either.

This is... Let me go.

Hey, do you take me for a fool?

Look. I got all the documents.

You made such a shoddy presentation.

Do I have to lose my temper?

- Want to see how scary... / - Hey!

Do you take him for a fool?

I'm angry too...

Do you take him for a fool because his crush

told me that she likes me?

- Miyeong told you that... / - Stay out of this!

- Miyeong... / - No more Mr. Nice Guy.

You're all in big trouble!

- Take this! Take this! Take this! / - Don't hit them...

You're not supposed to hit me.

- Hey, you guys... / - Why'd you hit me?

This stinking group assignment?

This? Seungyun can do it all.

This presentation?

Seungyun can do all of it!

The PowerPoint? Seungyun can do it!

Happy now?

Let's do that then.


We're not doing that!

Why you... Watch what she says.

She's so... Then I'm doing everything.

- ♪ Ame, Ame, Ame ♪ / - Geez...

♪ Americano ♪

Hello, Seungyun.

Why were you so late?

That's why I didn't even shower and just came.

Your hair looks styled.

This is bed head.

- What about that outfit? / - These are pajamas.

- What's with the coffee? / - I bought it for you.

- You drank it all... / - Fine, don't drink it.

Why you... Fine then...

Let me go.

You'd better not slip up.


Clubbing in Hongdae?

Oh, the "Show Me the Money" guys are coming?

You punk...

I just came to do my group assignment.


We have a lot to do.

- Seungyun. / - Yeah.

My mom got in an accident so I have to go.

Your mom? I heard your phone call.

Your mom got in an accident?

Your mother?

Would I lie about my mother?

- Is this for real? / - Yes.

- Go then. / - Okay.

- Yo, let's get it. / - Stop.


Anyone can tell you're going clubbing.

This is my outfit to visit my mom in the hospital.

What's with the necklace?

My mom's name.

It says Show Me the Money.

So Mido mother.

Her name is So Mido.

So Mido mother.

- Hey... / - See you.

- Let's get it. / - Grab him!

Don't let him go! Let me go...

That hurts. I said to grab him.

- Seungyun. / - Yeah.

- I'll go get him. / - Yeah, go get him.

That punk is going to get it now.

- Scare him straight. / - I'll teach him a lesson.

I'll teach him a lesson!

- You're going clubbing too! / - Stay out of this!

Wait up!

Man! Group assignments are so hard!

For more infomation >> Group Assignment | 조별 과제 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 5:46.


LATE NIGHT CALL ROMANTIC PIANO | Lonely Cry | Night Drive Loneliness - Duration: 2:03:01.

LATE NIGHT CALL ROMANTIC PIANO | Lonely Cry | Night Drive Loneliness

For more infomation >> LATE NIGHT CALL ROMANTIC PIANO | Lonely Cry | Night Drive Loneliness - Duration: 2:03:01.


Do Chicken make CS:GO Literally Unplayable? - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Do Chicken make CS:GO Literally Unplayable? - Duration: 6:10.


McDonald's Worker Reveals Why You Should Always Ask For A Receipt - Duration: 1:38.

There's a good chance you never even glance at your McDonald's receipt after the cashier

hands it to you, but you should still ask for one every single time you place an order,

according to one McDonald's employee.

Kamran Adnan, a Quora poster who claimed to have been employed by the Golden Arches in

London for over a year, said asking for receipt is a surefire way to alert your cashier that

you may be a secret shopper — therefore ensuring you're treated like royalty for the

entirety of your visit.

He said: "It is easy to spot a gapbuster because they always ask for a receipt," adding that

secret shoppers usually ask for proof of payment so they can be reimbursed for their meal by

their employers.

Considering most customers aren't concerned with documenting their Big Mac purchases,

it does make sense.

According to Adnan, it works especially well if you visit the restaurant during peak hours.

He explained:

"Basically between 12-2 and 5pm-7pm workers have to be extra careful because that is when

gapbusters (mystery shoppers), who are paid, visit McDonald's restaurants and rate their


This then goes to the overall store rating and every store manager will do everything

to ensure this rating is as positive as possible."

That's pretty helpful information, especially since those are also the times you can usually

count on the longest wait for your food — and sometimes the sloppiest sandwich.

So what exactly do you get when McDonald's employees think you're working undercover?

According to Adnan, you'll get fresh food, hot fries, and priority over the other customers.

That's one way to make sure you get the most out of your lunch hour — even if doing it

makes you feel like a Hamburglar.

"The Hamburgler is very clever, and very sneaky."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> McDonald's Worker Reveals Why You Should Always Ask For A Receipt - Duration: 1:38.


recomendando 3 - Duration: 13:53.

For more infomation >> recomendando 3 - Duration: 13:53.


High Intensity Interval Training Workout At Home - Cardio HIIT Workout - Duration: 13:33.

what's up guys Carlo Macapinlac here from

and in this video we're going to be doing a high-intensity interval training

workout. Remember we post awesome workout videos like this every week and

you don't want to miss it so go ahead and like the video hit that

subscribe button below and prepare to get sweaty

all right start your engines in three, two, one go all right this was fun you

guys I enjoyed it I love chipper style workouts and hope

you enjoy too so here's how it works we're gonna go 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 10

burpees which is what we're doing right now 20 lunges 30 push-ups 40 situps 50 air

squats and then a 60-second plank so we're gonna do all that now we're gonna

take a one-minute break and then we're gonna do it all over again

all right so 10 burpees went by pretty fast you know should be pretty fast for

you guys especially if you're doing this fresh ten should be no problem all right

your lunges will probably be your active recovery at this point okay there's only

20 of them should give you enough time to recover you know from doing your

burpees which then sets us up for the 30 push-ups coming up here pretty fast. We'll talk about that in a second.

all right 30 push-ups so you know this is you know this movement always

separates a lot of people because you know some people are really good at them

some people don't like them right some people are indifferent about them so if

you're somebody that even if you're good at this

you know long workouts like this you just want to make sure that you manage

your sets right you don't need to do them all you know 30 unbroken right you can

break them up you know break them up the small set small manageable sets that way

you don't blow up and red line at the beginning of the workout right you know

it's way better to do it this way because you know what you still have

like a bunch of reps to do after this all right so thirty went by just like

that right that didn't take too long even though I was taking breaks okay

forty situps as always if you're wondering what that little cushion is on

my lower back that's just something called an AB mat I use it just to kind

of you know support the natural arch of my back and it's super comfy to use it if

you guys don't have one of those and I don't expect a lot of people to have

them that's okay you can fold like your bathroom towel and put it on your back

and it'll honestly work the same way I'm also gonna put a link down below either

in the description box or the comments if you want to get one of these I think

they're like 20 bucks or something again you don't need it

okay also as you can see I am using my arms to generate some force some

momentum it just helps out when it comes to doing situps

alright it makes them a little bit easier but if you don't want to use your

arms you don't have to okay just chip away on these one at a time

all right make sure you fix your shorts when you

get up and if the air squats as always again you guys just I just want to

mention that if you need movement and workouts modifications and scaling

options and you know if you need warm up and cool down videos I've

prepared a free cheat sheet for you guys to download just head over to our

description box it's called the ultimate bodyweight movement sheet

you know there's gonna be a link that you can click on and you know I'll

send it to you right away

50 air squats you guys is a lot at this point again break them up

small sets small breaks that's always the way to go all right 50 and done and

a 60-second plank to finish off this round

think happy thoughts when you're doing this right? as always keep your midline

nice and tight whenever you're doing a plank squeeze your abs and flex your

glutes almost there and hey you know what if you're a little behind on my

pace for this workout that is totally fine just go at your own pace and you'll

get the work done eventually all right 60 second break right here we're just

gonna go off-screen here take a quick sip of water and you know get right back

into it after 60 seconds

all right so we're gonna repeat this cycle same order as we did the first

time hopefully it's also going to take us the

same amount of time right that's the goal that's why we put in a 60-second

break here just to you know get a little bit of recovery in all right guys

whenever you're ready we're gonna get our Burpees started this is round two

here we go again starting with ten burpees make sure that you're going

chest to deck on this and a little jump at the top

all right no big deal 20 lunges again this is your active recovery make sure

that your back knee touches the ground stand all the way back up to complete

the rep I know you're getting tired at this point just keep pushing keep

plugging away here we're on the back half of this workout you're almost there

all right 30 push-ups if you're starting to fatigue at this point again just a

small set will do to start you can take a quick break

shake it off shake off your arms and then right back into it

all right 30 and done 40 situps coming up here you guys last three things on

the list again it's okay to take you know small breaks here right? small sets

small breaks as always you guys once we're done this workout I'd love to know

what your thoughts are I'd love to know how you did so make sure that you post

your score or just your thoughts about the workout down in the comments down


all right last two things and make sure you fix your shorts

don't forget 50 air squats

all right nothing fancy about this you guys again we want to keep all our

workouts simple here at Newbie Fitness Academy we just try to focus on eight

simple movements right? we don't like doing weird movements you know they

serve you know you don't want to complicate Fitness right you want to

just keep it as simple as possible keep it to some simple movements like some

universal movements that applies to everyday life

right I mean you know you should you should be squatting you should be doing

push-ups right compound movements that's what we like to focus on and that's what

we like to use for all our workouts that's why you don't really see any

weird movements I mean not really sure hahaha what purpose those movements

serve but hey to each their own

almost done you guys if your legs are burning at this point I know how you

feel because that's how I'm feeling right now almost done all right 60

second plank and then we're done here

almost there last 20 seconds stay strong hold that position come on guys stay

with me they got ten seconds here

all right we're almost done hope you are too

great job on this one I'll see you in the next workout

all right guys hope you had an awesome workout and I'd love to know how you did

so go ahead and tell me in the comments down below now if you want to know how

to properly warm up and cool down and if you want safe and proper scaling options

and modifications for any of the movements and workouts that we do you

can download our free ultimate bodyweight movements cheat that takes care of all

that like clicking on the link in the description box and I'll send it to you

right away all right I'll see in the next workout

For more infomation >> High Intensity Interval Training Workout At Home - Cardio HIIT Workout - Duration: 13:33.


Spaghetti Gelato at Gelato and Angels | Food Network - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Spaghetti Gelato at Gelato and Angels | Food Network - Duration: 1:28.


Melania Just Shocked Everyone With The One Thing She Showed Up With At D.C. Tree Lighting. - Duration: 4:43.

Melania Just Shocked Everyone With The One Thing She Showed Up With At D.C.

Tree Lighting.

Yesterday President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump had the honor of hosting

the 95t h annual National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony in Washington D.C.

They made a beautiful statement where they wished everybody in attendance a Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year.

When they were done with the ceremonies they turned to the Christmas tree and First Lady

Melia Melania flipped the switch.

As thousands of lights on the Colorado Blue Spruce lit up behind them in what was described

to be a magical moment.

But since we all know First Lady Melania very well by now we have grown to expect that her

outfit was even more beautiful and magical than the tree.

The dress was a stunning, joyous Christmas-colored jacket that matched her husband's tie.

Let us compare what we see above to what we had just 11 short months ago.

What in the world where Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama thinking?

Were they there to light the Christmas tree lights, or where they there to attend a funeral?

All in black like it's an event they mourn instead of one that brings joy to millions

around the world.

If you think about it, in a way the Obama did mourn Christmas.

After all, it was under Obama's presidency that it became a sin to say "Merry Christmas."

In fact, Obama went as far as to forgo the customary nativity scene at the White House

altogether, in favor of having a holiday tree.

What can we expect from a man named "Barack Hussein Obama?"

The New York Times Reports:

Obama Says U.S.

Could Be Seen as a Muslim Country, Too

HAHN, Germany — As President Obama prepared to leave Washington to fly to the Middle East,

he conducted several television and radio interviews at the White House to frame the

goals for a five-day trip, including the highly-anticipated speech Thursday at Cairo University in Egypt.

In an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Obama noted

that the United States also could be considered as "one of the largest Muslim countries

in the world."

He sought to downplay the expectations of the speech, but he said he hoped the address

would raise awareness about Muslims.

"Now, I think it's very important to understand that one speech is not going to solve all

the problems in the Middle East," Mr. Obama said.

"And so I think expectations should be somewhat modest."

He previewed several themes and objectives for the speech, which aides said the president

intended to tinker with — and rewrite — aboard Air Force One during his 12-hour flight to

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

"What I want to do is to create a better dialogue so that the Muslim world understands

more effectively how the United States, but also how the West thinks about many of these

difficult issues like terrorism, like democracy, to discuss the framework for what's happened

in Iraq and Afghanistan and our outreach to Iran, and also how we view the prospects for

peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians," Mr. Obama said.

The president said the United States and other parts of the Western world "have to educate

ourselves more effectively on Islam."

"And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of

Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world," Mr. Obama


"And so there's got to be a better dialogue and a better understanding between the two


The speech on Thursday has many intended audiences, but among them are the young people in Cairo

and beyond.

"I think the most important thing I want to tell young people is that, regardless of

your faith, those who build as opposed to those who destroy I think leave a lasting

legacy, not only for themselves but also for their nations," Mr. Obama said.

"And the impulse towards destruction as opposed to how can we study science and mathematics

and restore the incredible scientific and knowledge — the output that came about during

centuries of Islamic culture."

The president is flying Air Force One directly from Washington to Riyadh.

The White House press corps — traveling on a chartered United 767 — is refueling

in Hahn, Germany.

Yes, Obama even went as far as comparing our great nation to the cesspools in the Middle


The places where they kill gays for being gay and where women are treated like cattle.

What where fellow Americans thinking when they chose this man?

Today we have a president that embodies everything that is America and all the American left

is trying to do is remove him from power.

He knows business and knows how to get people back to work.

And most of us, at least those of us on the right, are more than happy with that.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you are proud of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania.

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> Melania Just Shocked Everyone With The One Thing She Showed Up With At D.C. Tree Lighting. - Duration: 4:43.


Firangi box office collections||kapil sarma||isita dutta|| - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Firangi box office collections||kapil sarma||isita dutta|| - Duration: 0:26.


Can we reach it? - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Can we reach it? - Duration: 3:38.


(EP-5) Trixz play Syndrome - Duration: 3:05:24.

For more infomation >> (EP-5) Trixz play Syndrome - Duration: 3:05:24.


KR_ 모든 객체를 검은색으로 플롯 AutoCAD 색상 종속 플롯 스타일 테이블 사용 - Duration: 2:00.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

How to plot, all objects black regardless of output device In AutoCAD.

You want all objects to plot as solid black, When you plot to a print or plot device. Regardless of their color in the drawing,

To solve this problem. You must edit the plot style table, for the current drawing.

Type PAGESETUP into the command line and press Enter. In the Page Setup Manager Dialog box,

select the current layout and then select Modify. In the Page Setup dialog box, select the appropriate plot style from the drop-

down list and click Edit. In the Plot Style Table Editor Dialog box, click the Table View tab.

In the Color row, select the cell for Color 1. Select the Black option from the drop-down list that is displayed.

Right-click the text "Black" and click Apply to All Styles. Select the Enable Dithering check box for

Color1 column. Right-click the Enable Dithering check box for Color 1, and click Apply to All Styles.

Select the Convert to Grayscale check box for Color 1 column. Right-click the Convert to Grayscale check box

for Color 1, and click Apply to All Styles. When you have made the desired changes, click Save & Close,

and then modify the remainder of the options in the Page Setup dialog box as desired.

In the Plot dialog box, Plot Settings tab, make sure the Plot with Plot Styles option is selected.

Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,

Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> KR_ 모든 객체를 검은색으로 플롯 AutoCAD 색상 종속 플롯 스타일 테이블 사용 - Duration: 2:00.


¡"NUEVA ACTUALIZACIÓN" !? PEDIR CARTAS LEGENDARIAS y NUEVA CARTA en Clash Royale!! [BySixx] - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> ¡"NUEVA ACTUALIZACIÓN" !? PEDIR CARTAS LEGENDARIAS y NUEVA CARTA en Clash Royale!! [BySixx] - Duration: 10:04.


Marido prova MUFETE Comida Angolana / Hubby tries Angolan African food - Duration: 11:30.

Hi guys

welcome again to my channel.

So, today I am going to make atypical Angolan food

so, I wanted to show it to you

and also show you our evening routine.

so, in awhile I will show you the recipe

I am not sure if I will show it all.

But I will try to show you How to prepare it.

also I want to thank all the new subscribers.

Thank you for subscribing

also I want to thank all the other subscribers,

who have been here for a long time. Thank you for your support guys

I thank you so much for choosing my channel,

and for being here, right...

because without you this channel would not be possible.

so, kisses to you all.

I hope you like this recipe , and today's vlog

and leave video suggestions

tell me if you liked the video or not

So, I can improve the videos that I am posting here

I have here palm oil

I am going to make MUFETE. I forgot to tell you.

I have here palm oil and onions

what I also add in MUFETE is a little bit of tomatoes

This is another way of making beans

I learned it from my grandmother

so, to all the Angolan who are here, that makes the palm oil beans for Mufete another way

don't get me wrong, do not criticize me too much

This is one of the ways my grandmother used to prepare it.

which I also chose to be doing

that I really like, okay

I already put the onion. I used half onion. Is not too much.

And I will add one.... two of this teaspoon of tomatoes.

so, I added the tomatoes...

I will add a little bit of garlic powder

If you have the normal garlic, you can also use it

but you need to crush the garlic very well.


then I will add white beans. Already cooked.

I have 450 grams

So, this is how it's looks like

this is how it now

I am going to add the beans in here

I don't really know how to explain it,

but who cooks with palm oil

he knows more or less at what point it has to be

to take away the exaggerated taste of palm oil

but its more or less like this

and, I will add the beans


Why am I making it this way?

Because these beans are the ones that come in the jars.

it comes.....


I already added the bay leaf

I also will add seasoning powder

this seasoning is salty

You also can choose ....

Christiaan: Mom, can I have a package

How they call it...

yes, take one...

I added the bay leaf

and seasoning

This brand...

and this one is has salt

It is written in English

I will add a little bit of water

a glass of water

and I will let it cook

then I will show it to you...

I also have here plantain banana

I don't like to cook plantain with peel.

I will also add salt

I have here cassava

I will add some salt

this looks like it's not enough, but we don't eat so much here

so, thats why my pans are so small

Otherwise, I will always throw food away

and I think it is a "serious sin".

I always try to cook a amount that I know that we will eat it all.

If we do not eat the same day, we'll eat the next day.

and I have here garri

this garri, is almost like the Farinha de musseque(Angolan Garri)

but this one is from Ghana. I bought it at the Ghanaian store.

so, it can help...

I don't have the one from Angola...

okay, I have here the fish

Is the tilapia (fish)

In Angola we call it cacusso.

but in filet, beacause my husband likes only filet

I'm not going to grill on the (normal)grill.

I will put it in the oven,

and grill it in the oven.

tasty fish fish

Then the lens got foggy

I thought so

I already filmed that, I already filmed everything.

Eeeh Vincent...

I don't want a swimming camera

a swimming camera? ooh My wife is afraid of a swimming camera.

What are we going to make?

We are going to make, MUFETE





we will make mufete, yes?

It's looks really good...

are you going to eat?

are you going to eat it Vincent.

Eat, eat a little bit.

a little bit...


here is our beans

and here I have...

a a chopped onion


re and green

I added cucumber

and I seasoned with

the seasoning I showed you.

for salades

but you can also use only salt


and vegetable oil

and water

This how I make it. This is my way

each person has his way of preparing this

okay guys, while I am cooking.

What are the boys doing?



Hi guys...

What are we playing?

Super Mario

Of course Super Mario

the old-school, Nintendo... Yes

Okay, guys look, this how it's looking like

the cassava ans plantain

Beans, chopped onions



Something missing?

I think we only miss Kissangua(Angolan Traditional drink)?

enjoy your meal



yummy cheesecake



No, seriously?

It's tasty


Eeeh Christiaan, thats too big.

no, Christiaan, small pieces...

Okay, is it good?

try this one


try this, a little bit


on the beans

Why? what is it?

It's farinha de musseque(Garri)

No, don't you like it?

No, it's not really tasty...

why would I do it?

Because is like that, someone once invented it like this

a Angolan, in the past

So Hubby liked the food

but He didn't like Garri

he is right. I also don't rally like

I also don't really like it darling

with garri


yes, I don't know...

Okay, guys. Hubby liked the food

he doesn't really like food with palm oil. Never liked it.

He surprised me, He said that he enjoyed beans in palm oil.

Did, you like the food?


What do you want to say about it?



Look at his plate

He left...

He left nothing..

mom!... Yes..

a Kiss..

that, I don't need this one

This is not needed

he said the garri is not necessary

now, we will clean here

What we do normally after the dinner

I take Christiaan up stair, to help him get ready to go sleep

And hubby puts the dishes in the dishwasher

and cleans everything here

This is how we divided the household chores, for the evenings..

Okay, guys. So Christiaan is already sleeping

But I forget to film the rest

so, our night ends up here

and I want to thank you all for watching

share, like

and until next time.

Kisses to you all!


For more infomation >> Marido prova MUFETE Comida Angolana / Hubby tries Angolan African food - Duration: 11:30.


Second Day Of Christmas Build-Up 40253 - Bird (40253) - Duration: 1:05.

Hey everyone!

JAYSTEPHER with the second day of Christmas Build-Up by Lego.

Set number 40253.

We have what appears to be a bird of some sort.

Not sure what kind of bird it is.

Obviously it likes to tip back

and rest on it's tail wing.

It is nice and colorful.

The eyes are printed.

[Laughs] Honestly this bird looks silly.

I like it though.

It's really nice.

In addition, the Pirate Ship is still around

which is an added bonus.

Let see how long these builds last.

Thank you for watching!

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