Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

(Child Romance)

I'm won an award in a drawing contest!


I'm getting it as the 1st grade representative.

- I'm so jealous. / - Suji!


You go on ahead.

- Okay, bye. / - Bye.

Suji, we need to talk.

I told you not to come see me.

Make it fast. I have art academy.

We're drawing on a pamphlet. I don't have time.

You've really changed after you

became an elementary student.

I've never seen this outfit. It's pretty.

You're such a phony.

These are my gym clothes.

We had field day today

so I wore this to school.

♪ Ring, ring, it's a phone call ♪

♪ The blue team won ♪ Have you heard that one?

What is that?

Is it a new song?

See? You're too young.

Accept the reality.

I'm in grade school now.

What does that mean?

We should break up!

Why are you being so...

Hold on.

Do you still use strawberry-flavored toothpaste?

Then what do you use?

I use toothpaste for ages 20 through 90.


That's so spicy!

See? You're too young to take it.

No, Suji! I'll get better.

Get better at what?

I'm already tired of this.

When you do all your picture diaries in one day,

I'm sick of telling you the weather.

When you do addition and subtraction,

I'm sick of letting you use my fingers!

And cheering you up when you cry...

Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo!

It's humiliating.

Why are you being like this, Suji?

Let me go!

Hey there, son!

So here you are.

Suji, you're here too.


You know Mungyu's birthday party is coming up.


I'll make sure to order plenty of hamburgers.

They're your favorite, Suji.

Hamburgers? They're my favorite!

Come holding hands for his birthday party.

Yes, yes! I'd like that!

I'll be going then.

- Bye. / - Good-bye.

You haven't told your dad yet?

Why doesn't he know?

Geez... Now I'll look like the bad one.

No, Suji.

I'll tell my dad.

But can you just have fun at my birthday party?


So that's the big picture.

Fun for you maybe.

I'll be sad...

But I have to smile when I'm photographed.

♪ Happy birthday, dear Mungyu ♪

I have to sing to someone I don't even love.

I can't do this.

I can't do what my heart won't allow me to.

I can't go. No, I'm not going!

Suji! If you don't come to my birthday party,

I'll get your clothes dirty!

Don't speak to me informally!

I'll get your clothes dirty!

You think you're so great for being pretty?

Yeah, being pretty makes me great.

Fine then. Be that way!


Take all my stuff out of your house.


You're so cheap!

Take them back. You're so cheap.

Fine, take your stuff back.

I planned on burning this thing anyway.

Your sink...

- Take it! / - Stop it.

Your table. Only you used this.

This bed? You can use it by yourself.

Take it. Happy now that the house is empty?

Are you happy now?

Where will Barbie sleep tonight?

I'm going.

Wait, Suji!

Did you forget about our happy memories?

Oh, please...

♪ Round and round we go ♪

♪ Round and round we go ♪

♪ We turn and turn ♪

- Two people! / - Two people!



My brain forgot

but my body remembers.

Get it together, Suji!

- Suji, it was my fault! / - Get off me! I'm going.



So you got new shoes.

So here you are, Suji.


So we meet again.

The bad guy that stole Suji. You're back.

- Sangeun... / - It's okay.

That's right.

I warned you last time.

Let Suji go.

I told you last time...

That I'll never give up on Suji.

You can't forget your first love so easily.

Humph. First love?


Then I'll cut to the chase.

Take this and let Suji go.

A fidget spinner with lights!

That's really expensive.

That's right. It's my older brother's.

Get it together, Sangeun.

You can't focus at academy without this!

It's okay.

I can only focus on you now.

It's been fun, fidget spinner.

My long-time friend.


You're so cool!

You're so pretty, Suji!

See that?

Suji's mine.

- Let's go, Suji. / - Okay.

Don't treat me like a preschool child!

I don't need your fidget spinner.

I'm an adult now too.

Humph. An adult?


Shall we be real men and settle this like adults?


This kimchi.

Whoever can eat it without rinsing it in water...

Is Suji's man.


Snap out of it.

It's aged kimchi!

Sangeun, you complained it was over-seasoned!


This is a war between men.

It's dangerous so stay back.

I'll go first.


So spicy!

It should be really spicy.


It will pass.

I have to be sworn-in by the Boy Scouts now.

- Water! I need water! / - Sangeun...



I'm done for now.

I can't let you be in pain alone.

I'm coming with you.

I thought I'd be able to swallow...

Since I'm 8 years old...


Suji! Suji!

For more infomation >> Child Romance | 꼬맨스 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 7:07.


Super Full Moon In Gemini, December 3, 2017 – Illuminating The T - Duration: 4:39.

Super Full Moon In Gemini, December 3, 2017 � Illuminating The Truth

by Tanaaz

December is a big month in astrology as there are a lot of changes and shifts taking place.

These changes and shifts are really going to help shower us with a new energy and a

new outlook for the year ahead.

The last Full Moon for 2017, falls in the air sign of Gemini on December 3, the same

day that Mercury goes retrograde.

This Full Moon is also a Super Moon, which means its energy is going to be amplified.

Even though December�s Full Moon is an extremely powerful Super Moon, the presence of Mercury

retrograde is going to be holding the energy back and slowing down how it is delivered

to us.

During this time, we may feel like we are taking two steps forward and one step back.

We may also feel a bit stuck or stagnant.

It is important to honor this energy however, for it seems that this Full Moon may be helping

to bring things to the surface.

If there are things that you need to hear or even secrets that need to be revealed,

this Full Moon is definitely going to be shining a light so you can see the truth.

This Full Moon is all about illuminating the truth, especially when it comes to how you

communicate, and your true motives and intentions.

If you or someone you know has been holding back the truth or doing things for the wrong

reasons, this Full Moon may force things to rise up to the surface.

The truth is going to be revealed, so be patient and allow things to unfold under the presence

of this energy.

Whatever truths serve your highest good are going to come to the light, so be open and

know that the truth can really set you free.

You may find this energy playing out the most when it comes to your relationships.

This includes romantic relationships but also the relationships you have with your coworkers,

friends, and family.

If there is a truth that needs to come to the surface, this Full Moon is definitely

going to be a trigger.

Seeing as Mercury is retrograde, it is going to be really important to think before speaking.

When you speak from a truthful place you will have nothing to worry about, but if you speak

from a place of ego or defensiveness, things may be trickier to work through.

Just trust whatever unfolds and know that if a truth is revealed or if some new information

does come to the surface, it is only for your highest good.

In fact, there is a lot of positive energy surrounding this Full Moon and it seems that

it really is going to be helping us to step into our fullest potential.

2017 has carried the theme of new beginnings, and it seems that this Full Moon is really

the end point to that energy.

The process between the old and the new has definitely been challenging and may have resulted

in huge life changes, but this energy is slowly going to be fading.

As the culmination point to all of this energy, really use the Full Moon as an opportunity

to celebrate just how far you have come and to congratulate yourself for this new beginning.

The new beginning delivered to you may or may not have been what you wanted, but no

matter what has been sent your way, try to find the gratitude in it all and trust the

bigger picture.

Everything that is sent your way is a lesson and even though it can sometimes feel unfair

or painful, we all have to remember that we are forever beings on a temporary journey.

Our lives are just a temporary moment in time and we are here to learn, grow and live the

best we can during the moments we have been given.

Use the energy of this Full Moon to celebrate yourself and your life, no matter what new

beginning has come your way.

The Gemini Super Full Moon is all about connecting with the truth and that includes the truth

of who you really are.

You are a timeless, spaceless, ageless being that lives inside a temporary vessel that

is here for a journey of learning how to love yourself more, love the planet more and love

one another more.

For more infomation >> Super Full Moon In Gemini, December 3, 2017 – Illuminating The T - Duration: 4:39.


Hibshi - Missing U (feat. Rochelle) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:40.

Flying 30,000 feet up in the air Sitting by a window seat with an empty stare

And I hate the thought of home without you Cos I know I just can't come back knowing you ain't there

Cos I'm missing you Yeah, I'm missing all the bullshit that you put me through I'd be lying if I said I wasn't Missing you

Yeah, I'm missing all the good shit that we couldn't do I'd be lying if I said I wasn't

Staring out a cab at streets I used to love From another life when things were good enough Maybe it's wishful thinking but I'm wishing that we'd meet again And pick up right where we left off

Cos I'm missing you Yeah, I'm missing all the bullshit that you put me through I'd be lying if I said I wasn't Missing you

Yeah, I'm missing all the good shit that we couldn't do I'd be lying if I said I wasn't

I just can't come back knowing you ain't there... (x7)

Cos I'm missing you Yeah, I'm missing all the bullshit that you put me through I'd be lying if I said I wasn't Missing you

Yeah, I'm missing all the good shit that we couldn't do I'd be lying if I said I wasn't

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't

(Missing You) I'd be lying if I said I wasn't

For more infomation >> Hibshi - Missing U (feat. Rochelle) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:40.


WEIRDEST PHONE CALLS WE EVER GOT #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:56.

From an aggressive pizza order to a granny looking for a date, the Planet Dolan crew

re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the weirdest phone calls

people have ever received.

I'm Hellbent/Melissa, and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was Submitted by nicolai_PRC Grgak Grgak went to a party with his best friend.

His friend isn't usually a heavy drinker so after a few, he was completely smashed.

Grgak didn't drink at all and drove him home.

The next morning Grgak got a phone call from him.

Panicked and crying he said, "Help man.

There's a cookie cutter stuck up my ass!"

Supposedly, while he was drunk, he shoved a star-shaped cookie cutter up his ass thinking

it would make his shit look like a star.

Number 9 was Submitted by Tony_TM Zaraganba Zaraganba was really excited to get his new

phone and his new number... until he started getting calls for Papa John's Pizza.

One time a guy called and said he wanted a carryout large cheese pizza as soon as Zaraganba

said hello.

When Zaraganba said he was not Papa John's, the guy got mad and started to cuss him out

for being rude to a "paying customer."

Zaraganba said again that he had the wrong number, and hung up.

That led to dozens of calls and voice mails about reporting him to the police and getting

him fired.

Eventually, Zaraganba picked up again and said, "what do you want from me?"

He said he wanted an apology and a free pizza with store credit and bread sticks.

Zaraganba told him again it was the wrong number.

The man protested again and recited the phone number he was trying to call – it was one

digit off from Zaraganba's.

Zaraganba said as much and told him to check his caller ID.

After a long pause, the man hung up and never called again.

Number 8 was Submitted by ChrisWDow JamesShark One night, JamesShark was on the couch eating

dinner and watching The Simpsons with his dad.

It was business as usual until the phone rang.

The Caller ID said 911.

JamesShark had no idea why 911 would be calling HIM, so he picked up.

The voice on the other end said, "Hi, did somebody from this number just call 911?"

When JamesShark said no, they asked, "Are you the only one there?"

JamesShark said his dad was there with him.

"Ok, have a nice day," they said, and then hung up.

Nobody ever showed up at their house to check up on the place or anything.

JamesShark could have been a murderer answering and giving BS answers to her questions.

Number 7 was Submitted by BaconPancakes10 Tolop

When Tolop was 13, he got a phone call when he was home alone.

The stranger on the phone said he sold security systems.

He asked if his parents were home, and if his house had a security system.

Tolop said no to both questions, and the man said "OK," and hung up.

Tolop immediately realized that he just told a stranger that his house was defenceless.

So he immediately checked the locks on all the doors and windows, grabbed a kitchen knife,

and locked himself in his bedroom.

None of Tolop's neighbors were home, and there was a strange van parked down the road with

someone in it.

Tolop kept watching, but nobody entered or exited the van.

Eventually, the van just drove away.

Number 6 was Submitted by Sugarygirlforfun Doopie

The weirdest phone call Doopie ever got was in her freshman year of high school.

She thought she had turned off her phone, but it rang in class.

The teacher said, "well, answer it.

Right here.

Right now."

So Doopie stood up, and answered her phone.

And a man on the other end just said, "Wanna have sex?"

Doopie screamed and dropped the phone on her desk.

Her teacher asked what happened.

Doopie screamed, "There is a crazy man on the other side of that fucking phone!"

She explained what happened to her teacher, and she never got another call from that number


Number 5 was Submitted by Pingutheamazing Dolan

Someone once called Dolan at 3 in the morning to ask if he was still selling the pigs?

Dolan didn't live on a farm or anywhere that required him to own or sell pigs.

He politely told the man he had the wrong number.

The man then actually asked if he was speaking to Dolan.

Completely confused, Dolan said yes.

The man then went into details about him not being able to get a hold of Dolan because

he got arrested again and just been released.

But apparently, he was still willing to take the pigs if Dolan was still selling them.

Dolan never found out who it was or if it was some kind of prank.

Number 4 was Submitted by AwesomeMarioBros455 Robo

Robo got a call from a number she didn't know one day.

She picked it up and heard what sounded like an old man say, "Who is this?"

Robo said, "YOU called ME," to which the man replied, "Guinevere?

Is that you?

I thought you were dead, but you must've come back for me, right?

I still have the knife I killed you with, good times, gooooood times!"

Robo put the phone down and screamed "OH HEEELLL NOOO!"

Robo hung up, deleted the number, and turned her phone completely off.

Two months later, the same old man called again, with the same message.

But that time, the woman was named "Rachel."

That's when Robo decided to get a new phone and change the number.

Number 3 was Submitted by ArguzTheBeast Spinalpalm SpinalPalm was playing World of Warcraft one

day when his phone started ringing.

On the phone was an old lady who said that she was 53 years old, had 2 kids and 3 grandkids,

and wanted to meet him.

SpinalPalm was confused and told her that she had the wrong number.

But she knew SpinalPalm's name and said she wanted to have a relationship.

He got even more confused and hung up the call assuming it was a prank.

The old lady called 27 more times that day.

Two days later, SpinalPalm's little brother told him that he put SpinalPalm's name and

phone number on a dating page and set the age he was looking for to 65+.

Number 2 was Submitted by fangirlian Andie One time Andie was in her room watching Netflix,

when she received a phone call.

She hesitated to pick it up because it was an unknown number but she did.

She instantly regretted it when an old-sounding lady said, "Hello deary, could you run to

the closet and bring me some toilet paper?"

Andie was completely confused and asked, "excuse me?"

The old lady sounded annoyed and said, "I said get me some goddamn toilet paper child!

And hurry.. it's runny.."

Andie was shocked and quickly hung up and ran to her bathroom to make sure the lady

wasn't in there.

Number 1 – What's the weirdest phone call I

ever got?

For more infomation >> WEIRDEST PHONE CALLS WE EVER GOT #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:56.


97% of PEOPLE CAN'T GUESS The CORRECT TROOP! | Clash Roylae - Duration: 10:26.


Know what's going on guys my name's eclipse and today we have something a little bit different than

Usual as all you know spots of difference has become a pretty big

Series on my channel and a few weeks ago one of you guys tweeted me this picture right here

And essentially it shows the princess

And it says guess the troop and you pretty much have to pick watch pair of eyes match the princess so when someone sent me

This picture I recognized the thumbnail from my friend clash

Universe so I didn't want to go out and copy his video and try to remake it on my own instead

I thought it would be really interesting if we just watched his video together and tried to solve all the tricks

He has up his sleeve clash a universe boom. Okay. Here's the channel it says

I'm not subscribed, but I'm in incognito mode. Oh that was loud. Oh look at that

He actually has two videos so this one was posted six days ago

But the one we're looking at is this one right here. That was posted two months ago so in this video

I think we're just gonna be watching like the older version

But if this video does well who knows we may come back and react to his newer one. Let's go

I honestly have never watched this video guys. I played like the first ten seconds to this, but I'm nothing more

Instructions okay there will be a total of five rounds by Brian Brown will consist of one or more questions, okay?

I'll get the options and try to answer the question before the time runs out then the correct answer will be displayed on the screen

Okay guys, I want you to play the game with me as well

So I keep track of your own scores in common

Afterwards also another reason I didn't want to make this video is because look how good this editing is

I don't think I can replicate this if I tried so first off. We have the princess

Honestly this one. I think this is relatively easy. We're gonna go with D on this one

I don't know if it's gonna get harder. I don't know like the full concept of this video, but D is my first guess and

Yes, okay, so far. We are off to a great start

one-for-one, but keep in mind

He said there was 15 questions

So he still have a long way to go name will be displayed on the screen prior to every question fine, okay

I have that true oh

Okay, so it's kicking it up a notch giant skeleton

So I need to look for skeletons for is guards nines a regular skeleton 20 is a minion

15 could be at Oh or 20 or 22

We're gonna 13 15


All the skeletons look the same man. Give me a break okay that one that was honestly so hard

Goblin gang this

okay, we have to focus so five I think that's a regular Goblin 19 is a spear goblins a

baby dragon 34 is inferno dragon oh

Let let's just go with 11 or 5 1100 yes

Holy crap we actually got that there is no way I was totally expecting that to get wrong

I was totally expecting to get that wrong the


Okay, we're about to get this one. I'm pretty confident with the night wait

What is 39 what Oh 39 is the bomber, okay, but where's the night? Oh god? Oh god? Oh god?

um oh

We're gonna have to pause this one. We're gonna have to pause this one. Okay. Give me give me an extra five seconds

You know let's just go with

24 24 looks pretty good is that it Oh 30 damn? Okay? I'm gonna say. I was pretty close

I mean I guess an eyeball. What's the next one? I'm ready. I'm prepared like these are actually really hard

I was expecting this video to be a lot easier, but Royal giant

Okay, so we have to look for a big dude big guy. Okay? Where's the biggest eyeball in here at?

You know what let's go 30 to 32 days

Who makes these manis are so hard also, why are his eyes so tiny I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks about that

The Dark Prince this one should be really easy just look for a helmet of some sort. Where is a helmet at 22 if

22 is not the Dark Prince. I I don't even know what I'm gonna do man 22

That's where I'm putting all my money. Please be the Dark Prince, man. Yes. Oh, thank god

I was gonna feel really stupid if we got this one wrong because there's only like two cards

It's like the mega night or the Dark Prince other than that all the eyes are pretty distinctive

Archers okay?

Blue eyes, I believe archers have blue twenty-fives a musketeer um

Seven seven looks pretty good. I think yeah definitely gonna go with seven on this one. I hope I'm right. Let's see Oh

Oh, my god. What is seven seven okay guys rewind the video real quick look at seven and 22?

Tell me those don't look exactly the same round three

It's almost the same as the previous round, but there's okay a bit of a twist. Oh God will be played first

Guys I don't play with game sound ever

What the hell was that guard guys, I never play with game sound so the fact that I just heard a piano

I am extremely confused right now. Let's let's see our options here. Oh

wait that wasn't the sound I

Hear a sword right

It sounds kind of muffled

I'm against the Dark Prince this has to be the Dark Prince

You kind of heard a muffled thing and I felt like I heard his sword

Also the order changes I believe but Dark Prince

26 is mega night, so it's not that whatever the Dark Prince is that's what it is

Oh what it was the mega night god damn it you got to be kidding me

I totally thought this was the Dark Prince kind of just bamboozled ourselves

I was like it's definitely not the mega night and sure enough it was the mega night

This is a giant

I'm going with giant guys, so where is the Giant at let's find it quick giant? Where are you at dude?

32 is this third it's maybe 32. I'm really thinking it's the giant here. Oh

Hell yeah, dude is it the giant yes awesome, so we had a few rough rounds earlier on in the video

But I feel like we're definitely getting slightly better as the video progresses

It's definitely minions

Yeah, it's totally minions of some sort let's look um

20 is Minnie and her minion horde

You know actually let's go for tea

I'm pretty sure this is the mega minion because I think I heard like the wings fly a little bit, yeah

Oh, my god, another one. We are on fire right now. We're on a pretty good streak right now

I don't know how I caught that sound because like I said the fact that I never play with game sound kind of amusing

Identify the missing card of the arena me oh my god. Okay. This is gonna. Be tough. Let's see what we're working with here umm

Balloon can it be the balloon where oh there's all the cards

Actually, this is arena 3. I think balloons arena - I know freezes for um

Let's go with the rage, spell. I'm honestly not too sure about this, but the rage seems good. Oh

Finally, okay, we're doing pretty good that was part log part knowledge like I knew some of the cards weren't in here

But the rage spell is kind of a gas to be completely honest

Okay, what are we working with okay? I thought this oh, there's the balloon is lightning

So not the lightning spell so a lot of these cards are pretty basic

I'm thinking this one is gonna be the minions. Yeah, this this is definitely the minions or else

I'm an idiot, and I'm gonna feel stupid Oh

another one

Guys we we are just killing it right now our clash knowledge is totally superior to like so many people right now

What's the next one come on? I am so ready


God okay so the question mark card that's the mirror so it's definitely not for free spell no lightning no poison

I don't think let's go with Dark Prince this has to be the Dark Prince. I think the tornado is way higher

You have to be kidding me God

Some of these are so absurd like I'm sure there's some people out there

Who are in this arena and they're like Eclipse? You are so stupid

Watch wait identify the card by the stats. Oh my god. Okay, so it's ranged umm just do Splash Damage

Oh all these do Splash Damage

well five point five range

I think that's the wizard yeah

We're definitely gonna go with the wizard on this one Dark Prince it has like a two range all the others are much shorter

So yeah that one that was pretty easy. I'm gonna give myself some credibility here

I feel like I'm smart enough at Clash to understand that one

What we got next though come on give us something good um

It is a bit what targets building so all of these do it is melee, so it can't be the balloon or lava hound um

We're gonna go up. The hog wait. I don't know what to speed Oh giant

Let's go giant giant for sure on this one come on wait

The balloons melee you got this this one was honestly kinda ray who the hell would have thought the balloon is a melee troop

I'm pretty sure no one now guys

I think we are gonna be wrapping up the video here remember if this does well

And you want me to react to his other video then please show some love leave a like comment big eyes or honestly do

Anything but guys this has been eclipse. Thank you for watching and peace out

For more infomation >> 97% of PEOPLE CAN'T GUESS The CORRECT TROOP! | Clash Roylae - Duration: 10:26.


ব্রয়লার মুরগি পালন পর্ব-০৭ ল্যাবরেটরি সহায়তা Laboratory Help in Broiler Farming, Poultry Farming - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> ব্রয়লার মুরগি পালন পর্ব-০৭ ল্যাবরেটরি সহায়তা Laboratory Help in Broiler Farming, Poultry Farming - Duration: 2:02.


How do 3D glasses work?! - Duration: 4:52.

How the heck does that work?!

Hey Crazies.

In my video about polarized sunglasses, some of you were like:

What about those 3D glasses at the theater?

What the heck?

Why not?

Let's do this.

If you haven't watched the other video, that's okay.

Here's the too long don't watch version!

Light is an electromagnetic wave.

Its electric part is called its polarization.

The polarizing material in sunglasses has molecules that can only wiggle in one direction:

its polarization axis.

Only the light that lines up with that axis will pass through the polarizer.

The rest is absorbed as thermal energy.

Yeah yeah yeah, get to the point!

You were a mistake.

Where was I?

Oh, right!

When light is polarized like that, we call it "linear polarization" because the electric

field is always along a line.

It gives linear momentum to any electron cloud it might run into.

The glasses used for 3D movies?

They're a little different.

They're "circular polarizers" because they make the electric field go in a circle.


Okay okay, maybe it's time for a visual.

This is a linear polarized EM wave.

It's nice and simple, but not so useful for movie theaters because the light would

dim if you tipped your head.

What we need is a wave that moves like this: a circular polarized EM wave.

The electric field goes around in a circle and if it happens to run into any atoms or molecules,

instead of giving them linear momentum, it'll give them angular momentum.

If it's possible for light to have linear momentum,

we shouldn't be that surprised it can also have angular momentum.

How do you make it do that though?

Very carefully.

What we need is a piece of birefringent crystal.

That's bi–re–fringe–ent.

Refringent just means refractive.

In other words, a beam of light will bend as it passes through.

Basically, any transparent material will do this.

Bi-Refringent means it bends a beam of light in two different directions.

This calcite crystal is one example.

You can see it forms two different images.

Pretty cool, huh?

Anyway, that happens because of the molecular structure of the crystal.

The atoms in the crystal respond differently depending on how the light goes in.

Say you send some linearly polarized light into the crystal like this.

We can split that into two pieces: one that's parallel to the carbonate groups and one that's


Those pieces start out in-sync with each other, but the longer the light spends inside the

crystal, the more out-of-sync those pieces become.

How this happens is kind of complicated.

If it helps, you can think of it as light traveling different speeds

or as light having to travel different distances.

Both of those are technically incorrect, but either will do fine today.

Moving on!

3D glasses have one of these birefringent

materials in them.

If we make the material just the right thickness, the pieces of light will come out one quarter

of a wave out-of-sync.

So it shouldn't be any surprise we call this a quarter-wave plate.

Combining the pieces again, we can see the light is circular polarized.

We just have to make sure the incoming light is tilted at 45 degrees to the crystal, so

the two pieces of the light are equal in size.

Something that's really easy to do with one of these linear polarizers.

That's all a circular polarizer is.

A linear polarizer followed by a quarter-wave plate.

So how does that make a movie 3D?

Oh yeah, I guess we kind of skipped that part, didn't we?

The lenses in the 3D glasses are opposite each other.

One is for counter-clockwise or right-handed light, the other is for clockwise or left-handed light.

The movie theater projects two different images, each with an opposite polarization.

It can do that using two projectors or alternating on one projector really fast.

Fast fast!!!!

Both images reflect off of the screen and enter your 3D glasses.

The clockwise lens blocks the counter-clockwise light and vice versa,

which only lets one image into each eye.

You can actually see this using a mirror because any reflection flips the spin of the light.

Camera one.

Camera two.

Camera one.

Camera two.

As long as they offset one of the images to match the spacing between your eyes, the image

should look 3-dimensional.

[Loud Banging Noise]


He annoys me even in death!!

So how many of you "forgot" to give back your 3D glasses at the theater?

Let us know in the comments.

Thanks for liking and sharing this video.

A special thanks goes out to Patreon patrons like Morgan Williams for helping make this

show and my life possible.

Don't forget to subscribe if you want to keep up with us.

And until next time, remember, it's okay to be a little crazy.

Stellar Firefly, Smug Anime Girl, and a few others mentioned:

Polarizers are great for finding stress points.

For best results, put two polarizers at 90 degrees and place a transparent object in-between.

The material can turn and bend some of the light creating weird colors.

Engineers do it all the time to test parts.

Anyway, thanks for watching!!

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