Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

Hey, Jimmy, it's your dad

Listen if you get this can you give me a ring tell your mom to will yeah and Tracy?

Please son.

Dady's been a bad boy, please son.

You want a sniff?

Fuck is wrong with you?

Now see the way, I see it this country was built by and for gasoline.

So I'm just trying to prove my patriotic duty by you know doing this stuff.

Oh man.

It's cheap.

But it's good.

gasonlina, no.

Wow sorry mrs. M

Jesus Mikey you want a beer oh shit, I'm sorry, I don't have any Low carb fuck you

So Where'd you two go when you went out you and your boyfriend

why do you care?

I don't care.

just trying to conversate

Well, I was out putting some people in their place.

You know there's more than this gig than just going crazy all the time

Killing everyone in sight.

And you feel guilty about it doesn't make you more of a man than me and you know what deep down

I know you believe the bullshit a picket fences the fucking happy endings and your street philosopher bullshit. That's gotten you real far

Oh, yeah, you've achieved perfect balance balance

You've gone man ten years in the Sun. The brain is melted you you say words that have no meaning

What is balance huh? Huh, I fucking kill only on the weekends so Monday Wednesdays and Fridays. I'm doing yoga and meditation

Tuesdays and Thursdays hookers and sticking up joints huh, you called me mad

Compared to you. I'm the same as motherfucker I know

I am so fucking saying that I should open a fucking mental health clinic, okay?

Yeah, fuck now. You're gonna stop being an ass. I don't know, but I'll try

Well that I like your honesty


Spoke to Franklin why I'm like you he hears that his home

He's having trouble right and he has no problem coming to help so you're ensuring that we lie low

Out here by calling LS and inviting a known accomplice of ours. You know come out here. What for a little visit. That is so

Fucking typical of you so typical you don't even ask about the trouble you instantly think about yourself

You're right I did do that


It's not good enough

I'm leaving what might I hope you're happy

Hey, I'm coming with you. No yes. I know nothing else need to get out of this fucking dump. You're not going

What is Franklin do it for you anyway tailing some guys Mikey tailing

Face back to sandy shores why did not hear about yeah, shit, they see us, man, we gotta stay on

No Chuck we can't deal with him yet, it's too many of

Hey, man me and chop on these bunks we're coming up to wh north of two months all right?

All right the O'Neill brothers are coming to us

I think they was about to see one of our anti-tank rockets into your best booty condo

Well one of your rooms told them that you was gone

Okay, so if you're under wh them until we coming through ridin Canyon right shit our kids

Good me an empty you're gonna. Take the company chopper meet you there company chopper. Yes, Michael. It's a tax write-off

Frank you still there yeah, I'm just about holding on to the road we're taking a chopper

And we'll head you off deal with these business stealing pricks on the road ain't dog

Can you like get on cuz these dudes is rollin home? We're five minutes out from the chopper. Hi

Fuck it out shit shit shit

Look at you go man look at you go, Oh

Trevor man shit there, there's a deer in a row mandis motherfuckers crash stop

They crashed be dead. No they gone they ran into the fucking woods, man

I need air support like right fucking now

Don't worry then coming

Incoming and you're all business

Yeah, well this is kind of important these men don't like me and they know we're back in the sandy shore, so

Here, she is the biz a Lee remember. She ain't mine. She's the company's

Look why do these guys the O'Neal's want you dead anyway?

If they stole your business why do they want you dead Wow

Just take my side for once

Hey, I'm coming along for the ride, ain't I yeah, but I sent your heart ain't in it. Yeah

I'm lucky my heart ain't in up high on your kitchen table. Oh



I'm sorry. I'm a human being with thoughts and feelings and emotions

wait a

Second I remember this copper we break into the IAA Building dude stole it from the F my baby

So I took it in lieu of payment there was a rifle on board too, so if your panties

We here on the class them hit doors in the womb

That models bed with a thermal scope look for their heat signature

Check the river they might be trying to float out of here

And what are you doing?

Okay, I got him guy was moving fast enough. We gotta keep looking


Higher ground Mikey you find him on the Hellmouth

Ah Frank gonna do me a favor here find it before it blows me the beat. We don't handle this

If you swim it, I am too fuck man this waters fucking cold

Closing in there you get that motherfucker you ain't gettin ISM

All right, we'll come down and pick you up

All right now the angry Hillbillies with rockets are dead is there anyone else we should worry about trying to kill you

Oh sure, yeah, there's somebody curves the Chinese Padres Osby Pub

Whatever don't act like you're so popular

Next stop airfield

You know they don't oh, yeah

Hey, thank you. He was helping me Thank You Franklin


think that was

And when do we kill Justin I killed Ernie Earl Dale Doyle?

Barrels all the dawn and a few other guys when I blow up the farm

I don't know

The wrong party here yeah, you're definitely the wrong party. Oh, let's go

I wanna feel good. Huh helping a friend in need come on chop. Oh, yeah?

Take it out some hillbilly crank dealers on the blood for you. That's what I live for

Hey, Trey. Oh, man. We're gonna bar this and hear it back to town. Oh come on Michael man

I drop your ass off on the way back

Kitty see you back Casa Phillips, Mike. Yeah, thanks for the warning

It says the fool running around after I found the truck you won't Oh God good huh now hurry?

I need it in Vespucci in the next couple of hours and watch yourself

For more infomation >> GTA 5 - Mission #36 - PREDATOR [ 100% Gold Medal Walkthrough ] - Duration: 13:18.


TOP 10 SUPERHERO/VILLAIN REFERENCES In League of Legends - Duration: 4:50.

Greetings you evil hamsters, it's Remus here and like I said before, there are a lot of

references in League of Legends, we checked Game of Thrones and Creepy easter eggs in

previous videos, and in this one, we are taking a look at 10 super heroes and villains references

in no particular order.

There's also another RP giveaway, so leave a like, subscribe, turn on the christmas bell

notifications and leave a comment below, and let's begin!

At number 10 we have Cryocore Brand that is a pretty clear reference to Mr. Freeze from

Batman, the costume looks quite similar and the fire turning blue, let's say it's frost


Also another Brand skin is similar to Ghost Rider, Vandal Brand, with the emphasis on

the flame on his head and the jacket with spikes, I think it's a good chance this is

a callout to him.

Next there is Sivir, with her skin Spectacular Sivir in particular, that is really resembling

Wonder Woman, from the general look to the hair and the armor as well as the colors used

on the armor, this is a quite obvious reference and I really like this one, plus this is not

the only Sivir skin that's a reference, the warrior princess one is a reference to Xena.

Then we have a very nice one at number 8, Zyra is definitly inspired from Poison Ivy,

the body, the red hair, the colors and the power to use plants, those 2 are definitly

similar, and Riot seems to enjoy DC quite a lot.

Another quite obvious and straight forward reference is the Toxic Mundo skin, referencing


Both of them are huge powerfull guys, a bit dumb, and were doctors before they got transformed,

too bad Mundo can't come back to his human form, or maybe he's too mad at feeders all

the time.

Next at number 6 we have another DC reference, this time Augmented Singed, that is a reference

to Bane from Batman.

Even the color of the toxin on his back is green like the Titan one, and both are connected

to their veins using cables to make them stronger, but ruin their health and skin.

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by Banish.

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Singed to Taric!

At number 5, a more subtle but still noticeable reference would be Deadly Kennen's skin to

Deadpool, using very similar colors and patters, and since if he dies he gets respawned at

base after a few seconds we can say Kennen is also immortal.

A few X-men references are also present in the game, and the most obvious one is Twisted

Fate, that is definitly inspired from Gambit.

Both of them using magic to manipulate cards into doing what they want, they look and feel

very alike.

Number 3 is taken by the Joker and our friend Shaco, 2 evil and criminal clowns with creepy

smiles, weapons and traps like the jack in the box, it's quite safe to say they are resembling

each other.

And if we have the Joker, we also have Harley Quinn, in the form of Jinx, both quite crazy

insane and insane crazy, looking pretty similar apart from 2 things being bigger or smaller

and using plenty of weapons for the enjoyment of destruction.

Too bad we don't have a Bruce Swain in the game or any clear Batman reference.

And finally on this list, another X-men reference, Janna, and in particular Tempest Janna and


Both manipulating the weather and using it as a weapon and they look a bit similar, especially

in the tempest splash art.

And that's it for the big ones, I think those are all the bigger and clearer references,

there might be more inspirations like Renekton and Killer Croc, but he's more likely an adaptation

of the Egyptian God Sobek, like Nasus is a reference to Anubis and Azir to Ra.

You could also say that Fiddlesticks is similar to Scarecrow from DC, or that Sion could be

Solomon Grundy, but those might be a bit too far stretched.

Like I said there's a ton of other references, like Graves immitating Hugh Jackman in the

pool party skin, Veigar Greybeard and Ryze Whitebeard being Gandalf, Swamp Master Kennen

is Yoda, 2 Shen skins immitating Skorpion and Sub Zero and Stinger Akali Kill-Bill,

but I think those are all the big super hero and villain easter eggs.

If you think of another one that could be a reference that I didn't include, post it

in the comments, also let me know if you want another references video, since you guys liked

the last one, and what should we cover in the next one!

Until next time, thanks for watching, and I will see you soon, bye bye.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 SUPERHERO/VILLAIN REFERENCES In League of Legends - Duration: 4:50.


Man shot to death inside Boston store - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Man shot to death inside Boston store - Duration: 1:12.


Mejores jugadas: Manchester United vence al Arsenal | Premiere League | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> Mejores jugadas: Manchester United vence al Arsenal | Premiere League | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 8:09.


Does Religion Destroy Spirituality - Duration: 6:16.

Does Religion Destroy Spirituality

By consciousreminder

The Qooest for spiritual truth is as old as human race itself.

The very first men and women searched for God and wondered what happens when we die.

These questions desperately begged for answers and inevitably brought the creation of the

first religions.

Since the beginning of civilization though, people can�t help but wonder.

Does Religion Destroy Spirituality or are they close friends and allies?

Does Religion Destroy Spirituality?

This question though is not easy to answer, because we base our opinions only to what

we currently know and not to what has truly happened.

However, in this article we will try to examine some valid points which make us believe that�s


After all, it�s not a secret that Witches don�t like to follow a certain religion

rather than create their own spiritual path.

On the other hand, we do believe that Religion has played a very important role in giving

shape to human spirituality.

Although, this was not always for better�

So, why Witches believe that Religion Destroys Spirituality?

1.Religion Claims is the Only Truth

Although this does not apply to all religions of the World, it surely applies to many.

To strongly believe that you follow the True Path to enlightenment is not a problem.

On the other hand, to believe that all others are mistaken or worse� doomed, is certainly

not a good thing.

Spirituality sets you free as it prompts you to use any available path.

�All Roads lead to Rome� as long as you follow certain virtues and laws like �harm


Religion thought does not agree.

You have to follow all its rules and follow certain leaders in order to achieve �enlightenment�.

Remember that the Great Library of Alexandria was first destroyed by Christian and then

Muslim fanatics, just because the Wisdom which was kept in its bookshelves did not match

with their sacred texts.

These narrow minded people caused the greatest loss of spiritual, magical and scientific


So if I ask you again �Does Religion Destroy Spirituality� you will probably say yes,

but let�s continue.


Religion is the Keeper of Mystical Knowledge

Especially Religions � that currently exist � have the tendency to be super cautious

regarding the free distribution of the magical and mystical knowledge they�ve acquired

thought centuries.


Because they probably want to keep all the magic for themselves.

Why did they begun the Witch Hunting in the first place?

Let�s take Catholicism for example.

Why on Earth would the Pope acquire and keep one of the darkest and most dangerous grimoires

on Earth?

The secrets they hide in Pope�s Secret Library are unimaginable.

Even from the time of Crusades, followers of the Pope acquired hidden and secret knowledge

along with magical artifacts only to destroy or deliver them to the �Holy See� himself.


Religion goes Hand-in-Hand with Authorities

Almost every Religion behaves as a governing �tool� of the masses, also known as Theocracy.

Throughout history, religions played a crucial role in establishing authority over vast empires.

At some point, religions were �custom� made or modified to deal with current issues.

It�s no secret that these institutions take advantage of people�s fear of the unknown.

They we led as sheep to slaughter only because their spiritual leaders said so.

People are eager to blindly follow orders for the promise of a better afterlife.

This is how religious wars, begun harvesting innumerable lives of innocent people.

Killing in the name of God.

How ironic�


Religion Justifies Discrimination

Although most religions preach the love of God(s) over all human race, they simultaneously

tend to divide societies into God�s favorite groups and to some who are not so favorite.

As if an all-wise Father or Mother would discriminate their own children.

Many social groups have been targeted by religions in history.

It makes no sense.

Any God or Goddess is pure Love.

The absence of Love equals hatred.

Therefore, Hatred is Evil.

Hence either Religions have mistaken their deities messages or the deities themselves

are not so good as we think they are.

Spirituality teaches acceptance and love without measure or boundaries.

Love is the essence of any path and the most fundamental truth.

It�s the particles Gods and Goddesses consist of.


Religion Asks you to Follow � Spirituality asks you to See for yourself

Many religions practice several spiritual ways in order to help an individual evolve

in their path.

However, most usually they are strict and forbid them to try any other practice.

For example, Yoga is forbidden in Christianity although it teaches the unity with the Divine


Does Religion Destroy Spirituality in this way?

Religions tend to be dogmatical.

They ask you to follow the Rules and believe without seeing or sensing.

Only if you follow the rules blindly you will be rewarded.

Spirituality on the other hand removes your blindfold and asks you to see for yourself.

Seeing is believing?

Not always but at least with spirituality you are not condemned to hell if you try to

perceive the Greatness of Creation.

So let me ask you.

What Do you believe?

Does Religion Destroy Spirituality?

For more infomation >> Does Religion Destroy Spirituality - Duration: 6:16.


VAVA Voom 21 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Review | Best Bluetooth Speaker Under $100 - Duration: 20:47.

Hey, welcome back. Today, we're going to be taking an in-depth look at the "Red Dot Design" award-winning

VAVA Voom 21 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker, coming up!

Heyyyy, Sean here with Trini Tech TV, On this channel, we do Tech Reviews | Unboxings

| Gadgets | Tutorials and Much More videos just like this one, so if you're new here,

consider subscribing.

At any point during the video, you can check out the show notes and links, in the description


"Feel free to check out my unboxing video of this very same Bluetooth speaker, the link

will be in the description below."

Now, let's get down to business!

If you've been looking for a great Bluetooth speaker, in the sub one hundred dollar category,

you've come to the right place.

Welcome to my review of the VAVA Voom 21 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker,

I purchased this Bluetooth speaker on March 28, 2017.

So, I've had it for a few months now, I wanted to use it for an extended period before

making a review video.

I came across many other really good Bluetooth speakers with great reviews, but there was

always something which ended up being a deal breaker for me.

They were either too expensive, had bad battery life, had very little bass "I really like bass :-)",

had poor sound quality, had poor connectivity, had poor aesthetics etc.

As you may notice, I am very picky when it comes to the things that I decide to purchase.

I have over 25 years of combined experience in the car audio and pro audio fields.

I'm also a huge lover of many genres of music, my collection includes everything from

Soca, Calypso, Reggae, Rockers, Dub, Dance Hall, Hip Hop, Rap, Gospel, Pop, Slow Rock,

Metal, Blues, RnB, Soul, Dance, Techno, Trance, and Classical, just to name a few,

so you see, I needed a Bluetooth speaker with a wide frequency and dynamic range,

not to mention some sweet bass.

The Design While researching a multitude of Bluetooth

speakers from multiple brands over the months, one of the main things that really caught

my eye was the unique design of the VAVA Voom 21.

In a sea of boxy designs, this really stood out to me.

The design of the VAVA Voom 21 is simply brilliant, the end to end steel mesh grille design on

the back and front looks really modern and clean.

All of the buttons are located at the top of the device.

At the left are the power button and 3 LED notification lights.

These lights indicate how much power is left in the unit's battery.

Near the center is a Bluetooth indicator LED, a Bluetooth button, a hands-free button, and

an equalizer button.

At the right, we have the NFC contact area which is indicated by the NFC logo, the play/pause button,

and the volume down and up buttons, all of which offer a really nice tactile feel

and audible click when depressed.

The bottom of the Bluetooth speaker contains some identifying information on the rubber

pad which covers the entire bottom of the unit.

There are also integrated rubber feet to keep it from sliding around.

This is one very capable little Bluetooth speaker.

The last time that I checked on, the VAVA Voom 21 had over eleven hundred reviews

with a 4.5 star rating which is really impressive.

You can check it out for yourself via the link in the description.

The Sound The sound signature is simply amazing.

There are two 40 mm speakers that are mounted at a slight outward angle in order to maximize

channel separation, and produce a wide stereo sound.

There is also a dedicated 70 mm Subwoofer, which for me is a must-have.

Having a dedicated subwoofer is a great advantage as it handles all of the bass duties

which takes that burden away from the satellites whose job is to deliver the mid-bass and high frequencies.

the benefits of which is overall better power handling and audio clarity.

There are also two 65mm Passive Radiators at the back of the unit,

"a passive radiator speaker is a simple device that increases the low-frequency response (Bass) of a speaker system.

When used properly, a passive radiator can give a speaker system the comparable performance characteristics of a much larger system"

I hope that I'm not getting too technical,

but I want you to fully understand just how unique this little device really is.

At this point, I was fairly confident that this was the Bluetooth speaker that I was

looking for all along from an audio standpoint.

The Technology The VAVA Voom 21 sounds great, but this little

device has a few more tricks up its sleeves.

There's a lot of technology packed under the hood of the VAVA Voom 21, it comes equipped

with Bluetooth Version 4.0 in addition to EDR, "EDR stands for Enhanced Data Rates,

and is an optional part of the Bluetooth wireless networking standard that is used in mobile

phones and other electronic devices".

Bluetooth with EDR allows more data to be transferred more quickly from one device to the other.

The Bluetooth Profiles "A2DP, AVRCP, HSP, HFP and AAC" are all supported.

The maximum stated Operating Range is "Up to 33ft / 10m" but I've personally been

able to get over 46ft without line of sight.

I was really impressed with this, especially considering that there was no noticeable degradation of the audio.

Pair up with two devices at once You can pair the VAVA Voom 21 with up to two

devices at the same time.

Although only one of them can play music at any time, you can easily switch devices without

going through the pairing process again.

To switch between the two devices, simply pause the music on one device and start playing

on the other.

I have personally tested this feature, and it works pretty well, I paired a Samsung Galaxy

J7 as a multimedia device while I pairing a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 for making and answering

calls, which brings me to the built-in microphone.

Take calls directly from the speaker There's a built-in microphone with Noise

Cancellation for Hands-free calling,

I had my wife help me test this feature, and she said that the voice quality was great;

she could not tell the difference between me talking though the microphone on the Bluetooth speaker

or the microphone on the cell phone itself.

Besides Bluetooth 4.0, the device also comes with built-in NFC and an included 3.5mm audio cable for further connectivity options.

What Is NFC?

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a standards-based short-range wireless connectivity technology

that makes life easier and more convenient for consumers around the world by making it

simpler to make transactions, exchange digital content, and connect electronic devices with a touch.

NFC is compatible with hundreds of millions of contactless cards and readers already deployed worldwide.

Simply put, NFC allows you to connect by simply touching two devices to each other.

1. Ensure that NFC is enabled on your mobile phone.

2. Locate and gently touch the NFC zone on your mobile phone against the NFC zone on the VAVA

Voom and "there you go", you're connected.

To learn more about the vast possibilities of NFC; there will be a link to an educational

video in the description below.

The VAVA Voom 21 also comes with "aptX" technology on-board.

What is aptX?

The aptX codec has been the secret weapon of the music industry, public broadcasters

and film studios for many years because of its ability to deliver CD-like quality.

Bluetooth® is limited by a maximum available bandwidth so it's not always suitable for delivering high-quality audio.

aptX has revolutionized the Bluetooth® Stereo listening experience by significantly reducing

the bit rate without affecting the audio quality or introducing latency issues.

Some of the key features of aptX are:

• Outstanding Bluetooth® Stereo audio quality that faithfully reproduces the full audio bandwidth.

• Low audio coding delay that minimizes latency and audio/video synchronization issues.

• Backward compatibility that keeps the music flowing when aptX is unavailable.

To learn more about the aptX codec; there will be a link to an educational video in

the description below.

Equalizer Settings: The VAVA Voom is automatically set to standard

sound every time it is turned on.

Press the equalizer button to cycle through its three equalizer modes:

Standard, Party and Surround

• Standard: Has a more balanced sound.

• Party: Has more emphasis on bass and high volume.

• Surround: Sounds as though the audio is coming from every direction.

I rarely use the equalizer, as I've found that "Standard mode" really is well balanced

for most genres of music that I listen to, it even sounds great for dialogue, podcasts, audio books etc.

3.5mm AUX Connection: If Bluetooth is not available, you can connect

to other music devices via the included 3.5mm AUX cable.

Note: When connected in AUX mode, Bluetooth connection is temporarily disabled.

Also, the built-in microphone on the VAVA Voom will not work with an AUX connection.

Battery Level: There are 3 LED notification lights just to

the left of the power button.

• 3 LEDs = 67 – 100% battery • 2 LEDs = 33 – 67% battery

• 1 LED = 1 – 33% battery

Note: When the battery level is low, the VAVA Voom 21 will start beeping "which is a very convenient feature".

Battery Life:

The VAVA Voom boasts a 10-hour battery life, with its 6700mAh lithium-ion battery, which

I can personally vouch for (when used at low to medium volume levels).

Note: Music with thumping bass, when played at high volume levels will generally see shorter battery life.

Built-in Power Bank: The VAVA also has a built-in power bank which

can be used to recharge your mobile device via its full-sized USB port (USB Output 5V/1A).

This is great if you're ever stuck in an emergency situation or a power outage.

No Distortion at high Volume Levels: This is a great feature that's usually found

on really high-end sound systems.

Even at 100% volume level, the VAVA sounds pretty clean.

The only time that I noticed any distortion, was when the source was outputting a distorted signal.

Charging: There are two ways to charge the VAVA Voom 21:

1. Via power adapter and the 15V DC charging port (Recommended).

Option two:

2. Using a micro-USB cable and USB charging adapter.

(Please make sure the charging current is at least 1A).

Charging Time is approximately 3 hrs via the (15V DC Power) / 8 hrs (Micro USB).

Product Dimensions and Weight The VAVA Voom 21's dimensions are approximately

3.9 x 2.1 x 9.2 in / 10 x 4.5 x 24 cm, and it weighs in at about 1.76 lbs / 850 grams.

This is one solidly built piece of kit.

It feels fairly heavy, but not too heavy (if you know what I mean).

What's in the box?

• VAVA Voom Bluetooth Speaker • Micro-USB Cable

• 3.5mm Audio Cable • 15V DC Power Adapter

• Documentation

Conclusion I know that it's been a pretty long review,

but I really wanted to give you as much good information as I can.

I wanted to answer any questions that you may have had about the VAVA Voom 21.

Now it's time to wrap it up with the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

The Good The design: This is one really good-looking

Bluetooth speaker with a timeless design.

Build quality: It's solidly built with no rattles whatsoever, even at high volume levels.

Sound quality: The sound is well balanced at the default setting, and is well-suited

for most genres of music.

Equalizer: Just having this feature is welcome, as most Bluetooth speakers don't offer this.

NFC integration: This is a really nice feature not seen on many Bluetooth speakers.

aptX technology: This is a must-have for me when purchasing a new Bluetooth audio device.

Hands-free calling: This is a huge bonus that works really well.

3.5mm AUX input: A welcome feature for use with non-Bluetooth devices.

Built-In power bank: Great added feature seldom seen on others.

Able to Pair two devices at once: This is another seldom seen feature on most Bluetooth speakers.

Battery life: The 10hr runtime is really good; you can even exceed this if listening to something

less demanding on the battery like a podcast or some other spoken-word, at moderate volume.

The bad Speaker movement: Sometimes the speaker tends

to move about a bit while playing tunes with heavy thumping bass at high volume levels.

I'm being really nit-picky now.

The Ugly There is nothing to see here!

Bonus Tip!

If you would like to hear your VAVA Voom 21 in all of its glory, with even more bass emphasis,

simply place the unit in a corner of the room.

This will greatly amplify the sound waves.

Personally speaking, I think that VAVA did a great job.

I'm very impressed, and very pleased with my purchase.

I've had no issues whatsoever

Keep a lookout right here on this channel

for more videos just like this one, coming soon.

Also, check out our website at "Trini Tech TV dot com" for an in-depth written review

of everything that you see on this channel.

Once you see an item on this channel, there will definitely be an in-depth written review on the website

because I usually do the website review first and then the videos follow

so definitely check the website for a lot more information

Don't forget to check the Description for links to everything that I speak about and a lot more additional info as well.

ramble ramble :-)

Question What do you think about my very first product review video on this channel?

I'm not accustomed to being in front of a camera, I'm very new to this

ramble ramble :-)

Let me know the comment section below.

Thanks for watching, I really hope that you enjoyed your time here, and hope that the video was informative,

and helped you in making a decision on a Bluetooth speaker

Consider Subscribing to see more videos just like this, and don't forget to click the

little bell icon, in order to be notified every time we upload a new video.

So until next time, you take care, and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> VAVA Voom 21 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Review | Best Bluetooth Speaker Under $100 - Duration: 20:47.


Can we reach the 50 subscribers? - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Can we reach the 50 subscribers? - Duration: 3:38.


Rust Prevention and treatment Chemistry for All The Fuse School - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Rust Prevention and treatment Chemistry for All The Fuse School - Duration: 4:51.




The link is in the source article link below in our description



Inner Voices | 속 보이스 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 4:13.

(Inner Voices)

I'm so nervous!

- I'm so nervous. / - Hey!

- Ready to shoot the new skit? / - Yes.

I have the script here.

Forget that.

You guys are the stars of this skit.

I'll set it all up for you guys.

You guys will be the funny ones today! Got it?

- Yes! / - Yes!

Nope. Only I'm going to be funny.

You guys can't be funny.

Only I'll be funny!

We're going to start shooting the new skit.

How dare you betray me?

If you betray me,

I'll chase you to the end of the earth

and chew you up!

Man, I'm such a good actor.

All eyes will be on me today.

Only I'll be funny!

You scum.

You thought you'd be safe after betraying me?

I am not ashamed of my actions!

You have no shame?

Then you need a beating!

I'm ashamed.

Why do my nipples look so low today?

How dare you be funnier than me with your nipples?

You scum.

Who ordered you to betray me?

The Brown Bear Gang or the Black Bear Gang?

I can't tell you.

Tell you.

Tell me now!

That girl's pretty.

I said to talk!

Not so pretty from up close.

Sit down, fool!

No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Hey, bring in the tools!

Yes, boss. The tools.

- Take them out! / - Yes.

I brought a magic wand.

Why do I get so nervous?



Why did you bring a magic wand?

Get out of here!

- Junior. / - Yes.

Bring me the club.


Mom, those are my only lines.

Now you can change the channel.

That's it.

Tell your boss.

That if he attacks this gang again,

I won't be so nice!

Nice. My nipples are covered.


Tell me!

Why does he keep pushing me over here?

Get back here, fool.

- Sit down. / - Boss! Boss!

Big trouble! The Brown Bear Gang is attacking!

What? The Brown Bears?

This is bad.

Don't worry, boss.

As they used to say...

There were two tigers on one mountain.

One was female and the other was male.

The two loved each other passionately.

Then who became the human?

What kind of nonsense is this?

Geez! Why am I so nervous?

I'm going crazy!

What are you talking about, fool?

- Go and stop the Brown Bears! / - Yes!

- Let's go. / - What are you doing?

Go help them!

Yes, boss!

You betrayed me too...

I didn't even get to see my beloved girlfriend...

I'm going to die...

Jungeun! Jungeun!


Jungeun, don't die!

Your beloved is here!

I thought I'd get big laughs for dressing in drag.

All you guys do is clap.

Stop clapping! Laugh! Laugh!

Thank goodness. That was supposed to be my role.

I'm better off with my nipples exposed.

That's it.

I'd better do something as the veteran of this show.

That's horrifying.

Let's not end up like him.

For more infomation >> Inner Voices | 속 보이스 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 4:13.


FINALLY Vegeta Ultra Instinct CONFIRMED STRONGER Than Goku Ultra Instinct Pt1 - Duration: 11:27.

However, Goku has a will that can't be stopped.

In that moment, it kicked into full gear, pushing him to break his shell.

And when he returned to the fighting stage, his body had experienced the 2 hidden triggers.

Ultra Instinct

3 warriors stand before him.

The stakes are getting higher.

Goku wobbles when he stands.

Is he really planning to fight again?

Using all his energy to obtain Ultra Instinct twice has left him lifeless yet again.

But Jiren still remains as Goku's biggest obstacle.

Could this be why he pushes through his weakness?

In the hopes that he can obtain Ultra Instinct once again?

But the sad truth of the matter is Goku doesn't yet know how he got Ultra Instinct in the

first place.

And the only way to save his Universe is to go head to head with Jiren for a second time.

But this time, he must come out the winner.

As Goku prepares himself to fight with all the odds against him as he has many times

before, he wonders to himself how can he rise to Ultra Instinct for a third time?

Because whatever caused it before will cause it again.

Until Goku can uncover the truth of how Ultra Instinct is awakened, he will never be able

to challenge Jiren to a rematch.

And with only 15 minutes left in the Tournament of Power, the clock for Universe 7 is ticking

Before his efforts turn out to be all for nothing.

The only way to prevent that is to bring back the one thing that actually has a chance at

defeating Jiren.

Goku must figure out Ultra Instinct's 2 triggers.

But what Goku doesn't realize yet is that he already knows exactly what they are.

The first trigger is nothing new to Goku.

In fact, he's been dealing with it his whole life.

And it hit him like a punch to the face the day he first discovered a being that blew

the power of his highest level right out of the water.

The god power held within Beerus made Goku's confidence in his Super Saiyan 3 form completely


But his body was hiding something that he never would've thought could appear much

later down road.

As he charged at Beerus in what seemed to him as a fun way to test out the power of

a god, Goku found himself jumping back.

You see, Beerus' idea of fun was quite different from Goku's.

Beerus had just decided to attack Goku with something that he was sure Goku couldn't

survive when he noticed Goku retreating back the way he came.

Goku couldn't understand why he had done this.

He had never told himself to.

But Beerus wasn't confused at all.

He thought it was very impressive.

And the reason for this was because Beerus already knew exactly what had just happened.

Goku's body had sensed such danger from Beerus that it instinctively jumped back.

However, Goku still had no idea that in that moment, he had tapped into what was turning

into Ultra Instinct.

But what he did know was this.

There were beings far stronger than him, and he must do something to catch up.

Months later, Goku found himself arriving on Beerus' planet.

He had come to join Vegeta in his training with Whis.

And during their time there, the 2 Saiyans learned a valuable lesson from their new teacher.

Although they didn't realize it had a name until after Goku had already obtained it,

Whis explained exactly what Ultra Instinct is.

He told the 2 naive fighters that the reason their reaction times were so terribly slow

compared to his own was because they were thinking before each action they took.

And the only way to not do this was to trigger each body part to move on it's own.

Or in other words, separate their bodies from their minds.

Although they hadn't learned this ability just yet, Whis' training helped them eventually

reach Super Saiyan Blue.

But even that wasn't enough for Goku.

Always remembering the huge difference between himself and Beerus the first day that they

had met, Goku knew he could still go so much further.

So he continued to train to find more hidden strength inside himself.

And when he went to the planet with no name to battle the fighters of Universe 6, he was

forced to use a new power up that he had secretly found and had been saving for his rematch

with Beerus.

One that would soon cause problems for him.

But eventually would also help him trigger Ultra Instinct.

It was an extremely risky move on Goku's part.

He knew that it could cause him to lose his life.

But the risk had proven itself to be worth it in that moment.

This was the first time Goku successfully topped his Super Saiyan Blue Form with his

Kaioken technique.

Soon after returning home to Universe 7 from the tournament between Beerus and Champa,

Goku found himself in trouble.

He realized he had forgotten to pick up something at the store for Chi-Chi.

And when he tried to turn around to go back and get it, something very strange happened.

His body kept flying forward.

And for the entire rest of the day, Goku's body continued to do things he wasn't telling

it to do.

He went to King Kai looking for some answers.

It turned out that using Kaioken with Super Saiyan Blue vs Hit had been far too much for

his body to handle.

King Kai explained it was a very reckless way for Goku to use his energy.

And he suggested that Goku never do it again.

Because this was triggering his body and his mind to separate.

Something he had heard once before from Whis.

But there was one other problem still left behind from his fight against Hit.

And that was Hit's job.

As an assassin, he wasn't used to holding back his powers.

But using his full strength simply hadn't been allowed in the friendly tournament.

This upset Goku.

How could he get stronger fighting someone who wasn't giving it their all?

There was only one way to get Hit to fight Goku for real.

So Goku stood in his front yard meditating.

Waiting to feel Hit's presence arrive.

He had to keep this matter to himself

And for this reason, his family couldn't understand the strange way that Goku was suddenly


Was he being paranoid about something?

Goku had secretly hired Hit to come after him.

This would be the only way to truly train himself.

And so he practiced using his senses to the max.

Goku knew that Hit wouldn't deny his job even if he knew who he was going after.

This meant that Goku's life was truly in danger.

And the only way to survive would be to notice Hit before the final attack arrived.

But what Goku didn't realize is that this was really triggering his body to think on

its own.

Just as Whis had described in his training.

Goku was fine-tuning his instincts without even realizing it.

Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore.

Not being able to sense Hit anywhere nearby was starting to drive Goku crazy.

Focusing only on the man who was coming to end his life, Goku walked into the street

with a car coming at him at full speed.

However, Goku hadn't trained his instincts hard enough yet to dodge.

It crashed right into him.

And as Bulma found her way out of her now beat-up car to find Goku standing there confused,

her anger turned up a notch.

But it was about to go even higher.

She swung her hand at Goku as she normally would.

What wasn't normal, however, was how Goku dodged.

Like the time with Beerus, Goku couldn't understand why he was moving out of the way.

The difference between this time with Bulma and the time before it with Beerus proves

Goku's instincts were indeed getting stronger.

With Beerus, Goku's life had been in danger.

But the same wasn't true for the tiny hit from Bulma's hand.

Goku had taught himself the art of moving without thinking to the point that he no longer

needed his life on the line to do it.

However, that didn't mean his body was yet ready to access the same advanced instincts

that Whis had told him about that one day.

But the time for this to happen finally arrived as his body fell into a black hole.

His energy had been completely depleted.

There was nowhere else to go but down.

As with Beerus, his life was at stake.

But unlike back then, his life started to actually slip away.

However, Goku has a will that can't be stopped.

In that moment, it kicked into full gear, pushing him to break his shell.

And when he returned to the fighting stage, his body had experienced the 2 hidden triggers.

Ultra Instinct had been obtained.

Suddenly, Goku was able to dodge every attack that came at him.

But he also was acting very strange.

His usual confident and slightly cocky self were nowhere to be found.

Instead, he was silent as he looked ahead at his hardest opponent yet.

It seemed that Goku was in some sort of daze.

Unfortunately, even Ultra Instinct wasn't enough to win against Jiren.

Goku's new energy powered by the Genki Dama had finally run out completely.

But he was given the chance to fight again as Frieza gave away some energy.

And through fighting with Kale and Caulifla, and especially with their fused form Kefla,

Goku had quickly regained most of his energy back.

But when Goku was knocked close to unconsciousness, it seemed his body hadn't yet caught up

to the immense power that Kefla had.

Unsurprisingly, Goku's will kicked in again.

He found a way to rise back up onto his feet.

Goku would never give up.

Kefla's attack came flying towards him.

And with the little energy he had left, Goku's life was in danger once again.

But somehow, he managed to dodge it.

The 2 triggers had been hit again.

And Ultra Instinct had returned.

In order to access this technique in both of his Tournament of Power battles, Goku had

to use Kaioken on top of Super Saiyan Blue.

And just as King Kai had warned him, this reckless way of using his energy forced a

separation between Goku's mind and body.

The very meaning of what Whis had described Ultra Instinct to be.

This is trigger #1.

What else had happened in both of these battles leading to Ultra Instinct, though?

Trigger #2.

His life had been endangered.

But just as there had been a difference between Beerus' attack and a hit from Bulma, there

was another difference in the fights between Jiren and Kefla that also proved Goku's

instincts had gotten even stronger.

Remember that earlier it was pointed out to you the way Goku acted the first time he obtained

Ultra Instinct vs Jiren.

Compare that to the way he acted when he obtained it vs Kefla.

He was much more himself.

Talking and powering up.

No longer looking like he was in a daze.

His body was still thinking for itself in the same way as his first Ultra Instinct experience.

But now he was able to do it with much less effort.

However, even his victory of eliminating Kefla couldn't keep Goku's massive amount of

energy from seeping out of him as heat.

And now, he's left burnt out again.

When Goku realizes that he must enter a state in which his mind and body have been separated

and also that he needs to put his life back on the line, then he will be able to obtain

Ultra Instinct for a third time.

Then, and only then, will a rematch between Goku Ultra Instinct and Jiren begin.

Or has Goku already figured it all out?

Could this be why he insists on forcing himself to keep pushing against the 3 Universe 2 warriors

that now stand before him?

These are the questions that anger Vegeta as he attempts to obtain Ultra Instinct for


His anger builds the more punches that he takes.

Maybe this just isn't for him.

Vegeta refuses to let this push him down.

After all, it doesn't take away from the fact that

For more infomation >> FINALLY Vegeta Ultra Instinct CONFIRMED STRONGER Than Goku Ultra Instinct Pt1 - Duration: 11:27.


Wipe Away Your Tears - Michael Law (Original Song) || Live Acoustic - Duration: 4:22.

When you need a hand

Please understand

There's nothing I won't do

To be right here for you

Anywhere, I will be there

Wipe away your tears come over here

Put your hand in mine we're two of a kind

Wipe away your tears come over here

I will make you whole I'll never let go

When you look around

Tell me what you see

I see my world

Looking back at me

Call my name, I will save you again

Wipe away your tears come over here

Put your hand in mine we're two of a kind

Wipe away your tears come over here

I will make you whole I'll never let go

If only I could show

you put the beauty in the rainbow

There ain't no mountain too high

we'll learn to fly

and breakaway

Wipe away your tears come over here

Put your hand in mine we're two of a kind

Wipe away your tears come over here

I will make you whole I'll never let go

Wipe away your tears come over here

Put your hand in mine we're two of a kind

Wipe away your tears come over here

I will make you whole I'll never let go

For more infomation >> Wipe Away Your Tears - Michael Law (Original Song) || Live Acoustic - Duration: 4:22.


Ordinary LOVE| aky y doble cero | #FNAFHS| Letra en subtitulos - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Ordinary LOVE| aky y doble cero | #FNAFHS| Letra en subtitulos - Duration: 2:15.


Vol circumpolaire Transpolar 08, activez les sous-titres - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Vol circumpolaire Transpolar 08, activez les sous-titres - Duration: 5:49.


Shaw Threatens Colonel Hendry | X-Men First Class (2011) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:51.

I don't ask for favors, Colonel.

I express my expectations.

So, let me say it again.

I expect you'll reconsider.

The only thing I will reconsider

is having another glass of that delicious champagne.

What the hell did you put in my drink?

You're thinking of running. Hiding.

We'd find you, Hendry.

There's not a fortress in the world that could keep us out.

Magnificent. Isn't she, Bob?

Genetic mutation. The evolution of the human genome.

Where's Azazel?

We don't want the Colonel to be late.


Missiles in Turkey send a very clear message.

If we ever decide to fire them,

the Russian early-warning system won't even have time to kick in.

This better be important, MacTaggert.

Whoa, slow down.

Are you smoking them funny cigarettes? People don't disappear.

Colonel Hendry was there.

He was there, McCone, in the Hellfire Club.

Colonel Hendry?

I agree with you, General.

I've reconsidered my position

and I now believe we should put Jupiter missiles in Turkey.

Colonel Hendry is here.

So unless he magically traveled 3,000 miles in the last 10 minutes,

listen to me, I suggest that you stop wasting my time.

Looks like Hendry wants to start World War III.

I got bigger things to deal with right now, MacTaggert.

Sir, I...

- God! - Have you lost your mind?

So, now what?

We find an expert on genetic mutation.

For more infomation >> Shaw Threatens Colonel Hendry | X-Men First Class (2011) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:51.


Top 10 Lies YOU Tell Every Day - Duration: 6:15.


Welcome back to Most Amazing Top 10, I am Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about


White lies are a daily occurrence for most people, you might not meant to be dishonest,

but often you end up telling lies to make other people feel better, to make yourself

feel better or to protect yourself from being told off…

join me as we discuss the Top 10 Lies You tell Everyday…

A classic at number 10: 10 - I'm Fine


If anyone responds to the how are you question with "I'm Fine" you can bet they're

probably not.

The translation to I'm fine is basically I am not okay, but I don't want to talk

about it with you.

This also applies to it's fine, or it's fine don't worry about it – translation,

it is no fine, I am displeased about this but I will do my best to get over it.

9 - I'll be there in 5 Translation: I am running more than 5 minutes

late…I probably just left the house.

Some people tell this lie more than others… these are late people.

A late person is a person who is always ten or more minutes later…often later.

Late people ofen get lied to themselves, with their friends telling them earlier meeting

times than intended just because they know that person will be late.

8 – You look fine Translation: You do not look fine, but I don't

want hurt your feelings, I don't want to start drama and I want you to stop asking

me if you look fine.

Telling someone they look fine is easier than addressing what area they may be falling short

in, especially as if you were honest they may just be annoyed with you.

None the less, I do think honesty is the best policy here!

I fyou can find a tactful way to improve a friend or loved one, go for it.

Although if it is out of your hands, best just tell the white lie and let them stop


7 - I'm busy Translation: I am not busy; I just don't

want to do what you are suggesting that I do with my time.

I wish that we were able to be honest about not wanting to do certain things, but often

it makes for an awkward social environment.

In the end, many of us find ourselves saying we're busy just to avoid the awkwardness

that comes with: sorry, I don't want to or sorry, I don't feel like it, I just wanna

watch Netflix and eat pizza in my jammies.

6 - We Should Hang Out Soon Translation: I don't know how to round off

this slightly awkward encounter with someone I haven't seen for a while and have no plans

to spend any further time with.

Sometimes we run into people we don't know that well or haven't seen for a while and

end up having to make awkward conversations…then we say things like "yeah, we'll meet for

coffee" or "let's go for drinks! " but we know full well it will never happen.

5 - I didn't touch it ! Translation: I broke it, I know that I broke

it, you know that I broke it, but I am going to try hard and avoid blame.

This could also be applied to food…eating things your parents, friends or significant

others asked you not to, and also this could be interchanged with I haven't seen it.

4 - I

just saw your text slash email Translation: I got your text slash email a

week ago and forgot about it but I am going to try hard and convince you there was some

kind of technological error that stopped me reply in a timely fashion.

I am actually a devil for forgetting to reply to people, so if you are ever on the receiving

end of one of these little white lies, politely play along and know you're one of the lucky

few that actually gets a response!

3 - I'll think about it Translation: I have already thought about

it, the answer is no, but I want to pretend I am a reasonable human who doesn't just

make rash decisions.

I feel like this is something my boyfriend says to me when I say we should go out for

a delicious expensive dinner, or something a mother would say to their child when they

want to do something their parent has no intention of letting them do but doesn't want to seem

to unreasonable.

To all those on the receiving end of a I'll think about it….save your time and hope

and know that it's a no.

2 - I don't want anything Translation: I would love some fries but I

don't want to be a fatty so I'll say no but secretly hope you buy me some…thaaanks.

Just me?

If someone asks me if I am hungry but I have already had my allotted meal for that time

of day, I'll say no… but like …I am always hungry.

If they offer to buy me something when they go into a store, I'll say I don't want

anything when obviously I want EVERYTHING THANKS.

Finally, at number one of the lies you and I tell every day…

1 - I'll do it tomorrow Translation: I will not do it tomorrow, but

I will pretend I will so I can enjoy something else, like sleeping or having fun.

Generally I think lying to yourself is a bad thing and if you want to do something that

is important to you, the best time to do it is now.

That being said, if you need some time to see a project through, that's fine, you

don't need to do it all at once, you just need to start …tomorrow isn't good enough,

especially if you have told yourself that for many days, weeks, months or years in a



That was the top ten lies you tell every day – how many of them on this list have you

told today?

Let me know in the comments section below!

I am Rebecca Felgate, once again, honesty is the best policy, it's just tricky sometimes!


Thanks for watching to the end of this video!

Why not check out the Top 10 Ways to tell people are lying, or the Top 10 Lies We were

told in school .

For more infomation >> Top 10 Lies YOU Tell Every Day - Duration: 6:15.


REPORT: Hillary Clinton Offered Plea Deal By DOJ. - Duration: 3:58.

REPORT: Hillary Clinton Offered Plea Deal By DOJ.

You won't see THIS on CNN.

"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling

of classified material on her private email system while she was secretary of state, and

is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges

of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

Newsmax reports :

The discussion of a plea bargain took place late last month and was offered by a high-ranking

Justice Department official to the Clinton lawyer.

During the exploratory talks with the prosecutor, the Clinton attorney was told that despite

former FBI Director James Comey's decision last July not to prosecute Hillary, the Justice

Department has reexamined the email case and believes there are ample grounds for prosecuting

Hillary on a number of counts.

Under the Justice Department's plea offer, Hillary would be required to sign a document

admitting that she committed a prosecutable crime.

In return, the DOJ would agree not to bring charges against Hillary in connection with

the email probe.

Also as part of the agreement, the Justice Department would not proceed with an investigation

of Hillary's pay to play deals with foreign governments and businessmen who contributed

to the Clinton Foundation or who paid Bill Clinton exorbitant speaking fees.

The Clinton attorney cautioned that normally a plea is offered by a prosecutor only upon

arraignment, and Hillary has not yet been charged with any crime.

Watch the Video Confidential By Ed Klein :

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> REPORT: Hillary Clinton Offered Plea Deal By DOJ. - Duration: 3:58.


Huzoor (PBUH) ka Mubarak Dil Kesa Tha? by Mohammad Raza Saqib Mustafai - Raza Saqib Latest Bayan - Duration: 6:01.

Mohammad Raza Saqib Mustafai Latest New Emotional Bayan - Huzoor ka mubarak dil

Mohammad Raza Saqib Mustafai Latest New Emotional Bayan - Huzoor ka mubarak dil

Mohammad Raza Saqib Mustafai Latest New Emotional Bayan - Huzoor ka mubarak dil

Mohammad Raza Saqib Mustafai Latest New Emotional Bayan - Huzoor ka mubarak dil

Mohammad Raza Saqib Mustafai Latest New Emotional Bayan - Huzoor ka mubarak dil

Mohammad Raza Saqib Mustafai Latest New Emotional Bayan - Huzoor ka mubarak dil

Mohammad Raza Saqib Mustafai Latest New Emotional Bayan - Huzoor ka mubarak dil

Mohammad Raza Saqib Mustafai Latest New Emotional Bayan - Huzoor ka mubarak dil

For more infomation >> Huzoor (PBUH) ka Mubarak Dil Kesa Tha? by Mohammad Raza Saqib Mustafai - Raza Saqib Latest Bayan - Duration: 6:01.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3 - 2v2 Rated Arenas on Arms Warrior WRECKED! - Duration: 1:00:28.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3 - 2v2 Rated Arenas on Arms Warrior WRECKED!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3 - 2v2 Rated Arenas on Arms Warrior WRECKED! - Duration: 1:00:28.


Baking Soda And Honey For Cancer - Baking Soda And Honey The Most Dangerous Remedy - Duration: 1:41.

When you are not feeling, well you shouldn't reach for conventional pain medication or prescription drugs

These conventional treatments can leave your liver weakened, and scarred and can kill beneficial gut, bacteria

Instead there are many amazing foods and remedies that work just as good as

These drugs but feed, your body instead of damaging it

Although, you may not think of baking, soda and honey as medicine they, truly are the two punch combination that

kicks almost any chronic, disease to the curb even cancer

Ingredients baking, soda aluminum free

maple, syrup or honey

method of preparation

Combined baking, soda with, maple, syrup or honey in ration 1 : 3

Cook, the mixture over low, heat for 10 minutes

how to use

Take a tablespoon of this mixture 3 times a day half an hour before meals for a month

Make, sure to only make a batch of this medicine at. A time to ensure freshness and effectiveness as

You, go through treatment avoid weight sugar and dairy products and reduce your intake of meat

You should, also make sure to keep your mind and body healthy, by staying hydrated eating organic

Exercising daily and getting enough sleep

Baking Soda and Honey for Cancer

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