Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

Hi Bailadores!.

We are Carlos and Claudia,… Welcome to ¡Deberías Estar Bailando!.

The other day we realized, that we have not talked about Body Isolations for a long time.

And this is a subject that we consider very important for our development in the Dance.

So today, we want to give you 6 tips to get the most out of the tutorials

of our Series of Body Isolations for Dancing.

In addition to the tips, we would like to answer some of the questions

that you left in the comments.

Because they are very interesting, and we would like to solve them for all of you who follow us.

Surely one of you has any of these doubts, but has not dared to ask.

Are you ready?,…

Tip #1: The correct position of the body.

The first tip is about the Position of our body when we do Body Isolations.

And it is very important that we adopt a comfortable position

that allows us to perform the exercises correctly.

Although our position may vary depending on the exercise we do,

the main one is this one.

With the feet separated, more or less at this distance and aligned with our shoulders.

You see?.

The legs a little flexed, very important to free the hip and not load the back.

And the weight of our body distributed on the feet.

Neither on the tip, nor behind in the heels.

In the event that we are going to perform shoulders or torso exercises,

we will place our hands on our hips.

In this way.

But be careful with the pressure you make with your hands, or you will have discomfort.

This is normal, because the first few times we are tense and we do strength with our hands,

but it can be avoided when we manage to relax that tension.

Finally, check every so often that you keep your legs flexed,

since fatigue makes us stretch it without realizing it.

Tip #2: Breathing is important.

The second tip is about breathing, and I know it may seem strange

to remind you that you have to breathe, but it is not so much.

It happens sometimes, that by concentrating a lot on the exercise, or by the tension of wanting to do it correctly,

we lose the notion of something so basic, and we can find ourselves holding our breath.

Thing that adds more tension to the work we are doing.

So breathing is fundamental for relaxation.

So better!.

Tip #3: We need to relax the muscles.

And relaxation is the third tip, but not just being relaxed,

but to relax our muscles.

We don't need to use force to move a shoulder, torso or hip.

We are not pushing a train.

What we want is to notice, internalize the movement we make

and that the muscle learns that it can move in a concrete way.

And for that, we should relax and avoid tensing muscles.

This is not easy and we know it, but know how to do this,…

It has a price.

Tip #4: Slow is better to begin.

And what is great to get NOT relax?.

Well, want to do the movements at a fast rhythm.

This is our fourth tip.

Fast, fast, fast!, everyone tries to make quick movements,

and this is a mistake.

Before running, walk. And before walking, crawl.

It is very important to start with a slow movement, to become aware of what we do,

and that the muscles learn.

And once we feel that we already control a bit, we could change at a higher rate.

Take it easy.

Tip #5: Size influences the rhythm.

Fifth tip.


We already managed to move any part of our body in a controlled and fast way.

Great!,… We are cracks.

But we need to understand the relationship between Rhythm and movement Size.

It is much easier if we want to make large movements, do them at a slow rhythm.

And in the same way, if we want to make fast movements, it is easier if they are small.

Big and slow.

Fast and small.

Tip #6: Frequency and duration of the exercises.

The sixth tip is about the frequency and duration of the exercises.

And this is something more complicated, because not all of us have the same time.

We try to make it 2 times a week and a minimum of 1 hour of duration.

But you may not be able to, besides the tutorials do not have that duration.

So, the total 20 minutes of the three videos, 3 times a week would be a good plan.

But in the end, the practice time is the one that one can dedicate.

Let's now answer questions and comments.

Now we are going to answer some of the comments that you have left us

in the different Body Isolations tutorials.

And since there are many, we have decided to group them in 5 blocks.

How useful are these exercises?.

And let's start with the usefulness of the exercises.

R Ramones tells us: They helped me a lot in the other Dance Styles.

Patricia Ferrin: These exercises are very constructive, both for the one who knows and the one who does not.

These movements are the basis of everything.

Claudia Beatriz: By themselves they are very decontracting exercises.

Patsy Vallarino: Strengthen the column.

Ana Mercantile: What good gymnastics.

Pablo Augusto: We use your Isolation technique to relax the hip muscles

before each class. Heating technique.

Maty Calderon: It comes great for men and apply them later in more dances.

Yes,… Mainly the usefulness of these exercises is to train our body.

To be able to move the hip, torso and shoulders.

Both in Bachata, Salsa, Merengue, Cha cha cha or Kizomba.

But his other use would be to maintain our physical shape, strengthen the back,… etc.

Do a good exercise with them.

And as a heating technique, it's wonderful.

Are they also for men?.

You doubt that if these exercises are exclusive for women

or men can do them too.

And Williams Dámazo asks us: And for men?.

Salvattore Zapata: Luckily he said it is also for men,

because I did it and for a moment I thought it was only for women.

The truth is that Claudia has done the tutorials and everyone is thinking

that it is for women.

But I also do these exercises.

We had already said in some of the tutorials and we had even responded comments.

But this is unisex.

In the end we all need to train our body, to be able to move it in a concrete way.

When will I notice results?.

Another subject that you asked us a lot, is the time for the results.

And Andrés Herrera asks us: In a week you can see the difference by doing it one hour a day?.

Katherine Ortega: I hope very soon to notice the results.

Let's see,… I understand that everyone wants to achieve something quickly, in a very short time

and that also be good.

But this requires time and a lot of patience.

Yes, it is true that the more you perform these exercises, the more the body will be trained.

Before in the tips, we have told you how much you should do this more or less

and how much we do to get where we got.

I recommend you to be patient.

The more you can do better but without finishing exhausting the body. That of course.

I must also say, that you should not be discouraged if you see that they do not come out.

You have to have patience and with time you will see the results.

What music can be used?.

Let's talk about music now.

That you have also asked us a lot.

Cleiders López asks us: The song with which you practice, how can I get it?,

what is his name?, it's on YouTube?.

Vanesa Merino tells us: I would like very much to have that audio so I can train at home.

Y Tairine Vieira tells us: Could you use other music?.

Well, look,…

The music we use for the tutorials is obtained through YouTube.

Any content creator account for YouTube has access to this music.

But it is not essential to use this music, any music that you like

serves to do the exercises.

The important thing is that it is a very marked music, that is, that you can connect very well

with the rhythm of the music when doing the exercises.

We like it a lot, especially for these things, to use music from Kizomba

because it is super marked.

Is it normal to feel pain when practicing?.

And the last block we want to deal with is about annoyance and pain.

Jesica Choque tells us: I finished doing the hip exercises and now my hips hurt.

That is good?.

Mirian Paola tells us: My hip and legs hurt.

I explain,...

As we are moving the body and maybe it is some movement that we are not used to doing,

it is normal to have some annoyance.

It's the same as exercising and then having stiffness.

What should never happen is that there is pain.

Because if there is pain it is not a good sign.

I think there was a comment, in which a woman told us that she had back problems

and that when doing the exercises she felt pain.

And he asked us if this was good.

We are not doctors, but these exercises are very simple and making them very smooth,

you can advance and train the body.

But never reaching the point of pain.

If there is pain, I think that those exercises should not really be done.

It's great and we love that you leave us comments and ask us questions.

This way we can clarify the doubts that you have and we can make videos like this one.

This has been a different tutorial and I find it very interesting.

We have given you a few tips at the beginning, so that you can get the most out

of the Dissociation exercises of the Series that we have.

And now, have been able to respond to your comments that have been many

and almost all of the same theme, that's why the blocks.

It has been very, very good.


If we have taught you something, a Like is the easiest way to thank it.

And share this video with someone like you, who wants to learn to dance.

If you have not subscribed yet,… What are you waiting to be part of this amazing community?.


Because dancing will change your life,…

You should be dancing!.

See you in the next tutorial. A hug.

For more infomation >> 6 BODY ISOLATION TIPS | Help To Improve Your Body Movement – Deberías Estar Bailando - Duration: 10:50.


Who's That Genius? - Duration: 0:08.

At first this specimen is seen to be normal. After years of poke research we have discovered this creature is a disturbed, brilliant, beautiful genius who was torn apart by a lady named Lisa.

For more infomation >> Who's That Genius? - Duration: 0:08.


Sajfa odhalil 🤑 ako funguje jeho biznis na sociálnych sieťach 😱 - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> Sajfa odhalil 🤑 ako funguje jeho biznis na sociálnych sieťach 😱 - Duration: 10:41.


Islamic emotional reminder bangla, বিচারের মাঠে আল্লাহর অনুগ্রহ কেমন হবে - Duration: 3:41.

Islamic emotional reminder bangla, বিচারের মাঠে আল্লাহর অনুগ্রহ কেমন হবে

For more infomation >> Islamic emotional reminder bangla, বিচারের মাঠে আল্লাহর অনুগ্রহ কেমন হবে - Duration: 3:41.


Taking Some Time Off · NOVEMBER VLOG pt. 2 - Duration: 22:42.

Good evening guys! I am just quite hurriedly getting ready to go out. This is actually

the second time so far this month apart from going to the post office and like

Tesco Express it's the second time that I've actually left the house this month

which is terrible. The first time was for Ozzy's graduation which was right at

the beginning of the month which was obviously a really lovely big momentous

day and it was just- I don't know- it was nice all-round. I've never been to a

graduation ceremony before and obviously it meant a lot; a big like closing of a

chapter and starting of a new one. Also little things, just being out for a meal

afterwards and also the fact that it was at the o2 or the Millennium Dome which- I

don't know- it was nice being there. I enjoyed being there. Just because I don't

know, we used to go there all the time; me and my friends, when we were a bit younger

just because that was like one of our nearest cinemas to go to so it was nice

just being back there and you know they've got loads of nice restaurants

and things in there. And overall it was just a really momentous and significant

day. And since then you may have seen my like first part of November vlog (I don't

blame you if you didn't watch it because it was purely like postage related,

packaging and posting out the orders for my zines) and that really took over a

large portion of my month so far. And since then I've just been working on a

couple of commissions and also just a few video commitments that I had that

sort of piled up in the background throughout the course of October and

through the start of November. So I still have a couple of videos still left to do

this week pretty much. So honestly the stress levels are still not mellowing

out post-inktober. If I had to put it on a scale I would say my anxiety has been

on like a steady eight for probably the last three or four weeks.

Last month it built and built and built and kind of stayed up so I'm hoping that

once I've done these couple of videos , got that done, I'm gonna take a

week off I've decided and hopefully once all that is like out the way I don't

know... my brain can kind of just settle down, get back to normal, because after that I

shouldn't have any reason to really be stressed out anymore. Today I really felt

myself getting quite kind of... winding myself up a bit so just now I decided to

stop what I was doing- I still have like I said I think like two videos left to

edit, one left to film, I was gonna work on editing this evening before going out

but I decided that I would just save that for another day maybe, probably

tomorrow and just to kind of bring myself back down to more of a normal

level, I sat in bed about an hour eating probably half my body weight in macaroni

cheese and I caught up on all the vlogs that I've missed out on over the last

month or so. So I was watching CatCreature I was watching ByBun as always

and Holly Exley and furrylittlepeach as well and it was just a really nice little

time to myself, nice and relaxing tucked up in bed. If you guys are looking for

videos that will really kind of- I don't know- calm you down and transport you

somewhere completely different, it just makes me feel like you're hanging out

with a friend. I would definitely recommend all of them. Holly especially. I

don't feel like she gets half the amount of attention on her channel that she

should. She makes the most incredible gorgeous artwork and her videos are so

well made and she just seems so lovely. Definitely check her out if you haven't

heard of her but I will have all the people linked below that I just watched

today. I feel like if you enjoy vlogs, if you

enjoy seeing artists making art and like their lives behind the scenes and you

know, just calm and like well produced videos then they tick all those boxes. So

having done that, I felt a bit more like myself. Quite pumped now to be going out.

Getting to see my friends for the first time in quite a while.

We're heading to just a local pub there's a pop quiz on every Thursday and

we're gonna go quizzing. I love love love a pub quiz, it's like my favorite thing

to do. And I don't really get to go to them as

often as I would like to but apparently this is a really good one. I think the

reason I love quizzes so much is just that I was used to

being really clever at school and like since I left school,

because I'm not really using my brain so much anymore my intelligence level has

really gone from like I would say above-average to like 'two plus two is

four, minus one that's three, quick maths'

So even though my brain has kind of turned

to yogurt in the years since I left school, I do have a lot of space for

useless trivia knowledge. There's a lot of like a celebrity facts and all sorts

in my brain so I don't know I just I love watching quiz TV shows. And going to

a quiz, it's just the kind of next level. Obviously can't stay out too late just

because like I said I've got a couple of videos still to work on. Tomorrow will be

Friday and then I want to spend the weekend with Ozzy just because he is

starting a new job next week and we probably won't get to see each other as

often as we used to so it'd be nice just to have that last little weekend

together before our schedules get a bit jumbled up. Which kind of means that

tomorrow I'm gonna have to do all that filming and editing and sort it all out

but we'll see how it goes. And then after that I am planning a week off, I think

from social media. I think my plan at the moment is to delete the social media

apps from my phone because I am constantly checking them. I might only

check my emails a couple of times within the week. I just want to give myself a

little bit of breathing room to sort out the stuff that I you know didn't get

around to in the last month and a half. I'm gonna do a lot of tidying and

organizing I think and just getting to get myself back to zero. Get back to

square one and you know carry on the rest of the month, start a new routine

with like being productive, keep up the momentum that I got from inktober but a

much more you know practical level.

All right so I'm just about on track together on time but I think it's time

for me to stop talking and just crack on get my coat on and get out the house.

(the quiz-master was very eccentric)

'Oh shit, hot diggity-daffodils'

'It's not about me tonight, it's about every son of a bitch with a raffle ticket.'

So I haven't filmed in a while. If I'm being honest ,it's not been the

best week and I kind of just wanted to wait until- I don't know- I didn't want to

come on here and whinge and moan basically because I feel like I do that a lot. So I

just wanted to wait until things had kind of blown over. But to cut a long

story short, well I started the week with an email from a customer- a disappointed

customer- which is probably the worst type of email you can get. Now they were

disappointed, not in what they received, but just the fact that they didn't

receive anything at all. And that's something that happens you know

especially after a big batch of orders like that. Of those 350, there are going

to be some that unfortunately don't make it where they're supposed to go. That's

just how the postal system works. Some things do fall through the gaps. And

thankfully that person was really understanding and just completely, you

know, they accepted that it was something that was out of my control and I can

appreciate that, you know they just wanted their money back, they've been

waiting for quite some time. I would like for them to actually just get what they

ordered if I can. But it turns out that this is part of like a larger problem

that's actually become a little bit worrying just because I now have about

four orders that have gone missing in London in this small bracket of time.

Three of those are the zines, one is actually a commission that I didn't ship

on the same day so that's slightly concerning that something that I sent

out on a different day to the big batch of orders has also gone missing in

London. But as I said it's something that's out of my control. It's a tough

pill to swallow sometimes. Obviously there's something going on and I would

love to be able to give people answers at least. You know, people have trusted me

with their money and I can't explain it for them right now. I can't tell them

what's going on because I don't know, and as understanding as people are and have

been, and I really appreciate that- I do feel it you know. I don't want to

disappoint people and I don't want to seem unprofessional. On top of that, I've

also this week been back and forth every day

with paypal. If you remember in my last vlog I did mention

that PayPal had frozen my account so that I couldn't access any of the money

that I earned with the zine sales, and any other money that I've earned in that

time. So all my patreon payments have gone in there and just you know

different commissions and other print orders have gone into that account. At the

time as as frustrated as I was about it and as much of a inconvenience it was, I

didn't think that it would be a huge issue. I thought that once I provided the

information they wanted we'd be back on. But it's turned out to be one of the

most insane experiences, their service has been absolutely abysmal and having

looked into it I've discovered that this is quite a rampant thing within that

company. So I will actually be making a full video about my experience with

PayPal and why after this experience I will not be using them anymore.

I'd be interested to know if that will affect you guys. You know if you visit a

shop online and they don't accept paypal does that affect whether or not you'll

buy something. For the time being anyway I am only accepting cards, purely right

now because I can't access my PayPal account at the moment. Things are alright

for me financially and as stressful a week it's been, the thing that has helped

me really has just need to be as proactive as I can to just do whatever I

can to sort things out. So every morning every single morning, I have been calling

PayPal just to make sure things are moving forward just to kind of push them

in the right direction. And I've called them twice today already,

I called them twice yesterday. I feel like today maybe today we are making

progress- we're making more progress than we have so far. I've also called Royal

Mail about the postage situation, I've visited the post office, I have submitted

claims for those missing things. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the money

back for them but I will be able to at least have those looked into, just alert

them to the fact that those things have gone missing and maybe start some kind

of investigation on that. I also emailed everyone else that ordered from within

London around that time just to make sure that their orders are coming

through. And just doing those little things

helps to ease a bit of stress it's just better for me to be doing something than

worrying about it. But just in the last couple of hours or so I decided to just

kind of remind myself that worse things have happened, there's more to life than

you know PayPal and Royal Mail and these problems- as annoying as they are- they

are things that I will be able to solve eventually. You know it's not the end of

the world and the whole point of this week off... this week off was that

I have had a lot of focus on the business side of things over the last

couple of weeks and I really wanted to just kind of take some time to focus on

the art side of things and so far this week I really haven't done that. So what

I'm gonna do right now is probably just stick some YouTube videos on stick some

music or maybe a podcast and do a little bit of painting and my sketchbook. Just

kind of calm myself down a bit. And I'm waiting for Ozzy to finish work and then

I'll head over to his house, spend Saturday there just you know chill

completely, switch off from everything, maybe go for a walk in the woods or

something. Spend some time with him and the cat and then on Sunday I think I'll

be ready to come back and kind of tackle things face on again. I've limited myself

to two calls to paypal a day so I'm all done with PayPal for today. Oh in other

news I did get to have one really lovely day this week where we got to dog-sit a

little puppy called Woody. He was 11 weeks old,

a cavapoo I think- I mean I don't know dogs- but he was the cutest cutest cutest

thing I've ever seen in my life he was so tiny and fluffy and we just had so

much fun running around and he peed on my rug but I loved him anyway. So yeah that's my

little catch-up for now and and I'm gonna crack on with a little bit

of painting hopefully get like two or three coral paintings done now before

the evening.

Hey guys Can't believe it's December already. I'm just

about to start editing this month's vlog but I can imagine it's not gonna be a

great one. I don't think I have a lot of footage to put together and just in

general obviously have not been feeling myself this month. So I apologize if this

has been such a drag to watch. I think in general this time of year a lot of

people will start to feel kind of introspective ... introspective

.... introspective.... introspective and maybe a bit lost a bit disenchanted.

I know I have had to kind of take a break from social media as much as I can.

Just at the moment feeling like I'm not cut out for it but I decided to kind of

just put the camera down, get back into a real life really and just took

some time to appreciate the things that I have and you know I spent time with

friends. Went for a nice Thai meal with my friend Laura and Wing Wednesday

with Annie and Jodie. Hi Annie by the way, I know you're

watching. And yeah just kind of grounding myself a bit in real life and taking the

time to appreciate the things that I have and how lucky I am. The friends I

have and my family and my health and the fact that you know I get to do what I

love everyday as a living and and I have you guys. And I can't tell you enough how

much I appreciate your love and support. And before we get a bit too cheesy, I

thought we would end this one on a bit more of a positive note with some material

items that also bring me joy. So across this month I have been

sort of acquiring a few new things here and there and I thought it'd be cool to

have like a little haul at the end. So some of this stuff was sent to me, some

of it is stuff that I bought myself, some of it's art related, some of it isn't.

It's all a bit random but let me know if you're interested in this kind of thing

and yeah i'll show you what I got. So the first thing is this t-shirt. This is by

the youtuber Nathan Zed. I've never bought youtuber merch before and I've

also never spent like 20 plus pounds on a t-shirt but I really love him, I love

his videos, I love the message that he sends out and I feel like- as far as

YouTube merch goes- there's a really great message behind this and I love the

design of it. Like it's not just someone that's written their name on a t-shirt

and they're selling it to their subscribers. Like there's something behind

this and I just love the look of it. So I'll leave links as well below to

everything I can. But yeah first thing is that t-shirt. Let's see, I also got this

thing. I'm gonna do a proper video on this this is a prynt pocket I think, so

you put your phone in it... you put your phone in it like this and then you can

go on their app and actually print out your photos. I've haven't charged it so I

can't show you it but like this is an example of one of the photos I've done.

And then the really cool thing is if you go on their app you can actually scan

the photo and it'll play a video of it.

Which is really cool! So I'm hoping to do maybe one of my travel

journal spreads to show a nice quick easy way to print pictures. But this was

sent to me by that company so thank you Prynt for that. I also got this book. This

was a gift from my friend Linden, like a late birthday present.

it's called 'mindfulness and the art of drawing; a creative path to awareness' so

it ticks all the boxes for me. I'm currently reading Art and Fear which

I've mentioned a couple of times but because I haven't had a chance to read

recently, I was planning on starting that book from scratch just to refresh my

memory. So before I start on that I'm gonna read

this one first so I'll let you guys know what I think of it. Another book I've got

and this was sent to me by I think Pan Macmillan publishers, this is the 365

bullet guide; it's essentially like a guide for bullet journallers. So they have

you know different ideas for all sorts of spreads that you can do, different

ways to write lists, different ways to decorate your pages.

It's quite a hefty book, really nicely designed and there are some really cool

ideas in here so if you are sort of looking into getting start with bullet

journaling this might be quite a nice thing to look at. Also earlier on in the

month, received a lovely gift from one of my viewers Teri, who sent me this

really cool palette that she uses for her goauche paintings where you have like

the little pots on the side. She said you can make your paints last like months in

here. So so thoughtful thank you so much Teri and she also sent a note with it

and I was reading the note, she's just got really nice handwriting, and I looked on

the back and realized she actually painted this which i think is just so

incredible. I'm gonna put it with my other forest painting that I did, I think

it would just go really nicely with it. But yeah thank you Teri, so amazing.

Also a really old PO box gift I got a while ago from Christine who won my

giveaway and this was before like I had my PO Box address out there, but when I

sent her the prizes from the giveaway obviously that was my return address on

there and she really kindly sent some stuff back for me. And there were quite a

few things but my favorite thing is this pencil extender just because I don't

know- you know those gifts that are so thoughtful and so like catered for you

because basically some of you might remember my sad little pencil, she'd seen

that in quite a few of my videos and thought that I would benefit from a

pencil extender, which I didn't even know is a thing. So thank you for that

Christine and for all the other little bits and bobs that you sent me. Also

yesterday got a lovely letter from Whitney and this really cool bit of art

that she made. Just really thoughtful and nicely done letter, just so nice of you

to take the time to do this. So thank you so much for that. And obviously no one

has to send me anything. My PO Box address is in the description below and

I do love receiving stuff from you, it's just such a lovely treat, it's such a nice

bonus but you do not need to feel inclined to ever send me anything. And

these last bits and bobs... just because obviously I finally got my money out of

PayPal. The first thing I did- well the first thing I did was pay my mum back-

but the second thing I did was have a little Amazon haul for a few new art

supplies. I wanted to just do some art for fun, do something more expressive

and less like thought through. So bought some new suppl- well first- the first

thing I thought was- don't judge me- these trainers which light up in lots

of different colors. These are actually a birthday present for my sister... whens

this video going out .... she is turning- look at that- she's turning 27 this weekend

and this is what she wanted. So yeah I've got these for her and then for some

fun art experiments I got 10 of these canvas boards, just square canvas boards,

I got some gesso to prime them; this is the Windsor in Newton in Galleria gesso

primer, and then I've got a few different colors of acrylic paint; so I

got a white, I got a black, I got matte rosewood which is a nice

pink . I wanted to make some art for my room so I wanted to get some colors I

felt would go quite nicely in here. And I also got this hookers green

because I thought that that would go quite nicely if it was lightened up it

could go quite nicely in here as well and I got some

I'm gonna say phtalocyanine emerald. I'm not even sure why I got this

one but basically just like a nice blue green. So a few acrylic paints, not that

many, they're all pebeo brand just cos they're quite cheap and it is all a bit

experimental. I also got some fluid medium to go with the acrylic paints and

then- this is where things get a bit interesting- and my patrons will know

what this is for. I feel like a few people watching will

probably be able to figure it out. Let me know in the comments if you know what

kind of paint things I'm going to be doing. So I've got some cups in different

sizes, that might give it away. Also got some funnels because I saw

someone using some funnels for this kind of painting, and then I have got some

carbusonic treadmill oil and a syringe. So I hopefully I'll do some of that

either later today or tomorrow. I'll probably make a video on it just so you

can see what I'm doing with it all and let me know in the comments below if you

have figured out what type of painting it'll be. And yeah thanks for watching

guys. I hope you've had a great November and I will see you soon for the next

video! bye!

For more infomation >> Taking Some Time Off · NOVEMBER VLOG pt. 2 - Duration: 22:42.


EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Horn City Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:48.

EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Horn City Escape Walkthrough 2017

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Horn City Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:48.


AGAR--雷隊友的合作x亂亂的雙控qwq Ft.不二.夜喵(?) ※開啟CC字幕! By~Yuyeh❤ - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> AGAR--雷隊友的合作x亂亂的雙控qwq Ft.不二.夜喵(?) ※開啟CC字幕! By~Yuyeh❤ - Duration: 10:05.


Boo | Manto ki Kahani, Agastya ki Zubani | Saadat Hasan Manto - Duration: 12:17.

For more infomation >> Boo | Manto ki Kahani, Agastya ki Zubani | Saadat Hasan Manto - Duration: 12:17.


水瀬いのり & 久保ユリカ - More One Night (Jun Kuroda Bootleg) - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 水瀬いのり & 久保ユリカ - More One Night (Jun Kuroda Bootleg) - Duration: 3:38.


3 Gorgeous Holiday Hairstyles To Recreate | Beauty In A Snap | Refinery29 - Duration: 3:21.

Hey guys! It's Kristin Ess.

And I'm here at Refinery29 and we're gonna be doing Beauty In A Snap.

Today we're gonna be doing three super easy hairstyles that you can wear to any of

your holiday parties.

So first we have Jess, and we're gonna do a knotted pony for her.

And then next we have Serena, which we're gonna do a textured updo.

And then last but not least, we have the beautiful Arianna, who's getting a half-up, half-down style.

Alright, let's get started!

I hope you're feeling inspired by these three looks and that you've found something to

wear on yourself.

Tune in on my show next week on Refinery29—

just kidding, I don't have a show on Refinery29.


Thank you guys so much for watching.

Let us know what you want to see next time in the comments below.

And then don't forget to subscribe to Refinery29.

And click here for more videos.

For more infomation >> 3 Gorgeous Holiday Hairstyles To Recreate | Beauty In A Snap | Refinery29 - Duration: 3:21.


Star Wars: Chewy and the Beast (2011) - Duration: 5:24.

One day, on the Death Star

Come on, Chewy, we gotta get these guys

One sec, my gun's jammed

[painful roaring]

Sorry Chewy


What happened?

You have been turned into an ugly beast


Because you killed an innocent life

But it was by accident

Matters, it does not

It does not matter, you still killed an innocent life

So what can I do?

You shall walk upon the -- well -- all the planets until you are loved --

until somebody loves you for who you are and not what you look like


Another day on the Death Star

As me being a rebel trooper, I've been assigned to help you and protect you



[deadly grunting]

Come with me, Princess Leia

Ah, Princess Leia


You've broken into the Death Star once again

So, what's it to ya, fancy pants?

Don't call me that, I already have to go to therapy

How long are you gonna keep me here?

As long as I want to

I'm Darth Vader, but I wasn't always

What do you mean?

I was once the courageous Han Solo

Yeah right, you're just a ugly beast




Who said that?

Who's there?

Yoda I am, hmm

Who's Yoda?


Never heard of Yoda, you have not? hmm?

No, I haven't

Error this must be, yes?



Know not of the great Yoda, you do?

Well, actually, that name sounds kinda familiar


Heard of Yoda you have, hmm?


How are you talking to me?

Using the force, I am, hmm

What's the force?

The force?

Know not what the force is, do you?

No, I don't know anything about that

Every living thing, made of the force, it is

But, also, midichlorians is what everything's made out of

But that doesn't come up until Episode One: The Phantom Menace


Uh, use the force, I will, to give you this gun


Escape, you must. NOW

How did you escape?

The force?


Surrender or die

Dude, that's my gun. That's not cool


Yoda, are you there?

In here I am, by spirit, yes. Need what do you?

I think I'm in love with the true Darth Vader -- Han Solo

In love with him you are

I know

Darth Vader, I love you for the true you -- Han Solo


Han, it's you

Yeah, I'm back


We can just be friends

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Chewy and the Beast (2011) - Duration: 5:24.


Mutual Fund Q&A, ELSS, Hindi, December 2, 2017 - Duration: 3:31.

In this video, we answer a question by one of our viewers Babi R. who wants to know about IDFC Tax Advantage Fund

FundooMoney only recommend three ELSS after lots of research. These are our top three funds

The idea is to provide specific information that will be easy to make investment decisions

Our recommendations are: Axis Long Term Equity Fund, Franklin India Tax Shield and Aditya Birla Tax Relief 96'

To know more about these schemes, go through the videos in our ELSS playlist

For more infomation >> Mutual Fund Q&A, ELSS, Hindi, December 2, 2017 - Duration: 3:31.


BookTube About Me Tag [CC] - Duration: 6:49.

Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy.

Happy Bookmas!

I figured that this was a great time to do the BookTube About Me Tag because it gives

you a little bit more context about who I am if you're new to this whole Bookmas adventure

I'm going on.

Because introductions tend to go at the beginning of an event, but if you've read enough books,

you know that that's not necessarily how they go.

I will leave links down below as to how I found this tag, because I was not actually,

technically tagged in it, but I just really wanted to do it.

We've got ten questions, so let's get at it.

Number one is what do you study/what is your job?

And currently, I work at a public library as a page.

A page is somebody who checks in books that come back, put them back on the shelves - basically

does all of the heavy lifting.

That being said, I do have a little bit of post secondary experience.

About a decade ago, I did two years in the theatre program of my local university before

running away to Europe, as one does, to live for a couple of years.

And when I came back from Europe and didn't have a piece of paper that says that I'm smart,

I did a two year Tourism and Hospitality Management diploma, uh, for which I got the Governor

General Collegiate Bronze Award, meaning I had the highest grade in my entire college.

This sits on my mantel collecting dust.

It's pretty, though.

Number two: what is yours favourite social media channel?

YouTube is my obvious choice here.

I'm also a really big fan of Instagram, just seeing really awesome photos, because I can

not pull that off.

But I do tend to check Twitter and Facebook on a daily basis as well.

I use Facebook mostly to keep up with people around the world who I don't get to see because

they don't live here.

Number three: if you had another channel, what would it be about?

And the thing about this channel is, sure, I do a lot of BookTube content, but it's not

the only thing that I do.

In fact, I didn't even give it, like, a BookTube-related name.

The name of this channel is my name, Kathy Trithardt.

And that's because I don't feel like I need to diversify and do different channels for

different types of content.

This is just all me.

Sure, that means some people are snobbish and say this isn't a BookTube channel, but

those people are wrong.

Guess what? You can be multiple things!

Insert I Contain Multitudes reference here.

Number four: do you play any instruments?

I... do not.

Well, not in my current life.

When I was a kid, I did do about a year of piano lessons, but I have tiny little hands

that can barely reach an octave, and in my final year of high school, I decided to join

band, because that's when you do that, right?

It's because I wanted to join chorus, and I didn't want a spare every other day, so

I joined band.

They stuck me in auxiliary percussion, because it's not like I was going to learn a wind

instrument, like that [snaps].

Nope, that wasn't gonna happen.

And my favourite thing to play was the timpanis, which are huge drums.

And also the aux box, which is what we would use for things like timpanis when we went

on this big, long road trip where we played at different elementary schools.

And if we're being really honest, my favourite thing about band was, we did this John Williams

medley, of all these different songs that he did, and that includes the Jaws theme.

My favourite thing to do was, when it got [mimmicks epic section of music] and then

broke off into something, like, calm after that, I would just scream at the top of my

lungs like I was being eaten by a shark.

This is probably why people don't let me play instruments.

Number five: what hobbies do you have other than reading?

Other than reading, I do enjoy podcasts, I enjoy watching television, but one of the

things that I really love, you might have caught on, is theatre.

There's a troop in town called Atomic Vaudeville that I've performed with before, and I was

actually looking at my schedule, just before the month started, going, "I can make it to

most of the rehearsals, but I can't go to the tech rehearsal, so I guess it'd be a bad

idea to do the show".

And that mixed with FOMO is why Bookmas became a thing.

Number six: favourite tv shows?

That's like trying to pick favourite children.

Although I don't have children, so how would I know?

But I can't pick a favourite niece or nephew, and that's similar, right?

That being said, I do get really hooked in by everything done by Shondaland.

And I really just love crime shows and everything on the Food Network.

If I had tv, it would play the Food Network all the time, which is why it's probably a

really good idea I don't have cable.

Number seven: what got you into reading?

And I'm going to say it was probably my Mom.

My Mom reads a lot.

That being said, I do remember being read to as a child in elementary school, and that

probably got me into reading.

I can definitely remember our school librarian, Mrs. Skidgmore, reading us things.

And then I definitely also remember, like, writing our own little books in the second

grade, and I still have some of them, and they're embarrassing, and I'm pretty sure

I made a video of some of them, so that will be linked up above.

I actually read some of them on a podcast called Grownups Read Things They Wrote as

Kids, so if I can find that, I will link that down below, too.

I've just always really loved stories, and even though I'm not the fastest reader, I

spend a lot of time doing it.

Number eight: what are your favourite and least favourite genres?

My least favourite genre is probably Classics.

I just really can't get into them.

I understand that other people like them.

And I understand there's probably elements to them that are likeable, but they're just

not my thing.

As for favourite genres, I really care more about the writing being gripping than whether

or not it's science fiction or contemporary or young adult or - I just want something

that's drawing me in.

And that's probably why Classics is at the bottom of my list, because the writing doesn't

usually draw me in.

And I'm sure some of that can be blamed on the vocabulary being antiquated, but there

you have it.

And, you know, the rampant misogyny and racism - those types of issues.

Number nine: what books define your childhood?

I don't really remember much before the age of ten because I'm old.

[shirt says "I Am Actually In My Thirties"]

But I remember receiving a great copy of Anne

of Green Gables when I was a kid and we went to Prince Edward Island as soon as they put

up the bridge.

I also read so much R.L. Stine and V.C. Andrews when I was about 11/12.

And I actually used to have a dresser drawer completely filled with Christopher Pike novels.

I felt very grown up 'cause there was swearing in them.

I'm sure I read kids books when I was actually, properly a kid, but I don't really remember them.

If there are any favourite kids books that you want to recommend me, let me know down below.

And number ten: tell us an interesting fact about you?

Uuuuuhhhh.... does anyone else ever do that?

It's like, "hey, be interesting!"

I literally can't remember anything about my life.

Oh, here's an interesting fact.

In 2009, I performed in the largest neo-Pagan fire festival, Beltane, in Edinburgh, Scotland.

This festival typically has between 100 and 300 performers, it's one night only, and a

lot of the costumes consist of just thongs, body paint, and shoes, for health and safety purposes.

My particular group went, "ah, this is a big hill in April in Scotland... we're gonna wear

one layer of clothes".

Let me tell you, though, the after party was just so weird 'cause nobody put clothes on.

And there you have it.

The BookTube About Me Tag.

If you have not done this tag, consider yourself tagged.

If you have any other questions that you'd like to ask me, let me down in the comments below.

On the way down to the comments, if you hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.

You can like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you tomorrow for more Bookmas.

Bye! [outro music]

For more infomation >> BookTube About Me Tag [CC] - Duration: 6:49.


Online Bakery Store: Cake n Bake Product Catalog - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Online Bakery Store: Cake n Bake Product Catalog - Duration: 6:20.


Dark Secrets These ABC Stars Tried To Hide - Duration: 6:07.

When it comes to cranking out hit shows, ABC continues to perform year after year, but

that doesn't make the Disney-owned network immune to trouble behind-the-scenes.

Let's take a look at the shadier side of some of the network's biggest names.

Strahan's infamous exit

You would think that when Michael Strahan decided to leave Live!

With Kelly and Michael, his first call would have been to Kelly Ripa.

Sadly, this was not the case.

In fact, according to TMZ, Ripa was kept so out of the loop, she allegedly found out about

Strahan's departure on the same day it was announced to the press.

Ripa skipped work the next day, then went on a supposedly "pre-planned vacation," only

to return with a new title as executive producer of Live!.

She assured the audience that the network had recommitted to the show, and that a conversation

had taken place regarding "communication, and consideration, and most importantly, respect

in the workplace."

Later that same day, ABC put out a statement that said Strahan's exit from the show would

actually occur four months sooner than previously planned.

This was said to be in accordance with "a plan that best advantages" both Live! and

Good Morning America, Strahan's new gig, and, of course, had nothing to do with those pesky

rumors that the co-hosts literally could not stand each other.

Ripa's rumored rift

As rocky as Strahan's exit from Live! was, it pales in comparison to the tabloids' account

of what happened when his replacement, Ryan Seacrest, came on board.

Sources started spilling the tea about Ripa's rumored displeasure with Seacrest after it

was announced that he would return as host for the reboot of American Idol.

A source told Fox News,

"She doesn't want a repeat of the Michael Strahan situation.

She wants to make sure her show is Ryan's first priority, not Idol."

On top of that, rumors flew that Ripa was "butting heads" with Seacrest because he isn't

someone less famous who "she could boss around."

Seacrest also supposedly attempted to pull a power move by trying to move the show to

Los Angeles, where he lives.

Ripa allegedly "exploded" over that idea.

She even supposedly torpedoed an appearance Seacrest was supposed to make on Strahan's

new show, Good Morning America, to promote American Idol.

Of course, Ripa and Seacrest have maintained all along that there is no merit to any of

the scuttlebutt.

An ABC official even told Page Six, "Everything is categorically not true."

O'Leary's bad business

Kevin O'Leary is arguably the biggest star of Shark Tank.

He's always seated in the center chair and always willing to take the hardest swipe at

a hopeful entrepreneur's questionable pitch.

Mr. Wonderful, as he's called, exudes the confidence one would expect from a self-made

millionaire, but a failed bid for political office in his native Canada has led to renewed

scrutiny of his business history.

The biggest asterisk on O'Leary's business stats comes from the deal in which he actually

made his fortune.

In 2010, O'Leary shepherded the acquisition of his software firm, The Learning Company,

to toy giant Mattel.

According to Canadian Business, within six months, O'Leary was reportedly "pushed out

of the company" after Mattel lost between $50 and $100 million on its new TLC division.

As a result, Mattel's stock price plummeted, "wiping out billions in shareholder value."

The shareholders later filed a class action lawsuit, alleging TLC "used accounting tricks

to hide losses and inflate quarterly revenue" ahead of its acquisition by Mattel.

The shareholders eventually won a settlement of $122 million dollars, but you have to assume

if they could turn back the clock on O'Leary's acquisition pitch, they would probably reply

with a resounding ...

"I'm out!"

Short's downward spiral

While Scandal was pulling in sky high ratings in April 2014, series star Columbus Short's

life was falling apart.

A month before Short was fired from the show, he was arrested for allegedly knocking a man

unconscious in a bar fight.

According to TMZ, the brawl was the latest in a string of violent incidents, including

allegations from Short's wife that he had physically abused her.

After leaving the show, Short fled Los Angeles for Atlanta, where he laid low for a while

and generally dodged questions about his turbulent personal life.

Speaking with Access Hollywood in December 2014, Short said that his problems began when

he started abusing cocaine and alcohol to cope with the suicide of a friend.

He also claimed showrunner Shonda Rhimes knew of his problems and tried to shield him.

"They protected me and they held me down.

They just wanted me to get my stuff together, and sometimes, you know, the bottom really

has to get dropped out for you to really get it."

Fishburne's parental advisory

Black-ish star Laurence Fishburne has dealt with some turbulent off-camera drama.

In 2010, his daughter, Montana Fishburne, became a tabloid fixture after she starred

in an adult film.

According to TMZ, Laurence's "friends" hired an attorney to approach Vivid, the company

that distributed the film, in an attempt to purchase every copy of the film for $1 million


Unfortunately, the DVDs had already shipped.

Fishburne was reportedly mortified.

As of the making of this video, Laurence has never spoke publicly about his daughter's

foray into adult films.

But Montana told TMZ that her father told her,

"I'm not going to speak with you till you turn your life around."

She has continued to generate negative press, including an alleged altercation with her

boyfriend's ex-girlfriend in which Montana was accused of battery, false imprisonment,

trespassing, and assault with a deadly weapon.

Again, there was no public comment from Laurence, but sources told TMZ that he quietly hired

Montana's lawyer and paid the legal fees to fight the case.

Garlin's road rage

The Goldbergs star Jeff Garlin seems like a jovial guy, but in 2013, he was sued by

a woman who claims he went nuts on her in a CVS parking lot in an apparent road rage


According to the lawsuit, the woman claims Garlin refused to move his car and allow her

to park.

Garlin then allegedly followed her to another spot and "slammed his fist against the driver's

side window so hard that it broke the glass."

Garlin was subsequently arrested and charged with felony vandalism, but according to TMZ,

the charges were later dropped in exchange for Garlin's agreement to "sit for a meeting

with the L.A. City Attorney."

Garlin later addressed the incident in an interview with Seth Meyers, telling the late

night host he lost his temper because the woman made fun of his weight ...

"I'm a strong man!

I didn't realize that strong.

And you know like, a window, it shattered.

Not on her, but like right there."

"When it happened, I was like, 'Whoa!

No, that's not what I wanted!'"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Dark Secrets These ABC Stars Tried To Hide - Duration: 6:07.


Baby Coloring book and drawing for Kids | Youtube videos for kids #73 - Duration: 10:56.

welcome my chhane

pls lıke

pls share

pls sub

thank you for watch

For more infomation >> Baby Coloring book and drawing for Kids | Youtube videos for kids #73 - Duration: 10:56.


Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 3:41.

(Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun)


- Myeonghun. / - Myeonghun.


We're friends, right?

- Right? / - Right?

Can just one of you talk?


- Okay. / - Okay.

I just can't leave my house.

You can't fit through the door?


It's a scary world out there.

If we're ever in danger,

we should call Myeonghun through telepathy.

Help me! Telepathy!

Help me! Telepathy!

Help me! Telepathy!

Help me, Mr. Policeman!

Gosh, was it that hard to stand up?

Myeonghun, do you want to get in trouble?

- Why are you crying? / - Why are you crying?

He has liked me since he was in the army!

- You beast! / - You beast!

You beast!

When I visited you in the army,

your superiors whispered to you after seeing me

and your face got red.

What did they say to you? Tell me!

"She's so pretty."

"She's so pretty."

"Your aunt is in the special forces."

Why would you wear an army uniform

to visit me in the army?

Your hand is really heavy.

Why are you sitting on me?

Guys, congratulate me.

I shot a drama with Woo Dohwan.

- Wow. / - Wow.

Come on!

I was so tired...

That I fell asleep like this.

Then the staff members asked Dohwan

what he thought of me.

Guess what he said.

- "I really like her." / - "I really like her."

"She looks like a flatfish."

You really resemble a lot of things.

Don't do things like that.

Mr. Policeman!


Do you hear that?

The sound of you getting fat?

No, my heart beating.

I had a date with my crush yesterday.

I said I was cold and he hugged me from behind.

Do you know what he said after that?

"Minkyoung, I don't want to lose you."

"Minkyoung, I don't want to lose you."

"Minkyoung, I can't put my hands together."

Honestly, I was trying to act like I couldn't reach.

Be quiet.

I really couldn't reach.

How did that happen?


It's getting colder.

How about we take a trip to the hot springs?

Wow, just the thought of it is refreshing.

That sounds refreshing.

That sounds disgusting.

We might as well take

a trip to the hot springs in Japan.

Alright, let's leave Korea with Myeonghun.

Let's leave Korea.

Let's fight. That's it.

For more infomation >> Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 3:41.


How To Use A Beauty Blender To Apply Flawless Foundation | Youtube 2017 - Duration: 3:26.

Hi this video is about how to use a Beauty Blender to apply flawless liquid

foundation my name is Melissa van Dijk and I'm a professional makeup artist and

you can join me every Sunday on my life videos which are on my facebook page and

all the informations are down below in the description box and without further

ado let's get right into this video

sometimes using your fingers to apply a liquid foundation can be a little bit

difficult and can also give you an uneven finish and to avoid that it's

also recommended to use a Beauty Blender because this will give you an easy and

smoother application and also a better finish and now I'm going to show you how

you can do it just a quick tip don't forget to dampen your Beauty Blender

because this will give you a better result so let's move on to the first

step which is applying a primer apply a primer that's formulated for your skin

type all over your face using your fingers and this will help your

foundation to stay in place the next step is to dispense your foundation onto

the back of your hand or a mixing palette your foundation should match

your skin tone on your skin type step 3 dip your damp Beauty Blender into the

foundation dip your damp Beauty Blender into the foundation and dot your foundation

all over your face

step number four now we can blend our foundation into the skin gently dab and

press the sponge over your face to evenly spread the foundation but don't

rub use the wider areas of your sponge to apply the foundation to the largest

surfaces of your face including your forehead cheeks and chin

and use the narrower and pointed part of your beauty blender to blend the

foundation around your nose eyes and mouth and gently blend until you

achieved an even finish

this is how you can use your Beauty blender and apply your foundation

and it's so important that you have a damp Beauty Blender because this will

give you a smooth application as I said already but it's really the key point of

the whole finish of your foundation and it also is important that you have

everything that matches your skin type and your skin tone and don't forget to

apply your foundation also down towards your neck so that it matches everything

nicely together otherwise you will have a harsh line right here and it can look

really awkward this was the video on how you can use a Beauty Blender to apply a

foundation but I also have another video if you don't have a Beauty Blender but

you have a brush then I'm going to show you how you can use your brush to apply

your liquid foundation and this will be right here and don't forget to hit the

subscribe button right here in the corner thank you so much for supporting

me and I will see you soon bye

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