Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 20 2017

So what is up guys, Musical Anti Hero saying words and doing things with you my sexalicious

audience and welcome back to another episode of…

The show where I talk about games I'm playing and answer the question of…

Today I thought we'd look at the sleeper hit from Ninja Theory that dared to go beyond

the dark realms of horror and into the existentialistic crisis of our own minds.

This time we'll be reviewing Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

Startlingly self-published and developed by Ninja Theory, Hellblade is a psychological

action-adventure game featuring the titular protagonist, Senua.

Returning home to find her love, Dillion, slain by a foreign army, she journeys into

the mythical depths of Hel in an effort to save his very soul from damnation.

Struggling against the minions of the goddess Hela, she must also battle the darkness within

her and her fragmented past, lest she be consumed by it.

Now, before we get into the crux of this review, we need to discuss the most controversial

part of Hellblade's game design; the idea and concept of permadeath.

Hellblade features no tutorial of any sort, and instead forces you to think on your feet

and experiment in it's first fifteen to thirty minutes of gameplay.

In this time, as the game sets up it's story and theming, as well as explaining darkness

inside Senua, you are left with the chilling notice that if you fail in Senua's journey,

she will finally surrender to the Darkness and your save file will be permanently erased.

This is the only text-based tutorial in the game, and frankly it's a haunting one at

that, especially as it visually demonstrates the encroachment of Senua's darkness.

However, this is Hellblade's greatest fallacy, and its the reason why I wanted to review


The easy answer to, "Does Hellblade lie to you," is yes.

And no.

Yes, at some point in the game, most players will achieve the game's 'failure state,'

and your file will be erased.

No, it will not happen due to HOW you play the game, and my opinion because of that HAS

changed since we talked about this on the League of Heroes Podcast several months ago.

Frankly, with the idea of how the game attempts to fully draw you in through sight and sound,

I DO like the idea of this out of body revelation that at some point Senua COULD die by your


You see, Hellblade's entire design is intended to immerse you in its world.

From the vivid, breathing environments to its stereoscopic soundscape, everything is

intended to completely ensconce your senses.

Combat itself is very visceral, with haptic feedback for those of you playing with a controller

and every blow being reinforced with savage and realistic sound effects.

Twisted environments moan and scream at Senua as she delves into the darkness of Hel itself,

the very environment rearing back to attack her at several points.

Even through its themes of psychosis and depression, the game manages gloriously to successfully

and realistically capture the struggles of coping with a debilitating mental disability.

As you play through Senua's journey, she is accosted by the voices in her head, each

unique in tone and vocal structure.

*Crazy Voices Saying Crazy Things with you, my sexalicious audience*

But all of them are distinct, and have their own identity.

Furthermore, Senua also experiences vivid visual hallucinations on her journey, each

conveying a sense of real danger not just to her but also to you as the player, making

it feel as real as any enemy you might face.

While they often comprise of environmental hazards or enemies, they also often manifest

as narrative flashbacks or light puzzles throughout the environment.

Collectibles in the game manifest as stories from her friend Druth, which perfectly tie

in to current events in the narrative.

And these all support the main story with incredible poise.

But, that leads me to the main crux of Hellblade, which really compromises of two elements:

visual-spacial puzzles, and combat.

Ironically enough in a game who features a warrior as it's titular hero, the puzzle

solving is actually more fleshed out than the combat mechanics themselves.

Being often visual in design, puzzle solving often relies on environmental fixtures in

order to complete them.

While several specific areas have unique puzzle elements, the most typical one you'll find

is opening doors.

Each door in Hellblade is often locked by a series of Nordic runes, all of which can

be found in the environment.

Some are hidden in the shadows of structures, others require some minor adjustments of lighting

or the environment itself.

Ultimately you can solve each puzzle by keeping in mind that the answer is there, from a certain

point of view.

Combat on the other hand is far less fleshed out.

With light attacks, strong attacks, blocking and dodging, Hellblade certainly has the foundations

of a great fighting system.

Varied enemies and a combat-generated 'focus slow motion system' also build well upon

it, especially with the sheer intimidation and shifting tactics that Hellblade's bosses

like to employ.

However, after the first two bosses in the game the myriad pool of enemies you'll be

challenged with begin to severely stagnate, with really only six different types.

Furthermore, difficulty in combat really doesn't scale much.

While true, Senua CAN die from taking combat damage, she can also rapidly recover from

a knocked-down state by mashing buttons and is fully healed after engaging her focus ability.

Later in the game, this only results in a feeling of time-sinking, where you are just

killing enemies not to enjoy the gameplay, but instead to move onto the next puzzle or

the next narrative piece of the story.

For players that enjoy a high-action game such as the Batman Arkham Quadrilogy with

rapidly evolving combat, Hellblade can leave a lot to be desired.

Which says a fair bit about the game overall.

When a decently fleshed out combat system is the lowest part of a game's design, it

speaks volumes about the rest of Hellblade's contents.

The narrative is incredibly strong, arching over not just Senua's journey into Hel,

but why Senua is saving Dillion, and her connections to their meetings in the past.

You feel something for Senua as you play, not as a damsel in distress but instead as

a powerful warrior battling the demons of her past.

Her story is one we can relate to on all levels, whether or not we suffer as deeply as she



I truly believe that Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is an incredible narrative experience.

It maturely tackles a sensitive and unique topic about mental disability and presents

it in not only an appropriate manner, but one that excels and is enjoyable to digest.

It's narrative and the weaving in of ancient Norse folklore make for an incredibly engaging


Senua is possibly one of the strongest female characters that gaming has to offer from 2017,

not only an accomplished warrior of her clan but a character that continues to fight in

the face of sudden doom.

However, the gameplay for Hellblade feels lacking for over HALF of the game's design,

especially when it revolves around some of the most visceral ideas of in gaming.

While puzzles are paced well and evolve continuously outside of the standard rune-grind, combat

does not and it drags down those aspects of the game that it's involved with.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a game I recommend to everyone without hesitation,

for the sheer intensity of it's presentation.

But we cannot discount the fact that Hellblade was made and published independently by Ninja

Theory, who managed to prove that a Triple A game quality can be achieved without the

vampiric shackles of a publishing company.

For these reasons, as well everything else we've discussed, I'm incredibly proud

to award Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice with the first and only award I can give to a video

game on this channel.

It is my uniquely distinct pleasure to award Hellblade the "Heroic Masterwork" medal,

intended to recognize it as a Paragon of modern game design and to encourage game developers

of any caliber to seek it out.

This is what you can do when you both independently fund a game with a unique and distinct vision,

and manage that development appropriately.

Hellblade is an experience unlike any other in the current gaming atmosphere.

It is visceral, haunting, and incredibly gripping, Senua's Sacrifice is a game that should

be played by everyone, and its an incredible triumph in terms of business and game development

in the industry.

Everyone can learn something from the triumph that is Hellblade.

Even good ol' Sammy boi.

Oh Sam…

"Settle down, we're no- We're not like…

This is a happy discussion."

*Singing About How Sam is an ass to the LOTR Theme*

For more infomation >> Is HELLBLADE: SENUA'S SACRIFICE Good? - Duration: 10:18.



everyone my name is Tommy Reynolds thank you very much for coming back to the

channel on today's episode I'm joined by my man

who's down for the weekend okay okay yes everyone my name is Tommy Reynolds and

everyone my name is Tommy Reynolds and thank you very much coming back to the

channel on today's episode I'm joined by my men

say hello net hello then business of led up to this amazing who's your favorite

grandson by the way who's your favorite well I'll tell Tommy because he's here

he's my favorite but then I've got Cassio there's my granddaughter she's

also my favorite she's also your favorite I should have put my teacher on

my favorite you are my favorite because your boobs well you call babes I call

your neighbors that as well no you don't call them dickheads

everyone my name is Tommy Reynolds thanks so much for coming back to my

channel and today I'm joined by my nan she's come down for the weekend and I

thought while she was down they would have a little bit of fun so I've invited

man into my studio here and she is gonna take my portrait so man have you have

you ever held a DSLR like a camera that I use have you ever held one of my

cameras brief just say what we're gonna do is we're gonna go next door and we're

gonna set up one light we're gonna set up my backdrop so we're gonna create a

scenario where I would have been taking a portrait of a client but you're gonna

use all of my gear you use the same camera use the same light and you're

gonna take my portrait how does that sounds that all right

well I want to show you the camera first before we go in there I want to show you

so this is actually I've set up my camera already so this is my camera this

is how I use it when I'm photographing and commercial assignments so you want

to just see what the weights like first because it might be a bit too heavy for

you oh is it too heavy I'll tell you what I don't usually have the strap I'll

put the strap on for you okay don't coat me is a method in your mouth as long as

you don't as long as you don't put it around your neck backwards then you'll

be all right while I'm while I'm doing this kill two

birds with one stone your fingers when they're when kind of mum and mum was

growing up and I'm competing uncle Matt were growing up did you take like a lot

of photos and growing up well as it grandad who was the photographer well of

you in grindin Oh grandad really I mean I'll dictate something but I always

didn't turn that upside down so it was more granddad but you've um you had you

had a camera though I remember you still camera and I

thought no one it's cold no cannon I think there might have been a camera

yeah you know they yeah where's canon gun let's bring back cannon I've put the

well put the strap on the camera now so you should be able to just put it around

your neck if he's too heavy just let me know because I appreciate that this is

heavy it's kind of a weird thing you kind of

put your hand here and your hand here and then you just look through and then

you can kind of point as you go okay shall we go next door and come on let's

have a go all right Nancy this is this is where we're gonna be using this is

gonna be the light we're using this is called it's called a beauty dish well I

need all the help I can get this thing on top here and it's cool what do you

think this is used for this sits on top of the camera what do you think that

does it's recording so no it's it's sending a signal oh my let you know that

it's going alright the battery's still working it's it's kind almost it's quite

is trick it's to trigger the light so that when you press the button here it

knows that you've taken the but you press the button and then that that

flash fires at the same time so that is sending that signal via a transmitter

radio signals it's called air to school to trigger okay you want to try and put

this around your neck yeah and then you're gonna hold it hold it oh is that

too heavy or is that okay where the fact of me on the boat so alright yeah that's

fine yeah so what you do is you look through this hole oh that one yeah can

you see yeah i sea cast yeah and then you just then press this button here see

because if you hover your finger over here on that one that's it alright and

then you just take a picture of care to see if it works

oh there you go

so this is exactly what I would do when I'm working with the client so we tether

up so that the client can see the picture and as right so this this little

thing here this little thing stops the cable from accidentally coming out it's

called a jerk stuff up okay now really is it's called a jerk stopper it's the

story jerking the cable out yeah it's not quite a bit jerk this is a kind of I

used to have yeah yeah you've got to get a bigger bound to carry this around Tom

I've got no vomit I need to get one I'm like it is it's too heavy it is a bit

heavy I'm gonna take this bill this should be easy to hold now so yeah so

what you do if you take this hand and you put it underneath all right yeah and

then you can linger it all the way around now so you've got your grip oh

that's better yeah alright so I'm gonna sit in place

so I've picked out a this is the this is one of the backdrop so I like to use

yeah this is kind of a nice ready brown color

that I like to use and shall we see we see we can do it let's see how you get

on you take your first shot okay Tom ready for the shoot I'm ready

oh did I have to do that you just took a photo oh sorry that's nice you just took

that there's a red mark there come up he's just gotta keep your finger so now

feel free to if you want to move around if you want to get closer if you want to

step further away you're gonna get you you're the photographer okay you're the

photographer now so you can do whatever you want can you guys can you just look

at there tom yeah that's lovely end up down there yeah yeah look at that

ceiling yeah I don't have it whatever you could look at that's lovely you can

enjoy the tiger pictures when I change direction say a prayer okay I'll be like

Justin Bieber's album cover

you get my socks in I've got my socks on I shouldn't really about Oh No looks

really cool actually it takes a couple of seconds to come through picture with

me you see my head seeing my socks yeah

no gymnast look at look at this very proposed right now look

Oh feel free if you want to move around oh I like yeah I can stand up for you

turn them Joe move this up and turn round bed down how about trying to get a

close-up of my of my face imagine you're doing a head shot so imagine did you

ever tell you what some lay on the floor you might lay on the floor like this

that's fantastic okay all right I smile

it's really you really also know like a professional photographer now that

everybody together way now nothing the other side

I'll get back oh you want me on my back yeah put that cross that leg over over

that one that is that's fantastic yeah I'm uh I'm getting tips I'm getting tips

from my future clients is this is how I'm posing okay I'm gonna bring it in

and get your measurements thirty to forty one percent oh I know that's the

465 what's the 65 sorry I think reason is pissed

what sorry oh

okay okay okay you say it are you done are you happy are you happy

I'm happy

yeah let's do that that's lastly all right nice one bit for faith that's a

good one okay yeah okay okay here we go here we go nice suit

no I should go cool you all right then so can I think can I take one quick one

of you I'm just beer tap dancers turn up and in the sink you want the popper one

now I love the slippers they're working I've

got me back well like a foot down long now I think them are much better all

right now we're gonna do what's called the photobooth technique this is

something I do with every single client okay so imagine your photo booth you

have to get your driving license or your passport Oh different yeah you only get

five goes though and that's it so when you hear the clicks you're only gonna

have five clicks - give me that - give me differences but I want the real

violent to come out on the real violent McGonagle - come out so you don't have

to be posing like this I want you to go nuts okay yeah you can give me really

silly faces or you can give me normal faces it's up to you but you're

only gonna get five goes and then that's it

laughter count one finger that's a I'll count I'll count for you so don't worry

about that ready one two three go and change and

change and change and change and change

we're gonna do that once one more round one more time I've done there doesn't

matter I want five different poses completely random in different poses

okay after three one two three and change and change and change I like a

lot more yeah there we change in this photo so I love a proper play with it

but let's have a quick look at the photos you took at me shall we so it's

the first one you took that was pretty good actually yeah that's a pretty good

one that's when you ask me to pray yeah I know you're pleased with them thanks

very much now I've got two lovely bunch of coconuts

1 2 3 open then looking up here sorry

go good thanks so much for watching this video guys if you liked it then please

make sure you hit that like or share button or subscribe

oh no no no I wouldn't do that we go I don't show that let me show that once

today what do I always do the end that you

noticed that's right well that's it thanks ever

so much for watching this video guys if you liked it then please make sure you

hit that like or share button or subscribe if you're watching this on

YouTube see your redneck tub not go yet it's wrong one minute thanks ever so

much for watching this video guys if you liked it then please make sure you hit

that like or share button or subscribe if you're watching this on YouTube and

as always see you next time

that was good it's good it was good as always I'll see you again next time

cheers guys bye-bye see you later then thank you see you later

For more infomation >> MY NAN TAKES MY PORTRAIT...AND ITS SO FUNNY! - Duration: 18:03.


The Problem With Cloaking Devices in Sci-Fi - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> The Problem With Cloaking Devices in Sci-Fi - Duration: 2:49.


Hoe maak ik.... Amandel Bonbons - Project Balance recepten - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hoe maak ik.... Amandel Bonbons - Project Balance recepten - Duration: 1:07.


DIY Keepsake Ornaments | EASY | Whitney Sews - Duration: 3:40.

Hi everyone!

I'm Whitney and I post a new tutorial every Wednesday here on Whitney Sews to help sewers

of all skill levels learn new projects and techniques.

This week I have a last minute rustic Christmas ornament idea.

I was working on a large rag quilt for a friend whose father passed away recently using his

jeans and tshirts.

The quilt is going to my friend's mom and with the leftover I made ornaments to give

to each family member.

This way each can have a tangible memory to hang on their tree.

They are simple to make and you can use the clothes of loved ones like I did or clothes

your kids have outgrown, or just pretty fabrics that you like.

Anyway, enough chatting, let's get into the actual tutorial.

Make a template in whatever shape you like.

I made hearts and stars.

Cut a piece from two different fabrics that are at least an inch larger than your template.

Lay the two fabrics wrong sides together.

Trace the template onto the fabric.

I'm using a marking pen that disappears after 48 hours.

Add a couple of pins to hold the two layers together.

Take it over to your sewing machine and stitch right along the line you drew earlier.

Make sure to start at a fairly straight area and backstitch.

Stop with the needle down a couple of inches away from where you started.

Take the straight pins out and add a little bit of stuffing between the layers, then finish

sewing along the line.

Use pinking shears to cut outside the line you just sewed.

This gives the ornament a nice look and cuts down on the fraying.

Then thread some embroidery floss on a needle and put the needle in between the layers,

and pull the needle up through the fabric just below the stitching line.

Take a small stitch and pass the needle back in between the layers and out the top.

Knot the ends of the floss and you have a hanging loop.

I know this is hard to see in the video, so if it doesn't make sense just add a loop however

you want.

I then like to pull the thread so the knot sort of hides between the two layers at the

top of the ornament.

And that is it.

You have a sweet little upcycled ornament to hang on your tree and remember those special

memories with.

Want to see some other projects that can be made from denim?

I'll have a playlist full of ideas and tutorials linked right over here to the side.

Let me know in the comments if you want to see more upcycling ideas and I'll be back

next Wednesday with another new video.

Happy Sewing!

For more infomation >> DIY Keepsake Ornaments | EASY | Whitney Sews - Duration: 3:40.



For more infomation >> TOUT MES INDISPENSABLES ! - Duration: 9:22.


Popular 80s And 90s Bollywood Celebrities and Their Handsome Son | You Didn't Know - Duration: 5:06.

Popular 80s And 90s Bollywood Celebrities And Their Handsome Son | You Didn't Know

For more infomation >> Popular 80s And 90s Bollywood Celebrities and Their Handsome Son | You Didn't Know - Duration: 5:06.


Very Very Amazing trick to change the location on snapchat ..... Please Watch this Amazing video Now - Duration: 7:17.




For more infomation >> Very Very Amazing trick to change the location on snapchat ..... Please Watch this Amazing video Now - Duration: 7:17.


Marvel's Runaways 1x08 Promo "Tsunami" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Marvel's Runaways 1x08 Promo "Tsunami" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:34.


Leaving Cases: Singa & ArthurPrsl - Creators of Change - Duration: 1:38.

We've asked 40 people to answer a few simple questions.

They could only answer with yes or no.

- Are you the family's favourite ?


- Do you like the Parisian subway ?


- Do you have a university degree ?


- Are you in love ?


- Have you every cried at a football match ?


- Do you speak more than one language ?


- Do you call your parents enough ?


- Are you an asylum seeker or a refugee ?


How about we stop putting people in boxes ?

For more infomation >> Leaving Cases: Singa & ArthurPrsl - Creators of Change - Duration: 1:38.


25 Bookish Facts About Me! - Duration: 17:24.

hey guys it's Zoe so today I thought it'd be a good idea

to do the 25 bookish facts about me tag type thing clearly I wasn't tagged

because I'm new to this and I just started like last week but whatever I

thought it'd be a good idea for us to kinda get to know each other better so

in the comments down below leave some bookish facts about you so we can see if

we have anything in common or I find just weird quirky things that other

people do but first I forgot to put my contacts in so I'm gonna need some

glasses or I'm gonna get a migraine one sec better okay here we go

so my favorite genre is fantasy I absolutely love everything about it I

love escaping into a different world to forget about everything that's going on

and it's a good way to travel when you're on a budget

cuz you really don't need to leave your own couch my least favorite genre is

horror I am a little scaredy-cat bitch I'm just gonna be honest here I am

terrified by everything absolutely everything people always ask me if it's

really the same thing when you're reading a horror story as when you're

watching a horror movie my answer always is it's worse reading the book because

my imagine takes it off in the worst places and I can't sleep for a week it's

happened before where I was reading a horror novel it wasn't even that bad and

I got to go and sleep in my mother's bed for like a week I might have been like

16 but we're not gonna talk about that anymore

even though my favorite genre is fantasy the genre I own the most of is

contemporary that side I find that when I'm reading too many fantasy stories in

one go it's overwhelming and my brain can't handle it so I need something

light and fluffy to just get me out of that funk and then I can jump right back

into fantasy and contemporary reads are a lot quicker for me I just fly right

through them so I can buy a bunch and read more of those in one sitting than I

can with a fantasy book which sucks because I love fantasy so much we'll

work on that

my ultimate absolute all-time favorite fantasy story is if any of you watching

this know me you know exactly what's coming next

it's a Harry Potter surprise probably not it has become a little bit more than

a slight obsession it's taken over my entire world but that's okay I own 12

copies of the Philosopher's Stone and two each of the rest of them I'm trying to

build my collection as much as possible I started reading the series when I was 7

just a wee little bub at seven years old my teacher read it to me in class he

the first three books and I have been hooked ever since

it's been 17 years since then and I have read the series over 30 times I lost

count somewhere around the 30 mark but I'm not gonna apologize for being so

obsessed because it's a big part of who I am today

it's become such a big part of who I am that I have two bookish tattoos and yes

they're both Harry Potter related the first tattoo I got was on my right bicep

and it says it's real for us with Hermione's wand underneath I got this

one done in London England when I was there with a couple of friends the next

one I got was on my right foot and it says until the very end with seven

Marauders footsteps 7 because there are seven books that was seven when I

started reading them it's the most magically powerful number there are

seven Weasley children I could go on for years with the number seven I'm gonna be

getting more bookish tattoos that may or may not be Harry Potter related in the

future but I'm not 100% sure about what I want for them yet so we'll just leave

that for another time one of the reasons why I've read the series so many times

is the fact that I read super super quickly I read a little over 100 pages

an hour when I can just sit down and do nothing else it's a good thing and a

really really bad thing at the same time gift and a curse we'll call it when I

was younger and my mom would bring me to the book store she would let me get a

small stack of books and I'd be like this is the greatest day of my life

let's go home and read right now and it would be a Sunday usually by Tuesday I

would be finished the four or five books that I had already gotten and she would

make me wait until the following Sunday or the Sunday after that to go get

more books so I had to learn how to love to reread now that I'm an adult though I

spend way too much money on books I like to buy them in bulk when they go on sale

and that's probably why my bank account hates me so much

we have a love-hate relationship I need my babies I can't leave without my

babies hmm some of you might be asking well if you reach so fast you have to

reread why not go to a library that's your best bet

here's the thing I am all for libraries I love going to libraries especially old

ones I love that people can go and read to their heart's content without having

to pay anything it's a great resource for people who are on a budget or if for

whatever reason there are so many out there but they're just not for me

it's the rereading thing I need to keep my babies with me I'm trying to build my

own personal library at this point and bringing books back is kind of

counterintuitive to that I personally don't like borrowing books from someone

because I need to keep that if I borrow a book from someone and I really like it

have to go out and buy it actually even if I didn't really like it either I just

need to have it it's a thing I know it sounds insane but it's just the way it

is I find for me if I read a book at a library and I have to bring it back

after I kind of feel like I'm abandoning one of my children and it's something

that I need to work on as a person but that's the way it is for now so I no

libraries for me but they're very pretty most of them in that same vein I rarely loan

out books to people I have had so many bad experiences where I've given

someone one of my precious babies and they bring it back to a couple months

later with the pages all bent weird stains that are probably coffee but who

knows inside of them and it hurts it hurts my soul what little I have left

after enduring all of that if I ruin one of my books on my own that's one thing

it's a sign of my love for them but if somebody else does it it's because

they're kind of an asshole that being said there are a few people that I

absolutely trust with my babies and I am never afraid to lend them out because I

know it will get them back in pristine condition and it's a win-win situation

for everybody so I am 99% sure that I came out of the womb reading I have

never known a time where I haven't been just obsessed with books I've always

been a reader I remember in JK and SK I didn't want to take naps I wanted to

read the whole time which is really really odd if you know me now because

all I do is sleep and if I'm not sleeping I'm reading it's just always

been a huge part of my life I don't know who I would be today if I didn't love

reading so much tea break when I was younger

okay I can't lie to you like that because I still do it now but when I was

younger my mom used to drop us off at my grandparents house when she was on the

day shift so she'd be starting work at 7:30 so it would be at my grandparents

house by 7:00 I would take a nap for a little bit cuz it was way too early in

the morning for a seven-year-old for this seven-year-old I would get up I

would eat breakfast I would take a sack of books and I would go and hide behind

the couch there's a couple feet of space between the couch and the wall it's been that

way my entire life it was back when they had carpet there so I would get a bunch of

blankets and pillows I would make a little nest and I would sit and read for

eight hours my mom would come home from work and she asked my yiayia

where is she and she would just point behind the couch I didn't move I rarely

went to go to the bathroom if I was gonna eat somebody would have to bring

it to me cuz I would not get up for anything if I did I would bring a book

with me absolutely nothing has changed I still do that except I'm an adult now

and I should get up and feed myself I don't understand I don't understand what

any of that means if I did ever get up to go to the

bathroom I would bring a book with me and I would spend about a half hour in

there not actually going to the bathroom I would sit on the little step that we

had in front of the jacuzzi and I would hide this would happen a lot during

family functions where somebody would ask me to do something and I'd say

hold on I got to go to the bathroom and I'd be gone for half an hour because I'd

be reading I have this thing about the point of view in the books I'm reading

contemporary first-person is fine it works better but I absolutely hate

first-person fantasy something about it is just so wrong to me when I am getting

into a fantasy novel I like to pretend it's like I'm watching a movie because I

see everything happening in my imagination and it's a lot harder to get

into that mindset if you're from one person's point of view it just doesn't

seem right to me there's so much else going on there's so much more world

building that needs to happen I feel you can't do that 100% if you're in first

person so I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this one I have

never read a John Green novel I do not own any John Green novels the only one

I have that could count is let it snow but that is an anthology with Maureen

Johnson and Lauren Myracle so I still technically don't own a single John

Green novel and people have been trying to convince me to read some of them I

don't know if I ever will it just a lot of people tell me to read The Fault in

Our Stars and I cry at everything I mean literally everything

those coke commercials with the whole share happiness thing where the older

brother is bullying the little brother but at the end they make up and they're

still fighting but it's happy and everybody loves each other I bawled like

a baby I don't know why I never used to be like this but I cry at everything if

I read The Fault in Our Stars I don't think I would survive after that because

I would die of dehydration from crying so much is that possible I don't know but

I would make it happen so I don't know if I will ever read a John Green novel

fast forward to five years from now when I'm in love with everything that he's

done my favorite kind of book is hardcover

I love the really tall ones like this they're just so beautiful staff pick I

love them there's so much more to them that you can love I don't know where I'm going with this you're perfect you're beautiful

I love paperback as well except for the Scholastic ones or the British ones where they are just

stiff one kind of like ah this one it's just what is it I don't know I've been ruined by my

one friend Haley talking to you you've ruined me I never used to have a problem

with the stiff paperbacks now I need a floppy one I need it it sounds so

beautiful Wanderlost where are you like this look at that floppy goodness I love it the main

reason for that absolute hatred of these stiff paperbacks is because I read a lot

at work I work in a factory so I don't have time to sit there and hold the book

open I put a paperweight on it usually my phone sometimes just anything that's

lying around and it will hold it open nicely and I can come back in between

jobs and find out exactly where I am and everything is fine with the stiff

paperback they don't want to be held open by a paperweight or anything

so they just kind of closed up and then you're spending all of the time that you

have it you could be reading trying to open up the book again and it's just a

rough experience and it's awful because I get most of my reading done at work

I'm there for a third of my day almost every day and it's just perfect reading

time you just open a book and nobody bothers you not true everybody still bothers me

when I'm reading we're working on it that being said my absolute least

favorite type of book it can just go die I just I don't know why they still make

these I'm sorry mom I know these are your favorite the mass-market paperback

they're just so small that one's broken Wow I've read that one a couple times

book like the font is just so tiny it's just you can't hold it nice I mean

it fits in my hands cuz I have small hands but I like the big books I like

big books and I cannot lie we don't like them I am NOT a mood reader I know there

are a lot of people out there that they like to read certain books during

certain times of the year because of season or the holiday I read anything at

any time I don't think I've ever read a holiday themed book around the holidays

I've only ever read one scary book around Halloween and that was this year

I read the hazel wood by Melissa Albert because it was forced upon me it was

right after Halloween is really good but it scared the shit out of me and I don't

want to read a scary book around Halloween ever again that was my

experience the main reason I haven't hit my goal of 200 books this year is

because of one thing fanfiction I read so much fanfiction it's a damn shame that it

doesn't count because I would have hit like 400 books already I am an absolute

slut for dramione just give me all of the dramione stories and I will be

happy yes there are some that are really really really shit and they should have

never seen the light of day but there are some that are so good that I could

read and reread every month they're just everything that I ever needed this need

for a fanfiction it usually comes after I've watched one of the movies or I've

read them the books again and I just need more from the world

I need a Marauders era book now I need it will I ever get it I don't know but I'm hoping

I have never DNF'd a book for those of you who don't know DNF means do not

finish I have this thing where I need to get all the way through it I've

committed already I need to know how it ends I need to know if it gets any better

but it's just I've never stopped reading a book with the intention of never going

back to it I have put a book down because I couldn't get into it at the

time but I've always come back and finished it usually a week later when

things have calmed down in my life a little bit but I've never just given up

entirely on a book there are some that I should have liked this one the kingdom

of little wounds by Suzanne Cokal Cockal I don't know I call it the kingdom of

little shits because I hated it it took me I think like 2 weeks to read this 541

pages this should have taken me under six hours to read it took me two weeks I

was bored to tears I fell asleep every time I started

reading because I was just so bored there was so much weird shit that happened

like a guy cut open his penis and put gems in his penis who does that why would you do that oh I can't touch this

book I need to to but I can't unhaul that kind of book because I need to keep the

collection together because somebody might want to read it and enjoy it

I don't know who but it might happen so I have to keep it I need help when I

am listening no okay I'm reading a book I cannot listen to music I have very

specific requirements for if music is playing it's either not gonna be there

at all it has to be really really low if there's lyrics in it hi car or if I'm

gonna have it louder it needs to be something with no lyrics I usually go

for some good classical I can't focus especially if a song comes on that

I love and I know all the words to I will focus on the song and not on the

book and then it just gets into one big jumbled mess and I can't find my way

back until I shut the music off or close the book and we all know that I'm gonna

have to shut the music off because I can't stop reading not for that I am

drawn in the weirdest way to words with duh books with the word storm in the

title or something about storms my middle name is storm yes that's a real

thing it's my real middle name and when I see it I'm just like

cool it's me it's weird that it works at the word storm but not with Zoe if I'm

reading a book with a character named Zoe in it I get really weirded out

sometimes because I'm just like am I like this especially if the person is

stupid I don't like stupidity it's just it

works with storm doesn't work with Zoe I don't know why but it's always been

like that I am very very particular about where I buy my books I have to buy

all of my books at Chapters Indigo Canada's biggest bookstore recently I've

kind of gone out of that or I'm trying to get out of that I get so many points

from there it's just been a huge part of my life it's one of my favorite places

in the whole world if I go to another store if I order books online from

another retailer I kind of feel like I'm cheating on chapters I don't know why I

know I can get books cheaper from somewhere else I just love this store it

feels like home when I walk into it and it's just if I'm stressed or having a

bad day if I go into chapters I'm just a happy person again usually a lot of

people ask me how I keep track of all of my books because I have so many the

answer is not Goodreads I like Goodreads but I have an app that

works in tandem with Goodreads it's much easier and I find it's much more

user-friendly and that app is called book catalogue so this is the starting

screen on book catalogue it has a bunch of different good options you can sync it

right to Goodreads it shows all of your books it shows the author

it shows a short description usually what is in the synopsis that comes right

on the book it shows the number of pages it shows it shows the format of the book

it shows the publisher the day you read it that you can add in whoops wrong book

whoops I just really love this little gem so that was 25 bookish facts about

me let me know in the comments if you have anything in common if you think I'm

crazy which is probably your first reaction with a lot of these but that's

okay because I've acknowledged it and that is the first step to recovery which

will probably never happen thank you guys so much for watching if you liked please

subscribe down below and give it a big thumbs up you can follow me on Instagram

Twitter and Goodreads all at yerabooknerdzoe and I'll see you next time bye

For more infomation >> 25 Bookish Facts About Me! - Duration: 17:24.


Про Руны I About Runes I Мои Первые Руны - Duration: 13:01.

Hello everybody! My name is Katya! Happy to see you on my channel!

Few days ago I received this little parcel.

Here inside there are my first runes, which I ordered from China.

I will attach the link to them below the video^^

Let's open this box together!

Here everything is written on Chinese language.

I had variants to order runes from other countries, but the costs for the delivery service was 3 times higher than the costs for the runes itself.

I plan to make my own handmade runes in the future, so these runes are temporary.

That's why I decided to buy a cheap and nice variant.

Ohh, they also gave me a little bag.

I will change the bag, because it's better to use natural fabric for the runes.

Also it's better to create smth more beautiful by hands.

My runes are made of a natural stone too.

This is a river stone.

I like these colors a lot.

I like that they have different colors.

I adore these nuances: natural colors.

They are not too bright.

For me an important moment was to see clearly each of the symbol.

In internet I saw a lot of rune sets made of motley stones that were too bright and it was hard to see what is written on them.

It would have made me angry.

Let's count them.


25 runes, or 24 and one blank rune.

I like that this blank rune is white and a bit transparent.

It is a bit strange that each of the stone is polished but this single stone is not. hm... may be it's a production mistake.

First I am gonna wash my stones with the flowing water.

You never know who touched them, what were his thoughts etc etc. Also it's good from the hygienic point of view.

You should clear the runes out of all the negative energy.

I will put them under the tap.

It would be better to do it in a river, but I have no rivers here nearby.

The water has to flow, not to stay in place!

A bit of mythology - Norns

Earlier, people asked Nurns for help before reading the runes.

Who these Nurns are?

In ancient scandinavian mythology they were fortune goddess.

They had the whole information about the fortune, but they couldn't change it.

They lived near the Yggdrasil tree. This is a saint scandinavian tree( like tree of life).

Norns were 3.

Urd, Verdandi and Skuld

Urd was the Goddess of the Past.

She is the oldest and people used to draw her like a very old woman.

She was the main one of the three.

because she had the access to the most of the fortune information.

The second one -Verdandi is a symbol of fertility, motherhood, and of the present.

Skuld is considered th Goddess of Death, because one of her functions was to cut the threads of life.

Also she often helped men in the war.

Right before reading the runes, people called these Goddesses names and asked them for help in the divination.

Runes don't tell the future

There is a difficult moment in runes (difficult for me to understand)

I hope I understand it correctly.

Germans had only 2 times, not 3 times, like we have now (past, present, future)

For them Past=Something that they already have.

We can say that they had no past, because they believed that past is the result that we have now.

The past is very close connected with the present.

The Present=Present.

Also they used to believe that the Present=something that is Becoming.

Sometimes I look into my book of shadows. I written down there all these moments to remember better.

And what about the Future?

The Future=Something that will have to happen as a result of an already existing reason.

So runes can't tell the future.

How do I understand this?

They tell you what will happen if you will do nothing.

What will be the result of all happening now.

So, we can ask runes about the future.

But if we see a very bad rune with a bad meaning for us, we just have to know that we should change something in our life and everything will be as we want it to be XD


For more infomation >> Про Руны I About Runes I Мои Первые Руны - Duration: 13:01.


Riverdale 2x10 Trailer "The Blackboard Jungle" (HD) Season 2 Episode 10 Trailer - Duration: 1:02.

Effective immediately, South Side High School is shut down.

Welcome to your new school.

Take off that jacket right now or you're suspended.

Your girlfriend's father is an extremely dangerous man.

You traitors picked the wrong side.

I wanna see him, Betty.

I wanna see my son.

You're not good enough for my daughter.

I think you're a small town hick, who's beginning to realize

how deep in the shark-infested waters he really is.

I always win.

I'm happy you're going to be back at Riverdale High.

Riverdale returns with an all-new episode Wednesday January 17th

only on The CW and The CW app.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 2x10 Trailer "The Blackboard Jungle" (HD) Season 2 Episode 10 Trailer - Duration: 1:02.


How To Build Your Self Discipline - Duration: 4:24.

improvement pill here welcome to lesson 10 of the tamed course in our previous

lessons we learned about how habits and willpower works so if you have not

watched any of those videos yet pause this video right now and click on the

link in the description box below it will bring you to a playlist with all of

the lessons of the team course in chronological order we now know that we

have a lot more willpower than we think we do but when our levels of willpower

drop below a certain threshold we entered a state of ego depletion where

it becomes much harder to stick to our habits so how can we increase the amount

of willpower we can use before we entered a state how can we increase our

self-discipline well numerous studies were conducted

between 1999 and 2006 by professor Roy Baumeister who's one of the pioneers of

willpower research he took large groups of people and tested how much willpower

they had initially by forcing them to do certain willpower exercises such as

seeing how long they could work on an unsolvable puzzle before giving up he

then split these groups into two the first group was the control group and

they were simply told to go home and come back in two weeks the second group

was told to participate in a variety of different tasks some were told to try to

fix their posture some we're told to try to use their non-dominant hand for tasks

like brushing your teeth and opening doors and others were even told to

actively change the words they used in their sentences like removing the use of

filler words like um and like these groups were told to actively try and

stick to these changes for the next two weeks and then come back so Baumeister's

surprised all of the groups that elicited some sort of control over their

lives had a significant increase in their levels of willpower after a

two-week period as compared to the control group who saw no change so what

does this mean well this means that willpower is just like a muscle when you

workout constantly for long periods of time your muscles get stronger they get

bigger and you're able to lift more weight willpower is the exact same if

you actively try to change something in your life you're using willpower to make

these changes then over time you'll be able to use more willpower without

entering a state of ego depletion your willpower muscle will get stronger and

this explains why Keystone habits are so powerful if you recall in a

previous video which I will link to in the description below we spoke about how

some people change one habit in their life and all of a sudden they change

their entire life they change a bunch of different habits the Keystone habit is

so effective because by sticking to a single habit you're training your

willpower it's getting stronger and as your willpower gets stronger you have

more strength to change the other habits in your life so what can we do with this

knowledge well for one it shows us just how important it is to stick to our keys

don't have it if we can successfully stick to this habit and get it to that

line of automaticity it will mean that the amount of self-discipline we have

will also increase dramatically and this is the reason I structured the course

this way we put the focus on building a keystone habit instead of focusing on

getting rid of our bad habit and that's because by building the keystone habit

you will eventually become strong enough to get rid of the bad one and that's why

you'll notice that the large majority of people who are extremely successful have

an obsession with self-improvement they're always looking for ways to use

their willpower to improve their lives and they may not know it but this

obsession with improvement makes them strong enough to accomplish the tasks

that make them so successful so drill this into your mind by actively trying

to change your life by being interested in self-improvement by sticking to that

keystone habit you will become stronger so keep strong and carry on because

you're getting stronger every single day as long as you stick to this and that

sums up everything we need to know about willpower at this point in the course

you should already be building up your keystone habit if you find yourself

slacking remember all you need to do is stand back up and stick to this habit if

you follow this one simple task you will get much stronger in our next lesson

we're gonna speak about the effects of our social environment on our habits how

you socialize actually has a huge effect on how likely you are to overcome your

bad habits the team course was brought to you with the help of the patrons of

this channel if you found value in this course and would like to give back it'd

mean a lot to me if you could become a patron to all of my patrons receive

perks and benefits which you can find out by clicking on the link right here

besides that guys stay tuned

For more infomation >> How To Build Your Self Discipline - Duration: 4:24.


Дом 2 новости 21 декабря 2017 (21.12.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 21 декабря 2017 (21.12.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 4:02.


HOW ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD | Elon Musk, Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg - Duration: 17:10.

good morning good morning good morning we're going home to Denmark and boy did

I have trouble finding a plane apparently the company I bought the

ticket with went under I had to buy new tickets yesterday that's expensive

please just take it

I've taken the wrong train brilliant I'm somewhere in Auckland today I thought we

would talk about this are we headed toward a future without jobs the fear

that automation might displace workers and potentially lead to lots of

unemployment goes back at a minimum 200 years and since then this concern has

come up again and again the culture organisation put out an alert we have a

billion people on the verge of hunger and starvation every technology

revolution would call social instability the first - technology revolution I've

said calls the water world one second technology revolution cost war - this is

the third technology revolution people already unhappy because a lot of machine

learning artificial intelligence killing lot of job people start to worry if

you're not innovative enough if you're not like a creative enough your job will

be taking away by a lot of machines on artificial intelligence front i have

exposure to the very most cutting-edge AI and i think people should be really

concerned about it ai is a rare case where I think we need to be proactive in

regulation instead of reactive because I think by the time we are reactive in AI

regulation it's too late and I do think that when the computer takes over

certain tasks that'll be tough for us it'll be a long time before you're

matching the type of broad judgment that humans exercising in many different

areas there's no institution in the world that

cannot be improved with machine learning we live in a very interesting time

because there are a few golden ages happening and one of them is machine

learning and we're doing everything with it we're grading strawberries with it

you know for Amazon fresh I'm gonna guess that most of you have probably

never heard of the triple revolutionary pork and this report was presented to

the President of the United States and it argued that the US was on the brink

of economic and social upheaval because industrial automation was going to put

millions of people out of work now that report was delivered to President Lyndon

Johnson in March of 1964 that's now over 50 years and of course that hasn't

really happened and that's been the story again and again

knowledge he made devastate entire industries it may wipe out whole

occupations and types of work but at the same time progress is going to lead to

entirely new things so there will be new industries there'll be new kinds of work

that will appear and that has been the story so far and it's been a positive

story but there is one particular class of worker for whom this story has been

quite different for these workers technology has completely decimated

their work and it really hasn't created any new opportunities at all and these

workers of course our horses is it possible that at some point in the

future a significant fraction of the human workforce is going to be made

redundant in the way that horses were you might say that's absurd how can you

possibly compare human beings to horses we can learn we can adapt and in theory

that ought to mean that we can always find something new to do and if we can

always remain relevant to the future economy here's the really critical thing

to understand the future is going to be full of thinking learning adapting

machines we see a world a nanosecond from here where data enables machine

learning understanding through repetition and recognitions adapting and

adjusting what that really means is that

technology is finally beginning to encroach on that fundamental human

capability the very thing that so far has allowed us to stay ahead of the

march of progress and remain relevant and in fact indispensable to the economy

if you wanted to get a computer to do something new you would have to program

in excruciating detail every single step that you want the computer to achieve

now if you want to do something that you don't know how to do yourself and this

is going to be a great challenge this man Arthur Samuel wanted to get this

computer to be able to beat him at checkers so he came up with an idea he

had the computer play against itself thousands of times and learn how to play

checkers networked and in fact by 1962 this computer had beaten the Connecticut

state champion so after samuel was the father of machine learning the first big

success of machine learning commercially was google google showed that it is

possible to find information by using a computer algorithm since that time there

has been many commercial successes of machine learning so we now know that

computers can learn and computers can learn to do things that we actually

sometimes don't know how to do ourselves a team won a competition for automatic

drug discovery they beat all of the algorithms developed by Merck or the

International academic community nobody on the team had any background in

chemistry or biology or life sciences and they did it in two weeks how did

they do this they used an extraordinary algorithm called deep learning deep

learning is an algorithm inspired by how the human brain works and as a result

it's an algorithm which has no theoretical limitations on what it can

do the more data you give it and the more computation time you give it the

better it gets from many Chinese speakers and produce a text-to-speech

system we've taken an hour or so up my own voice and we use that to modulate

the standard text to speech system so that it would sound like me again the

results are perfect there are back when engineers did what people had made

deep learning is this extraordinary thing it's a single algorithm that can

seem to do almost anything in this obscure competition from Germany called

the German traffic sign benchmark deep learning had learned to recognize

traffic signs not only could it recognize the traffic signs better than

any other algorithm the leaderboard actually showed it was better than

people about twice as good as people by 2011 we had the first example of

computers that can see better than people since that time a lot has

happened in 2012 Google announced that they had a deep learning algorithm watch

YouTube videos the computer independently learned about concepts

such as people and cats this is much like the way that humans learn humans

don't learn by being told what they see but by learning for themselves what

these things are Google announced last year that they had mapped every single

location in France in two hours and the way they did it was that they fed street

view images into a deep learning algorithm to recognize street numbers

imagine how long it would have taken before dozens of people many years in

Stanford a grip there announced that looking at tissues under magnification

they've developed a machine learning based system which in fact is better

than human pathologists at predicting survival rates for cancer sufferers the

computer system discovered that the cells around the cancer as important as

the cell cancer cells themselves in making a diagnosis this is the opposite

of what pathologists had been taught for decades so what does it mean now that

computers can see there's a lack of medical expertise in the world it would

take about 300 years to train enough people to fix that problem so imagine if

we can help enhance their efficiency using these deep learning approaches so

I'm very excited about the opportunities I'm also concerned about the problems

the problem here is that every area where in blue on this map is somewhere

where services are over 80 percent of employment what are services these are

services these are also the exact things that computers have just learned how to

do 80% of the world's employment in the developed world is stuff that computers

have just learnt how to do what does that mean well it'll be fine or be

replaced by other jobs for example there'll be more jobs for data

scientists well not really it doesn't take data scientists very

long to build these things for example these four algorithms were all built by

the same guy if you think oh it's all happened before

we've seen the results in the past of where new things come along and they get

replaced by new jobs it's very hard for us to estimate this because human

performance grows at this gradual rate but we now have a system deep learning

that we know actually grows in capability exponentially and we're here

in five years time computers will be off this chart we have seen this once before

of course in the Industrial Revolution we saw a step change in capability

thanks to engines the thing is though that after a while things flattened out

once engines were used to generate power in all the situations things really

settled down the machine learning revolution is going to be very different

to the Industrial Revolution because the machine learning revolution never

settles down so what is it that is really so different about today's

information technology relative to what we've seen in the past I would point to

three fundamental things and the first thing is exponential acceleration now I

know you all know about Moore's law but in fact it's more broad-based than that

it extends in many cases for example to software it extends to communications

bandwidth and so forth the second key thing is that the machines are in a

limited sense beginning to think and by this I don't mean human level artificial

intelligence I simply mean that machines and algorithms are solving problems and

most importantly they're learning machine learning which is just becoming

this incredibly powerful disruptive scalable technology we tend to draw a

very distinct line and on one side of that line are all the jobs and tasks

that we perceive as being on some level fundamentally routine and repetitive and

predictable because they are innately predictable we know that they're

probably at some point going to be susceptible to machine learning and

therefore to automation that's a lot of jobs that's probably something on the

order of roughly half the jobs in the economy but then on the other side of

that line we have all the jobs that require some capability that we perceive

as being uniquely human and these are the jobs that we think are safe now

based on what I know about the game of Go I would have guessed that it really

ought to be on the safe side of that line but the fact that it isn't and that

Google solved this problem suggests that that line is going to be very dynamic

it's going to shift in a way that consumes more and more jobs that we

currently perceive as being safe from automation this is by no means just

about low-wage job a blue-collar job has lots of evidence

to show that these technologies are rapidly climbing the skills ladder so as

we put these trends together I think what it shows is that we could very well

end up in a future with significant unemployment so a fundamental economic

problem because jobs are currently the primary mechanism that distributes

income and therefore purchasing power to all the consumers in order to have a

vibrant market economy you've got to have lots and lots of consumers if you

don't have that then you run the risk of economic stagnation or maybe even a

declining economic spiral as there simply aren't enough customers out there

to buy the products and services being produced so the question then becomes

what exactly could we do about this and I think you can view this through a very

utopian framework but at the same time I think we have to be realistic and we

have to realize that we're very likely to face a significant income

distribution problem a lot of people are likely to be left behind I think that in

order to solve that problem we're ultimately going to have to find a way

to decouple incomes from traditional work in the best way I know to do that

is some kind of a guaranteed income or universal basic income my own view is

that a basic income is not a panacea it's not necessarily a plug-and-play

solution rather it's a place to start it's an idea that we can build on and

refine for example one thing that I have written quite a lot about is the

possibility of incorporating explicit incentives into a basic income imagine

that you are a struggling high school student suppose you know that at some

point in the future no matter what you're gonna get the same basic income

as everyone else in my mind that creates a very perverse incentive for you to

simply give up and drop out of school I would say let's not structure things

that way instead pay people who graduate from high school somewhat more than

those who simply drop out and we can take that idea of building incentives

into a basic income and maybe extend it to other areas by incorporating

incentives into a basic income we might actually improve it and also perhaps

take at least a couple of steps towards solving another problem that I think

we're quite possibly gonna face in the future and that is how do we all find

meaning and fulfilment and how do we occupy our time in a world where perhaps

there's less demand for traditional work refining a basic income and make it look

better also perhaps make it more politically

and socially acceptable and feasible I think one of the most kind of

fundamental objections to many of us is this feared that we're gonna end up with

too many people riding in the economic cart and not enough people pulling that

car and yet really the whole point I'm making here of course is that in the

future machines are increasingly going to be capable of pulling that cart for

us that should give us more options for the way we structure our society and our

economy and I think that eventually it's going to go beyond simply being an

option and it's gonna become an imperative because jobs are that

mechanism that gets purchasing power to consumers so that they can then drive

the economy if that mechanism begins to erode in the future and we're going to

need to replace it with something else or we're gonna face the risk that our

whole system simply may not be sustainable the bottom line here is that

I really think that solving these problems finding a way to build a future

economy that works for everyone at every level of our society is going to be most

one of the most important challenges that we all face in the coming years and


I'm gonna come to machine learning there's really two views either it'll

mess up our entire society they'll certainly be a lot of job destruction

here's what's gonna happen is robust will be able to do everything better

than us I mean I'm quitting I mean all of us you know I really think we need to

go a regulation here you're ensuring the public good a so cuz you've got

companies that are racing that they kind of have to race to build AI or they're

gonna be made uncompetitive you know elected essentially if your competitor

is Racing's about AI and you don't they will crush you or it won't really do

much I'm really optimistic Braylon optimistic person in general I

think you can build things and and the world gets better with AI especially I'm

really optimistic I'm a little more conservative than Mark Zuckerberg but

I'm definitely not a hundred percent on Elon Musk's side I do believe it is

important for us to draw a line and sort of see what

industries will be disrupted at which ones won't I'm also not on Mark

Zuckerberg side I really do think that especially when machine learning becomes

super intelligent and it sort of becomes an AI we have to keep an eye on it it's

really interesting let me know what do you think going to London so the most

prominent arguments that really came up was that I was a communist or that

really was gonna save us and I just want to point out that politics have

absolutely nothing to do with this we're not talking about what we want to have

happen we're talking about what we think will happen because of how all of the

numbers are trending we don't know if it will happen in the next 20 years

when Elon Musk says 20 years that's kind of because he's Elon Musk just want to

make that sure basic economics state that scarcity is a thing and we kinda

have to talk about that

home sweet home I don't think I agree with people like

Max Zuckerberg or Elon Musk as I feel like that's a little bit extreme I think

we have to draw a line in the middle some industries will be disrupted some

won't but yeah the really interesting part about this is the conversation so

tell me what you guys think in the comments down below and yeah subscribe

to the channel if you're new let me know what you think about this vlog you

mentoree I'll see you guys next week take care

For more infomation >> HOW ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD | Elon Musk, Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg - Duration: 17:10.


Kyle Bowker DOMINATES This $25/$50 Cash Game! | S5 E34 Poker Night in America - Duration: 21:29.

- [Announcer] From Choctaw Resort in Durant, Oklahoma,

this is Poker Night in America.

(upbeat music)

Welcome to Poker Night in America I'm Chris Hanson

alongside someone who still talk to a girl who catfished him

it's Joe Stapleton.

Catfish are people too Chris.

And I admire her.

Well I admire her taste in men, I admire her taste in me.

She chose me Chris.

Oh you crazy kids and your computers.

Yeah well I'm 36 so let's head to the table

where everyone is a fish,

if you're Kyle Bowker, who is currently the only player

with a profit, and a big one at that.

- [Chris] Everybody else is going down,

he's the only one moving in the right direction.

- [Joe] Everyone else is a gigantic loser.


Plus they're not profitable.

- [Chris] And we get started in seat one with Bart Hanson.

If you win a pot you don't have to tip,

it's just that was for everybody.

- [Joe] Which card indicates who's tipping the commentators?

Chris has got like nine kids to feed including

his son Bart Hanson.

What was your name down there?

Bobby. Bobby?

Kane nice to meet you Bobby. Nice to meet you too.

Are you from Oklahoma or?

Yeah I'm from Noble,

just a small town about 2 hours north of here.

- [Joe] Woof, who invited Lief Erikson to this game?

- [Chris] Look at that beard.

- [Joe] Thought I recognized that funny looking sailboat


Welcome to the game. Thank you.

Watch out for this guy, he's been doing it all day.

My friend Mike over here.

See now you made him cool here, Kane.

Now you made him cool.

- [Chris] Like Ross, Bart Hanson heads up in our first

hand here tonight.

Flops five, ace, king.

- [Joe] Mike Ross continues lighting money on fire.

Does have a gut shot I guess.

Bart's got top pair, very good kicker.

Seems like an obvious spot for a call.

It's not even one bedroom, it's a studio.

- [Chris] And Hanson calls.

Oh come on do something!

Turn gives Ross the wheel.

- [Joe] Bart's probably not really even

going to see this coming.

Ross is not supposed to have three four.

Bart could be a little worried about ace king or king queen.

But not enough to not call this bet.

- [Chris] So Bart's gonna call, so we will see a river.

Best case here for Bart is no ace or no queen.

- [Joe] Dodges that disaster.

Now Bart's a really good player.

I think there's a chance,

a good chance he gets away from this

if Ross bets anything decent.

- [Chris] $6,000 is the bet, pot-sized bet

and easy fold for Bart.

You ever heard of Hamilton?

I have heard of him. That's Hamilton.

Oh really? Yeah, Kane Hamilton.

Yeah I'm not the best rapper.

Have you seen it? No, I want to though.

It's in Chicago right now.

You don't say?

I saw Book of Mormon on Broadway.

What'd you think? It was amazing.

I was just thinking of going next week.

I just saw it. On Broadway also?

Yeah, on Broadway. It was good?

It was good. Yeah?

Funny, I'm thinking of going with my roommate next week.

It's just words that rhyme guys.

Here's my hot take on Broadway.

The bar is so low for Broadway that things that are just

okay everyone says is amazing.

The way that like the sounds it doesn't

hit you at the same time so it kind of like,

one speaker's coming, they get there at different times.

But it was really funny.

You know I was rather enjoying this conversation

of Broadway and now we have to ruin it

by someone getting stacked.

I'm gonna gamble with you.

Where, I think I had you beat?

You had me beat but,

you'd rather be against my hand.

I know I'd rather be against your hand.

This is a typical skippy poker night in America hand,

jacks and queens.

Well now there's a typical rebuy.

Looks like he's gonna rebuy for about what ten, Lorgeree?

Ten k.

- [Joe] Greeson takes a nice big pot in his first one.

- [Chris] On Poker Night in America.

- [Joe] Greasin' the wheels.

Douglas Lorgeree needs a moment to rebuy,

so we here shall take a break as well.

You know Lorgeree is my least favorite

line from Victoria's Secret.

- [Announcer] How would you like to play against the pros

Welcome back to Durant, Oklahoma, the Choctaw Resort

and Casino.

Douglas Lorgeree has just rebought for ten thousand

so let's get back to the felt.

Have you ever seen Rocky 4?

You see what drive you can do with that PSI?

That was the article I read about it,

it was like, it was equivalent.

Who was writing this moronic article?

I don't know.

I mean there's sports science websites.

I have no idea what they're talking about.

Glad we came in this conversation late.

We'd rather get repeated, three bet by Kyle.

He always flops the best hand.

Or blind out in a tournament for 18 hours

and not make any money.

Good question.

Well I'm gonna do bold so.

So it was perfect timing.

Man these decks are icy cold.

Please no it can't be.

Oh so close I hate that.

I'm out.

This deck is colder than the ice cold Rocky Mountains.

That took long.

Well he smiled as he called.

What's going on with Kyle here?

Nice hand Kyle.


- [Joe] I mean just how are this many

premium hands being dealt out?

Queen on the flop.

- [Chris] Oh boy.

Bowker looking for another queen or an ace.

- [Joe] Kings hold.

I had it, I don't wanna jinx it.

I had it made.

The butcher the baker ... The over pair maker.

We got em now boys.

We got em now.

Yeah but you got it all back from him.

I don't get it back.

There's a big difference.

You gotta follow him around. Big difference.

I don't know.

But the name of the guy that beat us was the Marble.

And we call him the Marble because there's

not a sharp side on him.


Oh marble that's what he said.

Got it, you got us good.

Daily double. He got us good.

Anything but that.

- [Joe] Alright Baker raising pocket threes.

Lorgeree's in with queen ten.

Greeson calls king eight suited.

Ross has got a suited ace four.

- [Chris] This is fun, everybody with a little something

to look at.

- [Joe] Four person party.

- [Chris] Flop is queen, deuce, jack, couple of clubs.

- [Joe] We should see this pot drop down to just two players

Lorgeree with the top pair.

Greeson with the second up flush draw.

- [Chris] Lorgeree bets $800.

Alright Kyle, we got the question and he gave his answer.

So we'll do one hundred.

Okay. Alright.

So the question was, it's what Bobby thinks,

the combined number of times that all seven

of us at this table,

if you add our numbers together, have ridden a horse.

Okay, and do I start with a number?

You can start with the bidding if you want yeah.

So you'll bid one and I'll bid two, and then we'll sell ..

When does this budget version of Johnny Lauden

thinks right now?

It's like the hydrox of prop bets.

Doesn't he ride a horse to go the convenience store?

He's in right? He's in it.

If he's ridden a horse a hundred and thirty times.

Then his number is probably over hundred thirty.

Right. Alright.



How many times you ridden a horse?


A horse or a pony?

20. Oh one and the same.

16? 16 hundred.

Like a half dozen.

I grew up on a ranch. Oh.

So a jolly ranch.

We went into candy.

Jolly, you're a jolly rancher.

Thank you, thank you very much.

I've never ridden a horse.

I'll go 27.

- [Joe] So calling again here on the flush draw

becomes slightly less profitable now.

King high is definitely not the best hand,

you're not drawing to the nuts.

The board is already paired.

What are you saying?

I'm saying I don't love a call here,

but how about a raise, that's always an option.

It doesn't matter like ...

- [Joe] There's just so many draws.

Greeson could be doing this, but it's super hard

for Lorgeree to get away from top pair.

Very rare that Greeson's gonna be doing this with

full houses or a better queen.

Can you believe that somebody else here has ridden a horse

- [Chris] I also like that he's trying to play the hand

while the rest of the table's discussing how many times

he may or may not have ridden a horse in his life.

Like three or four times.

Alright I'll go 33.

- [Joe] I mean a horse really is the best vehicle

for sacking and burning villages so,

my guess is it's pretty high.

You have all but 33?

33 and over. Oh my god.

It's whether Bobby's ridden a horse or not.

He hasn't.

Well maybe, who knows.

I'm from a small town, I've never ridden a horse.

Wow Lorgeree lays it down.

Bobby how many times have you ridden a horse?

You want me to say it out loud now?

Yeah. 26.

26? Wow.

How do you know? Just guess.

And someone doesn't understand how the game is played.

Ooh I don't know about that fold.

Have you ever made a terry fold?

I want to take you to the terry fold dance.

Grab that terry fold flap.

Hold that terry terry fold.

Hold my hold my flaps.

What, what did you just say?

Terry fold.

The number of ...

The number of contacts Bart has saved on his phone.

The answers three, you can't do that, the answers three.

It's three? (laughing)

Tuckman. Tuckman,

Tuckman cell, Tuckman house.

Started at 50.

Whoa, whoa wait, he needs to...

Oh sorry. He needs to give his answer.

Bobby did you hear the question?

Uh contacts of somebody's phone?

On Bart's phone. His phone?

Yeah. Number on contacts.

- [Chris] Sounds like we have another round of something

like Lauden thinks.

Tuckman, Tinder customer service,


It's a straddle. They're all straddles?

It's a straddle. Okay, alright.

I gotta get on that Tinder more often.

I literally just downloaded it a couple days ago.

I'm on it all the time.

Just kidding honey.


Funny my phone just went off right there.

That was me super liking you.

The answer has been given.

- [Joe] Deuces are still ahead for now.

- [Chris] Deuces gotta be shrinking.

- [Joe] I think these two should both be pretty content

to keep checking.

- [Chris] And just like that the ace works it way into

Broadway after all that checking.

- [Joe] Bowker bets, Ross calls with the near nuts.

At least they keep it pacey.

- [Chris] We continue late into the night

here on Poker Night in America at in Choctaw,

Durant, Oklahoma.

We're about 90 minutes north of Dallas.

- [Joe] I have never been to Oklahoma.

Wait that's not true, I drove through it once.

The longest month of my life.

Why am I ripping on Oklahoma, it was fine.

There was nothing wrong with Oklahoma.

It was totally fine.

Here's your chance to bust me.

Well I don't know, if we get the right flop.

- [Chris] The killer B's, Baker and Bowker, heads up.

Flops jack five eight, couple of diamonds.

- [Joe] And Bowker's raise seems a little reckless

given the fact that no one is ever folding their straddle.

And he's out of position.

He did flop a gut shot.

And David keeps checking his nines,

knowing that Bowker's more likely to bet with a worse hand

than call with a worse hand.

- [Chris] And that's exactly what Bowker is doing.

So far so good for David Baker.

Queen on the river.


- [Joe] Baker giving Bowker one last chance to

bluff at this and Bowker has obliged him.

- [Chris] It was all going so good just a second ago.

- [Joe] Now there are a lot of missed draws out there

from this flop, but this is a tough call to make.

Bowker's over bet the pot, nines are losing quite a bit.

- [Chris] Call Bowker, he's good at poker.

- [Joe] He really is.

It was a crazy game of Bowker.

- [Chris] Looks like we are going

back to the triple straddle.

- [Joe] Do it guys, I love the smell

of burning money in the morning.

- [Chris] Greeson folds, over to Bart.

Bart Hanson folds.

- [Joe] Bowker with a semi-decent hand.

This is giving me something to think about.

- [Joe] And Dave is going to be incredibly tempted

to defend this straddle.

Maybe he thinks his hand is too bad to just call,

put down another bet?

No he does just call.

You've called like 85 percent.

- [Joe] Bowker flops two pair, checks super fast

for a little deception.

Everybody subtract 30 from your number

and go to that table, that's gonna work out really well.

- [Joe] He knows he's going to have the best hand,

so so so so often.

- [Chris] 800 the bet from Baker.

And a call from Bowker.

So we head to the turn.

Queen hearts.

- [Joe] Still not much for Bowker to be afraid of.

David still trying to apply pressure.

He was right in his assumption that Kyle would

be calling a really high percentage of his hands preflop.

Just so happens that Kyle's got a hand that he is not

folding given this dynamic.

You win.

- [Joe] And David Baker pulls a reverse Rick Astley

and most definitely does give it up.

Sometimes waving the white flag's the way to go.

And even more straddling happening.

More straddling happening in this game than

the VIP room at Orlandos.

- [Chris] Mike Ross makes it 500, Bowker calls.

Now to ODB.

Get you some of that.

Uh why not.

- [Joe] Baker can potentially pick up some dead money.

If not he's going to be flipping a lot.

Even worse case scenario, he's still gonna suck out

one out of every five times.

But ace seven and jack ten are two hands

that could conceivably fold preflop.

- [Chris] Which hand would you rather call with?

- [Joe] I'd rather call with jack ten but I think

that that's probably not the best move.

Ross calls.


- [Chris] Bowker is loving the price

maybe that he's getting here.

- [Joe] 3,000 almost 8,000.

I think a call here would actually be pretty insane.

He's never gonna be ahead.

He's often gonna be dominated.

But I'll tell you what, calling sure is fun.

- [Chris] There you go.

Wasn't expecting that buddy.

I might as well get in there.

- [Joe] I mean in his mind, he's got a royal flush draw.

Give Dave a chance to get even.

- [Chris] Alright so just under 11k in the pot.

That could all go to David Baker if those fours hold up.

- [Joe] 25 percent chance that happens.

- [Chris] Something tells me we're going to

see more fireworks between Ross and Bowker.

Flop is eight three nine.

- [Joe] Well that's a fun flop for jack ten, up and down.

- [Chris] Check, check, king on the turn.

- [Joe] Not the paint Bowker was looking for.

Fours are holding.

- [Chris] Check, check river.

Come on one more card.

A three comes on the river.

- [Joe] The fours squeak in.

Triple up with pocket fours.

- [Chris] Yeah look at that!

- [Joe] David Baker not acting nearly surprised enough

that fours held up.

David ODB Baker with a well timed triple up there.

Avoids being felted.

And now actually looking at a very small,

but much welcomed profit.

Welcome back to Poker Night in America.

Here at Choctaw Resort and Casino.

That is a wrap on this lineup.

Let's take a look at the final count.

Douglas Lorgeree wins the losers bracket.

Dusting off 20 grand.

Kane Kalas finishes down eleven five.

Mike Ross ends up in the hole about 7k.

And Bart Hanson is out about 5 grand.

Kyle Bowker is our big winner,

but you wouldn't know it from that dead-eyed appearance.

He will take home nearly 32 grand.

Bobby Greeson finishes up over ten thousand.

Our other winners or as I like to call them, not losers,

finish not losing their stack, plus about 1,000.

Next time on Poker Night, new line up, who this?

We got Alec Torelli and Esther "E-Tay" Taylor.

As well as Mac Clance, but he's always here.

He's the Jeffry Ross of Poker Night.

Who else we got?

Gavin Smith will be here, Chan Pelton.

He's allowed to play here and he loves Choctaw,

as do we here on Poker Night in America.

- [Chris] If you want more Poker night,

you can find us on social media,

including Twitch and Youtube,

where you can find full episodes, livestreams,

and exclusive content.

Also, don't forget to download the new free poker app.

You and your friends can have your very own poker night

as well as a chance to win a seat in our show.

Search for us in your app store and download it today.

From everyone here at Poker Night in America,

I'm Chris Hanson, he's Joe Stapleton,

and thanks for watching.

I have 200 and over.

Can I say the answer?

Yeah. 73.

How many did he have, like 1,200?

Yeah probably. I would have guessed,

I would have gone for 1,200.

Let's ask someone else cause I'm just

insulting these people right now.

No it's awesome.

I'm just insulting everyone.

Poker Night is brought to you by Kimo Sabe Mezcal

and Sit & Go 2.0.

For more infomation >> Kyle Bowker DOMINATES This $25/$50 Cash Game! | S5 E34 Poker Night in America - Duration: 21:29.


Remembering the 1968 World Games - Duration: 2:12.

In ancient Rome the gladiators went into the arena

With these words on their lips

Let me win

But if I cannot win let me be brave the attempt

When Marty was selected to go to the world games in 1968, which as you know were the first games,

We were excited about him going

But we had no idea

What it was going to lead to what happened. When Marty got there, he was supposed to compete in swimming

and he got sick and

Had to stay in his hotel room when the competition was over. There was a big banquet held

And Mrs. Shriver of course was at the banquet


Mrs. Shriver walked over to the table where Marty was sitting. He was well enough then to attend a banquet

Well, so she had him stand up

and she placed a

1968 Special Olympics gold medal around his neck

for being

there and

the fact that he had worked so hard and

Prepared so much to be there that he was a hero for doing that and so she gave him the gold now

And truly, I mean absolutely truly,

Changed his life. As a family member. It was fascinating

To see how Special Olympics grew and to know that


grew with the organization. In the next 50 years I

Would like to see of course could especially we continue to grow

For more infomation >> Remembering the 1968 World Games - Duration: 2:12.


Elvis Presley is drafted into the US Army - 12/20/1957 - Duration: 0:52.

Today in military history, 1957,

the King of Rock and Roll is drafted into the US Army.

After one deferment to complete the film King Creole,

Elvis Aaron Presley reported for basic training

at Fort Hood on March 24th, 1958, where he was assigned

to the 2nd Armored Division's Hell on Wheels unit.

His induction was a major event

that attracted fans and media attention.

After basic, Presley sailed to Europe

aboard the USS General Randall

to serve with the 3rd Armored Division

in Friedberg, Germany.

By March 1960,

Sergeant Presley finished his military commitment

and received an honorable discharge from active duty.

Reflecting on his service,

Presley once told Armed Forces Radio and Television

that he was determined to go to any limits

to prove himself, and he did,

though his career as an artist was never too far from reach.

Shortly after returning to the United States,

he shot the film GI Blues, a musical comedy

where Presley played a tank crewman with a singing career.

(sustained guitar tones)

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