Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 20 2017

CRINGE Warning

For more infomation >> Unturned Royale Season 3 Trailer - Duration: 1:16.


Get To Know iFit Trainer Tanya Poppet - Duration: 1:01.

My name is Tanya Poppet. I'm from Australia about two hours south from

Sydney on the coast, on the beach. The Fusion CST is effective, it's

efficient, you can get a great full body workout and it's just so dynamic.

I love combining two different moves to get a nice cardio-resistance fusion so

I'm all about pumping that heart rate and getting those muscles burning. If

someone was lacking motivation I'd probably say that every step you take is

a step forward. Find something that's maintainable so there's no point going

all guns blazing and then burning out. Take the little steps and keep going. My

spirit animal ... I'd like to say something like a wolf or something elegant like a

deer, but he is totally a duck or a goose. I didn't actually know that I was one of

the questions.

For more infomation >> Get To Know iFit Trainer Tanya Poppet - Duration: 1:01.


❌ KinjaBang ❌ | ANIMATION MEME - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> ❌ KinjaBang ❌ | ANIMATION MEME - Duration: 0:39.


How To Exit The Social Media Matrix - Duration: 8:09.

How To Exit The Social Media Matrix

by Aubrie Yerdon,

The internet is one of the biggest blessings we have received on Earth in recent memory.

It allows us to connect to people from all over the world, to branch out and learn things

that would normally be inaccessible to us in our locale.

However, I notice that logging into social media accounts is so distracting, that hours

can be lost without notice.

Why is this?

The Problem Let me start this article with a personal

situation that you may resonate with.

I am heavily reliant on the internet in my day to day life.

I use it to keep up with friends and family, to share information on my blog site, and

to stay updated with ongoings in the spiritual community.

This is exactly what the internet was created to do; however, I noticed a not-so-new trend

picking up in my life recently.

I log onto Facebook, intending to just update my business page and check in on my group

members, and end up scrolling mindlessly.

The mindless scrolling doesn�t last for just for a few minutes though- it easily turns

into hours!

Suddenly I�ll look at the clock, assuming that maybe 10-20 minutes have passed, and

it�s been more than an hour.

And in this hour, I have done nothing I meant to do!

I�m not the only one who does this.

I see my friends and family doing the same exact thing.

We become bored, pick up our phones or the T.V. remote, and tune in to silly memes and

pointless television show dramas.

We post about things that really don�t matter, adding to the mindlessness in peoples� news


When you don�t, people unfriend and unfollow you, seemingly annoyed that you aren�t adding

to their empty distraction.

What�s Going On?

The problem is that the internet, especially social media, is another outlet for mind control

by the low vibrational beings that are currently in control of Earth.

It is easily accessible, both for us and for them.

So in between updates in our friends� real lives, we see empty ads and asinine videos

that do nothing other than promote an airheaded, materialistic lifestyle to distract us from

the collective and our life missions.

I have also noticed, especially recently, that plugging into social media immediately

wipes all previous thought and intention.

People are signing on with the intention to just quickly get some work done or check on

their friends and end up, hours later, watching videos about people eating their shoes or

reading an article about cooking pheasant.

It is my conclusion that a very low vibrational energy has been connected into the internet,

specifically sharing platforms, to draw unknowing people in and keep them there.

This keeps people mindless, makes them forget all that they may have learned previously,

and draws them into an empty-headed and subservient existence.

A Multi-Faceted Attack This low vibrational matrix manipulates the

ego, first by cutting your self-worth down by highlighting your lack of material items

and acquaintances.

It makes you feel poor and unpopular, unliked and therefore worthless.

Next, it shows you that to attain these materials, you must attain money.

Attaining a high amount of money requires you to become a corporate slave, up to your

shoulders in student loan and credit card debt.

You have to continue working to barely stay afloat, and to keep up the appearance of having

it all figured out.

Then, to attain popularity, you must both lack true personality and self-control, as

do the people you choose to make yourself popular among.

Drinking to excess, the use of pharmaceuticals, skipping meals and sleep in favor of �getting

lit� leaves your mind foggy and your body in disrepair.

It also leaves you a prime target for implants and attachments.

But while you�re inebriated, wearing a new brand name suit that you charged credit, surrounded

by fake people pretending to care, you can take pictures to add a filter to and post

to your social platforms, effectively making it look like you are at the top of your game.

But when you go home at night and look in the mirror, what do you see?

Does it make you happy?

The other part of this is the seeming addiction to the news feeds and the posts by fake people

about non-essential information.

What I have perceived is a literal mind wipe, accompanied by the feeling that if my social

medias aren�t open on my desktop, I am missing something essential.

Even though I have completed my marketing for the day and chatted with those I resonated

with, I still feel incomplete without at least two social media platforms open at a time.

It is truly an energetic pull to get and remain online, at any cost.

The low vibrational matrix pulls us in, wipes our minds, and fills it with tidbits of information

that are quite useless.

Is what Beyonce�s dog ate for dinner yesterday really that important to the collective?

I err on the side of not so much.

And yet, do I stop scrolling to read the headline, and maybe even click the article out of curiosity?

Most likely.

A few more rounds of this, and I�ve effectively lost an hour of time doing essentially nothing.

What Can You Do To Overcome This Firstly, you have to admit to yourself there

is a problem.

Sometimes we don�t recognize how much time is spent on our phones or computers.

That�s totally okay� you can work to be more mindful of this now!

Try writing down what time you log on to your social platforms, or set the stopwatch on

your phone.

Go about your normal scrolling.

When you�re done, stop the stopwatch or record what time you ended at.

How long was it?

Next, now that you�ve identified how much time you�re spending online, you can attempt

to limit it.

Decide what things you MUST do online, such as marketing or sharing life events with friends.

Where do you share?

What things do you want to see while you�re connected?

Write these things down and schedule out how much time you want to dedicate to this.

You can also allot time to scrolling if you wish, as we do find considerable amounts of

information in this way; consider setting an alarm to keep you from overdoing and accidentally

getting caught in the matrix again.

You may also want to consider setting up protections for your computer and phone.

There are many ways to go about doing this..

My preference is to create protective sigils specifically for my computer and craft energetic

barriers to buffer the negative pull; however, do whatever resonates with you.

Finally, when it seems the hardest to walk away from the screen is when you need to the


Dedicate yourself to other activities away from your phone, computer, and tablet; meditation,

art, music, time in nature, and even washing your dishes is so much more fulfilling when

it�s just you and your work.

These and so many other activities serve to reconnect you to yourself, to the collective,

and to Higher Consciousness.

Connecting to all that you are, all that I am, all we are, all that everything is, the

Highest Consciousness that is our Source, is of the utmost importance and will guide

us on our path to saving Earth and helping Her ascend.

We can�t connect when our minds are being wiped and energy drained via the internet.

Take time to be mindful today!

For more infomation >> How To Exit The Social Media Matrix - Duration: 8:09.


জেনে নিন কুষ্টিয়া জেলার নামকরণের ইতিহাস ও পূর্ণ রহস্যের ১ম পর্ব || History of Kushtia District - Duration: 4:13.

start now

For more infomation >> জেনে নিন কুষ্টিয়া জেলার নামকরণের ইতিহাস ও পূর্ণ রহস্যের ১ম পর্ব || History of Kushtia District - Duration: 4:13.


Here Are Nostradamus' Spine Chilling Predictions for 2018 - Duration: 4:48.

Here Are Nostradamus� Spine-Chilling Predictions for 2018

In 1555 in France, Nostradamus began to write a series of mysterious verses, full of strange


Now it is claimed that these were astonishing predictions of future events on Earth.

Predicting cataclysms and disasters hundreds of years before they happened, it is claimed

that Nostradamus predicted the entire world history since his death up to now, and well


According to many, he was nothing more than an intelligent con man who took advantage

of the credulous, while others hail him as the greatest prophet to ever live on Earth.

Michel de N�tre-Dame, popularly known just as �Nostradamus� was an ordinary man who

lived in France.

He was a physician and astrologer who lived during the sixteenth century.

However, there are things that made him different from anyone else.

He had the ability �to see the future.�

Nostradamus would stare into a bowl filled with water and while observing the liquid,

he would �receive� visions of the future.

This is how he foresaw many future events that were proven to be accurate.

Nostradamus wrote his first book, �Les Propheties� in 1555, and publishing companies still print

copies of the book today.

Nostradamus has been credited with predicting everything from the Great Chicago Fire of

1871 and the rise of Hitler in the 1930�s.

He also predicted Sept. 11, 2001, when he wrote: Earthshaking fire from the center of

the Earth Will cause tremors around the New City.

Two great rocks will war for a long time; Then Arethusa will redden a new river.

The man is also credited for predicting the Moon Landing, the assassination of J.F.K.,

and the nuclear bomb.

Nostradamus lived in an extremely difficult era during which seeing into the future was

considered witchcraft.

So, to hide his �skill� or ability to see into the future, he masked his visions

in quatrains�four-line prose poems, in which he hid the future intricately so that you

wouldn�t really understand the quatrain until after the event had occurred.

But what does Nostradamus say about 2018?

According to these reports, Nostradamus saw terrible events happening in 2018 (Although

similar things were said about 2017).

The French prophet allegedly said how the dead will rise from the graves, and Earth

will face changes between nations.

Several natural disasters will shake the world like never before.

The most terrifying predictions can be found in his book Les Propheties in a quatrain that

allegedly describes the coming of the third world war.

Nostradamus wrote how a �Big war� would start: �the big war will start in France

and all Europe will be attacked, it will be long and terrifying for everyone�and then

finally there will be peace but only a few will enjoy it�.

He wrote: �A war will start between the two great world powers and it will last for

a period of 27 years.

A moment of great violence will coincide with the appearance of a comet in the sky.

A nuclear terrorism and natural catastrophes will destroy our planet until a giant planet

shall approach the earth.�

Nostradamus seemed to have predicted several natural disasters and he predicted the eruption

of Mount Vesuvius.

He said that the earth will shake every five minutes and how the natural disaster would

kill up to 16,000 people.

However, he also seemed to predict natural disaster across the United States.

According to Nostradamus, an earthquake shall concern �particularly the western area of

the United States.

Its power shall be felt in lands throughout the globe.�

The French prophet foresaw great catastrophes that would occur allegedly due to �Global

Warming,� not that he knew what that was hundreds of years ago, but Nostradamus wrote

how �the King will rob the forests� (uncontrolled deforestation?) and that �the sky will open

and the fields will burn up from the heat.�

And while many consider the predictions made by Nostradamus as coincidental or the result

of misinterpretations or bad translations, millions of people around the globe firmly

believe Nostradamus was one of the greatest and most accurate prophets in history.

For more infomation >> Here Are Nostradamus' Spine Chilling Predictions for 2018 - Duration: 4:48.


Top 5 Most Searched Things On Google 2017 - Duration: 3:56.

As you guys may know every year in December google announces the most popular searches

over the past year.

It reminds us of all the major events that have happened and the things that really impacted

our world and that's what were going to be talking about today.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know- What do you think is the craziest – most memorable

-or most exciting thing that's happened in 2017.

Let me know your answers down in the comment.

One last thing before we get started I just want to remind all of you to please subscribe

to our awesome channel- we bring you guys videos 6 days a week.

Don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up and let me know down in the comments what

other top 5 lists you like to see me do.

Alright without further a due lets get started on our list of the top 5 most searched things

on google 2017.

--Starting off in our number 5 spot- Meghan Markle-oh Meghan markle- imagine one day your

just doing your thing- playing a character on a popular tv show- and the next youre engaged

to a prince.

What a life.

Meghan is most likely on this list because she and prince Harry recently announced their


So lets ,learn about how they got there.

As you know Meghan and prince Harry met in London through mutual friends in July of 2016.

Then in October they were beginning to be seen out on the town together.

In November Harry confirmed that they were officially dating.

In January Meghan was introduced to the family.

In September Meghan et the queen.

And then as we know on November 27th the couple announced their engagement.

The couple is said to be getting married on May 19th 2018.

Very exciting.

--In at number 4- Matt Lauer-Matt lauer was an American television journalist.

And hosted the today show from 1997 to 2017.

NBC fired Matt after an employee filed a complaint about inappropriate sexual behaviour in the


As if this wasn't shocking enough- after it happened NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack

released this statement- While it is the first complaint about his behaviour in the over

20 years hes been at NBC News- we were also presented with reason to believe this may

not have been an isolated incident.

The attorney for the woman whose accusation of inappropriate sexual behaviour is terrified

and living in constant fear of being tracked down.

Theres basically a hunt underway to find out who she is.

--At number 3- iPhone X-Ooh yes the iPhone X.

The newest iPhone was announced on September 12th 2017 alongside with the iPhone 8 and

iPhone 8 plus.

It was released n November 3rd and you would think everyone went out to purchase one.

The first month of sales were much lower then expected.

But with Christmas right around the corner the company was expecting to them to be selling

out but that hasn't been the case.

But lets learn a little bit more about this phone- its all screen- it has a 5.8 inch super

retina screen- the display employs new techniques and technology to precisely follow the curves

of the design- all the way to the elegantly rounded corners- the cameras and sensors enable

face ID- it has the most durable glass ever in a smartphone- has wireless charging and

its water and dust resistant.

--Coming in at our number 2 spot- iPhone 8-as I mentioned these phones were announced along

with the iPhone X on September 12th of t his year.

Besides the addition of a glass back the designs of the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus are largely similar

to that of the previous models.

But some of the notable changes include the addition of wireless charging- a faster processor-

and improved camera displays.

This phone does share most of the internal hardware with the iPhone X.

--And in at number 1- Hurricane Irma-You all remember what devastation this hurricane caused.

It was an extremely powerful hurricane – In terms of maximum sustained winds it was said

to be the strongest observed in the Atlantic since 2005 when Wilma hit.

It the first recorded category 5 hurricane to strike the leeward island.

It impacted several islands in the Caribbean Sea and Florida.

The storm stretched 650 miles from east to west.

It hit between August 30th and September 11th.

It caused 100 billion dollars in damages- making it the 4th costliest tropical cyclone

on record.

And it killed a total of 134 people.

It turned streets into rivers- ripped down power lines- up rooted trees and cut off costal


Irma began as a weak wave of low pressure accompanied by disorganized showers and thunderstorms

which emerged off the west African coast on August 27th.

Then Irma formed into a tropical storm in the far Eastern Atlantic Ocean on the morning

of August 30th.

It was a truly heart breaking thing to have happen.

And now things are just trying to be restored.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 most searched things on google 2017.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Most Searched Things On Google 2017 - Duration: 3:56.


Biggest Surprise Ever!! - Roman Atwood's Day Dreams (Ep 6) - Duration: 24:20.

For more infomation >> Biggest Surprise Ever!! - Roman Atwood's Day Dreams (Ep 6) - Duration: 24:20.


NY Times columnist praises Trump for winning against ISIS, hits - Duration: 1:55.

NY Times columnist praises Trump for winning against ISIS, hits media for not giving credit

A conservative New York Times columnist on Sunday wrote a piece on President Trump�s

successful approach at taking on the Islamic State and how his strategy has gone unnoticed

by the media.

Ross Douthat, who previously endorsed Hillary Clinton, wrote that the Trump administration

surprised him in foreign policy, namely in the war on ISIS that Trump has won.

�If you had told me in late 2016 that almost a year into the Trump era the caliphate would

be all-but-beaten without something far worse happening in the Middle East, I would have

been surprised and gratified,� Douthat wrote in an column titled �A War Trump Won.�

Douthat wrote that Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq � which he calls �the

defining foreign policy calamity of Barack Obama�s second term� � were effectively

routed by Trump without the need of a massive ground troop invasion and without getting

into a war with Russia or Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Douthat wrote that it is a �press failure� for succumbing to �the narrative of Trumpian

disaster� and ignoring the story.

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