Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 20 2017

Alright recruits. Last day of training.


Check in.


BLUE THREE standing by.

BLUE FOUR standing by.

BLUE FIVE standing by.

Oh and uh, quick question-

Is today pass/fail?

BLUE FIVE it's always been pass/fail.

Screw up and it's back to Y-WING cleaning duty.


those things smell like a DAGOBAH swamp fart.

Ugh, those things smell like a RANCOR'S armpit.

Those things smell like burnt TAUNTAUN hair.

Yeah those things smell like...

Ah just skip me I'll think of something eventually.


Everyone, apologize to FRENGK.




BLUE TWO send out the coordinates and lets head into HYPERSPACE.

Roger that, BLUE LEADER.

Uh guys...

I think I'm lost.

<i>AW SNAP!</i>



Come on guys, you know this. It's my catchphrase-

for my series of increasingly clever pranks against BLUE FIVE.

So you got BLUE FIVE lost on purpose?


And then made up a dumb name for it?

And not only did I give her the wrong coordinates-

but I also replaced her ASTROMECH with a refurbished DROID.

Oh. Thatexplains the screeching.


It's okay. I still wuv you TR-5H.

BLUE FIVE where are you?

Uh there's a big red star...

...and a TRIANGLE.


BLUE TWO. Send her those coordinates IMMEDIATELY!


<i>But first.</i> <i>Real quick survey</i> <i>of the squadron-</i>

How awesome was this prank, huh?

<i>Classic STAR-SNAP!</i>

<i>NOW, BLUE TWO!</i>

BLUE LEADER I would just like to commend the squad on-

not clogging up the comm with chorts and cackles

at my unbelievable STAR-SNAP.

Great work guys.


Seriously. Great prank BLUE TWO.


You know, I like to think that pranks like these help us grow as a team.

Uh, agreed but can you hurry up?!

Oh no, no, no, no, no!

Come on, come on, come on TR-5H!

<i>Welcome back BLUE FIVE.</i>

Just you wait BLUE TWO.

Me and TR-5H are gonna set you straight one-

They followed me didn't they?


Is this part of the test?

BLUE LEADER Nope. No. This is bad.

This is really happening.

What are we gonna do?!

Like I said. It's always been pass/fail.

BLUE SQUADRON, lock S-FOILS in attack position.

BLUE THREE Oh god I hope they kill me last.

BLUE THREE I've got one on my tail!


Uh, my weapons are locked.



Oh, haha. For real?

If we get out of this your'e on permanent cleaning duty.

Oh what? Oh, come on!

I turned her weapon systems off. It's funny!

What's the harm in a litle prank?

I'm hit!

We're all gonna die!


You always were my best friend BLUE TWO.

Hold on guys...

I thought we made it very clear that there wasn't gonna be

any kind of friendship hierarchy in the squadron.

Look what can I say? I'm the best at being friends. Love it or leave it.

BLUE FOUR I'll be your best friend if you'll just FOCUS!

Great, well I guess the whole no best friends rule is totally off the table then.

BLUE FIVE Uh. A little help here guys.


BLUE LEADER We've got to take out that STAR DESTROYER!

BLUE TWO hit that other SHIELD GENERATOR with everything you've got.

Right. On it.

They're the huge balls on the top of the ship!

I know. I know.

I mean, I would've figured it out eventually.

Thank you.

Almost there.

My controls are fried!

BLUE FOUR Your headed straight for that STAR DESTROYER!

Pull up!

I'm going down.

Remember me as the greatest prankster.

BLUE FIVE Not so fast, BLUE TWO.

No one's dying on my watch.

Yeah except for BLUE THREE. He just died.

I'll always be your only bestie BLUE THREE.


BLUE LEADER BLUE FIVE what are you doing?



BLUE LEADER Yeah! (laughter)

Great save BLUE FIVE.

BLUE FIVE I did not think that was gonna work!

BLUE TWO <i>And great shot BLUE TWO.</i>

BLUE LEADER Yeah and great shot BLUE TWO

Now lets finish this.




Guess what pal?

You just got X-ed!

BLUE FIVE It's a new catcphrase I just came up with.

You know 'cause we're in X-WINGS.

Uh, quick survey of the squad-

How dumb was that catchphrase?

Oh well X-cuse-

Ugh! Stop.

<i>He's not gonna' stop is he?</i>


Alright squad let's head back to base.

And BLUE TWO I was not kidding about permanent cleaning duty.

Oh, what?

But those things smell like a-



Uh guys...

...I uh...

...kinda can't jump without my ASTROMECH.


For more infomation >> The Lost Starfighter - Star Wars Fan Film - Duration: 8:25.


"DJ" - Star Wars: The Last Jedi Lore #2 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> "DJ" - Star Wars: The Last Jedi Lore #2 - Duration: 3:00.


Pregação sobre Jesus e a mulher siro-fenícia: Oração de intercessão na Bíblia | Nivaldo Nassiff - Duration: 39:16.

For more infomation >> Pregação sobre Jesus e a mulher siro-fenícia: Oração de intercessão na Bíblia | Nivaldo Nassiff - Duration: 39:16.


Dry Humping | Crashing | Season 1 (2017) | HBO - Duration: 2:03.

True story. I lost my virginity to a Brazilian hooker

in the back of my father's handicapped van.

No lie. It was in the parking lot of a diner.

-SARAH: Sounds so right. -STEVE: I miss her.

I actually miss her. Pete, have you--

have you lost your virginity yet?

I have had sex with a woman. My wife.

-STEVE: Oh, your wife? -On our wedding night.

That's when I lost my virginity.

-Your wedding night? You waited. -Yeah, I wa--

Yes, it's in the Bible not to have sex before marriage.

It is?

PETE: So, we would like dry-hump, and...

Oh my God, I miss dry-humping.

STEVE: Me too. I miss the third grade.

Dry-humping's romantic. It's like a friction-based come.

STEVE: (LAUGHING) That's nice.

Well, if you love dry-humping, you-- you'll be happy to know

that it's very big in the Christian community.

-Well into you late twenties. -SARAH: Oh, my God.

When I was six and seven, I was, uh... so slutty

-with the furniture in my house. -(STEVE LAUGHS)

I was like, I-- I felt guilty.

I thought it was like cheating with the corner of my bed

-with the corner of the couch. -(ALL LAUGHING)

I'm just saying,

we were very "wait-till-marriage" people.

-And-- And so-- -But that's just a loophole.

If you're not supposed to have sex,

and then you're just, like, grinding

-and creaming your jeans... -STEVE: Really, yeah.

SARAH: And you think you're tricking God?

"You better be coming in your pants...

-STEVE: Yeah. -...and not having sex.

-That is how absurd it is. -SARAH: That's important to me."

STEVE: Think about it.

Sex is like a special thing when you wait

and you've only done it with that person.

-I don't-- (CHUCKLES) -You didn't have oral sex

-before marriage? -PETE: Well, one time.

But that's when I knew we were gonna get married.

-Right. -She...

-gave me a blowjob... -STEVE: Oh, great!

...and instead of enjoying it, I swear, I was like...

"Maybe August."

-(GROANS) Maybe August for what? -Like, I was planning...

-That's so romantic. -PETE: To get married!

-Because I knew I was only-- -Oh! You were thinking

about centerpieces while you were getting a blowjob?

Yes! It was like an engagement blowjob.

Y'know what's a great blowjob?

A divorce blowjob. That's a great blowjob.

-Really? Yeah, well I-- -'Cause it's not from your wife.


For more infomation >> Dry Humping | Crashing | Season 1 (2017) | HBO - Duration: 2:03.



Hey guys, it's Missy welcome back day. We are on day four of our holiday treat lineup so far

We've made an Alf on the Shelf cake

Reindeer candy cane pops in a Grinch pull apart-er cupcake cake this time. We are going to be making these super easy

Rudolph chocolate apples

This video was also a collaboration with the always bubbly and talented Victoria from Victoria's creations

She has created this cheerful and fun that snowman pull apart cupcake cake and lastly before we get started

We are hosting a giveaway

I started this giveaway a couple days ago with my wrench pull apart cupcake cake and this is to celebrate the milestone

of hitting

5,000 subscribers

That is so incredible guys because last year at this time we were celebrating

500 subscribers you guys are amazing and I love you so so much and I have been loving all of the comments so far

I love the ideas the traditions. I love the family time some of your comments

I may actually start doing myself because they sound so fun and so

Great to do with family so keep them coming the giveaway prize is this

$25 Amazon gift card wrapped in this polka dot craft paper and tied up with little jingle bells

I will put all of the rules and the details down in the description box so make sure you check that out before you enter

And so without further ado, let's get started with this tutorial

To start off we are going to remove the stem to our apples and then push an apple stick into the top with the pointy

side facing the apples

Once all of your apples are ready. It's time to melt your chocolate candy melts

Set your Apple in the center of your bowl and spoon the candy melts over the Apple, and then turn it on its side to

coat evenly

Place that on your wax paper to harden and finish dipping the rest of your apples

Once your apples are pardoned

We're going to attach these gumballs

And large candy ice at the front of the apples using some candy melts if you would prefer not to use gumballs you can always

Use red mms or cinnamon candies or anything that you would prefer

Now grab your pipe cleaners and wrap one around the top of your Apple

And then just sort of shape it and mold it to your liking

there's no right or wrong way to do this here just up on with it I

Love how these turned out even though they're not real chocolate

They are chocolatey tasting and since they are candy melts

They are super easy to work with

For melting dipping and decorating your apples with also don't forget to check out my friend Victoria from victoria's

creations to see how she created this fun and cheerful snowman pull apart cupcake cake he is so cute I

Will leave all of her links down in the description box so go check her out subscribe and show her some love

Finally if you want to enter my giveaway all the details will be down in the description box

I love you guys, and I will see you next time when we make another holiday treat together. Bye bye guys



Unturned Royale Season 3 Trailer - Duration: 1:16.

CRINGE Warning

For more infomation >> Unturned Royale Season 3 Trailer - Duration: 1:16.


Get To Know iFit Trainer Tanya Poppet - Duration: 1:01.

My name is Tanya Poppet. I'm from Australia about two hours south from

Sydney on the coast, on the beach. The Fusion CST is effective, it's

efficient, you can get a great full body workout and it's just so dynamic.

I love combining two different moves to get a nice cardio-resistance fusion so

I'm all about pumping that heart rate and getting those muscles burning. If

someone was lacking motivation I'd probably say that every step you take is

a step forward. Find something that's maintainable so there's no point going

all guns blazing and then burning out. Take the little steps and keep going. My

spirit animal ... I'd like to say something like a wolf or something elegant like a

deer, but he is totally a duck or a goose. I didn't actually know that I was one of

the questions.

For more infomation >> Get To Know iFit Trainer Tanya Poppet - Duration: 1:01.


❌ KinjaBang ❌ | ANIMATION MEME - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> ❌ KinjaBang ❌ | ANIMATION MEME - Duration: 0:39.


Top 10 Black Bolt Suprising Facts - Duration: 5:42.


Welcome back nerd squad, my name is Roya Destroyaa and this is Top 10 Nerd.

The king of the Inhumans, Blackagar Boltagon, debuted in 1965.

He, alongside the rest of the inhumans, never quite received the recognition other Marvel

creations did, but Black Bolt is a cool concept of a character who deserves a few minutes

of your time.

So letÕs take a look at the top 10 BLACKBOLT SURPRISING FACTS.


Oops, sorry ma, sorry pa.

In one story of the 70s, Blackbolt made an attempt to stop an alien Kree vessel from

escaping, and used his quasi-sonic scream to do the job.

Wll, it worked; he knocked down the ship, but it crash-landed into the council of genetics

parliament, killing a bunch of important Inhumans.

Including BlackboltÕs mom and dad.

You had one job dude.

Anyway, I guess it worked out for him because he got to take the inhuman throne as king,

but felt perhaps a tad guilty?

Coming in at number 9, HE DROVE HIS BROTHER INSANE.

My parents would argue I do the same with my own brother, but at least not to this extent.

In the same blow that ultimately killed his parents, Blackbolt also really did a number

on another family member, his own brother Maximus.

Because Maximus was so close to Blackbolt when Bolt unleashed his lethal voice, the

reverb addled his brain around and drove him insane.

They donÕt call him Maximus the mad for nothing.

And if he was evil before, now he was just plain crazy.

And still evil.

And a little angry.

Next, at number 8, HE CAN FLY.

We are well aware of BoltÕs main power, but heÕs got some other cool powers worth mentioning.

He is also equipped with a superhuman physique of strength and endurance.

He is resistant to telepathy.

And he can fly!

If this seems random, itÕs actually due to the physics of his powers.

His whole thing is that he can control ambient electrons, so he can focus them to project

powerful screams.

Or to propel him through the air at speeds of 500 miles an hour.

In the number 7 spot, HE IS AN ILLUMINATI MEMBER.

Illuminati confirmed Except not really.

The illuminati in Marvel comics is much different than the triangle-bearing group that we are

familiar with.

Instead, they are a superhero group that formed after the Kree-Skrull war, determined to not

let any other wars develop.

Members have included Reed Richards, Tony Stark, and Black Bolt.

Who took par tin the decision to send Hulk into space, leading to the planet hulk story.

And one very pissed off Hulk.

Coming in at number 6, HE IS GREAT AT MOVING THINGS.

And by things, I mean the capital of the Inhumans, Attilan (at-i-lan).

Attilan used to be located on Earth, in the Himalayas to be specific, but becaue the Inhumans

are so sensitive to pollution, they realized it was time to find some fresh air that hadnÕt

been tainted by humans.

So where else to go but the moon of course?

Lots ofÉ air there.

They do conveniently find a pocket of atmosphere, and Blackbolt used his voice of course, to

make the move a success.

Just everyday comic feats.

And apparently, there were no words to describe the sound that came out of that man.

Next up, at number 5, HE OWNED A CLUB.

ThereÕs a lot of bartending undercover superheroes, but not a lot of bar-owning ones.

Black Bolt, however, was the proud owner of the quiet room, which was a club he opened

up when he took a leave of absence from being king for a while.

The club served as neutral ground for different members of Battleworld, where people could

gather and not have to worry about meeting any trouble.

If there was trouble, Black Bolt saw to it that it left the building.

ThatÕs not to say some people didnÕt try.

Up next at number 4, HE LIVED IN A SOUNDPROOF ROOM UNTIL 18.

And you thought your parents were bad because they would ground you and not let you leave

the house for a week; the poor guy wasnÕt even allowed to leave his room for years!

When it became apparent at a very early age that he was going to be a problem, Bolt was

placed inside a sound-proofed room.

There, he was given a power suit and taught to control his abilities.

He was finally released at the age of 19 when he was responsible enough to integrate into


Too bad we canÕt do this with actual children.


Not only does maximus want the throne from Blackbolt, he also wants his wife.

For years, Maximus has fostered a longing for the Queen.

They two even shared a kiss in the Silent War storyline, although it was more so Medusa

being controlled by MaximusÕ telepathic powers rather than actual attraction.

And poor Blackbolt had to watch.

But it gets more disturbing, which we will return to later!


When Medusa became pregnant with Ahura (a-hoo-ra), she was strongly encouraged to terminate the

pregnancy, at the risk of carrying on MaximusÕ insanity and black BoltÕs frightening powers.

She went ahead and gave birth anyway, and then the kid was taken from them by the genetic

council for examination, with forbidden contact.

It turns out they took him so they could use Ahura in a plot against Bolt.

So much for trusty council.

And finally, in the number 1 spot, HE IS MARRIED TO HIS COUSIN.

Yes, this is the disturbing thing.

Both Black bolt and Maximus have gone totally game of thrones for Medusa.

She is, in fact, their second cousin, which I guess could be worse, but still icky to

think about at the same time.

We do have to remember that royalty often does inbreed with other royalty to maintain

pristine bloodlines.

Looks like the Inhumans arenÕt above a little incest to keep the family name.

So those were the top 10 FACTS ABOUT BLACKBOLT.

Let me know in the comment section down below WHO YOU WANT FACTS ON NEXT.

My name is Roya Destroyaa, thanks for watching, and donÕt forget to subscribe so you never

miss another nerdy list!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Black Bolt Suprising Facts - Duration: 5:42.


Elif Episode 628 - Ending Scene (English subtitles) - Duration: 6:19.

Where might she be?

The convenient store isn't that far!

She'll be here in a minute.

She's probably busy playing with her friends.

There she is!


My daughter?

She's so into playing, she doesn't even hear me!



Oh, you're not Elif, no, you're not!

What are you doing?

Get your hands off my daughter!

I-I-I didn't do anything!

Don't you ever touch my girl.

Look, I didn't do anything, no harm-

How do you dare touch my daughter?

I thought she looked like my... Elif...

They let people like you hang around this neighbourhood. God help us!

-I intended no harm! I didn't do anything! -Stay away, don't come close!

I thought she was my daughter!

Stay away from my daughter!

My girl, my dear, did she do anything to you?

Don't be afraid, say it.

I-I didn't do a thing!

Don't show up around here anymore! If I see you ever again, I'll call the cops.

I really didn't have any bad intentions.

Come on, let's go, my dear. I am so upset now!

I mistook her for my daughter!

My Elif...

Mommy, where are you?

Can you push harder mommy?

I can't my dear, you'll fall off.

I won't!

It's been hours and she's still nowhere to be found!

Come on mommy, come here so we can go home!

Uncle Yusuf...

Don't the birds get lost? How do they find their way home?

No, they're never lost.

Whereever they go,

they never leave their home behind.

Uncle Yusuf!

Don't the birds get lost? How do they find their home?

No, they're never lost.

Whereever they go,

they never leave their home behind.


sometimes, the daddy bird leaves home for a far away destination, to provide food for the babies.

But at the end,

he always finds his way home.

If we ever get lost, will you find us, uncle Yusuf?

You answer for this one.

Of course I will.

Whereever you go,

no matter what happens to you, I will.

But then, you'll be under both mine and mom's wings.

You'll always be safe.

They'll find their home!

They'll find their home!

For more infomation >> Elif Episode 628 - Ending Scene (English subtitles) - Duration: 6:19.


How To Remove Wax From Plastic Trim - Chemical Guys Detailing - Chevy Cruze - Duration: 2:20.

Hey guys today we brought in this Chevy Cruze because the owner was waxing it over the weekend

and accidentally got wax on the trim.

Unfortunately this is a common problem with a lot of detailers that are rushing or when

they don't notice that the wax has dried in the pores of the plastic.

These textured plastic surfaces are super absorbent of waxes, oils, dressings and really

anything that can stain giving this white look.

So, we're going to show you how to remove it using the brand new Trim Clean.

This is a wax and oil remover to cut through the natural oils in wax to reveal factory

fresh plastic.

A lot of people think that they can wash it off using water or even alcohol.

The old detailers trick was to use diluted alcohol but that can actually dry out the

surface and using water alone is not very effective.

I'll show you just using DI-water only removes superficial debris but not the embedded wax.

It looks clean or dark but that is only because the surface is rejuvenated with the water

until it dries and goes back to white.

I'll use a clean microfiber towel and spray some Trim Clean onto it, this is to control

over spray.

Now gently working back and forth into the surface to remove grease, body oils, wax,

sealants and anything that built up on the plastic so you now longer have that stained affect.

Since it is also cleaning, you can now apply your favorite dressing and this way it will

bond better which will make it last longer with a deeper, blacker look.

So if you guys want to learn more about this product go to our website

If you like this car or this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and we'll see you next

time right here in the Detail Garage.

For more infomation >> How To Remove Wax From Plastic Trim - Chemical Guys Detailing - Chevy Cruze - Duration: 2:20.


Lena Meyer-Landrut verabschiedet sich emotional in Köln | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Lena Meyer-Landrut verabschiedet sich emotional in Köln | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 3:49.


Wawrzynek. Litografia, Louis Benoit VAN HOUTTE - Duration: 1:30.

Respected lovers of flora - this is Wawrzynek (Daphne L.)

- a type of plant from the family of vaso.

It has about 50 species,

occurring in Central Asia, Europe and North Africa.

The typical species is Daphne laureola L.

His image was developed by Louis Benoit Van Houtte.

This Belgian researcher and gardener was born

June 29, 1810 in Ypres,

and died on May 9, 1876 in Ghent.

He worked, among others for the Botanical Garden in Brussels,

and he signed up in the history of gardening

thanks to the work "Flora of Greenhouses and Gardens of Europe",

created with Lemaire and Scheidweiler.

Huge work presented over 2000 - colorful - engravings with plants

in 23 volumes, published in 1845-1883.

The engravings presented in the antique shop come from around 1880.

and they are beautiful decorative items.

Atticus invites you to the website

to get acquainted with other works by Van Houtte.

For more infomation >> Wawrzynek. Litografia, Louis Benoit VAN HOUTTE - Duration: 1:30.


Kids Draw And Paint Turtle and Squirrel | 3 Coloring Page For Kid's Video TV - Duration: 11:06.

Don't forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND COMMENT Under video to support us.thanks and love you all

Don't forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND COMMENT Under video to support us.thanks and love you all

Don't forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND COMMENT Under video to support us.thanks and love you all

Don't forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND COMMENT Under video to support us.thanks and love you all

Don't forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND COMMENT Under video to support us.thanks and love you all

Don't forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND COMMENT Under video to support us.thanks and love you all

Don't forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND COMMENT Under video to support us.thanks and love you all

For more infomation >> Kids Draw And Paint Turtle and Squirrel | 3 Coloring Page For Kid's Video TV - Duration: 11:06.


Noël en préparation #20 Tino Rossi - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Noël en préparation #20 Tino Rossi - Duration: 2:05.



hey I'm Otter. And I'm Bone Crusher and this is Ott Mountain!

Hey you're at the command center of Ott Mountain and we're gonna be doing

another unboxing of the Cairn subscription box. All Right! This particular box is $29.95

a month and you can go online to and subscribe and

then also fill out a user profile that's specific to your likes and dislikes from

outdoor activities to apparel to four-legged buddies if you have those

guys and it can also be geared towards female or male. Alright it's the

Christmas box! Christmas wrapping. Hey I see a snowman on the wrapper. Oh look at that

You get your Cairn sticker that I like to put on my camping table and of course

the monthly little newsletter that comes along with the products inside. So let's

take a look and see what we have. I already like what I'm seeing. Look at this is called a Luminaid, but it's a solar light I know a little bit

about these guys because I use these all the time...

backpacking and camping and things like that you blow it up it lights up and

it's a solar panel so you don't have to worry about batteries which I hate

carrying batteries with me...and it looks like it's also designed to charge a

phone. So that's kind of cool. I wasn't exactly excited about last month

subscription box right off the bat at least this is a product we do use. Does this

one have colored lights or is it just white? Let's check it out.

It looks like it just has different variations of white this is a kind of

competing brand to what Lumi I use the Lumi (Luci) lights most of the time. Alright so

you can get Lumi and just about anywhere but this looks like it's a of

the things about Cairn they do introduce a lot of up-and-coming products or new

products that you might not see just at any REI or other stores so. And again

these are great because I'll just strap them to the outside of my backpack and

they'll charge while I'm hiking and then I can use them at camp at night so

that's cool I like that I love... I love it love it. The charger is

definitely a plus. Yeah well we'll try it out on our next

trip in and review this for you guys see how it goes. Okay so this is called

Taglit magnetic LED marker. Four bright red LEDs. So it looks like you's

magnetic so it just hooks to you somewhere whether it's your sleeve or

your shirt...and it's just designed to be seen in the dark. Safety first right? Okay

So it's good if you're out running or definitely keep up with each other. I

can't see myself ever taking this out on the trail but...just one extra item you

don't really need. Well if you find yourself stuck hiking at night by accident...

cyclists and runners runners it might be better for, yeah...and then we get we've got

our food product - the Natti Bar which I think I've had some Natti Bars before.

They're pretty good. So this one's 100% natural, non-gmo, gluten-free and banana

flavored. These...the food items that haven't been included in the Cairn boxes

have always been of good quality right but if you tried to buy them online they

tend to be a little bit on the pricey side. So why don't we go ahead and rate

it now. We rate on a 1 to 5 otter scale 5, otters being best. So let's start with

you. I guess as far as your happiness or excitement about this box. Well I think

I'm more excited about this box in the last month's actually because this light

is a great resource for me particularly because I love this camping or

backpacking. I love me some lights! So I'm gonna say five otters for me. And I'm

gonna go ahead and say you know just based on the fact that it's got a decent

quality light I'm gonna say four otters, but nice you know whether or not that

equates to a great dollar value you'll see that in the notes well as

links to all the products you've seen today. Right. I know the Lumi (Luci)lights that

I get costs usually about twenty-five dollars the the kind that light up

various colors, so it's probably a pretty good deal. Ok! But again subscription boxes

are not for everybody. Right. if you want gear if you're big you're a your head

you're gonna go out and get your own gear this is not

for you. This is going to be more for those people who like to have a surprise

every month. What's going to be inside the box every

month? I like the surprise. She likes the surprise

Alright! We appreciate you guys coming along from

the command center at Ott Mountain, I'm Otter. And I'm Bone Crusher! And we'll see you in a box!

For more infomation >> CAIRN SUBSCRIPTION BOX - WITH FROSTY?!? - Duration: 4:50.


Welcome to Shape It Up! - Duration: 1:22.

Hi! Welcome to the Shape It Up channel my name is ...

I am the owner of Shape It Up Fitness.

I am so glad you're here because this channel is all about you!

I will be delivering you fitness tips and content that is gonna help you

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For more infomation >> Welcome to Shape It Up! - Duration: 1:22.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 100 - Duration: 2:27.


For more infomation >> Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 100 - Duration: 2:27.


Winter Junk Journal Flip Through - Duration: 11:09.

Hi guys it's me again with another book that I made. This one I made for myself and I

found these little earrings at Walmart and I thought they would be perfect

charms for my book and they are little snowflakes and then I put a little

purple bead. (peppy upbeat intro music) This is a like a hard cardboard sticker that I put on my cover

and this is fabric. This is a Christmas tree trim and then I put some red and

green little gems on there just to give it a little extra something and I'm

really liking fabric covers. I am just I am giving up on paper covers I really

really like fabric. I got a ribbon tie that goes all the way through underneath here

and yes this is me when I was little in 1966. Weird family Christmas photo. This

is another little gem I learned from Jessica at I'm a cool mom. It's a

waterfall! isn't that awesome? And there's a little

envelope in here with a New Year's prayer. This is an ancient Irish blessing.

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the Sun

Shine warm upon your face. The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet

again may God hold you in the palm of his hand. I just thought that was a

really pretty and then this is a verse about Jesus's birth and welcome to

winter 2017. let's just call it water fall. This is just my opening page. So I thought

was really pretty. Then I have some stuff I wrote about on December 1st. This is

December 2nd and I just thought that was so

cute. My kitty make a great Christmas card

A little tag that I've journaled on. That I made. Some paper. Um this was our disastrous trip to the

winter walk through the zoo. Yes I know. She's getting a little upset with

me because she wants to eat and daddy had to go get her more spaghetti. Our

Christmas lights and the decoration that Bethany made. Another cute kitty photo.

Envelope with a little that's you know. I got to put that in there again! And

that's a coffee died index card. My grand puppy. This is cute. My woodland animal

stamps. And I just journaled on that. And this is my absolute favorite Christmas paper. (In the background, Bethany says: Be done!)

I'm almost done. This is from The Night Before Christmas. Little Golden

Book. Christmas trees that we all made together. (Bethany shouts out: That's Flynn!)

Yes! That is Flynn. Um Bethany's elf! Oh that hair! Oh my gosh! There's Flynn right now.

It was my son's 41st birthday on December 13th. Who is that? Jim. Yeah your

brother Jim. This is just about Jim's birthday. A little journaling card. For our

first Christmas cards I got the mail. This is another (Bethany: Be done now.) different kind of

waterfall. A simpler one where I just journaled about stuff. She's closing the

book on me. My favorite paper. What are you doing? (Bethany: be done!) This is a bunny

from a calendar page. Another little tuck pocket, tuck spot. Envelope with a little

journaling card that I made. This is a side pocket with a tag I made out of and

coffee dyed index card.

Another tag I made out of some paper and this is like a mini library card

holder. Tag from paper. Corner tuck spot. And just puts a little jewels of

snowflakes on there. This is a really pretty tag that I'm very proud of! I love

this tag and it's just made from actually I cut a tag out of a file

folder and distressed it. This side has Christmas paper on it and then this is a

Christmas paper pocket. Here's a page from I think it was Rudolph yeah Rudolph

the red-nosed reindeer. And just plain paper and some plain paper I can clip

something on. I have three signatures in this book so I figured it would have

December and this one is January and this one of course is February. So I'll

go through January real quick and February. But you get the idea. This is a

bag with a little journaling card I made. All these most of these journaling cards are

made from paper. Index card. Christmas card. Another growing spot. Another this

is the larger library card pocket and then I just put this little card

journaling card I made from a book I have. And then another coffee dyed tag

that I made from a file folder. I love this snowman paper

it's like cracked. I don't know if you can tell. It looks like cracked paint. This

looks old. I probably will distress the edges on this at some point. There's a

little corner pocket here. Another bag with a journaling card. This

is the other side of the Christmas card.

Another index card. Coffee dyed index card. Another envelope with... what's in here? ? Oh it's

like coffee died weekly checklist kind of paper. Another envelope with a

journaling card. Receipt, kind of flap there. And what's here? Oh

Frosty the Snowman. Message pad. Coffee dyed. This is coffee died graph paper. And

now we're into February. This will be a lot of hearts in February. I didn't

decorate it too much. I'm learning that it's better to decorate as you go along

than to decorate too much at the beginning because you might not want to

do what you did before change things up. So this is a paper index or not an

index card. A paper tag that I made and I just attached it here and folded it and

then there's like a little upside down pocket here. With a little tiny

card in it so I love this paper too. So that goes like that! Some vintage music

paper. More coffee dyed paper. A bag doesn't have anything in it yet.a tag that I got on

line. This is an envelope with a little journaling card in there another tag

pocket. This is a library card. Library card pocket. Acouple of

doilies. Isn't that pretty? A pocket with an envelope that opens up like this. Put something

special in there. The other half of that envelope. And that has another journaling card in there. I should have Set up

my tripod. It's hard to do with one hand. it's hard to do it with a tripod too!

I find it hard to figure out where to stand.

Oh this is a pocket that I stitched around the sides to look like it was

stitched. This is an index card tag. Well it's not really a tag. Oh, and

then there's a little heart there's a little heart in there too. And oh I guess

that's attached. And a library card pocket at the end.

Thanks so much for watching. I apologize for the crazy camerawork. I'm still kind

of figuring out how to do all this kind of thing and I hope you enjoyed the junk

journal and we'll see you again next time bye!

Thumbs up! Two thumbs up!Alright! That's all folks...again!

For more infomation >> Winter Junk Journal Flip Through - Duration: 11:09.


8 Useful Addons I use in World of Warcraft - Duration: 7:30.

hi guys so in this video I just want to go over a number of add-ons that I use

that some of you may find useful if you don't already use them there are a

mixture of quality-of-life add-ons and add-ons that will help you in dungeon and

raid environments I'm not going to include add-ons like deadly boss mods,

weakauras, tell me when or User Interface add-ons such as ElvUI or bartender 4 as they are

commonly used and well-known add-ons however if you would like a separate

video on these add-ons and how to use them then let me know as they take a bit

more time to explain and setup. links and time stamps to all of the add-ons will be

in the description box below. garrison mission manager this is a

must-have add-on in my opinion as it basically modifies the garrison mission

UI in your class order hall making it much faster and easier to figure out

what combination of followers you should select to make up the most viable party

to maximize your mission rewards. so when I click onto my mission table you will

see that every available mission has a tab to the right with a percentage next

to it. If it shows as 200% this means not only will I fully complete the mission

quest but I will also fully complete the bonus roll quest alongside it. so in

this instance I will receive a seal of broken Fate from the bonus roll this

makes managing your missions so much simpler so it's a very useful add-on to

have. Bagnon is a bag replacement add-on that displays your bags and the bags you

have in your bank as a single window. It really does enable you to find items

quicker instead of looking through each individual bag. You have the standard

search window at the top to search for a particular item which is useful if your

bags are crowded the blue/green button if clicked cleans up your bags and the

bag button simply hides the bag icons below. Bag brother is a really good

add-on that works in conjunction with bagnon, it adds a character icon to the

top left of your bags and it allows you to view all of your

characters inventory, bank, vault and guild bank on any character whilst

playing the character you are on. Also when you hover over an item in your bag

it allows you to see how many of that item you have available on other

characters. In this case if I move my cursor over the stack of silk I have you

can see I have a combined total of two thousand nine hundred and seventeen

pieces of silk between twelve characters this then means if I needed some silk

before heading to the auction house I could quickly check if any of my alts

had any available. So this becomes a very convenient add-on to have available to

you. Now I love this add-on as it adds a sell junk button to the screen whenever

you visit a vendor that you can sell stuff to. When pressed it sells all of

the junk in your bags at once. So I've quickly just ran through a low-level

dungeon and as you can see I have a fair bit of trash if I now just click on to

the sell junk button it vendors twelve items of trash all at once, this is the

default setting in case you want to buy a vended item back, but it can be

removed by unticking the box in the add-ons settings screen, so that all of

the trash in your bags are instantly sold. It will not sell anything of

importance like cloth, herbs or loot it basically just sells any grey items in

your bags. So it's a great way of getting rid of trash from your bags whilst

questing, that's why I recommend it as a must-have add-on. This add-on allows you

to buy more than the stack size of the item all at once, for example if you want

to buy 40 pieces of light parchment I would simply press the shift key and click

the parchment and enter 40 and click ok. If I wanted to buy a stack of light

parchment which stacks up to 200 I would just press the stack button followed by

ok, and if I wanted to buy the maximum amount of light parchment that I could

fit into my bag I would hit the max button followed by ok. However do be

careful not to purchase things in error by using the max button

when you don't mean to this add-on also works with the blood of sargeras vendors

and primal sargerite vendors. The next add-on is called pet battle teams this

add-on is great for people who enjoy doing pet battles or for people like

myself who do the pet battles as part of the daily world quests to help you

obtain your emissary chest. This add-on allows you to see of a lot of time as it

lets you create unlimited teams of pets and quickly switch between them in the

pet journal, this means you can have a team already made up and saved that can

kill the particular pet master you are about two face. For example today on

the broken shore the pet battle available is the nameless mystic. so if I

open up my pet journal you will see I have a number of teams which I have

saved and named after the pet masters I have previously faced, and if I scroll

down you will see I have one called nameless mystic. If I click on to this

team it will automatically equip these pets along with the abilities I used to

beat this master. I can simply then start the fight and know I can beat this boss

with this team setup. This is a very basic add-on that helps you keep track of

your in-game cursor, by showing a star like symbol behind it when you move it

this can be very useful when in Dungeon and raid content when there is a lot going

on on your screen and you may lose track of your cursor by having this add-on

installed you will never lose track of your cursor. Cursor CD timer basically

provides a cast bar and a swing timer that follows your mouse, it can be used

by any class and spec but can be quite useful for healers as it allows you to

know when your spell has finished casting without needing to look away

from who you are healing at that particular moment. As someone who is not

as experienced in the healing classes in WoW I have found this quite useful

myself, that's the reason why I've included it as well, As other people may find

it helpful as well. GTFO provides an audible alert when

you're standing in something you're not supposed to be standing in.

In some cases you will be warned before you start taking damage this

add-on improves your situational awareness and is recommended for people

who do dungeon and raid content. It really is beneficial for players of all

skill levels as even the more seasoned player sometimes needs a reminder to get the (BEEP) out

Anyway guys I hope you found some of these useful thanks for watching

and have a Merry Christmas please comment like share and subscribe and

I'll see you next time

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