Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 20 2017

We're spending Christmas at my parents house, Ben.

Between you and your mother all these decorations are a bit excessive.

One Santa Claus decoration is enough.

*Gasp* First of all, never disrespect the Claus like that, ya Grinch! Second of all

your mom hardly even decorates. It's like asking my entire soul to die on my

favorite part of the year! Don't be dramatic!

What about your creepy Uncle, huh? Don't look at me like I'm stupid. The one that stares at my chest all night?!

Uncle Gary- AH HA! So you do know who I'm talking about. You want to go there?

What about your Aunt that every single f**king time we see her she shares way too much?

Now who's giving the stupid face? Aunt Frannie who feels the need to share how

the guy she took home was extremely pleased with her new Brazilian.

Well, you know what? Your mom's food tastes like sh*t! No, first of all take that back, alright!

You know my mother makes the best Christmas Roast. I'm so sorry that you were

born with no taste buds. Yeah, you're really funny aren't you? You know all the questions I'm gonna

get. When you guys getting engaged when am I getting the grandchild, I mean come on

give me a break! You don't want those things? No- of course I do!

Oh, I love you! Just tell your smelly cousin Doug we'll see him for his

birthday because we're still going to my parents house. Danielle? Danielle, this discussion isn't over.

I'm not going to your family's house.

Happy Birthday baby Jesus, Fa La La La La, a Diamond Ring!

Or a baby...

For more infomation >> Couple Conflict: Where to Spend the Holidays | CoupleThing - Duration: 1:44.


Comment être à l'aise devant la caméra - 5 astuces - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> Comment être à l'aise devant la caméra - 5 astuces - Duration: 8:22.


450 vs 600 RPM Auto Rifles Which Archetype is the BEST? - Duration: 8:38.

With the introduction of the Curse of Osiris DLC we received our first sandbox update.

A bunch of stuff has been changed like increased super damage against bosses in PVE and well

deserved nerfs like the pulse grenades which I think most of us will agree upon.

I won't go through all the changes in this video , you can find a link to the bungie

sandbox update page where you can find all the details of the sandbox changes in the

description below.

In this video I want to focus on how the change has affected the popular 450 RPM auto rifle

archetype , which has the most popular auto rifles in the game like the Uriels gift, origin

story, and the newly added positive outlook and how does it stands now against the 600

rpm archetype.

Before we compare the two archetypes let's have a look at what has been changed.

The latest sandbox update Increased the base damage and reduced the precision modifier

of Precision Auto Rifles, so those are the 450 rpm auto rifles like the uriels gift,

origin story and the positive outlook.

The other auto rifle archetypes remained untouched.

So before the 450 rpm auto rifles will do 23 damage to the head and 16 to the body,

where the optimal time to kill is 1.07 seconds with 8 headshots and 1 body shot and the bodyshot

time to kill is 1.6 seconds with 13 bodyshot.

The headshot damage is now 22 instead of 23 and the bodyshot damage has increased from

16 to 18 making the new optimal time to kill a tat slower from 1.07 to 1.2 seconds with

5 headshots and 5 bodyshots and the bodyshot time to kill is decreased from 1.6 to 1.47

seconds with 12 body shots, whereas before this was 13 bodyshots.

So all in all the 450 rpm auto rifles aren't hit that bad, they need 1 extra bullet to

hit their optimal time to kill but it also needs less headshots for that and they now

need 1 less bullet to get a body shot kill.

So now we have the new time to kill numbers let' s compare them with the 600 rpm auto


So on the left hand side we have the 450 rpm auto rifles like the Uriels Gift , origin

Story and the positive outlook.

We just established the new time to kill numbers, That is 1.2 seconds with 5 headshots and 5

bodyshots and the bodyshot time to kill is 1.5 seconds with 13 bodyshots.

On the Right hand side we have the 600 rpm auto rifles, like the Forward Path, the Ghost

Primus and the Null Calamity 9.

The time to kill has not been changed, this is still 1.1 seconds with 11 headshots and

1 bodyshot, and the bodyshot time to kill is 1.5 seconds with 16 body shots.

So when you look at the numbers the 600 rpm auto rifles now have the fastest time to kill

however you do need to land all 11 headshots and 1 bodyshot to get to the theoretical time

to kill number of 1.1 seconds, but on the other hand the bodyshot time to kill is a

bit slower when you compare it with the 450 rpm auto rifles.

So should you be using a 450 or 600 rpm auto rifle?

It really depends, each archetype has their pro's and cons so let's go over them

The 450 rpm archetype needs less headshots to get to their optimum time to kill.

And as long as you hit your shots you will always kill with 10 to 12 bullets, so that

means the gun is very consistent to use and it is more forgiving since you need less headshots

and less bullets to kill than the 600 rpm counterpart

On top of that all the 450 rpm auto rifles has the precision frame which has the intrinsic

perk counterbalance to make your recoil more manageable, that why these guns are so easy

to use because of this intrinsic perk, This can be even further improved with Counterbalance

mods if you want to.

And generally this archetype has higher range when you compare them with their 600 rpm counterpart.

This archetype also has interesting perks like Kill Clip which grants you 33% extra

bonus damage upon reload after a kill, which is at the making of this video not yet been

introduced on any 600 rpm weapon.

This is why the Positive Outlook is so popular at the moment, with kill clip activated you

only need 7 headshots to kill instead of 10 bullets.

So you can see why the Positive outlook is so dominant at the moment in the crucible.

On the contrary the 450 rpm auto rifles do have a relatively slow reload, slow handling

and a low mag size when you compare it with their 600 rpm counterpart.

As for the 600 RPM archetype it is the other way around.

This has the fastest time to kill of 1.1 seconds when you are accurate with your shots.

You will always kill within 12 to 16 shots and this archetype has more than enough bullets

to do so due to the naturally higher mag size.

The fast reload and high handling of these guns are also a strengths only reserved to

the 600 rpm auto rifles.

On the negative side the effective range is lower than the 450 rpm auto rifles.

And you need to hit your headshots to get to the that optimum time to kill, if you are

not that accurate your time to kill will drastically fall.

And unlike the Precision frame The Adaptive Frame does not have any intrinsic perk , it

does not do anything at all.

So after our analysis, in my opinion the 450 rpm archetype is still very strong.

They are much more forgiving when you miss any headshots but still have a competitive

time to kill, in addition you have the intrinsic counterbalance perk to help you land your

shots and it has higher range as well which is king in the crucible.

So that forms the basis of a strong archetype , and above all the individual guns have interesting

perks that make them really stand out.

Origin Story with Rampage, Uriel's Gift with High Caliber Rounds and Tap the Trigger, and

Positive Outlook with Kill Clip makes the already strong 450 rpm archetype even stronger

with their individual perks.

The 600 RPM auto rifles are more of an high risk high reward archetype , which is more

for the accurate players where you need to hit those headshots in order to reach that

optimum time to kill, the fast handling , high mag size and fast reload makes it optimal

for the slayers among us.

But this archetype is lacking in range and like I said before range is king.

But despite all of this this archetype is a lot of fun to use, and there are great guns

out there like the Iron Banner Forward Path and Scatelock which are both very strong.

But I feel that this sandbox update has come a bit too late , and a lot of players are

now sticking with the 450 rpm guns because they are used to using those and there is

not a lot of incentive in trying out the 600 rpm counterpart.

In my opinion the 600 rpm guns also have a bit of a PR issue, there is no strong outlier

that represents the 600 rpm archetype.

Whereas the 450 rpm archetype have guns like an Uriel's Gift or Positive Outlook which

everyone is talking about and there is no such gun among the 600 rpm archetype.

So to conclude the 450 RPM auto rifles are still very strong especially because of the

higher range, its intrinsic counterbalance perk and the strong individual guns like the

Uriel's Gift and The Positive Outlook.

It did got nerfed a bit with its optimal time to kill but is balanced out with a faster

bodyshot time to kill, if anything it actually made this archetype more consistent.

Whereas the 600 RPM auto rifles have a theoretically faster time to kill but it is much less forgiving

if you miss your headshots.

It is a lot of fun to use, the fast reload, fast handling and high mag size makes it the

perfect bullet hose gun if you are into those.

It is lacking a bit in range which is in my opinion the biggest downside of this archetype

, this puts this archetype in an awkward situation where it can be potentially replaced with

a high range submachine gun like an Antiope-D. My personal preference still goes to the 450

RPM archetype, mostly due to the higher range and guns like the Uriel's Gift and Positive

Outlook which is really hard to ignore in terms of their outstanding stats and perk


I really hope Bungie will introduce a great 600 rpm auto rifle so we can see those more

in the crucible and add more diversity within the game.

But until this has been Swaye thanks for watching, subscribe for more and as always I will see

you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> 450 vs 600 RPM Auto Rifles Which Archetype is the BEST? - Duration: 8:38.


MY BRACES EXPERIENCE! (Tips, Advice, suggestions etc) - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> MY BRACES EXPERIENCE! (Tips, Advice, suggestions etc) - Duration: 11:03.


DIY Crockpot Hot Chocolate | Creamy, Dreamy Christmas Morning Hot Cocoa! CleanCutCouponing - Duration: 3:59.

Hi guys!

It's Natalie from and I am here today to share with you one of my

most favorite recipes and I do this every single Christmas morning.

So let's go!

I am going to show today how I make my super yummy, super comforting crockpot hot chocolate


You are going to want to put this in your crockpot first thing Christmas morning and

your kiddos will love this either while their opening or after they are done opening.

It's like giving your kids a hug in a mug.

Like this.

Oh, I just love you honey.

(Acting ridiculous)

That's what its like and this is the look that the kid is going to have.

(Acting ridiculous again) Laughing...

So if you want to have that reaction you definitely want to try this crockpot.

If you want to have that reaction you definitely want to try this recipe.

So let's jump in and I will show how I make this.

Alright what we have today is a little hot chocolate bar.

My kids love this.

All I've done is put some sprigs.

I put a garland back here of pine I think that is.

Then I stuck this little tiny pick in.

This little, gold, pick which just makes it a little more festive.

Their favorite holiday mugs are right here.

Then we have some marshmallows and we have some candy canes which the kids absolutely

love to put the candy canes din the hot chocolate and some extra sugar because we can never

have enough sugar.

A little, small crockpot here.

They love to drink the hot chocolate while they are opening presents.

So I'm going to show how I make my amazing hot chocolate.

This is so good.

It is so yummy and comforting.

So lets get started.

First off you want to turn the crockpot onto low.

If you frantically woke up Christmas morning you are going to want to turn that baby to


But if you actually have a little bit of time and you have an hour to prep turn it on low

and this will just warm the hot chocolate.

The first ingredient that you are going to need is 6 cups of milk.

Pour that right in.

The next ingredient is a cup and a half of heavy cream.

Pour that right in.

Basically everything is just dump it in and turn your crockpot on.

You are going to need one can of sweetened condensed milk.

Open your can and dump that right in as well.

Now this is a little thick.

So you might want to use a spatula which is what I'm going to do.

So spatual out your sweetened condensed milk so that you get every little, yummy last drop

out of there.

We are going to use 2 cups of milk chocolate chips.

Make they are milk chocolate and not dark.

I mean I guess you could use dark but milk chocolate tastes better.

I'm going to dump them right in.

Lastly one teaspoon of vanilla.

I'm just going to eyeball it.

We love vanilla so I'm probably going to do 2 teaspoons.


You are just occasionally going to take your whisk and whisk it around and this will all

stir up.

But you definitely want to give it a stir in the beginning because your sweetened condensed

milk you don't want that sticking on the bottom.

So that is what its going to look like in the beginning.

That is totally normal.

Again in a half hour this all going to be mixed and then in a full hour this will be

completely heated up and so yummy.

Then your kids can just grab their mug, grab a marshmallow, grab a candy cane.

Easy Peasy!

Completely done.

That is it for this video.

I hope you guys have enjoyed the video and if you did don't forget to hit that subscribe

button down below and ding that notification bell so you are notified every single time

I post a budget saving video because I will help you stay on track and save a ton of money

this holiday season and in the future.

Thank you guys so much for watching and have a great day!

For more infomation >> DIY Crockpot Hot Chocolate | Creamy, Dreamy Christmas Morning Hot Cocoa! CleanCutCouponing - Duration: 3:59.


Criniti's $250 Pizza Challenge w/ Magic Mitch (2 METERS) - Duration: 8:22.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas and Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Very very excited tonight I'm going to

overall win number 490 I'm here with my friend Magic Mitch be sure to check out

his videos if you haven't already, but we are in the Katara area Newcastle, New

South Wales we're at Crinitis, there's locations all over Australia we're at

the Katar one, we're taking on their 2 Meter Long Pizza Challenge! now we've got

one full hour to finish and 2 meters of all this pizza it's broken up each meter

is broken up into three different topping options, I don't know the names

but oh there's a barbecue chicken, there's a vegetarian one, and then

there's more of a kind of a margarita of a little bit more to it. If we lose this

thing's gonna be friggin 250 Australian dollars so we are not going to do that

we've got one hour to finish if we win we'll get the meal free and we will get

basically for a full year, a lot of Criniti's. You ready? Yeah Alright let's

get this challenge started!

All right so I apologize in advance it's a bad setup but Criniti's pretty much is

making us do this I know you're not able to see a whole lot but we're just doing

what we can do but we've got one hour to finish we're going to get it down

Mitch will be working on his and I'll be working on on mine and

then yeah let's see let's get this $250 pizza for free! 1, 2, 3. . . Boom!

12 minutes in - Mitch is over here dominating a lot of is half. I am more

than halfway done with mine, but we are really working it like I said we're 12

minutes and 15 seconds in now it still have plenty of time, over 45 minutes so

let's get eat and get this challenge done!

I think Magic Mitch is actually beating me, but I'll catch up!

Another thing with this challenge is we only allow to use water so no soda or

anything else, but luckily the pizza's really frickin good, going down but I'm

gonna get the rest of the topping this cheese whatever it is into prosciutto,

get it down then I'll get the rest of my slices that's Mitch over here I'll get

him in the end!

Oh, I miss my soda!

thirty minutes and ten seconds we just surpassed the halfway point in the time

limit. Hardly any left so we're definitely gonna get the victory, let's


He's finishing his last few bites

and I'm helping, ha!

37 minutes and 33 seconds it's not the official record for Australia but I

think it is the official record for the two-person challenge here at the Katara

location there were three different pizza topping options that we went with

the variety was great! It really worked well happy with what we did 37 minutes

33 seconds we got the $250 pizza for free and yeah

so by Australia and then I got overall win number 490 and then so thank you to

Crinitis here in Katara in Newcastle, New South Wales! Awesome challenge and thank

you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> Criniti's $250 Pizza Challenge w/ Magic Mitch (2 METERS) - Duration: 8:22.


GVC Minute Challenge: Theresa - Duration: 1:58.

I'm Theresa Gavin and this is my GVC Minute Challenge.

[Ryan] How are you feeling about the GVC Minute Challenge?

[Theresa] Good. I just hope I can think as fast as I talk.

[Ryan] Have you done any special preparing for the GVC Minute Challenge?

[Theresa] No.

I did count my keys on my key chain.

[Ryan] Oh! Well then,


[Ryan] I might ask you that, I might not. I can't tell you.

[Theresa] I just don't want to be last.

[Ryan] How many do you think you're gonna get?

[Theresa] Uh, I don't know...

22. I don't know.

[Ryan] 22?

[Theresa] I don't know.

[Ryan] Okay, we'll see.


Favorite dessert?


How do you like your steak?


Favorite color?


What's your shoe size?


Favorite type of music?


Cake or pie?


Favorite season?

Uh, summer.

How many siblings do you have?


Best Disney movie?


Favorite fast food.


Um... Wendy's.

How do you like your coffee?

Cream and sugar.

Last person who texted you?


Corn or peas?


Do you have any pets?

A cat.

Favorite meat?


What did you have for breakfast?

I haven't.

Favorite movie?

Uh... Notebook!

Eggs or oatmeal?


Favorite holiday?


Favorite school subject?


Dessert of choice?


Least favorite food?


Coffee or tea?

Favorite food?


Pork or chicken?


Okay, I'll take that.

[Ryan] Good job!

[Theresa] It's not good, but it's better than I assumed!

I nominate Monty Alexander.

For more infomation >> GVC Minute Challenge: Theresa - Duration: 1:58.


Motivational Video: PURSUE YOUR DREAMS (2017) - Duration: 5:47.

there is another level the only reason keeps saying there isn't as you feel so

exhausted about where you are but life the universe or God is just testing you

because there is another level if this is good

giant jump to excellence Giants start good poor to good to excellence there's

a level where all your dreams are realized there's a level that you've

always dreamed about it is real it has not gone away but it takes that extra

burst when you think there's nothing left there's no way you've tried

everything ten million times and you keep going it's almost like God is

saying if you keep hitting this wall enough times I will see that you will

not stop that you are filled with that level of determination faith and courage

and then the door opens and you get to that next level but most people don't

know is the next level is just

and it's called out still my wife always says if you want to achieve something

you have to believe you need to believe it to achieve

and Steve would believe something so passionately that any analyst how can I

say was educated it was educated it wasn't just this you know truth just

throw caution to the wind only but he was educated that we could do something

and that ability to get people convinced that this was the right way to go that

was yes scary and and it's so unconventional but this is the right

thing that's what made these discoveries happen these inventions happen because

we all work together he didn't come up with all the ideas but he pushed us all

to come together with the best ideas possible and sort and sift and put him

together to make the best part and you do have to distort reality if you want

to change the reality we're living in and people are like they're so locked

into the everyday that they forget there could be a whole nother thing that

they're not seeing over here and his job was to push us to see these other things

he saw before we did and he would push us to those those unknown areas and go

yes it's scary yes it's risky but we're gonna go after we're gonna make it

happen and that is as much of a skill and as important to Steve as any of his

other tricks maybe the most important I think it's probably more of a

self-imposed rule that growing up I always felt that I

almost had to keep it together all the time to keep a composure all the time to

have all my ducks in a line all the time and as an actor again like with the note

that Warren had given me about letting go you just sometimes are naturally not

going to be in control all the time and I think once I realized that that was a

rule that I was putting on myself and that I could just discard the world like

opens up all of a sudden these more spontaneous magical moments can happen

whether that's in your daily life whether that's at your job I mean even

if when in your relationship with yourself it's something so important to

know that it's okay not to have to be perfect all the time dr. Howard Furman

one of the mentors of dr. Martin Luther King jr. and Albert Schweitzer and

Mahatma Gandhi it's a very brilliant writer he wrote some things that really

grabbed me he wrote deep is to hunger the voice of the genuine the centering

moment during the time after receiving 238 radiation seed implants I was

reflecting on his words and and these words kept me up that night he said the

ideal situation for a man a woman to die is to have family members praying with

them as they cross over he said but imagine if you will be on your deathbed

and standing around your bed the ghosts of the dreams the ideas the abilities

the talents given to you by life and that you for whatever reason you never

went after that dream you're never acted on those ideas you never use those

talents you never use those gifts and there they are standing around your bed

looking at you with large angry eyes saying we came to you and only you

giving us life and now we must die with you forever and the question is if you

died today what dreams what ideas what talents what books what music what

leadership what voice will die with you mouths Monroe braked borotyn speaker

said the wealthiest place in the planet it's not enough for East where there's

oil in the ground it's not a South Africa whether diamond mines is that the

wealthiest place on the planet is the cemetery but you there you'll find

greatness if we've never seen there you find talent in genius and potential

never actualize perhaps that's why Henry David Thoreau wrote the words Oh God to

reach the point of death only to realize that you've never lived maybe that's why

some unknown writer wrote the words what if you live your whole life only to

discover that it was wrong that it was wrong that you were chosen to do

something else and you didn't do it


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