Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 20 2017

Bah, humbug.

Christmas is too expensive.

I can't afford a tree—to give gifts for everyone on my list.

I'm just going to RSVP "no" to all these Facebook invites so I don't have to get

gifts for all those people or find new outfits to wear to those things.

Oh, but mister, you sure can!

Winter holidays don't have to blow your budget.

Whatever do you mean, young fellow?

Well just follow along for a few tips and tricks for a more merry holiday season!


Tip 1: Practice the word "no".

The holidays are chock full of ways to part with your money.

There's decorations, gifts, cards, travel, charitable donations, big meals, office gift

exchanges, fancy outfits, gold-plated eggnog bottles and so on.

It all adds up, man.

Take a breath, write down what's really important to you when it comes to gifts events

and donations, and then figure out how much you can spend from there.

It is okay to say "no" to things that you can't go to or afford, even if the whole

extended family is really pressuring you to go on that trip to Miami with them.

Tip 2: Go easy on decorations.

Festive lights and inflatable Santas are cool, but it really doesn't take an entire catalogue's-worth

of shiny things to make your home feel festive.

Thrift stores and dollar stores are actually great places to find really cool holiday decor

on the cheap.

It's super easy to find Christmas lights at thrift stores, although be warned, they

might be super tangled.

Maybe you're the kind of person that enjoys that.

And you can always get crafty and make things like popcorn garlands or recycled-paper trees.

Tip 3: Be strategic with gifts.

Remember the O. Henry story "The Gift of the Magi"?

Well, spoiler alert here, but in the story, a woman sells her hair to buy her husband

a watch chain, and he sells his watch to buy her a fancy comb.

So on Christmas Day, they've both blown their "budgets" on things the other person

can't use.

Awkward, right?

Well... the lesson is about love transcending materialism or whatever, but at its most literal:

Surprises do not always make for the best gifts.

When considering what to buy someone, take the time to ask around and find out what they

really want or need.

And then, if it's in your budget, get them that.

Even if you know someone really well, that doesn't always mean you know exactly what

they need, and even if you really want to surprise them, you could end up spending all

your hard-earned hair buying them a watch chain when they don't even have a watch.

It's really exciting to give a great present to someone you love.

But your loved ones also don't want you to go broke, and hopefully, they have a few

things in mind that are reasonable for your budget.

Tip 4: Don't spend too much on yourself.

Let's be real, it's all-too-tempting to buy presents for yourself while you're out

shopping for everyone else.

Ooh, look, all these signs say that everything is on sale!

Buying things for yourself totally happens, but it's also one of the easiest ways to

bust your budget around the holidays.

All that stuff will still be around next month, and many stores also offer serious mark-downs

after the holidays to clear out the merchandise—also, maybe somebody's going to buy you that thing

that you just bought for yourself.

So maybe put that Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle in your Amazon

wish list.

Who knows, maybe it will show up under the tree first.

Tip 5: Comparison shop

Don't take your shopping list to the mall and start making purchases without checking

for deals first.

Ordering online too late in December can cut it real close—

And, by the way, maybe we should upload this video a little earlier in the season next

year because it's probably too late for any of that by now...

but you never know what might be on eBay or Craigslist.

It's also worth remembering that most online shopping results are sorted according to which

companies bought advertising space, so you might need to dig through the Google search

a little bit to really find the deal you want.

Tip 6: Make gifts!

If you want.

Handmade gifts are a classic option for people on a budget, and spending time making something

is a wonderful way to show your thoughtfulness.

If you've got the skills to knit or sew or bake or make candles or forge tools to

fight the Zombie apocalypse, you probably already know what your best option might be

for gifting.

If you're not crafty and looking for something easy, the internet is full of DIY suggestions.

You could also look around to see if any nonprofit art centers, schools or museums near you are

hosting any holiday crafting events.

Many art institutions offer programs where you can pay a few bucks to have access to

professional supplies and classes for making cards, artwork or pottery.


We have some caveats...

Tip 7: You don't have to make gifts.

Pinterest is full of "Holiday DIYs" that seem fun and easy, but we are here to tell

you to be careful.

If your primary goal is to be efficient with your spending, making things by hand is not

always cheap or easy.

Also remember, if you have to send them to somebody in the mail, you may end up paying

the U.S. Postal Service a great deal of money to get it to Portsmouth, New Hampshire—is

a story from my literal day that I just had.

If you have any experience with a handmade craft, you probably know this already, but

it bears repeating.

Knitting, for example, takes a lot of time and high-quality yarn that is actually quite


And it can be… sometimes somewhat difficult to knit something that the wearer will actually


Really do the math on how much time and money it will cost to give a handmade gift.

And hey, if you want to keep your spending local, find the local artisans and crafters

in your area who already are good at making things, and have maybe figured out ways to

do it more cost-efficiently.

Tip 8: Remember that kids will be okay!

If you're responsible for kids this year, or just have a few on your shopping list,

you might feel pressured to spend a lot of money to make their holidays the most perfect,

magical experiences of their young lives.

But really, most kids don't know or care if you spent the most money on them.

They might be a little bit bummed if they don't get the big-ticket item they asked

Santa for, but that doesn't mean their holiday will be ruined.

Kids will remember if they spent the holidays relaxing and being happy with their loved


Which brings me to my next point...

Tip 9: Make the holidays about having fun together.

Even if you can't spend hours and hours opening presents, you can still make holidays

more fun by just spending quality time together with your loved ones.

Try to find games that everyone can get out of the house and play together, or at least

try moving around a little bit.

It's easy to find sporting goods like hockey sticks or basketballs on the cheap at thrift

stores, and it gives everyone something fun to do outside.

It might sound cheesy, but it really does make for a more memorable holiday if you organize

the Jones Family HORSE competition every year.

And now that I've said that out loud I feel like you're won— are you like saying?—

no like HORSE, the basketball game.

A horse competition sounds, actually, quite expensive.

If the weather's really terrible, try playing a board game or cards inside.

Maybe develop some traditions, some singalongs, do some karaoke,

maybe listen to your favorite radio drama.

That's what probably what I'll end up doing.

What are your tips for saving money around the holidays?

Leave us ideas in the comments.

And if you want to gift yourself some recurring knowledge of how to be an adult,

you can go subscribe to us at

[british accent] My ah—my ledger.

[british accent] Scribbling in my ledger.

Oh! But mister, you sure can...

Just... you...

Oh! But mister, you sure can.

Here are a few tips and tricks for... uh...

Oh, but mister, you—you—you—you... sure can...


Fancy—fancy what?

[off-screen] Outfits.

Outfits. Yeah! Fancy outfits.

It's okay to say n—

Suddenly my shirt feels small.

Did I get bigger?


But I don't think my arms got longer...

That doesn't happen, right?

[off-screen] You wash it recently?



I've not taken it home in, like, two years.

...chain and he sells his watch to buy her husband a fancy what?

Almost got there.

But it really does—

[mic falls]

Okay. Well. That happened.

Sometimes you can spend all your hard-earned hair...


For more infomation >> How to Winter Holiday on a Budget - Duration: 7:40.


[#19] Grand Conte de Noël - Le Lit qui fait du Bruit - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> [#19] Grand Conte de Noël - Le Lit qui fait du Bruit - Duration: 3:56.



I will not feel pretty what's up guys welcome back to my channel so today we

weren't sure what we're going to record so we decided to do a 5 minute makeup

challenge and obviously if you don't know this is my sister Jessica I was in

the video you guys want to check it out I have it right up here ok so we have

exactly 5 minutes I'm gonna oh let me show you guys what I have so I bring the

camera down foot we have it on the tripod I have from lash glue to mascara

from lip liners to lip glosses and some blushes and contours and concealers it's

just a quick stuff that I have I want to get out the whole thing on my table and

some of the brushes that I have here we go I'm not posting that and 31 learning

that's my brother JJ who dude stop oh my god oh my god ok dude stop seriously in

the 5 minute mark okay are you ready yeah now I did already behind my

foundation I did a little bit of contour but not not too much to be honest she'll

probably have to go over that um my eyebrows I did do that all of this

makeup that I do have on right now which I did it probably hours ago

yeah maybe like five hours ago so it's been on for a while

I did powder myself before getting on video because I would look but you know

she's gonna be trying to do more of my makeup within 5 minutes so the only

thing I will not be doing is her eyebrows lashes and foundation only

because since she already said earlier she has it on so and she probably would

not know how to do my eyebrows yeah as you can tell my rose eyebrows are

different I extend mine a little bit more liner a little bit shorter fatter

and shorter than hers you going so I'm gonna start the time so can you guys see

that no that means okay no okay so let's start with the contour I don't need to

tell what I'm using it right

oh my god oh fuck did I forgot that I've been staying over here for a couple days

now thank wit I feel like you're putting a

lot of office it's only three it's only 300 it shows okay so alright so I'll

show you guys how much time she has left look know she has about three minutes

it's like you're focusing I'm a kid you know I didn't need that I know I'm gonna

make it look good was I'm looking a little tired

wait I was gonna put on eyeliner but I can't now let me see

I have little is usually our overlying song oh my god a minute I'm gonna use it

is this one all right okay freaking with this might okay hold it

close it close my lips Mario Badescu what the hell three minutes oh my god

yup a minute okay

can I add an extra five minutes hammer so I could do the damn eyeliner are guys

three let okay two one okay look at this shit okay so the contour does not look

bad I'm gonna sit up okay five more minutes

no no I can fix it in five minutes five more are you gonna clean me up then

yeah well click on start here ends up it does but you just doesn't work

Luzi ducts Barozzi

joven I don't think I might be that kind of insight but help me

wait cool their clinical I feel like it's dramatic cuz guys I work from home

so it's I really need a word a lot of makeup I only wear it when I go out you

know that sounds do not Peaks no not wait wait I like maybe 10 seconds have

this one alright too much you put too much on my lid girl ok I told her to let

me do her lashes but I'm only wearing lashes and I'm wearing a little bit of

eyeliner just a line of it I'm not wearing a wing and that makes it look

more complete than what already is and it hurt her face her eyes just looked

naked she needs to have the lashes but she didn't want to so that's why it

looks like that look let me get let me get one of the

lashes look at the difference that would look like okay you guys see that

difference you see the difference how it looks like one chance' wing on actually

you're right she did pretty good guys look okay guys that is it for this video

I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did be sure to give it a big thumbs up

and if you guys would like to see more videos and have any more suggestions

leave it in the comments down below if you guys would like to see my sister's

channel I will leave it in a description below also we're also going to be doing

another video but I'm not gonna say so if you guys want to see ya yes that is

it don't forget to subscribe to both of our channels and I will see you all on

my next video bye this video and don't forget to subscribe

twisting your necks some other person oh okay well tell us what you can't face

it like that or is that too much they try to be together but same time like

okay okay so it is now who cares

For more infomation >> 5 MINUTE MAKEUP CHALLENGE |FATIMAGARCIA18 - Duration: 9:18.


UNDERVERSE STUPID SHORT #2 [Undernovela Bloopers - By Jakei] - Duration: 1:36.

Miss Undyna!

No, okay. Hold on.

H- h - heya! I'm Dr. Alphys.

Okay! I think I got it!

Let's - le- let's go

Sin is suppo-

Sin is supposed to be your rival..

...he was going to marry your wife...

My little FRIST has been kidnapped


Frist? Who is Frist?

After that, we'll fix our pending businesshh.

We can trail the kid with our sme-

I cannot speak spanish

I can't speak spanish normally

but can't speak spanish now either


*Spanish Papyro laugh*

*Cute Undernovela Frisk's noises*

Give us-

I sort of know what I was saying


I think I got it




For more infomation >> UNDERVERSE STUPID SHORT #2 [Undernovela Bloopers - By Jakei] - Duration: 1:36.


24 Reasons All Shane Black Movies Are The Same Movie - Duration: 6:18.

Shane Black typically recycles the same people in all of his movies.

RDJ in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Iron Man 3, Ty Simpkins in these two movies, and Joel

Silver produced The Last Boy Scout and The Nice Guys for him.

All Shane Black movies take place during Christmas or include themes tied to the holiday.

All of these films take place during Christmas and in the Last Boy Scout, here's a picture

drawn by Joe's daughter.

All Shane Black movies start off with a voice over from the main character.

In addition to the voice over, you always get to understand the main character's thoughts

more because there's a flash back scene in every Shane Black movie.

Opposites attract in all Shane Black movies and an unlikely pair usually teams up to solve

a mystery.

One of the members of the team has played a hero in a comic book movie at some point

or another.

Kel-El daddy in Man of Steel, Iron Man in Iron Man, and Frank Moses in Red.

The tag team always has to bend rules to solve the case, but they suck at breaking the law.

There's always a scene where they trespass onto private property for more clues and they

always get caught.

Stark gets caught and taken as a hostage, Holland breaks the window, but doesn't even

make it past the back door, Jimmy and Joe make it past security, but get caught by the

henchman in the owner's office and Harry gets caught stealing Xboxes and gets shot

at when he gets caught.

One of the teammates is always dealing with woman problems and are stressed out because

of it during the investigating.

Jimmy's girlfriend got shot and he's getting over that.

Holland's wife died and it's all his fault, Harry slept with Harmony's best friend and

it takes most of the movie for Harmony to forgive him for it, and Tony had a one night

stand that comes back to haunt him and pepper.

There also always a kid sidekick as well that helps them solve the problem.

Harley helps Iron Man, Holly helps her dad, Darian helps her dad, and Jenna, Harmony's

kid sister, was the first one to find out the bad guy hired an impersonator to play

his daughter.

It's a bad idea to involve a kid in matters like this one and the plan always backfires

because the kid always is put in danger.

These kids are kidnapped and Jenna dies.

All Shane Black movies portrays women as hoes, strippers or prostitutes.

There's the porn stars in The Nice Guys, the exotic dancers in The Last Boy Scout and

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and the hookers in Iron Man 3.

You should never trust hot women in Shane Black movies because they're always double

crossing the good guys.

Maya Hansen double crosses Pepper and hands her over to Killian.

Sarah double crosses Joe and cheats on him while he's out on business.

In The Nice Guys, Tally double crosses Holland by busting a cap and in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang,

Harmony's best friend double crosses her by sleeping with Harry even though she knew

he was off limits.

Also, all Shane Black movies have a party scene that gives the director an excuse to

show hot women in their bikinis.

Half naked women walk around at the beauty pageant, and there's women in their bikinis

as the rich man's pool party.

There's always a rich man's house in Los Angeles in all Shane Black movies.

Since the films always take place in Hollywood, it's understandable why all Shane Black

movies involve a celebrity and someone always asks for his an autograph.

The kid from A Christmas story asks Iron Man for his autograph, the kid from Last Boy scout

asks Jimmy the former QB for his autograph, Harry becomes a groupie when he recognizes

Harmony from the Genaros commercial, and Jackson is recognized by his client from his glory


All Shane Black movies have at least one characters with a serious hand injury.

He loses a finger, He gets his hand broken, he gets shot in his hand and she loses her

hand in the military.

In All Shane Black movies, the bad guy owns a mansion and the good guys and bad guys meet

face to face.

They learn the bad guy's evil plan and it's always something that involves a government


The vice president is corrupt in Iron Man 3, the senator is corrupt in The Last Boy

Scout, Amelia's mom works for the United States Department of Justice and she's corrupt

in The Nice Guys, and although Dexter is the corrupt on in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, he uses

an imposter to get a case dismissed so the United States Department of Justice has a

blemish on it's record.

Speaking of conspiracies, there's always an imposter in all Shane Black movies.

Veronica's dad hires a lookalike to act like his daughter.

Savin dresses up like Iron Patriot to fool the president, A hitman named John Boy impersonates

a doctor right before he tries to kill Amelia and Holly, and when Jimmy first meets Joe,

Joe lies about being Cory's bodyguard instead of a private investigator.

All Shane Black movies there's a framing for a murder.

The extremist soldier frames Iron Patriot for killing all those people on the plane.

Jack frames the hit and run driver for the death of one of the bad guys, but it's actually

him that kills him, the henchman plant a murder weapon at Joe's house, and the bad guys

plant the murder weapon at Harry's hotel to lead the cops to him.

All Shane Black movies should be sponsored by Statefarm because there's always a scene

where a car drives off a cliff and the car gets totaled.

There's also a scene in every Shane Black movie where the hero gets hit by a car and


All Shane Black movies include a scene where one of the good guys fall from heights that

should kill them or at least break a bone, but they live to tell about it.

All Shane Black movies have bad guys who attack the heroes house.

Joe is kidnapped on his front lawn, a dead body is planted at Harry's hotel and the

hitman in these movies shoot up the good guys house like ba da da da dat ba da da da da

dat ba da da da dat dat dat.

The bad guy's plans are spoiled when the good guys find incriminating evidence on a

tape of some sorts.

Stark found the tape of the A.I.M. trials, Jimmy and Joe listen to the tape with the

recorded phone conversation between the senator and Stallions owner, Harry and Harmony find

a porno video with the villain on it, and Holland finds the porno video exposing the

automobile industry and the dead girl's grandma's house.

A wise man once said "guns don't kill people, stupid motherf###ers with guns kill

people (Chris Tucker)".

This is true, but in Shane Black movies, black people can't kill people either.

These black gunman have their guns pointed directly at their hostage and still lets them

get away.

Those are 24 reasons these movies are the same.

You agree?

Yes, no, maybe so?

If not, politely share your thoughts in the comment section below and click the subscribe

button for more 24 reason videos.

For more infomation >> 24 Reasons All Shane Black Movies Are The Same Movie - Duration: 6:18.


Зубные импланты. 👄 Насколько больно ставить зубные импланты. ROOTT - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Зубные импланты. 👄 Насколько больно ставить зубные импланты. ROOTT - Duration: 2:13.


2017 Celebrity Breakups No One Saw Coming - Duration: 5:33.

2017 broke our hearts and smashed them into pieces when even the most beloved Tinsel Town

couples threw in the towel and called it quits.

But who really came out of left field with their shocking splits?

Let's just say, in Hollywood, even big-ass diamonds don't last forever.

Scarlett Johansson and Romain Dauriac

Avengers star Scarlett Johansson filed for divorce from her French journalist husband,

Romain Dauriac, in January 2017.

A source told Us Weekly,

"... she felt like they didn't have much in common as far as lifestyle."

Dauriac's lawyer later told People that his client was "shocked" by Johansson's decision

to divorce.

But Johansson remains tight-lipped about the details, saying in a statement,

"I will never, ever be commenting on the dissolution of my marriage."

The couple, who started dating in 2012 and secretly married in 2014, share a daughter,


Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom

After reportedly hitting it off at a 2016 Golden Globes after-party, Katy Perry and

Orlando Bloom's romance appeared to be going great—until it wasn't.

Just one day after the two hit Vanity Fair's 2017 Oscar after-party on February 26, Perry

and Bloom announced they were no longer together.

A rep for the couple said,

"Before rumors or falsifications get out of hand we can confirm that Orlando and Katy

are taking respectful, loving space at this time."

Tyga and Kylie Jenner

Reality star Kylie Jenner and rapper Tyga reportedly called it quits in March.

A few months later, Jenner opened up about her split on her reality show Life of Kylie,


"I don't want to look back in five years from now and feel like he took something from me

when he's really not that type of person."

Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn

In April—just two months after the two sparked rumors of an engagement—Olivia Munn and

her Green Bay Packers quarterback boyfriend Aaron Rodgers called it quits, People reported,

after having dated for nearly three years.

A source told E! News that Munn and Rodgers were

"... just on two different pages in life."

La La and Carmelo Anthony

Despite their near 14-year relationship, the Power actress and the NBA star decided to

go their separate ways.

And while their split was reportedly "amicable," rumors soon surfaced that Carmelo had cheated

on La La.

A source told Page Six,

"Melo's tagline was, '[La La's] married, I'm not.'

That's how he would justify it.

His attitude is that all professional athletes do it, and many of them do."

But the pair, who share a son together, are reportedly in no rush to sign the divorce


La La seemed to confirm this to Wendy Williams, saying,

"You know, marriages are tough, and you know that.

We all know that.

It's filled with ups and downs.

We are just going through a time right now."

Ewan McGregor and Eve Mavrakis

In October, news broke that the Trainspotting star and his wife of 22 years had called it


The pair, who reportedly met while working on a 1995 British crime show, share four daughters


Having separated from his wife months before, McGregor was spotted kissing Fargo co-star

Mary Elizabeth Winstead in October 2017… which brings us to our next couple.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Riley Stearns

Actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead and her husband Riley Stearns announced their split on social

media in May.

Winstead posted on Insta, writing, "We've decided to move on from our marriage...We

are still ride or die, just in a different way now.

I love you always, Riley."

Selena Gomez and The Weeknd

First hooking up in January 2017, Selena Gomez and The Weeknd weren't shy about the PDA.

But sadly, their romance didn't even make the one-year mark.

In late October, news broke that the pair had called it quits.

According to People, busy schedules were to blame, with a source claiming,

"It's been hard with him being on tour and her shooting in New York.

That wasn't easy on them."

Jennifer Hudson and David Otunga

After a nearly nine-year engagement, American Idol alum Jennifer Hudson and retired pro

wrestler David Otunga called it quits — and it wasn't pretty.

TMZ reported that Hudson, who shares a son with Otunga, received a temporary restraining

order against her ex.

In court docs obtained by TMZ, Hudson claimed Otunga grabbed their son roughly by the hand

and pushed Hudson out of a room.

Hudson also said Otunga once left a gun and holster on their kitchen counter.

Though he revealed that it was a movie prop, Hudson claims he did it to threaten her.

She said,

"David knows that I am… very sensitive to firearms after my mother and my brother were

murdered by a firearm.

I believe that he left it out to taunt, intimidate and frighten me, which he absolutely accomplished."

FKA Twigs and Robert Pattinson

In late October, news broke that the Twilight actor and his singer girlfriend went their

separate ways after more than two years together.

A source told People,

"He is on a press tour and she is working on her new album…

They have not seen each other in probably two months."

Still, it seems possible the pair could reconcile in the future.

The insider said,

"I think they will eventually get back together.

He still loves her and I think that's the girl he wants to marry."

Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky

After working together on their film Mother!, Jennifer Lawrence and director Darren Aronofsky

called it quits on their year-long relationship, reportedly due, in part, to their 21-year

age gap.

A source told People,

"There is a huge age difference…

Jen has yet to figure out her life and how it will evolve.

He has responsibilities in life that she has yet to experience."

Lawrence also revealed that bad reviews for their film Mother! made things difficult,

"I was doing double duty trying to be a supportive partner, while also being like, 'Can I please,

for the love of God, not think about Mother! for one second?'"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> 2017 Celebrity Breakups No One Saw Coming - Duration: 5:33.


Prólogo - Gleice Raja, OG, Sattva, Treck [Prod. Del Jay] | Official Video - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Prólogo - Gleice Raja, OG, Sattva, Treck [Prod. Del Jay] | Official Video - Duration: 4:45.


"Confesiones" Cómic Ladybug parte 4 (Andreisart) //Español + English Sub - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> "Confesiones" Cómic Ladybug parte 4 (Andreisart) //Español + English Sub - Duration: 1:04.


Putin: West Said Russia Would Break Apart, But We Proved Them Wrong! - Duration: 5:05.

We heard all kinds of prophesies at the beginning of the 2000s: they said the country would break apart, the state would collapse, the nation would die off,

that we would fail to tackle the challenges facing us as we fought international terrorism

and that we will never be able to resolve many of our social and economic problems.

And it is true, the situation was very difficult, and even critical sometimes.

But we not only managed to preserve Russia's unity and sovereignty and to travel the complex path of revival, but to achieve true breakthroughs in the most important development areas.

We have made a giant step forward: in the economy, the social sphere and the country's security.

We have created a powerful foundation with reserves and up-to-date potential needed to continue our steady progress.

We have managed it ourselves, through the efforts and will of our workers, engineers, farmers,

researchers, businesspeople, teachers and military personnel, through our faith in ourselves and in our country, in Russia.

Remember that after the dissolution of the Soviet Union we heard a lot of magnanimous and sympathetic words, but in reality, nobody did anything to help us.

And we did not expect them to. We do not need help.

We were building a new country and reviving an independent Russia.

We have learnt to defend our interests, we realised our strength and the continuity of our common history, the value of our achievements and the reliability of cohesion.

I will repeat: there is still much that needs to be done. Above all, for the sake of people's wellbeing and in order to overcome poverty and inequality.

So far, the level of these problems remains, unfortunately, too high. We must properly face these crucial, historic challenges.

What are these challenges?

Preserving and enlarging our nation, building a new economy, developing the Arctic, the Far East, Siberia and, in fact, all regions of our enormous country.

Finally, there is a challenge of the future – a real breakthrough in medical technologies, in technology in general, in a broad sense. In education.

Shutting ourselves off from these global trends or just trying to follow in someone's stead is certainly not our choice. This cannot be our choice.

We have every opportunity to restore the competencies in which we were always undisputed leaders, and we have succeeded much already.

We will, by all means, break through to new competencies that we need for our development. There is no doubt about that.

We must be leaders in knowledge, intellect and social and cultural development, while at the same time preserving, of course, our identity and relying on our best traditions.

Those are our tasks for years ahead. We must not stumble, must not turn off the chosen course, otherwise we will have to start everything virtually from zero.

There are so many young people here in this hall today.

But all of us, young and old, as the saying goes, we must all remember that Russia, our people, and, in fact, all our families,

lived through a very complicated and extremely hard period in their history in the past century: through revolutions, wars, cardinal overhauls of their lifestyle.

Today, it is our obligation to safeguard our statehood and freedom, stability and social harmony, safeguard everything,

even the modest successes we have achieved so far,

so that our achievements and real improvements become irreversible and our strength benefit the wellbeing and development our Fatherland.

In this I see our common task, my personal duty and my civil and human responsibility, both as the active head of state and a candidate for President of the Russian Federation.

We all need a strong and future-oriented Russia and everything depends only on us!

Thank you very much for your support. Good luck!

For more infomation >> Putin: West Said Russia Would Break Apart, But We Proved Them Wrong! - Duration: 5:05.


The Process Of Awakening Is Harsh And Destructive Process… - Duration: 4:07.

The Process Of Awakening Is Harsh And Destructive Process� There Is No Alternative

Many people would like to believe that the process of awakening is glorious.

That the path is filled with light and they just have to follow it to reach The Divine.

Although many false Gurus might want you to believe that, if you really wish to be awakened,

you will have to give up on that notion entirely.

Awakening is difficult, it is cruel and messy, and there is no roundabout way to reach that

point without getting yourself dirty first.

Without even realizing it, we have been internalizing so many wrongful notions about the world and


We have become so accustomed to the listening, believing and recreating lies that we have

forgotten where reality ends and the facade begins.

And even if we do come to our senses and realize the truth, more often than not, we are unwilling

to give up those lies.

It is far too comfortable to gloat thinking that you are awakened just because of your


But true awakening comes when we are able to dismantle ourselves completely and give

up all the lies and can finally begin the process of rebuilding ourselves.

It can get very hard to strip ourselves bare of these lies because over time they have

all been incorporated into our sense of self.

Without them, we wouldn�t know where we stand.

We put up so much resistance because we are rigid to this self-identity.

But we forget that it too is based on falsities.

For us to begin the process of awakening, we will have to surrender completely this

sense of self and give ourselves up to the oblivion of not knowing who we are.

This does not come easy and it gets very painful and harsh to deal with so much.

But, overwhelming as it might be, it is the first step and we have to take the leap.

When this happens, we see that the world we believe in crumbles down all around us.

All our relationships and friendships and every other thing that we have achieved seems

futile and false.

This, in itself, is enough to crush anyone but yet we keep fighting against that sense

that nothing we believed in was true.

And it is a difficult fight indeed because you can never win.

The only option you have is to give in to the suffering.

Once you stop fighting what is inevitable and embrace the oblivion, you can finally

move on from the last shreds of embellishments and lies.

It will be difficult and for many days everything would seem bleak and desolate.

But if you hold on, one day light will return to your life.

And when you step into this light, you will finally begin to see sense.

Where initially you thought you were empty and barren, you will find an eternal spring

of love.

This love is what connects all beings in the Universe and runs through each one of us.

You will at once feel like the part of everything and at the same time at a distance to everything.

The Siddhartha road to self is not easy to tread on.

Your greatest enemy is your mind which has been under so many illusions that it can no

longer tell what the truth is and what it is not.

Not just that, but there are no friends or loved ones who can travel the path with you

because they themselves are disillusioned.

Your only tools are your confidence and bravery.

Unless you are ready to destroy yourself, you will not be able to find yourself.

You will be tested beyond your endurance and not many can survive it.

So think about it.

Are you ready to give what it takes and never back down from your mission, no matter what?

For more infomation >> The Process Of Awakening Is Harsh And Destructive Process… - Duration: 4:07.


Донатим - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Донатим - Duration: 0:26.


CBC NL Here & Now Thursday December 20 2017 - Duration: 1:02:18.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Thursday December 20 2017 - Duration: 1:02:18.


Mediterranean Cruise #2 :: What to do in Malta (Celebrity Reflection) 🚢 - Duration: 8:36.

Welcome to Malta! We are in Medina or Mdina

Close to the capital Valletta, more or less 15 minutes in the hop on hop off bus that we used to get here

This little bus is one of those that have 2 decks, and have panoramic views

You listen to a guide from each place you visit during the ride

It costs 10 Euros and you can get in and out all day long

We thought it was a good option because taxis are very expensive

And the public buses cost more or less the same, a little cheaper but they took much longer to show up

Yes, it was very convenient. The truth is that taxis were worth 55 - 75 euros. Each public bus 1.50 per person.

This only cost us 10. It passes every half hour which is much more often than usual

And we found this promotion very, very interesting

So let's go into the Medina, let's tour it and we'll show yo everything

We are here touring the Medina or Mdina as I told you before. It's empty

And very pretty The colors are like ... I do not know what color this is

What color is this? Like a cream, like a yellow in all the constructions. With many details

Yes, it has a very mystical charm.

The people you see walking around are the tourists but the locals, we do not know where they are.

The Mdina is located inside a wall and outside is the city of Rabat

The Mdina is more than 3,000 years old and it was the political and cultural center of Malta

The History of Malta is very complicated, that is, since the Emperor of Holy Roman Empire

He gave it to the Order of the Knights of Malta or San Juan

You will have to excuse me because I forgot that part

He gave it to them and since then it has had a lot of battles.

This happened to be Persian also many years before that. Then it passed into the hands of Arabs

Then the Christians recovered it and it has been back and forth followed by battles and fights

A story kind of tragic but in the end, it has worked very well

And here is at this moment this beautiful city

And well, do not worry about the language because now in Malta is an English speaking country

And in fact it's very common to come here to study and learn the language

So I want to tell you that here in Malta

In Medina, in Valletta, all this, is one of the sets, one of the places or locations

From Game of Thrones. Every time you walk around here you feel like you are about to meet Jaime Lannister

Or Tywin Lannister or someone like that. Very cool, you feel immersed in the places ...

Yes, on the sets, in the places where they were in the series. It's very cool.

There is a lot of wind, I hope you can hear us. After a trip on the bus

We decided to get off at the beach and we are very ill prepared, we did not know we could stop on a beach

So, let's see how we do it because the beach looks really darn good

Look at that, I'll show you just now

And now we are in Valletta to put and end to our day

This is the capital of Malta and it has a very beautiful old town

So we are going to tour it, I think there is a path or rather pedestrian boulevards

Let's do that, here we are going to end the day and then we will go back to the cruise

OKAY. Tell us what you think so far

Valleta is just spectacular. I think it's a unique place, it's super picturesque

Con los balcones me parecen hermosos y It looks beautiful with the balconies and the downhill streets look divine

And at the end the sea ... it's spectacular. If you ever have the opportunity to be here

You can't miss it

Medina or Valleta?

No, actually the visit to Mdina is very short, I think it takes like an hour to visit

And then you can come to Valletta and dedicate it the time you want

There are also very good beaches if you have time or if not then only with these

Two cities I think it's beautiful

These are the Barrakka Gardens

We recommend this visit a lot because it is a lookout from where you have the best

Views of Valletta and the cities on the other side

Well, we already finished our day in Malta and now we are off to the chic night

A gala in which we have to dress up a lot and then we are going to tonight's show.

And then to dinner. We hope you enjoyed our video of Malta

Subscribe and share this video with all your friends and see you in the next video


For more infomation >> Mediterranean Cruise #2 :: What to do in Malta (Celebrity Reflection) 🚢 - Duration: 8:36.


Methane Leak Left Them Homeless | The Naked Truth - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Methane Leak Left Them Homeless | The Naked Truth - Duration: 4:40.


The secret is to simply enjoy what is happening - Duration: 5:46.

I have said in the past the secret is to simply enjoy what is happening; and over

the years, as you can imagine, I've gotten some push-back. A lot a lot of people

saying it's easy to say if you're healthy or whatever. And today I wanted

to talk about that a little bit more. Actually I just got back from the clinic.

Coughing really bad...haven't slept a couple days. Painful coughs and the

doctor said it's kind of an early stage pneumonia. So I'm not on a whole barrage

of antibiotics right now. And so, you know, people will ask me...may ask...well, how can you

simply enjoy what is happening. And it comes down to not taking issue with what

is and appreciating what you have and realizing or knowing how it could be far

worse. And so, I don't expect to always be healthy and not feel pain. And so I'm not

disappointed when I am sick. Furthermore when I' know...have painful hacking

coughs that are keeping me up at night, I don't make that an issue where you know

it's something to be suffering against and resisting. There's really nothing you

can do about it...there's nothing I can do about it whatsoever.

The coughing and hacking is what-is; and will persist as long as it does; and

eventually I'll recover and it will stop. It's all change. I know this is one of

the cycles of change and I simply don't resist it.

But at the same time there's also been great moments of I just got a

shower...kind of rinse off, because I had the chills. And so, I had the most

wonderful hot shower I think I've had in ages. It felt

so good. My wife brought me ice cream last night. Something I don't normally

get. You know, all in all, there are things that can be appreciated...even in

the situation where you've got an early stage pneumonia.

It could be full-blown pneumonia. I could have to go the hospital, but it's

not that bad. It's caught early enough where a week of antibiotics I should be

fine. And so, you know, it's changing the way you would normally view things.

Our default is to view things very know...with judgment

and how it, you know, benefits me. How is it of use or value to me. And if it's not

then then we're just not happy. And what I'm saying...the the secret is to simply

enjoy what is happening...I mean enjoy what is happening. I'm sick, but I've got

the privilege to go to bed very, very early. I've gotten more ice cream than

I've eaten in ages. My wife has been very kind and...

and helped me along as well. You know, this is actually a great thing. That it's

it's only this bad. It could be far worse. And so, I appreciate what it is and what

it is is a temporary passing thing that is not that bad. And that is how you can

enjoy what is happening even when it's not pleasant. It doesn't always have to

be pleasant or comfortable to enjoy it. You don't enjoy going to the dentist. No

one enjoys going to the least that's the typical belief. However, if

you've got a toothache and you go with a dentist and he drills out the decay and

puts a filling feels oh so much better. It's a temporary pain,

but it feels so much better afterwards. And so, it is this cyclical pain and pleasure

pain and pleasure...and not being attached or demanding that I'm always having

pleasure, because you're not always gonna have pleasure. are gonna get

sick...inevitably. And as long as you deny that you could get sick and when you are make it an make it a problem...I mean, I'm not making

it a problem, but it's it's right before Christmas.

You know, I...this is not the best timing, but I'm not making an issue out of it.

What is...what it is...what is. If I have to stay home and try to keep this contagion to be it. But it is not something to be dreaded and turned into

a suffering and something to resist and resent and deny. And that is what I mean,

in a nutshell, when I say the secret is to simply enjoy what is happening. And

I'm enjoying myself...even now...and I'm hoping it makes more sense considering that I

am sick now. So, but it's passing, and I'll see you again when I'm better.

For more infomation >> The secret is to simply enjoy what is happening - Duration: 5:46.


Once Upset About Trump Tweets – CNN Now Pushes Showtime Cartoon - Duration: 1:41.

Once Upset About Trump Tweets � CNN Now Pushes Showtime Cartoon Labeled �Our Cartoon


The king of Fake News � CNN � was once very upset about Trump tweets � especially

the tweet where President Trump slammed CNN in a pro wrestling spoof.

Now CNN is pushing a Showtime cartoon that disgraces President Trump labeled �Our Cartoon


President Trump tweeted one of the most shared tweets ever earlier this year about CNN �

CNN was so upset about the President�s tweet that CNN threatened to release the identity

of the individual who created the video (which of course may be against the law).

But that was then � this is now.

CNN now is promoting a cartoon coming out on Showtime that makes fun of President Trump

� the President is a scratch golfer but the cartoon wants to make him out to not be

able to walk down a hallway �

For more infomation >> Once Upset About Trump Tweets – CNN Now Pushes Showtime Cartoon - Duration: 1:41.


Los mejores regalos tecnológicos para cuidar la salud | Dr. Juan - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Los mejores regalos tecnológicos para cuidar la salud | Dr. Juan - Duration: 3:36.


Glitter Lollipop Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Lollipop - Painting Coloring Book - Duration: 11:15.











Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Glitter Lollipop Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Lollipop - Painting Coloring Book - Duration: 11:15.


Dengue vaccine does NOT protect against the disease but actually - Duration: 5:00.

Dengue vaccine does NOT protect against the disease but actually puts you at HIGHER RISK

of contracting it

by: Tracey Watson

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that Dengue, a mosquito-borne viral infection

common in tropical and sub-tropical areas across the globe, has become increasingly

prevalent in recent years, with about half the world�s population at risk of the disease.

The WHO notes that a dengue vaccine is available for use in people between the ages of 9 and

45 who live in affected areas, but Sanofi Pasteur � the vaccine�s manufacturer � is

now admitting that the �shot� is not guaranteed to prevent dengue, and could potentially create

more issues than it solves.

There are two forms of this disease: Dengue fever and severe dengue.

The WHO explains the difference as follows:

Dengue fever is a severe, flu-like illness that affects infants, young children and adults,

but seldom causes death.

Severe dengue is a potentially deadly complication due to plasma leaking, fluid accumulation,

respiratory distress, severe bleeding, or organ impairment.

Warning signs occur 3�7 days after the first symptoms in conjunction with a decrease in

temperature (below 38�C/100�F) and include: severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting,

rapid breathing, bleeding gums, fatigue, restlessness and blood in vomit.

The next 24�48 hours of the critical stage can be lethal; proper medical care is needed

to avoid complications and risk of death.

So, severe dengue is far more dangerous than �ordinary� dengue fever.

In fact, severe dengue is one of the leading causes of serious illness and even death among

children in certain Asian and Latin American countries.

Earlier this month, at a press conference in Manila, Philippines, Dr. Ng Su Peing, Sanofi�s

global medical head, admitted that not only is the company�s vaccine, known as Dengvaxia,

not necessarily effective at preventing the disease, but it can actually cause a previously

uninfected person to get the virus.

Even worse, it causes not just ordinary dengue fever, but severe dengue.

Rappler reported:

Dengvaxia increases the risk of contracting severe dengue for those who got the vaccine

without prior infection.

This is why Peing said she would not recommend Dengvaxia for those who have not been infected

with dengue.

Sanofi�s argument is that most people in dengue-affected areas have already had the

disease at some point, and the vaccine protects those who have already been infected for six


However, that thinking is flawed, because people who have already been infected with

the virus will have built up antibodies, and therefore don�t need a preventative vaccine,


While Sanofi insists that the vaccine was proven to be both safe and effective during

clinical trials, they now admit that continued tests over the years have painted a different


A follow-up study five years after the initial trials showed that at least five more out

of every 1,000 participants who had been vaccinated went on to develop dengue fever, while an

additional two patients developed the more serious severe dengue, when compared to previously

uninfected people who did not receive the vaccine.

(Related: Researchers openly admit dengue vaccine would cause 7-fold spike in infections.)

�We noted at longer-term an increased risk of hospitalization and severe dengue in the

vaccinated people without a prior dengue infection, compared to [the] placebo [participants],�

Peing admitted.

The FDA has now suspended distribution of Dengvaxia in the Philippines.

Though dengue fever outbreaks have occurred all over the world, including in Hawaii and

other parts of the United States, it is not a common illness in our country.

Nonetheless, Sanofi�s admission should make people around the world sit up and take note,

because like with so many other vaccines, the public was assured of the safety and efficacy

of this vaccine, with reputable organizations like the WHO backing its use.

Now it has turned out to be both useless and dangerous.

(Related: Discover the real risks at

Should that not make us wonder about all those other vaccines that they keep assuring us

are safe and effective?

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