Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 20 2017

I will not feel pretty what's up guys welcome back to my channel so today we

weren't sure what we're going to record so we decided to do a 5 minute makeup

challenge and obviously if you don't know this is my sister Jessica I was in

the video you guys want to check it out I have it right up here ok so we have

exactly 5 minutes I'm gonna oh let me show you guys what I have so I bring the

camera down foot we have it on the tripod I have from lash glue to mascara

from lip liners to lip glosses and some blushes and contours and concealers it's

just a quick stuff that I have I want to get out the whole thing on my table and

some of the brushes that I have here we go I'm not posting that and 31 learning

that's my brother JJ who dude stop oh my god oh my god ok dude stop seriously in

the 5 minute mark okay are you ready yeah now I did already behind my

foundation I did a little bit of contour but not not too much to be honest she'll

probably have to go over that um my eyebrows I did do that all of this

makeup that I do have on right now which I did it probably hours ago

yeah maybe like five hours ago so it's been on for a while

I did powder myself before getting on video because I would look but you know

she's gonna be trying to do more of my makeup within 5 minutes so the only

thing I will not be doing is her eyebrows lashes and foundation only

because since she already said earlier she has it on so and she probably would

not know how to do my eyebrows yeah as you can tell my rose eyebrows are

different I extend mine a little bit more liner a little bit shorter fatter

and shorter than hers you going so I'm gonna start the time so can you guys see

that no that means okay no okay so let's start with the contour I don't need to

tell what I'm using it right

oh my god oh fuck did I forgot that I've been staying over here for a couple days

now thank wit I feel like you're putting a

lot of office it's only three it's only 300 it shows okay so alright so I'll

show you guys how much time she has left look know she has about three minutes

it's like you're focusing I'm a kid you know I didn't need that I know I'm gonna

make it look good was I'm looking a little tired

wait I was gonna put on eyeliner but I can't now let me see

I have little is usually our overlying song oh my god a minute I'm gonna use it

is this one all right okay freaking with this might okay hold it

close it close my lips Mario Badescu what the hell three minutes oh my god

yup a minute okay

can I add an extra five minutes hammer so I could do the damn eyeliner are guys

three let okay two one okay look at this shit okay so the contour does not look

bad I'm gonna sit up okay five more minutes

no no I can fix it in five minutes five more are you gonna clean me up then

yeah well click on start here ends up it does but you just doesn't work

Luzi ducts Barozzi

joven I don't think I might be that kind of insight but help me

wait cool their clinical I feel like it's dramatic cuz guys I work from home

so it's I really need a word a lot of makeup I only wear it when I go out you

know that sounds do not Peaks no not wait wait I like maybe 10 seconds have

this one alright too much you put too much on my lid girl ok I told her to let

me do her lashes but I'm only wearing lashes and I'm wearing a little bit of

eyeliner just a line of it I'm not wearing a wing and that makes it look

more complete than what already is and it hurt her face her eyes just looked

naked she needs to have the lashes but she didn't want to so that's why it

looks like that look let me get let me get one of the

lashes look at the difference that would look like okay you guys see that

difference you see the difference how it looks like one chance' wing on actually

you're right she did pretty good guys look okay guys that is it for this video

I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did be sure to give it a big thumbs up

and if you guys would like to see more videos and have any more suggestions

leave it in the comments down below if you guys would like to see my sister's

channel I will leave it in a description below also we're also going to be doing

another video but I'm not gonna say so if you guys want to see ya yes that is

it don't forget to subscribe to both of our channels and I will see you all on

my next video bye this video and don't forget to subscribe

twisting your necks some other person oh okay well tell us what you can't face

it like that or is that too much they try to be together but same time like

okay okay so it is now who cares

For more infomation >> 5 MINUTE MAKEUP CHALLENGE |FATIMAGARCIA18 - Duration: 9:18.


UNDERVERSE STUPID SHORT #2 [Undernovela Bloopers - By Jakei] - Duration: 1:36.

Miss Undyna!

No, okay. Hold on.

H- h - heya! I'm Dr. Alphys.

Okay! I think I got it!

Let's - le- let's go

Sin is suppo-

Sin is supposed to be your rival..

...he was going to marry your wife...

My little FRIST has been kidnapped


Frist? Who is Frist?

After that, we'll fix our pending businesshh.

We can trail the kid with our sme-

I cannot speak spanish

I can't speak spanish normally

but can't speak spanish now either


*Spanish Papyro laugh*

*Cute Undernovela Frisk's noises*

Give us-

I sort of know what I was saying


I think I got it




For more infomation >> UNDERVERSE STUPID SHORT #2 [Undernovela Bloopers - By Jakei] - Duration: 1:36.


Зубные импланты. 👄 Насколько больно ставить зубные импланты. ROOTT - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Зубные импланты. 👄 Насколько больно ставить зубные импланты. ROOTT - Duration: 2:13.


The Process Of Awakening Is Harsh And Destructive Process… - Duration: 4:07.

The Process Of Awakening Is Harsh And Destructive Process� There Is No Alternative

Many people would like to believe that the process of awakening is glorious.

That the path is filled with light and they just have to follow it to reach The Divine.

Although many false Gurus might want you to believe that, if you really wish to be awakened,

you will have to give up on that notion entirely.

Awakening is difficult, it is cruel and messy, and there is no roundabout way to reach that

point without getting yourself dirty first.

Without even realizing it, we have been internalizing so many wrongful notions about the world and


We have become so accustomed to the listening, believing and recreating lies that we have

forgotten where reality ends and the facade begins.

And even if we do come to our senses and realize the truth, more often than not, we are unwilling

to give up those lies.

It is far too comfortable to gloat thinking that you are awakened just because of your


But true awakening comes when we are able to dismantle ourselves completely and give

up all the lies and can finally begin the process of rebuilding ourselves.

It can get very hard to strip ourselves bare of these lies because over time they have

all been incorporated into our sense of self.

Without them, we wouldn�t know where we stand.

We put up so much resistance because we are rigid to this self-identity.

But we forget that it too is based on falsities.

For us to begin the process of awakening, we will have to surrender completely this

sense of self and give ourselves up to the oblivion of not knowing who we are.

This does not come easy and it gets very painful and harsh to deal with so much.

But, overwhelming as it might be, it is the first step and we have to take the leap.

When this happens, we see that the world we believe in crumbles down all around us.

All our relationships and friendships and every other thing that we have achieved seems

futile and false.

This, in itself, is enough to crush anyone but yet we keep fighting against that sense

that nothing we believed in was true.

And it is a difficult fight indeed because you can never win.

The only option you have is to give in to the suffering.

Once you stop fighting what is inevitable and embrace the oblivion, you can finally

move on from the last shreds of embellishments and lies.

It will be difficult and for many days everything would seem bleak and desolate.

But if you hold on, one day light will return to your life.

And when you step into this light, you will finally begin to see sense.

Where initially you thought you were empty and barren, you will find an eternal spring

of love.

This love is what connects all beings in the Universe and runs through each one of us.

You will at once feel like the part of everything and at the same time at a distance to everything.

The Siddhartha road to self is not easy to tread on.

Your greatest enemy is your mind which has been under so many illusions that it can no

longer tell what the truth is and what it is not.

Not just that, but there are no friends or loved ones who can travel the path with you

because they themselves are disillusioned.

Your only tools are your confidence and bravery.

Unless you are ready to destroy yourself, you will not be able to find yourself.

You will be tested beyond your endurance and not many can survive it.

So think about it.

Are you ready to give what it takes and never back down from your mission, no matter what?

For more infomation >> The Process Of Awakening Is Harsh And Destructive Process… - Duration: 4:07.


Mediterranean Cruise #2 :: What to do in Malta (Celebrity Reflection) 🚢 - Duration: 8:36.

Welcome to Malta! We are in Medina or Mdina

Close to the capital Valletta, more or less 15 minutes in the hop on hop off bus that we used to get here

This little bus is one of those that have 2 decks, and have panoramic views

You listen to a guide from each place you visit during the ride

It costs 10 Euros and you can get in and out all day long

We thought it was a good option because taxis are very expensive

And the public buses cost more or less the same, a little cheaper but they took much longer to show up

Yes, it was very convenient. The truth is that taxis were worth 55 - 75 euros. Each public bus 1.50 per person.

This only cost us 10. It passes every half hour which is much more often than usual

And we found this promotion very, very interesting

So let's go into the Medina, let's tour it and we'll show yo everything

We are here touring the Medina or Mdina as I told you before. It's empty

And very pretty The colors are like ... I do not know what color this is

What color is this? Like a cream, like a yellow in all the constructions. With many details

Yes, it has a very mystical charm.

The people you see walking around are the tourists but the locals, we do not know where they are.

The Mdina is located inside a wall and outside is the city of Rabat

The Mdina is more than 3,000 years old and it was the political and cultural center of Malta

The History of Malta is very complicated, that is, since the Emperor of Holy Roman Empire

He gave it to the Order of the Knights of Malta or San Juan

You will have to excuse me because I forgot that part

He gave it to them and since then it has had a lot of battles.

This happened to be Persian also many years before that. Then it passed into the hands of Arabs

Then the Christians recovered it and it has been back and forth followed by battles and fights

A story kind of tragic but in the end, it has worked very well

And here is at this moment this beautiful city

And well, do not worry about the language because now in Malta is an English speaking country

And in fact it's very common to come here to study and learn the language

So I want to tell you that here in Malta

In Medina, in Valletta, all this, is one of the sets, one of the places or locations

From Game of Thrones. Every time you walk around here you feel like you are about to meet Jaime Lannister

Or Tywin Lannister or someone like that. Very cool, you feel immersed in the places ...

Yes, on the sets, in the places where they were in the series. It's very cool.

There is a lot of wind, I hope you can hear us. After a trip on the bus

We decided to get off at the beach and we are very ill prepared, we did not know we could stop on a beach

So, let's see how we do it because the beach looks really darn good

Look at that, I'll show you just now

And now we are in Valletta to put and end to our day

This is the capital of Malta and it has a very beautiful old town

So we are going to tour it, I think there is a path or rather pedestrian boulevards

Let's do that, here we are going to end the day and then we will go back to the cruise

OKAY. Tell us what you think so far

Valleta is just spectacular. I think it's a unique place, it's super picturesque

Con los balcones me parecen hermosos y It looks beautiful with the balconies and the downhill streets look divine

And at the end the sea ... it's spectacular. If you ever have the opportunity to be here

You can't miss it

Medina or Valleta?

No, actually the visit to Mdina is very short, I think it takes like an hour to visit

And then you can come to Valletta and dedicate it the time you want

There are also very good beaches if you have time or if not then only with these

Two cities I think it's beautiful

These are the Barrakka Gardens

We recommend this visit a lot because it is a lookout from where you have the best

Views of Valletta and the cities on the other side

Well, we already finished our day in Malta and now we are off to the chic night

A gala in which we have to dress up a lot and then we are going to tonight's show.

And then to dinner. We hope you enjoyed our video of Malta

Subscribe and share this video with all your friends and see you in the next video


For more infomation >> Mediterranean Cruise #2 :: What to do in Malta (Celebrity Reflection) 🚢 - Duration: 8:36.


Glitter Lollipop Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Lollipop - Painting Coloring Book - Duration: 11:15.











Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Glitter Lollipop Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Lollipop - Painting Coloring Book - Duration: 11:15.


Stories of Mother's Noel - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Stories of Mother's Noel - Duration: 1:43.


Pollo Toné | Felicitas Pizarro - Duration: 4:25.

Today, Chicken Tonnato.

With Pickles, crunchy bacon, radish...

fried capers,

lots of love, ideal to pair with...

this sparkling red wine.

This recipe is usually made with meat.

You can check my recipe up here!

That's a good recipe...

it's my mom's recipe!

Is the recipe she prepares every christmas and everybody...

expects. Everyone instead of saying merry christmas, they ask for the vitel thone.


The day after christmas...

you have chicken or turkey leftovers?

What can you do?

You slice it...

and we re version the classic vitel tone.

So, let's begin...

170 GRS. TUNA.

You can add anchovies if you like.

Now, mayonnaise or alioli, even better.



I like adding the cream at the of the mixture because I can see the exact amount I want in it.

I like it to be light so it runs easely on top of my chicken.

Another thing, no salt.

All of my ingredients have salt already.

the mayonnaise, the alioli or the tuna are already salty.

So no extra salt needed.

Maybe you can add a good pepper you like. That would be awesome.


Mine is Raspberry vinegar, you can use any vinegar you like.

This will give an acid touch.


So, time for the capers, here I have hot olive oil.


And i will fry them.

ready, this is really quick, they are ready when they start looking like flowers.

Be careful not to burn.

The capers are ready. I have 150 GRS. CRUNCHY BACON.

I took it to the oven over a rack for it to lose the fat excess.

Now it is super crunchy!

Let's chop it.


Slice it thin. And let's take our sauce to it.

Time for the capers.



I have carrot and cucumber pickles.

I will chop them a bit.


To finish it up, some white pepper.

This is amazing.

This says holidays all over it.

And that's why I want to toast with you today.

And nothing pairs better with this Chicken Tonnato than this...

Red Sparkling Wine.

Pinot Noir.

My name is Felicitas Pizarro,

remember we are what we eat and what we drink...

today we are Chicken Tonnato & red Sparkling Wine.


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