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FERIADOS DO FINAL DE ANO - (ARCANJO GABRIEL) - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
Does "It's A Wonderful Life" Hold Up? - Duration: 4:48.Welcome to Christian Cinema Weekly.
So, in my family, Christmas traditions are often inspired
and closely connected to movies and TV.
Seeing Linus quote loop two,
Ralphie shoot his eye out,
or Buddy find his dad always gives me this feeling
inside my heart letting me know,
"Hey, Kevin, it's Christmastime."
This is never more apparent than when I see an extremely
dated, post-war, black and white Jimmy Stewart
running through Bedford Falls screaming,
"I wanna live again, I wanna live again!"
While the accents and aesthetic of the movie
really haven't aged well,
Oh, what, come on!
Just take off your nostalgic glasses, and pay attention
to the way they talk in that movie.
- [Actor] I'll give you the moon.
Well, then you could swallow it and it'll all dissolve, see?
And the moon beams would shoot out of your fingers
and toes and the ends of your hair.
- Nobody talks like that.
All right, you don't have to agree with me.
My point is the message of the movie
seems to be pretty timeless.
We all know the story of "It's a Wonderful Life"?
I'll just recap real quick.
All right, so we start off and there's this angel
and his name is Clarence, and he's being told
the life story of a guy named George Bailey,
who's life is anything but wonderful.
Clarence is being told this because he's been assigned
to help George Bailey, but he has to know the life story
before he can help him, and if he helps him,
then he can earn his wings.
Yeah, the theology in this one is a little bit wonky,
too, now that I think about it, but I digress.
The point is George has these big dreams
of leaving his small town and doing great things.
But, circumstances and his compassion for others continues
to get in the way, preventing him
from living out his dreams.
This same kind of scenario repeats itself
over and over in his life, where he's got this big dream,
he wants to go after it, but then something happens
and he just cares too much.
His life path goes in a different direction,
causing him to somewhat settle for something
he never planned or would have expected
from the beginning.
By the end, pushed to his limits, George regrets his life.
The story really takes a pretty dark turn at this point.
He gets to the point where he's like, "I wanna die.
I don't wanna live. In fact, I wish I had never been born."
Lots of first world problems.
This is when Clarence gets clearance
to give clarity to George.
He shows George the unseen impact
of all of his kind gestures that he's had.
How George's life has actually made
a huge impact on the world.
He shows him that, by thinking of his dreams,
he's missing out on what he already has.
His wonderful life, you might say.
His wonderful wife, his wonderful kids,
his wonderful hometown, all things that,
while life didn't go as he planned,
perhaps him being a mere mortal, his big plans
were not all that great plans to begin with.
Speaking of family, my grandma for Christmas
once gave me this old book that was owned by her father.
"Poems of the Works of Robert Burns."
In his poem to a mouse, he writes,
"But little mouse, you are not alone,
in proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew,
and leave us nothing but grief and pain for promised joy!"
That's just something I've been thinking about.
While we make plans, and these plans could be great,
it's always interesting to look back in your life
and see how things have gone differently.
And just because it's gone differently,
doesn't necessarily mean that it's gone worse.
In fact, a lot of the things in my life,
the best things in my life, are the things
that I never would have planned for
had I been the one planning my life.
I can't help but think that maybe the filmmakers
had this poem in mind when making this film.
Especially since they used another, more hopeful,
Robert Burns classic, "Auld Lang Syne"
to close out the film.
Just something to think about as you spend time
with your friends and family this Christmas.
Oh, and by the way, if you've already watched
all your favorite Christmas classics,
then might I let you know about some other Christmas films
available on
Two movies that have just been released.
One is called "Mountain Top."
It's the story of a former lawyer turned small town preacher
who returns to the courtroom to solve one last case.
Also, Christmas Gone Viral.
This is a new documentary by Ray Comfort
that explores the meaning of Christmas around the world.
You can rent this one for free right now
at, so go check that out.
And, if you wanna sit down and watch a fun,
Christmassy movie with the whole family,
then may I suggest "The Christmas Project."
This movie is about four brothers who, they're being bullied
at school, so they get together
to come against their greatest adversary.
But then, their mom has them join this Christmas project
where they deliver treats and gifts to their sworn enemies.
The Christmas Project is a heartwarming comedy
that the whole family will love.
I mean, just look at that cover.
Look at him, he's all covered in Christmas lights.
How could you not love that?
If you're looking for discounts this holiday season,
and I know that sometimes with Christmas gifts,
you really gotta stretch that budget real tight.
Well, let me tell ya about our 12 Days of Christmas picks.
12 movies you can check out.
You can get one of them with the discount code PEARTREE20.
Just head over to
That's all I've gotta say.
Be sure to subscribe to this channel
to keep up with the latest news surrounding faith and film.
I'm Kevin, merry Christmas everyone.
Layers of Disclosure – Defining the Many Subjects of Secrecy and - Duration: 33:55.Layers of Disclosure � Defining the Many Subjects of Secrecy and the Coming Revelations
of Full Disclosure
There are numerous subjects within the arena of disclosure, and these vary greatly in depth
and complexity.
These subjects require intelligence, consciousness, and general open-mindedness in order for us
to even begin to understand them.
Along with these attributes, an individual must have the qualities of maturity and self-responsibility
in order to process these numerous topics productively.
Without these qualities, the information which a complete disclosure may yield can be wasted
and fruitless.
If our minds are not ready and able to handle such conceptually complex and life-changing
information, there is no way to determine the result of disclosure.
However, when we do have these traits, we can be better prepared to digest the full
revelation of institutional secrecy on our planet when the time comes.
Research and Reason
Now suppose we are looking for answers that haven't yet been fully revealed, and we are
unsure of how or where to start our search.
How would we progress?
I would imagine that if an individual cared to get to the entire truth, they would consider
all possibilities of the situation and thoroughly research them so as to come to a coherent
and reliable conclusion at some point.
On a finite, human level, we are always in a state of learning, and it is our choice
that determines the pace of this learning.
(From a higher vantage point, it could be said that we do have all knowledge, but in
our physical, finite state, our knowledge is limited.)
At no point could a person rightly declare, �I now have all the answers.� Why?
Because as a matter of common sense, we do not know what we do not know.
Learning, as we know it, is a gradual process, and at no point can we blindly declare that
we have consciously attained all knowledge in the universe that one can know.
Well, we could, but multiple diagnoses of psychological disorders might soon follow.
So in order to learn, we must give thorough consideration to whatever subject we choose
to study.
By doing so, we can have the best chance of gaining the greatest level of knowledge possible.
So then what might the situation be when someone claims that we should avoid looking in a certain
direction, or that we should avoid certain information?
�Don't look there.
Don't listen to this or that source.
They're nothing but lies.� Is this the ideology of a thorough and independent researcher?
If we take the advice of those who hold such limiting beliefs, we will become just as mentally
limited as they are.
It is fine to have a healthy degree of skepticism in our search.
This skepticism actually helps us avoid blindly believing everything that we hear or read.
However, if we allow ourselves to be stifled in our consideration of possibility, we may
not be the students we claim to be.
We may simply be continuing our life-long pattern of being a yes-man or yes-woman.
Prospects of Study
If you haven't yet noticed, the disclosure process has already begun.
Sure, we might be waiting for some grandiose, official, and undeniable announcement to hit
the corporate media all at the same time.
However, this has not been the case thus far.
So far, we have received some very significant disclosures on a number of topics.
However, these revelations have been limited to only a handful of sources and topics.
This slow and subtle method of revelation is not nearly as satisfactory as many of us
desire to see, but as I see the situation, this still represents progress.
The reality of the possibilities surrounding a full disclosure event is that a data dump
of this size would take years to sift through, and the subjects included would be just as
These subjects can range from those which are simply interesting for the average person
to those which may be difficult to process.
So what might we find when this revelation comes forward?
Let's start with the basics.
Financial Corruption
Perhaps the next subject of disclosure may be another relatively easy pill to swallow.
I would say so considering the fact that much of this information has already come forward
up to this point.
The economic crash of 2008 was a historic moment when Americans were shown for the first
time, the blatant corruption of central banking.
The shear ferocity and lack of regulatory responsibility shown not only by the large
financial institutions, but by the government agencies which were supposed to prevent the
entirety from happening, was scandalous, not to mention criminal.
For details, see the articles below.
The entirety of central banking has been controlled only by a handful of criminal elitists for
the past century, but recently, this global pyramid scheme has faced several opponents�these
being asset and precious metal-backed currencies along with crypto-currencies which allow the
general public to trade without any interference from the central banking cartels.
The general idea surrounding this revelation is that the crash of 2008 involved the disclosure
of several world banks rigging their rates in order to basically rob the general population
of their life's wages.
After these banks finished this extensive gambling endeavor, they gave themselves large
bonuses and extended vacations.
It took years in order for any authority to even declare these acts of global robbery
to be criminal.
After this point, these banks were given slaps on the wrist and left to further defraud the
entire world's population of their life savings.
To this day, people have not received any reparations for the hard-earned wages they
lost during this act of financial cannibalism by central banks.
According to the consensus of research, the financial system is basically a pyramid scheme
designed around the illusion of wealth.
Paper money has been sold as the greatest asset a person can own.
However, none of the paper is backed by anything.
The elitists who control the printing presses rigged the game decades ago and ensure that
they alone would have the advantage.
Now, the people of the world spend their entire lives chasing after this paper simply to survive,
only to be left to poverty and starvation for lack of paper bills.
The world has fought wars over the rights to wealth.
Countries have gone to war and sent thousands to their deaths on false grounds that some
enemy existed in a foreign country, when in reality, the wars were simply fought to improve
economic dividends for the central bankers.
These military bloodbaths also helped to reduce population, maintain a social environment
of fear and cultural division, and ensures that the money machine keeps running.
Food and Pharmaceutical Corruption
It is no secret that the pharmaceutical industry is compromised in numerous ways.
The mere fact that this industry is for profit and yet claims to rid society of its own necessity
seems oxymoronic.
In case this sounds convoluted, let me put it simply.
If the pharmaceutical industry were 100% effective, it would only exist for a few years at most
and then it might become completely obsolete.
Some people may not be aware enough to look at the animal kingdom and realize that perpetual
sickness is not a natural phenomenon.
Yet this sickness is so common that most Americans and those living in the �civilized� world
largely count on the assumption that they will eventually contract a serious illness
at some point in their lives.
It is the assumption of many Americans that they will be diagnosed with cancer, Alzheimer's,
or dementia in their old age.
Contrary to popular belief, these conditions do not indicate a healthy society (or an effective
pharmaceutical industry).
From vaccinations which include mercury and formaldehyde to drugs and water supplies tainted
with mind-numbing chemicals, it seems clear that American regulatory agencies have no
real interest in actual health.
These agencies seem more interested in the profits that result from treating/sustaining
We do not need to look far to see just how compromised and corrupt the pharmaceutical
industry is in the United States.
The uncomfortable intimacy between these pharmaceutical companies and the regulatory bodies which
claim to keep them accountable is downright atrocious.
The same officials tasked with controlling this industry have just as much interest in
Big Pharma profits as the actual executives of these companies.
According to multiple sources, the pharmaceutical industry is not at all the benevolent and
good-willed industry it claims to be.
This is an industry that specializes in managing illness, and only cures illness when it is
profitable to do so.
It is a cluster of companies that research detailed and complex means of prolonging illness
so as to maximize their profits.
At the same time, organizations such as the FDA of America appear to be working toward
the agenda of population reduction and control on a grand scale.
These agencies and corporations have gone to extreme lengths to ensure that human life
does not reach its true potential for health and longevity, according to multiple sources.
A disclosure of this level of pharmaceutical corruption would be infuriating to the population
especially when considering the millions of people whom these agencies and industries
caused and allowed to suffer and die without these people knowing they could have easily
been cured.
Nevertheless, this disclosure must take place so that we can move forward and attain the
health we have been denied.
Population Reduction
Continuing on a previous subject, the concept which has been termed �overpopulation�
or �population control� is another subject which the general public has been indoctrinated
Unlike the other subjects of disclosure, this one may be somewhat familiar to the average
Though a portion of the concept may be familiar to some, the darker side of this agenda may
be somewhat shocking.
We may have seen a number of interviews or comments from various elitists who have stated
their belief that many people need to die in order for the planet to be healthy.
Billionaire Ted Turner is notorious for promoting drastic population reduction and has been
openly promoting eugenics for some time now.
Some may also remember the infamous quote from Prince Philip of the royal family of
England stating his apparent views on population control.
According to Prince Philip, �In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return
as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.�
Why are all of the people who advocate for population reduction by the billion all billionaire
Where are all of the average people with normal lives who believe that over half the Earth's
population need to die off?
Did these people observe such a need on their own, or was the concept simply fed to them
by elitist-controlled media?
The truth seems to be that these elitists do not intend to die off themselves.
It seems they believe there are too many poor people on the planet who need to be gotten
rid of.
While researching these topics, one thing we will eventually stumble across is the belief
that only the strong survive.
This is a pervasive belief of the scientific establishment, but also happens to be common
within secret societies.
The corrupt Cabal elitists who have manipulated and exploited the entire planet for nearly
a century or longer actually have similar beliefs as the Nazi party of the 1930s.
These elitists have many of the exact same ideals and have reportedly taken steps to
fulfill many of these genocidal plans on the world.
The actions of these elitists have largely been taking place under the radar.
However, we may note the stark similarity to our current world dilemma and the plans
which were openly stated on the Georgia Guidestones as well as various official documents.
It does not seem as though this plan was allowed to succeed completely.
However, he world has been significantly scared by the dark deeds of those who did everything
they could in attempting to execute it.
In fact, according to sources, the elite are intent upon wiping out the world's population
before we achieve full disclosure of their past deeds and future plans.
Mind Control and Entertainment
The subject of mind-control is commonly misunderstood by most newcomers to the subject of global
atrocity by elitist interests.
This subject is also ridiculed by established science, making it virtually impossible to
gain adequate understanding for those who solely depend upon science to explain the
subject to them.
The idea that the human mind can be manipulated by anyone but its owner is not typically a
pleasant thought, and is commonly laughed at by narrow-minded scientists who are addicted
to mainstream dogma.
However, research has shown that mental manipulation is not only possible, but that some organizations
have actually mastered the discipline as an art.
Most of those reading this will at least be somewhat familiar with the practice of psychological
Simply put, this is the natural behavior of manipulative people�those who naturally
seek out the weaknesses of others in order to exploit them and get what they want.
This is one simple means of what could be considered mind control.
However, we are referring to a level of control that is enacted by official sources and used
to control millions of people simultaneously.
In order to manipulate an entire country of people, you need to have a medium of communication,
and then use this medium to expose them to material that will invoke the desired behavior.
For manipulative controllers, this would involve maintaining psychological domination of the
people mostly through fear programming.
By using this fear as a mainstay and then giving short moments of relief and then associating
this relief with the desired behavior, a manipulator can condition their victims to behave in a
certain way on command.
This has been the general method of the elitist Cabal up to this point.
This method has gained in intensity greatly in the 2000s, but has generally been the same
method for the majority of the last century.
This is simply the first and most basic level of programming and can be distributed through
music, television programming and movies.
There is no real need for direct interaction for this level.
However, in order to achieve greater levels of mind control, there have been several other
types of programming to maintain subservience of the people.
Past covert government operations such as Project MKULTRA, Project Monarch, and other
similar projects have been declassified.
In short, these programs violated and abused countless innocent citizens in unspeakable
ways in order to gain control over their minds.
Much like Nazi Germany, the United States became a haven for eugenics, tyrannical control,
and gross violation of human rights.
Per the usual procedure, no government official was ever tried or punished for these gross
crimes against humanity.
These crimes were simply brushed under the rug and ignored by supposedly ethical authorities.
Everyone who would have otherwise been found guilty of crimes against humanity for participating
in these projects was long deceased before their crimes were ever disclosed.
Atrocities such as these are said to be the main reason behind systemic secrecy.
As history goes, the truth only comes forward when it is convenient for the government officials
who are incriminated by it.
This has been the status quo in America, at least until now.
There are several types of mind control to note.
There are the less invasive tactics such as psychological suggestion.
Then there are the more direct methods for which individuals are physically kidnapped
or abducted, tested and conditioned over periods of time, and then placed back into their normal
There is also the prolonged invasion of the mind through electromagnetic transmission.
To read more on this subject see these links.
The reality of mind control is far from the fictitious mockery it has been given in popular
These are very real techniques with some of the most destructive consequences we can imagine.
In fact, much of this mind control is directly linked with human trafficking.
Human Trafficking
The subject of human trafficking in disclosure is quite possibly the most sensitive subject
on the terrestrial side of things.
This subject has been one of the most heavily censored subjects in media since its revelation
by independent journalists and researchers.
The topics known as Pedogate has been one of particular frustration for most awakened
This is because of how irresponsible, inhumane and downright diabolical the corporate media
has been in its complicity in covering up the issue of pedophilia, child trafficking,
and mass murder.
The American media has gradually been outed as a haven for sex offenders.
On the same token, the executive side of Hollywood has been outed as a sanctuary for pedophiles
and rapists.
Though these revelations represent progress toward justice, they do not even begin the
scratch the surface of true disclosure of the problems at hand.
Compared to the true extent of the Pedogate issue, these disclosures are miniscule in
The true issue and problem resides within government and elitist circles and have lasted
for decades at minimum.
The transgressions of various government officials extend farther than any of us desire to think.
However, these crimes against the young and against humanity must be outed in detail in
order to save the past, present, and intended victims of these pedophile elitists.
We may note that to this point, the U.S. government has been run on corruption and monetary benefit.
Yet this year�for some reason�all of these new revelations have taken place, and we have
witnessed disclosures the likes of which we have never seen.
It has taken over half of the year to come to this point of revelation, but we are here.
Still, it appears that the media is slowly working its way up to the greatest level of
distraction before these corporate sources reveal the truth.
The reality seems to be that the media companies themselves are controlled by those who most
guilty of these crimes.
Consequently, the disclosures have been superficial up to this point.
There is no easy way to tell a partially sleeping population that their establishment has been
run by pedophilic Satanists, that these people sacrifice children in blood rituals designed
to make them more successful, and who make every effort to rule over the general public.
However, there is no real way around this disclosure.
The issue of human trafficking is worldwide.
It does not only exist in present-day America, but is happening everywhere.
Though a good portion of this trafficking is invisible, there is an element that is
happening in broad daylight for all the world to see.
Possibly, one of the saddest sights in media today is the market of African slavery being
resurrected in 2017.
Many of us might ask, �How in the world could this happen if the world has evolved
beyond this ?� The answer seems to be, �It couldn't.� It seems that the world did not
learn the lesson of the value of life and humanity the first time around.
We are still idle in the face of atrocity.
We still allow the greatest evils to be perpetrated by elitists who seem hell bent on domination
and destruction of humanity.
We have not adequately stood up to these treacherous people, and until we do, we will unfortunately
have to deal with the result.
As always, the problem can only be healed when we face it.
The truth must come forward to be acknowledged so that the suffering can end.
Covert Developments and Space Programs
There may be fewer topics of disclosure more extensive and complex than the one we know
as the Secret Space Program.
This topic covers virtually every concept which the corporate establishment and media
have blindly dismissed as pure fiction for at least the last 60 years.
Until recently�within the last five years�most awakened communities were largely unfamiliar
with the numerous and detailed testimonies of the various off-world space projects, but
today is a different story.
Now, we have numerous whistleblowers and experiencers from within these programs who have had glimpses
of such operations.
These individuals have found numerous corroborations within their documentation and testimonies,
and together, have been able to give audiences a clear image of the possibilities that await
us upon full disclosure.
The various secret space programs involve multiple developments of high technology taking
place under the radar, but above the governments of every developed country.
These programs are completely separate from the citizenry of their originating countries
and provide no benefit for the general public.
In short, these various off-world programs exist completely independently from Earth
civilization and have virtually no interaction with life on Earth's surface.
The subject of the SSP may be one of the most difficult to reveal, particularly because
it tackles some of the most controversial subjects of scientific studies.
Basically, the scientific community has laughed at the majority of these concepts�giving
average people an excuse to ignore and ridicule them just the same.
The subjects of UFOs, ETs, anti-gravity, time travel, ancient civilizations, alternative
history, the afterlife, teleportation, and scientific secrecy are largely considered
ridiculous by the mainstream establishment.
Consequently, no one within the scientific community bothers to learn anything more than
they already have.
This seems to have been by design, at least within the last century, and has largely limited
the topic of the Secret Space Program only to true free-thinkers.
It can be difficult to bend the rigid thought process of the average person when it comes
to scientific belief systems.
In many ways the sciences have been extremely productive.
There have been numerous developments within its various disciplines over time.
However, these developments only seem to be focused upon maintaining the current status
quo, and appear to have no regard for changing it to improve life on the planet for anyone
but the billionaire class.
We may factor in the fact that not billions, but trillions of dollars have gone missing
from the United States Treasury with virtually no explanation from those who processed these
That's right.
The American economy has been drained dry with virtually no explanation from those processing
these secretive transactions to unknown recipients.
It seems very likely that this money is going to black budget projects, and these projects
could be taking place either in space or deep under the Earth's surface.
The fact is that when multiple countries and corporate entities have virtually unlimited
and unregulated access to technology and resources, many developments can result.
According to many whistleblowers, anti-gravity, time travel, and interstellar space flight
have already been developed and put into production.
Along with these have come advanced weaponry, anti-aging technology, food materialization,
and numerous other technological developments.
According to multiple whistleblowers, technology has advanced so far in these black project
space programs that most of us on the surface would hardly recognize them as being human
Yet they are, reportedly.
The existence of off-world, human civilizations�often termed break-away civilizations�can be somewhat
difficult to wrap our heads around initially.
As testimonies claim, between 1950 and the late 1970s, there was a large portion of the
population that seemed to simply disappear.
These individuals were said to be the smartest and brightest in their areas of study and
Due to the high strangeness of these incidents, this period of time was simply termed the
Brain Drain.
According to whistleblowers, these efforts to recruit intelligent Earthlings was a military
operation to populate the off-world civilizations.
We may also notice that the time period from 1950 and the late 60s was the time during
which the notorious, Operation Paperclip, was taking place.
This was during the post-WWII era when NASA was developing its public space program.
According to whistleblowers and researchers, this was also the time when the brain drain
took place.
It seems very possible that NASA itself was a cover for the various SSP branches that
would later be developing technology far beyond anything we have seen here on the surface.
If we consider the situation, it makes perfect sense.
According to whistleblower, Corey Goode who claims to be a former operative within a SSP
branch codenamed Solar Warden�the Brain Drain was, in fact, designed to add to the
off-world human population during the reported recruitment phase of the program.
Solar Warden was created to counter the Nazi developments in space that had already begun
after WWII, according to corroborating testimonies from Goode and the late William Tompkins.
If Solar Warden was recruiting scientists and personnel to compete with a technologically
advanced Nazi party, the Brain Drain as well as Operation Paperclip would have come in
very handy.
On the public side, it might have simply appeared that the NASA space program was in full swing.
However, in the classified sector, these scientists could be working on off-world technologies
to be used in SSP development efforts.
In other words, Operation Paperclip along with the Brain Drain may have served as the
public version of a massive effort to shuffle and position new recruits for off-world civilizations.
According to Corey Goode, Pete Peterson, William Tompkins, Michael Relfe, and numerous other
whistleblowers, this is very likely to have happened behind the public development for
space exploration.
Compartmentalized Perspective
It is important to grasp the level of compartmentalization that exists among the various black projects
and secret space programs.
According to numerous accounts, the division of knowledge personnel within these programs
has caused difficulty within the process of disclosure thus far, and this was apparently
the idea.
There are several individuals who report different versions of the truth, but not always because
the information 100% accurate.
These individuals were given this information in order to help conceal details of the truth
from those who had no need to know.
Each whistleblower can only do their best to report information which they themselves
Outside of their own first hand accounts, there is not much of a way we are able to
gain the rest of the story.
Consequently, we presently have some rather interesting firsthand accounts, but as far
as further experience is concerned, we may need to wait until the entire truth is fully
Some whistleblowers report traveling outside of the solar system, while others were told
that it was impossible travel that far.
Others within these programs may have been told that it was impossible to travel to other
planets and moons or that no ETs were ever discovered.
Yet several former operatives report serving on Martian stations, on lunar basis and space
stations with different types of extraterrestrials.
The accounts varied greatly among various whistleblowers, but in general they paint
an interesting picture of the true extent of interplanetary and interstellar travel.
We cannot know for certain how far humans have gone in their exploration of the galaxy,
but we do know the likelihood that these treks go much farther than mainstream media and
NASA has dared to mention thus far.
We also have an extensive list of poignant questions to present to any establishment
that attempts to sell us half-truths.
In my personal view, in order for full disclosure of these operations to take place, we must
leave no stone unturned.
ET Life and Interaction
Once the disclosure of the SSP moves forward, it would not be too far of a stretch for the
average person to accept the reality of ET life.
According to numerous whistleblowers from various backgrounds, not only has ET life
been discovered, but many ET groups have evolved far beyond anything Earth humanity can presently
The secrecy of ET life has been so heavily guarded that hundreds (possibly thousands)
of people have literally been murdered to maintain it.
Additionally, populations have been excessively manipulated and abused to maintain their subservience
to the dogmatic and worthless systems of secrecy.
As it turns out, the elitists who have funded and maintained the secrecy absolutely believe
in ET life.
In fact, advanced ETs are reported to be a major part of certain elitist belief systems.
When we discuss ETs, it is impossible to avoid the subject of past ET and human interaction
over the course of the centuries.
According to numerous reports, ETs and humans have a rich history together.
Some ETs have come to Earth offering assistance and opportunities for advancement.
Some did so in benevolence while others demanded subservience and punished all those who did
not submit.
In general, ETs have largely kept their distance and allowed Earth humanity to develop without
knowing of their existence.
When it comes to ET/human interactions, there are numerous outcomes that can result.
Some ETs may view humans as equals and offer them a friendly bit of advice when invited
to do so.
These groups may offer advanced technology to those who are ready and willing to receive
such help.
Other groups might keep their distance and simply study Earth as a scientific interest.
Then there are some ETs that come to conquer.
According to sources, the benevolent ETs far outnumber those we might consider negative.
However, the results of interactions with these negative ETs can vary.
The overall goal of negative manipulators is to dominate and control entire worlds of
people, and as it turns out, our world seems to be one of those which the negative groups
presently control from behind the scenes.
However, this appears to be changing at ever increasing paces.
ETs and humans can have any number of interactions, but some groups may simply treat humans as
we humans treat animals.
Again, those who respect humanity are said to far outnumber those that do not.
In any case, it is important for all of these subjects to be addressed.
Many ETs do not see the physical aspect of the human body to be as important as we ourselves
Instead, these beings consider the consciousness of humanity to be more of an interest.
Some groups may have respect for their own kind, but due to the undeveloped aspects of
humanity, they may not show the same amount of empathy which many humans show each other.
All of these concerns are addressed in the subject known as Exopolitics�a subject which
is helping to shape the present and future interactions between Earth humans and ETs
for the greatest benefit of all involved.
Perhaps the existence of ETs will be the greatest pill to swallow for the general population.
It may actually be that even when this truth is disclosed, it will not have that significant
of an impact on the planet.
It may not be until we actually begin to meet with ETs face to face that the reality will
really sink in.
However, I believe such contact will only be peaceful and respectful.
According to reports, we as a species have been manipulated and exploited by some malevolent
However, these groups are finding it more and more difficult to interact with Earth
humans specifically because our focus is become less conducive to manipulation.
It seems that the announcement of advanced ET life is just around the corner.
Mainstream headlines have already taken a sharp turn in that direction, and it is anyone's
guess as to when the official announcement of advance ET life might be.
If this announcement is made, this will would mean that a major hurdle of disclosure will
be out of the way, and many other disclosures would follow.
Though the shock may be more intense if these announcements were made irresponsibly, it
will be much easier to disclose further truths about other secrets that have been kept from
the general population for years, decades, and even centuries of time.
Grown-ish (Freeform) "Pinga" Promo HD - Black-ish spinoff - Duration: 0:46.Who got the venti black iced tea,
extra ice, twelve pumps classic sweetener?
[Zoey] Oh, right here. [Ana] That's me.
So, this is it, college.
I'm making all kinds of new friends.
There's a party in the Hollywood Hills
and I'm gonna have sex with Jason Derulo.
B-T-Dubs your hair is everything.
And I am learning so much.
I don't know what a "pinga" is, but it's not going to change me.
A pinga is a penis, isn't it?
You're damn right it is.
Grown-ish the one hour premiere event,
Wednesday January 3rd everywhere you watch Freeform.
Woman Accuses Trump Of Sexual Assault, But Her Dark Secret Just Changed Everything. - Duration: 4:34.Woman Accuses Trump Of Sexual Assault, But Her Dark Secret Just Changed Everything.
For the last few months, major figures have been exposed for sexual misconduct.
Women have come forward, accusing them of harassment.
This has inspired the left to mount a campaign against President Donald Trump.
However, one of the women accusing him did something strange, not that long ago, and
it cast her allegations into question.
The "Me Too" campaign has spread throughout the Internet.
Women are popping up on social media, claiming they have been victims of assault.
It's important for real cases of assault to be exposed.
Yet, this movement has been clearly co-opted by people with political motivations.
During the 2016 election, the media dragged out women who attacked Donald Trump.
Several women claimed that he sexually harassed them over the years.
The accusations made little impact on the election, as they did not hold up to scrutiny.
Now, a few of those women have returned.
Hoping to jump on the "Me Too" bandwagon, they have attacked the President once again.
The left is so desperate, they will resort to any tactic to hurt the leader of the Free
Even if that means inventing controversy.
However, one of the women who's hellbent on destroying Trump sung a different tune,
just two years ago.
A New York cosmetics executive who publicly accused Donald Trump of sexually assaulting
her in the 1990s reportedly tried to get the future president to hire her as his makeup
artist for his 2016 presidential campaign.
Emails obtained by the Hill show accuser Jill Harth emailed then-candidate Trump multiple
times over the course of the 2016 presidential campaign to advertise her services.
"Hi Donald, you are doing a tremendous job of shaking things up in the United States.
I am definitely on Team Trump as so many others are," Jill Harth wrote Trump in an email
on October 1, 2015, sent to him through his New York company's headquarters.
[Source: Breitbart]
It looks like Ms. Harth was very thirsty for a job.
That makes sense.
She, like so many other people, knew Trump was going all the way to the White House.
Getting to work with him on the campaign would have been a big boost for her career and her
It looks like Trump wasn't interested in her services, though.
Still, this raises the question: Why ask the man for a job — when he allegedly harassed
Why get up close and personal with him again?
If you were assaulted by someone sexually, would you ask to do his makeup?
I don't think so.
It is highly unlikely that a person would ask to work with a man who has assaulted them.
Why do that?
You're just setting yourself up for another assault, right?
So, why would Harth be so eager to work with Trump?
Perhaps it's because her original accusations were false.
Apparently, she withdrew them back then.
Only now, when it's advantageous for her, is she dragging them out again.
Harth also wrote another email requesting to meet Trump personally and be his campaign
surrogate, saying that the future president helped her build "self-confidence" and
had nothing but positive interactions with women.
Harth, however, had some choice words for Trump in her now-withdrawn 1997 lawsuit against
him and in interviews that took place in late 2016 on the campaign trail.
She alleged that Trump sexually assaulted her 20 years ago, and she is one of 19 other
women accusing the president of sexual misconduct.
[Source: Breitbart]
President Donald Trump is the most powerful man in the country.
He tops every major news headline.
A large group of bitter liberals wants to take him down.
So perhaps a group of women got together to slander him, for attention and wealth?
They fabricated stories of harassment in order to appear on TV.
Perhaps, a wealthy liberal donor is greasing their palms.
These emails certain shatter Harth's allegations.
No one in their right mind would go back to a man after he's assaulted them.
She wouldn't email his campaign, begging for a chance, knowing he might harass her
We have only two conclusions then: either Harth is out of her mind, or she is lying.
Either way, it doesn't make her look good.
what do you think about this?
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Jean Genet - "EDEBİYAT, DEĞİŞİM, HAPİSHANE, POLİTİKA" 1982 (Türkçe Altyazılı) - Duration: 6:11.-------------------------------------------
50 Cent - Sus 10 Reglas del Éxito (Subtitulado) - Duration: 9:27.-------------------------------------------
Women...STOP Apologizing | Precious C. Price - Duration: 1:10.I want to speak about the experience of a woman. So I'm speaking to all of my
women out there, I know that you've had an experience where maybe you're walking
down the street, walking down the hall, of course you're extremely focused - because
that's just who we are, and some man tells you "Oh, smile pretty lady." No. You
do not have to smile. You do not have to always be seen as gentle. It is okay to
have a straight face. You do not have to apologize for
demanding the attention of the room. You do not have to apologize for voicing
your opinion and others not agreeing with what you have to say. You do not
have to apologize for showing your displeasure on your face and other
people taking it as you having an attitude. You don't always have to be
gentle. As a woman, you can be strong. As a woman, you can take ownership of the room.
As a woman you, too can also be the leader.
Sohne Naina Valeya | Punjabi Folk Songs | Live Performance by Neelam Sharma | USP TV - Duration: 4:24.Sohne naina valeya de ja karele
Baanke naina valeya de ja karele
De ja karele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
De ja karele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Aanvan kehde vehle
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Sohne naina valeya de ja karele
Baanke naina valeya de ja karele
Lokaan de mahi M.A. te B.A.
Lokaan de mahi M.A. te B.A.
Sada mahi fail ae
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Pehli vichon fail ae
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Sohne naina valeya de ja karele
Baanke naina valeya de ja karele
Lokaan de mahi ciname (cinema) nu jande
Lokaan de mahi tan ciname (cinema) nu jande
Sada mahi mele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Mera mahi mele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Baanke naina valeya de ja karele
Sohne naina valeya de ja karele
Lokaan de mahi tan nott leyande
Lokaan de mahi tan nott leyande
Sada mahi dhele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Sada mahi dhele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Baanke naina valeya de ja karele
Sohne naina valeya de ja karele
Lokaan de mahi tan audi chalaande
Lokaan de mahi maruti chalaande
Sada mahi thele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Sada mahi thele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Sohne naina valeya de ja karele
Baanke naina valeya de ja karele
De ja karele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
De ja karele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Aanvan kehde vehle
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Sohne naina valeya de ja karele
Baanke naina valeya de ja karele
De ja karele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Oye aanvan kehde vehle
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
De ja karele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Aanvan kehde vehle
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
De ja karele
(Backing vocals) De ja karele
Aanvan kehde vehle
【Saya Scarlet】☆Tears☆ - Duration: 5:31.Supposing tomorrow comes to a close,
Supposing there is a future somewhere beyond that,
For even if the light no longer exists,
I will have been gazing at the glow of the moon
I was thinking that it couldn't come true
Having been afraid of that which could be lost
I was searching for a sun that would never set
Seeking the warmth which you had given me...
Even those memories within which I existed,
They are all gradually washed away
Until even this heart is completely broken to pieces,
Never forgetting these feelings, ever so softly...
I was thinking that it was an uncertain love
Refusing to trust in it, I eventually came to run away
Placing those wishes into the unchanging sky
That promise which had been exchanged with me...
If you are truly everything to me,
Then I don't want even this pain I feel to disappear
If even my heart is shattered and tears overflow,
Thinking of you fleetingly, longingly, forevermore...
Even those memories within which I existed,
They are all gradually washed away
Until even this heart is completely broken to pieces,
Even if the rain continues to pelt down...
It's painful and heartrending
Even this pain refusing to disappear
If even my heart is shattered and tears overflow,
Sleeplessly falling, sinking, ever so quietly...
Continuing to cry out as much as this voice can bear
Let it reach far, far into the distance
I was searching for a sun that would never set...
HELP!! SOMEONE KICKED MY ENTIRE CLAN in Clash Royale... - Duration: 9:18.SOMEONE KICKED MY ENTIRE CLAN in Clash Royale...
Clemson players are brothers on and off the field - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING NEWS Out Of D.C. – Trump Has Had ENOUGH! Finally Erases Obama From History! - Duration: 5:00.BREAKING NEWS Out Of D.C. – Trump Has Had ENOUGH!
Finally Erases Obama From History!
On CNN, back in October, former Obama adviser David Axelrod told host Michael Smerconish
that President Donald Trump is "trying to obliterate" Obama's legacy.
Anderson Cooper made a similar observation, stating that things look "surprisingly personal."
Although what Trump just did may not truly have anything to do with personal matters,
but it may seem like that to some who oppose Trump.
Some people already say Trump is slowly erasing Obama's legacy or is Trump simply making
things better and people are taking it the wrong way?
In the case of the Obama legacy, Democrats lost over 1,000 state and federal Democrat
seats, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency, under
his tenure.
It's not hard to see why since Obama's legacy entailed the rise of ISIS, subpar economic
growth following the weakest recovery since WWII, exploding healthcare costs, and a record
national debt.
We've already seen what taking the opposite approach of Obama has done – destroying
ISIS, bringing economic growth back above 3%, unemployment numbers improving, and a
surging stock market.
Trump really is erasing every creation of Obama that he can.
Among them includes a government site called "We the People" that was reportedly setup
back in 2011.
The idea behind the site was that if a petition started there reached 100,000 signatures with
30 days, it would receive an official response from the White House.
The supposed site cost a few million dollars per year to run, but it's unclear where
that money went because it certainly didn't go towards paying people to monitor the site
as well as that well.
In August of 2013, there were 30 petitions which met the signature threshold, and it
took the government an average of 240 days to respond to them.
Of 323 petitions that met their thresholds, they sped up their response time to 117 days.
Due to the excessive cost and lagged response time, Trump is kissing it goodbye for now
until a better system is released.
According to The Hill, The "We The People" website, was taken down on Tuesday at midnight,
Officials told the Associated Press that platform will be replaced with a new website in late
January and that all of the existing petitions will be restored at that time.
The Trump administration has yet to respond to any petitions that have exceeded 100,000
signatures, which necessitate a response from the federal government.
Trump officials told the AP that the administration will begin responding to the petitions once
the new website is live sometime next year.
Several of the petitions that have reached that threshold are highly critical of President
Trump, including calls for him to release his tax returns, for him to divide or put
all of his assets in a blind trust, and for him to resign.
The White House says the move will save taxpayers $1.3 million a year.
That's out of a $55 million White House budget and allots $4.94 million for information
technology to be put to much better use.
The new landing page for the website tells us that "All existing petitions and associated
signatures have been preserved and will be available when the site is relaunched.
Following the site's relaunch, petitions that have reached the required number of signatures
will begin receiving responses."
While the administration says a new website is planned to be released in 2018, that's
likely just a cover story to get away with it entirely, presuming everyone just forgets
about it in a few months anyway.
Given how this news cycle is progressing, that's practically a guarantee.
After all, the administration has made no effort to reply to the petitions on the platform
so far this year, which has been utilized by users as a way to protest the Trump Presidency,
and it's unlikely they'd suddenly develop any interest in doing so with their own website.
What's the point when too many of the petitions are illogical nonsense anyway?
In terms of the federal budget, this program is a fraction of a penny on the dollar, but
that's no excuse to keep it.
We don't even know how many government agencies exist as there is "no authoritative list
of government agencies."
All we know is that there are at least 430 in existence.
It's been conventional political wisdom that spending is never cut because it guarantees
those whose department you cut will vote against you.
The Trump administration doesn't seem to care much – and given a national debt over
$20 trillion, that's the kind of attitude we need right now.
A few million pennies saved, is a few million pennies earned.
Or, in regards to our national debt, it's a few million paid back or invested into something
more sensible, logical, or useful.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Top Stories Today.
Зубные импланты. ✊ Сколько прослужат зубные импланты. ROOTT - Duration: 7:05.-------------------------------------------
Real estate agent says she was forcibly grabbed and kissed while showing a home - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
A record number of people are traveling for the holidays - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
President Trump Tweets 70 Dow records in one year period – Share - Duration: 2:01.President
Trump Tweets �70 Dow records in one year period� � Shares Gateway Pundit Info
President Trump tweeted this morning the same information that we reported last week and
yesterday at the gateway pundit!
70 Record Closes for the Dow so far this year!
We have NEVER had 70 Dow Records in a one year period.
We at the gateway pundit (TGP) were the first to report this.
All year we kept track of each new all-time high.
We downloaded Dow data since inception and we determined that the most all-time highs
in any single year was in 1995 at 69.
Trump�s rally broke this all-time record yesterday and the President knows it and reported
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