hey guys what's going on ethan here and welcome back to another view so today
I'm back on black ops 3 and it is the holidays Merry Christmas guys so we are
here in Black Jack and he has something for us today this contract is a
community contract holiday challenge now welcome to the holiday community
challenge something special for the time of the year black ops 3 players we were
putting skills and precision to the test unlock truth of community rewards ok I
can't talk rewards the challenge 50 million 50 million on line multiplayer
player matches the roared is 10 Rouge fly drops in all a melee weapon bribe
and a range revived that's a lot of goodies Awards unlock at a third at UM
at 25 50 75 and 125 fiber supply of 55 were Supply Drop 75 melee weapon bribe a
hundred percent completes we get um we get we have the weapon breath so enjoy
the holiday season um so I'm hoping you know we can
actually get this I'm just trying to see if that helps at all does it it helps a
little bit actually
yeah it helps a little bit so what we're going to be doing is let's go play a
match I'm gonna put some music on in the second we're gonna play a Dom match just
because I'm trying to level up some stuff so yeah let's get straight to it
by the way while I'm waiting in the lobby shout out to um NCS from copyright
sounds which will uh the link for the song that I'm about to play in like a
minute when we start will be straight in the description down there it's a shout
out to NCS no copyright sounds and let's get straight into this
okay guys so I hope you guys enjoyed this it was just a little small thing that took up nine minutes
that was crazy there they had R.A.P.S twice I don't understand how but whatever I hope you guys did enjoy if you did like always leave a like hit that subscribe button talk to you guys later Peace Out!!!!!!!!!
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