Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

For more infomation >> ATLAS - CERN & NOVÉ INFORMACE 4.12.2017 temné pozadí ODHALENO!!! - Duration: 22:38.


PRAGA, República Checa: "El castillo más grande del mundo" / Ana y Bern - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> PRAGA, República Checa: "El castillo más grande del mundo" / Ana y Bern - Duration: 6:28.


Como Hacer Lacas Vitrales con Dimensional Cristal - Duration: 12:47.

For more infomation >> Como Hacer Lacas Vitrales con Dimensional Cristal - Duration: 12:47.


100 пачек Роллтона. Стоит ли участвовать в их акциях? - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 100 пачек Роллтона. Стоит ли участвовать в их акциях? - Duration: 3:53.


🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ Zakente - CARANGUEJO CIGANO - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ Zakente - CARANGUEJO CIGANO - Duration: 3:34.


Top 5 Gucci Mane Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:04.

Gucci Mane is a successful American rapper.

This man has a lot going on in his life and ive recently learned some pretty surprising

things about him that im going to share with you in this video.

Hey youtube im court mcginley welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know Who is your favorite artist and why let me know down

in the comments.

Also in the comments make sure you let me know what other top 5 lists youd like to see

me do next.

Finally if you havnt subscribe to our channel then please do and I have a challenge for

you guys lets see if we can get this video to 300 like I know you can do it.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 Gucci Mane surprising facts.

Coming in at number 5--Robbed- I know its hard to believe but someone actually had the

guts to Rob Gucci Mane.

However this was back in 1995 when he was only 15 years old.

At this time he was known to be a dealer which would obviously make him a target.

He was just minding his business riding his push bicycle when all of a sudden a man stopped

him and put a gun to his head.

He was forced to hand over all of his stock and money he had on him.

It was after this he started to carry a gun on him at all times.

In at number 4--Jail- back in 2013 it was revealed that Gucci mane would serve 183 days

in jail on charges of firearm possession by a convicted felon- disorderly conduct- carrying

a concealed weapon- along with marijuana possession.

At number 3--Drug dealer- This rapper started dealing drugs when he was just a freshman

in high school.

And although he sold drugs he never actually took any.

He was actually a really good student and looked upon with high regard from his peers.

He even ended up graduating from college with a 3.0.

Years down the line though he began to dabble in drugs and the first one he tried was cannabis.

In the years to follow he struggled with addiction but now hes clean.

Coming in at number 2--Jake Paul- Last week Jake Paul released a its everyday bro remix

video featuring the one and only Gucci Mane.

Now Gucci mane is only in the video for maybe like a minute collectively.

But apparently jake paid him 250 thousand dollars for this appearance.

Clearly Gucci mane knows how to make business deals.

This video is doing really well and at the time of this recording had almost 14 million


But just like the original everyday bro song it has more dislikes then likes.

But Guccis part is obviously great.

Can you guys put in – 2:05-2:14.

Links in script. and in at number 1--Purple Drank- When Gucci

was younger he struggled with addiction.

At one point it became so bad that he was actually rushed to the hospital.

As a teen Gucci tried purple drink.

the first time he tried it he was with his friend Bunny- but it wasn't mixed properly-

it wasn't diluted enough with soda so his body went into shock.

His body dealt with aftershocks which lasted for days.

He stayed in the hospital until he started to feel normal again.

But once he got that first taste he became hooked even though it could've killed him.

It was after this that he also started to take harder drugs like ecstasy as well.

His doctor told him he needed to stop drinking lean aka purple drink or it would cause a

chemical imbalance.

So it's a good thing he eventually got off of it before any serious damage was done.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 Gucci mane surprising facts.

Thanks so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Gucci Mane Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:04.


Hypixel Skywars Fails & Wins in 40 Min. - Duration: 15:15.

Guys first the Fails!!!

And now the Kills & Wins!!!

Write in the Commentary, what should i bring tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Hypixel Skywars Fails & Wins in 40 Min. - Duration: 15:15.


O incrível poder da gelatina - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> O incrível poder da gelatina - Duration: 5:12.


Top 10 Dumbest Star Wars Characters - Duration: 7:19.

Dumbest Star Wars Characters Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, Iím Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

The Star Wars films are pretty great.

But they do come with their fair share of ridiculous characters.

(Jar Jar pops up, I look and he hides) Sometimes this is nice, adding a new dimension to the

film, and sometimes the character becomes something of a joke.

(Jar Jar pops up, I look and he hides) Iím here to talk about some of the dumbest characters

out there.

Not necessarily stupid ones though, maybe they look dumb, or do dumb things, or their

mere existence makes no sense.


Okay, letís hop right in!

Itís time for the Top 10 Dumbest Star Wars Characters!

Editor note: Yeah if Jar Jarís head could just slowly creep into the screen then go

away when I look at it that would be sweeeeeeet.

Number 10: Nute Gunray.

First of all, in case you didnít realize it, Nute Gunray is based on two names in real


Can you guess?

Well, Nute is a little easier, named after American politician Newt Gingrich, but Gunray

is actually named after Ronald Reagan.

GunrayÖ RaygunÖ?

Pretty clever, and it certainly went unnoticed by me for some time.

But the viceroy of the Trade Confederation was pretty ridiculous.

Not only because he and his fellow Neimoidians spoke with a pretty outrageous Japanese accent,

but they were also quite useless.

In Star Wars, the vast majority of the villains are evil, but have some pretty awesome qualities

to them.

But not Nute.

Nuteís just a pushover jerk, puppet of Palpetine, and heís not smart, or cool, or powerful,

or anything.

So dumb.

Number 9: The Ewoks.

Now personally I quite like the Ewoks.

Following the How I Met Your Mother logic of the Ewok Line, since I was born after May

25, 1973, itís normal for me to like Ewoks since I was a kid when I first saw them.

So thank god HIMYM got that one right.

But even though I always found them to be cute, even I have to admit that the whole

part with them is kinda dumb.

Little teddy bears with rocks should NOT be able to take on highly-trained, heavily armoured


I donít care how resourceful or cute they are, they would die REAL quick.

Number 8: Greedo.

This is one that shouldnít piss off too many people, because Greedo is certainly not the

sharpest tool in the shed.

He was a bounty hunter who had found Han Solo, super eager to bring his head to Jabba for

a hefty reward.

So eager, in fact, that he forgets everything about bounty hunting.

First of all, he gets caught up monologuing!

Thatís likeÖ bad guy 101!

Plus, thereís a reason most people say ìhands upî when holding a gun on someone.

Itís so that they donít, oh I dunno, draw a gun under the table and shoot you?

He deserved to die.

And yes, Han shot first, but I really donít get the whole controversy.

Greedo was going to kill him, why should Han wait for Greedo to actually shoot?

Do you think Han is dumb or something?

Number 7: Han Solo.

Haaaaa see what I did there?

I asked if you thought he was dumb then I said he was dumb.

Look, I love Han as much as the next guy.

Probably more than the next guy, heís kinda my favourite character in Star Wars.

But the dude seems to get by less by being smart or clever, and more, well,


He thinks a parsec is a unit of time, heís constantly pissing people off for no reason,

and if he didnít have Chewey with him heíd be dead a hundred times over.

But again, heís awesome.

And handsome.

And funny.

Okay, this point is making me question my sexuality, letís move on.

Number 6: C3P0.

C3P0 might sound like a surprising entry for this list, since heís a rather intelligent

robot, able to simulate human emotions and perform complicated calculations.

But there are a few things that get him on this list.

First of all, heís basically the epitome of the bumbling idiot.

He isnít stupid, and heís definitely good, but he just manages to get himself into so

much trouble itís insane.

Kind of like Marcus Brody from Indiana Jones.

Youíre rooting for him, but you probably wouldnít trust him with anything important.

Number 5: Anakin Skywalker.

We all love to hate on Anakin, what with the terrible writing and Hayden Christensonís

bland delivery.

Many people were disappointed that the young man who would become Darth Vadar was so annoying


Seriously, every time he opens his mouth you know itíll either be whiny or stupid.

Plus he does pretty much anything heís told without thinking.

Hey Anakin, you should go kill a bunch of Younglings.

Will that save Padmeís life?

UhÖ sure.

That makes sense.

Kind of goes beyond ìloyalî into the realm of Kronk from Emperorís New Groove.

Except it takes Anakin wayyyyyyyy longer to realize heís on the wrong side.

Number 4: Dr. Cornelius Evazan.

Thatís right I looked up his name.

You may not remember him, but he had his start (and end) in the cantina scene in A New Hope,

where he drunkenly picked a fight with Luke because he and his friend didnít like him.

This guyís pretty dumb picking a fight with a couple guys carrying freaking lightsabers,

but I think I need to step aside from the dumbness for a second for an educational moment.

Dr. Cornelius Evazan was a rising cosmetic surgeon, until he began a descent into madness,

doing ìcreative surgeryî to disfigure his patients.

He was later disfigured himself by a vengeful bounty hunter, and saved by Ponda Baba, who

would later become the very friend that ìdoesnít likeî Luke.

Sorry, I just love how there are such detailed backstories to minor characters.

Evazan was a small part in A New Hope, but was deemed memorable enough to have a cameo

in Rogue One! But yeah, in terms of dumbness, maybe picking

a fight with 2 Jedi isnít the smartest thing to do.

Number 3: Lumpy.

Thatís right, weíre going Holiday special up in here.

There are too many terrible things about the special, it was really hard to not make this

just a list about that, but thatís no fun so Iíll stick with one.

And my goodness, what a one it is.

Lumpy is just the worst guys.

I mean, that whole family was the worst; that first scene where theyíre just grunting and

miming to each other for 10 minutes is mind-numbingly painful.

But I think Lumpyís the worst of all just because on top of not speaking English, heís

a whiny, bratty little kid.

Plus, he does some rather dumb things throughout the special.

I canít give you specifics because I havenít watched it in a while and Iíll be DAMNED

if Iíll watch that train wreck again just for one point in a video, but just take my

word for it.


Number 2: That Stormtrooper who hit his head.

Yep, this one isnít really a particular character, but there was one hilarious moment in A New

Hope that will forever go down in history.

When we saw a group of Storm Troopers walking into the Control Room, one of them just smacks

his head on the top of the doorway, presumably not used to the height of the helmet.

Itís just such a silly moment in whatís supposed to be a serious scene.

This was so popular that when they remastered the movie, they added a sound effect to draw

attention to the head bump.

Now THATíS how you remaster a movie.

Number 1: Mace Windu.

Just kidding, of course itís Jar Jar Binks.

Jar Jar is dumb in pretty much every sense of the word.

Heís goofy, does silly things, is straight up stupid, and the fact that he was even in

the film was pretty dumb in itself.

Jar Jar is so ubiquitously hated that heís become a total joke in the Star Wars community.

We even made him the subject of our last April Fools video, linked down below?


While many people will argue some of the other, more loved characters on this list, I think

there should be a fair bit of agreement that Jar Jar is super dumb.

Unless you believe that heís a sith lord, in which case heís the smartest of the lot.

But I donít believe it.

So heís dumb.

Thatís it for today!

Hope you enjoyed!

If you did please smack that delicious thumbs up button and subscribe to Top 10 Nerd for

more videos!

Want to see more Star Wars videos?

Tell your friends about us and share these videos!

A lot of what we do is based on how much interest there is, so if you want more stuff on Star

Wars or Doctor Who, get the word out and get some views on those videos!

Until next time, Iím Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 Nerd.

Later nerds!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Dumbest Star Wars Characters - Duration: 7:19.


Last day in Japan - Duration: 12:19.


You can choose this one or this one

This one? OK


840 yen

Thank you so much

One of the things that I noticed when we arrived to Japan,

The Japanese people are very kind in restaurants and anywhere as well!

After eating at the restaurant, you carry the dishes and put them in the trash basket by yourself!

Meals are very good in KFC

KFC restaurant, 10 of 10

There is a touch between good grape leaves and bad grape leaves

This touch depends on many things

[Ahmed Siddig] many things?

[Mohamed Ahmed] Yes, many things

[Mohamed Ahmed] Most importantly ..

Let's go to the zoo

It is a beautiful garden, let us go

Lion and elephant, and here we tell the story of the lion

The lion is the king of the jungle

[Elaf] God, this person is abnormal

We must let him sleep for enough time

You should not sleep late

He usually sleet early

[Mohamed Ahmed] every one of us has his own biological clock

But when we wake up the person early

We make a disturbance in the biological clock

Because he worked very hard, this man was fighting

Chicken war

This person is a very professional liar

Lying professionally

So why, Muhammad?

[Mohamed Ahmed] lets go to the zoo

[Ahmed friend] we go to the zoo

Me and my friends

We will go to the zoo

let's go

To the zoo

These are sheeps!

I said to Mohammed Ahmed, look at these sheep

He told me .... (laughs)

He told me that, we can make it an excellent barbecue

[Elaf] These 2 guys spoiled our fun, I wished that if they did not come with me, because from the moment we arrived, they are doing sp

Show them the Lamb, so they know what we are talking about

This a lamb

This is another Lamb

This a lamb also

Simple thinking

When you see a sheep

You remember roasts!

Thank you so much

These Japanese children look at rabbits and they touch them gently

Why are you crying? You are living in Japan!

Do not cry .. my little

[Mohamed Ahmed] It's hot! [Ahmed friend] strange that they live here, but it seems that there is a snow



Many Batteries in Arabic are called: Bataryat , and many penguins are called, Boutriqat

Not like that

Do not make fun of us in front of Your YouTube subscribers!


Even worse

[Mohamed Ahmed, what they are called in English?



Thank you so much

This is a pigeons

Or because the world abroad

Dark and fetal

Why they do not fly?!

[Ahmed Siddig] because it is accustomed to confinement

Is the pigeons when they get used to slavery, remains locked in prison


Why pigeons do not fly ?!

Lastly pigeons flew

It's freedom! Freedom! Freedom!

[Ahmed Siddig] You have encouraged the the pigeons to fly away, what did you do? Muhammad Ahmed?

[Mohamed Ahmed] brother you are free in front of the restrictions, it is freedom [Ahmed Siddig peace!

[Ahmed Siddig] freedom is a sign of civilization

[Mohamed Ahmed] Where are you Mawkli, I will eat you now

Can it cross this barrier?

[Mohamed Ahmed] seems he can!

[Ahmed Siddig] If he came, where are we going?!

[Mohamed Ahmed] seems to be not hungry

[Imitating the lion voice] [Elaf] Let's go from here

This is the polar bear

I do not know what it is doing, if there is someone who knows what it is doing, let us know in the comments

Strange movements!

Very beautiful

Thank you so much

[Elaf] very sad

[Elaf] Mohamed Ahmed is funny

Jackson bus station in Khartoum, AlHalfaya, congestion, standing in public transport, hot weather

We will go after only 3 hours

We are going back to Sudan

This trip came to an end

it was a nice trip

We lived with you very beautiful moments

Thank you for watching us

Thank you very much, I love you very much

Thank you very much, I love you very much

[Mohamed Ahmed] was a very nice 12 days

[Ahmed Siddig] Why, Elaf? [Elaf] He will speak a lot

8 days in Kyoto city, very beautiful

Those days were very beautiful

4 days in Osaka city

But Kyoto remains the most beautiful city


the best

Very impressive Kyoto

[Ahmed Siddig] What do you mean by sugoi ? [Mohamed Ahmed] I mean wonderful

Thank Kyoto

Thanks Osaka

Thanks you Japan

Thank you Tokyo

I love you all

[Elaf] This is an emotional drought

[Ahmed Siddig] Say goodbye to the audience Elaf [Elaf] Who? meI? I'm not good at that

[Mohamed Ahmed] words which are not like words [Elaf] Magda Roumi

[Elaf] We do not want to go back to Sudan

[Mohamed Ahmed]We do not say goodbye, we say see you again [Elaf] Mohammed Ahmed spoke instead of me

We never say goodbye, see you again

Burger King Restaurant, how much you give it out of 10?


[Ahmed Siddig] And McDonald's?


[Ahmed Siddig] What about you Elaf?

The same!

Why do not you have a different opinion? Is your character weak?

My character is weak, because I stayed with people who have weak character for 13 days

Pressure moves from top to bottom

[Elaf] in our laws, it is reverse, even gravity go from down to up

Mohamed Ahmed has a weak character, that is why he did not appear in fully in the photo

We are alone in this restaurant?

Mohamed Ahmed has a weak character

[Elaf] so he does not fully appear in the photo

What is the time now?

[Ahmed Siddig] One minute remaining [Mohamed Ahmed] 2 minutes remaining

Let's take a photo

let's go

For more infomation >> Last day in Japan - Duration: 12:19.


Japanese suffering passive finally demystified! Adversity passive laid to rest! - Duration: 7:29.

Hello, pretty peoples. KawaJapa no Kyua Dorii desu.

Today we are going to talk about the so-called "suffering passive" or "adversity passive"

in Japanese.

If you believe the English language textbooks and general English explanations of Japanese,

you will have to believe that when Japanese people are suffering from something or annoyed

about something, they suddenly lapse into the passive voice in a way that makes no sense

at all.

Why does this happen?

Well, the textbooks can't tell you that.

It's just one of those complicated, random things in Japanese that you have to memorize

– according to them.

The actual reason they can't give an explanation is because it doesn't really happen.

As I have explained in my main video on the passive form, there is no passive form in


I call it the "receptive" form and that's what the Japanese call it too – the "ukemi",

the receptive.

This makes a huge difference, because if you regard the Japanese receptive form as if it

were like the English passive voice, it completely confuses you about the way Japanese works.

It makes the simple, logical, absolutely regular ga-centered structure of Japanese apparently

chaotic and confusing.

There are a few things that the Western textbooks do to create this confusion, and one of the

larger ones is this whole question of the so-called passive voice.

So, let's see what's really going on.

The best way to translate the "passive" is with the English word "got", which means "received".

Actually, some people use this all the time in English, but it's not regarded as good


But in Japanese it is perfectly good grammar and it is the receptive form.

So, we can say "kaban ga nusuma reta" and that means "My bag got stolen".

Not "My bag was stolen", which is the English passive, but "My bag got stolen".

My bag received the action of being stolen: my bag got stolen.

Now that isn't the so-called suffering or adversity passive: what the Japanese call

"meiwaku ukemi" , the nuisance receptive.

This is just the regular passive.

A suffering passive sentence, that's to say a nuisance receptive sentence, in English

would be "I got my bag stolen", as opposed to "My bag got stolen".

How do we say this in Japanese?

"Watashi ga kaban wo nusuma reta."

How do we tell the difference between the two?

As always, the key point is where the ga lies.

In "kaban ga nusuma reta", it's the bag that receives the action, the bag got stolen.

"Watashi ga kaban wo nusuma reta", I am the receiver of the action.

"Watashi ga" – I get the ga: "Watashi ga kaban wo nusuma reta".

What is the action?

The action is "got", isn't it?

In English we are doing the getting.

Something does the getting. The bag got stolen, the bag does the getting.

I got my bag stolen, I do the getting.

In Japanese, the head verb of this sentence is what?

Now, this question shows how one misconception leads to others.

Most of the textbooks will tell you that the head verb of this sentence is "nusuma reta",

which is a conjugation of "nusumu", to steal.

It's not.

The head verb of this sentence is "reta" (reru), which means receive.

As I explained in my main video on the so-called conjugations, the "conjugations" in Japanese

are not actually conjugations at all.

What they are is helper verbs which are attached to the stem of another verb.

So, in this case, we take the a-stem of "nusumu": "nusuma", and we add to it "reru", to get

or receive the action.

So in "kaban ga nusuma reta", the fundamental sentence is "kaban ga reta": "the bag received".

And "nusuma" tells us something else about it: it tells us what the bag received – it

received "being stolen".

And once you understand that this is how so-called conjugation is done in Japanese – it's not

conjugation at all – the whole range of "conjugations", receptive, potential, causative

etc., become very, very easy.

So, if you are having any trouble with conjugation, as it is called, watch that video and you'll

never have any trouble again.

All right.

So, let's take a slightly more complex example of the so-called suffering passive.

"Watashi ga obentou wo Sakura ni tabe rareta" –" I got my lunch box eaten by Sakura".

As you see, in this case we see who did the action, the action "taberu", to eat.

But "taberu" is not the head verb of the sentence, so the doer of that head verb, which in this

case is the ichidan form of "reru", which is "rareru".

(To get or receive an action is "reru, rareru".

In godan verbs, "reru", in ichidan verbs "rareru".)

So the head verb of this sentence is "rareru", and the doer of it is me.

I am the one who received.

What did I receive?

Well, the rest of the sentence is telling us. And what I received was "having my bentou

eaten by Sakura".

We always know, in a "reru, rareu" receptive sentence, who is the receiver, the doing of

the action of receiving the action because it is always the one marked by ga.

The actor of a sentence is always marked by ga.

And let's just note that that ga-marked actor doesn't have to be visible.

We might say "Sakura ni obentou wo tabe rareta" and that means exactly the same thing: "I

got my obentou eaten by Sakura" because what the sentence really means is "(Zero-ga) Sakura

ni obentou wo tabe rareta".

How do we know that?

Well, we know it because there always has to be a ga-marked actor in every sentence,

either visible or invisible.

In this sentence it's not Sakura, because she's marked by "ni". It's not the bentou,

because it's marked by "wo".

So there must be an invisible ga-marked actor.

There has to be, because every sentence has a ga-marked actor, whether the actor is visible

or whether the ga is visible or not.

If that seems difficult, please watch my video on the invisible pronoun and the invisible


And that is the so-called suffering passive.

Please remember that the course book for this course of lessons is "Unlocking Japanese".

You can get it from Amazon in paperback or Kindle editions and please subscribe to this

channel for more information on the real structure of Japanese.

Thank you for attending this lesson.

Kore kara mo yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

Class dismissed.

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