Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

For more infomation >> ATLAS - CERN & NOVÉ INFORMACE 4.12.2017 temné pozadí ODHALENO!!! - Duration: 22:38.


PRAGA, República Checa: "El castillo más grande del mundo" / Ana y Bern - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> PRAGA, República Checa: "El castillo más grande del mundo" / Ana y Bern - Duration: 6:28.


Будут ли зубы болеть после снятия зубных отложений? Стоматология Юдент Пенза - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Будут ли зубы болеть после снятия зубных отложений? Стоматология Юдент Пенза - Duration: 0:34.


Como Hacer Lacas Vitrales con Dimensional Cristal - Duration: 12:47.

For more infomation >> Como Hacer Lacas Vitrales con Dimensional Cristal - Duration: 12:47.


İnsanoğlunun yaşarken asla bulunamayacağı ürkütücü 7 mekan.Tansiyon ve korkuları olanlar izlememeli - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> İnsanoğlunun yaşarken asla bulunamayacağı ürkütücü 7 mekan.Tansiyon ve korkuları olanlar izlememeli - Duration: 4:39.


100 пачек Роллтона. Стоит ли участвовать в их акциях? - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 100 пачек Роллтона. Стоит ли участвовать в их акциях? - Duration: 3:53.


Se Sentía Cansada Y Con MUCHO Sueño Todos Los Días ➜ Hasta Que Descubre ESTO En La GARGANTA - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Se Sentía Cansada Y Con MUCHO Sueño Todos Los Días ➜ Hasta Que Descubre ESTO En La GARGANTA - Duration: 2:48.





I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR YOU GUYS - Duration: 10:53.

Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel

I just want to sit down with you guys and discuss about something

That has been bothering me for the past month, maybe two months

Obviously I've been growing on social media such as snapchat, instagram, youtube, etc

There's nothing wrong with that. I'm happy about it because

Obviously people will be more aware about the voice I'm using to try to raise for deaf awareness

And also my work for photography

Again, I do get a lot of messages from many people

Saying they're a fan of what I do, they love my work, and/or they like my videos, etc

All of the support I've received is really amazing and I want to thank you guys

But again, I do get hate messages, inappropriate, or anything negative

I mean, it's very normal

I just want to discuss about that

I hope it will help you guys or at least bring some light to this topic, you know?

Lots of people don't know about this but last year, I was in a really bad place

I actually hit rock bottom

I was so depressed. I was so angry about everything

I literally quit my job and school. I isolated myself in my room all the time

I didn't talk to anyone. It was so bad

I would spend all of my time in my room for days without coming out. I barely ate

There were a lot of things that was going on in my life and I wasn't happy about it obviously

I actually attempted suicide by overdosing

And obviously it didn't work

It wasn't actually my first attempt. I did it a couple of times back in high school. It was unsuccessful

Not very many know about this except for my parents obviously

I was really depressed. I do struggle with it still to this day

But it's much more manageable with my depression and anxiety

The reason why I'm telling you guys my story is because

It's sad for me to see people telling others to go kill themselves

And they think it's not a big deal

I'm like, you have no idea how much those words can hurt that person

Because it's hard to know. It's behind the screen. You can't tell how the person is actually feeling

That's the downside about social media. It's something I don't like about it

Because I mean, that's the ugly part about social media

For some reason, in the past 1-2 months, I've been getting a lot of messages/comments

Saying that you should go kill yourself or being deaf is a sin. I would get a lot of negative words

I'm sitting here and thinking to myself, "why?"

But I'm glad that I'm in this place where I can simply ignore it and I know it's not true at all

I'm that strong to say, "okay cool. fine okay thank you"

Most of the time, I don't respond back because obviously I don't want to make it worse

It's sad because let's think about it

If you guys told me those words last year

I wouldn't be here today

I literally wouldn't be here making videos for you guys

I wouldn't be here hanging out with friends, my family, and my dog

Doing photography, it makes me so happy. I mean it makes me sad

Also, the other reason why I ignore it is because

They do it to make themselves feel better about it or they have no life

They just like to make fun of people

Again, you never know what is really going on behind the screen

You never know if the person is actually suffering through life (problems/tough situations)

I just want to spread positivity

Because this world honestly needs positivity since there's so many crap happening. It's sad

I want you guys to remember always be positive

I do understand it's okay to have your bad days because I even do get them too

Sometimes when I get up in the morning, I just don't want to get out of bed. I don't want to go out

I just want to literally stay in bed all day and that's okay

Remember, you're just a human being

Don't let other people tell you otherwise

If you go off at that person, it will cause that person to have a bad day too

Then that person will do the same to someone else. It will go on and on (like a cycle)

It's like a train wreck. It will keep going on and on (non stop)

You can prevent it from happening

Always be positive, no matter if you're having a bad day

I know how it's like when something happens

You're like, "Great, I'm not having a good day."

Then something happens, it adds up

I completely get it. It has happened to me before. It happens to everyone too

It's life

We have to realize that life is like a rollercoaster and nothing is perfect

Later on when we get older and move past it

It makes us grow stronger and wiser

Because we know not to do those things again or you know how to prevent it from happening

Important, never stop believing and think positively. You'll be given good karma

Anyway, I think it's not ever okay to tell someone to go kill themselves or any negative words whatsoever

Because then that person will actually believe it then they will do it

That person doesn't deserve to take its life away

I get that you may be in a difficult situation and feeling like nothing will get better

I was in that situation before. I do know how hard it is to believe in yourself

It's life. It will eventually get better. It will, I promise

It's important that you keep being positive and you will make it through

You can find ways to change it or prevent

Like for example, one person doesn't like their body. I want to lose weight or gain more muscles

You know what to do. Go to the gym or there's different ways you can do

Get some exercise or make changes to your body then you can achieve the results

I know it's hard. It's hard work but you will be rewarded in the end

So that's why I believe in hard work. Work hard and you will get what you want/need

Just my message for you guys - even though you're having a bad day or whatsoever

It's not ever okay to tell someone to kill themselves or say those kind of words

Because they will believe it enough to actually do it

Think about it, if you guys said those words to me last year...

Always spread positivity and it will go around

People will feel good about it if they say positive words and it will make them feel like they can do the same

Because it's contagious. It's like laughing. Laughing is contagious

Happy words and positivity, it will spread around

Don't forget to smile!!!

Always be positive!!!

Like for example, if you have toxic friends...

I know it's easier said than done though

But let them go because you will feel much happier

It's just like that generally in life too

Make changes or let it go because you know in the end, it will be much better for you

There are ways you can always change, modify, or prevent it from happening

I just wanted to sit down and say a couple of things

I don't know if I got off track from the topic

I'm sorry if you had a hard time understanding or keeping on track

I just wanted to say something because I'm tired of still getting drama or negative words

I'm like, why?

So it's something that I will never understand. I hope those things I said will help you understand

I really hope it's helpful to those people who are having a bad day

Please leave a comment below if you want to start spreading positivity

Don't forget to like this video

Don't forget to subscribe if you want to see more videos in the future!

I'll probably start doing more of deaf awareness videos

Because I know I've not done one in a while

Stay tuned for those

Have a good week and enjoy life, remember that!

Bye guys!

For more infomation >> I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR YOU GUYS - Duration: 10:53.


Aluminium et Autisme : la découverte du Pr Christopher Exley - Duration: 16:08.

For more infomation >> Aluminium et Autisme : la découverte du Pr Christopher Exley - Duration: 16:08.


Worst Pick Up Lines Ever (Girl Edition) - The Hard Comedy - Duration: 1:56.

I like my men like I like my coffee



and kinda gay... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh my God!

You're really handsome for an average guy!

Has anybody ever told you that?!

Well I'm a pussy-fister--

I mean...

PACIFIST... that's why meant!

Shall we take this back to yours?

I already know where you live...

THIS is my FAN...

D'ya wanna see my fanny?

You know what they say about guys with big feet...

You went to clown school, right?!


(clown nose honking)

Roses are red...

And violets are blue...

I've got a **** gun now get in the van!

Can I get your digits?

A thumb and a finger will do.

I'm gonna tell my friends you touched me...

(record scratch)

So I can say I was touched by an angel!

When I look at you...

You just...

Make my heart sing!

It goes...

Skraaap! Pap-pap-bap-bap!


And-a kun-kun-kun-kun-kun!


And-a bom-bom-bom-bom-bom!

You dun know!

Wanna go halves on a baby?

Are you an Avenger?

Cos I wanna HULK SMASH!

Wanna be my emergency contact?

Did you just fart because you just blew me away!

You could be the saag to my paneer...

The butter to my chicken...

The Imodium to my diarrhea!

Hey guys it's The Man They Call Moo!

If you enjoyed that, why don't you check out Worst Pick-Up Lines Ever Part One...

Which will be down here or maybe down here I'm not sure which one!

And if you enjoyed this video, why not Like it...

Share it with your friends on Facebook or wherever you want...

And tell us in the Comments below:

What's the worst pick-up line you've ever heard?

I mean we've heard some pretty, pretty bad ones today

I don't know, you know, like really BAD

Like pushing the boundaries of...

Decency and taste... and things like that!

For more infomation >> Worst Pick Up Lines Ever (Girl Edition) - The Hard Comedy - Duration: 1:56.


🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ Zakente - CARANGUEJO CIGANO - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ Zakente - CARANGUEJO CIGANO - Duration: 3:34.


Top 5 Gucci Mane Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:04.

Gucci Mane is a successful American rapper.

This man has a lot going on in his life and ive recently learned some pretty surprising

things about him that im going to share with you in this video.

Hey youtube im court mcginley welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know Who is your favorite artist and why let me know down

in the comments.

Also in the comments make sure you let me know what other top 5 lists youd like to see

me do next.

Finally if you havnt subscribe to our channel then please do and I have a challenge for

you guys lets see if we can get this video to 300 like I know you can do it.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 Gucci Mane surprising facts.

Coming in at number 5--Robbed- I know its hard to believe but someone actually had the

guts to Rob Gucci Mane.

However this was back in 1995 when he was only 15 years old.

At this time he was known to be a dealer which would obviously make him a target.

He was just minding his business riding his push bicycle when all of a sudden a man stopped

him and put a gun to his head.

He was forced to hand over all of his stock and money he had on him.

It was after this he started to carry a gun on him at all times.

In at number 4--Jail- back in 2013 it was revealed that Gucci mane would serve 183 days

in jail on charges of firearm possession by a convicted felon- disorderly conduct- carrying

a concealed weapon- along with marijuana possession.

At number 3--Drug dealer- This rapper started dealing drugs when he was just a freshman

in high school.

And although he sold drugs he never actually took any.

He was actually a really good student and looked upon with high regard from his peers.

He even ended up graduating from college with a 3.0.

Years down the line though he began to dabble in drugs and the first one he tried was cannabis.

In the years to follow he struggled with addiction but now hes clean.

Coming in at number 2--Jake Paul- Last week Jake Paul released a its everyday bro remix

video featuring the one and only Gucci Mane.

Now Gucci mane is only in the video for maybe like a minute collectively.

But apparently jake paid him 250 thousand dollars for this appearance.

Clearly Gucci mane knows how to make business deals.

This video is doing really well and at the time of this recording had almost 14 million


But just like the original everyday bro song it has more dislikes then likes.

But Guccis part is obviously great.

Can you guys put in – 2:05-2:14.

Links in script. and in at number 1--Purple Drank- When Gucci

was younger he struggled with addiction.

At one point it became so bad that he was actually rushed to the hospital.

As a teen Gucci tried purple drink.

the first time he tried it he was with his friend Bunny- but it wasn't mixed properly-

it wasn't diluted enough with soda so his body went into shock.

His body dealt with aftershocks which lasted for days.

He stayed in the hospital until he started to feel normal again.

But once he got that first taste he became hooked even though it could've killed him.

It was after this that he also started to take harder drugs like ecstasy as well.

His doctor told him he needed to stop drinking lean aka purple drink or it would cause a

chemical imbalance.

So it's a good thing he eventually got off of it before any serious damage was done.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 Gucci mane surprising facts.

Thanks so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Gucci Mane Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:04.


Hypixel Skywars Fails & Wins in 40 Min. - Duration: 15:15.

Guys first the Fails!!!

And now the Kills & Wins!!!

Write in the Commentary, what should i bring tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Hypixel Skywars Fails & Wins in 40 Min. - Duration: 15:15.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 68 - Duration: 2:22.


For more infomation >> Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 68 - Duration: 2:22.


What If All Convicts Received Capital Punishment? - Duration: 4:58.

Humans aren't perfect.

To be human is to be controlled by emotions and urges that don't always make sense and

aren't sometimes are not considered legal.

What if straying from what society considers to be right ended up getting you killed?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate and today

we are asking What if All Convicts Received Capital Punishment.

A convict is someone who is found guilty of a criminal offense and sentenced to a period

of time in jail, and of course capital punishment is the controversial process of sentencing

somebody to death.

At the moment, 57 countries still maintain Capital punishment, with the rest either abolishing

the practice, or having not engaged in it for over a decade.

Countries retaining the death penalty include Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran,

Egypt and Sudan, as well as China, North Korea and Vietnam…and of course, the United States

of America.

In the US, only murders can receive the death penalty, and only in certain states.

In most other countries, the punishment is extended to drug traffickers, and in Islamic

countries, you can be killed for being homosexual, cheating on your spouse or simply spreading


As you can see, there is already some disparity in what is considered punishable by death.

Our question, of course, implies that all crimes that carry a prison sentence would

now be punishable by death across the world.

Depending on the laws of the country you live in, you could be killed for getting into a

fight, shoplifting, failure to pay tax or being homosexual.

If all convicts were killed then A LOT of innocent people would be dead.

And that isn't okay.

Currently as is, it is estimated that 1 in 25 people sentenced to death in the United

States alone is innocent, which means that around 1,300 innocent people have been killed

in the states since the 1970s.

The states, of course, has a reasonably thorough judicial system, unlike a lot of other countries

to the east.

The body count of innocents would be deplorable.

The situation would be awful regardless of innocence of guilt.

Right now, in the United States Alone, there are approximately 2.3 million American's

in jail.

If they were all killed, the Unites States Population would drop be around 0.9 percent.

They would be wiped off the face of the earth, as would the millions residing in jails across

the world.

Of course, this is not ethical and suggests that offenders cannot be rehabilitated.

High profile figures who have done time include Martha Stewart, Paris Hilton, Paul McCartney,

Fifty Cent and Robert Downey Jnr.

If all convicts received Capital Punishment, then these people would all be dead.

The current statistics for the states suggest that half of all convicts reoffend and are

sent back to jail within 5 years.

Some would argue that enforcing Capital Punishment would reduce crime rates by eliminating re-offenders.

The counter argument would be a study into the likelihood of offending and reoffending

in relation to a person's financial and economic background and upbringing.

Would killing all convicts be considered modern social cleansing?

While crime rates may fall, more serious crimes may rise.

There have been plenty of studies to suggest that blanket, non-marginal punishments may

encourage greater crimes.

For example, if committing any crime would get you killed, it may as well be worth the


Also, why murder one person, when you could murder all possible witnesses…and so on

and so forth.

On top of that, the judicial process would be very bloated.

Guilt would need to be proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

There would be no appeal process…and perhaps this would mean, through such lengthy and

exact trial times, some criminals would get away.

Historically, if convicts always received Capital Punishment, then Australia and the

Unites States would be very different.

Britain sent 164 thousand convicts over to build a new colony in Australia, and around

52 thousand to the Unites States.

The issue of Capital Punishment is long and complicated enough without the suggestion

that we just kill all convicted criminals, which of course is simply morally unsound

and would provoke huge outrage and risk great oppression.

So, there is an idea of what would happen if all convicts received capital punishment

… and what a scary place the world would be….especially if you lived in the east.

What do you think the world would be like.

Let me know in the comments section below.

For now, please hit that like button if you liked our video and if you aren't a subscriber

then please do become a questioner today.

I am Rebecca Felgate, I'll see you in the next video… for now stay curious, stay alert

and never ever stop questioning.

Hungry for more answers, why not check out our biggest What If's Playlist and our Most

Popular Uploads!

For more infomation >> What If All Convicts Received Capital Punishment? - Duration: 4:58.


Elf on the Shelf 🎄 Crocodile Dentist 🎄 - Duration: 6:23.

get off of me

god damn, this is embrassing

this is the worst day ever

hello everybody

Today we are going to attempt the crocodile dentist challenge

first a little bit of background

silly jock croc has a tootache.

be a daring dentist and help him get back in the game

step 1 make your croc open wide.

step 2 press on a tooth! if you choose the sore one he'll chomp off your fingers

step 3 be the only dentist not to get chomped to win

i'm gonna take them all back and play elf on the shelf rules

but first we are going to need a challenger

the challenger is... drumroll please.

we don't have a drumroll

why, why don't we have a drumroll

we don't have it in the budget

forget it

we'll just continue (clears throat)

lets start from the beginning, from the top

today we have a new challenger and the challenger is

elf on the shelf makes a drumroll sound

it's spiderman

how are you spiderman, how are you today.

are you ready for the challenge.

let's do this

first we stick our head into the crocodiles mouth.

then the second person presses a tooth

they will continue to press teeth until

until someone picks the bad tooth

then chomp down on their head

are you ready, your not ready.

we have to make a video now

you want to go to the toilet.

you want to go to the toilet

can it wait

ok go, moments later

ok now, are you ok now, are you ready now.

my butt in in his mouth, my butt is in his mouth

my butt. my butt, my butt, my butt, my butt, my butt is in his mouth.

elf on the shelf makes sounds as it opens the crocodiles mouth.

ok spiderman here you go, stick your head in there.

come go go go

spider man come on

get in there, here you go

there we go, now.

off we his head


hold on

here you go

I'm not strong enough for this.

oh my god, 1, 2 ,3

right my turn

go ahed

what do you mean you can't

What do you mean you can't press the teeth.

how we going to make a video

if you can't press the teeth

you'll have to stick your head in all the time.


oh my i'm it nearly broke that time.

my arms are very brittle

ha ha ha yeah

two to me

3, 4

eeeeh ha ha ha

you suck at this game spiderman

skittles time

there you go croc

yummy skittles


well; after all that.


i'm the winner.

it seem i'm the winner.

that's me, i'm the winner

hee hee hee

elf on the shelf hee hee hee

what do you mean that's not fair

course it's fair

i didn't cheat

we have to make the video,

just go along, just go along with it ok.

right so the winner is

elf on the shelf

ok se you later, it's over , its fine.

oh yes not to get these lovely skittles


oh my god i'm stuck

help, spiderman help me,

i'm stuck i can't get out of here.

help somebody, i'm stuck in the crocodiles mouth

oh my god get off of me.

oh now this is embarrassing,

its the worst day ever.

tahnks for watching everybody, hope you liked the challenge,

yes yes spiderman i know

i will tell them to like and subscribe

and yes please don't forget to subscribe

and check out our other videos

yes what now spiderman

yes, ok, what

please like if you like spider man

no i'm not saying that on camera

if you have any other ideas for challenges

that you would like me elf on the shelf

and spiderman to partake in

let us know down below in the comments


For more infomation >> Elf on the Shelf 🎄 Crocodile Dentist 🎄 - Duration: 6:23.



For more infomation >> TATAMI & MAGRO - SUCCO D'ANANAS (PROD. SHAFT) - Duration: 2:02.


Quentin Tarantino's Charles Manson Project Drops on Anniversary of Sharon Tate Murder - Duration: 1:11.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

Quentin Tarantino's next film, which is centered around the Manson Family murders, is set to

be released on August 9, 2019—the 50th anniversary of the gruesome deaths of actress Sharon Tate

and four others inside her Los Angeles home.

On August 9, 1969, Tex Watson and three other members of the Manson family, led by Manson

himself got into the L.A. home of an eight and a half months pregnant Tate and director

Roman Polanski.

The Manson Family brutally murdered the actress, Jay Sebring, Wojciech Frykowski, Abigail Folger,

and Steven Parent that night.

Polanski was in Europe at the time working on a movie.

Manson died this past November while still a prisoner in California.

The untitled film's IMDb page describes the plot as a, "TV actor and his stunt double

embark on an odyssey to make a name for themselves in the film industry during the Charles Manson

murders in 1969 Los Angeles."

While details remain scarce, the plot summary appears to suggest that Tarantino will incorporate

his own story into an important moment in history, like he did with Inglorious Bastards

and Django Unchained.

Margot Robbie is currently listed as the only rumored actress attached to the project.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Quentin Tarantino's Charles Manson Project Drops on Anniversary of Sharon Tate Murder - Duration: 1:11.


Jim Carrey Comes Unglued, Demands Republicans Be "Removed" so Democracy Can Live - Duration: 2:02.

Jim Carrey Comes Unglued, Demands Republicans Be "Removed" so Democracy Can Live.

Actor Jim Carrey has had some issues staying on the right side of the sanity line for some

time now, but what he just tweeted out against President Donald Trump and the Republican

Party is bizarre even by his disturbed standards.

On Wednesday, Carrey tweeted out a drawing of a lawmaker who appears to represent Senate

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, with following proclamation:

"The GOP and WH have become sinister conclaves of souless traitors, liars and thieves – a

gangrene we must remove so democracy can live," adding the hashtag "#killthebill"

Take a look:

Carey wasn't specific as to which bill he was referring to, but considering that the

tweet was posted Thursday and the GOP tax plan was passed in the early hours of Saturday

morning, according to CNN, we might be able to make a guess.

It's not the first time Carrey has attacked Trump in recent memory — it's not even

the first time he's used bizarre artwork to gt his point across.

In August, Carrey announced that Trump was going to a rally in West Virginia to "eat

a baby."

Fortunately for Americans, it isn't up to declining movie stars — or the "artwork"

they share — to shape the country's political future.

Carrey's world — the Madonnas, the Bruce Springsteens and all the liberal media elite,

did their best to swing the country onto an irrevocable path downward by getting Hillary

Clinton elected in 2016.

Thanks to Trump and the millions of Americans who voted for him, they failed.

But that doesn't mean they're going to stop trying.

Carrey, David Letterman and Rosie O'Donnell — and all the liberals like them — are

going to keep attacking.

Trump supporters and the Republican Party as a whole need to keep fighting back.

We known Donald Trump will.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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