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For more infomation >> WebIT MAN Blog | Think With Goolge - Website Mobile Speed Test - Duration: 2:17.


Triff Florentin und Katja - das GAO Meet & Greet | Gute Arbeit Originals - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Triff Florentin und Katja - das GAO Meet & Greet | Gute Arbeit Originals - Duration: 3:41.


Push up mistakes and how to fix them - Duration: 4:05.

Hey guys

welcome to another video

today we will talk about push ups

I will show you some mistakes I see

I will tell you which of these I did

and then I'll tell you how to fix them

push ups is not an easy exercise

no one could do 5 push ups

5 correct push ups when starting working out

lets go to the mistakes

the 1st mistake is that you leave your scapula down

you should be like this

this happens because you don't have enough strength

in your chest to keep

your body at this position

2nd mistake

you have your butt down

this happens because you don't have strength οn your abs

to keep your core in this position

3rd mistake

you have your butt higher that it should be

you push up like this

and to say the truth I do not know why this is happening

I did it sometime

4th mistake

you have your head down when you are doing push ups

ad this has as a result the 5th mistake

which is half reps

6th mistake

the elbows go out

this happens because you don't have the strenght to lift your body

and it's bad for your shoulders

7th mistake is the fast reps

fast reps aren't necessarily wrong

but if some one does them like this

it's wrong

of course there are and the dast reps with the right way

8th mistake you surely have seen at least once

the one who does that

puts his hands higher than his shoulders

and he can not go down properly

Well of these mistakes you saw

I did the 1st to 5th and the 6th when I first started

and also later when I thought I was doing my push ups perfect

I noticed that I was making the third mistake

now I want you to write which of the mistakes you did

how to improve your push ups

to improve on an exercise, you must first do well with your previous level

for the push ups there are 2 exercises you can do

the first exercise is push ups on the knees

and the second exercise is elevated push ups

but at both of the exercises you can do the same mistakes

in this case my advice is to leave the knee push ups completely

and do elavated push ups

find a height that it fits you

whether it's in your waist or it's in your chest

the point is to do the exercise correct

that was the video

I would say it again

adjust the height you do push ups depending on the level you are

It is important to do your push ups correctly

write down which of the above mistakes you have done

if you liked this video leave 1 like

share it with some one who you think it will help him

Subscribe to my channel I'm trying to upload 1 video every Sunday

and I will see you in the next one

For more infomation >> Push up mistakes and how to fix them - Duration: 4:05.


How To Attain All 6 Rights In Relationships - Interview with Dr. Gary Salyer - Duration: 32:38.

hello and welcome to feminine success secrets the place women come to become

powerfully feminine from the inside out I'm Candice Oneida and today I have a real

treat for you and a special guest dr. Gary Salyer and we're gonna talk about

rights in relationships I'll introduce you to him in a minute all right so on

screen right now we have Gary Salyer hello Gary hello Candice hello and big

big welcome to you I've been looking forward to interviewing you for quite a

while because you're an expert in relationships and I get so many

questions from my subscribers about relationships and about relationship

dynamics and I can answer them with regard to feminine polarity and how to

be more feminine etc and yet relationship is not my thing that I'm best at so I want

to talk to you about that so today we had a conversation over tea about two

weeks ago and he's writing a book by the way ladies so we're going to give you

access to the book when it's ready and I will give you access to him in the

description box after this interview so if you're interested in what he has to

say please contact him directly um so he start talking about what he calls rights

in relationships and I thought oh this is such a fantastic container to talk

about how to be feminine how to sort of stand for boundaries and rights in a

relationship dynamic but before we go there I want to introduce a little bit

more formally so let's just have a look at his bio so dr. Gary Salyer PhD is a

master transformational relationship coach who helps people rewrite the rules

for love in their brains this allows amazing shifts to happen in a very short

period of time so that people can have the extraordinary relationship that they

deserve dr. Salyer speaks to a national audience is a featured expert for the

great love debate and various celebrity TV and radio shows his life purpose is

to change a generations fate with love oh we can have a conversation about that

dr. Gary is the creator of the safe to love again

workshop and the extraordinary couples retreat he's the author of the

forthcoming book safe to love again how to release the pain of past

relationships and create the love you deserve dr. Gary offers a unique blend

of neuro linguistic programming NLP Burt Hellinger's family systems approach and

attachment theory the science of relationships great thank you

Gary well in fact I think we had a commonality when we sat down at a

transformational leaders retreat last year and we started talking about

attachment series and we I don't know if that piece has to do with the rights

piece but do you think we can just start a little bit about attachment theory

whether it be okay with you yeah because I knew my side of it I've done a lot of

research but you really explode an attachment theory do you want to just

describe a little bit what it is and then we can go in talking about right

yeah what it is is and actually the rights that's what my book is about

saying that the rights are intrinsic they're how your attachment attachment

style is what they call it is simply the the the way you were programmed to

habitually show up in relationships and you know it's attachment started back

right after World War two when children were clothed and fed and cared for but

if both of their parents had maybe been lost in the war many of them were still

dying and nobody could figure out why and then John Bowlby said they're dying

because of a lack of art well and that just totally messed with everybody in

psychology at the moment yeah yes and so what they found out was you can tell how

a child will show up for love and most other relationships by the time they are

one years old when they're one to one and a half if you separate from their

mother and based on how they returned you can tell whether they're securely

attached anxiously attached or avoidant lis attached and attached is just I call

it they call it attachment styles in the book I call it a love style that's

exactly what it is the secured baby comes back to the

mother and says oh my god I can calm down I'll go back out and

play and they calm down fairly early because they're certain mom's going to

be there right now then there's the avoiding baby that when

mom leaves it's like mom never left there and they don't and they continue

playing me and they look really mature but later down the line these babies

show up as they're afraid of commitment they're afraid of emotional closeness

they're the ones that come in and say on you know been gone on a Business Week

trip for a week and they go oh my god I can't wait to make love to you on Friday

night and on Saturday oh honey I've got a business meeting I got to get to it

the office and then the and the anxious of the ones that never calm down when

the mother comes they can't go back out and explore so when they show up later

it's like where were you it didn't text me within ten minutes when you are you

gonna stop loving me and they are always afraid of when love drives you no one

love goes away and they often drive people so let's just take a pause there

for a second because I can hear the reverberations of what you're saying

across the channel because I think the women listening to this are probably

going oh because I know I had this big aha when I learned to that attachment

theory created a huge revelation from me a huge epiphany because correct me if

I'm wrong please expert doctor but when I realized that my permanent primary

attachment was anxious I had literally I just went cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo

like every single relationship I had been in was with an avoidant and then it

kept me in the in the anxious thing all the time and so do you wanna speak just

a little bit more about that yes I will that is the that's the one thing

attachment theories figured out I call it the law of attachment from hell is

that the anxious are of are actually attracted to the avoidant and the reason

is is oftentimes the anxious had an intrusive mother or father who really

didn't give them a total right to create their own experience or they were just

intermittent but for us so what happens is that initial heat of distance looks

like oh my god it looks like salvation but it's just enough to drive

him nuts over over right the length of the relationship and then

it they sort of they're this dating and there's relationships too because what

would I've read a bit of Stan catkins staff and a bunch of the attachment

books and one of the things that really struck me about it was what it does is

it creates a lens through which you see people especially when you're meeting

people like when you're dating them you is so used to the the the nervous system

thing in a certain way whether avoidant anxious or secure that that's what you

go for so classically correct me from wrong again and anxious will sort of

have this big attraction thing this big sexual charge this big gotta have this

guy because drama and the anxiety and of course then they'll come together in

this fantastic sexual dynamic and then he will disappear he's lovely and then

she's going what ever done wrong what happened

where'd he go and it becomes desperate charge to have them back again to have

that it's literally like a drug it drug addiction

they'll get addicted by the sexual charge again they'll seem fulfilled but

they're never ever sinking down into a secure feeling inside themselves they

never confident that that person is gonna be there for them in the long run

bring the shoulder yes well III can explain that my own way but

for what I look at is between zero and three underneath every attachment style

are these six rights that I talked about between zero and three your brain is

given rights and rights are just they're like templates they're like permission

slips to have a certain experience and if your brain was not given a certain

permission slip you will only have the experience that you have the rights for

so if you don't have the right to have your knees have a secure relationship

that's right have your needs met cuz you don't see such cues as a viable option

or again from what I've read and experientially face

boring to you at first yes they do because your dopamine rush God got it

you got hitch too I'm missing right that's where the bug

done so the brain begins to associate attraction with somebody that doesn't

that won't so if you had didn't have a right head your needs met you'll

constantly be you know attracted to a taker if you didn't get a whole lot of

right to belong and you had a whole lot of right to separate that avoiding is

going to look oh that's a survivable state that's my right he's not gonna

really let me belong though dopamine comes in but then later the human Bart

goes I am so friggin sick and tired of this and that's where the misery starts

because some part of our brain that says oh I don't have a I don't have a full

right to belong therefore I can't go for the secure when they look boring goes

for the one that will actually not allow them to belong it's funny as you're

speaking to it in the light of the attachment theory in your own your own

model you've created own a tram rights it literally to me feels like um like a

synapse you know so you know you walk into any sort of relationship dynamic

and if it's this shape and this is this shape then you just slot in and that's

all you know like an enzyme and enzymes slots into the thing that it's supposed

to help digest and it literally doesn't recognize the other thing it doesn't see

it it literally doesn't see it like I literally see like it's a blinker this

kind of thing you either see it or you don't see it exactly ah and these the

most people when they when they first hear they oh my god like a fight some

like some women way say some men too like I'm afraid of losing myself for the

relationship have you ever heard that's an avoidant

thing to say right yes yeah or it can be anxious if they've gotten if they've

gotten they can have a little bit of an anxious person can get a little avoidant

greater later in life if they've lost themselves too early too many times I

should say right so if they got no right to create their own experience people

are prone to lose themselves and then after when they get

35 40 or 45 the pattern itself they'll get just enough aware of it that they

don't know what to do with it and they know they're anxious but then they're

afraid of the anxiousness and that makes sense again talking to a person that was

primarily anxious but I know what happened for me was I got to a point

about you I think you know I learned the attachment theory then I had all these

sort of profound epiphanies subsequent to that and then I kept going updating

and yet it was so strong in my system and I kept repeating the same patterns

until something in me something in me just went this has to stop like

something in me went the way I'm turning up the way my expectations are turning

out when I'm you know despite 20-something years of transformational

work it suddenly everything went sideways in relationship and dating

dynamics and that's something when I have to stop so took myself out of the

dating pool which I called the dating swath at the time and then something

just changed inside because I've known for a couple of years at this point that

I am looking and wanting we really want a secure relationship experience I want

my nervous system to be calm I want myself to feel safe and held I want mine

beat self to be honored and valued and of course as I'm saying this clearly as

I held this I was doing it in myself first somehow something in me when I

will not accept this right yes this is what I need and this is what I want so

there was a certain amount of doing that inside myself first such that when I

reinterred the dating world I literally my lens changed I could see

immediately when up that's an attraction energy that's that dynamic that I know

is going nowhere or I had another filter which is should this person be my that

should I be their therapist or should I be a partner this was not a this was not

a gonna be a dating snoring that was going to continue but then I literally

just started turning up in my world in my

just totally like if this person wants or knows how to be in his masculine

I'm completely showing up in my feminine I'm completely showing up and holding in

myself what I want what I want with this secure safe you know not anxiety really

see let me tell you something that I thought is a belief to anybody that

might be thinking is I'm really good at picking up the elephants in the space

from the conversation here my belief was I was going to end up in a boring sexual

dynamic mm-hmm if I had a secure partner yes that was my belief okay in my

current situation six months into an incredibly secure solid beautiful

relationship with an incredibly masculine man is the sex is off the

charts in a very different kind of way like it develops to a type of depth that

I had never experienced before and really I didn't have any problem with my

sexuality before and it's totally different when you actually when your

nervous system isn't on high alert all the time you can actually open and

there's a woman with her sexuality she needs to actually feel safe to go to

that level of depth beyond what you've even thought you'd be able to ya know so

you were somewhere along the line your soul said I'm gonna learn some of my

lessons and somewhere along there's you you be claimed what I mean out that's

you know what it sounded like is what one of the rights is a right to love and

be loved and one it can get split I couldn't I have a right to love and not

be loved or I would like to be loving that love the other way gets split is is

you can't have sex and great love hot sex and great love in the same package

right this is where you here and let's say how come the hot ones and the good

ones can't be in the same package by somewhere along the line have a flame

that with that right yes and then the the the BS stops effect you know Heidi's

fine a secure attachment in the book the scientific way how is the scientific

definition I got it from 82 when I asked her which what's your

secret to a 55 year marriage and she goes I take no BS I give no BS and the

secur don't take BS therefore they don't give it and when they don't get it

they don't take it from the other because they've given it yes yes very

little and that's see that's what's happening all the BS and now you're just

with the juicy good stuff and it's beautiful that when your nervous system

comes down then you can open up to that very beautiful feminine essence that you

just radiate Candice and it is a place now that's why they call it secure

people say well I want passionate but no one is passionate with a rattlesnake in

fact a woman can't even for a woman to have an orgasm her amygdala has to be

totally dark on a functional MRI it can't be run at all that's not

necessarily the same for men for a woman to come to full orgasm her amygdala hurt

past the turned off so she feels totally safe so anybody that thinks safe and

passionate aren't the Saints I can't aren't related they're wrong the

platform for each other yeah and in my world the way I train my women is look

you can have masculine style fast hot sex that sometimes can lead to orgasm

but my position through my experience and through how I train my women is yeah

that can happen but you are missing out on this massive world of experience of

the female sexual experience that is so much deeper so much more satisfying so

much more nourishing to both you and your partner exam because our world and

you know this has been very heavily trained that sex is sort of through the

masculine lens yes thing you know one of my B propositions is we need to regain

and re own our sexual energy and our the way we plug in as a woman on our

sexuality and we actually need to prioritize it yes yeah we need to

literally see that our our sexuality is actually more important than the

you know why I can say that because the man's gonna have an orgasm anyway most

of the time okay it's it's easier for a man they've got a direct line than where

they orgasm the female orgasm is way more curvy and mysterious it goes up and

it seems to disappear and then it reappears and there's a whole learning

of how to be okay with that in yourself first and when you're really okay with

that in yourself first then you've got a massive gift to give yourself in others

not just through sex but through the way that you actually fill up energetically

you become really full what I call full to overflowing

there is women then you can serve from this full to overflowing orientation

where you've got an infinite source infinite font of energy inside you not

that belief system that we usually have as women which is I need to give to

everybody else first then I'll get around to myself which of course never

happens because they're exhausted and you know oh I love what you're saying

and I think I actually believe that women can teach men quite a bit about

what the the sexual moment the sexual experience really is we do get kind of

focused on the big moment right but there you know if a man can really get

in touch with the world woman is offering she's taking him not just into

her body but into her soul and if a man can truly grasp the magnitude of the

moment when you're six inches from their eyes and you realize you are one with

this person exactly beautiful where your souls are one I mean that I think that I

mean it just makes everything so much better it really does why can't we have

that as part of our masculine birthright - absolutely and I think the thing is in

a way the goal orientation of the world that we're in has led to the goal

orientation of orgasm in sex yes and the truth is for a woman and I had to do

this for a little bit with my current partner I really had to say

I am not heading toward orgasm now I thought that hard for me to get there

but my point was I am feeling every single stroke every single touch every

single moment yes and when you learn how to be really present with every single

second of the sexual dynamic then it's actually the actual experience of orgasm

when it comes is way better and away deeper right so if both of you are

heated to the orgasm wagon anyway we've totally don't dressed in the sex we'd

have to have another interview on that one we're gonna get back to rights well

you know that is what are the rights it really is I once had a client that she

could not have hot sex with her husband she swore she was it's not him I just

can't allow myself to go into orgasm what it turned out was when she was a

kid her her mother was jealous of the relationship that she had with her

father and every time and every time her father and her would have a good time

she would say did you enjoy your daddy today Oh imagine how that is lady

oh yes so she the toplane she got that splitter right was I can't enjoy the

love of a man and then when she got older that that little template you

can't enjoy of a man that loves you what do you think you did to her sex life so

when we worked at it you know through suddenly you know he comes in a few

hours a few sessions lasers what did you do to my wife who's kind of a good you

know he says I like this work and keeping you on a retainer what you did

so the rights are just templates we have give us some more example scary cuz it

helps I think when you give some examples of clients that have come into

you mum to illustrate this rights point okay okay so there are sex rights that

you get between 0 and T and these become templates for not only love but for all

of your life I the third chapter the book is called

love is the operating system and you'd be surprised how they show up in

business as well but every woman client that's an entrepreneur has had the same

missing thing going on in their business that was going on their love affair but

the six rights are our right to exist and that writers this is a right to be

fully in the body fully present in the moment and not into your head not trying

to take a flight from life cause you weren't welcomed with joy into the world

mmm the second one is the right to have your needs met which okay to reach out

for your needs without getting this latter and to be able to take to give

and take to receive mmm so you know so the it's the right to feel worthy and

nourished then there's the right what I call this separate in belong it again

split you either get too much right to be me or too much right to get in a way

where you feel a mess though and this is the right that affects most couples hmm

but you need a week and it's the right to be a mean and an empowering week the

right to separate and belong cherished and protected is the feeling you get

then there's two rights on a like on that give you the feeling of empowered

or choice the right to create your own experience where I can be cool and

wonderful and great but I can also be flawed so you can be flawed and fabulous

and then the right to assert a choice and voice and then the right to love and

be loved and that gives you the feeling of lovable so the way you can sense

these missing rights is to ask yourself in my relationship most of my

relationships huh do I feel welcomed with joy

do I feel worthy and urged do I feel cherished and protected and empowered

with choice if you're in a relation one of those is missing is probably missing

right underneath it but you probably think oh gosh man this isn't the

greatest relationship maybe we need to work on something this is so totally

speaking to something that I I saw in myself from my own dating forays and how

I see again and again with women is this thing that happens usually unconsciously

and then sometimes it becomes conscious which is this compromise thing and they

did allude to it before which is but he's so great

this this and this but this isn't lookin but I'm gonna accept him because these

are okay and you're actually you're actually turning it around to not even

being about him that it's like the rights have to be owned in yourself

first you have to fear this sense of fullness and fulfillment in all the six

is it right six rights six lanes right and then it actually creates a dynamic

where you're either gonna attract a person that goes out yeah she's she's

I'm all this because she's full in all those things it's this weird thing of

when we're actually full in our own rights we don't need somebody else but

we can want to have somebody else in our life that creates this third entity to

talk me about the relationship he's great on paper but when it comes to this

it's not working yes the reason people will say it's great on paper but if this

is not work because they have a missing right this is what I argue in my book is

it's great to know you're anxious secure or you're avoiding great five bucks and

a that will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks but if you can put it

underneath each on avoiding or an anxious attachments this is a set of

missing rights so the secured have pretty much all six running so if you

don't if he's the moment you reclaim all of your rights you stop giving and

taking be us and that exception Clause goes away and you start being attracted

and you start creating better relationships secure relationships the

reason people say well it looks all great on paper but now I'll put up with

this is because that's the one thing they don't have the right for the moment

they have a right for a woman a man says you know what I deserve the full package

and I deserve to give the full package a secure attachment it's not just taking

but giving and that's when you stop being attracted to mister wrong and when

I say you start being attracted to mr. rights the man for who reflects back to

you all of your rights yes yes you're looking for not mr. right but mister


and so I'm taking it that the book is gonna obviously it expands on the six

rights mne by by the way you're writing it

you're gonna be actually helping the individual to see where their what I

would call a blind spot is oh yeah to their own rights right so one of the

main things that I work with the women is you know beliefs blocks and blind

spots right which by definition we can't see on our own so we either need

coaching or mentorship or community to reflect that back to us that you do have

the right for them to this but you're giving a language and you have a model

so I love models and I love having a language so you're actually going well

if these are the six rights and I'm gonna eliminate what they are and you're

honest with yourself you're gonna see that one or two of these or something

that you really don't believe that you have Thanks exactly and I also it's

written for both singles and couples they told me not to write the book like

this but I did it anyway because I think it's just the way it is because the

point is you know after five dates singles when they start pairing off

their couples every couple fight I've ever seen is about two missing rights

one chooses the other one for that missing rights because that's all they

have the right for the other one does the same thing and now they're arguing

incessantly over the missing rice underneath the problem is hey I don't

have a right to have my needs met or you don't give me a right to assert and they

go on and on like this that's very powerful and I'll show you two missing

rights that's very very powerful well oh my dear I think we could go on about

different directions here and perhaps we can actually do that in a different

interview because I wanted to create this as an introduction so what we

spoken about today is largely we talked a little bit about attachment theory and

then dr. Gary Sawyer's sort of extension on this which is rights which is really

plugs into attachment theory this is why someone's avoidant or anxious and this

is why someone's secure right exam so you've actually you expanded a little

bit and giving a lens through which to see why things might not be going so

well for you in your relation ship currently or in your dating

situation so we gonna ah wait with bated breath as we say in the

Anglo world anglo-australian world for the book to come out is there anything

else that you would like to pass to them with regard to the rights and the

upcoming book whilst we're finishing up here today doing okay well the one thing

I want to say is to give hope some people oh no I got missing right you

know they're my favorite thing I ever learned from NLP is that there are no

one resourceful people there are only on resourceful States all these missing

rights are just States they're not you they're just a learn pattern up template

of permission slips and if we can upgrade the permission slips or upgrade

the template then things go better this is all adjustable so just I want

everybody to know that now if you know the book is coming out by next fall it's

coming out I'm just doing the final editing and but I'm doing a preview

video preview on my website if you sign up for the love notes I just finished

the there's like there's a there's also from other people like John Gray and

Ariel Ford but there are thirty yet people people are getting these their

lift three or four minute clips where I talk about the rights and the skill sets

that come from the rights and you get these really cool two and three minutes

video clips for oh it's a good number I can't remember about sixty of them and

they come over about three months and you get a beautiful hit off inside and

hope and skills and expertise from me and a bunch of other people that know

what they're talking to well Gary that's beautiful thank you for

offering that to my community that's very generous of you ah well this has

been a delight tonight and I get a little bit of a sense it might just be a

little intro into what we could do here on the channel I think you're offering

something beautiful as you know when you create a model and a language for people

to understand themselves better as you were just portraying then they can

actually step into who they really are and this is one of the main things that

I position in my work which is the difference for the false feminine and

the true feminine and I'm hearing that a woman who is in a truth

he's full of her rights so we definitely have this you know a segue they in now

work together so I just wanted to thank you very very dearly for turning up

today and Thank You Candace I I think you have such a beautiful spirit and all

of what you're doing with women in their female empowerment and the feminine is

really so necessary for where we're all at today and I want to thank you for

inviting me on your beautiful show and be able to baskin what really you really

have a beautiful spirit thank you thank you

mm-hmm beautiful love I'll do it again

so what I'd love you to do following listening to the interview with dr. Gary

saw yesterday is put a comment below on which one of those rights now I'm gonna

put in the description of what the six rights are which one of those rights you

believe you have and which ones you believe you don't have at this point and

so as we finish up here as I always say in my outro here remember that when you

have the courage to shine you give others permission to do the same so

let's all go out there and shine this week bye bye for now

For more infomation >> How To Attain All 6 Rights In Relationships - Interview with Dr. Gary Salyer - Duration: 32:38.


Korea's Vlog EP.9 - TAEKWONDO, BBQ AND BEER (Yeongcheon weekend) - Duration: 8:00.


For more infomation >> Korea's Vlog EP.9 - TAEKWONDO, BBQ AND BEER (Yeongcheon weekend) - Duration: 8:00.


Ellis, Malarkey & Tom Westy - Say The Word - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Ellis, Malarkey & Tom Westy - Say The Word - Duration: 3:38.


Sims4: Sim in Style - The Lady with a Dog - Part 4 - Duration: 11:23.

Wow! Ice, this is amazing!

Welcome to the palace, Your Highness!

Thank you. How are things in my kingdom?

People demand to raise taxes.

Are they striking again?

Yes, they want to give more money!

Well, you can't please everybody.

Yep... Ha-ha-ha.

By the way, the rent of this palace was not cheap.

So, I hope you and your new pet will not destroy it during these days.

We will try...

Oh, I always wanted to feel like an oriental princess.

Perhaps this is dream of every girl.

However, for this I need, at least, to change my clothes.

Oui, it's time to create a new look and makeup for you. Come on!

Exotic beauty. You will be irresistible. Let's get started.

Today you will meet with Roar, a dog of the unique Tigerman breed.

These are large dogs with a bright striped coat. From a distance, they actually can be confused with the tiger.

Tigermans are guard dogs, as well as excellent detectives.

They are often used as police dogs

The owner of this dog is a police officer here in Oasis Springs.

We meet here at a police station

Just look! What an unusual dog!

Hey! Steve! Over here!

Let me introduce you to Bella Goth

Nice to meet you, officer.

Oh, you are adorable.

Thank you.

My dog is very lucky, since he can spend three whole days in your company.

His name is Roar? Sounds menacingly.

Roar is not only my pet but also a partner.

Thanks to him, we have uncovered many difficult cases.

Hey, buddy, look after Bella, okay?

A lot of people have been disappearing lately. I've just been informed that a little girl had gone missing.

Don't you dare growl at me, stupid dog!

Hey, easy!

Go away!


Stop it, Roar! It's just a lama.

Don`t be afraid, Bella. He`ll never hurt you. He just never liked llamas and clowns.

Oh, I feel this time will not be easy too ...


Well, hello... doggy...

Goth? Bella Goth? Assalam alaikum! Me was waiting!

Me Mahmud. Mahmud is here to clean, cook ... Meet!

Hey, tiger!

Thus began my three days with Tigerman.

Roar turned out to be a very unusual dog

He peed exclusively in the fountains of the palace.

This dog hated walking on a leash

and I constantly had to run after him ...

Instead of dog food, he preferred his own prey and snacks from the garbage can.

Nevertheless, Roar was very clever ...

Even more, so he constantly beat Mahmud in chess.

Every day when we walk for some reason he has always brought me to the same place.

To the old abandoned mine in Oasis Springs.

What do you want from me?

Furthermore, this dog constantly begging for beer from Mahmud

Smart tiger! Mahmud likes!

And one evening we drank a little ...

And a bit more. And then...

Uhh... My head ...

Ok, ok... We're going for a walk. Please just don't bark

To me!

Where's that stupid dog?

Where am I going?

What the...!?

Is anybody here?

Oh! Why is she here?

... Then I ran away ... And Roar stayed there ...

Whoever this thing is, she will pay...

I am so sorry...

Are you okay?

Not really...

You're safe here...

Roar has done his duty. He protected you and the child.

Yes it's me. We're at the police station.

Veterinary clinic? We will be right there.

Mahmud think it's your tiger.

No, Officer Morren is his owner.

He can speak?

Yep. Hi!

Look. Speak very bad.

Ha! Maybe he jealous!

He's just worried about his dog.

This look kill. You see?

Good dog. Now you'll feel better.

That's it

Well, buddy, do you miss me?



Bella behaved very brave! She rescued the kidnapped child!

This is Roar! He found a girl.

He is really a unique dog!

It's true.

Oh, I will miss you...

My hero!

For more infomation >> Sims4: Sim in Style - The Lady with a Dog - Part 4 - Duration: 11:23.


Trailer #2 - Welcome To Patchwork - Duration: 1:36.

- So we're at a barbecue the other day,

and you were charged with making the salad.

(running water) (tapping cymbal)

- What are you making, Josh? - Oh, just doing the salad.

- Yeah, but it's washed and ready to eat.

- Yeah, I know.

- And for me, this comes down to

a trust issue, and it's something

that's existed throughout our friendship.

You don't trust farmers, you don't trust,

you don't trust people who wash,

you don't trust washers - What are you talking about?

- You don't, and you don't trust that the washers

and the people in the factory are gonna

be able to remove all of the insects.

- You're making it like it's an individual person

who goes through and washes each leaf.

- No, but this is a, this is, this is a trust issue.

- It's the chemicals. - What chemicals?

- They put on the lettuce. - But they've, they've

taken upon that liability. - I know they say that.

- You don't need to wash it and

take on that liability yourself.

- It's not, mate, it cost you nothing to wash the salad.

Absolutely nothing. - No, definitely,

definitely cost you something. - Well, if you say so.

- And water prices are sky-high at the moment.

- You have no idea how long it's been sitting in the bag.

- I don't care, like the risk of finding

a spider is so low, that I'm like,

just the trade-off to getting my salad quicker.

- I have no issues with spiders in my salads.

- Do you have an issue with wet dressing?

(group laughing)

- I don't have a spinner. - Where does it stop?

What don't you wash, do you wash all your apples?

- Yeah, give 'em a, or at least a rub on the top.

- How shit is that--

- A rub on the top? - Yeah, like...

- Good boy. (group laughing)

- Let me ask you this, Christian,

after you go on a long car ride,

do you like to have a shower when you get home?

- Of course I do. - Thank you so much.

Same with the lettuce. - No.

(group laughing)

(vocalizing and funky music)

For more infomation >> Trailer #2 - Welcome To Patchwork - Duration: 1:36.


| Pivot Table super cool tricks in Excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 5:17.

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For more infomation >> | Pivot Table super cool tricks in Excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 5:17.


Unique Fish Trap | 2 Little Boy Catching Fish Using Banana Tree | Awesome Fish Catching Idea - Duration: 5:24.

Unique Fish Trap

For more infomation >> Unique Fish Trap | 2 Little Boy Catching Fish Using Banana Tree | Awesome Fish Catching Idea - Duration: 5:24.


TRAILER #1 - Welcome To Patchwork - Duration: 1:21.

- Now Josh,

something that you did last week

that I wanted to take issue with.

We were at Dion's place and--

- That was a bit weird.

- Yep, it's pretty strange.

- Anyway, I gotta shoot off.

I got an early start tomorrow.

But I'll see you guys on Friday.

- See ya, man.

- See ya then.

- Actually, these--

Yeah I brought these didn't I?

These are mine.

Alright, see ya guys!

- Once those chips

penetrate through the front door,

once you gifted them to Dion,

they're no longer yours.

- It's not a gift.

I didn't give them to him,

I brought them for everyone to have

and everyone to share.

- Yes.

- And the fact that we didn't get to open them

means they're still my chips.

- No, it's communal!

- It would've been,

but they weren't used!

- I think it depends on

how much you want the chips,

and also how expensive the item is as well.

- You're missing the point of the exchange.

It's saying "thank you for hosting"

Here is a gift for you.

Whether you consume it now

doesn't matter.

- Of course he can take that back.

Of course he can take the chips back.

- You're against me?

- Of course I'm against you! - Yes!

- What is going on! (laughter)

- What if the chips,

no one else was in the room when you were leaving

and you saw your chips there,

would you still take the chips?

- Yes, I'm taking the chips. (laughs)

- Really?

- Of course I'm taking the chips.

They're my chips,

I brought them!


(upbeat funky music)

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