Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

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Watch how To make Engine Using Cardboard

For more infomation >> How to Make Powerful Engine Using Cardboard at Home | DIY Electric Motor - Duration: 7:36.


basic embroidery stitches tutorial | simple maggam work blouse designs | back neck blouse designs - Duration: 2:32.

basic embroidery stitches

For more infomation >> basic embroidery stitches tutorial | simple maggam work blouse designs | back neck blouse designs - Duration: 2:32.


Sandık Odası - One Survival - Duration: 21:45.

For more infomation >> Sandık Odası - One Survival - Duration: 21:45.


修理中の車から転がり落ちてきた子猫。【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> 修理中の車から転がり落ちてきた子猫。【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:44.


I bias cognitivi - Parte II - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> I bias cognitivi - Parte II - Duration: 6:05.


The Negative Consequences of Good Singing Reviews - Duration: 6:50.

When you get a great review of your singing performance how can there be negative consequences?

Inside this video I'll show you!

Hi, I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.

I'm playing the role of Ebenezer Scrooge in the musical, A Christmas Carol, with music

by Alan Menken and Lyrics by Lynn Ahrens.

We've just opened the show and got our first review.

Here's what the reviewer said about the show and my performance.

"CenterPoint's production was directed by Jim Christian, with Chuck Gilmore in the

starring role of mean ol' Uncle Scrooge.

Gilmore gave the strongest performance of Scrooge that I've seen on stage.

Instead of presenting the miser as a caricature, Gilmore plays him a real, relatable human


Gilmore's restraint is admirable, and makes the character infinitely stronger.

Gilmore presents a Scrooge that many people can see in themselves.

Plus, his singing is fabulous.

His line delivery is biting.

Gilmore's performance is one worth coming for."

Initially I was pleased with the review.

However, while the reviewer was very positive about my performance, and he highly recommended

the show, several other cast members were criticized.

Here are some of the negative consequences of good singing reviews.

I'll keep this personal.

I share it with you so you can learn from my experience.

I might start believing the review.

In other words, after reading this, have I "arrived"?

Do I need to keep working?

Is there room for improvement in my performing and singing?

If so, how do I keep improving and growing as a singer, actor and performer.

As well as improving within this show?

What about all the others in my show who worked so hard to excel and be their very best?

What about the other actors who spend hours upon hours in rehearsal learning the songs,

dances and lines and putting out 110% to make the show great?

What about our technical crews?

Without them the performance would be impossible.

Might they feel slighted for getting no recognition?

How might others feel about me?

Do they resent me?

Do they think I think I'm "all that"?

How do I say anything to them that won't come out sounding snooty.

"I think you're great" starts feeling like I'm trying too hard.

I don't want to come across disingenuous.

I felt awkward.

I had a hard time staying focused and present for the first half of the show.

And I bobbled my first line.

The experience took me "out of my game" for the first half of the show.

I don't think others noticed...I hope not at least.


How do you deal with the negative consequences of good singing reviews?

First, I regained my focus by focusing in on my cast members on stage.

In this particular case, we had children on stage.

They were fully in the moment, feeling and expressing the pure joy of singing, dancing

and the wonderful message of this show.

When I watched them, I forgot all about myself and the children and my fellow cast members

brought me back to the present moment with their total commitment to their character

and their story.

Actually, it was a humbling and emotional moment for me...and Scrooge.

Second, I focused on my belief that with any performance, if you're lucky, 20% really

love your voice and your performance, 20% feel good about it, 20% have no feeling about

it either way, 20% are disappointed and 20% wish they weren't there.

The very finest singers, actors and performers have only a small segment of true fans.

That's reality.

That's life.

On this night the reviewer was in the first 20% category.

He could have been wishing he wasn't there.

Third, I can't control others opinions of me.

But I can express my heartfelt gratitude for the privilege of sharing the stage with my

cast, tech crew, and production team.

I can learn everyone's name and compliment them on their performances.

Fourth, maintain the perspective that there will always be things to work on.

This reviewer didn't know that I personally received over 114 notes for improvement from

the director during the rehearsal process...not including personal one-on-one coaching to

correct and improve my performance.

Fifth, I find motivation to improve by seeing how hard my fellow actors work.

>From the first day of rehearsals the dancers were working hard each evening learning their


Frequently they came early to polish their numbers.

Seeing their tremendous commitment and contribution to this show motivates me to give my very

best every moment.


This was true with all of our cast.

If we're not careful, reviews, whether good or bad, can cause us to lose focus and hamper

our ability to stay present and engaged.

There's nothing more thrilling than being "in the moment" on stage connecting with

your cast and your audience.

It's what makes performing so matter the reviews.

If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share it with a friend.

Have you ever had a good or bad review?

Let me know in the comment section below.

Be sure and join me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @PowerToSing.

One way to improve your singing reviews is to discover your vocal type.


Your vocal type describes what you tend to do as you sing higher from chest to head voice.

Go to and take the vocal test, which I call the Power Test.

Take the quiz and discover your vocal type.

Then visit the Knowledge Center and watch the videos about your vocal type.

Download the free exercises for your vocal type and start practicing them.

They'll help you improve rapidly.

I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.

You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.

I'll see you inside the next video.

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> The Negative Consequences of Good Singing Reviews - Duration: 6:50.


How to View or clear youtube search history - Duration: 1:21.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

How to View or delete search history in YouTube.

If you are trying to find a particular video you have searched for in the past, Search history may help.

Your YouTube search history lets you view your previous search queries on YouTube. Your YouTube and Google search history, also

To view or delete what you've previously watched on YouTube, check out your watch history.

Access your search history by selecting History in the Guide And selecting the Search history tab.Remove an individual search entry.

Select the X to the right of the search entry to remove it from the Search History. Delete your entire search history.

Select clear all search history to delete your entire search history. Pause your search history.

Select Pause search history to pause your search history. Hope, this information, is helpful,

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like, Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> How to View or clear youtube search history - Duration: 1:21.


أوقفوا العصبية ◆ كيف نستقل بذاتنا ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 11:45.

For more infomation >> أوقفوا العصبية ◆ كيف نستقل بذاتنا ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 11:45.


Todd's Tag - Duration: 7:34.


Hi, Mm name is


Audrei and welcome to my channel CharisseAudrei. Today, I'm going to do a book


The book

Tag I'm going to be doing is Todd's Tag from Todd's librarian.

I love his videos. I love how

He just doesn't give a fuck. So

let's get into the questions.

Question one: Have you ever regretted joining booktube? NO,

I haven't because I met lovely amazing people

thus far.

I just can't wait to do more videos and connect with the people I've been connecting with more and others to come.

Question number two: What is the last theater movie you walked out on?

I haven't, I don't really walk out on movies.

plenty plenty years ago when I first moved out of my parents house I

went to the movies and

my boyfriend didn't have the key. Number three: What character do you remember the most?

Todd said you can't you can't name Harry Potter or Twilight.

I picked Melinda from Speak because

first I watched the movie when I was traveling on the road

with my mom, and I saw this at the bookstore for a very cheap

and I begged her buy me this book and she did and I don't know how many times

I read this book, but it's a really good read. If you haven't read this book. Please read it! It's about a girl,

call the cops

during this summer party with her friends and her friends don't understand why and

she needed to speak. Question number four: Which classic novel do you feel in tuned with or

identify with the main character the most? This was a little tricky, but I

I'm sorry Todd I picked two books here. The first book is

a collection of poetry. It says classic Barnes & Noble classic

so I'm gonna consider this a classic because I was gonna pick Catcher in the Rye but I haven't read that book and so long.

So I'm picking it this book because I read it this year.


with poems and

try to understand what kind of emotions they were going through at the time.

I know this is not a novel, So I picked a novel.

I don't know if this is classic or not but in my library in my house

I considered it a classic because is always talking about and raved about and I seen the movie

made me cry and that is the Book Thief. I can totally relate to the main character and


collecting books and trying to read. I


"The Outsiders" in eighth grade and whoever's book

it was they stole it right back. So I can relate to her in reading because reading was a struggle for me

when I was growing up, I knew I wanted to read I knew I would love to read and

I'm so happy

I connected with reading. Question number five: If you can meet anyone in history who would it be? And of course it would be

Miss Audrey Hepburn, I would love to chat with her. I love chatting with people that has my name and

Audrey you could spell it so many ways and

It's just a unique name and Audrey Hepburn

Stapled that name because of her

Acting and singing and just caring for the world.

Question number six: The apocalypse strikes you can only

take one of your books

into the wasteland

with you which

Book do you take? Miracles Now by Gabby Bernstein, Gabrielle

Bernstein you could check out her motivational speeches on YouTube.

That's how I found her and then I finally got her book and now I have two. This has


Life-changing tools for less stress more flow and finding your purpose. I think it'll be a good

tool to use. Seven is:

If you could write a masterpiece, What would your subject matter or genre of choice be?

I'm a poet,

But if I could write a masterpiece novel it would be to help people find themselves.

Share my stories that I've gone through.

I think I would just focus on teens and helping teens. Probably self-help and

Spiritual. Question number eight: If you were a drink

what would you be? I would be sweet tea because I love sweet tea.

I grew up with sweet tea, my dad always has sweet tea in this house,

my mom has tea. So

yeah, that's what I would be if I was an alcohol

Beverage I would be a red Moscato. Question number nine:

What is your favorite foreign language book? With this question I kind of

was stuck because I know I could pick the dictionary, but there's only one book I

gotten that was

French and translated to English. which was this and I'm not talking about "Boujour Tristesse".

There's actually two books in one in here and a "Certain Smile". I really like the most. And the last question:

That's been

keeping me from doing this tag which got me really thinking when I first watched this video is.

What separates us from other

Life-forms on earth? At first I was thinking

we're all the same,

we all connect the same

here on earth, but I think what separates us

from other

Life-forms here on earth is that we set out in our society

expectations and we have


That's all I can think of that is different from other life forms. That is it

for Todd's Tag and thanks Todd for tagging me. I really enjoy this tag.

I saw the Tea Hags do it and I was like let me get on top of that, but I done it now.

I'll tag the people down below who I tag so see if you're tagged down below.

I'll see you guys in my next video

and I hope you like and subscribe and follow me on all my social

medias because I'm active on there, and I'll see you later. Bye


For more infomation >> Todd's Tag - Duration: 7:34.


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