Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

But technicolor pachyderms

Is really to much for me


I am not the type to faint

When things are odd or things are quaint

But seeing things you know that ain't

Can certainly give you an awful fright!

What a sight!

Chase 'em away!

Chase 'em away!

I'm afraid need your aid

Pink elephants on parade!

For more infomation >> The Immortal Brines - Duration: 0:20.


→ REAL TERROR AND FEAR, Part 54 paranormal phenomena, real horror videos 2018 - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> → REAL TERROR AND FEAR, Part 54 paranormal phenomena, real horror videos 2018 - Duration: 6:52.


VLOGMAS 3 - ODBIERAMY GOŚCI - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> VLOGMAS 3 - ODBIERAMY GOŚCI - Duration: 8:54.


Latanie po okolicach | Bitwa o kluczyki ! Ucieczka | +KONKURS!!! | Odc. 2/2 - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Latanie po okolicach | Bitwa o kluczyki ! Ucieczka | +KONKURS!!! | Odc. 2/2 - Duration: 4:25.


LIVE English Lesson - 3rd December 2017 - FOOD, GRAMMAR, CHAT, CHRISTMAS, NEW WORDS - with Mr Duncan - Duration: 2:10:59.

can you see what I'm doing here I'm putting up my Christmas lights to put up

means to hang something so is to allow it to be displayed for everyone to see

you might put up a painting you can put up a flag you can put up some Christmas

lights we can also use put up to mean withstand you can bear something

annoying or upsetting occurring you put up with it

of course if you can't stand it we can say that you can't put up with it we can

also use put up to mean the action of allowing someone to stay in your home

overnight to put someone up for the night my brother said he can put me up

for a couple of nights so as you can see there are many uses for the phrase put

up you can also put up your feet which means to relax and take it easy

I hope you are feeling relaxed now because it's Sunday afternoon here in

the UK and this is live English

hey-ya be do be do be do be do be bee do bee do oh yes thank you thank you very

much I'm assuming that you are all applauding at the moment so thank you

very much for your applause oh thank you so much thank you and one or two of you

are even throwing flowers at me oh thank you so much yes

I'm back baby hi everybody this is mr. Duncan in England how are you today are

you okay I hope so are you happy I really really

hope so so here we are a new month is here we are now into December December

has arrived and of course for many people December is a very busy month

because it means that a lot of people will be preparing to celebrate not only

Christmas but also the new year as well so if you are one of those people

preparing to celebrate Christmas we have a lot of fun things to come your way

during December including today in fact because today is Sunday the 3rd of

December 2017 just another 4 weeks of this year to go and then we will jump

headfirst into 2018 what will next year have in store for us well a year from

now I will be able to tell you so here we go oh my goodness and of course as

usual the first thing we have to do is take a look outside the window what was

the view like this morning well here it is

I must say it was very murky this morning very very damp very wet and very

misty or we can also say murky murky so as you can see in the distance

the visibility is not very good there is a lot of moisture in the air we had some

cold weather and then we had some warm weather which has caused lots and lots

of rain to fall unfortunately so that is the view this morning I don't know what

the view is like where you are because well basically I'm not where you are but

I'm glad you are here anyway and of course last week everyone in the UK got

very excited do you know why can you guess why we all got excited last week

well I will tell you the reason why is because we had some snow yes and just to

prove it look this is actually the view last Thursday and if you look in the

distance you can see some snow on the mountains in the distance and those

mountains are actually in Wales they are very high very high mountains and

because of that because we had a lot of cold weather last week the snow has

fallen on the mountains and there it is that is actually the view from my house

from my bedroom window another view and as you can see once again the mountains

in the distance they are covered with snow

and that happened last Thursday and apparently in London they also had a lot

of snow as well so many people in the UK getting very excited because that's what

we do you see we always get very excited when the weather changes some people

complain about it whilst others get very excited I'm one of those people who gets

very excited little bit later on we are going to take

a look at one of my English lessons where I talk all about snow and you will

have a chance to join me on a lovely snowy walk through just to prove how

cold it was would you like to have a look at my frozen birdbath because

that's how cold it was last week here it comes can you see one of the

bird baths in my garden has actually frozen over look at that look at that

it's actually frozen so there is a layer of ice on the top and of course I always

like to break the ice I always like to break it so the birds can drink the

water although I have a strange feeling that that water needs changing it needs

cleaning because it's full of leaves but there you can see the ice on the

birdbath and not only that but also the other birdbath is well was frozen almost

solid and there you can see once again the ice forming on the birdbath

fortunately it wasn't that cold so it was only slightly cold it was about

minus 2 which is still cold of course but there the icy weather we had quite a

cold week last week very very chilly talking of last week

you may have noticed that I wasn't here last Sunday I was supposed to be here

but due to one or two problems mostly technical I wasn't here last week so can

I just say I'm very very sorry I'm so sorry for not being here last week I'm

really really sorry for that I couldn't help it I had a few problems here

the studio lots of things to try and sort out that's the reason why I wasn't

here last Sunday so once again can I please apologize for that winter is here

it's official and just to prove it in my garden at the moment there are some

lovely flowers some lovely flowers pink flowers that always come out every

winter now there is a slight problem here and I'm hoping that someone out

there will know something about flowers because I have no idea what these

flowers are so these particular flowers or should I say this particular plant I

don't know what it is so if there is anyone out there who is a plant expert

could you please let me know what this particular plant is because I have done

some research I've been looking I've been trying to find what this particular

plant is called and I can't find it anywhere so if

anyone out there knows what this particular plant is called

please let me know because I can't find the name of it anywhere and to be honest

with you it's really bugging me so if anyone out there is an expert on

plants or flowers if you are a big fan of gardening maybe you know what this

particular flower is because I don't know but the only clue I have is that it

only comes out during the winter so this particular plant only comes out during

the winter time so if you know what it is could you please let me know thank

you very much that would be lovely of course we have

the live chat today it wouldn't be live English without the live chat and of

course we have lots of people waiting very patiently thank you very much for

being so patient today waiting for me we have Julie G hi Julie nice to see you

again welcome once again once again can I say sorry I'm ever so sorry because a

lot of people were asking they were saying yeah yeah mr. Duncan where were

you last Sunday we were waiting for you but you didn't come on to the Internet

where were you were you sick were you ill are you dead

well I am here now to reassure you that I'm not ill and I'm definitely

definitely not dead well not yet anyway also Olga is here

hello Olga thanks for joining me today Olga is one of my loyal viewers just

like Julie is can I say once again a big thank you to my lovely patreon

supporters now I don't mention my patreon supporters very often but today

I'm going to give them a special mention so can I say thank you once again to my

lovely patreon supporters for your kindness and there you can see all of

the lovely people who help support and help me to do my English lessons by

making a monthly donation thank you very much D'Amico Julie

Victoria Lucia Carol Konstantin Tatiana Andrew Tigran sue Nietzsche Esther fan

Aziz Daniel Julia Ostrom Pineau Cova Michael Oleg Carmen and last week I had

a new patreon supporter Demetriou thank you very much for joining me on my

lovely list of patreon supporters and of course you can also support me if you

want to help my work continue every month thank you so

for helping me it really is very lovely of you I do appreciate it from from the

bottom of my heart thank you thank you so much carnage 'when is here karna doin

hello to you and also simona kane also we have Maria Oh Maria thanks for coming

back I'm very sorry for not being here last week but I did had a few problems I

had quite a few technical problems last week mr. Marie gank Marie gank Kumar is

here thank you very much for saying hello ts Tia says mr. Duncan we missed

you oh thank you very much for missing me

last week I wasn't here but don't worry I am back and I will be with you every

Sunday during December and don't forget during December Christmas Eve and New

Year's Eve both fall on Sunday and I will be here on Christmas Eve and I will

also be here on New Year's Eve as well yes and there are five Sundays in

December so you have lots and lots of live English to come your way

during this month I've been taking care of my health a lot of people thought I

was sick last week but I'm not last week actually I did go to the doctors last

week but not because of my health but because I had to go and have my flu

vaccination so every year around about this time I always have my flu

vaccination to make sure that I don't become ill with influenza and of course

flu is a very serious illness especially for people who are over a certain age

like me so last week I had my flu seen my arm was a little painful but

that was it really it was it was fine and I feel great now so have you had

your flu vaccine do you ever have vaccines where you are something to talk

about today also we have the mystery idioms coming today don't worry I

haven't forgotten the mystery idioms will be here very soon

also some questions to ask today some interesting questions are you still in

touch with people you went to school with or anyone from your childhood now I

think this is a very interesting question because I was thinking the

other day I'm not in touch with anyone from my school days it I have a couple

of people on my Facebook friend list who I was at school with but I never really

get in touch with them I never contacted them even though they are on the list so

this is one of the questions I'm asking today a general question for us to talk

about are you still in touch with people or with anyone you went to school with

or anyone from your childhood now I think in certain countries definitely in

China people do like to stay in touch with their classmates and they do have

normally frequent reunions so that is one of the questions also today we are

talking about my favorite subject Oh food yes

so today we are talking about food the question today referring or relating to

food do you eat too much what do you think now I know this is a very private

thing some people feel very awkward talking about their their eating habits

but I have to say I'm going to be very honest I will be honest right now and

say that I sometimes eat too much sometimes

night maybe I'm feeling a little bit lonely I quite often go into the kitchen

and I have a little snack or maybe I eat something sweet or maybe I have a little

bit of junk food to comfort me so I'm not afraid to admit that sometimes I do

like to eat food as comfort I think a lot of people do this

certainly if they have nothing to do maybe they're feeling a little lonely

all or maybe bored they go into the kitchen and they grab a snack so what

about you what do you do would you say that you

eat too much and of course what food do you enjoy and as I suppose another

question this is a very personal question so maybe you don't want to

answer this question but do you eat too much have you ever been on a diet now

once again I'm not afraid to admit that last year I did go on a diet because I

was putting on a lot of weight but a lot of people noticed that I was getting a

little bit fact in certain places around my stomach area and also around my face

I was getting very fat so last year I did actually go on a diet I'm not joking

I did so I had a diet last year and I lost around about a stone in weight so

yes and to be honest it did do me a lot of good I did feel better after losing

the weight so have you ever been on a diet we have some oh we have some live

chat donations coming in on the super chat thank you very much for that I'm

not sure who they are from let's have a look Eleanor Thank You Eleanor Eleanor

Coquina and also from

I can't read the writing unfortunately but the message here says I was very sad

last Sunday because I turned on YouTube and there was no mr. Duncan

well once again can I apologize I have had some slight problems with my

equipment namely the computer so the computer has been playing up it has been

going wrong there is a slight fault with the computer so last week I had a lot of

technical problems and sadly I couldn't come on I was hoping that I could get

the computer fixed I'm still not sure what the problem is I have no idea what

the problem is but you know what it's like technology sometimes it goes wrong

it breaks down for no reason whatsoever hi mr. Duncan from our mekt

hello our met thank you very much for joining me also armed' is here as well

are you happy mr. Duncan I hope so yes I'm happy I'm so glad to be back I'm

really pleased to be with you again on this Sunday afternoon it is now coming

up to 25 past 2 we are live in the UK Sandra Hodge is here hello Sandra I

haven't seen you for a long time thanks for coming back a big howdy

from France to you and also to mr. Steve yes we can't forget mr. Steve mr. Steve

will be here today live at 3 o'clock did it get colder in

here or is it just me I think it's just you

mr. Steve so you know I never get tired of watching that I never I could watch

that again and again in fact I want to watch it again right now mr. Steve at

three o'clock did it get cold in here or is it just me there is no way in the

world that mr. Steve is right in the head and some people say the same thing

about me Marcela is here hi Marcela thanks for

joining me today hello mr. Duncan from Spain Francisco

Munoz is here or Munoz Marcela who is watching in Argentina a big hello to

Argentina also Aurora Aurora Rubik is here I feel happy and I feel better

because I'm watching your live class thank you very much for that how kind of

you I'm sure a lot of people have tuned in today just to see if I'm still alive

because a lot of people during the week we're really worried they were sending

messages to me asking eeehh mr. Duncan are you still alive

are you okay because you didn't appear last week what happened well I'm here

now to prove that I am okay Nishant is here

hello Nishant petrol or petrol I am now involved with my 10th exams and that is

why I am NOT able to attend all of your live streams don't worry in this shunt

as long as you you appear sometimes so you're here today and that's okay

Jamelia oh thank you for joining me today I'm so glad to see you today thank

you very much for that and also a couple of more hellos Pedro

and also who else should we say hello to oh I know let's say hello to Joris

hello Joris I've never seen your name here before it looks like you might be

new here are you we have the mystery idioms coming very shortly but first we

are going to take a look at one of my English lessons we are going to take a

look at one of my lessons a lesson all about my favorite subject food

hi everybody this is mr. Duncan in England how is mr. Duncan

mr. Duncan oh hello mr. Lomax how are you what's the problem mr. Duncan

can I have something to eat please of course you can

what would you like to eat I would like a big juicy banana if that's okay

hmm banana eh let me see I've got to be known around here sighs there's one one

juicy banana there you go is that okay for you thank you very much

but not petit now then where was I oh yes hi everybody this is mr. Duncan in

England how are you today are you okay I hope so are you happy I

hope so in today's lesson we will look at a common item which is for each of us

an important part of our daily life and our means of survival today we will talk

about food instruction some ship some tasty sweet delicious foods you can

it makes up a large part of our daily routine most people love it some people

get too much of it while others get too little it can be both good and bad for

you and we need it to survive oh yes without food our lives would be very

short indeed the word food is a mass noun and means any substance that can be

consumed and absorbed into the body and has the ability to provide all the

necessary energy for us to function and survive the word food comes from ancient

Germanic and in ancient English was closely associated with the word fodder

there are many natural elements contained within food such as calcium

chromium cobalt copper iron sodium and zinc it is worth noting that these are

present in very tiny amounts which is lucky for us because the human body only

requires a very small daily amount to function properly keeping the balance of

these elements right is very important as too much of them is just as bad as

too little

then there is protein which helps the body to function and stay well

maintained protein is made up of small organic chemicals called amino acids

these are absorbed from food during digestion and are used to create new

proteins and other useful substances that the body requires finally let us

not forget one of the most important intakes that the body requires in order

to function and survive water

around 60% of your body is made up of water the water in your body keeps you

cool it helps to keep the joints of your bones soft and supple it carries

nutrients to your tiny skin cells and it helps to carry away all of the waste and

toxins which would otherwise build up and cause you to become ill water is

being constantly used and lost by the body through sweating and going to the

toilet needless to say you must drink plenty of water every day when cooking

something we normally use a verb to describe the way in which it is being

prepared for example bake a cake boil some potatoes fry an egg grill some

bread roast a chicken steam some vegetables stew some meat humans are

omnivores this means we eat meat fruit and

vegetables however there are people who do not eat meat at all sometimes this is

for religious reasons or as a moral stand against the killing of animals for

human consumption we may dislike certain types of food because of its odor all

the way it looks for example I really dislike mushrooms I do not like the way

they smell before and after being cooked the thought of eating a mushroom makes

me feel very unwell some people avoid certain food because their bodies are

sensitive to for example peanuts and certain seafood

such as oysters or prawns they have an allergy they are allergic to it if they

ate some of it then they may become very sick or even die

the combination of different items intended for eating is called a meal or

a dish and these have different names depending on when they are served the

morning meal is breakfast the midday meal is called lunch and the evening

meal can be called dinner or if it is much later supper

sometimes we may go out to eat food perhaps we will go to a restaurant and

order some food from the menu the person who serves you at the table is called a

waiter or if they are female a waitress the meal is usually divided into

sections each one is called a course

first there is the starter which is normally a small serving of food such as

soup or salad some people do not have a starter worrying that they may have

trouble finishing them mainly then there is the main course which is the largest

part of the meal finally there is the dessert which can also be called the

sweet this is normally a small portion of ice cream or hot pudding or cake

the subject of preparing food is normally called cookery the group word

for all kinds of different cooking styles is cuisine for example French

cuisine Greek cuisine Italian cuisine a person who studies food and its effect

on the body is called a dietician or a nutritionist a person who cooks food as

a job is called a cook or chef the word chef comes from the French language and

means head there are many phrases and idioms

that relates to food or eating such as I'll eat him or her for breakfast

I will easily win or beat someone in a contest it's a piece of cake

it is easy to do it is no problem the apple of your eye someone you love and

care for deeply bring home the bacon earn money to support a family have your

cake and eat it enjoy both sides of a situation or to want more than you

should have food for thought an idea or comment that makes you think about

something deeply sour grapes the feeling of bitterness towards someone we put his

rudeness down to sour grapes salad days your younger days earlier in life when

things seemed much simpler

food glorious food mm-hmm I don't know about you but I love food

very very much there it was it was just sub excerpts from my food lesson the

whole food lesson is available on my youtube channel in fact the video the

link to the video is right underneath this livestream so the full version and

it's a very long lesson all about food lots of information about food is

available underneath this video good afternoon to you if you have just joined

me its mr. Duncan that's me yes I'm back baby I know I wasn't here last week I

have already explained why I had a few technical problems in 20 minutes mr.

Steve will be here live and today we are going to talk about many things one

thing in particular one thing in particular mr. Steve on Friday evening

was cleaning his car now I was very curious to find out why so I thought it

would be a good idea today to put this out to everyone so why is mr. Steve

cleaning his car why is he doing it and here he is look cleaning the car making

sure that it looks all lovely and shiny and sparkly

but why is mr. Steve cleaning the car I'm very very curious to find out why in

fact whilst filming this I was thinking to myself why is mr. Steve cleaning his

car he never normally cleans his car so I can only assume that something very

special was about to happen but what was the occasion I will give you the answer

later on but where was mr. Steve going and I will give you a clue I was also

going with him actually I'm not sure if that's a clue at all

so there's mr. Steve cleaning his car making it look all shiny and lovely a

lot of people think that this car is a new car but in fact it isn't mr. Steve

has had this car for many many years over seven years he's had this car so it

isn't a new car it's actually quite an old car he's had it for over seven years

nearly eight years in fact so it isn't new but it does look quite new

especially when mr. Steve has cleaned it so that is the question why was mr.

Steve cleaning his car back to the live chat and nav in desync is here hello nav

Inder thank you for joining me today questions we are asking are you still in

touch with people you went to school with and no vendor says yes I am still

in touch with my school friends also Olga says yes I met my school mates last

month now I'm not sure if this happens very often here in the UK quite often we

tend to lose touch with people so quite often people you went to school with or

maybe people you worked with in a previous job over time it is possible to

to lose contact or to lose touch with your school friends or your former work

colleagues so it does happen but I have noticed and I did notice this when I was

living in China that a lot of people tend to keep in touch with the people

they went to school with even people in their 30s and 40s they were still

meeting up with people that they went to school with which I always found very

fascinating now I must admit I'm not in touch with anyone that I used to go to

school with I'm not I don't really contact anyone so I don't think it

happens so much here I think maybe in certain cultures it happens more maybe

I'm right maybe I'm wrong can I just mention once again that I've

had two very generous donations today on the super chat here they are here's one

of them so thank you very much thanks a lot so there is one of the super chats

the donations that I receive today thank you thank you very much thank you very

much for your your lovely donation and there it is now on the screen I'm very

sorry that I couldn't read your name because my computer wouldn't show the

pronunciation so I'm very sorry about that

but thank you very much for your very very generous donation and also Eleanor

Eleanor as well thank you very much for your generous donation today on the live

chat thanks a lot I am very very touched I've also had a nice photograph come in

I think this is from Maria I think it might be from Maria let's just see if we

can find it of course now I won't be able to here it

is I think this is from Maria and this is a

picture of her nativity scene normally some people they create a small nativity

scene and there it is a nativity scene thank you very much I

think that was from Maria thank you very much for that very very lovely and if

you'd like to send any photographs to me you can my email address also you can

follow me on Facebook as well in fact you can find me all over the Internet

it's Sunday afternoon and we are live on YouTube it's true unless of course you

are watching the replay in which case it isn't live but at the moment it is live

if you get my meaning we have asked some questions today to do

with food do you eat too much food what food do you enjoy armed' says I eat too

much but my body does not get larger oh I see you are very lucky there when I

was very young when I was a child I could eat anything and I would never put

weight on I would never get fat I used to eat chocolate and sweets and loads of

food when I was a child but I never put weight on because my my metabolism was

very high so I would burn all of the energy very quickly so I would not put

weight on but sadly as I got older yes I did start to put weight on and last year

as I mentioned earlier I had a diet I went on a diet last year and I managed

to lose some weight I got rid of my my fat tummy

Pedro Belmont says I don't eat too much I eat enough I eat what I need just in

the weekends I break my routine well of course you have to give yourself a

little treat now and again don't you agree with me I think so so there is

nothing wrong with having a little treat Aurora Aurora ruber says I love sushi

sushi oh I see raw fish it is a Japanese delicacy I'm not keen on sushi to be

honest I not keen on the smell because sometimes

sushi cans can smell very very fishy I'm not very keen on the smell of fish to be

honest I think I eat too much says Olga in comparison with other girls I think I

should eat less well you know what they say there is a proverb that says a

little of what you fancy can do you good so sometimes having a little treat or a

little snack there is no harm as long as you don't overdo it everything in

moderation moderation I love that word so to have moderation means you have

control you don't overdo the things you are doing Julie g says I am on a diet

right now that's very brave of you to tell me that thanks for sharing that

information but I really do like food especially sweets me too

but as you saw earlier there are some types of food that I hate and one of

them you may have noticed in the video can you see that oh dear it's a mushroom

I hate mushrooms so much and there you can see one a lot of people like to have

mushrooms in soup or in stew or casseroles or sometimes they eat them

with salad I don't like mushrooms at all so that is my my most unfavorite

food I hate mushrooms very much what is your favorite food and what is your

least favorite food dude Kimmy Kim says I eat a balanced

diet I have a balanced diet balanced but I do love to eat pizza yes me too sadly

here in Much Wenlock the place I live in there is no pizza place there is no

pizza palace or Pizza Hut there is nowhere to buy pizza from unfortunately

so sadly here in my town we don't have a pizza restaurant or a pizza takeaway

restaurant it's not fair I like pizza very much

sheriff sheriff says I was frightened by mr. Steve earlier what do you mean do

you mean this yes I agree it is a little frightening the real thing is coming at

3 o'clock because mr. Steve will be here but the big question is what was the

reason for mr. Steve cleaning his car he was cleaning his car on Friday evening

but why what what was the reason for it I will tell you later right now we are

going to have a look at the mystery idioms would you like to have a look 10

minutes away from mr. Steve but I am now going to reveal today's mystery idioms

something for you to think about during this and the next hour because I am on

for two hours and I am on every Sunday from 2 o'clock 2 p.m. UK time don't

forget that so here we go today's mystery idioms here they come right now

here is the first mystery idiom but what is it what is it a well-known

phrase in English I will give you a clue it has nothing to do with food you will

be pleased to hear and here is the second mystery idiom I think this one is

easy I think this particular idiom is very easy to guess and the first one

once again what are today's mystery idioms if you think you know let me know

if you don't know the answer I will reveal the answers at the end of today's

live stream and we have something very special coming today we will be turning

on the Christmas lights the outside Christmas lights I am going to turn them

on later in the program I can't wait so that coming up in the second hour and of

course we have mr. Steve coming along today to give us some mystery idioms and

I can let you in on a little secret now mr. Steve has already received a

Christmas present he has I'll be telling you more about

that in the second hour after three o'clock when mr. Steve comes to say

hello analytic brain is here hi mr. Duncan how are things going I

hope you are still happy and it is all about English language yes of course no

problem and don't forget including today I am

with you live five times during December five times including Christmas Eve and

also New Year's Eve I will be here live with you

kymmie Kim is here hello Kimmy thanks for joining me I have

never been on a diet some people diet some people try to lose

weight by eating less and sadly many people who go on a diet

quite often end up putting weight on later so it isn't an easy thing to do I

must admit last year when I went on a diet I found it very very hard to do

besides dieting you must also take extra exercise as well and don't forget before

you start to go on a diet you must check with your doctor first you must check

quite a few people have had their flu vaccines including me

I had my flu vaccine last week I had the injection in my arm last week to make

sure that I don't get the flu hi mr. Duncan thanks for your wonderful lessons

who Mara whom Erica car thank you very much for that that's very kind of you so

many people joining me on the live chat Pedro I think Pedro likes mr. Lomax

very much he is so adorable says Pedro Belmont I agree with you I

think mr. Lomax is quite adorable even though sometimes he gets very angry

with me I don't know why Aurora says I sent a message because I was very

preoccupied preoccupied it's not an easy word to say that preoccupied I was

distracted by something oh that something was me that's very nice thank

you Aurora Aurora was preoccupied with me

because my lesson apparently is very interesting thanks a lot for that

Samy cager says my favorite food is also

pizza I really like it and of course I love and enjoy your live stream as well

Thank You Sammy for that very kind of you mr. Steve is just two minutes away

the big question as I asked earlier why why is mr. Steve cleaning his car we

will reveal the answer later on there was a special reason why mr. Steve was

cleaning his car on Friday night all I will say is that he was going somewhere

very special and I was going as well do you know why mr. Steve was cleaning his

car I'm sure we will find out later mr.

Steve will be here soon Igor says the 2018 FIFA World Cup

consists of in Group G Belgium Panama Tunisia and also England now if I

remember rightly I think England will be playing Belgium am i right

I heard it on the news the other night I don't follow football myself but I

remember hearing that England are going to be playing I think Belgium in next

year's World Cup where is it next year where is the World Cup next year is it

Russia I think it's Russia isn't it I'm sure it

is how many meals do you have normally during the day normally during the day

we have three meals during the day three meals normally breakfast lunch and

evening dinner or quite often if you have it later

we call it supper supper if you have a very late meal we call

Supper still lots of people asking where I was last week where were you mr.

Duncan I had some problems with my computer last week I had some technical

problems technical difficulties but this week it would appear that everything is

working okay it looks as if everything is going smoothly

but all that could change at any moment because you know what's coming next you

know what's on the way you know what is about to appear yes of course

it's mr. Steve

dip-dip dip-dip dip-dip December is here and that means that Christmas is on the

way oh I am so excited and I was wondering

because it was very cold last week I was wondering if it was going to snow

because it got very cold we did have a little bit of snow last week some snow

did fall on the mountains in the distance I showed you those at the

beginning of today's lesson so will it snow hopefully if we have time I will

show you a lesson all about snow and we will be going on a snowy walk but here

he is right now here is the guy that loves to talk to you live it is mr.

Steve hello hello mr. Duncan and hello world of English and thank you once

again for asking me to return and give my little input into your English show

that's very nice and can I just ask you Steve because you it's I I think it

would be fair to say that you are not used to doing this you are not

accustomed to talk to talking live on the Internet is that true that is very

true so how do you feel just as I'm about to introduce you how do you

actually feel how does it make you feel to know that you are about to go live

how do you feel slightly nervous I would say slightly nervous deep breathing to

keep myself calm yes wait breathing out eight all sorts of methods that people

use to stay calm no I yeah it's it's fun it's enjoyable and

you asked me to do it and I happily agree to that and it's been how many

weeks now well I think it's it's nearly it must be three maybe four months that

we've been doing this together now that is a long time yes and of course I

I've been on YouTube teaching English for over 11 years I'm not joking I

started doing this way back in 2006 and I'm still here today doing it so I

am the first I can safely say that I am the first English English teacher on

YouTube I believe you were I remember you starting to I still have I remember

you starting all those years ago hmm I'll never catch you up of course now

I'm going to show something so so you can relax mr. Steve I'm going to show

something because earlier I was mentioning the fact that you were

cleaning the car the other night you were cleaning it and I was very

interested to know why you were cleaning it but then I realized that I was also

involved with the thing you were doing so now we are going to have a look at

the answer to the question so why was mr. Steve clean in the car here he is do

you remember this on Friday evening mr. Steve do you remember I do I suddenly

remembered I was cleaning the car and then I looked up and you were filming me

that's what I remember you were very surprised to see me standing up standing

over you with a with the camera so I shouldn't have been surprised because to

all you viewers out there mr. Duncan likes to film virtually anything and

everything well almost everything almost everything just when you least expect it

mr. Duncan has his camera and he's filming he films everywhere and

everything almost almost almost everything but you do enjoy filming yes

and I was cleaning away I quite enjoyed cleaning the car that do you find it

very therapeutic it's hard work it's actually hard work to clean a car it

takes a lot of physical effort so what's the worst part of cleaning the car the

wheels and afterwards of course you have to so you can you can you can wash the

car but afterwards you have to polish the car as well

don't do that don't you know yeah I don't polish it I polish it beforehand

and then I just spray the water on it all beads off and then I might go for a

little Drive at the road but I never spend time afterwards getting the water

droplets off I think that's that's going a bit too fast that's quite interesting

so that that's almost a tip so so you polished the car first and then you wash

it well yes I'd say after you've washed it you have to polish the car when the

car is clean and dry I get you then once it's polished the the dirt comes off

very easy and then the water just beads off so you don't really part from the

windows you might have to give them a little a little wipe down but I don't

spend time after that because you can guarantee particularly in England as

soon as you or anywhere in the UK for that matter as soon as you clean the car

you spend all that effort half an hour perhaps and then it'll rain as soon as

you go out on the road then look but then after you've got about 20 miles of

cars virtually as dirty as it was in the beginning that's the only disheartening

things over so there's nothing worse than cleaning your car and then the next

day it starts to rain III think I can see your point so let's have a look here

is the reason why mr. Steve was busy cleaning his car the answer is coming

right now

so for all those who are wondering why mr. Steve was cleaning his car yesterday

well the answer is coming right now we are going to mr. Steve's murmur we are

going to see her and every time we go to see mr. Steve's mother Steve always

likes to clean his car so it makes his mommy happy and that is where we are

going right now we are on our way to see mr. Steve's mum well it would appear

that our journey to mr. Steve's mum has come to a slight standstill because we

are now stuck in traffic apparently in the opposite carriageway in the other

lanes over the other side of the motorway apparently there's been an

accident and it would appear that people are now slowing down to take a look at

the accident that's what we think anyway when people do this we call it rubber

necking people try to look at what has happened especially if an accident has

taken place because people like to have a look we call it human curiosity people

get very curious about what is happening especially when it's something like an


so we are moving very slowly now along the motorway but at least we're still

moving albeit very slowly so it looks as if we're going to be late arriving at

mr. Steeves mum I hope she's not angry

it's clearly something very dramatic happening ahead now we think it might be

a lorry it's actually overturned in the opposite lane we think that's what's

happened and now we are approaching the scene of the incident

so we'll get to see for ourselves what's actually happened oh yes it looks a

little dramatic let's see what's going on here

ok it would appear that it is not an overturned lorry it is in fact just a

little bit of highway maintenance taking place ok we're back on the road we are

going at our normal speed

and once again I will return you back to the studio

so we had a very eventful day yesterday didn't we mr. Steve we did and it's very

interesting because mr. Jenkins often filming when I'm driving which is quite

distracting so I'm always aware that I don't want to cause an accident myself

with mr. Duncan distracting me by talking on his phone so when I'm driving

along but yes that's why I was cleaning the car because when you visit your

family I don't know what it is you don't like to arrive in a dirty car

because otherwise your family see that as a sign that you're you're a bit a bit

of a lazy person and you're not really yeah so you know they take they carry

the allele mr. Steve they think you're a failure they say your car is dirty all

dirty car there must be something wrong there you must be a failure plus I dare

what my I don't want my mother getting in and out of a dirty car she might have

nice clean clothes on and she might scrape her dress against the dirty

paintwork and then and then that wouldn't be that wouldn't go down very

well see you you want to impress when you go to your family yes you don't want

your mother getting her new dress all dirty

exporting on your filthy disgusting dirty car because it was raining it was

dirty by the time we got there so that's pretty pointless cleaning it the night

before really I oh yes of course because we went to your

mum's in Banbury and I noticed that you you came back with an early Christmas

present yes early Christmas present are we going to see the present are we going

to have a look at it now I want to see what it is because I'm very curious to

find out I'll give you a clue it's something you put on your feet it's

something you put on your feet what do you think mr. Steeves I mean and you

wear it the way them in the house and it keeps your feet nice and warm

I'll give too many clues away you just might as well say what it is not like

their slippers their slippers yes they are slippers copy go

carpet slippers nice pair of slippers brand-new they've even still got the

stuffing inside they've still got the thing inside to keep them in shape oh my

god they are can we have another look there we go

Wow I must say they are they are really nice slippers - slippers these are they

don't look like they don't look like normal slippers they look like very posh

slippers they're almost like house shoes only the

best for mr. Steve well I do deserve it so the big question is what what are you

buying for your mother or have you already bought the present for your mum

I can't say that in case she's watching do you think your mom watches this

yes but somebody might be watching they might tell my desert this does anyone

does anyone we know watch us doing this I mean why would you

do this if you had to put it with us in your real life why would you inflict us

when we're not around I can't think of a reason why anyone that we know in our

realized would Watchers as but but just in case there is anyone who really does

know us in real life hello thank you very much actually I can

say but I did buy for one present for my mother because she was there and I

bought it and she wanted a new one it's to filter the water and soften the water

to drink so it's a water filter for you know you put the water in and there's a

little filter at the bottom and then you've got pure water takes all the

chlorine and all the horrible taste out of the tap water no well you know I'm

you know me mr. Steve I'm very fussy about the way my take my tea tastes I

don't like and I don't like it when someone makes a cup of tea for me and it

tastes disgusting I can't stand it so quite often it's because the water is

tainted it has maybe things in it that it's sour or make the water taste very

unpleasant and of course if you make a cup of tea

with water that tastes bad of course the tea

also tastes bad as well that's a very useful thing I always like to buy gifts

for people that are very useful I never liked by things that are

frivolous that's a great word frivolous something frivolous is meaningless or

something that has no meaning or is very trivial something trivial something

pointless something unimportant so yeah so I always like to buy something for as

a gift that's very useful oh we have the live chat by the way a lot of people

like your car and they've asked if you are going to sell it actually I might be

they it's eight years old now bang car I was saying earlier I was telling

everyone about your car because it looks brand new

people think it's new but in fact it's nearly eight years old

well I polish that I keep it nice and polished so that it looks new and it's

done a hundred and sixty six thousand miles probably what's that two hundred

thousand kilometres plus I would say I think so in a high mileage and it's worn

very well it does look very new so that car that car has been around the world

have been right around the world with its distance about six maybe seven times

I don't know the total difference the circumference around the earth I don't

know what that would be maybe someone can tell us but it's done a lot of miles

I've probably spent over those eight years I've probably spent four years

driving in the car quite scary I don't think you are alone there I think a lot

of people a lot of people spend a lot of their time in their cars quite often

it's sitting still in the traffic jam so I might be selling it next year they are

often stuck in the traffic jam these Jam Jam you see because we are

talking about food yeah see what I did there a nice little segue

did you see what I did that was a very very slick a slick link because today we

are talking about food apparently that I'm getting some information here I

think this is information about the circumference of the planet Earth ah

very interesting this I wasn't expecting to say this today

apparently it's 40 40 thousand kilometers 40 thousand kilometers that

sound right it doesn't start be just sound about right 40,000 that doesn't

sound that doesn't sound like many kilometers sounds about right to me so

I've been round the earth five times five times that is correct

in your car that's amazing it feels like it I have to have a lot of new tires in

that time it would appear your car has caused a lot of excitement today on the

live chat I wasn't expecting this is there a reason why the driver is on the

right side well it's because we drive on the opposite side of the road here we

drive on the left where as many people drive on the right so that's the reason

why your steering wheel is or it appears to be in the wrong place but it isn't we

drive on the opposite side of the road which often causes a lot of horror for

my viewers when they see you driving this TV they think you're going the

wrong way up the road yes most most countries around the world drive on the

way on the right hand side but we drive on the left in the UK I don't I don't

know why it goes back a long way probably I think many years ago the rest

of Europe decided to drive on the wreck on the right but we decided to stick on

the left can I just say it's awkward I think mr. Steve it is a it is a colonial

thing there's a ladybird has just flown into your studio okay and it on the

ceiling great thanks we needed that information it's a bit of distraction

there so so that's the reason why I think it's

colonial British colonies I think or if you think of all the British colonies I

think they all drive on the same side as the route of the road as we do here in

the UK I think so I'm sure someone is going to tell me now

that I'm completely wrong about there but I think now what I'm kind of it was

some kind of not competition but I think when it when it was decided which side

of the road to drive on I think we deliberately went the opposite way to

Europe just to be awkward what are we in competition or the other way round I

don't mean competition I mean I think Europe either decided they were going to

go on the opposite side to us so we decided to go on the opposite side of

the road to them just to be awkward I'm not sure by the yeah dates back to this

sort of friction between Europe and and and what used to be the British Empire

are you making this up no I think I think I think it was deliberately

instigated that we wouldn't be driving on the same side of the road as as as

Europe so that's what you're saying you're saying we did it just to just to

annoy everyone else or they did it to annoy us I don't know which way round

that's great it was it was we decided I think we were always driving on the left

and then they decided to drive on the right but we decided to just stick to

where we were and and not change so so this basically the next time someone

asks me this I can say we do it because of spite

probably spite that's it that's basic we've been at war with most of Europe

and we were about to be a game after breaks Italy leave Europe because

there's always this friction between the UK and and the rest of you okay calm

down we've got a lot to do here we've got a lot to do got a lot to do we've

got to have our snowy walk and also we've got to put the Christmas lights on

outside so we've still have a lot to do so we're talking about food today and

mentioned earlier traffic jam traffic jam so when the traffic stops because

there is there are too many cars or maybe something is stopping the traffic

from moving we can say that you have a traffic jam and we are talking about

food now I believe that you have some food idioms for us right now they're

right here in front of me mr. Duncan what is ammonia please show us do we

start with the first one that would be a good idea right okay I'm looking at

right okay then so how about this one for starters cry over spilt milk or

spilled milk to cry over spilt milk so if in American English they tend to

say spilled and in British English we often say spilt spilt so cry over spilt

milk that's to complain about something that

has already happened it's no use crying over spilt milk so something happens

that maybe an accident like spilling milk and then you keep talking about it

all the time there's nothing you can do about it but so that's what it means

when you say you're crying over spilt milk so you are getting upset over

something maybe also something that you can't reverse or can't change

yes it's happened you can't change it you've spilt the milk you can't do thing

about it it was an accident so that's it so it's it's a bit like if

something went wrong during your show it was possibly not your fault

it often is very upset about it happens a lot like last week when my computer

decided not to work so yes I I I got very angry last week but mr. Steve

turned round and he said I don't remember what I said we'll grow up don't

cry over spilt milk oh I see I get it now yes I said mr. Duncan don't worry

it's no use crying over spilt milk what's that I didn't see what you were

trying to do there mr. Duncan moving on moving on to the next one obviously mr.

Duncan's having a bit of a seizure I'm having a nervous breakdown let's move on

to the next one oh this is an appropriate one to put on next because

obviously I've upset mr. Duncan now so maybe I need to to butter up to mr.

Duncan butter butter up or butter someone up so when you say

butter you mean you mean like the thing that you spread on your bread yes sprit

thing that you're spreading it on your bed set bread butter or on your bed get

butter on their bed for various reasons may be there may be they're eating a

pancake in bed yes they drop it in and butter gets on the bed I'm off an I

often tosser toss a pancake in bed there's no answer to that butter up it

means to flatter someone in order to get a favor or friendship to flatter someone

Oh mr. Duncan you look 10 years younger have you lost weight oh I do love

working with you oh can you give me a lift into town later oh I see

ah yes you see I was buttering you up flattering you in order to get something

out of you mmm so mr. Duncan you look wonderful today and then later on I'll

say are you going to cook tonight why don't you cook - no I'll cook that

lovely meal it's gorgeous that merely make mr. Duncan you're trying to butter

me a try to butter you up because you want a favor from me I want a favor so

you do something nice to get the favor later so you can do that to your boss at

work that's very common for people to butter up their boss oh you're a

wonderful I love working for you you're just so kind and considerate and you go

on and on like this and then later on you might go oh do you think I could

have a pay rise or something like I think I think we've

explained that to it muster up to its ultimate point right next one by the way

we're talking about food idioms today that the theme has been food and there

is a lesson underneath this video all about food a very long lesson talking

about food and also earlier today we had a look a brief look at that lesson so

here we go mr. Steve can we have another one of your lovely lovely food I'm going

to do one more I've got about ten here and then I've got a little sort of

competition okay we'll do that after the snowy walk so one more idiom and then

we'll go for a snowy war okay well are you of course have taken over there and

decided to do that because you are at the big cheese I am the Big Cheese I got

a big cheese I am the head honcho I am the boss I am

numero uno an important person the leader the boss you are the Big Cheese

of the English lessons on YouTube mr. Duncan and so you're the boss for

example you could say uh-oh my uncle is a Big Cheese in this company so be nice

to him so I have to be nice to mr. Duncan all week in order to appear on

this show so not only were you buttering me up you were buttering up the Big

Cheese setting up the Big Cheese a lot of dairy products there lot of deer it's

very true so Big Cheese yes we do use that the Big Cheese you know I was

getting very excited last week mr. Steve I was getting very excited you know why

because it looked as if we were going to get some snow and I thought to myself

are we going to have some snow and I remembered that I made a lesson all

about that particular subject so now we are going to have a little break and we

are going to have a look a lesson that I made where I was taking

a lovely walk in the snow do you want to come with me mr. Steve I will and now

I've got my little competition afterwards hi everybody this is mr.

Duncan in England how are you today are you okay I hope so

are you happy I hope so today I'm feeling very excited do you know why is

it because I have Whitnall otteri now is it because I'm getting married oh no is

it because I'm having boiled cabbage for dinner well it could be but it isn't

know the reason why I'm so excited today is because the snow is coming the

weather forecasters have predicted that a heavy fall of snow will occur over

England tomorrow as you have no doubt already guests I love snow

I love the way the snow falls from the sky and the way it looks when it covers

the landscape but most of all I love the way it crunches under your feet when you

walk on it right now there is no snow here but it is very cold about six below

zero at the moment so all I can do now is keep my frozen fingers crossed and

hope that tomorrow the sky will be full of snow and that it all falls right here

whether the weather will be mild and sunny weather the weather will be cold

and chilly weather the weather will be windy and wet

I wonder what weather will be getting next

so the weather forecast was correct it has started to snow how much will we get

how heavy will it be we'll just have to wait and see

the following morning arrives and the snow has stopped falling

I have decided to come and take a walk around one of my most favorite places in

the area where I live Baga Ridge Park in Staffordshire

shall I eat this shall I shall I have some there is a belief that you should

never ever eat snow especially if it's yellow well perhaps you would eat it if

your life depended on it the feeling of walking out on a chilly day is like no

other it's a refreshing and invigorating experience if you wrap up warm you can

walk and walk

it is always good to know what the weather will be like of course

accurately predicting the changes in the weather is not easy there are many

changes to consider the change in temperature the change in air pressure

which causes the force of the wind to alter and of course the direction of the


the likelihood of extreme weather events such as typhoons and hurricanes can be

predicted quite well these days

the study of the atmospheric conditions including the weather is called

meteorology a person who is involved in doing this is called a meteorologist the

weather is often used as a subject for small talk asking someone about the

weather or making a general comment on the climate or conditions makes for a

convenient opener to a conversation

there's one thing to remember about walking on snow and that is to make sure

that you wear shoes that have very thick rugged soles unlike me today I'm wearing

shoes that are smooth and flat and needless to say I keep slipping


okay we're gonna cut that short that is an excerpt from one of my lessons all

about going out for a lovely snowy walk I'm sorry I had to cut that short but

mr. Steve is literally he's champing at the bit a lot of people say that that

isn't real but it is a real expression you champ it the bit isn't that true yes

that means you're very eager to carry on or to start something a very eager it

was very violent just he got very violent he was saying look look just cut

that stupid snow off I don't want to see snow anymore I want I want I want to be

back on I want to come back onto the internet and talk live because because

you've got something you want to play is that right

I've got something I want to play yes oh all right well I was going to show

another idiom first okay because I thought it was related to that it was

that made me feel very cold watching that so here's another one warm as toast

hmm warmers toast which means very warm and cozy the house was as warm and warm

as toast after we came in from the snow there we go

I thought that would relate to your last video there as warm as toast warm as

toast I like that one actually yes because I like toast as well so so being

warm and eating toast two of my favourite things you can be snuggled up

in bed as warm as toast I love that yes that's a great expression

is there anything that that could be the opposite though to do with food about

being warm or cold the opposite of warm is cold so mmm anything cold as ice cold

as ice or as ice because you can eat ice so ice is food you can eat ice and so

yes or of course there is as cool as a cucumber you've just ruined something

that I've got coming up later Oh am I am I now ruining your bit so that one's out

right I'm sorry about that that one's out are you going to tear it

up this man has just ruined one of my idiom are you going to tear it up for

dramatic effect I've just screwed it up into a ball and thrown it over my

shoulder so that you should have you should have torn it or into pieces you

should tear it into pieces and then just throw it at me throw it straight into my

face sit too far away I've got a little sort of a competition here something

that I can interact with the viewers yes why not yes so you've got is it just

before Rome you do that I also have a little competition ongoing the mystery

idioms I'm going to show them very quickly we have 20 minutes to go before

we finish today and there is the second mystery idiom and there is the first one

- mystery idioms just say what you see they are both well-known expressions in

the English language back to mr. Steeves so you want to play a little game now

yes well I'm going to show a sentence and then there's going to be four

possible answers to the the gap in the sentence oh it's a it's a food-related

idiom but you've got to you've got to put the missing piece into the sentence

so you're you are asking the viewers to fill in the Bible in the blank now I've

got to make sure I put this up so that everyone can see it

tell me mr. Duncan is that that's like lovely and clear yes okay so let's let's

read what that says these do not something about my plans to

get married next year so please eat a lot what a hit the sauce

about my plans to get married next year B get an egg on your face

about my plans to get married next year please do not spill the beans about my

plans to get married next year or is it D please do not butter up about my plans

to get married oh do you see what I'm doing I see what you do

so please do you want the gap please day yes I think you've got it mr. Steve I

think I think we all understand this isn't necessarily a sort of quantum

physics we're dealing with here it's filling the bloody blank throw the blank

in fill in the blank send in your answers now please scribble away

scribble away on the chat please so what do you think what is the correct answer

there the missing phrase and the phrase of course has something to do with food

so please do not something about my plans to get married next year now it

sounds to me as if it might be something that you don't want people to talk about

Julie G has yes got it right I REM or ear M thank you very much for your

guests and also Jamelia and Akbar and also Nora well done or and Alice as well

has given the correct answer and what is the answer mr. Steve answer is please do

not spill the beans spill the beans what does that mean I plan to get married

next year it means don't tell anyone don't spill the beans don't tell people

don't reveal this vo the secret do not reveal the fact that I am getting

married next year you must not spill the beans you could say that about lots

of things and of course if someone has already

given away a secret you can say that they spilled the beans they spilled the

beans about their holiday plans they spill the beans about their their new

business venture so someone is asking what does hit the sauce mean hit the

sauce means to drink alcohol if you hit the sauce it means you're getting drunk

and if you if you hit hit the sauce it means it you get drunk you you you you

drink some alcohol mr. Duncan is going to do that after this show there's

another one on there that we haven't talked about as well get egg on your

face oh hi so if get egg on your face get egg

on your face what's that mr. Duncan are you going to mention that too later no

that isn't in one of my reap repair Dathan so what does that mean that if

you get egg on your face I just ask gee but never mind oh yeah oh sorry no it

means yes to be yes okay no I'll do it then it you asked me I don't mind I I'm

up for the challenge no problem I'm like rocky rocky in not not the first rocky

not not the not the latest rocky the latest rocky is all old in but the first

one the first rocky unlike him very strong and tough okay egg on your face

you could say yes it means to be I want to say humiliated to be humiliated or

embarrassed by something or maybe something that you've done or maybe

something that has backfired so you tried to do something bad to someone and

then that thing came back to to bite you or all to do harm to yourself so you

ended up with egg on your face you look foolish

you look foolish you could try something new and it all went wrong I could appear

on your your show or you could be doing your show it all goes wrong you look

stupid you put a word up you've spelt it incorrectly you could say that you've

got egg on your face mmm and I think I don't know where that

comes from I probably might have something to do with with dating back to

times when people had made mistakes used to throw rotten eggs at them yes so it

probably it relates back to that I I think they should bring that back you

know I think they should bring back throwing eggs in Rotten Tomatoes at

people who have done bad things I think because in in the town center where we

live there are some old-fashioned stalks that people used to have to put their

hands through in their feet and then people would throw Rotten Tomatoes in in

rotten food at them and as punishment and I think that's I think they should

bring that back you know for people who have committed crimes and then you you

just humiliate them you leave them with egg on their face what a horrible world

you're picturing mister don't kind of punishing people by throwing eggs at

them it could of course mean that if you're trying to break an egg and it

goes wrong you get egg on your face it could be that something's gone wrong

it might not really worth throwing eggs at people but we don't always know the

exact derivation of these phrases you don't really know quite often actually

it's very interesting whilst we're talking about that because quite often

in English there are words that that have appeared but no one knows where

they came from no one knows the actual history of the word they just magically

appear and then no one knows for example here's a good one

do you know why we call junk mail spam do you know mr. Steve is that because

spam is a very inferior quality meat product you are not going to believe it

but the word spam was adopted to mean junk mail because of Monty Python

oh it's true I'm not joking that is actually where it comes from so when you

talk about spam you you the junk email it actually originated in a sketch from

Monty Python's Flying Circus a TV show a British show where they have a scene in

a cafe and and the person working there reads out the menu and all of the things

start off normally but eventually everything becomes spam spam enix

spamming chips spamming beans spam spamming toast spam spam spam spam spam

spam and then in the end it's just spam and now of course as I've already

described as a inferior meat product that sold in tin but the derivation so

that where it derived from comes from the thing that's just very annoying and

unwanted because no one really likes eating spam and so the joke is that no

one likes to eat spam and that's why there is a joke there because no one

really likes eating spam it isn't very nice food horrible cheap meat product so

there it is so that's why we call junk mail unwanted emails spam we call it

spam because of Monty Python it's true you you check tomorrow you have a look

and you'll see I'm right oh I believe you mr. Duncan I believe you I'm not

cheesed off you're not oh I see well I see what you've there I did that you are

not cheesed I'm not cheesed off there's another

idiom food-related idiom cheesed off very good annoyed so if you are annoyed

it some more annoyed something or someone mr. Duncan's pupils were cheesed

off that he didn't do his live English show last week that you start everybody

all week people have been asking mr. Duncan beer mr. Duncan where are you

where are you are you still alive have you died

they were cheesed off they were annoyed as was I waiting preparing all week to

appear on your show only to have it canceled at the last minute you were

very disappointed I was cheesed off and so were your viewers and I hope you've

apologized profusely but that doesn't mean necessarily that you are a bad

apple oh very good how they're linking in oh this is just sublime this is very

slick are you a bad apple or a bad egg you can use it either in two ways a bad

apple or a bad egg okay listen what does it mean it means a bad person a bad

person so a bad egg or a bad apple is is someone that might be untrustworthy

might not have a good character they might be up to bad things doing bad

things so you might describe that person as a bad apple or a bad egg you might

say your friend might say well stay away from him he's a bad apple hmm bad bad

egg you can use it the other way around yet this is being used in the negative

which it is normally used in but you can use it in the positive and say that

someone is a good egg a good egg a good egg but not good Apple

not good Apple you would say oh he's a good egg somebody at work that

trustworthy reliable nice sort of person Alice asks nothing exciting just a good

egg Alice asks is cheesed off the same as browned off yes it is yes it's you're

annoyed you're upset Marta Marta has used a swear word but of

course it is English and that's what we're talking about today real had

anything Marta Marta Remi kate says pissed off yes you can be you can be

annoyed you can be cheesed off browned off yes it is possible this this is

obviously related to food whereas pissed off it related to well not food

okay we can only say that twice so that's it we've used it up YouTube will

only allow me to swear twice so that's it we've used them all up

which is just as well because we only have nine minutes left I've got another

quick competition quick competition okay another one is this another missing word

another missing word fill in the gap here we go I can hardly wait the man or

woman is a very good worker and is definitely what the man woman is a very

good worker and is definitely a souped-up be worth his or her salt see

nutty as a fruitcake or a hot potato mmm man woman is a very good worker and is

definitely souped up worth his salt nut is a fruitcake or a hot potato

I could just eat a hot potato right now answers fast we haven't got much time

the clock is ticking what's the answer what's the answer to that a good worker

and is definitely what well no one is answering so let's just wait shall we

we'll wait we'll wait another one we'll wait we'll wait for a second so who oh

here we go we've got some answers coming through now yeah

what's the answer Julie G says D hold on at 8 oh really a person is a hot potato

you're a reliable person reliable at work you can be relied upon trusted you

are what we are not nutty as a fruitcake here we go we have George George and

Nora both say is this person worth his or her salt yes

is that what it is that is what it is yes you're a good worker you're worth

you worth your salt if you are worth your salt it means you are valued or you

have usefulness yes because salt of course hundreds of years ago used to be

a very valuable commodity used to be used like money as currency so if you

had lots of salt you were worth something because so it was you know not

easy to come by so if you sweat it that was like an ATM machine people were

given liquor yeah they would go but they'd steal your

sweat because of course sweat contains a lot of salts and cows lick each other

for salt then there you have this farmers have to put salt blocks out in

the field it just goes up in all different directions how did you get

from from that to two cowls licking each other I have absolutely we go no there's

other ones on there which we haven't explained let's have a look then souped

up what is soaked so it is souped up I've actually got that yen here souped

up that's something made faster or more powerful or something that is made to

appear to look more powerful by changing or adding something usually this is to

do with cars so you can soup up a car you can soup up a car so you make it

faster or more powerful by for example but it's not all

raise that you've actually made it more powerful it may appear to be so for

example my neighbor souped up his car by fitting bigger wheels and a larger

exhaust so it might not which could be just cosmetic things

it looks more powerful but isn't necessarily it's just flashy ER it's

just bigger wheels the degree it's been souped up it's been souped up and jazz

your orbiter has your car being souped up no it is a standard specification it

has not been or had any modifications so how much how much do you want for your

car because a few people have put offers in for your car they want to know how

much you want for it I would think of putting a very strange turn of events

because I wasn't expecting this to turn into a used car lot how much do you

think an eight year old Mercedes with a hundred and sixty six thousand miles or

two hundred kilometers I think it's more than two hundred kilometers on the clock

is actually worth a hundred and thirty-five pounds you're a bit on the

low side hi I was under 35 pounds I think it's probably worth about three

thousand pounds secondhand so it's it's a second-hand

car and you you had it virtually from new because it was what was it

had it been used as a demonstration models yes I got it secondhand I always

buy a car secondhand because you get a lot of money off so yes it was an ex

demonstrator as I've been used in the showroom to demonstrate or show

potential buyers of what the car was like so it is done about 9,000 miles

when I bought it and now it's done 166 I love I love to

think now what I'm thinking now is there are people actually writing these

details down and they're going to try and buy your car I love this idea maybe

this is something we can start every week we can get things for

sale our and we can we can sort of sell stuff I could be like Amazon dunkers on

it's never failed an MOT which is the annual road test that you acquire to put

it on the road I wish I could say that I wish I could say the same thing about

myself I have failed many mo T's when I've I've had my my service I've got

time for one last wall now Mon yes one more there we go put all your eggs in

one basket eggs in one basket what does that mean that means to risk everything

and once put all your eggs in one basket I didn't want to risk all of my

investments in tech shares I don't want to risk all my investments in tech

shares I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket that's it so don't so if

you're doing something if you're doing something risky maybe it's best not to

gamble everything on one thing on one things I like that one that's a good

yeah that's a good run if you got shares you want to have your shares invested

and often lots of different investment classes you don't want them all in one

area for example you seem very knowledgeable about this

not really but you have to give up well we had that one already cool as a

cucumber I did mention that unflustered cool calm I pay up I passed my driving

test fired first time I was as cool as a cucumber during the test okay so very

very sure very confident yes just staying calm staying cool cucumbers are

cool you put them on your eyes too to get rid of the bags under your eyes I

feel very cool don't against your skin tone Julie was a cucumber wait there

we've got we're running out of time here Steve Julie asks what about hot potato

what's a tater on potato hot potato that something that's like a topic that is

controversial for example the government is hot potato could be they want to

build a nuclear power plant a few miles up the road somewhere close to you so

that will be a hot potato for the government or the local council because

it's a it's a very constantly very controversial hot so someone want to

build a nuclear so something else or they wanted to build a bypass road just

thing could be a hot potato it's it's subject do you see this what I'm doing

here that means that means go faster I think our is part that's as bad as

fast as I go that definitely wasn't the concise version I made a meal out of

that you certainly didn't I think we've made a meal out of this whole show today

a meal out of it's almost time to go take longer there than you should do or

is necessary it's almost time to say leave it but before we go

mystery idioms are going to be revealed and here is the first one for those who

are interested or still awake it cost an arm and a leg the meaning to pay a very

high price for something a very expensive item can be described costing

an arm and a leg the thing you bought was very expensive it cost an arm and a

leg I love that illustration it's brilliant the guy he's standing there

and he has one leg missing in one arm missing but he's holding the missing

limbs in his hand very very very lovely finally the

mystery idiom number two is I thought this was very easy no one actually no

one guessed the mystery idioms today I don't know why maybe there maybe maybe I

was doing too many things at once today a shot in the dark

to make a wild guess about something without knowing the full facts or having

all the information you have no clue as to the answer so you have a shot in the

dark you make a wild guess did you know those mr. Steve I I do now

yes that's good very nice I've just we never made reference to all these these

lovely birds behind me today no well we can't see them at the moment they're

there they aren't they lovely something very colorful ah which which

particular bird is that which bird is it I think that's a

goldfinch is that a gold thing it is it's a gold

fence a gold thing it has the red face the red face the bird with the red face

is the gold fin that's an easy run that's very easy it's broken it doesn't

if that one doesn't sing anymore that's another easy one that's a very easy one

oh so that see you later that is a black bird and the previous one the green one

is a green Finch green Finch they don't look like quite like this in real life

no and they're not stuffed but but if you squeeze them they do sing just

squeeze them very tightly they will thing they reveal all their secrets they

will sing and poo on your hand if someone if someone is singing means

they're revealing all their secrets yes you sing like a bird sing like a bird

you give all the secrets away you reveal all of the secrets you sing like a bird

talking at Birds this Lady Bird is just flown into your camera Wow it's almost

on the lens my goodness this might be F an amazing moment of time it might it

might crawl for us it's about it's about to crawl across the it's about to crawl

across the lens there we go he's going right

the outside of the lens no I can't see it there mrs. Dietz there I can hate to

go across the middle we need we need I can't encourage it to do that this is

fascinating by the way that would have been very interesting to walk right

across the lens can I just thank Google for researching and developing all of

the wonderful technology that has allowed mr. Steve to show us a ladybird

there we go just at all just oh it's gone it's gone well now

it's flown onto the light okay this is really good this is great that might be

the most interesting thing that's never ever happened that's never happened yes

so we'll see you later mr. Steve we are going to turn the Christmas lights on

right now are you excited yes I'm always excited about Christmas lights and you

do put on a good show yes we did actually turn them on last night so this

is actually something we recorded last night but we did turn the lights on and

now they are twinkling outside and the good thing is that the night's get very

dark early so in a few moments I will be putting the lights on for tonight but

last night we did it we turned them on for the first time we will see you next

week mr. Steve bye-bye there and very much for having me again and happy

English everyone very lovely we are now going to switch on the Christmas lights

mr. mr. Steve disappeared so quickly there it's okay I can come back I'm

still here you've gone now that's it you only get

one chance to leave you only get one chance around here here we go then last

night we decided to switch on the Christmas lights and that's what we are

going to show you right now thanks a lot for watching for the past 2 hours and 6

minutes wow I'm actually doing overtime amazing we will see you next week mr.

Steve and myself will we will be back at 2 o'clock 2 p.m. UK

time and now before we go let's turn on those Christmas lights

so here we go this is the moment we've all been waiting for after days and days

of preparation weeks weeks in fact we are now ready to turn on the outside

Christmas lights are you ready mr. Steve it's too exciting are you ready? yes I am ready

what do i do what do i do we are now going to press this switch here we are going to flick

the switch flick the switch and once we flick this switch all of the outside

lights will come on and the house will be lit with beautiful twinkling Christmas

lights so shall we do it now let's do it mr. Duncan here we go then get your

finger ready look we're going to count from 5 to 0 does that sound good 5 to 0

I can do that good here we go then everybody join in as well 5 4 3 2 1 0

the lights are on let's have a look outside shall we look at it look at it

so beautiful!

For more infomation >> LIVE English Lesson - 3rd December 2017 - FOOD, GRAMMAR, CHAT, CHRISTMAS, NEW WORDS - with Mr Duncan - Duration: 2:10:59.


7 Days to Die | Settler's | Ep19 | Single Player Live - Duration: 2:05:33.

For more infomation >> 7 Days to Die | Settler's | Ep19 | Single Player Live - Duration: 2:05:33.


TOP 10 - zajímavostí z filmu GRINCH - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 - zajímavostí z filmu GRINCH - Duration: 2:12.


I can't tell you why | Jada Morad y Nacho Falco acoustic cover - Duration: 3:11.

Look at us baby, up all nights

tearing our love apart

aren't we the same two peolple who live

through years in the dark?


Every time i try to walk away

Something makes me turn around and stay

and i can't tell you why..

When we get crazy

It just ain't to right

Girl i get lonely too

You don't have to worry

Just hold on tight


Cause i love you

Nothing's wrong as far as I can see

We make it harder than it has to be

And i can't tell you why

No, baby, I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why



Every time I try to walk away

Something makes me turn around and stay

And I can't tell you why

No, no, baby, I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you whyyyyyyyhhh..

For more infomation >> I can't tell you why | Jada Morad y Nacho Falco acoustic cover - Duration: 3:11.


Acabe com alguns desconfortos diários - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Acabe com alguns desconfortos diários - Duration: 5:59.


MEME - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> MEME - Duration: 10:02.


what are you doing? smelling my feet face smother - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> what are you doing? smelling my feet face smother - Duration: 6:59.


Argentina vs. Spain | Group E | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 29:31.

Another of the most anticipated games of this world cup:

Argentina against Spain, in the Signal Iduna Park, Dortmund, Germany.

Hi! How are you? Welcome.

This is the 2017 JCA World Cup Germany.

You are watching JCATV: a real virtual world.

We are already in the first matches of Group E,

which opens with the two strongest and favorite teams to qualify for the next round.

The four world cups won by Argentina seem to be more a thing of the past.

While they remain a strong team in the JCA Universe,

we must not forget that in the World Cup of Serbia 2014 they were beaten by Tunisia

and they were eliminated in the first round.

It seems that the proposal could be a 4-3-3, or 4-1-2-3.

In the last matches we have seen a Messi very delayed, which played against the albicelestes.

The defense is its weak point. Hopefully those four stars on the shirt today do not weigh them.

Spain is a somewhat stronger team than Argentina and could use a similar lineup,

a 4-3-3 although more classic and with the most open extreme forwards.

I risk saying that if I have to choose between these two teams to bet who would win,

I lean more for Spain than for Argentina.

The Spanish have a pillar in each section of the team:

De Gea, solid goalkeeper, the duo Sergio Ramos and Pique in defense,

a born distributor and creator of opportunities like Iniesta in the center of the field

and Nolito from the far left who could have a party with the weak Argentine defense.

We'll see if this is the line-up that the manager will use.

A cold night in Dortmund but only for the weather,

because the meeting has already raised enough temperature to allow us to think

that this meeting will be epic.

The anthem of JCATV is going to start so I leave them with Mariano Closs and Fernando Niembro.

We just enjoyed one of the most exciting matches of the whole cup. What do you think?

Argentina came out to win it from the first minute.

Messi, again, we saw him delayed with respect to his usual position.

The albicelestes developed very well the beginning of the game but, as soon as it was complicated,

the team lost its axis and disarmed.

Spain remained calm and, once the pressure increased and saw the possibilities, he took advantage of them to tie the match.

Near the end, Argentina could have lost. Messi disappeared completely.

So much so that the best of the team was Di Maria,

who is usually irregular but when the spark is turned on, it becomes a fundamental part of the South Americans.

Spain was on the verge of winning the match but Romero, this time,

protected the Argentine goal and saved the albiceleste from starting with a difficult defeat.

Now both teams are forced to win in their next matches, if they want to qualify.

What did you think about the game? Can we say that it has been the best, until now? Could Spain have won it?

What do you think of Messi's performance on the field? Share your opinions in the comments.

The next match will be Ghana against Poland, also by Group E, at Borussia Park Stadium.

This is all friends! This is the 2017 JCA World Cup Germany.

I'm JCA and you're watching JCATV: a real virtual world.

Do not forget to subscribe, like, comment and share.

See you soon! Bye!

For more infomation >> Argentina vs. Spain | Group E | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 29:31.


MEME - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> MEME - Duration: 8:08.


Chef Tommy den Hartog by restaurant Moon - Duration: 2:07.

It is always time to be working on new dishes.

It is hard to describe, but I often combine flavors in my head.

I put together some links in my head. And think if something will fit together.

Then I am going to think about the ingredients.

The techniques and structures.

And later on that is completed on the plate.

The pearl, the amuse. That is actually a margarita cocktail.

So you have some acidity and salt. Small amount of alcohol.

The filling is liquid. The exterior is a very thin layer around.

And if you eats it, it breaks in your mouth.

And that is a big surprise for all our guests.

That is my pride and joy. Which I created many years ago.

And I still serve it, to this day.

The first dish, albacore tuna.

We created with smoked soy marinade.

Some gel of pomegranate and lime.

It is a very fresh and light dish.

Yes, if I have to say where it comes from. Then I must say that my inspiration comes from Asia.

Crispy fried sweetbread with artichokes cream.

Gel made from citrus.

Raw mushrooms. Orange powder. And we have made sauce of orange and clove.

Winter is coming, so these are warmer flavors.

Hint of sweetness in it. Warm. The cold weather is starting to set down.

So I think it is important to go with the seasons.

The main course. Crispy baked oyster blade steak.

We brushed it with gravy.

Truffle sauce made from lime and kaffir.

My next step after Moon?

I think that will be my own restaurant ...

... or as executive chef of a 4 or 5 star here in Amsterdam.

But at the top. But I can see myself standing in my own restaurant, in my own kitchen.

For more infomation >> Chef Tommy den Hartog by restaurant Moon - Duration: 2:07.


Типы людей в магазине | Types of people in the store - Duration: 4:23.

Types of people in the store


Mom, mom! I want to go away! It's boring! Just a second!

Mom, mom! Mom! I want to go away! Wait a little bit!


Honey, I want to buy a couple of potholders. Just a couple. May I?

Yes? Thanks! Just potholders! Nothing more! See you later!

So cheap!


119 rubels, Olesya!

We will buy it only for 120, right?

Selfie lover

Oh, it is so beautiful!

I need to take a picture with it!


Mom, I want to go in the store!!

Take 10$ and buy what you want!

Oh! It is only for 10$?!



Can you show me the best vacuum cleaner?

This is a new model for 1$!

It is old Russian style, ecologically friendly. It functions like this. No rubbish, don't need electricity!

Take it! You will not find something better! Cashier is this way.Go!

Give me two more!

Too expencive!

What?! 25 cents for container?!

Why is it so expencive?!

Too cheap

Hm... It is too cheap in this store...

It's suspicious... Very very suspicious...


Do you know where I was? I've found "Galamart". You can find here all things!

I have bought Christmas presents, new pots, make up and toys!

And I've spend a little bit!


What is the difference betweeen this trash bags?

There are 20 pieces for 25 liter and there are 20 pieces for 30 liter. It is the main difference.

I don't understand anything. Can you explain one more time?

This bags are big and this bags are veeeeery big!

But what is the difference? They are grey! And what material is it? Do you have certificates?


And who are you?

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