Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

So today we talk about a subject that I care a lot about, but don't talk that much about,

which, I should because you should share the things that you are passionate about.

So today's video is about poetry.

Like most people I found out about poetry in school.

I really from the start did enjoy it.

I was very shy kid, and public speaking was, and still isn't my forte.

But reading poetry, or reciting it, always felt easy, and thrilling and enjoyable.

So I guess I had predispositions for poetry, and not everyone is like that

but I'm here to tell you that enjoy it too, even if you hated it at school !

So what first attracted me in poetry I guess, is rhythm.

Rhythm has carried poetry throughout human history.

We used rhythm to transmit myths and oral histories long before writing was even a thing

So I feel like in this rhythm you have all of humanity,

all of its history, all of its common way to say things,

that I think is really amazing.

That really shows poetry has for a very very long time been humanity's ...Thing.

You might think of poetry in a very traditional school it's-verse-meter-and-rhyme way but

- And I'm not here to discuss what poetry is or isn't in the canon, I'm no expert

I'm just here to share my feelings but

I think there's a lot more than that to poetry.

I think you can think of it as a feeling and you can find it in many mediums.

You have your poems, you have your songs, you have prose and even non fiction,

anything you can read and watch and listen.

And it's the bridge between images and words and spirit.

It's no coincidence that religion has been so linked to the poetic world

because there is something magical about it.

I think it is something that makes you feel whole,

and that connects you to the rest of humanity

and that can be found in any small moments that makes you think

"yes, this is the word for this feeling"

or "yes this is the image for this word" that makes you understand

the beauty that you find around you.

But how do you go about appreciating/understanding or just finding poetry ?

Because it can seem like something really hard to get into, like a giant mountain of

canon, and poets and movements, and tradition,

So it can seem like something that is really hard to get into.

But I'm here to give you some advice on how to get poetry to you.

I think that the first this is you have to forget what you know.

If you hated poetry in school, then it's just that they weren't the right poems for you,

or the right people teaching them to you, or you weren't in the right mindset for it

at the time.

So you have to let go of what you know and be open to the idea that there is something

poetic out there for you that you will enjoy.

As I said, poetry takes many forms.

It's not just fancy words, and rhymes and strict meter (thank god!)

And some of it is more visual...

If reading is the problem for you, you can try reading it out loud,

or seek out spoken word, there's a lot of it on youtube.

And it doesn't have to be labeled that...

Just people who speak beautifully are everywhere.

Maybe you start thinking of your favorite song lyrics as a poem,

and the many ways that they change over the time, and what they mean to you.

For more specific ways to get poetry to come to you, because I think the hardest thing

to get into poetry is seeking it out not knowing what to look for really.

So, you can follow people on the internet, we have these great social media platforms.

There's a lot of cool poets on tumblr, also on twitter, or once again just people,

even if they don't think of themselves as poets, who just write and speak beautifully.

There's newsletters and zines that you can find on the internet or in the real world.

I have a subscription to one of these mailing lists that sends a poem every day,

and I absolutely do not read all of them, but I know that every day

something is reminding me that I could be reading a poem,

and that way I always find new people.

And that helps you build sort of a list of the people you like,

or to find what characteristics will just click for you.

Once you start knowing what you like, you can seek out collections, on a theme or

by an author, from a movement ...

The more you learn, the more you will know what you like,

and know how to seek out things that will make you feel good and that you will enjoy

in this amazing huge poetry landscape that we have now.

So, yeah.

I hope I haven't been too rambly and too whimsical about it all.

sometime soon I will talk more in depth about what I like.

I hope these tips help you get poetry into your life (what's an outro?)

For more infomation >> Find poetry in the dark [CC] - Duration: 6:34.


Justice League NEWS Darkseid Scenes CONFIRMED & Evil Superman CONFIRMED In Snyder Cut Justice League - Duration: 6:25.

what is good youtube Warstu here with a video on the Justice League movie

so we've got some pretty big news so dark side was supposed to be an

adjusting movie and there is a version of the Zack Snyder Justice League movie

although it's not 100% finished but it doesn't have to be so guys let's speak

logically if does someone die back to the movie and it's not 100% finished

with effect effects in graphics it's still there cut and there is a working

cut as there has been reports of a much darker and different ending to the movie

so on that fat man on Batman which is Kevin Smith's podcast very interesting

you read something like this Superman joins the fight and teams up with the

league to defeat Steppenwolf however at one point Steppenwolf

tries to tempt Superman into joining his army ready for this this made me so beep

in angry and when we see dark side for the first time in a Superman's vision

and we see flashes of the nightmare footage that Batman had in Batman vs

Superman however Sumana snaps back out of it and

delivers the final blow to defeat Steppenwolf so oh my god this clarifies

that Darkseid was in the original cut and I kept saying Darkseid will show up

in the movie so originally Darkseid was planned to be in a movie and this 100%

confirms it a lady in the crowd confirms she seen this exact scene in the cut

she's seen but it was very early on there was no side effects but this does

clarify that there is a 100% Darkseid version which would be the Zack Snyder

version and in this version Steppenwolf is killed by Darkseid on apocalypse and

Darkseid attends intends to come to earth to meet the

Kryptonian aka Superman damn now if that was the end then we got it would have

set up Darkseid would just sleep - or a different version of Justice League

movie so that is amazing seeing as the ending we actually got was the

Deathstroke Lex Luthor scene where it sets up for Legion of Doom or it sets up

the Justice League so this is very very

interesting because the Batman vs Superman nightmare scene where we've got

the Amiga scene on the floor it told everyone that Darkseid was coming Lois

Lane is the key I know the way they used it in the movie was Superman was like

confused and he was beating up the league and Lois came and save him but it

would have answered a lot of unanswered questions if we actually got the

Darkseid scene and we did get the evil Superman which this version does sound a

lot better than the version that we got I will link the link down below in the

description box to the Kevin Smith clip it's about nine and a half minutes in

it's only roughly four five minute bit but then he went on to say there was a

brief flame post-credit scene where they're at the lake house and this is

being confirmed by lots of other people and they seed into Green Lantern's it

just seems like the Zack Snyder version would of being a lot better in Darkseid

was in it this lady in crowd said she had to sign a embargo they went on a bug

she had to sign a thing saying she couldn't clarify what happened but she

confirmed that in the cutscene Darkseid was there so for all these people that

DC hay is saying Darkseid wasn't there is no Zack side credit there's other

youtubers and I am NOT going to speak about them but they've said there's 100

not Zack sonic up because Warner Brothers wouldn't put more money into it

all like Kevin Smith said they don't have to as fans will be happy getting an

unedited version just Zack Snyder's original cut even if effects and

everything aren't actually there but what's interesting is if Darkseid

appeared in this footage this lady did confirm it and Kevin Smith basically

confirmed it who who did they cast as Darkseid and I'm very interested to see

who they casted as Darkseid so I really hope one day we will get to see this

Darkseid deleted scene and we will get to see the evil Superman scene even if

we just get a turn like alternative ending that would be very good but I

can't seem doing that because then that sets up Darkseid but I just think

they're scared to go down the hall kind of fast route Stannis being an infinity

war he's like the main by big bad with the black order and it's taken 10 years

to get to him I just think it would have been a

lot better if Darkseid showed up and ended ended up killing it Steppenwolf on

Apokolips obviously in Apocalypse the 4th world which is like a mirror world

to Arad I mean a lot of things in the earlier trailers hinted at Darkseid but

then they kind of pull back on everything because they thought that if

Darkseid showed up it was under power Steppenwolf as the main big bad but I

don't understand how that happened because if you go back to God and

galaxies God and galaxy where know which movie God in the galaxy where we have

Rowan and then Santos was there it didn't really underlying at all so I

don't really understand where they're coming from like pulling Darkseid but we

know it's 100% not a Zack Snyder cutter but we had and we do know that the Zacks

not 100% confirmed and they're so happy that someone like such a big name actor

director DC fanboys someone that's actually known in the industry he works

in the industry confirms there is 100 cent a dark side confirmation and as

Zack Snyder cut any guys things like striving comment down below I know you

guys wanted the dark side cut I know everyone said that was gonna be I said

numerous times Darkseid was gonna show up and it turns out he actually did show

up in the cut that we were originally supposed to see but apparently

waterbirds didn't want Darkseid in it because it under power Steppenwolf which

really makes no sense the whole narrative because realistically it's a

trilogy where it starts with Man of Steel goes about vs Superman the whole

nightmare scene was pinnacle to the Justice League movie and then like the

host literally no word of it except for Lois is the key and like diamonds like

you're gonna need a big gun it's like yeah the big gun was Louis so really we

need the scene for the pike for it to make continuity of the actual Batman vs

Superman nightmare scene we Sparks so much controversy online to what was

gonna go on and just think movie anyway guys please like subscribe and comment

and I'll catch you in that notification squad down below hit that red bow and

I'll see you guys very soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS Darkseid Scenes CONFIRMED & Evil Superman CONFIRMED In Snyder Cut Justice League - Duration: 6:25.


Fest Der Liebe SONG (3 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Fest Der Liebe SONG (3 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:07.


Hưng Yên xuất khẩu nhãn còn lắm gian nan~sub youtube - Duration: 3:16.

Nhan Long (Long longan) of Hung Yen province will be harvested in next 30 days.

Hung Yen province now has 2 areas granted the area code for export to the US market

They are Hong Nam commune and Ham Tu commune with a total area of nearly 20 hectares.

Two years ago, Nhan Long of Hung Yen was officially exported to USA but only in small quantity.

In fact, it is still a difficult process to export longan to foreign countries.

This report was made at one of the largest Nhan Long cooperatives in Hung Yen - Hong Nam Cooperative.

This is a longan garden of Mr.Thinh, a member of Hong Nam Co-op. It has an area of 4000 m2.

This is one of the household that has had longan exported to the United States

Although the selling price for export was double than the price of traditional markets,

the export volume of the commune was less than 1 ton, it's only

a small number compared with the total output of his garden.

The previous year, we exported 800 kg of longan.

The number of Nhan Long exported by the cooperative was only one tenth of mine.

Selling Nhan Long in traditional market are easy but cheap.

Although the export price is double or even three times higher

than the normal price, it is still difficult to export.

This is the common problem of over 200 households who

grow Nhanlong follow VietGAP standard in the commune.

This year, the harvest season is coming but the export contract has not yet been signed.

The main reason is that the export standards are difficult.

And the longan growers lack information and are always inactive.

We have no ability to go abroad to test the quality of our products.

We hope that there is a government agency carrying products overseas

to verify exactly what our products lack,

Have our products reached their requirements yet?

And then we can find out a solution.

People have difficulty in buying modern technology to meet export standards.

For example,we need cold storage, storage, product packaging guilde…

to improve longan quality to export it.

The solution to export difficulties is not only the problem

of Nhan Long but also other agricultural products in Vietnam.

Efforts by the government are expected to bring positive results in the coming time.

It's the responsibility of the locality to collect farmers' opinions

and to propose them to the competent authorities.

The state and farmers will work together to mobilize qualified enterprises to help farmers.

State, science, business, farmers need to associate to create a chain of production, consumption and export.

With the issue of Nhanlong export, we can learn from the success in exporting litchi.

We can see that if we have support in technique for growing longan,

and marketing the product, we can export it.

After that, export doors may be opened for many other agricultural products in Vietnam.

And the farmers can get rich from their agricultural products

For more infomation >> Hưng Yên xuất khẩu nhãn còn lắm gian nan~sub youtube - Duration: 3:16.


ABC Nursery Rhymes Song For Kids | ABC Songs |The Alphabet Song - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> ABC Nursery Rhymes Song For Kids | ABC Songs |The Alphabet Song - Duration: 6:34.


WOW! A Little Boy Catch 2 BIG Water Snake Without Fish - Duration: 8:28.

A Little Boy Catch 2 BIG Water Snake Without Fish

For more infomation >> WOW! A Little Boy Catch 2 BIG Water Snake Without Fish - Duration: 8:28.



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For more infomation >> NEVER STOP LEARNING CALLIGRAPHY AND LETTERING - Duration: 4:20.


| How to use IF with OR function in excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 4:05.

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For more infomation >> | How to use IF with OR function in excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 4:05.



For more infomation >> LA REVUE DU WEB #7: TWERK, POULET ET GOLF - DEDE - Duration: 5:59.


Lär Dig Färger Babblarna video-färgning för barn. - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Lär Dig Färger Babblarna video-färgning för barn. - Duration: 3:46.


EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Skull Fort Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 2:57.

EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Skull Fort Escape Walkthrough 2017

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Skull Fort Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 2:57.


xem Liên Minh Huyền Thoại # 26 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> xem Liên Minh Huyền Thoại # 26 - Duration: 3:16.


Essence of Murli 04-12-2017 - Duration: 6:00.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 4th December 2017

Essence: Sweet children, always remain aware that this is the last of your 84 births.

You now have to return home and then go into your kingdom.

Question: How is the Father the true Businessman?

Answer: Baba says to those who are wealthy at this time and have the intoxication of their money:

Look after your kingdom here!

The Father doesn't accept anything of theirs.

It is the poor that Baba makes the highest on high.

He uses every penny of the poor in a worthwhile way and makes them wealthy.

This is why the Father is called the true Businessman.

Question: Which laziness should you children not have at all?

Answer: Some children are lazy in reading or listening to the murli; they miss the murli.

Baba says: Children, don't become lazy in this. You mustn't miss a single murli.

Essence for dharna: 1. Make everyone happy.

Don't become moody. Become very, very sweet.

Learn and teach others good manners.

2. Take advice from the Supreme Surgeon at every step.

Continue to follow shrimat.

Become sensible and imbibe every point of knowledge.

Blessing: May you be a victorious soul, a conqueror of Maya,always experience being under the canopy of protection by staying within the line the code of conduct.

Remembrance of the Father is the canopy of protection.

To the extent that you stay in remembrance, you will accordingly experience His company.

To stay under the canopy means to remain constantly safe.

Those who step out from under the canopy even in their thoughts are attacked by Maya.

By your staying under the canopy and within the line of the code of conduct, no one would have the courage to enter.

However, if you step outside the line, Maya is very clever.

Therefore, become a conqueror of Maya with the Father's company.

Slogan: The practice of being bodiless is the basis of bringing the time of completion close.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 04-12-2017 - Duration: 6:00.


Attenzione Raggi - Claudio Mirone - Gecko's Tube - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Attenzione Raggi - Claudio Mirone - Gecko's Tube - Duration: 1:16.


Power Point for Business Maulida Khaziyeva workshop - Duration: 54:29.

For more infomation >> Power Point for Business Maulida Khaziyeva workshop - Duration: 54:29.


KAVGA'DA GÖZÜM MORARDI - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> KAVGA'DA GÖZÜM MORARDI - Duration: 10:58.


Đua Xe Không Mấy Chế ? || Chú Là ai Cháu không Biết Chú . Chú đi Ra đi . - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Đua Xe Không Mấy Chế ? || Chú Là ai Cháu không Biết Chú . Chú đi Ra đi . - Duration: 4:28.


ARCADIAN L'intégrale ACOUSTIC / TV5MONDE - Duration: 26:45.

We're listening to Arcadian. Hello, guys.

- Hello. - Yoann, Florentin and Jérôme.

Arcadian is also the name of your album.

How did you meet? How did this start?

The adventure began summer 2014,

maybe even a bit before.

The three of us played in Paris

in jam sessions,

just groups of musicians in bars.

- Open mic? - Yes.

We met at one of those jam sessions,

in the 5th arr., St-Michel Square.

- We gelled right away. - It made sense.

You played guitar, he played piano and I drummed.

We got together.

- All three of you sing? - Exactly.

Do you guys like the same kind of music or not?

Not at all, actually.

We're very different.

We just enjoy being onstage and making music,

that's what first brought us together.

We soon became friends.

So it made sense.

We even became roommates.

What are your respective musical tastes?

I've always liked urban sounds

like reggae and rap...

hip-hop from France and abroad.

I prefer anything that's rock and pop.

So there.

I prefer

rock too, mostly folk rock

and French rock.

This album has a blend of all that.

It has a bit of everything you guys like.

You played open mics, sang in the streets, in bars...

What did you learn from that, before ending up onstage

with an album?

What did that experience give you?

It was really enriching for us.

For any artist who wants to produce

and reach people,

what better than the street or metro to be in contact with people?

Besides, Paris isn't an easy city.

You're always meeting all kinds of artists.

We tried to make our way, and it brought us together.

We weren't working. We tried to live from music.

- The hat... - Yes.

It's mine.

... paid the rent?


More the kebabs than the rent.

But it was very enriching, especially the metro.

Some great memories.

It's difficult.

People commuting home from work are in their heads,

listening to headphones. We want them to listen.

They pass by.

If someone stops, we think, "OK..."

Yes. It's good practice.

We saw that determination and willfulness

in season 5 of The Voice, when you were semi-finalists.

What did you learn from that experience?

The results were nice, an album and a tour.

Was being on the show a key moment?

It taught us a lot.

It taught us to work together

more professionally rather than just in the metro.

Obviously we worked with Mika, our coach,

and other artists who are still friends,

like Slimane.

So we'd meet and interact.

There was no competition.

We're all in the same boat

so we help each other out.

Voice coaches taught us to manage our voices

for future concerts.

Yep. Then there's the staging.

We were on a TV set, our first, I think?

Yes, yes.

Yep. It was a big deal.

- It was live. - Sure.

Live is something else, too.

Was it something that made you say, "We want to do this"?

Did it validate you in

your career choice?

We're basically from three very different places.

For example, Yoann... Sorry, Jérôme,

is from Switzerland.

- I'm Yoann. - What'd I say?

- You slipped. - OK.

Usually I get it right.

Jérôme is from Switzerland.

We all came to Paris to be in music.

We were determined.

So by the first round,

we already knew no matter what,

win or lose, this was our job.

We're with Arcadian: Yoann, Florentin, Jérôme.

You've worked with many songwriters

like Ben Mazué and Ycare, among others.

What did you want for this first album?

Was there a specific idea?

We had a precise idea

as far as sound.

We stayed true to our instruments.

As a base.

We wanted to be a standalone band.

For the tour we chose not to hire musicians.

For the lyrics we wanted things that moved us,

thinking, without pretense,

we'd discuss topics that affect our generation

and older generations.

We tried to be sincere,

to tell our story and explain what matters to us

like friendship, hope, love.

And parties.

Just a bit.

The album is pretty festive.

It's a very colorful pop album.


That's what we wanted.

Each step is an experience for a young artist.

There's the first time onstage, but also in a studio.

It's special.

What will you remember about recording the album?

We had some very good times together.

We laughed a lot.

We also did a lot of research.

It's exhausting.

You don't realize it from the outside,

we started early, finished late,

it takes the time it takes.

You work hard.

Sometimes it's hard to step back,

but when you finish a particular song,

you sit on the couch and listen to it

and it sounds like you hoped,

it's absolute joy.

Now you're on tour.

You're in the middle of it. Another new experience.

After the parties and festivals,

now you play your own concerts.

Is meeting your fans special?

It's another new experience, as you say.

It's the first time we hear that.

- It's... - That's true.

It's also a moment of joy

because we're on our own stage,

with fans...

We don't say it, but they're our fans,

they come to see us.

We have sets.

It's also our first time doing light production.

Others are used to it, but this is our first time.

So there's something new that's wonderful.

Being able to meet people,

to play our album with a few bonuses,

is really great.

We've really been able to do a show from A to Z.

- As we imagined it. - Yes.

Without any restrictions of time or otherwise.

We've never experienced that.

We've done a lot of things,

but this is the best we've ever had,

being in a hall with people who come to listen to our songs.

And who sing with us.

We can't even hear ourselves sing, it's great.

It's beautiful.

Thank you. Have a wonderful career.

Today we're hearing a first album, Arcadian.

Subtitles: ECLAIR

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