Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #16 (Daily Fortnite Funny Moments)

For more infomation >> BEST FINAL KILL EVER! - Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #16 (Daily Fortnite Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:02.


loh e Qurani ka wazifa | Lohe Qurani Ka Naqsh | Mushkilat Ka Hal || Loh e Qurani with Recitation - Duration: 8:06.

loh e Qurani ka wazifa | Lohe Qurani Ka Naqsh | Mushkilat Ka Hal || Loh e Qurani with Recitation

For more infomation >> loh e Qurani ka wazifa | Lohe Qurani Ka Naqsh | Mushkilat Ka Hal || Loh e Qurani with Recitation - Duration: 8:06.





Bread Coconut Rings | Sweet Bread Recipe in 10 Minutes - Duration: 3:16.

Bread Coconut Rings

Bread Coconut Rings

Bread Coconut Rings

For more infomation >> Bread Coconut Rings | Sweet Bread Recipe in 10 Minutes - Duration: 3:16.



For more infomation >> [Viewcut] ANH QUÁ ĐÁNG LUÔN Á - LOOK WHAT YOU MAKE ME DO | THE CUP - QUÁ ĐÓI LẮM LUÔN Á - Duration: 0:29.


American Girl Store - SNL - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> American Girl Store - SNL - Duration: 4:25.



For more infomation >> HINCHADAS ARGENTINAS | +LETRAS HD - Duration: 6:16.


MMD ll Bii ll Vietsub CC】 •M A D H A T T E R• II YUNO II - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> MMD ll Bii ll Vietsub CC】 •M A D H A T T E R• II YUNO II - Duration: 1:22.


நடிகர் சந்தானத்தின் வாழ்க்கை வரலாறு அன்று முதல் இன்று வரை | Tamil cinema | Celebrities Biography - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> நடிகர் சந்தானத்தின் வாழ்க்கை வரலாறு அன்று முதல் இன்று வரை | Tamil cinema | Celebrities Biography - Duration: 2:26.


Honeycomebear - See you - またね - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Honeycomebear - See you - またね - Duration: 4:37.


Awkward Language Barrier (feat. Billy But Better) - Duration: 4:28.

If you've ever traveled to an extremely distant place from your home,

or work in the field of tourism. then I'm sure that you've likely met others who speak a different language.

I had these sort of encounters in my past, but my first direct experience was a bit awkward...

Just like what I was as a person at the time-- BUT I'M NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE!

I've grown and prospered and into a fine human who can do things in public...

With a comfortable mind set... It's a start.

Preparing for the holidays, my family and I traveled to another province to do some shopping.

You know that old show called

6teen where they're inside this massive-y mall thing? Where we went was almost that big,

And it was a rare sight. I don't see stuff like that where I live. It was breathtaking

It makes me wonder how I'll handle VidCon if I can ever afford to go

You know, because it's over a $600 plane ticket just to get there...

I'm losing the point in this video, but that's my perspective. I live in a small community.

Because I had already done the majority of my shopping, my family allowed me to spend some time with my friend who lived nearby.

Just until my family finished shopping. Doesn't seem like a long time, but some time is always better than none.

He suggested that we go out for a bite to eat at a place called Goji's,

a self-service eatery where you can build your own dishes full of frozen yogurt.

Remember what I said that the big mall was a site for me to behold? A build-it-yourself eatery...

was mesmerizing!~ The fact that you can choose your own flavors and build your own dish gave me an

appreciated feeling that locals would definitely find a rarity.

I've never seen you this excited

before, have you never been to a place like this where you build your own dish?- No, at least not in the public setting.

This... is astonishing! Holy shrimp. This looks like a delicacy. I'm ready to pay! Well

I mean, you built that yourself, hence why you would love it. Don't justify this for me

We got over to the checkout where a sweet girl who worked there was ready with a weight

mechanism. That must have been how each price for the dish was determined. My friend goes up to pay first.

Ca va être six point quatre vingt sept dollars.

Débit, si vous plais.

Wait whoa- hold up. They're speaking French, and I don't understand French...

I was obviously next in line, since

we were the only three people in the room. So I frantically looked around the desk to see if there was any kind of

price indicator or a clue that I could exploit so I wouldn't have to speak.

But there wasn't anything. As she's weighing my frozen yogurt,

I look over at my friend so he can catch a glimpse of just how much peril I was in, but he just looks back

At me with a light comforting smirk. Son of a- wait, does he not know that I can't speak French?

Where I live, French and English of the two main languages, however

English is more focused upon as French isn't a mandatory thing to learn where I'm educated, but that doesn't mean

I don't know anything about the language.

Ca va être six point quatorze dollars.

Okay, I think that means that six or some dollars,

but what if he asked me how many flavors around my dish? I can't respond to that. I don't want to look like a fool.

*Deep breath*

Je ne comprende pas Français. ~ "I don't understand French."

In return for my impromptu and unpracticed attempt at speaking French,

I get a simple stare and I don't blame her. If someone came up to me and said that they don't understand English,

I'd be bamboozled too. Seems kind of contradictory doesn't it? It's like reading a book...

...about... to read.

Oh, that's $6.14.

Debit, please.

Oh my gosh, she could speak English, too.

So you knew the whole time that she was bilingual?

Yeah, we go to the same school. I personally knew her.

It's a good thing that I can never get mad at you. I worked myself up over an issue that never existed.

Hey, what's up? You reach the end of the video I'd like to give a big warm

Thanks to my buds Billy But better and the prince cosplay for lending their voices for this video.

Thank you! a couple of weeks ago Billy had a temporary shirt sale

That sold limited edition number one models that would mean if you purchased it you were a quote day one fan

And I bought one and actually received it in the mail while working on this video

It's better than my other shirts. Yeah. while the prince and I were setting up to record. We made a nice little outtake

I like, stopped breathing

Hello, pumpernickel

po-tashio. "Po-tashio"?

Yeah- It's pistachio. *laughing*

I'm sorry, I do not know how to speak...


For more infomation >> Awkward Language Barrier (feat. Billy But Better) - Duration: 4:28.


White House Christmas Cold Open - SNL - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> White House Christmas Cold Open - SNL - Duration: 6:21.


Welcome to Hell - SNL - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Welcome to Hell - SNL - Duration: 3:20.


Saoirse Ronan Monologue - SNL - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Saoirse Ronan Monologue - SNL - Duration: 4:02.


Return Counter - SNL - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Return Counter - SNL - Duration: 3:55.


#TheOpenHouse - RSI have now even lost THAC!! - Duration: 7:17:47.

For more infomation >> #TheOpenHouse - RSI have now even lost THAC!! - Duration: 7:17:47.


LEMMiNO 未解之謎 神秘的不明飛行物案件 Mystifying UFO Cases 中文字幕cc - Duration: 30:44.

I've never paid much attention to UFO sightings. I've read about the occasional incident but

my curiosity never really expanded beyond those few cases. I just find that far too

often the focus of UFO stories is on the mystery itself as opposed to the resolution of that

mystery. Plausible explanations take a backseat to fantastical embellishments.

There's a "documentary" on Netflix right now, and I'm using the term "documentary" very

loosely, about a man who claims to be harassed and pursued by aliens. In one scene, he literally

has someone bob one of those alien masks you'd get for Halloween outside a window and it

is played completely straight.

We, the audience, are supposed to believe that this is a close

encounter of the third kind when it looks like a close encounter of the trick-or-treat kind.

Nevertheless, this "documentary" did peak my interest and so I began to learn more about

the UFO phenomenon, immersing myself in this expansive mythos of which I only had a very

limited understanding. From the very start I was taken down this convoluted path of alien

abductions, government conspiracies, and alien experiments that read like rejected drafts

of The X-Files. But every now and again, I came across something a bit more credible.

Stories that were genuinely difficult to rationalize. Nothing that would convince me the Earth is

a galactic resort but mystifying stories all the same.

To get you on the same page as me, we need to go back to the year 1947.

In the summer of 1947, news and government agencies across North America were flooded

with reports of strange objects in the sky. This UFO mania was provoked by a pilot named

Kenneth Arnold. On June the 24th Arnold was flying over the Cascade Mountains in the state

of Washington when he observed a formation of nine saucer-like objects zooming across

the sky. Unbeknownst to Arnold, this innocent description would come to popularize the term

flying saucer. The scintillating discoids appeared to be traveling at a speed of some

2000 km/h, a speed yet to be achieved by any man-made airplane in 1947. Arnold initially

suspected he'd observed some secret military test flight but the US Air Force quickly denied

responsibility and merely dismissed the sighting as some form of optical illusion.

But it wasn't quite that simple. Not only was Arnold an experienced pilot but his story

was corroborated by a number of witnesses on the ground who all described a series of

oval-shaped objects traveling at a tremendous rate of speed. Furthermore, other sightings

had been reported days before and would continue for many days after. More than 800 cases in

less than a month, including the famous Roswell incident.

Publicly the US Air Force dismissed the sightings as nothing more than a combination of overactive

imaginations and misperceptions of natural phenomena but internally the Air Force was

just as mystified as the public and actually quite concerned. Hundreds of unrelated persons

from all walks of life including high ranking military officials, scientists, engineers,

politicians, and professional pilots reported uncannily similar experiences in the span

of a few weeks. Both the public and the intelligence community crew increasingly convinced that

something was hiding amongst the clouds.

In late June of 1947 the Air Force covertly launched a preliminary investigation into

the sightings as they suspected that some UFOs could be vessels of foreign or celestial origin.

By late September the existence of advanced aeronautic vehicles could not be eliminated.

While the majority of cases could be ascribed to natural phenomena, the maneuverability

and evasive behavior displayed by some UFOs defied all conventional explanations. It was

speculated that these seemingly mechanical UFOs could be part of some top secret military

project, either foreign or domestic.

It was feared that the Soviet Union had seized German technology after World War II and developed

some advanced aircraft capable of covert infiltration of US airspace.

This led to the formation of Project Sign. A classified investigation that would attempt

to determine whether or not UFOs posed a threat to national security. While the project members

entertained a number of plausible causes, by the summer of 1948, a minority of credible

and well documented UFO cases could not be resolved. These cases became known as the

unknowns. By process of elimination, Project Sign therefore concluded that the most probable

explanation for the most inexplicable of cases was the extraterrestrial hypothesis. In other words,

the unknowns did not appear to be from this Earth.

However, once this report reached the Pentagon, it was rejected.

The interplanetary explanation was thought to be unsubstantiated

and so the report was ultimately scrapped.

Project Sign was dissolved soon thereafter and subsequent investigations ultimately failed

to ascertain the nature of these unknowns. Project Sign's successor, Project Blue Book,

merely concluded that it was statistically improbable that UFOs represented technological

capabilities beyond our own. As the vast majority of UFO sightings are misperceptions of natural

phenomena the presumption was that all UFO sightings are likely to be misperceptions.

As such, funding for UFO research could no longer be justified as the threat to national

security was evidently nonexistent. Government sanctioned UFO research officially ended with

the dissolution of Project Blue Book in 1969 and the Air Force has since proclaimed the issue resolved.

Out of the 12,618 UFO reports in its collection, 701 were marked unknown upon its conclusion.

Although, some would argue that many cases were mischaracterized and that more than 1,700

cases should be regarded as unknowns.

While the US government may dismiss these unknowns as mere statistical anomalies, the

fundamental question remains. What did people see? What kind of natural phenomenon evades

resolution despite decades of scrutiny?

Late in the afternoon on May the 24th, 1949, six civilians were on a fishing trip on the

Rogue River in the state of Oregon. Suddenly, one of them observed a round and scintillating

object in the sky. It barely moved as it silently hovered some 1,500 meters above. It was difficult

to discern any details with the naked eye but fortunately one of them had brought a

pair of binoculars with eight times magnification. The binoculars revealed a clearly distinguishable

metallic craft of unfamiliar design. It was round and flat, about 10 meters in diameter,

and had a rounded fin on the roof. It had a reflective silver-colored surface that appeared

to be somewhat dirty. It lacked any conventional means of propulsion and made absolutely no

sound. After some two minutes of observation, the UFO gradually moved in the opposite direction

of the wind until it disappeared with the speed of a jet plane.

Besides the corroborating accounts and detailed sketches, what makes this case so interesting

is that two of the civilian observers were also employed at an aeronautical research

facility so they had ample knowledge of aeronautics. Furthermore, the story never reached the public.

This is important because if this was a hoax one would expect the hoaxers to seek media

attention, yet the witnesses refrained from speaking to the press. The story never reached

the public eye until many years later when ufologists uncovered the case files which

revealed that Project Blue Book had rather dismissively concluded it must have been a

misidentified airplane or a weather balloon.

So all we need now is a plane shaped like a pancake or a self-propelled balloon unaffected by wind.

If you spend some time reading about UFOs you will soon come across an explanation that

is repeated time and time again. Weather balloons. This is certainly true for some of the more

famous cases. The Battle of Los Angeles? Balloon. The Roswell Incident? Top secret balloon.

The Mantell Incident? Once again, a balloon. Unfortunately for proponents of the extraterrestrial

hypothesis, it is often a rather convincing explanation.

However, it is far less convincing when the witnesses of a UFO are themselves launching

a balloon. On April the 24th, 1949, a group of five balloonists had just launched a weather

balloon in the New Mexico desert and were tacking said balloon with a special telescope.

Suddenly, the person operating the telescope sighted another object in the sky and alerted

the rest of the group who could all see the UFO with the naked eye. It had an elliptical

shape and was white-, silver-, and yellow-ish in color. It was impossible to accurately

determine its altitude and size due to the lack of reference points but it appeared to

be flying at an extremely high altitude and moved so quickly across the sky it was difficult

to track with the telescope. It remained visible for about a minute until it suddenly stopped

its horizontal motion and disappeared by near vertical ascension into the clear blue sky.

It made no sound and traveled crosswind.

A year prior a very similar incident had taken place on the 5th of April. Three balloonists

in the New Mexico desert were observing a weather balloon when they spotted a UFO moving

at a very high rate of speed. It had a round shape and was white-, gray-, and gold-ish

in color. It flew erratically across the sky and performed vertical loops for about 30

seconds until it disappeared. The desert was completely silent yet the UFO violently maneuvered

without making a sound.

Then on January the 16th, 1951, two balloonists and a number pilots and civilians in the New

Mexico desert observed two UFOs in the vicinity of the balloon they were observing. The balloon

had reached an altitude of 35 km and, even though it was about 30 meters in diameter,

the two UFOs were about three to five times larger and appeared to be flying above the

balloon. They had an elliptical shape and were white and gray in color. They orbited

the balloon for about 40 seconds until they disappeared into the distance at a terrific rate of speed.

These are just three examples of many similar cases and despite the fact that the spectators

involved could not have been more qualified to identify aerial phenomena,

none could explain what they had seen.

Just before midnight on July the 19th, 1952, radarscopes in and around Washington D. C.

picked up a cluster of 5 to 10 unidentified targets. There were no scheduled flights in

the area and the UFOs did not adhere to any established flight paths. The possibility

of a malfunction was quickly eliminated as radarscopes at three separate airports displayed

the same unidentifiable targets. Eventually, the objects could be visually confirmed as

orbs of light slowly moving across the sky.

After a while the objects began to fan out, zooming across the night sky of Washington D. C.

They flew above the White House, the Capitol Building, and many other restricted

areas in a disorganized and unpredictable fashion. On numerous occasion the UFOs performed

sharp 90 degree turns and some would completely reverse course in a matter of seconds. Radar

operators were baffled. No man-made aircraft could perform such maneuvers. Air traffic

controllers, radar operators, pilots, military personnel, and countless civilians all reported

sightings of UFOs.

One pilot remained in close proximity to the UFOs for about 14 minutes, describing them

as white lights with no recognizable shape. While some lights flew in parallel to the

plane, others appeared to be flying outside the Earths atmosphere. The sightings by the

pilot also coincided with the radar detections suggesting that these were indeed physical

flying objects as opposed to radar misidentifications of some kind.

After more than three hours, two jet fighters were dispatched to intercept the UFOs but moments before

they arrived, the objects accelerated to speeds in excess of 10,000 km/h and disappeared out of sight.

However, when the jets returned to refuel the UFOs returned to the skies.

Some five hours after initial detection, the last UFO vanished from the radarscopes.

But a week later, the UFOs returned once more. On the evening of July the 26th numerous UFOs

were observed streaking across the skies above and around Washington D.C. They shared many

similarities with the UFOs from the week before, appearing as orbs of light capable of extreme

supersonic velocities. The crew and passengers of some commercial flights could once again

visually confirm the existence of many of the UFOs detected by radar.

Four jets were dispatched during the night and two of the pilots did see something on

two separate occasions. One pilot saw four white lights while the other saw a single

white light. However, neither came close enough to make an accurate identification as the

jets were easily outmaneuvered by the UFOs.

Under mounting pressure from the public to explain this apparent invasion of the US capital,

the Air Force held a press conference on July the 29th.

At the conference they claimed that temperature inversions were to blame. It's an atmospheric

condition in which layers of warm air traps pockets of cold air which can result in false

returns on a radarscope. Conversely, the visual sightings were supposedly misperceptions of

stars, meteors, or strange reflections of natural sources of light. In other words,

it was all just a big misunderstanding and there was no cause for alarm.

It's a very odd explanation given that it completely disregards crucial pieces of information.

For one thing, visual observations and radar detections were confirmed to be one and the

same on numerous occasions. When pilots claimed they had visual contact with a UFO, ground

personnel confirmed its existence and location on the radarscopes. When pilots claimed a

UFO disappeared it simultaneously disappeared from the radarscopes.

Another glaring issue is that temperature inversions occurred on a daily basis throughout

the summer of 1952 yet unidentified radar targets only appeared on the two nights in question.

Personnel at Andrews Air Force Base were not quite sure as to what they had seen, claiming

they may have seen meteors or other natural phenomena. But the senior air traffic controller

at Washington National Airport was certain they had detected solid maneuvering objects

while explicitly denying the possibility of weather related targets. Furthermore, none

of the radar operators agreed with the Air Force's conclusion. Everyone was certain that

they had been tracking metallic flying objects. Even the National Weather Bureau disagreed

with the temperature inversion theory claiming that such phenomena would appear as amorphous

streaks across the radarscopes as opposed to sharp delineable dots.

In spite of these glaring contradictions the Air Force concluded that temperature inversions

were to blame and that nothing extraordinary had taken place. Though, somewhat paradoxically,

the Project Blue Book files list the case as an unknown while simultaneously agreeing

with the Air Force's conclusion.

On April the 24th, 1964, police officer Lonnie Zamora was chasing a speeding car outside

the city of Socorro in the New Mexico desert when he was alerted by loud noise and a bright

flame in the sky. Believing it to be an explosion he broke off the chase and drove towards the

light to investigate. The flame was blue and orange and appeared to be descending towards

the ground about half a kilometer away. After a difficult drive through the rough terrain

he noticed a white and silver-colored object about 200 meters distant. It initially appeared

to be an overturned car and he could see two men in white coveralls standing beside it.

The two men seemed alarmed by Zamora's presence and looked straight at him but after clearing

a small hill, which momentarily obstructed his view, the two men had vanished. Zamora

could now discern that it wasn't a car but some kind of elliptical object, supported

by four metallic legs. The white ellipsoid was about 5 meters in diameter and had a red

insignia printed on the side. He then proceeded on foot and was about 30 meters away when

he heard loud thumps as if someone closed a door and then a smokeless flame, reminiscent

of a welding torch, suddenly erupted beneath the craft. The flame was once again blue and

orange in color and it produced a the same roaring sound that was increasing in frequency.

Ever so slowly, the object began to rise. At this point, Zamora became frightened

and the loud noise gave him the impression that the UFO was about to explode so he ran

for cover behind his car. But after a while the UFO went completely silent and was now

hovering some 6 meters above the ground. It's speed gradually increased until it disappeared

into the distance.

While Zamora was the only person to observe the craft up close a number of witnesses had

independently reported sightings of an oval-shaped UFO and a blueish flame before the story had

reached the press. One particular witness had observed the descent of an oval-shaped

UFO and a police car chasing after it.

A second police officer arrived within minutes and both the FBI and the Air Force would soon

converge upon the site. The supposed landing site was thoroughly investigated and photographed.

Grass and bushes had been burned and were still smoldering when the first officers arrived

at the scene. Some of the burned plants were notoriously difficult to set aflame. The investigators

also uncovered four wedge-shaped indentations in the ground and they appeared to be fresh

as the dry topsoil had been pushed aside revealing the still moist subsoil. A cluster of footprints

were also discovered within the rectangular region of the indentations.

No helicopters had been in the vicinity, the insignia on the craft could not be identified,

the site was not radioactive, radar had not picked up any unusual activity, nor did the

soil samples collected from the landing site reveal any evidence of chemical propellants.

Some claim that vitrified sand had been collected which is when extreme heat melts sand into

glass. However, others refute this claim so it's difficult to know for certain.

Nevertheless, none of the investigators believed it to be a hoax. The cluster of footprints

were localized and did not lead away from the indentations. Assuming Zamora created

the indentations himself and somehow managed to ignite the near-inflammable vegetation,

he must've done so without leaving any evidence or footprints except for a small cluster near

the center. Zamora was deemed highly reliable by everyone who knew him but more importantly

by those who interrogated him. Despite plenty of opportunities to do so, he never capitalized

on the sighting nor did he seem to appreciate the attention the story attracted. No evidence

of a hoax has ever been uncovered and Zamora's integrity remained intact until his death

many decades later.

The Project Blue Book investigation failed to reach a conclusion. The most plausible

explanation seemed to be that Lonnie Zamora had witnessed some kind of classified experimental

aircraft. An explanation favored by the local population as well as Zamora himself. Given

that the highly secretive military testing range known as the White Sands Proving Grounds

is located right next door, this is certainly a possibility. However, the unusual design

and advanced capabilities of the craft observed still makes it difficult to believe. Unsurprisingly,

the military denied the existence of such a craft.

Many years later, the Air Force Captain in charge of the investigation recalled a strange

phone call he'd received at the time. A high ranking military official at the Pentagon

had called and personally questioned him about the case which he found to be highly unusual.

He thought it was unconventional for a Colonel to be making such a call and so he wondered:

"Why in the world were they so interested?"

Why is it that even though half the global population walks around with a high resolution

camera in their pocket, high resolution footage of flying saucers seem to be nonexistent?

I've seen variations of this line of reasoning before and at first glance it may seem quite decisive.

While it is true that cameras are more readily accessible and video quality has improved

significantly over the past few decades, so has the quality of forgeries. Thanks to software

like After Effects almost anyone can create a convincing forgery which means that videos

like these will never be the definitive proof they likely would have been a few decades ago.

Imagine an ideal situation for a moment. Imagine that a reliable individual with no background

in visual effects and no previous interest in UFOs captures an actual unidentifiable

aircraft on a high resolution camera. Not some blob of pixels as if it was filmed by

a Japanese adult film studio, nor some indiscernible streak that requires CSI-esque enhancements,

but an actual clearly distinguishable craft that defy all conventional explanations. Even

then, the authenticity of that footage would inevitably come into question and it would

in all likelihood be impossible to prove that it actually happened.

I remember back in 2011, a UFO in Jerusalem was captured on video by multiple people from

multiple vantage points. The case attracted worldwide attention as the multiple locations

lent credence to the sighting's authenticity. However, some time later a team of journalists

tracked down the cameramen responsible and found that one was a filmmaker and film teacher

while the others just so happened to be students at the same school.

Drones have also made it far too easy to stage UFO sightings.

Strange lights in the dark night sky performing seemingly impossible maneuvers?

Drones got you covered.

What appears to be a solid craft in the clear blue sky that looks noting like a conventional drone?

Drones got you covered.

It's become next to impossible to eliminate conventional explanations

as virtually every person on the planet has gained easy access to the heavens above.

At this point, nothing short of a spaceship landing in the middle of times square should

be deemed convincing. This is at least in part why I choose to focus my attention on

older cases as none of these problems existed a few decades ago.

The first director of Project Blue Book, Edward J. Ruppelt, would later go on to write a book

about the cases he and his team investigated. In it, he describes a drastic shift in the attitude

towards UFO research following the rejection of the extra terrestrial hypothesis.

The Air Force no longer sought to understand the nature of UFOs

but rather sought to debunk the phenomenon at large. In his own words:

"Everything was being evaluated on the premise that UFOs could not exist."

"No matter what you see or hear, don't believe it."

Following the aforementioned Washington D.C. incident in 1952 this predisposition was only

reinforced. Investigators were instructed to focus on cases they could solve and to

never discuss the unknowns in public. The subject was to be debunked and ridiculed and

so it was. What had initially been perceived as a potential treat to national security

had now, through an orchestrated public relations campaign,

been reduced to a socially unacceptable pseudoscience.

Ruppelt writes in his book:

"This change in the operating policy of the UFO project was so pronounced that I, like

so many other people, wondered if there was a hidden reason for the change. Was it actually

an attempt to go underground, to make the project more secretive? Was it an effort to

cover up the fact that UFOs were proven to be interplanetary and that this should be

withheld from the public at all cost to prevent a mass panic?"

"Maybe I was just playing the front man to a big cover-up."

Ruppelt is of course just speculating but, given that he was the head of the operation,

it does make you wonder if there may have been some truth behind those concerns. Assuming

the military is lying then how does one distinguish a lie about alien spaceships from a lie about

classified aircrafts? We know nothing of either so the two deceptions would appear identical.

I mean, I want to believe but I'm just not sure what I'm supposed to believe in.

After working my way through a few hundred cases I feel even more conflicted than I did

when I began. Things where just so much simpler then. I could just laugh at a man pretending

to be scared of a Halloween mask. No grand conspiracies. No extraterrestrials. None of that.

Just mortal fear and a piece of plastic. Simpler times.

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