Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

(Bongsunga School)


I'm the teacher of Bongsunga School, Kim Daehui.

Let's get started with Bongsunga School!

Who wants to talk first?


I became rich by being really frugal.

I'm Jolla Park.

Jolla Park.

You look quite stylish today.

You've got to save to live well!

My waist size is 34 but I can wear a 23.

Wow... You're so frugal

but this handkerchief looks expensive.

- Does this look nice? / - Yes.

- Does this look nice? / - Yes.

It's actually my shirt poking out.

If I use too much, my stomach shows.

Your wallet looks expensive.

- Does this look nice? / - Yes!

It's laver.


I can make this my meal if I have soy sauce.

This is how you get rich!

Alright. Go sit down.

Who wants to talk next?

Who are you?

Who are you?

I'm Twisty.

I'm Twisty!

Say something then. Don't just stand there.

I'm not talking since you told me to.

- Then don't talk. / - Then I will.

What the... Why are you so twisted?

I was told to change my Honnam character

so I changed it to this

but I don't think people like it.

- That's why I got twisted! / - No.

Not a lot of people I know said that

your new character is funny...

I mean, a lot of people said that.

Geez! I'm going to become twisted!

That person must really like our show.

I saw you last time. You're here again.

You brought a different girl this time.

The last girl you brought was prettier.

Oh, come on.

Fight, fight.

- What are you doing? / - They're not fighting! Gosh!

What's wrong with you? Go sit down.

- I won't since you told me to. / - Then don't sit!

Then I'll sit.

What's with the blanket?

- I have to sleep. / - Why?

Why are you going to sleep?

I have to sleep now so that

I won't doze off during my shoot for "Night Goblin."

Lee Honggi is a lot funnier than you guys!

I love you, Honggi.

- Go sit down! / - I won't since you told me to.

- Don't sit down! / - Then I will.

What the...

Who wants to talk next?

Who are you?

Hello, teacher.

I have a cursed body.

I'm CB Ryu Geunji.

Why is your body cursed?

You're in great shape.

Teacher, when others buy pants...

- They get them hemmed so they'd fit. / - Yeah.

But when I buy pants,

the legs are too short.

I hate my long legs. I hate them. I hate them.

- I hate them. / - Are you bragging?

You look like you're smiling.

- I'm crying. / - Yeah?

You weren't smiling?

- Others put their pants on like this. / - Yeah.

But when I put on my pants...


What is it?

I forgot to put on underwear.

- Pull my pants down... / - That's enough!

I'm so envious of you guys.

I hate my body. I hate it. I hate it.

Are you trying to tease me?

I think you like your body.

I'm whipping my body.

Yeah? Go sit down.

- Go sit down. / - Alright.

What's with the helmet?

- You rode a motorbike here? / - No, I took the bus.

Then why do you have a helmet on?

If I don't...

It's like this...

My body is cursed.

Who wants to talk next?

♪ I'm back, back, back, back again ♪

Who are you?

Hello, teacher.

I drink burdock tea instead of barley tea.

I'm Wu Eongjae.

What are you always pointing at?

- Teacher. / - Yeah?

- There are those times. / - What times?

- There are those times. / - What do you mean?

♪ There are those times ♪

♪ When your mom gets mad because ♪

♪ Your dad forgot her birthday ♪

♪ But then ♪

♪ Your dad tells your mom ♪

♪ That he'll grant any wish for your mom ♪

♪ My mom said without even thinking ♪

♪ Get out of my sight, dear ♪

♪ My dad got surprised and said ♪

♪ What? Is it my birthday today? ♪

♪ Dad, you can hear this and cry ♪

♪ Nobody in the family knows your birthday, dad ♪

What are you saying?

- Teacher. / - Yeah.

- There are those times. / - What times?

- There are those times. / - What do you mean?

♪ There are those times ♪

♪ When you're amazed at your dad for going to ♪

♪ The gym every day to impress your mom ♪

♪ But then ♪

♪ He really got in good shape ♪

♪ And flexed his muscles in front of my mom ♪

♪ My mom saw his muscles and said ♪

♪ No point in only having strong arms ♪

♪ My mom also said ♪

♪ Take eel extract instead of eating chicken breast ♪

♪ My dad needs is two bags of jade underwear ♪

Sit down.

♪ I'll be back, back, back, back again ♪


Who wants to talk next?

What's this?

I've seen you two on TV a lot.

You're on "Same Bed, Different Dreams."

Hello, I'm Songvely.

I love Korea and I love marriage.

Hello, I'm the goddess of China.

I'm Chunami.


- Chunami. / - Oh, Chunami.

I enjoy watching you two on TV.

Chunami, you're very supportive.

I wake up early in the morning

and I make his favorites.

Hot pot, dim sum and sweet and sour pork.

I make it myself and...

I feed it to him.

Oh, that means it's tasty, right?

She's a liar.

We always order Chinese food.


I love marriage.

You must be crazy!

- Chunami. / - Yeah?

I wish you'd die first. I love you.

I love you.

Why are you crying?

That's enough.

So who takes care of the money between you two?

I'm in charge of all the money.

Wife, give me some pocket money.

Then kiss me.

You know. It goes on the mouth.

Oh. A mask.

Too much fine dust.

Where is it coming from? I love Korea.

You must be crazy!

- Chunami. / - Yeah.

I wish you'd die first. I love you.

I love you.

Go sit down.

Now it's everyone's favorite time.

It's history class.

- That's so boring! / - It is not boring!

So who are you guys?

Hello, teachers.

We're the fun-loving brothers. The Fun Bros!

Yes, baby!

So exciting, so exciting!

Just watching you guys is fun.

So what brings you here?

Teacher, we'll show you how world history

doesn't have to be boring and it can be fun.


David and Goliath from the Bible.


You think you can beat me?

Goliath, you're huge.

Just how tall are you?

- My height? / - Yeah, your height!

My height?

♪ I'm 2m tall ♪

So exciting, so exciting!

What was that all of a sudden?

Teacher, we'll show you how national history

doesn't have to be boring and it can be fun.


Jeong Yakyong who made the cable driving system.

With this cable driving system,

you can lift heavy stones!

How can you lift these heavy stones up and down?

You can lift them up and down?

- How? / - Like this!

♪ Up and down, up and down ♪

One more time!

♪ Up and down, up and down ♪

Teacher, are you excited?

This has been the Fun Bros!

So exciting, so exciting!


How chaotic.

Who wants to talk next?

That's so weak for a man.

Everyone say it. Man!

- Man! / - Man!

I'm the strong man, Gangnam!

Kids these days are too weak like them.

I'm saying a man shouldn't be this weak.

Kids need to be strong and powerful!

Look at this.

- An exit sign. This exit sign is too weak! / - Weak!

This is why people can't tell if it's an exit sign.

It's too weak.

Make this plain face powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

- A man during an emergency! / - Man!

Make these plain legs powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

He's like a man that's really fast!


Make his body powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

A man that would break through the exit!

- Man! / - And that's not all.

Men these days are so weak.

If they like hip hop,

they wear snapbacks like this...

♪ Yo, let's get it ♪

I have swag... This is too weak!


Make your snapback powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

- A man filled with swag! / - Man!

Okay, I can't tell.

Is this a snapback or an umbrella? I can't tell.

- Man! / - Man!

Go sit down.

Who wants to talk next?

I will survive. I will survive.

I will survive in nature!

Who are you?


I moved to the mountains to escape the city.

My surname is Shin and my name is Dosi.

- I'm Shin Dosi. / - I see.

Dosi, don't you get lonely living alone

in the mountains?

Everything in nature is my friend.

I don't get bored.

I wake in the morning and have a conversation.

Hi, flowers. Birds, did you sleep well?

Wind, stop tickling me.

Does the wind talk back?

What do you think?

Be a bit more logical, teacher!

How can flowers and the wind talk?


I do this because I get so bored and lonely!

Don't cry.

But still.

I get chances to meet real friends sometimes.

When hikers that get lost come to my house,

I cook for them,

I make them wild ginseng tea...

I really take care of them.

The people are silly sometimes.

They say they can't just leave and

would offer me expensive hiking clothes

but I just waved it away.

You just wanted their gratitude?

No, I only accept cash. $1,500 a head.

Some people make excuses

that they only have credit card.

That's why I got an ATM.

Show your appreciation with money!

Alright, go sit down.

- Is everyone done talking? / - Yes.


Mr. Principal.

Hello. People come first.

I am the 19th principal of Bongsunga School,

Moon Gyojang.

I'm really into personality tests.

- Would you like to take one with me? / - Yes.

This is a deserted island with

a dog, lamb, tiger and monkey.

If only one animal can ride this raft,

which animal would you let on the raft?

- I say the tiger. / - The lamb!

- The tiger! / - The dog!

The lamb!

People come first.

I was so proud of myself for making this

that I patted myself on the head.

Nice one!

Dear, where am I?

An angel belongs in the sky.

Dear, I'm always watching you.

I love you.

Pyeongchang Winter Olympics will start soon.

There are many events

for the Winter Olympics.

First... Bobshelighing.


Next... Crosh countwy shkiing.

Cross country skiing.

There's figure shkating and shpeed shkating.

Figure skating and speed skating.

Triple axel!

Dear, don't I look like Kim Yuna?

I love you.

- Was that hard to answer? / - You already know.

Do any of you students have any concerns?

- Me! / - Me!

- Us! / - Me!

- Fun Bros. / - Yes.

We have a gig and we prepared something.

But I don't know if it's any good.

- Can you take a look? / - Okay.

What the...

It's like a mirror.

They're the same.

How's that? Only twins can do this.

Isn't it amazing?

Is it true that only you two can do this?

Try copying this then!

You can't do this! You can't do this!

You can't do this!

Yes, baby! Yeah!

So exciting, so exciting!

I hope you all have an exciting week.

Luck, luck, luck, luck!

For more infomation >> Bongsunga School | 봉숭아학당 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 15:12.


LOOM KNITTING HAT on a Round loom. Christmas Holiday Santa Hats Pattern by Loomahat - Duration: 16:00.

Hey guys it's Denise and this time I want to show you how to make a Santa hat.

And a special thanks to Carol from Promise Learning for covering the cost

of closed captioning.

Alright, let's start with our cast-on. Secure your working

yarn to the anchor peg with a nice simple knot. And then you're going to

wrap every peg. Now you will notice that I have a little rubber band every other

peg, it's only because the pattern does call for a rib stitch. Later on I

will explain. You don't have to do this, only if you want. Alright now we're

going to do one row of knit stitch and this is the U wrap version of the knit

stitch, so you're going to half wrap your peg and knit off. Again, half wrap and

knit off and continue to go around the entire loom until you come back to that

very first peg and that is the end of your cast on.

The brim is made up of a four row pattern and the first three are knits so

you're just going to knit three rows of the Uwrap knit stitch. It is the same

version of the knit stitch that we used for the cast on. So you're going to

basically just half wrap your peg and knit off. You're going to do this for

three rows. After a few of them you can remove the knot off the anchor peg. If you

leave it on its gonna be a big problem so make sure that you do that.

Keep knitting.

Three rows of the knit stitch.

Now for Row 4 you're going to do one knit stitch right here that you wrap and

then the next one is going to be a purl. So put the working yarn under the loop,

scoop up the yarn and create a new loop, take the old one off, put the new one on

and pull. again you're going to do a knit stitch and then take the yarn and put it

under the loop, scoop up create a new one, take the old one off, put the new one on

and pull. That is a purl stitch. Now I do one knit stitch and of course the next one

is a purl. Now you should be able to see the pattern of why I put a

rubber band every other peg. I knit the ones with a rubber band

and I purl the ones that don't, like right here. Then I'm going to continue to

do that till I get back to the last two. Those I will purl because my loom is

an uneven number and I have to make a choice and I chose to do two purls. Now

I'm back at the front and I'm going to repeat rows 1 through 4, six more times.

The last three rows are knit stitch. When you're done

stretch your stitches. Then look for that initial working yarn that you put

on your anchor peg and you're going to flip that one in so that it stays inside

the fold. Don't use that first loop to remount

because it's a little loose. We're going to use that one last. We're gonna get the

one next to it and start to remount that first row of loops. They're gonna be

really, really loose so when you put them, stretch that loop quite a bit, like a lot.

Stretch them because these loops, these first ones are really easy to put on but

as you start to get to the last ones, if you don't do this, it's going to be

really difficult to get those loops to remount onto the peg. Things just get

really tight so make sure to do that. Pull on the loop and remount it on the

peg. You should have the same number of loops as you have pegs.

Now you're going to knit off all of your pegs. After you knit that last peg pull

on your working yarn to tighten that loop. Your brim is finished and now you

can cut the working yarn and we're going to go ahead and start working on the hat.

One roll of Uwrap and one roll of eWrap. Sounds a little crazy but stay with

me. Now we're going to connect two strands of the red yarn to your one

strand of white yarn. That's only because I don't want to a really thick

thick brim, so that's why I only used one. We're just going to go ahead and

make very simple knots with the white strand and the red strand and we're

going to attach both of those red ones to this one single white. It'll be fine

don't worry. I usually make two knots per red strand because I'm like that, you

could do just one and it'll be okay. Now we're going to be knitting with two

strands as one and we're going to start with one row of the Uwrap knit stitch

which by now you guys are professionals doing that Uwrap knit stitch. So

just keep going completely around the loom using the Uwrap version of the

knit stitch and then we'll go on to row two.

Once I'm finished with that row of Uwrap I will start with a row of eWrap.

For this particular knit stitch I first have to wrap all of my pegs. So I'm

going to take my working yarn and I'm going to wrap the pegs. I push down the

loops as I go around and I put a loop over my existing loop and I go all the

way to the front. Once I have done that last peg, that I wrap, it is the first one

that I knit off. Now I'm going to go around the whole loom and I'm going to

knit off all of the pegs that have two loops, one on the top and one on the

bottom. Remember that we are knitting with two strands as one. When we get

back to the last peg we don't have to knit that one because we already did it.

Now we're going to start again with a row of Uwrap and we're going to

repeat one row of Uwrap and one row of eWrap until we have a total of 16


Now keep in mind that you are knitting in the round.

After you're finished with

those 16 rows then you're going to do a row of Uwrap. When you're finished

with that row things are going to change. Now you're going to be knitting flat

which means you don't go to the next one, instead you turn around for your row of

eWrap. So now we're going in the opposite direction. I know this concept

is a little odd for folks at the beginning. So you see that there's an

opening, that tells you you did it correctly. You're not connecting the last

peg with the first peg. Alright and as before you knit off the last one that

you did and now you start going around the loom and you're going to knit every

peg with two loops. Now you're going to turn around and start a row of


When you're done turn around and you're going to be doing a row of eWrap and

then things are going to change when you're done with that row.

It's now time

to start with the decreases. So knit off that last eWrap and now you can see

that there's a gap. You're going to take the loop off that last peg and move it

over. Take the one off the first peg and move it over. And now there are two

pegs that don't have loops. You're going to

knit off on both sides and then you're going to start a row of Uwrap. So

we're going to continue with the one row of UWrap and one row of eWrap, but

the difference now is that when you finish your row of eWrap you're going

to decrease by one peg. Alright let me repeat this again, refinish this Uwrap,

you're going to turn around and start your roll of eWrap.

When you finish that row of eWrap, well first you have to knit off, so wrap all

your pegs, knit them off and when you're done knitting off and you've done that

last one now it's time to decrease. So you move the last peg over by one, you

can knit off now or later and move that first peg over and knit off. Now you've

decreased and there are four pegs that don't have loops. Now you're going to

start your row of Uwrap again. And again,

so you're doing one row of Uwrap, you're gonna turn around do a rope, I'm sorry a

row of eWrap and when you've knit off and you're done with that row of eWrap

then again you're going to then decrease your loops by one. So again you take that

last one that you knit off and you're going to move it over

and knit off. Go over to the other side and move that loop over and knit off and

then start another row of Uwrap. Continue this until you only have three loops

left on the loom.

Now we're going to bind off those three pegs. So go ahead and do your row of

Uwrap. So you knit those three pegs and then we're going to go ahead and do the

decrease right here. So we move that first peg over and then knit off and

move the last peg over and you're going to knit off. It won't pull out at

this point so you pull and see it's not going to go anywhere. So you're going to

wrap that last peg and you're going to knit off . Get your scissors, try to

give yourself a long enough tail that you will be able to sew your entire hat.

Then you can cut the working yarn, get your hook and pull out that long

tail and that will create a knot so your yarn is secure. You can now put your loom

away and get your needle. I'm using a metal blunt tip needle and I'm going to

go ahead and thread both of the working yarns. Then I'm going to take the hat

and I'm going to turn it inside out and get my two sides nice and aligned so

that I can go ahead and sew those two sides. Now I did use locking stitch

markers to get it nice and aligned. You don't have to but it does make it a lot

easier. See, it keeps it exactly where I want. Then take your needle and try to get

your working yarn all the way to the tip. Then we're going to sew and we're

going to use what I believe it's called a whip

technique. So you're gonna go from side to side and sew those loops. So you get

your needle and you go from one side to the next side and sew these two sides of

your hat nice and neatly together. Keep going all the way to the end and once

you're done sewing you can turn your hat inside out. If you'd like you can add

a button and a pom-pom. Now I did a knitted pom-pom and if you stay tuned

for the video which will be coming out soon, you can have one too. Alright

be nice share the video, comment and if you haven't already done so subscribe.

For more infomation >> LOOM KNITTING HAT on a Round loom. Christmas Holiday Santa Hats Pattern by Loomahat - Duration: 16:00.


Fun Kids Game | hello Kitty | Pet Animals Care | Games for Kids |Toddlers - Duration: 14:35.

For more infomation >> Fun Kids Game | hello Kitty | Pet Animals Care | Games for Kids |Toddlers - Duration: 14:35.



For more infomation >> [Viewcut] HUỲNH LẬP KÉO NGUYÊN DÒNG HỌ CHỬI HỘI ĐỒNG | THE CUP - QUÁ ĐÓI LẮM LUÔN Á - Duration: 0:35.


Mobile Legends WTF Moments 27 - Duration: 10:07.

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For more infomation >> Mobile Legends WTF Moments 27 - Duration: 10:07.


Kman夾娃娃 台南唯一夾金證再"送"金證,這麼好康一定要"清台"阿【正版公仔】。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#186 - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 台南唯一夾金證再"送"金證,這麼好康一定要"清台"阿【正版公仔】。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#186 - Duration: 11:03.


Israelis: How should Israel integrate into the Middle East? - Duration: 13:59.

Let's say there is peace with all the Arab and Muslim countries

how should Israel integrate?

Chaim Telmon (West Bank settlement)

How should Israel integrate into the Middle East?

I suppose by strengthening our ties with Arab countries

strengthen economic and social ties

encourage tourism

Encourage tourism

In general

try to create a situation where

there is a situation of peace

and brotherhood

What about the fact that not many Jewish Israelis know Arabic

Study Arabic?

Studying Arabic is always good

I personally study the language

It is a beautiful language

I think it is something that is not simple

there are people who won't want to do it

but it's a bonus

The person who asked this question

came from Saudi Arabia I think I don't remember

from the Arab world

and he added that we (Israelis) should convert to Islam

and be Muslims

It is a bit strange for me

I respect him but I don't agree

Ok, that's fine

Are there other ways to integrate?

He gave me these two options (learn Arabic, convert)

The issue with integration

There is integrating, being accomodating

to change and be exactly alike in every way

and then there is integrating

and to remain unique in our own way

I believe it is possible to integrate in a way to have peace

of course, at this time, there doesn't seem to be that option

but maybe in the far future

it's possible to integrate and get to some kind of peace

but still hold on to our uniqueness

Let's say one day there is peace with the Arab countries

Bar Holon

how can Israel be a part of the Middle East?

What can we do?

I have no idea

Do you speak Arabic?


Maybe it's a good idea to speak Arabic?

I think a common language is English

Is that enough?

For now, yes As a start

Can you think of anything that we could do?

for better integration in the region

Not really, maybe open the borders Let them visit here, we can travel there

I would totally go to Lebanon

To see, to get to know each other, cultures

Ram Ramat Gan

Converting to Islam seems a little rediculous

I think we can be

a country that leads the Middle East

towards the future, I think

and take it forward


Politics, everything I think

(Israel) could really be a central country in the Middle East

and influence all the rest of the countries

(Shimon) Peres tried to do this in the 90s

that the "New Middle East" and Israel has so much experience

and they said "fuck you" "we don't want you to lead the Middle East"

"how dare you"

Is here maybe a softer approach to integrating into the Middle East?

I don't know

It's a theoretical question anyways

If there was an agreement, do you think people should speak Arabic more?

In Israel?

Yes, I think we should

and I think people would


A lot of people in Israel speak Arabic

learn Arabic

I think we should

Anyways I think we should start speaking Arabic

just to know it we are a part of this area

We should know the culture better, the language

Would you travel more in the Middle East?

Of course

Which countries? - Everywhere

I don't know everywhere

Syria, Iraq, Iran everywhere

Let's say there is peace in the Middle East

how would Israel integrate with the Arab world?

Arsen Haifa

I think Israel would integrate by progressing peace in the Arab world

Israel needs to integrate

Depending if there were peace, right?

Let's dream

I think Israel is the key and has a lot to offer the Arab world

and the Arab world has a lot to offer us

We can contribute in the areas of security and intelligence

in the areas of agriculture and water


the gas deposits they found

which can contribute to peace

You just now gave examples

how we the Jewish side will contribute to them

What will they give us? How will we integrate?

Do you speak Arabic?

From the army It doesn't matter

Would you study Arabic?

I think studying Arabic is very important anyways

we are in the state of Israel where there is an Arab population

I think in the state of Israel

as an immigrant whose mother tongue is Russian

you can connect with all the systems

medical, legal


and get service in your own language

Russian, Arabic, Amharic

English even, Hebrew of course

you can be answered in any of those

which doesn't happen in any other country

Arkady Kfar Saba

being a unique group of people

for them not to be that would be a major

a major blow

Let's say there was peace

with the entire Arab world, let's say

a situation of peace

would there be integration, would we integrate into their society?

Roi Rehovot

meaning we would speak Arabic

and be Muslims

If Jews would become Muslims?

Anything is possible

You think? - Of course

Just like Muslims today could become Jews

also the opposite

Would you convert to Islam?

I would not - Why not?

I am just not a religious person

You don't believe (in God)? - No

I am open to all sorts ...

If I discovered that there really is a prophet Mohammad

or that the God of Judaism is real then no problem

Would you be willing to study Arabic?

I would love to learn Arabic

Unrelated to what is happening in the Middle East

It is a beautiful language

It is a useful language

Many more speak Arabic than Hebrew

What is your ethnic background? - I am Ashkenazi (European Jew)

You look Mizrahi

It's the sun

in the entire Middle East


would Israel integrate into the Middle East?

meaning we would speak Arabic

I believe

Joe Tivon

even though we are the Nation of Israel in a small country

in the world, geographically

we are small

but I believe

we are the strongest in the Middle East

economically and security wise

we are thankful that we are...

Many countries in the world

have an "ace" on us

that's the situation

Let's say there is peace should we speak Arabic?

I think, in my opinion it will be good

we will have lessons to learn the language it is a hard language

I hear that you speak Arabic (he has a Yemenite accent)

I speak Arabic, English, Spanish

a little Japanese

So you support integrating

I support integrating

The person asking also asked if we will become Muslims

because with Muslims, we also need to be Muslims

not just speak Arabic

Look, it's hard for me to believe

the fact that you are a Jew

an authentic Jew

What? I didn't understand

We are authentic Jews

Those (Jews) that immigrated from the East

who speak Arabic

Yemenites, Iraqis, Lybians


from every corner of the world

the fact is that they all speak Hebrew

and everyone speaks their language at home

Arabic you mean?

Yes, Arabic is an example

I believe we will integrate

I believe that...

We won't be Muslims?


Why? Everyone with his own beliefs

Do you agree with me?

It's a nice thing

I believe that peace will bring us




And maybe

there will be an internal revolution

people will mix together

Arab men will date Jewish women

Maybe not at my age

I am 82 years old

You mean the young people - Yes

I think yes

That we will really integrate

Yes, without any doubt

And you support this?

Yes, why shouldn't things be good in life

saying "shalom" "salam alekum"

"how are you?"

it's something everyone ....

I believe it will work out

For more infomation >> Israelis: How should Israel integrate into the Middle East? - Duration: 13:59.


David Bulla - Cyclone - [ Beats Music ] - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> David Bulla - Cyclone - [ Beats Music ] - Duration: 4:55.


News24 News 03 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News - Shadhin 24 - Duration: 40:18.

Today Bangla Breaking News Update, Bangla News update,

bangla news, Bangla tv News, Bangla News today, Today Bangla News

For more infomation >> News24 News 03 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News - Shadhin 24 - Duration: 40:18.


《晚吹 - 男人講嘢》第43集 - 巫梁聯婚 (主持: 鄒凱光, 薛晉寧 (阿檸), 駱振偉 (Thor), 余采霖, 趙詠瑤, 伍倩彤) - Duration: 22:46.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 男人講嘢》第43集 - 巫梁聯婚 (主持: 鄒凱光, 薛晉寧 (阿檸), 駱振偉 (Thor), 余采霖, 趙詠瑤, 伍倩彤) - Duration: 22:46.


Luke #3 - Friluftsmagasinets Julekalender 2017 - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> Luke #3 - Friluftsmagasinets Julekalender 2017 - Duration: 0:18.


KARAOKE | Ghen Acoustic Cover | Thế Phương VBK - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Ghen Acoustic Cover | Thế Phương VBK - Duration: 3:07.


Norwalk CT Gutter Cleaning 203-316-8526 Norwalk CT Gutter Cleaning - Duration: 0:48.

Norwalk CT Gutter Cleaning. Are your gutters prepared to weather the next storm?

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Gutters play an integral part in your roofs performance and the overall of condition of

your home.

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the road.

Don't underestimate the importance of routine gutter maintenance.

And trust it to professionals, because cleaning your own gutters can be very dangerous for

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Give us a call today for quality and affordable gutter installation, repair, and maintenance.

For more infomation >> Norwalk CT Gutter Cleaning 203-316-8526 Norwalk CT Gutter Cleaning - Duration: 0:48.


goodbye old friend - Duration: 2:13.

I knew that he was getting old and his time was coming.

And there was really nothing that they could do.

I knew that he was going to die.

And I just sat there and I held him.

And that was the end.

I loved him so much.

For more infomation >> goodbye old friend - Duration: 2:13.


Hinkik - Ena - [ Beats Music ] - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Hinkik - Ena - [ Beats Music ] - Duration: 3:19.


Tavuklu Makarna Salatası Nasıl Yapılır? Salata Tarifi - Bir Dilim Lezzet - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Tavuklu Makarna Salatası Nasıl Yapılır? Salata Tarifi - Bir Dilim Lezzet - Duration: 1:05.


La Receta Del Día - Lo que tenemos para tí - Duration: 0:13.

For more infomation >> La Receta Del Día - Lo que tenemos para tí - Duration: 0:13.


Bejeweled 3 - Chapter 4: The Golden Crown - Duration: 20:43.

Welcome back.

So We Play Again

We so close there

So if you didn't check other part, the link will be down there

Now let start with...



Ok we play another Quest

Yeah i want skip all

Ah lemme just...

Wait What?








Ok we back


I gotta skip this part

Ok we back

Well that bad luck

Check other game ok?

Good Bye...

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