Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

Meujj people

Welcome by a brand new video!

Here on my channel Tobias_TRK

Sorry that I dont upload today a vlog, that's why I upload this Try Not To Laugh video


For more infomation >> TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE!! - Duration: 4:16.


ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 11 по 17 ДЕКАБРЯ 2017 года по ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 13:18.

For more infomation >> ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 11 по 17 ДЕКАБРЯ 2017 года по ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 13:18.


Crystal Valentine's Poetry Rips Through Systemic Racism And Weaves Wounds Into Self Love - Duration: 11:59.

[StyleLikeU] So does the stripping down part

make your more nervous than the talking part?

[Crystal] Oh, yeah, definitely.

[StyleLikeU] Why do you think?

[Crystal] I'm a poet.

My job is to talk.

It's just that

I've always had I guess body issues as well.

So it's just showing off everything is

a bit nerve-wracking for me.

I come from a family of eaters.

We're from the South, so food is big part

of us loving each other.

It brings the family together.

So even as a kid my mom never,

said anything about my weight.

The only thing she would say is that like, I'm too thin.

She'll be like, "You need to eat more.

I'm worried about you."

I was thinking, okay so maybe if I did

lose all this weight then I wouldn't be bullied,

then people would like me, then I would get a boyfriend.


And like I would fit in with the kids

and I wouldn't feel so sad.

I'm at a point in my life where I'm trying to

not perpetuate fat-phobia.

So even saying things like,

"Oh, I feel fat."

You know I know that that's like

perpetuating that kind of language.

So I always try to reframe my sentences

and reframe my thought process

and unlearn those things.

[StyleLikeU] Can you talk about what your style says

about you? Including your hair.

- Yeah, my hair is a big part of me.

Growing up, I went to a predominantly Hispanic school.

So everyone had, like, hair down to their back.

Just, like, flowing and curly and beautiful.

But, you know, I'm black.

So I had -

I would perm my hair so my hair would go

no longer than probably right here.

So I mean, just imagine constantly having to

straighten your kink and me,

I would have really bad scabs in my hair

'cause the perm would burn it.

I would be so sad because I'm like,

"I'm never gonna be beautiful like these girls."

There's a reason why people still perm their hair

after it burns, after it breaks off, after it--

you know, there's a reason why we do it

and it's because it's ingrained in us that's not--

that it's not cute, that it's not pretty,

that it's not acceptable,

that it's not professional in the work place.

And then I reached the point where I was like, "No."

And then it came into me stepping into my own power,

into my own blackness, into my own black femininity.

This is crochet braids right now. I'm natural.

I was in Texas for a poetry competition.

I was having a great time with my friend,

we were at a bar and then this, the waitress--

the waitress (laughs) she was like,

"Oh my God, I love your hair.

Is it real?"

And she kinda reached for it,

and I was like, "Don't touch me".

And like she got so offended.

She got so offended that I was so offended.

And I'm just like, "You're not trying to..."

Like, I'm not a dog!

You do that to someone's dog.

You be like, "Oh my God, this is so cute. Puppy!"

and you start petting it.

If you saw like a normal person,

like, honestly, if you saw like a white person

you would never be like,

"Oh my God, I love your hair. Let me just pat you down."

That would never happen.

Honestly, I feel like people don't see us as real people.

It's, like, something to be touched

or something to be looked at

or something to be put in a glass box

and examined.

Like, I'm a queer black woman,

this whole world tries to silence me.

[StyleLikeU] At the time were you aware of--

that you were interested in women?

Or... where were you in that?

- I feel like I became aware I was interested in women

when I was, like, 15.

But I was like, "I can be interested in them,

but that's it. What am I gonna do? Date a girl? No!

That's ridiculous! That's ludicrous!"

Like how do I explain this people?

I mean when I got into high school,

people showed more interest in me

and I would just take anyone.

I never really dated any man that I liked.

It's kind of like, "Oh, they thought I was cute" so,

"Okay, he thinks I'm cute so,

I guess I should do things with him."

It with him that I had my first sexual encounters.

Not actual sex or intercourse,

but you know just sexual encounters

that made me just completely uncomfortable.

It was just really uncomfortable

but I was like I don't know how to tell this man "no."

I don't know--

'cause I don't want him to get mad at me

or yell at me.

There was this one girl

and she was openly gay and she was like,

"Yeah, I like girls. So what?"

And I saw the way that

the girls in my school treated her.

She wasn't beautiful the way that they thought

people should be beautiful.

The way that they thought women should be beautiful,

and she was like, "I don't care.

I think I'm gorgeous."

And I mean, I will always admire that about her.

'Cause, like, honestly at the end of the day,

like a hundred people could call you beautiful

but if you yourself don't think you're beautiful

it doesn't mean anything.

Like she was doing activism before

I knew what activism even was.

To be in a classroom with people who hate you,

you know, which you could parallel that to being

in a world filled with people who hate you for being black,

for being a woman, for being queer, for loving yourself,

for not caring about what their opinions, right?

And to say that, "I don't care.

I still love myself..." That is so empowering

and that itself is activism.

And I thought she was crazy!

I was like, "How? She is insane."

Like, she's not gonna break down or anything?

Honestly, saying no to your oppressor

is a form of activism in itself.

And whether it be like--

Obviously the girls weren't her oppressors,

it was, you know, white supremacy

and beauty standards and all these systematic oppressions

working in these young girls.

And to say no to all of that being so sure of herself,

I was like, "Wow".

[StyleLikeU] Can you keep going into

when you did start to find your own voice?

- So I went to this program called

The Boys and Girls Club.

It was an after school program

and my brother and my sister went there.

I took poetry workshops.

I didn't start going on the mic until

maybe 11th grade 'cause I was just so scared.

I was like, "I could never do it",

"I don't have poems like them",

"I'm not smart the way they are".

So in slam culture, when you hear

something you that you like, you snap your fingers

or you say "Mmm".

So I would do my poem

and people would start snapping

and I would be like, "Oh my God, they like it!"

So it just made me feel like people wanted to listen to me,

which I never felt like before.

Being onstage, I would shake so bad.

It was like my body was vibrating,

I was so nervous.

I felt like I was gonna faint.

'Cause I went to this organization called Urban Word

where I was surrounded by a lot of conscious people.

People who talked about racism,

who talked about systematic oppression,

who taught me it was okay to talk about

the fact that men cat-called me in the street,

the fact that people called me a nigger in the streets

and it's okay to talk about that.

[StyleLikeU] And that's happened to you in New York?

- Yeah, like a homeless man one time.

In 2014, it was right after I made the Urban Word slam team.

I was walking from my dorm

and this homeless man was like,

"You nigger" and I'm just like,

it's just interesting how words that

that this man, who has lost things,

still thinks he's superior to me

because I am a nigger.

And this is not to

this is not to bash homeless people at all.

But it's like--

[StyleLikeU] It's a systematic oppression.

- It's a systematic oppression.

"It doesn't matter 'cause at the end of the day,

I'm white and you're just another black person

who I can oppress."

'Cause I never--

I went to a predominantly black school.

I didn't know--

I knew racism was something that happened

but I always thought that it happened and then it stopped.

Like there's no more.

Growing up in the Bronx everyone looked like me

or was either you know, Hispanic

or you know, Muslim,

or you know, black.

Like I didn't see any white people.

I didn't have any --

I didn't feel the oppression.

But when I went to NYU,

which is a predominantly white school,

I was like "What is going on?"

I would be the only person in--

the only black person in my classes.

And I'll be expected to speak for my entire race

and I was like, "This is crazy!"

[StyleLikeU] When do you feel the most vulnerable?

- When I'm with a partn--

When I'm with somebody.

Like, romantically.

'Cause, I don't know, I've been--

I mean, I've only been in two relationships.

The one I had last year

and the one that I'm in now

and -- I'm just so insecure

and it's like I just make things up.

And it's just like sometimes I just feel crazy, you know.

'Cause I've just been hurt so much, you know?

I'm just like, "are you gonna hurt me?" Or like--

I mean, my mom knows now that--

She understands now that this is depression,

this is what it is.

But I remember first trying to

talk to her about it and she was like,

"What are you talking about? We're black.

We don't deal with that kind of stuff."

Like, "Man up."

And the news reporter says,

"Jesus is white".

She says it with a smile on her face.

Like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

So sure of herself,

of her privilege,

her ability to change history,

rewrite bodies to make them look like her.

She says it the same way politicians

say racism no longer exists.

The same way police officers call dead black boys thugs.

The same way white gentrifiers call Brooklyn home.

She says it with an American accent,

her voice doing that American thing,

crawling out of her throat,

reaching to clasp onto something

that does not belong to her

and I laugh to myself.

What makes a Black man a Black man?

Is it a white woman's confirmation?

Is it her head nod?

Is it the way she's allowed to go on

national television and autocorrect the Bible

and God Himself?

Tell Him who his Son really was?

What makes a Black man a Black man?

Is it the way reporters retell their deaths like fairytales?

The way their skulls split across pavements?

The way they cannot outrun a bullet?

How can she say Jesus was a white man

when he died the blackest way possible?

With his hands up,

With his mother watching,

crying at his feet.

Her tears nothing more than gossip

for the news reporters or prophets to document.

With his body left to sour in the sun,

this human stripped from his black,

remember that?

How the whole world was saved by a black man.

By a man so loved by God, he called him kin,

called him black,

now ain't that suspicious?

Ain't that newsworthy?

Ain't that something worth being killed over?

[StyleLikeU] Wow.

- Thank you.


Thank you.

Thank you.

- Thank you so much for watching our video

and for being such an incredible supporter of StyleLikeU.

- We're Elisa and Lily,

a mother and daughter on a mission to

inspire acceptance by revealing what's underneath

personal style.

- Through radically honest docu-style videos,

we are leading the fashion and beauty industries

towards self-love, diversity and inclusion.

- Join our movement by following us on Instagram,

subscribing to our YouTube channel

and buying our new book today.

For more infomation >> Crystal Valentine's Poetry Rips Through Systemic Racism And Weaves Wounds Into Self Love - Duration: 11:59.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:12.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:12.


WHAT IS ESFLIX? - Duration: 1:49.

Hello everyone, welcome to Esflix and the whole project behind Esflix

Esflix would be...

the parody of Netflix

this is a parodistic channel is a video channel...



the "project" behind Esflix and very... much more than simple

parodies you find...

on all channels practically... that is

there are so many changes that make parodies... but not like Esflix

Esflix is special Esflix is...

innovative... innovative

Esflix wants to make parodies

done well

and with a plot


so this wants to be an innovative channel, it wants to be a well done channel, it wants to be a channel...

nice but not that he will never succeed here!

I am convinced of this thing made to fail this project

but at least we try

we try

And so I hope you have convinced you to subscribe to this channel if you want to subscribe to all channels related to Esflix type...

Esflix Extra or Esflix Music

And to subscribe to my personal channel...


sign up to do so please sign up or need subscribers

so for those who are writing see you weekly... no it's not true I do not know when a new video will come out you may never even... you may never even

For more infomation >> WHAT IS ESFLIX? - Duration: 1:49.


[ AMV ] Pokemon - Super hero - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> [ AMV ] Pokemon - Super hero - Duration: 3:10.


Humanity is a "suicide cult" that deliberately poisons the food - Duration: 3:48.

Humanity is a �suicide cult� that deliberately poisons the food supply feeding its own children

by Edward Morgan

It�s interesting that 15,000 scientists have just signed a new warning letter that

explains humanity is committing suicide by destroying planet Earth with toxic chemicals,

resource depletion, deforestation, ocean life depletion and more.

This follows my own designation of humanity as a �suicide cult� that seems sure to

destroy itself through the mass chemical poisoning of the planet.

But it�s not just the planet that�s collapsing � the fisheries collapse of the West Coast

has now reached �catastrophic� levels � it�s also the fact that humans are so

incredibly stupid, they deliberately poison their own food supply with toxic pesticides,

herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and hormone disruptors like atrazine, a �gender-bender� chemical

that feminizes males.

(Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta and Bayer are the mass murderers of our planet, all in the

name of �science��)

�A prophetic �warning to humanity� giving notice of perils facing the Earth has been

issued by more than 15,000 scientists from around the world,� writes the UK Daily Mail.

Suddenly the entire scientific community sounds like Natural News, doesn�t it?

We�ve been warning about collapse for years, and now 15,000+ scientists have just repeated

what we�ve been reporting for a over a decade.

Humanity has unleashed a �mass extinction event�

�In the second warning letter to the globe, more than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries

said humans had �unleashed a mass extinction event, the sixth in roughly 540 million years,

wherein many current life forms could be annihilated or at least committed to extinction by the

end of this century�,� writes the UK Daily Mail.

What do these scientists propose as solutions to these problems?

All the usual globalist agendas, unfortunately: Depopulation, turning everyone into vegetarians

and insect eaters, reproduction �licensing� to forbid people from having children, banning

combustion engines, criminalizing carbon dioxide and so on.

Yes, the Orwellian science agenda to exterminate roughly 90 percent of the existing global

population is a very real thing.

They�re starting with Africa, too, since that�s where the population growth is the

most rapid.

I�m one of the leading scientists blowing the whistle, in fact, on the science agenda

to exterminate blacks.

(See video below.)

Murdering humanity through the food supply

What the entire �scientific� establishment is largely ignoring, however, is the agricultural

poisoning of our food supply with toxic pesticides, herbicides and self-replicating GMOs.

In these podcasts, I expose how the �suicide cult� of humanity is deliberately poisoning

the global food supply, leading to extermination.

See video, science agenda to exterminate blacks.

The link is in the article source link below in our description.

For more infomation >> Humanity is a "suicide cult" that deliberately poisons the food - Duration: 3:48.


Lil Blondyn - Leżałem Na Ulicy (prod.CashmoneyAp) - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Lil Blondyn - Leżałem Na Ulicy (prod.CashmoneyAp) - Duration: 2:14.


Дом 2 новости 5 декабря 2017 (5.12.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 5 декабря 2017 (5.12.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:11.


[Poor travel珠海] 沁林特色牛奶甜品店!¥11香滑雙皮奶!¥13桃膠牛奶!Zhuhai Travel 2017 - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> [Poor travel珠海] 沁林特色牛奶甜品店!¥11香滑雙皮奶!¥13桃膠牛奶!Zhuhai Travel 2017 - Duration: 2:25.





Article written by Written by Sayer Ji, founder of

After decades of wrongful cancer diagnoses and treatments, and millions harmed, the National

Cancer Institute and high gravitas journals like JAMA finally admit they were wrong all


Back in 2012, The National Cancer Institute convened an expert panel to evaluate the problem

of cancer�s misclassification and subsequent overdiagnosis and overtreatment, determining

that millions may have been wrongly diagnosed with �cancer� of the breast, prostate,

thyroid, and lung, when in fact their conditions were likely harmless, and should have been

termed �indolent or benign growths of epithelial origin.� No apology was issued. No major

media coverage occurred. And more importantly, no radical change occurred in the conventional

practice of cancer diagnosis, prevention, or treatment.

Essentially, in one sleight of the semantic hand, entire swaths of the U.S., and global

population, who thought they had �lethal cancer,� and were subsequently treated for

it, often with violent procedures and treatments, were being told that �oops�.we got that

wrong. You never had cancer after all.�

If you look at the problem through just breast cancer overdiagnosis and overtreatment in

the U.S. over the past 30 years, it has been estimated that approximately 1.3 million women

were wrongly treated. Most of these women still have no idea they were victims, and

many have identified with their �aggressors� in Stolkholm syndrome like fashion, because

they think their �lives were saved� by unnecessary treatment, when in fact the side

effects, both physical and psychological, have almost certainly reduced both the quality

and duration of their lives.

When the NCI report was released, it was a sort of vindication for those who had been

advocating the position that a commonly diagnosed form of so-called �early breast cancer�

known as ductal carcinoma in situ was in fact not inherently malignant and should not have

warranted the conventional treatments of lumpectomy, mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy.

At the time, I based this on available research on the natural history of DCIS, and the extremely

high survival rates from DCIS, as well as the fact that breast cancer related mortality

had not declined in pace with the expansion of so-called �zero� or �early stage�

cancers detected through mammography screenings, as would be expected if these diagnoses actually

represented harmful clinical entities. To learn more about this still underreported

tragedy in women�s healthcare, watch Dr. Gilbert Welch�s video on the topic below:

Since then, I have watched the problem of overdiagnosis and overtreatment closely. I

get daily updates from on the topic, and increasingly, high impact and gravitas

journals are reporting on this highly concerning phenomenon. Particularly relevant is a review

published late last year, which I reported on in my article titled, �Astounding Number

of Medical Procedures Have No Benefit, Even Harm � JAMA Study.�

The JAMA study found that a wide range of standard medical procedures and interventions

that millions are subjected to annually, are not evidence-based, as commonly assumed, and

have little to no benefit, and may even be causing significant harm. As a result, I now

believe that good medicine often involves doing as much as nothing as possible. I also

think that people should be aware that any conventional cancer diagnosis has the ability

to exert lethal harm via the nocebo effect, regardless of its accuracy (i.e., even a misdiagnosis

can result in lethal consequences because the power of belief).

Thyroid Cancer Epidemic Caused by Misinformation, Not Cancer

Another topic I have been trying to spread awareness about is thyroid cancer overdiagnosis

and overtreatment. When I first reported on this two years ago in my article, Thyroid

Cancer Epidemic Caused by Misinformation, Not Cancer, a series of compelling studies

from around the world revealed that the rapid increase in diagnoses in thyroid cancer reflected

their misclassification and misdiagnosis. As was the case with screening detected breast

and prostate �cancers,� and even many ovarian �cancers,� the standard of care

often required the removal of the organ, as well as irradiation and chemotherapy � two

known cancer promoting interventions.

As is typical of research that undermines the conventional standard of care, there has

been little reporting on the topic.

That is, until now.

On April 14th, in an article titled �Its Not Cancer: Doctors Reclassify a Thyroid Tumor,�

the New York Times reported on a new study published in JAMA Oncologywhich should forever

change the way we classify, diagnosis and treat a common form of �thyroid cancer�:

An international panel of doctors has decided that a type of tumor that was classified as

a cancer is not a cancer at all.

As a result, they have officially downgraded the condition, and thousands of patients will

be spared removal of their thyroid, treatment with radioactive iodine and regular checkups

for the rest of their lives, all to protect against a tumor that was never a threat.

Their conclusion, and the data that led to it, was reported Thursday in the journal JAMA

Oncology. The change is expected to affect about 10,000 of the nearly 65,000 thyroid

cancer patients a year in the United States. It may also offer grist to those who have

been arguing for the reclassification of some other forms of cancer, including certain lesions

in the breast and prostate.

The reclassified tumor is a small lump in the thyroid that is completely surrounded

by a capsule of fibrous tissue. Its nucleus looks like a cancer but the cells have not

broken out of their capsule, and surgery to remove the entire thyroid followed by treatment

with radioactive iodine is unnecessary and harmful, the panel said. They have now renamed

the tumor. Instead of calling it �encapsulated follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma,�

they now call it �noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear

features,� or NIFTP. The word �carcinoma� is gone.

Many cancer experts said the reclassification was long overdue. For years there have been

calls to downgrade small lesions in the breast, lung and prostate, among others, and to eliminate

the term �cancer� from their name. But other than the renaming of an early stage

urinary tract tumor in 1998, and early stage ovarian and cervical lesions more than two

decades ago, no group other than the thyroid specialists has yet taken the plunge.

In fact, said Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society, the

name changes that occurred went in the opposite direction, scientific evidence to the contrary.

Premalignant tiny lumps in the breast became known as stage zero cancer. Small and early-stage

prostate lesions were called cancerous tumors. Meanwhile, imaging with ultrasound, M.R.I.�s

and C.T. scans find more and more of these tiny �cancers,� especially thyroid nodules.

�If it�s not a cancer, let�s not call it a cancer,� said Dr. John C. Morris, president-elect

of the American Thyroid Association and a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic.

Dr. Morris was not a member of the renaming panel.

Dr. Barnett S. Kramer, director of the division of cancer prevention at the National Cancer

Institute, said, �There�s a growing concern that many of the terms we use don�t match

our understanding of the biology of cancer.� Calling lesions cancer when they are not leads

to unnecessary and harmful treatment, he said.�

The article goes on to discuss the fact that while some major medical centers are starting

to treat encapsulated thyroid tumors less aggressively, this is still not the norm in

the rest of the country. It is a consistent pattern that there is an over decade long

lag between changes in evidence and the clinical practice of medicine, which is therefore far

less �evidence-based� as is commonly claimed and/or assumed.

Clearly, the truth about cancer�s true nature, and the cancer industry�s misrepresentations,

is beginning to come to light via the very institutions like JAMA and the major media

who have been responsible, historically, for generating so many commonly held misconceptions

on the topic.

For more infomation >> 'OOPS… IT WASN'T CANCER AFTER ALL,' ADMITS THE NATIONAL CANCER I - Duration: 9:19.


STARVE.IO VAMPIRE WITH WINTER HOOD / Epic Starveio gameplay - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> STARVE.IO VAMPIRE WITH WINTER HOOD / Epic Starveio gameplay - Duration: 10:36.


Panik vorm ersten Date [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 0:42.

Don't worry

I bet he is just as nervous as you are

Thats normal. Everyone is nervous before the firt date and that's good

I know myself

my heart..I can not deal with this

Let's do it girl!

what should go wrong?

g-g-g-o-o-o-d-d-d weather t-o-o-o-d-a-y

D-o y-o-u h-a-v-e h-o-b-b-i-e-s?

For more infomation >> Panik vorm ersten Date [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 0:42.


What Healthy People Really Eat For Lunch - Duration: 3:37.

Ever fall into a lunchtime rut?

It can be hard to find tasty and easy-to-prepare options that are also healthy.

But here, health pros and nutritionists reveal their favorite simple, nourishing mid-day


Grab a fork, we're diggin in!

Big salads


Healthy people eat salad for lunch, but they add plenty of proteins and fresh veggies to

make it satisfying.

Registered Dietitian and blogger Carrie Dennett is totally Team Salad, saying,

"I eat a salad for lunch almost every day, year round, and I'm never bored because there's

so much room for improvisation."

She starts with a base of kale, spinach or romaine, then adds a protein like fish, chicken,

eggs or chickpeas.

She tops that off with a sprinkle of cheese, nuts, olives or avocado.

Toss in what you like, and you'll be thoroughly satisfied til those dinner plans — even

if it's just popcorn and Netflix.

Greek yogurt with fruit

Greek yogurt is packed with protein to keep you full all afternoon long.

Throw in plenty of toppings, and you've got a meal.

Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer Zeek Lloyd suggests amping up that Yoplait by,

"Adding herbs and citrus with a dash of salt."

Registered Dietitian and Health Coach Jessica Cording likes topping her yogurt with fresh

berries and whole grain granola thanks to the satisfying balance of "protein, healthy

fat, complex carbs" and fiber.

Grilled chicken and broccoli

If you've been focused on weight loss lately, chicken and broccoli could become your lunch


Scott Levy, founder of Daily Spot, says,

"It's one of the healthiest meals, because it's very high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

You can completely fill yourself up on chicken and broccoli in under 400 calories!"

Avocado toast

Avocado toast is having a moment, and it can easily be adapted for lunch by adding some


CEO of Corevity, Patrick Connelly, says,

"Like so many people, I am on board with the avocado toast trend...because it fills me

with energy, keeps me feeling light, and keeps money in my pocket."

To make it a meal, top your toast with turkey bacon, an egg, or — basically whatever.

Avocado toast is heaven.

Nut butter sandwiches

If you're eating on the run, personal trainer Taylor Makakoa has your answer, saying,

"One of my favorite lunches is apple nut butter granola sandwiches.

Nut butters can be healthy for you, because they are high in healthy fats and have a decent

amount of protein."

But if you were thinking "strawberry jam and Wonder bread," there's a big kid version for


Makakoa serves up nostalgia — healthy style — with a whole wheat wrap, your favorite

nut butter, and some fresh sliced strawberries.

Stuffed whole wheat pitas

Whole wheat pitas are a convenient way to spice up your go-to sandwich.

Nutritionist Tehzeeb says,

"Healthy lunches should consist of all food groups in proportioned amounts.

You don't want your lunch to be very heavy and leave you drowsy for the rest of the afternoon."

While Lalani packs her pita with "hummus, cherry tomatoes, arugula, and olives," Makakoa

goes for cucumber and feta cheese.

She says,

"The combination of the fat and protein from the cheese with the carbohydrates from the

pita and the nutrients from the cucumber provides a healthy, easy-to-make, and easy-to-pack


Veggie omelet

Veggie omelets might be tricky at the office, but if you're working from home, try whipping

one up for lunch.

Nutritionist Marisa Moore told Eat This, Not That that she eats her veggie omelet with

a side of greens.

She says,

"I often include mushrooms, spinach, and onions.

The protein from the eggs and the fiber from the vegetables satisfy hunger and help me

get through the rest of the day."

Sounds delicious!

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Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> What Healthy People Really Eat For Lunch - Duration: 3:37.


Big Shaq Raclette [Rote Flynachts Edition] (Prod. By Yung Larry) (4 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Big Shaq Raclette [Rote Flynachts Edition] (Prod. By Yung Larry) (4 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:53.


Paise Khatam Na Hone Ka Wazifa in urdu | Wazifa For dolat by kamran sultan - Duration: 10:32.

Paise Khatam Na Hone Ka Wazifa in urdu | Wazifa For dolat by kamran sultan

For more infomation >> Paise Khatam Na Hone Ka Wazifa in urdu | Wazifa For dolat by kamran sultan - Duration: 10:32.


5 Weird Things You Didn't Know about Japan - Duration: 4:53.

5 Weird Things about Japan.

Welcome to WickedFeed.

A place to kill time, be inspired, and embrace everything wicked.

Do you ever ?nd yourself at a 24-hour Denny's about to eat three pancakes bigger than your

face at 4 AM on a Wednesday?

Me tooand that's totally ?ne, no judgement.

But just a heads up, there are some countries who might look at that scene and think What

the hell?

That's messed up, man And you know what?

That's totally ?ne too.

Because all countries have those weird quirks that are totally normal to a local, but completely

nuts to everyone else.

Hi, I'm Brad with WickedFeed, and today we are taking a look at 5 weird facts about Japan.

So grab your anime body pillows and hold on tight.

#5 - Toilet Slippers Toilet slippers.

Yes, toilet slippers.

Slippers worn while you are in the bathroom.

But why?

This seems like an oddly speci?c accessory to have, even nowadays.

But it's for real.

In Japanese culture they're all about keeping it clean and the bathroom is generally considered

on the dirty end of the rectum (pause) excuse me spectrum.

Therefore - Gotta go number 2?

Fire on the ol' shitter shoes and have at er.

While the concept seems simple enough, I just can't fathom having an accessory that speci?cits

like having socks you specically put on to have sex.




#4 - Japan�s Most Popular Pizza Topping Move over pepperoni, there's a new kid in


It's name?


(pause) Yep.


(pause) On pizza.

(pause) It�s for real.

And you thought it was annoying to pick the olives off your otherwise pristine slice of


Now, I've never tried this one so I'm only going off imagination here, but man, it's

not looking good.

To many, squid on pizza is like ?nding a sex tape then seeing it stars your Grandma.

You're stoked you found a sex tape until you actually watch it and then you want to vomit.

You know what though, Japan?

At least it's not pineapple.

So you do you.

#3 - Mochi Okay, so most people know what sticky rice

is, and if you don't, just think about it for a second.

It's not rocket surgery.

Now, Mochi is like the sticky rice on steroids.

Picture painted?


But what's so weird about that?

Nothing on the surface.

But Mochi is a traditional New Year dish which results in over 100 hospitalizations a year

for choking.

Considering you'd celebrate New Years generally one day a year (twice if you're stuck at work

or something) that's an entirely irrational number of people to choke on dinner.

But on top of that - SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY DIE!

I mean, I get it, I really like having turkey at Christmas, but if there's a turkey choking

epidemic once a year I'm gonna have to swap out ol' faithful for something else'maybe

even some squid pizza (pause) On second thought, I'll take my chances

#2 - Passive aggressive ?rings.

So, like most places Japan has labour laws which prevent people getting ?red without


How do companies get around this?

Well, think Of?ce Space when they keep sending Milton to worse and worse places in the hopes

he'll just leave.

It's exactly like that.

They're called boredom rooms and you're sent there to do the most pointless mind numbing

tasks until you just quit.

(Bill Lumbergh impression) Yeeeahhhh, I'm gonna need you to go and sort these paper

clips by weight to the nearest thousandth of a milligramthanks It's cruel, its unusual,

and it's totally crazy.

Why go to such lengths to not ?re someone?

Can the laws be that bad or are they just way too obsessed with Mr. Lumbergh?

#1 Vending Machines Japan seems to be in the middle of a little

product-delivery renaissance.

The country is centuries ahead of the rest of us when it comes to delivering bizarre

items through vending machines.

It's not just a simple decision of Twix vs. Famous Amos Cookies in Japan.

There are banana machines, umbrella machines and hamburger machines.

There are even fun mystery machines that will give you something random.

It does take an especially strange turn though, as women's used panties are sold in vending

machines as well.

Selling condoms in machines doesn't sound too odd, but in Japan, there are entire machines

full of sex toys.

Really, the point is just about everything in Japan can be purchased from a vending machine.

They really are ahead of the curb with automation.

I guess that's the future.

What kind of items would you put in a vending machine?

Let us know in the comment section below.

Thanks for watching this episode and embracing the weirdness with us.

What countries would you like to see featured next?

Be sure to like this video, subscribe and hit that notification bell so you get notifications

whenever we upload.

But most importantly stay wicked.

For more infomation >> 5 Weird Things You Didn't Know about Japan - Duration: 4:53.


Hey Harold!: Salido vs. Roman Preview - Duration: 1:12.


♪ Hey! ♪

December 9th is a great night of boxing on Boxing After Dark

from the Mandalay Bay. It's two Mexicans,

Orlando Salido from Sonora, Miguel Roman from Chihuahua,

and they say that the Salido fight on December 9th

is comparable to the Barrera-Érik Morales fight.

Orlando Salido-- he's never in a bad fight.

The bell rings and he's right in your face.

MAX KELLERMAN: Aah! Big right-hand from Salido.

HAROLD LEDERMAN: He was supposed to fight for a world title that night

against Miguel Berchelt, the 130-pound champion,

but Berchelt had a hand injury, pulled out of the fight,

and he finally wound up with a 10-rounder against Miguel Roman,

who's a very, very good fighter himself.

JIM LAMPLEY: But he's so determined,

and so constantly active.

ROY JONES JR.: But Roman is

keeping that pressure on his side.

LEDERMAN: Orlando Salido,

absolutely, one of the most exciting fighters...

LAMPLEY: And now Salido taking over

with a 10-punch combination!

LEDERMAN: He doesn't know how to fight any other way.

And hopefully, we're gonna get a great fight on December 9th

against Miguel Roman.

For more infomation >> Hey Harold!: Salido vs. Roman Preview - Duration: 1:12.


Llaneza - Cute salay - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Llaneza - Cute salay - Duration: 3:14.


Infinity War Trailer Hints At Death Of This Favorite Character - Duration: 3:47.

Avengers: Infinity War is an event of cosmic significance, both in our world, and in the

Marvel Cinematic Universe.

For us, it's one of the biggest blockbusters of all time, an unprecedented culmination

of 10 years and 18 movies leading up to a gigantic finale.

But for the characters of the MCU, Infinity War looks primed to be their bleakest outing

yet, and with the release of its massive first trailer, many fans are increasingly starting

to fear that some of these characters may not be around for much longer.

The biggest potential candidate on the chopping block is also the most powerful member of

the team: Paul Bettany's synthetic life form, Vision.

Key to the theory of Vision's impending demise is the fact that the exact thing that gave

Vision life in Avengers: Age of Ultron—his forehead-embedded Mind Stone—is one of the

six powerful Infinity Stones Thanos has spent the last decade plotting his way across the

universe to acquire.

"You know I don't know what this is?

I know it's not of this world.

It powered Loki's staff and it gave you your abilities, but its true nature is a mystery."

"Before creation itself, there were six singularities.

And the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots, Infinity Stones."

One shot in the trailer has Vision sprawled on the ground in evident defeat, having his

forehead violently probed by one of Thanos' allies, which suggests that Thanos is going

to get his hands on the stone—and if this doesn't end Vision's life outright, he probably

won't last long against Thanos and his horde without his powers.

In a storytelling sense, it would make sense to take Vision out of commission for the big

Thanos fight.

The Vision is immensely powerful, so much so that the movies have pointedly neglected

to use him during certain battle scenes, in a similar fashion to the way they've sometimes

sidelined the Hulk.

Vision's new, more human form and his romance with Scarlet Witch also raises suspicions

that the end is near for him.

It's a classic move: they remind you why you love the character, and then they stick the

knife in.

Sometimes literally.

Honestly, it wouldn't be a surprise if many of Marvel's heroes met their ends in shocking

ways in Infinity War.

Beyond the actors' expiring contracts, and the fact that the team's mass extinction was

already teased in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel Studios' head Kevin Feige has been

vocal in his belief that the studio needs to move forward with new characters and new


He told Vanity Fair,

"If Marvel is going to survive, they have to start making movies with characters who

are a little different.

They have to start allowing characters to die."

It increasingly looks like that time of reckoning is now.

Not only have the movies been building to a fatal conclusion with the mad titan Thanos,

the comics on which the story is based saw Thanos getting away with lots and lots of

murder of some very recognizable names—at least, for a while.

In Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet miniseries, Thanos used the unprecedented power of the

collected Infinity Stones, which are called "Infinity Gems" in the comics, to effortlessly

blink half of all living creatures in the universe out of existence, including heroes

like the Fantastic Four and several Avengers.

And when the surviving heroes confronted him, he pretty much wrecked all of them, too.

With that comic book history in mind, could this be what Infinity War is building to?

It was previously said that the subtitle for the fourth Avengers movie hasn't been released

because it is in itself a spoiler—does the title refer to the Avengers' defeat?

Is Disney pulling an Empire Strikes Back on us, where all the heroes get their butts kicked?

Was Mark Ruffalo telling the truth after all?

"Wait until you see this next one - EVERYBODY DIES."




We'll know for sure when Avengers: Infinity War finally hits theaters on May 4, 2018.

Can you even stand it?!

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