Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

In the supermarket children They come to shop.

The lobby shop is worth the gaming machine.

I'd love to draw green machine.


I managed.

And I want to pull the bear.


I pulled a ball with spikes.


And it's not bad.

Hello, Victor.

You have come to buy products?

Yes, my mother wrote me a list shopping.

Well then, go, we will choose together.

Now I will take these rolls and cake.

And still need to take the pasta two packs.

Mom to dinner promised cook pasta.

I bought everything on the list.

I went home.

Victor already generous, and I just I go shopping.

Hi, Mary, and what are you doing standing there?

Mom said to buy two sausage sticks.

I love to eat smoked sausage.

And I'll probably buy sausages home

and two other cheeses.

Many sandwiches out.

I still bought it, you can go home.


The robber shop.

Where is the thief?

Here, I'll catch you right now!

Oh, you little thief.

From me you will not leave.

Thief caught and he was taken to the police station.

Oh, it so quickly caught.

I even did not have time to be frightened.

Hey. This is your purchase?

Yes, my.

Now I try to barcode purchases at the checkout.

Do you like candy?

With 18 you money.

Take it please.

I like this store.

So you want candy.

Oh, I want pills, take thee different color.

I wonder how this device working?

Who knows how to use it?

Something impossible to me pour the candy into the glass.

And my mom said to buy mushrooms.

Thus, where the package here?

I put the mushrooms in the package.

Yeah, more and more Mushroom fungus.


And now only the barcode glue and everything can go to the cashier.

And no.

I'm probably a little more strawberries take.

Fruits weigh barcode pasted.

I paid for everything, you can go home.

Yes, what is it?

The second time that day, thieves They want to rob the store.

Well, thief, wait a minute!

Now I'll catch you.

From me you will not escape.

Wow, a Dodge, but never mind, I'll get you.

Ah, there you are.


On the way, the big rides truck.

I wonder where he is in a hurry?

This truck carries us fresh bread and rolls.

What a great selection of fresh vegetables.

Vanya, and what kind of tanks are?

Masha is bins.

Here waste is sorted and throw out the trash properly.

What is it like?

Here you can throw bottles, and the tank throw the paper.

And here on the counter spoiled Strawberry is.

Where it?

For this is the missing tank of vegetables ..

A pineapple?

And pineapple throw to the same.

Did you like us shop?

Put Like and signs on our channel.

For more infomation >> Детский супермаркет ИГРАЕМ в МАГАЗИН развивающий мультик для детей - Duration: 5:04.


ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 11 по 17 ДЕКАБРЯ 2017 года по ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 13:18.

For more infomation >> ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 11 по 17 ДЕКАБРЯ 2017 года по ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 13:18.


Türkise Haare – Ich teste meine erste Perücke von donalovehair 💙 - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Türkise Haare – Ich teste meine erste Perücke von donalovehair 💙 - Duration: 6:36.


Christmas trees from seeds and grown with a lot of heart - Duration: 1:26.

What a lot of people don't realize is that from seed to an actual seven-foot

Christmas tree it takes about 15 years, and we do the whole process here.

So when I walk into a field of 7-foot Christmas trees that are ready to go that year

it's a tremendous feeling of accomplishment because there's been all

sorts of adversity to getting those trees from seed to somebody's living room.

It's quite satisfying to see them in there in their final state ready to

go and of course they bring a lot of happiness to families and that's nice

for us as well. Somerville Nurseries Inc started

basically in 1950 when my father started planting Christmas trees on lands that

his great-grandfather had accumulated in the late 18th century and early 19th century.

We're actually very fortunate to be still planting Christmas trees on

some land so we've had since the turn of the century. Now this year we'll be

ringing in about a hundred and sixty thousand trees and then from here they

all go on their outgoing trucks to the various stages of the market where

they're going. People mainly in urban areas live a very busy, active life and I

know Christmas is kind of a stressful time, and I think when I go out visiting

customers and I see people going in and taking time and finding that perfect

tree that they like and taking it home it brings a lot of satisfaction to me

and joy to me to see that they're actually enjoying something that we've

taken so long to produce.

For more infomation >> Christmas trees from seeds and grown with a lot of heart - Duration: 1:26.


Film Tanjawi 2018( فيلم قصير( النصب والاحتيال - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Film Tanjawi 2018( فيلم قصير( النصب والاحتيال - Duration: 5:29.


Flume - Never Be Like You (Bazane Remix) - Duration: 3:35.





For more infomation >> Flume - Never Be Like You (Bazane Remix) - Duration: 3:35.


Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back / İmparatorun Dönüşü (1980) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back / İmparatorun Dönüşü (1980) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 1:44.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:12.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:12.


WHAT IS ESFLIX? - Duration: 1:49.

Hello everyone, welcome to Esflix and the whole project behind Esflix

Esflix would be...

the parody of Netflix

this is a parodistic channel is a video channel...



the "project" behind Esflix and very... much more than simple

parodies you find...

on all channels practically... that is

there are so many changes that make parodies... but not like Esflix

Esflix is special Esflix is...

innovative... innovative

Esflix wants to make parodies

done well

and with a plot


so this wants to be an innovative channel, it wants to be a well done channel, it wants to be a channel...

nice but not that he will never succeed here!

I am convinced of this thing made to fail this project

but at least we try

we try

And so I hope you have convinced you to subscribe to this channel if you want to subscribe to all channels related to Esflix type...

Esflix Extra or Esflix Music

And to subscribe to my personal channel...


sign up to do so please sign up or need subscribers

so for those who are writing see you weekly... no it's not true I do not know when a new video will come out you may never even... you may never even

For more infomation >> WHAT IS ESFLIX? - Duration: 1:49.


Alternate Game Endings Better Than The Original - Duration: 6:49.

There's nothing more satisfying than a great ending to a great game, but sometimes, the

ending you're supposed to see isn't actually the best one.

Check out these alternate endings that are way more fun than sticking to the script.

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II

Even if you've somehow never seen Star Wars, you know the basic plot: the Empire's bad,

Rebels are good, Darth Vader needs a new inhaler, and the Rebels win.

Not so in Rogue Squadron II, which flips the script and stops Luke in his tracks.

The regular game ends the way the movies do, but if you have enough in-game currency, you

can purchase additional levels called "Triumph of the Empire," which allow you to play through

the climactic final battle… as Darth Vader.

After defending the Empire by blowing away all the rebel pilots — including Luke, the

son you never knew you had — you then move to a second level where you attack Yavin IV

and destroy the remaining Rebels there, so bye-bye, Leia.

With that, we can safely assume that the Empire reigns supreme, the Jedi become extinct, and

the Dark Side becomes forever dominant.

Vader still needs a new inhaler, though.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Perhaps the weirdest Zelda game ever, Link's Awakening takes place on an island that is

literally the dream of a giant creature called the Wind Fish.

Link awakens the fish when he defeats the game's villains, but the island disappears

as a result.

But there's an alternate ending, which gives actual life to Marin, an island girl that

you befriend along the way.

She tells you she feels there's more to the world than just the island, and that she'd

love to be a bird and fly away, free to explore the rest of the world.

If you beat the game normally, she disappears along with the rest of the island, but if

you win without dying once, you see her flying in the sky as a bird just as the credits stop


It turns out Marin's real, and you helped grant her wish.

Just like a real hero would.

Saints Row IV

The Saints Row games never shy away from being completely bonkers, but the fourth one takes

things so far over the top that it winds up destroying an entire planet.

A gang member becomes president, then aliens invade and obliterate Earth, trapping everyone

in a virtual reality simulator.

Eliminate the aliens and you assume control of their empire, although Earth remains destroyed

because you can't have everything.

But there's an alternate ending that players can get by completing all the loyalty missions

before they take down the aliens.

You'll still conquer their empire, but this time an alien underling will reveal their

race has access to time travel technology.

"However time travel will allow you to see Earth again before it's destruction"

"Whoa, whoa whoa, time travel?"

It won't save the Earth, but since the aliens have been kidnapping historical figures for

their collection, it finally reveals that the narrator of the game's story was Jane


Yes, the author.

She was telling the story of a band of deviant criminals fighting aliens in a VR world the

entire time.

It's certainly more interesting than Sense and Sensibility.

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

There are three endings to Castlevania II, and none of them are "good."

In the "normal" ending, where you take 8 to 16 in-game days to win, Simon destroys Dracula,

but also loses his life in the process.

If you take over 16 days, you get the "bad" ending: neither Dracula nor Simon survive

the final fight, and Simon leaves no heirs to fight future evils.

Then we've got the "best" ending, which requires you to take under eight days to stake your

lad, Vlad.

In this one, Simon lives.

Everyone rejoices, but then…

Dracula's hand rises from the grave.

Clearly, he's unhappy with being returned to the grave mere seconds after coming back

to life, and he wants revenge.


You just can't win with this guy.


The canonical ending of Half-Life is pretty straightforward: at the end of the game, G-Man

appears to offer Gordon Freeman a job.

Since Half-Life 2 exists, Gordon obviously takes the job.

In the alternate ending, he doesn't… and he doesn't live to talk about it.

Getting this ending is shockingly easy.

When G-Man tells you to step into a portal to begin your new life…don't.

Just stand there for 30 seconds, and once G-Man gets the point, he'll transport you

to a pit full of angry, hungry demons where you're torn to shreds.

"No regrets, Mr. Freeman."

G-Man's motives have not yet been fully explained, but it's safe to say he's probably evil, and

has been playing Freeman like a fiddle.

In this ending, we can presume that Freeman would rather end his life than do the bidding

of some weird, godlike, almost-certainly malevolent creature.

That's downright honorable, even if does mean no sequels.

Streets of Rage

At the end of this beat-em-up, the evil Mr. X invites you to join his organization.

You say hell no, beat him up, his criminal empire is dissolved, and you win the game.

But if you reach him with two players, you have the chance to do something very different.

When he asks you to join him this time, both players get the question.

If one says yes and the other says no, the two characters fight.

Once the player who said yes wins, another question leads to a fight with an enraged

Mr. X and his henchmen.

Beat them and win the game, but with a big change: the criminal empire won't go away

— you'll take it over.

Sure, you had to betray your friend, but now you have a super-powerful criminal regime

at your command.

That's pretty awesome, and you're bound to be better at it than Mr. X was.

After all, you're still alive.

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

For the most part, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows ends like every other Spider-Man story: Spidey

wins, evil is defeated, and great power comes with great responsibility.

But it doesn't have to.

If you've longed for Peter Parker to fully embrace his dark side, this alternate ending

is for you.

To get it, choose every black option you get.

When you choose between Black Cat and Mary Jane, always pick the kitty.

And when you must choose between the black symbiote suit and your normal red one…

"Always bet on black."

Do so, and once you defeat Venom, the symbiote consumes Parker completely.

He summons a horde of symbiotes to terrorize New York City, and we fade to black.

The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is no more.

But there's one more twist.

Kingpin and Black Widow, desperate to stop Evil Spidey, fly in a big box containing Wolverine,

who's also consumed by the Symbiote, which is just straight-up awesome.

Sadly, it's been a decade since Web of Shadows, and we've never gotten a full follow up

with Venom Wolverine taking on Spider-Man.

That's the real bad ending.

Thanks for watching!

Click the SVG icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Alternate Game Endings Better Than The Original - Duration: 6:49.


[ AMV ] Pokemon - Super hero - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> [ AMV ] Pokemon - Super hero - Duration: 3:10.



I am using an LPG tank from a car with a capacity of 60L and a strength of 30 bar.

Before welding, pour the tank full of water so that there is no vapor in it (more on the Internet)

A compressor from a scrap yard. It is a storage louver, never used, originally used in trucks.

3-phase 3 hp motor

The entire air system is composed of parts 1/2 "in diameter

I weld with a Metalweld 3.2 mm electrode - weld seams after the first welding. Please do not ask me what the number of electrodes is, because I do not know the American equivalent.

Kryngielit - material for making seals

I left the tank with this pressure for an hour. After an hour, everything was fine.

Power steering pump from Audi 80 for pressure pan lubrication.

Power steering oil tank, also from Audi 80

Oil pressure reduction system. I use a 3 bar safety valve used in domestic heating Pressure above three bars returns back to the tank.

The non-return valve causes the oil to be pushed into the tank. (it works, but I'm still testing it)

Internal oil filter.

Cover made of stainless steel (not necessary, but one I could find in the junkyard) Welded, of course, electrodes for stainless steel.

Pumping 60L of 6 bar takes about 2:50 seconds. Unfortunately, there are small leaks at the outlet of the unit, which has an impact on the final result.

For more infomation >> AIR COMPRESSOR FROM CAR PARTS - Duration: 16:36.


Testez un FOND DE TEN 24H! 😱 #SUPERSTAY - Duration: 5:03.

Hello girls!

Today I want to test this foundation from Maybellin Super Stay 24H.

This foundation promises a lot of things, including:

The fact that it ensures a perfect finish for 24H

It is a skin pigment based HD that corrects imperfections for high coverage

It is a product that is designed for normal to dry skin

It is also transfer-resistant and comes in 8 shades!

Now it's 9:00

I'm going to apply my makeup, my foundation with you

I'll keep it on my face all day to see how it behaves, without making any adjustments

I promise to keep you up to date

So let's get started!

It has a pump - which I like very much because it is easier to apply

I'll put it here

I'm using the 21 Nude Beige Shade

And with a sponge, I'll start applying it on my face

So I just applied foundation all over my face

Looks very good to me!

As a concealer I use this product from Maybelline

As highlighter and blush, I will use this kit from Maybelline

This is how my makeup looks for today!

We have to run:we'll take a coffee, answer some emails and continue the day!

Let's go!

After breakfast, I went to town for a cup of coffee

And now we are at a photoshooting

But, I'll take a little break to tell you how the foundation feels so far

It is 13.00

The skin foundation does not need any retouch

No need for powder, no need for anything because it still looks like in the morning

when I applied it

So far everything is fine!

I like it very much, but let's see how it'll look by the end of the day!

It's 17:00, until now the foundation looks as good as this morning

The only thing I did was to retouch my lipstick, because I ate

Otherwise, my makeup looks exactly like in the morning when I applied it, which is cool!

It's 19:00, I just got home

We're preparing to go back to town for a dinner

But, before that, I wanted to tell you how the foundation looks

To me it looks almost as perfect as it looked in the morning

Without using any powder. Looks very good!

It's as matt as it was this morning.

As you can see, there is no need for a retouch

The only thing I will do is to apply a little highlighter to the cheek area

A bit of blush and we are ready to go!

Time 00:36

I'm here to see how my skin looks after an extremely busy day

A day in which I didn't touch my makeup

I have not retouched the foundation, I have not applied any powder

I did not do anything, because I wanted to see how this skin foundation behaves

And if it really does what it promises!

Well, it seems like the only thing that didn't resist are my curls

I didn't feel my skin loaded at all, the entire day

I didn't feel I had a mask on my face or I didn't feel my face dry

It is a very good foundation that I highly recommend!

I leave you the link in the description, where you can buy it at a very good price

As well as for the other products I have used

To do this make up

Until next time, do not forget to check me on social media!

Kisses! I'm going to sleep because I'm pretty exhausted!

For more infomation >> Testez un FOND DE TEN 24H! 😱 #SUPERSTAY - Duration: 5:03.


Humanity is a "suicide cult" that deliberately poisons the food - Duration: 3:48.

Humanity is a �suicide cult� that deliberately poisons the food supply feeding its own children

by Edward Morgan

It�s interesting that 15,000 scientists have just signed a new warning letter that

explains humanity is committing suicide by destroying planet Earth with toxic chemicals,

resource depletion, deforestation, ocean life depletion and more.

This follows my own designation of humanity as a �suicide cult� that seems sure to

destroy itself through the mass chemical poisoning of the planet.

But it�s not just the planet that�s collapsing � the fisheries collapse of the West Coast

has now reached �catastrophic� levels � it�s also the fact that humans are so

incredibly stupid, they deliberately poison their own food supply with toxic pesticides,

herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and hormone disruptors like atrazine, a �gender-bender� chemical

that feminizes males.

(Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta and Bayer are the mass murderers of our planet, all in the

name of �science��)

�A prophetic �warning to humanity� giving notice of perils facing the Earth has been

issued by more than 15,000 scientists from around the world,� writes the UK Daily Mail.

Suddenly the entire scientific community sounds like Natural News, doesn�t it?

We�ve been warning about collapse for years, and now 15,000+ scientists have just repeated

what we�ve been reporting for a over a decade.

Humanity has unleashed a �mass extinction event�

�In the second warning letter to the globe, more than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries

said humans had �unleashed a mass extinction event, the sixth in roughly 540 million years,

wherein many current life forms could be annihilated or at least committed to extinction by the

end of this century�,� writes the UK Daily Mail.

What do these scientists propose as solutions to these problems?

All the usual globalist agendas, unfortunately: Depopulation, turning everyone into vegetarians

and insect eaters, reproduction �licensing� to forbid people from having children, banning

combustion engines, criminalizing carbon dioxide and so on.

Yes, the Orwellian science agenda to exterminate roughly 90 percent of the existing global

population is a very real thing.

They�re starting with Africa, too, since that�s where the population growth is the

most rapid.

I�m one of the leading scientists blowing the whistle, in fact, on the science agenda

to exterminate blacks.

(See video below.)

Murdering humanity through the food supply

What the entire �scientific� establishment is largely ignoring, however, is the agricultural

poisoning of our food supply with toxic pesticides, herbicides and self-replicating GMOs.

In these podcasts, I expose how the �suicide cult� of humanity is deliberately poisoning

the global food supply, leading to extermination.

See video, science agenda to exterminate blacks.

The link is in the article source link below in our description.

For more infomation >> Humanity is a "suicide cult" that deliberately poisons the food - Duration: 3:48.


Lil Blondyn - Leżałem Na Ulicy (prod.CashmoneyAp) - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Lil Blondyn - Leżałem Na Ulicy (prod.CashmoneyAp) - Duration: 2:14.


Дом 2 новости 5 декабря 2017 (5.12.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 5 декабря 2017 (5.12.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:11.


[Poor travel珠海] 沁林特色牛奶甜品店!¥11香滑雙皮奶!¥13桃膠牛奶!Zhuhai Travel 2017 - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> [Poor travel珠海] 沁林特色牛奶甜品店!¥11香滑雙皮奶!¥13桃膠牛奶!Zhuhai Travel 2017 - Duration: 2:25.


I TALKED WITH COMPÀ RIUALO!!!! - Explanation - Duration: 6:25.

This so ... I do it well ... Oh, but I do not like ... okay, we delete a moment ...

Let's do like this...

CR: Ao !!! * Dave scream *

CR: What the fuck are you screaming? D: Oh, you scared me! But then who are you?

CR: How? Do not you recognise me? D: Compa Riualo?

CR: Bravo! Did you see that you recognize me? D: But then you are a spirit!

That is, I thought, as I know, that sometimes, and I assumed I svarionavo another personality, however, that

you're just a spirit you into possession of my body and start to say bad things about anyone

CR: Well, buddy, you're talking to a spirit eh! Maybe a little 'you're svarionato

D: Well in fact ... But how is it possible? I mean, I mica I dro ... Wait! But you see that

sti cigars here are actually not so normal cigars? namely, that they put something in ...

CR: Oh I do not know, but something definitely is inside D: Okay, now I was still working

so if where you're sorry if you do not disturb me I'd really a pleasure eh ... ok thank you!

CR: Oh no! I am here because we have to do a nice little speech

D: But if you tell me so I worry. What happens?

CR: Your channel sucks. D: No, well, come on, you can not say that! It is ok, it is true,

I make a few views, but you can not say that is just disgusting, by it's cute!

CR: No, trust me, it is just disgusting! If it were not for me you no cagherebbe

D: But is not it! CR: Oh yeah? Then tell

how many "Sgarbi can only accompany" are you doing? D: I did one! CR: And then?

D: And then no one ... CR: And why? D: Why does not my subscribers they sent me photos

the "art" of their city ... CR: Aaaaaaaah

And tell me how "The challenge," are you doing? D: Well I've made a lot 'of "The Challenge" eh! CR: Well, but now?

D: No one ... CR: And why? D: Why does not my subscribers have told me

what should I do... CR: aaaaaaah and tell me, is ...

D: Okay! I get it! What do you want though? That mica

I told you I come on my channel to bother me! If you do not like changing the channel as well! : Choose another one!

CR: Unfortunately I can not ... I do not know why, but I am bound to you. however, I have the solution to make up your channel

D: Oh yeah? And we feel, what should I do to improve my channel

CR: You must carry only one type of video D: Wait!

Are you saying that you should always enter my body and make videos? Why do know that if it is so

the answer is no! Categorical own! That is, every time you enter my body just combine mess!

I mean I always have to make up for everything! Always! Risk complaints ...

It 'a continuous! That is, you come in and insult anyone! I do not feel like! And then I must say that the video is ironic ...

CR: I do not give a fuck! Anyway, you see you're just stupid?

My Videos leave them to me, however you need to do only one kind and videos! And by

on! In addition to my video which is the other type that appeals to people?

D: Dunno, I do not know ... The designs? CR: Bravo! You must bring your drawings!

D: Yes, but you understand that a radical change? And then what do I have designs on commission?

CR: Oh no! You speak of the drawings but in general! Make tutorials, challenges ... all things related to the design!

Q: Well, then, I must admit that the idea is actually not so bad ... then above all I like to draw ...

CR: And there's another thing ... you're stupid everybody knows, but you have a talent that

for no saint, look! ...

and you

and you like a good dumb you've never grown'm talented! D: Hey! Top with the terms, you're just a creature of the ca ...

Hey! Hey! Oh!

Where are you going? What is happening? Oh! CR: Well, it is finishing the effect of the blunder I know

Anyway we'll see you at the next, appears! D: Ok ... Drawings ... Drawings and Riualo Compa ...

Compa Riualo and drawings ... Well ... eh goes, we continue to work, we go ...

Well guys this was a small clip to explain all this change there will be that my channel, not

most of the challenges will be done so but will be done by

drawings and Compa Riualo, however, not only the videos you're used to seeing in the sense, Compa Riualo

It could become something more that see the typical day of Compa Riualo, for example

As for designs, I will not simply make drawings on commission,

I will begin to explain some technical, some things ... always making ignorant

Because just as already explained several times I have not done an art school did not do anything

so are all things to your ignorant level, basic ... so ... here ... in short, but I hope that this thing can

fun and ... and then nothing

plus ... plus because there

I want to explain a few things, let me know if you want a video where I show you how made this clip because anyway

It is still drawing, this

and I realized alone with my hands, so I'm really happy about this thing

If you want, tell me and we will load the video of how I did it. Nothing I have left

to say that we'll see a next video but soprattuttamente ...

ARU Culu !!!!

Comunue really is not true, that is, I was not working ... but needless to shit ...

Also because I never work, so ... it was all a sham ...

Oh, another thing, because otherwise then after I below quereleranno

The blunder of the story is a joke that I'm really svarionato, ok?

That is, these cigars are cigars ... that is ok? Ok?

For more infomation >> I TALKED WITH COMPÀ RIUALO!!!! - Explanation - Duration: 6:25.


Le buff Vanessa (ACTIVEZ LES SOUS TITRES FR) - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Le buff Vanessa (ACTIVEZ LES SOUS TITRES FR) - Duration: 3:40.





Article written by Written by Sayer Ji, founder of

After decades of wrongful cancer diagnoses and treatments, and millions harmed, the National

Cancer Institute and high gravitas journals like JAMA finally admit they were wrong all


Back in 2012, The National Cancer Institute convened an expert panel to evaluate the problem

of cancer�s misclassification and subsequent overdiagnosis and overtreatment, determining

that millions may have been wrongly diagnosed with �cancer� of the breast, prostate,

thyroid, and lung, when in fact their conditions were likely harmless, and should have been

termed �indolent or benign growths of epithelial origin.� No apology was issued. No major

media coverage occurred. And more importantly, no radical change occurred in the conventional

practice of cancer diagnosis, prevention, or treatment.

Essentially, in one sleight of the semantic hand, entire swaths of the U.S., and global

population, who thought they had �lethal cancer,� and were subsequently treated for

it, often with violent procedures and treatments, were being told that �oops�.we got that

wrong. You never had cancer after all.�

If you look at the problem through just breast cancer overdiagnosis and overtreatment in

the U.S. over the past 30 years, it has been estimated that approximately 1.3 million women

were wrongly treated. Most of these women still have no idea they were victims, and

many have identified with their �aggressors� in Stolkholm syndrome like fashion, because

they think their �lives were saved� by unnecessary treatment, when in fact the side

effects, both physical and psychological, have almost certainly reduced both the quality

and duration of their lives.

When the NCI report was released, it was a sort of vindication for those who had been

advocating the position that a commonly diagnosed form of so-called �early breast cancer�

known as ductal carcinoma in situ was in fact not inherently malignant and should not have

warranted the conventional treatments of lumpectomy, mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy.

At the time, I based this on available research on the natural history of DCIS, and the extremely

high survival rates from DCIS, as well as the fact that breast cancer related mortality

had not declined in pace with the expansion of so-called �zero� or �early stage�

cancers detected through mammography screenings, as would be expected if these diagnoses actually

represented harmful clinical entities. To learn more about this still underreported

tragedy in women�s healthcare, watch Dr. Gilbert Welch�s video on the topic below:

Since then, I have watched the problem of overdiagnosis and overtreatment closely. I

get daily updates from on the topic, and increasingly, high impact and gravitas

journals are reporting on this highly concerning phenomenon. Particularly relevant is a review

published late last year, which I reported on in my article titled, �Astounding Number

of Medical Procedures Have No Benefit, Even Harm � JAMA Study.�

The JAMA study found that a wide range of standard medical procedures and interventions

that millions are subjected to annually, are not evidence-based, as commonly assumed, and

have little to no benefit, and may even be causing significant harm. As a result, I now

believe that good medicine often involves doing as much as nothing as possible. I also

think that people should be aware that any conventional cancer diagnosis has the ability

to exert lethal harm via the nocebo effect, regardless of its accuracy (i.e., even a misdiagnosis

can result in lethal consequences because the power of belief).

Thyroid Cancer Epidemic Caused by Misinformation, Not Cancer

Another topic I have been trying to spread awareness about is thyroid cancer overdiagnosis

and overtreatment. When I first reported on this two years ago in my article, Thyroid

Cancer Epidemic Caused by Misinformation, Not Cancer, a series of compelling studies

from around the world revealed that the rapid increase in diagnoses in thyroid cancer reflected

their misclassification and misdiagnosis. As was the case with screening detected breast

and prostate �cancers,� and even many ovarian �cancers,� the standard of care

often required the removal of the organ, as well as irradiation and chemotherapy � two

known cancer promoting interventions.

As is typical of research that undermines the conventional standard of care, there has

been little reporting on the topic.

That is, until now.

On April 14th, in an article titled �Its Not Cancer: Doctors Reclassify a Thyroid Tumor,�

the New York Times reported on a new study published in JAMA Oncologywhich should forever

change the way we classify, diagnosis and treat a common form of �thyroid cancer�:

An international panel of doctors has decided that a type of tumor that was classified as

a cancer is not a cancer at all.

As a result, they have officially downgraded the condition, and thousands of patients will

be spared removal of their thyroid, treatment with radioactive iodine and regular checkups

for the rest of their lives, all to protect against a tumor that was never a threat.

Their conclusion, and the data that led to it, was reported Thursday in the journal JAMA

Oncology. The change is expected to affect about 10,000 of the nearly 65,000 thyroid

cancer patients a year in the United States. It may also offer grist to those who have

been arguing for the reclassification of some other forms of cancer, including certain lesions

in the breast and prostate.

The reclassified tumor is a small lump in the thyroid that is completely surrounded

by a capsule of fibrous tissue. Its nucleus looks like a cancer but the cells have not

broken out of their capsule, and surgery to remove the entire thyroid followed by treatment

with radioactive iodine is unnecessary and harmful, the panel said. They have now renamed

the tumor. Instead of calling it �encapsulated follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma,�

they now call it �noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear

features,� or NIFTP. The word �carcinoma� is gone.

Many cancer experts said the reclassification was long overdue. For years there have been

calls to downgrade small lesions in the breast, lung and prostate, among others, and to eliminate

the term �cancer� from their name. But other than the renaming of an early stage

urinary tract tumor in 1998, and early stage ovarian and cervical lesions more than two

decades ago, no group other than the thyroid specialists has yet taken the plunge.

In fact, said Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society, the

name changes that occurred went in the opposite direction, scientific evidence to the contrary.

Premalignant tiny lumps in the breast became known as stage zero cancer. Small and early-stage

prostate lesions were called cancerous tumors. Meanwhile, imaging with ultrasound, M.R.I.�s

and C.T. scans find more and more of these tiny �cancers,� especially thyroid nodules.

�If it�s not a cancer, let�s not call it a cancer,� said Dr. John C. Morris, president-elect

of the American Thyroid Association and a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic.

Dr. Morris was not a member of the renaming panel.

Dr. Barnett S. Kramer, director of the division of cancer prevention at the National Cancer

Institute, said, �There�s a growing concern that many of the terms we use don�t match

our understanding of the biology of cancer.� Calling lesions cancer when they are not leads

to unnecessary and harmful treatment, he said.�

The article goes on to discuss the fact that while some major medical centers are starting

to treat encapsulated thyroid tumors less aggressively, this is still not the norm in

the rest of the country. It is a consistent pattern that there is an over decade long

lag between changes in evidence and the clinical practice of medicine, which is therefore far

less �evidence-based� as is commonly claimed and/or assumed.

Clearly, the truth about cancer�s true nature, and the cancer industry�s misrepresentations,

is beginning to come to light via the very institutions like JAMA and the major media

who have been responsible, historically, for generating so many commonly held misconceptions

on the topic.

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