Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017


Oh, and some orange lozenges.

They taste like furniture polish,

but I can't taste anything right now, anyway.

And I love the colour.

Frank, you're sick.

You should be home.

Not here, affecting people.

Like me.

Oh, I'm pass the infectious stage.

You should've seen me yesterday-

I did.

It's all just clearing itself out.

Oh Frank! You can't be doing like that!

What? I'll pay for it. How much?

25 cents a squeeze?


That reminds me of the girls back at our local dance-

No. Hand sanitizer makes a super bug.

That's why so many people are sick now.

Is that really true?

I read in a Chatelaine that's just a myth.

What you read in a magazine, I see in a store.

Customers come in sick, buy hand sanitizer,

blow nose, rub sanitizer,

then come back sick again.

Sick, blow, rub. Cycle keep-

[blows nose]

That's an interesting theory, I'll give you that.

But here's the gnat in the nightcap:

If you're so against the stuff, why do you sell it?

Cycle is bad for health, but good for business.



For more infomation >> Sick, blow, rub | Kim's Convenience - Duration: 1:20.


Sims FreePlay Holiday Update Schedule (Early Access Preview) - Duration: 5:30.

Hi guys!

Hey everyone!

Welcome to Make2.

The Sims FreePlay 2017 Year-End Holiday Update is here and we're going to let you know everything

we can about what to expect and when it's going to happen!

Many thanks as always to EA and Firemonkeys for giving us this special early preview to share

with you guys.

As usual with year-end updates, there are a ton of limited time events and prizes packed

in over the next few weeks, like a new pre-built house template, crazy amounts of new furniture

and decorations, new hairstyles, and new clothes.

So we wanted to share the schedule with you and give you some tips about how to prepare.

We're sharing the information given to us by the game developers at the time of recording

this video. They could always decide to change something at the last minute.

Also, they're on eastern Australia time, so if you're in a different timezone, things

might be off by a few hours or maybe even a day here and there.

Just be patient and keep checking on your game if something hasn't happened yet.

And remember you can always check on their official social media like Twitter and Facebook

and Instagram which we will link to in the video description below, along with links

to other videos we've made for this update.

Now let's look at the schedule and mark our calendars together! Pens at the ready.

Starting on DECEMBER 5 and lasting until DECEMBER 10, we'll be getting daily gifts of Christmas-themed

items for our houses, like doors and windows and furniture.

We think these will be the same items we get every year around Christmas, but like always

they will only be available for a limited time, so grab them while you can!

Until DECEMBER 11, the game developers would love for people to submit their Christmas-themed

houses to the Architect Homes selection!

If you've designed a house like that and want to spread the festive spirit, you'll have

a chance to share your design with the Sims FreePlay community and let other players build

it in their own games.

In order to submit a house for consideration, you will need to have finished the Extreme

Home Takeover Quest, send a sim to work at the Real Estate Agency, and tap on the sign

that appears next to your mailbox.

We've got a walkthrough of that quest and how to submit a house in a video on our channel

which we'll link in the description box below.

Starting on DECEMBER 12 and lasting until DECEMBER 24, we've got a limited time event

called the Snow Problem Quest!

If you complete that quest in the time limit, you'll win the super fancy Snow Chalet Pre-Built

House Template -- and believe us, you want that house.

But even if you don't complete the quest in the time limit, you'll still be able to unlock

tons of the furniture and decorations from the Snow Chalet depending on how far you get

into the quest.

And believe us -- you want that stuff.

We've got videos of the quest and the prizes linked in the description box as well.

DECEMBER 15 is The Sims FreePlay's 6th anniversary.

To celebrate the day of their release, everyone will get a mystery box next to their mailboxes

which can be opened starting on DECEMBER 14 and lasting until DECEMBER 18.

Usually this mystery box will contain some kind of item or prize which you don't have

yet, like maybe a limited time prize you missed out on previously -- so make sure to open

the box.

For the lucky people who have never missed out on anything, you'll probably get a prize

of LPs or simoleons -- still something worth celebrating!

Still with us?

Because things don't end with Christmas.

Starting on DECEMBER 26 and lasting until JANUARY 8, into the New Year 2018, we'll be

getting a Hair Salon Live Event!

Design your very own SimTown Hair Salon and create some brand new fabulous trendy hairstyles

for your Sims with hairdressing stations, barber chairs, ANGLED chairs, reception desks,

and more!

This is going to be a crafting event just like the French Chateau and Wedding Belles

and other events, so get ready for some tapping.

We've got yet another video walking through all of the prizes linked in the description


Then from JANUARY 13 to JANUARY 21, we've got a hobby event!

The Streetwear Hobby Event will unlock lots of new outfits and will be focused on the

Aerobics Hobby.

We'll have a video showing the prizes closer to the time, but for now, we highly recommend

you get prepping by building the fitness center, completing the Grooving Guru quest, and finishing

the Aerobics Hobby if you haven't already.

That means getting a sim to Level 6 in the Aerobics Hobby, and if you don't know why

that's important, please watch one of our hobby event videos where we explain how it

all works.

You'll have plenty of time to do it since this hobby event won't start until January.

Then, finally, from JANUARY 23 to JANUARY 29, there will be a re-run of the Teen Idol

Hobby Event!

We think this is probably going to be a re-run of the Teen Life Event which requires you

to complete the Teen Idol Hobby collection 7 times.

So if you missed that event previously and want to unlock awesome teenage-themed furniture

and decorations, make sure you've completed the Road to Fame Quest and the Teen Idol Hobby

at least once.

Then prepare some teenage sims and teen idol hobby items like guitars and microphones and

drums, and get ready to rock!

So as you can see, it's going to be a busy couple of months in SimTown.

The year-end holiday update is always the biggest update and we know lots of you have

been looking forward to it and asking us about it.

Hopefully this video will help you get ready so you can get as much of this awesome new

content as possible.

Good luck everyone, and for our fellow K-drama watchers -- FIGHTING!

As always, let us know in the comments what you think, and if you're new to this channel,

feel free to subscribe because we've got plenty more Sims FreePlay on the way.

Thanks for watching!

VIDEO DESCRIPTION Mention "" in the credits.

For more infomation >> Sims FreePlay Holiday Update Schedule (Early Access Preview) - Duration: 5:30.


On a boat with Robo Aerial - Drone Vlog 005 - Duration: 4:32.

I'm on a boat

hey everybody hope you're doing well today I'm gonna go work with

Robo Ariel they called me last night today you want to work tomorrow morning

and it's kind of the nature of the beast sometimes he does that a lot because his

customers do that to him a lot so um let's go do this

by the way i don't like mornings

We are heading over to the Robo Ariel office the older office, because they got a new office now I'm

gonna go meet up Christopher and we're gonna go head out he's driving and we're

bringing the Inspire 2 - I'm bringing a my drone just in case I get a chance to fly

it and it's also a backup drone just in case something's wrong with the inspire

which I doubt it I have three full batteries myself so

maybe I'll do a little flying today if I can seem to wake up I think my coffee is

big enough and that Robo Ariel we're now to switch cars and head off to the location

the job today is to basically get some promo material for the tugboat company

and what they're doing is they've got this big heavy transformer that's going

to some facility up in Michigan and so we're recording that we're getting the

big inspire 2 out and recording them unloading it onto the barge

We did some really cool shooting today Christopher's right now taking some

stills for the whole thing he's over there

say hi Christopher

we just got some awesome video of the tugboat turning around with the big

barge on it really awesome

that was all recorded a few days ago and right after we got done with the day I

really didn't have time to do a wrap-up of the entire day and just so you guys

know during the day we did have some problems we had a real big technical

problem we had an ID10T error. I don't know if you know what an ID10T error is

but this one in particular had to deal with the camera controls basically I

forgot that you could use both of the sticks for the control I'm sitting there

going I can only tilt I can't turn a camp pan I can't pan and then Chris

finally said hey why don't you try the other joystick and it came out just fine

of course as you guys if you ever flown inspire 2 as camera operator you know

that basically I was the ID10T other than that it went really well we got

some awesome footage of it I'd like to say thank you very much to Robo Ariel

for letting me use the footage because we really didn't have the time again to

get my drone out and take some more video it was also getting more windy as

the day went on he's a little bit chilly on the water was chillier than it was

anywhere else it was a really fun day what I like most is with Robo aerial

I've gotten to do a lot of interesting shoots like that I've done a lot of

different things I'm gonna have like a little summary of the kind of stuff I

did all throughout the summer with him and different stuff I've got those

coming up in the next couple of weeks so keep an eye out for those and make sure

you click that subscribe button so you don't miss it and of course I'm not

perfect if you have any questions or if I missed something or if you want to

just call me an ID10T go ahead and leave that in the comments below and I

don't forget I do drone videos every single week and until next time fly safe


For more infomation >> On a boat with Robo Aerial - Drone Vlog 005 - Duration: 4:32.


Sausage-and-Rice Timbale | Food Network - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Sausage-and-Rice Timbale | Food Network - Duration: 0:57.


AZ ,Fejão - Esse som é Rap? (Single) | Prod.ZionLab. - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> AZ ,Fejão - Esse som é Rap? (Single) | Prod.ZionLab. - Duration: 3:11.


New Ruger & Remington stuff, Proof Switch and Headache Relief?! - TGC News! - Duration: 9:49.

This week on TGC News, Ruger and Remington drop new stuff, Proof hits the Switch and

headache relief you probably aren't expecting!

Welcome back to another episode of TGC News, the only gun news show that covers things

you actually care about, My name is Jon Patton. First up this week is a product that is bound

to be a forehead slapper. Why didn't I think of that? Well here it is: Sightlines by Noisefighters.

The hearing protection cushions that work WITH your eye protection and don't give you

a headache after extended use. So what is it? Essentially its a set of cushions that

have a small channel cut out on the top to allow the side bars of your eyewear to fit

comfortably against your head. In theory this would cut down on headaches and pain in general

on your head caused by typical ear pro pushing the sidebars into your head with a good amount

of force. On the surface, they appear to be decent quality, all made in the USA. It's

impossible to truly tell if they will be comfortable or not, but this is definitely a great idea.

My only concern is the height of the channel on the cushion. My personal preference is

to bury my eyewear against the top of my ear. These things kind of force the sides to rest

higher and off the ear to get a good seal and control the sound levels that come in.

I get it but I will have to try it out to see if it works for me. I mentioned this to

Neal Brace, the creator of the product and he sent me this cell phone image to show that

it does fit correctly for him. As far as cost goes, in order to get a set of these you have

to back the Kickstarter for 25 bucks which almost doubles the cost of your ear pro in

certain cases, but I suppose the comfort could be worth it. If you have more expensive ear

pro this is a no brainer. They have a list on the website of a whole mess of ear pro

that these will function with. I mean my biggest complaint about the earpro that I use a lot,

the Howard Leight Impact Sports is that the cushions suck. They have some of the best

sound quality, so imagine if they had great cushions AND good sound quality. Would be

pretty cool right? The long and short of this is that it's a crowdfunding campaign and you

are not guaranteed to get the product in hand so play at your own risk. I also think that

because this is NOT gun specific, we most likely won't see it get shut down like we

did with the Automatic Mag-loader we talked about a while back. Time will tell if the

Sightlines get off the ground. And if you want to check out their kickstarter campaign,

there is a link in the description.

And in precision rifle news, Proof Research, best known for their super high quality carbon

fiber wrapped barrels, has just released a new Rifle system called Switch. Now the concept

of swapping calibers and barrels isn't exactly new, however, this is certainly one of the

more complete and simple versions out there. The gun as a whole weighs in at just over

7 lbs so it can be used for anything from varminting to big game hunting and then if

you want you can take the same rifle and go shoot a precision rifle match. It's a neat

system for sure. The way Proof describes it is like having a safe full of custom rifles

rolled into one. I'll try and break it down the best I can. The core of the rifle is the

Big Horn Arms action and floating bolt head. This allows the end user to swap the bolt

face for the various calibers in just a matter of minutes. And although it's a little more

complex than an AR15, it's still a relatively easy process to swap calibers. Once you're

down to the bare action, you screw in the barrel, check headspace, then tighten down

the barrel nut and cap it off, and then you re-check the headspace once more to confirm.

From there it's just a matter of reinstalling the bolt, stock and bottom metal, and of course,

using the appropriate magazine. Proof has a really good tutorial video if you want to

see an in depth look at how its done. The thing that I think is special about this system

is that not only are you going to have barrels available from the get go, unlike with certain

semi auto attempts at multi caliber systems but you have them available from one of the

best barrel manufacturers on the planet. Off the bat, you will be able to get this in 8

different calibers including everyones favorites 223, 308, 6.5 creedmoor and a few others in

both carbon fiber and steel offerings. How much is it Jon? I can hear you asking from

here. Yes this is going to hurt. The base rifle is $3,999. The barrels are not listed

on the website for sale yet BUT going from their other offerings, the carbon barrels

will go for about a grand and the steel ones for about 500 bucks. And that is not including

the optic or any other accessories. This is not cheap. But that was never the idea with

anything proof research makes. I would LOVE to see some independent accuracy testing to

see just how good these things are when you swap from barrel to barrel. They guarantee

½ MOA groups I'm curious to see if that will hold up. I'm also curious to see what you

guys think of a multi caliber bolt action system. Would you get into something like

this over buying multiple rifles?

Jamming more in this week the Big R is trying to stay afloat with a new gun. Dubbed the

R1 Limited, this new double stack 1911 is exactly what it looks like, a competition

ready 1911. The basics are fairly simple chambered in 9mm, 19 round mags, huge magwell, aggressive

VZ G10 grips, 5 inch barrel, fiber optic front sight, adjustable rear, ambi safety, and PVD

coating. All for the MSRP of 1250 dollars. Ruger, in an attempt to get into every week

of TGC news, has released some more incremental additions to their line up, in regards to

wheel guns, the SP101 can now be had in .327 Federal, the Gp100 can now be had in a 7 shot

version in the 2.5, 4, and 6 inch versions and the Redhawk can now be had with a sleeved

barrel which is said to increase accuracy, unknown about that. Beyond that, they've update

the Ruger Number 1 to be available in 450 Marlin and they've added 2 new versions of

the 10/22. One with a scope and case and one that's meant to be a competition/target type

rifle with a fancy wood laminate stock and lightweight tension barrel. It seriously seems

like they are adding new stuff every week. I don't hate it because it gives us new stuff

to talk about AND it seems like they have their finger on the pulse of what their customers

want. Its very rare for you guys to get upset with a new product from Ruger.

Our friendly fire question this week comes from the TGC Nation facebook group. Andrew

Wasserman asks, Should non military and first responders be able to own body armor? The

simple answer is Yes. Everyone should be able to own it. We should also be able to own armor

piercing ammo across the board. Let's take another one. John Skov asks what

is a good amount of ammo to keep on hand? How many different calibers do you keep stocked

up? I'm a bit of a different case because of what I do for a living. Right now I have

about 25 different calibers on hand and of those I have good quantities of probably 10-15

of them. I would say for the non-ridiculous gun guy, having at least a thousand rounds

of any main caliber you're shooting is a solid way to do things. Obviously when you get into

more expensive rounds like 300 win mag and things like that, it becomes a lot more difficult

to invest several thousands of dollars into keeping that quantity on hand, but you get

what I'm saying. My question to you guys this week, what is

the best gun related product that you've bought this year? Sound off in the comments below

and if you want your question answered here on TGC News, you can send that to me over

on And that is it for this week's show, if you

enjoyed the show, hit that like button and share it with your friends that is a huge

help. If you didn't let me know why down in the comment section below and if you haven't

please get subscribed you won't want to miss a single episode and as always, thank you

all for watching, we'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> New Ruger & Remington stuff, Proof Switch and Headache Relief?! - TGC News! - Duration: 9:49.



Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Going for a win number 485 tonight fricken

lost yesterday in Rockford, Illinois but today going for a win in Crestwood,

Illinois I'm at The Office I'm taking on their Big Daddy Burger

Challenge! Now this is called that because it's freaking huge there's like

three three and a half pounds of meat covered with cheese, a whole bunch of

healthy vegetables, we've got the bun, and then we've got a whole bunch of their

waffle fries, but it looks freaking delicious! I've got one hour to finish if

I win I'm gonna get the $35 meal for free I'll get another sweet t-shirt to

add to my collection and I'll be one of the very few people on the Wall of Fame

let's get this challenge started!

All right first two burgers of this trip were fricken easy but this one is not

going to be at all so I've got one hour to finish the records like 23 minutes I

really don't think I'm gonna get that because there's still some pizza and me

but we're gonna get the win before we head to Australia. 1, 2, 3 boom ! Alright!

and I forgot to mention I also have to finish a soda and because we got all

these calories I went with the Diet Coke, but let's get the fries over here we'll

focus on the burger, get the fries done later I got coke

right, not Pepsi? correction it is not diet coke - Diet Pepsi alright let's eat

some of this beef!

Seven minutes forty seconds in when this burger came out I was freaking scared

cuz it was huge but I quickly learned that there's basically a whole frickin

salad on here for a healthy salad so burger is gone all that beefs down now

let's eat all these vegetables!

Ten minutes 25 seconds in pretty much I'm gonna get this plate out of the way

and then we'll move on to the top and bottom bun and then we've got all these

freaking fries but awesome awesome burgers so far let's get this challenge


Sixteen minutes forty seconds in let's try to beat that record didn't think I

was going to but we got a shot!

20 minutes and 45 seconds that is the new record for the Big Daddy Burger

Challenge here at At The Office or at least sense the new management new

ownership stepped in but awesome awesome burger here at The Office in Crestwood,

Illinois, which is southwest of Chicago. Awesome awesome burger as for that

burger it was really thick but I got it medium-rare and it was frickin delicious

loved all of the healthy vegetables on there got my vitamin A, C and all that

along with all that protein and carbs from all those fries in the bun but

delicious challenge I'm going to get the $35 meal for free I'll get another sweet

t-shirt and I'll be one of the few people up on their Wall of Fame for

their plaque they're getting soon, but thank you too At The Office for the

delicious challenge, thank you guys all for coming to watch win number four of

the trip so far and it's time to get on a plane to Australia it's gonna be like

20 or 25 hours on planes so say a prayer for Magic Mitch after that massive

challenge but thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> BIG DADDY BURGER CHALLENGE w/ WAFFLE FRIES!! - Duration: 7:51.


La NASA Recomienda Tener Esta Planta Medicinal en su Casa Te SALVARÁ la Vida Más de Una Vez - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> La NASA Recomienda Tener Esta Planta Medicinal en su Casa Te SALVARÁ la Vida Más de Una Vez - Duration: 3:00.


OPISTOGNATHUS the fish that was missing in your aquarium! | Marine Fish - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> OPISTOGNATHUS the fish that was missing in your aquarium! | Marine Fish - Duration: 5:20.


How to clear android voice message / missed call - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> How to clear android voice message / missed call - Duration: 2:14.



Cada semana en Medellín, mas de 50.000 residentes

llenan las calles de la ciudad para participar en un evento activo y saludable llamado Ciclovía.

Con un total de 60 kms, las calles de la ciudad se abren para caminar, correr, patinar, y montar en bici.

Vamos a echarle un vistazo a lo que hace la Ciclovía de Medellín la tercera mejor del mundo,

entre mas de 2.500 ciudades que tienen ciclovias a nivel mundial.

What sets the Ciclovia in Medellin apart from the others around the world?

Well, the team that we have working is always helping all of the participants in a friendly manner;

in addition, the Ciclovia is open year-round.

Also, we are an inclusive entity where we hire disabled individuals,

people in wheel-chairs, people with autism and people of short stature to work with us.

Who is able to participate?

Everybody from all social classes!

Kids, adolescents, adults and the elderly can come and take advantage of these spaces

that the city offers to have a healthy recreational experience.

The Ciclovia spans a large part of the city, right?

We have the Ciclovia at the stadium, the river, and in the Poblado neighborhood,

all being interconnected to make it easier for people to participate.

We also coordinate to integrate these spaces with 3 other municipalities in the metropolitan area:

Envigado, Bello and Itagui.

Why do you like to participate in the Ciclovia?

Because it's very important and interesting for us, being retired individuals,

to get out a bit and change up our normal routine.

What we need is to take part in healthy activities, and active sporting events have been

a huge part of the transformation of Medellin,

and we need to instill these types of events in the younger generations.

Why do you like to take part in the Ciclovia?

I love it. I love coming with my mom, nearly every Sunday we make it out.

We walk for about an hour to an hour and a half and it's a great opportunity to connect with the family.

Como pueden ver, la Ciclovía es tan solo una de muchas razones

que hace de Medellín un lugar tan codiciado para vivir y visitar.


For more infomation >> MEDELLIN IS AN ACTIVE CITY WITH THE CICLOVIA | MEDELLIN EN 3 - Duration: 3:01.


FREE Trap Beat I İsyanım Var - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> FREE Trap Beat I İsyanım Var - Duration: 3:59.


Natural smokey eye | Natural Glam | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 2:51.

The words natural and smokey don't typically go together when it comes to makeup, but today

I'm gonna teach you how to achieve that if you're into all things beauty and baby make sure that you hit that subscribe button and

That notification bells so that you don't miss anything. Let's get started

I'm starting off by using creme brulee from makeup geek as my transition shade and the

Transition shade is meant to help you blend out other shadows so that's why you always want to lay that down first

We're gonna put this into our crease and then all over the lid, then I'm using a brown eyeliner from Beauty for real

And I'm going to start by tightlining which is putting it into the area under your top lashes

and then we are going to put it onto your lid as close to the lash line as possible I

Like to give my eye amore upturned effect so at the end, I'm going to be flicking that liner upward towards the hairline

Then I'm putting it into the water line and the lower lash line

You want to make sure that you also put your

Transition shade or your lighter color by the lower lash line to help you out with blending underneath the eye

Next I'm using this brown from the Julius place palette

but you can use any Brown that you have and we're going to concentrate that close to the liner to

Blend that out your going to do this all around the eye


Then you want to take a brush with no additional product on it and blend everything out so that you don't have any harsh lines

When doing a smoky eye or using a lot of eyeshadows it is so?

Important to have clean brushes with you to make sure that you can blend the lines without adding extra product

It is the easiest way to a seamless eyeshadow look

and I'm taking that darker Brown and

Concentrating it on the outer corner to give us just a little bit of depth going back with that brown liner

you want to go into the lash line on the top and the bottom just to darken it up a bit and

Then again blending everything out its extensive

I know, but take your time and it'll all come together at the end

I'm curling my lashes and prepping them for false lashes

And I'm going to be using the Koko lashes in the style 502

They're very natural very wispy. You don't really need a liner, and that's what I like about these the most is it's like

What a second is she wearing false lashes and lashes are optional along with doing a brow bone highlight

But I'm extra so

And those are my tips for creating a simple natural smoky

Eye one that you can go out in the daytime with you can even take it to nighttime

It looks nice and sophisticated and clean

But still gives you a little bit of that edge if you're into everything beauty and baby

Make sure that you hit that subscribe button and that notification bell if you like this video. Please give it a big thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world so we can achieve world domination

And don't forget that you can catch me on all other social media Facebook Instagram Twitter, and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> Natural smokey eye | Natural Glam | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 2:51.


Michigan Minute: Week of December 4, 2017 - Duration: 2:01.

Republicans pass a tax giveaway for big donors, Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the

FBI and Brian Calley accuses Bill Schuette of playing politics with the Flint Water Crisis

on this week's Michigan Minute.

Welcome the Michigan Minute, the news you need to know in about 60 seconds or less.

I'm Lonnie Scott, the executive director of Progress Michigan - Here's the news you

need to know from last week.

U.S. Senate Republicans passed a tax scam that will give massive tax giveaways to their

wealthy donors, likely cause massive cuts to vital programs like Medicare and Medicaid,

and add to the already massive problem of income inequality.

It will also add 1.5 TRILLION to the national

debt over the next decade, and yet they call themselves the party of fiscal responsibility.

The bill was passed in the dead of night with hand scribbled changes drafted by lobbyists

in back rooms.

The plan now goes to conference with the House who already voted on their own equally awful solution.

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI.

The deal is evidence that Flynn is cooperating with Special Counsel Bob Mueller in the continuing

investigation into the Trump administration.

With the court filings ominously stating that Flynn was giving information about a "top

level" Trump Campaign member who directed Flynn to contact Russia, many believe this

person to be Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law.

Finally, Lt. Governor Brian Calley announced his campaign for governor.

If you didn't hear about it, it's because the launch was about as successful as the

Silverdome implosion.

However, Calley did make news when he accused Attorney General Bill Schuette of playing

politics with the Flint Water Investigation.

Progress Michigan has called on Calley to clarify his comments and tell the people of

Michigan if he thinks Schuette has committed the crime of misconduct in office.

We're still waiting to hear from him.

That's all the time we have this week.

Check out links in the comments below and be sure to share this video to let your friends and family

know what's going on in Michigan.

We'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Michigan Minute: Week of December 4, 2017 - Duration: 2:01.


LUKMI COLOURS - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> LUKMI COLOURS - Duration: 1:18.


Benten - Kevin - Gwen izle - benten izle - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Benten - Kevin - Gwen izle - benten izle - Duration: 1:01.


5 Unexplained Mysteries - Travel Channel - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> 5 Unexplained Mysteries - Travel Channel - Duration: 1:55.


EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Bone Villa Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 5:17.

EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Bone Villa Escape

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Bone Villa Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 5:17.


Signs That You Spend Too Much Money On Food - Duration: 4:13.

If you're having trouble making ends meet, take a good look at your grocery shopping


It's very possible that the money you need is actually going straight into your belly,

one shopping cart at a time.

So how can you tell if your waist line is affecting your bottom line?

Here are some signs that you spend way too much money on food.

Waste products

Take a look around your kitchen.

Is your fridge filled with moldy berries, rotten apples, and wilted salad?

Is your pantry full of random spices, old boxes of cereal, and weird ingredients for

recipes you've never made?

If you answered yes to any of that, chances are you're wasting a lot of money buying either

too much food, or food you're just never going to eat.

According to financial coach Jessi Fearon, "Another indicator is when you've done a big

grocery run, but still have 'nothing to eat.'

Are you spending too much on snacks and ingredients for meals you will never make?

Take a look at your week and be realistic with how many meals you are eating at home…

be honest with your habits and shop accordingly."

And that goes for your partner too.

Make sure you compare notes before either of you go to the grocery store so you don't

end up accidentally buying the same thing.

The green grocer

According to nutritionist Jamie Logie, "The average household spends around $585 a month

on food.

Of that, $385 of that is spent on food to eat at home."

Quick question: do you know how much you spend each month on food?

If the answer is no, there's a good chance you're spending too much of it.

Many people don't really know how much food is supposed to cost.

Take a look around your grocery store, and compare prices with other stores in your area

so you have an idea of how much food should really cost.

Then, examine your receipts and look at your monthly budget.

If your food is your biggest expense each month, it's time to make a shift in your buying


Time is money

They say that time is money.

But just how much money are you willing to spend in order to save a few minutes?

According to finance coach Jennifer Miles-Thomas, "Anything that is precut, pre-seasoned, or

precooked is likely overpriced.

You can save a lot on fresh fruits and vegetables if you are willing to spend just a few minutes

cutting or chopping."

And since fresh foods are often healthier than pre-made and pre-packaged meals, if you

commit to spending a few more minutes preparing your own food, you may be saving a whole lot

more than just money.


Shopping on an empty stomach is a sure way to end up buying too much at the grocery store.

So is comfort food.

Willpower researcher Veronika Jobs told The Wall Street Journal, "If you know you've had

a bad day and you're prone to go shopping to reward yourself, you might want to avoid

heading in the direction of the stores on that day."

Choosing the right time to go to the grocery store will help you make better decisions

once you're there.

Plan ahead

If you don't make out a grocery list, you may be spending too much money.

That's because making a grocery list isn't just a good way to remember what you need,

it can also help you avoid buying food you don't need.

And planning your trip to the grocery store doesn't end with making a list.

Instead of throwing out all those coupons and flyers you receive in the mail each week,

take a few minutes to look through them and see if there are any discounts on items you

regularly buy.

Saving a few bucks here and there may not sound like much, but over the course of the

year it can really add up.

Yesterday's news

Many people don't like repeating the same meal, and end up throwing away their leftovers.

It's understandable, but it also adds up to a lot of food and money wasted.

In fact, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about

one-third of food produced worldwide is wasted every year.

They also say the foods most likely to be wasted are the ones that our bodies need the

most — fruits and vegetables.

If you won't end up using that leftover fresh spinach, get creative and toss it in a smoothie.

Look for new ways to use the food to prevent boredom and keep it fresh.

Lunch time

A lot of people think spending a few dollars on lunch every day is a small splurge, but

that money adds up pretty quickly.

Americans spend thousands of dollars on lunch each year, a cost that can easily be reduced

by bringing your lunch to the office.

While the average cost of buying lunch is $11, packing your own costs just over $6 per


Bringing your lunch to work just a couple days a week can help you save money.

If you never brown bag it, your food costs are probably higher than they should be.

And the same principle applies to dining out in general.

If your social life revolves around eating out with friends, chances are you're spending

far more money on food than you need to.

Instead, try inviting your friends over for a home cooked meal.

It will save you money, and you might just enjoy the change of pace.

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