Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

here we go with another Shout Out Monday Evening and today the acronym is SOME

KATO Shout Out Monday Evening Keeping All Trains Organized and we're gonna

have a special shout out all this month of December so let's see what we're

gonna do I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was

created to help other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their

dream of building a model railroad and we are going to feature hobby shops the

entire month of December since Christmas falls on a Monday we're not going to do

a shout out on that day so we're gonna have three shout outs for this month and

they're all going to be hobby shops so you could check out these hobby shops

and maybe buy some train sets or other train related gifts for yourself or your

loved ones so let's see what we got going now if you would like to see more

videos like this or all the other videos that I have on Toms Trains and Things

go ahead and hit that subscribe button and while you're at it ding that Bell

and that'll notify you whenever I have a new video coming out I have a lot of

videos in my playlist in categories so you could find them easily so check them

out in my playlist I would like to thank every one of you who are contributing on

Patreon you're helping me out a lot to help out other modelers with these

videos here on Toms Trains and Things and also over the weekend

I've hit 3,000 subscribers so I would like to thank you

all for subscribing and those of you who haven't subscribed yet thank you for

watching and eventually you'll hit that subscribe button and ding that Bell so

thank you very much to all who have been watching my videos I really appreciate

it now let's get down to business we are going to do a shout out today of a hobby

shop and I think you all know who this person is he has a YouTube channel and

he has a hobby shop and let's bring him up right here Mike

Fiferr he's got a lot of good information on there and I know you are

already subscribed to him at least a lot of you are already subscribed to him let

me get up a little bit closer here and you could see right here this is his

channel this is a closer look at his channel page he's got a lot of good

videos on there a lot of good instructional videos with his helper his

grandson and you'll notice right here he's got over 10,000 subscribers ten

thousand nine hundred twenty-eight subscribers as of this recording and

YouTube has opened up their community tab you'll notice he has a community tab

instead of a discussion tab like I have you can see the discussion tab here just

this past week YouTube has opened up the community tab to all creators who have

over 10,000 subscribers and of this recording Mike has not posted anything

on here but this is a little bit better than the discussion tab where you can

post something on here and it'll go out into the feed just like a video does so

your subscribers will be able to see what you have to say and you could do

polls on there you could put photos on there

you could put gifs in their gifs however you want to say it but anyway

take a look at Mike's channel because he's got a lot of good stuff on there

and let me bring this up to see how many videos he has on there has been on it

for a while he's got 348 videos and he's got 6.9

almost 7 million views on his videos and there's a reason that he has that many

views is because he puts out a lot a good videos there now I'm gonna go over

to his webpage Fifer Hobby Supply where you can order anything model

railroad related on there so I asked you to support him in his webpage and

support him on his YouTube channel he's also got a Facebook page and a Google+

page and all the links will be in the description of this video I urge you if

you haven't done so already to go ahead and subscribe to Mike and go on his web

page and order something from him on his online store and subscribe to him hit

that Bell and while you're at it subscribe to Toms Trains and Things

also and ding that Bell also and I would really appreciate that those of you who

are not familiar with the community tab or would like more information on it if

you have over 10,000 subscribers you can go to it on the YouTube creator blog and

I'll put a link to it over in the description but anyway here's what it'll

look like and it comes up automatically on your cell phone when you're on the

YouTube app it'll be in there along with other videos don't forget I have other

videos coming out on Wednesday and Saturday and like every Monday

Shout Out Monday Evening except for on Christmas Day so Monday Wednesday and

Saturday I'll have some new videos out I'm going to have some more on feeder

wires and some more on what I did with that wall wart wire and I'm gonna solder

some what I'm gonna solder some wires on those SMD LEDs those little itty bitty

things that you could barely see I hope I can get some good video of it because

it's gonna be really close so take a look for that that's coming up later on

this week and next week and later on this month I'm gonna do a let's run

trains a Q&A and I have a new digital soldering station that I'm going to show

you and maybe we'll learn how to use that together and I also ordered an ESU

decoder tester that's been on backorder for a while and I'm still waiting on it

so hopefully I'll get that before the end of the month so I could do a video

on that also so we'll see let's get Sadie in the picture huh come on

and there she goes look who that over there oh you look at mummies to get

some treats huh yeah there you go we got Sadie in the video

there we go

we'll turn this way okay


For more infomation >> Shout Out Monday Evening - Keeping All Trains Organized - Duration: 8:08.


Energy Update – We Have Now Headed Off The Original Great Fall! - Duration: 5:05.

Energy Update � We Have Now Headed Off The Original Great Fall!

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

We have NOW headed off the �original� GREAT FALL!

*This is sharing from a culmination of previous energy updates and anything further in what

is shared needs to be felt into as to what that is for each soul, of the Divine*

We are not able to �interfere� the lessons for souls that are needing to be learned by

themselves and the Divine ONLY.

The LETTING GO, while these are words one reads, this is deeper and bigger than JUST


As I have been sharing about LETTING GO for some weeks/months now.

It is more of letting go of a bigger bigger picture, another �area� or �level�

of this.

A deeper surrender of faith.

Where one feels in a �mess�, as things are not �organized� as they used to be.

To reach ones personal point of really really LETTING GO.

This is very difficult and is a process and a transition that is taking time.

It is letting go of CONTROL like no other.

There is something each of us or (more than one) that we have been �hanging onto�

that we are needing to LET GO of.

It could be �simple� things, like leaving doing washing or not making lunches as one

did, yet these are very important in letting these go as this brings through a massive

massive freedom.

If we go into another�s space when they are needing to feel all around them collapsing,

it is detrimental to us�we are no longer to self sacrifice for others close to us,

when we can see and feel they are struggling.

As we are not to sacrifice ourselves for others anymore�.if we do, it is sacrificing ourselves

and it is not our �place� to do so.

(See previous post on self survival not self sacrifice).

This is between souls and the Divine individually.


We are and now have headed off the original GREAT FALL!

As last night AEST there were dreams of this and there was like a very big significant

�crack� of energy that came through, that �rattled� ones energy.

Each soul is having different dreams of what this was/is for themselves.

I have written of this before, that we have come to this point before but we �didn�t

make it� then � BUT WE ARE NOW.

A snapping or breaking of a finality of an �older way� that is so much bigger than


Remember to keep oneself GROUNDED while we are processing so much overwhelm of energies,

as it has been overwhelm.

Grounding and balancing, continually.

The Australian Bush flower essence (ABF) that comes for this is PawPaw, which one can read

and feel and tap into their crown chakra:


For the assimilation and integration of new ideas and information, especially where there

is a tendency to feel overwhelmed by the quality and quantity of that information.

This Essence should be used when one is unable to solve a problem.

It will activate the Higher Self, where we have the answer to all our problems.

It will ease the burden of problems as it activates the intuitive processes to provide


Negative Condition:

overwhelm unable to resolve problems

burdened by decision Positive Outcome:

improved access to Higher Self for problem solving

assimilation of new ideas calmness

clarity It is REFLECTION TIME of our Mirror of self

as what we say about others, is about us.

They are in a space of the Divine with their souls journeys, that is none of our business!

If we go into others� spaces as we did and especially those close to us, it is self sacrifice

in doing so.

This is about SELF SURVIVAL.

Savour this journey, how ever tough it is right now and this year with all of these


As this time will pass.

As we are definitely moving ONWARDS and UPWARDS of bringing through a NEW DIVINE HIGHER HEART

for a NEW BIRTHING, like no other�as in times past, we did not �make it�



As always I am right here with you.

As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our

Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth

and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – We Have Now Headed Off The Original Great Fall! - Duration: 5:05.




BY Anna Hunt,

Samadhi Part 1: Maya the Illusion of the Self is the first installment in a series by filmmaker

Daniel Schmidt.

In this visually-stunning film, Schmidt attempts to articulate to the viewer the meaning of


He also examines how we are the cause of and, through samadhi, the solution to all of our


The word Samadhi is the representation of a human mystical state that is the root of

all spirituality and self inquiry.

Often, it is the state that many correlate with the ultimate purpose of meditation.

The Illusion of the Self

Humanity has forgotten about samadhi, and then forgot that it forgot about it.

In its place, Maya, the illusion of the self, has evolved.

Humans no longer view themselves as spiritual beings.

They do not take the time to explore their inner world, or care to understand their true

reason for existence.

Instead, they are wrapped up in their daily lives and distracted by the outer world.

As a result, we have put all kinds of limitations on ourselves.

We do no view ourselves as miraculous creations.

Instead, we are wrapped up in the ego construct, unconsciously wired by humanity�s history

and cultural conditioning.

We define our existence � our �being� � by our actions and thoughts.

Yet most often, worldly desires and fears drive these actions and thoughts.

Purpose of Meditation

Because of the illusion of the self, many live in suffering.

Even people living seemingly perfect lives often find themselves questioning life�s


Many fall into depression or find their desires are never sated.

Consequently, people seek answers in external forms, either through religion or other spiritual


Furthermore, they think their mind can come up with some grand idea of how to best live

their lives.

Ideas presented to us by external influences or the human mind cannot alone resolve our


They are not higher will � the will of our higher true self.

Instead, they are the will of conditioned ego constructs.

Here is where meditation comes into play.

Its purpose is to help us find the answers we seek.

These answers reside in our true self.

However, very few of us take the time to examine what our soul � the true self � wants

to express.

In the film, Schmidt explains the purpose of meditation:

When you come to your still point, the source of your being, then you�ll await further

instructions without any insistence on how your outer world has to change.

Not my will, but higher will be done.

Meditation is a vital steps on the path to samadhi.

It allows us to observe our conditioned self and how it changes.

As well, it facilities the realization of the true self, the part of us that does not


It is through samadhi, the process of awakening our true self, that we sense higher will.

Only then, human suffering ends.

In addition to the film series, Schmidt has released a series of guided meditations.

These meditations are helpful if you�d like to further understand the film through deeper

introspection of the self.

They are offered here: Samadhi � Guided Meditations.

Editor�s note:

There are aspects in this film that rely on a basic understanding of concepts such as

the primordial spiral, the logos, akasha, and kundalini.

You can find more about these concepts in the film �Inner Worlds Outer Worlds�



انها نتيجة شرب المسكرات || لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> انها نتيجة شرب المسكرات || لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله - Duration: 0:43.


Propriedades do azeite - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Propriedades do azeite - Duration: 6:34.


[SUB ITA] Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin - B.B.F - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> [SUB ITA] Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin - B.B.F - Duration: 3:05.


A osteoporose pode ser prevenida naturalmente - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> A osteoporose pode ser prevenida naturalmente - Duration: 6:10.


TR_ Nasıl YouTube videoları kırpma Önerilen çözünürlük ve en boy oranları - Duration: 2:14.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

YouTube uses 16:9 aspect ratio players. The YouTube player automatically adds black bars to videos in the player so that videos are

displayed correctly Without cropping or stretching, no matter the size of the video or the player.

If you upload a 16:9 video at its original aspect ratio (1280x720 recommended).The video will fill the YouTube widescreen 16x9 player.

If you upload a 4:3 video at its original aspect ratio (640x480 recommended). The video will display in the widescreen player at

the correct size and ratio with pillarbox bars. If you add letterbox bars to the top and bottom

before uploading so that the video fits a 4:3 player. The YouTube player will add pillarbox bars so

the 4:3 video fits widescreen. Bars will surround the video.

To fit the player perfectly, encode at these resolutions: 2160p: 3840x2160

1440p: 2560x1440 1080p: 1920x1080 720p: 1280x720

480p: 854x480 360p: 640x360 240p: 426x240

Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,

Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> TR_ Nasıl YouTube videoları kırpma Önerilen çözünürlük ve en boy oranları - Duration: 2:14.


Jupiter Sized UFO Appears Next To The Sun - Duration: 4:51.

Jupiter-Sized UFO Appears Next To The Sun

Just when we thought we had seen it all next to the Sun, a massive UFO has been captured

skidding off the surface of the sun by the Solar Observatory spacecraft leaving many

researchers �speechless� as to what it is!

The giant object looks like three semi-transparent rings and appears to be roughly the same size

as the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter.

The series of images show the mysterious object crash into the sun�s surface and then ricochet

back out and continue to travel away from our star.

What is particularly odd about all of this is the reaction from the sun moments after

the impact is it begins to glow brightly in reaction.

These strange captures were captured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

spacecraft, which is jointly run by Nasa and the European Space Agency, and appear to show

the massive object hovering close to the surface.

Check out the incredible footage below:

This is not the first and will most definitely not be the last time a strange UFO has been

witnessed next to the sun.

Some of our other previous captures on our website are shown below!

NASA has on numerous occasions dismissed these strange anomalies as nothing but lens flare

or a speck of dust caught on the lens � interesting how this particular huge UFO actually appears

to create some kind of energy within the Sun.

There has been the rare occasion that NASA have admitted that they don�t know what

these strange objects are!

Check out another incredible sighting below from 2012, which shows a HUGE UFO draining

energy off the sun � this is a 100% legit and yet to be debunked:

Whilst some people believe that the bizarre �ship� potentially collided with the sun

accidentally, there are also many experts who claim that the object is an extraterrestrial

craft that �intentionally� crashed into the surface, possibly as a way of refuelling

by drawing intense energy from the sun�s surface � According to the video, that was

uploaded by Paranormal Crucible, the object is said to be approximately the size of Jupiter

(please see a chart comparison below).

The object is believed to be the size of Jupiter

Interesting YouTube comment: "To the people scoffing at the idea the object

is the size of Jupiter, I say this.

Size is relative, look how big humans are relative to an ant, or how small a microbe,

or bacterium is compared to an elephant.

There may be planets with humanoids the size of the Eiffel Tower, or as small as an atom...

we're a spec, on a spec, in a vast ocean of planets... chew on that for a minute?."

As mentioned above even NASA scientists have apparently been left baffled and confused

by this discovery and have yet to offer a natural explanation for the phenomenon.

Fellow Ufologist Scott C Waring, who runs the website UFO Sightings Daily, believes

that the object is clearly a UFO that has intentionally skidded across the sun�s surface

to draw solar energy.

He went on to say to the media: �It may have been using the sun�s energy

to fuel itself or to recharge in some way, but it�s leaving at high speeds.

This will imply that the craft is made from a different material that is resistant from

the sun�s surface.�

Whatever this huge object is, one thing is for it was very real and is something that

no leading scientist or astronomer can explain.

It has also been suggested that this could have been some strange portal opening up next

to the sun, perhaps ET�s using the power of the Sun to open up some kind of a wormhole!?


No matter what anybody says this is an incredible sighting and in many ways it even appears

to look perhaps biological in its appearance?

This literally could be anything, how can a person explain the un-explainable?

One thing is for sure the ET�s appear to have a great interest in our local energy

funding star � perhaps this is the way forward for space travel?

NASA surely are aware of what these are, even if they don�t know where they are coming


These crafts (if that�s what they are!) are so incredibly large, could this mean that

the beings on-board it would be huge in size compared to us humans?

Could this be like some kind of floating inter-dimensional world for aliens?

So many questions

and zero answers!

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