Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

hey guys back with another video today like always I'm talking about my weight

loss journey and what I am currently doing or what I may have fell off doing

well I have some good news for you I haven't fell off doing anything I'm back

on doing the one meal a day 23 hour fast which is the intermittent fasting I'm

going to be doing that until I get to my max weight I have about 80 pounds or so

or more to lose and this is the way that I'm going to lose it healthy and also

it's going to help with my anxiety because it seems like my anxiety is

getting less and less every time I get on this diet it helps with my nerves you

know and that's mainly because the body generates new cells and it makes things

work correctly in the body when you're doing an intimate and fast because what

a fast is is detoxifying the body of all these toxins that don't allow the liver

to work properly and once the liver is working properly then the whole body is

working properly the brain the heart the blood your

kidneys your digestive system all the organs in the body can function and

absorb what it needs to absorb to function correctly and what it doesn't

need it goes out the other way so I was at the store today and I want to let you

guys know I'm gonna start doing like a journal and I'm gonna be doing a few

videos a day off of the day when something comes in my mind you know on

this weight-loss journey I'm just gonna pick up my head my head sets and I'm

just gonna get on the computer and I'm just going to track what I'm feeling

and what I can give to the public that can help you guys as well so you can

jump-start your weight loss journey but today I was walking past the window and

not only could I feel and these jeans that I've been wearing that like my only

pair jeans that I can probably fit in for the most part but I can see through

the silhouette through the window wow you were really slimming down your

thighs which are my problem areas that's where a lot of my fat migrates to it is

going away you are slimming down each day it just seems like you're getting

smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and then when I do my one meal a

day I usually do an eating show video or some people call it a mukbang video and

the kind of eating show videos I do they asmar videos ASMR videos and the eating

sounds no talking so you only see my mouth and I'm starting to even see in

that area and also in my arms they're slimming out my jaw bone is

becoming more defined I'm seeing this day by day by day by day and I'm like

wow it is really amazing the power of the body and one thing I said that I

want to let the public know if you can honestly listen to your body and when it

says it's hungry if you know your honor our regiment and you're not gonna eat in

two three o'clock and afternoon like myself you have to conquer that hunger

if you can overcome letting the hunger you know be more powerful and what I

mean by that is when you feel hungry if you if you say I'm not gonna eat just

cuz I feel hungry you will lose away and you will lose it faster and a lot of you

guys will realize you don't have to be on a diet

because if you can control that hyung hunger feeling that's gonna go away in

like five minutes I was feeling a couple of minutes ago

before I did this video I was feeling hungry and I'm doing this video now five

minutes later and I don't feel hungry so if you can not let that overpower you

then your weight loss journey to being slim

and fit and healthy is just it's just it's arm reaches away your goal is

almost there I think that's a powerful thing if somebody can have self-control

and say I'm not hungry I just feel like I'm hungry and this is what I'm supposed

to eat this is my regiment here that I'm supposed to follow and I'm gonna only

eat when it's time for me to eat that hunger pain will go away you're not

gonna die if you feel hungry and it always passes you have to be strong it

wouldn't be a such thing as a diet or even way eating if we could control what

our minds are making us think so I don't want to make this video too long but

keep that in mind we control how we feel through the mind and when we're hungry

if we can over power the mind and say so what I'm hungry it's gonna go away in

five minutes that eating hunger pain then you can conquer your weight you can

get that under control and you can stay fit and slim and healthy for the rest of

your life so remember say no when you're hungry

don't let the hunger make you fat take control of that so with all that being

said please like this video please share the video and make it a favorite and

I'll see you guys in the next video bye for now



Seattle's Sweet Teriyaki Sauce || Food/Groups - Duration: 12:31.

- I had moved to Chicago,

and then I was like talking to people

and I'm like, yeah, what's, what's going on

with teriyaki out here?

And they're like what

are you talking about (laughs)?

And I'm like, what are you talking about?

It was like this like Larry David-style

showdown where you're just like,

you know, like, squinting at each other

and hoping the music starts, you know?

(upbeat music)

- Teriyaki: sweet! Sticky! Born

in Japan, but perfected here, in Seattle.

(upbeat music)

That's right, the thick, saccharine grilling glaze

that you know and love

is only nominally a Japanese creation.

Modern teriyaki was pioneered in Seattle in the '70s,

and for decades it thrived

as this city's cheap, quick

alternative to franchise fast food.

But times are changing in the Emerald City.

Skyscrapers are going up,

new people are moving in,

and, over the last 10 years,

over a third of the city's iconic

teriyaki shops have closed; why?

Can teriyaki, the go-to budget eats

of Seattle's grungy past,

survive in the city's glossy future?

(upbeat music)

We're here to find out.

(loud chattering)

(upbeat music)

In 2016, Thrillist published a piece

by award-winning food journalist Naomi Tomky

that highlighted a grim trend in Seattle's food scene.

All over town, venerable teriyaki shops,

tiny neon gems in the fabric of the city's

robust neighborhoods were closing for good.

We stopped by her place for a cup of coffee

and a primer on Seattle's

present-day teriyaki situation.

- I was born and raised in Seattle,

and I love teriyaki, and grew up eating it all the time.

The piece wasn't originally gonna be about

the death of teriyaki,

it was just I wanted to write about Seattle teriyaki

and why it mattered

and why it was meaningful.

I think Seattleites, well, people

born and raised here, will

always look for

teriyaki and it will always be

a comfort food for them.

So, Toshi opened the first shop

in 1976, on Queen Anne.

He got himself a rice cooker

and developed this chicken recipe

There was nothing like it before that.

(upbeat music)

- I wanted to keep it small, simple.

I started serving teriyaki chickens

with reasonable prices so

people can eat it more often.

- People were really into it,

people were buying it

and he ended up expanding

and franchising, and, at one point,

he had 17 restaurants.

There are still so many restaurants that are

all versions of Toshi's teriyaki,

Toshio's teriyaki, Yoshi's, and

who even knows what

is connected to him.

- I know there are so many teriyaki places now

but I feel we do a good job.

(upbeat music)

- teriyaki in Japan, is this sort of this

light sauce brushed on after

seafood or something similar is cooked

and I don't know anything about that version of teriyaki.

Seattle teriyaki is this sort of heavy,

almost cloyingly sweet sauce and it's marinated.

It's the least complicated

most like mundane thing.

Like the teriyaki shops.

It's not exciting in and of itself.

- Yeah.

- But it's sort of a staple thing.

(serene music)

Knute Berger, who's sort of a

elder statesman of the Seattle media world,

had this great line in the New York Times article

where he says, Seattle teriyaki is so ubiquitous

as to be invisible.

And that really stuck with me because

teriyaki is always these little,

tiny shops often immigrant-run.

You have the locals,

who have been eating it their whole lives

and don't even realize it's just a Seattle thing,

and then you have the newcomers, who,

it's, they, they really don't see it.

It, it just doesn't, doesn't show up.

It doesn't scan and when something

so ubiquitous as to be invisible.

- Yeah. - As he says, you don't

notice when it's disappearing

because you weren't noticing it.

- Sometimes people in a hurry

but I do take time

to make it good, taste good.

(serene music)

- Does Toshi still cook in Seattle now?

- So he's up in Mill Creek,

which is about 25 minutes outside the city.

He's got this place that's

basically a throwback to the original one,

just a tiny little place

with him and his wife and one other employee

and they serve the, the classic teriyaki chicken,

and not a whole lot else.

- When I was growing up in Japan,

that was maybe 10 years old,

I used to catch fish,

put them on the skewers.

I made my own sauce, teriyaki sauce.

(upbeat music)

My sauce is a little bit different.

Not necessary to use that much wine and sweet wine.

That keeps it, we can keep prices down.

When I started the first restaurant in,

by Seattle Center, I made it

affordable so people can eat almost every day.

(upbeat music)

I kinda like to concentrate on chicken thighs.

I do add some ginger and fresh garlic.

Marinate it in a teriyaki sauce overnight.

That's my story; maybe I was hungry (laughs).

(upbeat music)

- Can you envision Seattle without teriyaki?

I mean, one of the things. - No.

- Is like this idea.

- Like what's quintessential Seattle?

It's not the, the, the chef doing

the [omitted] cedar plank salmon.

It's more the teriyaki place.

- Eric Rivera is a world-traveled chef

born and raised in the Pacific Northwest.

After gigs at Noma and Alinea,

he came came back to Seattle to open addo.,

a private dinner club where he pushes

physical and symbolic boundaries of his meals.

(serene music)

He represents a version of Seattle's culinary future

but when he's off the clock

his taste buds keep bringing him back

to his childhood favorite: teriyaki chicken.

(upbeat music)

You come from a world where like balance.

- And the idea of like. - Yeah.

Constructing menus and constructing recipes

is very much like front of mind.

- So you're mapping it out like this.

You're looking at cold,

you're looking a little bit hot,

more room temp, you're looking at something like

a little bit more sweet and sour.

I have like little bits and pieces here

and I go, crunchy,

I go more soft, and, then I go,

some of it's a little bit more grilled

so I get a little bit, you know,

color on there. - Right.

- Caramelization, you know, grill marks,

and then I get in the inside, I'm like,

little bit of, you know, dark meat

which is nice but I mix it up with a

little bit of the lighter meat.

- This is what you're describing like

this is like the perfect piece of teriyaki chicken.

- It really is, you know what I mean?

And that's, that's pretty (beep) cool.

(upbeat music)

- Can you improve teriyaki?

Like could, you think you can?

- You know, I'm, I'm a Puerto Rican kid.

Where's my get-in for that?

I can put, you know, a Jidori chicken on this

and (chuckles), you know, I can

pull A5 Wagyu and go, here's

your $450 teriyaki. - Right, right.

- But does that defeat the purpose

of what we're trying to do here?

- Right. - And what makes it special?

- Yeah.

- It's $8.25. - Yeah.

- (laughs) You can't beat this,

you can't beat this.

- I mean it's like almost a perfect meal.

(serene music)

- Two places that were

very meaningful to me closed

or announced their closing like

as I, as we were discussing this piece.

Then I started looking at it

and running some numbers as best I could

and I found it was about

a third were gone and I was like

now I have to like go explore what happened.

- Yeah.

- It just, it's hard to be in any small

business, in Seattle, where you're trying

to hold real estate in a town that has the

fastest-growing housing market in the country.

- And, also, two big tech titans that are hiring

more people by the day.

- Like 60% of people in Seattle

moved here from somewhere else

and a lot of that is recent.

It comes in Styrofoam,

which is interesting because Seattle's

outlawed Styrofoam for many years now (laughs).

- Yeah, we're just gonna keep doing that.

- Just since I've written this article,

I've had Seattleites come to me and say,

oh my gosh, this is a thing that's disappearing.

Like I love teriyaki.

I grew up eating that.

We can't let that happen.

(upbeat music)

- But if Seattleites don't wanna let

teriyaki disappear on their watch,

they'll need to talk openly about how

it fits into their changing city.

So we called up some locals do just that

over beers at Fremont Brewing's Urban Beer Garden.

- I'm Nancy Leson; I'm the

food commentator for KNKX Radio,

and I was the longtime restaurant critic

and food writer for the Seattle Times.

- Eula Scott Bynoe and I host

a local podcast called Hella Black Hella Seattle,

and, so, our main goal is to like,

you know, help people of color get out

and be more, you know, involved in Seattle.

We have such dollar-value

that we wanna spend places

but we don't know how, sometimes.

- My name's, Shota Nakajima.

I'm the chef/owner of Adana.

I was born in Japan,

I moved to Seattle when I was in elementary school.

I grew up with Toshi's son,

like their whole family, we're good family friends.

- I was a waitress for a long time

and I worked at a restaurant at Green Lake.

Before I get to work, I go around the corner

to Toshi's and, for, I mean,

at the time it was like $4.50. - Right.

- You can get this enormous

thing of teriyaki and rice.

Sometimes we were just like,

two of us, would share it.

(upbeat music)

- Once you get into high school here,

like, it's like lunch.

You know what I mean?

So you're going all the time.

Like our black, like, like food is teriyaki.

It's so affordable, you get so much food for it.

- You guys feel like in Seattle, in 2017,

that holds up; is teriyaki. - No.

- Still what Seattle is?

- I don't think so.

Seattle used to be a really small town, really small town.

And as the transplants come in with their,

with their added wealth,

they don't really need to spend like $5.00 on a plate

when they have, you know,

$45 like a, budgeted for the meal.

- People are more careful

about what they're eating.

It's just not the

sustainably raised organic chicken.

- That free and. - Right.

- With the way people eat now

where they want every plate to be like a foodie

picturesque thing, like and teriyaki is like,

it's chicken with sauce on top

and like on top of rice. - Yeah.

- And like really sweet, you know,

for some people, who are like,

oh, it's just so, so sweet, it's like.

- Can you (mumbles)? - That's the point.

- Yeah. - Like it's, it's like this,

you know, it's a weird sweet/savory thing.

(upbeat music)

- I guess 'cause I'm a restaurateur

and I own the restaurant

and I'm Japanese, I feel like sometimes

the trend goes to like

authentic Japanese food and that's kinda

what I was focusing on two years ago

but, with any kind of food,

any kind of culture, everything evolves but,

for me, like teriyaki in Seattle it's just

supposed to be there

in like a weird, weird conscious.

(upbeat music)

- Do you guys think that teriyaki

has a place in Seattle's future?

- Maybe, maybe; I'm not sure.

- Our immigrant populations are

coming largely from Asia,

and I think we're always gonna have teriyaki somewhere.

- Yeah.

- I lived in Japan.

I like went to a few different cities

but, you know, I come back here

and there's teriyaki and it's one

of those like comforting things that I see.

- I mean, it's our cheap eats.

It's our cultural cheap eats.

It's the one thing that like,

you know, feels very unique to us.

It's important, I think, to have things that make you

feel like your place

is different from other places

because of the way everything

is becoming more similar, you know?

(upbeat music)

- I think it's here to stay

in the Pacific Northwest.

Whether or not they can afford to stay

in Seattle proper is yet to be seen.

You can't put that kind of thing back

in the box once it's,

once it's been created.

- If teriyaki won't go back in the box,

where will it go?

Seattle's transforming too fast

to say with certainty but

in the midst of change, a small

constant can be a big comfort and

to some Seattleites, that's what

teriyaki's been all along.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Seattle's Sweet Teriyaki Sauce || Food/Groups - Duration: 12:31.


How Does Real Estate Affect The Economy? | CA Realty Training - Duration: 5:31.

Hello, I want to thank you for coming to this week's video blog, my name is

Robert Rico, California Realty Training and I am so excited you are here this


We have some great stuff to teach you, I'm excited you're getting

involved in a real estate career, why?

Because you'll be helping people buy their house, sell their house, whatever it is, you're

in for a good ride.

Listen, this week's question comes from a subscriber who said, well, he asked,

"Does the real estate world affect the national economy?"

Does real estate in general, real estate activities, does the

real estate world affect the nation in general?

The economy of the nation?

That's a great, great question.

The answer, of course, is absolutely.

Are you kidding me?

Real estate and the national economy?

They go hand-in-hand, they definitely complement each


Now, let's think about this, how do they complement each other?

I'm sure you'd know this, we just have to think

about this nice and slow.

Now, when I first bought my first house, this was back in 1993, when I got my

first house, got it for $106,000, bought it for $106,000.

Now, let's just talk small.

That's just me, one individual, me and my wife, small family, buying our first


Small, small little family, not this huge nation, but a small family buying

their house.

What did house do for us, when we bought it for $106,000?

It changed our life and the future, it really did.

Now, why?

Because the economy, the house prices, the value of houses, what did they do from

1993 onward?

They increased, they increased, they increased, they increased.

In the long-run, the home, that piece of property is your value, is your future

when it comes to financial stability.

It's a beautiful savings account.

Anybody who has property, if you own property and

you hold it long enough, it's probably the safest bet, it's probably your

safest, safest savings account.

If you just let it sit, over time, as we know it through history and through the

cycles of real estate, it eventually is going to go up and up, just like a


Up and up and up and up and up, and if you sell it at the right

time, of course, boom, you make tons of money.

Did real estate effect this small family, the Rico's?

It sure as hell did.

We were able to sell that $106,000 house, eventually,

for close to $400,000.

Does real estate affect the national economy?

Well, it sure as heck effected this small household.

Now, let's put that into effect when it comes to the whole nation in general.

When people are making money off of their investment, when people buy

property and they make great money, they make great profit, they have equity.

How Does Real Estate Affect The Economy CA Realty Training Page 3 of 4

What do people do when they have a house and it has equity?

Now, most people, what they do is, when they have a

house that has equity, is of course, they pull out the equity and they spend money.

By spending money, that stimulates the economy and when the economy

is stimulating, everybody's happy, everybody's spending, everybody is


We need people to make more cars, because people who have money want to

buy a car.

We have people who are going on the town, people spending money

on dinners, people buying their toys.

Everybody's spending money when they have money.

How do they get money?

How do they collect money?

That's right, through their investment.

Which investments?

That property they bought.

It makes sense, doesn't it?

You buy a property, it creates value, value, value, that's called equity.

With that equity, most people grab that equity, like we did.

We grabbed our equity at first.

What did we do?

We spent it, we put the pool in the house, it

gave somebody work.

12 people came over and put a pool in the backyard.

It stimulated the economy and that's what most

people do.

They have their house, they watch it grow in equity, they get that equity.

They decide to spend the money.

Whether it's vacationing or cars or additions to the

house, but it stimulates the economy, it's a beautiful thing.

What happened in 2007, 2008?

You know what happened in 2007, 2008, I remember that.

I sure remember those days, that's when the recession hit.

What happened to the home prices, to the home values?

They dropped and they dropped and they dropped and nobody had

any equity.

Well, a lot of people didn't have any more equity to spend money.

Because nobody was spending money, what happened to

the national economy?

That's right, that's why we called it a recession.

Let me share a quote with you that is very, very interesting.

John Stuart Mill, political economist, once said, "Landlords

grow rich in their sleep without risking, working or economizing."

Think about that quote, landlords are being investors by owning their own property, now,

we're talking commercial property.

Landlords, by owning commercial property, that's how influential real estate is

to this economy.

Landlords, investors who own property, they depend on this

property, they depend on this property to collect money, without them having

to do anything but upkeep.

So, the question is, does the real estate industry somehow, some way affect the

nation's economy?

I think you know that answer and the answer, of course, is

absolutely, with a capital A, exclamation point, bold, underlined.

It sure does.

How Does Real Estate Affect The Economy CA Realty Training Page 4 of 4

We appreciate your questions.

If you have any questions or concerns or anything you want us to discuss, please do

us a favor, huh?

Leave the question or comment down below, we'll be more than

happy to discuss it here on our vlogs.

So glad you came today, thank you for coming, see you next week.

Have a great day.

For more infomation >> How Does Real Estate Affect The Economy? | CA Realty Training - Duration: 5:31.



The Joker: "Aw!"

Batman: "Your jokes are old, Joker. And they are never funny."

The Joker: "Old jokes?! They are classics! You of all people should understand brand management."



Kid: "Mommy, the clown's here!"

Mom: "You're late, clown!"

The Joker: "Why, you..."

Kid: "Can you tell us jokes, Mr. Clown?"

The Joker: "Jokes... "

Bunch of kids (in unison): "Yeah, tell us some jokes! We love jokes!"

The Joker: "Oooh! Say hello to your birthday clown!

So, I say: "Sewer, I hardly know her?" Applaud, deadheads!"

Oh, that's right. I gagged you! Oh, you must be so proud. They really are the future!

Mysterious Kid: "Hey, Mrs. Leibowitz! Brought you that ice cream you wanted. Let her go!"

The Joker: "And who's gonna make me, kid? Didn't anyone tell you: children should be seen, not heard.

Now I'll have to cut you in half.

I can't hear yoooou.


Shazam: "A birthday clown?! That's low, even for you, Joker."

The Joker: "They are no small parts. Only...."

Kid: "No more jokes! We want balloon animals!"

Shazam: "Ah, dang! I can fix this!"

Kids: "YAY!"

For more infomation >> PARTY TIME With UNCLE JOKER (JUSTICE LEAGUE ACTION) - Duration: 2:05.


O novo WAZI ... - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> O novo WAZI ... - Duration: 6:09.


A Shocking Kindergarten Coverup | China Uncensored - Duration: 12:41.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

there are some pretty shocking rumors

about what's happening inside Chinese preschools.

Let's just say,

this episode is not suitable for children.

Welcome back to China Uncensored.

I'm Chris Chappell.

Over the past 40 years,

China has seen stunning economic growth.

And for some people in China's growing middle class,

it can feel like everything is great

and there's absolutely no downside

to living a country where they're allowed to make money

as long as they keep their mouths shut on politics.

I mean, does politics really affect our lives?

So it comes as a shock to many in the middle class

that the same authoritarian regime that's ok with

arresting anyone who speaks out

and savagely torturing Falun Gong practitioners

is also ok with letting horrible things

happento the people they love.

Like their children.

I take you now to the RYB Kindergarten and Daycare

in Beijing—

an expensive school targeting

upper middle class families.

According to the school motto,

it's where children take their

"first step to a colorful life."

Why, look at all the eager parents

flocking to enroll their kids!

Except, that's not why they're there.

They're protesting.

"Police are investigating allegations

of horrific abuse that went on inside,

the youngest victims only three years old.

Parents are accusing teachers and staff at RYB Kindergarten

of sexually abusing their children,

making them stand naked as a punishment,

stabbing them with needles,

or making them swallow suspicious white pills."


And when I was in kindergarten,

I complained about nap time.

"After hearing from other parents,

I asked my child,

my child said they take two white pills

after lunch every day.

They go to sleep after taking the pills."

I wish I could say that was the worst of it.

But besides those accusations,

"The most troubling accusation comes from

the mother of a 3-year-old who spoke with Tencent News...

The parent says that her child told her

that kids at the kindergarten were given

regular 'health checkups' by

an 'uncle and grandpa doctor'

in which they were made to stand naked

while one of the doctors was nude as well."


That makes Harvey Weinstein seem practically

like a normal...sexual predator.

And even a kindergartener knows that when

"uncle doctor" starts taking off his clothes,

that's not how you play doctor.

According to one allegation,

a teacher threatened a student by saying,

"I can hear whatever you say

and see whatever you do

because I have a very, very, very long telescope

that can reach your home."

I mean, it is kind of believable.

China is a surveillance state after all.

And you know what?

I wish I could say those horrible allegations were it!

But there are also allegations

that the Chinese military was involved.

Which sounds outrageous.

But it struck enough of a nerve

that the Chinese military actually responded.

And they never respond!

"A Chinese military commissar

issued an extraordinary statement

adamantly denying rumors

that People's Liberation Army officers

were implicated in the alleged sexual abuse.

Those who spread the rumors, he warned,

would be pursued for 'legal culpability.'"

Now I wish I could say that was it.

But, no, there's more.

See this Chinese official visiting

an RYB Kindergarten in November 2016?

That's Meng Jianzhu.

He was China's top security chief,

and a powerful member of Jiang Zemin's political faction,

which opposes Xi Jinping.

Meng Jianzhu had praised RYB Education,

and there are rumors he may have even

profited from it somehow.

So there are rumors floating around

that all the negative publicity about RYB

is actually part of a strategic political takedown of Meng Jianzhu,

and that it's tied to high-level CCP power struggles.

But even that's not all of it.

Because authorities have reacted to all of this by—

you guessed it—

telling the media to cover it up.

As if that would make the problem disappear.


"If you can't see it, it doesn't exist"?

I think someone needs to go back to kindergarten.

But there's a silver lining to all the sharp needles.

At least authorities have arrested two people in the scandal.

Wait...what's that, Shelley?



Apparently one woman who was arrested

was not some teacher accused of stabbing her students

with needles,

force-feeding them pills,

or making them play doctor.

She was actually detained for

"spreading rumors" about the abuse.

As state-run media The Global Times writes,

"Rumormongers and those that maliciously spread their rumors

must face punishment and be held accountable

according to law."

Now I know what you're thinking.

Spreading rumors doesn't really seem like

the worst part of all this.

Well, here's where it gets even more complicated.

After days of investigation,

the Beijing police released a statement

saying that they found no evidence of sexual abuse

at the kindergarten.

They said they arrested one teacher

who had been pricking kids with needles

when they wouldn't take naps.

Yeah, what kind of horrible teacher thinks that

poking children will sharp objects

would help them sleep?

But police also said the rumors of children being fed pills

and forced to "play doctor"

were fabricated by parents,

who are now willing to apologize.

Sounds like the police are covering up something, right?

But in this case,

they might actually be...correct.

Some of the disturbing accusations,

like the kids being injected with unknown substances,

are commonly seen in Chinese urban legends.

Like how when you were a kid,

people always warned you about someone passing out

apples with razor blades in them during Halloween.

And this wouldn't be the first time

that fear about child abuse in preschools

triggered mass panic.

It even happened in America.

During the 1980s and 90s,

there was a string of highly publicized cases

about daycare child abuse.

It made the national news.

Accusations of sex abuse,

satanic rituals,

even drinking giraffe blood in front of children.

"Authorities now believe that at least

60 young children were victimized,

and that the ultimate number

could well be much greater."

The evidence was based primarily

on interviews with the children.

Several daycare teachers were thrown in prison—

only to be found innocent

and released years later

with a big fat apology

and millions of dollars in compensation

for wrongful imprisonment.

It turns out,

child testimonies are unreliable,

because kids often tell you the answers

they think you want to hear.

I mean, adults do that too, I guess.

But when bad stuff might be happening to your kids,

you freak out.

It's what you do.

Which is why,

when it comes to RYB Education in China,

even a seed of truth can quickly snowball

into mass hysteria.

And some of the accusations are apparently true.

The needle stabbing part, for example.

I mean, there's photos of the needle marks.

And this is not the first scandal the RYB has had.

RYB Education operates 1,800 kindergartens

and day cares across China.

It's worth over 750 million dollars.

It's also listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

And as they say,

"Mo' money, mo' problems...

with rampant child abuse."

"In 2015,

four teachers at an RYB Education kindergarten

in Siping, northeast China,

were charged with using sewing needles

to jab more than 20 children on their heads,

mouths and limbs."

Ok, seriously,

what is it with the sewing needles?

And earlier this year,

at another RYB Education kindergarten,

a teacher was caught on video kicking a child.

So there's already widespread public sentiment

that something might be wrong at RYB Education.

But with some of the more recent accusations,

the evidence is harder to find.

There was video of a toddler telling his parents

that his teachers gave him white pills

to make him sleep.

But that video has been taken offline.

And it was only a child talking to his parents,

not firsthand evidence.

That doesn't mean it's not true.

There's just a lack of evidence.

And the allegations of sexual abuse—

at this point—

are also still just allegations.

Ones that police are now dismissing.

Police say that independent doctors found

no physical evidence of sexual abuse in the kids.

And, according to state-run media,

"The police checked the 113-hour-long

recovered surveillance footage,

and didn't find any evidence

of anyone committing child sexual abuse."

Of course,

I don't exactly trust state-run media.

And neither do a lot of people in China.

And that is exactly the problem.

Under the Communist Party,

authorities have covered up

so many scandals for so long,

and issued so many censorship directives,

that Chinese citizens area little skeptical

when reporting on an issue is suddenly squashed

and any online discussion is heavily censored.

In the environment the CCP has created,

it's almost impossible tell what is true

and what is false.

So it's basically like one of those

"choose your own adventure" novels.

Except it's "choose your own conspiracy."

Do you believe there was sexual abuse?

Turn to page 61.

Do you think the military was involved?

Turn to page 84.

Did this involve high-level power struggles

within the CCP?

Go directly to jail.

The public outcry over all this

is totally understandable,

because there's so little trust

that authorities will expose abuse

even if they find it.

Since the story became public,

the Ministry of Education has vowed

to put an inspector in every kindergarten in Beijing,

plus launch a much larger investigation.

But that's just not very comforting to the parents, who,

understandably, now believe the authorities

are constantly lying to them.

And child abuse does happen in China.

"Since 2010, news media and internet sites

have reported more than 60 such cases

of physical abuse at Chinese kindergartens

and child care facilities."

State-run Xinhua has reported,

"968 cases of sexual abuse against children

were recorded nationwide between 2013 and 2015,

involving at least 1,790 children,

with many remaining unreported."

In 2013,

the LA Times reported that

in just three weeks,

"Nine cases of sexual abuse in Chinese schools

involving more than 30 children

have brought the neglected crime to light."

And while those reports also caused outrage

at the time,

a lot those cases happened to poor people.

But this time,

it's happening to the upper middle class—

people who for a long time

were pretty happy with the system

that let them make money

and live comfortable lives.

And there's a widespread belief

that if anyone gets in trouble with the authorities,

well, it's because they did something wrong.

Just keep your head down,

and trust the system.

But now there are rumors of terrible things

happening to their own children.

Authorities tell them they're investigating,

but the parents think they're covering it up.

And maybe they are—

it's impossible to know.

And who can they turn to now?

This is what the CCP's system

of censorship and control does to society.

The question is,

is this scandal enough to actually affect their rule?

Or will it all blow over next week?

Too bad we can't flip to the end to see.

That would be cheating.

So what do you think?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

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YouTube reduces our ad revenue.

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we rely on direct support from you,

our viewers.

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Go there now and support China Uncensored.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> A Shocking Kindergarten Coverup | China Uncensored - Duration: 12:41.


Pizza Night on the Space Station! - Duration: 1:01.

[jazz music loop playing on repeat]

[music stops]

[jazz music loop playing on repeat]

[music stops]

[jazz piano playing]

[music fades out]

For more infomation >> Pizza Night on the Space Station! - Duration: 1:01.


The Sneaky, Underwater Sex Life of the Goby Fish - Duration: 2:13.

Male grass gobys may be small, but some of them are masters of manipulation when it comes

to the composition of their ejaculates.

Grass gobys are bottom-feeding fish endemic to coastal waters of the mediterranean basin.

These small fish have an external fertilization system - meaning the sperm isn't deposited

inside the safe and secure space of a female's body.

Females deposit their eggs in small depressions on the sea bottom, which males then fertilize,

directly exposing the sperm to the danger of the open ocean.

But there's more than one way for a male goby to be reproductively successful...

There are two different types of goby males: territorial and sneaker.

The territorial males are large and strong, whereas the sneaker males are small and quick.

The territorial male guards an area where a female lays her eggs, and he fertilizes

them once they have been deposited.

Sneaker males, on the other hand, hide nearby and dart out at the exact moment that the

territorial males are fertilizing, and they deposit some sperm of their own!

Ejaculates of territorial VS sneaker males vary greatly in their composition.

Territorial males create a viscous, abundant spew that is high in substances that help

the sperm to swim faster through the seawater to the eggs.

The sneaker can take advantage of the speed-enhancing compounds by mixing his ejaculate with the


Any eggs that the sneaker male fertilizes will then be protected by the larger, stronger

territorial male.

And by exploiting the benefits of the high-quality ejaculates, the sneaky sneakers save energy.

Because,let's face it - they are much smaller and they don't have any extra energy to


Take that tough guy!

For more infomation >> The Sneaky, Underwater Sex Life of the Goby Fish - Duration: 2:13.


zareen khan new hot in aksar 2 - Duration: 2:06.

please subscribe to our channel

For more infomation >> zareen khan new hot in aksar 2 - Duration: 2:06.


How society silences victims of sexual harassment - Duration: 5:28.

Bombshell allegations against Harvey Weinstein

Kevin Spacey

Roy Moore Al Franken

Reporter Glenn Thrush Congressman John Conyers

Charlie Rose Matt Lauer

Sexual harassment in the workplace is pervasive.

In 2017, every damn woman still has a story.

1 in 3 women and 15% of men experienced it.

And that's a conservative estimate.

If the EEOC wanted to have nothing but a docket of sexual harassment cases, they could fill

their docket completely with sexual harassment claims.

In 1986, the Supreme Court declared sexual harassment in the workplace to be a violation

of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Anita Hill: I do Joe Biden: Thank you.

And then in 1991,

What happened next and telling the world about it

are the 2 most difficult things -- experiences of my life.

That's Anita Hill testifying about now-Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

He talked about pornographic materials, depicting individuals with large penises, or large breasts

involved in various sex acts.

Unfortunately, her testimony had repercussions she didn't anticipate.

It was suggested that I had fantasied,

that I was a spurned woman, and that I had a martyr complex.

And it's not so different today.

In fact, it's one of the biggest reasons why three out of four individuals

who experienced harassment never report it.

We don't have a culture right now in the workplace that allows

for women or victims to come forward and not receive consequences.

And to be quite honest there's not very many victims of harassment that want to even

go through with a charge because of all of the impediments.

Impediments like, how do you actually report a claim in the workplace?

Do you go to HR?

Only if you think it would be good to call the KGB to complain about Putin.

The human resources department is not actually a resource for humans

it's a resource for the company and it's there to protect the company from liability.

If a victim of harassment decides to take legal action, they may be forced into arbitration,

which is written into some employment agreements.

You've given up your 7th amendment right to go in front of an open jury process.

You will go to a secret proceeding called forced arbitration, and nobody will ever hear

about what happened to you.

Some victims of harassment would actually chose arbitration.

i think that aspect of it that is a concern is when it is forced in every situation.

Companies also often use non-disclosure agreements which ensure that neither side can ever go


Secret confidential settlements is a way to shut us up.

Though, given the potential for backlash -- confidentiality might not be such a bad thing.

Sometimes the nondisclosure agreement is actually in the victim's best interest as well.

The problem is not the non-disclosure agreement, the problem is the company.

If the company uses the non-disclosure agreement as a shield for that employee then it's the

company's fault, it's not the victims fault.

Confidentiality leaves victims less vulnerable to retaliation -- but it's not a perfect shield.

I have been slut shamed.

I have been harassed.

I have been maligned.

And you know what, I am just like you.

75% of employees who spoke out against harassment experienced retaliation.

We're not just talking about getting fired, any negative change after you've reported

harassment could be retaliation.

And if your report is public, it could even extend to your future employment opportunities.

Imagine you're a low wage worker or a worker with uncertain immigration status, that's

an impossible impediment.

It's similarly impossible to weigh the staggering impact on society.

How many women have been forced out of the labor force based on sexual harassment or

assault or other types of discrimination that they've experienced in the workplace?

You just think of like all of the women who could have been.

We're fooling our culture into thinking we've come so far.


Because we're not hearing about it.

That is, by far the biggest problem.

Between retaliation, and the fact that most perpetrators walk away unscathed,

it's no wonder that so many victims decide not to report.

I've experienced sexual harassment myself.

I didn't want to file a complaint, I didn't want to necessarily let anybody in the company

know what was going on.

I just really wanted it to stop.

People are calling this moment:

A watershed moment

A watershed time A watershed moment

Reckoning Turning point

Turning point

Maybe it is.

But it's not enough for just a handful of men to face consequences.

We're in a kind of this epidemic of accountability and I just want to keep it going.

But you know, then we have to think and do the hard work.

What does accountability look like?


This is a moment where powerful people are being held accountable in a way that they've

never been before.

But this problem is big.

And unless the structures that perpetuate it are dealt with,

this moment won't make a damn difference.

For more infomation >> How society silences victims of sexual harassment - Duration: 5:28.


How Can I Get Admissions Information for Virginia International University? - Duration: 1:02.

Welcome to Virginia International University's admission site.

We're excited you have expressed interest in our Fairfax, Virginia campus for your higher education goals.

This site has been set up to answer your questions about our admissions process,

admissions requirements for domestic, international and online students,

and how to submit your admissions application for consideration.

VIU is proud to have over 100 countries represented in our student body.

Our commitment to cultural diversity is what makes our campus experience truly special

VIU offers undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs

among eight schools of study.

For more information please complete the 'Request Information' form

for an admissions representative to contact you about your interests,

answer any questions, and explain how you can apply to VIU.

We look forward to having you explore higher education with a global perspective.

For more infomation >> How Can I Get Admissions Information for Virginia International University? - Duration: 1:02.


Insync Physiotherapy Neck Rotation Mobility - Duration: 2:04.

Today's exercise will allow you to maintain mobility in your neck after treatment or regain

your neck rotation range of motion.

This exercise is a pain-free way to mobilize your neck.

If you have any pain with rotation, especially at the end of your range of motion, this will

be very helpful.

This exercise can also be helpful in cases of cervicogenic headaches.

1) Find where the hairline ends to locate a noticeable "bump" or point on your neck.

This is your C2 spinous process spot.

2) Place the edge of an unrolled towel over that point.

3) This exercise has to be 100% pain-free.

If it is not, then the direction of your pull is slightly off or this exercise is not suitable

for you so consult with your therapist before starting this exercise.

4) Cross your hands over, making sure the top hand is the same side of the direction

you want to rotate towards.

5) If you are turning to the LEFT side, the RIGHT arm will pull the towel DOWNWARDS towards

the middle of your chest and the LEFT arm will pull the towel roughly towards your LEFT


6) To avoid losing contact with the towel, make sure it covers your face at all times.

7) Complete a pain-free rotation with a sustained towel pull, hold it at the end of the rotation

for 3 seconds and return to your starting point.

8) Complete this exercise 3 times per day towards the direction of restriction.

For more infomation >> Insync Physiotherapy Neck Rotation Mobility - Duration: 2:04.


Tutorial - How to display HWInfo sensors on Android display - Duration: 4:11.

Greetings everyone and welcome to the new tutorial.

In one of previous tutorials I've showed how to display game info on android display.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to display HWinfo sensor's on android display.

Info about your cpu,temp,voltage...

For this purpose we will be using program hwreceiver

Besides this you will need to have Hwinfo installed and configured,

you will need Hwinfo transmitter for windows.

and HWR apk for Android.

This is still unreleased version of apk so there are still some bugs with apk and also apk can crash.

So be careful to avoid problems.

When we open Hwinfo transmitter this IP address is important thing.

We will have to enter it on our Android device.

To enter it press small add server icon in the upper right corner and type in IP address.

When you are finished with typing press done then press save. Now, there will be server displayed.

To connect to the server long press on IP address and choose connect.

Now our Android device is connected to HWinfo.

In the upper right corner there is small + sign.

Press it to add some senors.

I will add 3 sensors for example.

Long press on sensor and choose settings.

For example i will choose core temp,

cpu socket temp,

gpu temp.

As you can see all sensors that we chosen is now displayed on Android device.

One important thing: Sensor refresh time is set to 1 second by default.

Delete this and

change it to 0.1 second.

When you change it sensors will start to refresh faster.

Apk is showing current value, minimal value and max value.

I dont know if you can see it since display is small. Ofc if you have bigger screen better for you.

When i owned G19 keyboard i had this all on the keyboard's display but since i dont have it anymore I wanted to try alternative way to show this Hwinfo sensors.

This is very useful during gaming when you want to check out your fps,cpu and gpu temp.

I hope you enjoyed watching this tutorial.

Support this video with LIKE,SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Until next video. Salute.

For more infomation >> Tutorial - How to display HWInfo sensors on Android display - Duration: 4:11.


No# 1 | Best Secret Video Recorder For Android Phone & Tablet Hidden Recorder URDU/HINDI BY IMI TECH - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> No# 1 | Best Secret Video Recorder For Android Phone & Tablet Hidden Recorder URDU/HINDI BY IMI TECH - Duration: 5:01.


dzięki za 30 subskrybcji ! :D - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> dzięki za 30 subskrybcji ! :D - Duration: 1:44.


5 CARDS THAT EVERY FIFA PLAYER SHOULD BUY! 🤑 (FIFA 18 Investing) - Duration: 14:37.

For more infomation >> 5 CARDS THAT EVERY FIFA PLAYER SHOULD BUY! 🤑 (FIFA 18 Investing) - Duration: 14:37.


Candy Cane Hunt & Christmas Parade | Holiday Events in Oregon | Family Vlog - Duration: 5:50.

We just drove 30 minutes to get here.

Was it worth the 30 minute drive?

Um, I will describe it best as feel this..

(Intro Music)

We are getting ready to head to Medford.

We're gonna go to a holiday lights festival.

They have, like, a candy cane hunt and some vendors and stuff.

I'm not sure what all they have.

Christmas lights, too, I would assume since it's a holiday lights festival.

And then they do their Christmas Tree lighting, but we're not gonna stay for that because

there's also a Christmas parade in Grants Pass that I'm hoping we can make it back in

time to see.

Do you think you're gonna win a prize at the candy cane hunt, Merrick?

I think she is.

Raya will?

She's a good finder.

Look, she'll find this water bottle.

Where'd it go?

*laughing* She's like, "Bubba, what'd you do?".

There she is!

Oh, she's playing peek-a-boo.


On top of the Christmas Tree, look.

There's no lights and I think it's because this elf showed up on top of the tree and

the elf magic was so strong , it killed all the

lights on top of the tree.

And there's a Christmas letter that someone wrote to Santa up there.

I wonder who did that.

I guess the elf is gonna take it to the North Pole.

Here's the story.

I wrote the paper, I set it there, and I'm like, "Ok my mom will pick it up and give

it to Santa."

But then, I walked away, turned back, he had the list!


It appeared up there magically?


So I'm hoping tomorrow he turns it to Santa.

I think you're right, that's probably he knew it was a Christmas list, so he took it 'cause

I didn't put it up there.

I did say I'm making a Christmas List.

By the way, we have named this guy Tommy.

Tom for short.


Josh wants to call him Shnarfle, but no one else does.

Plus we have another elf that's not like a real elf on the shelf, but like a knock off

and his name is Timmy.

So Timmy and Tommy.

Timmy and Shnarfle!

That doesn't Rhyme!

Ok, I think it's time to go.

Lets go.

No, it's gonna be cold outside.

Yes it is, get a coat.

We're here and everyone is giving me a really hard time because this is the teeniest tiny

event, ever.

It's like that one time we went to Brookings.

Remember at the Habor, and we didn't even stop because it was so small.

But we just drove 30 minutes to get here and there's like, uh, 5 booths set up.

There's literally no cars here.

(Happy Christmas Music)

I think everyone came for the candy cane hunt, what do you think?

Yea, yea.

I think that's the main draw.


Alright it's Raya's turn for the candy cane hunt.

They're doing it by age.

Get it!


You gotta pick 'em up!

Yea, thanks.

Oh yea, put 'em in the bag.

Good job.

Get more.

Good job!

You're doing it!

[Speaker] My pleasure to present you an early Hanukkah gift, an early Christmas gift in this


Right here.

A very special guest.






(Football music)

Your Oregon Duck!

We are leaving.

We're a little bit disappointed because we had hoped it was Santa in the Christmas box,

but it was a football mascot.

And we don't really care about football, so..

Was it worth the 30 minute drive?

Um, I will describe it best as feel this..

Ahhh Cold!

No, how about we go to Taco Bell and get me a slushie.

A slushie?

It's cold out!


Are you insane?

Have you lost your mind, boy?

We have made it to Grants Pass and the parade is about to start.

I think we made it here just in time.

Raya sees a Christmas Card.

This one has Rudolph.

Hello, Mr. Nutcracker.

I bet Dutch Bros is making a lot of money tonight.

There are a lot of people here for the parade, looks like.

We're not gonna get separated this time.


We are leaving the parade already.

It literally just started but the parades here move slow as heck.

Like you see one float come through and then you have to wait 5 minutes for another float

and they just all move so slow and they're so spaced out and there's so many people to

where it's hard to see over everyone's heads and Raya was getting grumpy, so we gave up.

See that one way over there?

But yea, it just moves so slow and now the next float is probably like a mile away.

So maybe next year we'll give the Christmas parade another chance but this year we just

didn't feel like sticking around plus Raya was being kind of irritable.

I guess I'm gonna go ahead and end the video here.

Thank you for watching.

See ya.

(Outro Music)

For more infomation >> Candy Cane Hunt & Christmas Parade | Holiday Events in Oregon | Family Vlog - Duration: 5:50.


Feldzüge der Konzerne in Afrika | 04. Dezember 2017 | - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Feldzüge der Konzerne in Afrika | 04. Dezember 2017 | - Duration: 1:15.


Die Frucht staatlicher Entwicklungshilfe [In 1 Minute auf den Punkt] | 04.12.2017 | - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Die Frucht staatlicher Entwicklungshilfe [In 1 Minute auf den Punkt] | 04.12.2017 | - Duration: 1:06.


Sitecom - AC1900 - Manageinterface (web) - Duration: 2:22.

This short video shows the management environment (web) of the Sitecom - WL9000 - AC1900. With more than 100 likes an extensive video is made. At 50 likes a similar video is made of the corresponding app.

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